
Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

It never ceases to amaze and amuse how the seditious scribblers at Sulzberger's Slimes will always find some creative way to take the most seemingly unrelated topics and link back to the "Holocaust" TM. In this case, it was Valentine's Day. Get a load of this Marxist mush:

"On Valentine’s Day, couples often reminisce about that moment they knew they would stay together, whether during a vacation, over a fancy dinner or, perhaps, while meeting their future in-laws.

For Isaac and Rosa Blum, who became teenage sweethearts 75 years ago in a ghetto in Nazi-occupied Poland, that moment came as they and thousands of other terrified Jews were being herded to a death camp by Nazi soldiers."

lay it again, Ira ... and again.. and again .. and again..

The Slimes writer with the Irish-as-can-be name, Corey Kilgannon, though clearly not a Tribesmen, evidently understands all too well from whence his bagel is buttered. If he keeps this up, can a Pultizer Prize be in his near future? Let's dig into a few excerpts of Corey's corny comedy.


Kilgannon: “I saw her walking in front of me,” Mr. Blum recalled. “I went up to the German and told him, ‘That’s my sister,’ even though she was my girlfriend.”

Rebuttal: So, the evil "Nazi" TM allowed Mr. Blum to walk with a girl he thought was his sister, thus saving her from going to a "death camp." That was nice of him.

Kilgannon: Miraculously, they were both pulled off the line and managed to survive the Holocaust by working as slave laborers in a munitions factory.

Rebuttal: "Miraculously," eh? Ever notice how every story about Holocaust TM "survival" includes the word, "miraculous." Dear Corey. What was so "miraculous" about being sent to a labor camp? Wasn't that the whole purpose of the internment camps? The real "miracle" here is that after 70+ years, people still fall for this crap.

Kilgannon: He is 94, and she is a year younger. Asked to recount their lengthy love affair, they noted the absurdity of couching it — a romance incubated in the hell of the Holocaust — in the frilly trappings of Valentine’s Day.

Rebuttal: If life was such "hell" in the factory camp, then how did the Blums manage to carry on dating and smooching? And, as evidenced by the 3,000 babies born at Auschwitz alone (here) (some conceived after internment), they may very well have done a whole lot more than just smooch, if you catch my drift. These various camps sound more like modern day college campuses than "hell."

Kilgannon (quoting Mr. Blum on the paradoxical elements of the story): “You have a mixed story here — you won’t be able to put them together,”

Rebuttal: Oh ya got that right, Blumie! We can't "put it together" how you and so many hundreds of thousands of other "survivors" were able to walk out of this "Nazi genocide" alive and well, and, in many cases, with a sweetheart on your arm and a frickin' baby in hers!

Kilgannon: It was young, bold love that prodded him to stand up to a Nazi guard and save his sweetheart ....

Rebuttal: Let it not be said that Sugar and I, er, "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times are lacking in romantic sentiments, however ...

Kilgannon: ...from being sent to the Treblinka death camp.

Rebuttal: The Treblinka "death camp" in Poland was discovered by the Soviets. We only "know" that is was an "extermination camp" because Joe Stalin's "commission" and some of the Communists and Jews housed there said so.

Kilgannon: A hasty marriage followed, ....

Rebuttal: So, the big bad "Nazis" TM allowed their captives to get married under their watch, eh? A paradoxical "mixed story" that we cannot "put together" indeed!

Kilgannon: ... and then a horrific honeymoon of sorts: stealing glances and brief exchanges under the stern watch of armed guards.

Rebuttal: Oh the bloody drama! Reads like one of those cheesy romance novels. Were the moon-lit summer nights warm and sultry too?

At least the Blums never had to worry about being burnt to death, crushed to death, starved to death, raped to death and sadistically tortured to death like so many innocent Germans were both during and after the war.


The rest of the article consists of just the usual old cliched barf about the Blums undying love for each other and the secrets to a long marriage, with still more obligatory back-story references to the traumatic memories of "the Holocaust" TM and the evil "Nazis" TM etc. For the witless boobs who so dutifully devour the Slime's daily dose of dung, this little human interest story serves to reinforce their delusions about the HOLOHOAX. But for the astute reader who reflects upon every line with a critical eye and mind, yet another confirmed story about "survival" and marriage in "zee concentration camps" amounts to further primary source evidence refuting the biggest lie ever told.

Boobus Americanus 1: I read a most heart-warming story in today's New York Times about an elderly Jewish couple that met and fell in love during the Holocaust.

Boobus Americanus 2: What a testament to the power of love! Even in Hitler's hell, their love for each other still flourished.

Sugar: You sappy frickin' cornballs make me throw up in my frickin' mouth!

Editor: Sugar dear, heaven help the deluded tom-cat that should ever fall in love with you..

Mike King #fundie tomatobubble.com

Ever since Russia's non-invasion and peaceful reunion with the overwhelmingly Russian peninsula of Crimea, several leading luminaries of the West's PRC (Predatory Ruling Class) have launched "Putin is like Hitler" accusations. From the big mouth of the Hildebeast:

"Now if this sounds familiar, it's what Hitler did back in the '30s."

From the gaping posterior of that useless royal eater, Prince Charles:

"And now Putin is doing just about the same as Hitler."

America's British poodle, David Cameron, yapped:

"We run the risk of repeating the mistakes made in Munich in '38 (appeasing Hitler). We cannot know what will happen next."

America's northern poodle, Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper (ex):

"We haven't seen this kind of behavior since the Second World War."

On Russia hosting the 2014 Winter Olympics, the faggy-ass Senator Lindsey Graham whined:

"If you could go back in time, would you have allowed Adolf Hitler to host the Olympics in Germany? To have the propaganda coup of inviting the world into Nazi Germany and putting on a false front?"

The ever-warmongering and certifiably insane Senator John McCain:

"If Putin is allowed to go into a sovereign nation on behalf of Russian-speaking people, this is the same thing that Hitler did prior to World War II. "

The diabolical global manipulator Zbigniew Brzezinski:

"(Putin is ) a partially comical imitation of Mussolini and a more menacing reminder of Hitler."

The bow-tied egghead sophist George Will:

"This is more than merely the fascist mind; its ethnic-cum-racial component makes it Hitlerian. Hence Putin is “unpredictable” only to those unfamiliar with the 1930s."

Adolf & Vlad got nothing handed to them.

Putin inherited a ransacked, poverty-stricken, demoralized and dying nation (in 2000). So did Hitler (in 1933).

Pre-Hitler Germans and pre-Putin Russians --- left starving and desperate by the International bankers (cough cough).

Putin stripped the Globalist Jewish Oligarchs of their power and privilege. So did Hitler.

Putin has defied the New World Order and condemned the sovereignty-killing model of what he terms, "the uni-polar world". So did Hitler, who openly referred to it as "the world conspiracy."

Putin turned the economy around in dramatic fashion. So did Hitler.

Amazing recoveries forgotten by history.

Putin rebuilt Russia's deteriorating military. So did Hitler.

Putin is a defender of traditional morality and Christianity. So was Hitler.

Both men understood that the greatness of a people is to be found in its morals and families.

Putin is admired by the overwhelming majority of his people (90%). So was Hitler (99%).

Putin is a man of high culture and refined intellect. So was Hitler.

Putin has been unjustly vilified by relentless western propaganda. So was Hitler.

The Piranha Press always attacks good men.

Putin is being relentlessly baited by western-backed puppet governments (Georgia, Ukraine, Baltic States). So was Hitler (Czechoslovakia, Poland).

Marshall Smigly of Poland and Poroshenko of Ukraine -- troublemakers emboldened by the UK & US.

Putin peacefully liberated ethnic Russians (Crimea) from the oppression of foreign governments. So did Hitler (Sudetenland).

The people of the Sudetenland and Crimea were overjoyed when they returned to their respective motherlands.

Putin has made every effort to preserve and promote peace. So did Hitler. ( It's true!)

Men of reason and culture --- not warmongers!

About the only difference between Putin and Hitler is that Putin has not been able to consolidate power and cleanse Russia's elite class of the traitors in their midst. Let's hope he can "purge" them soon and really become like Hitler.

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

By now, regular readers of TomatoBubble.com and The Anti-New York Times understand very well the long litany of lies and omissions of the "official" World War II narrative. Though most of the content we have to date assembled on the subject deals with the European theater of the grand history-altering event; make no mistake -- the tsunami of lies fed to us about Imperial Japan is just as breath-taking in its moronic mendacity as the tall tales spun about the big bad "Nazis" (a term of Jewish propaganda).

There is the big lie of "the Rape of Nanking" -- a case in which a handful of unintended civilian casualties was spun by both Chinese Communists and Nationalists into a deliberate genocide of 300,000 civilians. (Read 'The Bad War')

There is the big lie of "unprovoked surprise attack" on the U.S. military base at Pearl Harbor -- a justified first strike that peace-seeking Japan was methodically maneuvered into to by FDR and the gang of demonic advisers surrounding him. (Read 'The Bad War')

There is the big lie of "the-Atom-Bombs-saved-lives-by-ending-the-war" -- spun at a time when a collapsing Japan was actually trying to surrender! (Read 'The Bad War')

Now comes a claim from, of all people, a South Korean female researcher / author that the well-known story of the Korean "comfort women" - long said to have been forced into sex-slavery by the Japanese military - is not exactly accurate. And furthermore, according to this surprisingly fair story in the Slimes, the author, Ms. Park Yu-ha, is catching all manner of hell from her fellow Koreans. (Welcome to the academic outcast club, sweetie.)

From the article:

"In February, a South Korean court ordered Ms. Park’s book, “Comfort Women of the Empire,” redacted in 34 sections where it found her guilty of defaming former comfort women with false facts. Ms. Park is also on trial on the criminal charge of defaming the aging women, widely accepted here as an inviolable symbol of Korea’s suffering under colonial rule by Japan and its need for historical justice, and she is being sued for defamation by some of the women themselves.

The women have called for Ms. Park’s expulsion from Sejong University in Seoul, where she is a professor of Japanese literature. Other researchers say she is an apologist for Japan’s war crimes. On social media, she has been vilified as a “pro-Japanese traitor.”

Ah yes! Silence the heretic! Then hang her for "treason". Nothing strikes a raw nerve like a brazen bit of truth. The violent reaction against Ms. Park is alone evidence that she has stumbled onto some inconvenient truths.

According to the "traitor" Ms. Park, the conventional story of the "comfort women" is mostly war propaganda.

Ms. Park is quoted:

“They do not want you to see other aspects of the comfort women,” the soft-spoken Ms. Park said during a recent interview at a quiet street-corner cafe run by one of her supporters. “If you do, they think you are diluting the issue, giving Japan indulgence.”

The main forbidden revelations of Ms. Park's book are:
•It was private profiteering pimps (both Korean & Japanese), not the Japanese government or military, that organized the prostitution operation that "serviced" Japanese soldiers.
•Many of the prostitutes were willing participants.
•There were also women who freely cavorted with and sometimes fell in love with Japanese soldiers.

Think about it -- Ms. Park's alternative history of the "comfort women" makes perfect sense. For if prostitution is indeed "the world's oldest profession" -- then pimping the whores out for profit has got to be the second oldest. Like flies drawn to Moochele Obongo's armpits, so too do pimps and prostitutes buzz towards a well-funded army of single men in their twenties. What is so bloody gosh-darn hard to believe about that?

ADDENDUM: After first publishing this piece, 'T.O.', a TomatoBubble / Anti-NY Times reader and veteran who was once stationed in South Korea, sent in the following testomonial about his own observation of the "comfort women".

T.O. says:

"Yes, there were many comfort women in Seoul (South Korea) while I was there in 1966-7. They weren't typically "pimped" by any organization; rather they most often were pimped by their families -- who took most of the money they made and vilified them to their siblings. Most of them turned tricks to support the rest of the family knowing that they were not allowed back into their homes. Unless they "hooked up" with a GI, many ended up committing suicide at some point since Korean men wouldn't have them for anything other than blowing a load."

Great testimony T.O. -- and thanks!

Boobus Americanus 1: I read an article in the New York Times today about some crazy Korean author. She claims that the Japanese government did not force the comfort women of World War II into sex slavery.

Boobus Americanus 2: That's ridiculous! The tragic story of the comfort women is a well-known historical fact --- just like the Holocaust.

"And just like Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy too --- you gullible #^%$#@ nitwits!"

(Well, Sugar, since you no longer believe in Santa Claus; then I he can cross you off of my his Christmas list.)

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

The Marshall Scam: Birth of the Communist EU


The New World Order Globo-Zionists who instigated World War II establish the United Nations as an embryonic World Government. The idea is sold as a means to prevent future wars.

Arch-Globalist John D Rockefeller Jr. donated 6 blocks of Manhattan to the United Nations.

1945 -1947

The Allied bombardment & destabilization of Western Europe had caused immense suffering for the people of post-war Europe.


The New York based Council on Foreign Relations hatches a long range plot to bring the nations of Europe under a single socialist system. But they are going to need a trusted "front man", a creative "cover story" and a clever "gimmick" to sell this expensive scheme to a reluctant Congress and skeptical American public.

Established after World War I, the Council on Foreign Relations has since chosen most US Presidents, and engineered a Globalist foreign policy. The CFR was behind the "Marshall Plan", from which the EUSSR grows out of.

June, 1947: The Front Man

The phony "war hero", General George Marshall (CFR) is trotted out to announce "The European Recovery Program" during a speech at Harvard. The plan is soon dubbed, "The Marshall Plan" by the propaganda press. The scheme amounts to a multi-billion dollar foreign aid (bribery) giveaway.

For marketing purposes, the CFR plan for Europe was named after the hyped up, phony "war hero" who handed Eastern Europe and China over to the Communists. Years later, the great Senator Joseph McCarthy exposed George Marshall as a fraud.

The Cover Story

The Marshall Plan is sold by tugging upon the heart strings of America. The Plan, it is said, is needed to save the people of Europe from hunger, poverty and possible Communist takeover (ironic, given the fact that the U.S. had just saved Soviet Communism from Hitler!)

Though the Marshall Plan will indeed provide relief, the true purpose of the Globalist plot will be buried deep within the aid package.

The Gimmick

A brilliant campaign of reverse psychology pushed the Marshall Plan over the top. The American public is told how much Stalin hates and fears the Marshall Plan. This alone creates widespread support. Stalin's pro-European Union Communists voice only enough phony "opposition" to give the Marshall Plan the credibility it needs.

The old "Brer Rabbit" routine: "Oh please Brer Fox, whatever you do, please don't throw me into the briar!" said the rabbit to the fox, hoping that the fox would do exactly that! Stalin and his Globalist partner/rivals both knew that a United Europe would be easier to swallow up from within, as a whole rather than as individual states.

1948: The Scam Works
Now also known as the Economic Cooperation Act or The European Recovery Act, the $17 billion dollar "Marshall Plan" (which will end up consisting of 85% grants or loan forgiveness and only 15% in paid back loans) passes a divided Congress. It is signed into law by President Harry Truman (whose administration is actually infested with Communists) in April of 1948.

The Poison Pill

The "poison pill" of the Marshall Scam is the sub-group that it creates in order to administer the economic aid package: the 18 member Organisation for European Economic Cooperation.

The Marshal Scam's OEEC (Image 1) consists of 18 nations. It is the embryo which will eventually grow into the European Common Market, and then the European Union (Image 2).

1957: The European Common Market

Under the guise of "free trade", the next major step towards integration is taken when the Common Market" is established in 1957. The founding members are France, West Germany, Italy, The Netherlands, Belgium and tiny Luxembourg.

The European Super State

The European Common Market, as planned, evolves into the tyrannical socialist European Union of today, referred to by critics as "EUSSR".

The Brussels based European Super State dominates its member nations and now wants to expand eastward. Immigration quotas, regulations, bailouts, and financial austerity are imposed upon its helpless members.

The C.I.A. keeps the EUSSR in check

Any Nationalist that rises up to oppose European integration will be dealt with by the CIA. At any and all costs, "another Hitler" must never arise in Europe again. Hitler's peaceful & prosperous nationalism was the REAL reason that World War II was imposed upon Germany.

The CIA's prevention of European Nationalism is enforced with bribery, blackmail, assassinations, and spontaneous "people's uprisings".

Behind the EU lurks the CIA masters, who control the pathetic Globalist Germany of Angela Merkel.

Nationalist Russia is wary of the EUSSR

Russian President Vladimir Putin understands that EU and its US controlled military arm, NATO, are modern versions of what the old USSR once was. Putin is close to the Ukrainian President Yanukovich, and would like for a sovereign Ukraine, with its rich farmlands and 45 million people, to join his voluntary Eurasian trade bloc instead.

Nationalists Putin of Russia & Yanukovich of Ukraine did not wish to integrate with the pro-homosexual, debt ridden, degenerate, Marxist European Union.

2013: Ukraine Says "No" to the EU. The CIA unleashes a "spontaneous" uprising.

The US and EU are incensed over Ukraine's recent decision to walk away from potential EU membership, and move closer to Putin's Russia instead. CIA engineered "protests" suddenly erupt in Ukraine.

CIA flash mobs of pro-EU traitors protest their government's decision to walk away from EU integration. The mob is encouraged by CFR member and warmongering psychopath, Senator John McCain.

Mike King #fundie tomatobubble.com

One of the ironies of the crackpot theory of "Evolution" TM, is that the deceitful dogma itself is always "evolving." Since the 1860's inception of Darwinian doctrine, mad scientists have bickered endlessly about how "Evolution" TM actually played out, never questioning the basic foundational assumption that life spontaneously, with neither reason nor guidance, emerged from non-life in the first place.

From Darwin's Origin of the Specious Species to the present day, the case for "Evolution" TM must, by necessity, rely upon the classic logical fallacies that are so evident to philosophers; yet completely invisible to arrogant "theoretical scientists" emotionally attached to a dogma disguised as "science." This idiotic article by renown "science journalist" and author Nicholas Wade is no different.

Haz Mat suits and goggle on. Into the "Primordial Soup" (or is it "deep sea vents" now?) we "wade" (corny pun intended).

"Shhhh, Mr. Wade. You must never tell anyone about the Anti-New York Times."

Wade: A surprisingly specific genetic portrait of the ancestor of all living things has been generated by scientists who say that the likeness sheds considerable light on the mystery of how life first emerged on Earth.

Rebuttal: Notice how it is already assumed, without evidence, that "all living things" have a common ancestor. (fallacy of assumed truth)

Wade: This venerable ancestor was a single-cell, bacterium-like organism. But it has a grand name, or at least an acronym. It is known as Luca, the Last Universal Common Ancestor, and is estimated to have lived some four billion years ago, when Earth was a mere 560 million years old.

Rebuttal: Mr. Wade, before you school us dumb plebes about Luca's birthplace, please prove to us that Luca even existed; and then prove how Luca "evolved" into other species; which in turned "evolved" and "evolved" millions of times into all current life forms. And by "proof," we mean observational evidence -- the very definition of the Scientific Method.

Wade: The new finding sharpens the debate between those who believe life began in some extreme environment, such as in deep sea vents or the flanks of volcanoes, and others who favor more normal settings, such as the “warm little pond” proposed by Darwin.

Rebuttal: Whatever happened to the "Primordial Soup" TM theory?

You see, these erudite eggheads love to "debate" endlessly over how many angels can dance on the head of a pin, without ever demonstrating that there were actually any angels dancing on the pin, at all!

"Luca! We have you surrounded. Come out of that sea vent with your flagella up. And don't try any of that binary fission business"

They found little Luca in the deep sea, not the Primordial Soup as had once been theorized.

Wade: The nature of the earliest ancestor of all living things has long been uncertain because the three great domains of life (bacteria, plants, animals) seemed to have no common point of origin.

Rebuttal: Mr. Wade, has it ever occurred to you and your sci-fi cult that the reason why the various domains "seem to have no common point of origin" is because maybe, just maybe, they do not have a "common point of origin?"

Wade: Specialists have recently come to believe that the bacteria and archaea were the two earliest domains, with the eukaryotes emerging later. That opened the way for a group of evolutionary biologists, ... to try to discern the nature of the organism from which the domains emerged.

Translation: The high-priests of "Evolution" TM have just concocted a new theory to explain away the gaping holes in the previous theories.

Wade: Their starting point was the known protein-coding genes of bacteria and archaea. Some six million such genes have accumulated over the last 20 years in DNA databanks as scientists with the new decoding machines have deposited gene sequences from thousands of microbes.

Rebuttal: "DNA decoding machines" were used to sniff out little Luca --- (palm to face, deep sigh, shaking head)

Wade: Genes that do the same thing in a human and a mouse are generally related by common descent from an ancestral gene in the first mammal.

Rebuttal: The belief in the "common descent" between a human and a mouse is based on the fallacious prior assumption that we all came from Luca. It can just as easily be argued that DNA similarities between Mickey Mouse and Mickey Mantle are due to both of them having been designed by the same Creative Force which Tesla, Edison, Einstein (puke) all believed to exist. Hence, genetic similarities between the two Mickeys can be explained as cross-associations / basic templates of the same life-transmitting Creative Force which animates the universe.

Will the wonders of modern "science" ever cease?! The new Super Duper Decoding Machine not only links Mickey Mantle to the rodent family; it traced the birth of Luca to a deep sea vent!

Wade: By comparing their sequence of DNA letters, genes can be arranged in evolutionary family trees, a property that enabled Dr. Martin and his colleagues to assign the six million genes to a much smaller number of gene families.

Rebuttal: One can arrange and categorize the various "families" of automobiles (trucks, sports cars, SUV's, luxury cars, go-carts etcp) into a "tree" with many branches. Would their common component similarities therefore "prove" that Ferraris blindly "evolved" from school-buses?

Wade: Genes are adapted to an organism’s environment.

Rebuttal: Wrong again, Mr, Wade! The gene pool is not "adaptable." What happens sometimes is that environmental changes will favor one existing genetic trait over another. Hence, those specimens without the trait are at a disadvantage while those with it will prosper and produce offspring. This might explain why one group of finches has a beak like this while another group of finches has a beak like that. But it damn sure cannot explain how Marylyn Monroe and a putrid maggot have the same 1 millionth grandmother!

Wade: So Dr. Martin hoped that by pinpointing the genes likely to have been present in Luca, he would also get a glimpse of where and how Luca lived.

Rebuttal: "Likely to have been present in Luca" --- that's called conjecture, not science.

Wade: “I was flabbergasted at the result, I couldn’t believe it,” he said.

Rebuttal: We can't either.

Wade: The 355 genes pointed quite precisely to an organism that lived in the conditions found in deep sea vents, the gassy, metal-laden, intensely hot plumes caused by seawater interacting with magma erupting through the ocean floor.

Rebuttal: Cheese and crackers! We can't even find lost civilizations from a few thousand years ago and this academic ass-clown found little Luca in a deep sea vent?

Wade: Deep sea vents are surrounded by exotic life-forms and, with their extreme chemistry, have long seemed places where life might have originated.

Rebuttal: "Seemed" -- "might have." Save the speculative words for Star Trek or Jurassic Park, not the Science Section of a newspaper that so many people actually place trust in.

1- Mr. Spock of Star Trek says: "Evolution is not logical."

2- Some evolutionists now believe that T-Rex "evolved" into a bird.

Wade: The 355 genes ascribable to Luca include some that metabolize hydrogen as a source of energy as well as a gene for an enzyme called reverse gyrase, found only in microbes that live at extremely high temperatures...

