
discombobulated #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

[In response to allegations of people altering the Bible]

Theres no doubt in my mind that God would not let his word be altered in any way he did not want it to be. If Sodam and Gomorah were struck dead just 4 lying, then why can't some monk be struck dead?

hercules1 #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

Yeah its true I dont know much about evolution. Please forgive me. It just makes sense that I came from a human. You know, human having human babies and birds having baby birds. It doesnt appeal to me that I may have come from a monkeys butt along the line somewhere. But if thats your fancy, fair enough. Good bananas to you.

khazul #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

The only problem with the Bible being stories and myth or whatnot is that it would be very unique. I mean, all of it's major players ahve huge falws with them. Look at David. Great guy, man after God's own heart. Adulturer and murderer. He's not the perfect heroe like heroes should be. The Bible is all too true in its depiction of men.

Livin'4Christ #fundie #homophobia #sexist bbs.payableondeath.com

People say it's okay to be a Wiccan, Buddhist, Muslim or whatever but it must be made clear God hates these false religions (if they are in fact false) and He'd like to see them eradicated. Homosexuality is the killer. Priests, pastors, politicians etc are decieving God's little children into thing it's okay to be gay. The world has come to largely accept homosexuals in this world and the gay movement is stronger than ever... God hates it all. People think female pastors are a welcome but God says they're not (debatable). Many don't believe in capital punishment even though God created it. Pacifists and anti-war (defence) Christians are just confused. Is there a passage in the Bible that says we're to conform to social beliefs or don't people give a shit about the truth? Why so weak?

inverter #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

But even you should be able to understand that at the time people lived that long, there was no cancer, there was no polution, no cfc's, no unnatural foods, etc..
The reason is because there was so few people and technology couldn't create polution.
Well, anyway if you believe the Bible you would know that sin created bad genetics and bad health. Ever since the fall of man we have been slowely dying.

inverter #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

you see, as much as you want to believe that science is a great revelation and we have advanced so far, The Bible is far more accurate. I don't care how tall your "mounds" of evidence are. God's word supercedes any kind of scientists. You don't know how things worked before the flood. That oxygen thing is true, but before the flood our bodies didn't work that way. I'm going to have to use the God's soverignty arguement on this one....and oh how you hate that one so.

sniff #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

You bring up the rise of Mormonism [to compare with the rise of Christianity] - and that is indeed an interesting and well documented story - but it so heavily builds upon the base laid by Christianity that it really isn't a very good analogy. From a scholastic standpoint, though not a theological one, it is simply another sect of Christianity.

pabsbasdad #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

the bible says that noah took every type of animal not species...he did not take every species of dog...just 2 dogs, he did not take every species of horse, just 2 horses etc....still thats alot of animals right? the ark was huge...if u were to build it it would be like really really really big. as for evolution...the big bang can be proven wrong using 4th graders a high school football team and a merry-go-round. sad eh? there are no flaws in the bible what soever...it was written by many men over thousands of years but yet there is not one contradiction. theres is not a more perfect collage of books in the universe.

as for you kuuenbu...go study

Amessenjah #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

Witchcraft is not of the Lord. The power comes from energy that is creating and given by demonic spirits. These demonic spirits all have a rank, a purpose, and a master. Their master is Satan. Satan is very pleased if a person decides to tap into the powers of witchcraft. He may use those powers that the person calls upon to show them supernatural things;(deja-vu feelings, paranormal happenings, coincidences, superstitious feelings) These demonic spirits may take the form of animals, the animals may act a certain way that would make a person believe that they had power over that animal or even a human. Withcraft in my opinion quickly turns into a practice of vampirism. This vampirism that I am speaking of is merely spiritual. It is were people feed off the thoughts of one another in order to become more powerful. This really takes effect when the person has sex with the other, essentially they become one spiritually, so the energy or power is increased every time you sleep with a different person. I may be getting off the subject of witchcraft and into the subject of Hallucinogenic drug cults, but oh well. To me it is all the same. These behaviors and thought processes are highly addictive and can cause very bad emotional and physical problems. A person could have insomnia, lose a lot of weight, have psychotic episodes, become suicidal, put distant between themselves and family, lose touch with reality and sense of responsibility. This is merely my personaly experience and my personal reality. I do believe that it is a universal reality though. I believe that satan uses these same "deceiving realities" to keep people away from God and eventually destroy them.

inverter #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

Noah lived to be 950 (Genesis 9:29). And Methusela lived into his 900's also. Read your Bible. Before the flood men use to live very very long times. After the flood the death age got younger and younger. Again you have no idea how long people lived back then because you believe man and not God, your creator.

