
Amitakh Stanford #ufo #conspiracy #quack bibliotecapleyades.net

Dentists have become so indoctrinated by the ruling elite's propaganda that they ardently believe and support the "benefits" of fluoride for healthy teeth. The main reason that the malicious propaganda on fluoride is so widely accepted and promoted is the subtle programming behind it. This is not so much a physical programming as it is subliminal. The culprits behind the fluoride conspiracy are the Anunnaki Reptilians.

The Reptilians are a horrible race of aliens that sit atop the Dark hierarchy in the Virtual Reality. One should realize that among Reptilians there is also a hierarchy - they have rulers and subjects amongst them.

It is primarily the Anunnaki Elites' agenda to bring in the New World Order and to take total control of the Earth.

The Reptilian programming runs through the occult and other fields to brainwash people in many ways. So, too, it is with the fluoride issue. The ruling elite want people to believe that sodium fluoride is beneficial. This lie is intended to be 100 percent effective. That means that the programming is directed at everyone to accept the benefits of fluoride.

Once a person accepts any form of programming, he or she is subjected to the programming. Since the Reptilians are striving for 100 percent acceptance of fluoride, there is little conflict over the issue. While a small group of people resist the programming, they are not allowed to present their cases to the public.

Amitakh Stanford #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy #quack bibliotecapleyades.net

A long, long time ago, the Earth was used as a dumping ground by many different alien races. Spacecraft-loads of toxic waste were strewn about the planet. Aluminium was one of the main waste products that was dumped on the Earth.

Fluoride is an extremely toxic by-product of aluminium refining. Since industrialists were unable to safely dispose of fluoride, they called upon the ruling elite's assistance to set their propaganda machine into motion.
Dentists have become so indoctrinated by the ruling elite's propaganda that they ardently believe and support the "benefits" of fluoride for healthy teeth. The main reason that the malicious propaganda on fluoride is so widely accepted and promoted is the subtle programming behind it. This is not so much a physical programming as it is subliminal. The culprits behind the fluoride conspiracy are the Anunnaki Reptilians.

The Reptilians are a horrible race of aliens that sit atop the Dark hierarchy in the Virtual Reality. One should realize that among Reptilians there is also a hierarchy - they have rulers and subjects amongst them.

It is primarily the Anunnaki Elites' agenda to bring in the New World Order and to take total control of the Earth.

The Reptilian programming runs through the occult and other fields to brainwash people in many ways. So, too, it is with the fluoride issue. The ruling elite want people to believe that sodium fluoride is beneficial. This lie is intended to be 100 percent effective. That means that the programming is directed at everyone to accept the benefits of fluoride.
The Reptilians have an elaborate scheme to convince the Greys by maintaining the illusion of their promise to them through actively programming the world to accept sodium fluoride in drinking water. In reality, the Reptilians are more interested in re-establishing a super race of Reptilians than allowing another alien race like the Greys to have any kind of foothold anywhere.

Kingsley L. Dennis #crackpot #magick #conspiracy bibliotecapleyades.net

Metaphysics is not so much about that which is 'beyond' physics as this suggests that,

what is metaphysical lies only in the beyond zone and not within.

The metaphysical fire, which has correspondence to Origin, Source, and Intelligence of All, is behind time, space, causation and manifestation, as well as being integrated as all those aspects.

The metaphysical fire,

is as much beyond as it is within, for there is never a state that is void of it - even the void itself is an expression of the metaphysical fire.
What this means is that,

the metaphysical impulse (or Fire/Light) is existent - hidden within - all states of existence, including our material realm.

And this, for much of human history,

has been a grand heresy...!
The concept of heresy is brought out and utilized as a means of involving people - the 'public' - within the controlling system. In an age of secularization, the controlling narrative has shifted from a top-down religious power structure into a technologically enforced 'cage of modernity.'

The new secular materialism is bringing forth technocratic governance as a dominating narrative, and its affiliated religion of transhumanism is providing for the next priestly class of tech-elites and billionaires.

Together they establish what will strive to become the governing apparatus of technocracy - the modern totalitarian system masquerading as the new mode of 21st century global authority.

And the notion of heresy has been modified from quasi-religious sectarian cults into conspiracy.
The metaphysical fire is beginning to burn away the outer paintwork, showing the rotten wood underneath.

The gatekeepers of stolen power are attempting to cover up the sun by spraying their chemical clouds; yet still, the metaphysical fire comes through.

Flares, outbursts, and eruptions will soon be blasting towards our physical sphere as we cling to its surface like a receiving-transmitting membrane

And it shall all be a matter of frequency...

Paul Cudenec #wingnut #conspiracy bibliotecapleyades.net

Shocking evidence is emerging from Australia and New Zealand of how the climate scam is being used to impose a techno-totalitarian smart-city future.

The criminocratic global imperialists often use their Commonwealth colonies to try out the most insidious escalations of their tyranny - think of Canada, New Zealand and Australia during Covid.

We can therefore assume that this is going to be the blueprint for the roll-out of their Fourth Industrial Revolution agenda across the world.

The sinister scheme in question, called "Managed Retreat", has been exposed by independent researcher Kate Mason on her excellent Substack blog aimed at,

"deconstructing 4IR narratives"...

The idea is that exaggerated "modeling" of the imagined effects of "climate change" is being used to define certain areas as unsuitable for human settlement.

Working hand in hand with the state is the insurance industry - long a central part of the corrupt criminocratic empire - which deems homes in these areas to be "uninsurable".
Also in 2022, a body called the Australian Climate Council released a study which estimated that 1 in 25 of all homes and commercial buildings in the country would become effectively uninsurable by 2030 because of,

"worsening extreme weather events".

River flooding posed the biggest risk, according to the study, with flash flooding and bushfires identified as the other main hazards contributing to properties becoming "uninsurable".

As well as calling for "managed relocations", the report stressed the need for,

"upscaling public investments in resilience" and to "support communities to 'build back better'."

It declared:

"Towns, cities and communities must be rebuilt - where appropriate to do so - in a way that takes into account the 'inevitable' future changes in climate and makes them more resilient".

It comes as little surprise that this report was proudly showcased on the website of the World Economic Forum (WEF)…

Victoria LePage #crackpot #racist #conspiracy bibliotecapleyades.net

Vast shadowy forces are moving in Central Asia - or rather in the greater region we call Eurasia - which may change the face of our global society and civilization forever.

Even as the balance of geopolitical forces is shifting inexorably in favor of the Eurasian superpowers - principally Russia, China, the Central Asian states and India.
The immensity of the coming turbulence occasioned by this shift from West to East is incalculable, the outer symptom of a global revolution of consciousness.
Increasingly heeding the overwhelming evidence for their thesis, they suggest that the key to humanity's future lies in its distant past, in the heritage of an unknown antediluvian race that lived in a time so remote that its existence has been erased from racial memory.
Perhaps 100,000 years ago or more, so the hypothesis runs, a great star-gazing Ice Age people lived in the Arctic region, at that time a temperate zone, before migrating south to Inner Asia as conditions changed and the great ice sheets melted.

There, in a fertile, paradisial land, these unknown sages became the core of a Ural-Altaic race that continued to evolve over the millennia, improving the stock of primitive humanity by intermarriage, developing cosmological sciences and political structures that sowed the seeds of our present civilized state, migrating across the earth and then disappearing, leaving immortal legends about itself behind.
A possible light was thrown for the first time on the development, nature and wide migratory pattern of early Indo-European culture, and stimulated all sorts of theories in Russian circles about the Aryan roots of the Slavic people.

Increasingly rejecting the American and Western European vision of a global hegemony rooted in Christianity, Russians, besides their interest in their Indo-European roots, are turning eastwards to find a connection with the Turkic/Mongol ethnic strain.

Arthur Firstenberg/Cellular Phone Task Force #crackpot #quack #conspiracy bibliotecapleyades.net

The least noticed and greatest assault on Earthly life rains on us from the sky.

Nature's wires strung above us from horizon to horizon, carrying the electricity that helps power our bodies, and the information that informs our growth, healing, and daily lives, now carries dirty electricity - millions of frequencies and pulsations that confuse our cells and organs, and dim our nervous systems, be we humans, elephants, birds, insects, fish, or flowering plants.
On June 13, 1968, the United States completed its launch of the world's first constellation of military satellites...

Twenty-eight of them, more than twice as many satellites as were in orbit around the Earth until then, were lofted to an altitude of 18,000 miles, in the heart of the outer Van Allen radiation belt.

The "Hong Kong" flu pandemic began two weeks later and lasted for almost two years.

On May 17, 1998, a company named Iridium completed its launch of a fleet of 66 satellites into the ionosphere, at an altitude of only 485 miles, and began testing them.

They were going to provide cell phone service to the general public from anywhere on earth.

Each satellite aimed 48 separate beams at the earth's surface, thus dividing the planet into 3,168 cells. Reports of insomnia came from throughout the world.

Iridium's satellites began commercial service on September 23, 1998.

The effect was devastating...
Mortality statistics from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control revealed a 4% to 5% rise in the national death rate beginning the last week in September and lasting two weeks.
If we want to have a planet to live on, not only for our children but for ourselves, the radiation has to stop.

Not only do the cell towers have to come down that are so ugly to look at, but also the cell phones that we hold in our hands and have become so dependent on, and the satellites that are squeezing all the life that remains out from under them.

We are running out of time...

Josh Richardson #fundie bibliotecapleyades.net

4 Reasons Human Beings May Not Be Mammals

Mammals share specific characteristics which separate them from other animals.

There are different types of groups of mammals such as bats, carnivores, cetaceans, elephants, marsupials, primates, rodents, treeshrews and many others.

They are found all over the world in all different climates. They nurse their babies with mother's milk, maintain a constant internal temperature, protect their young, have hair, more developed brains and many other shared physical features.

All mammals strive to instinctively:
maintain a natural equilibrium within their ecosystem
consume nutrients to maintain a homeostatic balance
reproduce up to the limitations that natural resources can provide
Modern humans don't follow any of the above instincts, if they have them at all.

destroy the natural equilibrium within the environment they inhabit
expend energy and resources to destroy cells within the body
reproduce to the point of exceeding the capacity of natural resources of the host environment
will latch onto other environments to repeat the same process and will teach other humans to do the same thing
Behaviorally, there is no other mammal that does what humans do.

Our capacity to destroy our environment makes us practically pseudo-living organisms in this respect.

There is one other organism that does mimic our behavior. It's called a virus. Viruses have insinuated themselves into the genome of our ancestors for hundreds of millions of years. They typically have gotten there by infecting eggs or sperm, inserting their own DNA into ours.

There are 100,000 known fragments of viruses in the human genome, making up over 8% of our DNA.

Unlike mammals, what's interesting about viruses is that they're not alive. They don't grow, produce/utilize their own energy, cannot independently reproduce, or move on their own. Are human beings headed in the same direction?

As soon as humanity stops living like a virus, consciousness will evolve to an infinite source of power, abundance and prosperity for our species.

The only thing we need to do is recognize it.

Stewart A. Swerdlow #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #racist bibliotecapleyades.net

The Tau Ceti aliens centered their attention on the eastern European area, from what is now Serbia to the slopes of the Ural Mountains. From here, they influenced the Slavic and Russian peoples. The geographic conditions resembled that in the Tau Ceti star system, and its colony Epsilon Eridanus. The Tau Ceti added their DNA to the human prototypes that were already established there, creating what is now known as the Slavic peoples. The results were a race of humans who were stocky, barrel-chested, and averaging 5’6’’ to 5’9’’ in height, with a dense bone structure and dark eyes. They were aggressive, and preferred a cold climate.

These Tau Ceti/humans were virulently against the grey alien race and the Reptilians, because their worlds had been attacked, and their children stolen and killed by both races. The Tau Cetians vowed to follow the grey race and destroy them.
In central Europe, the German tribes were genetically manipulated by beings from Aldebaran. These people are very intelligent and scientifically-oriented. They are generally blonde-haired and blue-eyed, with a minority of dark-haired, light-brown to hazel-eyed people. They are militaristic, and prefer to keep to themselves. For almost 2,000 years, the Aldebarans have been energetically connecting to the Germanic peoples, telepathically sending information to them and promoting a national sentiment.

Many humans of the Aldebaran frequency have mixed with the Tau Ceti descendants in the Slavic area, particularly in Poland and Russia. Hitler knew this. That is why he was so adamant about invading those countries and incorporating them into his empire.

Branton #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy bibliotecapleyades.net

If you believe that information about "Aliens" is only for those who have lost all touch with reality, then PLEASE accept that information in this document that you CAN accept, and pass over the rest, at least for now. Your future may depend on it.

As I have said, this information may save your life. This file contains the most intricate and intimate details of a global conspiracy which seems to be rooted in an alien-military-industrial collaboration which is intent on bringing all freedom-loving peoples of this world under its control, through the implementation of a global government which has commonly been referred to as the ’New World Order’.
Those who are familiar with the connections between Nazi’s and UFO’s may find the following document easier to accept their secret collaboration with the so-called Grey aliens years before the corporate-fascist infiltrators and sympathizers within the U.S. Intelligence Agencies began making their own treaties with these same serpentine ’aliens’.
The joint reptilian-fascist underground empire, complete with massive ’concentration camps’ which make those in Nazi Germany pale by comparison, has chosen America as its major target because the Americas are the last bastion of freedom on earth. The ’takeover’ is more-or-less complete within the underground systems, however numerous attempts to implement a joint Draconian-Fascist dictatorship in America have failed because of heavy resistance and support for a Constitutional form of government.

God and the 2nd Amendment are really the only forces standing in the way of a complete takeover. This has prevented the ’outer world’ from succumbing to this draconian invasion. Their window of opportunity is closing and they must act fast, before the alien-manipulated military-industrial-complex comes under the control of the ’patriots’, and the ’alien’ technology in their possession is commandeered by TRUE Americans.

