
Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #sexist #elitist #wingnut 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@JamesDubhthaigh - are they too dumb to figure out I.D. because they're black, or leftists?"]



That’ll show the city that requiring a VALID ID to vote is unacceptable!

I.D and voter suppression laws (passed by REPUBLICANS) that somehow only targets black people who vote for the Democratic Party? ??
10:15 PM · Apr 2, 2021

Why can't niggers get I.D., exactly?

I understand that the traditional inner-city American black method of obtaining wanted items (violent looting) doesn't exactly work at the DMV, since like gift cards hanging at the checkout counter in The Bay they are useless unless they are activated in store (unless they're being sly, which again would really be playing against type)

However surely all but the stupidest black (of which I'm sure there's intense competition, maybe we should have some sort of awards show?) can still understand that all you have to do is go to the Department of Motor Vehicles which is a joke you'd hear at any show at The Apollo, bring your Birth Certificate (don't worry if you don't know who your father is, it's not part of the process) and your Social Insurance Number (and every nigger knows it off by heart), pay a fee (unless it's waived for you, which is an example of black privilege that taxpaying whites don't get), and boom: ID. Or you can just go to the DMV with your glock and threaten all the white people who are paying your freight. One or the other, I suppose

If it's all too much, then you being disenfranchised is a net good for society and we should all be cheering it on. There's a reason government ballooned into a leviathan in the era where women and non-property owners got to vote

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #dunning-kruger 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Residential Schools have always been awesome; more people are waking up to that fact"]

A couple weeks ago on his podcast, Matt Walsh took on the "215 dead kids" hoax

Recently True North News, who has been (along with this blog) right on this file from the very beginning, just published a popular article about the "blood libel" caused by these fake claims about dead injun kids[…]

The Indian Residential School genocide claim, now repeated by many indigenous leaders, elders, knowledge keepers and ordinary folk, legions of non-indigenous people including Justin Trudeau, the head of the Roman Catholic Church[…]was invented many years earlier Protocols-style by a crackpot who has been selling snake oil by the bucketful to gullible indigenous and non-indigenous people alike for more than 30 years[…]

New York Post[…]again give their American audience important information[…]

“I don’t like to use the word hoax because it’s too strong but there are also too many falsehoods circulating about this issue with no evidence,” Jacques Rouillard, a professor emeritus in the Department of History at the Université de Montréal, told The Post[…]

We're still a long ways from perfect: few are still willing to even bend as slightly as Prof. Rouillard to even say "hey you can't seem to find any evidence", let alone to a much better statement that the Residential School System was an excellent idea well administered with minimal resources by highly dedicated and loyal public servants to achieve the noble if not genetically impossible task of improving the redskinned race of Mongolian rejects

Journey of a million miles begins with a single action of throwing shitty moccasins away and buying sensible hiking boots, yadda yadda yadda

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "I (heart) Residential Schools"]

Today is "Orange Shirt Day", when whiny far-left Red Indian activists try to make it sound like the Residential School system was a bad thing.

This is, of course, based entirely on a lie. Residential schools, in case you didn't already know, were simply how the British took it upon themsleves to exercise their treaty mandate of providing primitive savages with an advanced technical and cultural education. In fact, it was based on a system of education that, while considered horrible by modern "educators" who can't teach Johnny to read in a mere 12 years, was one of the main drivers of British exceptionalism around the globe: specifically boarding schools.


So already the two big "issues" that Red Indians and their far-left toys in the CBC always drum up ("abuse" and "ripping children from their families") isn't something at all unique to the Residential Schools: they were a common feature in the most advanced education system on the planet at the time. Indeed, this system was mirrored relatively closely in other British colonies: New Zealand, Australia, America, and India.

India provides an interesting case: in that country as well primitive non-whites were put into the British boarding school system...and thrived. Why do you think everything from your computer support line to your Revenue Canada phone scams are originating from over there? Given that IQs follow race more than country of origin, it's impressive that India is doing as strongly with their racial makeup as they are. Who to thank for that? British education.

It didn't "take" with Red Indians for some reason. We leave it up to the reader to figure out why on earth that might be.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #psycho 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "More violent niggers murdering their superiors"]

Two black teenagers steal a car and go joyriding. They film themselves as they rear-end another vehicle, then spot a man bicycling along the side of the road. They deliberately run him over, killing him, as they film the murder, laughing

These savages are niggers. N-I-G-G-E-R-S. They loudly and proudly call themselves that in the video, so I find no reason we should ever dance around calling them anything but

Instead of "reparations", niggers like these need to be found, their throats slit in the public square, whites dance around their bodies and cheer, and then their mothers forced to sit in a chair Clockwork Orange style as they have to watch the video of it happening over and over and over again

Every single nigger who misbehaves like this, we repeat the exact same ceremony[…]
That same weekend, of course, was yet more citywide nigger violence in Alberta, this time in Calgary. Oh, and…uh…checks notes…Tel Aviv[…]
What are niggers from Eritrea doing in Tel Aviv? Don't they have enough trouble with sand niggers causing violence in Israel? Did they think to themselves that they were bored of this and why not import some O.G. negroes to perform the one task they seem uniquely capable of performing?[…]
Steyn of course is quick to point out that maybe niggers would be better behaved if we didn't keep telling them that behaving in a civilized manner in a civilized society is so white and therefore bad even though the superior white culture and standards of conduct are objectively better than what the niggers are replacing it with[…]
Of course, in the past week the infamous Gregoire Lake has been the site of another murder where no whites were involved: a Red Injun teenager found dead on the side of the road. No mealy mouthed "oh he died in a bike crash" headlines, of course

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #psycho 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "What If…"]

…imagine that you had a time machine, but were told you could only use it once and could only go back exactly one year in time.

Today's your day.

Imagine how much worldwide strife could be avoided if on May 24th 2020 you went to the streets of Minneapolis, found some random street thug, pointed him at George Floyd and told him "that nigger over there fucked your girlfriend and she liked it".

