
Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Top Secret: What is the name of the mind control device utilized by aliens to rewrite history on earth?

Answer: Mach.

Mach is an alien device which you aim at earth in order to erase the minds of humans within its trajectory. When the mind is clean, the aliens insert themselves as rulers of that mind controlled society, rewriting history and commanding nations.

Mach induced mind control has occurred for eons.

This message is coded.

Do not attempt to decipher this message, you are not a Member of the Elite:

"The Skins are among us."

TruthNow88 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Truth About TWO Day Sandy Hook Event (Dec 13 & Dec 14) - Advanced HSEEP Training

I posted this in another thread ( Thread: Sandy Hook : Well that solves the helicopter footage timeline. ) but a few people suggested I post it as its own post instead so I figured what the hell...

Anyways this is my theory, so feel free to agree or disagree.


I just wanted to share something with you guys as I have also been following the Sandy Hook event fairly closely in the background and I wanted to share a somewhat unique perspective I have on what I feel is a very misunderstood element surrounding the Sandy Hook shooting and how it was rolled out to the public. My hope is by the end of this you at least somewhat get where I am coming from, and I feel understanding this element really helps see the event and the "evidence" surrounding it much more clearly.

Before I start, without getting to long winded, I specialized in following and researching HSEEP protocols and how they apply to various events. My research into HSEEP started after SH and carried into Boston and LAX (at which point I was following HSEEP and its connected aspects so closely that I predicted a fake AR shooting at LAX almost to the day (was off by 2 days) over 2 weeks before the event is said to of taken place). Anyways I guess my point is I really follow how HSEEP protocols work, how they are built and how they are applied to the drill environment in a dynamic fashion.

When it comes to HSEEP drills you first have to understand how a MSEL works. Think of an MSEL as the script... even better yet think of the MSEL as a choose your own adventure book. A drill framework is designed into a story and put into an MSEL, and each element of the story is given various different pathways/branches the controllers can choose to activate or go down at any point in time during the drill (via injects).

Example: The (a - suspect, b suspects) arrives at the (a - school, b - hospital, c - mall) in a (a - car, b - van, c - on foot), carrying (a - 2 handguns, b - an ar15 & 2 handguns, c - 4 handguns) while leaving (a - 1 ar15 & 1 shotgun, b - 2 handguns, c - 1 ar15) in the (a - trunk, b - backseat) before entering the building by (a - being buzzed in, b - shooting way in, c - walking in open door)...

I think you get my point. Anyways the reason they do this is based on the main doctrine of HSEEP event control, which is the ability to alter/tweak elements on the fly and see how people respond to the dynamic change in real time. This is VERY important to understand.

To understand Sandy Hook fully you MUST look at it the same way but to do that you must realize a highly MISUNDERSTOOD element surrounding that event... That is the fact that the drill in question actually took place on Dec 13, 2012 NOT Dec 14, 2012... Let me explain... Understand the goal of this event was not to just do a drill and pass it off as real, it goes beyond that. If they just wanted to run a fake event and play it off as real, then why not at least fake a realistic response to it to help sell it right? Why no medical response to at least act like they are doing something? Why not have cops running around at the scene on the helicopter video in-front of the school? Why not avoid contradictions? Why not have more kids scheduled to be at the firehouse to sell the "mass evacuation" that much more? I mean That would be the logical thing to do right? If the goal was to fake an event and sell it as being as real as possible. So why don't we see that? Well there is a perfectly good answer.

The reason is the drill itself was only phase 1 of the event, where phase 2 which was the primary goal behind the event was to test the full boundaries of the HSEEP dynamic event control apparatus AFTER an event has already happened. Basically normal HSEEP training involves how much they can tweak/alter an event in real time DURING the active drill, where with Sandy Hook the HSEEP training also involved a 2nd phase which centered around using the same HSEEP framework of dynamic event tweaking but applying it AFTER THE FACT (create 1 story via a drill on dec 13, roll out that event as real on dec 14, then in real time try to tweak elements after the fact to gauge success of story changing abilities, test media response to contradictions and changing info, and lastly assess overall public reaction once everything is said and done).

Example (microcosm):
Can they run a drill with 2 shooters on Dec 13, announce it as real on Dec 14, and then change the story to only 1 shooter as the story develops and have the new story stick/overwrite the old one?

I call it Advanced HSEEP training, and that is exactly what Sandy Hook was...

Here let me explain it a different way, think back to the FEMA Document that some call fake (but I personally believe is 100% real and says it all).

"Exercise play will begin at 8:00 am on December 13th 2012. Play will proceed according to the events outlined in the MSEL, in accordance with established plans and procedures. The exercise will conclude upon the completion of operations and attainment of the exercise objectives, as determined by the Exercise Director/Controller. The exercise is expected to end at 11:59 pm on 12/13/12 and be evaluated on 12/14/12 as a real-time event."

Now think of what that is saying, literally.
1. "Exercise play will begin at 8:00 am on December 13th 2012." = the active drill takes place starting the morning of Dec 13 (not the 14th)
2. "The exercise is expected to end at 11:59 pm on 12/13/12" = the active elements of the drill will end late night Dec 13 (not 14th)
3. "evaluated on 12/14/12 as a real-time event" = roll out the previous days event as if the event is a real event AND as if the event is taking place a day later then it actually did.

Sidenote: #3 is a bit more complex then that, as on Dec 14 they left most of the elements outside of the school up so that the scene outside on both days looked very similar, and they overlapped a bunch of different elements from Dec 14 ontop of the rollout of the Dec 13 drill data to blur the lines between the 2 events (Dec 13 drill + staging area vs Dec 14 just staging area). This is why it is important to understand what elements of evidence are from Dec 13, and what elements of evidence are from Dec 14.

The way I see it the best way to look at the data surrounding that day is to look at every element of that day broken into a specific day in which it took place (which again is over a 2 day period). A few examples of this are...

Elements attached to dec 13 (drill) are...
1.Actual drill at SH (FEMA, involving children from St Rose of Lima using the nearby and closed Sandy Hook Elementary)
2.Police Scanner recordings (all, 24 hour delayed release)
3.SH drill participant interviews (morning, 24 hour delayed release)
4.Drill evacuation images (select few, 24 hour delayed release)
5.Social/news/charity prep (most with 24 hour delay, except for "official" drill partners like United Way which intentionally posted their content early and aligned with the live drill itself)
6.investigation at the house NEXT to the lanza house (34 Yogananda St)

sidenote: The 30 students involved in the FEMA drill on Dec 13, 2012 were St Rose of Lima Students, which played out the drill at the nearby closed Sandy Hook Elementary (26 of which surirve in the drill).

Elements attached to dec 14 (delayed release + reaction gauging & tweaking) are...
1.Social/news/charity posting (after the 24 hour delay to trigger as if something is going on for real on the 14th)
2.9/11 Calls (all made on Dec 14 to help SELL the previous days drill script as if it is JUST now happening for real on the 14th, all called in via the CT State police)
3.St Rose of Lima child interviews (they went into the school and evacuated it after the non-event on dec 14, scared the shit out of the kids (again for some...), and then interviewed them and mixed their accounts in with the SH interviews (from the day prior) as if they are referring to the same thing on the same day (which they are not)).
4.helicopter videos (taken of the staging area setup on Dec 14 to again help sell the idea that a breaking event is taking place on Dec 14th (which there wasn't))
5.dashcam videos (taken on Dec 14 (timestamp off by a few mins).
6.investigation at the lanza house (36 Yogananda St)

Think of it, ever wonder why the dashcam videos, helicopter videos and police scanner recordings all dont line up? It's because they are from different days and/or times all-together. The police scanners were part of the active drill (Phase 1, Dec 13), while the helicopter videos are from the next day of the staging area & firehouse (Phase 2 (staging), Dec 14) while the dashcams were also part of the next days staging area (Phase 2, Dec 14 (timestamp off by few mins)), .

