
Geoffrey Grider #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut nowtheendbegins.com

Like every other true American on September 11th twenty years ago, I was beyond stunned watching the Twin Towers fall, and when I learned that it was done at the hands of 19 Islamic terrorists, I was as mad as I was capable of being. Rage and anger consumed me, right up to the moment I realized that 19 Islamic terrorists did not bring down the Twin Towers on 9/11. Time to grow up, kiddies, and trade your milk for meat.

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, we are showing you the absolutely stunning chain of events over the past 100 years that has brought us exactly to where we are now, watching the New World Order coming online. Starting from the the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, to the start of the Bilderberg Meetings in 1954, right up to the night that then-president George H.W. Bush stood in Congress to announce the coming of the New World Order on September 11th, 1991, our world has been on a collision course with Bible prophecy. 10 years to the day later, George Bush’s son George W would be president, with his other son Marvin in charge of security at the World Trade Center. Those towers came down right on schedule, and here we are at the 20th anniversary of 9/11/01, with our world looking like something ripped right out of the book of Revelation. That’s because it is, with a bucket load more to come.

On this 2-hour podcast, the biggest show we’ve ever attempted, we will show you how the Twin Towers came down, why they came down, who brought them down, and what all of this has to do with Joe Biden’s mandatory vaccines and Emmanuel Macron’s Vaccination Passports. What you will hear will rock you to your very core, and all of it will be the truth.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut #quack nowtheendbegins.com

The entire planet is being given over to a reprobate mind, so to speak, that the word of God might come to pass. We who are saved have a ringside seat for the world’s biggest show.
An amazing thing is happening before your eyes right now, something that the vast majority of the world is watching but unable to comprehend. Our global community, led by a Godless America, spews forth an unrelenting cavalcade of misinformation and disinformation in order to foster an agenda, while demanding a perpetual, daily sacrifice of unborn souls to the altar of Molech. Right now, people are literally weeping at the prospect of abortion coming to an end, and that’s demonic. But hold on, it gets worse.
On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, it’s another Friday at the end of yet another week of so much end times information that we struggle with what to show you first, each story more horrific than the next. If you have Holy Spirit discernment, understanding what you’re watching is easy as pie, you can see what’s coming from a hundred miles out. But to this God-rejecting and mostly unsaved world we live in, it is the cause of great debate, confusion and consternation. In America, Democrats are weeping at the thought of no longer being able to legally kill their own babies. In Europe, we are watching people being denied food and water because they refuse to be vaccinated. In the Middle East, we see the world’s most vaccinated nation, Israel, with the world’s highest COVID rates. In Asia, we are watching communist China becoming more powerful than America. The entire planet is being given over to a reprobate mind, so to speak, that the word of God might come to pass. We who are saved have a ringside seat for the world’s biggest show.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut nowtheendbegins.com

John Legend, Keith Urban, and Angélique Kidjo led a version of John Lennon and Yoko Ono’s utopian anthem “Imagine” at the Tokyo Olympics, which featured Legend, whose net worth is an estimated $75 million, belting out the line “imagine no possessions.”

This is the dream of all God-rejecting Liberals everywhere, to live in a world unencumbered by the perfect, righteous and holy God who will hold them accountable, and instead invite you to ‘imagine’ a a place where there is no hope of Heaven. That place is called Hell in the Bible, and you better pray that the imagination portrayed in that song does not come true for you. So after 17 months of a global pandemic, the whole world is coming together to imagine living without God.

In your King James Bible, the word ‘imagination’ appears 14 times, and in every one of those times it points to the wickedness and evil of the unregenerate human heart. I wonder if John Lennon knew that when he wrote the anti-God atheist national anthem ‘Imagine’? Fun fact, your Not Inspired Version NIV bible removes all 14 instances of the word ‘imagination’, providing only 2 spots with the word ‘imagination’, not matching the King James, and floundering in watered-down meaninglessness.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #conspiracy #crackpot nowtheendbegins.com

In Italy, a $30 million dollar restoration of the Roman Colosseum is nearing completion, and as bible believers, I think it’s a fair question to wonder if we can expect to see the return of Christian persecution.
The Colosseum was first completed in 80 AD and the hypogeum constructed under Emperor Domitian. The site was last used in 523 AD and the hypogeum was gradually covered by rubble until being dug out in the 19th century. The labyrinthian system of passageways and chambers were key to the spectacles above ground, whether gladiator fights, hunts with wild African animals, and public executions of Jew and Gentiles Christians who were mercilessly slaughtered there.

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, we are looking at the historical persecution of the followers of Jesus Christ, Jew and Gentile believers called Christians, by the nation of Rome, and how that persecution of Christian reached new heights when Rome created the Roman Catholic Church. In Italy, a $30 million dollar restoration of the Roman Colosseum is nearing completion, and as bible believers, I think it’s a fair question to wonder if we can expect to see the return of Christian persecution. After all, Mother Rome brags that she ‘never changes’, and if that is true, then talking about this today is quite timely indeed.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut nowtheendbegins.com

All over the world we are seeing cryptocurrency coming online in fits and starts, stunning losses followed by even more stunning gains, and in Israel work is right now being done to see about the feasibility of a digital shekel. When you remember that the Mark of the Beast is an implantable device to control buying and selling, then you understand that the Mark is cryptocurrency.

“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.” Revelation 13:16-18 (KJB)

In fact, everywhere you look right now, the whole world is going digital on every level, and currency is no exception. Ever think about the word ‘crypto’? It’s chock full of meaning to the student of bible prophecy. A ‘crypt’ is where dead bodies are kept, and a ‘cryptographer’ is someone who deals with things that are ‘hidden’ and ‘secret’. No matter how you slice it, ‘crypto’ currency is the preferred means of transaction for the end times generation, that’s how close we are.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut nowtheendbegins.com

I have been a musician since the age of 9 years old, a songwriter and performing artist for many years in addition to working as an actor in Hollywood before getting saved in 1991. You would think that someone with my background in the performing arts would be a natural fit in the Contemporary Christian Music scene, but you would be wrong. From the moment I got saved, the songs that resonated with my born again spirit were the old hymns like ‘Blessed Assurance’, ‘Saved By The Blood’, and countless others that sing of Jesus Christ. Contemporary Christian Music sings not of Jesus Christ, but the ‘universal christ’ of the New Age.

“Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord.” Colossians 3:16 (KJB)

In 2021, as the spirit of Antichrist continues to rise over a lost and fallen world, the pretend christians of CCM are revealing their true colors. DC Talk is a band I never liked from the moment I saw the Eye of Horus on their album cover for ‘Jesus Freak’. No Jesus there, just freaks. Now DC Talk band member Kevin Max has come out as an ‘exvangelical’, and wants the world to meet the Universal Christ of the New Age. You might know this ‘universal christ’ by another name, Satan.

If you are hooked up with with the Contemporary Christian Music scene, attend a Laodicean megachurch, or listen to anyone who sings about a ‘universal christ’, you need to run from that junk and repent of it immediately. If not, you just may wind up as an ‘exvangelical’ who is ‘deconstructing’ your faith Jesus Christ.

Geoffrey Grider/Lori DeMonia #crackpot #conspiracy #fundie #ufo #magick nowtheendbegins.com

One of the reasons why we are seeing such mass acceptance of UFOs and space aliens at the highest level of world government is because the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church is right now ‘on deck’ and awaiting liftoff. So many thing happened at the end of WWII, it was a true paradigm shift. Adolf Hitler, a type of Antichrist, was introduced to the world, the United Nations was formed and the Jews were regathered in fulfillment of Jeremiah 29:14 (KJB), and the first space alien UFO made headlines in Roswell.

In June, the Pentagon is scheduled to release what many people are saying will stunning information of human contact with space aliens, but those of us who believe the bible will know the true identity of these beings, the fallen angels from Genesis 6. Jesus said the time of Jacob’s trouble would be like the days of Noah, and that time is almost here now.
And so begins the deception of explaining what has happened when millions of people are suddenly caught up in the rapture. It will be a well prepared narrative. Why? Because as we know the enemy has been preparing the reasons that will be given by distorting this event, not denying it. In fact some call the event that’s soon to occur on Earth their genuine absolute truth, and the rapture of the Bible will be the counterfeit explanation. Isn’t that interesting? They’re not denying that the rapture is an event, or that it’s in the Bible, but they are creating a distorted explanation that’s coming directly from the enemy. New Age writers that “channel” information from beings in other dimensions have been writing about this coming event for many years.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #transphobia #racist #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

Missouri Democrat Rep. Cori Bush repeated the progressive waterboarding of language and culture on Thursday when she referred to women as 'birthing people' during a hearing about the health of black children, which a Democrat Oversight Committee calls a crisis. The term “birthing people” came so naturally to Bush that she didn’t understand what the fuss was all about. She’s not the only one doing it. The thought leaders of the Left and policymakers at the highest level of government are erasing women and girls. The CDC now refers in its literature to “People who are pregnant” and “People who are breastfeeding,” rather than women or females.
We live in crazy times, no doubt about it. We live in an age where activists scream ‘BLACK LIVES MATTER!!!’ then turn around and kill their own black babies in numbers that outdo Hitler’s Holocaust of the Jews. We live in an age where activists scream “LISTEN TO SCIENCE!!!”, then turn around and tell us there are 100 genders and that men can become women in defiance of both science and biology. We live in an age where the spirit of Antichrist has begun to rule over the kingdoms of men.

Men cannot become women, that is categorically impossible on any level by which metrics could measure it, transgenders are nothing more than ‘dress-up dollies’, using chemicals and costumes to create hideous hybrids. If that offends you, then you are in agreement with Satan, plain and simple. You applauded when the Liberals cancelled Trump, but guess what? Now they’re cancelling you and you are cheering your own damnation and destruction. Welcome to Birthing Peoples Day, brought to you by the spirit of Antichrist, with a whole lot more on the way. Enjoy!

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #conspiracy #ufo #wingnut nowtheendbegins.com

For some time now, we’ve been bringing you stories of UFO sightings and encounter though highly credible and verified sources, and we’ve also been doing our best to mentally and spiritually prepare you for the soon-coming day when you will turn on the news and see ‘space aliens’ being interviewed. Welcome to the beginning of the Days of Noah.

We began our reporting of UFOs over a decade ago, and back then you had a fair amount of non-credible accounts mixed in with the credible, and you really had to do a lot of digging to find actual stories of things you could prove happened. Not so now, now verified and incredible accounts come from Navy and commercial pilots not only in America, but in Canada, Europe and from all over the globe. In 2019, the US Pentagon finally admitted that UFOs were real, in 2020, high-ranking retired Israeli general Hiam Eshed told us that both Israel and the US are in verbal communication with them, and just a little over a week ago the Pentagon released stunning footage of 400ft wide, triangle-shaped UFOs buzzing a Navy destroyer.

Are you a believer yet?

Those of us who read and believe God’s preserved word in our King James Bibles know exactly what we are seeing, the return of the Genesis 6 giants that Jesus promised would arrive just prior to the start of the time of Jacob’s trouble. Jesus said it would be like the ‘days of Noah’, and what event kicked-off the days of Noah? The rapture of Enoch, a type of a Christian that never sees death, in Genesis chapter 5. Now that the Genesis 6 giants have returned, what should we be looking for next? Flight #777 on Titus213 Airlines, with Captain Enoch at the helm!

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #conspiracy #magick nowtheendbegins.com

The Arch of Palmyra stood at the entrance to the temple used to worship Bel, also known as Ba’al. Mentioned more than 90 times in the Bible, most notably when Elijah defeated the priests of Ba’al, also known as Moloch, in a contest to bring down fire from heaven to burn a sacrifice, Ba’al became the archetypical form of idol worship. Pantheistic, his adherents worshipped Mother Nature while denying the existence of a creator.

After six years of laying in ruin, the Russians have begun reconstructing the Triumphal Arch of Palmyra in Syria that served as a gateway to a major pagan temple to Baal. Rebuilding the arch is predicted in the Talmud as preceding the Messiah.