George Floyd would still be dead but nobody would care.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #wingnut #psycho 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@storskuffelse - She 100% meets the easy definition of communist"]



Notley is a lying communist

You don't even know what the word communist means if you're using it like that

May 16, 2022

Communism is a socioeconomic system in which yadda yadda yadda, you know full well what it is and what it means

Peter King up here is upset that somebody accurately described the worldview of Rachel Arab as communist. She employs communists. She desires the end goal of the communist

However there's an easier way than heuristically parsing through her public statements to determine whether she is or is not a communist

Communists deserve to be thrown to their death out of helicopters. Rachel deserves to be killed. Ergo, Rachel and the NDP are communists

So when you come across them in public, treat them accordingly


spoilerPhotomontage of Rachel Notley having been brutally murdered

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From “Ship those Niggers Injuns back”]

As[…]Edmonton and[…]Alberta duel over the cause of (welfare) and solution to (free pizza) homelessness, a curious thing happened[…]
They kept bringing up the jackpine savages who used to wander around this continent before Europe came along with civilization and actually built societies[…]
What on earth does Thomas and that lying sack of shit Littlechild have to do with homelessness in Edmonton? Edmonton is not part of any of the reservations[…]Treaty 6 actually tells them they are supposed to remain on their reserves[…]Same section where Her Majesty Queen Victoria agreed to give them the Residential Schools they were so interested in[…]
Every drunken Red Indian causing a problem within the City of Edmonton is to be punished, strictly mind you, by the white man[…]Cody Thomas and Willie Littlechild need to be told that their constituents are going to be held to a far higher standard than whites in accordance with the treaty they keep blathering (falsely) that we haven't been adhering[…]
We can similarly "extend" the rule about intoxication punishment to include intoxication from marijuana, opioids, pot, crack cocaine, and heroin: just like alcohol if we catch a Red Indian consuming it or otherwise under its influence in white man's territory, we shall punish them swiftly and harshly. More importantly, Litttlechild and Thomas must help us do so on punishment of execution[…]
If homelessness in Edmonton is being caused by Red Indians, then it only goes to show that we have been too kind and generous to them over the years and they need to shape up or be shipped 6 feet underground

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #homophobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From “Oilers celebrate "Graham James was unfairly persecuted" night”]

Okay okay, technically it's Cocksucker Appreciation Night, but the general sentiment remains

At the same time that Hockey Canada is under fire for not doing enough to prevent men who like to molest little boys from being involved in the game, NHL teams like the Oilers are busy celebrating men who like to molest little boys and encouraging them to be part of the game

The story even quotes Kris Wells, the Grant Mac faggot who prefers to sodomize kids in the single digit range and obviously is very interested in spreading his message to kids at hockey games

Kristopher Wells likely molested more boys in 2023 than Graham James did in his entire career. And now he's hosting a theme night where hopefully they put one of those lisp-proof guards on the microphone (O Canada has relatively few "s" sounds, but when the U.S. anthem is sung the distortion during "broad sssstripesss and bright ssssstarssss" is going to be deafening)

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From “Monday after Martin Luthor King day is "released from bail for MLK Day crimes day"”]

Martin Luthor King wanted to live in a world where his offspring would be judged for the content of their characters instead of their skin colour[…]
Niggers shouldn't have taken that deal because it actually comes out worse for them. While King's own spawn (at least the ones from women who know the identity of their rapist) aren't exactly shining white (ha) beacons on the hill, his fellow spear chuckers can't even reach that bar

We've been reliably told that the nigger is genetically incapable of living in a law abiding civilized manner. It's just not in their DNA[…]for them DNA just stands for "Dumb Nigger Arrested"[…]Take it away, Fani Willis:

Black women aren't perfect, and I'm sleeping with the unqualified prosecutor I hired, and I'm on a political mission to throw Trump in jail. But you've gotta ignore all that, let me continue to sin and violate all professional ethics

Okay, that was the NotTheBee summary of her comments but her point was literally that expecting a negress to follow the law is unacceptable[…]That thick black tar flowing through her veins instead of the red blood that human beings carry. That's what causes her to break the law even as she's acknowledging that she is indeed guilty[…]
Fani Willis DA uses race and gender to excuse misconduct

Yeah maybe stick to being judged by your skin colour. At least in that circumstance we can understand and sympathize that we were asking you to be a better person than you're genetically capable of

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #elitist #racist #psycho 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Worthless corrupt cops turn out to get funding after all"]

Years after municipal governments started living by the principles of #NiggerLivesMoreImportantThanSocietyMotherfuckas, the resulting wave in crime and disorderly vagrants plaguing every corner of the metropolis have resulted in even an extreme leftist Edmonton City Council choosing to fund the police[…]
While the public is getting ever sicker of homeless bums causing vandalism and violence and societal decay in their wake, EPS is notoriously not interested in doing anything[…]
Precious leftwing governments in Ottawa have been responsible for the biggest cause of violence on the streets of Edmonton: worthless scumbags from shithole countries who should have been pelted with bullets when they tried to cross the border[…]
Back to Gerein and his "root causes", his reference to social workers of course doesn't talk about darkies in gangs shooting each other on our streets[…]
Homelessness[…]filling an ecological niche of sorts. Homeless will collect and spawn in accordance with the amount of food available, and the degree of predators to ween them out and/or scare them away. So has the City of Edmonton taken steps to cause the benefit to being homeless to increase?[…]
That's before we look at how the Red Indians who make up the vast majority of the homeless are constantly being thrown buckets of money which, thanks to the loss of the excellent Residential School system, they don't have the education (and never had the IQ) to spend it on anything but the kind of stuff that requires first responders to carry naloxone[…]
We could solve the homeless population pretty quickly, and that's before you sign onto my excellent poisoned pizza idea. We could stop supporting them[…]
In the meantime, we give them something to lose. Their life. And we shouldn't be feeling too bad about it, they are basically trying to commit suicide daily and we keep stopping them

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #sexist #psycho 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@frenchdipset - Nobody (except possibly murderers) dies if abortion is banned"]



Quote tweets confirm. Just evil, evil people

People—real, flesh-and-blood women with families, friends, plans and dreams for the future just the same as yours and mine—will die as a direct result of this ruling. There is absolutely evil here, but it belongs squarely to those five justices
4:23AM·May 3, 2022

Last summer the United States Supreme Court overturned the objectively horrible Roe v. Wade ruling, and leftsts like Madam Theis absolutely lost their minds over it

You can tell by the hysterical blabbering. How are "real flesh-and-blood women" going to die as a result of no court imposed prohibition on State abortion bans? This is a common talking point as long as you realize it literally makes no sense

At absolutely zero point has anybody opposed abortion in the event that continuing the pregnancy causes a likely risk to the mother's life. Part of the reason is practical: this straight up never happens[…]
Seeing as how abortion is currently murdering about a million people a year between Canada and the United States, it's unclear how the number of "real flesh and blood" people who die would not only increase but even maintain at the tiniest percentage of the current dearth rate

It's also worth noting that in such a scenario every death is deserved and I'll cheer it on. After all, in a world where baby murder is outlawed then the only deaths are of the infamous "backalley abortion" cases. And there's no reason anybody with an ounce of horse sense should fret[…]
Death penalty for attempting abortions? Now we're talking! Real bitchy pieces of shit with deplorable hopes and wicked dreams would die as a direct result of that ruling, and I would be the first in line to enjoy a popcorn and watch a trollop hang

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #transphobia #psycho 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@TheJessieKirk - Your brain is broken. If truth makes you suicidal then I'm very sorry but you're already dead"]


JK Rowling harms trans people with her transphobia.

