
Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Synagogue of Satan puts Human Meat in McDonald's Burgers

[link to youtu.be]

Leviticus 26:29

And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat.

I would stay away from fast food and other things like frozen, pre-made hamburger paddies.....

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Earths Core in overheat runnaway, Global Catastrophy doom in motion

The earths core generates 44 trillion watts of energy, of which 55% if from nuclear reactions within, 45% of the total is unknown, more or less. the vast majority of the 45% if from gravitational friction, caused by sun/moon distances to earth.

Over the past 20 years the core has become hotter and more unstable.When the moon is further away there are larger earthquakes, because the core tries to find an equlibrium center of mass. The heat of the core is greatly insreasing and makes it more fludic, magnifying the frictional kenetic forces that in turn heat the core more, causing more problems, to global warming, earth crustal tectonic displacements, earthquakes, volcanoes, sink holes, instable magnetic fields.

Some say part of the heat up is due to man made Co2 emissions, but there is a hole in this properganda, as the atmospheric heat can not penetrate the crust more than several inches, let alone 6-30km.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

MK outside the US?

I have been reading about MK ultra and this kind of stuff for a while and I couldn't help noticing something. While driving, it's not uncommon to see some cars with three stickers on it: three butterflies of growing size in a line. And there is always a woman driving the car.
As well, I have a female friend who has, in her house, three magnets on her fridge. And the magnets are (guess what) three butterflies in a row... She has a butterfly tattoo in the back of her neck and sometimes small butterfly ear rings (not the hanging type). And on top of that, there are some days where she goes on "punishing mode", trying to hurt your feelings any way she can doing a weird grimace. And by the way, she visits the shrink quite often. She just changes in those days.
Well, where there is smoke, is fire. Would there be MK victims outside the US? Common people and not just media personalities. Why would that be? Has everyone noticed the same (in or outside the US)? Maybe, this person just like butterflies. BTW, the punishing mode sometimes goes on more than once a month ( I don't think its her period). And her mom is a kind elder lady, but kinda crazy too.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Vril Body Snatchers

The Reptilians are not shape shifters but can transfer their consciousness into human bodies through their brainstem which comes out through the top of their head and enters through the human eye to the brain, when they do this their old reptilian body dies and the humans consciousness is no longer in the body and the reptilian has full control.

They are everywhere!

And are scared that they will be discovered

The Vril society in Germany were helping the reptilians do this.

They are not human so they try their best to mimic human behavior.

Over time you can identify them because the eye that they go through to get to the brain becomes enlarged.

Anonymous Coward #racist godlikeproductions.com

1965 was the pinnacle year for the white man - it's been downhill ever since!

1965. The nation oozed positivity and can-do attitude. Being a hard worker was rewarded, no-one had any illusions about socialism, we had a strong military and we successfully faced off the Soviets all around the globe. We were about to go to the moon, women knew their place in the society, mixed marriages were rightfully frowned upon and homosexuality was a strict taboo. Kids and teens obeyed their parents. Black people lived happily in their own niche and there was peace.

It's been downhill ever since. The white blood has been diluted via racial mixing, young kids are running wild with parents unable to control them, there is absolutely no ambition, everybody wants to slack off and there's absolutely no vision for space exploration or other major causes. Big corporations rule the world and we're mere serfs for them. If the elite could have its way, we'd be replaced by robots and cyborgs who'd work for no pay and we'd be quickly erased as "useless eaters". Confused people think they can change their sex. Homosexuality is not only accepted by promoted. Black people, muslims and other races are forcibly introduced into the white population to further weaken it and turn us into similar "we don't want to work - just give us free stuff!" leeches.

WTF happened?!

Anonymous Coward #racist godlikeproductions.com

kurt cobain must be shunned and erased if the white man wants to recover

The gews paid handsomly to give whitey a new sound. To give whitey a new type of music to listen to. The 70's and 80's had inspired so many with enthusiastic positive music. Everything seemed ro be going well when suddenly a little known band named Nirvana came along with a new sound. The sound of pure negatively, self defeat and self hate. The gews had paid the music industry off handsomly to promote a swing in pop rock music to change whitey from upbeat and confident to self defeating and self hating. Ever since Nirvana rose to fame its been 20 years of negative soundin pop rock music. Every song on the radio is a sad self defeating ode to Nirvana. This is all part of the agenda to make whitey sad about everything.

Meanwhile when Nirvana was singing to every 17 year old about how sad life is and how life is meaningless on the other side of the cities the black peoples music was funky upbeat exciting and wild and suddenly an entire race of women turned their heads and started worshipping the african american music. It was by design. Pay money to promote positive black music and negative white music. 20 years later and every pop song from blaxk people has been inspiring or intense in a dominant way and every pop song from whitey has been self defeating or irratically angry avout nothing .

By the way every black rapper out there is buying their beats from gews that produce those beats. In the black community you are considered made when you can afford to buy some beats from whitey or gews. Those beats are not coming from blacks. None of them. They dont know how to use a computer let alone make a beat.

What all am I trying to say? Im just saying thay Kurt Cobain needs to be erased from the histoey of pop music. It made no sense for the entire white world to have to be forced to listen to such horrendously negaticlve self defeating music coming from a midget drug addict. White people do not want to be represented by a short drug addict in their true hearts.

Id love to construct a summer festival called "nirvana" it would be a festival where the world buries cobain and repent his vile demonic music and flush away his existance while people all dance around listening to underground positive music. Its tike white american youth start to be subjected to the positive music of our fathers. The caucasian race is rapidly dieing because of kurt cobain's nasty impression on our souls.

TheOracle'sCookie #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Movie "The Lost Symbol" w/Tom Hanks May be "Pulled" Due to Vatican/Masonic Pressure? Up-date page 4! Video

To explain the title just briefly: Various sites during 2015 announced that Dan Brown's 3rd Sequel to "The DaVinci Code" would be released around the Christmas holidays. (I KNOW I wasn't imagining this as I penned it into my December calendar to be sure to save my sheckles to be able to afford the family tradition of viewing a good holiday film together.) Then....It's a "NO SHOW"--NO ANNOUNCEMENT, NO TRAILER, just a little blurb about Brown's "The Inferno" trumping "The Lost Symbol" for release sometime late in 2016! I was disappointed...but I was also intrigued. Had Dan Brown's bid to bring his novel to the silver screen been "deliberately pulled" by someone in the high ranks of government or the Masons?

Well, we will look at the very high probability that this "lost symbol" was, in fact, ...the Mason's own Masonic LOGO, the "Compass and The Square" (seen below.) But...you say...HOW can the Mason's LOGO --a famous symbol we see all around us in EVERY CITY in this country--be "lost?"

THE SYMBOL is "lost" because while we all may agree on the meaning for a compass and square as architect's "tools of the trade"....that letter "G" in the center is the REAL question. Did you think it was the first letter of "God?" Or perhaps you thought it meant G-for "Good men?" And...if Dan Brown were to expose the ancient meaning for the "G"--as what it actually means in the archeological records and history of all the world's great religions - this "End-of-the-world" symbol would not only reveal the LOGO's meaning, but give everyone a very CLEAR idea of what their "agenda" in "the END times" may be! ...No wonder Brown's "The Lost Symbol" movie was shut-down! (I don't ever expect to see this movie as Dan Brown intended it to be ever grace the "Silver Screen.")