Brandon Smith #wingnut #conspiracy #racist bibliotecapleyades.net

In July of last year as the hype surrounding the Covid 'pandemic' was finally dying out I published an article about a barely publicized project called the "Council for Inclusive Capitalism" (CIC).

The group, headed by Lynn Forester de Rothschild who now seems to be the public face of the notorious Rothschild dynasty, is the culmination of decades of various globalist agendas combined to represent the ultimate proof of "New World Order" conspiracy.

Remember when people used to say that global governance by elitists was a paranoid fantasy...?

Well, now the plan is an openly admitted reality.

The CIC is intimately tied to institutions like,

the World Economic Forum

the UN

the IMF

The group pushes the spread of what they call "Stakeholder Capitalism":

The idea that international corporations have a 'responsibility' to participate in social engineering, and that they are required (in the name of the greater good) to manipulate civilization through economic punishments and rewards....
We have also seen the ugliness of stakeholder capitalism in the push for ESG <Environmental, Social, & Governance> rating systems among major companies. Most readers are probably familiar with 'ESG' at this point.
But, by 2016 it became something else:

ESG widely adopted woke politics including,

Critical Race Theory


trans ideology

various elements of Marxism, etc.

This was the modern ESG that all of us are aware of today.
And here we get to the crux of the issue.

There is no "inclusive capitalism."

There is no "stakeholder capitalism."

There is no "ESG."

Climate change is not an existential threat.

Covid was never as severe as they wanted you to think.

What do these things have in common?

All of these issues represent smoke and mirrors, a way to distract the populace from the root intent to create,

total centralization in the hands of a select few elites...!

The prize for them is to convince the public to embrace economic micromanagement.

This is what ESG was all about.

Preston James, Ph.D #conspiracy #ufo #racist #dunning-kruger bibliotecapleyades.net

Secret Space War - Part XIV

Last December, 2013, 91 world leaders attended Nelson Mandela's so-called "Funeral".

Russian President Vladimir Putin was notably absent. At the time this seemed somewhat strange, since almost every other nation was represented by their top leader.

But also absent were the top leaders of China and Israel. This article will present what are perhaps the actual reasons for these peculiar absences. You are wasting your time reading this if you have not been already brought up to speed on the Secret Space War that is now occurring over Planet Earth.

It turns out Mandela died many months earlier than the date of his Funeral and it has been alleged by insiders that his so-called funeral was cover for the secret crowning ceremony of Marduk, the Alien ET leader, believed to be the head Draco.

It is believed by some that Marduk was perhaps driven away from Planet Earth during earlier times by a major earth catastrophe or as a direct judgment of 'God.' Others believe that another alien ET leader from the Tall White Nordics forced him to leave in some kind of major cosmic warfare victory.

It is very difficult to get a handle on Marduk, why he suddenly appeared in Africa, why he was crowned King of Africa and what he is trying to accomplish if these claims are true.

It is believed by some that the Dracos are shape shifting inter-dimensional lizard-beings, evil to the core and thrive on promoting human suffering, and mass painful deaths of humans.

Thus they have been labeled negative energy vampires that induce their servants, the International Zionist Crime Syndicate (IZCS) to induce as much human suffering and mass painful death as possible to keep their energy status high.

Gary 'Z' McGee #moonbat #magick #elitist bibliotecapleyades.net

The task of finding reality is easier said than done.

It requires seeing how everything is connected to everything else.

It requires sacrificing both dependence and independence to interdependence.

It requires seeing past cultural conditioning, religious indoctrination, and societal brainwashing.

In short:

it requires doing as Miyamoto Musashi suggested, "Think lightly of yourself and deeply of the world"...

The cosmos created the star that exploded to create the carbon that created the earth that evolved to create life which evolved to create you. It's all connected...

The acorn's task is to fulfill its purpose and become a tree. The caterpillar's task is to fulfill its purpose and become a butterfly. The eaglet's task is to fulfill its purpose and become an eagle.

Likewise, the immature (egocentric, uninitiated, unenlightened) human's task is to fulfill its purpose by becoming a mature (soul-centric, initiated, enlightened) human.

Human maturity requires seeing reality the way it is. The reality is that nature made you a human.

And becoming a mature human requires living up to your fullest, most virtuous potential.
This kind of character creates an anti-fragile spirit despite an otherwise fragile and spiritless world.

With a character such as this, you can stand tall, strong, sincere, and fierce. You are a true force of nature to be reckoned with. A dynamo amidst dominoes. A lion amongst men.

With the sharpness of your mettle, you're able to cut through all 'golden calves', superficial hierarchies, and delusions of grandeur.

You're able to cut through all so-called 'authorities'...


the only authority is "to cut."

The only answer is to question.

Everything is a building block.

Everything is a whetstone.

The only sin is unfulfilled potential.

It is the darkest place you can sink.

It's the only thing worthy of fear.

The only true failure is to abdicate the responsibility of fulfilling your potential...


you abdicate to no one.

No authority.

No State.

No God.

Not even Death…

David Icke #conspiracy #ufo #magick bibliotecapleyades.net

It is a summer of mass rituals orchestrated by the bloodline families of the global Control System to fundamentally manipulate the energy field of London and, by its knock-on effect, the rest of Britain and the wider world...

...I have been emphasizing for a long time, as I did two weeks ago in the newsletter about the Olympic flame, that what we focus on - give our attention to - we energetically connect with.

Once that happens, if we are dealing with a manipulative force, our energy can be vampired through that connection.

Information or energetic perception programs can also come the other way and infiltrate the psyche. I suggest that both are happening in London this summer as one of the key locations on the Earth energy (information) grid is being subjected to two enormous mass rituals...

Members of Parliament, judges, the military, Intelligence personnel, police officers and even Christian clergy all swear an oath of allegiance to the Queen when they take office - not to the people of the country.

It’s her parliament, her military, her MI5 and MI6, her police, her Church.

The Queen stands on the blood red carpet to address her parliament, her clergy and her judges surrounded by her military and her silly men in silly clothes of red, black and gold.

Are you expected to bow or curtsy to a member of the official government? No, but they are to her.

So where does the real power lie?...

. It is becoming ever clearer why that was done, coming as it does after the summer that is literally ablaze with mass rituals designed to vampire the peoples’ energy, draw power to the Illuminati global centre in London and encode the energy grid with their Satanic vibration (information).

David Icke #crackpot #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #kinkshaming #quack #dunning-kruger bibliotecapleyades.net

I have exposed this far the level of the Cult conspiracy that operates in the world of the seen and within the global secret society and satanic network which operates in the shadows one step back from the seen.

The 'Covid' hoax is major part of the Cult agenda, but only part, and to grasp the biggest picture we have to expand our attention beyond the realm of human sight and into the infinity of possibility that we cannot see.

It is from here, ultimately, that humanity is being manipulated into a state of total control by the force which dictates the actions of the Cult.

How much of reality can we see...?

Next to damn all is the answer.

We may appear to see all there is to see in the 'space' our eyes survey and observe, but little could be further from the truth. The human 'world' is only a tiny band of frequency that the body's visual and perceptual systems can decode into perception of a 'world'.

The Cult and its non-human masters seek to convince us through the institutions of 'education', science, medicine, media and government that what we are experiencing is who we are. It's so easy to control and direct perception locked away in the bewildered illusions of the five senses with no expanded radar.
The phenomenon of identity politics is a Cult-instigated manipulation technique to sub-divide previous labels into even smaller ones. A United States university employs this list of letters to describe student identity:

LGBTTQQFAGPBDSM or lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, transsexual, queer, questioning, flexual, asexual, gender-fuck, polyamorous, bondage/discipline, dominance/submission and sadism/masochism...

Wokers programmed by the Cult for generations believe this is about 'inclusivity' when it's really the Cult locking them away into smaller and smaller versions of Phantom Self while firewalling them from the influence of their true self, the infinite, eternal 'I'.

Bernhard Guenther #conspiracy #magick #ufo #quack #wingnut bibliotecapleyades.net

Let's not forget that billions of people have taken the COVID mRNA vaccine, which we already know changes the DNA and has severely detrimental effects on the soul, spirit, and life after death.

Its side effects go way beyond the harmful effects on the physical body.

The COVID Vaccine Psy-Op has laid the groundwork for the,

transhumanism agenda

soul snatching

I've written an in-depth article on this topic and the metaphysical consequences of the COVID jab based on the work of Thomas Mayer.
Thomas Mayer identified in his research the Soratic Transhumanism spirits, which are,

"a special group of soratic beings called transhumanism spirits because they seem to inspire transhumanism.

These are central to the understanding of Covid-19 and the vaccines.

Since these beings are associated with the very highest adversarial powers, it can be assumed that all processes emanating from them are extremely harmful to humans."
Cosmetic surgeries and injections are most often based on unconscious trauma responses as we try to fit into a world where pathologies have become normalized.

"Editing" our face can be used as a mask for insecurities, or it can just be a mating strategy to get more attention from others.

It's sad and disturbing to witness this kind of MK-Ultra mind programming happening on a mass scale. I believe that the distortion of natural god-given beauty will lay the ground conditions for technocratic take-over and elimination of the soul under the feet of the A.I. god.

We are already electively augmenting our bodies and faces into more artificial versions of ourselves:

A.I. and Transhumanism will just take that a few steps further.

The adverse occult forces understand the universal law that they need your consent to get you into an entrapment of agreement, a bargain for your soul.

We're talking about subtle occult agreements people make with these forces under the illusion that it was their conscious choice.

Amitakh Stanford #crackpot #ufo #racist #wingnut #conspiracy bibliotecapleyades.net

In the late nineteenth century a document was released that is known as The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion. In fact, The Protocols is not a new document. The original version of The Protocols came out of a meeting in Rome in 1492. The original document certainly involved the precursors of the Elders of Zion, most of whom were NOT of Hebrew blood, nor were they actually followers of the Jewish faith. In fact, most of the 1492 Elders were affiliated with the Catholic Church.
Aliens have planned world domination for a long, long time. For example, the Anunnaki planned to have the British and Catholics united under a single banner in their drive to achieve world domination. The British-Catholic plan for world domination was a long time in the making. It underwent trial-and-error testing during the reign of the Roman Empire.

The Reptilian plan was dangerously close to consummation and final establishment of the New World Order when the Light intervened and assisted in the American Revolution. Had the Light not intervened, the Reptilians would have succeeded in implementing their NWO in the nineteenth century.

Had the British-Catholic conquest succeeded, it would have given the Reptilians control of the world under the framework of the Reptilian Anunnaki Protocols of 1492. However, the American Revolution broke the relentless British colonization of the world and ultimately forced the British to give many of its other colonies some form of independence.
When the Reptilian 1492 Protocols failed, the Reptilians used an alternative plan to try to destroy America from within and re-assimilate it into the British Empire.

At the same time that the Reptilians tried to resuscitate the 1492 Protocols, a desperate alternative plan in which they solicited the aid of other alien groups, which included Vulturites, Greys, Masa-karas, Wagools etc. However, this is a show alliance. The Reptilians have no intention of sharing and being in alliance with other alien races.

Peter Koenig #conspiracy #wingnut bibliotecapleyades.net

Have you ever wondered how come that people, especially young people, almost in uniformity walk around in torn jeans?

This includes highly educated university students and graduates. They have become lasting fashion models over the past two decades - and the fashion prevails.

To the point that people pay more for ripped and used-looking pants than for new ones. Common sense has totally disappeared from the mainstream.

There are lots of every-day trend-setting facets, indoctrinated by media and propaganda - not only for commercial purposes, but for reasons of subtle but targeted mind-bending.

"Their" plot is brilliant.

Gradually forging people's minds into one direction, one template - is needed for eventually achieving total control.

Another little example, you may or may not know about:

Car colors...

Have you noticed, during the past two decades or so, the vast majority of cars - actually about 90% to 95% - are either black or white, or shades in between?

All with the same purpose.

We, the people, ought to think in a black and white pattern.

We know, however, the purpose is the contrary, namely leading to the ruin and collapse of western industry and civilization.

Who is to blame for it all?

Of course, Russia-Russia-Russia, or rather President Putin...

Another flagrant lie...!

All is made in the US of A and in their vassal-Continent, called Europe; by bought, compromised and unelected criminal politicians, who enjoy wielding their dictatorial power over people.

People! Wake up to reality, before it is too late.

There is not much time left.

You are also being sold a "Green Agenda" - supposedly preventing man-made climate change.

Be aware: Carbon as well as CO2 is a life support line.

Without CO2, there are no trees, no plants, no life.

Today's Green is yesterday's Brown.

We are being lied to, that man-made CO2 is destroying our planet.

We are drifting ever faster into a total-control, digital Fascist One World Order (OWO)...!

Gilles Mansillon #crackpot #ufo #magick bibliotecapleyades.net

What crystals are:

- Crystals are living entities and not objects.

They exist in two states:

closed (dormant)

open (active)

They are commended open by the mind or a series of sound vibrations. They hold a lot of information about our own crystal line form (the human body). And this information leads to a better connection to the soul and the spirit.

- There are two forms of crystals:

organic (those we have available at this time)

genetic (those we will use in the future or those found in the time chamber of the AA site)

Their importance, and how can they be used:

- The organic crystals are programmed to lead toward understanding on how to create, grow or import genetic ones.

- Crystals respond to mental command (telepathic communication) and also to sound vibrations, such as Tibetan bowls and other toning devises. They are very receptive to certain frequencies, more specially the frequency of love unconditional.

- Genetic crystals are designed, grown or created for specific functions, such as: data processing, energy broadcast, energy fields, propulsion systems, healing, scanning and sensing devises... Cooper is very conducive for such energy in its technological aspects.

Such technologically engineered crystals were what was used once on Atlantis and we will at some point in time find again a way to use them, so that we may stop polluting the Earth and better the quality of life. We can access through them or tap into an unlimited and abundant source of intelligent energy (photon energy), which is already present, but not harvested.
I was introduced to such technology by a friend and personal guide of mine from the planet Chiron.