hercules1 #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

Well lets look at the causes of cancer. Smoking is one. Skin cancer is another. A lot of cancer is caused by harsh chemicals and radiation. Its caused by what you eat and drink. Smoking- man made killer. Skin cancer- We had what was called an ozone layer, man has destroyed it. Chemicals and radiation. Manmade killers which are put inot food and what not. As far as I know and dont quote me because I dont profees to have all the answers, but if anyone does get cancer, it is our own fault. We decided to modify what God gave us and its killing us. I'n not saying that we deserve to get cancer, it is sad that it spreads and some people do get cancer through no fault of their own. The only way to prevent cancer was to not modify everything and live as nature intended. This problem started a looong time ago.

Livin'4Christ #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

Hell is real... hell is fire. That's where the unsaved go. The universalists believe since it is Gods will for all to go to heaven ALL will go to heaven. They believe hell is on earth and when you're saved you're actually saved from sin and not hell. Universalists are unscriptual and a cult. Stay away from them!

inverter #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

Evolution uses just as much circular reasoning as to the fact that it cannot be reproduced in a lab. The whole concept of evolution is speculation therefore just going around telling everybody its true because scientists say its true is circular reasoning.

BurningSon #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

[Replying to 'could you believe in the Tooth Fairy or the Easter Bunny?']No, because I know those things ain't real. I know God is real because of what He did for me and what I have seen Him do for my family and friends. What we need to find out is why God and Jesus don't seem reasonable to you. Why?

Porfirio #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

Thats [sleep paralysis] a demonic attack that you described. I've experienced quite frightening instances of this. There have been several times taht I've felt a presence and I couldn't move at all like your talking about. One time that was little different I could felt as though an outside force was molesting me. I saw a yellowish haze hovering just below the cieling. I cried out for Jesus and the I woke up. I could never forget that, it was freaky. I know sounds unbelievable, maybe i'm psycho or maybe it was a dream. Who knows?

inverter #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

Why God allows bad things to happen to good people.

This is the question that an unbelieveing world simply finds unbelevable. And I am not going to even pretend to know how God works, or why bad things happen.

But if you have "Still Paying Dues", The new P.O.D. DVD then you will have heard Sonny tell why his mom had to die of cancer. He says it took that much of a megaphone for Sonny to come to Christ. In other words, God wasen't getting through to Sonny so he used the death of Sonny's mom, whose dying wish was that Sonny come to Christ, to grab Sonny by the hand and lead him into the kingdom of God. Yep, God will go to those measures to get ahold of one person. And now because of that Sonny and his mom will be together in heaven.

I felt so much encouragement and joy from hearing that story and I realized that sometimes we are so closed to God's word that it takes tragedy to bring about change.

hercules1 #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

Sham, you say that god killed the fist born in Egypt. Well yes that is very true. Moses went into Egypt and warned the Pharoah over and over and over again, let my people go or else. So just like you, I will say to you, turn to God or else. But if you do not turn to God, and then he punishes you, whos fault is that.

Livin'4Christ #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

Absolutely brilliant! Resort to the teachings of a Bahai [<a href="http://www.bahai.org/">another religion</a>]. Doesn't truth mean anything to you or are you just justify your sinful lifestyle. Well I tell ya, your going to get a big fucking surprise when your burning in hell. You wont be asking Dave [the Bahá'í  poster] any more questions then will ya?

hercules1 #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

There is nothing scientific about evolution but a lot of high school and college textbooks attempt to indoctrinate young people into believing they are just the product of a "chance" occurrence and apes and humans came from a "common ancestor." No wonder young people all over this nation are killing each other left and right.

punkrocker71 #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

while the earth was young it was covered with water. the flood happened while the earth was young. my source was the discovery channel. and everybody knows thats what scientists think anyways. thats why there are so many expaditions to go look for lost ships of the flood and stuff like that."

"yes i do admit that the colarado river does do erosion to the canyon but i and many others believe that the river couldnt have eroded that much i 6,000 years. and the canyon is very high. the river was not that deep at one time to have washed out the top and bottom of the canyon. it would have only eroded the bottom."

"whatever. continental drift. its hard to believe thats how all these fossils of things that were way at the bottom of the ocean have been found up there. but believe what you want. i dont care.

