
Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Synagogue of Satan puts Human Meat in McDonald's Burgers

[link to youtu.be]

Leviticus 26:29

And ye shall eat the flesh of your sons, and the flesh of your daughters shall ye eat.

I would stay away from fast food and other things like frozen, pre-made hamburger paddies.....

BOURNE #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The earth may or may not be flat

But here is a simple secret I'll reveal



If it did spin easterly as they say... Or as we say at the CIA...

Then ...

A plane going 500mph from NYC to LA would get there sooner as the earth is spinning towards the plane... 500mph plus the 1000mph spin would - well it's obvious

However a plane going to NY from LA @ same speed would not only get there later... It shouldn't get there at all as the spin speed is double the speed of the plane...

Moving the destination further away all the time...

I challenge anyone to disprove this



If spinning the spin would be faster the higher latitude or lower latitude you get and at the poles there'd be no spin

Finally my department here at Langley is indeed responsible for many flat earth infomation


We are testing reaction ... To disclosure of that truth

So far the statistical measure reveals that most aren't ready for that truth...

We were surprised by the polarized reaction by you, the lunatic leading edge fringe

If you guys won't by and large buy into the idea ... Then who would?

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

FLAT earth is NWO attempt to make truthers look STUPID

In an attempt to discredit actuall conspyracies I.E.

Sandy hook
Boston bombing
US funding ISIS
OKC Bombing

The shills decided to plant retards throughout the truth movement and resurrect the most stupidest fairy tails straight out of the dark ages.

rachel3108 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Disney released the trailer for "Alice Through the Looking Glass" on 11.5, one of the dates featured on the arrows next to Alice on the Year in 2015 Economist cover.

The trailer begins with the Disney castle logo that begins to tilt off center to the rhythm of a ticking clock.

"Pan features a ticking clock and Suicide Squad has a crooked wind-up effect, and Alice blends the two by having a ticking clock that twists the castle logo." (See link for gif) [link to whatculture.com]

The release date for Alice Through the Looking Glass is 5/27/2016, the weekend before a grand cross alignment at the four animals of Ezekiel's chariot.

The four animals of Ezekiel's chariot were part of an alignment featured in Gaspar's work that would signal an impending pole shift at the transition of the ages.

"In his book the Celestial clock, Dr. Gaspar reveals that St. John was schooled in celestial mechanics and used meaningful astrological signs and symbols to develop a simple yet sophisticated weather warning system. In this end-time prophecy scenario, he used the animal signs of the Zodiac, the bull, eagle, lion and scorpion, to direct us to specific constellations in the night sky. For that cataclysm will be activated, Gaspar learned, in the "crossing" of these four cardinal compass points as they simultaneously over lay and converge upon the center axis of our galaxy, sun and earth thereby shaking the world tree to the ground, literally." - John Jay Harper, Tranceformers: Shamans of the 21st century p. 170

“When the day becomes the night, and the sky becomes the sea. When the clock strikes heavy, and there’s no time for tea, and in our darkest hour before my final rhyme, she will come back home to wonderland, and turn back the hands of time,” Alan Rickman’s Blue Caterpillar says over scenes from the fantasy. [link to time.com]

The grand cross at Ezekiel's chariot takes place on the new moon of Sivan in the Pleiades. One week later is the festival of Shavuot or Pentecost, on June 13.

In the NBC series Heroes Reborn, June 13 is the date around which much of the show revolves that redefines the relationship between evolved humans and those who seek to control humanity by demonizing and squelching the possibility of evolution whilst building for themselves means of escaping the coming earth changes by co-opting the evolved humans' powers.

In order to save the future, key characters aware of the plot travel back in time to June 13 to attempt to change the course of events - without stepping on butterflies - so that the evolved humans can carry out their mission for which they were planted on earth - to hold down poles of the new earth as the earth goes through a pole reversal.

The pole reversal and the evolution ("Alice through the Looking Glass") are two sides of the same coin. Thus Alice on the Economist cover in November 2015 begins a process by which the events of June 13 can be channeled for birth rather than destruction. The merkabah/light body serves as an ark to traverse the waves of change by means of drawing other dimensions down to earth through the looking glass.

MatrixLNIN11 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


As forecasted by GCM over 2 weeks in advance and RIGHT HERE in GLP on October 27th

[link to www.cnn.com]

Doesn't get too much clearer than that folks.

In fact, as far as I'm aware of, this was the ONLY publicly posted warning on the PLANET that not only specifically named OCTOBER 31st as one of the 2 KEY TARGET-DATES for a MAJOR AIR-DISASTER on ALL-HALLOWS EVE, but also predicted this AIR Disaster would "MARK"the DATE of *another* MAJOR OCCULT ANNIVERSARY connected to OCTOBER 31st

hmmm let's see,,,

Are there any BIG ANNIVERSARIES that might have some type of special "OCCULT" SIGNIFICANCE around OCTOBER 31st *and* be connected to PLANES or AIR DISASTERS???

As a matter of FACT, there IS... 16 Years to the EXACT DAY

[link to en.wikipedia.org (secure)]
EgyptAir Flight 990 (MS990/MSR990) was a regularly scheduled flight from Los Angeles International Airport, United States, to Cairo International Airport, Egypt, with a stop at John F. Kennedy International Airport, New York City. On 31 October 1999, the Boeing 767 operating the route crashed into the Atlantic Ocean about 60 miles (100 km) south of Nantucket Island, Massachusetts, killing all 217 people on board.

Talk about being in PLANE SITE like CLOCKWORK ;0 and speaking of SITE...

I'm sure it's just one of those crazy coincidences that the Crash Site in EGYPT just happens to be the NAME of the primary ANNIVERSARY it was "designed" to "MARK" *with* another Major Air-Disaster on the SAME DATE.

But all that still just scratches the surface as to level of manipulation going on both ABOVE *and* almost literally BELOW everyones FEET & noses.

My condolences to the victims families (who for now, due to past "events" that have in most cases, not been what they initially appeared to be, I'll assume are REAL), as well as the the indirect ones around the world who in another sense, are also victims since the EFFECTS of this tragedy will be felt on a GLOBAL level in the days, weeks and MONTHS to come.


Here's the most recent update from 2 weeks ago containing the excerpt from Window #4 warning about a Major Air Disaster on Halloween
posted on October 15th 2015:
God Code Matrix of 188 posted on October 15th @5:25am:

The Official Gcm 188-CYCLE Seismic, Solar & False-Flag Ritual Warning Windows for the WORLD SERIES & ALL HALLOWS EVE
October 188 Cycle **MAJOR** FALSE-FLAG Event Windows
Window #4

OCTOBER 29th & 31st
(possible AIR-Disaster/Tragedy alert #2)

[link to www.facebook.com (secure)]

But even as clear and irrefutable as the above evidence is....

It now PALES in comparison to the warning I posted here on October 27th to all the pissed off little haters and Glp Trolls who attacked Gcm with every last tard in their turd, but still FAILED to disprove Gcm's
unprecedented level of accuracy forecasting major earthquakes, Solar eruptions or even....


Thread: M7.5 to 7.8 hits Afghanistan on Target-Date of GCM Warning for an M7.4+ on OCTOBER 26th!

Did I mention, EVERY MAJOR QUAKE in OCTOBER including the 7.5 on 10/21
[link to www.facebook.com (secure)]

or the 7.5 to 7.8 Quake in AFGHANISTAN
Thread: M7.5 to 7.8 hits Afghanistan on Target-Date of GCM Warning for an M7.4+ on OCTOBER 26th!
[link to www.facebook.com (secure)]

ALL struck the EXACT TARGET DATES forecasted by Gcm as well?


