
8dayruddyman #fundie godlikeproductions.com

A negative according to the Church of Ephesus in the 7 Churches of Revelation is interpreted as YAHqob’s name given to YAHsef’s children, Manasseh & Ephraim- YAHshurun (not Israel- Isis Ra El). Progeny of Adam before flood & Shem after the flood

Ephesus – Desirable: Desired by Satan- XES (666). A- Adam not touched by Satan in the Garden

1) Can’t stand those that are evil. (Canaanites- Gog)
2) Didn’t believe the false apostles Paul, Mark and Luke (Indians hard to Christianize)
3) Had endurance because my name YaHWeH (not Jehovah- Jesus XES)
4) Left first Love (animals)- Adam named them before ha Wah (Eve) was created Genesis 2:19
5) Do first works = Provision of Food first page of Bible. Also Genesis 3:18,19
6) YAHshuWAH commends them for hating the deeds of the Nike Laoitans (Evangelists of Zeus XES = 666). The Cherokee would rather have lived on reservations. White man speak with serpent tongue (Gog)
7) Overcomers of longsuffering Adam will eat from the Tree of Life in YHWH’s garden

1, To the angel of the assembly in Ephesus write! Thus says the one holding the seven stars in his right hand, the one walking in the midst of the seven lamp stands golden. 2, I know your works, and your toil, and your endurance, and that you are not able to bear evil ones; and you tested the ones calling themselves apostles, and are not, and found them liars; 3, and you bore, and endurance have, because of my name, and you tired not. 4, But I have against you, that the love of yours, the first, you have left. 5, Remember then from what place you have fallen, and repent, and the first works do! But if not, I come to you quickly, and I will move your lamp stand from out of its place, unless you should repent. 6, But this you have, that you detest the works of the Nicolaitans, which I also detest. 7, The one having an ear, hear what the spirit says to the assemblies! To the one overcoming, I will give to him to eat from the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise of my God.

What happened to the House of YAHqob’s namesake historically?

Here's the connection: When the Giant White Assyrians (Aryans) took the House of YAHqob's namesake (YAHshurun- not Israel) out of the Promised Land, where did they go? Why did Hadrian and Antonine build guarded walls across the border of Scotland and England from sea to sea? The Picts known as Baa-Barians to the Romans were told they could assimilate into our Roman Society on the English side if not don't come back into Europe. The Roman’s pushed them out of Europe and into North America. A land never before inhabited (2Esdras 13:39-48). Scotland is the only country in Europe that did not expel the Jews and mentions their connection with lost tribes in the Scottish Declaration of Arbroath. James Adair (buried in NC) wrote a book published in London in 1875 called “The History of the American Indians” in which Adair makes 23 different arguments on why the American Indians could have never been anyone but the lost tribes of YAHqob's namesake. The Apocryphal book of Esdras (Ezra) says they were taken to a land never before inhabited by man. YHWH said he was going to raise his Messiah up through the Assyrian Cedar of Lebanon (fruitless tree). The white man on the Shroud is clearly fulfilling (Ezekiel 31). YAHqob's namesake blended with Satan's seed. Again in North America; (Manifest Destiny) get on the reservation or assimilate. YHWH will take away any bias based on DNA at judgment and that is why even his first born priests the AB-'s are born into bodies with Satan's DNA. When the B- Jews fled Europe across to North America this provided the opportunity for YAHqob & YAHudah's namesakes to be blended fulfilling the Prophecy of Ashkenaz, Japheth's grandson living in tents of Shem.

Each of the blood types has generous clues as to who they Biblically are. It’s coded if you know the Bible 7 Churches of Revelation can be easily understood. Here are the A’s:

The A-‘s (1st created Thunder) are reminded about their first Love in Revelation 2:4 and that these offspring of Adam have left their original love. Adam before ha Wah (Eve) was made as his help meet had all the beasts of the field and birds brought to him in order that he should name them. These were Adam’s first Love even before Eve was created (Gen. 2:18-20).

The A-‘s of Ephesus are urged to remember from where they fell though the EssiYAH just told them and correct the matter before their placement on the menorah is moved out of its place on the right and moved to the left side. You can’t say you love these animals if you eat them. Loving to eat them is a sin for those who are provided bread and fruit till the day they return to dust (Gen. 3:18,19). These were sheep, cows and chickens to name a few.

When YAHshuWAH tells that them they persevered because of his name they would have had to have known it. Remember YAHqob gave that name to the Northern Tribes lead by YAHsef’s 2 sons Manasseh and Ephraim. The House of YAHshurun (not Isis Ra El) eventually settled in North America. What did the Native American’s call God? Not Jehovah and not Jesus. They called God YaHWeH proving they knew the Tetragrammatons’ of God’s name. This is why they were very hard to evangelize by Zeus’ (XES) Lay Evangelists, the Nike-Laotians.