Livin'4Christ #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

What do people think about this? As most know there is this lady in Nigeria who has been ordered to be stoned to death for having a child out of wedlock. This has caused a significant outburst from western nations worldwide arguing the ruling is inhumane, uncivilised and breaches basic human rights. Although I find decision to be somewhat "harsh" this lady bought about her own judgement. In Northern Nigeria where the sha'riah is the law, it is a well known offence to commit adultery and although the stoning will be the first time it's practised in the region the Qu'ran makes it clear it is a capital offence. So although she knew her actions might lead to her death she took the risk anyway and now under shar'iah law she is going to be punished for it. I respect the human rights groups but I really don't think they understand religion at all and are only preventing justice before Allah or God taking place. From a Christian perspective I don't necessarily think it's wrong as well. When Jesus was preaching some Jews bought him a woman guilty of adultery and asked if the men condemned her. She said no so Jesus didn't condemn her neither. However, the men in Nigeria do condemn her so it seems likely she is worthy of her death. If you ask me, I think Jesus would urge compassion towards the lady and she shouldn't be stoned to death however establishing a worldwide crusade to prevent this stoning she bought upon herself shows a lack of respect for religion.

Jiggles #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

No, they just spouted some Athiest dogma, which has very little backing and were insulting. AKA, if you question myths, why don't you question your own? Again, I reiterate, what evidence is there that Atheism is correct or the truth? I would like to comment that for every time someone mentions the Spanish Inquisition, I will reply with Pol Pot, 2 million people, Stalin, millions of people, Mao Se-dong, millions of people.

CofTheForeverTribe #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

I don't mean to sound offensive, but whoever started this argment about Noah's ark did not do much research.

Otherwise you would realize that durng orld ar II, the United States build a ship according to the measurement of Noah's ark and it was one bad baby. No one wanted to meswith that joker.

Now a far as species go, I don;t know how many species they say there are today. Maybe they do say 6 million or 30 million. I can tell you that the apportionment of the number of species has been determined by Evolutionary THEORY and is thus not a provable fact. There way of defining species does not have to be ds way of definig species. I can tell you this as well, because of evolutionary THEORY the nuber of species has increased. Why because we have for it to do so. Of course not, but rather it fits well into the model of evolution.

findit aazing hw ou accus Christians of gong close-mided and on a set worldview whn youyourself do exactly the same.

punkrocker71 #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

i didnt read the article cause i dont have time. i have to leave in a bit but i saw the subject and i just want to point out a couple things.

1. scientists are even saying that there was most likely like 99% a worldwide flood.

2. wood (the same kind Noah used) has been found at the top of mount Arat(where the Bible says the ark landed). The bible said that the ark was above every mountain so thats how it got to the top in case your wondering.

3. explain the grand canyon

4. there have been fossils of fishes on the top of mountains. explain how they got there other than this.

5. there are many ancient documents on stone tabs that are almost exactly like the flood story. many point out that only one mans family survived.

inverter #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

Because I know what the scientific "evidence" is but I just don't buy it. I believe that if evolution were true and we descended from apes, that is Man came from apes because we evolved from a lower into a higher being, then apes would have slowely died out. And why did all humans evolve in the exact same way? How did all the organs evolve and still work? You see all of the organs are needed to sustain life and if we came from one molecule, that one molecule needed the entire package in order to live. But to me science dosen't prove that molecules could have done that. Why isn't there half ape half man? Why don't some have wings? We could use wings, that would get us places faster and if evolution is true then maybe we would have evolved into that. I know that all seems corny and stupid to you, but its the little questions like that that just make evolution so unbelievable. Hey I didn't inherit Christianity and that was it. I looked at both choices and decided that A created world is much more feasable. That's just what I believe given the evidence. Evolution severly violates the law of non-contradiction. Which makes it an impossibility.
It shouldn't be a huge deal that people believe otherwise but scientists have a hardcore agenda and does not tolerate creationists. Which is silly and wrong, and to me hurts their case even further.

punkbassist4God #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

Do you honestly think that you are the original in raising these questions? If the Bible could be proven false/and or/inaccurate, then Christianity wouldn't have survived 2000 years of persecution. People aren't willling to be burned alive and cut in half for lies. The only way that I see anyone could stand by their beliefs through all this because a loving God changed their lives through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

BurningSon #fundie bbs.payableondeath.com

So your saying that God is just made up in the human mind? Wrong. God talks about this in James. If you doubt when you ask, your as unsteady as a wave on the sea being driven by the wind. Also, how can God do what you asked Him when you don't belive your going to recive what you asked for?
Sounds like your brainwashed into belive God isn't real and you don't want anyone to tell you otherwise.

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