Well...the rabbit hole on THIS one is just too strange to be believed...but there it is! UDECIDE!

This is what we USUALLY see with the Mason's LOGO...We all know what that looks like.


Look very closely at the tiny symbol INSIDE THE "G" --you can see a little crescent shape, but what is that above it? (Hint...it is NOT the "All Seeing Eye!" WHAT IT MEANS could turn Freemasonry on its ear, if it were made public knowledge! Let's look!

Part 1 of this thread can be found at this link: Thread: Dan Brown's "DaVinci Code" Sequel--"Inferno" Pushes "The Lost Symbol" to back-burner! Conspiracy? See Pg. 2!


"...HEY! Did you feel that? Was that an earthquake? Is it 1,000s of people FALLING OFF the "flat"earth?" What was THAT?"

"...THAT? No...not an earthquake. That was the millions of Dan Brown fans jumping up and down at their local theaters --IN PROTEST--because his new movie about "The Lost Symbol" and the Secrets of Free Masonry has been "snuffed!"

The Free Mason's "Double-Headed Phoenix" is just one image for several "Lost Symbol" book dustjackets O.K.'d for the novel by Dan Brown. It may be a tip-off for the "target-symbol" he was hoping to bring forward to his fans. IMHO (as well as researcher, Wayne Hershel's opinion that something is very "fishy" surrounding the novel's publication) that if this WAS the symbol, Dan Brown changed it even before the publication of his novel--under PRESSURE from someone at the highest levels!

Dan Brown HAD only the "highest-hopes" for the Investigative Novel "The Lost Symbol. (So...WHAT HAPPENED?)

(Looking at the screen shot of one of the pages of "The Lost Symbol," we can see at ONE POINT Brown was "on a mission" to bring clarification of at least ONE secret end-of-the-world Masonic symbol to his fans--And NOT just as a "history lesson,"

...but AS A WARNING.)

Do we have a "conspiracy" to keep Dan Brown's material from the U.S. public? Yes, I believe there is--and the "rabbit-hole" it throws the Dan Brown Fans down, may be surprising even in their own experience with Dan Brown's investigations. Perhaps with this thread we can help Brown..."bring all hidden things to light."

A "student video assignment: "COMPOSE A TRAILER-- "an official-looking trailer" for Dan Brown's "The Lost Symbol" with scenes which pull from the NOVEL, "The DaVinci Code," and "Angels and Demons" to make it into Brown's most "explosive" movie yet!

THIS "trailer" has circulated on the internet as the actual Dan Brown movie-trailer, however, it is only a "student production" and THERE IS NO OFFICIAL ONE YET!



...This is the "conspiracy part"...Was Dan Brown pressured, threatened, "bought-off"...or ALL OF THE ABOVE?

Wayne Hershel comes from "stage left" with a "damning video" presentation on the movie version for "The Lost Symbol" (this was BEFORE it was "snuffed"!) For more in-depth analysis from Wayne Hershel's point of view (author of "The Hidden Records") see Part 1 of the thread here:

The very first 30 seconds of this video informs Brown fans the "smoking gun" as to WHAT Brown may have gained for deliberately derailing his "The Lost Symbol" novel and film bid. Would the "perks" of being a 33 degree Mason be worth the lost revenue from a block-buster film? It would need to be some spectacular benefits!

A screen-shot in the video of a letter FROM Dan Brown to "Free Mason's headquarters"--pretty much shows that there was a very friendly correspondence going on during the negotiations for the novel going to the silver screen in 2009 ...or MAYBE NOT. The "letter" seems over-the-top for ANY "brown-nosing" if ever there was one--so, IMO I believe this letter is DAN BROWN'S INVITATION to his OWN FANS to dig into the Free Mason material...as if to say: "...Hey guys! I was shut-down before I expose (for YOU) the "secret lost-symbol" of the Free Masons...but it is right in plain sight in Washington D.C., if you do the homework! I put up this challenge for you you TO FIND IT...and figure out what it means...and when you find it, this "secret brotherhood" will never appear to you the same again!"

WAYNE HERSHEL'S VIDEO (opening quote): The so called "Lost Symbol of Ra"...What makes the symbol "LOST?" Dan Brown's new book ("The Lost Symbol") has the theme of the Ra symbol and he does not explain why it is lost.

I am Wayne Hershel, the author of "The Hidden Records" and this is my "take" on the Dan Brown story." END quote

Keep in mind that the "RA symbol" (the Circumpunct) may have been chosen as a "re write" to the final manuscript of "The Lost Symbol" as a red-herring. We need to consider several symbols that Brown touches upon in his book--including the pre-approved book dustjackets--for what the REAL SYMBOL may have been. Below are several symbols which Wayne Hershel proposes as the "lost symbol" we should check into (I have my own "take" using some of Hershel's images to assist later):

Several "candidate lost symbols" from Wayne Hershel's "The Hidden Records."

Not included in Wayne Hershel's list--and one that he may not even be fully "clued-in" about...is the newly discovered symbol from Gobekli Tepe, an exact replica for the ancient Egyptian "The Argha Noa" (taken from Egypt for "the great flood" but seen as a "universal symbol for global catastrophe.")

We have to ask the question:

"If there were a "lost symbol" explosive in meaning enough for Dan Brown to turn his investigative skill to finding and exposing it...this symbol would have to reach across many cultures to have the "huge emotional impact" on a par with "The DaVinci Code." This video from researcher Danny Wilten shows us how both the "Symbol of Ra" (idenified by Wayne Hershel) and my own "Argha Noa Symbol" (as my choice for a logical candidate) share a very long tradition many 1,000s of years in past history from Mayan, Hindu and Egyptian civilizations! (Keep in mind, as well, that Wayne Hershel has already made it clear that all the 4 great world religions currently practiced on the planet embrace the constellations of Orion and Pleiades in their founding histories.)

From the ancient India "Creation Myth" we can see the "Argha Noa" incorporated into the image at the left--the body of Prajapati being the "orb" of the symbol, while the crescent at the base for the symbol would be the pillow on which he sits. While to the right of the image, we can see the "circumpunct" symbol incorporated into the "Egg" of creation. Wilten also ties-in the Mayan civilization with the symbol at the center of the pic above--the Turtle figures in prominently in their creation myth WHICH IS ALSO ORION!

continued on Post #2 and #3

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Warning: Ammon Bundy is an AGENT PROVOCATEUR

Ignore this staged event. It was so predictable that globalist puppet Barack Obama and his handlers would stage something like this in his final year as President.

It is so bloody obvious. This is all a setup using crisis actors, mercenaries, and provocateurs. The intent is to demonize "Patriots", paint them as crazy people, gauge public outcry or apathy, and set a precedent on dealing with them.

All we have to do is ignore this clown and his distractions, concentrate on what is real, and survive the year. It's over for them of we can ignore them. They are in debt up to their necks and can't stop the implosion of the dollar. And this is a last desperate attempt to maintain their power.

thetruthprevails #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Just like the Days of Noah Get ready

In the days of Noah, the earth was filled with hybrid beings, what the Bible calls the Giants and Nephilims. They were part men and part animal creations by the fallen angels. These beings were very tall, very strong and violent. They caused a lot of destruction and death on the earth. You think the muslims are bad? You have seen nothing yet. God flooded the whole earth because of them.