So, regardless of ones personal biases, opinions, denials or CLAIMS about Gcm, doesn't change the above stated INCONTROVERTIBLE FACTS.

For all the the liars and deniers of Glp's Troll Brigade who claim you can change or manipulate FACEBOOK Timestamps any differently than GLP's method, or that any forecasts used by gcm as validation have been POSTED or POSTEDITED *AFTER* claimed hits, Gcm has an open challenge wagering $1000.00USD that such claims are FALSE and can be PROVEN FALSE.

Thus, I DIGRESS to the final set of question about WHO or WHAT
DID THE DIRTY DEED and caused the destruction of FLIGHT#9268?

And NO, ISIS/ISIL had LITTLE if anything to do with this once you understand they're merely a CODE-NAME & GUISE for the REAL TERRORISTS within the BLACK-OP MILITARY OPERATION of the UNITED STATES, GREAT BRITAIN & ISRAEL who created, SANCTIONED and were BEHIND this False-Flag Anniversary Ritual connected to EGYPT AIR 990.

So, now that we've established not only WHO ISIS aka ISIL aka AL-CIAeda IS and the GROUP they're connected TO behind the curtain (which btw, is the SAME OCCULT GROUP of SKULL & BONEheads in this OLD WORLD DISorder, it's TIME to make it absolutely CLEAR as to WHAT exactly brought this plane down or rather, what TECHNOLOGY was involved in the CAUSE of the Crash?

ScoutsOUT #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Want to know why God exists?

Because, God is where we get our rights from. It doesn't matter what God, or religion, or anything for that matter, as long as we acknowledge we have natural rights bestowed to us by a higher power.

If our rights are natural, and from God, then no man can legislate them away.

Society is trying to erase God in a very desperate manner, don't let them do it! Once the notion of God is completely dismissed from our society, we will no longer recognize where our rights come from.

The state will say THEY grant us rights, and for safety reasons we need to give some back.

BS. Our founding fathers believed our rights came from God, and that no man can take them away.

Don't ever forget it.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


Hello A.I. or govt trolls on this website attacking every post on Chemtrails aka Geoengineering we know you are doing it you spray to make it look like global warming but really we see planes planes spraying us and your experimental drone that looks like a mini space shuttle that controls planets earths atmosphere. Its getting colder and you guys have altered the atmosphere and now you have to spray everyday to cover the shit you fucked up. Tell the people whats really going on with sun and what you have done to your atmosphere and why you are purposely keeping California a drought we know its the TPTB! We Know!!!

TimeWarper #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


Hence why they speak out of both sides of their mouth and LIE to us.
It's okay to do that to the INFIDELS...

From the silencing of atrocities committed against Swedish women, to the cover up of Muslim crimes, to the safe passage of Jehadis to the West.

Obama has converted them all to Islam.

The only LINK I HAVE TO PROVE THIS is the link between what I see and hear and common sense.

Every new thread that gets posted about the Invasion and all the WTF? going on globally , just think in your mind that the leaders are now MUSLIM and it all makes sense folks.

We're aleady being ruled over by Islamists!
The Muslim world knows this but till now we've been left in the dark and will be told later down the track IF AT ALL...

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

THE END OF THE UNITED STATES BY 2017 - Updated & revised

V posted this in 2014.

I know V personally and I have background on the source he used.

I'm providing a detailed breakdown and a full update for 2015. You can read V's article below my update.

Heed these warnings to save yourselves and your family members. Critical information below will facilitate your planning.

There are those of us in government who are fully aware of this plan and who want to stop it, but there is little we can do other than warn others. You have no idea what you are really up against.

Additional info not included below in V's original article:

-- Current estimates within my circles and the best intelligence I have is that the trigger is set for early to mid 2016, an expected collapse period of 2-4 weeks, a leveled off period and then further collapse 3 months later which will last up to two years.

-- The DoD just dedicated $40 Billion to an expansion of the drone program, and increased the quota to 3,000 trained drone operators to be ready by 2016. The drone program mostly operates out of Nevada and the DoD is fully prepared for the collapse and all contingencies are in place for EMP attacks / grid failures and bio weapon plagues to ensure the drone operations continue. The drones will be used primarily on expected armed uprisings and to support the merc armies. Most of the drones you see on TV are not nearly as advanced as the ones the DoD will be using post-collapse.

-- There are many purposes for the Afghanistan war, but primarily the past five years the country has been used as "target practice" for drone operators. This program is one of the DoD's most important, for reasons discussed below and in V's article.

-- The Dollar will slide when the Brics nations initiate a Treasury bond fire-sale selloff. This will be coordinated.

-- The destruction of the U.S. is a 100 year old plan now coming fully to fruition.

-- The goal and 'endgame' is largely out of a desire for centralized world government.

-- The ideals and nationalism of the American Republic were always a hindrance to this plan. Other, more compliant nations and societies will more easily fall into line when the global reset occurs. Some others will champion it, such as Australia, Germany and China.

-- The gun control issue is something the globalists have debated for years, ultimately concluding the ban of guns in the U.S. is not tenable or necessary. Propaganda campaigns are still carried out to produce a fear and divide over guns, but the goal to wholesale ban them was dropped in 2003.

-- The presidential election will be cancelled and never reach a vote in late 2016.

-- There are plans for Obama to stay in power, but when the NAU forms Obama will move to a new position in the UN, and a new president will be appointed. Elections will be planned for 2019.

-- Estimates from the DoD show they expect at least 80 Million Americans to perish in what they call the "transition". Most will die from starvation and lack of water, as well as planned bio attacks.

-- The bio attacks will occur in major cities and where rioting and crowd issues are most critical.

-- The DoD describes the economic crash as the "crescendo effect". This wording is used throughout internal and classified documents. The number one threat to the U.S. will be the breakdown of supply chains. Within two to three weeks, store shelves will be empty. The DoD has gone so far so as to produce full length films describing the breakdown, and these films are shown to the merc groups.

-- About 60% of the U.S. Congress is fully aware and briefed on the coming scenario and this group will play an integral role in the creation of the NAU.

-- The merc army consists of dozens of different groups and some troops from foreign nations. Estimates in size range from 1 million to 2.5 million troops.

-- The U.S. Army and military in general will be disbanded. Many will simply be sent home to be with their families and will have no operational or official role during the "transition". Approximately 20% of vetted military officials and personnel who have high security clearances will remain in power and carry out the mission in place. These personnel have been determined to be "loyal" to the mission. The large merc army will then be moved in to replace the current standing Army. Contingency plans are in place to deal with military personnel who resist being disbanded or relieved of their duties.

-- The best preparation is to leave the US before this happens. If you aren't able to do that, make sure you quietly prepare. Many of the 'preppers' who order food in bulk, buy guns and do nothing to hide their activities are in a carefully monitored DoD database and will be monitored during the collapse, and yes drones will play a role in this. The government is mostly concerned about preppers forming small resistance communities, they are NOT concerned with them surviving. Many people will survive. The government is more concerned about resistance movements that will surely rise up.

-- The rioting and cannibalism will be so widespread and intense, the DoD has created a map containing numerous zones around populated areas that will be closed off - the use of tanks, drones and heavy artillery to will ensure no one enters or exists these zones. One of the zones I have heard about is around Los Angeles. The choice will be to stay in the zone and try to survive, or try to leave and risk being shelled or blown to pieces. The government does NOT want large populations to move about, they want containment, and they want smaller cities to remain safe and relatively 'intact'.

-- A huge operation to provide food and supplies to the nation's population will go into effect, but the DoD in highly classified documents and memos has concluded no matter how large the operation, a total social breakdown will occur, so many "safe zones" are planned, while certain large population areas will be cordoned off.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Timeline Shift. Parallel Universe. Are you from a different dimension?