I was curious to interact with extraterrestrials and upon my request, he explained to me that i have many friends in other dimensions and it is easier for a human being to visit another civilized planet or dimension, then for extra terrestrial to visit us here, because human beings are not so receptive and most human are not very welcoming of them.

Robert J. Burrowes #conspiracy #wingnut bibliotecapleyades.net

While elite control over human societies started to gather pace with the Neolithic revolution 12,000 years ago, it was rapidly accelerated with the dawn of human civilization 7,000 years later.

Since that time, 'ordinary' human beings like you and me have fought an unending sequence of battles to defend ourselves against these ongoing efforts by elites to kill or control us and capture the bulk of Earth's resources for their own use.

We have had to fight off elites in a vast range of contexts:

Pharaohs and Emperors politically

the Popes and other Vatican officials religiously

the City of London Corporation and other financial elites economically

monarchs and political elites nationally,

...and now a Global Elite that exercises enormous control technologically, economically, politically, militarily and otherwise over the entire world.
As you ponder the enormity of this elite project, I hope it will encourage you to deeply consider what meaningful resistance in this context will entail.

We cannot succeed if we beg elite agents, including politicians, to fix it for us.

In the last 18 months, five presidents who resisted the elite-driven narrative have been assassinated to remind us of that.

A Global Elite that is criminally insane is dealing with us ruthlessly and comprehensively.

So resisting it effectively and, ultimately, defeating its agenda, will require focused, strategic action that undermines the power of the Elite to implement its plan.
This includes campaigning to cause all sectors of society to refuse to develop and make available, or to purchase/use, technologies associated with the fourth industrial revolution and transhumanism, including,

5G and 6G

military weapons

artificial intelligence [AI]

big data

nanotechnology and biotechnology


the Internet of Things [IoT]

quantum computing,

...because these technologies will subvert human identity, human freedom, human dignity, human volition and/or human privacy.

Cameron Day #crackpot #ufo #magick bibliotecapleyades.net

While these unseen being's clever enslavement and manipulation of humanity has been quite successful up until now, I will NEVER address them as my ruler or superior in any way, just like I wouldn't consider physical, intestinal parasites as my superior even though they might cause me physical discomfort until I remove them from my body.

Therefore it very is important that when you think about these energy parasites, that you NEVER call them "Archon" because you will be literally handing them your power and energy by doing so.

I prefer to call them Ankle Biters...
As I mentioned before, one of the dark control grid's functions is to block energy coming to Earth from the galactic core.

Fortunately, this grid has been weakened, and it has "holes" in it allowing the galactic energy to come through in ever increasing amounts. The ankle biters know that their time is almost up, and they are desperately doing everything that they can to keep human consciousness in a low-frequency state.

One result of their increasing desperation is that they are aggressively interfering with anyone who is raising their consciousness and frequency rate.

This is war to them, and they will do whatever they can to keep you, me and everyone,

feeling sad, fearful, depressed, disempowered, etc.

So what can you do to help this situation? A lot...!
This is an important distinction because it reinforces the notion that YOU are the Power that is initiating the cosmic flush.

You're not a weak little person asking for help from the galactic core, but rather you are a powerful, incredibly important player in this cosmic game of chess that is nearing the endgame.

Without YOU volunteering to be a Galactic Conduit, it would be much more difficult to dissolve the dark control grid when the time is right.

Imagine hundreds and thousands of people all over the planet piercing the dark control grid and conducting a Cosmic Flush directly into the planet's core

Patrick Wood #conspiracy #wingnut bibliotecapleyades.net

The dots between Technocracy and Transhumanism are easily connected once its understood that both sit atop the pseudo-science religion of Scientism, which posits that science is god and scientists and engineers are its priesthood.

This article provides the current framework to understand this nexus.

Technocracy is to the transformation of society as Transhumanism is to the transformation of the human condition of people who would live in that society.

Both are underpinned by a religious belief known as Scientism that says that science is a god and that scientists, engineers and technologists are the priesthood that translates findings into practice.

It is a fatal error to equate Scientism with science.

True science explores the natural world using the time-tested scientific method of repeated experimentation and validation. By comparison, Scientism is a speculative, metaphysical worldview about the nature and reality of the universe and man's relation to it.

Scientism refutes traditional religious views, morals and philosophy and instead looks to science as the source for personal and societal moral value.
Indeed, Technocracy was an economic system based on science and social engineering.

Technocrats were so certain that their scientific approach was so righteous that there would be no need for any political structures whatsoever:

"There will be no place for Politics, Politicians, Finance or Financiers, Rackets or Racketeers...

Technocracy will distribute by means of a certificate of distribution available to every citizen from birth to death."

Today, Technocracy is embodied in the World Economic Forum's Great Reset and the various United Nations' manifestations of Sustainable Development:

Agenda 21

2030 Agenda

New Urban Agenda, etc.


Michael Tellinger #crackpot #conspiracy #ufo #dunning-kruger bibliotecapleyades.net

Were humans created by "god" as SLAVES?

Was Abraham the first human SPY?

Was Jesus an accidental MESSIAH?

In Slave Species of God, Michael Tellinger takes his readers on a remarkable odyssey of the true origins of humankind in which he:

draws clear and startling analogies between new discoveries in genetic engineering and ancient archaeological finds…

highlights emerging scientific information overlooked in the past…

unravels the Bible's often obscure stories by linking these to their original forms in Sumerian clay tablets and other prehistoric writings…

provides explicit answers to why our modern world has become so senseless and chaotic by revealing the very secrets of our prehistory…

While shattering myths about evolution and God, Michael Tellinger's Slave Species of God enables evolutionists and creationists to finally co-exist in one pond.

The arguments are compelling, simple and refreshing, retracing the path of human evolution from the murky distant past to the religious dogma that haunts humankind today.

The question of who we are and where we come from takes on a new meaning as we discover that our DNA may have been manipulated by our CREATOR some 200 000 years ago to produce a less intelligent 'primitive species'.

In fact, the book's evidence shows that Adam and Eve were not the 'apple' of God's eye as first suggested in Genesis.

Tellinger presents the many arguments and evidence succinctly and convincingly, pointing out the difference between 'GOD' and god.

How did this genetic manipulation affect humankind?

Can we achieve perfection?

Can we achieve immortality?

These are just some of the questions answered in this gripping and astonishing work, challenging all those who are looking for new answers in the 21st century.

Stewart A. Swerdlow #crackpot #ufo #conspiracy #racist bibliotecapleyades.net

The Aldebarans also genetically infused the Vikings. These Nordic people inherited the aggressive and militaristic tendencies that are also seen in the Germans. The Vikings plundered and raped across Europe for centuries, but did not have the technological ability to stay in power.

An accidental manipulation of genetics occurred on the Italian peninsula 3000 years ago. A ship from the Arcturus star system crashed landed on Etruscan territory. These humans were actually extremely spiritually-minded, and instead of trying to get back home, stayed and blended into the humans of that part of Earth. Their descendants became the Romans who were then infiltrated and mixed with the Central Asian hybrids.

Beings from the Antarian star system were behind the genetic manipulation of ancient Greece. These people were a society predominantly based upon homosexuality. Females were used for breeding only. In fact, there were Antarian observers at the Montauk Project who were interested in the programming aspects of sexuality as they related to the Wilhelm Reich methods.

The Antarians are dark, often with olive skin, dark eyes, and short, thin bodies. They have a fabulous musculature due to the density of their home-world, and are known for their body-building goals.

The Greek-Antarians colonized Spain and Portugal. Their descendants further mixed with the Romans, and Arabs who are predominantly Sumerian/Reptilian. These then colonized Central and South America, mixing their genetics with the native Indians who were of Atlantean-Procyon descent.

Bernhard Guenther #magick #crackpot #conspiracy bibliotecapleyades.net

However, what if there exists a type of human who has no connection to the higher centers of universal love/awareness at all by birth? He/she is not even genetically wired this way, not being able to access it this lifetime around but he/she can emulate and fake these higher characteristics quite well and even distract you from evolving by sapping your energy and feeding off it.

They can tell you exactly what you want to hear, appear compassionate, empathetic and understanding without meaning or feeling it one bit. And what if this type of human makes up half of the world’s population? He/she might be even a family member, a co-worker, neighbor, boss or even a close friend, a lover, husband or wife?

Certainly not a pleasant thought and certainly a blow to the popular New Age paradigm of "we’re all one and humanity is becoming enlightened just by focusing on Love, Light" and so-called "positive thinking!".

The question is, what is the soul and does everyone really has one?

According to "Gnosis", as transmitted by Boris Mouravieff, there exist two kind of humans:

- adamic man

- pre-adamic man

One type with soul potential, the other has no individual soul.
Adamic and pre-adamic men are mixed throughout all humans from all over the globe. There can be even both types in the same family. The difference has nothing to do with racial, cultural or national characteristics.

The true meaning of the two "humanities" goes back to the idea of "blue blood" and the "pollution of the bloodline" when both "races" intermingled, after "the fall" of adamic man from his original state and his identification with his false "I", the "I" of the personality/ego.

Dan Winter with Deborah Louth #crackpot #ufo #magick bibliotecapleyades.net

Honey carries the codes of the planets as they beam their energy to earth..

The flowers, being of the highest vibration of energy in the physical world, carry the codes of the geometry that interlocks with the paths of the stars. The flowers then hold the information, and release it in their pollen and plant nectar..

Requeening prevents natural hive reproduction/swarming.
Imagine never having the ecstatic rush of the vortex of the swarm dance of the bees, around a free queen. How would your children look if you systematically deprived them of reproductive ecstasy for generations. Eventually, twinkle would be lost and they would fall ill.
Interrupting the continuity of the genetic memory line of the queens DNA, constantly with the practice of replacing queens, ULTIMATELY HAS TO COMPLETELY INTERRUPT THE HIVE MEMORY OF THE SHAPE OF THE LAND.

This coded memory of the shape of magnetism, in the long wave is the lands magnetic braid concrescing/converging into nectar.. Immune identity (eye-dent-I-tie), is a her-story of how fold can be coded in a braid on one folded surface.
What we do to our bees memory, is such a fractal of what has been done to us.

The arrival of the Draco, is like a Dragon knocking at the base of the spine with Kundalini, for our culture. Will the reptilian brain pour sweetness into the high fractal cortex, feeding the eagle with the wings of vision that soars?

Will the reptilian in us learn to turn inside out, passion into compassion, carving the wormhole soul into the hoary braid of DNA? Or will the sweet memory of the Queens die as uncelebrated as the witches? Leaving the priests to fornicate with children.

Dylan Otto Krider #magick bibliotecapleyades.net

At first glance, they look like perfectly ordinary first-graders scribbling feverishly on the blackboard, but there is something striking about the boy’s deep blue eyes that suggests a maturity well beyond his years.

Jake’s in advanced classes and already reading at a third-grade level. Jan is the quiet one, but has a presence that immediately draws attention. Her predilection is toward art, though at the moment she is choosing to write math equations on the board, erasing them as soon as she’s completed each of her computations.

Jake’s mother is a teacher at this Baytown-area school, and worries that he may be ostracized by his peers if word ever gets out about his special gifts. "He questions everything because he wants to know," she says as her son draws a picture of a lollipop tree. "The questions he asks are not even age-appropriate."

These children tend to know things without ever being taught or told. Jake’s companion Jan "can use a compound bow very well," says the girl’s grandmother, Jill Spence. "She can shoot a BB gun; she goes fishing." It just came naturally to her, Spence says. She can’t explain it.

They go by many names, such as Star Kids, Indigos or Crystalline Children. Whatever they’re called, believers say this group of prodigies started appearing about 30 years ago and may now make up as much as 90 percent of the population under ten. They also exhibit strange side effects, like a higher resistance to pollutants but an increased sensitivity to sugar and food additives.

These are babies born with an inherent knowledge of art, language and spirituality, possessing an impressive wealth of wisdom. Some will even go so far as to say these kids are not only prime candidates for the gifted and talented program, but the next step in human evolution.

Parents and those who study these children have been asking themselves why here? Why now? Theories about their origins range from spirits entering from other planes and dimensions to chosen ones delivered from heaven. Some even suggest aliens have been abducting and manipulating the DNA of these children and their parents to prepare us for when they make their presence known.

The one thing all these groups do agree on is that the kids are out there, and they’re coming to teach us a lesson.

Amitakh Stanford #conspiracy bibliotecapleyades.net

Aliens Behind World Government

The plan for the New World Order did not originate on Earth — it is a system devised by aliens.

The concept of the New World Order is based upon an old Anunnaki system which has been employed in other galaxies a long, long time ago. This system is now being pushed for implementation on Earth by the Anunnaki Remnants who remain on Earth. The Anunnaki Remnants are the ones that were left behind on Earth by the Anunnaki Elite when they escaped this world.

The New World Order is based upon the premise that there is to be a supreme commander who oversees the affairs of the world. During transition into a global government smaller and weaker nations are being forced or lured into accepting self-appointed stronger nations to act as their police force.

Later, the police force will expand and become an international police force under a single master. At first, this will appear to be a plan for a peaceful co-existence amongst nations which will benefit all nations. However, it is a plan to eliminate all nation states, freedom, civil rights and to control the people of the world under a single ideology in the name of one global community.

The New World Order is a One World Order with a hidden agenda to rule by fear, control, exploitation and bullying. The ruling elite of the world’s wealthy, powerful and influential have been pushing for a New World Order with a One World Government under the pretence of establishing world peace while they are in fact imposing their will upon every nation. They call themselves the "peacemakers" but in truth they are an international police force which organized "war crimes" tribunals, supposedly to give the "political criminals" a fair trial before persecuting them.

