“Endless status quo”
Strangely enough, since I started following political news I found that leaders promising *change* tend to do well in elections.
“Mono-cultural consensus”
While I wouldn’t call my country a successful democracy, our legitimate election winners usually don’t favor one culture group too much or they risk alienating other groups. I’d say a multi-cultural democracy could work well if there’s a common value one can focus on.
“In reality people don't want Democracy in basic terms. They want better distributed property and competent leadership”
Admittedly a lot of people in my country thought that way, preferring strong leaders who “get things done” over those who insists on referendums, environmental assessments and that kind of thing. Then they change their mind after seeing what fast-tracking too much leads to, like releasing pollution and making downstream people sick. Now people are beginning to realize how important their voices are.
And on the last part, I’m sure there’s a way to let experts do their thing while still listening to some feedback from people under them. OP sounds like one of those “I gave birth to you so you must do everything I tell you” parents, or those overly strict but actually incompetent officers you see in movies.
Also, Asian Hells are usually more like “Heaven’s prison wing” ruled by someone appointed by heaven which is autocratic anyway.