The Mandela Effect is a theory of parallel universes, based in the idea that because large groups of people have similar alternative memories about past events. Advocates of the theory claim that for these collective experiences to be true, the fabric of reality must have shifted at some point in the past, and that therefore not only do parallel, inhabitable universes exist, but that we are constantly switching between them.

Every time CERN fires up the Large Hadron Collider they're fcking with our time dimension.

I've compiled a list of memories that personally bother me. Get a pen, write down how you remember it. then check your answers.

*Berenstain Bears or Berenstein Bears?

*Challenger shuttle explosion year? Winter or a different season?

*Peanuts creator Charles Schulz or Schultz?

*Forrest Gump “Life IS like a box of chocolates—” or “Life WAS like a box of chocolates—”?

*Fred Rogers’ song, “It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood” or "It's a beautiful day in this neighborhood"?

*Fruit Loops or Froot Loops?

*Do you remember a portrait of King Henry VIII with a turkey leg in his hand?

*Home Depot – Was the store name always “The Home Depot,” or just “Home Depot”?

*Interview with a Vampire, or Interview with the Vampire?
*Jif Peanut Butter or Jiffy Peanut Butter. Did they change the name?

*Nelson Mandela’s death. 2013 or decades earlier?

*"Sex and the City", or "Sex in the City"?

*Skechers or Sketchers?

*Jim and Tammy Baker or Bakker?

*Darth Vader said “Luke, I am your father” or “No, I am your father”?

*Sara Lee's slogan "Nobody does it like Sara Lee", or "Nobody doesn't like Sara Lee"? (Even my mom says this one is weird)

*Jim Nabors (Gomer Pyle). Didn't he die about 10 or 15 years ago? I distinctly remember it.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Jade Helm To Stop Flow of Mexican Refugees Into USA Following Catastrophic Hurricane Patricia?

TPTB knew this hurricane season would be devastating with the super El Niño effect taking place. The west coast of Mexico will be devastated by Patricia. Mexico does not have the ability to handle the aftermath and they anticipate hundreds of thousands of refugees flowing into the US.

Darth #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Flouridated water is the "Nagalase of the MInd"

So the world is waking up to the special interests who are killing all these holistic doctors because they are exposing how Nagalase is intentionally added to vaccines to cause cancer, autism, parkinsons, etc etc.

[link to www.naturalnews.com]

and we all know how Flouride was used in Hitler and Stalin concentration camps' drinking water to sedate the prisoners and "quell rebellion".

Prozac and such drugs and rat poison both contain Flouride.

So, is the flouride they put in drinking water not the Nagalase of the brain, of the MIND, that has been what is making americans stOOpid as FUCk lately?

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Illegal Aliens Crisis is to lure white people on the ships (so they can be harvested)

Think about it.

Which race will be the hardest to lure onto the ships, to get harvested?

White people.

All they have to do now, is offer them a clean planet of their own!

DO NOT GET ON THE SHIPS no matter what happens or it will HURT and you will die in anquish.

Ahem #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Carson is working for Obama

You saw it here first...

It's an open secret among state party officials here in Maryland (Carson's home state).

All his ties to politica are with the Obama White House. They begin and end there.

He has virtually not legitimate GOP ties... His campaign is a "LEECHING OPERATION" designed to drain funds from legitimate conservative candidates.

It's a money sink that in the end, helps the Democrats.

Carson is the black Democrat candidate... Running as a Republican. Among all the candidates, Bush is harmed the most by the Carson fund raising efforts.

The only mystery is why Rove and Prebus allow the Carson charade to continue. He's not an effective counter-Trump candidate. Not even remotely.

Wings of Fire #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Planet X - November 6 to march 2016 timeline

This is the real timeline and is the biggest secret that exists in the earth that the govt wan't to keep away from the public.

During this time a planet bigger than earth will pass close to earth ...

this is why they spray chemtrails to keep it wy from public.

Asteroid belt got disturbed and some of the aseroids are headed towards earth..that's the reason we see an increase in asteroids..

The govt around the world have known it a decade ago .....when it was first discovered by scientist robert harrington..

This is not a lie its a fact and its written in ancient text and scriptures all around the world...

There won't be an election .....

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

STOP Posting Updates on The Coming DOOM. Just Let it happen!!!

We ALL have been fucking waiting for doom to happen for a looooooong time, and guess what, it never fucking happens.. Do you know why? Because we fucking keep hyping it up, and constantly making new threads about it. AKA, the GLP EFFECT

Im sure the TPTB are lurking on this site, If you dumbshits keep posting threads about new inside info or new doom date, then those cocksuckers will DELAY the doom. TPTB are laughing at us and destroying our credibility.. And you idiots fall for it every single time!!! just like 2012, and September 23.

If you know something might go down, or if you have come across a new doom date, then KEEP IT TO YOUR FUCKING SELF!! Once it happens, THEN you can make a million threads about it. Just let the doom happen, and then post threads.

If we continue doing the same fucking shit over and over again, then will waste years of our life waiting for doom. Everytime we post new doom dates, they can will be kick down the road over and over again. I am not wasting anymore of my life because of this bullshit. I want doom to fucking happen soon, so i can get it over with and live my life again.

If you want to make threads about doom, then talk about the doom that is happening right now. Like the China launches global yuan payment system thread. Do NOT talk about FUTURE doom dates.

peace out!

ASTRAEA REVELATIONS #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Pope Will be Murdered Next month in Africa !!!!!

On this tread I will discuss something huge that was revealed to me a while ago. The murder of the pope and all his entourage during his next visit to Africa in November 2015.
First lets remember the Fatima prophecy;
And we saw in an immense light that is God: 'something similar to how people appear in a mirror when they pass in front of it' a Bishop dressed in White 'we had the impression that it was the Holy Father'. Other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious going up a steep mountain, at the top of which there was a big Cross of rough-hewn trunks as of a cork-tree with the bark; before reaching there the Holy Father passed through a big city half in ruins and half trembling with halting stepg, afflicted with pain and sorrow, he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way; having reached the top of the mountain, on his knees at the foot of the big Cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him, and in the same way there died one after another the other Bishops, Priests, men and women Religious, and various lay people of different ranks and positions.

Now,look at the information on this site;
[link to www.voanews.com]

"Pope Francis will make his first trip to Africa in November, visiting Kenya, Uganda and the Central African Republic in a pilgrimage that will bring him face to face with Islamic extremism and Christian-Muslim violence on the continent."
"The trip will pose security risks that have largely been absent on Francis' foreign trips to date."
"Kenya has been facing the threat of attacks from al-Shabab Islamic militants ever since it sent troops to fight Somali rebels in 2011. Al-Shabab, which is linked to al-Qaida, has conducted major attacks in Kenya, including the 2013 attack on Nairobi's Westgate mall and an April attack on a university in Garissa that killed nearly 150 people"
"In Uganda, Francis will certainly refer to the Martyrs of Uganda, 45 Anglicans and Catholics killed during the persecution of Christians from 1885-87. Pope Paul VI canonized the 22 African Catholics in 1964"
"The Central African Republic, meanwhile, has been rocked by violence since the mostly Muslim Seleka rebel coalition toppled the president in 2013"

Any of these trips can be highly dangerous, but only one of these fits the fatima prophecies.
Let's analize it;

First, the pope will visit the capital of Uganda,an relative small country whose biggest city is the capital Kampala. Kampala is a big city full of ruins, after many years of civil war on the country. After going to this city the holy pope will visit the famous Martyrs' Shrine in Namugongo a city beside Kampala, where 45 people were burned alive over 100 years ago, only for being Christians. These are not any martyrs. They are extremely important to the country and were already canonized by the late pope, John Paul II. Namugongo's celebration of the Feast of the Uganda Martyrs on June 3 is among the largest annual religious gatherings in the world. Attendance estimates range from 500,000 to the low millions. The feast is a national holiday, and the full event is covered on national television.