Surprise. They Giants are coming back to live with mankind on earth. Mankind is working day and night in the science labs in the underground facilities to restore them. How wonderful. These beasts exist secretly in underground facilities. They will be out in about a decade.

These beasts will kill, rape, and destroy humanity. They are as tall as 18 feet. Scientist are trying to make them super soldiers. But they will be uncontrollable. They are fast and very athletic. They will eat humans to sustain their voracious appetites. The madness never ceases.

Be prepared to see armies of giant werewolves as soldiers. In these times be prepared to see all kinds of beasts. Be prepared to see your worse nightmares of super giants insects and giant flies, huge bats, centaurs and more. A curse on the human race. Even plants will live and destroy humans like the Venus fly trap. All of this will be too real. Mankind is truly wicked and sick. If that is not bad enough. Evil men are trying bring in the fallen angels through CERN, thereby breaking the barrier set by God to the other dimension and realm. This is doom.

God exterminated and destroyed the ancient world of monsters and giants. In our time, He will do it again.
As it was in the Days of Noah, so will it be in the Days of Jesus Christ's second coming.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy #wingnut #fundie godlikeproductions.com

It's Simple: The West Is Ruled By Pedo Luciferians Who Use Islam And Liberalism As Tools To Destroy Christianity And Create an NWO

You cannot rise be in a position of real power unless you are part of the club. They indoctrinate you into pedophilia, its the perfect tool to blackmail you.

- Jimmy Savile
- Franklin scandal

This stuff goes right to the top.

They are Luciferians not Satanists. They believe Lucifer is the good guy, bringing the world knowledge and freedom to do as you want. They believe the Christian God is the bad guy.

They believe everyone but them are cannon fodder clueless sheep.

They are trying to destroy nationalism and borders through trade agreements, multiculturalism and propaganda.

They hate Christianity and will ship in Muslims to western countries in order to destroy it.

They want an NWO of no borders where they will rule the world. We will all be serfs who won't legally be able to own land.

They might even be trying to recreate The Tower or Babel by creating CERN to open a doorway into the abyss.

Putin knows all this, he is heavily outgunned by he is not dumb. Never thought I'd see the day where Russia was the light of the world, but here we are.

LIFE CHANGER #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Sweet Cakes by Melissa’ Pays $135,000 to Outraged Gay Couple *ILLUMINATI GAY WORLD ORDER IS HERE!* G.W.O!!

And the are targeting CHRISTIANS!!!!
Watch this video as it proves with out a doubt that the ILLUMINATI HOMOSEXUAL AGENDA IS BEING FORCED TO THE MASSES!

This video exposes those who responsible for the GAY AGENDA as in the Rockefeller foundations and the Satanic Societies to destroy man and women genders!!!

And are they are going after are 1st amendments!!!

Learn and hear the real life stories of Oregon bakery owners made to pay 135,000 dollars and the NEW YORK CITY Bans Employers From Calling Transgender Employees Wrong Gender or get fined $250,000 DOLLARS!
[link to www.nowtheendbegins.com]

[link to www.lifesitenews.com (secure)]

PORTLAND, ORE. — Oregon bakery owners who denied service to a same-sex couple have paid $135,000 in state-ordered damages — after refusing to do so for nearly six months.

The Bureau of Labor and Industries says Aaron Klein, co-owner of the Portland-areabakery, dropped off a check Monday for $136,927.07. That includes accrued interest. Klein also paid $7,000 earlier this month.

Damages were awarded in July for emotional suffering caused by Sweet Cakes by Melissa, which two years ago refused to make a wedding cake for Laurel and Rachel Bowman-Cryer. The bakers said their refusal was prompted by religious beliefs.

Steps toward Global Mind Control
under the banner of "Mental Health" and Education
[link to www.crossroad.to]

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Vaccines do not cause Autism

Autism is caused by child abuse. It is a politically correct way of treating childhood PTSD without blaming the parents for abusing their children. It used to be called ADD.

The entire field of psychiatry is a pseudoscience meant to keep the world order in place. I dated and lived with a psych PhD for 4 years. The entire field is a scam meant to keep patients mentally enslaved. In fact, giving direct advice to patients about their problems is a violation of psychiatric "ethics." Really.

The truth is that abused kids become mental slaves later in life, and are useful to society. Nice guys and suckers make the world go 'round. Most GLPers fall in one of those two categories, myself included.

Don't fear vaccines. It is just another lie.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Re: Mom Finds Evidence On 15 Year Old Daughter's Cell Phone That She's A Prostitute

This is the new normal and has been for a while. As a young girl you can make tons of money doing this, there are no negative repercussions to doing this anymore, so why not do it? In fact, our godless western governments protect these young whores 'human rights' to fornicate.

The muslims have it right, this kind of behaviour needs to receive capital punishment. Too many rotten useless shitheads alive anyway, might as well cull the worst of them.

Iamilluminated #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Russian Mafia doesn't exist. If you check out the files of the any so called russian organized criminal group, you will find out that they are all russian born jews. As the matter of fact, russians never had organized criminality, only the jews in russia started practicing it. The only russians with a crminal record are because of being drunk, or starving to death single individuals.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Why can't we see Nibiru?

Because it is the center of consciousness of the Demiurge, and the Demiurge = consciousness of the Dark Matter field, meaning it is the center of the Dark Matter field of the universe. Which is why it can't be seen and is known as the Black Sun.

It can be thought of for those familiar to gnosticism as the Demiurge's own personal Pleroma since he thinks he's too cool for the real one. So it's basically heaven for bad people. Which I guess could be considered as Hell except for the fact that it's a choice to go there, not eternal punishment for those who sin.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Is CERN a matter furnace, to generate gold and silver?

There is something that bothers me, about Biblical prophecy, and why gold and silver are in free fall. The only way gold and silver could become worthless(it still has value as "pretty shiny objects", and silver has value as an anesthetic), is if the market was flooded with so much gold and silver, they became common elements.

The only way that could happen, is either via asteroid mining, or via a matter furnace.

A Matter Furnace, recreates the intense heat of the big bang/star's internal dynamo, to create ever increasing, complex elements. It could explain, all the doom hype, to take peoples attention away, form the obvious implications, of what they are doing. If they are recreating the big bang, or temperatures as hot, or hotter than, our Star, there is going to be a process of which, elements will be generated/forged, into higher ordering of elements. Could explain, why the mega one is in Switzerland.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Masturbation Is A Demonic Sex Magic Ritual

The passion you feel was originally designed to be solely and exclusively for your married spouse. EXLUSIVELY not for others and not for yourself.

“Lust” was poison put into the human system by satan through Eve and Adam.

Your sperm was meant to produce children for God, not to go into a Napkin. If you Do that you are donating your sperm to the satanic kingdom.

