“Also, this little tolerance movement has to stop.”
What tolerance ‘movement’ would that be?
“I honestly dont even feel safe going to my college these days because there's so many muslims walking around,”
Being a muslim isn’t illegal. That’s not a tolerance movement that’s the First Amendment.
"but not every day ones,”
What do you mean by ‘everyday’, here? Orthodox? Assimilated? Obvious?
"the ones that wear the long robes with the hats and women who cover themselves and everything, you know the hard line muslims.”
"People want to try and make them look like they're peacefull,”
Can you show me on the police report you filed what the nasty Muslims did to unpeaceful at you?
"but they're not”
And what they’ve done directly to you is….?
“and it just ticks me off because people wont just let something be what it is, evil.”
Well, aren’t you a bigoted little fuckstain. Must be the Christain upbringing.
Look, there’s no tolerance MOVEMENT. We reserve the right to freely worship, or not worship, to ourselves. Certain Christains only reserve that right to themselves. Patriots reserve that right for everyone in America. Tolerance is an offer. If they tolerate people being Christains, or Jews, or Hindus, Atheists, Vegans, Luddites, anti-Vaxxers, then we’ll tolerate them, too.
If they won’t, then we don’t gotta.