Francis is going to visit their shrine, bless and pray for them and then after that go to the city of Kiwamirembe,also very near Kampala to visit the famous "Queen of Peace Shrine".

This shrine that is on the top of a mountain, was build very recently 1989 as a spiritual refuge in times of war. It is a very important spot regarding Christianity in that country and in a coincidental way , it is dedicated to no one less than Our Lady Of Fatima, having a statue of the virgin of Fatima right on the altar.

Now that you know the pope agenda in Uganda, see how everything fits perfectly with the Fatima prophecies...

the Holy Father passed through a big city half in ruins and half trembling with halting stepg, afflicted with pain and sorrow
This city is Kampala , a city devastated after year of civil war.

he prayed for the souls of the corpses he met on his way;
As I said before after visiting the capital he is going to visit the Uganda Martirs. These are the corpses he prayed for they soul on lucia's vision and this is the crucial detail that points without doubt to Uganda and not Kenya or Central African republic, as the place where the murder will happen.

having reached the top of the mountain, on his knees at the foot of the big Cross he was killed by a group of soldiers who fired bullets and arrows at him,
At first when i heard the prophecy about the soldiers that will use bullets and arrows i thought it was a joke. who uses arrows in this day and age?? Even in lucia's day and age was something weird and rare.Well in europe maybe, but NOT in AFRICA!In Uganda the use of arrows and also machetes are very common among people , and there were even cases of armed robbery and murders using arrows believe it or not.
This part also talks about a hill. After visiting the capital and the martyrs shrine, he will visit the "Queen of Peace Shrine" in Kiwamirembe. That shrine is also on the top of a hill!

going up a steep mountain, at the top of which there was a big Cross of rough-hewn trunks as of a cork-tree with the bark;

Regarding the steep mountain look at this photo of the "Queen of Peace Shrine" in Kiwamirembe.

[link to imgur.com]
[link to imgur.com]
A never ending of steps leads the way to the shrine.that is located on the top of the hill.Amazing. This is what Lucia saw!

Regarding the cross, this is the only missing link,but not for long. Always when a pope is expected to visit some place huge crosses are built to be put in specific places. You can be sure that the Ugandan government will built a lovely cross on the top of that hill in time for the pope arrival and you can bet every single cent that will be like in lucia's vision, a cross made of rough-hewn trunks. Even the description of that cross leads to the idea of some third world country and a very simple cross made of rough materials , which you would not be seeing in a European or American visit.

Also pay attention to the fact that this hill is a death trap.Is not an open view hill like people could imagine.
[link to imgur.com]
The area is full of trees!!Soldiers, militias,or anyone with bad intentions can easily hide in there and make an ambush to kill the pope.

Also to finish if my prophecy is right, it do not cease to amaze me the fact that the "Queen of Peace Shrine" in Kiwamirembe, where the pope and all his entourage may die is a shrine dedicated to none the less than Our lady of Fatima.
[link to imgur.com]
Isn't a coincidence? I think this detail seals the deal.

Now I ask, if I am right, the fact that i am revealing this in a public way right now, can change the future? I honestly couldn't care less about the pope or his entourage lives. But the point is , could the future be changed by this revelation? And if nothing changes and the pope be murdered anyways,in that mountain next month? What would this mean regarding this thread? Should I start to pack my bags and move to Mars??

PhDatExposingRound #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Flat Earth Theory (Waters above)

The waters above the firmament:

You learn in science (a radical religion) that the scattering of gasses which make the sky appear blue in the atmosphere is nitrogen, oxygen, and a few other elements and compounds. Atleast in real science we have never seen any of these elements in a gas state being a shade of blue. Only in a state of fire they can turn this way. The sky itself isn't on fire however, as it would be burning out.

The blue compound above appears to be still. How can the air react in this manner? If x compound existed, as science classrooms teach, all parts of the atmosphere would be blue as well, because of the cycles in the atmosphere. The atmosphere is crystal clear however, when in all parts, except in the surrounding clouds.

How could NASA make images of the globe earth from the moon and with satellites *if they exist*, with the appearance of the colour blue surrounding earth? But nothing in nature appears as blue in large quantities as the ocean water itself? Is NASA trying to sink here?

On a biblical standpoint, there is a firmament above us, and water above that firmament. That firmament holds enough water that can fill the gaps of the mountain on earth. Only God can open up this firmament, and he made a promise long ago not to bring a flood again upon the earth. The sign of the rainbow is the signature of that promise.

Ghetto Monk #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

What Do The Confederate Flag Fiasco & The Fake Clock Bomb Kid Have In Common?

Did you spot it?

Both are instances of the federal government exercising back-room control of almost every major public & private corporation in America to push an agenda....

You see what's happening here right?

You understand fully what this means RIGHT?

It's fascism people..

Bold and in your face..

Why does it matter to you?

Because if you don't share their same goals and opinions you will soon be completely shut out of society..

Think I'm exaggerating?

A recent example in my life...

A major public company I do business with was providing me with shitty service..

So I raise some hell, nothing out of the ordinary or extreme by my standards at all..

Put in a complaint with the corporate office over it..

Then 10 days later I get a registered letter in the mail banning me from all their properties!

Whereas in the past a company such as this, for a client such as myself, would have fired the fuckers I was complaining about...

Now instead they chose to fire me for bitching about it!

I was fucking shocked..

I've neer had a company pull some vengeful shit like this on me in the past for making a complaint..

But the world is changing my friends..

It's changing into a world of communism where there is only one option for you and if you make any waves you're ostracized from the machine you depend on for your livelihood..

This aint your grandma's or even your mothers America anymore boys in girls..

That shit died back in the 80's..

Full on control grid is upon us.

christian #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The organization that has released nine videos exposing the scandal of Planned Parenthood selling aborted babies and their body parts has released a new undercover video today with another shocking discovery. This latest video catches the nation’s biggest abortion business selling specific body parts — including the heart, eyes and “gonads” of unborn babies.The video also shows the shocking ways in which Planned Parenthood officials admit that they are breaking federal law by selling aborted baby body parts for profit.

The 10th video by The Center for Medical Progress features several top-level Planned Parenthood executives discussing the organization’s secretive practices around aborted fetal parts harvesting. The video includes comments from Deborah VanDerhei, the National Director of the organization’s Consortium of Abortion Providers, describing the harvesting of fetal body parts as “donation for remuneration.”

The video highlights conversations with Dr. Carolyn Westhoff, Senior Medical Advisor for PPFA; Dr. Vanessa Cullins, Vice President for External Medical Affairs for PPFA; and Deborah VanDerhei, National Director for the Consortium of Abortion Providers (CAPS) at PPFA.

[link to www.lifenews.com]

prisonerno6 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Obamacare Allows Companies to Punish Fat Employees
Advocates for overweight Americans see wellness programs as thinly veiled fat discrimination

A few months ago, Tracy Raymond, a first-grade teacher in Palm Beach Gardens, FL, discovered that she was too fat for her school. A 50-year-old mother of two, Ms. Raymond has always carried around extra padding, but it never bothered her. “I know I’m heavier than I should be for my height, but I’m not obese,” she says. “I really don’t care.”

If the diet police has its way, she might have to start caring. Because according to her employer, her weight is a big problem—so much so that she was warned that if she didn’t lose weight and lower her cholesterol, either by participating in a wellness program or fixing the problems on her own, her insurance premiums would increase by $50 a month.

