
MarioFanaticXV #fundie boards.gamefaqs.com

Evolution is not science; scientific data is formed from that which can be observed. Evolution teaches that dinosaurs lived millions of years ago, yet we've found human footprints right next to dinosaur footprints. This doesn't go against the Bible in the least, yet it clearly defies the theory of evolution.

penance44 #fundie boards.gamefaqs.com

[Topic title: Is atheism a mental condition?]

I was thinking about what causes people to be atheists and I thought that maybe it isn't their fault, maybe it's a mental condition that prevents them from being able to see God and his creation? Surely if it is a problem with their mind they can be fixed with counseling?

Does anyone have any info on this subject, I'm sure I'm not the first person to suggest this.

GetOutOfMyYard #homophobia boards.gamefaqs.com

Homosexuals shouldn't have the right to be homosexual. They can have relationships with people of the opposite sex just like everyone else in the world. We didn't win the Revolutionary War and declare independence so people could have sexual relationships with people of the same sex.

FXkraze #fundie boards.gamefaqs.com

SO im guessing you believe in the big band theory? I hope you know that science has proved that the big bang theory had about a 1 in .0000000000000000000000000000000000000001 X a google Chance in working out the exact way it did to make the universe. God made everything. Im sorry for anyone who actualy believes in the BBT i really am.

Ininja2000 #fundie boards.gamefaqs.com

[Topic title: Why I'll take the bible's word over a scientist's/historian's/etc. word.]

It seems to me that every time we have evidence that seems to prove the bible wrong or contradict the bible, or there's a lack of evidence for something in the bible, that eventually, the bible has always proven true.

For example:

People thought that the Hittites didn't exist, but guess what, we discovered the Hittite civilization.
Also, when Mt. Saint Helen erupted it caused rapid formations that scientists thought took long periods of time.

I will come back with more examples later. But my point is that when the bible has been challenged, with time it has always proved true.

So that's why right now, when there's supposed evidence for an old earth, or something else that scientists say is true that contradicts the bible I'm not going to throw away the bible and say that it's inaccurate. Or start trying to fit an old earth into the creation story.

So some might say that I'm ignoring the evidence, but truly I'm paying attention to the greater evidence, which is the bible, which with time has been faithful to stand up to criticism and prove true.

chaostofu #fundie boards.gamefaqs.com

There's a reason God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve.

Lol, so true...

I think guy kissing guy SHOULD be taken out because who knows what little kids will play this game. They'll think it's alright.

I'm pretty sure Rockstars put that in there to make it a joke. In the end guys liking guys is just COMPLETELY wrong.

But not lesbians, lesbians are GREEEEAAATTTT!!! I LOVE LESBIANS BYAAAAHHHH!!!!

MarioFanaticXV #fundie boards.gamefaqs.com

By excluding the possibility of religion from your experiments, you have already lost scientific objectivity. I've poured over 1000 hours of research into the subject, and looked into both sides extensively with an objective mind set. I refuse to believe anything but logic, data, and reason, and this is the conclusion I've come to. Genesis has plenty of scientific evidence, where as evolution contrasts with many key scientific laws.

Thugstar #fundie boards.gamefaqs.com

It's kind of funny. If we were so called "evolving" wouldn't we still evolve now? Why is every human on the planet in the same stage of evolution? Why wouldn't 1 group of people evolve less than another? Some people are still cannibals but they are just as intelligent as us.
Do insects become humans? What actually became humans? Insects have been around since the beginning of earth though only the humans evolved? Honestly what kind of creature was the beginning of evolution human?
Humans as far as humans can remember have always been what we are today. Isn't it a bit too coincidental that we are at the peak of evolution? If evolution is true it should always continue and we should turn into giants as large as mountains in a few million years because evolution believers believe humans were as large as insects before so why wouldn't we evolve into planets or something? There, a new theory for you. Every planet is an evolved human.

I_eat_tables #fundie boards.gamefaqs.com

Minor Question gets big answer (because it's saved in a text file...)

Why is Atheism a Joke?

Serious version: Atheism is a joke for various reasons. Its proponents disagree completely on different (sometimes key) points, and often the theories they put forward it have simply overwhelming evidence against it, but since many have based their careers around it (such as Evolutionary Biology) they can't admit it's false without being out of a job. Therefore, instead of going where the evidence leads – there is a creator of the universe, they attempt to find the best natural answer instead of the best answer.
Another reason is society’s view of Atheism. Take Freethinkers as an example. As far as they’re concerned, there isn’t substantial scientific evidence for there being a God. Therefore, there isn’t one. Do you see the problem here? If not, think about it the other way around. There is isn’t substantial scientific evidence for there NOT being a God, so therefore there is one. It’s a contradiction (and this very contradiction was what made me go from Atheism to Agnosticism three years ago). But, no, people choose that unless science can prove there is a God they’ll be Atheists, which in terms of a reasonable decision is— well, look at the point about three lines up.
If you wanted, I could go on, but I really don’t feel like it. Look up some Lee Strobel books if you want, such as The Case for a Creator.