This same thing can be applied to basically all elements of that day, and can really help put a better perspective on what is happening in each case. You just have to really factor in that each elements either attached to either the drill (Dec 13) OR the rollout (Dec 14).

As far as I can tell most the drill elements (Dec 13) were presented primarily by the following means, drill police scanner recordings, initial written interviews/reports (most of which got tweaked/removed over time such as the Principle Dawn interview), and MSM reporters initial reports (which again over time mostly changed)... while the rollout elements or dynamic after-action tweaks (Dec 14) were presented primarily by more visual means such as the damcams, the helicopter videos, most the in person interviews and live MSM stories TELLING us what what happening and what to think (which again got tweaked slowly through the day as part of Phase 2 rollout).

Heinous #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Sorry - Evolution-Tards...Another Smack-Down - For Your "Theory"....

Sorry for you Evolution-Tards, and science-defying Mongrel-Theists.

Looks like the cartoons you use just don't seem to jibe with real experimental research, and observable science?

Those goofy "Evolution-Sketches" were pretty good though.

Perhaps you should try the Comic-Book Industry?

A group of scientists with the University of Cambridge recently published a report in the journal “Nature Structural and Molecular Biology,” in which they describe their findings on epigenetic modifications.

Not only is the genome more complex than previously thought, but the number of modifications that affect it is higher than predicted.
“the language systems in the genome continue to reveal nothing but unimaginable complexity”


I predict a strong future in cartoons, and comics, for the "Evolution-Tards".


[link to christiannews.net]

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

why tptb are scared shitless of the flat earth revolution

its because they know that it would spoil there plans of faking an alien invasion and getting man to unite under a one world government. They realise that the flat earth model refutes the existince of other planets. If everybody woke up to FE nobody will buy the fake alien invasion that tptb have been planning

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Spherical Earth - Wht you are not being told

Spherical earthers are very comfortable in spinning the assumption that the flat Earth theory is a massive psy-op.

A psy-op is something that needs a lot of funds and support. All the flat-earthers have is their own home-spun resources to fund their study of the reality they live in.

A psy-op will involve major corporations and secret agencies. So far there are no major corporations who are involved in spreading the FE theory onto the masses.
Secret agencies can infiltrate the truth movement and create a fake theory, yes. But in the case of the FE theory , such a psy-op can be dangerous to them.
It will accidentally open up the minds of the masses to the question of trust: should I trust the Nasa moon landings? Were they too fake? What about the centuries that ancient man believed the earth to be flat? Or was it because centuries of ancient people were pure stupid idiots, and its only we in the present day that are so marvelously ahead of our time?

Questions will pop up, and if anything, a FE psy-op will only make things worse for the secret elite. This is why the FE theory is NOT a psy-op.
The FE theory cannot be a psy-op because many of the proofs can be studied by anyone and the truth may be know by anyone with a bit of intelligence to know where to look. All evidences presented so far since the last two centuries can be verified by ordinary people. Yes you can see a ship with a telescope even after you think its dipped below the horizon. Yes you can see islands that shouldn't be visible using 'scientific' calculations of a round earth. Yes you can.......
Ask yourself this: what will such a flat earth psy-op gain for the elite? It will gain nothing, because us truthers have really sharp brains and can see through lies a mile away.
If FE was a psy-op , people would have moved on and not discussed it everyday. The 100th monkey effect is real.
If a group of people KNOW that there is a psy-op going on, soon the hundredth monkey on a remote island on the far side of this world will move on. This is the minds ethereal plasma. Everything is connected. If something is not right, the 100th monkey will know it deep within its soul.

Flat Earth theory is not a psy-op because it is the reality you are living within.

The flat Earth theory is being studied and examined by truthers like you and me. Together all us truthers have maybe a couple hundred thousand dollars combined, to fund our study and exploration of this topic.

What you have on the other side is a so called 'space agency' that is going to be terribly embarrassed if the truth were to be known.
What we have on the other side are Free Mason societies with trillions of wealth , who have the ability and the power to not only tell you what you should think of SCIENCE , and indeed lay down the foundations of this fake SCIENCE so you will think of them as your reality, ....but also have the power to force you think the world is round. They can maintain the illusion of a spherical earth for years to come. So long as they are in power.

This is what we are up against.

I am a truther.
I know the truth of the world.

And the world is FLAT. Not round.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Holy crap... just figured it out... the O.J Simpson murder was nothing but a false flag

Everything surrounding the murders of Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman was nothing more than a false flag, on a small scale. It was a setup to take heat off the L.A.P.D during a time when racism was skyrocketing after the Rodney King beating and shit.

LAPD was defeated, they needed a way to show people they weren't racist and they let O.J Simpson, with him being high-profiled and all, be the one to defeat the LAPD in this fake murder.

The OJ Simpson murder shit was false flag before we even knew what false flag even was. It's written all over the place, review all the facts... it's a complete fucking mess, no organization, nobody had a clue how to make it believable on either side... it was false flag in its infancy.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Real Reason gov loves Islam.

Islam is an all encompassing system of control in its current form.
What you eat ( no pork or booze) what you wear( hijab) who you talk too( no infidels) . Every facet of life is under the control of this religion.

You are forced at a very young age to never question,only accept and submit. What you submit to is the opinion of the leadership of your sect. Independent thought is not tolerated or allowed.
People are forced to be literal sheep from almost birth.

Western governments are heading towards total control of people.
Now they have a religion that molds people to accept that control. Never to question what is said and done by the elite. It looks like a match made in hell for the enemies of free thinkers. But it serves the interests of the power elite.

Islam and democracy do not go well together. Erdogan of Turkey said 'democracy is a train that takes us where we need to go. We will get off the train when we reach our goal'. Where he wants,and where the rulers want us to go is to fascist control that keeps the elite secure, and the rest of us prisoners.

Islam is a tool to mold people to accept that. Why do you think the west is so hell bent on rapidly changing its demographics with refugees.

Anonymous Coward #racist godlikeproductions.com










Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Flat earth going mainstream: something big is on the way

While I'm convinced that the earth is flat, I'm now starting to think that TPTB are involved with making FE go mainstream.

First it was tweets from C list celebrities (Tila Tequila and B.O.B). Then then they got Neil Degrasse Tyson to "debunk" it with rap and comedy (How very "scientiific"). The point of this is to get more people talking about FE.

I dont believe that FE Theory was revived because some no name author in Thailand released an ebook, or because some amateurs released some poorly edited videos on youtube. The FE "revolution" is being controlled by TPTB.

I think perhaps TPTB is letting flat earth truth out to achieve a greater goal. The question is what it is.

EyesWideOpen111 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

BIOWEAPON! Zika Virus Is Being Spread by GMO Mosquitoes Funded by Gates!

Published on Jan 27, 2016

The recent outbreak of Zika virus in Brazil could be linked to the release into the wild of genetically modified mosquitoes in recent field trials in Brazil funded by the Bill and Gates Foundation, it has emerged.

[link to www.geneticliteracyproject.org (secure)]

[link to www.healthmap.org]

The Zika virus, which has been detected in 18 of the 26 states in Brazil, is transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito. A generically modified version has been developed by a British biotech company called Oxitec.

The results of a trial in Brazil published this summer involved genetically engineered mosquitoes that allegedly fight the spread of dengue fever, yellow fever, chikungunya, and zika virus.

But scientists have warned the study had too few controls in place to ensure that the mosquitoes released into the wild did not end up spreading dengue fever, yellow fever, chikungunya, and zika virus.

In short, these genetically modified mosquitoes could be the cause of the Zika virus outbreak in Brazil and other parts of South and Central America.

“If these mosquitoes are completely safe, then why the hush-hush?” says Gurmit Singh, chair of the Centre for Environment, Technology and Development in Malaysia, another country slated for an Oxitec field trial.

