What you watched yesterday unfold in the Capitol was a combination of events that all have one thing in common, everything you watched yesterday was the hand of Almighty God judging America for her sins, and then giving us the desires of our collective, national heart. America is godless, and now we have leaders with unlimited power to destroy us in precisely the same way Adolf Hitler used his unlimited power to destroy Germany, and almost the world. But Hitler was only a type of the Antichrist, now get ready for the real thing.
What happens now will be equally stunning. As you read this right now, leaders in Washington are demanding that Trump be removed from office now, as a statement, to send a message. The Democrats have the Congress, the Senate and the White House, and everyone is getting in line behind that. The “new” America will hold up abortion as a ‘human right’, glorify transgenders and all manner of perversion as ‘progress’, and they will absolutely force you to do things like take the vaccine. It will all be done in the name of preventing what happened at the Capitol yesterday.
The real American revolution was not what happen at the Capitol, that was the distraction. The real revolution will begin on January 20th, and the America they will create will glorify everything that God hates. For decades now, the radical Left has demanded God get out of America, yesterday He left. The people who are in charge now are the same people who defended and protected ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter, the LGBTQ+ P for Pedophile Movement, due-date abortion, and in this new America Christians will be hunted down and removed and the Bible banned. What’s coming now will be the New World Order.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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