
JohnDM #fundie evcforum.net

And it was some 3.68 years earlier, was on May 16th 1983, that I had my first and only open-eye Biblical like apparition, when at 2:30am I was woken up whilst sleeping next to my sleeping wife and looked towards the windows, when the curtains ‘disappeared’ and in their place was a large white screen. Then, the metaphysical ‘movie’ first showed me a wilderness location, and temporary accommodation units of a rather different type, in that each unit consisted of four interlocking circular and tents standing on a 10 x 10 metre square base. I knew it was exactly 10 metres because a ‘voice’ spoke into my mind. The second part of the apparition was seeing the Adversary himself face to face and eyeball to eye ball. The appartion showed me clearly that the Devil also resides in Satan for they are as One. So to the metaphysical, the Adversary, seems to like the two common denominators 155 and 508. And Satan at 155 x the Devil 508 and /2,000 is 39.37 and 39.37 inches is one metre, (unless one likes the square root of 1550 at 39.37003937 inches). And the reciprocal of 508 x 20,000 is 39.370078 inches. And there are 508 days from September 11, 2001 to the destruction of Shuttle Columbia on February 1, 2003. Thus the New World Order Elite re-established during the French Revolution a former cubit they termed a metre at 39.37 inches.

Zephan #fundie evcforum.net

[On the evolutionary origin of birds]I say fish. Look at the penguin who swims in both degrees of the firmament! Some species of birds actually fly in both water and air. To me, that's alot more persuasive argument than dinosaurs evolving into birds.

Faith #wingnut #racist #sexist #homophobia evcforum.net

It was driving me crazy in the 60s already, long before I had a name for it, and it wasn't about nigger, wop and kiKe. It was an aggressive hate war on the white race as the cancer of the world, on conservatives, who we all know are nothing but a bunch of Hitlers and jingoistic idiots; on America, which is really only an evil imperialist monster. Those who agree with such sentiments of course object to conservatives daring to characterize them as Thought Control or anything pejorative. It was militant in-your-face black activism, in some cases out and out thuggery (it was a murder that woke up David Horowitz). It was militant feminism, one group cheerily named The Society for Cutting Up Men, characterized by sneering contempt for any demented woman who liked the idea of marriage and family as a career, or horror of horrors identified herself as a "housewife." It was militant gay rights. I remember attending a "talk" with my ex in which the speaker got up and berated the assembled group for any thought that homosexuality might be an aberration, and accused all assembled of REALLY being homosexual but denying it. It was an abusive speech.

Apolo #fundie evcforum.net

Come on people. Im sorry, but I dont have enough faith to be an atheist. " For years the world orbited around, until struck by an asteroid, then broke art, reformed, and created what we now call "Earth” I mean seriously, there is more evidence that the Cave Men existed, than any type of stellar explosion that created us humans. Why didnt other animals evolve? People say they have, just before our time, but their were other people back when the dinos and older creatures where around, their pictures would have shown of how animals changed. Why do we have emotions, if there isnt a God? Animals feel fear, happiness, anger, and protectiveness, sometimes sorrow. But why do we feel remorse, anxiety, or true love animals dont get crushes. They get horny, but don’t fall in love. If the Big Bang only took a couple of thousand years, why has our Earth been around for millions and millions and nothing happened? Why are our bodies so perfect in the way they are, and there isnt one single hole in the Bible, yet many in science. I have come to believe my younger brother, more so than an evolutionist. Not trying to be crude, but think about it. If a Christian is wrong, o-well, we all die anyways. But if a non-believer is wrong, I mean that would suck. An eternity away from God and Heaven, stuck it the Lake of Fire with other no-Christians and demons. Your way will get you nowhere, you know there is a God, let Him be you God. I don’t care what you think of me for this, I know God is real, and I know where Im going when I die 110% Do you?

Mirabile Auditu #fundie evcforum.net

IF "it doesn't matter how it came about," then WHY do "EVOLUTIONISTS" (it seems that some of your friends can't countenance being called "Darwinists" for some strange reason, though many of them have no problem hatefully attacking others with pejoratives far worse, e.g. "fundies," and bible thumpers," and "flat earthers" to name but a few) almost universally argue pure naturalistim, devoid of "religious myths"? Are they wrong, or are you? While it is a simple matter for "EVOLUTIONISTS" to mock and ridicule the abject stupidity of "fundies," whether or not they even have a religion, it is inexcusable for practitioners of what is supposed to be PURE and OBJECTIVE "SCIENCE" to be so inconsistent.

booboocruise #fundie evcforum.net

Anyway, the dinosaurs died out slowly in the years following the flood--because they were the biggest animals among the others, and since the flood killed off most of the vegetation on the earth, the largest animals began to die off by lack of food. [But what about the tiny dinos?]