[link to www.sciencemag.org]

Oxford Insect Technologies, a British biotech company, has developed the insect with funds from the Bill and Gates foundation. It conducted the first outdoor trials with transgenic Aedes aegypti mosquitoes in the Caribbean island of Grand Cayman in autumn 2009.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Whites Reduced To Trying To Scare Non Whites With Zika Virus To Not Have Babies. Thanks Obama.

Whites used to really be able to wreak havoc to lower the birthrates of non Whites and scare them into handing over resources to get "Help".

They used to be able to bomb the shit out of them at dinner time like Iraq and Vietnam.

Whites used to spread Ebola and H-IV like giving out candy.

But now that Obama is in the white house you can't even genocide Refugee's in Syria before they can get out and get to Europe and everybody knows ISIS is Mossad and CIA.


Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Zika Virus and Gun Control Program

The Zika virus serves a dual purpose.

First it's a depopulation program. If you don't want to birth "Zippy the Pinhead" you better stop having babies. This program will be more effective in the educated first world nations so the population will quickly become sheep.

Second it's a gun control program. The government will start testing for households that suffer from depression and limit their ability to own guns. What better way to depress women than to scare them into abstinence to avoid unwanted pregnancies with birth defects. Needless to say their husbands will suffer depression and increased anger issues. Guns in these households will definitely be a no-no.

We have to award the "black actor" Oscar to our Commander-N-chief for the role he has played in all this.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Zika Virus. Good For The Masses.

Zika Virus was first discovered in 1947. In Africa.
The Rockefeller Foundation extracted the virus and kept it on ice, surely tampering with its code as the years have ticked by.

Now they have inserted this virus into genetically modified mosquitos specifically engineered to deliver this virus to 3rd world mongrels. The agenda? Of course it's to frighten these people into not breeding like cockroaches. The first mainstream recommendation was to "Stop getting pregnant."

All of this could be unavoidable if people simply had choosen to breed responsibly. Or, if you were incapable of caring for your children without state subsidies, then you should have made the adult conscious choice to NOT get pregnant, just like civilized people do all over the world every day.

Instead, man and women both run around like monkeys in the forest canopy copulating at random. No sentient thought. No foresight. Just breed. Just empty thy loins because of a fleeting desire.

Now this is what you get. Forced abstinence. And punishment if you don't agree.

1984 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

NWO Human Extermination Plan :1 more attack -New Vaccine Tetanus, Diptheria and Pertussis (Tdap) causing babies to be born with shrunken Brains.

Prongs in the Satanic NWO War to Exterminate Humans

Thread: Vaccines the Ultimate Thread Exposing the Harm, Death and Disease they CAUSE.
Vaccines the Ultimate Thread Exposing the Harm, Death and Disease they CAUSE.

GMO "foods"
Thread: GMO's High Fructose Corn Syrup casing Sudden Death, Copper Deficiency, Stroke, Aneurism, Hemorrhoids, Diabetes, Broken Bones, Much Death/Misery.
GMO's are Bio Weapons 11/23/2015 03:16 AM
GMO's High Fructose Corn Syrup casing Sudden Death, Copper Deficiency, Stroke, Aneurism, Hemorrhoids, Diabetes, Broken Bones, Much Death/Misery.

Chemtrails (what in the world are they spraying)
(why in the world are they spraying)

Rx Drugs
Harm done by SSRI(antidepressants), Statins, Stomach Acid Reducers.....
Thread: SSRI Antidepressants Biggest threat to National Security, Bigger than Obama, Fed Reserve, Food Stamps Ending, Power Grid down
SSRI Antidepressants Biggest threat to National Security, Bigger than Obama, Fed Reserve, Food Stamps Ending, Power Grid down

Heavy Metals/Fluoride in Public Water System
Chemicals/Water Treatment now causing Old Metal Pipes to leach Lead/metal into Water systems throughout USA.
NOT Just a problem in Flint Michigan
[link to www.theguardian.com]

Fracking destroying Ground Water
Thread: Water as a Weapon, Fracking is not about Energy, it is about destroying Drinking Water to Make Another Monopoly for Genocide and Control
Water as a Weapon, Fracking is not about Energy, it is about destroying Drinking Water to Make Another Monopoly for Genocide and Control

EPA Contaminating Rivers
Thread: UPDATED: EPA Foul Animas River Purposely?! LTE Predicts Precise Chain of Events Week Before Spill!
Eric Schmidt User ID: 68659814 Germany 08/11/2015 07:32 PM
EPA Foul Animas River Purposely?! LTE Predicts Precise Chain of Events Weeks Before Spill!

[link to www.youtube.com (secure)]
The EPA offers contaminated Water to the Navajo. then lies about it!

Thread: Red Alert: Cell Devices Cause Cancer and Increase Disease by Cooking your Cells with Microwave Radiation
Red Alert: Cell Devices Cause Cancer and Increase Disease by Cooking your Cells with Microwave Radiation
Cell Phones/Towers, WiFi(destroy your body/immune system)
Microwave Ovens(destroy your food)
Electronic Silent Spring: Home

[link to www.youtube.com]

Thread: Americas Nuclear War against Life continues to expand, Japan, St. Louis, Depleted Uranium Weapons and Waste Killing forever
Nukes Kill Russian Federation 11/01/2015 06:28 PM
Americas Nuclear War against Life continues to expand, Japan, St. Louis, Depleted Uranium Weapons and Waste Killing forever

Brazil, The 2400 babies with missing/shrunk brains is the result of the Tetanus, Diptheria and Pertussis (Tdap) Vaccine NOT Zika Virus

[link to www.jimstone.is]

Ok so to sum this up:

1. Prior to 2015, the Zika virus was never associated with shrunken brains in newborn babies.

2. The propagation pattern is impossible, no mosquito borne disease that requires and intermediate host can get to all corners of a continent in only six months. Such a rapid propagation would require the disease to move 33 miles a day, day after day. Mosquitos do not breed, infect, lay eggs and hatch young to re-infect any faster than two weeks and won't fly more than half a mile during their lives, and if movement of people could spread it so fast, it would have happened decades ago. This disease might take six months to go 30 miles, not go 30 miles in a day!

3. The Zika virus has been known about since the 1950's, and requires a carrier host during it's life cycle. If it is so contagious it can rip across a continent via mosquitoes alone in only six months, which would require people flying around on airplanes to do, then it should have traveled across the ocean to Brazil as fast as an airplane can fly along with an infected host carrier from Africa, more than 50 years ago.

4. The autism / child vaccination link has now been so firmly drawn that the scammers need an entirely new venue before they get totally busted, and pre-birth vaccines have to be that venue. They need a safe way to do this and they are not going to get the job done by letting their weapon loose in the wild, where it can jump out of the bushes and nail them. They need a scapegoat for the intellectual damage they need to cause to maintain their future tyranny, and the zika virus is virtually assured to be their chosen scapegoat.


Good question, and I have the answer, CASE CLOSED:

I'll tell you what is going on here - VIRTUALLY ASSURED: Bill Gates or some other slime ball released a new vaccine in response to the autism uproar, which was to be administered to women while pregnant, to destroy the baby en utero so post-birth vaccines would not be blamed for damage they want to do to ALL children and are no longer completely getting away with. The zika virus has to be there to take the rap.



screen shots 1,2,3


[link to thecontrail.com]


The new "Autism", titled "Microcephaly" has suddenly smashed it's way into delivery rooms overnight and destroyed more than 2,400 Brazilian newborn babies en utero in only the past 2 months with ZERO DESTROYED IN THE MONTHS PRIOR. The false reason is stated to be caused when a pregnant mother is bitten by the mosquito carried African zika virus, which recently "made it's debut" in Brazil in 2015.

Anonymous Coward #racist godlikeproductions.com

Zika Virus :PROOF that The White Man Is The Devil.

