Mike Stone #wingnut #fundie #racist #homophobia #transphobia #conspiracy henrymakow.com
I've said two things repeatedly over the last four years. First, that Donald Trump would win the November election by a landslide. Second, that nothing substantial was going to change under Trump in the long run. I was right about the first, and I'm right about the second.
Yes, we will see economic improvement beginning in 2025. (After four years of Clown World economics, how could the economy not improve?)
Yes, we will see a curtailing of wokeness.
Yes, we will see deportations of illegal aliens.
Those will be welcome changes. But in terms of lessening the moral rot of society and saving souls from hell; in terms of eradicating the evil, cowardice, and incomprehensible stupidity that causes men and women to condemn their souls to everlasting fire, nothing is going to change.
Now if Trump goes full authoritarian and outlaws abortion, outlaws pornography, outlaws homosexuality and trannyism, fires every teacher in the country, fires every city and state police officer in the country, strips Fox News, CNN, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, and every other fake news outlet of their license and arrests all of their employees, then I'll take it all back. But I think we both know that none of those things are going to happen.
You can wear your MAGA hat and waste your time watching Fox News or listening to the liars on "conservative" talk radio, but NONE OF THAT IS GOING TO CHANGE. And it won't be Trump's fault. The cowardice and stupidity of the American people have made positive change impossible.
Just because nothing in our society is going to change for the better, doesn't mean that your individual life can't change for the better. It can and it should. At the very least, you can limit your exposure to liars.
You can choose the level of consciousness you want to live in. While everyone else around you is choosing to live in a world of lies, you can choose truth. While everyone around you is choosing to burn forever in the fires of hell, you can choose Heaven.