OpticalIllusions #fundie evcforum.net

If the public votes to let creationism be taught, it should be taught. This is America. They should hire better teachers to teach it though, since it isn't fair if a teacher has bias to one theory or another. Existing teachers should be able to pass new tests on creationism to make sure they understand the whole truth. Science has evidence for creationism too. Parents know what science is better than their kids do, so what theories get taught should be based on democracy... at least in America. I know that if I got to decide what theories I was taught when I was a kid, I would have had no idea where to even start. I never would have learned any of the good theories, like gravity. That's why kids aren't allowed to vote.

Carico #fundie evcforum.net

And what constitutes who is in which kingdom? If I have a degree in science and i say that humans and animals are in the same kingdom because they have certain characteristics in common, then poepl would simply accept whatever I say. Humans and plants have certain characteristics in common; we both need food, water, mate, and grow. But does that make us plants? Sorry but calling a human an animal doesn't make him one nor does it make himcapable of being the descendant of an animal or breeding one.

Baldrick Cunningplan #homophobia #forced-birth evcforum.net

The question isn't how I sleep at night. The question is how you don't choke to death, what with all the bullshit spewing from your mouth. The idea that "homophobia" (a fictitious word fabricated by liberals) is comparable to ethnic discrimination is utterly comical (although not in any way that makes me laugh), as is the idea that there's something wrong with the latter. I have the right to take away the happiness of homosexuals, just as I have the right to take away the happiness of any pedophile or any other breed of subhuman. The happiness of sick freaks must never come at the expense of the basic human sense of right and wrong. It certainly must not come at the expense of what is best for children. Anyone who supports abortion must hang from the neck till dead (it's genuinely nothing but baby-murdering...but I guess women don't have a problem with killing millions of babies as long as women get all the rights they want and don't have to experience any physical discomfort), but I can safely tell you that, were I not yet born, and I had sentience and the option of either being raised by homosexuals or being aborted, I would choose abortion without a second thought. If it's not wrong to discriminate against homosexuals then it can't possibly be wrong to elect the Grand Dragon of the KKK for president. How do I sleep at night? No. The question is how do YOU sleep at night?

And yes, I know that I supposedly supported abortion just now after saying anyone who does must die, but I already know that, so don't be a smartass. And I would be aborting myself, not anyone else.

buzsaw #fundie evcforum.net

[Re: use of the terms "Xian" & "Xmas"]

Would nihilists have any problem being called Xhilists or the Buddhists Xhidists, the agnostics, Xnostics, et al? Is this a way of demeaning and insulting over 50% of Americans whose religion is Christianity? Do any other Christians besides me here find it offensive to be called Xians or am I being hypersensitive?

In Your Own Words Award

alex mtl #crackpot evcforum.net

The constructal theory of global optimization under local constraints explains in a simple manner the shapes that arise in nature.

I will use my own words to explain my speculation.

droom = Main highway of evolution.
joon = Exit out of the main highway of evolution, for a involutionary direction.
aodeen= Droom and joons altoghether, shape and direction of life in time.
gooje = First form of life perfectly unique.
kool = Combination of goojes.
lasco = Population of same gooje.
greu = Massive gooje potential.

An Aodeen according to "constructal theory" will take a shape and form just like any other creative meaning of the nature: A lightning, a Delta's river, blood vessels, the perfect shape of an egg, the cracks of a land without water, a marathon, statistics etc.

Example: A Lightning will start from a certain point in the sky. One main ramification will follow its way further than all the other ramifications. Sometimes this ramification will strike on land.

The very same way Aodeen started from a certain point in time. Droom
followed its way up to humanity leaving behind Joons and creating new Joons.
Goojes took the direction of Droom and Joons. What we find in Droom today is at most all the Goojes when life was created . It's probable to find the same Gooje in different Joons of the past.

