The reason conservatives tend to make bad movies is because they’re creatively uninspired. They cannot fathom how ANYONE could consciously choose to live outside of traditional values, and thus impose “IT MUST BE DEMONS!” or some made up mental illness on those people who just do not want to live according to Judeo-Christian Tradition.
Hence the prevalence of disrespectful cardboard cutout strawmen. The likes of Ben Shapiro cannot comprehend that “the other” is anything other than a collection of hateful tropes they’ve comprehensively put together in their heads.
And, surprise, general audiences do not like a movie where the point is “laugh at these minorities for daring to think they’re equal to US!”, “the solution to everything is MOAR GUNS”, and “women are just breeding slaves who don’t acknowledge it, and they should be chaste servants who do nothing but hold babby and clean up house.”
These ideas are not viewed idyllically by anyone outside conservative circles.
Let alone the revenge porn movies they come up with about people who dare to offend Magical Sky Daddy, like Unplanned.