As if you needed more evidence.

I promise you that Whites would look the other way if,

1.)There is no money to be made off of a treatment/vaccine.

2.)If Whites are unaffected.

No matter how "good" you think Whites are you mustr admit the above is true.

NEWSFLASH: They had the cure made before they even released the genetically modified mosquito's. They just want to see if White Countries get hit, if so they will release the Vaccine.

No matter how "cool" your white friends are they know that they are in a race war for the planet and that ALL non Whites must die.

It's very easy to be in denial but watch how they act when their money runs out because the economy collapses, then you will see the Devil himself.

They are already trained to blame all their problems on people who look different than themselves.

They are predicatively programmed and it doesn't matter how "good" they seem.

This thread will be deleted because it's true but I have copies.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The goal is to clone you. All else, (war), (medicine), (natural disaster), is made up BS to distract you.

You will be cloned.

You will be sent to a cloning station.

Then you will be tortured until your clone dies.

Then you will be reawakened in another clone.

The process will repeat.

Anyone who resists will be seen as torture material.

The elite believe they can live forever in the afterlife by torturing innocent people who want to help humanity.

They think they are doing their god a favor because he hates humans and humanity and all things good.

They think good doesn't exist and bad is actually good which is why it feels good to hurt someone but for them, they feel nothing when helping someone.

This is just a trick of time, demons infiltrated their families, now they are belonging more to a hell dimensions of loss than to a light dimensions of growth through duality.

They failed the tests of this time and the true creator will destroy them at the end of the test.

They claim that as a result of us not wanting to walk into destruction and hell-fire, that we're mentally disabled and we must be destroyed entirely.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Zika is a man-made virus, created to hide the symptoms of the real cause of deformities... fukushima.

Fukushima will bring about the eventual extinction of most life on the surface except for a few radiation resistant bacteria.. cancer rates will continue to skyrocket and it will be blamed on everything except fukushima by the mainstream, to avoid panic. But there is no avoiding the enevitable.

DERP #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Lithium in Chemtrails

I have a bad feeling that they have been drugging entire nations.

Tampa bay is getting its daily dose as i type this..

I know 200 years ago, most people would not put up with a corrupted government\and would be quit to shoot the dumb fuckers, now people seem to be somewhere between limbo and a dreamworld.

Look at the side effect of this stuff and see if you can relate someone or yourself to possible effects.

In addition to its needed effects, some unwanted effects may be caused by lithium. In the event that any of these side effects do occur, they may require medical attention.

You should check with your doctor immediately if any of these side effects occur when taking lithium:
Less common

Confusion, poor memory, or lack of awareness
fast or slow heartbeat
frequent urination
increased thirst
irregular pulse
stiffness of the arms or legs
troubled breathing (especially during hard work or exercise)
unusual tiredness or weakness
weight gain


Blue color and pain in the fingers and toes
coldness of the arms and legs
eye pain
noise in the ears
vision problems

Incidence not known

Dry, rough skin
fast, irregular, pounding, or racing heartbeat or pulse
hair loss
mental depression
sensitivity to cold
shortness of breath
swelling of the feet or lower legs
swelling of the neck
unusual excitement

If any of the following symptoms of overdose occur while taking lithium, get emergency help immediately:
Symptoms of overdose

Blurred vision
clumsiness or unsteadiness
convulsions (seizures)
increase in the amount of urine
lack of coordination
loss of appetite
muscle weakness
nausea or vomiting
ringing in the ears
slurred speech
trembling (severe)

Some of the side effects that can occur with lithium may not need medical attention. As your body adjusts to the medicine during treatment these side effects may go away. Your health care professional may also be able to tell you about ways to reduce or prevent some of these side effects. If any of the following side effects continue, are bothersome or if you have any questions about them, check with your health care professional:
Less common

Acne or skin rash
bloated feeling or pressure in the stomach
muscle twitching (slight)

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Shocking photo evidence: Is Putin a surgically altered Jew posing as an ethnic Slav?

I have always been suspicious of Vladimir Putin's facial bone structure. He looks like a Jew with a good nose job, and not an ethnic Slav. While his features look somewhat natural, I have never in my life seen another nose shaped like Vlad's. It is long and downward pointed, but also has a concave arch. It is very strange.

Now pictures of his "secret" daughter have come out. Her identity has been hidden for decades. She looks exactly like him only she has a huge hook-nose... a real Jew-beak. Her nose and face are otherwise identical to Putin's bone structure. She looks like Vlad's plastic surgery "before picture."

Those genes came from somewhere. I have never seen an ethnic Slav father a Jew with a huge hook-nose. It is damn near biologically impossible.

Check it out for yourself: [link to www.telegraph.co.uk]

(Pay no attention to her billionaire Jewish banker boyfriend. /s)

There is a reason Putin is hiding his daughter. He is hiding her face because he doesn't want the world to realize the blatantly obvious biological fact: Putin is a Jew. The entire thing is a bullshit psyop and we have all been played like a fiddle.

Get it through your thick skulls: Putin is not your friend. The Russian people are great, but their government is occupied by the same Jewish power that controls America and Europe. The Russians are just much better at hiding it.

I am all for Nordic price, Slavic pride, etc., but it appears the "tough old school white guy who doesn't take shit from the NWO" is really just an ethnic Jewish player in the global Jewish conspiracy.

This shit is really starting to get old fast.

Davo'sLittleSomething #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Egregore Vs Egregore

The world and reality as people know it, is built around group mindsets. The ruling 'elite' families have seeded ideas that created many egrigore's and they would use them to steer the population in directions that could be controlled and predicted.

Peoples minds are split into two parts and one part is used to stimulate the egregore of their choice, thus effecting the CPU component of the motor cortex. Due to the fact that these group minds have been artificially created, the ruling elite families have always had leverage to move one part of the mind in a direction they would desire.

The plan was to have one of their egregore constructs rule them all by allowing the people to think that their platform choice mind complex was the most solid to believe in. They would then allow the people to fight it out, leaving just one remaining mind complex (religion egregore) so all humans could be converted which in turn would give them full domination of this species. This species actually resembles cloned material with a lot of advanced technology installed into the body frame work.

Then someone came along and created a new egrigore, the human egrigore, which is sort of like a virus to the elite's creations, by high jacking all the other mind complex 'blueprints'. The end result, turning all of those egregore's and their mind complexes inside out by giving people the same tools that were used on them in the first place to enslave them.

To cut an incredibly long story short, it is like an all on all battle and those left standing will be the 'masters of the Universe', indiscriminate to blood lines and rulership installed over the ages and kept occupied with a false medium of energy transfer known as money. With that said, the people with the most magnetic blood will be the ones left standing in tact while other people are left a confused mess as their belief systems are systematically deconstructed.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Pluto Purposely Demoted so New Planet Wouldn't Be 10, or X?

Just wondering if the demotion of Pluto was planned for the sole purpose of eliminating the "Planet X" conspiracies from coming true when they announced this new planet. So now it is Planet Nine instead of 10 or "X".

Anonymous Coward #racist godlikeproductions.com

I Hope All of You Realize This is War, And You Shall Fight

Each one of you is a soldier whether you want to be or not. You e been transcendently drafted because of your skin color.

This is not a political war. This is a world war of race.

Everywhere in the world, especially in the United States, black skinned bipeds are attacking whites at an alarming rate. It was bad even in the 60's. But it is FAR worse now.

As a white male it is your soul responsibility to preserve your own life, not curl up like a faggot and die.

It is your duty to prepare. Now.

First of all, arm yourselves with a myriad of weapons. Don't think this problem won't knock on your door. Don't think for a second I am going to do this myself when the cork pops. If you're hiding, then you might as well be one of them.

Get strong. You need to be lifting weights yesterday. Resistance training makes up for the exertion you would get naturally in a medieval state. Instead of riding a horse six hours a day and swinging a 40 pound sword, you need to pump some iron and rid yourself of all the estrogen you have. Lifting weights changes EVERYTHING. Quit being a cuckold.