The vast majority of the ruling elite of the world are either descendants of Anunnaki Remnants or their supporters. A trait of the Anunnaki is to rule by instigating people to remain in a state of perpetual conflict. Peace is not even a consideration of the Anunnaki, who are a warmongering, bloodthirsty, lustful, perverted, deceptive, brutal race of beings who have controlled the Earth for a long time.

At present, the fragmentation, conflict, hate, jealousy, suspicion, mistrust, intolerance, biasness amongst nations, cultures and those of diverse religions etc. appear to be obstacles to the realization of One World Order. However, each of those traits was introduced by the Anunnaki as part of their plan to rule by segregation and division.

The rule by fragmentation was only a transitional phase in a very long-range plan to bring about a One World Government by claiming that such a government can bring about world peace. In fact, the One World Government is a tool for the establishment of an absolute dictatorship over the entire world — a tyranny. Once the plan is in its final stages, it will be forced upon everyone. The people of the world will have no choice but to toe the line and follow the dictates of the One World Order or face severe consequences.

For a New World Order where diverse nations are drawn together under supposedly one common cause, humanity becomes enslaved to its One World Order sovereignty. The New World Order will not happen overnight. The idea was seeded a long, long time ago, and slowly but certainly it is weaving its way unsuspectedly through the monetary, political, religious, cultural, educational, scientific etc. systems. It started to gain momentum in the last 10 years.

The speed of its emergence has taken a quickened stride in the last three years, with one planned event after another taking place in various parts of the world in order to test and exercise the power of the would-be New World Order under the leadership of self-proclaimed, "high" moral standing personnel with the backing of a powerful dictatorial government.

At present, while the current push for a New World Order appears to be under the control of an elite group of Anunnaki Remnants which I call the "Vulturites", the real control is under the more cunning group of Anunnaki Remnants, which have been called the "Reptilians". These two groups of Anunnaki Remnants are in perpetual conflict with one another. However, for the time being, the Reptilians are purposely backing off to trick the Vulturites into doing the dirty job of setting up the New World Order before taking it over from them when they feel the time is right.

As I have stated a long time ago, most of the consciousnesses of the Reptilian Anunnaki Remnants who were previously residing in human bodies predominantly in the United States and some parts of Europe have now shifted their locations to China. Consciousnesses of the Vulturite Anunnaki Remnants have now taken over most of those bodies previously occupied by the Reptilian Anunnaki Remnants.

Alan F. Alford #fundie bibliotecapleyades.net

WHERE did we come from?
Are we the product of a Divine Creation?
Did we evolve through natural selection?
Or is there another possible answer?


In November 1859, Charles Darwin published a most dangerous idea - that all living things had evolved through a process of natural selection. Although there was almost no mention of mankind in Darwin’s treatise, the implications were unavoidable and led to a more radical change in human self-perception than anything before it in recorded history. In one blow, Darwin had relegated us from divinely-created beings to apes - the culmination of evolution by the impersonal mechanism of natural selection.

But are the scientists right in applying the theory of evolution to the strange two-legged hominid known as ‘man’? Charles Darwin himself was strangely quiet on this point but his co-discoverer Alfred Wallace was less reluctant to express his views. Wallace himself was adamant that ‘some intelligent power has guided or determined the development of man.’

One hundred years of science have failed to prove Alfred Wallace wrong. Anthropologists have failed miserably to produce fossil evidence of man’s ‘missing link’ with the apes and there has been a growing recognition of the complexity of organs such as the human brain.

Such are the problems with the application of Darwinism to mankind that Stephen Jay Gould - America’s evolutionist laureate - has described human evolution as an ‘awesome improbability’.

In Search of the Missing Link

Speciation - the separation of one species into two different species - is defined as the point where two groups within the same species are no longer able to inter-breed. The British scientist Richard Dawkins has described the separation quite poetically as ‘the long goodbye’.

The search for the missing link between man and the apes is the search for the earliest hominid - the upright, bipedal ape who waved ‘a long goodbye’ to his four-legged friends.

I will now attempt to briefly summarize what is known about human evolution.

According to the experts, the rivers of human genes and chimpanzee genes split from a common ancestral source some time between 5 and 7 million years ago, whilst the river of gorilla genes is generally thought to have branched off slightly earlier. In order for this speciation to occur, three populations of common ape ancestors (the future gorillas, chimpanzees and hominids) had to become geographically separated and thereafter subject to genetic drift, influenced by their different environments.

The search for the missing link has turned up a number of fossil contenders, dating from around 4 million years ago, but the picture remains very incomplete and the sample size is too small to draw any statistically valid conclusions. There are, however, three contenders for the prize of the first fully bipedal hominid, all discovered in the East African Rift valley which slashes through Ethiopia, Kenya and Tanzania.

The first contender, discovered in the Afar province of Ethiopia in 1974, is named Lucy, although her more scientific name is Australopithecus Afarensis. Lucy is estimated to have lived between 3.6-3.2 million years ago. Unfortunately her skeleton was only 40 per cent complete and this has resulted in controversy regarding whether she was a true biped and whether in fact ‘she’ might even have been a ‘he’.

The second contender is Australopithecus Ramidus, a 4.4 million year old pygmy chimpanzee-like creature, discovered at Aramis in Ethiopia by Professor Timothy White in 1994. Despite a 70 per cent complete skeleton, it has again not been possible to prove categorically whether it had two or four legs.

The third contender, dated between 4.1-3.9 million years old, is the Australopithecus Anamensis, discovered at Lake Turkana in Kenya by Dr Meave Leakey in August 1995. A shinbone from Anamensis has been used to back up the claim that it walked on two feet.

The evidence of our oldest ancestors is confusing because they do not seem to be closely related to each other. Furthermore, the inexplicable lack of fossil evidence for the preceding 10 million years has made it impossible to confirm the exact separation date of these early hominids from the four-legged apes. It is also important to emphasize that many of these finds have skulls more like chimpanzees than men.

They may be the first apes that walked but, as of 4 million years ago, we are still a long way from anything that looked even remotely human.

Moving forward in time, we find evidence of several types of early man which are equally confusing. We have the 1.8 million year old appropriately named Robustus, the 2.5 million year old and more lightly built Africanus, and the 1.5 to 2 million year old Advanced Australopithecus. The latter, as the name suggests, is more man-like than the others and is sometimes referred to as ‘near-man’ or Homo habilis (‘handy man’). It is generally agreed that Homo habilis was the first truly man-like being which could walk efficiently and use very rough stone tools. The fossil evidence does not reveal whether rudimentary speech had developed at this stage.

Around 1.5 million years ago Homo erectus appeared on the scene. This hominid had a considerably larger brain-box (cranium) than its predecessors and started to design and use more sophisticated stone tools.

A wide spread of fossils indicates that Homo erectus groups left Africa and spread across China, Australasia and Europe between 1,000,000-700,000 years ago but, for unknown reasons, disappeared altogether around 300,000-200,000 years ago. There is little doubt, by a process of elimination, that this is the line from which Homo sapiens descended.

The missing link, however, remains a mystery. In 1995, The Sunday Times summarized the evolutionary evidence as follows:
The scientists themselves are confused. A series of recent discoveries has forced them to tear up the simplistic charts on which they blithely used to draw linkages... the classic family tree delineating man’s descent from the apes, familiar to us at school, has given way to the concept of genetic islands. The bridgework between them is anyone’s guess.
As to the various contenders speculated as mankind’s ancestor, The Sunday Times stated:
Their relationships to one another remain clouded in mystery and nobody has conclusively identified any of them as the early hominid that gave rise to Homo sapiens.
In summary, the evidence discovered to date is so sparse that a few more sensational finds will still leave the scientists clutching at straws.

Consequently mankind’s evolutionary history is likely to remain shrouded in mystery for the foreseeable future.

The Miracle of Man

Today, four out of ten Americans find it difficult to believe that humans are related to the apes. Why is this so? Compare yourself to a chimpanzee. Man is intelligent, naked and highly sexual - a species apart from his alleged primate relatives.

This may be an intuitive observation but it is actually supported by scientific study. In 1911, the anthropologist Sir Arthur Keith listed the anatomical characteristics peculiar to each of the primate species, calling them ‘generic characters’ which set each apart from the others. His results were as follows: gorilla 75; chimpanzee 109; orangutan 113; gibbon 116; man 312. Keith thus showed scientifically that mankind was nearly three times more distinctive than any other ape.

Another scientist to take this approach was the British zoologist Desmond Morris. In his book, The Naked Ape, Desmond Morris highlighted the amazing mystery of mankind’s ‘missing hair’:
Functionally, we are stark naked and our skin is fully exposed to the outside world. This state of affairs still has to be explained, regardless of how many tiny hairs we can count under a magnifying lens.
Desmond Morris contrasted Homo sapiens with 4,237 species of mammals, the vast majority of which were hairy or partly haired. The only non-hairy species were those which lived underground (and thus kept warm without hair), species which were aquatic (and benefited from streamlining), and armoured species such as the armadillo (where hair would clearly be superfluous). Morris commented:
The naked ape [man] stands alone, marked off by his nudity from all the thousands of hairy, shaggy or furry land-dwelling mammalian species... if the hair has to go, then clearly there must be a powerful reason for abolishing it.
Darwinism has yet to produce a satisfactory answer as to how and why man lost his hair. Many imaginative theories have been suggested, but so far no-one has come up with a really acceptable explanation. The one conclusion that can perhaps be drawn, based on the principle of gradiented change, is that man spent a long time evolving, either in a very hot environment or in water.

Another unique feature of mankind may provide us with a clue to the loss of body hair. That feature is sexuality. The subject was covered in juicy detail by Desmond Morris, who highlighted unique human features such as extended foreplay, extended copulation and the orgasm. One particular anomaly is that the human female is always ‘in heat’, yet she can only conceive for a few days each month.

As another scientist, Jared Diamond, has pointed out, this is an evolutionary enigma that cannot be explained by natural selection:
The most hotly debated problem in the evolution of human reproduction is to explain why we nevertheless ended up with concealed ovulation, and what good all our mistimed copulations do us.
Many scientists have commented also on the anomaly of the male penis, which is by far the largest erect penis of any living primate.

The geneticist Steve Jones has noted it as a mystery which is ‘unanswered by science’, a point which is echoed by Jared Diamond:
... we descend to a glaring failure: the inability of twentieth-century science to formulate an adequate Theory of Penis Length... astonishing as it seems, important functions of the human penis remain obscure.
Desmond Morris described man as ‘the sexiest primate alive’, but why did evolution grant us such a bountiful gift? The whole human body seems to be perfectly designed for sexual excitement and pair bonding.

Morris saw elements of this plan in the enlarged breasts of the female, the sensitive ear lobes and lips, and a vaginal angle that encouraged intimate face to face copulation. He also highlighted our abundance of scent-producing glands, our unique facial mobility and our unique ability to produce copious tears - all features which strengthened the exclusive emotional pair-bonding between male and female.

This grand design could not be imagined unless humans also lost their shaggy coat of hair and so it might seem that the mystery of the missing hair is solved. Unfortunately, it is not that simple, for evolution does not set about achieving grand designs. The Darwinists are strangely silent on what incremental steps were involved, but however it happened it should have taken a long, long time.

There are three other interesting anomalies of ‘the naked ape’ which are also worthy of note.
The first is the appalling ineptitude of the human skin to repair itself. In the context of a move to the open savanna, where bipedal man became a vulnerable target, and in the context of a gradual loss of protective hair, it seems inconceivable that the human skin should have become so fragile relative to our primate cousins.

The second anomaly is the unique lack of penis bone in the male. This is in complete contrast to other mammals, which use the penis bone to copulate at short notice. The deselection of this vital bone would have jeopardized the existence of the human species unless it took place against the background of a long and peaceful environment.

The third anomaly is our eating habits. Whereas most animals will swallow their food instantaneously, we take the luxury of six whole seconds to transport our food from mouth to stomach. This again suggests a long period of peaceful evolution.
The question which arises is where this long and peaceful evolution is supposed to have taken place, because it certainly does not fit the scenario which is presented for Homo sapiens.

Nor have Darwinists explained adequately how the major changes in human anatomy were achieved in a time frame of only 6 million years...

The Mystery of the Human Brain

The greatest mystery of Homo sapiens is its incredible brain.

During the last fifteen years, scientists have used new imaging technologies (such as positron-emission tomography) to discover more about the human brain than ever before. The full extent of the complexity of its billions of cells has thus become more and more apparent. In addition to the brain’s physical complexity, its performance knows no bounds - mathematics and art, abstract thought and conceptualization and, above all, moral conscience and self-awareness.

Whilst many of the human brain’s secrets remain shrouded in mystery, enough has been revealed for National Geographic to have boldly described it as ’the most complex object in the known universe’.

Evolutionists see the brain as nothing more than a set of algorithms, but they are forced to admit that it is so complex and unique that there is no chance of reverse engineering the evolutionary process that created it.

The eminent scientist Roger Penrose, for example, commented:
I am a strong believer in the power of natural selection. But I do not see how natural selection, in itself, can evolve algorithms which could have the kind of conscious judgments of the validity of other algorithms that we seem to have.
What does the fossil record tell us about our evolving brain capabilities? The data varies considerably and must be treated with care (since the sample sizes are limited), but the following is a rough guide.

The early hominid Afarensis had around 500cc and Habilis/Australopithecus had around 700cc. Whilst it is by no means certain that one evolved from the other, it is possible to see in these figures the evolutionary effects over two million years of the hominid’s new environment.

As we move forward in time to 1.5 million years ago, we find a sudden leap in the cranial capacity of Homo erectus to around 900-1000cc. If we assume, as most anthropologists do, that this was accompanied by an increase in intelligence, it represents a most unlikely macromutation. Alternatively, we might explain this anomaly by viewing erectus as a separate species whose ancestors have not yet been found due to the poor fossil records.