Less Serious Version: Chavs, Gangsters and other such unsocial groups are Atheists. Since they are, they are the main view of Atheism as a whole, since they’re often the loudest and first to proclaim their views. Another reason is that Atheists make absurd claims, such as ‘The Bible/Quran/Torah/other holy book isn’t real’. Uh, hello? *Picks Up Bible* Yep, this seems pretty real and tangible to me— Finally, Atheists claim that our body is made up of something called DNA. That’s all well and good, but DNA stands for Deoxyribonucleic Acid. Acid! What happens when Acid comes into contact with our skin? It dissolves! So, our body simply cannot contain this substance since it’s completely unrealistic.

I like the second version.
Most people have a joke in their signature, so I'll join the bandwagon:

MarioFanaticXV #fundie boards.gamefaqs.com

No one can explain how evolution works because it violates several scientific laws (angular momentum, conservation of mass, first law of thermodynamics, second law of thermodynamics, Boyle's gas law, inverse square... just to name a few). Of course, if I was an evolutionist, I'd know that theories overrule laws.

Rena H #fundie boards.gamefaqs.com

[IMO, All these scientific theories that scientists come up with are just as founded on faith with no evidence as any religions.]

Wow, someone else agrees with me.. that's a surprise. To say that we all came from rocks (or from Mars, whichever version of evolution you want to take) takes a great deal of faith to believe. If you can look at some science objectively, without the bias (and very few people do) you can see that there is a LOT of evidence for a FLOOD in the world.... and the whole geographical column is nothing but circular reasoning.. you date the bones by the rock, and you date the rocks by the bones... where is any science in that? I have even heard of a scientist use the word MAGIC to describe how something came to earth.. because using the term MAGIC would fit his theory... honestly, how credible is the guy if he resorts to that kind of logic and belief?

Ininja2000 #fundie boards.gamefaqs.com

[ Do you believe there is such a thing as good and evil?]

If you answered yes, you just admitted that you believe in God. Because if there is no God, there is no standard for good or evil. So if you're an atheist you cannot logically believe in the existence of good and evil.

Patriotwolf #fundie boards.gamefaqs.com

We are not talking about your interpretation of Genesis or your devotion to God.

[Oh, but we are. You're saying that I'm not a Christian, but an agnostic, if I accept the Theory of Evolution and everything else that usually goes with it in the scientific consensus. You're yet to tell me how that makes me not a Christian, as I believe I have fulfilled the criteria that actually matters.....]

Saying you truly believe God exists but also truly believe Evolution is completely real is a logical fallacy and hypocritical. You are just trying to please the other side and save you beliefs.

The Bible talks about evolution and says that people that believe in it are fools. Does that meet your criteria?

cajunXLVII #fundie boards.gamefaqs.com

man the cruel murderous rampage i went on as a child is a sin. i asked for forgiveness though. i killed countless cats, birds, and dogs as a child. there where so may cats running around the neighborhood i couldn't stand it. i set up fur traps along the edge of the neighborhood along the woods and baited them with catfish heads. i must have had 10 -15 cats caught each day. i shot most of them with a .22 but sometimes i stabbed them with a spear i made. i used to throw stray dogs in the bayou and shoot them with a 410 right before they got to the bank. if i wounded a bird i would hang it. this was when i was 7 to 10 years old.

i was not only well armed with guns as a child, i was in the ninja crazy later on. i killed large dogs with one strike from my nunchuk. the ninja stars and blow guns didn't work so well.

countzander #fundie boards.gamefaqs.com

[it's not an accident that water has the properties it has. it's the laws of chemistry]

what if instead of water we had liquid mercury?

what make you so sure the laws of chemistry right?

you need more faith to believe in science than God

Ininja2000 #fundie boards.gamefaqs.com

No, I do not hate gays, and neither do most other Christians. In fact, we love gays, and we wouldn't speak out against homosexuality if we didn't. Because if we truly hated them, we wouldn't care what they did with their lives and wouldn't care if they were on a path leading to hell. See, we don't hate them, if we hated them we'd want to harm them, but we love them and want to help them. The same goes for any other type of sinner (drunkard, murderer, thief, etc.). We hate the sin, but we love the sinners.