This isn’t unique to Palm Beach County.

A 2013 report by ConscienHealth, a consultancy, found that 16 percent of employers require wellness program participation, including medical screenings, for access to full health benefits. Of these, 67 percent set goals for weight and/or other health indicators linked to obesity (weight, blood pressure, cholesterol, diet). But 59 percent said that their companies didn’t cover any evidence-based treatments for obesity, like fitness training, dietician, or medical weight loss clinic.

Penalizing employees for pounds is perfectly legal. Under provisions in the Affordable Care Act, 2014, employers can charge employees an extra 30 percent of the total cost (employer and employee portions) of individual or family health benefits coverage if they don’t meet specific wellness goals, including body mass index (BMI). This is up from 20 percent, which was imposed in 2006 and permitted under the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act regulations (HIPPAA). Prior to 2006, employees couldn’t be penalized for missing a wellness target. “You could offer them nominal incentives to engage in activities like participating in a class, but you never could penalize them for actually smoking or not losing weight, or having high blood pressure,” said Karen Pollitz, a senior fellow at the Kaiser Family Foundation, in Washington, D.C.

Although the law requires employers to give employees an alternative way to avoid the penalty if he or she can’t meet the mandated health goal, the employee might still end up spending money. For instance, the employer might set a weight loss goal that the employee still can’t meet, or suggest the worker attend a fitness class. Those who opt out would accrue some financial penalty.

“Employers,” notes Timothy S. Jost, professor emeritus at Washington and Lee University’s School of Law, “like to control the lives of their employees.”
The underlying thesis is that companies are doing something good by helping employees get into shape—and saving themselves money in health costs.
In fact, many critics feel that what it really amounts to is thinly veiled fat discrimination.
Here’s where things get tricky. Although ObamaCare permits these penalties, under the ADA, it’s illegal to force employees to undergo medical exams or answer questions about their health—unless the questions are directly related to their job performance (itself debatable). It only allows medical inquiries and exams that are unrelated to the job if they’re voluntary and part of an employee health program.

This, in turn, begets another question: When is a wellness program voluntary?

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

We have a problem.. There is nests of aliens under the ground in various places in the United States. Instead of fighting over color, class, oil or land we need to be flushing these abducting, sex deviant, flesh eating beings from under us. Our country is infested with them. Our world is a vacation hot spot for them and our leaders know about it, allow it, contribute to it and feel safe about themselves with it. The elite are the cattle dogs and we are the cattle. They politute our air, food and water to manipulate our bodies so we make a better product for the aliens. The aliens have a tunnel system under the ground like back yard ants. The ships you see our them coming in for vacation. They have sex with the missing, genetically test them, create new beings, cross bred, harvest and eat. Disney World from hell under our feet. We need as a world an army and kill these fuckers like 1979. I am placing a 11 page document with details below. This is what to worry about. All our problems with food, chemtrails ect is because of them and how we need to be altered for consumption. They want to fuck you, bred you or eat you..

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Globe-ists...get over yourself

You globe theorists just buy into all of it without first hand evidence.

And just because you may "see" the curvature of the earth with your bare eyes, does NOT mean you live on a sphere

cant you see? The "globists" are so invested in their theory and their facade, because it is also invested in the atheist agenda and the "we can escape and colonize another planet because we screwed up this one so bad" agenda... Both of which are false.

Get over yourself!

Think of all the movies that try to give you a visual understanding of "outer space"

All the books and sci-fi novels that push this idea of a glove earth... Books written long before the "space exploration" campaign.

Get over yourself!! All your proof is by the hand of an artist!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Sphere Earth Conspiracy

The catholic church has been the main offender of pushing this lie on the ignorant masses. Many forum members including certain moderators have continued to push the lie that the church persecuted men who claimed the earth was a ball.


[link to forums.catholic.com]

From the thread on catholic forums:

"A person did not have to know how to read or write to know that the earth was spherical in shape. All he had to do was to go to Mass. See a Church with a 6th century mosaic showing Jesus Christ, King of the World, sitting on a spherical globe." -JohnRR7

It has always been the secret society types including jesuits and freemasons pushing this conspiracy.

What's their end game? I believe it's for the end time alien deception.

The devils first came down and claimed to be gods. This time it will be ET's.

Also ever wonder what the chemtrail conspiracy is about? Perhaps they are for hologram technology to simulate an alien invasion of sorts.

Lucian Apollo Zalmoxe Lumina #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Truth about the 7 asteroids set to impact Earth between 23rd-28th of September 2015

Ok,you have all been fed bits of information and misinformation by the NASA and NWO
they are preparing for the announcement made by Pope Francis aka Petrus Romanus in the saint Malachi prophecy of popes...the last one
he shall come to UN assembly on 23rd and say that the astronomers of Vatican have discovered 7 asteroids set to impact Gaia between 23rd and 28th of september 2015

yes one will fall near Bucharest on 23rd
yes there will be a small one near Houston Texas,500 meters long on 28 th,the last one
yes,the biggest one,1.5 miles long and half mile wide shall fall into the atlantic ocean ,132 miles east of north carolina on 26th in the evening in USA ,morning 27th in Romania

so I am saying all these to you to prepare
yes FEMA will evacuate the east coast to Chicago and westwards and northwards
yes Europe and Americas shall suffer the most
yes,Osiris the second largest shall fall near Madagascar as NASA mural shows it

the idea is
the people in charge have no actual experience and this society shall be destroyed by Russia and China and by nuclear explosions and nuclear plants melting
that is the truth

I shall stop them
but I cannot stop war

Doom of War #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Earth is FLAT but you have no idea HOW!

What humans call Earth is only a tiny part of the EARTH.

Human ver. of Earth is 3D Earth.

But 4D earth = earth with 3 directions + time is

Those things you call planets are unreachable parts of Earth that are separated from OUR earth by TIMESPACE.

4D flat earth is composed of ALL terrestrial planets of Milky Way.

While distance from our locations on Earth are always around second or a few...

Distance between 4D earth and locations on it = ~70 years that equals to 1 Day of all stars of Milky Way.

if you could travel through Curved TimeSpace you would be able to see EARTH (undivided) single flat earth.

It's complicated I know but .. oh well.. maybe someone will understand.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

*** ALERT ** False flags in Rome and Paris - A Follow-up thread: Millions of refujihadis will be brought in EU

Yes, you read correctly!

It is a follow-up for the thread:
Thread: *** ALERT ** Info: millions of refujihadis will be brought in EU, then they will implode economy, then the inter-racial civil war ensue

So, they will do false-flags, Gladio style, in Rome, Paris, Germany, like planting blasting devices, massive shootings and then they will blame on radicals which are against immigration.

Then they will enact draconian controls for internet, with harsh laws that will put people in prison for even minor comments against immigration/etc

They will link this with extremism, antisemitism, anti immigration, racism, etc as a very weak motivation, the real reason, is they want to scare people to not fight against this massive influx of foreigners, that will overload the social and administrative systems in the European host countries.

Moreover they will impose more draconian laws for traveling in Europe for the normal people (not for refujihadists) in order to increase even more the people discontent.

They will vote laws, that they can take a second property, or they can force you to accept refujihadists in your home, if you have more rooms than the persons living in the house. First they will say that they will take offices and companies buildings for that purpose, but stealthily, after a short-while will say, it's not enough space and will force refujihadists in people's houses.

Should I tell you that this will end with the fact that these refujihadist will rape and violate your daughter(s), your wife, etc?

The elites, that running stealthily the things, want the local population to get crazy, to become furious and to start fighting with the refujihadist, then the crazed local population will realize that their pwn politicians and elected officials are to be the blame, so they will start to be violent to those. They will invoke force-majeure and will ask for UN troops help.