Example. The reason why the skin colour and the nose of 50 cent are more "alike" with a gorilla's than G.W.Bush's skin colour and nose compared with a gorilla is because

- kool X1 took The Droom , then exit the Joon to Gorilla
- kool X2 took The Droom , then exit the Joon to Gorilla2
- kool X3 took The Droom , then exit the Joon to Gorilla3
- kool X4 took The Droom , continued the Droom to 50 Cent
- No other kool X took the Droom to G.W. Bush

Humanity is massive carrier of Goje. Even though G.W Bush does not have Kool X , he has Kool Y found in the chimpanzee. 50 Cent doesn't have Kool Y but what makes Humanity so special to be in Droom is the Greu.

LA Buck #fundie evcforum.net

Because The Big Bang Theory cannot be tested it must be classified as a theory.
Because it is a theory based on the origin of the universe is must be a religion.
Because it is a religion, if you believe it, you have faith in it.

Lysimachus #fundie evcforum.net

You're really out to destroy creation, when you know very well that it is gaining the edge every day as we approach the endtimes.

Evolution will be dead within the next 10 years. That I am certain of. Mark my words.

The evidence is slowly surfacing, and pretty soon all evolutionists will have to eat humble pie.

buzsaw #fundie evcforum.net

If you go into the archives, you will see that my hypothesis did not have God turning all dinos into snakes. Rather it has the reproductive genes of the dinos living at the time of the fall being transformed via the curse to cause all the offspring of the then living dinos to be born as belly crawlers.
Furthermore I have consistently alleged that the likely the parent dinos lived all the way up until the flood which would have been some 1500 years or so. The atmospheric pre flood chemical makeup, et al, imo, could translate hundreds of years into millions of dating years as per the chemical makeup of the environment today. If man lived around a thousand years, it is feasible that the dinos could have lived until the flood caused their extinction, only the young offspring belly crawlers being taken in the ark.

R. Cuaresma #fundie evcforum.net

The Philippine Deep and Bermuda Triangle are actually the secret spiritual passages going to the center of the Earth – to the Spiritual World of Normosom. It is not easy to believe and recognize this claim as a fact because science tells us that the Earth’s core is made up of molten rocks and iron which constantly boiling. But science is limited only to the observable material things. It can not scope on the spiritual side. That is why, it is very impossible for science to believe that man has spirit, or that God really exists. But if you believe that nothing is impossible to God, then the truth is already presented to you.

hoaryhead #fundie evcforum.net

For most of the history of the United States, it has been universally agreed that the three basic sciences are:
Reading, Riting, and Rithmatic.
This has been taught in grade school, high school, and universities.

On the other hand, Evolution is the most speculative theory every devised.
Every new book on the subject increases the age of the earth by one, or more, million years. Very instable subject, indeed.

messenjaH #fundie evcforum.net

Actually if a human next to a dinosaur enveloped in ice was ever found, it probably would disapear and never reach the public eye. Do you how much evidence has been destroyed and taken by the government and evolutionists.

ZAURUZ #fundie evcforum.net

I'm the one who's willing to change my view. Creationists see the facts as they are. We don't dogmatically think every organism descend from the same ancestor. We do research about it. You just assume all organisms have a common descent. You adapt your view of the age of the earth so that evolution might be possible. I and many creationists adapt the age of the earth by researches.

booboocruise #fundie evcforum.net

Even if Dr. Hovind WASN'T a doctor that wouldnt mean he doesn't have the righ to run C[reation]S[science]E[vangelism]... Also, any TRULY open-minded, educated person who is not arrogant or ignorant will admit that Dr. Hovind's degrees are legitimate.

booboocruise #fundie evcforum.net

The thumb is of remarkable design that allows us to pick things up easily, (it would have been much harder to type this comment if I had not thumbs). If we evolved by chance, how would 'evolution' know that we would be in need of a thumb millions of years down the road?

evolutionimpaired #fundie evcforum.net

As a gift, I'll give you something you can use as evolution evidence from the Bible (though it wasn't random) that gives the link between snakes, lizards and birds. You may already know this but the snake that was possesed by the devil used to have feathers and lost them as well as its legs, leaving the vestigial legs on boas and anacondas as remains. Strange that those 3 animals are related by science as well. That actually works to sway the most stubborn Christian to believe in a small part of what you believe.

redstang281 #fundie evcforum.net

This isn't really the topic of this thread and I hate to get off topic, but arranging fossil's in a certain order doesn't prove anything. I can arrange a group of pen's on my desk from biggest to smallest but that doesn't prove they evolved from a stapler.