Crimson Hellkite #fundie boards.gamefaqs.com

[In response to "Why pray?"]

1) God may base his decision on what is prayed. Note the story of Moses and the Golden Calf; God was going to destroy the Israelites until Moses begged God to spare them.

2) Prayer doesn't change God; he's immovable. Prayer changes you.

Twilight91101 #fundie boards.gamefaqs.com

If you want to sum up what the hell the Deists, and then the Atheists are talking about...I am now officially going to translate it into the most basic language I can give.


Deist: No your not!


Deist: That makes no sense!


Deist: Er...whha...grr...!




This is not a real argument, just an observation. Thank you for tuning in to Psycho-Man's Observations. And yes, that "is" what every argument is actually about.

Thank you for reading. Have a pleasant day.

BlackChocoboSox #fundie boards.gamefaqs.com

Some nation's judicial system's like America's are becoming too laid back on capital punishment. Nowadays not even everyone thats charged with murder receives capital punishment., but yet God punishes and condemns those that kill others so are Government's to believe they are more forgiving then god?

If it were God's decision he'd have someone condemned to damnation instantly, but yet a political system allows its subordinates and citizen's to run free with the abominable slaughter of another human being?

in refute I'd like to say perhaps America would leave the actual punishment until the afterlife while they let a murderer live on until his judgment day.

smd86 #fundie boards.gamefaqs.com

islamics believe in "allah". Allah means "moon". Basically they believe hes a god of the moon. which is ridiculous. They DENY Jesus Christ as lord and saviour. And by denying Christ, makes them and anyone else anti-christ. I dont know where you heard that they worship Christ. They are fully against him, and kill anyone who is for him. What church are you going to? what bible are you reading? Not the same one as me, obviously. i don't mean to turn this into a religion flame topic, I just can't stand seeing people back up such EVIL.

Jehovah my God, and saviour is far from the name of "allah". I don't even capitalize allah, its a piece of trash. Same with the islamic religion.

Heres a question for you. What positive things do you see coming from the islamic nations? none. Infact, this whole stupid war is because of those morons. It's not a war between nations, it's a spiritual war. Its the fight against Satan, and the struggle to defeat him.

MarioFanaticXV #fundie boards.gamefaqs.com

I don't give a care about beliefs; mathematics and science- both of which are hated by the vast majority of the population- should be used to determine which religions are right and wrong. Instead, we worry more about being politically correct and trying to please the masses than trying to use science. I wouldn't be surprised if the evolutionists tried to press legislation to remove the teaching of the scientific method from school.

LastManStanding #fundie boards.gamefaqs.com

I'm going to update this as we different events happen related to Obama and his link to AntiChrist.
What is known so far, which are facts, no speculation:
- when he was born there were record heat waves
- when Hillary dropped out of the race and he was nominated there were record heat waves
- when he was running for office in IL he was a distant candidate but he won two times because the front runners dropped out of the race due to scandals
- recently he has been quoted to dispute the Bible, have you heard of the New Testament Mr Obama?
- the current Pope is the last Pope before the False Prophet.
- December 21, 2012 an event predicted by Nostradamus, Mayans and Book of Revelation happens
- Nostradamus predicted the name of Anti-Christ to be Mabus and that is what you get when you take Obamas names

Too many coincidences, well I will keep you posted.

Lakin0817 #fundie boards.gamefaqs.com

More Christians have been murdered and persecuted for their faith in the last century than all of history combined. And YOU think it's because they want to be? Don't tell me we make reasons up to be persucted. People like you hate the conviction it brings on your heart so you lash out.Just like the people did with Jesus Christ, you know what they did to him. It's no different than what people like you are doing toChristianstoday. You show your ignorance and disregard for human life and what someone believes in. How many athiest have you heard die for their Atheism? Now..how many Christians have you heard of dying for their faith?I've never heard of a man dying for a lie. Thousands of Chinese and middle eastern Christians are dying each day for Christ...and you Atheist sit here and crack jokes and laugh pointing your crooked little fingers while others are dying and being riddiculed for their faith. So many Christian organizations and people help the world out and this is the gratitude you people give them. The Salvation army, YMCA,The Red Cross, The entire USA, and so many more were all started by Christians. How many Atheist groups have helped mankind? The ACLU?? all they do is fight to get God out of society. It's really sad that you are so selfish as to hate so many others for their faith in the one who came so save the world from their sins.

StarTails #fundie boards.gamefaqs.com

Actually, being an atheist is far more irrational then belief in God. Why? because when somebody says their is no God, their implying that they have infinite knowledge. Since God by definition is an infinite being, what an atheist really says is the "I have infinite knowledge of everything in the universe to tell you that there is no one with infinite knowledge."