Just last month, Pope Francis was in Ur of the Chaldees, taking a Chrislam victory lap in the birthplace of Abraham, and today we are hearing news that Russia is helping Syria to restore the Arch of Palmyra that served the ancient world as a gateway to the Temple of Baal. This is how close we are to the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church.

Since the signing of the Abraham Accords, the Middle East has become a very different place, so different in fact that we are watching the entire region preparing itself to receive Antichrist. What could be more fitting than having 2 of the key players mentioned in Ezekiel 39 working on rebuilding the Arch of Palmyra, the gateway to the Temple of Baal? Very soon the man of sin will reveal himself, and you and I who are saved will fly on Flight #777.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut nowtheendbegins.com

The Élysée press office said that during their Sunday conversation the two spoke at length about Pope Francis’ recent Apostolic Journey to Iraq. Macron said the visit marked “a true turning point” for the Middle Eastern region. The pair also dwelt on their “thoughts and concerns” about several crises affecting various parts of the globe. These included “the expansion of jihadism in Africa—both in the Sahel region and the continent’s east coast”, as well as the critical situation in Lebanon.
Like the gift that keeps on giving, Emmanuel Macron does not disappoint. We learn today that Macron had another private phone audience with Pope Francis, for the better part of an hour, and they had two urgent topics to discuss. The first being the huge Chrislam victory Pope Francis scored with his trip to UR of the Chaldees, and the second being how to rule and control a post-COVID world.

At this point, it is hard to say who’s controlling whom. Is it Pope Francis leading Macron around by the nose, or, is it Macron who is pulling the marionette strings? Certainly there is a type of love and a deep bond between them. Are we looking at the biblical Man of Sin and the False Prophet of Revelation 13? Time will tell, maybe this is just another tantalizing prophetical appetizer, or maybe it’s the real thing. Better be prepared either way, Flight #777 beckons.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #transphobia #conspiracy #wingnut nowtheendbegins.com

Kataluna Enriquez, a biological male who identifies as a woman, has been crowned Miss Silver State USA, which is described as the “biggest preliminary competition for the Miss Nevada USA pageant.”

There irony of transgenderism, a sociopolitical ideology that demands that you ‘accept them as they are’, is that transgenders don’t accept themselves ‘as they are’. Such is the case of Kataluna Enriquez, a person born as a biological male who insists that he is actually a woman. If that is not the definition of mental illness, I don’t know what is. Oh wait, maybe it’s this. Maybe the true definition of mental illness is when you agree with people like Kataluna that a person born as a man can magically become a woman, Yep, that’s it. You’re the problem.

There is a war raging right now for the hearts and minds of Christians here in America and around the world, a war from Satan himself, attempting to beat you into submission and silence to all the wickedness you see before you right now. I am not saying I think you agree with this nonsense, no bible believer ever could, but I am urging you to speak the truth in love, and press back against this insanity. We will give an account at the Judgment Seat of Christ, now is the time to be bold in your faith and stand for the truth. “Only one life, t’will soon be past, only what’s done for Christ will last”.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #transphobia #homophobia #wingnut nowtheendbegins.com

We live in a time of tremendous spiritual confusion, and one of the reasons for that is because for decades now, evangelicals have been busy adding lost people to the church who are told they can come as they are and stay as they are. Not only that, Laodiceans of many denominations are right now apologizing to the LGBTQ+ for preaching against homosexuality and transgenderism. How can these things be? Welcome to Laodicea.

Just last week, Laodicean hireling Max Lucado posted an apology to LGBTQ+ people for previous sermons of the sinful nature of same-sex marriage. In 2019, Baptist pastor Oliver Thomas, in an article published in USA Today, said what was killing the church was pastors preaching against homosexuality and same-sex marriage, and that those things could be a ‘beautiful part’ of the church. I could give you dozens more such examples but I think you get the point. Because the professing Christian church no longer preaches against sin and allows unregenerated and unsaved people to become church members, the church has become hopelessly confused. Right now, Joe Biden is trying to have a transgender who believes in chemical castration and genial mutilation of children confirmed as assistant Secretary of Health. Where is the outrage from the Church? Nowhere, and that’s the problem. Today I would like to bring you a message on clearing up the spiritual confusion you may be experiencing if you attend an evangelical, Charismatic or ‘seeker sensitive’ church. This sermon may make you mad, but it will be the truth in love from the King James bible, and I hope it will be a blessing to you.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut nowtheendbegins.com

For all you end times lovers of bible prophecy, what is happening right now on the ground in Iraq, in Ur of the Chaldees, is a stunning fulfillment of 2,000 year old words spoken by the prophets and apostles for us who are alive right now in these last days. If you were waiting for “something to start”, you’re about a year too late, it’s not only begun but for us who are saved, will soon be over. Flight #777 beckons, is your seat book for the coming trip to the clouds?

Pope Francis swaggered off the jet this morning, receiving a conquering hero’s welcome in Iraq for his visit to the birthplace of Abraham, Ur of the Chaldees. And no, that was not metaphor or hyperbole, the Roman pontiff today claimed Iraq for the Vatican, and is there to take the mantle of Abraham as the centerpiece of his Chrislam One World Religion he officially started in February of 2019 back in Abu Dhabi. . We strongly urge you to refresh your memory by clicking on the disgusting image below of the False Prophet kissing Sheikh Ahmed al-Tayeb on the mouth sealing the Chrislam covenant.
Dispensationally speaking, yes, we are still in the Church Age, such as it is, and yes, we will be removed before the start of the time of Jacob’s trouble. All that remains true and the end times timeline is still on track. But listen to me now, and I pray you listen well. What is happening in Iraq right now, at this very moment, is another giant step in the creation of the One World Religion of Chrislam warned about in Revelation. We are so close that time period that the set-up is right now underway as our dispensation of the Church Age is literally overlapping with the formation of the time of Jacob’s trouble.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #homophobia #transphobia #sexist #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com


In 1933, Adolf Hitler proposed the Enabling Act that was promoted as something that would ‘enable’ Hitler to keep the German people safe and secure, in reality it did the exact opposite. The Enabling Act made Hitler supreme dictator and enabled him to kill 6 million Jews in a war that killed 55 million people. In our day, the Equality Act is now about to be put up for a vote, and like the Enabling Act before it, it does the exact opposite of what its title would lead you to believe.

