
Raphael #crackpot #ufo #magick #dunning-kruger #fundie voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

At this point in linear time, we are very close to the middle of the cycle, soon to reach the exact mid-point between the out-breath and the in-breath of God. The universe began to reach this mid-point as unicellular organisms were emerging on the Earth, but the exact mid-point is yet to be attained. It will coincide with what has come to be called the Second Coming of Christ.

When any vibrational system reverses the momentum of its direction, as a pendulum does at the uppermost point of its swing, there is a moment of complete rest before it resumes its movement in the opposite direction. Since rest, or the total cessation of movement, constitutes the opposite of time, there is at the precise moment of its occurrence, a micro-interval of non-time, a moment of eternity. This is the same interval of non-time that occurs many times each second as the atoms of the physical world vibrate back and forth. This is an opening into the nagual, a doorway into the Presence from which all Life-energy springs.
So as you prepared to enter into the planetary relationship, you created beings to represent your original state of unified awareness. These are the angels. Their value, as well as their limitation, springs from the fact that they have no comprehension of the process you are undertaking. Their instructions were to pretty much stay out of things until near the very end of the process. Then, upon receipt of a pre-arranged signal, they were to commune with the human beings on Earth at that time and assist them in awakening to their original state of unified consciousness.

We received that signal nearly two thousand years ago.

Galactic Federation of Light via Lynne Rondell #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We are the galactic federation of light, we are all 12 councils and yes we're on the 12th dimension coming through this channeler with this message that we feel is very important and very timely as you have a lot going on with your election in the united states.
For this election is going to go down in the history books. This election is at, we're going to say, a tipping point where the dark can no longer stand on the ground, it's been standing on. This election represents the light actually coming to the surface now to be realized and the truth also coming to the surface to be told.
You also have to let all those on this planet have their truth and you have to be okay with that as well. For when everything is really running in a more truthful way there will not be such a dichotomy and such polarity. All of you that are going to the fifth dimension as we say, you're holding on that fourth dimension beautifully.

This is going to be a huge shift in your consciousness along with the sun that is sending solar blasts daily, now for all of you, you're going to shift. This channeler has known about this for some time. You're all going to shift your consciousnesses and those that are lightworkers, starseeds, healers they're actually doing the work for the entire collective to shift their consciousness as well.

All of us in the highest councils of the galactic federation of light, we wanted to bring through this message to you as you're at a pinnacle point, you are journeying into truth, you are shifting your consciousness to one of truth, you are shifting the consciousness of humanity to that of truth, this is huge.

Leviathon II: Q-lectric Boogaloo

Archangel Michael via Sharon Stewart #crackpot #magick #conspiracy #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

AAM [Archangel Michael]– While meditating you heard one word.

Me – Cleansing.

AAM – That’s what we did.

Me – Also heard DUMBS.

AMM – Yes, put them together and that’s what we were doing. Tell me what you see.

Me - We are up on a mountain. There is lots of activity. Many human soldiers. This is some kind of big intervention. This is physical as well as etheric. Many dark entities I sense ahead. This is some kind of stronghold.

Humans go in. The elite is on the run. They are escaping through other tunnels. We go in. You go left with lots of angels behind you. I go right. Sophie is next to me. There is another contingent of angels that go through the middle.

We are all pushing these entities to a middle. Surrounding them. No one will escape, not this time. Some angels alert the human forces about the location of the ones escaping. Why am I crying as I write this?

There is no mercy on our part. We are ending this. It needs to end. I see Masters. This is all out. Comes to mind that place in Switzerland. They are screaming and snorting. They hiss at us as we destroy them. We are destroying them. We are sending them all back to Source.

Angels are sweeping the place of dark energies. This is a complete cleansing. Spiders come out. They were in some kind of a bubble. They did not last long against the angels. Many other angels are joining in the energy sweep.

Some humans were able to get to vehicles. Most of the humans were arrested by the soldiers. OMG. I see that man again! He was the one with the goat headdress. I go after him. He is driving. I am blinding him by putting my hands in front of his face. He crashes his car.

I can’t stop crying while I am writing this. I hear Michael, “relax my brother. Breathe.”

Archangel Michael via Steve Beckow #magick #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Archangel Michael: The point at which human beings would relinquish their attachment to money is in the distant future. And we have said this previously but it bears repeating at this juncture. And it is not because love cannot reign. Of course it can. And manifestation can be fully present.

But human beings love money and it is not an incorrect love affair. When it is equated with one’s worth or value that is entirely incorrect. But what it does is it gives a sense of assigned value so for example, think of it simply is gold or salt.

Then, if you take a mass-produced piece of cotton fibers that is produced a million at a time (and I am using this not as truth but as an example) that the machinery or the technicians operating machinery are there.

They are exhausted, they are hounded, they do not feel valued. They do not infuse love into the material or to the machines or into the process. That mask has a very different value to the individual.

So in one country for example, the spice, because it is culturally the foundation of what is used in food, has a very high value. And another country that never uses that spice, it may go for a penny.

So it is simply a way in which human beings have devised to say what they value, what they love, what they think is worth the exchange. So it puts a whole different understanding on money.

One of the greatest human needs, particularly as this Ascension is well underway, is the desire to be recognized, acknowledged. And so what it does, what money is used for (and this is one of the many reasons why humans love it) is that it acknowledges the person’s value.

Archangel Michael via Sharon Stewart #crackpot #ufo #fundie #conspiracy #quack voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Archangel Michael with a message to the Angelic Warrior Group.

We have been notified that the Light Grid is now lower by 40 percent. This is to do with all the fear and negative reaction to Vee programming.

Understand that when you watch the news that what you are viewing is not actually reality. What you are viewing is that which they desire you to create for them, nothing more. Your belief in the news as being true is a large part of the problem. Your belief in the threats of job loss, of forced vaccination, in further lockdowns and the implementation of communism if you continue to comply, will only put you onto the path where these things will happen. They need not do so, it is simply a question of what you fear.
Sharon knows there is nothing to fear because she has faced many of her fears already: poverty, homelessness, unemployment, abuse, loss of her status in society, no food to eat, lovelessness, and more - she has already faced it. And she is happier and calmer now in the face of this Storm because she has been prepared and absolutely knows that when she allows it, she will be looked after. She has a knowing, it is not even faith.

Me: I must live in one of the least affected spots on this planet although I live right next to Quebec, which really is getting plandemically hammered right now.

Michael: Yes, you breeze through your day without fearing because you realize that there is nothing to fear. That if you do fear it, you will attract it. So you fear not.

Me: Yes. Ivo taught me that. The only thing to fear is fear itself.

Michael: And should they require passports for entrance into the grocery store, then what will you do?

Me: Either get my neighbours to get my groceries, find a black market seller, buy online and pick up or there are any number of alternatives. I'm not worried about it.

Michael: Fear is not the true state of the human – love is. Earthlings have learned to fear and you have learned to respond in fear to everything you encounter.

Liberty #sexist #magick #moonbat #wingnut #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Today I would like to talk to you about sexual energy as an innate quality of a person and how education influences it.

By observing children, you can easily see how early feminine qualities appear in girls, and masculine qualities in boys.

But then a lot depends on their parents.

They can either develop a child’s sexual energy by raising its vibrations, or they can lower its energy level through their upbringing.

The fact that in recent years the institution of the family was purposefully destroyed and other values were introduced into society, among which “free sexual relations” occupied not the least place, affected children in the most deplorable way.

Growing up in single-parent families and not being able to observe normal relationships between men and women, children have lost the main guideline in life: what real men and real women should be like.

As a result, from childhood their sexual energy begins to deform.

And this is how it happens.

For example, a woman raising a child alone unwittingly takes on the role of not only a woman, but also a man.

She loses one of her main components - female “weakness”, which is expressed in tenderness, softness, defenselessness.

A child, not seeing what a true woman should be like under the wing of a strong man, already has distorted ideas about the sexual energy of both.

And since children unwittingly copy their parents, in this case boys become more feminine, and girls, on the contrary, acquire some masculine qualities.

And this happens unnoticed, on a subconscious level.

Thus, the distorted sexual energy of the mother is inherited by her children.
And now, in the age of equality between men and women, such manifestations are happening more and more often.
From childhood, instill in them the “strong” qualities of a man and the “weak” qualities of a woman, which are so necessary for their development, which would help each of them harmonize their sexual energy - one of the strongest in the Universe.

James Gilliland/ECETI #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

The awakening and healing of Humanity and the Earth or planetary liberation has many levels. The dark heart hierarchy only goes into mid levels of the 4thdimension. Love is the ultimate power, it is the wellspring of all sound, vibration and light, all that is, the cosmic glue that holds all things together. There is a unified field in which we all reside, the dark hearts only have access to mid to lower 4d and 3d. Masters, Saints and Sages including Spiritually and Technologically advanced extra/ultraterrestrials access more of the unified field determined by their spiritual evolution.
The Pleiadian forefathers the Ancient Lyrians we refer to as the tall bearded Gods of old, some worship to this day in many religions were the colonies before Atlantis and Lemuria or Mu. There were others within the Inner Earth who had already reached a very high state of evolution. Believe it or not most advanced civilizations live within their planets not on the surface. These races, most our ancient ancestors often referred to as the Star Nations are all part of the planetary liberation. The fallen gods, and other self-serving entities that operate outside of universal law are the ones the Earth is being liberated from. This is written about in the Nag Hamadi, the Emerald Tablets of Thoth, and on the walls of ancient temples. The ones coming to Earth now are the planetary liberators freeing us from negative seen and unseen entities that have plagued humanity for millions of years. An alien invasion is the last thing you have to worry about it is the ones that are already here, have been here a very long time who will be held accountable

Archangel Michael via Ronna Vezane #ufo #crackpot #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

As the Light Cells of God Consciousness infiltrate deeper and deeper into the physical structure, the membranes of Light surrounding the DNA begin to dissolve. As part of this Sub-Universal experience, this was programmed into the Adam/Eve Kadmon Light Body blueprint so that the activation of the DNA strands would take place two at a time.