Faith #fundie evcforum.net

You can't HAVE a lithified sand dune for pete's sake. Every sand dune on the face of this earth is NOT lithified. What you are seeing in the rocks is the grains of sand that form sand dunes all collected in one place which causes them to lie the way they do in dunes because of how the grains got shaped, but there is no such thing as a LITHIFIED SAND DUNE. It is an impossibility. The only lithified beach you could possibly see is one that was rapidly filled in by new sediments to preserve its form. There is no such thing as a lithified beach on the surface of the earth. The footprints are of course footprints, rapidly filled in and preserved between tides during the Flood.

Faith #fundie evcforum.net

If no evolutionary pathway can be envisioned this should be a point for creationism. Sure, evolutionists may come up with a plausible scenario -- they're good at that -- but as it stands this is a decent argument against and should be tallied for the creationists.

Buzsaw #fundie evcforum.net

[Then why have they [Prisoners in Guantanamo Bay] not been charged, tried, convicted & executed?]

IMO the answer to your question is that conviction would require death and to kill them would create such an outcry globally and in our own nation that Gitmo would have already been history. Gitmo was the only logical solution... hold them indefinitely, from effecting holocaustic Jehad, thereby denying them eventual American citizenship and rights.

godsriddle #fundie evcforum.net

Why would I want to make up things that are supported by simple, visible evidence? The light from billions of galaxies shows that atoms are always changing themselves relationally. Not a single ancient galaxies shines with the light frequencies of modern atoms and the differences are often associated with distance (the past).

Lets be brutally frank about Einstein's theory. He imagined that the vacuum of space time is bent by the Sun and the earth follows the local bent rails in the vacuum. No one has ever detected a shred of visible evidence for space time nor has anyone isolated or directly detected any gravity. Both Einstein and Newton believed that static matter does enormous amounts of work bending the path of the Earth without changing anything about itself. This is nothing but a mathematical version of perpetual motion.

It is much simpler to observe that atoms are always changing their light frequencies and the orbits in countless galaxies continue to accelerate out, billions of galaxies intrinsically growing into huge growth spirals, as the properties of all matter visibly change. What causes gravity has never been isolated but the fact that atoms keep on accelerating their light clocks as orbits also accelerate in defiance of every law of physics should tell us at least that gravity is not a perpetual motion effect.

The scientific emperor is naked.

Antoiniette #fundie evcforum.net

BUT Noah DID provide Space for land animal such as stegasaurus etc..
I am guessing, that what happened to the Loch Ness Monsters(Yes there is a pack) is that they were swimming in a pack and as the Flood waters came down, they got trapped in the lake, and they would be trapped in a "aquariam"
After the flood (Before the flood there had never been any rain, hence why there was a global flood.)
The rest of the land animals (including the dinosaurs) would have been able to survive. I am SURE that back then all the lands were all joined, and thus it would be able to spread. But then came the Ice age. (There was Only ONE ice age) I mean where was the water ment to go. God gave the animals at least 2 hundred years. Then came the ice age.
Remember the ice age didn't cover the whole earth, there were places that were not effected like america.
There is countless evidence that Dinosaurs live on.
Most people, are to lazy or silly, to gather all the info and base their own belief's. They just take the word of the Scientists.

redstang281 #fundie evcforum.net

Oh, and BTW even if I *was* wrong about the TOE you better not come on here and attack me for being ignorant of it when many of you on here are completly ignorant of the correct representation of the Bible and even many creationist theories. Seems pretty critical to me.

Faith #fundie evcforum.net

but the arrogance is on the side of those who refuse to acknowledge God's own communication and prefer their own interpretation of His universe over what He actually said in actual words. This is what science is doing. It comes up with views of the universe that contradict God's written word, and then some dare to claim that that view IS God's word, which cannot be the case if it contradicts what He actually said through His prophets. I DO have the right to say what God Himself has said, because He said it, it's written, it is unambiguous, and I can point to it and quote it. It is my YEC premise, [...] that God's WRITTEN WORD trumps science if science contradicts it.