Rebuttal: So, some of the genes "ascribed to" (speculative) this ancestral organism called Luca (never proved to have existed), are found in microbes that live at high temperature. Therefore, Mickey Mantle and Mickey Mouse, Marilyn and the maggot do all have a common ancestor after all. Brilliant! (palm to face, deep sigh, shaking head)

Wade: The finding has “significantly advanced our understanding of what Luca did for a living,” James O. McInerney of the University of Manchester wrote in a commentary, and provides “a very intriguing insight into life four billion years ago.”

Rebuttal: How does one even begin to respond to this madness?

Wade: Dr. Martin... argues that Luca is very close to the origin of life itself. The organism is missing so many genes necessary for life that it must still have been relying on chemical components from its environment. Hence it was only “half alive,” he writes.

Rebuttal: In other words, the "Luca-was-born-in-a-sea-vent" theory has so many holes that it requires another band-aid theory to keep it viable --- the "half alive" theory.

Wade: The fact that Luca depended on hydrogen and metals favors a deep sea vent environment for the origin of life, Dr. Martin concludes, rather than the land environment posited in a leading rival theory proposed by the chemist John Sutherland of the University of Cambridge in England.

Rebuttal: Wade, with his "Luca-was-born-in-a-sea-vent" theory, is seeking to dethrone Sutherland and his "Luca-was-born-on-land" theory as the crackpot theorist of the year. This heated competition among psychos has always been a comical feature of "theoretical science."

Wade: Luca and the origin of life are “events separated by a vast distance of evolutionary innovation,” said Jack Szostak of Massachusetts General Hospital, who has studied how the first cell membranes might have evolved.

Rebuttal: This crackpot believes in cellular life before Luca --- which means that there was another great great great grandma Luca long before "sea vent" Luca was born.

Wade: Dr. Sutherland too gave little credence to the argument that Luca might lie in some gray transition zone between nonlife and life just because it depended on its environment for some essential components. “It’s like saying I’m half alive because I depend on my local supermarket.”

Rebuttal: The lunatic Sutherland is dismissing the lunatic Martin. Just another day at the asylum of modern academia. Let the "academic debate" begin!

Wade: Dr. Sutherland and others have no quarrel with Luca’s being traced back to deep sea vents. But that does not mean life originated there, they say. Life could have originated anywhere and later been confined to a deep sea environment because of some catastrophic event like the Late Heavy Bombardment, which occurred 4 billion to 3.8 billion years ago.

Rebuttal: The Late Heavy Bombardment? What the heck was that?

Wade: This was a rain of meteorites that crashed into Earth with such force that the oceans were boiled off into an incandescent mist.

Rebuttal: Mr. Wade, can you cite for us the observational evidence for this "rain of meteorites" and the "boiling off" of the oceans?

Wade: Life is so complex it seems to need many millions of years to evolve.

Rebuttal: Circular logic! It goes like this:

"Life takes 'million of years' to 'evolve' --- We cannot observe this because it played out over 'millions of years.' "

Once upon a time, the meteors rained, the oceans boiled, and out popped little Luca -- with his millions of complex DNA codes, cell wall, cell membrane, cell plasma and flagella already intact.

Wade: Dr. Sutherland, working from basic principles of chemistry, has found that ultraviolet light from the sun is an essential energy source to get the right reactions underway, and therefore that land-based pools, not the ocean, are the most likely environment in which life began.


Sutherland: "Luca came from a land pool, you idiot!"
Martin: "Nonsense, fool! Luca came from a deep sea vent!"
Sutherland: "Land pool!"
Martin: "Sea vent!"
Sutherland: "Your momma wears combat boots!"
Martin: "Your momma so ugly, the strip club paid her to keep her clothes on!"

Wade: "We didn’t set out with a preferred scenario; we deduced the scenario from the chemistry,” Sutherland said, chiding Dr. Martin for not having done any chemical simulations to support the deep sea vent scenario.

Rebuttal: You tell him, Dr. Sutherland! The absence of chemical simulations means that Dr. Martin's theory has no merit.

Say, Dr. Sutherland, can you tell us about your "chemical simulations" that prove that life came from non-life, formed in a land pool and then evolved and evolved and evolved? Just sayin'.

Wade: Dr. Martin’s portrait of Luca “is all very interesting, but it has nothing to do with the actual origin of life,” Dr. Sutherland said.

Rebuttal: So, Dr. Sutherland is saying that Dr. Martin is an even nuttier mad scientist than he is? --- OK. We'll accept that.

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

No one gets to become President of the United States without at least a partial blessing from one of the rival factions that constitute the kosher "powers that be." Unlike some of our brethren in the "conspiracy theory" TM community, Sugar and I, er, "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times, as much as we have supported the campaign of Orange Man, have always cautioned that elements of the ultra-nationalist, anti-Globalist Zionist International have thrown their weight behind Orange Man. The likes of the thoroughly despicable warmongers Sean Hannity, Not-So-Brightbart News, Matt Drudge (cough cough) and Julian Assange work primarily for Bibi Satanyahu, not the American people.

1- "Conceived in Israel," Breitbart News (Image 1 shows original cast posing with Bibi) boasts of its Jewish credentials: "Breitbart was founded by Jews, is largely staffed by Jews, and has an entire section dedicated to reporting on and defending the Jewish state of Israel.” -- Breitbart's Jewish CEO Larry Solov -- responding to an attack from the Clinton camp after Orange Man had hired Breitbart's executive chairman Steve Bannon as campaign manager. (here)

2- Orange Man won the endorsement of mega-Zionist Sheldon Adelson (cough cough) -- the casino mogul and "long-time friend" who once suggested that the U.S. drop an atomic bomb in the Iranian desert as a warning shot.

Matt Drudge is a Zionist agent, as are Gentiles Sean Hannity (shown in image 2 viciously attacking peace candidate Ron Paul for being an "isolationist") and Hannity's new friend, Julian Assange --- whose latest "leaks" helped to sink Killary Clinton.

With regard to Orange Man, the question here is not whether or not he will reward his Zionist-Likud backers; but rather: how far will he go to keep them happy? Will he limit the payoff merely to the controversial relocation of the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to contested/divided Jerusalem and the killing of any "two-state solution?" Or will Orange Man's Zionist agents, either with or without his consent, set us on the path toward war with Iran? --- an event that would turn into a disaster and certainly derail the expected "bromance" between Putin and Orange Man.

Only time will tell -- but the appointment of a Zionist fanatic who has already, on his own, started talking about "tearing up the Iran deal" and "increasing aid to Israel" -- as Ambassador to Israel is cause for us to tone down our on-again-off-again applause machine for Orange Man. Some excerpts from the article itself, co-authored by Isabel Kershner (cough, cough) and Sheryl Gay Syolberg (cough, cough) are very revealing.

Yentas Kershner & Stolberg tell us about how extreme David Friedman is. You see, only Jews are allowed to write critical articles about other Jews.

Kershner & Stolberg: He is president of the American fund-raising arm for a yeshiva in a settlement deep in the West Bank headed by a militant rabbi who has called for Israeli soldiers to refuse orders to evacuate settlers.

Analysis: Friedman is not content with what was already stolen from the Palestinians. He wants more and more and more.

Kershner & Stolberg: He writes a column for a right-wing Israeli news site in which he has accused President Obama of “blatant anti-Semitism,” dismissed the two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, likened a liberal American-Jewish group to “kapos” who cooperated with the Nazis, and said American Jewish leaders “failed” Israel on the Iran nuclear deal.

Analysis: Evidently, even these yentas think Friedman is nuts.

Kershner & Stolberg: Now, David M. Friedman, an Orthodox Jewish bankruptcy lawyer from Long Island, is Donald J. Trump’s pick for ambassador to Israel,..

Analysis: Orthodox, eh? Just like Orange Man's trusted and influential son-in-law, Jared Kushner.

Kershner & Stolberg: Their (Trump & Friedman) relationship was cemented in 2005, friends said, when Mr. Trump traveled three hours in a snowstorm to pay a condolence call on Mr. Friedman after the death of his father, a prominent Long Island rabbi.

“He was very taken by Trump spending almost all day just to pay the shiva,” said Yossi Kahana, one of the two friends who described the visit, using the Hebrew term for the week of mourning. “Barely any people came, and here is Trump, coming and sitting with him and talking about things that are important to both of them, their values, their fathers and their legacies.”

Analysis: An admirable gesture on the part of Orange Man, but such personal closeness is not a good sign for the people of Palestine or Iran.

Kershner & Stolberg: A person close to the Trump transition who spoke on the condition of anonymity said the ambassadorship had been negotiated directly between the two men over many months. Mr. Friedman, who donated a total of $50,000 to the Trump campaign and the Republican National Committee in 2016, according to federal election records, had been openly saying even before the election that the job — one of the most sensitive and high profile in the diplomatic corps — would be his, according to friends.

Analysis: So, "the ambassadorship had been negotiated directly between the two men?" Since when does the boss "negotiate" with the prospective appointee? And the talks took place "over many months?" That means that the negotiations happened during a time when few believed that Orange Man could win. Perhaps the "two old friends" and other parties unknown (cough cough) knew something in advance that the rest of us did not?

Kershner & Stolberg: Israel’s conservative settlement supporters and their American backers rejoiced at the selection, ...

Analysis: It's true, boys and girls. Orange Man is a hero to the Likudniks of Israel.

Trump has a huge fan club in Israhell!

Kershner & Stolberg: He refers to the West Bank by its biblical name, Judea and Samaria, ...

Analysis: As an "ortho," Friedman literally believes that the Almighty gave him "Judea and Samaria."

Kershner & Stolberg: something hard to imagine his predecessors doing publicly. Upon being nominated Thursday night, he said he looked forward to working “from the U.S. Embassy in Israel’s eternal capital, Jerusalem,” rather than Tel Aviv, where the American Embassy has been for decades, under the State Department’s insistence that the holy city’s status be determined as part of a broader deal between Israel and the Palestinians.

Analysis: Orange Man to the dispossessed Palestinians: "Kiss my New York ass!"

Kershner & Stolberg: Baruch Gordon, the director of development for Bet El Institutions, told Arutz 7 on Friday that it was “proud to be closely associated with Mr. Friedman,” calling him “a pioneer philanthropist and builder of Jewish institutions and housing projects in Judea and Samaria (a.k.a. the ‘West Bank’) and throughout the country.”

Analysis: a "builder of Jewish institutions and housing projects in Judea and Samaria," eh? Ya can't get any more "to the right" than this Zionist!

The ever-interloping ultra-nationalist West Bank "settlers" are the most vicious little demons to be found in all of Jewry -- and, unlike their Globalist brethren, they absolutely love Orange Man.

Brave Orthodox Israeli settlers mock and abuse Arab woman.

Drunken Orthodox Israeli settler to British film crew: "Screw you, you Nazi! We killed your fucking Jesus and we are proud of it. .. This is my land you son of a shit. God gave it to me. ... I'll kill you and the Palestinians. Fuck you, Nazi.... God gave it to me and fuck you." (video here)

Kershner & Stolberg: Mr. Friedman’s connections to Israel date back to his bar mitzvah at the Western Wall.

Analysis: Friedman is not really going to be America's Ambasador to Israel, but rather, Israel's Ambasador to Israel. Talk about "rigged," eh Orange Man?

Kershner & Stolberg: A senior Palestinian cleric, Sheikh Ikrama Sabri, said during Friday Prayers that if Mr. Friedman managed to move the embassy to Jerusalem, “the U.S. is declaring a new war on the Palestinians and all Muslim Arabs.”

Analysis: What does Orange Man care about offending Muslims? Pardon the liberalese-sounding lingo here; but anti-Muslim bigotry won Orange Man a whole lot of FOXtard voters.

Kershner & Stolberg: Daniel C. Kurtzer, who served President George W. Bush as ambassador to Israel from 2001 to 2005, was alarmed by the appointment.

“He has made clear that he will appeal to a small minority of Israeli — and American — extremists, ignoring the majority of Israelis who continue to seek peace,” .... “Friedman’s appointment as ambassador runs directly contrary to Mr. Trump’s professed desire to make the ‘ultimate deal’ between Israelis and Palestinians.”

Analysis: Orange Man knows damn well that without the Zio crazies and their formidable apparatus in his corner, he would never have been able to overcome the pro-Killary Marxist-Globalist faction of the PRC (Predatory Ruling Class). Let us hope that the political payback will be limited "only" to the sellout of the poor Palestinians, and not to a new collision course with Iran.

But if Orange Man, on the basis of some future false-flag attack, decides to start the usual crap with peaceful Iran, count on the The Anti-New York Times to write some really nasty stuff about him.

And Orange Man, if you're reading, be assured that if and when your "long-time friend," is faced with a choice between serving your interests or those of Satanyahu's ghoulish gang, you will be outmaneuvered and dumped like a red-hot matzah-ball quicker than you say, "Oy vey!" And the same goes for that snake-in-the-grass Orthodox son-in-law of yours.

Ivanka had to convert to Orthodox Jewry in order to marry fellow billionaire Jared Kushner. The influence of the young couple on Orange Man is common knowledge, as is the affection that Bibi "9/11 was good for Israel" Satanyahu and Orange Man have for each other.

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

Enter the word "appeasement" into a Google Search browser, and then click on "Images". You will see image after image after image of UK Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain, whose very name is synonymous with "appeasement" and weakness in the face of a bully.

As the tiresome cliched story goes, Chamberlain "appeased" Hitler at the Munich Conference (September 1938) by handing over Czechoslovakia to his domination. War was thus averted, but Hitler was now emboldened by Chamberlain's "appeasement."

That's the official moronic fairy tale; a fable that has been recently resurrected and repeated to wrongly describe the CIA's manufactured crisis in Ukraine and the dangers of "appeasing" Putin.


At the conclusion of World War I, the victorious allies rewrote the map of Central & Eastern Europe. The artificial state of "Czechoslovakia" was pieced together in 1918, combining Czechs, Germans & Slovaks under the new state. Additional minorities of Romanians, Hungarians, and Poles were also forced to live under this 'Frankenstein' state. The German portion (formerly part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire) was a long strip of northern territory known as "Sudetenland."

During the mid 1930's, a closet Communist named Edvard Benes is President of Czechosolvakia. Under his regime, Germans endure brutal attacks and oppression at the hands of Marxists. The 3,500,000 Sudetenland Germans wish to join their German brothers under Hitler's Reich, but are denied the right of self determination by the pro Stalinist Benes government.

During this time, Jewish & Globalist warmongers in Great Britain are maneuvering Britain into a war against Germany. The Czechoslovakia-Sudetenland controversy is the perfect "hot spot" to get the war started. In an attempt to force Hitler's hand, Czech Marxists intensify their abuse of the helpless Germans.

Hitler is pushed to the brink by the deliberate abuse of the Sudetenland Germans. He threatens to liberate the Sudetenland by force, a move that could lead to war with Britain, France, and the USSR. In an 11th hour attempt to avoid war, Hitler invites three European leaders for a conference in Munich.

The Munich Conference is attended by four European heads of State. Hitler, Mussolini of Italy, Daladier of France, and Chamberlain of Britain meet in good faith for the purpose of resolving the crisis triggered by the artificial gangster State of Czechoslovakia.

The parties agree that the Sudetenland should rightfully be united with Germany, and that the Slovaks should also have their own State. (Slovak Republic 1939-1945).

The fake Czechoslovakian state is disolved and Germany establishes autonomus protectorates over what remains (Bohemia and Moravia). Without a shot being fired, Germans are welcomed into the Reich, while ethnic Czechs and Slovaks also get their own states. Even the minority Poles and Hungarians then join their respective father nations. The Munich Agreement is a win-win-win-win--win for all 5 of Czechoslovakia's ethnic groups!

The rat Benes soon exiles himself in London, where he resumes plotting with the Jewish warmongers who welcome him with open arms.

Upon his return to Britain, Chamberlain is greeted by jubilant crowds. He applauds the Munich Agreement as "peace in our time". All throughout Europe, Chamberlain is praised for his calm diplomacy.

Meanwhile, the degenerate, drunken, cigar chomping Winston Churchill denounces Neville Chamberlain, "You were given the choice between war and dishonor. You chose dishonor and you will have war." Churchill said.

British historian David Irving later discovered that the warmongering Czech government had been secretly funneling money to the warmongering Churchill, who was plotting to replace Chamberlain.

Upon his triumphal visit to the liberated German Sudetenland, Hitler receives a hero's welcome.

In the summer of 1939, the Globalist warmongers manipulate Poland (which also holds an oppressed German minority captive) into provoking Hitler, exactly as Czechoslovakia had done in 1938. Once again, Hitler calls for an emergency conference.

But by this time around, poor Neville Chamberlain's hands have been tied by the powerful pro war forces in Britain. Less than 1 week before the conflict erupts, Chamberlain had been manuevered into signing a military defense pact with Poland. There will be no peace talks!

By September 1 of 1939, the killing of Germans at the hands of Polish-Jewish Communist militias becomes so widespread that Hitler is forced to invade. Britain and France immediately declare war upon Germany. The gloating Churchill boasts of how his self fulfilling propehecy regarding the danger of "appeasement" has come to pass.

Thus was born the FABLE of Neville Chamberlain's "appeasement"!

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com



Hoping to draw the United States into the "Great War" (World War I), British Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill had, in May, 1915, engineered the sinking of The Lusitania. As the munitions-laden liner approached British waters, the British Mad Dog called off the ship's escorts so that a German U-boat could torpedo the sitting duck. About 1,200 passengers and crew were killed, including about 100 Americans. Needless to say, the doomed passengers knew nothing of the dangerously explosive contraband that was being secretly transported from New York to London.

But it was not yet time for America to enter the brutal war. Not only did President Woodrow Wilson have a re-election to win in 1916, but certain other pieces had yet to be put in place -- one being the internal overthrow of the "anti-Semitic" Russian Tsar (allied with Britain & France), and the other, well, we will get to that shortly.

Contrary to what most people think, the May 1915 sinking of Lusitania did not bring America into the war -- although the memory of the event was indeed resurrected for propaganda purposes two years later.

As 1915 drew to a close, the war, though now at a stalement, found the aggressor Allied powers of Britain, France and Russia clearly on “the short end of the stick” in their unprovoked war against the Central Powers of Germany, Austria-Hungary and Ottoman Turkey. Not one square inch of German territory had been captured and the disastrous, 8-month-long French-English campaign in the Turkish Dardanelles (Gallipoli Campaign / April 1915 – January 1916) was ending in a humiliating retreat, soon to be followed by a political upheaval in Britain.

Though it cost him his job and earned him the scorn of both his peers and the British public, Lord of the Admiralty Winston Churchill's inexplicable folly in Turkey actually had a hidden motive -- as we shall soon see.


Given the disadvantageous position in which the Allies now found themselves in on all fronts, one would think they would be licking their wounds and reassessing the standing peace offer that Germany and friends had on the table at all times. Instead, the British and French, with the assent of Russia, negotiated a secret agreement for dividing up the very same Turkish Empire that had just handed them a humiliating and historical ass-kicking that is still celebrated in Turkey, and remembered in Britain. The negotiation of the Sykes-Picot treaty occurred between November 1915 and March 1916, and was signed in May, 1916.

How strange for the losing parties in a war to be secretly re-drawing the map of the winning party? What made Britain & France believe, after the bloody hiding they had just suffered in the Dardanelles, that they could succeed the next time around in Turkey -- to say nothing of the impossibility of defeating mighty Germany?! Wouldn’t it make more sense to talk about border rewrites after the war is won – a seemingly impossible scenario by this time.

The Sykes-Picot Agreement amounted to counting chickens before they were hatched. What made Sir Mark Sykes (UK) and Francois Georges-Picot (FRA) believe that they were going to win a war that they were losing? Did they have psychic powers? -- Or did they already know something, in early 1916, that the American people did not?


Unless Germany could be knocked out – which would allow for a massive southward diversion of Allied troops to attack Turkey again – the Allies had little chance of conquering the Turkish Empire. Surely, they must have known this. And so, what can possibly explain this supreme, arrogant, and seemingly delusional confidence in total victory on the part of the Allies? In order to answer that question, we must understand the nature of other secret agreements that had previously taken place.

The land of Palestine (95% Arab populated / 5% Jewish) was under Turkish rule. But the Zionists of Europe wanted it for a “Jewish State”. The war was their opportunity to have Britain grab it for them! Zionism was first discussed at a British Cabinet level in November, 1914 -- just four days after Britain's declaration of war on the Ottoman Empire.

In a discussion after the meeting with Zionist Herbert Samuel, Chancellor of the Exchequer Lloyd George assured him that "he was very keen to see a Jewish state established in Palestine." Samuel then outlined his Zionist aspirations for the establishment in Palestine of a Jewish state, and of the importance of its geographical position to the British Empire.

Samuel's memoirs state:

"I mentioned that two things would be essential—that the state should be neutralized, since it could not be large enough to defend itself, and that the free access of Christian pilgrims should be guaranteed. ... I also said it would be a great advantage if the remainder of Syria were annexed by France, as it would be far better for the state to have a European power as neighbour than the Turk."

Prime Minister H. H. Asquith later announced in a speech that the dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire had become a war aim:

"It is the Ottoman Government, and not we who have rung the death knell of Ottoman dominion not only in Europe but in Asia."


In January 1915, Samuel submitted a Zionist memorandum entitled The Future of Palestine to the Cabinet after discussions with Chaim Weizmann and Lloyd George. In February 1915, Samuel, wrote:

"...it might be possible to neutralize the country under international guarantee ... and to vest the government of the country in some kind of Council to be established by the Jews."

Now, what does all of this 1914-1915 back-room dirty dealing between the British and the Zionists have to do with the strange confidence in ultimate victory manifested in the Sykes-Picot agreement of 1916, you ask? It’s not as if the scattered Jews of Europe had any military power to contribute to the fight against Germany, Austria-Hungary and Turkey. Ah, but the Zionists did have military power to contribute to the Allied cause – from across the sea. What the British could not achieve with the Lusitania disaster, the Zionists could get done easily!

Installed through the Jewish-rigged 3-Party election of 1912, the American President Woodrow Wilson was owned by the Zionists of America. Giants such as Bernard Baruch, Jacob Schiff, Paul Warburg, Samuel Untermeyer, and Supreme Court Justice Louis Brandeis controlled Wilson just as surely as men like Haim Saban and George Soros control Obongo and Hillary today. The power of these dominant men, as well as the influence of the Jewish-owned New York Times and the Piranha Press, could, at the “push of a button”, bring the young super-power into the war at anytime – and the British knew it all along.



After the 1916 re-election of Wilson, anti-German propaganda exploded across the American (Jewish) press, culminating with a Declaration of War in April, 1917 (just 18 days after the Tsar had abdicated). Actual U.S. entry into the war, however, did not occur until Spring, 1918, a few months after the Balfour deal had been finally put to paper and announced. You see, the Jews were no fools. Back-room verbal deals weren't enough. They wanted something tangible, in writing, addressed to a Rothschild, before the now "at-war" Americans would actually begin firing.

The 1918 entry of the U.S. turned the tide against Germany and Austria-Hungary, while freeing-up the European Allies to divert forces southward for the eventual Sykes-Picot dismemberment of the Ottoman Empire, and the establishment of the pro-Jewish "British Mandate" over occupied Palestine.

Once the British finally put the dirty deal in writing (Balfour), "neutral" America activated its forces in Europe. With the help of vicious atrocity propaganda, formerly pro-German America turned anti-German overnight!

So you see, the Wilsonian lies that you were taught in high school history about America entering World War I for the noble purpose of "making the world safe for democracy" were all just cooked-up bits of barf. The Allies knew all along that America was destined to enter the war on their side, once the right deals were finalized with the Globo-Zionists bosses who engineered the whole tragedy.