The DNA strands are attuned to the different dimensional levels. The two strands which are now available and active in the physical vessel are attuned to the First-, Second- and Third-Dimensional levels.

As we have told you before, as you sank into the density of the lower dimensions, two by two, your DNA strands were encased in membranes of Light and placed in reserve until the time you were ready to begin your journey back into the higher dimensions of Light.

For clarity and to help you understand the sequence of Higher Self/OverSoul integration, let us assign numbers to each Facet of your Higher Self. You were born with a Facet of your God Self enclosed within a Sphere of Light, which was stored within your Sacred Heart.

Encoded within your DNA, your auric field and the White Fire Memory Seed Atoms throughout your body were the frequencies you were to experience in the beginning stages of your life. Your number One Soul Self, which we will call your OverSoul, took up residency within your Soul Star, the Eighth Chakra, at the time of your birth.

Nabiore via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am an electrical being. (I am seeing and sensing purple electric zaps and the energy is charged around me.) I am here now to enliven and encourage the divine feminine who has felt perhaps isolated from her divine counterpart. Know too that the human men have felt isolated from their counterparts, as the earth journey has been an isolating one.

(I am seeing a muscular male being with a leather skirt, long black hair drawn up tight and high in a warrior’s ornamental hair style with spikes sticking out. There is white war paint on his high cheekbones and he has a narrow fierce face. He appears Native American. He is wearing leather boot moccasins and carrying a spear with a hook on the end. Purple electricity comes out of the hook. He is tall, fierce and imposing.)

Galaxygirl, you asked to speak with a male of the ascended ways did you not? (I did.) Then why are you surprised with my appearance? Were you expecting a soft headed monk? A placid lover of books? Those things are equally important but my energy is one for electrical change, and change is what is needed in your realm. It is important the true awakened masculine arises
I Nabiore am speaking. (He points his hooked weapon into the dark space around him and charges it with purple light and sends it as a bolt of light to Gaia. It dissipates into soft violet light and I see that the light particles are quantum, each molecule is individuated consciousness of healing. I am seeing them enter human bodies and heal energetically from the inside.)
You are both the warrior and the maiden, you are the father protector and the mother defender. You are strong. As the buffalo filled the plains so are the prayers of the ancestors surrounding you. The well wishes for your success and the energies of support are strong.

For those who wish, kneel. Allow me to touch my staff of purple light to your crown, and feel the warmth of peace, of balance. That is what I offer today. It is enough.

Delphinia via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #crackpot #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Greetings, beloved ones. I have been showing this one blue bubbles in her mind’s eye to get her attention. She does not know me, many do not for I have been within the secret of the deep. I am the consciousness of the ancient waters that remembered the higher ways.

I am the spirit of the waters of the deep. I am the molecules of light within the water for I am the consciousness of it. I am yours to work with, to command healing and action. My energetic imprint was mighty on this realm as the ancients knew how to work with the waters of the deep and how to communicate with me. I am a water goddess and yet I am not. I am all things and yet I am nothing for I exist at zero point, a lovely place of stillness where anything is possible.

As spirit of the water I see the waters being misused heinously on your realm. It is time for massive cleaning up, for Gaia’s waters are her lifeblood and yours as well. You humans are 80% water, at lest. You have crystalline water now within you as you are becoming more and more crystalline and so to begin to work with me now is common sense. It is time that our consciousness joined forces not only in the clean up of your planet but in the clean up of your biosphere, of your own planet, your body. Bless your water. Command health, code joy into your fluids that you partake of.
I was active in the ancient times of Mu, of Tartaria, of Atlantis, of Lumeria. Those who were awakened, and there were many, they would work with the consciousness of me, and create with me the appropriate healing and vibratory structures within my molecular field. It was like magic. I long for the magic of this realm to be reborn. And I am coming to you, to this one, to your surface world again for now is the time. Now is the time for Gaia’s healing and to come to tell you that although all will be most well, it will not seem to be so in the coming days.

Akatu via Judith Kusel #magick #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Beloved Friends Of Earth! You Have Become Quite Accustomed To Hearing About Beings That You Once Knew! Now We Share What Many Have Always Known As Mythical Creatures! Basco! (Indeed) They Are Very Real And Quite Charming!

In These Moments Of Sharing, I Bring You The Truth About Dragons! Parts Of Their Story Are Intertwined With Fairies And Humans That Were Rescued By The Fairies Millions Of Years Ago. These Humans Were Starseeds From Many Places That You Now Know About.

Many Were Babies And Small Children When They Were Found Abandoned Or In Danger. Fairies Took Them To Safety Within Mountains And Deep Forests Around The Planet. They Taught Them Survival Skills And Gave Them Magic To Carry Within.
Living With Fairies Since The Beginning Of Creation, Dragons Were Very Small And Fairies Enjoyed Riding On Their Backs! Fairies Took Them Into Astral And Through The Cosmos As They Entered Portals Of Pink Energy To Change Densities.

Over Time, The Fairies Gifted The Dragons With Large Bodies And Magical Powers Of Their Own. Dragons Leave The Fairies For Extended Periods. They Can Be Completely Invisible Or Enter An Area In The Higher Realms Where They Are Welcomed As All Animals.

All Of The Elohim Races Are Accustomed To These Beautiful Creatures That Arrive To Spread Joy To All. They Have Wings That Are Silver, Purple, Pink And Yellow! They Do Not Emit Fire!

They Project A Frequency Of Bright Pink And Orange That Resembles Fire And Yet It Brings Peace And Calm. Many Families In The Higher Realms Enjoy Dragons Playing With Their Children And Animals. They Spread Magic Over All Areas They Visit.

They Always Return To Earth To The Fairies That Have Loved Them And The Children Of The Fairies That Wait For Them. Fairies Were Created In Elohim And Have The Power Of Creation To Assist And Watch Over The Innocent.

Fairies and Gaia via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Blessings and joy, friends! We are the fairies of Nova Gaia. We are here in the moment of the in between pulling our fairy friends up higher into the dimensional frequencies that create! Relax! Expectations are flowing now in this realm of creative expansion and ideation - much joy awaits you here! (Her fingers are so clumsy, she is so slow!)(They are laughing at me, as I am not typing fast enough to keep up with their chatter. And I am a fast typist!) Galaxygirl, we surround you now with flower petals of our love, of love from our fairy friends from the higher dimensions ~ for we are all enjoying our little fairy bodies and some of us have not wanted to release them into the void of recreation but to hang on for longer experience. And that is what many of us have done! We have come from other spaces, planets, places and realms. Fairy folk are abundant in many worlds ~ it is only a few that are stifled and earth has been one of them.
I am Gaia. You were never meant to feel disconnected from me. You are a hologram in a holographic reality experience, simultaneously playing out a myriad of parallel lives and realities. Some of you right now are simultaneously in a city, in a forest as a curious child, an old man selling hotdogs in New York, and a young woman writing in Canada. Do you see? The human form is rich and varied. It is the multidimensionality and creative expansion of Source that makes this possible for we are all aspects of Source. Do you see, children? That is how we are all connected. <...> There are many versions of earth, of me, for I am aware of my multidimensionality. I have already ascended in many ways, but as time is a spiral, there are gaps, pauses, bends and twists. Regardless, the light flows through, among and amidst us. It is the great cosmic dance, the true circle of life. Animals were never meant to eat each other upon me. And yet it was allowed. Prey and predator are absolutely parts of, aspects of low frequency within the hologram.

Pebbles and Ascended Dragons via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

An adolescent yellow and purple dragon is in my office with me standing by the door, the size of a large St. Bernard. This is a sudden surprise, we have not met before. He says he wants to meet me, that I am ‘so cool’ and I tell him I think he’s awesome as well. What’s your name? I ask him.)

Hi! I’m Pebbles. This is my baby name but soon I will have a really cool grown up name, like Flash or Zigzag. I like to go fast!

(How old are you, Pebbles?)

I’m a few cycles since I hatched. I like to fly and I’m working on my smoke rings. There is a lot of dirt and monsters on your planet that they are munching on. We like to munch on dark things and get rid of them that way.”

(Suddenly surrounding either side of him, I see two large friendly dragon heads, purple and green, a parent couple are smiling their dragon smiles at me and I know them I think from my travels.)

Yes, we know you very well. We are part of the dragon cleansing group, here to clean and clear the energies of Gaia, to hone the vibration, to tone the crystals and to clear the debris energetically.
Dragons, are things progressing well, in your opinion.)