Masturbating is a lust of the flesh. You are doing it for a fleshy feeling.
And if you masturbate to porn, you form spiritual soul ties to every porn star you watch, Both the MEN and the women and all the people that made the film. To get delivered you have to break soul ties. Its sex magick. This is explained in more Detail in the video. I know it's a tough sin to overcome, so much in advertising and movie is designed to sexually stimulate men to get them to fap and sin. (Also women please service your husbands to help them avoid this sin).

John from Amherst #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

For starters, this is my first post, so I want to express how much respect I have for those in here who genuinely are here for watching over the world. Despite the shills, you all are heroes in my book. Information sharing and truth should be free, and must be, if we are ever to survive. Those who belong to communities like GLP, may very well be among the last standing. Just remember to always help out those in need, as most of you all are probably much smarter than the average joe.

That being said, I am no stranger to the "conspiracy" circuit. I too have been keeping my ears to the ground and have been for several years. I should've already been posting, not just watching, but oh well, no time like the present.

I'm posting now, about a guy named stevies new stalking victim - he's on facebook, and has a lot of information, and responds (usually right off, or within hours) - who goes on extensively about cloning centers and reptilian creatures who have the ability to host humans. Are you guys familiar with him? Right now there's a group of people, like-minded like all of you, that is trying to rally. I support this group for 3 reasons. Like Socrates once claimed that he was wise for knowing nothing at all, so too must be for us, and I can't guarantee he is the truth speaker we've been looking for - but it doesn't matter for these reasons:

1. Conspiracies are real. Surely not all, but there are forces out there that wish us harm.

2. With Fukushima and other 'doom', time really is running out for us. We must rally around someone/thing.

3. His information is corroborated with a myriad of synchronicities. He speaks earnestly. He is 110% behind exposing the evil behind the scenes. Much of what he says makes tremendous sense.

If you haven't heard of him, please, at least do yourself a favor and read his info. Knowledge is power...I know you all know that.


CycloneOz #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

QUESTION: If you had spent the last 7+ years fundamentally changing America using the most reprehensible and lawless means possible, would you peacefully surrender power to another person who could theoretically undo it all in the course of one business day?

Among many other negative things, Obama is a marxist communist. Once in power, they rule for life. History provides NO EXCEPTIONS to this hard and fast rule.

***There will be no Trump Presidency***
***There will be no Clinton Presidency***

Such being the case, in order for Obama to rule in 2017 and beyond...THE FUCKING WHEELS HAVE TO COME OFF OF THE USA!

Unfortunately for America...all it will take is the push of one of the numerous "Dominoes of DOOM" the Democrats have created during the two terms of the Obama Administration.

The "Dominoes of DOOM":

1. Economic collapse from insane federal monetary policy and unsustainable spending.

2. Racial Unrest - #BlackLivesMatter are TERRORISTS!

3. Civil War - Will Mom & Pop America be pushed to the breaking point by something akin to the siege at the Hammond Ranch in Oregon?

4. World War III - courtesy of Hillary Clinton, Valerie Jarrett and Barack Obama...screwing around in the Middle East!

5. Natural Disaster (a yearly possibility)

...and there are other Dominoes of Doom! The Democrats are very intelligent for mentally ill people. Their plans are devious and complicated.

One thing is for sure...2016 will be DOOM!

Can you think of another "Domino of DOOM" that is poised for the fickle finger of fate?

CycloneOz #fundie godlikeproductions.com

There are many mysteries surrounding the story of the Great Flood in the Holy Bible. There is one mystery that seems to get glossed over and it is the appearance of the "first rainbow."

The Mystery of the First Rainbow Explained

By explaining this mystery, the other mysteries of Biblical old age and the Great Flood are revealed.

Rainbows are created by direct light interacting with water droplets. Rainbows visible in Earth's atmosphere are created by direct, unfiltered sunlight interacting with rain.

This begs the question. How is it that the first rainbow wasn't seen until AFTER the Great Flood?

The answer is simple. In Earth's early history, it was completely cloud-covered.

Wait! you might say. How could plants survive if the Earth was cloud-covered?

It is highly likely that the sunlight hitting the Earth was greatly diffused...to the point where plant life was possible, but rainbow formation was impossible.

That type of cloud coverage would have meant that the Earth was subjected to an extended period of extreme low pressure. It is believed that humans live longer in low pressure. This explains how come people in the early chapters of the Bible were able to live for such an extraordinary length of time.

Finally...that much water overhead and released at one time would cause a great flood.

What caused the Earth to lose its cloud cover in such a dramatic fashion? I suspect that the meteor that created "Meteor Crater" in Arizona caused enough of a shock wave in the atmosphere to push the cloud cover over towards the Middle East / Black Sea area of the world...where the compression of waterlogged clouds caused the downpour we call the Great Flood.

Scoff at me, skeptics of GLP. Scoff and mock me till the cows come home! I know I'm right about this!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Do you know the akashic records?

Do you also understand the energy being built up for the purpose of this summoning? In hollyweird, the celebrities and porno all the behavior and activity going on around the world. This is energy that is being fed and only when it's too late will people realize what has transpired right under our noses. The other side knows exactly what's happening, it's this side that is ignorant. Ironically we are the other side because we let it be so because it is in us, but also it is displaced because it has not the access to do as it will entirely. The portal will allow it to no longer be displaced but to manifest completely into this world as one. The prophecy of the dark sky is not a lie. You want to know why their are zombie movies? Only when it's too late will people realize that the 'walking dead' was not just entertainment that it was as well part of a prophetic ritual for when the portal is opened. No but people arrogantly prefer to look forward with blind eyes and ignorance. IT's not my problem. Even the bible says that we will be mocked. IT happened time and time again. You will see and you should know.

CycloneOz #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Demonic Sightings And Visions On The Rise As The Gates Of Hell Open - from July 2015...approximately 90 days since CERN's 2nd Operational Run in April 2015

People all across America are noting a heaviness in spirit, seeing signs and prophetic warnings in the events happening all around us, leading them to believe the last days are approaching rapidly... and now we are seeing testimonies from people that are sighting inexplicable "creatures" and having visions of demons with increasing frequency.

I started researching this phenomena after reading two recent alerts over at Steve Quayles website on July 7, 2015, and found that others taking these reports and sharing them are noticing the same thing, it is happening more often as is a increase in hatred from non-believers towards believers with one woman stating "It has increased exponentially in the last month." She adds "furthermore I notice the evil becoming more evil and the good becoming more good." (Found in the comment section here)

Starting with the alerts from the SQ Alert section from a man named Eddie:


Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Did the magnetic poles shift?

It's snowing 15" in Texas but it's 70 degrees at 6am in Ohio. I read an article the other day that described the current weather pattern as 'upside down'. This is how the biblical floods happened; the inductive heating pattern of the earth changed when the magnetic fields flipped, the poles got hot and melted, the equator froze, biblical flood ensues, earth resets.

Is that what they're trying to stop with the chemtrails? Increase the sky's capacitance so it's less susceptible to magnetic input from the sun to keep the poles from flipping? Would explain why it's a secret.

Whatever it is going on right now is bizarre.