Sue me. 🤷‍♀️
8:18 PM · Sep 9, 2021

If "making statements" is harmful then we just need to make more statements
Every tranny is mentally ill. The "transwomen" are mentally ill faggots while "transwomen" are mentally ill dykes. Of course uranists and dykes themselves are mentally ill, so we're probably into some exponential calculations of their complete and utter insanity

Of course, as with all crazy people with utterly fictional delusions, the truth can be painful and cause them "harm". Doesn't matter. We need to speak the truth louder and more often until they change. Their "harm" isn't worth the "harm" to objective reality

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #wingnut #psycho 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "The "C" in "CISN" stands for cuck"]

Remember when Jason Aldean came to Edmonton and it was a huge deal?[…]He's been a big deal in country music for about a decade now, and of course he was the act that was playing the Route 91 Harvest festival when Stephen Paddock shot the place up for reasons nobody ever really got that interested in discovering

Of course, many of you may only know him from the fact that a few weeks back one of his songs has been denounced as horribly racist

The song was released in May, though controversy was reignited when the country artist released the accompanying music video this month[…]

You might note that the article in question was from CISN 103.9, Edmonton's long-running country music FM station. When the Aldean story broke and the song climbed to the top of the charts, one of the first things I checked was CISN's recent playlist[…]
Not a single Jason Aldean song had been on their playlist[…]
I checked again yesterday and while there are actual Jason Aldean songs playing again, "Try That in a Small Town" is still not one of them[…]
This is CISN cowardly hiding from morons arguing in bad faith. The correct answer when somebody whines to you that "this song is racist" is "what did you say you retarded nigger? I can't hear you over this awesome† tune"

†It's worth noting you do this even if, as is the case here, the song isn't actually all that good. It's a Danish cartoon issue at this point: you play it loud if for no other reason than you're being instructed not to play it at all

There is only one acceptable thing to do in this situation: go to the CISN studio and try to murder the inhabitants with fire

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #conspiracy #sexist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From “Whites invent the automobile. Nonwhites invent ways to steal automobiles”]

A sting operation in Toronto has caught numerous people who Sir John A. would have never allowed into the country over a massive insider theft ring that used their Service Ontario access to facilitate car theft

On an aside, I've often wondered why we don't help solve this problem by simply mandating a 100% inspection for all containers being shipped from Canada to Africa. Here's a handy hint: there's essentially no legitimate businesses that sell products in Canada which would be wanted by at the price range of any African. Every container shipping from Montreal to Tema is a car stolen by an imported nigger and sold to a yet-to-be-imported nigger. Fears about legitimately owned auto sales being stymied by this action are nonexistant. While the Service Ontario angle means this wouldn't completely solve the problem (not only would some registrations appear legitimate, Canada Border Services is probably similarly staffed with a fifth column of foreign operatives), it would put a major dent in it. If Canada and the United States both adopted this plan, it would definitely help matters along

Bonus comment: As ADD points out over at the SDA link, the same type of people could have access of the gun registry. Sure makes me glad that not a single one of mine is registered!

Bonus thought|/b]: As we've noted many a time before, it's interesting that when the crime is auto theft, the helpful advice of Toronto Police is to stop making yourself so tempting of a victim by doing stupid things like…never park your vehicle outdoors: when the crime is rape, you can't possibly suggest that the rape victim did anything wrong whatsoever

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #sexist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@10KZCelly - It's called being superior"]



That’s great and as you are an individual and you know what’s best for you. I know lots of scientists/engineers in biomed fields & space industry that would be great on tv but the reality is that they don’t want to be. There is no correlation there with underrepresentation

83 cents says otherwise in the USA; it’s worse the higher that women climb the ladder. Men simply make more in every profession no matter the experience, years of service, etc. many believe it starts when private companies don’t advertise pay when hiring
3:39 AM·Dec 7, 2022

They still keep bitching and lying about pay equity. It's the same thing chicks do about pretty much everything in life, from whether or not they spent too much money at the mall to how the car accident really happened. So it's really not surprising when it comes to their income versus their value to an employer they bitch and lie about that too

Hey, maybe that's why we don't pay you as much

Of course, the whole 83% thing has been disproven so badly so many times that the only reason these sluts keep bringing it up is because they are actively evil and not just retarded. There's the mathematical approach, the cultural approach [pdf], the economics approach, and my personal favourite: the "here you go you dumb slut, here's your extra money and whoops you accidentally got a metal pipe through your skull" approach

This was recently in the news again when FakePresident Biden got a supposed letter from a child complaining about the (fake) pay gap. Little Charlotte was very sad that "men are getting more money than girls". In addition to being guided by the feminist lie about the pay gap, one of the striking things that nobody seems to ever want to ask is why they are, and whether or not this should be celebrated

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Why Wednesday's protest won't work"]

On this coming Wednesday, September 20th, an event called the "Million Person March" is being planned at every provincial legislature and at various schools across Canada†, to help protest against the evil sodomites and their sick agenda

I'm very very sorry that it's not going to be well attended

I've written about this before:

Commandment The Second: Conservative Rallies Shall Be On Weekends
Ezra's second mistake was having the rally on a Friday afternoon. Another problem with conservatives rallying is that the target audience are all industrious and hardworking people who work full-time (and often beyond) at real life jobs in the real life private sector. Unlike the lazy unproductive losers who inhabit public sector unionized jobs (and even private sector unionized jobs), they can't just tell work that they'll be taking the rest of the day off to go protest a coffee company's policy of advertising on their in-house TV network[…]

And indeed, I will not be attending the Million Person March, because it's at 9am on a Wednesday. I'll be at work[…]With the way rush hour traffic in Edmonton has been the last few weeks, depending on the location 5:30 would be difficult to swing

I understand that it's a school protest and meant to take place at schools during the time the kids being pushed pillow biting and chopping off tits as a positive lifestyle change, but by its very nature that provides the target protester a significant hurdle that we generally can't get out of[…]
Nor is the other reason it's at 9am, the student walkout, going to be as successful as you might hope and for much the same reason[…]
The evil poofters in our schools need to be fought with every weapon we have and stopped by any means we deem necessary. This is an absolutely essential fight and we cannot stop until they are completely and utterly destroyed

This event on September 20th won't achieve any of that

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #homophobia #transphobia #psycho 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Five years ago your lifestyle was evil, five years from now your lifestyle would be evil (but we all know what will take care of that problem for us)"]

One In A Million
Well, for the first time since 2018, sodomites are again taking to the streets to march to desperately try and convince you of the big lie: that they are "born that way" and didn't choose a disgusting lifestyle choice which they can be cured of

Which in theory should mean for the first time since 2018 I got to make the greatest semiannual joke in history:

I thought the AIDS Walk was in September!

Of course, for five years (something about trannies and police) the poofters couldn't figure out how to march without "excluding" somebody somehow[…]
The Evil Edmonton Uranists Club (EEUC, the same sound we make when they try to talk to us and those long "s" sounds leave spittle on our jacket) moved their thing from early June[…]
So yet again, they march, because when deep down you know your brain really is broken and the perversions you have adopted are unquestionably wrong and immoral, you have to seek and demand endless external validation before you decide that a life of ass piracy can only be cured with a sharp object pressed lovingly and firmly into your own wrists

The best part is, it's still not enough. San Fransisco, hide it as best they can, has one of the worst suicide rates in the Western world[…]Isn't enough to stop them from realizing they have made a wicked choice and choosing to escape it through the grave!