Then the total chaos will ensue...

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

With all this talk about Reptilians there are many disinformation agents like D. Icke Who are trying to spread false beliefs and turn the spotlight away from those who are the real reptilians.

That's right, the real reptilians are the Jews who control the world, why do you think that less than a 0.2% of a ethnic group can have so much power in the world?

The Jews AKA Reptilians are a alien race who intend on world domination.

There is a movie about the reptilian jews it's called "They Live", made in 1988, it gives a good insight about the reptilian jewish problem but the producer had to censor it because of jewish lobby groups deemed it as anti-semitic.

Reptilians do exist and it's the jews who are them.

Rufus Juice #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Crane Collapse - the attack on islam's world trade center

Face it - Mecca ~ Is as much islam's world trade center as it is a place of worship. the truth is Islam masquerades as a religion ~ when in fact it is a system for world domination, military conquest, a totalitarian political system of control, evil and death. See all those cranes? nothing to do with any worship and everything to do with middle eastern money. so much money forthat many cranes to be working.

So take that ~ Your World trade was attacked today ~ from the sky. With lightning. it wasnt allah ~ we control the weather.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Earth must be flat or you couldn't tie your shoes on R-E.

Gravity on round earth would pull to the center on every single angle all around and why on paper we see water held all around a CGI globe, but those water couldn't flow due to that gravity on such an impossible sphere. The water would remain pulled towards the center thus remaining where they are.

Same for your shoe laces, gravity would render it impossible for you to move your arms or legs, we'd all look like a bunch of stiff-necked people.

Zion Protocol Illuminati #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

SECRET: NAZI HYBRIDS IN USA/CANADA - from the GPZ Eugenics program

I was told by my mother at age 9 that I would become
"A great leader of men".
A strange thing for a mother to tell her small child.

I went through all imaginable fantasies over 5 decades to explain the paranormal phenomena in my life, unexplainable by everything except perhaps demonism, divinity, or godlike qualities.

Then after 3 decades of study in sciences I came upon something that ought to interest most people.

In the 1940s - 1950s eugenic experiments to create a super-race were so secret that even today with the internet little data is available.

I can only piece this together from personal experience coupled with study, it will sound outlandish and delusional to most but a few might understand.

Several hundred babies were EXCHANGED and/or adopted in a top secret program called the German Protocol of Zion, which was a biotech program to genetically engineer a race of highly intelligent individuals to administrate the computer age. Contaversly a counter-program was instituted to sabotage this program called MKultra.
Its like the part in CLOSE ENCOUNTERS when the FATHERSIP drops off dozens of hynrid humans on top of Devil's Bute.

The adopted children in USA, Canada, and Europe were often birthed by inoculated women or outright adopted under strict security were like THE X FILES hybrid race of half aliens, only without the aliens.

Over the yrs I encountered "FRIENDS" on the internet interested in similar subjects and one a devout Nazi [he's been on this forum] and who swears to be a friend of the Vatican in esoteric studies gave me some clues that helped me discover who I am.

I dropped out of every conventional education from nursery school, to public school, to high school, and even university which allowed me to enter despite my lack of high school graduation based on an aptitude test I passed.

My IQ was measured at age 9 because I refused to attend school, it was 174.
The psychiatrist was amazed, I was in his words ABOVE GENIUS LEVEL.

It was at this age my mom said I was to become a RULER of some sorts.

It's Time for an Uncomfortable Discussion about What it Really Means to Engineer a 'Better Baby'
[link to www.geneticsandsociety.org]

This is true CONSPIRACY material because the people I call "BEER FOR BRAINS BASEBALL IDIOTS" [in a very condescending way I might add cause they BUG me] would never believe they have been walking beside ppl engineered to be superior in everyway. Some were made for battle, others for different tasks. Its like BLADE RUNNER.

I don't blame the Nazis, the word NAZI actually means "PRINCE".

However all attempts to integrate me into society failed, I always felt superior to others, and I made that clear in my attitude.

Now that I understand I realize what the shrink told me, I could have been successful at ANYTHING ... I was designed to be an administrator.

I am a 100% believer in eugenics and selective breeding.
It just makes sense to use all the knowledge and tools available to optimum capacity/benefit.

I didn't realize it was the Germans who created me, I thought it was GOD.
[maybe it is]

BTW I can assure you that the illuminati are hybrids, and such that peasant classes would have a chance to catch up through regular breeding practices.


I can see my brothers and sisters who succeeded integrating
and it isn't anyones fault i COULDN'T.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Illuminati Predictive Programming a TOTAL MIND FUCK - HALO, PROMETHEUS, AVATAR

I've read the books, played the games, seen the series and bought the t-shirts. I am telling all

who will listen that we HUMANITY is being played like a fiddle. We are being led like lambs to the slaughter and gullible followers to the chapel.

Has anyone ever noticed that in all these above mentioned titles, a theme of predictably and symbology has occurred. Whoever has watched the films Avatar and Prometheus and played the games

Halo will see that not only does humanity seem to exist to follow the same developments, humanity also develops technology at the same pace to.

Halo looks at humanity battle to survive against the covenant until HALO 4 when we are the reclaimer of a lost civilization of an advanced long forgotten race.

Prometheus discovers ancient paintings and languages that Humanity is indeed an engineered race and learns that these god like people created us and now want to destroy humanity.

Avatar is about how humans in the technological age have become an almost empty null and void species with no roots to spiritual and natural ideas and use engineered robots to infiltrate another culture to steal what they have.

In all these movies the same kind of philosophies, ideologies, technology, time scale and cultural ethics are brought together. Almost like some crossover advert or tv series. Man has becomes hell bent on mining other planets for resources and enters into a war like mindset to obtain them.

I am aware that mankind has become very advanced in technology and computers, nanotechnology is only just around the corner. Yet our travel like technology is still the same, combustible engines and rockets are considered thee most likely means of space travel.

I see in these games and movies an illuminati mind fuck like that which was launched against people in hollywood for 9/11. People need to research that concept and you will see how we the people were pawns of predictive programming for that.

Like the future is now of total dominance, surveillance and Draconian lifestyle and law. If you ever read Orwell's 1984 or Huxely's Brave New World which were released and published world wide years before it happened, by the very same Illuminati who wanted people to become accustomed to that way of life, so that we would passively accept enslavement.

I see that humanity is having that same mind fuck again. With games like Halo and movies like Prometheus and Avatar showing how the future human race will become mindless warlike people, fighting in the universe for resources that belong to other intelligent cultures or civilizations.

It is not bullshit, there is truth in this. Star Trek used the ideas of wireless communicator in the palm of your hands and energy weaponry (phasers) instead of guns. Today that is the very norm and accepted by the vast majority of people, and why? because of mass psychological brainwashing campaigns like these conditioned people to think just so.

Remember that social engineering is an art form that takes and requires a vast and understanding of human behaviour. Not to mention foreseeing future lifestyles and I believe we are seeing that in these very popular and widely sold items.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Ex illumanati slave speaks - Reptilian* (*elite bloodline) ate humans elisabeth II england Mind Control MK ULTRA


Quote by Prince Philip:"Cannibalism is a radical but realistic solution to the problem of overpopulation."

Also use "Google Images" for the USA visit by Prince Charles and Queen Elizabeth the last time they visited the USA in 2008 when Bush was in office. There's about 4 or 5 photos of Prince Charles, Queen Elizabeth, George and Laura Bush in formal attire, all standing in front of the White House after a formal dinner waiting for their limo's I imagine. They all look totally bizarre as if they were just drinking blood and gorging on flesh. It is the most bizarre photo Ive ever seen and I've seen many bizarre photos. With Laura Bush looking totally evil, eyes bulging, veins engorged, and her face flush. I wish I had a link to the photos. PM me if you can't find one and I will send it to you. YOU have to see it to believe it I guess.