Ancient Coins #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


Wight is a Middle English word, from Old English wiht, and used to describe a creature or living sentient being. It is akin to Old High German wiht, meaning a creature or thing. In its original usage the word wight described a living human being. The English word is cognate with other Germanic words such as Dutch wicht, German Wicht, Old Norse vaettr, Norwegian vette, Swedish vätte, Danish vaette. Modern High German Wicht means 'unpleasant person. The Wicht, Wichtel or Wichtelchen of Germanic folklore is basically a demon. The Witches... In German and Dutch language the word Bösewicht or Booswicht points out an evildoer, Isle of Wight. A creature that commits evil and treachery and drains the life force of it's victims (people, civilizations), through murder, rape and robbery.

The name White refering to Wight/Wiht people derives from the name indegenous Black Euros applied to them. That is what they were called the Wights, Wihts, Witch, Weird. As well as the "V" they are also always identified by the V which is our WAW or W. They are the Beast 666. VVV. That is the number of his name. The Mamzers, the Mixed, the Tares, the Goats.


Ancient Greece (pre-HELL) was Black (Peleg, Pelesgian, Mycenaean) the whole world was some shade of it minus the Scythian bastard sons of India who festered like a pus filled infection in the plains of Central Asia only to reign down hell on the Ancient Black Civilzations. The HELLions were mixed. As in the founding of Rome (Rape of the Sabines/Sheba/Saba/Blacks/Selassie) the Scythian Barbarian hoards of wights historically have been little more than Va.M.Pyres. bringing death and destruction to ALL life everywhere they went.

The Memnons were Black.

Memnon (Munon) King Of Ethiopia (King of Troy) of Trace

Also Known As: "Memnon", "Múnón", "Mennón", "Munon", "Mamnon", "Munun", "Minon (Minoan)", "Munion"

Birthdate: circa -1260
Birthplace: Ethiopia
Death: Died -1183
Immediate Family:
Son of Tithonos of Troy and Eos Dawn - Aurora .
Husband of Tróán
Father of Trór / Thor, king of Thrace
Brother of Emathion of Troy
Half brother of Tithonos; Stilbon; Phaethon; Phainon; Euros - - Vulturnus Anemoi Venti and 6 others
Occupation: King of Troy, Kung, King of Troja

Europe is North Africa. The Middle East is East Africa. Black Kings retained their power in Europe right into the Renaissance.

The wights biggest secret and he's terrified of discovery is how they stole Europe, slaughtered a generation, laid claim to all that is yours and put you into slavery, and barred you from Knowledge lest you discover the Truth. From Kings to Slaves in a few hundred years. From Gods to Dogs. The greatest trick the Devil ever pulled.

King Charles I and II were BLACK MEN. What does that tell you? Better wake up God.

Sinon Ziraeus #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I challenge you to prove me WRONG on this Flat Earth Theory!

What IS round in fact is a single 3-dimensional plane of Earth.

Problem is that earth. is made of many 3-dimensional planes just like an apple is made of many 2D planes (theoretically).

Take for example two peaces of paper with "living 2D beings on them" they are separated by
WIDTH which is in fact our 3D space with air we breathe, for those beings we would be invisible
and a 2D man on one of those papers would consider his place as "EARTH", but we (3d humans)
would keep telling them (NO, that is not earth... Earth has width!! you live on 2D plane) but they would call you
"devil, liar" etc...

You see, humans are 3D beings with 2D perspective, while 4D beings have 3D perspective. So they
see Earth as FLAT!

What is 4th dimension?

Just like you can see 2D being on paper from every direction, 4D being can see humans and all
3D objects from all directions at once.

If you take a 3D object, you would need to rotate it to explore all directions, and that takes TIME!

4th dimension is TIMESPACE, just like WIDTH is next dimension for 2D.

Now for 4D being (Devil, Angel) Earth would appear FLAT, but not only that, instead of a single 3D plane, their
Earth would be round with all flat 3d planes around the SUN.

Stars are the LAMPS on Earth!

What you see as "SPACE, VACUUM" it doesn't exist in the way you see it, and those PLANETS, are just missing
parts of the REAL Earth.

Distance from your land, to the clouds is 72 years. If you would throw a rock from top of the clouds, it would
fall on earth for a 2 hours for those waiting it to fall, however if you would jump with a rock and started falling down
together, it would take 72 years to hit the ground.

From 3D plane Earth where YOU live, Neptune appears to orbit sun 84 years, but if you would be standing on Neptune
it would take only 1 years (just like your earth) but planet Earth would be moving around SUN extremely fast.

For example, people were worshiping devils of Mt' Olympus... ie.. Zeus.. and now you say "BUT THERE IS NOTHING
ON THAT MOUNTAIN"..well you don't see entire mountain don't you?

Start using your OWN brain!!!

Gatekeeper of Lightning #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

CERN made Earth a Black Hole

All the lights you see in the sky are actually ships trying to leave the black hole called EARTH

the lights are the ass end thrust expulsions from hundreds of ships that left Earth when CERN was first built 45000 yrs ago.

What looks like the sun is the last ship to exit and the moon in its tractor beam.

When Satan made CERN the earth became the dencest object in existance pulling everything into a final death,but hundreds of lightworkers built ships to leave earth, the lights in the sky are the trust mechanisms of those ships going away.

Like in startrec when a ship warps out it leaves behind a dot of light that actuially doesnt exist but remains visible in a time warp long after its gone.

Earth is sucking all matter into it as it shrinks and condences into death itself.

PenlandXI #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

CERN summons demons that are weaponized to cause CLIMATE CHAOS

The use of 'demons' or otherworldly beings as a weapon, either through their technology and knowledge, or their supernatural strength, to subdue men, goes way back. Like King Solomon who used the technology of demons to build his temple, they can be summoned and used by those who know how. This is something nearly all religions have in common, are the belief in these non-physical beings, and all the people's interactions with them. Most people are blinded by the logic of modern science and sheer ignorance into not believing in the spiritual aspects of our universe, so the masses have forgotten for the most part.

A theory of mine is that SOME natural disasters are not so natural. Storms, tornadoes, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions etc., are very large conglomerations of ENERGY, and that some of these may actually be the physical manifestation of non-physical beings.

Most people could not even comprehend such a thing, so they are passed off as merely a storm, or wildfire, whatever. But now people are starting to see faces in storm clouds and wildfires and volcanic eruptions etc. The Me Tell You May 15 threads said we would start to see them...

Thread: Strange faces appearing in Natural Disasters all over the world....
Thread: Two Faces Seen In Massive TX Storm
Thread: Check Out the Faces of Demons in CERN!!

Before it was about these ritualistic sacrifices, and the otherworldly connections most large scale disasters have. The old way was to sacrifice a lot of people in order to summon a demon or appease it. Now they have CERN, letting in god-knows-what from the otherside...

Thread: CERN caused Nepal Earthquake? 06:11:26 UTC on Apr 25, 2015

Jade Helm is setting up shop, training for 'climate chaos' and martial law...

Thread: "Star of Bethlehem" Appears, "Thunder Moon," Crop Circle Strangeness & Clues for A New DaVinci Code. Up-date pg.12 Video
Thread: Jade Helm deployed and activated the RAIN machine on Texas
Thread: Think Jade helm is not for the American People... Better think again, Check this shit out!

And a good reason to put the screws to Texas...


Trying to open the gates of hell probably...

