Devils Mountain in Ukraine: Reptilian Hive
That’s where the monitor station is, right?! *rimshot*
Crimea Pyramids & Energetic Region of Khazaria
Ah yes, the jews again. Did this “khazar” thing gain more popularity, because IRL the khazars used to live roughly in the area of modern-day ukraine?
Nazi & Aldebaran Connection
So, Aldebaranians are the good guys to you? Or are you using putin-senpai’s definition of “nazi”?
Grey NT Presence Discovered In Mexico
Direct Engagements With NT Battalions
NT? Not-extra Teresstials? Near-Terrestials? Windows NT?
Alliance Flooding Tunnels & DUMBs
Someone’s here a dumb allright…
Scion Home Star & Creating Mercabic Fields
Behold, my mercabic fields, on which I grow my mercabic grains, to make mercabic flour, for my mercabic bread!
Bakhumt Ukraine Intel: Underground War
Without even googling wtf a “Bakhumt” is, putin-senpai still isn’t going to notice you.
Hitler’s True Identity: Rothschild Illegitimate Child
Nazi-jews again. I guess you are indeed using your bloated fascist senpai’s definition.
Albert Pike Crafted The Alien Agenda: WW1-3
Who the fuck is that supposed to be, why would aliens outsource agenda creation to him, and why do they even care about conflicts on earth?
Augmented Alliance: Off-World Groups Unite
What COVID Really Is: An AI Delivery System
Yes! Because “AI” means “mystical magicks” which the evul THEM are casting onto you via their syringe-shaped magic wands! And not software, which needs a computer to run on…
Expanding & Hollow Earth
Not flat? Are you discriminating your brothers in insanity by excluding flerfs?!
Harnessing The Energy Of The Human Race
“The Matrix” movie series is not a documentary!
Falkland Islands & Black Goo
The Agenda Behind Gold Acquisition
Which one? The one with these fake golden dollar bills they use to fleece trumpists? The one where they convince preppers to buy gold because it will be sooo helpful after an apocalypse?
Clones & Androids Emerging Among Us
And I bet they are the same thing to you, and go "BEEP-BOOP!” all the time…
Elon Musk’s Desire To Merge Humanity With AI
So, “the AI” is a good thing to you, after all? Or are even you not insane enough to give Elongated Muskrat the attention he so desperately desires?
The Battle For Free Will Survival
Inside The AI Wars: The Nazi Takeover
The Twitter Files & Awakening Humanity
What is this BS even?