M Damage #fundie boards.gamefaqs.com


Libearlism is a mental disorder. The ACLU fights to torture and starve innocent people like Terri Schaivo to death while filing lawsuit after lawsuit to protect terrorists, pedophiles, and illegals injured while raping and plundering like vikings on our southern border.

Libs support killing a human being in the womb, abortion. Pro choice? It's the only example in the english language where people leave out the most important part of the sentence-- the right to choose... the right to choose what? The right to choose evil, that's what. The right to choose murder for your child.

Freedom is not defined as the ability to do whatever you want, freedom is to do what you ought, or SHOULD. You never have the right to choose evil. LICENSE, is the ability to do whatever you want, LICENSE is what would enable you to kill a child in the womb, not freedom.

ToadPrince #fundie boards.gamefaqs.com

[topic title: If you believe in ghosts, then you have to believe in God]

If God is a spirit, which he is, then how more real are ghosts than God himself? Ghosts are of the devil which is why they are never in accord with good happenings.

AzumarillMan #racist boards.gamefaqs.com

Why are Asian parents so patently terrible at naming their kids?
It's just laughable. So terrible and outdated. And a lot of times it really pisses me off. The following is a list of just awful Asian names that people I know have had the displeasure of being named (most ridiculous in bold):


What gives?

[Later in the thread...]
I have no idea why I find it offensive, but I do. Seeing names such as "Nancy Yu" and "Lucy Wang" simply irritate me. It's not a conscious decision. Perhaps in order to counteract this problem for the benefit of the parents, children, and peers, we should place much more emphasis in teaching English in these countries on popular, appropriate first names.

GRyda #fundie boards.gamefaqs.com

Faith is the sure belief in something that is proven.

Like the wind. You cant see it but you have constant proof that it is there and you know what it can do.

Whereas Atheists are like those who try to come up with a theory as to why things get blown over instead of accepting that there is a wind.

Crimson Hellkite #fundie boards.gamefaqs.com

[Why are they (females) physically incapable of being ordained?]

Because of divine mandate. The Church has no power to confer the priesthood unto women. It's not that the Holy See is choosing not to ordain: they simply cannot. It is not within the power of the Pope or bishops to alter divine mandate.

[And I don't think "sexist" means what you think it means.]

It's funny how you keep saying this yet you're wrong every single time. You are devaluating the female sex by trying to say they are the same as men, which is simply and obviously untrue.

wario612 #fundie boards.gamefaqs.com

[The ignorance in this topic is quite astounding to say the least.

2. Catholics are christians. Don't even try to deny it, you'll look like a fool.]

LMAO, I don't think i read something this ignorant and ironic in a very long time. Who are you to know that Catholics and Cristians are the same thing? You don't even believe in either!
Catholics- original Roman catholic, differ from the other in a few ways
Christians- orthodox, mostly eastern Europe

You don't know **** about religion, and you come in here and write this bull****? REALLY?

Deus Nova #fundie boards.gamefaqs.com

[Why Catholics are not Christians]

One's pagan and one isn't

They're pretty much are, they're holidays are on pagan holidays and they believe in multiple divine entities. Heh.

Your holidays match up with sun worship dates, your chief symbol is a slightly modified sun wheel etc. Whether you worship the sun or not at the top level of your religion, it's origins are clearly rooted in sun worship.

HawtStuff #fundie boards.gamefaqs.com

(Someone mentions the Crusades were a time when religion was wrong.)

Whether you know it or not, it has done much more good than it has done bad. Don't let your blind hate for religion cloud that. Something doesn't have be necessarily "true" in order to do good. I hate this kind of ignorance.

Dwarkyzidez #fundie boards.gamefaqs.com

Atheists are ****ing annoying. All you guys do is ***** and whine about how religious people are harming society. Wasn't for religion, odds are we wouldn't BE here right now. So to you little non-conformist punks who do it cuz religion sucks: get ****ing real.

Shiki Dan #racist boards.gamefaqs.com

In the Bible God opposed the slavery in ancient Egypt as being oppressive to his people (and as something that honored the Egyptian gods). Other times, when the Israelites turned their back on God, he turned them over to other nations to become slaves. So it seems God "supports" slavery when it is justified and "condemns" slavery when it becomes too unjust.
That's why the issue of morality of "slavery" is not as black and white as you want to make it seem.
To say that anytime you take away someone's "freedom" is unjust is ignorant because "freedom" is a very arbitrary and ambiguous term. And that's not even taking into consdieration if "freedom" is neccessarily moral.