Anonymous Coward #racist godlikeproductions.com

[Note: Dindu is GLP slang for a black person]

Mark of Cain = Dindu

If one reads Genesis in the Bible, Cain has all the traits of a Dindu..

Jealousy, always with excuses, emotional, immature, irrational, and just stupid. Who else would kill even though they know they will get caught?

for killing his own brother, God marked Cain for all humanity to see this mark for the future generations

the mark of Cain are the dindus of today.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Re: question for flat earthers - what is on the other side?

Actually, we have no idea of what's inside the ball earth model either.

All theories of "molten cores" and such are just that...theories. No proof.

The deepest they've been able to dig has been 5-8 miles. By the time they reach that depth, all drilling equipment fails due to high heat.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Warm winter?? Manipulation to bring about "climate chaos"??

Where did the winter go?? The U.S. is not what is normally is at this time of the year.. It sure does not feel like winter time, that's for sure! I've been thinking.. MSM has been trying to push this new "global climate crisis" especially with the climate conference in Paris going on, COP21, ect...

Saw a video online that claimed large amounts of aluminum being sprayed over the United States right now to cause colder air to go around the U.S. Which is delaying our winter and causing birds to go missing and die, yet again..

Could also be a byproduct of some HAARP manipulation to try and fake this climate chaos.. What do you guys think?? This whole freaky warm winter just doesn't feel right, especially with all this talk about climate change..

American Patriot #racist godlikeproductions.com

Goodbye American People

The truth is much clearer today.

There won't be a genocide of just whites...

or just blacks, according to who is reading this and what you already believe.

Wake up Americans! Stop being distracted by these Zionists Jews!

Hitler good.

Yagoda bad.

Holocaust good.

Holodomor bad.

Legal citizens will be purged, while foreigners take our places.

All in the name of Communism.

Oh, how history always repeats itself.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Santa Claus May Be Real

Any mythical character or figure is not just imaginary or just came out of somebody's mind, but they did exist in some point of dimension/time, even if they are too surreal to us, but they really did exist and that was the norm in some dimension and that could be the very timeline in the past as well.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Ex-Limp Bizkit fans are now the police force

All those angry nu-metal bands (Korn, Limp Bizkit, Disturbed, Linkin Park) were popular for a reason imo.

It facilitated in empowering disenfranchised young males, who's next step was to enter the military and police force with that same anger. Cue 9/11 and their anger is put to use.

A lot of police thugs also today happen to be in their 30s, i.e. teenagers during the nu metal explosion of the late 90s. This is also no coincidence.

Today, it's all about weakening the male population, under the thumb of authoritarian ex-Limp Bizkit fans that make up the police force. Food for thought.

Music has always been used to shape society.

LULZ #racist godlikeproductions.com

McDonalds in survival mode after black CEO fucks up the company really bad FUBAR

You guys can add McDonalds as another company ruined by a black CEO or management team. Don Thomson was fired this year in March for basically the worst run in the company's history. Read that again folks. WORST. RUN. IN. HISTORY. Things were going so bad that they had to recondition the whole structure but the company did not say that in the PR. They said he left for another position. Also denied was how bad the brand was doing. It turns out really really bad.

Now the new white CEO and all white management team is desperately trying to salvage the ship by selling off all their assets in Asia piece by piece.

I predict the same scenario with SAM'S CLUB USA, AMERICAN EXPRESS, CREDIT SUISSE and XEROX.

Remember Darden Restaurants (Red Lobster, Olive Garden etc) former CEO? Yup. Black. He took the company from mediocre to FUBAR in just 2 years. Fired this year. New CEO? HAHA Won't be black.

I predict American Express CEO is next to be ousted for fucking up the company. Then Sam's Club.

Watch out below! Once you go black, you're FUCKED.

Anonymous Coward #racist godlikeproductions.com

The White Race Is The Only Race To Never Have Created Anything Independently.

Every other race has had empires and kingdoms spanning millennia.

In the case of the Africans and the Chinese several.

The real point however is that every non White Race had empires that they built entirely independent of any other races involvement.

Only the White race has had to exploit and steal the inventions and labor of people who they had conquered who were already waning from old age anyway.

Every invention you list has non white finger prints on it in some way whether at the design stage or the implementation stage not to mention the improvement stage.

White peoples "Grand" Civilization is only less than 500 years old and is borne out of theft,falsifying history and genocide.

Before they ranged from Noble Savages in the North the Nords down to primitive savages called Celts and brutal nomadic savages called Huns and Vandals.

The Romans despised them and actually NAMED them Barbarians and the Greeks knew not of them as their gaze was focused on Africa exclusively which was where the Greeks were Civilized.

Persians,Babylonians,Egyptians and Indians all raised up and perfected Civilization before a White Man learned to walk on two legs instead of four.

The Whole point of a New World Order is because whites cannot lay a legitimate claim to the old one.

Finally, every race on earth has gone through the stages of Evolving from primitive to Civilized EXCEPT the White Man.


Because the White Man is so new that he was raised up by already evolved non White races who TAUGHT him civilization.

So he never had to go through the stages everyone else had.

NOW you know why the White Man seeks out Alien beings to explain his development and origin because his Luciferian Ego MK Ultra programming cannot bear the truth.

So when you see white people posting to EACH OTHER how great they are and how wonderful civilization is that "They created" what you are actually seeing is a people who are not convinced.

The reason they are not convinced is because they can feel the absence of history in their story.

They are too new and are trying to convince themselves and anyone they THINK they influence.

The jig is up. In the end the White Man ALWAYS has to resort to violence to maintain control because he is counterfeit meaning not the real deal.

this is why he will Always,always,always break any and every Contract. He cannot relax lest someone catch on.

NowIhavetothinkofaname #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

A thought about chemtrails.

What IF hypothetically speaking the Elite wanted to accustom you to being sprayed upon for whatever reason.

I think chemtrails are a benign substance like steric acid; but are designed to make you think it's normal to be sprayed with stuff.

I.e when you look up and see chemtrails you'll think it's normal and go about your business. But in reality it may be a bioweapon and kill millions exposed to it!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


The country of Canada has an extremely high place in the Illuminati!!!


All the world needs to know is that Canada is entirely illuminati evil and then they can be stopped!

We have until sometime between 2020 and 2030! after 2020 for sure.

I am not a shill, this is the truth!!!

This country does NOT protect the rights of Canadian citizens that are not illuminati members, and MOST Canadians are illuminati members!!!!

The Canadians who are not illuminati members are normal looking to very good looking, the illuminati member ones which makes up over 99% of the Canadian population are noticeably below average looking!!! many of them are straight out ugly!!

Only reptilians are illuminati members, NO humans are obviously, since no humans are evil.

Wipe Them Out #racist godlikeproductions.com

Star Wars: Race Mixing and the Alpha Negro - Propaganda for a Perishing Population

Reinforce the death cycle in the disintegrating cattle's minds. Prompt them to act out. Rebel. Revolt.


Watch them incinerated and exterminated like vermin as ORDER and CIVILIZATION prevails over monkey savagery and raceless genomic entropy.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

This is it people. The end of Kali Yuga.

Just replace Kali with muslims/allah and Kalki with christians/jesus. Essentially WW3 in a nutshell.