The worst part of the Equality Act is that it will allow gay and straight pedophiles unfettered access to your children in the locker rooms and in the ladies room, is that something that you parents of minor children can live with? Transgenderism is a mental disorder, and it is a spiritual sickness, it is not something to be embraced and accepted. It goes against the bible, it goes against God, it is a doctrine of Satan. That’s not hate speech, that’s the truth. Mark my words, if they pass the Equality Act, the next step will be legalized pedophilia. Guaranteed.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia #transphobia #wingnut nowtheendbegins.com

In the video, Blue wants to sing a song about all 26 letters of the alphabet, and viewers at home are paying attention to the entry for letter "P." "P is full of Pride," as the song goes. The letter is accompanied not just by a rainbow letter "P," representing the colors of the LGBTQ pride flag, but it's surrounded by multiple other flags representing specific communities. Those include flags for the trans community, asexual community, pansexual community, intersex community, gender-fluid community, and more. A rep for Nickelodeon confirmed to EW that "ABC Song w/ Blue!" is exclusive to the show's official YouTube channel.

Blue of Blue’s Clues & You said “LGBTQ rights!” In her own way. The animated kids show, a successor to the popular Blue’s Clues on Nick Jr., is gaining a lot of attention this week for a new alphabet song it released online on Thursday.
We warned and warned, shouted it actually, starting back around 2012 that the LGBTQ+ Movement was coming for your kids, and guess what? Now they got them, and they’re pouring LGBTQ+ recruitment talking points into their wide-open minds. Why do you think old Adolf created the Hitler Youth? Because he knew that in order to take over the nation, you must first take over the children, and when that generation becomes adults, you win it all because you control their minds.

If the Christian Church wasn’t lukewarm Laodicea, there would be a massive outcry, but it’s not so there isn’t. It’s really just as simple as all that. I don’t blame the LGBTQ+ and the radical Left for all this, evil is as evil does. No, I blame lukewarm and indifferent professing Christians for allowing it, and so will the Lord at the Judgment Seat of Christ.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

After more than three years of Donald Trump not taking down satanic pedophiles and the “deep state” working against him, losing the election, then failing to order mass executions at Joe Biden’s inauguration, followers of the QAnon conspiracy theory are now claiming March 4 as the next significant date for the movement.

I believe lots of things that go against the mainstream thought pool, having come to these conclusions after years of painstaking research and looking for the truth. I believe that President Kennedy was assassinated by members of our own government, and that Lee Harvey Oswald was not the killer. I believe that the World Trade Centers were brought down by directed energy weapons. I believe that there is a shadow government within our government and they call all the shots. But I do not believe in anything QAnon has to say, never have and never will.
One reason why I reject QAnon is because they claim to be Christian but in fact are not, they believe and teach that it is man, and not Jesus Christ at the Second Coming, that will bring in a thousand years of peace and righteous world government. Another reason why I reject QAnon is because they say things that don’t happen, and when they’re wrong, instead of admitting it, they simply regroup and post some new lie. Look at their track record, their prophecies are just as bad the the Jehovah’s Witnesses accuracy rate, which is to say 100% wrong 100% of the time.

So no, March 4th will not see Donald Trump sworn in as president, but it will if you believe it send you into a deeper depression than the one you’re in right now after believing QAnon’s previous load of crap.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut nowtheendbegins.com


Emmanuel Macron has more than proven himself to the be the end times equivalent of the Energizer Bunny, a relentless force of self-aggrandizement and self-promotion that is so very much in line with the man who said he desired to rule Europe like the Roman god Jupiter. With each passing day it becomes more and more obvious that, even if Macron is not the biblical man of sin, that he certainly thinks he is, and that is perhaps the most telling thing of all.

“He shall enter peaceably even upon the fattest places of the province; and he shall do that which his fathers have not done, nor his fathers’ fathers; he shall scatter among them the prey, and spoil, and riches: yea, and he shall forecast his devices against the strong holds, even for a time.” Daniel 11:24 (KJB)

Macron is everywhere you turn, inserting himself into every situation, and with the backing of Pope Francis and the Vatican, it is virtually a can’t-miss situation. I don’t know about you, but it is beyond exciting watching prophecy play itself out as we watch it unfold in real-time. There are two Macrons, the one with the human side and it is rather amusing watching him bumble and bluster his way through life, comical really. And then there is the other Macron, driven by an inner spirit that he himself cannot fathom, moving ever-forward towards his destiny on the world stage that will overshadow that of Adolf Hitler. That Macron is not comical at all. You will pay careful attention to how Macron said that his working with the United States and Iran ‘must involve Israel’. It’s always about Israel and always will be. We see you, Macron, loud and clear.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #sexist #wingnut #transphobia nowtheendbegins.com

There is a reason why young and inexperienced women like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are ruling over us from the halls of Congress. Tonight we will bring you the shocking biblical truth of what it looks like when God judges a nation, and gives it over to the sinful desires of their hearts.

Our apostle Paul in the book of Romans tells us plainly that everything that was written in the Old Testament was written so that we could learn from the things that took place, and that the spiritual principles we see there apply to every dispensation. Why? Because the nature and character of the LORD are eternal and unchanging. Isaiah shows us Israel in the time of Jacob’s trouble, laying out in graphic detail what it looked like when their nation fell. We would do well to heed that warning here nearly 3,000 years later in the end of the Church Age.

