LaMontre #fundie

Now in terms of this research? It is easy to see where this will eventually lead. ALL people who are believers in Jesus Christ (especially funda'mental'ists) will eventually be considered 'mentaly challenged' and a threat to the next stage of mans evolution. If you think not? Just sit back and watch.

PodWarrior16 #fundie

let me break it down

If u call urself a democrat u believe...
Abortion is always ok
we should never use missles or go to war
no one but cops should carry guns
we should make pot legal(yes its true)
gays and lesbians can marry

If u call urself a republican u believe...
Abortion is wrong in every sense of the word
there are times for war and times to use missles
u should have a gun if u are responsable ITS OUR RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS
all drugs are wrong period
gays and lesbians shouldnt marry nor adopt children

I PERSONNALY hate our goverment system because it is run by democrats almost and when democrats ran the country they pass all the stupid laws so yea im a republican

LLee #fundie

I told them of the places in the [Harry Potter] books where it is NOT fiction - but actual spells, actual book titles, actual people that had been steeped in the occult. They sat there with their mouths hanging open, because they had had no idea.

BleakBassPlayer #fundie

If i could stand there personally and show you, 666 is in the barcode... its not something you can just glance at and be like 'oh hey there is 666 this bag of chips is doomed to hell!!! hahaha' If it was that obvious it probly would be harder to market. Its there though i promise and go ahead and mock me... Its ok i got no hate for ignorance just no understanding.

Treylis #fundie

[Replying to thread started by another Christian; the topic title was provocative, but what was said was that the Bible should be respected but taken with a grain of salt because it was written for the ancients]

too long, didnt read, but i completely disagree with your thread title and it doesnt matter what you wrote, because you can never prove that your right. so shut up and stop trying to destroy the faith of the people that truly believe in the bible. your really stupid if you tink you can convince people that the bible is wrong, because its not wrong, its right because i believe its right.

nevermind #fundie

there hasnt been a international survey of the area where the ark is. if there was, then national geographic would feature it. incidentally, national geographic is run by top scientists, who all make a lot of $$ by publishing there evolution theories and discoveries in such publications. there could easily be bias against such an expidtion...

Magus55 #fundie

40 million babies have been killed because stupid people who don't take responsibility don't feel like dealing with them. And you criticize God for killing children in the flood?

booboocruise #fundie

Evolutionists, particularly the ones in this forum, are among the most close-minded, biased people I've ever heard of... Also, Kent Hovind IS a doctor. All the bogus riff-raff about Kent Hovind's degree is just a back-and-forth rumor between the evolutionists.

Jason #fundie

Stormhawke, you can believe as you wish, but that web-site exposes the works of satan. Those symbols were not put there by coincidence. They have occultic meanings and those who put them in, knew what they were doing.

SUNSTONE #fundie

If you have sex there runs the major risk of getting pregnant, catching a desease or being emotionaly attached. Having sex is addictive, the chances that you will dogde all of these problems is almost 0 %. I found out the hard way by getting someone pregnant, and then later almost catching a desease and then falling in love with the girl who had the desease(not in that order). After I found out she had the desease I left her. That was pretty hard, people having deseases "will not" tell you, don't be fooled in thinking that you can tell the difference either. Condoms suck, I don't know anyone who uses them properly. I used them only when I finished, but you leak before then, and that is a major problem.

Raterus #fundie

It's funny how you will NOT accept God without proof, but you will accept other things without proof. No one has PROVED evolution yet, but yet you accept it as fact. There is a reason why it is the THEORY of evolution. At least be consistent in your beliefs

aphiz17 #fundie

I respect atheists like Nietzsche, who recognize and understand the implications of their worldview. If I believe that I'm the end result of two rocks colliding into each other billions of years ago, please don't preach to me about sending the $20 I'm going to use to buy a sack of marijuana to some starving kids in Africa...

Loren B #fundie

I am the principal of a Christian School. A child in our second grade asked her teacher about "Santa". The teacher told her that "Santa" was a fairy tale not to be confused with Jesus who was not. The next day the parents were in contact with me about disallusioning their child. What was especially enlightening was when the parent expressed alarm when the child asked her "What else have you lied to me about?

HeIsEnough #fundie

This [detectable, specific, predictable effects of the Big Bang and evolution] is not the same... None of these prove anything, we just interpret it to mean whatever. An eyewitness account or a test tube full of 'starter stuff' would help immensely.