Finally, after surviving 1.2 to 1.3 million years without any apparent change, and having successfully spread out of Africa to China, Australasia and Europe, something extraordinary happened to the Homo erectus hominid. Perhaps due to climatic changes, his population began to dwindle until he eventually died out. And yet, while most Homo erectus were dying, one managed to suddenly transform itself into Homo sapiens , with a vast increase in cranial capacity from 950cc to 1450cc.

Human evolution thus appears like an hourglass, with a narrowing population of Homo erectus leading to possibly one single mutant, whose improved genes emerged into a new era of unprecedented progress. The transformation from failure to success is startling. It is widely accepted that we are the descendants of Homo erectus (who else was there to descend from?) but the sudden changeover defies all known laws of evolution. Hence Stephen Jay Gould’s comment about the ’awesome improbability of human evolution’.

Why has Homo sapiens developed intelligence and self-awareness whilst his ape cousins have spent the last 6 million years in evolutionary stagnation? Why has no other creature in the animal kingdom developed an advanced level of intelligence?

David Booth #ufo #magick #conspiracy bibliotecapleyades.net

[From a book that prophecied the destruction of the US in 2004]

The Anunnaki were one of the many technologically advanced alien races at the time. In fact, their civilization was advanced far beyond most others of their time. The Anunnaki called their home star (sun) "ZAOS". The Anunnaki are a belligerent and conquering race. They are fierce, evil, lustful, incestuous, bloodthirsty, deceitful, jealous and domineering. They are also carnivorous and are often cannibalistic.

They also demand human sacrifices of virgins from those they conquer and from their own kind whom they enslave. If you imagine the worst characteristics you can conceive in Satan, you have well concocted an impression of the Anunnaki. They specialize in mind control. They also nearly perfected economic control with the development of money and the usury system. They have conducted extensive genetic engineering and have genetically engineered among other things, a super reptilian race, which the Anunnaki called the "Ducaz". The Ducaz are used for conquering and controlling the Nibirian population and those of other conquered races.

Thus, the Ducaz are Reptilians. There are different types of Reptilians amongst them. Their masters, the Anunnaki Elite, are not the Ducaz. Like anything associated with the Anunnaki, there is a rigid, inequitable and regimented class structure amongst the Ducaz. The Reptilians or Ducaz were sent by their "masters", the Nephilim or Elohim to fight in wars with other alien races and to serve as their spies, bodyguards and police force.

There are many factions amongst the Anunnaki. One of the most bitter enemies of the Ducaz call themselves the "Pers-sires", a group of aliens called "Vulturites". They are called Vulturites not because they look like vultures, as some have claimed. In fact, they don't look like that at all! Ironically, the Pers-sires are just a different faction of the Anunnaki race. However, the Ducaz (Reptilians) and the Pers-sires (Vulturites) have always been bitter enemies even to this day. The descendents of these two groups are now on Earth vying for supremacy of the world.

Many of these are currently in political, financial, scientific, religious, legal, medical (especially in blood banks), entertainment, military, agrarian or commercial positions, and also in the sex industry. Most of these aliens are not consciously aware of their alien origins. The Anunnaki are flesh-and-blood, biological beings with abounding pride, arrogance, uncontrollable urges for adult and child sex partners (whether they be willing or forced participants), and they have a great appetite for conquest and control.

This warlike race has an insatiable thirst for control of other beings and dominion over other races, and the less privileged classes of the Anunnaki. The Anunnaki developed and imposed complex, oppressive cast and gender systems. They are misogynists. That was why they eliminated the worship of the Divine Mother of the early people on Earth whom they conquered when they arrived.

The Anunnaki first visited the Earth about 500,000 years ago. By then, they had already conquered the Pleiades and Mars and many other worlds. After some trials, the first wave of successful genetic engineering occurred on Earth about 300,000 years ago. The Anunnaki introduced many alien races that they had conquered and implanted them on Earth. They also kidnapped a special race called the Race of Women and brought them to Earth.

This race of women suffered greatly under the suppression and abuse of the Anunnaki. Various alien races from other worlds were brought to Earth to be used as slaves by the Anunnaki Elite. They also kidnapped aliens from other worlds and brought them here as slaves. Some were sold for hard labor, some for sex, some for soldiering and etc.

Through genetic engineering, women were made physically inferior to men in stature, strength and speed. Even in occupations where strength and speed are irrelevant, such as in the clergy, law, medicine, politics, commerce, science, etc., women are greatly disadvantaged and obstructed from participating even up to this day. This shows the extent of the chauvinistic influence of the Anunnaki. And apart from genetic engineering on humans, there was also similar work carried out on various species including the birds reptiles, fish, beasts and plants.

Dylan Otto Krider #fundie bibliotecapleyades.net

The peculiarities of Jake and Jan (their families asked that their real names not be used) were apparent from an early age.

As a toddler, Jan sometimes spoke using her own language. Instead of "cookie," she would say "cookah" and refused to call a sandwich anything but a "phonic." Odder still, she didn’t begin speaking until she was three years old.

For Jake’s part, he had trouble grasping the concept that he was not in charge. "He has to be told," Jake’s mother says. "He doesn’t think he needs permission." Spence noticed a similar idiosyncrasy in her granddaughter. "You have to coax her to do her homework," she says.

Amitakh Stanford #conspiracy bibliotecapleyades.net

Many prominent figures in the world, in diverse roles, are not at all what they appear to be. Many have been placed into these positions because they do the bidding of the Anunnaki Remnants, whether they are conscious of this or not. This world has long been controlled by the Anunnaki and its Remnants, who rule by fear, brute force and deception.

Those who dare to go against the system are disadvantaged or removed from power. This can be seen by the assassinations of several of the American presidents. Conversely, the British Prime Ministers do not share the same fate as their American counterparts because their positions were filled by Anunnaki Remnants or their representatives, such as Winston Churchill.

Having said this, it is imperative that we bear in mind the Anunnaki wear many disguises. They can appear to be a passionate proponent for peace, like Mahatma Ghandi, yet they are the very essence of deception of the Anunnaki. Contrarily, Indira Ghandi is a being of Light. Yet, both were assassinated.

Surrounding the American Revolutionary period, there were many Anunnaki Remnants and a few Light beings involved in playing prominent roles. For instance,

John Adams, James Madison, John Marshall and Alexander Hamilton were Anunnaki-sponsored participants

Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson and Benjamin Franklin are all of Attas consciousness

Elvis Presley, with his outward appearance of entrapment by glitter, glamour, fame, wealth and other issues, was not really trapped at all. He is an Attas who was here to do a specific job under the cover of a popular singer. His death took place, but not in the way the world believes it did. Like John Kennedy and Abraham Lincoln, Elvis too, was removed by the Dark Force, however, it was the time for each of them to go as they had completed their respective work.

It has recently been admitted by China that they execute at least 10,000 people each year, and it is easy to assume that the real figure is far greater. China has always been an important battleground between Light and Darkness, even though Darkness seems to flourish there because China has always been a stronghold for the Anunnaki Remnants. Since the Reptilian Anunnaki Remnants have shifted their consciousnesses to China the increase in executions in that country is no surprise. Likewise, the increased interest in UFO activities amongst the people of China is to be expected.

These days, there is a lot of talk about weapons of mass destruction. The real danger of weapons of mass destruction comes from the Anunnaki themselves. Many of these weapons were developed because of the work and theories of Anunnaki scientists such as Albert Einstein. These horrible weapons were developed so the Anunnaki in power can use them to threaten, coerce and enslave the people of the world.

This may sound like a very grim picture of the fate of humanity but this time the Attas are here with a whole host of reinforcements. They have come from the future and are amongst us today. As I have stated before, the Anunnaki Remnants are running out of time. Soon, they will be no more. In the meantime, each of us must consciously strengthen our WILL and never give it over to the oppressors.

Zen Gardner #conspiracy bibliotecapleyades.net


This gargoyle on St. John’s cathedral in Holland would certainly suggest pedophilia has reptilian roots. Add to it the fact that this is a bastion of Catholicism, itself rife with pedophilia, and the picture starts taking shape.

The reptilian instinct is a parasitic one, and vampiric sexuality is at its core.

Even the quickest perusal of the dark activities of the so-called elite and rulers of the forces of this world takes you directly to pedophile rings and satanic ritual abuse and ceremonial slaughter in every possible fashion. And the origins are spiritual first and foremost, being derived from manipulative satanic forces imposing their will and minds on an unsuspecting populace via every medium they can.

And where there’s sacrificial smoke, there’s usually reptilian fire rearing its scaly head.

Call them demons, djinn, archontic entities, whatever - we have an infestation and they’re now going for the jugular.

Jelaila Starr #conspiracy bibliotecapleyades.net

Q. There were persistent rumors for many years that Hitler didn't really die at the end of the war, but successfully fled Germany. Ever since I made the breakthrough, I've suspected that these rumors might be true, but not in the physical sense. In other words, he did commit suicide in that bunker, but immediately took charge of a band of Nazi Theocrats on the astral plane, and is probably still up there today, sustained by the psychic energies of the creeps and misfits who continue to wear the swastika and practice the Nazi creed of bigotry and violence.

A. The truth is much stranger than that.

Hitler and hundreds of other Nazi leaders fled as disembodied spirits to Japan to assist their Theocratic allies there. They hoped that a D-Day-type invasion of Japan would prove too costly to the Allies and that Japanese Fascism would survive after a negotiated peace.

Unknown #conspiracy bibliotecapleyades.net

Imagine an assassin or covert group that could jump out of a low flying plane and hit the ground running. The mission would be over before the target even knew what happened. And this is exactly what I did. Between 1988 and 1992 there were several assassinations around the world that were so profound and so unbelievable that the cases are still unsolved. The assassin would shoot all the targets as well as all of the guards surrounding these prominent people with one shot to the head, so at the scene there would be all these bodies all with one bullet hole in their heads. Then the assassin would do things like go in, shoot everyone once in the head with a pistol then jump off a twenty story building with no parachute hit the cement and get up and run away. I am that assassin, and the FBI is looking for me (I will get into that more later).

Tim Bolem #conspiracy bibliotecapleyades.net

Supposedly, Pediatricians developed as child specialists - and, to hear their representatives talk, they are the one-stop shop for all health issues pertaining to children.


Their organization, calling itself the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), is totally, and virtually ONLY focused on vaccine promotion.

In 2010 the AAP took in $110,079,859.00 in total income. Their thirty-three (33) sub-chapters, together, took in a total of $16,109,174.00. All together they amassed $126,189,033.00 in total 2010 income. More on this in a minute.

R. A. Boulay #fundie bibliotecapleyades.net

As a result of this genetic modification, Man lost most of his saurian appearance and nature, his shiny, luminous skin, and scaly hide. He acquired mammalian characteristics - a soft flexible skin, body hair, the need to sweat, and the ability to produce live young. He no longer ran around naked. He now had to wear clothing for comfort and protection. For all purposes, Man was now a Homo sapiens. Modern man or Cro-Magnon Man had arrived upon the scene.

Anna Hayes #conspiracy bibliotecapleyades.net

The Indigo Children are not to be considered "superior or elite" in comparison to other humans, but rather viewed as living demonstrations of the dormant abilities that are NOW beginning to rapidly unfold among ALL HUMAN POPULATIONS.

Scientific communities in China, the US and other countries are now identifying small groups of infants and children that display rare abilities such as purging HIV, advanced genius and psychic/telekinetic abilities and other extra-ordinary attributes. These are the identified Indigo Children. Indigos can display some or all of these qualities and others not yet identified.

In Indigo Children, fragments of DNA science identifies as 'junk DNA' and other portions of the DNA chain that science has yet to identify, are more organized and operational at birth than in the average populations, which gives Indigo Children biological, mental and/or spiritual skills and abilities that appear advanced, compared to that of the norm, these attributes can also present developmental challenges for some young indigos, as our present environment and cultural structures are harmful to humans with the advanced biological and psychological sensitivities that come with accelerated genetic development.

One little understood attribute of Indigo advancement is that of PERCEPTUAL EXPANSION, an accelerated psycho-spiritual biological orientation and natural usage of sensory abilities that are beyond the range of the commonly known 5 senses.

Attributes associated with Perceptual Expansion are a direct result of valid/heightened sensitivity caused by accelerated genetic development and organic advancement in spiritual orientation. Though phenomena associated with Perceptual Expansion are increasing among general populations as a result of human evolutionary progression, this attribute is more distinct and advanced in Indigo Children, which places them at risk within the present environmental, sociological and political atmosphere. The attributes of the Indigo can rapidly become heightened challenges for them personally and in relation to those around them.

The phenomena of PERCEPTUAL EXPANSION due to genetic progress is presently evidenced and demonstrated in global culture through rapidly increasing occurrences and reports of 'unexplained' events such as
angelic encounters
inter-dimensional communications
paranormal activity
Lucid Dreaming

Fritz Springmeier #conspiracy bibliotecapleyades.net

For years, I have heard many Americans say that something is terribly wrong in this country and that things are “going to pot”, and yet Americans can’t put their finger on what exactly is wrong. When I first began to receive reports from victims of Illuminati mind-control about Disney’s involvement in their mind-control, I kept an open ear, but I wanted some tangible proof.

After investigating for myself, there is now no doubt in my mind that Disney (the man, the movies and the entertainment parks) has been a major contributor to the demise of America, while maintaining a very well constructed front of wholesomeness. In this chapter, you will learn why Disney is one of the best deceptions of the Illuminati. This author has read a good portion of what is available to the public concerning Disney. This exposé is undoubtedly the deepest on Disney that has ever been done.

Perhaps part of my motivation is that I’ve tired of Christians talking and acting like Disney stands for sainthood. Christians, who should have known better, are some of the ones who have swallowed “hook, line and sinker” the enormous deception that entails Disney.

They feed their children a steady diet of occultism and witchcraft because they have been programmed to think of Disney as wholesomeness and everything that is good about America. Many writers over the years have tried to expose Disney, most have been stopped before they could get their books published.