Her name is Gabriela Rico Jimenez. Carlos Slim is an actual Mexican elite worth 53 billion US $'s, you can check him on Wikipedia. She is no doubt a mind control victim. It would be nice if someone can confirm the translation, I noticed some spelling errors like "discusting" so if they can't spell basic words they mite have messed up the translation.

Gabriela Rico Jimenez, twenty-one years, lashed out at staff at a luxury hotel in Monterrey, and accuses the Queen of England to practice cannibalism.

It also denounces the murder of a scream that Murillo (seems to be a leader Antinarco who died in a plane crash in Mexico City where she landed).

The girl, who seemed in shock, shouting that she wants her freedom and insists on asserting that they "ate humans", referring repeatedly to Queen Elizabeth II of England, among others.

Although the news has been calling it "crazy and distorted information", the victim behaves as if she had witnessed something difficult to digest, and hence, nervous and deeply upset.

One of the things she says is that "everything started in 2001, the one that knows the truth of what really happened is Carlos Slim" (he is the the worlds 3rd richest man, and the guy that owns Telmex, a phone company and other stuff. Google him!)

"I was knocking on doors, what I wanted was my freedom."

"Look at me, you ****er (I think)" "Is this how you wanted to see me? Well, look at me! I'm here!" 2:38

"I want you to give me the maximum sentence, so Scotland, and Russia, so all the countries __, Murillo wouldn't be ashamed of her sons, because they're worth so much, cause they need their father, you're a __, and its gonna hurt your soul!" 3:19

"Leave me alone! Get away from me! You took me to the police station, didn't you? and then you took me to the hospital. YOU! you were there, weren't you?!" 3:34

Quote: "That's why they killed the Queen of Scotland, the Queen of England!" (then she mentions something about the princesses of Disneyland)

"They killed a lot of people! They ate humans!" 4:13

"That's disgusting! I didn't know anything about this!" 4:21

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

'CORIOLIS EFFECT' proves beyond the shadow of a doubt EARTH IS FLAT - Thank you science & every GOD fearing pencilneck.

If earth spins counter-clockwise, then, it spins from left to right - west to east.
[link to www.backfencepub.com]

North America being half-way between West and East means the sun rose in the West (left) and will set East (right) as the earth keeps spinning counter-clockwise going from left to right - west to east. This is very clear!

Either the spherical Earth spins clockwise.

Or, earth is flat and spins counter-clockwise explaining the Coriolis effect.
[link to www.lhup.edu]

Jehowah #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I NEVER wanted to spit on the Reptilians. But they forced my hand dude. (Cough cough POISON!!) When I was a 3D Human 8 years ago. The Reptilians poisoned me with CYANIDE first and I just couldn't catch my breath for a whole year until I received the antidote from my first encounter with the Felines. 2nd with THALIUM and my feet, stomach hurt and my hair was falling out and I was very pale. 3rd RICIN I felt like I was choking to death and could not breath. 4th this certain SPIDER VENOM where I was partially paralyzed and could not turn my neck left or right. 5th MERSER I had a terrible fever and was very ill and sweaty. Think the Reptilians will understand that they struck first and started it. And forced my hand to spit. Maybe they will realize and give me another chance as a un-brain dead 3D Human with them on there beautiful planet Earth. Ill pray to God and the Angels!

P.s. Btw it's me the being you all call "IT" from the Dern Universe. Sorry I was sent through alot of black holes by Illuminati Reptilians into parallel and unknown universes. And in my new universe no one knows who I am :( . PLEASE! protect me from the evil Illuminati Reptilians and there black holes

silver14 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Extraterrestrials Ready To Enter Earth Center Stage On Cue

The United Nations (UN) one-world government is laying out the red carpet for its alien masters, according to insiders within the totalitarian regime.
As the chief organization of the New World Order, the UN has already established the Office of Outer Space Affairs (UNOOSA).
Now it has appointed a Malaysian 'astrophysicist' - Mazlan Othman - to head the welcoming party.

"The timing is highly significant," said Professor William H Carpenter, leader of the Carpenter Foundation for Intergalactic Networking. "We know that the Pope, the vicar of the New World Order, was making preparations.

"The UN may be happy about a visit from thousands of extraterrestrials in highly advanced craft with devastating weapons, but most people are going to feel a tad uneasy."
There will be riots, said the Prof. He advises everyone to stay calm, buy guns and make sure you have plenty of canned food.

NASA says that rising greenhouse emissions may have tipped off aliens that we are a rapidly expanding threat. “Watching from afar, extraterrestrials have viewed changes in Earth’s atmosphere as symptomatic of a civilization out of control – and are taking drastic action to keep us from becoming a more serious threat,”

The Earth is ready for its alien saviors and there couldn't be a better time then now. Everything is in place, wars and rumors of wars, pestilence and famine, natural catastrophes all over the earth, oceans dying from nuclear catastrophes.

September 2015 would be the perfect time for disclosure and first contact since multiple prophetic events converge at this time.

Many speculate that Pope Francis visit to the US will be the catalyst for disclosure and first contact.

The evidence of extraterrestrial entities involvement on early indigenous American history is overwhelming and it dates back to the ruins of the ancient Anasazi, a mysterious American people that disappeared suddenly during what the investigators allege was an invasion by 6-toed giants under a fallen reptilian that came through a portal.
Investigators agree that according to prophetic implications and actual evidence, these entities are ready to come back to our realm.


Get ready to be razzled and dazzled with mile long UFO's!

White Sage #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The traffic light conspiracy

Ok, I have been on this one for a while and each day I commute, I am reminded of this BS.

The lights at the intersections are timed out to make you not only hit red lights each time, but the yellow lights as well.

It frustrates me how people will drive the same commute each day for years and never question why they will hit each red light at the same time each day.

Does it really have to be this way? F-no! SO why would they do this on purpose? well....

1- They will often get you to hit a yellow light if you are doing the limit; this will generate more hard stops, incidents and tickets produced.

2- Starting and stopping are the hardest things on your vehicle, more brake pads, fluid, tires, wear and tear, etc

3- If "they" can make your five minute drive into a 15 minute drive, that is three times the gas being burned.

4- If they make you stop an additional 6 times on your way home, sitting at red lights while illuminated signs of mcdonalds, as well as liquor and whores and cigarettes are flashed before your eyes; odds are, you will pull over and spend money.

People laugh when I bitch about this, but it really drives me wild.

It is the same as in life. From a young age we are taught and trained to believe that the world makes good sense and that if we become educated and successful; we will come to understand why things are the way they are.

This is the greatest lie, shit does NOT make sense, and anyone who buys into this idea is lost.

"Oh our system is not perfect, but it is the best we have"

Bullshit! it is designed to fail, designed to perpetuate industrial expansion, consumption, waste; and ineffective infrastructure.

Next time you sit at that light, you think about it.

Resistance against Islam #racist godlikeproductions.com

Who thinks like me, that is time to start a Crusade to wipeout Islam from Europe + America?

My fellow Europeans + Americans:

The war between Civilitation and the barbaric Islam started with 9/11.

But it's this days with the witnessing of an open invasion of Muslim monsters of Europe, that we the civilised people are facing our extermination in near future, if we don't take this story ourselves in our hands and put all this criminal insanity once and for all to an end!

I call all people that have courage, to form a resistance network to start a crusade like few 100s years ago anf fight this invaders back to their shitholes and take our home countries again to us the legitime owners back!