Prepare mentally. Do not doubt that it's not coming because it's already here. When it's time to take this to the streets, you better be fighting. Otherwise you are worthless baggage that will be left to the depopulation sweep.

LIFE CHANGER #fundie godlikeproductions.com

David Bowie,Alan Rickman BOTH DIE AT 69

In this video we go into David Bowie and Alan Rickman BOTH DIED AT the age 69 Glen Frey from the Eagles also died and how they were all heavily into the occult amongst other celebrities that I cover in this powerful video!
Did they sell their soul for fortune and fame to Satan?
And did the Devil cash in?!

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

so are we supposed to sit back and let satan run rampant in society?



It starts with compassion for all..everything stems from there...but every person on this forum can fight satan with their actions and deeds and prayers and meditations. Also If your talented enough to be in the 5th dimension show the demons who God really is there too.

Perfect example of under satans rule. NBA BASKETBALL GAMES.
Perfect place to take your kids right? WRONG. Scandilous dancers dancing every 10 minutes in barely any clothes. Scratch off Lottery ticket give away in stands. Casino advertisments everywhere. Booze advertisements. Oh not to mention a hot dog and coke costs 15 dollars. Simple example. One of millions.

So what are you going to do about it?

lowkeylifted #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

My speculation on an interesting topic. (Annunaki, Nibiru, Vril, Nazi Scientists, Wormwood)

I have long sense known about Planet X. I started researching way before the whole 2012 phenomenon, the problem is when people heard about how it was going to happen on (Insert False Date here) they panicked. Which is the normal response of course, then Hollywood makes the movie 2012, which is clearly programming at its finest. All the while we have nasa throwing literally BILLIONS AND BILLIONS into space exploration and cameras, satellites and anything else they want up there. If something is going on theres no doubt NASA knows about it.

If you are of christian faith you will be familiar with the term 'Wormwood' if not here you go.

"10 Then the third angel sounded: And a great star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water. 11 The name of the star is Wormwood. A third of the waters became wormwood, and many men died from the water, because it was made bitter. (Revelation 8:1-11)"

Some theorize that wormwood actually refers to the plant wormwood which is bitter. I choose to believe otherwise, wormwood is a direct reference to Planet X a.k.a Niburu.

Now why does any of this matter you might ask? Well let me tell you, as you should already know by now the world is literally ran by the Illuminati. Which is an occult group that worships satan. These people are not good people, they don't care about you other than the fact that you make them money by slaving away and barely getting by. Thats how they want it. Lucifer was portrayed as a snake in the garden of eden, what type of animal is a snake? A reptile right?

Now, its understood that nazi germany had lots of breakthroughs in technology, some say this is because of the Vril, a reptilian species that was around way before humans were, they are the ones who truly lived here first. Now lets think about some things here, how in the hell did Hermann Oberth and Wenher Von Braun make some of the most significant jumps in technology before these technologies were even close to being discovered.

Well Hermann Oberth is famously quoted as saying, "we were helped from people from other worlds" How exactly did he know they were from other worlds? They didn't look human of course, they looked reptilian, and nothing reptilian on earth was as intelligent as these beings, therefore he assumed they were from other worlds (planets). How could the German scientists have made such huge aeronautical and technological advances in such a short period of time?

The technologies include; beam weaponry, weather manipulation, both a cold and molecular bomb, ion plasma energy, and the out of this world flying saucer called the Haunbe flying discs. Developed a heavy particle accelerator used to produce pure bomb grade uranium 233.

They had invented the jet engine, guided bombs, and missile technology which were way ahead of the times. Could they have had special help? They did.

Now lets talk about Operation Paperclip, the plan that expunged 500 scientists records after WW2 and relocated them to the USA. The american government had the information and files turned over to them and the scientists continued doing work for the us government.

What does any of this have to do with Nibiru? Well my theory is that the Vril who live underground came FROM Nibiru A long-long time ago, needing something or someone to mine gold and do slave labor they spliced their DNA with the early homonids and created homo sapiens (which in latin mean "wise ones" Because obviously early homonids were not wise like the Vril, therefore they had to give them SOME of their DNA so we could think enough to actually do the work they wanted without rebelling. Not sure if the Vril came here because of overpopulation on Nibiru, or they came here looking for gold and other resources.

That is why I believe in 2016 Nibiru will be back, but before it gets here we will have E.T disclosure and we will be told that our governments have been 'comprimised' by these E.T beings. Which will then be the start of the NWO and the end of times as described in the bible. These E.T's will be the ones who FAKE the second coming of christ and will say that since they are god, we need to take the mark to worship them, a.k.a the illuminati triangle, or maybe the all seeing eye. Whoever doesn't take the mark will be killed . Without the mark you will not be able to do ANYTHING. Buy, Sell, Consume, Own land, anything that is involved with society you will be shunned from. Nasa knows it is coming and they are flipping shit and they want to keep it from you for as long as the sheeple will continue to sheep.


Nazi scientists are quoted as recieving help from other worlds.
Satan was symbolized as a Snake in the Garden of Eden, Snakes are reptiles, The Vril and Annunaki are reptilian and spliced early homonid DNA to create homo sapiens to do their bidding and worship them. Nibiru will be back and then the world will learn the answer of the biggest mystery in life.

Why are we here?
Who made us?
Whats our purpose?

Get right with god please people.

Now tell me what you think? I actually want to have a decent conversation about this, if you think I am mistaken then lets have a debate.

abhie #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Video Demon Exorcism by Brother Carlos ..... works!!!

Strange saying this, especially from a person like me who's against religion.
Brother Carlos has a series of videos where he casts out demons in the name of Jesus. I saw it in this thread:
Thread: PORNOGRAPHY and INSOMNIA DEMONS - Demons causing insomnia and porn addiction - SET YOURSELF FREE

Since I have this particular demon problem (not pornography, but vampirism) from childhood (demonic attachement and vampirism) I decided to have a go at it, and to my surprise, I saw definite signs of ceasing of demonic activity.

It works. Depends on the kind of demonic attack you have.

I don't want to change my attitude towards Christianity to one of acceptance, but since he is banishing demons in the name of Jesus, I must say I am surprised . It works!!

Methinks its more the personal spiritual belief that Brother Carlos has, and the definite belief he has placed in Jesus, this is the power that banishes the demons.

You could do this using any name, provided you have a deep seated belief in a high spiritual power. Your belief must be concrete.

Anyway, my thanks to Brother Carlos, and yes you too Jesus of Nazareth..... if you did exist that is.

NeverAstraitAnswer #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I KNEW NASA would Never Name it Nibiru or Planet X

New evidence suggests a ninth planet lurking at the edge of the solar system!(Which is actually the 10th planet)

Astronomers at the California Institute of Technology announced Wednesday that they have found new evidence of a giant icy planet lurking in the darkness of our solar system far beyond the orbit of Pluto. They are calling it "Planet Nine."

That is EXACTLY how You Change Ancient Names FOR SOMETHING that already EXIST!

Pluto is no longer a PLANET so this is not he 10th planet since PLUTO is NOW a Planetoid and NOT OFFICIALLY a PLANET!

Then You get to rename PLANETX/Nibiru to Planet 9

Assholes just cant admit it exist!
No Matter What happens they will find a WAY to Make it Not Exist!

Read More here at NASA SUCKS:
[link to www.msn.com]

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

All these deaths- WTF is going on?

So another celeb has died, again in his 60s.

Just WTF is going on?

Has the memo gone out to fake their deaths so they can get to the bunker?


The bible says during, the end times so many thousand people will be spared from various and taken to heaven, could this be it?

This many deaths is not normal at all!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

David Bowie: MK Ultra Victim?

