Anthony Macias #fundie
Hundreds of Americans visit the DPRK per year, and less than 1% of these are detained. Don't listen to the imperialist media lies.
Hundreds of Americans visit the DPRK per year, and less than 1% of these are detained. Don't listen to the imperialist media lies.
The enemies of People's Korea like to claim that people are starving to death but it is the UK that has foodbanks and where the disabled starve to death .
Quote from the "Daily Mirror " 2015 "Disabled Mark Wood starved to death four months after he was found "fit to work" and his benefits were slashed.The “frail and vulnerable” 44-year-old weighed just 5st 8lbs when he was found."
Organizations like the ACLU and atheists have worked so hard to make sure everything has to be politically correct, but that isn't an issue to be opposed, a vocal in your opposition, to Christians. This, to the point that we are almost scared to state our Christian views.
The Bible says that Christians will be persecuted, and we are. But we need to be bold in defending our position. After all, The Lord is our leader and no one, not even Satan, can do anything to us with The Lord allowing it.
The gender-confused need to make sure they change in rooms that reflects their birth gender. It's intrusive for a man to use women's dressing rooms regardless of how he identifies. We so need Jesus to return in power and glory to set things right.
Boycott! That's all. God made you. What's between your legs is what determines that; not the mood of yourself that day or life style. Do it; just don't force it on us!! We don't have to play along with your sick game.
People who believe in the "fake spinning globe" are retarded and very simple people. They don't have any critical sense, because it's to complex for their brain to understand simple logic.
There is no science to prove the world is a sphere, and when the first space rockets were launched in the 1950s, they discovered the glass ceiling, and that no one could leave the planet. The nuclear test launches of the 1950s were a futile bid to blow through the dome—and when that didn't work they dreamed up the space race and moon landings as a way of convincing the world otherwise.
Trump slandered and abused People's Korea whilst in puppet south Korea even calling the DPRK a hellhole. Well just look at the US , the average charge for a stay in a US hospital in 2010 was $33,000 dollars !
Just imagine that ! . In the DPRK all health care is free of charge . The USA has anything between 700,000 to 3 million people homeless whereas the DPRK provides housing virtually free of charge and there are no homeless or beggars. The World Health Organisation even estimated that 120 people in the US died of starvation in 2004
An excellent commentary the south Korean puppets are trying to smash up the socialist system of the DPRK with the help of the US imperialists , Japanese imperialists and also Russia and China.
"The U.S. military would find itself outnumbered and under-supplied if war broke out with North Korea, " This is what the former commander of the US forces in south Korea Lt Gen Jan Marc Jouas has written in a letter to the US congress .
We always knew that . The US imperialists would lose another war in Korea not because they are "outnumbered " but because of the Juche Idea and the Songun idea which gives the Korean People's Army an incredible spiritual and ideological strength that is hard for Westerners and Americans to imagine . Plus the fact that according to some ex British squaddies who have been on NATO exercises with US troops , US troops are lazy and useless.
There is no man made global warming... or climate change they call it now since the warming has stopped!!! God bless donald trump...!
These peeps need a refund on their "sex change." They both still look like guys lol. This is very sad. But the world cant see the works of God's enemy when they're right in front of their faces.
They actually believe this is real and people need sex changes to live successfully. They dont see that this is all mental illness and confusion and these people need help to get free of it and to be whole in their birth gender identity. Very sad indeed. But when people live in the dark they're apt to stumble into a wall lol. All we can do is pray and proclaim freedom to these folk.
I don't believe Zionists helping us to build a mosque....They must be planning to destroy few more i think so. Jews and Muslims cannot be friends.
White people are the wicked... I been in school,jail, and every other institutions. I tell they are the serpents seed and if our ppl don't wake up especially our youth then we are planned to repeat this tell the end of time we can't breed with them period. Up up black folks.
Its amazing. Only few Jews in UK, and are so powerful. Some controlling their Israel interest in UK parliaments. And powerful lobbies to try blocking anything that is not good for them!
If the Israelis are hated in the world now then it's because of their lobbyists who work in different countries. The US is a heavily pro-Israel country but slowly they are beginning to see Israel for whatever they are. The jews are bringing themselves down with these type of politics.
u and i know this would and could never happen ! Jews run the world lol Let's be real here no matter what is given or not given Palestinians are sadly left with nothing almost ! This is not right in my eyes ! They have lost a lot ! Sad
The true characteristics of a lot of these blacks are coming out more and more since that clown BO divided our nation and set these spooks on a rampage.
[In response to a Daily Wire article entitled "NY Police: Man Threw 'Burning Liquid In 13-Year-Old Girl's Face: 'This Is For You White B****'"]
Obama did this to our country!
