Europe and America have rejected Christ? Is that why the Bible still enjoys bestseller status in those parts of the world? Is that why the vast majority of their heads of state, including the monarchs, are avowed Christians? Is that why France invested a massive amount of money and labor into restoring Notre-Dame to its former glory? Is that why rabid Christian fascism is more or less mainstream in the US at this point? Get back to me about how they’ve “rejected” Christ once his religion, or, rather, the countless goyish spin-offs of his religion, ceases to become the dominant religious and cultural force in those lands, because clearly we aren’t there yet. If anything, I daresay that it is you, my good Reverend, who reject Christ. You are exactly what Gandhi was referring to when he said, “I like your Christ, I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ.”
The very fact that you emphasize IQ in this way - as though it were some kind of prerequisite or even proof of concrete intellectual achievements - makes me question your intelligence. There’s a reason why people like John Allen Paulos, Stephen Hawking, and even Isaac Asimov (a Mensan) do not put much stock in a mere number like that.
Christopher Langan, supposedly the smartest man in America if not the world, likes to deride Charles Darwin for “only” having a 120-135 IQ. So what? Let’s say that he would’ve scored even lower, as low as 67. How is that at all relevant to what he achieved in life, and the tremendous legacy he imparted to future generations? Would someone with an IQ of 400 be superior to him even if he contributed little to nothing of value to science, or any other field, for that matter? For my part, I do not need to know the IQ of someone like Hume, Diderot, Darwin, Marx, or Quine to know that they are extraordinarily brilliant intellects with something valuable to say. Not that those statistics would matter in the least. It’s almost as though “IQ” is a dumb person’s idea of a metric for one’s true mental capabilities and potential.
Even if we suppose that you are sincere about everything you say and aren’t just another liar for Jesus, I doubt you mind it when lying advances your cause. Lastly, if it’s a sin to lie, then I would absolutely be sinning if I denied that you’re obviously full of bull pucky.