The few authors who have managed have faced vicious attacks on their character and integrity, and have faced enormous struggles against public relations campaigns paid for by the Disney's.

The Disney’s power, and the power behind them, has frightened most people away from challenging them. But someone needs to speak on behalf of the victims. Whether anyone listens or not, the victims will know that somebody cared enough to stand up and write the truth. Disney has not only left mind-control victims in its wake, but they have harassed land-owners, stolen employee idea’s and left all kinds of hurting victims in their path.

The This is some long shit' edition of FSTDT.

Sande Van der Straten #ufo #magick bibliotecapleyades.net

These are the notes that I took at the meeting held February 8th, 1992 at Maleny, Queensland.

This is my version of my notes of the meeting with Robert Morning Sky a full blooded Apache/Hopi Indian. Who was raised by his two grandparents after his father was killed and his mother left the reservation.

From the age of 1-5 years, he had no contact with the white man at all. He was taught by his grandfathers and with a group of other young people by a group of people they called the Star Warriors - aliens he code-names Blues.

These people taught him to run 6 miles with a full mouth of water and not choke or spill a drop, then they would return and have to spit the water out at the feet of the Warriors. They had to stand with their backs to their elders who would shoot an arrow and they, the students, would have to turn and catch it mid-flight. He said they didn’t realize - the students - that they weren’t supposed to be able to do these things.

The policy of the Star Warrior is that knowledge is not given, it is earned. The way to learn is to be led to discovery.

There is an old Hopi prophecy (today’s red man is white tomorrows white man is green). The first alien contact started about 1947 - 1948 and they had either already, or were going to spend 50 years with the elders of the Hopi Indian reservation.

A description of the Star Warriors is of clear, translucent skin, large almond shaped eyes and small of stature. The main issue of their teaching was PURSUE YOUR PASSION, follow your own way, do your own thing, don’t be pressured into being anything but what and who you are.

A medicine man is not necessarily a healer, they are people who do their own thing with a passion, i.e. one that will make you practice your practice your own medicine, two, feel better - medicine people make both things one and the same. A warrior is a living example of passion.

What is passion, it is an inner feeling, a love activity. It is that which makes time flow quickly, that one will move heaven and earth to do, that one will make time for. Passion is the unity of union of love between man and woman, which has more power and energy than anything one earth and if harnessed can be unbeatable.

Harmony occurs when ones own heart beat moves in time with another, i.e. the drum music of the dance, the heartbeat of chosen one, the heartbeat of a nation, the heartbeat of the universe and the earth. Think about your passion, if it makes you feel good, and shivery, it is your passion. It is your passion that makes all things possible.

The Hopi tradition is that it is man’s job to make all things possible for the womenfolk. They must attract, but the women must chose.

The reason for long hair is enhancement of beauty and the "Indian love handle" - he mentioned that the caveman used to pull their women around by their hair, he says it was wrong, the Indian women catch their men by their hair!

Men must see the world through the eyes of women.

The fire, the individuality, the you. It is internal, we are told to be what you are supposed to be, don’t be anything else. We have a life force and energy that if harnessed could cause more damage than an atomic explosion. But we need to practice harmony and frequency. We find our own frequency and can raise it to match another and harmonize, match it don’t contend with it or anything else, or you will be destroyed. The first sensation we receive, is our mother’s heartbeat. We all need to be one harmonious heartbeat.

Your job is to master your own body, if you don’t master your body, nothing will work for you.

Anything else is spiritual, the trees, air, water etc. To attain oneself, you have to move outwards, not grow inwards or else you will become like the black stars and implode.

Shape shifting - is possible by becoming that shape - my feeling is that in making self believe so much that a super imposed image forms in your mind and the mind of those around you - by increasing your own frequency you can become anything i.e. a microwave than excite water, so that it changes and becomes hot.

When our energy rise, so does our body temperature. We have the ability to raise our own and other peoples frequencies.
In 1943 the government conducted a series of experiments called the Philadelphia Experiment, to teleport articles.

It partly succeeded and partly went wrong. On January 8/9th, there was a terrific light storm that was not so much a storm as an immense light show. (During this storm I, Sande, was sitting of the front porch, connected to the storm, Robert, my guide, very clearly spoke to me and told me not to feed the storm). Robert Morningsky video-taped the storm and on part of the film, the form of a ship appeared.

December 19/20 Nexus magazine reported that a ship from the Philadelphia Experiment materialized into one of the bays in Australian Waters and then disappeared. picture (Courier Mail, 31/12/91).

If you are not in tune with your passion you cannot create your own reality. Your passion is your responsibility. Who cares what others feel and think.

Your answers and salvation are within.

1930-1940 World War II
Madman Hitler tried to create the perfect man, and conducted bio-genetic experiments
Work on flying saucers research, development what is known as Foo Fighters - (14.2.1944)
The US developed an atomic weapon and tested it in Northern New Mexico
Others tried to develop Time Travel. Out in the universe, alien nations viewed us and were dismayed. Can you imagine the SS Eldridge going through into another dimension. Whilst testing a new protection device called radar uncontrollable bursts of energy, several flying saucers were forcibly landed. The area of landing was the Arizona area. The Amerindians respected the aliens found.

Several discs crashed, so a military force called blue force was formed, to remove all evidence of UFOs. A live alien was captured and he was called EBE, Extraterrestrial Biological Entity.

It was found that he was not able to eliminate waste through the normal way, it was eliminate through the pores of his skin. He took sick, and a famous botanist Jaro Mendoza was called in, but in 1952, EBE died. A project called Sigma was instigated to call EBEs brothers to come and find him but to no avail.

The satellite dishes were placed on Indian lands, and the workers, believing that the Indian race was non consequential, so gave them quite a bit of information, believing that they would not understand it.

In the locker of one of the landed UFOs were found human parts.

December, contact was made with Aliens. Astronomers found a bunch of space ships going around the earth. Contact was made outside one of the Indian reservations.

Eisenhower met with the greys and was offered certain secrets in return for the use of people for research and experimentation. They informed the president that they were a dying race and needed help to get their bodies stronger and healthier. An agency MJ-12 was brought into effect, to monitor this program of experiments and implantations.

Negotiations were completed and treaty was signed in California. In Florida another body of Aliens arrived, called by Robert Morningsky, as the Blues.

They offered other advice, not to deal with the greys, it would only lead to disaster, but to follow your own path. They would teach with peace and harmony if men would disarm and listen. The military said no deal! So they left, but a few decided to remain and stayed in Northern Mexico and Arizona and made a treaty with the Hopi Indians.

These Aliens are known by the Hopi as Star Warriors.

The greys left an ambassador called Krill and adopted an equilateral triangle as their insignia. The military force name as the Blue Force became the Delta Force and was formed to study the greys. Two bases were built and called several names, the Earth base - Hanger 18, Dreamland or Area 51.

The greys went underground under the reservations in the four corner area of Mexico, Utah, Arizona and California. It was for the purpose of monitoring the Blues. The Blues had to flee the reservation and go into hiding, a few of the Elders went with them.

The Hopi legend is that there were two races, the children of the feather who came from the skies, and the children of the reptile who came from under the earth. The children of the reptile chased the Hopi Indians out of the earth, these evil under-grounders were also called two hearts.

The government has signed a treaty with the children of the serpent. The Hopi have signed a treaty with the children of the feather.

The greys want a perfect body, for a long time, there have been cattle mutilations. Always missing, were the organs of elimination. The grey’s bodies are always cold, and they feed on our energies, our fears, our out of control energies.

When you are fearful and out of control, the greys use and feed on that energy. What we need to do is know that it is o.k. to feel fear, but to flow with it, then control it by redirecting it into a positive event.

(NB - Do we not have an underground installation at Pine Gap that is run by the Americans? - Sande).

Control your passion - life force - you decide what you want, get an attitude! Don’t be afraid to say no! The government wants your money for their pet projects and the greys want your life-force, your energy.

Ask yourself these things.
1. Do the government make laws for themselves or for people.
2. Do they allow us to do our own thing.
3. Are we under their control on government subsidies etc...
The greys decided to stay on earth and needed acceptance, so they hired an advertising agency to come up with some good ideas - hence - My favorite Martian, ALF, Star Trek, Star wars, Alien Nation and ET.

The new program the Mutant Ninja Turtles and the Dinosaurs?? Look and be aware of the symbol of the triangle - TriStar Pictures??? Don’t rely on the government for your support, help yourself where you can. See the movie JFK.

The Jason Society decided to do something about global warming:
1. Blow a hole in the ozone layer, to let the heat out.
2. Develop underground for the elite societies.
3. Develop other planets into colonies. The last two were adopted, but the first has since be done.
Several things have been happening to engender fear and to give more control to the government:
1. Release of dangerous Psychotics and early release of killers and menaces to society.
2. Wars and upheavals.
3. Drug induced societies and drug dependent societies.
4. Mainland China.

Kachina Hopi - great spirit fire

Any living thing that is stressed is food for the children of the lizard.

Robert saw for the first time pictures of crop circles, and recognized them as Hopi symbols. He professed that if he could see them in their correct order, he would be able to ’read them’.

He feels that Mother earth is calling out Help me!

Question time
Q: - Why would governments hide the fact that aliens exist?
A: - If we knew, we would quit doing what the government want us to do.

Q: - Do the greys know they are aliens?
A: - The Greys have interbred - the more they interbreed, the more chance there is that they will lose their memories of who they really are, they become half human and half alien and can be quite mixed up emotionally. They must be 5th and 6th generation greys by now, and who don’t know they are greys. (Where do you think we get all our information from - disgruntled greys!!)

Q: - How can we tell the children of the greys.
A: - They make you feel creepy and have reptilian looking eyes and features. Greys have large eyes and have difficulty focusing. They are arrogant. They will be a strong body odor they tend to drain one of energy. They need to wear sunglasses - CIA????

The Blues
Short, big eyes, wouldn’t describe too much, because they are preparing for something big. You will feel them, and you will know them!! It is possible that a 6th generation grey could end up marrying a 6th generation blue.

Our misuse of our energy can aid a grey to shape shift and thus not be recognized.
(At the meeting, I was with another person, and while the intermission was on, we were quietly talking, when the person appeared from nowhere, and introduced himself to me, using my name. [my name had not been mentioned, neither did I know this man. I did not have a name tag on].

It was an extremely hot day, and when I shook his hand, it was freezing cold and dry. He shook hands with my partner also. We watched him move back through the hall and disappear into a small of people. We watched the front door, and he did not exit through there. But when we looked for him later, he was nowhere to be found.

I have no idea what it all meant, I only know that it was a strange experience. Neither my partner nor I could remember the man’s name, although he has said it twice. No one else had contact with the man, or remembered seeing anyone. My partner was a very logical person, not given to fanciful visions etc.)
On December 21, 1991, a fragmented video tape would trigger a series of events that would permit these papers to come to life.

On the video tape were bits and pieces of information that confirmed what some American Indians have known for some time... that Alien Life Forms exist and walk amongst us.

Due to the release of information on that tape, it is now possible to reveal further information that could not be spoken of before this time.

An ages old code of silence could slowly and cautiously be unveiled. In the late forties and early fifties, a movement began on the pueblo Indian Reservations of the Southwest. It was the intent of the Elders involved to raise an isolated group of young Warriors in the "Old Ways". The teachings began but would soon receive an unexpected presence... the "Star Warrior". (Please read the chronology included).

Hand in hand with the "medicine warrior" ways, the "Star Warrior" ways would become the foundation of education of the young warriors. Hand in hand with the Elders, the Star Brother taught the Secrets of the Universe. Raised in the way of the Kachina, the children knew that the Spirit of things always looks different.

The appearance of the Star Brother was not frightening, he only looked a little unlike us... and... he played with us as a child would.

Knowledge must be earned. Wisdom must be learned... the "Way of the Warrior" would confirm that which was discovered and would give suggestion for direction, but Passion for knowledge MUST be exhibited... and so, the code was born - "confirm but do NOT originate.

Suggest and direct but leave discovery to the seeker of knowledge". These full-blooded Indian boys and girls spent their lives learning through discovery... and one by one they went out into the "outside" world. The author of these papers was one of those youngsters. The material in these papers does not violate the code, it only confirms information which has been uncovered by others.

It is hoped, however, that these papers may give researchers an idea or suggestion for a different perspective which may help to uncover further information on the "Grand Overview".

The information in these papers should not be accepted in and of themselves. You must seek our confirmation for yourself. The credibility of these papers does not depend on its author, but rather on what you discover from your study and investigation of the material presented.


The material is presented in bold, forthright form. If you seek elaboration.

"Keys" are available upon request.


The Hopi Indian Legend of Creation tells of three different beginnings.
One story says that we have arisen from an underground paradise through an opening called Sipapu.
The second story tells of the descendancy from our birthplace near a Blue Star.
And the third story relates of a migration from a faraway place across a great body of water.
All three are true.

What matters is not which came first, but that they are all true. (Focus not on the leaf, rather look at the whole tree).

This spot is thought by some to be Sipapu, entrance to the Hopi Underworld.
It is a sacred place of pilgrimage for the Hopi,
at the bottom of the Canyon of the Little Colorado above its junction with the Colorado River.

The story of Sipapu reveals that we emerged in a somewhat undeveloped physical state, much like the prehistoric man.

Our bodies were still forming and pliable, but our features were a bit brutish. Man, called Koyemsi or Mudhead had two small round lumps for ears, two protruding knobs for eyes and one large lump for a mouth. The head was smooth and round as a ball.

As man developed, his physical body and features became more refined until he looks as he does now.

- This story of creation says that the underground paradise was wondrous with beautiful clear skies and plentiful food sources.

It was because of the existence of those called Two Hearts, the bad ones, that refuge was sought in the upper world by the Hopi, the peaceful ones. The underworld was not destroyed but was only sealed up to prevent the Two Hearts from rising upon to the surface world.

