@Bastethotep #82646
In a few places in the US it’s the same, but in Republican run states (especially ones where they HAVE managed to pass a voter ID requirement), they pull two sneakly slights-of-hand with it:
1) The list of “valid ID” will be INSANELY restrictive and targetting. I’m talking “NRA licence is valid, but student ID is not” kind of bullshit. The lists of valid ID are tailored towards the kinds of ID’s likely to be carried by white male Conservatives.
2) For generic ID’s like driver’s licences, they simply jack the price up as high as they can get away with, and make the process as drawn out and annoying as possible.
Hence why I say it’s a roundabout poll tax. It requires an investment of both money and time most low income people can’t justify.
Here in Canada, if you don’t have a driver’s licence, you can walk into a government office and request an official government ID for $35 that’ll work in all the same places a driver’s licence would.