As is the case of all mental health problems, pederasty drives people to suicide. Cure the disease (or at least treat it: try to make them talk a tle less effeminately just for a fun change of pace), and then you solve the problem[…]
The more you march, the faster you die

Don't stop in the afternoon, keep walking until you hit Winnipeg. Then we'll need to worry no more about your sperm burping advocacy

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #dunning-kruger 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Giving Thanks to Christopher Columbus"]

Today is Thanksgiving in Canada, Columbus Day in America.
Martok a few years ago was talking with one of the "good Indians" as the old phrase goes: a guy who rejects this #IdleNoMore nonsense and wants to be realistic about what would have happened to North America without Columbus sailing the ocean blue in 1492.
But getting back to the aforementioned good Indian, his question to his kin was what they expected would happen when their stone aged society was found by a far more powerful and far more advanced civilization that came across them.[…]
As it was, Canada was discovered by the British. While these days the Brits are scoffed at as "imperialist colonizers" in reality that was pretty much the best possible country to show up here: they made (and, despite the lies of activists, honoured the terms of) treaties even though in reality the tribes who they signed with had little or no actual claim over much of the land they were supposedly signing over.[…]
What if, instead of being found by white Europeans, it was instead found by the yellow Japanese?
If you didn't already know, here's a chart of how the Japanese consider other races. Note that their view of whites is coloured (to borrow a term) by how much whites have been able to culturally and technologically compete with them.[…]
Anybody below about 700 on that scale would be not worth keeping around. And since the Red Indians would still be a primitive stone aged people in 1750 without contact with the outside world, those same Japanese armies showing up in ever-increasing number wouldn't rest until they hunted down and removed every single shred of non-Japanese.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "CariWest 2023"]

After a few lockdown-closed years, the Edmonton Caribbean† Festival is back this year with a vengeance. Even the annual parade is back[…]
As is typical for the Caribbean Festival, if you think racial stereotypes are wrong and misguided your worldview gets absolutely destroyed, because every negative thing about niggers you ever thought (minus one glaring example) comes true[…]
Let's start with the parade despite the parade not starting. It's been over a decade that I've been pointing out that the race notorious for always being late for work (and/or slow drivers) also can't start a parade within half an hour of the widely agreed and published start time[…]
On top of that, both at the grounds and annoyingly on the parade path itself were numerous examples of the "Blacks and the Domination of Social Space" effect I recently reposted after the original source was scrubbed from the internet[…]
The one thing that was conspicuously absent from this and most CariWest festivals: why is it when the second-most violent of all races stops being violent when you throw all of them together in a giant pile? I honestly don't (yet) have a strong answer to this, but the theory that you know that if another nigger wants to kill you, you stay away from the festival its 99.999% likely he will attend[…]
Since we just covered the one stereotype that got skipped, let's switch to the next one that didn't: blacks have incredibly poor governance and organizational skills, possibly related to them being literally retarded[…]
For all the issues though, it's good to see another of Edmonton's festivals come back to normal

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #sexist #homophobia #wingnut 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Faggot loving pansy man unable to keep his wife satisfied like the pathetic piece of shit he is"]

The big news today is that Rat Bastard 2.0, as pretty much every conservative pundit has known for almost four years while the far-left media denied it at every turn, is now officially divorcing from the future Mrs. Idris Elba

The couple, who’ve been the faces of numerous glossy magazine covers, released a statement saying they made this decision “after much thought and careful consideration.” The statement seems in stark contrast to the confident image Trudeau has continuously cultivated both during his campaign and tenure as Prime Minister[…]

As many (including Beaxte) have pointed out, when Rat Bastard 2.0 doesn't give two shits about our desire for privacy or freedom from snooping government agents, then he and his slutty ex-wife and his genetically poisoned spawn don't get nor deserve the smallest ounce of privacy in return[…]
And with the final word, as always, the newspaper of record: At publishing time, the Canadian press was mourning what has been deemed a terrible setback for interracial marriage in Canada

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@ravinCanadin - No other explanations, eh?"]



Indigenous people experience some of the worst racism in this country. If you're going to address this issue, address it for everyone @JustinTrudeau

Totally and especially in systemic ways. I see it first hand in downtown Calgary working nightshift, anecdotal speaking, an extremely disproportionate amount of people battling homelessness and addiction seem to be indigenous

April 30, 2022

From all accounts Jadon is a fairly conservative guy, so I hope he takes this criticism well: but you don't play on their terms

Which means you don't claim that systemic racism exists against anybody other than whites, because you can't point to a single system which is racist in this way (which seems a pretty first-principles sort of approach)

While the second half of his tweet is pretty accurate, that doesn't even remotely tie into the first half. Personal failings tied to the reliance on a 20,000 year behind-the-times culture combined with a genetic inability to handle alcohol can equally explain what you're seeing on Calgary's streets. It's a less comfortable conclusion since it doesn't allow for white self-flagellation on an industrial scale, but it actually has more evidence in its favour than what Jadon and Melissa are talking about

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #transphobia #homophobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "how me on the Teddy Bear where the homo touched you (because we know 100.00% of them do it)"]

Today is the Stollery Hospital's Teddy Bear Run event, which is a good day to remind you all that they are run by a faggot, intent on pushing the evil sodomite agenda, and are actively engaged in seriously harming mentally ill children (which, like shit, is just a weird thing that faggots get turned on by)

It is not widely known that the Stollery Children's Hospital is home to the Stollery Children’s Transgender Clinic. In fact, no mention of this clinic is made on the hospital's website. However, the clinic was involved in a study published in Pediatrics on November 1, 2021 about children referred to gender clinics across Canada for puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones. The clinic has been in operation for several years now, as it was mentioned in the March 2017 edition of Alberta Street News by an Edmonton mother trying to access transition services for her underage son:[…]

When the Stolley talks about how they are dedicated to curing mental health, they certainly don't want you to know their role in making mental health problems worse by explicitly buying into the delusions of people with seriously damaged brains in need of repair

Why would they do such a thing? Oh, yeah, right....

Scott's husband and long-time partner, Douglas R. Stollery, also serves as an ARC Foundation Board Advisor. The son of Bob and Shirly Stollery, Douglas is the current president of The Stollery Charitable Foundation and the former director of the Stollery Children’s Hospital Foundation. He is also counsel to the law firm of Reynolds Mirth Richards & Farmer LLP

A proud child molester involved in the massive genital mutilation of thousands of kids? Who knew?

