JohnDM #fundie
And it was some 3.68 years earlier, was on May 16th 1983, that I had my first and only open-eye Biblical like apparition, when at 2:30am I was woken up whilst sleeping next to my sleeping wife and looked towards the windows, when the curtains ‘disappeared’ and in their place was a large white screen. Then, the metaphysical ‘movie’ first showed me a wilderness location, and temporary accommodation units of a rather different type, in that each unit consisted of four interlocking circular and tents standing on a 10 x 10 metre square base. I knew it was exactly 10 metres because a ‘voice’ spoke into my mind. The second part of the apparition was seeing the Adversary himself face to face and eyeball to eye ball. The appartion showed me clearly that the Devil also resides in Satan for they are as One. So to the metaphysical, the Adversary, seems to like the two common denominators 155 and 508. And Satan at 155 x the Devil 508 and /2,000 is 39.37 and 39.37 inches is one metre, (unless one likes the square root of 1550 at 39.37003937 inches). And the reciprocal of 508 x 20,000 is 39.370078 inches. And there are 508 days from September 11, 2001 to the destruction of Shuttle Columbia on February 1, 2003. Thus the New World Order Elite re-established during the French Revolution a former cubit they termed a metre at 39.37 inches.