The unfolding of history over the past 100 years makes it clear that Globalism (New World Order) and Zionism were, by pre-meditated design, the big winners from World Wars I & II. Without U.S. entry into the world wars, there would never have been such a thing as "the state of Israel" -- a project which was finally completed in 1948, and has been causing new problems and new wars of expansion ever since.

That's history folks, real history, "spread like butter," as the great World War II historian David Irving would say. And the most sickening part if this tragic historical drama is that it has yet to fully play itself out.

Mike King #fundie tomatobubble.com

New York Times: A Dinosaur With a Beak and Feathers Unearthed in China


Today's rebuttal focuses on the Darwin's deluded dogma of "Evolution" TM -- specifically as it is said to relate to a new dinosaur unearthed in China. Before we begin to analyze a few select excerpts, let's us remind "youse guys" of what you probably learned in 8th grade, but may or may not have forgotten -- namely, the classic textbook definition of the "Scientific Method."

From the Oxford Dictionary:

Scientific Method: a method of procedure that has characterized natural science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic observation, measurement, and experiment, and the formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses.

From the Merriam-Webster Dictionary:

Scientific Method: principles and procedures for the systematic pursuit of knowledge involving the recognition and formulation of a problem, the collection of data through observation and experiment, and the formulation and testing of hypotheses

The key word is "the O Word" -- OBSERVATION. Darwin's deluded devotees can scream "SCIENCE!" in your face all they want; but if a theorized phenomenon - or iron-clad-after-the-fact forensic evidence of said phenomenon - are not OBSERVABLE, then it does not meet the standards of the Scientific Method. N.O. = N.S. (Not Observable = Not Science) Learn it. Love it. Live it.--- End of discussion. --- Got it? Good.

The "O Word" is more than just synonymous with science, it IS science; and no amount of fancy math equations, artistic renderings,computer models and academic bullying can ever substitute for it.

Now that 8th Grade Science class is complete, let's "observe" what Kenneth Chang's article is claiming.

Kenneth Chang: It had feathers and a beak.

Rebuttal: How do you know for certain that this creature had feathers? Only bone and beak fragments were discovered in the rock. A platypus has a beak but no feathers. The scientists are assuming feathers, not OBSERVING.

Kenneth Chang: It was the size of a donkey, and it did not fly. It was not a bird, but a dinosaur that was a close relative of birds.

Rebuttal: How do you know that this skeletal remnant this some odd-looking creature was "a close relative of birds?" Did anyone actually OBSERVE the transition of the alleged common ancestor into this feathered and beaked dinosaur on one branch; and birds on another branch? (Answer: No) To assume so merely on the basis of a few common characteristics amounts to reckless inference based upon wild conjecture.

Kenneth Chang: In a paper published on Thursday ... a team of scientists described a fossil of Tongtianlong Limosus, a new species in a strange group of dinosaurs that lived during the final 15 million years before dinosaurs became extinct.

Rebuttal: How is it possible to chronicle events of "the final 15 million years before dinosaurs became extinct" when there was no one around to OBSERVE and document the the life and times of Tongtianlong Limosus? (Answer: It is not possible) Do these "theoretical scientists" have some sort of magic time-machine that allows them to go back and forth through the ages?

Kenneth Chang: Oviraptorosaurs are not direct ancestors of birds, but share a common theropod dinosaur ancestor with the lineage that later evolved to birds.

Rebuttal: Again, we must ask: who OBSERVED this common-ancestor to bird & dinosaur progression? (Answer: nobody)

Kenneth Chang: The features, ... for display to potential mates... "They were like advertising billboards," Dr. (Stephen) Brusatte said.

Rebuttal: So, not only does the magic crystal ball of "theoretical science" tell us that the poor beaked bloke who got stuck in the mud had "feathers" -- but we may also recklessly infer that the feathers were used to attract bird chicks. But why should we infer such a thing when only peacocks (as far as we know) showoff their plumage to attract female? Eagles don't. Pigeons don't. Ostriches don't. How does this ass-clown "Dr. Brusatte" know that our muddy Chinese friend engaged in such aviary exhibitionism?

Kenneth Chang: Some features like the feathers come from the common ancestor, ...

Rebuttal: A classic logical fallacy that is often, no, always made by Darwin's deluded devotees is the prior assumption that "Evolution" TM is an established fact. All subsequent data is then interpreted to fit the pre-determined conclusion, rather than the other way around. They therefore assume that if this creature has a characteristic that is very similar to that creature, the two species must have had a "common ancestor" TM. This is like saying that an Italian sports car and a school bus must have a "common ancestor" TM because both have wheels and a transmission.

Kenneth Chang: The common ancestor had teeth, though, not beaks.

Rebuttal: And exactly how the frickety-frack do you know that? So, not only are we to believe that these "scientists" have established the existence of a "common ancestor" TM without any OBSERVABLE evidence as such; but now they claim to be able to tell us what physical characteristics that said "common ancestor" TM has or didn't have. And, not only is the transition from the "common ancestor" TM not OBSERVABLE, the fossil of what is alleged to be the "common ancestor" TM is also not OBSERVABLE.

Arthur Conan Doyle's Sherlock Holmes could teach these academic egg-heads a lesson in logic and sound reasoning.

Kenneth Chang: For oviraptorosaurs, the beaks were “convergent evolution,” when similar features evolve independently among different groups of animals.

Rebuttal: "Convergent Evolution," eh? Sounds like some seriously heavy "science" there. (palm to face, sighing, shaking head) --- Again, not OBSERVABLE --- Just new bullshit to prop up the old.

Kenneth Chang: One of the unknowns is what Tongtianlong and other oviraptorosaurs were eating.

Rebuttal: Aw heck! Let's just say they ate Peanut Butter & Jelly sandwiches. Why not? Everything else is made up.

Kenneth Chang: The six oviraptorosaur species discovered so far are also very different from each other, and the scientists argue that this shows rapid evolution of these dinosaurs.

Rebuttal: No, it just shows that breeds of the same species (a gene pool) can vary greatly. Just look at the differences in size, shape, fur and temperament among French Poodles, Golden Retrievers, Pit Bulls, Great Danes, German Shepherds and Chihuahuas.

Kenneth Chang: That runs counter to the assertion of some paleontologists that dinosaurs were already in decline long before they became extinct 66 million years ago, most likely from the global devastation following a large asteroid impact.

Rebuttal: How do these eggheads come up with this number of "66 million years ago" as the precise date of dino-extinction? (nice little Satanic touch with the 6-6 there) Did anyone OBSERVE the passage of "66 million" years of time? (Answer: No) -- Did anyone OBSERVE the killer asteroid, or even the hole that it would have left behind? (Answer: No)

Kenneth Chang: “One of the interesting things about these specimens that are coming out of southern China is that they show this diversity of body forms.”

Rebuttal: Yeah. So what? Dogs, cats, humans etc. also vary in body forms. And has it occurred to you geniuses that at least part of the reason for the variance could just be due to the fact that some of the fossilized specimens may have been small cubs; others were medium-sized adolescents, and still others were full grown adults?

Kenneth Chang: She was less certain about whether the rate of evolution is as fast .... because the scientists lack precise dating of the layer of rock hundreds of yards thick where the fossils have been found. “You don’t know if it’s a million years or 10 million years,”

Rebuttal: This nonsense about measuring time by correlating it to rock thickness assumes a steady rate of silt/sediment accumulation. In reality, a catastrophic flood can deposit as much sediment in a few days as normal conditions can over the course of many centuries. This magical method of time-keeping -- a work-around to circumvent the Scientific Method -- is again totally unscientific because there is no way to go back in time and OBSERVE if the wet-sediment-to-rock-time formula is accurate.

Furthermore, the bones would have dried up, turned to dust and blown away long before centuries of sediment accumulation and hardening could completely encase and petrify them. Try dumping your Thanksgiving Day turkey bones in a nearby wooded area are see how long they last before nature's elements and insects cause them to disintegrate and disappear -- months or a few years at the most!

How's the old funeral ditty go? "Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust."

Intact bones found inside of rock layers are evidence of a catastrophic, fast-acting, silt-depositing event such as a flood, volcano, landslide, tsunami, suddenly rising sea level or something else. Might that be how our Chinese "feathered" friend suddenly got stuck in the mud -- a mud which later hardened as it was soon buried under additional layers of silt?

1- Dog breeds differ greatly among themselves too. It doesn't prove that poodles "evolved" into dalmatians!
2- The "science" of rock dating is deeply flawed to begin with. Dating fossils from the erroneously-aged rocks then leads to circular reasoning.
3- Darwin's scam is thoroughly and humorously exposed in "God vs Darwin" by M S King. (here)

This cooked-up commie crap would actually be funny, were it not for the fact that millions of young malleable minds are being corrupted by the "theoretical scientists." For that reason, these diploma-decorated dorks need to be driven out of Academia and into the lunatic asylums by the thousands.

Mike King #fundie tomatobubble.com

For some reason, the deliberately-injected moral and mental cancer known as 'liberalism', aka 'progressivism' has always seemed to metastasize faster in the Nordic countries, particularly Scandinavian ones. This phenomenon is also observable among the American descendants of Scandinavian immigrants in places like Minnesota and Wisconsin.

The hypothesis of this reporter is that the innate, perhaps even genetic, altruism and human compassion of Nordic folk renders them more vulnerable to manipulation of both the heart and mind. Though the reason for advanced Scandinavian libtardism may not be concrete; one thing is for certain - Sweden is the insanest of the European insane asylums.

There is so much wrong with the politically correct descendants of the Viking 'bad boys' of antiquity -- highest divorce rates in the world, highest suicide rates in Europe, crushing taxation which forces 90% of new mothers back into the work force, a below replacement level birth rate, perhaps the most liberal open-borders policy in Europe, laws against "hate speech", rampant homosexuality and genderless-ness, anti-White self hate, virtually state-imposed Atheism, a female Defense Minister, TV shows and commercials that can be described as soft-core pornography, and, worst of all, snobby ruling class "elites" so absorbed in their smug self-righteousness that they make people like Lizzie Borden Warren seem cool and relaxed.

Now don't misunderstand. We are certain that there are still many masculine men and feminine ladies in Sweden. But the fact that the modern ranks of the true Vikings are steadily shrinking, particularly among the younger generation, is something that several of our Scandinavian readers have confirmed for us.

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com



NY Times: Bangkok Bomb Attack at Popular Shrine Kills at Least 20


The blast appeared to be the worst by far in a series of explosions that have disrupted the country since the military seized power in May 2014.


A bomb placed inside a Bangkok religious shrine frequented by tourists exploded Monday evening, killing at least 20 people (at least of 4 of whom were Chinese tourists). Flying body parts and shattered windows caused panic in the city’s most popular district. At least 123 people were injured (at least 20 of whom were Chinese tourists) in what Thai authorities called "a vicious act meant to target civilians" -- coming at a very busy time of day at the Erawan Shrine, a tourist attraction in the heart of Bangkok.

From the article:

"But Thai officials offered few clues as to who might have been responsible for the blast, which appeared to be the worst by far in a series of explosions that have occasionally disrupted the country since the Thai military seized power in a May 2014 coup."

Well, since Thai officials aren't saying "whodunnit", and since Sulzberger's Slimes sure as hell won't tell us, it's time for the dynamic duo of The Anti-New York Times to mine some data and put forth a viable hypothesis. Sugar and yours truly will throw out some "dots". We leave it to our readers to connect them.

Dot #1: Back in 2012, the Israelis wasted no time in blaming a botched bomb plot in Thailand on Iran. From The New York Times, Feb 6, 2012:

Israeli Envoy Links Bangkok Bombs to Attacks in India and Georgia

"Thai authorities said on Wednesday that the group of Iranians detained after an explosion tore the roof off their rented house was on a mission here targeting Israeli diplomats.

“It’s almost the same system that was used in Delhi and in Tblisi, which leads us to think that they are connected,” the ambassador, Itzhak Shoham, said in a telephone interview.

The Israeli authorities said the discovery of explosives in Bangkok fits a pattern of Iranian-backed attacks on Israeli targets.

Dot #2: Iran strongly denied the Israeli accusation -- same article:

"Iranian officials immediately rejected the accusation. An Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman, Ramin Mehmanparast, called the accusation of Iran’s involvement “baseless” and accused Israel of trying to damage its relations with Thailand.

Dot #3: The independent-leaning Thai military regime is moving closer and closer to the Russia-China economic and military bloc as its relations with the U.S. deteriorate. From the Bangkok Post Feb 6 2015:

Thailand, China bolster military ties as US relations splinter -- Chinese defence minister vows no 'interference', Thai officials Say

"Thailand and China agreed Friday to strengthen military ties through expanded joint training, technology sharing, and discounted arms sales. A welcoming ceremony was held at the Defence Ministry." (here)

Globalist-Zionist Commandment: "Thou shalt not befriend China and Russia."

Dot #4: Iran and Thailand continue to expand upon their already friendly and close ties. From Tasnim (Iran), March 9, 2015:

Iran, Thailand Underline Closer Relations

Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and Thailand’s new ambassador to Tehran emphasized that the promotion of mutual cooperation in diverse areas sets a priority for the two Asian countries. (here)

Dot #5: Adolf Hitler is a big star in Thailand; and certain people are "concerned". (here)

Young Thais understand that you don't have to be White to appreciate the greatness of the Great One and his system (use the right hand when you 'Sieg Heil', sweetie -- you too Ronald.).

Hitler Fried Chicken! Waffen SS themed weddings! Student NS marches!

A government sponsored video teaches children to be disciplined and virtuous. It features Thai children painting a portrait of Hitler.

Hitler-mania is out in the open in Thailand, and the chosenites are "horrified".

Your intrepid reporter and his apprentice here rolling on the floor laughing in delight.

Dot #6: Because the location was a known 'hot spot' for Chinese tourists; this attack was a strike against both Thailand and China, and it comes just days after a mysterious and massive explosion in China - which we covered a few days ago. The Global Times, a Chinese newspaper, said in an editorial. “It is beyond the imagination of Chinese people that a blast could happen at the famous Erawan shrine,” “It has almost the same impact on Chinese tourists as if it happened in China. (here)

Get the picture?

From the May 23, 2014 issue of The Anti-New York Times:

"Well, it is still too early to tell in which direction the Thai military coup will turn, but it appears as though a pro-Western government is about to be replaced with a regime that Washington may not be able to fully control; like General el Sisi's in Egypt. Should an independent-minded government emerge in Thailand, it would represent the exact opposite of what happened after the Ukrainian coup.

The Globalist's interest and strategy in Thailand has to do with the general encirclement policy aimed at Russia and China. Thailand is to China what Ukraine is to Russia, sort of. Let us hope that whatever government the military installs in Thailand will be pro Russia-China, and anti Western.

That being said, the end game of this coup is still too early to call. Is the West really upset about what just happened? Or, is The Times feigning concern so as to cover up the fact that the coup itself may be CIA connected; with the intent of replacing one regime with an even more compliant, anti-Chinese one?

The proof will be in the pudding. Stay tuned. (emphasis added)

Well, the "pudding" is now done; and it appears as though your intrepid and prophetic reporter here (Sugar was not on staff at that time) was spot-on about the anti-N.W.O. flavor of the coup in Thailand (toot-toot). It's an all too familiar, and all too deadly pattern, isn't it? Defy the murderous Globo-Zionists; and "terrorists" will suddenly attack your cities and airliners -- as Sulzberger's Slimes throws the dirty attack in your face, on its front page.

Stay strong, Thailand -- and Malaysia, and Indonesia, and China, and Russia, and Nigeria, and Sudan, and Syria etc.

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times that terrorists killed 20 people in Thailand.

Boobus Americanus 2: That's horrible. I wonder who did it?

"Who elsse but the %&(^$#@ (^%s you blockhead!"

(Oh well; (face-palm) -- I see that your Thesaurus kick was as short-lived as your Bible study sessions.)

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

The timing of what is being described as the largest non-nuclear explosion in history makes for a very interesting "coincidence". Just one month after the demon George Soros issued a veiled threat of war against China and Russia (here), and at the precise moment in time when China is being accused of "currency manipulation" (i.e. not obeying Globalist dictates on monetary policy) - the massive blast of toxic chemicals and the subsequent fire have killed at least 50 people and injured 700 others in the bustling-booming port city of Tianjin.

The ultra-modern city of Tianjin is China's rival version of New York and London. The tall tower is the 117 story World Financial Center.

The trouble-making Globalist NGO known as Greenpeace wasted no time in adding hysteria fuel to the fire. From the article:

"In a statement on Thursday, Greenpeace warned that the chemicals threatened human health. It said that sodium cyanide, used in mining, is especially toxic, while toluene diisocyanate, used to make polyurethane products, is a carcinogen.

With rain forecast for Friday, Greenpeace also warned about the danger of airborne pollutants seeping into groundwater."

Of course, this does not constitute smoking-gun evidence of a western space-based energy weapon attack; but boy-oh-boy does it smell fishy. Adding to the funky smell is the lesser known, though still very spectacular "accident" that occurred on the very same day, in Moscow (China's close ally, as you all know). The Moskva River literally caught fire after an underground oil pipeline ruptured. The thick black smoke rose as high as 600 feet, spooking some panicked Muscovites into spreading rumors that a nuclear attack had taken place. (here)

The fire in Moscow came out of nowhere and ignited the river within seconds.

Now, as we go to print on Friday night, word has come that another spectacular explosion of house-shaking proportions has occurred at an oil field chemical supply plant in Conroe, Texas. Could we be witnessing a space-based tit-for-tat exchange of "Sicilian messages" among the world's big boys? "You blow up our oil and chemical infrastructure, and we'll blow up yours".

Conroe, Texas: "The last explosion ... we heard about three or four, but the last one shook the house."

- Wayne Patterson

Let us hope and pray that your intrepid reporter and his feline sidekick here are just being a tad paranoid by even asking such horrible hypothetical questions. But given what we now know about space-based energy weapons as well as what we know about the scum of the earth Globalists and the wicked way in which they operate; nothing, and we mean NOTHING, is beyond the realm of possibility. The space-based blasting of already flammable targets such as oil pipelines and chemical plants makes for an ideal dirty attack because the targets offer built-in plausible denial and cover-up excuses -- such as: "insufficient regulation" or "negligence".

Now if our hypothesis regarding these three mysterious blasts of the past 36 hours is valid - and again, we stress that this is only a hypothesis - then let us redirect our hopes and prayers towards the possibility that the retaliatory blast in Texas was sufficient enough to deter the shadow powers from future attacks on Russia and China.

Space-based laser weapons are no longer the stuff of TV science fiction. They are real! (Here)


FLASHBACK: The Mysterious Sinkholes of Russian Siberia

Just a hypothesis, but something to think about. Note the strangely perfect circles and vertical walls that differentiate these massive craters from regular sinkholes.


And this....

9/11/ 2001: Front of car toasted - back of car remains pristine.


Boobus Americanus 1: What's with all of these big explosions going on? Three in the past two days.

Boobus Americanus 2: It's horrible. Regulations are way too lax.

"Regulationss my a#*! It's frickin' lasser beams from outer sspace - you dullard!"

(Drama-Cat Sugar prefers to skip the hypothesis step.)

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com


NY Times: Obama, in Oklahoma, Takes Reform Message to the Prison Cell Block


The president is intent on improving life behind bars. To make his points, he became the first sitting president to pay a visit to a federal prison.



With regard to this issue of excessive sentencing for non-violent drug offenders, we 'Law and Order' paleo-conservatives here at The Anti-New York Times are in total agreement with the bleeding heart libtards. Justice should always be tempered with mercy. The idea of taking a non-violent young man - who just needs a good strong kick in the rump and a solid year of boot camp with moral rehabilitation - and locking him up in the small cage of a larger madhouse is as cruel as it is counter-productive.

But as it is with all things Marxist, Obongo's new drive to grant amnesty to "non-violent" prisoners is not what it appears to be. Far from being fooled by the Big Zero's sudden outburst of compassion for such cases, we are alarmed by it.

The cunning and cold-hearted Demonoid Obongo surely wants something in return from these prisoners in exchange for releasing them.

The article quotes Obongo:

“We have a tendency sometimes to almost take for granted or think it’s normal that so many young people have been locked up. It’s not normal. It’s not what happens in other countries. What is normal is teenagers doing stupid things. What is normal is young people making mistakes....

When they describe their youth and their childhood, these are young people who made mistakes that aren’t that different than the mistakes I made and the mistakes that a lot of you guys made.”

To pacify those concerned about the possible release of violent felons, the Homo-In-Chief added the obligatory:

"There are people who need to be in prison, and I don’t have tolerance for violent criminals."

The unseen danger of this 'turn-em-loose' initiative lies in what it might grow into. Beyond the approximately 12,000 federal prisoners serving excessive sentences for drug crimes, there are much larger numbers of inmates in state and local prisons who, by the same standards, should also be liberated. That would add up to about 500,000 prisoners that could, theoretically, be turned loose if new sentencing guidelines are retroactively enacted by Obongo and the Republican't Congress.

What's wrong with a mass release of prisoners if they are non-violent, you ask? Well, there are several problems:

1. Obama wants to grant them "voting rights". Add another 500,000 Marxist Democrats to the voting rolls.

2. Given the sorry state of rehabilitation and support structures in their communities and society at large; and given their long job absences and criminal records, these men, unless placed on the welfare rolls and given a rent-free apartment (possibly in suburban areas), will soon turn back to crime.

3. Here's the kicker: many of these prisoners only appear to have been excessively punished. The dirty little secret that Sulzberger the Seditious and Obongo the Merciful know, but won't tell you about, is that many of these "excessive sentences" were actually the result of law enforcement officials using whatever means possible to take some very dangerous actors off of the streets, including suspected murderers. Just like the brutal but evasive gangster Al Capone was finally incarcerated for the relatively minor offense of "tax invasion", so too were some of the 500,000 "non-violent" prisoners that could be set free if Obongo's logic plays out fully.

The potential prospect of 100's of 1000's unemployable Black men suddenly being set free and cared for by America's Phony Pharaoh is chilling indeed. From their loyal ranks, the Big Zero's Black right hand man who runs Homeland Security, Jeh Johnson, could secretly recruit and train an ISIS type army of cutthroats. Even if just 100,000 of the 500,000 have violent inclinations, imagine what type of organized havoc they could wreak at the behest of the Demon in the White House.

The openly Communist activists from the Ferguson, MO "Black Lives Matter" protest of 2014 chanted:

"Won’t Be No Police Brutality, When the Revolution Comes. Won’t Be No Mass Incarceration, When the Revolution Comes."

Could this be the beginning of that "Civilian Defense Force" that Obongo let slip during the 2008 campaign? Remember this line:

"We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we've set. We've got to have a civilian national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded." (video-here)

Far fetched, you say? Hardly! The thing to remember about Obongo is that he is an immoral, soulless, Communist monster who is capable of anything - including genocide. If he thinks he can get away with martial law and genocide; he will try it. That is why his masters installed him - to do the things that even lesser devils such as a Bush or an FDR wouldn't stoop to - like opening up the prison doors of America.

Predictive programming? In the 2012 film, 'The Dark Knight Rises', the villain known as "Bane" liberates and arms the prisoners of Gotham.

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that Obama wants to release non-violent prisoners.

Boobus Americanus 2: It's about time. I would never hire one of them, but they should be set free.

"What a hypocrite!"

(Which is why we call them libtards.)

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

Barf bags and Pepto-Bismol are flying off of store shelves as Day 3 of the Charleston Circus rolls on. As expected, Sulzberger's Slimes continues to dedicate its entire front-top page (print edition) to the event. There is, however, a bit of very good news to report. Our initial suspicion and subsequent hypothesis are now confirmed. The Anti-New York Times is "happy" to opine that no one died.