On this episode of Rightly Dividing, we are looking to see what happens when the people of a nation reject the rule of God over their lives, and what we find is startling indeed. The natural order of things is reversed, and everything gets flipped upside down while all the while people are hailing it as ‘progress’. Sound familiar? You bet it does, and tonight we will see just how America got to the place where arrogant children lecture us on climate change, and universities proudly instruct their students on things like the nascent 72 genders and abortion as health care. There is a reason why young and inexperienced women like Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez are ruling over us from the halls of Congress. Tonight we will bring you the shocking biblical truth of what it looks like when God judges a nation, and gives it over to the sinful desires of their hearts.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #sexist #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com


President Joe Biden, who says his ‘strong Catholic faith’ is what drives him, has just consulted with Anthony Fauci, with the takeaway being it’s time to radically and rapidly expand the US taxpayer-funded killing machine that is legalized abortion. Evidentially, the murderous holocaust of 3,200 babies per day, most of the them black, here in America is not nearly enough, so they are taking their show on the road, and bringing the blessing of abortion overseas.

“Wherefore, O harlot, hear the word of the LORD: Thus saith the Lord GOD; Because thy filthiness was poured out, and thy nakedness discovered through thy whoredoms with thy lovers, and with all the idols of thy abominations, and by the blood of thy children, which thou didst give unto them;” Ezekiel 16:35,36 (KJB)

This is the ‘new America’, that every news outlet across the land is celebrating today, but in reality America in 2021 is a corrupt and bankrupt society that glories in the murder of its own children, and is ripe for the judgment of Almighty God. With Joe Biden and the demonic horde that is the Democratic Party, this just might be the year America gets aborted.

Welcome to the ‘strong Catholic faith’ of the new America’s new president, only one day old and already dripping in innocent blood. Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #sexist #transphobia #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

Joe Biden wants America to know that right from day one of his brief rule as president, he will no longer put up with any of this ‘two genders’ nonsense that the bible tells us God created back in Genesis. His first official act will be to restore Obama-era polices that provide for things like men in dresses being allowed to be in the ladies room at the same time as your 8-year old daughter is in there. Joe Biden says he will ‘draw on his strong Catholic faith’ to be a president for ‘all Americans’. Hmm.
America 2021 will officially be turned into a modern-day Sodom and Gomorrah, where all manner of evil and wickedness is not merely tolerated, not merely accepted, but now will be formally codified into the law of the United States. Every other nation in human history that reached the point that we are at right now was destroyed, America will be no different. The empires of Egypt, Babylon, Greece and Rome all collapsed when they made laws to protect and promote the things that God hates. You cannot do that and get away with it, God will not allow it.

God made only two genders, male and female, if you can show me genders different from those two, then they were created by Satan. It is a demonic delusion to believe that you can change what is hard-coded into your DNA, identifying as your fantasy does not turn that fantasy into reality. A man can no more become a woman than he could a dog, cat or farm animal.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut #transphobia #racist #homophobia #psycho nowtheendbegins.com

What you watched yesterday unfold in the Capitol was a combination of events that all have one thing in common, everything you watched yesterday was the hand of Almighty God judging America for her sins, and then giving us the desires of our collective, national heart. America is godless, and now we have leaders with unlimited power to destroy us in precisely the same way Adolf Hitler used his unlimited power to destroy Germany, and almost the world. But Hitler was only a type of the Antichrist, now get ready for the real thing.
What happens now will be equally stunning. As you read this right now, leaders in Washington are demanding that Trump be removed from office now, as a statement, to send a message. The Democrats have the Congress, the Senate and the White House, and everyone is getting in line behind that. The “new” America will hold up abortion as a ‘human right’, glorify transgenders and all manner of perversion as ‘progress’, and they will absolutely force you to do things like take the vaccine. It will all be done in the name of preventing what happened at the Capitol yesterday.
The real American revolution was not what happen at the Capitol, that was the distraction. The real revolution will begin on January 20th, and the America they will create will glorify everything that God hates. For decades now, the radical Left has demanded God get out of America, yesterday He left. The people who are in charge now are the same people who defended and protected ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter, the LGBTQ+ P for Pedophile Movement, due-date abortion, and in this new America Christians will be hunted down and removed and the Bible banned. What’s coming now will be the New World Order.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #magick #sexist nowtheendbegins.com


Though his prayer was replete with explicitly Christian themes, terminology, and references, Cleaver closed it by appealing to the deities of “many different faiths,” implying they are all the same. “We ask it in the name of the monotheistic God, Brahma, and ‘god’ known by many names by many different faiths,” said Cleaver. “Amen and a-woman,” he closed, in an apparent attempt to render the word fair to both sexes. Brahma is a four-faced Hindu deity who “was born from a golden egg and created the earth and all things on it,” according to the Encyclopedia Britannica. He was later believed to have come out of a lotus that emerged from the navel of Vishnu, another Hindu deity.

Rep. Emanuel Cleaver (D-MO), who is an ordained United Methodist minister, opened the first session of the 117th Congress on Sunday by praying in the name of Hindu god Brahma and twisting the word “amen” into a commentary on gender.

For months now, we’ve been telling you that 2020 would pale in comparison to what would be taking place in 2021, and we didn’t get 72 hours into the new year before chart-topping events started taking place. We told you that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is going to introduce rules to make Congress gender neutral. Yesterday, Democrat Emanuel Cleaver officially opened the first session of the 117th Congress with a prayer to the Hindu god Brahma, placing it under a curse.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut nowtheendbegins.com

The shocking Christmas day bombing in Tennessee has given rise to any number of fascinating conspiracy theories as to who was really behind it and why they chose to do it on Christmas morning. But you may be surprised to learn that many times over the last 120 years, these type of events have taken place and they all have one thing in common. They are a necessary distraction to what is actually going on behind the scenes, and events like the Stock Market Crash of 1929, the assassination of JFK in 1963, and the targeted attack on the World Trade Center in 2001 were all done deliberately to move society forward into the New World Order.

“Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvellously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you.” Habakkuk 1:5 (KJB)

On this episode of the NTEB Prophecy News Podcast, we are going to show you how the global elites use false flag events, predictive programming and mass hysteria to effect change within society, and to move the people forward to a bleak, dystopian future. Bible prophecy shows us a lost world rushing to embrace the soon-coming Antichrist, and even right now in the waning last days of 2020, it looks and feels like the world is coming off its hinges and headed for disaster. That’s because that is exactly what’s happening. On today’s program, we will take a deep dive into the Tennessee Christmas day bombing, and show you what’s behind the curtain of that event, and the other events that are soon to follow.