All the prophets in the bible were black, they paint everything in white and give us a white image. god was a blackman, was we not formed by the dust of the ground, did you even see red dirt. so you have to do our research where did the other nations comes from and are they the real devil on the planet or not? god created good and evil, he controls all these angels. but the wicked humans deals with the wicked demons in high places.
but they are the devil that the bible speaks of (white man and his lineage) the devil just mean deceiver and a liar. I bet you thought the devil was some red creature with horns and a pitch fork and a tale. No bro, they walk amongst you everyday, who murder us everyday, go look it up. I am sure ain't o red man from below the earth killing us hahaha! Time to wake up bro shalom!
We EXPOSE all Illuminati, ET's, UFO's, government conspiracies, reptilians, shapeshifting, human cloning, martial law, elitists, satanic Hollywood, targeted individuals, gangstalking, New World Order, D.U.M.BS., Dulce, Area 51, alien abductions, mk ultra, ect... welcome ... Join us and share your info so we can take our planet back... Feel free to invite any friends that is also interested and we also welcome your links, pictures, and videos on the subjects above. We must stick together and we will win. Thank you for joining us
There was no Jewish holocaust during WW II, or otherwise - that's all a Jewish fraud. It is my opinion that all atrocities in the modern world are caused by Talmudic Jews and political zionists (a political philosophy based on the protocols). It was the Jews who started WW II because the Rothschild bankers were pissed off at Hitler, and because they wanted to steal the Arab land of Palestine for a zionist base and for the natural resources available there.
"Hitler will have no war, but he will be forced into it, not this year but later..." -- Emil Ludwig [Jew], Les Annales, June, 1934
"Jews Declared War on Germany. Even before the war started, the Jewish leaders on a world-wide basis had years before, declared that world Jewry was at war with Germany, and that they would utilize their immense financial, moral and political powers to destroy Hitler and Nazi Germany. Principal among these was Chaim Weizmann, the Zionist leader, who so declared on September 5, 1939. He was enthusiastically supported by world-wide Jewry in this declaration." Ben Klassen [CoTC]
"We Jews have made the World War! (WWI). We, Jews, are nothing else than the world’s seducers, its incendiaries, its executioners! Our last revolution is not yet made! We, Jews, invented the myth of the Chosen People.” -- Dr. Oscar Levy, prominent London Jew “We Jews, we the destroyers, will remain the destroyers forever. Nothing that you will do, will meet our needs and demands. We will destroy forever because we need a world of our own, a God-world, which it is not in your nature to build." -- Maurice Samuel (Jew), You Gentiles, page 155, 1942
If the world wants peace, it will have to remove the Jews from power. In my opinion.
THe brainwashed masses have been lied to about poisonous fluoride! This is causing cancer and brain damage. Poisonous fluoridated tap water kills animals as well. Pets beware!!
[In reply to an Agnostic who had a Near-Death Experience and didnt convert]
If people are dreaming during an NDE: then WHY are dreaming the SAME identical dreams??? The hovering over their own body-the light-being surrounded by others-she did say NDE-and a coma would qualify for that!! You said you used to be an aethist-do you believe in a higher power-Amy??
There is a heavy perverse spirit out here. The so called white man is a natural born faggot allowing all these gays to roam around freely. Ain't gonna be no gays in our kingdom. They gonna get put to death on sight
HUGE cop-out!! Abortion is MURDER!! God's ALREADY judged it! Don't tell me he doesn't KNOW that!!!
[Talking about people who aren't good at managing rental properties]
Usually it's the jews, at least in NY and NJ. Tend to take advantage of minority populations, too, super racist. A black guy running for a government position in NYC tried to talk about it, and he got called anti-Semitic and the n-word across the internet for it, lmao
Niggas have no honor, no integrity. Nothing but brute beast and need to be put down like a wild dog
Bring on the #hugamuslim #istandwithmuslims hashtag campaign. That always happens after these things. They rush to protect and stand in solidarity with them. But if was a white Christian male. Theyd rush to bash whites, men, and Christians. The muslims hold such a power over society it isnt even funny. They become willing victims. It scary really
That's why I don't do Disney. I read that McDonald and Disney were added to the number of Olympian families...interesting if true because that means these two companies support Olympian (a.k.a. Illuminati) goals.
This kind of persecution has been taking place for hundreds of years against Christians and Jews in and every nation.that has been controlled by Muslims and where a majority of Muslims live, Islam is pushing its way into Europe because the church and Christians have not done their job to disciple those Nations as we are commanded in the Great Commission.