- Big fan of Crowley, fascism. Said Hitler was rock star.
- Multiple on-stage alter egos.
- Labyrinth, slated as a blueprint for MK Ultra
- Son who tweeted his death made film featuring clones
- Mi6 had hands in EMI at the time of Bowie's signing
- Had sex with minor, 14 year-old Lori Lightning
- Bisexual, romantically linked to men and women, including Mick Jagger.

"My overriding interest was in cabbala and Crowleyism. That whole dark and rather fearsome never - world of the wrong side of the brain." - Bowie, 1995

Any thoughts on that?

Disgruntled snitcher #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

CIA operative Sean Penn teams up with Israel to hijack what's left of Haiti.

And no, that's ***NO**** "aid" organization, because Israel doesn't help anyone, let alone an island inhabited by black people.

And since Brangelina/Wyclef Jean seem to have failed to fund a puppet government after the 2010 EQ, Sean Penn takes over.

[link to pbs.twimg.com (secure)]

It seems this is his most important mission in South America since Hugo Chavez's assassination.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Something just does t sit right with me about WOMEN

Some people are talking about how this reality is false and an illusion. Many talk about how its indeed a prison and a farm. With all that is going on with how horrible women have been treating men, what if the archons use women to achieve their ends? Women dont create anything in this world. They let the MEN do the work. Women seem to be creating an atmosphere where they lure them in, fuck them and get the man to fall in love,then fuck them over. Look anywhere on the internet and see the horror stories about women and just what they do to men. Freud was on to something about mothers being the cause of all problems in male children. Women are allegedly the more emotional gender but when your around women enough, you realize that they are all great actors and are pretending to be emotional. They are in reality cool, calculating, and manipulative beings. I think that archon's reside in women and that men are the helpless souls being tortured by them...I mean ask Adam and he could tell you the treachery that is woman. I bet he wants his rib back. If this is hell, vaginas are litrrally portals to hell. Just my observations while drifting through this strange realm. Women just might be the physical manifestation of archon's.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Internet porn is a conspiracy to drain men's natural sexual energy

Porn was always available, but it was never so widespread and so compulsive to look at. Now there are thousands of videos available at the click of a mouse.

The more you watch porn, the more you will drain your natural God-given sexual energy. Then, when you meet real women you won't be motivated to pursue them. You may even have trouble getting erections, depending on how old you are.

You may also develop anxiety and depression and generally have less motivation to do anything in life. This happens slowly over time, over many years, so you may not notice until it's too late.

Once you're thoroughly addicted, you won't know how to be happy without porn. You'll be trapped inside a Hellish Internet fantasy world. Porn is living death.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The moon is actually Planet "X" aka Nibiru

Mayans predicted a celestial object that will effect earth...well it has been here the whole time under the disguise of "the moon"....soon it will be removed and the "mayan changes" will occur. Everything is mirrored...they claim it will come and make changes, on the contrary, it has always been here and when removed thats when the changes take place.


planet x/ nibiru has always been here.
The moon aka nibiru struck earth already and stayed in orbit, thats what the mayans were talking about...the coming of the moon and the changes it will make here on earth. Nibiru will be removed and the planet will flourish with higher vibrations.

The Nibiru cataclysm is a supposed disastrous encounter between the Earth and a large planetary object (either a collision or a near-miss) which certain groups believe will take place in the early 21st century. Believers in this doomsday event usually refer to this object as Planet X or Nibiru. The idea that a planet-sized object could collide with or pass by Earth in the near future is not supported by any scientific evidence and has been rejected as pseudoscience by astronomers and planetary scientists.[1]

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

David Bowie's death is a hoax

Reptilian looking gender benders the lot of them. Bowie has that reptilian teeth thing going on, like Ricky Gervais. Also, where's Jack Nicholson these days? He's a hollywood favourite, but no interviews recently? Is his shapeshifting getting too outta hand like George Bush Snr?

Bowie hoax death:

Bowie looked incredibly healthy right before his death. 18 month battle with cancer? As if.

Bowie faked his own death, to live out his retirement in peace. When you serve the illuminati, that's what you're offered. Ask Joan Rivers, who's living out her retirement as a typical little old lady.

Bonus creepy shit: Scott Weiland is David Bowie's Son:

Bonus ponderance: Gay/Bi David Bowie was "married" to I-Man, a man, like Barry Obama married Michelle (Michael).

QuestionY #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

He will rise again

Some quick thoughts but the main theme is trying to decode the imagery of Blackstar and themes apparent.

Who: David Bowie aka Osiris aka son and consort of the goddess Arianhod/Isis

The video to David Bowie's latest release Blackstar is full of occult and hidden messages.

Each image can have many meanings. But all roads lead to the wizard of oz.

The scarecrows represent the Druid and Celtic rituals, which are linked to the fire festival and harvest; the straw man. Think also Guy Fawkes.

The story of the straw man shows an entity which is summoned through use of the scarecrows, a sacrifice, which possesses man hence the video of the people dancing, jerking, acting possessed. The entity dances in the farm fields for harvest as it is summoned by the witches coven (again think Celtic and Druid mythology), enters DB who we see is controlling those who are possessed. DB blindfolded with the fake eyes - the spirit of David Jones was moved aside and David Bowie born. In the video We see the sunlight entering the room of the possessed signifying the rebirth of DB, the birth of Horus, God of the sun, consort to the moon goddess.

This entity dies then rises again. If you read up on Arianhod moon goddess, Lugh, noting the similarities to Isis, Osiris, Horus you will start to see how the video closely follows Druid and Celtic mythology and of course Egyptian. The image of the skeleton flavoring towards the dark star signifies the reclaiming of the dead by Arianhod.

What did Iman tweet: Rise. And his other video: Lazarus.

What we have seen is the ritual and publicized death of the antichrist represented by David Bowie which links back to Osiris, his descent into the underworld and later rebirth as Isis' consort and son.

We also see themes related to the dark side of the moon, light and darkness (the dancers and the lighting).

HardFin #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Something doesn't add up about Bowie's Death

Anyone else feel a little strange about Bowie's death happening exactly when it did?

His passing happened before the Golden Globes, but they put off announcing the death until afterward. Why? What was so significiant about the Globes last night (and just a day before Obama’s State of the Union)? Maybe it was the relentless coverage Matt Damon and his movie The Martian received at the Globes, putting him squarely on track to receive an Oscar in one of the nation’s most watched television moments, a moment he will surely use to make a grand political statement. And who does Damon support? Who has he been out there campaigning for? You guessed it, Global Elite Deep State queen bee Hillary Clinton! And Bowie’s death is news now, but it will be buried tomorrow in the hype for Obama’s SOTU speech.

This is what makes the Bowie death even more convenient for Hillary. It does seem fortutious when you consider that the most important cultural creation about the planet Mars before “The Martian” was the song “Life on Mars”, which has been rated the number one rock song of all time by critics. It’s also well known as a criticism of contemporary culture and the sort of arms race/space race out of control big government projects of the time (1970s) when maybe the problem is all that government intervention and spending in the first place. Its pure mockery of big ego, which is what the Clintons are notorious for. This is why the Dems fear libertarianism which proposes dumping all the lower class handouts, the corporate entitlements and the taxpayer subsidized private jets and private police forces protecting the elites.

All this makes sense when you consider that Hillary is considering a big weapon against Trump in the war of ideas: She’s is going to propose a new manned mission to Mars, according to sources already leaked, some sort of hackneyed attempt to hijack Trump’s “Make America Great Again” mantra. And you can’t do this when you have this huge critic out there who has the perfect song to mock your big government spending. Seeing as everything these days is a culture war and Twitter is the place where these battles are fought, Hillary would have been at a HUGE disadvantage if Bowie’s libertarian tendencies were made public. He has long stood for indepence and an end of governement sureveillance. He was vocal in support of nationalism, too. He’s very well respected among young and old people alike and they would have seen Clinton’s sham for what it is, a ridiculous big gov’t spending project to deflect from her Global Elite/ Global Government agenda.