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #quack #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

There is no forgiveness for taking the Mark of the Beast, and while these opening rounds of the vaccines are not the biblical Mark of the Beast, they are being used as a psyop to mentally groom you to receiving an injection from the government. Look around you, what do you see? I see airlines mandating you receive a vaccine before flying, sport stadiums telling you that an Immunity Passport will be needed to attend events, countries like Israel and the nations of Europe using Green, Yellow and Red restricted zones. All this for a virus with a 99%+ recovery rate.

The Bible is literally unfolding before your very eyes!
For all you Laodiceans out there who want “science” so you can believe the Bible, we invite you to watch the video below and it will give you all the straight science about the Messenger 33 vaccine that you could ask for.
In the end, all we here at NTEB can do is to warn you, patiently and soberly, and ask you to compare what we say to the truth contained within the pages of your King James Bible. At the very least, these mRNA vaccines have already caused 3,150 adverse reactions in the first week of distribution, those numbers are going to skyrocket. The born again Church will be removed before the Mark of the Beast, that’s Fact #3, but you are right now watching an unsaved world preparing to receive Antichrist.

You can trust your government, or you can trust the King James Bible, take your pick. You can’t trust both, they are mutually exclusive. Take of your health, take Vitamin C, zinc and D3 every day, use common sense and trust the Lord to lead you and guide you. This is not a dress rehearsal, this is the real thing and the game is on. Are you in or out?

Geoffrey Grider #fundie #wingnut #racist #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

Morocco became the fourth Muslim nation to reach a peace deal with Israel this year, as news broke Thursday that the Kingdom would sign an agreement establishing diplomatic relations with the Jewish state and join Abraham Accords.

For those of you, like myself, who are patiently scanning the eastern skies in anticipation of taking off on Flight #777 on Titus213 Airlines, I have good news for you. We are not only getting giant steps closer to departing, things are heating up so much that Spring 2021 is starting to look like the time when that might be taking place. Not setting a date, not predicting anything, just looking out my window and talking. Just ask King Solomon how he felt about it, the answer might surprise you.

Putting the wonderful thought of the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church aside for just a moment, let’s focus on the rapidly-expanding Abraham Accords Middle East Peace Treaty, the necessary precursor to the Daniel 9:27 Covenant with Death and Hell the Jews will agree to sooner rather than later. As we have been telling you, every major Muslim nation that rings around the Palestinians are going to sign the Abraham Accords, thus putting overwhelming pressure on the Palies to sign it as well. What will Israel receive in exchange for such open-minded, forward thinking? Not much, just the rebuilt Jewish Temple that Antichrist will inhabit, that’s all.

Geoffrey Grider #conspiracy #quack #fundie #wingnut nowtheendbegins.com

The internet had a meltdown over a recently unearthed clip from the 17th season of Project Runway, which appears to have predicted the Covid-19 pandemic, where a fashion model named Kovid wore a designer mask 33 weeks and 3 days before first coronavirus case appeared.

Last week we showed you in detail why the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine should rightly be called the Messenger 33 vaccine because of its connection to Freemasonry and predictive programming. Some of you got it right away, others mocked and scoffed, while outraged Freemasons emailed us to howl about being exposed. Today we learn another stunning predictive programming connection to the number 33 and the mRNA COVID vaccine.

“Behold ye among the heathen, and regard, and wonder marvellously: for I will work a work in your days, which ye will not believe, though it be told you.” Habakkuk 1:5 (KJB)

On Season 17 of fashion show ‘Project Runway’, a designer and model named Kovid Kapoor debuted an ensemble featuring a face mask, it was a huge hit with one of the judges calling it ‘sick’. Exactly 33 weeks and 3 days later, the first COVID-19 coronavirus case was recorded, all of it according to plan. For those of you with eyes to see and ears to hear, pay attention.

The mRNA COVID vaccine, what we call the Messenger 33 vaccine, has been planned for a long, long time. It’s not being ‘rushed to production’ it’s being rolled out in accordance to the dictates of the New World Order in the Great Reset. Think long and hard before allowing them to inject this witch’s brew into your blood stream, it will likely take you somewhere you don’t really want to go. I can’t say it any more strongly than that.

Geoffrey Grider #conspiracy #crackpot nowtheendbegins.com


In addition to being a disgusting and profane, sex-laced show, the Super Bowl halftime show was also replete with Illuminati and Freemasonry symbolism. Discerning viewers were easily able to recognize Illuminati favorites like the All-Seeing Eye, 666, the “as above, so below” of Freemasonry, and all the rest of that satanic garbage.

“For ye were sometimes darkness, but now are ye light in the Lord: walk as children of light: (For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;) Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord. And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.” Ephesians 5:8-11 (KJB)

Not only that, if you watched the dancers, they were more like writhing hordes of tortured souls who appeared to be possessed. Watch the facial expressions of the dancers, Jennifer Lopez and Shakira, and you see an angry spirit, eyes that looking like they’re looking for prey and souls of men. It took me awhile to find a video that focused more on the Illuminati aspect instead of the raw sexually-charged part of it, but I found one and present it for your consideration below. The All-Seeing Eye was everywhere you looked.

Last week, NFL head Roger Goodell famously said that the Super Bowl had gotten so big and so popular, that it’s “become its own holiday“, and he is right. I will go one step further and say it has become a religion where people are worshipping at the alter of the Illuminati and the coming agenda on the New World Order. There is no getting away from the All-Seeing Eye, as the darkness surrounding America grows heavier and more oppressive every day.

Beyonce and Jay-Z, whom we have showed you repeatedly are New Age Illuminati Luciferians, refused to stand while the National Anthem was being played. They love the All-Seeing Eye of Satan, and it is rapidly becoming the symbol of the new religion of an America that rejects God.