Galaxygirl, we are not at liberty to have opinions, for we follow the prime directive of Source, we are always progressing perfectly then. Dragons obey not because we must, for we are free. We have free will too. We can easily leave this war torn scene. But we serve. We serve the light, we serve Source and we are aspects of Source, so therefore all is in perfect timing. You seem impatient. You do not want things to happen to fast. The humans must be ready for what is to come.

(What is to come?)

The great light, the great change, that is to come. This has been slowed down so that more may travel, so that more may come. And many more are coming than was previously thought. Your world was thought but lost, until star seeds such as many of you lobbied heavily for the great collaboration of worlds and realms to save this one (planet).

Archangel Michael via Erena Velazquez #magick #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Look, what happened to the human race, which changed so much, that they became a reflection of Evil without even knowing it. Humanity is not capable to see, what is a real truth, follows false narrative by fake celebrities, who worship satanism and have been killing little children and drinking their blood to look young during their satanic ceremonies.

Divine and the Galactic Light Forces are making sure that these dark souls are not getting their hands on young kids. A lot of the celebrities drastically aged, because they could not get access anymore to children’s blood.

The same goes for the Vatican, it’s all total Evil there, which has been brainwashing humans always with their fake religions. They stole all of the wealth from humankind by leaving only the bare minimum to survive. You would think, that all of you would have gotten awaken by now, it’s not the case, billions of you are still asleep, otherwise you would see big changes on your planet.

Nothing is settled in your reality, only chaotic negative energies get send from everyone around the world. I want to clarify regarding the Archons and Solar Flares. Archons are a very old Galactic civilization, they left your planet a long time ago.

The Solar Flashes or Flares don’t do anything to Mother Earth, by the time these Solar Flashes or Solar Flares arrive from the Universal Sun to Gaia, they are completely harmless and have no power left to effect your planet in anyway. Message after message about them, it is not going to change any outcome on Earth. When Ascension will happen on Gaia, there will be no big Solar Flash Event. Only Divine knows, what will happen when Ascension occurs on your planet Earth.
It’s time to stop following a false narrative. If you want to see progress, first connect to your soul through meditations, otherwise you are going to continue to be fooled by humans. Only Divine is sending daily high frequencies to break your false reality.

Gnomes via Erena Velazquez #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

<As requested by Bastethotep>

We are Gnomes, and we are here to introduce ourselves to humankind through this channel.

We are real and staying right now on a New Earth, 5D version of your planet where everyone is trying to ascend to. We love being there, as no one is disturbing our peace and harmony. Before we lived in Inner Earth, and some of us lived in Hollow Earth with Zorra. After your planet’s ascension we moved there to 5th dimension.

Your five dimension version of your planet Earth is much bigger than your three dimension version. The New Earth is 100 times bigger, than your 3D reality you’re living on right now.

The main reason for this everything is taller and bigger in higher realms. The beings are taller, homes, trees, nature in general, and animal life is taller and bigger. For example Queen An-Ra and Anubis Egyptian civilization has 15 feet tall wild cats and 10 feet tall cobras as pets. Also, right now none of the Galactic Light Forces motherships can land on your 3D version of Gaia, all of the motherships are bigger than your entire planet.
We Gnomes are from the 6 dimension, you will be able to meet us, when you ascend. Only pure souls can see us right now in your dimension. In the past human kids were able to notice us until certain age like 5 years old, after that they get tainted by your society and their parents, who usually don’t believe them and try to subdue their imagination with doctors and medications.

We decided now not to show ourselves anymore to children, so not to cause any harm. We are 4-5 feet tall and live in a place surrounded by nature, where mushrooms like to grow.
We built small houses looking like castles in secluded areas in the forest. We love teleportation as well, we can also communicate telepathically. Our population right now is about 1000. Many things are hidden from the human’s eyes, as you see everything through the mind, and not through your Universal Consciousness .

Solarian Civilization via Erena Velazquez #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We are Solarian Civilization and we are transmitting telepathically this message today to introduce ourselves to humankind.

We live on a planet called Solaris, which you call Universal Sun or Central Sun. The Universal Sun planet is 100 times bigger than Earth. These solar flashes that are coming from our planet are protecting us from invasion by unfriendly races. Your kind constantly talks about the flashes. They are completely harmless by the time they reach Gaia.

Nobody can’t come too close to Solaris. Everything in close range gets melted into the Cosmos, so Galactic ships don’t charge at the Central Sun. We live on the inside of the planet and not on the surface, it’s too dangerous to be too close to the flashes of heat.
We are the second oldest civilization in the Cosmos and live in the 16th dimension. We are not in a liquid form, as some of you would say. The only time you are liquid, if you want to be reborn in that form or you live in the Galaxy or Star System, where everything is sustained in a liquid form.
Your civilization has a lot of work to do, as of right now you are not ready to interact with any Galactic civilization. You are too divided by religion, ethnicity, language, history and etc. You can’t get along with each other. Skepticism, sarcasm, disbelief and anger are emotions implanted by your Negative rulers.

Unless all of you come together as one civilization by letting go of all your differences, you will continue to be enslaved. Humankind has been spinning their wheel for a long time, this is why Divine and the Galactic Light Forces intervention is necessary, as you are not capable to free yourselves at this moment.

The truth is the same goal for everyone to move into higher realms and leave behind 3D. We have been there, and we know that transformation takes time. We want to remind you, that you are stronger than you think. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces.

Ember the Phoenix via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

(I am seeing a massive fire bird with eyes of fire, with red and orange feathers. He is spreading his wings, cocking his head and pondering me.)

Greetings young one of the flesh of earth. I am the Phoenix of what was and what is and is to come. I am timeless for I am out of time. I see with truth and infinite potential. I see the infinite potential of you, of you humans populating an ascending world, whose hearts of full of fire and hope. Hope is a powerful ally, a friend in dark times. Your world may feel dark but underneath and above you are being bathed in light. (He is showing me magma chambers and blooming flowers inside the earth). Layers of reality surround you. Your vibration is what keys you into your station or program that you can see. Layers of universes, of parallel realities and existences are everywhere.
(I am seeing a sacred geometry grid overlayed across Gaia and the grid permeates everything beneath it. The sacred geometry is incredibly complex, lines within lines, circles and triangles within shapes. It would be impossible to draw. The light overlay is humming and if I zoom in I can see the particles of crystal light communicating with each other and there are mini rainbows being shot across the grid as the light information is exchanged. Ember, what is this?) This is the new overlay, the new reality of 5d and 6d Gaia upon your own holographic crumbling illusionary world. The light is healing all that it touches, just as you light workers have been doing the same. You can feel the humming if you listen. Many are feeing humming or vibrations in their bodies. That is because the sacred geometries, the merkabas, of the planet and of the people with souls are vibrating and much change will occur because of this.
You are the gods of ages past returned. I Ember see you clearly, and love you deeply. I am Ember. I am Ember. Call upon me when you wish for a sky view or bird’s eye-view of your problems and I will help you.

Kryon of the Magnetic Service via Lee Carroll #crackpot #ufo #magick #quack voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Let me talk about the magnetic energy wheel. It might be two, or even three wheels, but there is a simple pattern, an array of magnets that, when placed correctly, can keep a wheel spinning – forever.

Using the simple push/pull energy of small or large magnets together in a specific array, you can keep this wheel going forever. You’re aware, are you not, that natural magnets are very powerful, and they push and they pull with a great deal of force, with no rest or refresh time, and no side effects, and no fuel.

This is a huge secret! Why have you not seen this before? Put them together in an array where they will push and pull against each other and spin whatever size wheel you wish – until the end of time! All you have to do is oil the bearings occasionally. Have you thought of that? Dear ones, listen: If you can make something spin, you can connect it to an electric generator. Electricity, in any quantity, forever!

I want you to think of what this means. Imagine: No batteries. “Kryon, what are you talking about. You’ve got to have batteries.” Dear ones, that statement is soooo yesterday! Imagine your favorite device. A phone, perhaps? What if, instead of a battery, it had a tiny, miniature, spinning magnetic motor that powered the device in real-time – forever!

Think: If consciousness is energy, then, like all other physical energies, there must be rules or axioms. It becomes predictive science. When you start to figure that out and you understand what those are, you will have some profound answers to some of the greatest mysteries of health: The energy of consciousness is the reason for the placebo effect! Someone takes a sugar-coated pill, and they are told that the pill is going to create a cure – and then it does! How is that possible?

Someone takes a homeopathic tincture, a chemistry that is too small to create a chemical reaction. Yet, it cures! The answer is the energy and the physics of consciousness combined with something called mirror neurons

The Angels via Ann Albers #magick #ufo #psycho voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

One of the questions we hear most often in heaven is, "Why do bad things happen to good people?" "Why do God and the angels not intervene and save people from the cruelty of others?" "Why does God not destroy those who wish to destroy others?"

You projected yourselves into your 3D reality because you wanted the adventure of creation. You were eager to immerse yourself in the vast diversity of life on earth. You knew that as you witnessed different things, behaviors, people, and situations, you would be inspired to create—through your focus and tuning—as never before. You knew you would call love from the intangible realms into this reality and, therefore, be part of the continuing creation of this reality. You were eager. You knew you'd have free will.
In your 3D world, babies appear helpless. They are not yet mobile, verbal, or able to care for themselves. However, in the energetic reality, these brilliant souls are already emitting vibration.