“Coincidentally” enough, the Oscars are on February 28th and that’s immediately before Super Tuesday, March 1st, when the majority of Americans will vote and at that point most analysts believe Sanders and Hillary will be in a dead heat after Iowa, New Hampshire, so such a huge television moment like Damon on stage in front of billions throwing his support to her campaign could just be what Hillary needs to seal the deal.

I’m not saying Damon commited the murder, but why haven’t there been any mentions of Bowie’s wife Iman in the NYTimes obit? It seems she’s really staying out of the press at this crucial moment. No one even knows if she’s been allowed to speak to the press. And Damon being at the Globes on the other coast in front of the world is the perfect alibi. If you have doubts about Hillary connection to political assassinations, just Google the The Clinton Body Count List.

I’ve also read some debate about Bowie’s new album. It was supposed to be his most political yet. Curious to see if his Hollywood producers release an edited version now—

Skizzy.ee #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Cologne sexual abuse festival was another Illuminati ritual

You should know by now, EVERYTHING that hits the mainstream and has political implications is orchestrated somehow.

So I remembered this strange incident of FC Köln (Cologne) logo being projected onto the Hoover dam last year... it just seemed like such a random thing to project, obviously it was some sort of symbolistic ritual... The logo even has the Cologne cathedral on it, exactly the place where this incident occurred.

Perhaps this will lead to civil war in Europe, the tensions are high everywhere and the right wing gaining momentum fast.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Synagogue of Satan puts Human Meat in McDonald's Burgers

[link to youtu.be]

Leviticus 26:29

And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat.

I would stay away from fast food and other things like frozen, pre-made hamburger paddies.....

Hue Blu #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Attention All Blacks/Nubians/melanated beings/ether9

To all nubians, who are the Original melanin-ites,people of the sun.For we play a part in this end game scenerio,apocolypse,poleshift agenda.Our key is patience and Right Knowledge.Knowledge of who we are and where we came from and what our tie is to this multi-verse.So here we go.We have all heard from different opinions and even scientific evidence on the so called mayan end time events.But what roles does the black man play..Lets see...Our story,which by the way is a my-stery to him,the pale man,the leper,but its really our story.We the nubian,melaninites,blacks go back trillions of years.We have been lied to and made to believe we are inferior and cursed.But it is quite the opposite,we are the originators,owners and creators.For we are 9 ether gases personified by way of electric forces and sound.6 ether being adverse to 9 ether gases.9 ether is conscious and conscience gases.9 ether is the combination of all existing gases of nature.Nothing anywhere can be as powerful as all existing gases.Therefore 9 ether is is the most potent power in all the boundless universes.Therefore 9 ether is the original creator that grew the universes.The melaninites came along with original creation,which is the same kind of ether forces that grew the universe.So blacks,nubians,ethiopians(ether-utopian),original egyptians,sumerians,melaninites,etc..... So blacks come from original or primary creation.Primary creation was performed by 9 ether whose science is nuwaubu,which go far beyond the stars.It is a nubian science.Creation means growth into form or system and destruction means change in form or composition.Now 6 ether is 9 ether in death.There are 2 kinds of ether,not one that scientist speak of.9 and 6.As far as hair is concerned blacks have 9 ether hair,often called kinky or nappy.The follicle in the scalp does not have a anchor,so it curls tighly producing a nine.The lighter the nubian gets the straighter the hair follicle gets.9 ether=kingly hair,8 ether=curly hair,7 ether=wavy hair,and 6 ether=straight hair as in caucasians hair which has a anchor in their scalp producing the number 6.6 ether produces ghost.Nine ether will become six ether through time and age.Six ether becomes ghost through time and age.Six ether is nine ether in death and ghost is the death of six ether.Six ether is the moon and nine ether is the sun.All of this takes place in the ALL.
In a nut shell 9 ether black people are in adverse to 6 ether pale,caucasion people.These are cycles we are talking about.24,000-25,000 yr processional cycle,solar sun cycle 10-13yrs,and others are all coming to a close.This era of time marks our, melaninites history renewal.This happens every 24-25,000 years.These cycles are divided into four cycles, each consisting of 6,000 years giving you your 24,000 cycle.These cycles are sun and moon cycles.Two moon cycles and 2 sun cycles,but the only thing about this cycle is their will be no more after this,which is why the sun has not maxed out.Its leading up to something bigger than they have ever imagined.This will be a exstinction Level Event,but be not afraid,for the divine melanin will be activated and if need be merkabah mechanics will kick in.They show us what will happen through movies,which are usually half truths.If you want more i will give you more ,plus links to our-story which can be backed up with right reasoning,expeirence and evidence....peace

t ceti h c radnarg #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

jesus was the ET visitor of giza and thats his face on the sphinx

i know , i have his ET genetics from the godman project and his memories so that means jesus has already gotten here like a thief in the night . i also look like him too based on the paintings . surprise this is your ET and spiritual disclosure and why katy sings ET and has jesus tattooed on her wrist . i also have the double rainbows she sings about as the two sets of dna and rna known as a quadruple helix which gives me double the esp and psi abilities as most folk , like a prophet . throw in a feather of maat as the stimoceiver of the judgement god and presto i am the father and the son walking on this planet again . the stimoceiver also patches into advanced electronics frequencies flowing from the moon above and the ground below and through everyones brains and bodies , not to mention the weather machines i control . the freemasons call me the great architect . the nsa calls me mr. computer . global secret societies , intelligence agencies , DC , hollywood , and nashville drinks from me for their paychecks like a last supper . dam vampires, but since the moon let me know about it , i may drive some stakes into some of their hearts .

Osmium76 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Obama set to head UN after Presidency?

Looks like O has his sights set on the UN. Ban Ki Moon will likely be stepping down in December 2016. And Obama leaves Presidential office in January 20th 2017 ready to take his place.

Things are lining up.....and not in a good way.

I don't want to say this is so, but it is looking bad. If you thought Obama was a horrible President...(HE IS), imagine what kind of shit he will stir up with this position. The NEW WORLD ORDER WILL BE NEARLY COMPLETE. 2030 AGENDA WILL BE IN FULL EFFECT. EVERYTHING OBAMA HAS DONE AS PRESIDENT HAS BEEN TO FULFILL THIS ROLE. ONCE HE IS UN GENERAL, HE WILL CAPITALIZE ON THE CHANGES HE MADE AS PRESIDENT AND THE DESTRUCTION OF AMERICA WILL BE COMPLETE.

thread, OBAMA the ANTICHRIST will RULE from the UNITED NATIONS in 2017
Thread: OBAMA the ANTICHRIST will RULE from the UNITED NATIONS in 2017

Then take into account the Pope..... He just announced all religions are the same.......REALLY? I DON"T THINK SO!

Thread, It's Official! Pope Francis reveals plans for "One World Religion" (2016)
Thread: It's Official! Pope Francis reveals plans for "One World Religion" (2016)

Two very evil and powerful men in pivotal positions.

Yep.....not looking good at all.

Then.......if Hillary get the Presidency......its the worst crap shoot the world has ever seen or (ever will) likely.

Fecklessness has its rewards: Barack Obama will be the next UN Secretary General
[link to www.redstate.com]

"Obama as new UN Secretary-General and Hillary Clinton ensconced as 45th president of the USA, the world would become Hell on Earth"

Nightmare scenario: Obama UN head, Clinton 45th president
[link to canadafreepress.com]

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Re: Ok, I give up. Jews are the elites , what do they intend for us and the world?

First they plan to first commence the die off (almost everyone you know over 40 will be dead withing 10 years)

You'll notice that almost all white people are infertile, that's not an accident...

AI will control all military heavy weapons by 2025
Once Skynet is in control (yes they really call it that) Orderly depopulation will ensue.