SavedByGrace #wingnut #fundie #conspiracy nowtheendbegins.com

I have read there is talk of bringing in UN Peacekeeping Forces to the stage in Virginia, when they expect confrontation between the gun grabbing Abortion Gov Northam and the people defending their 2nd Amendment Rights. That would be BAD news and it is all Staged. This civil unrest is All AGENDA 21/30 to bring in the “saviors” of the New World Order to control everyone, and enslave society. Prayers for the people! Persevere and Endure Saints!

CHAR #wingnut #fundie nowtheendbegins.com

I think it's one of the reasons the Lord allowed him to be our President. He has the thickest skin of ALL of them, but they torment him the most too. His sweet wife stays in the shadows now with their son because she has been bashed so much, along with Baron. The last President's wife was on magazine covers numerous times during their White House terms, but Melanie has only been on one once and she's much more attractive than Mrs Obummer. Bias!

Poppo #wingnut #fundie nowtheendbegins.com

There is not a bone in my body that doesn't believe that Trump's election was NOT a DIRECT answer to Millions of Americans invoking 2 Chron 7:14 DAILY during the 2016 election cycle. We need to double down on our prayers if there is to be the slightest chance that our Republic will survive.

Kristi17 #wingnut #fundie nowtheendbegins.com

Greta Thunberg she is Extreme Left-Wing Liberal and Anti-Christian and Jewish people / Anti-Isreal-Yisreal / Anti-Christian ( Anitchrist ) / Anti-USA Constitution and Capitalism / Anti-Holy Bible!!

Shameful of these extreme Left-Wing Liberals and California!!

There is NO such thing as Global Warming aka Climate Change!! Our ONE TRUE GOD THE HEAVENLY FATHER and HIS SON Christ-Messiah Jesus-Yeshua CONTROLS THE WEATHER ( UNIVERSE ) and our Judeo-Christian Nation United States of and Israel-Yisrael and our Christian Earth!! The Global Warming HOAX ~> ( https://kristiann1.com/2014... )!!
.[image of flags of USA and Israel redacted]
Christ-Messiah Jesus-Yeshua is our only WORLDS HOPE for our Judeo-Christian Nation United States of America and Israel-Yisrael and our Christian Earth!!

Christ-Messiah Jesus-Yeshua Came too SAVE you all everyone through Foreveremore!!

I am Pro-Israel-Yisrael / Pro-Zionism / Pro-Christian and Jewish people / Pro-USA Constitution and Capitalism / Pro-Holy Bible KJV / PRO-LIFE!!

I am a Devout Christian Conservative Republican Patriot in our Judeo-Christian Nation United States of America and Israel-Yisrael!!

Happy Shavua Tov ( Good Week ) Everyone!! Also Happy Veterans Day too all our Veterans!!

Love 💕 Always and Shalom ( Peace ), YSIC \o/

Kristi Ann

Fiona #fundie nowtheendbegins.com

You forgot the biggest religion of our time i.e. atheism/humanism.
Even the pope has described his one-world religion as humanism.
The atheists have successfully fooled everyone into thinking that atheism is not a religion and therefore should be indoctrinated in the schools.
However, a religion is a worldview of where order comes from, and what's ultimately 'in charge'. Everyone has a religion.
As for churches - this is an assembly of those having their religion.
Some meet in special 'churches', some in halls, some in a bar, some at home, some on the sports field. Unfortunately, 'separation of church and state' seems only to apply to those who meet in a church building.

Geoffrey Grinder #wingnut #fundie nowtheendbegins.com

People in San Francisco are now under the gaze of celebrity climate change teen Greta Thunberg with the installment of a mural of her face now a part of the cityscape.

San Francisco Liberals now have a new patron saint, and it’s none other than climate change bully Greta Thunberg. Painted in the style of the iconic Socialist Workers posters from the 1920’s and ’30’s, Greta Thunberg casts her chilly, disapproving gaze down from towering heights on the mere mortals below, using her eyes to carry out her shrill commands. You can almost picture this painting adorning the walls in the prisons where Liberals would send those who oppose them to if they had the power to do so. If Liberals win in 2020, they just might.

Chilqiyyah, חִלְקִיָּ #fundie #wingnut nowtheendbegins.com

The Bill of Rights, the first ten Amendments, are not Rights given to men by Government.

These Rights are unalienable. These Rights are granted from the Creator. These Ten Rights grant men power over any governments. Righteousness is an innate characteristic of Rights. Rights develop Righteousness. Stand and Deliver ye Christian men. Speak Christ. Wrought Christ.

CHAR and Ron #fundie #wingnut nowtheendbegins.com

I wonder which will come first, the election next year or the Rapture. I hope the 2nd one, but we don't know. God is in control.

Hi Char!
I really believe it will be The Rapture first.
The Lord has been laying some things on my heart about such, so I need to do so studying.
I really feel He Will get us sometime then.
God Bless You!

I hope you are right because I am so ready to hear that call from Him and go up hither to be with Him forevermore and I know there are others on this website that are just as anxious as I am. As you would say, wooohoooo and as I would say, Yippy Skippy.

David #fundie #wingnut nowtheendbegins.com

If Trump is re-elected in 2020, the brainwashed leftists that believe President Trump is standing in the way of their Utopian Socialist Progress and causing “Climate Change” conditions will lose their minds, and this could possibly lead to violence.

If Trump is not re-elected and a lawless, socialist, One-Worlder is elected...well then, I give our nation about 2 years before our Nation completely implodes.

One World Order is going to happen, I have no doubts about that via Scripture. As far as when, to me, it looks imminent based on what I’m seeing Nationwide & Worldwide.

I say get ready for Christian persecution to be ramped up significantly in our USA...we Christians, along with President Trump are all that’s standing in the way of the Lawless Socialist One-World Utopia that I believe “they” will go to ALL extremes for...I think things will heavily ramp up in 2020 irregardless of election 2020 results.

Poppo #fundie nowtheendbegins.com

I am glad that Netanyahu won. I am so proud of DJT. I am proud of the despicable Americans, like myself, who God used to put Trump in the position he is in to help save America, however fleetingly that victory might be.