(Suggested research Hollow Earth Theorists may want to look at this legend more closely. At least one government agency is said to continue monitoring the Hopi Indian, to see when and if a return into the ground begins).

- Tells of the descent of the Hopi from the Blue Star of a constellation called the Seven Sisters. One version tells of our travel to earth on the back of Enki, the eagle. Grandfather, the Great Spirit allowed the first man to select his home from the many stars of the universe.

Enki told first man of his home earth, and brought him to visit. First man’s exploration of the earth convinced him that this was where he wanted his children to be born and to grow. First Man returned to the heavens to tell Grandfather of his decision. Grandfather was pleased and granted to first man the right to call earth his home.

First man soon returned to the green place or Sakwap with his family shortly afterwards.

(Many of the hero stories throughout time and through many different cultures refer to a valiant group of seven. Warriors descended from the stars often use the sign of the Seven Sisters on their shields and medallions).

- From a great land across the big waters speaks of the departure from a paradise far away. This story parallels many other creation legends, but differs only in that no disaster or chaos seems to have caused the journey.

The purpose of the journey was to begin a new home and a new life. Some interpretations have the Hopi leaving their home in order to spread the Teachings of the Old Ones.

- In the Southwest, as in all areas of North America, there exist men and women who practice the use of power to achieve their goals. Sometimes called the medicine man or woman, sorcerer or shaman, these individuals have often been the subjects of books and even movies. Their practice is often referred to as magic.

Nothing is further from the truth. Magic is the un natural use of the Powers of Nature. They who turn to the practice of disharmony are more properly called witches, warlocks and sorcerers. (It is this disharmony that eventually undoes these practitioners and seals their doom). Medicine men and women work with the force of Nature.

(Move against the river, it weakens and ultimately destroys - move with the river, and the power of the river enters your soul and reveals its knowledge).

One series of popular books (Carlos Castaneda Series) refers to Don Juan. One of the Sorcerers of the Southwestern Desert. His apprentice was known as Carlos. Through the series of books, Carlos is guided by Don Juan and Don Genaro on a path to Sorcery.

The methods used by Don Juan are well known to the Medicine Men and Women of the Southwest and most of what is described in the first two books is a valid teaching technique of teaching by Distraction. However, due to the blinders Carlos refuses to move from his eyes, the two books seem to be rather confusing. This is not because of Don Juan.

Don Juan’s attempts to make him see in another way, are totally rejected by Carlos and the result is a mixed up re-telling of events. Do not accept the final book’s premise that Carlos has achieved the status of Sorcerer or knowing one - that is not the outcome. Those who refuse to remove the blinders and expand their awareness, will forever be trapped in a prison-world of their own making, and will never see the dangers around them.

(They who do not wish to see CANNOT; Those who do not wish to hear CANNOT; Those who do not wish to feel CANNOT. Suggestion - re-read the Don Juan comments carefully).

- At this point it would be well to mention that Medicine men/Woman are not necessarily healers. In fact, your medicine is your passion. Your medicine always makes you feel high while dancing, then dancing is your medicine. If you feel high while cooking, then cooking is your medicine. Your medicine will always help to cure that which ails you.

Your medicine will always give you the power to rise up and continue. (This medicine is of the spirit) Your medicine is also that which you do. Your conduct in the Land of Living Things, what you do is your signature in life and it is your medicine. how your treat others and how you react to the world is your medicine.

You medicine can help the ailments of others or it could, in fact poison them. What you do effects other at all times. (If your medicine is harmful to others, you, as a medicine man or medicine woman have failed in your task.) What you DO in the land of the living things is your medicine. (This medicine is of the body).

(It is the true medicine man/woman that makes the medicine of the spirit one with the medicine of the body.)

- Truth and wisdom must always be sought out. Neither shall come easily. If at first, the teacher ignores you... Ask again!

All masters of Wisdom will succumb to the Passionate student. To demand a right to knowledge is to say you provide this for me. To ask for knowledge is to show respect for wisdom and to pursue knowledge is to show passion for truth. (In life, there are no RIGHTS, only privileges). Unlike power, truth seeks to come out. It does not hide, it is hidden by those wishing it to remain concealed. Truth and power are tools to be used. Not ends in themselves.

(Power can cover or uncover truth;...truth can only uncover power; Power can lead to truth...Truth always leads to power. Wisdom is knowing how to use both).

PASSION - (Key 7)
- In order to pursue your Passion, first you must recognize your passion. The following guidelines should help you to identify your passion:
1. Your PASSION always makes you feel on fire.
2. Your PASSION always makes time disappear (five hours always seems like five minutes.
3. Your PASSION occupies most of your waking thoughts.
4. Your PASSION forces you into action, you cannot sit.
5. Your PASSION is something you will always find time for.

- There are three parts to Awareness:
1. The Inner Spirit or the PASSION
2. The Outer Being or the BODY
3. The Outer Spirit or the SPIRITUAL
(Master the inner self first, the physical self secondly, then and only then, can the spiritual be conquered).

How can we master the more complex out of body experience if we cannot stop overeating? How can we stop overeating if we do not have Passion or discipline to accomplish it?

All spiritual teachings require mastery of the spirit. Development, or growth, is always outward, not inward. Mastery of the Inner Spirit or passion is first; Mastery of the body or Physical is next; Mastery of the Spiritual is the final step. Those who turn the order around will find their development moving inward and falling in on itself.

(Passion is the secret to all things. Master this and all things shall be revealed to you).

- To follow the path of the STAR WARRIOR, you must first eliminate two concepts from your mind and spirit - Can’t and Impossible -. How long would you stay married to a spouse who constantly told you that you could not do something? You can’t go there; You can’t do that; You can’t say that! - Not very long.

So why then permit yourself to deny yourself? Remember, if you believe yourself inferior, you are! If you say to yourself, I cannot - you are right. If you say to yourself, I can - you are also right. To become who you wish to become, first establish who that person is and how they would act. Then, practice and rehearse everything that person would think and do.

(To become a deer, one must act, think, live and be as the deer - only then can the passion of the deer be yours).

In other words, create yourself. Write a script for your own movie. The hero is your. In the script, write all those things you wish for yourself, all those things you would like to do or feel. Then rehearse your script. Practice becoming the hero or heroine of your movie. Rehearse over and over again until you know the behavior instinctively. Slowly, you will begin to know how the hero acts and thinks. Slowly, you will become the hero of your movie and your life.

The only way to become a runner is to begin running - The only way to become a lover is to begin loving - The only way to become passionate is to practice passion - Practice being that which you wish to be...and soon you shall become it.

1. I am a child of the Dancing Star born of chaos.

Only in challenge shall we find our greatest strengths and our weaknesses. Only in challenge shall our passions be made strong. The goal of life is outward development. NOT inner peace. Peace that brings no challenge means stagnation. Confidence in self wrought through challenge is TRUE peace.

2. I am fire.
I AM FIRE. I AM PASSION. ALL THAT I DO, I DO WITH PASSION. - Fire is passion. Passion is that inner force that distinguishes us from all others. Passion is that which makes the Bear become the Bear... never will you see the Bear trying to fly as the Eagle, for it is his passion to be the bear. Passion is the gift that allows us to be what we wish. To do anything without passion, is to go through the motions.

To be Passionless is to lose the fight of life. Those who have no fire are easy to conquer and manipulate. The study of Physics and other sciences tells us that all things are comprised of atoms which in turn are comprised of electrons, protons and neutrons...all are particles of energy or electricity. This energy cannot be destroyed, only changed. From these very same particles came the release of a basis of our existence, within our own bodies.

Herein, science has revealed the existence of a force unlike any on this planet, the force which directs each one of us in our path. This is our passion, this is our gift.

3. I see the fire in all things.
I SEE THE FIRE IN ALL THINGS - All things possess fire. All this have spirit. The only difference between man and animal is that they wear different skins. The only difference between man and all things is the skin, or outer covering. In the Hopi world, the spirit of a think is called kachina. It is the kachina that is the fire or passion. Those who can see and hear can learn from those kachinas around us. If you can communicate with another human being, you can communicate with the trees, the wind and all things of the earth.

4. I am but a visitor in the land of living things.
I AM BUT A VISITOR IN THE LAND OF LIVING THINGS - The skin we wear is but a temporary robe. That part of us which is most important is the inner spirit, or the passion. Yet, we must never forget that we are guests in this land and we must conduct ourselves as such. We respect all that is here.

That which we may receive in this place must be left here.. things cannot be taken with us, but all of our riches that we have accumulated in memories and knowledge shall go with us forever.

5. I walk the path of silence.
I WALK THE PATH OF SILENCE - In the Song of the morning sky, there is a line that says live as though you cannot speak. It means that what you do is more important than what you say. If you cannot speak, you must communicate your love and friendship through your actions. You must demonstrate that which you feel.

Let your actions be your measure. Only in silence can you learn. He who talks does not hear - only in silence can you defeat your enemy, he who makes no noise is invisible.

6. I am not seen or heard. I am only felt.
I AM NOT SEE OR HEARD, I AM ONLY FELT - The warrior must make himself felt. If he lives his life and the world has not felt him, he has failed. If he lives his life and grandfather has not felt him, he has failed. His passion must be experienced by others, not witnessed. He who uses his fire warms the world, he who shouts of his fire fills the world with noise.

7. I take only that which I can return.

Sande Van der Straten #conspiracy bibliotecapleyades.net

Courchene says that from today’s youth a new group of people will be born - the blue people, who will be tolerant of each other, and will bring spiritual harmony and sacredness back to the earth. This will prepare the way for a rebirth of Mother Earth."

As a student of anthropology some 30 years ago, I stumbled across reference to a former race of humanoids who were blue.

Once, in addition to the four known races of mankind, there was a fifth race that dwelled on an unknown continent in the middle of the ocean between Asia and Europe (i.e., North America). This race, the most ancient of all, was called the Blue Moovians.

They were very tall, about seven feet, and very thin, and had extremely large heads. They possessed all manners of powers of the mind: teleportation, telekinesis, ESP.

Jon Rappoport #conspiracy bibliotecapleyades.net

If you have a child, don't let him/her see a psychiatrist. Ever...

Read Mike Adams' new article about psychiatry (Psychiatry Goes Insane). It's one of the best I've ever read, and I've been researching this pseudoscience for 20 years.

Then read this one, too. It's also excellent. I wrote it.

Yes, I know, I'm bragging, which is a sign of a mental disorder: Self-Inflation at the Expense of Sacred Psychiatry Disorder. The preferred treatment is electroshock therapy and MKULTRA re-programming. I'm opting for a walk in the park coupled with two doses of outrage at these fake doctors who poison brains and believe they're healers.

Here is a clue. The government gives psychiatry its fake legitimacy. That's how the game works. The government blesses the medical licensing boards that award psychiatrists permission to drug your children, alter their brains, poison them, and of course make all the fake diagnoses in the first place.

Without the government, these fakes would sink into the waves and be gone forever. Nobody in his right mind or wrong mind would ever step into a psychiatrist's office. It would be like volunteering to stumble out on to a mine field seeded with explosives.

Media, naturally, go along with the psychiatric hoax. Thousands of articles keep coming out of the hopper to support the authoritative pronouncements of these deranged monsters with medical degrees and "training" in diagnosing mental illnesses.

There are no mental illnesses or disorders. There never have been.

There are people with problems, there are people who suffer, there are people who are in desperate circumstances, there are people who have severe nutritional deficiencies, there are people who have been poisoned by various chemicals, there are people who have been abused and ignored, there are people who have been told there is something wrong with them, there are people who are different and can't deal with the conforming androids in their midst, but there are no mental disorders.


It's fiction. It's a billion-dollar fiction. It's a gigantic steaming pile of bullshit. Always has been.

There is not a single diagnostic test for any so-called mental disorder. Never has been. No blood test, no urine test, no saliva test, no brain scan, no genetic test. No science.

So why hasn't psychiatry been destroyed and outlawed? Because there is money in it. Big money. Pharmaceutical money. And because the public is in a trance. Mothers and fathers are quite willing to take their children to these brain poisoners... lambs to the slaughter.

The silence of the lambs.

People are entranced by so-called professionals with fancy degrees who speak technical babble. It all seems real. Because if it weren't real, then...what? People would be forced to admit they are living in a fantasy. And people don't want to admit that. They would rather die than admit that.

But that's what psychiatry is. An elaborate fantasy. If every psychiatrist in the world vanished tomorrow, the world would immediately become a far healthier place.

If every celebrity who outrageously whores for psychiatry would stop on a dime, the world would be a far healthier place right away.

You think Dr. Phil is a fake? He's nothing compared to psychiatrists with their prescription pads. He's a saint by comparison. The drugs are brain poisons. If you really want to know the truth about the drugs, go to breggin.com and read everything Dr. Peter Breggin has ever written about the drugs.

He covers the whole slimy waterfront.

There is some horrendous handwriting on wall. Believe me. You can see it all around you if you look. The shrinks are treating younger and younger children with the brain poisons, every day. They're diagnosing children who are practically toddlers and they're drugging them. They're ripping their brains. It's happening. You may not want to know about it, but it's there. It's a crime on the order of murder.

And the bastards at the FDA and the bastards who train doctors in medical schools are going along with it. They're accomplices to the ongoing crime. They have blood on their hands.

Here is a story Dr. Breggin told in his classic book, Toxic Psychiatry.

It says it all:

"Roberta was a college student, getting good grades, mostly A's, when she first became depressed and sought psychiatric help at the recommendation of her university health service.

She was eighteen at the time, bright and well motivated, and a very good candidate for psychotherapy. She was going through a sophomore-year identity crisis about dating men, succeeding in school, and planning a future. She could have thrived with a sensitive therapist who had an awareness of women's issues.

"Instead of moral support and insight, her doctor gave her Haldol. Over the next four years, six different physicians watched her deteriorate neurologically without warning her or her family about tardive dyskinesia [motor brain damage] and without making the [tardive dyskinesia] diagnosis, even when she was overtly twitching in her arms and legs.