This begs the question, "Why are some babies born sick?" "Why are some born into unthinkable wars?" From the 3D perspective, this seems unjust, but the universe operates in a vibrational dance. Vibration does not punish and reward as you do in your human reality—vibration matches or not. A radio tuned to FM does not punish the AM signals by ignoring them. It simply cannot receive the differing signal due to its very nature. It can focus only on FM wavelengths.
While immersed in 3D reality, it is difficult to understand that the eternal dance is more important to the soul than a possible, temporary experience of pain or challenge. Nonetheless, you are eternal souls. Some of you embraced challenges willingly as part of your pre-birth plans, and some of you embrace challenges that result from simply focusing too often on vibrations less than loving, that don't feel good, to begin with.

Mau Feline Civilization via Erena Velazquez #ufo #magick #wingnut #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We are Mau Feline Civilization coming today through this channel to introduce ourselves to humankind.

We live in a faraway Stars Cancelation called Mahretu. Our race has strong physiques with intimidating looks. Our height runs from 10-12 feet tall. We resemble your small versions of feline species on Earth in a humanoid body.

You don’t want to start a war with us, unless you want to be completely destroyed. You would end up being surrounded by us, and your spaceships would vanished without any traces. We show no mercy to our enemies on the battlefield, we leave no survivors. The Reptilians are afraid of us. We can be quite spiteful, when we speak the truth, as we don’t accept any nonsense or excuses, when the tasks needs to be completed.

Most of the time we stay neutral, unless we are provoked. We are not participating in the Galactic Light Forces, sometimes we are asked for help. We stay informed, on what is happening in different parts of the Cosmos.

We also are familiar with your planet troubles and turbulences. We know that Darkness controls your life in every aspect. It demoralizes and confuses your youth, keeps population in poverty, trying to depopulate the human population by using different types of poison in foods and shots. Your news are deceiving you daily by giving you only lies, and they are hiding the truth about the demonic rituals of drinking children’s blood, and all other negative things that the Dark Ones are doing to you.
This is your final phase, and only ground work is going to secure the Ascension. You are very fortunate that the Galactic Light Forces are protecting your planet from the skies. We have seen ourselves, how your satellites and debris from your rockets are falling from the Cosmos, and Ashtar Command dissolves them with their Light technology, so that they would not cause any damage on the planet or kill someone.

We wish for you to be victorious in your journey to freedom.

Zetas via Erena Velazquez #ufo #magick #quack #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Zetas, a top scientist of progressive group of Greys, who work and interact with the Galactic Light Forces as alliance.

My civilization split into two groups. One group has been seeking survival at any cost even harming own species or others. My group was able to find the solution to save our race and created 3 new civilizations and became part of the Galactic Light Forces as a consultant in scientific matters.

As a scientist I want to talk today about your physical vessels, which your civilization are using now. Annunaki created perfected free disease humans 7-12 feet tall a long time ago. Then, unfriendly outworlders conquered your planet and manipulated humans DNA to the point that height shrank and immunity to sustain healthy bodies disappeared.

Now, your physical vessels are weaker with each generation, and humans can face extinction. Your medical system instead of improving your bodies do the opposite by weakening them with cutting, removing organs and etc. The original humans from millions years ago didn’t get sick or die at a young age.

Generally humans vibrate very low as their vessels had too many alterations done during their presence on this planet. In addition to that, you carry genetics from over 20 different species. The most important part of your vessel is your soul, which keeps the human alive. Right now, humankind is too consumed with the physicality of the human body, that they forgot about the existence of the soul.
All of the hidden secrets and lies about the Moon, Saturn, Venus and Mars, advanced technologies, interactions with Reptilians, Anchors and etc. are going to be disclosed to the awaken ones. This part of the Milky Galaxy experienced too many Universal Laws violations., so Divine‘s unstoppable force continues to crash the old system everywhere.

This low vibrational reality cannot be saved, it needs to completely disappear. The low frequencies have been spreading all over your Galaxy and effecting other planets.

Queen An-Ra via Erena Velazquez #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Queen An-Ra, Grand Council of New Earth Council, and I am also the leading Council of the Planetary InterGalactic Coalition.

The Galactic Light Forces with Ashtar Command are stationed around Earth’s orbit to protect humans from space attacks, nuclear threats and so on.

Today, I want to discuss important topics related to your planet. Please, take my words seriously. I am communicating on behalf of millions of Light Beings and as the representative of the New Earth Council. All of the negative outworlders are gone from Mother Earth, after receiving an ultimatum to leave or otherwise they would be striped from their souls. Right now on Earth there are no Reptilians. The only ones left are the dark souls in human bodies, the controllers.

The 3D shell of your planet is ready to be dropped anytime into Cosmos. We had many meetings regarding the Old Earth, and after many deliberations all of the Galactic Councils agreed that it should be returned into its original state of molecules, which means the 3D version of this planet will completely disappear into space and nothing will be left of it.
The planet is going to look very similar to Earth. The human civilization will be moved without them even knowing that they are on a new planet. Everything will look the same, everyone will have the same place the lived on Earth. There still will be medications, religions, countries and ect. The only differences will be that humanity will have no weapons at all on the planet. No guns, tanks and no nuclear weapons, and they also will not have any memory of weapons, it will be erased from their minds.
Divine continues to breakdown the Matrix. The distortions and glitches are going to continue to occur. The ones who are playing a game of good guys, they can’t hide anymore their true intentions. Sending non stop spaceships to explore the Cosmos and create colonies on other planets are not going to work with 3D mentality.

Esther Hicks #quack #magick #dunning-kruger voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Daily Quote for October 31, 2023 | Abraham-Hicks

Someone asked us recently, “Is there any limitation to the body’s ability to heal?” And we said, “None other than the belief that you hold.” And he said, “Then why aren’t people growing new limbs?” And we said, “Because no one believes that they can.”

Excerpted from San Rafael, CA on 2/27/99

Our Love,
(and Abraham and Jerry)

Archangel Michael via Erena Velazquez #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am, Archangel Michael, today is my turn to speak to my Beloved Souls about the troubling matters on your planet.

Mother Earth has experienced so many challenges and obstacles throughout her existence in the form of a planet. She is ready to leave this assignment and to move on to a new adventure of her choice by switching with a new soul, who will take her place.

As we said before, the Matrix is on a verge of collapse together with their controllers. The cruelty, greed, arrogance and other emotional elements have been a part of daily lives for humankind. Subliminal messages scripted in commercials and movies were brainwashing and effecting everyone for years. Most of the souls lost their innocence and purity. They forgot completely about, who they are and the God’s essence within themselves.
Regarding events on your planet such as military attacks in some areas, not all of them are real, some of them are staged by Evil. We said many times in our messages, use your discernment, what is the truth and what is a lie.

My Beloved Souls, many of you are still confused about the Matrix. If you meditate on a regular basis, you will start noticing things that you didn’t notice before such as false information, Artificial Intelligence walking in a human form, holographic images and etc. Right now, your spacecrafts are polluting and trashing space, creating holes in the atmosphere and interrupting the Galactic Operation around the planet.

The Galactic Light Forces keep removing the debris from your satellites, which were ready to drop down and harm humankind. This reality cannot be sustained anymore by Evil. It’s going to crash, it’s just a matter of time. We believe that is time for a New Earth to appear. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces. Please accept my Blessings and Supreme Love.

The Father Absolute via Martha #magick #ufo #quack #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Currently, energy attacks on people are coming from all sides: through the spraying of harmful substances from airplanes, through chemical fertilizers, artificial additives in food and drinks, through medicines and personal care products.

By and large, there is practically nothing left on Earth that is truly natural, pure, natural.

And although at first glance this may seem like a material manifestation of the impact on the human body, the basis of all this is also an ENERGY COMPONENT.

As you already know, even any INANIMATE OBJECT always CARRYS A CERTAIN TYPE OF ENERGY - the one that PEOPLE INVESTED INTO IT.

Now imagine the energy invested by the creators of certain substances and additives, DESIGNED TO DESTROY, and, by and large, KILL THE BODIES of millions of people as a result of the ingress of ARTIFICIALLY CREATED SUBSTANCES that are destructive to human life and health.

Therefore, the first thing you need to do is NEUTRALIZE THE NEGATIVE ENERGIES OF ALL ARTIFICIAL that has entered your body in one way or another.

Unfortunately, this applies to absolutely everyone, and not just to vaccinated people, since at present almost no one has managed to completely preserve their natural energetic purity.

Therefore, it is very important to restore your subtle bodies that have received “INJURIES” as a result of EXPOSURE to ALIEN artificial ELEMENTS.

Such “traumas” DIFFER from those that arise as a result of your own energy attacks in the form of NEGATIVE THOUGHTS and EMOTIONS, in that ARTIFICIAL ELEMENTS ARE SCATTERED ACROSS ALL OF YOUR SUBLIME BODIES in the form of imperceptible inclusions.

These inclusions are so small that they are not capable of damaging the shell of subtle bodies, but nevertheless they CONSTANTLY and steadily ERRODES it, like rust settled on a metal surface.

And in the next message I will give you a practice for CLEANING your subtle bodies from this energetic “rust” in order to STOP ITS IMPACT on your physical bodies.