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #sexist #psycho 3edgesword.blogspot.com

But, as the post title implies, the Edmonton Slutwalk girls have gone a step further. They are explicitly passing themselves off as sluts. This is fortunate, as it means that now we can start bringing the legal and moral force of society to bear upon them. To re-iterate:
Every woman marching in the Edmonton Slut Walk is publicly declaring herself a slut. This means every woman there desires sex with any and all partners. Any sexual activity you initiate with them comes with implied consent. They cannot say no, and if they do understand all their 'no's mean yes. They are all asking for it. They want it bad. Now. From you. Go get 'em!

Now if you disagree, if you think that's not what this is about at all, then two things come to mind:

1. If a bunch of women stand on the street claiming that they are shoe shiners, and they refuse to shine your shoes, you not only have a false advertising charge you can lay on them, but also discriminatory business practices. Women claiming to be nymphomaniacs who can't get enough may just find themselves having to explain why they are so prudish.
2. By their own admission, they are lying bitches. The worst kind of woman. All marching on the street. Together.

If your wife is one of them, I'm very very sorry. Maybe a good rape might make her a little more manageable around the house.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #ableist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@speaktruth2p0wr - All spending on "people with disabilities" is overspending by definition"]


Ontario has a $7.2 billion surplus specifically because they underspent on health, education, and social programs for people with disabilities
4:06 PM · Sep 16, 2022

I know that Mia is a liar. After all, she falsely claimed that Ontario "underspent" on health/education/etc. for "people with disabilities". We know it's a false claim because we know how much they've spent on these things, because we have the most recent provincial budget. But let's be more charitable and look at the 2022 budget [pdf] that Mia would have had access to at the time of her tweet

In 2022 the Ontario Government increased operational spending on healthcare (which we discussed last year) from $71B the previous year to $75.2B, an increase of 5.9%. To be fair, the only breakdown Ontario does is capital healthcare increases which doesn't specifically talk about cripples, but The Ottawa Hospital's "regional trauma centre" might have that built in[…]Similarly, education operational spending went up from $29.5B to $32.4B (a 9.8% increase), but nothing specifically about cripples. Children and Social Services, which includes things such as the Ontario Disability Support Program, had its budget also increased from $17.2 to $18.3 billion which is another 6.4% increase. For those keeping score, the Ontario government had planned for the coming year to spend an additional $8.2B (higher, one notes, than the $7.2B surplus being used to pay down less than 2% of the $428.6B in debt [pdf]) above last year on the three programs that Mia claims are "underspent": $125.9 billion dollars overall

Seeing as how the proper amount of spending is less than $0.50 per year, the government in fact is overspending by a factor of 250 billion

Ergo, Mia is lying about Doug Ford

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "This never would have happened under a Christian mayor"]

Calgary just wrapped up a shocking 2015 that saw them competing with Toronto for Canada's Murder Capital rather than their usual December pasttime of wondering what's wrong with Edmonton.

In 2015 Cowtown saw a late ruling in the death of Jessica Hagan which officially ended their year with 34 murders: they had only six in 2011 when their northern neighbour hit 47. Toronto (which Edmonton even surpassed numerically in 2011) has Calgary beat with 56 murders in 2015, but they also have a substantially larger population to draw from.

The equalizer, of course, is the same reason that Manitoba has the highest murder rate in the country: not enough white people. It's the same phenomenon which caused my endless "Safe Haven" talk about Edmonton, and what I wrote years ago about the loss of Toronto the Good. I haven't written much about Winnipeg, but spoiler alert, the problem there is Red Indians.

Which leads us right back to the title of this post. The same ethnic pandering which leads to effeminate anti-Christian non-white mayors in Calgary also leads to a lot of dead bodies out on the street. Of the 34 victims, the Calgary SUN helpfully provides names. Let's examine some of them now.

• Abdullahi Ahmed; Arab
• Murad Omar; Arab
• Cuong Hoang; Oriental
• Dawn Echoes Baptiste; #IdleNoMore
• Mohameddek Ali Mohamud; Arab
• Maryam Rashidi; Arab
• Steven Sharda; East Indian
• Levi Marance, #IdleNoMore
• Mustafe Mohamud Hussein; Arab
• David Quach; Oriental
• Hui Xu; Oriental
• Kallen Carothers; Negress
• Christian Jovanovic; Arab
• Zakariya Mohamed Abdow; Arab
• Christa Cachene; #IdleNoMore
• Selamawit Alem; Somalian
• Julie Tran; Oriental
• Janel Squirrel; #IdleNoMore
• Khaled El-Ajami; Arab
• Hussein Merhi; Arab

That's a whole 20/34 murder victims who aren't white, meaning that 59% of the murder victims came from 32.7% of the population. Breaking that down further, Arabs make up an amazing 26% of the murder victims yet only making up 1.5% of the Calgary population! We're analyzing the victims, of course, not the perpetrators. But in general, they are one and the same. From Selamawit Alem (killed by her own son) to Christa Cachene (a Red Indian killed by her boyfriend, also a Red Indian) to white Jessica Rae Newman killed by her white boyfriend), the overwhelming tendency of Calgary killers was to stay within their own race. This isn't universal, of course: Maryam Rashidi was killed by a white kid out on bail, Frank Burton was killed by a negro as a consequence of his Tourette's, while Jonathan Schmeikal was killed by a savage Red Indian lesbian. Let's just say that when we're moving outside of our races in the killing department, white killers fall behind their demographics even more than white victims do. So your vast majority of killings in Calgary are due to the city's wider and wider range of ethnic groups that expand the culinary scene, add to the number of pavilions at Heritage Fest, vote Nenshi...and commit ruthless acts of deadly violence against the innocent†.

† Usually.

Alphabet Agency Alert Award

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #wingnut #psycho 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "If you can't defeat liberals with ballots, switch to bullets"]

It's election day and Rat Bastard 2.0 is expected to win another minority government. If you're an Eastern voter, and you care about Justin Trudeau as a person, you need to change your voting plan today that would cause this to happen

If the Liberal Party wins the election, conservative Albertans will declare war on all Liberals and we won't stop until their leadership is eliminated

I've been spending much of the election working on a few projects devoted to this, but suffice it to say that Alberta (and the west in general) cannot endure carbon taxes and plastic bans and loss of gun rights and pipeline dithering and the 10,000 little cuts that the Liberals would impose on the economy

Your primary alternative, of course, is a Conservative government led by leftist stooge Erin O'Toole. In other words, if you're a leftist voter in Eastern Canada (ie. anywhere east of Steinbach) the cost of choosing the guy with "Conservative" on his name on your ballot is the lowest it's ever been. It's highly unlikely that you're going to get much government programs you disagree with

But if you vote for Justin, he's going to get shot. Which means his life is in your hands. You've backed us into a corner and this is the only other way out

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@BossLady4T7 - Why are Red Indians too lazy to dig a well?"]