"Kali is the reigning lord of Kali Yuga and his nemesis is Sri Kalki, the tenth and final Avatar of Lord Vishnu. According to the Vishnu Purana, Kali is a negative manifestation working towards the cause of 'the end' or rather towards eventual rejuvenation of the universe.[12] Kali also serves as an antagonistic force in the Kalki Purana. It is said that towards the end of this yuga, Kalki will return riding on a white horse to do battle with Kali and his dark forces. The world will suffer a fiery end that will destroy all evil, and a new age (the next Satya Yuga of the following Mahayuga), will begin." [link to en.wikipedia.org (secure)]

"Attributes of Kali Yuga(present day):

Rulers will become unreasonable: they will levy taxes unfairly.

Rulers will no longer see it as their duty to promote spirituality, or to protect their subjects: they will become a danger to the world.

People will start migrating, seeking countries where wheat and barley form the staple food source.

"At the end of Kali-yuga, when there exist no topics on the subject of God, even at the residences of so-called saints and respectable gentlemen of the three higher varnas [guna or temperament] and when nothing is known of the techniques of sacrifice, even by word, at that time the Lord will appear as the supreme chastiser." (Srimad-Bhagavatam (2.7)

Avarice and wrath will be common. Humans will openly display animosity towards each other. Ignorance of dharma will occur.

People will have thoughts of murder with no justification and will see nothing wrong in that.

Lust will be viewed as socially acceptable and sexual intercourse will be seen as the central requirement of life.

Sin will increase exponentially, whilst virtue will fade and cease to flourish.

People will take vows and break them soon after.

People will become addicted to intoxicating drinks and drugs.

Gurus will no longer be respected and their students will attempt to injure them. Their teachings will be insulted, and followers of Kama will wrest control of the mind from all human beings.

Brahmans will not be learned or honored, Kshatriyas will not be brave, Vaishyas will not be just in their dealings."
[link to en.wikipedia.org (secure)]

See you on the other side people!

Anonymous Coward #racist godlikeproductions.com

Re: Star Wars: Race Mixing and the Alpha Negro - Propaganda for a Perishing Population

Mixing with a black is genetic suicide for a white.

They have two goals here. To breed the black out of existence. Even if it takes 200 years. Meanwhile over 80% of black babies are aborted.

And to destroy the white bloodline by convincing retard trailer trash white women into beastiality.

The way I see it is if people are too dumb to see what's going on then they side serve to be wiped out. It's not difficult to preserve yourself. It's not difficult to read a few nonfiction books.

If you're that much of an imbecile then you willingly forfeit your progeny.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


OK People .... Bitcoin was manufactured by the cia . It was designed as a controlled opposition to get the sheeps feet wet into moving toward a cashless society ... The whole notion that bitcoins are fixed at a certain amount is a laughable farse !! ANYTHING MAN MADE IS UNLIMITED !!! GOLD IS THE ONLY THING THAT IS FINITE AND MUST BE MINED WITH TRUE ENERGY AND CANNOT BE CREATED OUT OF THIN AIR ..

WAKE UP SHEEP ... They are smart very smart !!!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Could all the slit eyed celebrities really be NORDICS?

The Nordics are the "tall whites", the Aryans, the ones who supported the Nazis.

They're just as bad as the reptilians, but they've kept quiet so they can "save" humans from the evil other ones.

Note how many celebrities have BLUE EYES = Nordic.

TruthNow88 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Coming Nuclear False Flag Event AKA The May Day Attacks

I personally think that there is a lot of evidence for the next big false flag and it is pointing to not only a specific location, and a specific theme but also a specific date as well.

I am not going to go into to a huge amount of detail right now unless people are interested, but everything I am researching is pointing to a huge false flag in Chicago (location), using soviet era micro-nukes which were stolen from Texas (theme), likely to be pulled off on May 1st 2016 or what it is more commonly referred to as "May Day" (date).

I don't make this prediction likely, and there is a lot of reasoning behind each assertion I made above which was pieced together through info from hacked emails of high ranking NATO officers stating Chicago as the target, ISIS threats released via Mossad ran SITE Intel Group stating ISIS will nuke the US in 12 months (released in May 2015), Israeli Intelligence reports about a mutli-city attack in the US specifically stating May 1st as the start date... and on and on and on (literally)...

Also doesn't help that Rahm "Obama Hand-Puppet" Emanuel left his position in the white house to go off and run for the Mayor of Chicago which he entered into late and still won. Add to that the fact that he just ousted the police chief in Chicago as well, defied the governor of Illinois by stating Chicago will be taking in Syria refugees, and then deemed Chicago a Sanctuary City as icing on the cake... I am sure ALL this is just random chance right?

Add to all this the fed after over 100 years of having its main branch in NY recently decides to move the main branch to none other then Chicago (which includes moving almost all physical fed records to the Chicago branch) and the Chicago branch just so happens to be basically within a city block away from the COMEX, which doesn't have a huge portion of the commodities it trades via its fake ass paper each day. Oh how I am sure the elite would love to "remove" all the proof of the fed and COMEX/CME Group scams prior to the collapse (or as a trigger that makes them the victim) don't ya think?

Sidenote: Willis Tower will be said to be the primary target of the attack but in reality it is just a decoy, the real target is the Chicago fed (which recently got almost all of the feds physical records moved to that location) as well as the COMEX/CME Group (which dont have a huge majority of the commodities they trade daily with their fake ass paper trades).

And go figure coincidentally May 1st is the same date that a yearly mutli-stage FEMA COOP drill is to start (the CoG or Continuity of Government framework which was use to provide cover for the 9/11 attacked was transferred to the federal level after the attack through the creation of FEMA COOP which stands for FEMA's Continuity Of Operations Plan). The primary event controller is a drill called Eagle Horizon, which is combined with a variety of different drills including one that locks down DC as part of a earthquake drill (defensive prep to any backlash). This drill series is called CAPSTONE16, which is a annual drill series... but 2016 is different. CAPSTONE also has a 4 year CAPSTONE CAPSTONE which exercises the learning of the previous 4 years and overlaps it with the annual CAPSTONE series... This is the first year the CAPSTONE CAPSTONE is to take place (after changing from FEMA NLE in 2012 to FEMA NEP in 2013). Previous years CAPSTONE drill scripts/MSELS to be drilled in 2016s CAPSTONE CAPSTONE include 2x simultaneous small scale nuclear detonations, a nuclear accident during transport and several others, which give them the exact needed framework and cover to pull off a nuclear aimed false flag in May of next year.

I could go on for ages about all the predictive programming in the Media or the various leaked/hacked documents which all seem to point to the same story being prepped... or how Kroll International, the Black Rock Group and the Silverstein Group tie into this coming event (9/11 2.0)... or how the Israeli spy's arrested after 9/11 tie directly into the coming Chicago event... and on and on... but I know most people won't listen, so for now I will leave you with a bit of symbology which also seems to mirror/echo the coming false flag event quite strongly.