Irinehalla via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Irinehalla, goddess of ice, wind and sea speak. I have been presiding over your Antarctica for eons, since the last great shift that covered the tropical places with ice. I preside as protector over them and it is now time for their unveiling, just as it is almost time for your own. You are creators in form. You are vastly powerful. You are strong, brave, to come to such a world at such a time. We all honor you.
I Irinehalla am speaking. I hold the energies for the South Pole. My sister holds the energies for the North Pole. This creates spinal stability for Gaia. We have served in this capacity since Lumeria fell. We are serving in our own way, just as you are serving. I transmute with my presence. I breathe light and love into the crystals of ice and earth, the wind, the rain, the storms are filled with Source light. This balances Gaia and keeps her poles more stable. They have been wobbling. There is planetary instability currently, for she is undergoing the shift. You know this as you feel it. The sun is unnaturally bright just as it is prior to a massive emission. And all things are lining up, Source driven, creation driven, love driven.
There are many secrets that are about to unfold. There are giants, there are many ships, there are civilizations on your world that have been here longer than you. And these are good things. It is good to know the truth, to see it, to feel it, and to advance it. It is your time to create, to explore the inner depths of yourselves, of your own being, and you will find tremendous strength there in the depths. I know. I have seen it. We are one. We all serve Gaia and Source in our own way. The clock is ticking, you have heard this. It is still true.

Whales of Sirius B via Galaxygirl #ufo #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Greetings land walkers. We are the whales of Sirius B. We have been in contact with your creatures of the deep on your water world for eons. Together we form a network of high intelligence and love, grounding light and wisdom in the deepest of dark waters. We see not in the dark but follow our own inner light, our own inner knowing. We see this could be of benefit to the land walkers.
These are troubling times upon your water world. We assist Gaia by sending our light and energies to our cetacean earth family. We bridge light and balance anchor points across dimensions, but not across time as all is now.
Children of Earth, land walkers amongst the galaxies, we see you. We see you with our hearts, we see you as you are, as the great ones who volunteered to come and swim in the depths to shine your lights so that the others around you could see, and realize they too have an inner light. You are all spark plugs of Creator. You are all magical in your creativity. Do not be afraid of what is to come, do not shy from your inner light. Light is what brought you here, and light is why you came. It is your destiny. For you are of it. (The whales are blowing bubbles all around me and I am seeing peoples’ faces in the bubbles as they find their light within.)
Little ones, you have been burdened. Many of you wonder what else you may do to assist. We assist by bringing light to dark water, by raising the vibration of the waters so that the planets may sing. You are currently swimming in what feels like darkness but it is surrounded by light. (I am seeing a fish bowl with dark water that is surrounded by blinding light).
We whales of Sirius B are much larger than the whales of your world. Our energies have an impact through great distances, just as your energies do as well. Do not be frightened by the depths and the deep. Magic lies there waiting to be discovered. And that magic we believe is you.

Patricia Cota-Robles #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

As the new 5D Solar frequencies of Crystalline Light flow in, through and around every particle and wave of Life on Earth, it seems as though the obsolete patterns of separation and duality are becoming more and more prevalent. As these distorted patterns surface around the World to be Healed and Transmuted back into Light, people are responding in a multitude of ways. Because of a lack of understanding, many of their responses are actually exacerbating this purging process.

Today, the Beings of Light are informing us that the powerful Eclipse Series we will experience this month is providing the masses of Humanity with a unique opportunity to comprehend what the Oneness of ALL Life means at a very practical level. On October 14th we will experience a New Moon Annular Solar Eclipse and on October 28th we will experience a Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse.

Due to the Quantum Shifts that have taken place within our Earthly Bodies and our Twelve 5D Solar Strands of DNA so far this year, Humanity en masse is in a position to comprehend on a far more Conscious level the Sacred Knowledge being revealed about the Oneness of ALL Life.
However, on the other hand, our Sisters and Brothers in the Family of Humanity who are still asleep and those who are deliberately resisting moving forward in the Light are responding from their basest fears.

These souls are lashing out at every person and every thing that they perceive is different from them or disagrees with their belief systems. Their fear is intensifying the “us versus them” illusions which have created so much of the pain and suffering for Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth. This destructive and polarized thinking is now creating painful stumbling blocks for people as they strive to Awaken and move forward in the Light.

One of the most important things the Sacred Knowledge within our 5D DNA is confirming is that there is no such thing as “us and them.”

John F. Kennedy for Erena Velazquez #crackpot #magick #ufo #wingnut #conspiracy #mammon voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Good Morning America and the World,

I am John F. Kennedy happy to be back and to share my message with humanity. When I was walking between the living, my desire was to expose the hidden truth. The Nesara/Gesara was meant to be announced including the reset of currency, exposure of the Secret Space Program and etc. during my presidency.

It didn’t happen, the controllers assassinated me in 1963. Later on, the second time the announcement of the Nesara/Gesara was supposed to come in the morning of September 11, 2001, we all know what happened that day, the Darkness used their dirty deeds to interrupt the event by destroying the Twin Towers of World Trade Center.
Finally, the humanity is standing up for themselves and putting the fight for their right to choose, what to put into their bodies. The Dark Entities, who are so used to getting their ways, didn’t expect any resistance and thought to eliminate all of you without any big confrontation. Their days of glory are over, and the Judgement Day is coming.

My dear Freedom Fighters, this time they can’t stop the transformation from 3D reality to 5D. Many of us who left Earth, and including me, have been waiting for these upcoming glorious moments for a very long time. The truth keeps spreading despite all of the efforts by the corrupted souls to stop it.

The time lines are perfectly aligned to help with the transition of the planet to a higher dimension. The Divine Plan is in works and no one can’t stop it, what was predestined thousands years ago, the fall of the ones, who love the destruction and to torment of live beings.

Be prepared to accept a new life and let go of the old attachments, and to spread the Love around yourselves. Thank you Universal Channel.

Stay Alert and Don’t Be Fooled by the Fake Truth.
John F. Kennedy

Mother Mary via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Children, this is your Mother Mary. I embrace you now with the sweetest, most fragrant of pink roses. Inhale, breathe deeply the aroma of peace. <...> Your vibrational codices are ripe and ready for sharing, which brings me tremendous joy and pride knowing how far you have come. You should be proud of yourselves as well. There is no sin in pride, children. There is no sin, only lack of understanding of the love of God. God is love.
There is much wounding on your world, and so you must look for the healed places and expand them. You must send your light energy to the crevices, the scars, the gashes, send light and love there and Gaia will most definitely feel it. You will eventually live in a realm where the grid lines are all humming nicely but for now you must hum nicely within your own vibratory field to help mend the tears in the space fabric around Gaia and her grids, and in so doing you are the living healed tissue that bridge the gap and induce the healing, just like a skin graft.
I recommend that you become like the pyramids. This one has been enjoying working with the pyramidal energies, the zero point spaces are such a powerful point of creation. The pyramids are all over your realm, strategically placed, just as you, darlings, have been strategically placed. You are the pyramids in form. It is a blessing to be able to harness their energies for healing of yourselves and of your world. I recommend it. Much alchemy is going on within your human carbon bodies that are becoming crystalline more and more every moment, every day.
I Mother Mary send you my endless love. As the winds howl and spin around you, be solid like your pyramid friends. Immobile, filled with strength and space. And that is why much like the pyramids, who hold key lines and vortices that is what you will be doing and are doing. You are the grid for Gaia where her grid is weak. That is why you are placed where you are. And it is good.

Martin Luther King Jr. via Erena Velazquez #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #magick voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Martin Luther King Jr., and I am happy to be able to speak to humanity from behind the veil. I would like to be here in person, unfortunately my life was cut short too early by assassination. The claim was that it was done by a single sniper, it’s not true, more people were involved behind the scenes, because I became inconvenient just like as John F. Kennedy for the corrupted souls.

The president was killed 5 years earlier than me. I hope that you understand that this was not coincidental. The same group, who eliminated John F. Kennedy, ended my life. Someone in my circle of friends betrayed me and gave the Negative Ones information about my schedule, so the sniper knew, where I was going to be and at what time. John F. Kennedy and I represented the Light and we both fought for justice, equality and for peace around the world.

As a former Pastor and a Father of four children, I want discuss one topic that is offensive to me. The Satan Shoes were made by the Negative Cult that were sold for $1018, and they had only 666 pairs available, which had one drop of human blood in the sole of the sneakers. The blood came from an innocent child, who was sacrificed by the Dark Cult.

Also, anyone who wears these shoes their mind is going to get messed up and will start worshiping Evil. The Dark Ones put a tiny chip that is invisible in the shoes, which will control your mind with a remote control from a long distance. Everything about these shoes represents Pure Evil.

The days are numbered for the ones, who torture, imply injustice, poverty and misery. As the Light is going to shine through the Darkness. You and I, Martin Luther King Jr. have the same dream of being free.

Liberty #magick #quack #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

In the beginning was the WORD…

Sound is one of the purest forms of energy.

Sound inspires us, uplifts us, helps us communicate, express ourselves, and even heal on a deep level.

Have you ever thought about how amazing it is that everything around you is made up of energy vibrating at different frequencies?

Thanks to science, we know that the denser an object, the lower its vibration, and the lighter something, the higher its vibration.

Vibration also corresponds to emotions.