Surprise surprise. Many First Nations still without clean drinking water after promising to clean them up by 2021

2022 is literally around the corner…

Trudeau is the only government that has and is doing something about it. External barriers aside it's happening in a pandemic & by the time he's not the prime minister hopefully they are all mitigated. His predecessor wouldn't even acknowledge Truth & Reconciliation. Remember
5:28 AM·Dec 25, 2021

Why is it the Canadian government's job to help so-called "First Nations" build working water treatment facilities on what they keep (falsely) insisting is their "sovereign land"?

Why are Red Indians in 2021 (or 2023 for that matter) less talented and capable than the junior-high-at-best educated whites who settled the empty prairie in the late 19th and early 20th centuries?

On top of that, stop lying about the Right Honourable Stephen Harper (PBUH). It was fifteen years ago that I admonished him for not doing exactly what you accuse him of doing: ignoring the retarded TRC

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #homophobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Edmonton police officers shot and killed"]

Early this morning, two Edmonton police officers were shot and killed over by Westmount

Obviously details are sketchy, and more will be learned in the forthcoming hours/days/months. Early reports are that it was a domestic call

The only thing of note is already the mainstream media can't mention the story without referencing the last EPS officer shot and killed. Before it gets too much traction, remember that Daniel Woodall was an evil faggot who was pushing the radical sodomite agenda when he died, and we should never feel bad about his righteous punishment

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Happy "Red Indians Are Too Primitive to be Educated Day""]

It's been a full year since we first covered the ludicrous federally mandated day to believe in a lie: to wit, that the Indian Residential School System was anything other than a gloriously noble yet ultimately impossible attempt to fix the primitive thought patterns inherent in the stone aged-race that greeted early European discoverers when they landed on North America[…]
When the "215 dead kids" lie was first propagated, I was basically the lone voice[…]
There were no "mass graves" found. Or even "unmarked graves"[…]No evidence whatsoever that the Kamloops Residential School has any Injuns kids buried on or near the site whatsoever[…]
Using charged language[…], Kay (it's unclear how much he's studied this) speaks of "forcing children to leave their families and communities" when he's describing every boarding school ever. "Cruel (and sometimes even predatory) treatment" means…physical work and the strap. He'll discuss the death rate for Red Indian kids in Residential Schools but never bother with the word "tuberculosis"[…]
It's the Canadian equivalent of "yes yes blacks are treated so harshly by police but maybe don't burn cities down": "yes yes Injuns were mistreated and Residential Schools have exactly zero redeeming qualities but maybe just maybe try to do honest journalism on this small aspect of the story"[…]
So what else has changed a year later, if not my steadfast support for the Indian Residential School System and the belief we need to bring it back?[…]
Make sure to celebrate that same as last year: having to go to work to pay the taxes so that the same government who claims they are currently engaged in genocide gets to stay home or go surfing, before coming back to work Monday and wasting more and more of that money on the Red Indian people who[…]never rise to functioning members of a civilized society

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #homophobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@MerleMerlot - By your logic we're about to have a lot of negroes in jail"]



A 23-year-old Mississippi man has been charged with a federal hate crime after burning a cross to threaten a Black family, according to the U.S. Justice Department

Put him and his parent(s) in jail
Sep 28,2002

When one of the rare instances of an actual anti-black hate crime occurs in the United States (possibly the only one in 2022!), fudge packer MM here wants the suspects parents similarly imprisoned. Okayyy…

What's the logic here? Sins of the father coming back into the world? Or just that he wants the whole bloodline locked up?

In either case, let's continue playing this game shall we? This tweet was made September 28th 2022, let's see what other crime stories in America occurred on that date shall we?

28 year old Martre Tirik Oliver was arrested the night before on a murder charge in Portland. We can't throw his brother in jail (guess who the victim was), but we can throw both of his nigger parents into the prison alongside him, right?[…]
September 28th saw three niggers charged for armed robbery in Chicago: two of the niggers were in their early 20s, a third was only 12 years old. Okay so we only get to have eight people in jail under MM's rules…though wait, I'm confused: if we can now jail parents for what their adult children did can we also jail underage children for what they did? Or does this rule only apply to those 18 and over?[…]
Now let's end with a heartwarming reminder of what happens when you let a nigger out of jail for any reason: he's back trying to rape and abduct multiple woman within 24 hours[…]
Thanks, MerleMerlot! You may be a scumbag sodomite, but you've at least figured out a way that we can cut back on crime by putting more niggers behind bars

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #transphobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From “Introducing a new Third Edge of the Sword style guide principle”]

As you know, we follow a strict writing style here as meticulously kept in a giant refence tome kept in an air-tight glass case (artist's representation pictured above) at Third Edge of the Sword world headquarters in Bath, England.

I'm sure you're aware of some of them. Today I officially announce a style-guide policy that should clear up a lot of confusion, especially since over the last four or five months I've been unofficially adhering to it.

(1) Anybody who has pronouns in their social media profile will always be referred to by different ones.
(2) Anybody writing positively about trannies and their support for them will be referred to by different pronouns.
(3) All trannies will be referred to by their actual sex, not their made up one

In cases where (1) and (3) are in conflict, both may be used interchangeably at author's discretion.

As an example, meet Mister Hammibal (note that according to the University of Bristol he doesn't exist). "She/her" pronouns? Nope.

Never surrender the language, conservatives. Ever.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #wingnut #sexist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From “The Queen Negprincress of Mean”]

You may have heard that Queen Elizabeth II is not only Canada's sovereign at this moment but also the de jure Head of State.
Unfortunately Her Majesty isn't given the luxury to enjoy her temporary extra powers this month, as she's dealing with a disgusting royal bitch of her own. Prince Harry's cuckolding wife Meghan Markle (free advice: when she won't take your last name, don't take a walk down the aisle) has been such a royal pain[…]that nigger slut who destroyed the 6th in line for the throne had to go[…]

We already knew of a lot of problems with Meghan Markle[…]She's a woke nigger, and that really could summarize the whole post. Her entire worldview is at odds with the Succession of Kings of England and the British Empire (unbroken now for coming up on 400 years). She also has a "me me me" attitude[…]she thought that marrying Harry would turn the British Monarchy into the Meghan Markle Show (tonight's guest star: the Queen of England).

Yet like so many thin-skinned celebrities[…]they want all the plusses of their fame[…]without accepting the minuses[…]And now it seems[…]Meghan Mountbatten-Windsor doesn't want another consequence of celebrity: it's now a news story how you treat others
This "bullying workplace" is what we used to call real life[…]Due in part to government mandates over private companies, instead the companies bent to meet them.
But, like Cuomo's harassment scandals, the important thing isn't that these people are doing things that conservatives don't consider a big deal: they're doing what liberals do consider a big deal. As Kurt Schlichter (endlessly) says, we expect leftists like Markle to live by the disgusting rules of society they have forced on us.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #sexist #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From “Sophie Trudeau gets jungle fever, Canadian taxpayers get the bill”]

I somehow missed this when it first came out, though I was fairly occupied in the week of August 21st, but Harrington Lake renovations were being performed simply because Justin "Rat Bastard 2.0" Trudeau is unable to sexually satisfy his wife.