Let us take comfort in the fact that, due to the obstinate gullibility of Boobus Americanus, the CIA has come to realize that killing real people in real 'false-flag' attacks (such as Oklahoma City 1995, 9/11 attacks of 2001, London 7/7 train bombing of 2002, etc) is no longer necessary. Why shed innocent blood when it can all be faked with crisis actors and CIA journalists? (Sandy Hook School, Boston Marathon Bombing, ISIS "beheadings" etc) Heck, at this point, the Feds & Media could probably get away with a fake nuclear bombing of a fake American town!

Mourn not for the murdered Bible-studying Black Folk of the Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, for they are alive and well, presumably enjoying their new identities and wads of CIA cash. Following are just a few of the "tells", as they say in poker parlance.

CRISIS ACTORS (bad ones too!)

Fake grief, followed by smiles and laughter.

This boy's mother was just murdered and he's giving press conferences? He claims he feels "weak in the knees" with grief, but then cracked a smile! Immediately after the "massacre", all he could think of was "tweeting" out about his mother: “Pray for my mom please.”


Then we have the "heroic" White lady, (there must always be "heroes" with these scripted events), the one who conveniently spotted the fake suspect in North Carolina after watching 'Fox & Friends". Fox News says so.

“I’m not the hero. God is the hero. He just used me." Sure He did, Debbie. Sure He did.

Grieving faces and tissues, but where are the tear tracks?

Cut it out, Obongo! You and your scripted little "racist-TM" White "psycho" aren't fooling anyone....On 2nd thought, you actually are.


An alert reader has just informed us that the day after the fake massacre, with the nation distracted, the House of Representatives voted to grant "fast-track" authority for Obongo's stalled sovereignty-busting TPP deal.

Boobus Americanus 1: You know, if it wasn't for the quick thinking of that brave woman in North Carolina, this racist psycho would have gotten away.

Boobus Americanus 2: Indeed. God put her in the right place at the right time.

"And you freakin' idiots actually believe that bull-sh!t?"

(I'm afraid they do, Sugar. I'm afraid they do!)

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

Day 11 and still no video of the dead or gravely wounded John Kerry. We were expecting some type of doctored photo to be released for the purpose of quashing the growing Internet rumor of Kerry's assassination, or attempted assassination.

The just-released photo of John Kerry raise even more suspicions!


•Why no leg cast for a major bone break (femur)?
•If he is able to speak on the phone, why can't the public hear his voice?
•If he can talk, why hasn't he done a TV or radio interview?
•Why do our sources in Boston still see no enhanced security around the hospital?
•Why no photos of American politicians going to wish him well?
•He looks very healthy in this photo. Why is he even in a hospital?
•Why just this single photo, suddenly released now as questions mount?
•Where is his wife? His two daughters? No grandson? No well-wishers?

This is exactly the type of weird photo we would expect from such a sloppy cover-up. We are now certain that something bad happened to Kerry, and that the perps were Israel's ISIS agents. See our original story, with updated date, below.


As of today's date, (June 10, 2015), 11 days have passed since Secretary of State John Kerry "broke his femur bone" while "bike-riding" in France. We here at The Anti-New York Times (Sugar the Cat and myself) do not traffic in unsubstantiated Internet rumors and hearsay. For that reason, we ignored the early stories about Kerry having been shot and gravely injured in an ISIS (i.e. Israel) assassination attempt.

But after thorough daily searches of the Internet, we have yet to find a single post-"bike accident" photo or video clip of John Kerry. Though a broken femur would be a serious injury, it would not prevent him from waving to a camera as he's being carted out of an ambulance into a Boston hospital; or saying a few words from a hospital bed; or being wheel-chaired to the funeral of Vice President Joe Biden's son. Heck, your reporter here recalls his elderly father groggily cracking jokes from his hospital bed the day after he had triple bypass surgery!

There are stories of Kerry recovering in a Boston hospital, but we have seen neither hide nor hair of the chatty Secretary. Attention-seeking politicians like him adore the spotlight. Why can't he give a "thumbs-up" for the cameras? Why hasn't his famous busy-body wife publicly commented on this? Where is the media on this? When Vladimir Putin disappears for an extended bathroom break, the Western Press is rife with conspiracy theories about his "disappearance". Not so in this case. What's going on here?

UPDATE / DAY 11 / JUNE 10, 2015

A reader from Boston maintains:
"I'm living in Boston, and go past Boston Medical Hospital everyday. Haven't seen any diplomatic security around, except on Boylston St."

Now, this is still an hypothesis at this point (though a pretty damn strong one as each day passes), but could it be that "the usual suspects" have had enough of Kerry's chumminess with Iran, pressure on Israel, and pressure on the gangsters of Kiev to stop fighting? This is certainly not to portray FrankenKerry as some sort of heroic American patriot; far from it. But the fact is, in spite of public anti-Russian posturing, Kerry and Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov maintained a professional working relationship and achieved some degree of positive progress with regard to both Iran and Ukraine. Remember, it was Kerry-Lavrov who diffused the push for the 2013 war on Syria (a back door to a war with Iran).

You see, Kerry is indeed an ultra-liberal dirty-dealing scumbag of the lowest rank. However, he is a pragmatic scumbag. As such, the possibility of nuclear Armageddon was never an idea he was all that crazy about. Yes, liberal scoundrels love their children too!

And it is equally true that the certifiably insane Neo-Con faction of America's ruling PRC (Predatory Ruling Class) and the George Soros Globalist faction both want World War 3, and soon! Kerry's oh-so-conveeeenient "bike accident" and sudden disappearance have catapulted Assistant Secretary of State for European & Eurasian Affairs Victoria Nuland (Nudelman) Kagan to de-facto headship of the State Department. In a sense, this had already happened before the "bike accident". The reluctant Europeans now know that they are taking orders from neo-con warmonger Nuland, not Kerry.

Kerry and Lavrov sought to pacify the situation in Iran and Eastern Ukraine. Compare that to the relentless warmongering of Israeli agent Victoria "F--k the EU" Nuland (the fiend who helped to PERSONALLY incite the bloody Kiev coup of 2014) and the latest "bike accident" is very good news for the warmongers.

In much the same way that the reasonable and pragmatic Secretary of Offense Chuck Hagel was cast aside and replaced by the blood-thirsty warmonger Asston Carter; Kerry is being squeezed out by the PNAC "We-need-a-new-Pearl-Harbor" psycho Nuland-Kagan.

As crazy as this well-wishing may sound coming from The Anti-New York Times, here it goes: "Mr. Kerry. You are still a scumbag Globalist. Nonetheless, gunshot wounds or "broken leg" - whatever it was - please get better. And get back to work before Vicious Vicky and Ass Carter start World War III!"



It's official now. The "respectable" media has confirmed that Nutty Nuland is running the Freak Show. Prepare for war!

Mike King #fundie tomatobubble.com


Mike King has done it again! This time, he condenses more than 100 years of anti-American conspiracy into 40 very brief and easily digestible blurbs (40 "Wounds"), accompanied by 100 powerful images.

This Crash Course exposes the crimes and culprits behind the murder of America in a way that even a child can quickly grasp. Whether you are a beginner, or an advanced student, you will want to keep "Killing America: The 100 Year Murder" as a powerful educational resource to share with friends or family who won't read lenghty books. It's perfect for your children too!

"Killing America" comes in paperback (Amazon) and pdf format.

SAMPLE: INTRO & "Wounds" 1 & 2


It is the dawn of the 20th Century. In just over a century's time, the United States of America has grown from a sparsely populated group of post-colonial States, into the most virtuous, richest, strongest, and happiest nation on earth. During this time, America has overcome a devastating Civil War and the painful Southern Reconstruction.

From "sea to shining sea", America's industrial cities, bustling ports, rich farms, and world class Universities are the envy of the modern world. America's population (now about 80 million) is upwardly mobile and highly literate. The Middle Class is booming as opportunity seeking European immigrants clamor to get in. America's Black population, though only a generation removed from slavery and still segregated, is also making undeniable material progress.

In this rapidly developing "land of opportunity" there are no Federal Income Taxes, no State Income Taxes, no Sales Taxes, no Social Security Taxes, no Capital Gains Taxes, no IRS, no Department of Homeland Security, no Department of Education, no Welfare schemes, no Central Bank, very little debt, and a sound currency backed by Gold and Silver.

There are no limits for a free people enjoying the fruits of a free market, an honest currency, and a government strictly limited in its size and power. In the fresh air of liberty, invention and innovation thrive. The list of history changing American inventors produced in this environment is indeed astonishing: Robert Fulton (Steam Boat), Eli Whitney (Cotton Gin), Thomas Edison (Modern Light Bulb & Phonograph to name a few), Serbian-American Nicola Tesla (Commercial Electricity), Cyrus McCormick (Mechanical Reaper), Alexander Graham Bell (Telephone), The Wright Brothers (Airplane), and many more.

On the cultural front, American artists and literary figures are gaining wide renown, impressing even the more culturally advanced Europeans. Names like Mark Twain, Herman Melville, and Edgar Allen Poe rank with Europe's finest writers.

In foreign commerce and relations, Americans are a peace loving people who have no interest in embroiling their young country in Europe's intrigues and squabbles.

America's prosperity affords many of its people the luxury of increasing leisure time. From this free time grow Sports Leagues such as Baseball's National League (1876), to be followed by the American League (1901). College football has exploded in popularity, with the first professional teams to form in the early years of the new century. Millions of young men sharpen their bodies and mental toughness by competing in all varieties of Sports.

As for the women folk, the ladies of America are exactly that, ladies. Women are family oriented, valued for their sweet demeanor, and respected for their virtue. If a young American buck expects to get intimate with a young lady, he had better grow up, get a job and marry the lass, lest her daddy chase him off with a shotgun!

America's children are raised to respect their God, their parents, their elders, and their teachers. Mouthing off to the teacher would get you smacked upside the head, and then again when your parents found out!

Underpinning America's foundation of tiny government, free enterprise, and peaceful commerce, is the common Christian morality, self-control, industriousness, and true goodness of the American people. Grown children take care of their elderly parents and other relatives. Strong families, active churches, and community groups take care of the unfortunate. Government welfare is neither needed, nor desired.

As "The Gay Nineties" ('gay' as in happy!) draw to a close, America the Beautiful seems poised to prosper for centuries to come. With the new technologies and industrial advances to come (automobiles, electricity etc.) there is no telling what new heights of universal happiness and prosperity await the lucky inhabitants of the young and confident Republic.

But way beneath the surface, invisible to most, a well-funded and organized "Advance Guard" of termites has been arriving in America since the 1880's. These "Reds", aka "Marxists", aka "The Left", aka "Progressives", bring with them the disease of "liberalism" that has already been plaguing Europe since the days of the French Revolution. Their long range plan is to undermine the Americans way of life and system of limited government, and to erect a centralized socialist system in its place.

In order to grow their ranks, Red leaders skillfully exploit the admitted imperfections of America. By 1900, the imported, mainly Jewish-Zionist Marxists, have joined forces with power hungry, Anglo-American Money Kings like JP Morgan and John D Rockefeller. The Red Money Kings "in the suites" will use the Red agitators "in the streets" to slowly change a free, virtuous, prosperous, and peaceful Republic, into the centrally controlled, degenerate, bankrupt, and warmongering cesspool that is modern America under Barack Obama.

So, what the heck happened America?

It's all very simple! Step into our time machine and let us review "the 40 historical wounds that Bill O'Reilly Didnt' Write About."

WOUND # 1: 1896
Adolph Ochs Buys The New York Times

What Happened?
The most influential newspaper in America is purchased by a wealthy Zionist-Leftist.


Ochs' descendants (the Ochs-Sulzberger Family) control The Times to this day, Worshipped by many as "the paper of record", The Times has been manipulating public opinion in favor of liberalism and Zionism for more than 100 years!

Wound # 2: SEPTEMBER, 1901
The Assassination of President William McKinley

What Happened?
On September 6, 1901, President McKinley is shot at close range by a Red (Communist/Anarchist) named Leon Czolgosz. McKinley dies one week later.


The assassination makes Vice President Teddy Roosevelt (TR) the new President. Unlike the conservative McKinley, the left leaning TR was an advocate of big, centralized government. It is TR who will usher in the “Progressive Era”.

In 1908, TR’s “National Monetary Commission” sets the stage for the eventual 1913 founding of a U.S. Central Bank under fellow progressive Woodrow Wilson, whose destructive Presidency will have been made possible by TR's deliberate interference in the 1912 Presidential election.

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

Apart from being great films, the 1972 classic, The Godfather, and the 1974 sequel, The Godfather II, are very educational and useful to "conspiracy theorists". Indeed, the universally recognized logo for The Godfather depicts the hand of a puppet-master "pulling the strings". The parallels between the film and real-life geo-politics are striking. There are False-Flag attacks (Roth's deliberately botched assassination attempt of Frank Pentangeli); Color Revolutions (Tom Hagen's threat to stir up Union problems if Johnny Fontaine doesn't get a movie role); phony defectors (Luca Brasi sent to infiltrate the Tataglia family); traitors (Carlo setting up Sonny to be killed), deliberate stand-downs (Paulie the body-guard calling out sick just before Don Corleone is shot), as well as blackmail, bought & paid for politicians, cops, and journalists, assassinations and more.

Understand The Godfather and understand the world. Understand the relationship between the powerful gangster named Barzini and his lower-ranking front-man, Tattaglia, and you will understand the dynamic at work between "Godfather" Obongo and his underling, Al Sharpton. Of course, Obongo himself has his own puppet-masters, but let's just keep this one simple.

The Tattaglia Mafia Family had been waging a brutal mob war against the Corleone family. After the Family 'Dons' lose their respective eldest sons, a "sit-down" of the warring parties is arranged. Presiding over the peace talks is Don Barzini who is, by all appearances, a neutral third party. However, during the meeting of the heads of the 'Five Families'. Barzini seems to favor the cause of the Tattaglias (to introduce drug trafficking to Mafia activities).

After the peace is made and the approval for trading in drugs is established, Don Vito Corleone (Marlon Brando) and his 'consigliere' (adviser) Tom Hagen (Robert Duval) are shown discussing the matter in the back seat of a car. The dialogue is priceless, and makes for one of the most memorable and iconic lines of the film:

Hagen: When I meet with Tattaglia's men, should I insist all their drug middlemen have clean records.

Corleone: Mention it. But don't insist. Barzini is a man who will know that without being told.

Hagen (confused): You mean Tattaglia.

Corleone: Tattaglia is a pimp. He never could have outfought Santino. But I didn't know until this day that it was Barzini all along.

After the round-table meeting, Don Corleone realizes that Don Tattaglia was just a front man for Don Barzini

What a film! But back to the subject at hand - Obongo's murderous race war against Whites and the related effort to Federalize the nation's police. As even the most dim-witted Boobus Americanus is aware by now, the Unreverend Al Charlatan and his incendiary bull-horn have incited Black mobs to violence in in Sanford, FL (St. Trayvon Martin affair), Ferguson, MO (St. Michael Brown Affair), New York (St. Eric Garner Affair) and, most recently, Baltimore, MD (St. Freddie Gray Affair).


Though most folks are indeed aware of Sharpton's (and others) prominent role in the worsening situation, "Don Barzini" in the White House remains untouched. Part of this is the result of the Marxist Media's (the ultimate 'Godfathers'!) protection of Obongo, but much of it has to do with Obongo's own cunning use of "buffers" (as mobster Willie Cicci describes in GodFather II).

Here is "the bottom line":
Since the installation of Obongo, Al 'Tattaglia' Charlatan has visited Barack 'Barzini' Obongo's White House more than 70 times, including 5 one-on-one meetings and 20 meetings with Senior staff members! (here)

Obongo can turn the racial tension and cop-killing on or off with the snap of his fingers. This is what Boobus Americanus fails to see. Let's start with the justified self-defense killing of the drugged-up burglarizing thug Trayvon Martin, and the unjust persecution of George Zimmerman down in Sanford, Florida. From CNN:

Florida: "U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder's decision to speak at an annual convention of the Rev. Al Sharpton's group, in which Trayvon Martin was a key issue, has been widely panned as a political ploy.

But maybe, just maybe, it's also evidence that the tamer version of the civil rights leader that we've seen in recent years -- the syndicated radio host, the MSNBC personality, the White House adviser -- is enjoying broader legitimacy these days.

"It certainly is a sign of Sharpton's very close relationship with the White House," said Boyce Watkins, a political analyst and Syracuse University economist."

Holder is a buffer for Obongo. Without his blessing, the circus in Florida would never have gotten off the ground.

Let's go to Ferguson, MO, where a drugged-up, 6'4", 300 pound thug Michael Brown tried to murder a White cop with his bare hands. From the New York Post:

"The Rev. Al Sharpton is the White House’s man on the ground in Ferguson.

The 59-year-old Sharpton has become a key adviser to President Obama on race issues, according to Politico, and is acting as his liaison in the racially charged St. Louis suburb, where the police shooting death of 18-year-old Michael Brown led to days of riots."

Can Obongo's role in the Ferguson disaster possible be any more obvious than that?

Let's go to New York, where, we must concede, that it does appear that the police should have eased up on a standard choke-hold when the obese suspect, Eric Garner, cried out before his heart-attack, "I can't breathe". Nonetheless, it matters not to the professional race-agitators if a particular event is a legitimate case of excessive force, or not.

From the New York Post:

"WASHINGTON — He never leaves home without him.

Bill de Blasio and “Co-Mayor” Al Sharpton are joined at the hip in New York, so why not in Washington?

De Blasio and the race-baiting Rev met with President Obama and other clergy, cops and pols Monday about “simmering” tensions between the police and minorities across the United States.

Sharpton, a White House regular under Obama, got a prime seat at the table — directly facing the president — during the two-hour session at the Eisenhower Office Building."

Two weeks after the Sharpton - de Blasio - Obongo summit, with New York City on edge due to the stand-down orders which de Blasio had issued to police in regard to the ongoing "spontaneous protests", Ismaaiyl Brinsley, 28, murdered two police officers in what he himself had previously said was going to be a revenge killing. The tragic shooting forced Sharpton and de Blasio to shut-up and fade away for the time being. They have yet to recover from the bad publicity, but Obongo the untouchable remains unscathed!

Let's go to Baltimore, MD, where a drug dealer named Freddie Gray killed himself in the back of a police van by banging his head and then falling against a steel door handle. In that case, Al Charlatan showed up after the protests and riots had already been triggered. The main fire-starter in Baltimore was Malik Shabazz of the New Black Panther Party.

From the Associated Press:

April 26: Freddie Gray protests turn violent in Baltimore

“One of the protest’s organizers, Malik Shabazz, the president of Black Lawyers for Justice, said the crowd exceeded their expectations, adding that protesters’ anger is not surprising.

'This is a problem that has not been solved,’ he said. ‘When there’s no justice, they tend to want to take matters into their own hands.’”

By necessity, Shabazz's ties to the White House have to be buried beneath many buffering layers. Compared to Shabazz, Sharpton seems reasonable! But he too has been a visitor to the White House, back in 2009 when Obongo and Eric Holder were busy getting two of his Panthers 'off the hook' for blatant voter intimidation of elderly Whites in Philadelphia. Shabazz and his associates had openly appeared and marched with then-Senator Obongo back in 2007.

The pattern of these events is unmistakable. Here's the template:

Step 1: An "incident" takes place. The media hypes it.

Step 2: Professional agitators arrive to stage "peaceful protests". The media hypes it. Locals join in.

Step 3: Professional agitators visit the White House and obtain Obongo's tacit blessing. The media downplays this part.

Step 4: The protests turn violent. The media hypes it. Innocent Whites are attacked or murdered as the media covers it up.

Step 5: Obongo Barzini calls for calm as he makes a moral equivalence between the rioters and the cops.

Step 6a: Boobus FOXus Americanus blames Al Sharpton.

Step 6b: Boobus CNNus Libtardus blames "racism" and the police.

Meanwhile, the "calm and cool", the "fair and impartial" Obongo, just like Barzini, stays above it all as more and more people die under his invisible hand.

"Sharpton is a pimp. It was Obongo all along."

....and Soros!

Mike King #racist tomatobubble.com

NY Times: An Atlas of Upward Mobility Shows Paths Out of Poverty


A decades-old effort found that moving poor families to better neighborhoods did little to help them. A new look at the data suggests the opposite.


The Anti-New York Times

TRANSLATION: Get ready White suburbanites. Obongo's "sons" and "amigos" are coming to a 'cul de sac' near you.

All these decades of "studying" poverty, and the answer to "inequality" was right under our noses all along. Thanks to this latest "study" - the findings of which, according to the article, "have been presented to members of the Obama administration, as well as to Hillary Rodham Clinton and Jeb Bush, both of whom have signaled that mobility will be central themes of their 2016 presidential campaigns."

Be assured that this latest buzz-word - "mobility" - is not to be confused with the traditional methods of climbing the socio-economic ladder (hard work, discipline, frugality, patience etc.) In Marxified Amerika, such quaint old fashioned virtues are as outdated as knickerbockers and petticoats. In the abomination that is the Obama-Nation, "mobility" will be achieved simply by transplanting feral inmates from the inner-city into the suburbs (on the 'racist' suburban taxpayers' dime, of course). Sulzberger's hand-picked academics argue that the Welfare Queen's loud litter of fatherless pups will somehow magically transform into the Huxtable Family when we place them in the predominately White suburbs.

After the Los Angeles riots of 1992, the social engineers of Congress created an anti-poverty scheme called 'Moving to Opportunity'. It gave vouchers to help poor families move to better neighborhoods. As even this Slime's article confirms, the long-term results showed no significant improvement in either education or income. The idiot "intellectuals" were at a loss to explain why their scheme failed.

Now, from Manhattan's Mount Olympus comes the trumpeted word of a "new study" to contradict the old one. Typical! Harvard egg-head Raj Chety, the author of the study and protege of Harvard's Martin Feldstein (cough-cough), is quoted:

The data show we can do something about upward mobility. Every extra year of childhood spent in a better neighborhood seems to matter."

We are quite certain that Professor Chety's community will be exempted from the coming "cultural enrichment" that will be unleashed upon the middle-class suburbs. As with so many of these "studies", the great and good "intellectuals" who craft them are so blinded by their preconceived biases and well-meaning pipe dreams, that they fail to notice the inherent flaws and circular logic (illogic) embedded in their experiments. For example, the article reveals:

"Based on the earnings records of millions of families that moved with children, it finds that poor children who grow up in some cities and towns have sharply better odds of escaping poverty than similar poor children elsewhere."

Mr. Chety, did it occur to you that the "families that moved" did so because they had already escaped poverty? In other words, the families did not achieve upward mobility because they moved. They moved because they achieved upward mobility! Having moved up as the result of hard work, focus and discipline, is it really so surprising that such parents would then pass those values onto their children, who then go on to become more successful adults?

Whether they are merely stupid or just plain evil, logic never seems to matter to these academic Lefties. David B. Grusky (cough-cough), director of the Center on Poverty and Inequality at Stanford University, adds his two-cents:

“This (study) delivers the most compelling evidence yet that neighborhoods matter in a really big way."

That's great, David. Why don't you adopt little Malik?