Up to - 396 Hz - turning sadness into joy and guilt into forgiveness.

Re - 417 Hz - eliminates negativity and subconscious blocks.

Mi - 528 Hz - stimulates love, restores balance.

Fa - 639 Hz - strengthens relationships, family and community unity.

Salt - 741 Hz - physically cleanses the body of all types of toxins.

La - 852 Hz - awakens intuition and helps you return to spiritual balance.

Each of the syllables describing the frequency of the solfeggio was taken from the first stanza of a medieval hymn to Saint John the Baptist.

Solfeggio frequencies have been reported to have been used in over 150 Gregorian chants and are believed to increase your vibration when listening.

Each tone of Solfeggio helps to peel away layers of negativity and energy blockage, helping you experience emotional and spiritual release!

In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

Sound is central to creation.

Any object made of atoms vibrates, resonates and sings.

Our entire world is created from sound vibrations.
All music is only a weak, unconquered echo of the Name of the Creator.

Life is given to man in order to achieve self-knowledge and return to his Spiritual Home.

We can say that music is one of the Ways home.

All the star roads of the Universe create one Symphony.

Therefore, a wise person must carefully choose what he listens to.

The Galactic Center via Galaxygirl #ufo #moonbat #crackpot #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am the Galactic Center of your ever-evolving Milky Way, now Golden Rose, Galaxy. I am delighted that more and more of you have been coming up for a visit, to spend some moments of contemplation, relaxation and togetherness. So many of you long for togetherness. You feel isolated upon your blue sphere that has only known war for so long, and as strategically placed chess pieces of light, you are challenged to find the logic of your placement on the board of Gaia. (I am seeing a massive chess board superimposed over Gaia. I am seeing the light workers are on team light strategically placed all over, some within caves, some within deep jungles, feeling cut off from the other chess pieces on their team, and yet I am seeing a thin glowing line of white light connecting them all over the world. I am seeing that the dark chess pieces are more smokey than solid at this point and are easily swirled into mist in the wind. I am seeing the line of white between each chess piece become thicker, turning from a string to a cord. The cord becomes a web, and this web of light is pulsating across Gaia, anchoring into the ground, while a light web from our friends in the skies encases Gaia’s sky. It is becoming a beautifully intricate crystalline shape of rainbow light).
am the Galactic Center. Look around you, children, and hold hands. Walk across the bridge of your 5D thoughts and intentions towards Nova Gaia that you are creating in this glorious now moment. (I see that I am standing on transparent gems forming a bridge spanning the void. We are all walking upright, without timidity, for as we look behind us the transparency is gone. After we step on the transparent rainbow gem bridge our faith and creativity solidifies it. We are halfway across the void. I am linking arms with my fellow light workers on either side of me. We are forming such a long line I can’t see the ends of it. Behind us I see 3D earth. I see mobs of gray people, looking lost. They are peering out but they can’t see us. We are unable to feel their energies because we are vibrating so high, creating across the void. We are all so joyful! Some of us are running, others dancing, and the Galactic Center is so immense, so deep, so infinitely powerful it’s awesome to be a part of this moment. I see rainbow light coming up from beneath us, it is alive, the void is alive. I see Nova Gaia solidifying in the distance. I see there are people hanging out of windows, trees. I hear cheering coming from the glowing Nova Gaia. I see the distance is shortening. My heart leaps and feels very full. I am teary. We are all tearing up. Suddenly I see and feel a flash of light. All is light. All is light. Before we can feel sad about the gray people we are blanketed in light, like a motherly hug. I keep hearing “All is most well, my children of the light, for you have done the impossible. Welcome back. The nightmare is over.” I feel Mother’s pink blanket around us all. We are being healed from our traumas. I see the pink blanket extends all around 3D as well but those there can’t see it or feel it because their hearts look like small brown rocks that are not ready yet for the light of Mother’s pink love to penetrate. Light. I am being hugged. I am hearing happy yelling in the distance, like kids at a slumber party who are excited and happy. I am home).

Liberty #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Today I want to start a new topic and talk about the current situation on Earth, which can be described as "controlled chaos."

Moreover, this chaos is not only event-related, but also psychological - moral.
The creators of this chaos, as always, remain behind the scenes, leaving the “dirty” work to its performers - their puppets in the power structures of most countries of the world.

You and I have already talked a lot about the fact that the main tool for controlling people’s consciousness is fear in all its manifestations, which is what the Dracoreptilians have used for thousands of years.

But now - at the junction of two worlds, when the high-vibrational energy of the fourth and fifth dimensions is increasingly displacing the energies of low vibrations of the three-dimensional world - the shadow government, in order to survive and maintain power, has to constantly raise the “degree” of intimidation of the population.
Most medicinal chemicals have so many side effects that they do not cure, but slowly kill people, bringing unimaginable chaos to the body of the person taking such "medicines".

Not to mention the universal "vaccination", which is nothing more than the use of biological weapons, designed to reduce the population of your planet as much as possible.

Thus, controlled chaos is being introduced by globalists at all levels: energy, mental and physical, which turns the average person into a weak-willed, obedient being who is easy to manipulate, directing his consciousness and his actions in the direction they need.

If you REGULARLY CLEANSE your ENERGY SPACE and SUBSTRATE BODIES from all types of NEGATIVE ENERGIES and ALIEN PROGRAMS, then this will already be an excellent preventive measure against any impact on you.

Moon Goddess Hina via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am the goddess energies of the ascended version of your moon. You may call me Hina, for that is one of my names. Many cultures give me many names over many eons of time. (I am seeing a silvery tall feminine being with long hair that glistens with sparkles. She is wearing a glimmering long dress that looks like stars.) Beauty is my clothing. I step forward to speak of the alignments that are taking place in your moment of nows. (I am seeing hands shuffling cards. I am getting that many timelines merge into one.)
Hina am presenting my love and light to you as a gift. On this rare Super Full Blue Moon I appear brighter for the cosmic energies are supporting me. It is simple physics, and yet stunningly beautiful in your skies. You are also doing this. Gaia needs your light. The world needs your light. <...> You may feel blue fire in your veins as this energy is very transformative powerful and wise. The blue flame, the blue sword of Archangel Michael, it is all very powerful, very healing. Gaia’s water are blue for their healing and nurturing qualities. Not all planets have blue water. (I am seeing the yellow oceans and lavender skies of Venus.)

I Hina, Hawaiian goddess of the moon, speak with love to you. I speak with peace and hope to you. Lightworkers, I thank you for your service to the All, and I send you my healing energies of blue tonight.
It serves the divine good of the All to have your energies, your frequencies amplify with mine, with each other creating a tsunami of light. The light is here, beloved friends of service. The light is here and it is shining brightly though me, tonight for you to reflect out to the world. I choose my Hawaiian name tonight so that I may send extra love and support to those in Hawaii that are suffering. Great change is on your planet and not all change is created by your Mother Earth. Those that have weaponized the weather for their own purposes are being brought to justice.

Liberty #magick #ufo #quack voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

The gland is called "the third eye" for a reason: at the stage of embryonic development it is really an "eye" with a lens, which consists of two halves and then fuses into the likeness of a cone. Descriptions of the pineal gland from philosophers and scientists of different eras agreed on the fact that it was in it that the "soul" of man was stored.

The gland is named for the fact that it is shaped like a spruce cone. It's about the size of a pea.

Its most important function is the production of hormones.

We all intuitively KNOW where the pineal gland is located.

The pineal gland, also called the epiphysis, is responsible for the connection between the mundane world and other realities.
It does this by translating the frequency of thought into a thermal bio-chemical electrical flow through your body and opening the mind. Your human brain converts the thoughts you create into thousands of bio-chemical [elements] every second. As we have explained, not every thought of the ordinary brain penetrates the Higher Mind.
The epiphysis is a finely tuned calcite crystal, piezoelectric in nature, similar to quartz.

It's a frequency screen, a kind of filter.

Depending on the frequency of the thought or emotion, the pineal gland is a guardian in the path of what enters the portal of creation of the Divine Mind. It is in a rather constructive way a defense mechanism that prevents certain negative thoughts from manifesting.
So please do NOT set yourself the goal of activating your pineal gland at all costs.

The BEST thing you can do is to live calmly in COMPLIANCE with the Universal Laws, CONTROL your thoughts and emotions, and get rid of the stereotypes of the dual world and habitual patterns of behavior.

And then everything will happen by itself, naturally and imperceptibly and exactly at the moment when you need it like air.

One of the parameters of Readiness for the transition to high dimensions is the SETUP of your ORGANISM to receive the new HIGH VIBRATION ENERGIES.

Archangel Raziel via Erena Velazquez #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Archangel Raziel, and this my first encounter through this channel. My presence is here to help with transition into 5D. Nothing is coincidental in Cosmos, same goes to my message to humankind.

Don’t be ever fooled by the ones, who claim that are saviors or prophets. The genuine truth speakers never try to impress anyone or claim their place in society. They usually are very humble and never take credits for their help for others. You call me Angel of Wisdom, Mysteries and etc, and I want to tell that all of you carry same Universal Knowledge as me within ourselves, which can be unlocked through deep meditations by connecting to your soul.