Angyl #fundie

It's a foregone conclusion that Satan has been standing over J.K. Rowling's shoulder from the moment she first put pen to paper. The ONLY matter up for debate is whether or not she KNOWS he's there.

Jason G #fundie

There is more evidence for creation. The people proposing the theories for creation are more trustworthy than the people proposing evolutionary theories. T[heory]o[f]E[volution] is untenable. The theory isn't based in scientific proof. It is based on guesses from biased people.

TruthTraveler #fundie

Where is the evidence for evolution? O wait there is NONE... How do you explain LIFE? How do you explain thoughts, dreams, emothions... Aliens, The Bermuda Triangle, Dinosaurs still alive in Africa and the Ocean... Look around you everyting was CREATED.

Jinx72 #fundie

Deuteronomy 22:13-21 is about the punishments for a wife being promiscuous before marriage [stoning] and a husband lying about it. Of course, the skeptics' anachronistic objection here is that... such punishments are considered 'unfair' or 'cruel.'

bluetrinity #fundie

Miracles do happen. They are documented all the time. Also, if you say that Jesus didn't perform miracles (including being raised from the dead) you are merely questioning the historical accuracy of historical records. It is odd that biblical records are always questioned to the nth degree, but no one ever questioned if Aristotle ever existed. Either way, your argument is just another facet of "I doubt because the cost of not doubting would be prohibitive.

ByGrace #fundie

No, not blood sacrifices. The sacrifices that are made to science are soul sacrifices. Those that want to embrace 'scientific wisdom' and shun the wisdom of the One who made our puny minds is perishing in their own wisdom. That my freind is sad.

sniff #fundie

If I were to serve you dinner, and you asked for table salt, or sodium chloride, and I gave you sodium and chlorine, I could go to jail (if you inhaled too much chlorine). There is a substantive difference between the parts and the whole - most people recognize that. Once a sperm has fertilized an egg - everything is there, it is whole, just immature.

jester461 #fundie

The 'therory' of evolution is so full of holes it has to constantly revised and changed, it is based on the teaching and 'scientific' ravings of a man even evolutionist dont believe any more. That would be equivilent to a Christian saying, I am a Christian, but I dont believe in Christ.

seeker42 #fundie

If someone is proposing a [scholarly] book about Christianity and denies that Jesus is the Christ, or denies that Jesus ever made the claim to be divine, I would put the book down and find another book.

Rom831 #fundie

How about you produce a human from a primate. You choose. Any primate. Have at it and get back to me. ;) Seriously, evolve me something. Not a fly from a fly or dog from a dog, but a real evolution like is required for your 'theory'. Primate to human, lizard to bird, cow to whale, fish to frog, reptile to mammal. I want to OBSERVE it happen, see the TEST results, and be able to REPRODUCE it. Those are, after all, the steps of the Scientific Method. Anything less would fall outside science and into philosophy (or science fiction).

bob_the_warrior #fundie

He can not be disproven either!!
Faith is all we need to belive and have proof of GOD.
although i can not prove God YOU can not disprove GOD. Thank you.
geez why are u all so thick headed u dont have faith? or too lazy to belive? plz read the proof! The bible.

Sozo #fundie

God does not, nor will not use medication to heal fear, depression, hopelessness, or to bring peace, and your proclamation that He does only solidifies the fact that you believe in another God, and another Jesus.

sweetkitty #fundie

I can have compassion for the 14 year old prostitute that is found dead in an alley. And I can still say that prostitution is a dangerous lifestyle and hope that God will lead others out of's the same with homosexuality...

JohnR7 #fundie

In order to do that I would actually have to read the thread. I will take your advise under consideration and give it some thought. But for now my objective is just to have fun with your guys. I like to push your buttons.

Bettawrekonize #fundie

I forgot the verse, but the Bible does mention that people will try to prove evolution. They’re trying very hard, may I add. They would lie, spend a lot of money, mix up bones, put together fake parts to say they evolved, etc...

Vera Carp #fundie

Jesus said YOU are not to judge. HEATHENS are in NO place to judge True Christians! TRUE CHRISTIANS, on the other hand, are exhorted to judge RIGHTEOUS JUDGMENT on HEATHENS and REPROBATES like YOU, missy! Which is EXACTLY what we are doing!