Of course, at the highest levels of America's PRC (Predatory Ruling Class), the "anti-poverty" spin for this totalitarian scheme has a much darker motive. The Globo-Zio elite couldn't give a rat's arse about the sanctified "poor". The goal here is the obliteration of White America (and Mother Europe). And this "study" fits in perfectly with what we already know about Obongo's plans to flood the suburbs with free-loaders. From U.S. News & World Report, 2013 - Read it and weep:

HUD Proposes Plan to Racially, Economically Integrate Neighborhoods

The Department of Housing and Urban Development has proposed a rule to desegregate U.S. neighborhoods.

"The Department of Housing and Urban Development has proposed a new plan to change U.S. neighborhoods it says are racially imbalanced or are too tilted toward rich or poor, arguing the country's housing policies have not been effective at creating the kind of integrated communities the agency had hoped for.

The proposed federal rule, called "Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing," is currently under a 60-day public comment period. Though details of how the policy would specifically work are unclear, the rule says HUD would provide states, local governments and others who receive agency money with data and a geo-spatial tool to look at "patterns of integration and segregation; racially and ethnically concentrated areas of poverty; access to education, employment, low-poverty, transportation, and environmental health."

Oh Boobus Caucasianus Americanus (and Europithecus, Canadius and Australopithecus)! Has the mind-numbing and soul-crushing din of the Devil's Loud-speaker (TV) so dulled your mind and desensitized your heart to the point that you cannot hear the death-bells tolling, nor see the grim reaper of genocide approaching? Evidently so.

Mike King #homophobia #wingnut tomatobubble.com

NY Times: Gay Marriage Case Caps Cincinnati’s Shift From Conservative Past


As the Supreme Court prepares to hear oral arguments on same-sex marriage, Cincinnati has become the measure of how far the gay rights movement has come in a traditionally conservative city.


The Anti-New York Times

In those parts of the country in which the mental and moral cancer of liberalism has yet to metastasize, the Marxists and their homosexual legions have turned to the court system to expedite the death blow to what was once conservative Christian Middle-America. And oh how Sulzberger's Slimes just luuuvs throwing these types of stories in our faces.

Emboldened by the Marxist media, the sodomite brigades have expanded the "the struggle".

The cancer can now be found anywhere and everywhere.

Playing upon the mushy sentimentality of the weak-minded, as always, The Slimes explains:

"Jim Obergefell says he “instantly pictured growing old” with John Arthur when they fell in love here in 1992. Just seven weeks after they began dating, Mr. Arthur gave Mr. Obergefell a ring set with diamonds — a sign that, in their hearts if not in law, they were married."

Two decades later, with Mr. Arthur dying of Lou Gehrig’s disease, they did marry, aboard a medical charter jet on the tarmac of an airport in Maryland — a state where, unlike Ohio, gay people could wed. When Mr. Arthur, 48, died in October 2013, Ohio refused to list Mr. Obergefell as his spouse on the death certificate. Furious, Mr. Obergefell sued."

The Homo Hissy Fits are working. One by one, even many churches are caving in, or at least 'looking the other way' to the new "tolerance". The double-standard that bars a man from "marrying" his dog, his sheep his mother, or his son can no longer be justified. There are such people who engage in these practices. Why should they be denied the "right" to fornicate and marry? As even the Pinko Pope decreed, "Who am I to judge?"

The real power behind this subversive movement lies neither within the courts nor with the foot-stomping homosexual brats. Those are just the tools. It is the usual suspects who are injecting the deadly cancer cells into every nook and cranny of the American body. Vice President Biden has confirmed:

“I believe what affects the movements in America, what affects our attitudes in America are as much the culture and the arts as anything else. I bet you 85 percent of those changes, whether it’s in Hollywood or social media are a consequence of Jewish leaders in the industry. The influence is immense, (he repeats) the influence is immense. And, I might add, it is all to the good. ” - Joe Biden

Yes, Joe. It's "all to the good". Thanks Jews!

Move over Walton Family! The "Modern Family" is the new model for a New World Order. It's all good.

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

NY Times: Former SS Member, on Trial in Germany, Says He Was ‘Morally Complicit’ at Auschwitz


The Anti-New York Times

This story went un-rebutted by The Anti-New York Times because your sensitive reporter here gets too emotionally rattled upon learning of these sad cases of 90+ year old SS heroes being legally terrorized for an event that never happened. E-mails from the usual ignoramuses trickled into the inbox: “Hey asshole. Even this ex-SS man now admits that there were gas chambers. I suppose you think he made it all up? Eat shit, Nazi!”

Why even respond to such demoniacally demented drones?

But when some loyal supporters wrote in, expressing worry and confusion over Oskar Groning's "confession", and writing to the effect: “Mike, What does this mean? I don’t get it. Why would Groning say this?” - it was time to rebut the rubbish, and issue it as a “Free Sample Day”.

Friends! Any defense attorney worth a nickel would be engaging in extreme legal malpractice if he were to advise his SS client to say anything other than what Groning said; which is, “I am so sorry.” Seriously people, can you imagine what Merkel’s Marxist minions would do to this poor man if he were to compound his “crime” with the additional “crime” of “Holocaust Denial”, in a courtroom in occupied Germany, no less? Herr Groning’s only shot at enjoying a few years of liberty is to grovel and admit that the “gas chambers” existed.

Oh ye dear readers of weak faith! Stay away from the Devil’s Loudspeaker (TV). Take heed of the admonition from the 1973 classic film ‘The Exorcist’. Recall the scene in which Father Merrin, the senior priest, sternly cautions the younger, inexperienced Father Karras to avoid engaging in any debate or conversation with the devil that is possessing the little girl. Here is the line:

“Especially important is the warning to avoid conversations with the demon. We may ask what is relevant but anything beyond that is dangerous. He is a liar. The demon is a liar. He will lie to confuse us. But he will also mix lies with the truth to attack us. The attack is psychological, Damien, and powerful. So don’t listen to him. Remember that - do not listen.”

Be he physical or metaphorical, this is how the Devil operates, by mixing truth with lies; and sowing the seeds of confusion where there shouldn't be any confusion at all. Unfortunately for Father Karras, he allowed the words of the cunning demon to get into his head and rattle him, with tragic consequences for both priests. And that is what happened to the few beloved fans who sent in those concerned E-mails so suddenly filled with doubt, all on the basis of this hyped-up Groning story.

The Exorcist teaches us to not even listen to demons.The same applies to the Marxist TV, new-sites & newspapers. Turn them off before the lie gets into your head!

In keeping with today’s spiritual theme, it is time for a quick “booster blessing” of truth from your journalistic Exorcist here at The Anti-New York Times.

The WikiPedia entry for the Holocaust- TM sums up the official story very well. In a nutshell:

“From early 1942 until late 1944, transport trains delivered Jews to the camp’s gas chambers from all over German-occupied Europe, where they were killed with the pesticide Zyklon B. At least 1.1 million prisoners died at Auschwitz, around 90 percent of them Jewish”

You see, we are expected to believe that 1.1 million people (officially and suspiciously reduced from the 4 million that had been claimed for 50 years!) were herded into a “gas chamber” the size of a 3-car garage, then killed by bug-spray (Zyklon B), right under the noses of Red Cross camp inspectors, while inmate soccer games were going on in an adjacent field. The hard-working killers (or their slaves) then had to enter the poison room (perhaps wearing HazMat suits?), pick up each dead body one at a time, and then feed them one-by-one into a funeral parlor sized oven for cremation. Whatever happened to that famed German efficiency?

There is so much impossibly wrong with this Fairy Tale scenario that entire books have been written to scholarly debunk the moronic madness that is Holocaust Mania. But let us just briefly focus on a single aspect of this fraudulent fable we irreverently refer to as “The Holohoax”; namely, the numerical logistics. This piece is a good “starter” for that special person in your life who could use a good “exorcism”.

Let's have a look at the “gas chambers”:


Now, lets have a look at a typical, sold-out NFL football stadium:

Met Life Stadium (New Jersey / home of the NY Jets & NY Giants)

Capacity: 82,000

1,100,000 / 82,000 = 13.4 football stadiums full of people “gassed” in a 3-car garage.

A ‘Baker’s Dozen’ full of NFL stadiums, “gassed” in small increments in a room that looks like this....


Excuse us, dear reader. We’ll be right back....


OK. We’re back. Here is another illustration of this point, in side-by-side approximated scale for just one stadium:


Fit the stadium population into that “gas chamber” ....13.4 TIMES!

And just imagine; for 50 years they got away with telling us that it was 50 stadiums! (below)

After people started asking questions, the HoloHoaxers dropped the 4 million down to 1.5 million, and now it is officially down to 1.1 million. It’s still a lie!

Let's kill this lie! Please share this piece far and wide.

Mike King #fundie tomatobubble.com

Here at TomatoBubble.com; we love all of our readers, including the Atheist / Evolutionists. From time to time an E-mail that reads something like the following will arrive in the inbox:

"Mike. I love your work but you really need to stick to history and current events. You do not understand the science behind Evolution and are only harming your credibility when you attack Darwin."

Though this type of feedback is certainly more cordial and tolerable than the occasional, "You are a stupid ignorant deranged 'Nazi' extremist who believes that a giant spaghetti monster created the universe in 7 days. Ha ha ha" - it is still a variation of the condescending you-do-not-understand-science ad hominem logical fallacy that Evolutionists always resort to. This rhetorical device is a weaponized trick that we shall now disarm.

First of all, the lack of any extensive "scientific background" does not necessarily disqualify a logical thinker from expressing an opinion on Evolution or any other matter related to science. If a man observes a rapidly darkening sky on a brutally hot and humid summer afternoon; followed by a sudden temperature drop and distant rumbles of thunder; would his lack of a "background in meteorology" invalidate his opinion that rain is forthcoming?

If a man opts to take the elevator downstairs instead of simply jumping out of a 40th floor window and into his waiting convertible; would his lack of a "background in physics" invalidate his fear of jumping out of skyscrapers?

This idea that any matters pertaining to science, or alleging to pertain to science, can only be discussed by those with the right "qualifications" is a clear example of another classic logical fallacy; the 'Appeal to Authority'. Every great philosopher from Buddha, to Confucius, to Plato, to Socrates, to Marcus Aurelius, to Jesus, to Schopenhauer and so many others specifically warned against the inherent errors associated with this type of boot-licking, group-thinking worship of authority figures. Buddha expressed the key to right thinking very well when he stated:

"Do not go by reports, by legends, by traditions, by scripture, by logical conjecture, by inference, by analogies, by agreement through pondering views, by probability, or by the thought."

In other words, "To hell with those diploma-decorated fools. Use your own reason and observation!" And with that, let us dispense with this puffed-up patronizing rubbish about "lack of a scientific background" once and for all. You see, it doesn't take a "scientific background" to understand the basic and timeless principles of what is known as "The Scientific Method". Ironically, it is the hallowed Scientific Method which dooms the "theoretical science" of Darwinian Evolution to the toilet bowl of pseudo-scientific error.

Had Darwin studied Greek or Buddhist philosophy, he would never have made such a monkey of himself.

What is the Scientific Method?

The Scientific Method consists of the flow-chart steps shown in the following chart:


Each step must logically flow into the next step until the process is complete. No skipping steps! As soon as the standards of any given step cannot be met, the game ends and the hypothesis goes into the garbage. Now, let's plug "Evolution" TM into the step climber and see what we get.

Step 1: Ask a Question

OK. This one is easy. Anyone can ask a question about anything. Here it goes: "How did we all get here?"

Step 2: Do Background Research

Gather data and observe it carefully. If you detect a pattern that suggests a plausible conclusion, then move onto the next step. What Darwin "discovered" during this step is that all living creatures share many common traits; and that the differences among them adapt them perfectly to their natural environment.

Step 3: Construct a Hypothesis

Based on your data mining, make an educated guess as to what the truth is. Not just any ole guess; not a wild and baseless guess; but an educated guess based on a compelling pattern of data. Here, at a very early stage of the Scientific Method, Darwin has already gone off the rails. In his own words:

"The real affinities of all organic beings, in contradiction to their adaptive resemblances, are due to inheritance or community of descent. Therefore I should infer from analogy that probably all the organic beings which have ever lived on this earth have descended from some one primordial form, into which life was first breathed."

What Darwin observed is nothing that a retarded 8 year old, living 10,000 years ago, could not have easily noticed on his own; namely, that all creatures have much in common. For example, a lizard has two eyes, a mouth, teeth, a tongue, four limbs, a spine, a skeleton etc; and, a human being also two eyes, a mouth, teeth, a tongue, four limbs, a spine, a skeleton etc. And from that, and nothing more, Darwin "hypothesizes" that all living things came from an original "single-cell" organism? Really Chuck?

Darwin himself even admits that there is no data to support his hypothesis; which means that the hypothesis itself should never have been put forth in the first place. Again, from his own mouth:

"On this doctrine of the extermination of an infinitude of connecting links, between the living and extinct inhabitants of the world, and at each successive period between the extinct and still older species, why is not every geological formation charged with such links? Why does not every collection of fossil remains afford plain evidence of the gradation and mutation of the forms of life?

We meet with no such evidence. and this is the most obvious and forcible of the many objections used against my theory."

That's right Chuckie. The MILLIONS of "missing links' flowing from single-cell pond scum to modern man did not exist in the 1800's, nor have they been pieced together to this day. In fact, as even prominent Evolutionists openly admit, the fossil record actually appears to show that new life forms came on to the scene very suddenly.

Nonetheless, in spite of the fact that the standards of the 'Hypothesis Step' of Scientific Method have, by Darwin's own admission, not been met; let us, purely for the sake of argument, cheat a little and give the Evolutionists a "free pass" to the next step.

Step 4: Test Your Hypothesis by Doing an Experiment

I don't even know where to even begin with this one. How does one construct an experiment to "prove" that great-great-great grandma[x] was a piece of algae that spontaneously appeared in a pond, and "mutated" into millions of transitional species, culminating in what we are today. In the absence of any experimentation, one could conceivably skip this step and jump to an intense observation of unfolding natural processes; a "natural" experiment, so to speak.

But here again, there is nothing to observe. The reality is that trans-species evolution is not observable and has never been observed, neither in nature nor in the fossil record. Sorry Evolutionists, but a non-definitive skull fragment of some creature purported to be an "ape ancestor" does not meet the standard of observation; let alone constitute evidence that great-great-great grandma[x] was single-celled pond scum. The same goes for your desperately hyped-up finches, peppered moths, 'super rats', platypuses etc.

And speaking of "simple" single-cell organisms (which we now know are more complex than nuclear submarines and space shuttles!), a single-cell organism has NEVER been observed to "mutate" into a new species of two-cell organism. My God! The Evolutionists cannot even validate, neither in nature nor in a laboratory, the jump from one-cell bacteria to two-cell bacteria; yet they call us "stupid" for doubting that our common one-celled pond scum great-great-great grandma[x] "evolved" into the modern day human, elephant, bird, bumble bee, dolphin, eagle, spider, flower, tree etc.

Obviously, steps 5 and 6 of the Scientific Method are rendered mute; but that doesn't stop the dogmatic Evolutionists and degenerate Marxists from pounding their fists on the table and screaming "Science ... science ... science!" in your face; whilst viciously denouncing you as "uneducated" for daring to question their pond scum to human scenario.

The Theory of trans-species Evolution TM is neither testable nor observable. Likewise, the theory of life blindly coming from non-life is neither testable, nor observable; to say nothing of even being sane. Heck, these ideas were never even 'hypothesizable', and that was before our understanding of the incredibly complex DNA computer code we call the genome; a mind boggling instructional code that is programmed into all organisms, including those "simple" single-cell amoebas and bacteria!

Bottom Line: According to any honest rendering of the Scientific Method, Evolution TM is NOT science!

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

A new CIA super-villain is on the loose, this time in the African nation of Kenya. Move over ISIS, move over Boku Haram, it's time for 'Shabab' to have its 15 minutes of fame. Actually, the group has been around since 2012, but this latest anti-Christian attack (or make-believe attack?) marks its boldest act yet. It's bad news for Kenya. The Slimes reveals:

"Kenya’s tourist industry, one of the pillars of its economy, has been badly damaged by the terrorist attacks, and the bloodshed on Thursday is sure to make things worse. There are also fears that the Shabab’s relentless emphasis on singling out Christians could inflame religious strife in a country already wrestling with tensions between a Muslim minority, which has complained about government persecution, and a Christian majority that increasingly feels under attack."

Sandy Hook style photo-op fakery in Kenya? That 's the same girl being carried by two different men! Same face, same shirt, same under-shirt, same pants, same dirt-stain pattern on left thigh, same shoes. The only change is the bloodless bandage added in the 2nd image.

What could Kenya have possibly done to bring the wrath and subversion of the West's clandestine forces upon itself? Why is Obongo going to Kenya in July? It is said that a picture is worth 1,000 words. So, here are "2,000 words" to consider:

China and Kenya are very close business partners.

The Globalists want Africa to stay backwards and dependent upon them. China's mutually beneficial economic activities on the continent do not fit in with that agenda. That is why Qaddafi of Libya was murdered; that is why Boku Haram is destabilizing Nigeria; that is why the Ebola virus was planted and built into a "crisis"; and that is why Shabab is attacking (or pretending to attack?) Kenya. These false-flag terror attacks are designed to achieve a Trifecta of objectives for the Globo-Zionists:

1- Drive China out of Africa

2- Intimidate Christians

3- Give Muslims a bad name

There has been no shortage of past stories linking the money and influence of the demonic George Soros to the deadly subversion of Kenya. (here) - (here) - (here) It is all so gosh-damn sickening! Soros, the NGO's and the CIA target innocent Christians while Islam takes the blame and Africa descends into chaos.

Western cartoons often mock China's positive influence in Africa.

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

The 'Boku Haram' terrorist scam worked! Having been blamed for failing to adequately protect his people from the CIA-Mossad front group, incumbent President Goodluck Jonathan was defeated by the Globalist candidate-of-choice, Muhammadu Buhari. The Slimes explains why Jonathan's 'goodluck' had run out:

"On Mr. Jonathan’s watch, Nigeria has been pummeled by Boko Haram, its economic fortunes have plunged with falling oil prices."
Boku Haram - rigged by the United States! Falling oil prices - rigged by U.S. ally Saudi Arabia! Get the picture?

The First Tranny's 'Bring Back Our Girls' stunt paid off.

“If they knew where they were, I certainly would send in US troops to rescue them, in a New York minute I would, without permission of the host country, I wouldn’t be waiting for some kind of permission from some guy named Goodluck Jonathan,” (Nigeria’s president) - John McCain (A Soros Stooge)

An article appearing in the 'Nigerian Voice' entitled (Is George Soros Eyeing Nigeria’s Presidential Election?) accuses the notorious Globalist billionaire of targeting Nigeria for subversion. Olagoke Abayomi writes:

"Soros has set his eyes on Nigeria’s presidential election, slated for March 28. The billionaire has substantial economic interests in Africa’s largest country, directed through the Helios Investment Partners hedge fund. In recent years, the fund has invested billions in all sectors of Nigeria’s economy, ranging from shopping malls to pension funds, oil and gas joint ventures and mobile phone infrastructure."

"Let’s not forget that Buhari, a former military ruler who rose to and was deposed from power in a coup d’état in the 1980s, has mounted an aggressive media campaign that sought to whitewash the multiple abuses perpetuated by his oppressive regime. To this end, he received the backing of multiple international experts from Soros’ clique, including the International Crisis Group and the OSI who considerably swayed the Western media coverage of the March elections."

Buhari's Party is known as the 'All Progressive Congress' (APC). In 2014, the APC was admitted as a consultative member into the Socialist International. It doesn't get anymore 'One World' than that. The extent to which Buhari will sell out Nigeria to the West remains to be seen. Surely he understands that the N.W.O. gang put him in power and, through Boku Haram, has the ability to take him down just as quickly.

With both the United States and China deploying troops into Africa (The U.S. for conquest; China to protect its nationals from Boku Haram); events in oil-rich Nigeria are worth monitoring.

China does a lot of business with Nigeria, which is why the U.S. proxy Boku Haram had kidnapped Chinese workers.

Mike King #homophobia #fundie #wingnut tomatobubble.com

The Poofter-Mania at Sulzberger's Sodomite Slimes continues with this breathless announcement of the latest group of "Christians" to capitulate to the ferocious forces of affiliated faggotry. The Presbyterians join the Church of England and the Argentinian Marxist in the Vatican in watering down the moral opposition to the abominable oxymoron known as "same-sex marriage". Get a load of this godless gutless gobbledey-gook from today's story:

"The vote amends the church’s constitution to broaden marriage from being between “a man and a woman” to “two people, traditionally a man and a woman.”

Who writes this stuff? Satan? How long will it be before even that tortured terminology is watered down to something like: "two people, most often, but certainly not always, a man and a woman." Give it a few years!

The most troubling bit of information contained in the piece is the following:

"With many conservative Presbyterians who were active in the church now gone, as well as the larger cultural shift toward acceptance of same-sex marriage, the decisive vote moved quickly toward approval, according to those on both sides of the divide."

There it is! Churches no longer follow the self-evident laws of Nature and Nature's God. From the Pope to the Protestants, many of today's churches are instead following "the larger cultural shift". Whatever happened to following the teachings of Jesus Christ? Remember him? The one that the Christian Churches profess to follow? Jesus (as well as Buddha, Confucius, Mohammad, Lao Tzu, Zoroaster etc) specifically warned followers to not follow "large cultural shifts". Here's a refresher course from the big J.C. himself, as quoted in the Book of Matthew:

“Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it."

What bloody purpose do the Christian churches or any other organized religion serve if they intend to follow "public opinion", as manufactured by Jewish Marxist Hollywood and the Jewish Marxist New York Slimes? The moment churches go down that road, they cease to be Godly entities inspiring virtue; and degenerate into little more than glorified social clubs following "cultural shifts". Heck; the preachers and priests may as well erect wide-screen TV's, order up a bunch of chicken wings, and turn the Sunday mass into a football party. Maybe bring in a bunch of scantily-clad harlots to serve beer and take bets. That ought to boost church attendance, eh Frankie?

Listen up Pope Frankie and Presbyterian Poofters. This is what a true "man of God" sounds like:

"The trend of legalizing 'gay marriage' is a very dangerous sign of the apocalypse.....Lately, we have enormous temptations, when a number of countries opting for sin is approved and justified by the law, and those who, acting in good conscience, are struggling with such laws imposed by a minority, being repressed. Everything must be done to prevent the approval of sin on the spaces of Holy Russia. Otherwise the people are embarking on the path of self-destruction” -Russian Patriarch, Kirill.

Unlike the pusillanimous Presbyterians and the Pontiff of Poofterism, the good Patriarch Kirill will not water down eternal truths in order to please The New York Slimes. Bless you Father!



God's Army is in Russia!

Mike King #fundie tomatobubble.com

* * *
When we do a Google Image search for the word "genius", the first thing, and I do mean, thing, we see is the wretched mug of Albert Einstein. Plug in the word "scientist", and again, St. Albert is the first face to populate. You can scroll and scroll way down those pages and not even find a hint of folks like Tesla, von Braun, Shockley, and other great names. Why is that? Was St. Albert really such a "genuius"? Or is this a case of the press pumping-up a fellow tribesman?

* * *


Einstein was a serial, psychopathic plagiarist. Einstein's plagiarism has been conclusively proven beyond doubt. (here) Indeed, Einstein's "Theory of Relativity" as well as his famous equation (E=Mc2), were actually published before Einstein claimed credit for them.


Einstein's "discoveries", stolen as they were, are still disputed to this day. Einstein himself expressed some doubts about his "theories". Though it is beyond the scope of this author to evaluate theories of physics, the fact that a minority of physicists continue to passionately insist that Einstein's ideas are false, is very intriguing. We wonder, for every one outspoken critic of Einstein, how many more scientists hold the very same doubts but are too intimidated to express them. Of even greater interest is the fact that the scientific doubters are often childishly ridiculed, but never openly debated. Hmmm.