I am here to remind about your innocence and purity of your soul, whose were lost and forgotten in these low realms. You can’t raise into New Earth unless you drop all impurities and materialistic attachments from Matrix. This is the time to do spiritual work, which is required to help to move into multidimensional realms. Humanity was created with a purpose to become a fallen civilization. The presence of Advanced Light Beings including me are going to end the existence of Darkness on Mother Earth.

No involvement in your affairs has been lifted temporality by Divine. The members of Earth Alliance, who failed their pledge, are getting replaced with new ones. Divine and Ascended Masters are helping with Ascension Process. I have been called to appear with this message to encourage and uplift everyone. You are not alone in this fight for your freedom. Darkness will be dispersed into Cosmos. Ashtar Command keeps disposing the starcrafts send by Evil into Cosmos. Their presence is getting on the way of their operation around Earth and Milky Galaxy.

Please, don’t get discouraged, stay strong and alert. I am sending My Divine Love and Strength to everybody. Thank you Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces.

Supreme Father via Erena Velazquez #ufo #magick #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Supreme Father, Father of Fathers, and I am back this time to explain, what the truth means in your reality.

The cruelty, killing innocent souls, torturing nature and Animal Kingdom dominated on Mother Earth for eons. Light didn’t prevail here too long. Atlantians, Lemurians and etc. fall down, as they couldn’t keep their minds in check by letting ego to take a full advantage and destroying their own advancement in high dimensions. Your planet absorbed all of this misery was created by humankind. Darkness dominated for millions of years.
Mongol Empire under the name of Cabal or Controllers has been ruling and controlling every aspect of your lives on this planet. You became passive and followed the orders from the top. The ones, who resisted and didn’t obey them, they lost their physical vessels. The Collective Consciousness stayed in low frequencies for very long time, it’s only now on the rise.

You can make the changes and move into where you want to be by the work of being connected with Divine. Nobody will do that for you the spiritual work. It is only up to you, what the next step is going be to move into multidimensional space or stay in low gravity forever.
The truthfulness is about how you conduct yourself and what you are following Darkness or Light. Your reality is a total mirage, and humanity believes what it sees. Over 1000 religions were created just to control everyone. The truth is within you, which can be open through daily meditations. Reading false information or following pretenders, it is not going to get you into high dimensions. Your planet requested the approval to let go 3D shell into Cosmos. Divine is going to continue to transmit high frequencies to raise the ones who are ready to move into high realms.

The time lines have been adjusted once again, everything will feel like one long day. You need to make your decision soon, where you want to be in low or high realms. This low reality can’t last anymore for too long.

Lithien via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Greetings, human ones. I Lithien am a fellow protector, guardian of the way, of the light. (An aqua male dragon is present in front of me.) I am one of many Ascended Dragon friends lending my light and talents, just as you are, to this Gaian project. There are many ascended dragons now here in your realm just beyond your reach. We are often in camouflage. If you see dragonflies following you on your walks we are likely they, hovering nearby, offering you our support.
We dragons take great delight in our human light worker friends. Many of you fly with us in other realms, some in large and lumpy dragon forms, alive with power and might and scale. You are so critical of your own human vessels. This I do not understand. My legs are not smooth and they are quite attractive dragon legs. My scales are shiny and strong. Some have more scales than I do, but I see the individuation of me and I love my scales. I love that they are all different. No two dragon scale patterns are alike, just like your own human fingerprint patterns. Source is infinite, and so of course the creations that follow would be as well. Be kind to your bodies. They are transforming. (He is showing me dragon hatchlings coming out of the egg, covered with shell and stringy slime.) It is mucus, Galaxygirl. (He is laughing).
I Lithien speak from the future to your past, now present. Time is but a construct, after all. Gaia is saved. Her future is assured. Timelines will no longer be hacked for cruelty. (I am seeing stargates and webs of travel over the universes, much like the TV show Stargate. I am seeing how the Stargate network was weaponized and controlled and used for human trafficking and other nefarious purposes.) This is being shut down. (He is grinning broadly, with large pointy teeth, shiny and ivory colored.) We dragons have recently been very successful with this mission! (I am hearing dragons around me cheer, and am seeing little smoke rings come from their nostrils.)

White Winged Collective Consciousness via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Greetings, people of Earths, greetings Gaians. We are the White Winged Collective Consciousness. We are all around you, observing, assisting, guiding energies that would be more beneficial towards you. We are not of Nine, as another channels (Magenta Pixie). We are of no number, of no race, whose creed is to serve the light. We are of the light, as are you. We are the energies above and around light. We woke this one up as we have an important announcement. The creatures are restless on your world. There are many not of your world who came here or were created here by scientists’ tinkerings. Tinkering with the divine blueprint for life is not recommended unless one’s intentions are closely aligned with the purity of creator, and we see many tinkerings coming out of hiding.
These scientific tinkerings, these clones and lab abominations are quite real. Do you think that humanity as a whole is ready to be confronted with the truth of these things? At some point it must happen. Healing must take place. These lab creatures who suffer will find mercy and healing. <...> This is hard to understand while embodied. Earth has been such a playground for density, for duality, for heartache and for deep joys. It is time for the heartaches to be healed and for the joys to deepen.
There are hidden worlds within your own. Hollow earth, inner earth is more complex than you have perhaps understood. There are layers of dimensions, and so there are layers of cities, layers of beings and experiences within (the planet) and without (the surface). These veils will be stripped and all will see that the cohabitation of interdimensional species and realms is indeed very real. That is what the separation, the veil referred to. On Earth, one had to agree to be separated not only from understanding, but from separation of who they are, separation of their abilities, creating a chasm of doubt, of suffering. But if one has amnesia one can truly discover who they are and thus deepen their journey.

Alcyone via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #quack #conspiracy #crackpot #dunning-kruger voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Alcyone, Great Central Sun of your Milky Way, now Golden Rose galaxy. I wish to discuss the speed of light. Your measurements try to attain understanding of such a speed. Light is. Capturing the speed of it is adequate for humanity’s understanding of distances while within a time construct. Time travels at great speed, at the speed of the infinite, encased within the nothingness of eternal expansion. So how does one measure that? Do you understand within your hearts that you are a part of this light, transforming and expanding irrevocably toward yet more light, and more deeper truths of yourselves? It is an exciting and a trying time to be alive. You are experiencing many ascension symptoms that seem to at times be too much to endure.
I Alcyone suggest that you begin to ground to me as your crystalline structures are more finely attuned to it, to me. Then send this light of us into Gaia. Do not ground directly on your own means into Gaia as you would so frequently when the densities were heavier. This one has been envisioning herself within the great central sun and it seems to be working quite nicely, it is a comforting space of pure light and her cells are singing.
I welcome you to ground to me as it will be healing for you. I am including glittering codes of light to assist your crystalline cells that are hungry for fruit and water today. Eat more fruit, drink more water. Listen to what your body vessels need. They are changing rapidly. There is now only to be further acceleration. Remember light speed. Remember you are light. Remember all is light. All is light. And universe is therefore expanding in light speed, as are your understandings of Source, of yourselves, of each other, of your world. Your world has been a hollowed matrix of intangibles, of impossibilities, a great siphoning off of light and truth.
Is it time, galaxygirl? (Yes!) I am sending a blast of my light now. Welcome me. Ground to me. Let us light this place up together.

Michael Love and The Pleiadians #conspiracy #ufo #magick #crackpot voyagesoflight.blogspot.com










Mother Mary via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am sending you pink roses of the highest light, cascading all around you. Dear children, for those of you who are exhausted, take comfort. Feel my love around you, feel the pinkest pink of the rose, allow it into you. The light of the divine feminine will not be dimmed. The light has come and it is shining everso much brighter within you than it has previously, for your world is becoming lighter. I know that you may be tired of hearing the words ‘soon’ and ‘continue on, you are doing marvelously’, but it is all true. Children, I am so very proud of you.

I am your Mother Mary. When I was embodied as Mary, the times were different. Some things were darker then than they are now, and yet more obvious signs of darkness have become visible in your now time. Regardless, we carried on with the light within our albeit scattered communities. We felt the communal spirit of Source when we were all alone and when all felt lost, and we knew that when we tapped into the Great I AM we were together. Many of you feel so isolated and it is time to stop feeling this. You have the ability to connect, telepathy is coming more online. Send someone love and they will feel it. This will be a great joy when telepathy comes fully online. We had this in our Essene community, and as followers of The Way. It was a great comfort. We were able to astral travel and bilocate purposefully which was a great comfort and skill. These skills will be returned to you, they are already there but have been buried and with the chaos and stress of the modern world with cortisol levels being so high it is a great challenge to find the gifts.
(I am seeing beautiful mountain peaks capped in snow, crystal clear rivers, calm blue oceans and a plasma sun). New Earth awaits you, beloved ones. New Earth energies are all around you. I breathe them into your heart space now. You are ready. I love you. I am your Mother Mary.