Canada’s National Capital Commission (NCC), the federal agency that manages national heritage properties including the Prime Minister’s homes, was directed to construct a sprawling second mansion at Harrington Lake by the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) in late 2019 — shortly after the federal election in October and just days following turbulence in the marriage of Justin Trudeau and Sophie Gregoire, a source inside the PMO tells The Chronicle.[…]

This isn't the only time Sophie's interest in a British nigger hurt the working people who get robbed by the federal government either...remember the infamous WE Charity trip where she and Elba both got the Wuhan Flu and then never infected her husband?
Ditto the Shiny Pony's Costa Rica trip that was an excuse to get the grey in his beard (and escape his wife who hates him almost as much as a random Albertan)
Despite the (typical, but inexplicable) fascination women have to men in the Trudeau family, apparently Shiny Pony is such a lousy husband and lover that his wife has to seek BBC in the land of the BBC.

But it's the rest of us who play the role of sugar daddy.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #transphobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "You tried The Terminator, now how about a Transformer†?"]

Famed celebrity Bruce Jenner is planning to run for the (nominally Republican) Governor of California. As the title to this post indicates, they tried that once before and...didn't matter, nothing changed.

[Portrait of Caitlyn Jenner with the slogan "I'll slash budgets, not balls" and "Jenner for Governor"]

† "Transformers....male athletes in disguise"

Bonus pun: California went from The Governator to Total Recall.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@livv_idd - Some of these "ancient sovereign entities" are newer than Rhode Island"]



First Nations are supposed to have first right of refusal when it comes to the sales of crown land, and the Sask Party refuses to abide by that

So frustrating when ancient sovereign entities with clearly defined cultural uniqueness and historic rights are bullied by intrusive prov govt rules that destroy their autonomy. These people need a Paper that’s not White
10:58 PM · Oct 12, 2022

As you should know by now, Red Indians don't have "historic rights" other than a bunch of rules which require them to stay on their specially set aside tracts of land. Archie's claim that Crown land has to be sold to Injuns first is complete bullshit and nowhere mentioned in the treaties

Fortunately, superior white cultural learned how to make white paper and use it to discuss public policies and the pros and cons. Scott Moe is sufficiently non-squishy to utilize this wonder ability which white societies developed (and, relatedly, found this almost-empty continent and built civilizations on it)

In 1905, Saskatchewan was created out of a section of land owned by lazy Red Indians The Hudson's Bay Company. Woke losers might wish it wasn't, but it was

Meanwhile as we've noted before these "ancient sovereign entities" is complete and utter bullshit. Nobody who was in Saskatchewan in 1491 was "indigenous" to it. Indeed one of Keen's "ancient entities" would presumably be the Métis who Red Indian activists insist need to be granted special rights even though literally by definition white people were here first

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #homophobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@TaliaRinger - all uranists deep down know they only have two ways out"]

Alan Turing was really good at math, and really really really really bad at being a mentally stable heterosexual

As a result of the former, we celebrate him. As a result of the latter, we pity him. As a smart guy, Turing understood that his faggy urges were evil, and that there was something horribly wrong with him as a result. His brain was broken, and he needed to be cured

When mathematician John Nash, who's also really good at math but has a minor problem with his brain being severely broken[…]Everybody acknowledges these things when it comes to John Nash
He wasn't particularly good at changing back, but that's hardly an argument in favour of remaining in his evil sodomitic state. What was that Kennedy line about doing these things not because they are easy but because they challenge us?

Turing, sadly, wasn't up to the challenge. Like so many faggots who understand on some level (Turing understood on more than most, hence the attempts at therapy) that they are broken and wrong and should be better, he had to deal with suicidal tendencies. Ass piracy is a mental illness, and mentally ill people are often suicidal. We can all pretend to be surprised by this, or put the blame on morally superior people in the British Government.

Or we can work to find new and improved ways to fix the pillow biters and put them back on the path to the only valid sexual orientation

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@DanPriceSeattle - Have they tried being less inferior?"]


Black workers are 26% more likely to say they're treated fairly after going remote

I don't think we've fully come to grips with how much mental health damage office work has done to people who don't fit into the majority - black people, introverts, etc
7:53 PM · Aug 9, 2022

Negroes don't like going into the office. Every employer who's looked at the number of hours they put in has surely noticed this, but it's nice to have one of their "allies" point it out as well

The funny thing about "being treated fairly" is that a poorly performing employee being treated badly is fair...but not if you ask the employee in question. So on the face of it this survey doesn't tell you anything. Dan's claim is "making niggers do office work hurts their mental health", but the counter-claim that "niggers prefer remote work since they can slack off without being detected" is exactly as explainable from the data

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #wingnut 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From “Trump acquittal”]

Rumour has it that the Demorats closing argument was supposed to be a 70 page opus.

Instead, it was a scant few minutes and witnesses cancelled after it turns out the Republicans were going to make Pelosi and Schiff testify under oath as to their crimes as of late.

[Picture with "PResenting your two-time impeachment champion!!!"]

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #transphobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From “What if Vincent Li became a tranny?”]

I wrote last month [I]en passant [/I]about Vince Li, the Greyhound decapitating cannibal murderer from Asia who moved to Edmonton and then travelled to Winnipeg where he decided to viciously murder (white) Tim McLean.

Anyways, it appears that Vince Weiguang Li, like Gohar (Carmen) Ahmed Pervez/Abdullah Shah before him, has legally changed his name.

He's now Will Baker. Remember that name if you come across it: Will Baker is a piece of shit who confused a man's skull with Kung Pow Chicken.

Yet strangely enough, Wikipedia continues to call him Vince Li.
This wouldn't seem strange at all, of course, but notice you'll never see that on any CBC article about Bruce Jenner after he legally changed his name to Caitlyn for bizarre reasons no sane person would ever pretend to consider normal.

Last year news outlets apologized for calling Anthony Stevens by that name instead of the "Aimee" he wanted to be called as he pretended to be a woman. "Deadnaming", a nonsense term nobody had heard of in 2008, has become a Fake News staple: just another way that the media always lies to you.

And it's notably inconsistent. Criminals change their name to avoid being connected to their crimes, and trannies change their name to avoid being directly connected to their faggy mental illness.

But if Vince Li decided to become a chick and name himself Wilma Baker, CBC and all these other woke media outlets would completely throw the old person down the memory hole.