Elites then think they will merge with machines and with life extension technolgy they will begin spreading through the galaxy .

game over, we were too lazy and most of you too stupid to have ever done anything about it even if we knew (and anyone who cared to look could see it)

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Society is run by elitists from Rural Iowa

It's not the big-city bankers who dominate the shady central powers anymore.
Big gov and big corp alike are funding faux-'socialists' from rural parts of the Midwest where crystal meth strives and classic rock/country reign the airwaves rather than Hollywood starlets and Wall Street goons.
Now the traditional ways are holding back tradition.
We, as traditional libertarian-minded Constitutionalists, must fight back and boycott anything to do with Jack Wayne Love Hewitt, the king of far-left rednecks and pro-establishment fuckups.

Jeremiah 33:3 #fundie godlikeproductions.com


Obama has a unique set of mathematics around his birthdate and key dates in his life that are beyond coincidence. What I present is not the norm, and the thing I like about presenting the material is that it really isn't open for debate. It is not an opinion. It is based on facts. While many who read this thread may not be Christian the biggest question you probably have to ask yourself is why he lines up with numbers in the Holy Bible.

Obama was born on 04 Aug 1961. Aug 04 is the 216th day of the year in a non leap year. 6x6x6 = 216. He has the dubious distinction of sharing a birthday with the final day of 2nd Jewish Temple destruction on 04 Aug 70AD. The babylonian system is sexagesimal and gives current day time measurement and geographical coordinates. 216 can be found in the nautical for the circumference of the earth at 21,600 nautical miles. In the precessional equinox total cycle of 25,920 years, 1/12th of that for a zodiac sign is 2160 years.

In the Book of Daniel God wrote the inscription Mene Mene Tekel Upharsin on the wall. In gerahs the amount is 2520. [link to mostholyfaith.com]

47 years is the exact time it takes Mars to return to its original place in the sky.

From 11 Sept 2001 to the 47th birthday of Obama on 04 Aug 2008 is exactly 2520 days.
[link to www.timeanddate.com]

From the first election day 4 Nov 2008 to the fourth and final blood moon this past year at Sukkoth 28 Sept 2015 is exactly 2520 days.
[link to www.timeanddate.com]

Half of that time is 1260 days. From the day Obama received the Nobel Peace Prize 09 Oct 2009 to the 33rd anniversary of the Georgia Guidestones 22Mar (skull and bones date) 2013 is 1260 days.
[link to www.timeanddate.com]

From Obama's birthday 04 Aug 61 to 20 Nov 2009 is 2520 weeks. From wikipedia.org entry for "2009" Quote -November 20 – CERN restarts the Large Hadron Collider particle accelerator in Geneva, Switzerland; they had shut it down on September 19, 2008. - end of quote
[link to www.timeanddate.com]

From Obama's birthday 04 Aug 1961 to the Benghazi stand down on 11 Sept 2012 is 18,666 days.
[link to www.timeanddate.com]

From Obama's birthday 04 Aug 1961 to 11 Sept 1982 at 8am is exactly 666,000,000 seconds.
[link to www.timeanddate.com]
Both the Babylonians and Jews used the Moon for a calendar. The Moon returns to its original place in the sky every 19 years. It is known as the Metonic cycle. The Akkadian/ Babylonian word for the "Moon" is Su'en pronounced as "SIN" [link to en.wikipedia.org] If you'll notice, the other name is Nanna, which is the predecessor to "Diana" the Roman goddess of the Moon. The 19th state is Indiana.
The above date of 11 Sept 1982 when 19 years is added is 11 Sept 2001.

From "Black Tuesday" (stock market crash) 29 Oct 1929 to 04 Aug 1942 is exactly 666 weeks.
[link to www.timeanddate.com]
Note the 04 Aug date appears again. This is the year Obama's mother, Stanley Anne Dunham, is born. Now add a Moon (SIN) cycle of 19 years. It is Obama's birthday of 04 Aug 1961.

From Obama's birthday 04 Aug 1961 to the 50th anniversary of Black Tuesday on 29 Oct 1979 is 6660 days.
[link to www.timeanddate.com]

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Re: ARE we AI Algorithms in a COMPUTER SIMULATION running on QUANTUM Computing Technology?

Yes. I have confirmed this on many Psychedelic experiences. It also makes sense in a way because

Every generation of humans or " A.I " reaches a threshold of technology, and that threshold is when you can make a fake form of life, that is able to pro-create, advance, learn, has language skills, and can feel things.

once the A.I creates this life form, it has created another "fake " simulation.

And considering that creating an organic life form probably consist of a lot of science and biology and technology, we can assume that every generation of creators, has reached the same POINT with their technology where they can create the A.I with the same or similar resources and ways of crafting this. Creating DNA strands which is probably a computer code describing the whole person, maybe even their future and whole life. The whole code of physics, which is why WE can reproduce physics with equations, because it's a computer program and that IS the equation!

Random DNA generator is probably made to account for all the millions of births.

Now i'm not a bible tard but for some reason " like in gods image " makes sense now. God is our creator and our creator probably looks like a human. So his creator might have been human looking too. So we may create a different looking race of humans for OUR simulation, or we may make the SAME looking humans in OUR image.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Earths Core in overheat runnaway, Global Catastrophy doom in motion

The earths core generates 44 trillion watts of energy, of which 55% if from nuclear reactions within, 45% of the total is unknown, more or less. the vast majority of the 45% if from gravitational friction, caused by sun/moon distances to earth.

Over the past 20 years the core has become hotter and more unstable.When the moon is further away there are larger earthquakes, because the core tries to find an equlibrium center of mass. The heat of the core is greatly insreasing and makes it more fludic, magnifying the frictional kenetic forces that in turn heat the core more, causing more problems, to global warming, earth crustal tectonic displacements, earthquakes, volcanoes, sink holes, instable magnetic fields.

Some say part of the heat up is due to man made Co2 emissions, but there is a hole in this properganda, as the atmospheric heat can not penetrate the crust more than several inches, let alone 6-30km.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

MK outside the US?

I have been reading about MK ultra and this kind of stuff for a while and I couldn't help noticing something. While driving, it's not uncommon to see some cars with three stickers on it: three butterflies of growing size in a line. And there is always a woman driving the car.
As well, I have a female friend who has, in her house, three magnets on her fridge. And the magnets are (guess what) three butterflies in a row... She has a butterfly tattoo in the back of her neck and sometimes small butterfly ear rings (not the hanging type). And on top of that, there are some days where she goes on "punishing mode", trying to hurt your feelings any way she can doing a weird grimace. And by the way, she visits the shrink quite often. She just changes in those days.
Well, where there is smoke, is fire. Would there be MK victims outside the US? Common people and not just media personalities. Why would that be? Has everyone noticed the same (in or outside the US)? Maybe, this person just like butterflies. BTW, the punishing mode sometimes goes on more than once a month ( I don't think its her period). And her mom is a kind elder lady, but kinda crazy too.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

While it is widely accepted that the Nazis were defeated with Germany's formal surrender in 1945, this is only partly true. The Nazi elite were able to covertly develop saucer-shaped craft (Vril) far in advance of anything possessed by the U.S., and established a secret subterranean base in Antarctica (Neuschwabenland).

The Antarctic Nazis (see Base-211) defeated a "post WW2" attack by Allied forces in 1946, led by Admiral Byrd, who retreated in disgrace after suffering substantial damage and casualties (see Operation Highjump).

While the United States (and other nations with Rothschild central banks) continue to suppress this "Vril" free-technology to maintain the status quo of their oil-based NWO slave economy, the NAZI breakaway group have established a viable "Star Trek-like" space civilization and expanded colonies on the Moon and Mars, which thrive using clean Vril energy not based on fossil fuel (oil).

What are the Occult Secrets of Vril?
[link to www.createspace.com (secure)]

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