I also want to urge all who read this to realize that Jesus' return may be sooner than we think. Prepare yourselves and those you love.

Lisa Boyce #fundie nowtheendbegins.com

This is HUGE! Thats the reason I support Trump. He's setting up the end times theme. God put him in office for such a time as this. Bibi will win tomorrow. This is HIGH WATCH TIME FOR REAL. Im telling you, we're gone any second. If you folks have any bible tracts or any way of telling people about Christ, do it now.

Just Mat #fundie nowtheendbegins.com

This is not surprising. IF they even go to church, the churches they go to don't even teach the Bible. They teach "the Gospel according to Communist PC". In short, you are not to offend the sinners and perverts but you are to show the sickening syrupy "Christian LOOOOOOOOVE". You aren't showing that love if you tell them they are hell-bound sinners. After all, they are "all God's children" and God loves them just the way they are. He made them that way and He won't condemn them. BAAAAAAARRRRRRRFFFFFF!

With that kind of brainwashing constantly being bombarded into their weak, dumbed down minds, it's no wonder they hate the thought of evangelizing - telling the sinner he's lost and going to hell. That's the most Christian loving thing to do IF you follow it up with telling them how to avoid it by getting saved. They need to be warned about hell all the moreso since time is short and they are all too soon going to face God and be sent to hell forever if they aren't told the true unvarnished Gospel and not this "Gospel of LOOOOOOOVE" crap that passes for the Gospel.

There are many sources of free Gospel tracts and presentation that you can get online and download and print out to distribute. One such site is www.hopetracts.org. OR if nothing else, you can download this presentation and e-mail it to people.

.Ann & Just Mat #fundie nowtheendbegins.com

I don't know if the attacks on Christianity and Christians have increased, or gotten uglier, I know the early Christians were persecuted horribly

Just Mat:
They have got both uglier an increased in number. But I'm beginning to see that satan doesn't need to have massive persecution in the US to attack Christians. See, he may have learned that if you violently attack them the Christians grow stronger and multiply in number. So, as I see it, he has been effectively using his alternative weapon of corrupting Christianity and polluting the minds, hearts and souls of the non-believers. And the way he has been doing it is totally corrupting the pulpits, offering a cotton candy quasi-religious "Christianity" (complete with totally PC, politicized preaching, MTV concert programs passed as worship, social hours supposedly to foster closer relationships instead of teaching the Bible and social programs in the place of evangelizing), and a total anything goes, accepting and even celebrating, of abominable perversions and sexual freedom due to being able to murder the consequences. He has flooded the TV and "Entertainment" industry with satan worship as the better alternative to the dry dead "Christianity" that he has created. And he has held up the lure of power (social, political and personal magical power - note Tom Brady's confession, and he's hardly alone - for all those who will follow and worship). So the non-believers and not a few real Christians look at their powerless, empty lives and desire that power and they succumb to satan. That's why satanism, literal blood sacrifice offerings of children are made to him (complete with drinking their blood and eating them), and witchcraft are on the rise in the US without there being any physical attacks being made on Christians.

Thom Van Rooyen #fundie nowtheendbegins.com

What I perceive as bi polar/scitsophrenic is that liberals get fits when children are TEMPORARILY seperated from illegal parents entering into USA, BUT....they condone killing and permanent seperation of unborn , alive babies , from their parents. NOW HOW DOES THAT MAKE SENSE....!!!

Geoffrey Grider #fundie nowtheendbegins.com

At least 77,800 people have signed up for President Trump’s Houston rally on Monday to support incumbent Republican Sen. Ted Cruz, who is locked in the Texas Senate battle with Democratic Congressman Beto O’Rourke.

Supporters of President Trump and Sen. Ted Cruz started lining up for tonight’s rally over the weekend, in a stunning implication of just how energized the Republican base has become since the Liberals attempted destroy the career of Justice Brett Kavanaugh just a few weeks ago.

What once seemed like sure defeat for the GOP has blossomed into a rapidly-escalating Red Wave that’s poised to retain not just the Senate but the House as well. Make sure YOU vote in this election, failure to do so could be catastrophic. As for me, I plan on going into my voting booth and just voting ‘yes’ on everything that has a Republican attached to it.

eddie #fundie nowtheendbegins.com

I thought , as most people, the whole flat earth thing was ridiculous but looked at it with an open mind. Hendrie's book explains experiments that show there is no curvature. YouTube has many videos of tests done that also prove there's no curvature, many done by Christians. A globe earth encourages belief in evolution, aliens, big bang and devalues man. A flat earth proves there is a creator God and that man is the center of his creation. I've found the Bible supports a flat earth. That's why science and NASA are trying to hide it. A study in a flat earth will open a whole can of worms and open your eyes to so much of what's been going on.
But beware, people will think you're nuts for even looking into it. Shows you how effective the brainwashing has been.
I just started reading Hendrie's book and it's over 700pages but so far I'm impressed.

AndrewA #fundie nowtheendbegins.com

Obama had a different agenda and a different way of running things.

This style of turnover is more common in a building project or a company where you bring in people to fulfill a purpose and then replace them with someone else once that objective has been met. For a person like Donald Trump this is how he always did things. Bring a person in to fulfill a purpose once objective is met person leaves and you bring in someone to handle the next thing. If person A takes to long and objective is delayed replace them with someone else who will do it.

Understanding the man helps to better understand why he was picked for the role he is in.

A good example is Mosses he spent 40 years as a prince of Egypt learning how to be a leader. Then he went into exile for 40 years in the Sinai learning about the locals where all the watering holes where as a shepherd and essentially how to live as a nomad in the very area he would be leading the Israelite through in exodus.

He was 80 years old when he came back to Egypt to gather God's people back to the holy land. He spent the first half of his life learning to be a leader and the 2nd half learning about how to live in the wilderness of the Sinai he then spent another 40 years leading the Israelis through that wilderness. the first 80 years of his life helped shape him to be the man God wanted to lead his people to the promised land.

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