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist #psycho 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@MannyAndBo - Niggers make it too easy"]



We've reached the point in conservative discourse where a childhood nickname is enough to justify an unarmed 13 y/o being gunned down by a cop

Conservatives desperately trying to find something im a black person’s history to justify their death

Almost every nigger whose death is protested by retards like Justin has a history that at the very least explains, and more often than not justifies their death
George "Gorilla" Floyd? I celebrate almost every day that this violent nigger met a violent end and decry that the hero who removed this piece of trash from the planet isn't awarded with a medal and every woman on the planet as a sex slave

Trayvon Martin? Another violent nigger who met a violent end and I won't lose a moment of sleep over it
Justin and Roosh Vaush are upset that people dare ask the question of why violent nigger spic was killed. The answer? He was a [url=https://www.reuters.com/world/us/chicagoans-plan-rally-13-year-old-boy-killed-by-policeman-2021-04-16/violent armed criminal with a gun who made an aggressive move as he apparently dropped his gun ironically[/url][…]Why did this 13 year old punk have a gun[…]He was trying to murder somebody with it minutes earlier

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #wingnut #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "If Bloomberg was consistent (they wouldn't be evil)"]

Quick, guess which headline is actually the far-left anti-business "business channel" headline and which is the mockup?
"Violent Niggers storm the streets of Minneapolis" mock-up of Bloomberg and "A mob of Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol in a..." real deal

It's not just Bloomberg of course... over at Global News (who always lie about conservatives), it's a "dark and dangerous moment in modern American history". Back when niggers were mad that a criminal died of COVID while a cop's knee was on his neck that wasn't a "dark and dangerous moment" according to Global News but instead people were "calling attention" to a perceived injustice...which is totally different than what happened in Washington yesterday, apparently.
#StopTheSteal rallies have had their media coverage suppressed, their hashtags shadowbanned, and their evidence and red-flags ignored.

So why act surprised when, as Kate at smalldeadanimals always says, conservatives are learning that not rioting has been a public policy failure? Why act surprised when the ballot box doesn't work that maybe revolution is worth a try?

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #fundie #racist #wingnut #transphobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@cinefeminism - We already know Jews murder prophets and wallets, but babies too?"]


spoiler@RavBogard: "This 6-3 Court seems to almost exclusively prioritize 'religious liberty'. And so I want to be clear: laws that prevent Jewish trans kids from transitioning are a violation of their 1st Amendment rights, and an imposition of governmental Christianity on me and my family

@cinefeminism: "Absolutely. Same goes for their (Christians) views on abortion"

Fake Rabbi Dan Bogard pretends to be religious in order to push his far-left agenda (and keep him and his wife in the nws)

Nicole Morse is a mentally ill chick who thinks that "Thou Shalt Not Murder" is a New Testament creation

Together, they (falsely) make Judaism a religion deserving of being permanently wiped off the map

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #sexist #homophobia #transphobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Dyke discovers dyke bars exist"]

A dyke in the UK has started a bar for only her and her own kind

Teddy Edwardes, 32, is the founder and director of LICK, a women-only venue with a focus on LGTBQ+[…]

Dyke bars have been around for decades. It was a plot point in Wayne's World 2 for crying out loud (and going further back was a movie staple since 1968's The Killing of Sister George). Only a millennial could think she's come up with something new

Don't despair though, guys. Unlike Wayne Campbell you don't have to dress up as a Village Person if you want to attend. Surprise surprise, Teddy Edwardes is up with all the latest fashions from this despicable lifestyle choice. She's "inclusive to trans women" so all you have to do is show up at the door wearing the same clothes you always do, tell the bouncer you're a chick, and in you are![…]
This club was founded "6 years ago" (ie 2016) at the same time that the UK was going ballistic over another organization only allowing in one of the two sexes. Uppity bitches in Edinburgh even tried banning members of that club from a public bench (imagine if we said that a bench couldn't be used by anybody who ever went to a fag bar!)[…]
At the same time all the "right people" were demanding one of the few remaining mens-only clubs be allowed to stay open, those same people were opening up a womens-only club and celebrating their commitment to diversity and/or the yaya sisterhood. It's yet another case where the "war on women" is actually a "war by women" which is dangerous because chicks aren't militarily capable

Bonus lol: from the MSN.com comments, somebody asked "if there are no men then who pays for all the drinks?" The answer: "alimony"

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #wingnut 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@JohnnyLarue613 - You are an enemy collaborator and therefore are a valid target"]


Well, I live in downtown Ottawa, so only a conspiracy moron would spew the complete nonsense that you just posted. For those of us that experienced 3 weeks of these idiots illegally clogging streets, honking and running up city costs we say I hope some do some time in prison
1:53 PM · Mar 16, 2022

Guys like Johnny are the reason I think last year's noble Freedom Convoy were far too nice

They didn't honk loud enough. Johnny and his Ottawa pals are very anxious to make your life miserable, confident in the notion that we wouldn't make their life miserable in response

For three glorious weeks in early 2022, they were disavowed of that notion. The only problem, as you can see, is they clung to it afterwards. We didn't break their spirits and continue to honk and "clog streets" until Johnny and every single Ottawa resident either capitulated or was buried in a shallow grave

Justin and his pals have declared war on you. Don't ever let him play the part of the victim of unnecessary cruelty. It was (and remains) necessary


spoilerStar Trek meme: "There are no Borg civilians, nor were there any innocent residents of Ottawa"

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #homophobia 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "@MostafaSweed123 - So I can only offer spousal benefits to heterosexual employees?"]


Lmfao why you so salty pride month exists? Queer people still leaving y'all alone. The same can't be said the other way around…
Of courses, pride is also literally about queer people's struggle to be left tf alone too lmao that's all June 2, 2022

Sodomites are leaving me alone? Sweet! So I can hold a nice straight pride march in Boston without incident, as they are now leaving me alone? As the post title asks can I only offer spousal benefits to heterosexual employees without incident, as they are now leaving me alone? Can I have my local sidewalk painted with a giant "LEV 20:13" using municipal tax money and not have to worry, as they are now leaving me alone?

No? Can't have any of these things?

Well in that case, I will continue to tell every uranist I meet that their lifestyle choice is evil, conversion therapy can and should be used to cure them, and that since they aren't keen on leaving me alone (as all the broken fingers I've had to impart after being inappropriately touched by them can attest) I won't be returning the favour

This Mostafa chick is just too slow to understand justifiable "saltiness"

Feynman and Coulter's Love Child #racist 3edgesword.blogspot.com

[From "Now the last thing I wanted was to get in a fight / In Jackson Mississippi on a Saturday night"]

Robert Hampton contributes to the ongoing AmRen series about white flight in American cities by discussing the city named after the honourable Andrew Jackson
Hampton outlines the problem...

Businesses have been leaving for years. A local news article from 2003 lamented: “Downtown Jackson was once booming with business, but over the years businesses have slowly left. Today, there is only a skeleton of what once was.” That problem only gotten worse. Unlike most Southern cities, Jackson’s population has declined by more than 40,000 since 1980 and is now 155,000

You don't have to be a genius to guess at the cause:

Jackson wasn’t always like this. This 1961 documentary on the city’s battle with segregation shows what it once was. White couples walked the streets and business thrived. Jackson was a nice place to live — and watch a movie

In 1960, it was 64 percent white. Today, it’s only 16 percent white