jbozz21 #fundie evcforum.net

When it comes to support for the Bible most people don't even believe in the Bible for physical, tangible or scientific reasons. We believe in the Bible by moral and spiritual experiences with the teachings of the Bible which can all be proven to be true by simple practice. Just like you can go outside and touch sand if you want to know that it is real not believe in someone else telling you it is real, you actually experience it using your senses. (ie. if you want to know if prayer works, you can actually pray and when you receive an answer then you have evidence that it actually works,and you don't stop there you keep trying the experiment watching it work over and over again. Plus you hear the experiences of many people all over the world who's results had been reproducible in your own life....etc...etc...) That is an experiment that is much more reliable to me in my opinion than someone taking DNA and putting through some chemicals and saying "yup, the apes are your cousins..." by some scientist whom I have no idea what motives lie behind their desires to disprove the claims of the Bible, nor whether they are acting out of bias or whether their claims are actually legitimate. Who's experiment's are not reproducible to me. It would be very very Hasty of me to discount the Bible because of someone elses claims especially not knowing their motives or verifying what they say. Which makes me wonder why so many of you are so Hasty to discount the Bible. If you have tested the bible on it's own claims about how to live your life then you would know that the principles work and bring greater happiness. No man-made system can nor does do that perfectly like the Bible can.

CreationWise #fundie evcforum.net

scientists tested the Grand canyon floor and found out it was 3.5 billion years old. but then they tested the top of the grandcanyon and they found out it was 45 Billion years old. Also, three layers of the canyon floor had been on the top. A rockslide threw it down. And you talk about us christians not checking our sources.

redstang281 #fundie evcforum.net

I'm sorry but I consider God more of an authority than yourself. God said sex is his gift to a married couple. For those who choose to abuse this gift there is std's. Before the fall of man there was no sin (or degeneration.) Animals didn't kill each other for food, there were no thorn bushes, and most likely no std's. This was something the bible says came about after man's sin. If you consider the fact that two people who withdraw from sexual attivity until marriage and then are faithful to one another it becomes apparent that my theory is true. As for a husband who gets aids from a cheating wife, maybe God is paying him back for some other sin he commited earlier. I believe it is intirely possible that we are not always punished emmidiatly after we sin. But that being said still I must erge you to understand this basic fundamentalist christian understanding that we are all sinners!! Even when we are born. The sin that Adam commited is carried down through all his generations. Therefor no one is innocent.

God did not create evil. Even though God has control over everything, God did not make lucifer's rebellion against him. It does not seem logical but that's because we can't understand it. God actions are not limited to our comprehension. A contradiction to us is comprehension to him.

nemesis juggernaut #fundie evcforum.net

The spin of the ACLU is that they are a non-partisan organization. This is the portrayal they want the average American to see and believe. Of course, that's beyond ridiculous as evidenced by their extreme slant to partisan belief. [...] Interestingly enough they have tried to stymie every Supreme Court Justice who didn't conform to their brand of politics. But wait.... I thought they are non-partisan? I must have forgotten that oft-repeated mantra. Its just so hard to think of them as being impartial when their record is so obviously to advance an agenda. They regularly take on cases that not only defend anti-American terrorism, but they also aide and abet them. They take on cases that support extreme patronage where an offender has been clearly indicted for a crime. Being the spin doctors they are they find ways to paint a picture that doesn't exist to make it sound as if there are nefarious purposes at hand. They will hold somebody up in the spotlight in order to make the defendant seem like a Robin Hood, launching their iconic status in order to subvert the status quo. They defend child pornographers and institutions who support crimes against children. They defend live sex acts irrespective of where and when. They have an unwaivering support of all forms of abortion, even partial birth abortion, and have the gall to now call it "reproductive freedom." They take on religious groups that want to display Nativity scenes, as if displaying baby Jesus is the crime of all crimes. They hate the boyscouts of America for crying out loud. They want all borders to be open, seemingly incapable of understanding the implications that would directly affect them. So on, and so on.


While its true that the ACLU takes on certain cases, its little more than social pittance, and they don't have warmhearted motives for doing it. They take on these cases to keep up the appearance of non-partisanship. But their defense of such cases is usually geared towards some individualistic right they have manifested in their minds.

Laboo #fundie evcforum.net

As i've read through all these forums, all you evolutionists seem to have different stories, or different "proven!" theories, and ya'll all just basically prove eachother wrong by going on about what you think you know. atleast all us creationists have our facts down right and know what we believe and don't help prove our beliefs wrong.

redstang281 #fundie evcforum.net

[Replying to 'I can't accept it was programmed because it contradicts my image of God'] "You believe in evolution, right? Then your image of God is already not the correct one according to scripture.

ptolemy #fundie evcforum.net

Which way is simpler, to use the Bible as the foundation of truth, and notice that the universe fits what it says, or invent a plethora of undetectable, mathematical things like "empty space stretches the light passing though it" to protect our arche [foundational assumption about the nature of matter] that matter (atoms) cannot change-together - as a relationship?