Matt 28:18 And Jesus came and said to them, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19 Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in[a] the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”
If we do not want Islam to take our country over and start to persecuting us, we need to deciple our nation.and exposed the Islamic religion for the cult religion that it is..Because the secular humanist will actually side with the cult religions against Christianity. Jesus also set to occupy until he comes, that means don't have a fatalistic losers attitude. And it means to stand up and be counted for the advancement of kingdom of God.
I think the Lord is getting ready to Sodom and Gomorrah the UK. Have you seen how many terrorist attacks they have had. That should be a warning.
[This is what Eden Decoded looked like back when it was up]
To help accommodate that work of saving lost Christian souls - an obvious oxymoron if ever there was one - and to be more effective at it, I created a website once it became clear that social media sites had become antagonistic towards real Christian content. I also created several ebooks to address specific topics that few in the church rarely talk on. And to fund the website I charged for those ebooks.
I didn't create a corny "Wix" site like some of you keep suggesting; because wix is cheap, cheesy and very unprofessional. That's what's wrong with many Christians: always looking to cut corners instead of giving your very best and paying the cost to represent God to the fullest.
Some of you approach serving the Lord the same way: by using some cheap cookie-cutter approach. And that's why folks don't want your salvation nor your God. Besides: Jesus didn't give us a "Wix" salvation! He gave us the very best that He could afford to give us: which was His very own life. Can't get more costlier than that!
So I and my team at Eden Decoded decided to give you a high quality website form the very beginning: the best that we could afford to give even though it hurts a little bit to do so. And yes, it does cost to have your own dedicated server and extra cyber security to ward off hackers and other potential problems. But the best things always do.
Good Sunday. Please excuse me while I rant for a moment and get something off my chest that's been deeply troubling me:
I thought when I asked more of you for help that more of you would actually show up to help. It truly saddens me that only a few have made the effort. I haven't asked you for much: just enough to keep the Eden Decoded website from going offline. But you seem totally unconcerned.
You could've given $5, $3, $10 - SOMETHING. But to totally ignore my calls for help or pretend to be offended that I would dare ask you to give reveals an extremely selfish attitude on the part of those who only come here to get but never give when they have the chance to be a blessing to someone else.
For the past few years I've freely poured my heart and soul into this page, into my articles and into the many ebooks I've created: often paying to boost my posts out of my own pocket just to get past the FB filters that would've prohibited more of you from hearing my messages in the first place.
And though I charge for my ebooks - which I have every right to do - I always make room for you to get them at a bargain, even giving you the opportunity to pay whatever you wanted for those ebooks. Remember all those 'pay what you want' specials?
Now it's my hour of need: and you've gone silent on me! Whether you feel justified in doing so when I've ministered to your needs so freely over the months and years - I'll leave that between you and God to figure out. But the need is still there even after all of my asking and pleading.
They say you can always know where you really stand with people when you ask them for money. Money has a way of revealing hearts and motives: which is why Jesus equated love for it with love for God. Money is the only thing that challenges our hearts for God's affection.
I fear that too many of you love money too much: if that were not the case you would've given by now! There's no way I could've seen any of you asking for help as much as you've seen me asking these past few months, and ignored those pleas for this long without giving something.
Only a stony heart devoid of godly affection and filled with the cares of this life could do that.
Maybe more of you will give after reading this, and maybe not. Most of you will go on just being offended like you already are, until my next viral article comes out. Then you'll be right there gobbling that up to. Give or don't give: doesn't matter to me either way at this point. My fantasy is over as I see exactly how I need to proceed moving forward with this work God has entrusted to me. I feel like Paul:
"Then Paul and Barnabas spoke out boldly and declared, "It was necessary that we first preach the word of God to you Jews. But since you have rejected it and judged yourselves unworthy of eternal life, we will offer it to the Gentiles." Acts 13:46
And in another place he had a similar remark:
"But when they opposed and insulted him, Paul shook the dust from his clothes and said, "Your blood is upon your own heads--I am innocent. From now on I will go preach to the Gentiles." Acts 18:6
Just needed to get that off my chest. For those who still want to give something, see the comments below where I've given the instructions for how to do so. For the rest: God bless you anyway and I bid you well on your personal journey.
Slavery happened in America because Black people turned away from God. When they turned back to God, slavery ended. Now Black people are turning away from God again...what do you think is going to happen next?!
Not all Muslims are terrorists but all terrorists are Muslims and those who stand by and say and do nothing are the grass among the snakes
THIS will HAPPEN everywhere in the near future. Only a matter of time before they take over parliament. Then we will all be subject to sharia law!
The UK is being given to foreigners by the UK Government and the British Police. This pandering to everyone but the British will undoubtedly come to a head in the future, and it will be awful.
what's next ,the gov taking your kids away for teaching biblical truth ?public education already has that attitude,that they are responsible for training up our kids,and we are encouraging and empowering them by sending our kids to them. Scripture warns directly and indirectly against it but many refuse to heed its warning and authority even while seeing its effects unfolding before our eyes.