Sept 11 = 911 = National Emergency Code
May 1 = Mayday = International Emergency Code
May day = directly ties to a bombing event in the exact location of Chicago (Haymarket Riot/Bombing) I am referring to this attack taking place...
Chicago Nickname 1 = Windy City = Nuclear Explosion cases wind at a speed of 300 m/s
Chicago Nickname 2 = Second City = New York is 1st city (to be attacked), Chicago is 2nd city (to be attacked)
Chicago Nickname 3 = Chi-Town = First mentioned in the song "Convoy" which is about a trucker rebellion that causes havoc while outrunning the law and in Chi-Town (Chicago) they get a "Suicide Jockey" referring to a truck full of explosives.
Eagle Horizon = Eagle referring to the great seal of the US which represents America, Horizon referring to the limit of understand/vision. This event will be beyond the vision/understanding of most American citizens.
CAPSTONE = the literal Capstone event, to truly kick off the NWO plan while at the same time covering up the physical evidence of their 100+ years of financial scams and doing it in a way they can again act as the victim instead of the cause...

Anyways for anyone that still has eyes to see, I hope you will at least somewhat take this serious and do your own research, as to me the coming false flag prep that is being done is as blatant as it gets... IMO get ready for 9/11 2.0 which will likley be known as the "May Day Attacks".

Anyways just my 2 cents...

DEAL WITH IT!!! #conspiracy #fundie godlikeproductions.com

I FINALLY Figured Out The EVIL PLAN!!!

Listening to some snippets from the GOP Debate on CNN---
It is all windowdressing, and posturing, but deep inside steadfastly refusing to deal with THE TRUTH!!!

My response to:

TRUMP: Don't shut down parts of the Internet, just ban all Twitter I.P.s from Arab Nations

CRUZ: Of course we can't catch the Bad Guys, when the CIA tells Generals to "Stand Down!!!"

FIORINA: The Government is not inept, in all actuality it is the most efficient and technologically advanced government that ever was. The main problem is that The Government is run by the Evil Elite: The Jesuits, The Jews, The Freemasons, The Satanists, The Pedophiles, The Traitors, The Intelligence Community and the Military Industrial Complex, The Corporations, The (and every other category of Evil Elite Evildoers)

Now from listening to Sibel Edmonds tell the REAL TRUTH, THE WHOLE TRUTH, and NOTHING BUT THE TRUTH (listen to her), as well as others, The EVIL PLAN is to INCREASE TERRORISM in the world, to build Madrases and Mosques in the Central Asian Republics and the Middle East Nations, to fund and promote Islam, especially extremist, Fundamentalist Islam, to bomb the heck out of those countries who are then "breeding terrorists," and to then let millions of those Muslims immigrate to the USA, where they will be very angry and will kill the "Infidels," starting the terrorism cycle here in the Good Ole USA, which is all planned and carried out by the CIA and NATO, and the Pentagon, and the Defense Contractors, and the Elite, who want to profit from Endless War, a continual War on Terrorism, which has an end goal for world destabilization, so that Order Can by Made From Chaos, setting up the New World Order!!!

The Evil Elite in charge have ABSOLUTELY no problem with WW3, as long as it fulfills, or starts to fulfill the End Time Evil Plan: The ONE WORLD DICTATORSHIP.

Team Uzi #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Is your significant other an MKULTRA?

Any of you married or have live in companions who

Have relationships with former government or


Remember Adam & Eve?

I am going out on a limb and suggesting that

Some of our life mates may ,maybe, our "handlers".

A frightening thought.

Any spouse or significant other who down plays

a man's agenda may just keep him "in check".

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


Brown Dwarfs are extremely common in our galaxy, the two officially closest ones to us are only 19 light years away. However, their existence was only confirmed VERY recently.

"For many years, efforts to discover brown dwarfs were frustrating and searches to find them seemed fruitless. In 1988, however, University of California, Los Angeles professors Eric Becklin and Ben Zuckerman identified a faint companion to GD 165 in an infrared search of white dwarfs."
[link to en.wikipedia.org]

This is because Brown Dwarfs are only visible in the infrared spectrum:

Where can I purchase an infrared telescope for backyard use?
You can't. Most infrared light from celestial sources is absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere. Only a narrow window of near-infrared radiation (at wavelengths less than about 4 microns) reaches the Earth. Observations at these wavelengths requires that the infrared camera be cooled to hundreds of degrees below zero using a cryogen (such as liquid helium) and requires special solid-state infrared detectors (costing tens of thousands of dollars). Hence, it is impractical to consider a true infrared telescope for personal use.
[link to coolcosmos.ipac.caltech.edu]

So if Nibiru existed and was a Brown Dwarf, it would be extremely difficult for anything earth-based to detect it.

So, what about infrared telescopes in space?

Well, there were only 3 such telescopes ever built:

Which infrared observatories are currently operating in space?
There presently is no space-borne observatory capable of observing thermal infrared light from celestial objects. The Hubble Space Telescope (HST) carries an infrared instrument called NICMOS that can observe in certain near-infrared wavelengths, but not at mid-infrared or far-infrared wavelengths. The first space-borne infrared telescope was the Infrared Astronomical Satellite (IRAS), a collaborative effort of the US, UK, and the Netherlands. IRAS orbited the Earth for 10 months in 1983, and the mission ended when its onboard cryogen (refrigerant) was exhausted.
A second-generation astronomical observatory, with much greater capabilities, was the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO). This European Space Agency satellite orbited the Earth from late 1995 through early 1998.
The latest major infrared observatory launched into space will is the Spitzer Space Telescope, a NASA mission which was launched in August 2003. SIRTF was launched into an Earth-trailing solar orbit, and will operate for 5 years or more.
[link to coolcosmos.ipac.caltech.edu]

So if Nibiru existed, those missions would have seen it like a second sun in the night sky. Only a complete cover-up of the images could hide something so colossal...

Now that you know all this, watch this video:

What are Wikisky, Google sky and WWT hiding?

Connect the dots and you will conclude:




Truth Teller #fundie godlikeproductions.com

The Good Dinosaur -Pixar / Disney Promoting Evolution, Humanizing Dinosaurs, Animializing Humans

In this latest Pro Evolution Movie (The Good Dinosaur)

The Dinosaurs:
Farm, Hunt, Herd Buffalo, (flyers take advantage of the weak)
Live in a House
Store up food in a Silo for winter
Leave a Mark on the Silo signifying accomplishment
Have Strong Family Relationships
Show Ernest Love and Respect for each other

The Humans:
- Do NOT Talk
(the main human is a young boy,
who answers to the name SPOT.
- Sniff, Track and Forage for food.
Walk on all fours, and act like dogs.
- at the end of the movie the Orphan(Spot)
is parted with his friend the good Dinosaur, and
adopted by a Man and Woman with two other young
Children, Not a Single Word is used in this
adoption and parting sequence.
(guess it would have seemed weird if the Dinosaur
said goodbye to his young friend in English, and
all the Humans could do is Howl and Grunt like

Ge1:27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

When God became a Man(Jesus in Human Flesh) he looked like a Normal Human Male, because WE are made in HIS image.

John1:10 He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not.
John1:11 He came unto his own, and his own received him not.
John1:12 But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:
John1:13 Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.
John1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
John1:15 John bare witness of him, and cried, saying, This was he of whom I spake, He that cometh after me is preferred before me: for he was before me.
John1:16 And of his fulness have all we received, and grace for grace.
John1:17 For the law was given by Moses, but grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

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