WS-JW #fundie evcforum.net

Evolution hasn't been proven at all. Anyone who knows quantum theory knows it's impossible. Things go in leaps, theres no gradual move into another species. people who learn this evolution fairy tale in school hanve to unlearn it when they come to do quantum theory. Then they realise that 2 + 2 does not equal 5.

IamJoseph #fundie evcforum.net

Since a gene habours variant data, each offspring being different, it inclines not with ToE but with genesis. Example. A child is said to be the offspring of its parents; but ToE is saying, a child is the offspring of a retro virus data lodged in a bone marror of another life form, but takes turns and twists and then becomes the parent - after millions of years - and never mind how that retro virus even emerged in the first place on its own.

Thenders #fundie evcforum.net

Evolutionists refuse to involve creationism into science. Then why is B.C (before Christ) used to describe a period of time [yom]? Isn't time a dimension therefore making it scientific theory?

Bolder-dash #fundie evcforum.net

There is no such thing as beneficial or deleterious, it all depends on the environment. If someone is born with ALS or elephant man's disease, there may well be a time when humans consider this to be the most attractive type of male, because they look strong and able to withstand medium caliber bullets. So basically it impossible to know if a mutation is deleterious or beneficial, we have to wait and see what the environment does.

Maybe people will be attracted to Homo-Dumbo, because of their feelings towards Republicans.

redstang281 #fundie evcforum.net

If you can believe that life was formed from non living material obviously the instincts had to be non existant at some point. How could this trait of an animal killing the young to promote that animal's genes in the gene pool develope without the trait already existing to begin with? How would genes develope an animals instincts?" "Oh I think this example is evidence of a good design, a program to maintain quality control of an animal.

Faith #fundie evcforum.net

It is ALL interpretation. Don't you see that? Creationists are just as good at coming up with contrary interpretations of any of it given enough experience with the material. There is no PROOF, don't you see? No evidence, no testability, no falsifiability, it's all INTERPRETATION, all PLAUSIBILITIES against PLAUSIBILITIES. Find all the similarities you want they are JUST AS WELL explained in terms of design factors, or, in the case of apparent shared genetic anomalities or mistakes, by the effects of the Fall on all life. Our genes are broken because of the Fall. There is NO COMPELLING REASON to explain any of it in terms of descent.

Faith #fundie evcforum.net

There is very good reason to call the ToE "just a theory." All that has ever happened is the piling on of more and more credulity that "confirms" the original theory. There is no objective evidence for it. What evidence there is supports creationism just as well or better. You guys are caught in an amazing delusion and it's so convincing to you there's no way you'll even consider an argument against it. All you have to do is make up a NEW speculation to answer anything anyone says against the ToE. It's really an amazing exercise in self delusion. I really often wonder if it will ever be recognized or we'll have to wait until the Lord returns before any of the Toe Faithful will have the ability to see what's really been going on here.

Muhd #fundie evcforum.net

I will say that evolution and other naturalistic theories are perpetuated in an effort to remove God out of the picture. It saddens me when Christians show support for this kind of godless science.

simple #fundie evcforum.net

It is no fairy tale that the bible tells us these things. He planted a garden, and in days, it was grown. It is not possible in this physical world now. Any non atheist scientist out there must know this. To deny the world of spiritual experience, and the bible, only because we believe that only this physical existed, because we can see nothing else, is to confine oneself to the 'box' of physical only. Most people on earth have always known there is more.
Since it may be ignored, but not disproved, you may believe what you want. But don't try to lay some trip on me, where anything else but the puny physical only never existed, or ever will. No one argues that it now is all man has. It is real and great. But it is a small part of the big picture, and the spiritual is not subject to mere physical only tests, restrictions, principles, or laws.
The flood involved more than the physical, the garden did as well, and heaven will too. Trying to stick it all in the box is like trying to get the ocean in a spoon.

Springer #fundie evcforum.net

Contrary to popular belief, evolutionists don't have a corner on scientific objectivity. I've found through personal experience that when an evolutionist gets backed into the wall he relies on arrogant condescending rhetoric. From my observations, creationists are more prone to stick to the objective facts.