At the instant of fertilization, your baby's genes and sex are set. If the sperm has a Y chromosome, your baby will be a boy. If it has an X chromosome, the baby will be a girl. what make you who you are your genes and dna determine your life yes or know whether your human whether you're an animal a boy girl etc right if its not dna or genes what determines if you are human answer the question nazis
(This fundie is talking about Britain First, an extreme far-right group of Islamophobes. The members of Britain First are usually drunk bigoted racist football fans)
As far as I can see these are the only poeple who realise what's going on and are prepared to show that our values will not go without a Fight these liberal left just close their eyes until it's too late and then we all go down the river , one day these poeple will be thanked for their efforts to keep the poeple of this country safe.
Strange since it IS a well known FACT sandy hook was Staged by the government to further the hellmason agenda in their satanic takeover. The hellmasons are scared bawl babies. They have to get rid of the people's weapons even as hitler did, but they want the people to see them as Light. Even satan is coming in and has been for some time as an angel of 'light'.
Try it, get a ball spin it and see if water constantly motionless stays on it, it's impossible, we are surrounded by gravity so this experiment should work,
But fails miserably
My apologies...
Some of you have gotten a whole lot of emails from myself and Eden Decoded in the past few weeks. And you may have seen a bunch of 'please give' messages on my FB page, wondering what's going on.
Simple answer: We've been canvassing every available person we have a connection with in order to raise money to keep the site going. It's been a hard past few months as the site has gone down every single month since July due to a lack of support. It's down again now.
If you've been following my page for a while you'll notice how my posts have gone from several hundred likes, shares and comments to barely even a dozen. This is not random or accidental. It's purposeful.
My page has been targeted by a certain social media company. And they're trying to erase my presence from the internet. They don't want my message heard. And they don't want you to connect with me or my work anymore.
This is why my posts 'seem' like they're no longer being interacted with. Which hurts my ability to promote my ebooks. So I have to find alternative ways to get enough money up to keep my site from going down when the bill comes due each month.
The reality is this: I am being targeted. By social media giants with billions of dollars and tens of thousands of employees. It's just me, my small team and Jesus. And of course there is YOU.
You are the variable in all of this, because without your help my presence online may cease to exist. After all: God doesn't step down through the clouds to meet our needs. He meets our needs through other believers. And if those believers do not avail themselves (for whatever reason), God's work will be hindered until suitable help can be found.
I'm here on social media for YOU. And the Eden Decoded site is there for you as well. If it ever comes down to us not being needed any more, I'll gladly fade away and find something more lucrative to do. I don't get a salary for writing ebooks.
If you care about the existence of the site and having free access to the info I provide, I need you to give something. Like right now. If you can't give you just can't. I understand. But most folks can do something - even if it's just a little.
If the site has blessed you, my articles have helped you, if you're going around teaching and preaching my stuff as if you came up with it, or if you only get my products when they're at a steep discount - help out today. Now's your chance to be a blessing to someone else.
Think about the folks who need to hear my message, just like you did at some point - but can't. If nothing more do it for them and pay it forward. See link below. God bless.
People of God please pray for this madness to end. We must pray and cry out to God and repent for are Nation this abomination is filtering the churches and endless murder of unborn children and drag queens to read to small children at Libraries telling them it's ok to want to be a man dress like a women! The true answer is PRAY and CRYING OUT TO THE LORD! Judgement will hit this land if we the church don't pray and cry out . We are a sleep church stop all this entertainment and hand clapping for each other in the church on sunday for are works . PRAY AND REPENT
It's ok for idiots to stand in the road blocking traffic from moving at all in the name of a protest for something that has been proven to not exist but not ok for truck drivers to slow traffic in the name of protest? I think all truck drivers should start screaming words like racist or they being oppressed bc they are truck drivers. Then I guess it would be legal. Smh.
The NFL and ESPN has formed their opinions from watching CNN. They do not understand that the silent majority finally has something they can do to effect change. These idiots blocking freeways...what can we do??? These actors acusing us of being racists...what can we do? These idiots honestly think we will sit there with our free time and financially support this "in your face" bs. Silent majority spoke at the polls last November. And the same is now speaking by not watching NFL. It seems so obvious to anybody paying attention that sports fans are far more like NASCAR supporters than BLM supporters.
The whole Edomite Caucasian race are devils. From the men to the woman. Even the little watermelon head baby. That's why the scripture says happy shall he be that taketh and dasheth thy little ones against the stones
Stages of grief
Denial (Blue Pill)
Anger (???)
Bargaining (Red Pill)
Despair (Black Pill)
Acceptance (Saint Elliot)