"Einstein is a beggar dressed in purple clothes and made king using dazzling mathematics that obscure truth"...

"Relativity is a massive deception wrapped in a beautiful mathematical cloak.”

"The theory of relativity is a mass of error and deceptive ideas violently opposed to the teachings of great men of science of the past and even to common sense."

"The theory, wraps all these errors and fallacies and clothes them in magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. The theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king. Its exponents are very brilliant men, but they are metaphysicists rather than scientists. Not a single one of the relativity propositions has been proved."

"Relativity is a beggar wrapped in purple whom ignorant people take for a King."

Tesla's most scathing condemnation of the Marxist charlatan was penned in a 1934 poem entitled 'Olympian Gossip', written to a friend. In the poem, Tesla sarcastically mocks Einstein and calls him a "long haired crank". An excerpt:

While listening on my cosmic phone
I caught words from the Olympus blown.
A newcomer was shown around;
That much I could guess, aided by sound.

"There's Archimedes with his lever
Still busy on problems as ever.
Says: matter and force are transmutable
And wrong the laws you thought immutable."

Too bad, Sir Isaac, they dimmed your renown
And turned your great science upside down.
Now a long haired crank, Einstein by name,
Puts on your high teaching all the blame.

Says: matter and force are transmutable
And wrong the laws you thought immutable."
"I am much too ignorant, my son,
For grasping schemes so finely spun.

My followers are of stronger mind
And I am content to stay behind.



A pure creation of Jewish media hype, Einstein was a pathological attention seeker. The mad scientist enjoyed shooting hot air out of his lying mouth on every subject imaginable. Though his sycophant worshippers eagerly ate up his bullshit, astute observors such as the great satirist H.L. Mencken saw right through the Marxist clown. Mencken once referred to Einstein as "that fiend for publicity."


Einstein fled Hitler's Germany in 1933 not because he was Jewish, but because he was a politically active Marxist! Einstein held membership in more Communist front groups than one could shake a hammer and sickle at.
These activities continued upon his arrival to America, where he would later defend the traitorous Rosenbergs (executed in 1952 for having passed A-Bomb secrets to the Soviets). Einstein defended other Communist traitors as well (Oppenheimer, Robeson, Fuchs, DuBois etc). In 1947, Stalin's Pravda Newspaper named Einstein to its list of ‘Top-Ten Friends of the Soviet Union.’


Einstein the fraud was a self described "pacifist". However, during the 1930's, the "pacifist" suddenly became an fierce advocate for total war against Germany! The famous Einstein-Szilard letter, in which the two Jewish scientists urge the Jew owned President Roosevelt to develop an atomic weapon, was actually written during peacetime in August of 1939! The letter falsely accuses Germany of developing an atomic bomb (the original WMD's Lie!) and urges FDR to beat Hitler to the punch.
The genocidal Einstein was looking forward to the day when Berlin, one of his former homes, could be nuked! Ironically, Einstein was never invited to participate in the Communist infested Manahattan Project (which grew out of Einstein's letter) because the FBI deemed him a security risk. After the war ended, the USA and Stalin's USSR become bitter adversaries. Red Albert conveniently reverted back to "pacifism".


Einstein was an America basher. Not content with bad mouthing and betraying his former German host, Einstein had insults for his adopted American country as well. For example, this sarcastic gem: “Too many of us look upon Americans as dollar chasers. This is a cruel libel, even if it is reiterated thoughtlessly by the Americans themselves.”
While ignoring the racial basis for the "State of Israel", hypocrite Einstein constantly denounced American racism. (see 'Einstein The Racial Agitator' section below). The Red scientist also had harsh words for American anti-Communist patriots, denouncing the great Senator Joseph McCarthy among others.


Einstein condemned Nationalism (except for Israeli nationalism) and was very open in his support for a One World Government. He wrote, "There is no salvation for civilization, or even the human race, other than the creation of a world government."

Of course, it will be St. Albert's synagogue buddies who will be running this World Federation, presumably from Israel.


With World War II coming to a close, vindictive Jews worldwide openly called for the genocide of the German people. Indeed, this policy was partially implemented. Among the demonic voices demanding more blood was the "pacifist" Einstein.
He wrote: "The Germans can be killed or constrained after the war, but they cannot be re-educated to a democratic way of thinking and acting.”......it is hoped that by war's end, they will largely have been killed off."


In spite of segregation, American Blacks were making great economic progress in America during the 1940's & 50's. This didn't stop the ungrateful foreigner Einstein from routinely trashing America for it's "racism". He wrote, "Race prejudice has unfortunately become an American tradition which is uncritically handed down from one generation to the next."

The trouble making Einstein also joined the anti-White, Jewish funded NAACP, and became close friends with two of America's most notorious Black "race hustlers" - W.E. DuBois and Paul Robeson, both Communists.


Though not a religious Jew, Einstein was indeed an ethnocentric Jew who saw the world through a "Jews vs Gentiles" lens. In 1952, soon after Jewish terror gangs had ethnically cleansing Arab villages, Einstein was offered the presidency of the illegitimate State of Israel. He politely declined the offer: “I am deeply moved by the offer from our State of Israel, and at once saddened and ashamed that I cannot accept it.”

Mike King #racist tomatobubble.com

Waaa, waaa, waaa. Anti-Semitism everywhere! “Europe is being tested,”whines Ron Prosor, Israel's envoy to the United Nations. “We don’t need any more monuments commemorating the Jews who were murdered in Europe, we need a strong and enduring commitment to safeguard the Jews living in Europe.” - proclaims pouting Posner.
As the Four Tops of Motown fame used to sing, 'Now it's the same, old song..."

Most hit songs get played out relentlessly for a few months and then fade away. But not this one!
The recent mini-roar in anti-Israeli "world opinion" over the massacre in Gaza had already been muted by the 'Charlie Hebdo' false flag. But the Zionists aren't satisfied. With Sulzberger's Slimes firmly behind them, the butchers of Gaza are back at the U.N. in search of some sort of resolution condemning "anti-Semitism", with the ultimate goal of banning it. As an old Polish proverb used to say, "The Jew cries out in pain as he is beating you."
At some point in time one would think this 'same old song' would get so old and played out that it loses its effectiveness. But it never does, at least not in the degenerate West. Mandatory 'Holocaust education" in American public schools keeps the persecution pity party alive generation after generation after generation. In a perverse sort of way, one has to almost admire the audacity with which the Zionists are able to pull the double blue-striped woolen shawl over our eyes. If only they were to put that awe-inspiring fanaticism, organization, and long range planning to use for the good of all of mankind, and not just for their own tribe!
By constantly evoking pity from the bewildered specimens known as Boobus Americanus and Boobus Europithicus, the Zionist is able to neutralize his victims as he fleeces and bamboozles them at every turn. This manipulative game of "waaa, waaa, waaa" is quite a trick, and it did not begin with the "Holocaust" -TM. The game has been going on for a long, long time.
Ask William Shakespeare. He'll tell you!
Shakespeare was wise to the age-old 'waaa, waaa, waaa' routine:
"If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not avenge?"


- Shylock the money lender from 'The Merchant of Venice' (now banned in virtually all U.S. High Schools!) pleads his case before a magistrate; passionately explaining why he should be allowed to literally cut out a "pound of flesh" from a bankrupt debtor

Mike King #fundie tomatobubble.com

We have all heard of the "Super Rats" - those "miracles of Evolution TM" that have "mutated" into indestructible creatures immune to even the deadliest of rat poisons. With breathless enthusiasm the disciples of Darwin hail these creatures as smoking gun evidence of "evolution on steroids". How pathetic that the 'Super Rats' phenomenon is the best "evidence" the Evolutionists can muster in support of Darwin's 'simple first cell - to amoeba - to fish - to amphibian - to ape - to man' delusion. Here is a typical example, from the London Telegraph, of type of tommy-rot that passes for "science", and "journalism" these days:

New 'Super Rats' Evolve Resistance to Poison

Rats across Britain are evolving a resistance to poison that makes them almost impossible to kill, scientists have warned.

"Genetic mutations have produced a new breed of "super rat" with DNA that protects the vermin from standard toxins, according to Professor Robert Smith at the University of Huddersfield."

And this from PBS (Propaganda - Bullshit -Sophistry):

Pesticide Resistance

"The chemical arsenal we have developed in an attempt to rid our homes of rodents and our crops of insects is losing its power. We have simply caused pest populations to evolve, unintentionally applying artificial selection in the form of pesticides. Individuals with a higher tolerance for our poisons survive and breed, and soon resistant individuals outnumber the ones we can control."

And on and on the fallacy goes; promoted by the press, taught in the schools, enforced by the state, never questioned, and never challenged. The most frustarting part feature of this big lie is that is so simple to debunk. All it takes is a bit of thought and some common sense, yet the lie rolls on and on. Now you might say, "Wait a minute Mike. The Super Rat phenomenom is very real. The rats without immunity die. Those rats lucky enough to have the immunity survive, and the offspring of those survivors inherit the immunity. What's so hard to understand about that?"

Well, there is nothing hard to understand about that; and nobody disputes the existence of Super Rats. But the phenomoneom only demonstrates natural selection (or, in this case, artificially-induced natural selection). But the rat remains a rat! Nothing changed. Nothing "evolved TM". Nothing "mutated". Not a single additional line of complex genetic code was added to the overall rat gene pool that wasn't already there to begin with. The surviving rats were already genetically immune to the posion. The dead ones were not. What type of insane "scientist" would make the galactic leap-of-faith from this common-sense example of natural selection, all the way to the 'simple first cell - to amoeba - to fish - to amphibian - to ape - to man' scenario?

The bottom line remains: trans-species evolution TM- let alone trans-genus, trans-family, trans-order, trans-class, trans-phylum, trans-kingdom - has never been observed; neither in the fossil record, nor in the current natural world. And anyone who tries to use the 'Super Rats' as a means to circumvent this Darwinian difficulty is either a criminal, an insane person, or just someone who hasn't given the matter much thought.

Atheistic Evolutionists have yet to prove a single case of trans-species Evolution TM, yet, on the basis of 'Super-Rats', we are expected to jump all the way up the biological classification ladder to trans-Kingdom Evolution TM - which holds that both the lovely woman above and the inanimate rose that she is smelling have the same great grandmother [x].

To better dispel the Super Rat Fallacy, for the sake of those who still don't see through the scam, let make an analogy to biological weapons. The technology for engineering race-specific biological weapons does indeed exist. Let us all hope and pray that the weapons themselves do not exist in some secret laboratory! But suppose that some evil clandestine group were to poison the reservoirs and springs of Japan with a biological weapon that was lethal to people with a certain gene specific to Asiatics. (that's the analogy to the rat posion).

What would happen? Obviously, all of the Asiatic inhabitants of Japan would die after drinking the poisoned water. But what about the tiny minority of White expatriates, tourists, missionaries etc, present in Japan at the time of the great poisoning? The biological weapon wouldn't kill them. The "Whites of Japan" would survive, unchanged, and pass on their genetic immunity to the bio-weapon on to their offspring. (the analogy to the Super-Rat). One hundred years later, Japan could be a thriving island nation of 10 million White people.

Now, what type of deranged crackpot mad-scientist would then dare to hypothesize, no, declare, that the Asiatics of Japan "mutated" into White people? See my point? And yet, this is exactly the type of madness that the great and the good of Academia are shoving down our throats as they denounce doubters as "uneducated" and "anti-science". Dirty rats!

Mike King #fundie tomatobubble.com



The most obvious answer to the paradox of 'high IQ liberals' is that Universities, and even High Schools, have become infested with liberals/Marxists who miseducate their students. Though certainly true, the psychological roots of the mental disorder known as 'liberalism' run much deeper than these superficial intellectual causes.


During the formative years, children are praised for parroting back their ABC’s and 123’s. At an early age, the child’s delicate mind is already being conditioned to equate obedient regurgitation with praise, love, and self worth.

The brightest young learners are singled out to receive the most praise. Proud parents enthusiastically reinforce the praise of the teacher, showering the impressionable child with hugs and kisses. The inflation of the intelligent child’s ego, and the reflexive association of regurgitation with rewards, (including parental love!) are taking root.

With subjects such as reading, writing, and math, the system of obedient regurgitation and praise is a necessary and effective model of teaching. That’s because the ‘3 R’s’ are what they are. They cannot be distorted.

But with subjects such as History, Philosophy, Economics, Current Events, Political Science, and ‘Environmental Science’, the regurgitation / reward model leaves the student vulnerable to manipulation and erroneous information.

The ego-gratification associated with the regurgitation & praise model is reinforced throughout Middle and High School. It is during this time that the, ‘gifted & talented’ students are separated out from their ‘inferiors’ and taught to repeat such rubbish as:

•America’s Constitution is outdated.
•Karl Marx was a great philosopher.
•The Civil War was about slavery.
•FDR’s New Deal saved America.
•Germany started 2 World Wars.
•6 Million Jews were gassed in ‘The Holocaust’.
•Picasso was the greatest artist.
•Einstein was the smartest man who ever walked the face of the Earth.
•Senator Joe McCarthy was evil.
•Martin Luther King was a Saint.
•Capitalism is about greed.
•Socialism is about charity.
•Men and women are the same.
•There is no such thing as race.
•Man ‘evolved’ from pond scum.
•Global Warming is a proven fact.
•There are no government conspiracies.
•Homosexuality is normal.
•Guns and religion are evil.

Note: Many 'conservatives' also hold some of these views. We'll address them in another article.

The next big ‘doggie-treat’ for the young ‘straight A’ parrot, comes when she is accepted to a ‘prestigious’ University. Now she knows that she is really smart!

At college, the star student continues (to his benefit, and to his credit) to regurgitate the complex material of challenging subjects such as physics, engineering, statistics, calculus etc. However, he may also obediently regurgitate the Marxist crap contained in other subjects (electives). Because he has never had cause to question the undeniable veracity of the math and science content presented to him, why would he question what any other textbook or teacher tells him?

By now, the bright young scholar has been so psychologically conditioned that he is incapable of distinguishing between the fact based regurgitation of the objective courses (math, science, etc.), and the propaganda based regurgitation of the subjective courses (electives, humanities, etc). His ego is literally addicted to the praise/good grades of whatever godlike Marxist Professor is instructing him. The hard-earned (and expensive!) diploma represents the ultimate doggie treat and confirmation, in his mind, that he knows it all.

Taught to believe that ‘educated’ people read The New York Times, attend Modern Art exhibits, and watch Bill Moyers on PBS, the trendy post-Graduate libtard’s belief system is further reinforced by the Marxist Media culture.

When challenged on his belief system, the ‘educated’ libtard’s entire self worth is suddenly threatened. Telling him for example that Global Warming is a bunch of Marxist hooey is the equivalent, in his reactive mind, of saying that 2 + 2 is not 4! Because his bloated ego simply cannot bear the discomfort of being out-of-sync with the 'in crowd', the miseducated libtard will despise you, and insult you. His mental disorder runs deeeeep!

Should you press the issue with facts and hard data, watch the oh-so 'tolerant' and 'open-minded' libtard really come unglued! He will verbally attack you in a personal way, accuse you, vilify you, privately wish death upon you, and ultimately, run away from you.

The ‘educated’ libtard is merely an advanced Pavlovian show dog. Through years of studious regurgitation and positive reinforcement, he may have learned to design bridges, repair mangled bodies, program software, build companies from scratch, or design rockets. But he has never been taught the lesson of humility! He knows not how to philosophize – to think his own thoughts – to understand the world - to understand the inner nature of man - to be his own man. And his tragic 'hard wired' arrogance (insecurity) will prevent him from ever trying to.

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

Sometimes, even your astute reporter here at The Anti-New York Times and his instinctive feline sidekick will miss an opportunity to 'connect the dots' between seemingly unrelated events. The demonic schemers of the New World Order may confuse us for a while, but in the end, Mike & Sugar always bust their scheme. Bet on it! We apologize for missing this one last week, but better late than never.


Last week, as you will recall, The Anti-New York Times was quick to make mockery of the latest ISIS "beheading" video depicting two helpless Japanese "hostages".

From our January 25th issue:

"This latest Mossad stunt is particularly hilarious. The images of the orange jumpsuit-wearing Japanese "hostages" are far too defined - a sure indicator that the shots were taken in front of a screen with background added digitally. As always, the "victims", in spite of their imminent decapitation, remain calm and healthy looking for the camera. Then there is the question of, "Why would "Islamists" target Japan?". Ever since the U.S. established Japan as a colony following World War II, that country has not even been militarily involved in foreign affairs, not even in its own backyard. Israel has yet to be attacked by ISIS, not even verbally, yet the big bad Muslims are going after harmless Japanese?"

The article correctly asked the question: "Why would "Islamists" target Japan? Indeed, all Japan has done is provide financial and humanitarian aid for refugees, nothing else. But in failing to answer our own question, we missed the opportunity to solve a mystery whose secret was right under our noses, until now!


Regular readers of The Anti-New York Times & parent TomatoBubble.com don't need to be told that it was Russia and China that blocked the Zionist's unholy war against Syria (and Iran) in 2013. Recall now the dark warning issued by Killary Clinton that same year: "Russia and China will pay a price for standing up for the Assad regime." To that end, the US vassal state of Japan has been used to play a provocative anti-China role, similar to how Ukraine is being played to threaten Russia.

The sudden Japan-China controversy over a meaningless island is a Globalist-Zionist engineered "crisis" .


There is just one problem with the Japan-China scenario. You see, although Japan has the internal capability to field a formidable military force, it still has that pesky little pacifist clause in the Constitution which was imposed upon it by the victorious United States after World War II. Many Japanese are happy with their neutered military status and not having to be involved in Globalist operations. Circumventing the embedded pacifist Constitution is no easy task for Japan's US puppet President, Shinzo Abe.

If only - if only - there was some sort of "event" or "events" that could stoke world sympathy for Japan's constitution problem while pissing off the Japanese public to the point where the pacifist clause could be ditched.

See where we're going with this?

From today's Associated Press:

"What we should realize is that the Japanese are no exception to terrorist targets. We really should open our eyes to see this reality," Kunihiko Miyake, a former diplomat and researcher at a private think tank in Tokyo, told a news show on TV Asahi. "The levels of safety precautions Japan has taken up until now are not enough," he said. "We must review and step up security for Japanese, not only those abroad but here in Japan."

Japan's options for trying to free the hostages were limited. The military is confined by the constitution, drafted by U.S. occupying forces after World War II, to a strictly self-defense role and would be unable to stage a rescue attempt.

The video showing Goto's killing, purportedly from the Islamic State militants, carried chilling threats to single out Japanese anywhere as targets. Addressing Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, a man resembling a militant shown in other beheading videos by the Islamic State group says, "this knife will not only slaughter Kenji, but will also carry on and cause carnage wherever your people are found. So let the nightmare for Japan begin."

Poor Japenese. ISIS is even scarier than Godzilla!

Such drama queens these ISIS actors are! The press is now full of stories suggesting that the pacifist clause of the Japanese Constitution may finally be amended, with US blessing for sure! Amazing; all these years we were told that the the big bad "Japs" could never again be trusted to have a large and active military. All of sudden, no one seems to mind this recent talk about scrapping the pacifist clause; and what was long considered taboo in Japan itself is now "on the table"

In the wake of the "beheadings", those all-too-familiar "spontaneous" demonstrations and mushy candle-light vigils with professionally printed English-language insta-placards sprouted up across Japan. Yes indeed, ISIS (Israeli Secret Intelligence Services) played this one masterfully. Look out China, and Russia too. Israel, via its US puppet, is trying to put Japan in play against you. That's what you get for protecting Syria and Iran.

Mike King #racist tomatobubble.com

The nerve of a U.S. envoy to lecture Thailand about "civil rights". The Slimes quotes Daniel Russel: “Thailand is losing credibility in the eyes of its international friends and partners by not moving more quickly to end martial law, to restore civil rights and to ensure that this effort to engineer a new constitution and hold elections is not purely a top-down affair.”

Newsflash Zio-America! Most Asian countries no longer give a rat's rear-end about your pious posturing. Last May, Thailand's military threw out the pro-western "democratic" regime and Sulzberger doesn't like it. With the grace of God, the day may soon come when a truly "free world" defiantly declares to the Sulzbergers and the Satanyahus, in unison, to go pound kosher salt up their putrid posteriors.

Though we don't claim to be experts on the internal politics of Thailand, recent developments, combined with the Sulzberger Family's and the State Department's anger, are very positive signs. Another hopeful indicator is the growing popularity of Adolf Hitler, in Thailand!


Young Thais understand that you don't have to be White to appreciate the greatness of the Great One and his system (use the right hand when you 'Sieg Heil', sweetie).

Hitler Fried Chicken! Waffen SS themed weddings! Student NS marches!


Your intrepid reporter here rolling on the floor laughing in delight.

A government sponsored video teaches children to be disciplined and virtuous. It features Thai children painting a portrait of Hitler.

Hitler-mania is out in the open in Thailand, and the chosen ones are "horrified".


Forgive me, dear reader. I can't help myself!

The Globalist's interest and strategy in Thailand has to do with the general encirclement policy aimed at Russia and China. Thailand is to China what Ukraine is to Russia, sort of. Indeed, the military leaders of Thailand now have the support and friendship of China. Major railway projects linking Thailand to China have just been approved; a fact that western newspapers have lamented in recent months. Russia is also building ties with the new military government as well.

Let Sulzberger's scribblers whine all they want about "civil rights". We at The Anti-New York Times believe that the more nations that can break free of the NWO's "democratic" death grip - the better. Sieg Heil Thailand, sieg heil!

Burma - Thailand - Malaysia - Indonesia: All bucking the Globalists and forging ties to the Russia-China bloc. Keep that in mind should Thai Airliners start going down.

The recently ousted Thai Prime Minister was very flirtatious with Obongo. Sorry cutie, but Obongo plays for the "pink team".

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com


Last week marked the 10-year anniversary of the great Asian Tsunami which devastated Indonesia on December 26, 2004. Just two days after the media-hyped anniversary of what many believe was the result of an atomic 'Tsunami Bomb' detonated near an underwater fault, another tragedy struck Indonesia. Indonesian Air Asia flight QZ 8501 suddenly disappeared with 162 passengers and crew in board. No distress signal was issued and no cause has been determined. Adding to the mystery are bizarre images of what purport to be "floating bodies" and the usual dry-eyed, fake-crying crisis actors.

This terrorist disaster, and also the missing Malaysian Airliner from last spring (which later turned up in Ukraine?) have adversely impacted the reputation and stock price of both the Malaysian and Indonesian Airlines. The scribbling scumbags at Sulzberger's Slimes, those armchair experts on aviation, are today compounding the controversy by citing "renewed concerns" (by whom?) questioning the competence of Indonesian Airlines.

Could the nuclear-caused Tsunami of 2004 and last week's air disaster have been the work of the U.S.-Israel Axis of Evil? That shouldn't be too hard to figure out. You see, Muslim Indonesians have a very negative view of Israel. Indonesia (like Malaysia) has also become very close with the Russia-China trade bloc. A headline from this past week's 'New Straits Times' (Malaysia) proclaims: "Russia, China eyeing cooperation in Indonesia."

The New World Order is very worried about Muslim-majority Indonesia - a business-friendly and rapidly developing trade region with 250,000,000 people. As the aforementioned 'New Straits Times' piece explained:

"Envoys from Russia and China paid a visit to Indonesia’s coordinating minister for the economy, Sofyan Djalil, last Monday in an effort to scout for a stronger economic cooperation and discuss potential infrastructure development."