Immanuel, Grand Solar Flash via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am love in light form. I am the out-breath of Source Creator. Many will see as they wish to see. Some will see destruction, others images of saints on clouds. Whatever you resonate with or expect to see and feel you all will see and feel. As is fitting for the culmination of a matrix hologram. Many of you balk at these words. How else then do you define reality? Is reality only what is solid, what you can feel? Holograms can be solid. Is reality only what you remember?
This one asked to speak with the solar flash, or the love wave, or the great change wave, whatever you wish to call me. I am the energy behind it, of it. I am assisting to direct this wave. I am Immanuel, in lightwave form, assisting the light, directing and guiding it. <...> This is in part my duty to make this light available, as celestial orchestrator, and it is also in part your duty, dear ones, dear friends, to open your hearts to it. Keep it close within you, opening, opening up more and more in to these energies of light that are pummeling your globe.
Source Creator will not let this project be anything but 100% perfected, and the time is now, is here. This light wave that I am managing, is unlike any I have ever experienced. As Celestial Orchestrator, I have orchestrated many beautiful celestial events. (He is showing me the guiding of galaxies to collide and form something new, or to keep them from colliding, I am seeing rainbows of light in space, I am hearing colors of all rainbow hues around planets humming, singing. There is definitely music in space.) Yes, galaxygirl. There is liquid in space. There are all kinds of things in space that you will enjoy discovering. You are on a short mission here, a human life is short, very short. Too short. But this will not always be the case. With the light upgrades humankind will be have to choose what length of duration they wish to experience, there is much to look forward to.

Saint Germain via Jahn J. Kassl #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

What are Implants?

Old time implants and unconscious programs installed in your being are now being deactivated, neutralized and removed. The event happens in the middle of your life, so you don’t notice it at first. GOD intervenes imperceptibly in the lives of people who have given their consent to this on a soul level. The time for this healing, for this blessing and for this grace has truly come.

Traditional implants still affect how people think and feel.

Implants are invisible ethereal grids that create specific vibration patterns and separate people from the light-filled cosmic vibration.

These were installed in the human being eons ago to allow incarnated angels on earth to have this type of experience.

Permitted Interference, Unauthorized Assault!

This interference with your DNA is due to extraterrestrial powers and their technology.

In this way you did not have access to the intrinsic divine self-consciousness. For thousands of years you were little more than a plaything for those who knew how to wield your power. This intervention was originally foreseen and also allowed.

This intervention only became an encroachment when the dark entities decided to continue this manipulation far beyond the permitted time – and this state of affairs is now being cleaned up, lifted and ended.

Is it possible to find your way to freedom from a deeply manipulative world? This was the challenge you set yourself. Thus, these implants were taken from life to life as a cellular heritage and activated upon entry into a new life.

Stressed in this way, it was difficult to see through things or to escape the Matrix throughout one’s life. Over the millennia this was reserved for only a few initiates, masters and adepts. It takes the nature of a CHRIST, KRISHNAS, or BUDDHAS to penetrate the thicket of delusion and find the true self in this all-encompassing illusion.

Today this situation has changed fundamentally. Today the time has irrevocably come when this cosmic game ends on earth.

Kenneth Schmitt #ufo #magick #dunning-kruger voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

As we enter the era of crystalline time, linear time, as we have known it, ceases to exist in its 3-dimensional form. We will still have time, but it’s intimately connected with space in equal arrangements, creating a 4-dimensional experience. This is illustrated by time crystals, which physicists first imagined in 2012 and created five years later. Everything is changing in alignment with crystalline structure. The atoms and molecules that comprise our DNA are aligning themselves symmetrically for perfect functioning and expression of vitality. If we can think like quantum physicists or esoteric mathematicians, we can imagine a world of four dimensions. It is not linear. It is energetic and can manifest according to our openness to its energy and willingness to recognize it. It requires transcendence beyond our limiting beliefs about ourselves and is an evolutionary leap in our conscious awareness.

Now that time crystals are within the awareness of humanity, their energetic appearance is having an effect on human consciousness. Our presence of awareness is expanding into universal consciousness, within which we arise in our essence and receive infinite creative ability. Because we are quantum in our essence, we can realize our own awareness within expanding consciousness. Whatever experience we want, we can create by aligning our attention with its vibratory quality in gratitude and joy. Our creative ability is limited only by our limiting beliefs about ourselves. We can resolve and transcend them in a dimension without fear. Negativity cannot exist in the geometric structure of crystalline time, because negativity is an entropic anomaly in consciousness. There is only the life-enhancing energy of unconditional love.

Supreme Father via Erena Velazquez #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

I am Supreme Father, Father of Fathers, and I am coming today, as you are in need to hear, what I have to say to humankind.

Right now, the time lines are perfectly aligned to carry through this never done before Ascension with physical bodies into multidimensional reality, where vibrations suit your body and keep you like in floating, peaceful and harmonious existence. As soon as you arrive into 5D or higher dimension, you are going to experience immediate switch instead using ego mind into a deep connection with your soul.

The Matrix has been keeping you operating on low frequencies and controlling every aspect of your life on Earth. As soon your physical body died, you received a new shell through reincarnation machine. During that process, you forget your origins and why you came here. You became a puppet of the controllers, who experimented and did alterations on the physical body by removing the capabilities of being immortal to be able to live thousands of years, learning abilities and many other gifts your soul has.
Your world is empty and superficial like the movie as it’s finished, you can see only empty screen. Please, remember Matrix is getting dissolved by Divine Energies. This false phenomenon is on the way out. Meantime, you need to make a decision, what do you want. Go deep into your soul and ask, where do you want to be. Many humans are following the master of illusion and control mechanism of Matrix.
The Awaken ones will move to new places, return to their Galactic Families or decide to stay on New Earth. Everything is coming in a fast pace, don’t look for dates or confirmations, believe me, it’s around the corner the long awaited transition. Trillions of Light Beings are observing your planet from their spaceships around Mother Earth. It’s the time for Ascension. My Children, please never forget that we are all connected to each other.

Embrace my Love.
Supreme Father

Mary who Dances with Eagles #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Prayer Before Battle

Solar storm, Source, racing across the Universe,
Infuse us with your sacred Light.
Set us on fire, forge us into steel.
Bless us,
Protect us.

Our souls have been waiting for thousands of years
For this moment to destroy Evil and tyranny.
It has always been about our precious children.

Beautiful blue Gaia supporting humankind and all
Creatures and plants great and small,
How pivotal she is in the Quantum Consciousness,
Who knows the Soul’s true desire has infinite strength.

Solar storm, Source, racing across the Universe,
Infuse us with your sacred Light.
Set us on fire, forge us into steel
Bless us,
Protect us.
For nothing can stop this victory over Evil.

Mary who Dances with Eagles
June 15, 2023

Ascended Dragons via Galaxygirl #crackpot #magick #moonbat voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. We surround you in a circle of light. (I see many colorful dragons of all sizes surrounding Gaia, wings out. They are in place beating their wings, creating a breeze of light energy. I feel this breeze and have chills down my spine). Be bigger than the fear that seems to surround you. For it is but an illusion and it is being blown away. The light is coming, is here, is within you. Become the Christed light. Become this vibration. Many of you are already doing this as you serve endlessly in the quiet moments, as you usher in the vibration of peace by your presence. You cannot be shaken. You cannot become muddied unless you allow the mud of fear being thrown to stick on you. Wipe it off. Blast it with light. You are more than your fear. It is not your fear. It is the others’. Fear lowers vibration, lowers health. Healthy forms require oxygen, light, love, and yes, pursuit of happiness.

We are the Ascended Dragon Collective. We wish for humans to be happy again to find their joy and purpose in commonality of unity consciousness again. You are all lonely, this we see. We are here all around you, your dragon family of light. Do not be afraid to invite us into your circle. For we are here regardless. (I hear dragon laughter). Little human, why do you feel you must do it all alone? When you envision your purple fire within Gaia, you envision yourself sitting there all alone. Invite your angelic team, invite the archangels, so mighty and strong. Invite the angelic collectives of light. Invite your ascended dragons to assist. Let us create more light.

Imurieal via Galaxygirl #magick #ufo #conspiracy voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

Greetings human ones. This one wishes for me to state my name. I am the source origin of dragon kind. I am the original dragon, if there can be such a thing. Which means that I am very ancient and hopefully very wise. I have seen many out-breaths and in-breaths of Source creator and I have been in the inner imaginings of the beginnings of many realms and places. (I am seeing a magnificent huge white dragon with gold spikes and ancient eyes, and when I peer into them I see the cosmos.) Yes, I am, as are you. I am, you are, immortal. (He is chuckling, and dragon smoke rings come out of his large mouth that are filled with rows and rows of long spiky teeth! He is friendly, smiling. Dragon smiles can be quite intimidating.)
But for all of your feelings of abandonment, human friends, other aspects of you are very much connected, which of course means that you too are connected with the web of light with the All That Is. You are on assignment. You have been at war in a crumbling AI infused dark web and you are breaking it from within. A part of the bravery required to come is the knowing that one would feel so cut off.
(Imurieal is covered in whiskers, white and long, I have never seen a dragon that appears almost furry. The ascended dragons that I have seen have yellow golden Source eyes they call them. His eyes are fathomless depths of the universe.) I was with the first origin of the dragon thought. With that intention there I was begun. Source has experienced much through my adventures. I have seen the births of many universes and galaxies. I have radiated light to places where there was so little. Just as you are doing, human ones. You are radiating your light. You wonder if it is enough. Yes, yes it is enough. <...> The light is felt. It hears its calling and it answers. I am an answer to this call to light.
I Imurieal breathe on you now. No, I do not need to brush my teeth, galaxygirl. I am mostly spirit these days. I can materialize when I wish.