Nobody from the working class is going to be able to run for president. You have to look at what the priorities of the existing candidates are, and more importantly, the effect their policies have actually had "on the ground".
Too many people knee-jerk vote Republican because of their tax policies, and to a lesser extent some of their financial policies. What they fail to realize is that, beyond that, the Republicans have nothing left to offer, and they bring a boatload of baggage along with them.
To add insult to injury , the policies they implement often become mere lipservice by the time they get down to the common man.
Some of it comes from distrust of government, which I totally get, I really do. But in my mind, the people in government are accountable to the electorate, flawed as that may be. But I think we really need to be afraid of big corporations, who are accountable to at most, their shareholders, and even then they can pretty much kick puppies all day long as long as the dividends keep coming.
Even worse, democracies are based on the principle of "one person, one vote". When we allow corporate money to influence elections, we are essentially letting some people have literally millions more votes then others.