It's an all-too-familiar and oh-so-predictable pattern. Defy the Globo-Zionist crime syndicate, and weird "accidents" suddenly happen.

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

The sham fight against the CIA-Mossad sham terror group, ISIS, continues to play out like a phony 'soap opera' drama. In this propaganda piece, Sulzberger's Slimes tells of the difficulty in understanding the psychology and ideology which are "drawing so many recruits" to ISIS.

Of course, the real psychological answer to the riddle of ISIS's successful recruitment drive is much simpler than the Slimes would have you believe. Simply pay a convict or a slum-dog $100,000 per year and he'll gladly become a mercenary. Throw in the 'perks' of full rape access to the White Yazidi women of Iraq and the "psychology" of why so many degenerate low-lifes are "flocking to join ISIS" is no longer a mystery.

Cash and defenseless beautiful Aryan-Yazidi girls explain the "ideology" behind the volunteer scum of ISIS.

The scum of ISIS are about as "Muslim" as Italian Mafia members are "Catholic". True Muslims do not rape and terrorize.

The silly piece continues with elaborate descriptions of how ISIS sells oil to finance itself. Really? If that's true, then who's buying this oil? Who's refining it? Who's shipping it and to where? Are we to believe that the US, the EU, the Arab States and the rest of OPEC are all powerless to stop the alleged sale of this alleged oil? This doesn't make any sense, at all.

Nor does this bit of brazen bull-sugar from the article:

"General Nagata alluded to the Islamic State’s sophisticated use of social media to project and amplify its propaganda, and insisted the United States needed “people born and raised in the region” to help combat the problem.
I want to engage in a long-term conversation to understand a commonly held view of the psychological, emotional and cultural power of I.S. in terms of a diversity of audiences,” the general said. “They are drawing people to them in droves. There are I.S. T-shirts and mugs.”

Social media? T-shirts? Mugs? Who is actually manufacturing and selling these ISIS swag items? Where can one buy some? Is there a website address? Are the sales done online, at a local shopping mall, on QVC? Why can't the all-mighty NSA trace the IP addresses of the online networkers and salesmen? Why can't they be tracked down? Who is paying for the Internet service? Who is publishing these "terror websites": Go Daddy?

The fake 'beheading' videos cut to black just as the throats of the strangely calm 'victims' are about to be cut by the really bad actors in black. The 'victims' (an American, an American-Israeli, and a Brit) don't even squirm! Intense media pressure forced Obongo to "do something" in order to "stop ISIS".

To anyone willing to engage in just 60 seconds of critical thought, this ISIS nonsense reveals itself as so transparently fake as to be laughable. But as Hitler the Great, in condemning Germany's corrupt Weimar government of the 1920's, once observed: "What good fortune for governments that men do not think."

Therein lies the eternal curse of mankind.

Mike King #fundie tomatobubble.com

Once upon a time, the Evolutionists assure us, a “simple single-cell life form” spontaneously emerged out of a protein-rich “primordial soup”, which, they assure us, also existed. Through the process of binary fission, single bacterial cells divided into multi-cellular organisms. Over billions of years, the family tree branched out to include all living things; from blades of grass, to maggots, to Marilyn Monroe. It’s amazing what a “simple” cell can do!

Charles Darwin had proposed that the very first cell, the universal common ancestor of all life forms, could have formed "in some warm little pond." One of Darwin's supporters, the German biologist (and proven forger) Ernst Haeckel, examined a mixture of mud removed from the sea bed and claimed that this was a nonliving substance that turned into a living one. This so-called "mud that comes to life," is an indication of just how simple life was thought to be by the founders of "The Theory of Evolution" (bow your head in solemn reverence as you say that).

By invoking the simplicity of that original simple cell, Evolution is made to sound somewhat plausible, at least to the easily impressed. The mispresentation of the original simple cell, slowly “evolving” into more complex cells, and then into actual creatures over time, is the only way that the Evolutionists can even begin to sell their junk-science. So, let’s attack the theory at its very root, "the simple cell".

To make life easier for the Evolutionists, let us grant them a generous 'head-start' by not even asking where the “Primordial Soup” came from, or the Sun, or the amino acids and protein building blocks, or how the Earth and its chemical components all got here. Let’s focus only on the cell. The word cell comes from Latin, cella, meaning "small room", which is essentially what the cell is. The cell is the basic structural and functional unit of all living organisms. Cells are the smallest form of life that can replicate independently.

Prokaryotic cells were the earliest and “simplest” forms of bacterial life on Earth, as they have a self-sustaining process built into them. A prokaryotic cell has three regions, each with its own components. On the outside, flagella and pili project from the cell's surface. These structures are made of proteins that facilitate movement and communication between cells.

Enclosing the cell itself is the cell envelope – which consists of a cell wall covering a plasma membrane and a further covering layer called a capsule. The envelope gives rigidity to the cell and also serves as a protective filter and barrier against exterior forces. It also prevents the cell from expanding and bursting from environmental pressures.

Finally, inside the cell is the cytoplasm region that contains the complex coded genome (DNA). Prokaryotes can also carry extra-chromosomal DNA elements called plasmids, which encode antibiotic resistance genes.

So you see, dear reader, this bacterial “simple cell” which accidentally, randomly, and “unintelligently” popped up out of the “soup” is not so simple, at all. It's actually a multi-functional, multi-component, integrated, well-oiled and living machine that cellular biologists can spend an entire lifetime studying. If it were possible to shrink yourself to the size of an atom, and enter the walls of the “simple single cell”, and gaze about this microscopic world-within-a-world like some awestruck tourist, you would marvel at the suddenly visible nanotechnology enveloping you. Only this bit of orchestrated technology actually lives, mends itself, protects itself, feeds itself, and, get this, reproduces itself!

Sorry Chuckie D., but integrated complexity and living nanotechnology does not spring up without intelligence behind it. Even the atoms, the tiniest particles of matter within the "simple" cell, demonstrate an ordered and integrated complexity of their own. Every atom is composed of a nucleus made of protons and neutrons. The nucleus is surrounded by a cloud of electrons. The electrons are bound to the atom by the electromagnetic force, and the protons and neutrons in the nucleus are bound to each other by the nuclear force. Nothing "simple" about nuclear physics, Chuck!

All "simple" life is complex and integrated; and cannot come from non-life. Intelligence cannot come from non-intelligence. Consciousness cannot come from non-consciousness. The Darwinists and the Big Bangers need to go back to the drawing board and ‘check their math’. They won't though, because Godlessness and conceited arrogance walk hand-in-hand.

The mathematical "fingerprints" of an intelligent creative force are everywhere - snowflakes, galactic swirls, insect wings.


Mike King #fundie tomatobubble.com

‘Twas the night before Future Christmas
When all through the land
Not a Commie-Pinko is stirring
The Reds had been banned

Central Banking abolished
Gold and silver restored
Wall Street is tamed
Their ox has been gored

Taxes are light
With budgets in balance
Freed of debt slavery
Folks discover their talents

Hollywood is wholesome
Filth and porn no more
Kim Kardashian is history
That dirty little whore

The culture is reborn
The end of modern art
Rockwell and Rembrandt
Replace Picasso, that fart

America is at peace
To the Zionists dismay
No more wars for Israel
Hip Hip. Hooray!

The press is now free
Of lies and omissions
Conspiracies are exposed
Not concealed by Commissions

Jobs are plentiful
The middle class booms
Welfare cheats face reality
And forced to push brooms

The border is sealed
Illegals denied entry
Problem solved
It was so elementary

Traditional morality
Now back in fashion
As adulterers and queers
Conceal their dark passion

The crime rate has plummeted
As all citizens are armed
All those dead Trayvon Martins
Made the criminals alarmed

Justice has been served
With Obama and Bush in jail
Predator Drones and Smart Bombs
Got them arrested without bail

Academia is cleansed
Of false science and history
The truth of our past
Is no longer a mystery

The Fuhrer's great name
We did restore
No longer to blame
We admire him more

A girl is a girl
And a boy is a boy
Families are happy
Homes full of joy

If this kind of world
Sounds appealing to you
Then support TomatoBubble
Because we want it too!

By Mike King

Mike King #fundie tomatobubble.com

Not a day seems to pass without the sanctimonious charlatans at Sulzberger's Slimes taking a cheap shot at the "human rights violations" of some foreign bad-guy d'jour. Meanwhile, here in America, bakers, florists, photographers and other affiliated wedding professionals are being forced, under penalty of law, to provide service to the sodomite spectacles of Obongo's America. It's not enough for the homosexuals to have gained the "right" to "marry" (barf), now they are throwing hissy-fits over anyone who refuses to recognize the abomination. Where is that storied "tolerance" that the pious Left is always lecturing about?

The Slimes piece highlights the case of Jack Phillips, a Colorado baker whose two-year court battle is about to finally go to trial. Described as "an Evangelical Christian" - as if only Christians oppose "gay" marriage - Phillips politely declined to bake a queer cake for Charlie Craig and David Mullins. When the vindictive girly-boys promptly reported him to the authorities, the State Civil Rights Commission ordered Phillips to retrain all of his employees, who include his 87-year-old mother, and to produce a quarterly report detailing any refusals to bake. In response, Phillips has stopped accepting orders for any wedding cakes while he appeals the ruling.

In New York, a law judge fined Cynthia and Robert Gifford $13,000 for declining to rent their farmhouse for the wedding of two women. The couple paid the fine but has stopped accepting reservations for any more weddings while appealing. In California, a photographer was harassed by flash mobs of sodomite protesters and then fined. And on and on this growing litany of sad stories goes, and grows.

The legal cases are being fueled and fought by the American Civil Liberties Union; a legal front for Marxist subversion since 1920. For every business owner who has the means to stand his ground and fight the ACLU's legal terrorism, there are surely many more who just bite their tongues as they reluctantly obey the dictates of the sodomite newlyweds. In masking the pure evil of this outrageous tyranny, The Slimes uses the trick of presenting the two sides of this controversy in an impartial manner; homosexuals vs Christians: we report, you decide. In reality, the big story here is how innocent business owners are being terrorized by the sodomites on one end, and State governments on the other. There is no moral equivalence!

Even by the already low standards of just 10 years ago, godless America's accelerated descent into degeneracy is breathtaking to behold. It appears that a total societal collapse and prolonged period of suffering will be the only way that a rebirth of civilization will ever occur. As it is with trees, so it is with the affairs of man. The browning leaves must die off before the new buds can sprout.

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

The allegations that "America's dad" (barf!) is a degenerate, sex-crazed, scumbag serial rapist are not new. Bill Cosby's criminal drug 'em & rape 'em routine has been played out on unsuspecting, naïve women for decades. But the combination of his fame, his liberal pedigree, and, most of all, his protective pigmentation have allowed him to get away with these dastardly deeds, both in the legal system as well as in the media's "court of public opinion".

The real question here is, why now? Why, all of a sudden, has the piranha press been so mercilessly unleashed upon 'Dr. Huxtable'? Has Cosby pissed someone off? Could it be that the very same Zionist warmongers who took away Obongo's Democrat Senate and pulled his controlled approval rating down into the low 40's, are sending Cosby's pal Obongo a 'Sicilian message' along the lines of, "Hey swartsa-buy! Look how easily we just destroyed the most beloved Black man in America." It is also interesting to note that yesterday's front page of the New York Slimes carried a tax evasion story about the previously untouchable and Obongo-connected Al Sharpton. What is going on here?

Cosby adores the homosexual pervert Obongo so much, he even took to the Sunday Morning talk shows to defend him.

Even amidst the "get Cosby" campaign, there remains the proverbial '800-pound gorilla in the living room' that no one seems to want to talk about. (No, not Mr. Moochelle Obongo!) Pardon your humble reporter here for having the impertinence to notice that all of Cosby's known accusers, to date, have been White women. May we ask; is there something more than just lustful "horniness" driving Cosby's sociopathic behavior? Could it be that "America's dad" derives a perverse satisfaction from debasing and degrading "the White man's woman"?

Eldridge Cleaver was a "civil rights activist" and convicted rapist who became an early leader of the Black Panther Party. While in prison, he wrote Soul on Ice (1968). In the book's most controversial passages, Cleaver freely acknowledges committing acts of rape, stating that he initially raped black women in the ghetto "for practice" and then embarked on the serial rape of white women. He described these crimes as politically inspired, motivated by a genuine conviction that the rape of white women was "an insurrectionary act".

Was Cosby's serial raping of naïve younger White women a manifestation of Cleaver's own psychotic desire to degrade 'Whitey'? You know it was! But don't expect Sulzberger to even touch that issue with a 10-foot pole. For you see, it is people like Sulzberger who have brainwashed, agitated and instigated men like Cleaver and Cosby to prey upon the naive White females of America and Europe. Of course, serial rapists and their victims, come in all colors and ethnicities. We understand that. But this particular form of rape clearly has a racial component to it that needs to be understood, especially by young White girls.

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com


The host Brazilians were matched up against Germany in a semifinal match played in the city of Belo Horizonte. Though the Germans were considered a slightly stronger team, and Brazil was without two key players (due to very weird occurrences which we will visit later), Brazil's "12th man" (the screaming home crowd) was expected to be an equalizing factor in a close match.

Just 11 minutes into the match, Germany scored its first goal when Brazilian defender David Luis failed to cover his assigned man, Thomas Muller, after a 'corner kick'. The pathetic spectacle of Luis, considered one of the world's best players, arriving at the last moment to try and avert a disaster that had already happened, was stunning for any knowledgeable soccer fan to behold. Oh well, even the great Brazil makes mistakes, right? Germany 1, Brazil 0.

In the 23rd minute, Germany scored again as certain Brazilian players seemed to wander about in a trance. Germany 2, Brazil 0.

Literally 1 minute later, Germany's Toni Kroos volleyed home a goal, again, while unmarked by any defender. Germany 3, Brazil 0

Two minutes later, Kroos scored again after the Brazilian Fernandinho carelessly gave up the ball in Brazil's half of the field. Germany 4, Brazil 0.

In the 29th minute, there came another easy goal, the 5th in just 18 minutes. Germany 5, Brazil 0.

Many Brazilian supporters in the crowd were reduced to tears and a state of shock. Germany would go on to add a 6th & 7th goal in the 2nd half, as well as missing a few other good opportunities. The match could easily have ended up 10-0! Only in the final minutes of play did the Brazilians manage to avoid a shutout.

Final score: Germany 7, Brazil 1.


Allegations of match-fixing exploded across the Internet. Videos of all 7 of Germany's easy goals gave the appearance that the Brazilians, or least a bunch of them, weren't even trying. Defenders can be seen jogging after German players who are in full sprint. World-class players stand around and look at each other like retarded children during a school recess game. Brazilian players fall down without being touched, while others turn their backs from the attacking Germans. The goal-keeper appears out of place, making theatrical dives only after the ball has already gone into his own goal. No one can deny that the play of the Brazilian team certainly mimicked that of a bribed team trying to throw the match (as has happened in international play before).

There is just one problem with this 'conspiracy theory'; a problem which rendered the idea totally unrealistic in the eyes of the deniers. You see, Brazilian soccer stars are all multi-millionaires. Moreover, had they won the World Cup, they would have become immortalized and even wealthier. The conspiracy deniers had a very valid point. Why would multi-millionaires throw away a chance at immortality for money they didn't need? Previous match-fixing allegations have centered around poorer African or Central American players, but not the filthy rich Brazilian National superstars.

It is extremely unlikely, if not impossible, that the superstars of Brazil were bribed. But what if they were blackmailed and/or threatened? Where are we going with this?

Enough of sports for now. Let's talk geo-politics.



On the eve of the 2014 World Cup, in TomatoBubble's June 10th issue of its Daily Anti-New York Times, (which you really should subscribe to!), your intrepid reporter here praised President Rousseff for her bold action in preventing a repeat of the fake CIA 'soccer revolution' attempted in 2013. Although Rousseff is a socialist, she is neither a psycho dogmatic Marxist nor a kept U.S. stooge, and she appears to have the interests of her rapidly developing nation at heart. When the rent-a-mobs threatened, Dilma proved to be "more of a man" than Ukraine's dethroned and de-balled Yanukovich ever was!


In spite of the ceaseless efforts of the cruel U.S. 'Grinch' to ruin Brazil's big National party, it appeared as though Brazilian soccer fans would be able to enjoy their cherished World Cup tournament in peace, and, hopefully, cheer their hometown sports-gods onto a 6th World Championship.

But did the Axis of Evil have a hidden card left to play?


As the World Cup tournament entered its final week, Brazilian soccer passion was at a fever pitch. The 32 team field had been narrowed down to just 4, and the host-nation team was one of them, along with Germany, Argentina and Holland. Brazil was set to face Germany in the July 8th semi-final match, to be played in the city of Belo Horizonte. (The World Cup tournament games were played out in 12 different cities)

On July 3rd, just 5 days before the big game, and 1 day before Brazil defeated Columbia in the quarterfinals, an unfinished highway overpass collapsed in, of all places, Belo Horizonte, not far from the stadium. The collapse killed two people and injured 22 others. (here) Could someone have been sending a 'Sicilian message' to Brazil's players? Were they, or their families under personal threat in addition to being blackmailed over God knows what they may have been set up with?

"Just a little reminder boys, we mean business. Next time we'll kill many more. You know what to do in the semi's!"

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

Fear, fear, fear, fear, and more fear. During the time that Ebola has arrived in America and allegedly killed one man in Dallas, as many as 200 people have died from choking on food, 250 from boating accidents, 3,000 from automobile accidents, 1,000 from homicides, and 5 from lightning strikes. (based on monthly averages from CDC statistics) If Sulzberger's Slimes were to treat each of these tragedies with the same degree of fearful hype it is giving to the Ebola virus, most people would never drive, eat solid foods, or leave the house ever again!

Something is clearly going on here. We have already covered the plot to destabilize Africa and prevent it from developing and forging close ties with the Russia-China bloc. But it now appears as though there is an American domestic component to Ebola-Mania as well. Beware the vaccine, if there is one.

But there may also be another angle to this strange pre-election "crisis". We can only hypothesize at this point, but what if Ebola-Mania is the new 'Benghazi-Gate'? What if the intent here is to create so much dissatisfaction with Homo-Obongo's handling of "the Ebola crisis" that the Republicans sweep to big majorities in the coming Congressional and Senate elections?

It is an open secret that Homo-Obongo lacks the stomach and the desire to blow up the Middle East and kick off World War III. Not to defend this vile Communist charlatan, but his self-stated main focus is to "fundamentally transform America", not to start World War III, or at least not in the Middle East. His Globalist-Marxist black heart is just not into 'Greater Israel'.

If the coming and expected GOP Ebola landslide puts the likes of Israeli assets John McCain and his limp-wristed sodomite sidekick Lindsey Graham in charge of the U.S. Senate, an utterly neutered Obongo can be stampeded into war or even impeached. During campaign rallies for GOP Senate candidates, McCain has criticized Obongo's "mishandling" of the Ebola crisis (here) and calling for, as always, more troops to be deployed to Africa!

The fact that Israel's neo-con shock jocks of Talk Radio are slamming Obongo so hard over his "mishandling of Ebola" is, in poker parlance, known as a clear and unmistakable "tell". During today's Geraldo Rivera radio show, the liberal turned neo-con fraud lamented about Obama's "detached handling" of this crisis and his shocking "too cool for school" attitude towards his job. The CIA asset and half-Jew later went on to predict that in spite of legitimate concerns surrounding Ebola, the scare will pass and no longer be remembered in a few months. He added that ISIS, on the other hand, "will still be here next year and remain a problem for years to come."

If Ebola-Mania should suddenly begin to subside soon after the November elections (less than 3 weeks away), the blackmail theory will have been proven. Keep your eye on the coming elections and the new crop of Adelson-owned Republican Zionist crazies sure to be arriving in Congress next January.

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

Today's front page is dominated by the co-winner of this year's fake Nobel Peace Prize; the fake "children's rights" activist from Pakistan, Malala Yousafzai. The other winner, Kailash Satyarthi, an Indian man who has saved enslaved children (we are told), gets 2nd billing to Saint Malala.

In 2012, the then 15 year old Malala, (we are told), was shot in the head and neck at point-blank range while returning home on a school bus. The culprits (we are told) were the big bad Muslim Taliban of 9/11 fame, who (we are told) oppose education for girls.

At a time when the controversy surrounding Obongo's drone killings of innocent children was at its peak, the "shooting" of Malala once again reminded Boobus Americanus and Boobus Europithicus as to why the CIA's bombings of Pakistan and Afghanistan are necessary.

How convenient.

The Malala Hoax took the steam out of the anti-drone movement.

"Drones kill so Malala can live." ...WOW!

After being allegedly shot in the head, Malala was rushed to a military hospital, and then to Britain as soon as her condition "stabilized".

A simple bandage on a bloodless head wound and fake Malala was back up and running her lying mouth in no time!

The pinko press and dignitaries such as the UN's Ban Ki Moon, the Hildebeast and Obongo (another Nobel Peace Prize winner) all rushed to condemn the horrible attack. And yet, the names of the other two girls allegedly shot on the bus remain unknown. Also unknown to the world are the names of the children in Pakistan, some of whom lived in towns close to Malala, who have been killed by Obongo's Predator Drones.

Soon after her "recovery", superstar Malala went on to resume her studies and her CIA agitation against Islam. While tour-speaking on behalf of "children's rights" (for a fee!) with her fake speech slur, never once has this wicked little CIA asset made mention of the Pakistani boys and girls being killed by US-CIA drone strikes. Instead, Malala, now a best-selling author, even visited with Obongo, the very man who authorizes the drone killings!

Malala was a 'Sandy Hook' scam which took place a few months before the fake shootings of Sandy Hook. Her fake shooting has taken all the attention away from the drone murders of Pakistani and Afghan children. To see Sulzberger's Slimes and the sanctimonious hypocrites of the 'International Community" puff this phony little she-devil up to super-hero status is hard to believe, and even harder to stomach.

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

Yesterday, it was a massive front page attack ad aimed at Russia. Remember?

Putin's Way

NY Times: It Pays to Be Putin’s Friend

Today, Sulzberger's Slimes is running an equally in-your-face article and huge photo aimed at China. The Wicked Witch of Washington wasn't joking when she wailed in 2013:

"Russia and China will pay a price for standing up for the Assad regime."

Today's big story tells of a "spontaneous" student uprising a horrible "crackdown" taking place in Hong Kong (part of China for past 20 years). As loyal readers of The Anti-New York Times are well aware of by now, yet unbeknown to most of the silly young University punks of Hong Kong, these types of protests are the clear handiwork of the CIA. The fact that factory workers have joined the students is further evidence that this is a "color revolution' maneuver.

Due to the fact that Hong Kong had been under British sovereignty until the Transfer of 1997, and still retains a degree of autonomy from China, 'The Agency' has always been able to maintain a strong presence in Hong Kong. Recall that it was Hong Kong flash-mobs, waving professionally made English language signs and banners, which greeted the CIA fake 'whisteblower' known as Edward Snowden.

Sulzberger's Slimes works hand-in-hand with the CIA. The Slimes is the motor of what 1960's CIA Political Warfare Director Frank Wisner once referred to as the "mighty Wurlitzer (jukebox)" that is the controlled front groups and elements of the American propaganda press. Wisner once boasted that his apparatus was “capable of playing any propaganda tune I desired.”