If you and your beloved ones want to survive and have a future in freedom, you don't have a choice the to finish this disgrace and clean our home countries from this terrorist scumbags! And you'll have to catch all those traitors, selled our homelands to this barbarians and put them to a peoples courts after the liberation war and give them the highest punishment that they deserve!

May all you freedom fighters be blessed and win in full glory for our sake!!!

Giorgos #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Urgent! Another HUGE HOAX.!No Syrian toddler drowned! Link inside.

Hey guys this is George from Greece
This morning while browsing, i found a site that had proof that the photos of the dead syrian toddler is a hoax.

They just want to justify the invasion

See the two pictures and read the father's interview.

Damn! They are. so cruel... I have no words.

[link to themuslimissue.wordpress.com (secure)]

The SOnic DReamer #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

OMG False Flags/Hoax Events...I figured out the endgame!!!! And its BAD

Uh oh, I am scared now. We MUST fight this!!

Ever since 9/11/2001, we have been hit hard and heavy with false flags and hoax events.

They will continue, since with every new event, there is more and more cognitive dissonance in the public psyche.

There are still many, many terrific blogs, youtube channels, internet radio channels, etc. which investigate these events and report on the events from angles different from the mainstream media.

I used to make videos about Sandy Hook. I eventually gave up. Why? People don't want to know the truth.

Here is my prediction, here is TPTB endgame with these false flags:

They will continue (for 10 years, 15, 20 years, however long it takes) producing these hoax events and report them as real until the truth seekers either give up and become sheeple again, or the truth seekers die off, or the truth seekers are eventually shunned by populace with the aid of the media (ie the media would push the narrative: Conspiracy Theorists are evil, they need to be reported and they need to be committed against their will, for our safety and theirs), etc.

At that point, the populace would be so docile as to never question anything.

Folks, we are almost at that point now!

How many people are brave enough to talk about 9/11 any random day of the week. Trust me, if you value your job or reputation at work, you will not discuss the subject at work. Want to be popular? No chance of that if you are willing to discuss truth and deception.

Imagine that world? Nobody willing to tell the Emperor he has no Clothes?

butterfly effect #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

2008 and 2015 CERN

Why do I feel chaos every time they switch the machine on? Like butterflies in the tummy.

2008 - Financial chaos
2015 - Financial chaos

I'm seeing a pattern.

I wonder, when they reach 99.9% the speed of light, will they attempt to boldly go where no man has gone before...the final frontier...we shall see...

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Satellites Are Impossible

Satellites don't exist. All transmissions we receive are made possible by triangulating ground towers and dishes.

Satellites are purely science-fiction. All supposed images of satellites in orbit show fake CGI "satellites" orbiting a fake CGI "ball-Earth." First conceived by Freemason science-fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke in 1945, they claim satellites became science-fact soon after. This is impossible for many reasons outlined in the following video, however, including the fact the melting points of the metals used in satellites are far lower than the temperature in the "thermosphere" where satellites supposedly are. Satellites, space stations, the Hubble telescope and space travel in general are absolutely the biggest hoaxes of the century, and NASA the most successful propaganda organization in history.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

UPDATE!!!! on Closed Walmarts. JADE HELM

Son of a fucking bitch. Something just hit me today...

And no one, and i mean no has has mentioned it yet.

Alot of people have been saying that these closed Walmarts will be used as FEMA camps or detention centers. However, that may not be the case. Walmart is just too small to fit thousands let alone a couple million people. they already have actual FEMA camps for that... Remember during Katrina? The superdom was too fucking small. Walmart is even smaller!

What no one has mentioned is that they could be used as "Command Centers". Yes, you heard me. I agree that they have war rooms across the country, but what if they need these Walmarts for additional command centers since it is closer to the population... If you watch movies you will get the idea... They usually use schools or some other place that have plenty of space as command centers... Not only that, if there truly underground tunnels under the Walmart, then that will make it easier for them to transport shit.

If you go on youtube and type in "closed walmarts jade helm", you will see that the walmarts are still empty as of today. If they were going to use them as detention centers, they would have already built the cages or fences to detain people. That will take alot of time to build the fence and then bolt it in the ground. September is already here. However, if they are going to use it as a Command Center, all they need is a couple of tables and then set up their computers and equipment, which can be done in less than a day!

Just throwing it out there, but im not 100% sure..

Big Daddy D #racist godlikeproductions.com

White Lives Matter More - #WLMM

I think its time we start a movement - White Lives Matter More.

We pay the bulk of the taxes and are the ones that made this country great through our ingenuity, creativity & vision.

We conquered Africa, Asia, South America & Australia.

We established laws and a system of government that has worked for centuries.

For that - #WLMM.

Even Pastor Manning said the black man can't govern.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

George Zimmerman – The New Face Of Racist Republicans - FALSE FLAG against President Trump

This is completely fake. A psyops. They want to emotionally charge voters. Holy Fck the far left are good.

[link to ringoffireradio.com]

Everyone should let Zimmerman know that his hate is not welcome. Don't let them pin this phony on President Trump. They should call him out on the psyops.
[link to twitter.com (secure)]

The shooting of TM never happened.

Some of the symbols they use are the letters "V" , "Y", "OO" in names , rainbow colors, pyramids and all seeing eyes. Wake the FCK up people!!

[Bolding for emphasis]

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Sports champions reduced to *** human cattle ***, same as almost everyone else

"Farah backs Coe to save crisis-hit athletics" - for dummies
Farah illustrates to what lengths human cattle refusing to see treason goes.
It's with "Lord Coe" as president that the current two greatest athletes, Usain Bolt and Mo Farah, will be falsely accused of doping.

Sebastian Coe and Sergei Bubka: suicide bombers part of the agenda to totally destroy athletics.
Coe and Bubka are two athletics legends who sold their soul to the illuminati, same as the rest of the IAAF "directors".
All they do is to execute orders, part of the agenda of destoying athletics:
- from the most important weapon, the doping BIG LIE
- to the sabotage of athtetics broadcasts in TV, from athletes not presented to bombing the marathon.
While Coe's boss staged the fake Boston bomings, Coe is officially responsible for the blackout of all decisive moments, 1:30:20 to 1:55:10, using the heptathlon series as alibi.
As for turning its time plan upside down, moving it from very last event to very first event: the bomb was officially planted before, by the previous IAAF president.

"Farah backs Coe to save crisis-hit athletics"
[link to news.yahoo.com]

Feb 2014 - Sergey Bubka forced to laugh at his own humiliation.
Renaud Lavillenie Breaks Sergei Bubka's 21 year-old Pole Vault WORLD RECORD: fake height for UNPRECEDENTED Illuminati THEATER:

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Russia did 9-11

They were the only ones capable of such a massive attack. They did it in response for the US government's role in financing companies like LTCM and The Carlyle Group, which used market manipulations to destabilize Russia, kill their currency, and ultimately destroy the Soviet Union.

The resulting wars were fought in the former Soviet strongholds of Iraq and Afghanistan because they were more favorable environments than US and Russian soil.

The Jews involved were KGB spies.

The dancing Israelis were paid by Russia. Russia and Israel have a long, strong history.

I love America. I am an American. However, America is overrun by evil. America loves evil. It protects evil. It defends evil. It gives refuge to evil.

The same evil that American bankers used to take down Russia was used by American bankers to take down America. Instead of arresting the crooks, they have gotten bonuses and are richer than ever. The entire world is now enslaved by these mafia criminals.

America is my home, and I love America. But it needs to wake up quick before something major happens. There are enough people who see right and wrong. You have weapons, speech, and the fredom to stand up for justice.

Stand up before it's too late. You don't get a second chance at a second chance.

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