Instead they switched her from one neuroleptic to another, including Navane, Stelazine, and Thorazine.

Eventually a rehabilitation therapist became concerned enough to send her to a general physician, who made the diagnosis [of medical drug damage]. By then she was permanently physically disabled, with a loss of 30 percent of her IQ.

"...my medical evaluation described her condition: Roberta is a grossly disfigured and severely disabled human being who can no longer control her body. She suffers from extreme writhing movements and spasms involving the face, head, neck, shoulders, limbs, extremities, torso, and back-nearly the entire body.

She had difficulty standing, sitting, or lying down, and the difficulties worsen as she attempts to carry out voluntary actions. At one point she could not prevent her head from banging against nearby furniture. She could hold a cup to her lip only with great difficulty. Even her respiratory movements are seriously afflicted so that her speech comes out in grunts and gasps amid spasms of her respiratory muscles...

Roberta may improve somewhat after several months off the neuroleptic drugs, but she will never again have anything remotely resembling a normal life."

If the smug scum who run the NY Times put THAT story on the front page right under a huge headline, we might see something good happen in this country.

Chronic whiners want to claim the government has to protect everybody all the time, as if that were possible, as if that were really the government's aim. These whiners are busy-bodies, meddlers, and self-made victims. They sometimes pose as scientists. They love psychiatry.

They equate psychiatry with government. You know, "share and care."

They assert that government knows best. At bottom, they're vicious little idiots. But they're very useful idiots, because the government welcomes their help in keeping the populace in line.

And psychiatry is a cardinal strategy in that regard. Chemical straitjackets for the lambs.

The silence of the lambs...

Jelaila Starr #conspiracy bibliotecapleyades.net

The Carians are a race of birdlike Beings. At their most evolved state, the ruling class of the Carians resemble humans with eagle-like features and coloring.

Like the original Felines, the Carians first arrived in this universe when it was being created. A group of 45 came at the request of the Founders of this universe to help assist and oversee the Universal Game.

The Founders gave the Carians a new planet in the Orion constellation for their home. It was more tropical in design and featured an abundance of humid swamps and jungles. It also had more islands than large land masses.

Like the Felines, they were etheric and, therefore, had to develop physical bodies from the life forms evolving on the planet’s surface.

Of course they chose the life form that would become the bird and over a period of hundreds of thousands of years, they developed bodies of varying colors and sizes.

The Carians were known for their unique affinity towards colored plumage and so created physical bodies that reflected their creative talent in this area. That is why the Carians have much more variety of size, shape and color in their race than do the Felines. They can be 12 feet tall or only a few inches in height.

Also like the Felines, a group of the original 45 Carians remained etheric and became a council that oversaw and managed the development of their brothers and sisters who chose to incarnate on the planet as part of the upgrading of their physical forms.

When their physical vehicles had reached a certain level of development, they began genetic crossing (something they had learned from the Felines) with certain reptiles that had evolved in the swamps and warmer regions of the planet.

The result of this genetic program was the creation of a new hybrid race known to us as the Draconians. They were part Carian and part reptile.

In time the Draconians became more abundant in the royal line of Aln than the purebred Carians. And like the Felines, eventually the House of Aln would be peopled more by Draconians, and their first derivative the flying serpents (Snakes), than Carians.

By the time of the First Earth, Grand Experiment, the House of Aln was headed by a winged serpent known as Cobazar. Cobazar is the father of Jehowah. See The 3 Earths, for more on this.

The Carians are known for their sharp analytical abilities and organizational skills. A predominant character trait of the Carians is their need to maintain a good appearance and image at all times. They are good team players as long as the team structure involves discipline and strictly adhered to codes of conduct.

You will find a preponderance of Carians involved in the creation and maintenance of stargates, dimensional grids and magnetic fields through out our galaxy and universe. Their inherent analytical abilities make them well-suited for this kind of work.

They are also known for their militaristic capabilities and their star ships are more advanced than any in the universe. They held the majority of the military posts during the First Earth, Grand Experiment.

It was a Carian commander that ruled over the vast fleet of star ships and cruisers for the Lyran Galactic Federation, and the Royal Houses of Avyon and Aln.

Vladimir Terziski #conspiracy #crackpot #ufo #magick bibliotecapleyades.net

In my extensive research of dissident American theories about the physical conditions on the Moon I have proved beyond the shadow of a doubt that there is atmosphere, water and vegetation on the Moon, and that man does not need a space suit to walk on the Moon.

A pair of jeans, a pullover and sneakers are just about enough. Everything NASA has told the world about the Moon is a lie and it was done to keep the exclusivity of the club from joinings by the third world countries.

Ever since their first day of landing on the Moon, the Germans started boring and tunneling under the surface, and by the end of the war there was a small Nazi research base on the Moon. The free energy tachyon drive craft of the Haunebu-1 and 2 type were used after 1944 to haul people," materiel and the first robots to the construction site on the Moon.

When Russians and Americans secretly landed jointly on the Moon in the early fifties with their own saucers, they spent their first night there as guests of the.... Nazi underground base. In the sixties a massive Russian - American base had been built on the Moon, that now has a population of 40,000 people, as the rumor goes.
According to Vladimir, the Nazi's had made contact with 'half a dozen' alien races, including the malevolent reptilians, which may explain why they were so successful in their technological pursuits.

If so, it may have been a tragic, pathetic and cowardly decision not only for themselves but for their and our posterity. Apparently the Germans-Nazis-Illuminati had established a 'pact' with the serpent races long years before the American 'secret/conventional' hybrid government had done so.

Wes Penre #ufo #crackpot #magick bibliotecapleyades.net

Lord EA seems to have spent quite some time in the Pleiades, like it was a region of the sky he had a certain affinity and had a great influence over a certain group of humanoid/reptilian giants, to such a degree that he managed to bring some of them over here to Earth.

Their offspring became the 'Nephilim', the giants who walked the Earth in ancient days. The effect this created is the 'karma' the 'Pleiadian' group, channeling from the future (in our terms), are trying to resolve, because the effects of what they did have had ripple effects way into the future - even our future.

The title 'Lucifer' fits well into the character of EA/ENKI, who rebelled against his own people, and the Orion Queen in particular, and therefore also against Mother Goddess. He is the Light Bearer, because light is information, and he brought information (light) to the early humans and enLIGHTened them.

This is one way of looking at it, but the Sirians were not the ones who particularly came down here because they found women irresistible. There were no women here when the Sirians came, only androgynous humans.

Therefore, the real Watchers are 'the 'Pleiadian' group' who rebelled together with EA, Lucifer. They were the ones who found Earth women irresistible and mated with them, and later created the Giants, as we shall see now.

These were the 200 'God's Angels' whom Lucifer (EA) brought down from 'Heaven the Orion Empire' to the 3rd Dimension of matter, the Earth.

Thus, they became known as the 'Fallen Angels'. This was not peculiar in any way, because the Pleiades was (and still is) a part of the Orion Empire, and EA was the Prince of Orion. He must have had followers on many planets.

Greg Szymanski/Timothy of Canada #conspiracy #crackpot #fundie bibliotecapleyades.net

Timothy of Canada tells a wild story, a story of underground military bases where animal and human sacrifices nourish the bowels of creatures that have inhabited the earth long before man arrived.

He became privy to this top secret information when he served as a junior officer in the Canadian Armed Forces in the aerospace engineering branch, while working at one of the top secret deep underground military bases at Cold Lake in Canada.

And what he learned and what he has been researching ever since leaving the military is how this network of underground bases not only houses and conceals non-human life forms with incredible powers, but conceals an underground warehouse of sophisticated super-human technology used for mind control, advanced military weaponry and weather manipulation with the eventual goal of depopulating the world.

“It is very dangerous and you could be killed if you try to expose what the globalists are doing with this network of tunnels and underground facilities, but I have ended my silence since they are now in the final stages of there plan. Remember, AIDS being manufactured? Well, what’s in store for mankind is now much worse and we need to do everything we can to try and stop the destruction of the world as we know it.”

“I do believe in God. He gives us faith. The New Testament in the Book of Genesis refers to the son of God. The Old Testament refers to the sons of Gods. Both refer to the serpent or demons. Maybe the residents of the DUMBs are what were meant - a serpent race.

Richard Boylan #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot bibliotecapleyades.net

<This is from 2007. Nothing is new under the sun.>

In early 2006 an enormous underground installation, 16 miles long by one mile wide, began operation some kilometers distant from the Icelandic village of Djupidalur.

This weekend, a crack counter-insurgency team (CIT), operating independent of military control, and disgusted by Cabal takeover of key positions in government, undertook a mission to penetrate the Djupidalur installation.

The CIT located where the hapless, misinformed Hybrids were being held, liberated them, and escorted them to the surface, where their safe extraction would be arranged for by an individual with friendly ties to Star Nations and legitimate compartments within the U.S. National Security community.

During the escorting, CIT came under fire from Cabal security forces, and in the ensuing firefight, (Cabal) Brigadier General Frank Dougherty and a number of his security troops were killed.

The Counter-Insurgency Team then set off munitions they had emplaced, and destroyed the clone factory installation, after setting off an alarm to give non-security personnel an opportunity to leave for the surface.

When Dr. Wolf was working on cloning, he told me that it took a year to create a human clone from test tube to walking, talking adult. So, if Djupidalur went on-line in early 2006, and went off-line in early 2007, there must have been only one "batch" of
Hybrids graduating from that mill. And the CIT team got them all.

The complete success of extraction of the Hybrids and destruction of the installation is a signal moment in the incremental retaking of Earth from Cabal control.

George LoBuono #ufo #crackpot #dunning-kruger bibliotecapleyades.net

In short, aliens have conveyed that there are reasonable limits on everyone and every kind within the universe. The message must be important because aliens have stated it over and over again. The way that it’s stated helps to illustrate different outlooks and different strategies within different galactic neighborhoods. In our own case, the Milky Way, presumably a fairly normal galaxy, has been described by aliens as densely inhabited.
One such alien said that the largest single population in the Milky Way numbers roughly “38 trillion” individuals. (If that seems large, wait until you read about the so-called Verdants from a competing galaxy group, plus so-called hyperversal aliens who reportedly exist in yet greater, albeit more disperse numbers—see following sections)

In a more universal sense, when we speak of alien hyper-community and alien mind-form, we should remember that human “discovery” of the extra dimensions of mind isn’t actually a discovery, at all. Such phenomena pre-date humankind. Better yet, the human awareness of such has been cultivated and deftly steered by aliens who have long wanted to help us, in part to prevent our becoming a problem case.

When we speak of a universe of hyper-condensed, collective identities—a higher kind of mindedness, it should be obvious that, at present, all over the universe there are highly refined cultural contexts for such interactions. One useful metaphor is that of an opera house. For humans to dunder into hyper-community crudely would be like a hermit’s drunken entrance into a large, urban opera house—during a performance. To stumble in and fire a pistol into the roof would be offensive, of course.

Alex Collier #ufo #crackpot #dunning-kruger bibliotecapleyades.net

An ancient race, known as 'the Founders', who the Andromedans and the Pleiadians believe are an ancient race called the Paa Tal, is on an engineering program whereby environments of planets and terra-forming is being done.

They are doing this to make these planets and star solar systems suitable and habitable for organisms and for life, rendering ecosystems that are filled with hydrogen, oxygen, methane, and ammonia.

These are all gases for the introduction and colonization of micro-organisms, mantis and all types of life forms. Self replicating machinery and the bombardment by comets and planetoids to change the rotation and the chemistry of the planets.

When the Paa Tal apparently left according to the archeological record, other life forms, sentient life forms, reptilian, human, plasmic, methane life forms all began to appear; and do appear in our galaxy in full form. Now just think about that, they appear in full form.

There was no millions and millions of years of evolution into this. And this is the same problem that our archeologists have on planet earth. They keep espousing evolution, but there is just no proof of evolution in the geological, archeological record.

Things appear fully formed. It’s amazing stuff.

Now are the Paa Tal archangels, are the Paa Tal the gods? Nobody know what they are which is why they just refer to them as 'The Founders,' because they don’t know.

The Andromedans do say that there is a “creation's creator”. They, in their traditions, say that it does not carry a dominant male frequency. In their opinion, it carries a dominant female frequency.

In their opinion, and I tell you they are real men, the creator is a goddess. It does exist. So we blew through that.

Tom Horn and Cris Putnam #crackpot #magick bibliotecapleyades.net

The farm is actually called “Skinwalker Ranch” by local Indians who believe it lies in “the path of the skinwalker,” taking its name from the Native American legend. It was made famous during the ’90s and early 2000s when claims about the ranch first appeared in the Utah Deseret News and later in the Las Vegas Mercury during a series of riveting articles by journalist George Knapp.

It told of frightening events that had left the owners of the ranch befuddled and broke - from bizarre, bulletproof wolf-things to mutilated prize cattle and other instances in which animals and property simply disappeared or were obliterated overnight.
Yet of all the anomalous incidents at the ranch, there was one that took the prize.

Knapp tells what happened next:

Up in the tree branches, they could make out a huge set of yellowish, reptilian eyes. The head of this animal had to be three feet wide, they guessed. At the bottom of the tree was something else. Gorman described it as huge and hairy, with massively muscled front legs and a doglike head.

Gorman, who is a crack shot, fired at both figures from a distance of 40 yards. The creature on the ground seemed to vanish.

A professional tracker was brought in the next day to scour the area. Nothing.

But there was a physical clue left behind. At the bottom of the tree, they found and photographed a weird footprint, or rather, claw print. The print left in the snow was from something large. It had three digits with what they guessed were sharp claws on the end.

Later analysis and comparison of the print led them to find a chilling similarity - the print from the ranch closely resembled that of a velociraptor, an extinct dinosaur made famous in the Jurassic Park films.