The screaming jukebox of jive-talk that is the American Press can be expected to follow The Times lead of bashing China over its "human rights violations" of the "pro-democracy protesters". Expect Secretary of State FrankenKerry and Homo-Obongo to also express their pious "concern". Let us hope that China will not react to this street scum, these deluded dupes, these western wannabees as weakly and as pathetically as Ukraine's former President did.
Mr. Li Ping, The Anti-New York Times will tell you exactly what we told President Yanukovich in our January 26th issue:

JANUARY 26: The Ukrainian government was foolish to think that the so-called "opposition" (CIA-Soros rent-a-mobs) could be pacified by inviting a few of its political leaders into the government. This was the same fatal error made by many Kings and Prime Ministers of the 19th century. In each case, they ended up dispossessed, or even dead. There can never be coalitions nor compromises with evil doers who wish to destroy you. The more one compromises, the bolder a psychopath becomes.
President Yanukovich, .... Crush these bastard "protesters" with maximum power! ....put away the tear gas and rubber bullets and roll in the tanks and helicopter gunships. Target the mob leaders one by one and "disappear" them. Round up your traitorous politicians who are supporting this rebellion, and arrest them. If this is not done soon, Ukraine will fall into the hands of the West...
Crush this CIA-Soros "revolution" into a million little pieces - now!
Did your intrepid reporter nail that or what?! Yanukovich refused to listen and barely escaped Kiev with his life. Idiot! Let's hope that the Chinese leadership is reading the Anti-New York Times, and that it has learned the lesson of Kiev.

The spoiled, bratty, wannabee-western, know-it-all, vulgar college punks of CIA-infested Hong Kong need to be taught a painful lesson in respect!

Mike King #racist tomatobubble.com

Strike up the violins and break out the barf bags. The poor little defenseless Jews who, by the way, own the bloody West - lock, stock, and barrel - are concerned about a recent rise in European 'anti-Semitism' -TM. As evidence of Europe's possible "return to 1939" (palm to face,sigh), Sulzberger's Jew York Slimes cites a handful of isolated incidents which took place on this continent of 300 + million people:

•A single pro-Gaza protester in France allegedly yelled, "Gas the Jews!"
•A synagogue in Germany was allegedly attacked by a Molotov Cocktail.
•A Swedish Jew was allegedly beaten up just for being Jewish.

Assuming that these were actually true stories and not staged events (which Jews are well known for!), this is hardly the equivalent of 14th - 19th century pogroms,-TM in which angry villagers, reminiscent of those old Frankenstein movies, would grab their torches, march into the Jewish quarter, and vent their righteous indignation upon the local well-poisoners, child-sacrificers, and loan sharks. Ah, the good old days when European men were men!

An old Polish proverb states: "The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you." The Zionists have perfected this technique to an art form. Just look at what they recently did to the poor people of Gaza. Bibi Satanyahu murdered 2000 of them; the whole time whining about the harmless rockets which Hamas was allegedly firing back.

By constantly evoking pity from the bewildered specimens known as Boobus Americanus and Boobus Europithicus, the Jewish Supremacist is able to neutralize his victims as he fleeces and bamboozles them at every turn. This manipulative game of "waaa, waaa, waaa" is quite a trick, and it did not begin with the "Holocaust" -TM. The game has been going on for a long, long time.

Ask William Shakespeare. He'll tell you!

Shakespeare was on to the age-old 'waaa, waaa, waaa' routine:
"If you prick us do we not bleed? If you tickle us do we not laugh? If you poison us do we not die? And if you wrong us, shall we not avenge?"

- Shylock the money lender from 'The Merchant of Venice' (now banned in virtually all U.S. High Schools!) pleads his case before a magistrate; passionately explaining why he should be allowed to literally cut out a "pound of flesh" from a bankrupt debtor.

"Oy vey! Shakespeare is an Anti-Semite!"

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com


Lily White Skin, Red Hair and a Classic Ashkenazi Jewish Nose


These "Arabs" could sure use some sunblock!

ISIS = Israeli Secret Intelligence Service

Where exactly is this ISIS (Israeli Secret Intelligence Service?) based? Where do they sleep? Where do they do their banking? How did they pay for their fleet of pick-up trucks and sophisticated weaponry? How are they feeding and re-equipping their fighters? Where do their injured fighters get medical treatment?

What Internet Provider Service is allowing them to post videos and issue 'recruitment' tweets? How did the all-intrusive NSA miss the creation of this group? Why can't the CIA. MI6 and Mossad infiltrate them and smash them from within? Why can't we pinpoint them via satellite and smash them in their tents or barracks? How did such a formidable force like ISIS just seem to materialize out of nowhere and overnight? Why don't they attack or even threaten to attack Israel?

Does the following quote from the Slimes piece make any sense to you?

"But Western intelligence services are also worried about their extraordinary command of seemingly less lethal weapons: state-of-the-art videos, ground images shot from drones and multilingual Twitter messages."

If ISIS is indeed "using every contemporary mode of messaging to recruit fighters", as the article says, then why not answer their want ads and infest their ranks with undercover Arab agents? Then simply follow them to their lair, and destroy them. What is so difficult here?

How exactly does ISIS's 'social media recruitment' campaign work anyway? Are they placing ads on Craigslist? CareerBuilder?


Sons of the Caliphate! Join the ISIS brigades! See the world! Rape women! Kill infidels! Death to America! For immediate consideration, attach resume with cover letter and salary requirements.
Or call us at 1-800-LAN-GLEY / Follow us on Twitter #KilltheInfidels


A spy show on the Fx network (FOX Group) - a network which openly admits to having a CIA producer for its hit series, The Americans (here) - solves these mysteries for us. The name of the spy series is 'Archer'. Here is the description from the Fx website:

"Archer is an animated, half-hour comedy that revolves around the International Secret Intelligence Service (ISIS) and the lives of its employees. Although their work of espionage, reconnaissance missions, wiretapping and undercover surveillance is daunting and dangerous, every covert operation and global crisis is actually just another excuse for the ISIS staff to undermine, sabotage and betray each other for personal gain."

The fakery doesn't get anymore 'in-your-face' than this!

These sicko and psycho elites love doing this type of stuff. They must derive some perverted thrill from deceiving the brain-dead public and in plain sight no less. These types of hints were also dropped in TV shows during the years preceding the 9/11 attacks and also the months before the Sandy Hook non-shooting.

Sulzberger's scribblers at the Slimes are all part of this sick murderous Global 'great game' that has been going on since at least the days of the French Revolution. The same NWO Mafia that spawned ISIS, also controls The Slimes.

Case closed!

"Arab" ISIS fighters hide their faces and hands because they don't want you to see that so many of them are Caucasian (CIA-Mossad). Why else wear gloves in the hot dessert?

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com


This piece is NOT about Sports.

The Commissioner of MLB Baseball is Jewish

The Commissioner of NBA Basketball is Jewish
*As was his predecessor

The Commissioner of NHL Hockey is Jewish
*As was his predecessor (then called 'NHL President)

The Commissioner of MLS Soccer is Jewish

The Commissioner of NFL Football is NOT Jewish

NFL Football is truly America's national obsession. Yet, in spite of the fact that 30% of NFL team owners are Jewish, the Jews have never been able to install a fellow "Tribesman" as a Commissioner.

What to do? What to do?

Perhaps we can publicly expose some of the misdeeds of NFL players (as if THAT was anything new!) - and then call for Goodell's scalp?

The Jew Sulzberger's New York Times, the Jew Zuckerman's New York Daily News, and the Jew Iger's ESPN have all been pounding NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell for Ray Rice hitting his wife, and Adrian Peterson for hitting his son.

But Roger Goodell has no control over the off-the-field actions of 1500 NFL players. What is the real game here?

If Goodell is forced out, and "the first Jewish Commissioner" takes his place, we shall know what the game was all about.

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

Fear not, people of Western Africa! The most mighty and merciful military of Homo-Obongo is on its way to shoot and drone bomb those Ebola cells to death. And while our fighting men (and women, and trannies) are in the neighborhood, we might as well secure your oil and gold; just so those precious resources do not fall into the hands of the CIA, er, I mean 'Boku Haram' of "Bring Back Our Girls" fame.

Most importantly of all, we want to stop those awful, Putin-loving, Syria-loving, Iran-loving Chinese from taking advantage of you. You must realize that those loans and fancy development projects that China is helping you with is all just a commie trick. It is only Zionist America that truly loves you. We even wrote an astonishingly condescending Christmas song about you people. Sing it with me:

"And there won't be snow in Africa this Christmas time. The greatest gift they'll get this year is life. Where nothing ever grows, where rain nor river flow. Do they know it's Christmas time at all?"

You see, we really do love our African brothers!

In all seriousness now, this is truly some diabolical stuff here. First the fake Boku Haram "Islamic terror group" was unleashed upon Africa (as McCain the Insane called for an invasion to 'bring back our girls'); followed by a sudden outbreak of the deadly Ebola virus just a few months later; an outbreak which many African villagers have accused the CIA front known as "Doctors Without Borders" of deliberately spreading. (here)

Indeed, ever since the Hildebeast warned Africa about its growing (and mutually beneficial) trade with China, a string of 'bad luck' has afflicted Western Africa. Yes, that's it; 'bad luck'. Right.

What an atrocious and murderous dirty game is being played against those Western African nations that have dared to defy Globalist orders. Starting with the murder of Qaddafi (Africa's unofficial leader), followed by frequent Africa bashing from Sulzberger's Slimes, followed by the massive expansion of AFRICOM, followed by the aforementioned Boku Haram/Ebola '1-2 punch'; the NWO's secret dirty war against Africa (Nigeria and Sudan most of all) goes hand-in-hand with the dirty wars against Syria & Iran, and the dirty war against Russia, China, North Korea, Lebanon, Malaysia, Bangladesh, India, Brazil, Argentina, Venezuela, Mars, Jupiter et al.

But the era of the dirty wars may soon be drawing to a close, as actual shooting wars now loom ominously over three continents.

So, Africa; how do you like that first Black U.S. President now?

Mike King #fundie #homophobia tomatobubble.com

The sodomite lobby has finally done it! Put away your green clothes and get ready for "the wearin' of the pink" in 2015. After decades of agitation, the rainbow brigades have broken the Catholic Church's will to resist. Hence forward, the sons of Sodom will proudly march under their own banners on what was once the Irish-Catholic Holiday of St. Patrick's Day. Of course, this festival of drunkenness had long since ceased to be a commemoration of St. Patrick or any form of spirituality for that matter. Like Catholic Mardi Gras, the hedonistic affair of St. Patrick's Day has devolved into the worship of St. Guinness, St. Heineken and St. Budweiser instead. But there at least remained some remnant of traditionalism to the affair. You can forget that now.

When the homosexual hordes march past New York's venerable St. Patrick's Cathedral next year, no doubt led by New York's openly Communist Mayor with the lesbian wife, Sulzberger's sleazy Slimes will almost certainly feature the 'historic' march of homosexuals on its front page. Your tea-totaling reporter here at The Anti-New York Times will bet you a whole keg of green (or pink) beer on that prediction!

The homosexuals of New York already have an annual 'Gay Parade' (which I had the 'pleasure' of catching a glimpse of back in my New York days. Yikes!), so why must they insist on marching as homosexuals and under homosexual banners on St. Patrick's Day? Why not march as regular people of Irish descent, or simply as 'Irish-for-a-day' revelers?

The reason for the obsession with the St. Patrick's Day Parade is simple. By marching as homosexuals, in front of children no less, on what was originally a Catholic holiday, the sons of Sodom (unwittingly in service of Zion) can flash a huge middle finger (and God knows what else) at the targeted Cathedral of St. Patrick, and the Catholic Church in general.

Oh the Satanic joy they will feel in their hearts as they strut past the Grand Cathedral which they once stormed during services, blowing whistles and throwing hundreds of condoms (some of them semen-filled) at horrified worshippers, before chaining themselves to the pews.

And now, they have won.

And what does the 'New World Pope', that feckless Marxist-loving weakling in the Vatican have to say about this latest step towards cultural oblivion? (cue Crickets) Or how about his emissary, Cardinal Dolan of New York? (cue Crickets) Evidently, the camera-seeking Pope Francis is too busy commemorating the 'HoloHoax', promoting illegal immigration, and kissing women's feet to concern himself with this latest affront to what was once an important institution for the moral stability of the West.

Compare the sinful silence of the 'New World Pope' on these controversial matters to that of a true spiritual leader, Patriarch Kirill of Russia. Here's Kirill on recognition of homosexual marriage:

"a very dangerous sign of the apocalypse ...it means people are choosing a path of self-destruction".

Amen Father. AMEN!

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

In today's stinking propaganda poop-pie, Sulzberger's slippery scribblers attempt to slip by what sales professionals refer to as an assumptive statement. The 'assumptive close' involves the casual statement of something as an unchallenged fact; and then, regardless if the statement is true or not, building a case upon it. The trick is to slip in the assumptive so subtly that the target accepts its veracity without question.

By headlining the lie that the purpose of NATO's "Rapid Response Force" is "to respond to increased Russian intervention in Ukraine", the foundational assumption of "increased Russian intervention" is cleverly stated as a given, even though it is false. This narrows the debate down to how NATO should respond, without ever challenging the false underlying premise itself. It is like saying, "Mr. Doe. My product will cure your bad breath problem. Now will you be paying with cash, check or charge?", when Mr. Doe doesn't even have a bad breath problem to begin with!

In reality, Russia's lack of intervention is driving the warmongering Globalists nuts! They had hoped by now that Putin would have taken their bait and kicked off World War III. But the tenacity and fighting spirit of the freedom fighters of eastern Ukraine has defeated puppet Kiev without the need for direct Russian assistance. The Globalists have now been forced to invent Russian invasions in order to justify the creation of Rapid Response Forces.

It is clear by now that US-NATO-Zion is intending to have its war come hell or high water. The longer Putin refuses to take the bait, the more outrageous the provocations will become. This is exactly how Germany was baited into attacking Poland, and Japan into attacking Pearl Harbor. When Russia's inevitable and justifiable self-defense move comes, you can be sure that Sulzberger's dirty journal will be screaming bloody murder, exactly as it did in 1939 and 1941!

Mike King #racist tomatobubble.com

The forbidden truth regarding the history of global genocide against ancient Aryan peoples is an "open secret" for anyone willing to do some basic research. From India to Central Asia to Germany, ancient Mongols, Turks and Huns have murdered or enslaved millions of Eurasian Aryans while destroying their artworks and centers of learning. North American Native legends (as well as archaeological evidence) strongly suggest that a “War on Whites” also occurred in North and Central America, long before Al Sharpton, Barack Obongo, Eric the Red Holder, and 'La Raza' came along.

This all makes for fascinating history, but that’s not the purpose of this piece. What is, you ask? To quote the Spanish philosopher George Santayana, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” It's reality check time folks! The various fair skinned peoples are once again being targeted in an unmistakable “War on Whites” which is being orchestrated by Zionist supremacists; a Caucasian subset which seeks to be the only Caucasian race in town.
It is not for nothing that a Jewish playwright named Israel Zangwill coined the term “The Melting Pot”.

The Zio-Globalist goal is to “blend” out and eventually, by instigating other races, kill out the last of the Aryans / Whites, especially those of the purer Nordic variety. Oh you foolish, deluded liberals of Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Britain, Canada, Germany, Holland and American Suburbia! You pathetic and undeserving heirs of the great Viking bloodlines. Can you not see that your good and gentle natures are being skillfully used against you in a Judo-like (or shall we say 'Jewdo-like) fashion? Can you not see the bold-lettered obituary written on the wall of your future? Can you not see the bewildered and desperate faces of your own unborn grandchildren (what few of them there will be) cowering on those Peruvian and Iraqi mountain tops?


Tolerance and respect for other peoples and cultures does not mean that the descendants of Europa should dismantle their own cultures, finish off their bloodlines, and turn over their nations to Jewish Supremacists and their unwitting third world shock troops. God forbid! You see, those high-sounding platitudes about "multi-culturalism" and "tolerance" and "diversity" are really not about "love". Not at all. No, the anti-White agenda is all about HATE!

The intensely racist Jewish Supremacist has always been consumed with a malevolent envy of Aryans. Jewish Supremacists also believe that with "the evil White Man" gone, they will more easily lord over the "schwartzas", browns and yellows; all of whom they look down their lying hooked noses upon.

Unless “dumb blonds” (a Jewish Supremacist slur!) and others of the European Family wake up and bloody damn soon, the last pure remnants of today’s childless, ageing, decadent and "diversifying" Western Aryans could, within a generation or two, find themselves holed up in the mountain tops of the Rockies and the Alps - just like the terrified Chachapoyas of yesteryear, and the terrified Yazidis of today. Alarmist you say? The Yazidis of Iraq and the Cloud People of Peru must have once thought so too; to say nothing of the 400,000 dirt-poor White South Africans now languishing in the decrepit squatter camps of the very nation their ancestors built.

Wake up Whitey. Off of your knees and wake up!

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

In the June 18 issue of The Anti-New York Times, we made the following forecast about ISIS, the new super villain that had just popped up out of nowhere:

"And now, just when the Iraqi government seemed to be getting too chummy with Iran, it's back in we go. But first, a pretext was needed; ISIS.
The ISIS "uprising" is a US-Israel engineered plot using provocateurs, mercenaries, "jihadist" fanatics, and NGO's. The Axis of Evil and its various puppets seek to smash any independent Middle Eastern state that refuses to bow down to Greater Israel.

Apart from its relationship with Iran and proximity to Syria, the other reason for blowing up Iraq has to do with planned chaos. The Zionist dream of a Greater Israel, to stretch from Iraq to Egypt, requires fragmented and weak Arab states that can later be ethnically cleaned." (emphasis added)

In the wake of the fake beheading of a CPR dummy standing in for known CIA asset James Foley (here), as well as other real ISIS atrocities, now comes the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff to make the closing argument. From today's article:
“Can they (ISIS) be defeated without addressing that part of the organization that resides in Syria? The answer is no.”

This is all so transparent now. What a brilliant set of strategic maneuvers we have witnessed over the past year or so. Here is a review of the events which have us on the brink of the very same Middle East war that was narrowly averted last year:

1. September 2013: Russia and China block an attack upon Syria (and Iran) by openly flexing their military muscle in the Mediterranean Sea
2. March 2014: US / Israel stages a coup in Ukraine
3. Summer 2014: NATO and puppet Ukraine threaten a military operation against Russia
4. Summer 2014: Japan, Australia, Vietnam, and the Philippines antagonize and divert China
5. Summer 2014:Phony controlled ISIS is unleashed in Iraq and Syria
6. Today: Neo-Cons and other assorted warmongers call upon the USA to "stop ISIS"
7. Soon? With Russia and China diverted, NATO slips into Syria to "save the world" from ISIS

Tooting our horn once again, from our September 15 issue of 2013:

"Putin's strong diplomacy (backed by the threat of force), combined with overwhelming public opposition, forced Obongo to back down. But Evil never sleeps. It only changes its tactics. In a sense, the situation is perhaps more dangerous now than it was one week ago. The U.S. now understands that when it returns to the brink of war, it will have to bring a whole lot more firepower to the arena if they want to confront Russia, China, and Iran."

With the 13th (an unlucky number) anniversary of the 9/11 false flag attacks upon us, the threat of an ISIS "attack" looms large. That's one forecast we hope to be wrong about!

n Egyptian mythology, Isis was the mother of Horus / The Eye of Horus & Pyramid are the NWO's symbol.

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

Now that global temps and an expanding South Pole ice cap can longer be used as evidence of catastrophic Global Warming, the Warmists have had to reach into their bag of tricks and pull out a new piece of unrelated data; dead oysters due to CO2-based "ocean acidification"! The Globo Times quotes Washington Governor Jay Inslee:

"Ocean acidification has the same cause as climate change, but it has been unsullied with the political controversy of climate change.”

So, it's not the melting ice caps and submerging of the Statue of Liberty that we have to worry about anymore. The same man-made CO2 (which amounts to just 1-2% of all CO 2 emissions!) that was once supposed to have frozen the planet (which it has not), and then burned up the planet (which it has not), and then caused an increase in deadly hurricanes, (which it has not) is now said to be killing our oysters. Ice Age, Global Warming, Climate Change, ......Ocean Acidification..."Yeah, that's it! CO 2 kills oysters. Prove us wrong!"

Though it is indeed true that the baby oysters of Washington State have been dying at a very unusual rate, one might want to at least consider the epic (and still ongoing) Fukushima nuclear disaster as a possible cause of problems in the Pacific Ocean. Or perhaps there is some other reason. But jumping to hasty conclusions in order to fit political agendas and pre-existing biases is what the Globo-Marxists, their bought & paid for superficial "scientists", and Sulzberger's NY Slimes all seem to specialize in.

From the Times article:

“We can attribute the problems in the oyster hatcheries to the increased carbon in the ocean,” said Terrie Klinger, a professor of Marine Affairs at the University of Washington."

Ms. Klinger, just how exactly do you know that "we can attribute the problems in the oyster hatcheries to the increased carbon in the ocean? What makes you so cock-sure? Well, that's the beauty of politicized "theoretical science". The Scientific Method does not apply to the Globalist-Marxist agenda. Ivory tower academics don't actually ever have to prove anything in order to continue feeding from the trough of government and foundation grants. All that a theoretical scientist needs do to keep the gravy train running is to provide his paymasters with the correct "answers" that he is looking for, and then shout (with finger wagging) "the science is settled" in the face of any "uneducated" skeptic.

Unlike a scumbag politician such as Inslee, or his billionaire paymaster Tom Steyer, or S;imy Sulzberger himself, we cannot judge whether Professor Klinger's conclusion is based on a deliberate attempt to deceive, or just a classic case of an egghead "scientist" not even being aware of her own cognitive biases (Observer Expectancy Bias). In either case, her hasty conclusions amount to sloppy science based on pure conjecture and logical fallacy.

Were the economic costs of junk science not so serious, Inslee's and Klinger's alarmist rants would indeed be comical.

Mike King #conspiracy tomatobubble.com

The Anti-New York Times has long sympathized with Arabs & Muslims who, as a result of the false flag attacks of 9/11, have become the target of blind hatred. But after 13 years of allowing the big lie of 9/11 to go unchallenged, it is time for the fearful Arab & Muslim communities to stop whining about how they are being stereotyped, and to start shouting from the rooftops who the real perpetrators actually were (Globalists & Zionists).

Amongst themselves, most Muslims have by now figured out the truth about 9/11. Imagine if they were to harness all of their substantial financial resources and numerous organizations to the task of exposing the true culprits. Imagine a billion dollar marketing campaign to educate the public about "911 Truth". Imagine massive demonstrations in which the protesters declared that "9/11 was an inside job". The world be forced to sit up and listen.

Instead of defending themselves and counter-attacking in a massive united front, most of them choose to cower in silence; allowing their religion to be defamed and their people to be slandered. "Please please NY Times. Do not judge us based on the actions of Osama Bin Laden. We are not all like that." - goes the pathetic refrain. Mohammed would be ashamed!

To our Muslim friends we say, with the best of intentions, stop whining, stop apologizing for what you bloody well know was false flag terror, and start fighting back. YOU have allowed the slander to stand unchallenged and until you grow a pair, the Zionists will keep pissing on you while laughing. Oh sure, they'll patronize you all from time to time by condemning anti- Muslim bigotry; but at the end of the day, the false accusation of 9/11 still hangs around your neck like the proverbial albatross! Until said pair of balls is grown, your intrepid author doesn't want to hear anymore whining about anti-Muslim prejudice or "offenses to Islam".

Hitler said it best: 'Those who want to live, let them fight, and those who do not want to fight in this world of eternal struggle do not deserve to live.'

Amen to that Fuhrer. A-friggin-men!

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