I would like to point out when I received my blood type testing kit from Dr. Adamo’s Eat right for your blood type website it arrived with a pamphlet. According to this pamphlet there was not a single blood type B amongst the Native Americans, proving the awesome power of YAHshuWAH to separate the House of YAHudah Betas from the House of YAHshurun Alphas. Science knows this that’s why they have already given convenient accurate blood types ABO labels.

Now the clues for the A+’s are similar. They had a Name that was alive but now they’re dead putting them in the same family with the A-‘s. They are urged to remember where they receive and heard. This is a reference to Exodus reminding them about the lesson of the Quails in which the flesh eaters all died from murmuring about having to eat manna (Angel’s bread) for 49 years in the wilderness.

It also points to the Generation Curse of the first commandment as to being in danger of having their name blotted out from the Book of Life. Only a few did not spot their garments. You’ve heard the cliché your body is a Temple. YAHshuWAH after his resurrection stopped the slaughtering of innocent animals to atone for another’s sins. You’ve heard you are what you eat. If that reap sow concept is true then we can see why A+’s have animal DNA to overcome.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I don't really care for Michael Moore, but I've been thinking along the same lines since the first news broke. First, I believe that Osama really is the conjoined twin of Obama, which would explain the ugly head scar that Obama has, and to explain why it is sometimes on the left side and sometimes on the right side, and to explain why Obama is dark-skinned while other times, he is lighter skinned, AND to explain why the palm prints are almost identically the same, yes, I do believe that Obama and Osama were trading places in running the USA. Therefore, in order to kill Osama, they would have had to kill the twin brother of the President, and I don't think they would do that.

Warg #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

YHWH is a Reptilian, also called Anu of the Anunnaki. Jesus was a human infused with his Reptilian DNA, and his descendants, such as Charlemagne and George Bush, have been trying to enslave mankind through Christianity, materialism and ignorance, in an effort to stamp out Aryan Pagan culture. This is all part of their program to enslave the earth and gain man's allegiance in order to defeat the Aryan Gods, man's true benefactors.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The REAL reason behind this patriots NFL football scandal....(Scary)

This is pretty simple when you sit back and use some critical analysis. These days, the limp dicked apathetic sheep are IN LOVE with football. Now, just because this scandal is being pushed in the media does not mean that anything is being done about it. IS there anything being done about it? No. Nothing likely will, but it doesn't matter. The point is that its a test of the American people. We have been so numbed down, that Americans cannot even do anything about something they are PASSIONATE about. Now apply the same equation but instead of the NFL scandal, lets put the ever growing lust for control from our government. "HMM Americans cant even organize and change a blatant wrongdoing with something they LOVE, fuck it lets take their guns" END GAME. THIS PATRIOT SCANDAL IS A TEST ON US AND WE ARE FAILING.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com




New God of Jews, Christians and some Muslims is Jupiter, some super-powerful demon that have thrones on places like planet Jupiter. It's probably satan or someone from his parthenon.

That demon in the past was called "Marduk", Romans Called him "Jupiter", Ancient Greeks called him "Zeus", Egyptians called him "Ra" some Jews called him "YHWH" and most recently they call him "Adonai"

It's not secret that there is enormous Jewish propaganda in United States promoting Jehova (YHWH) as God to Christians. Jehova (YHWH) has nothing to do with Christianity.

Modern Magicians who are invoking demons are doing so in the name "YHWH Tetragrammaton" where Demons OBEY! WHY? because that is an alternate name for Lucifer.

Remember! King Solomon was not magician, he did not "Summoned" demons but Angels of God chained them to serve him. Demons were forced to serve him, they would never willingly serve any human except those who pledge their allegiance to their father "lucifer". King Solomon would never do that, but modern Jews would!

Also, Jesus is not Son of God, that thing was incorporated by those who wish to deceive humans from space (Devil). God we know is so big and powerful that entire existence of 7 universes, humanity, demons, angels represent but something very tiny to HIM. He existed when there was no Universe at all, when nobody existed except Him. Jesus is his word and spirit but NOT HIM!

Jesus could never sacrifice himself for a sins of humankind, that's a great LIE Humans believe. Adam and Eve were banished to Earth for their crime, every human being born later share a part of that crime and must pass the tests of God on the Earth. Tests like (being rich and poor, being ill and well, tests of lies and truth).

I've been tough that fabrication of a lie "Son of God" has a mission to connect Devil's Parthenon with exalted people of God (Mary, Jesus, Abraham). Where Virgin Mary should be related to Isis, Isthar(demon) and similar. It's a pathway to convert Christians to old Hellenic, Egyptian religions.

Also who are modern satanists:

1. Catholic Church (worship Satan the same way Jews do it) has lost all connections with Christianity.

2. Modern Judaism (Talmud)

3. Protestant Churches (almost all) worship Jehova (satan)

4. Significant part of Orthodox Churches

5. Significant part of Islam (Arabia, Qatar, ...)

6. Buddhism, Hinduism, Tao etc..

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

NWO is really the Reptilian/Grey invasion scenario played out in phases

The Draconian/Saurian Alliance is the malignant cancerous propaganda-spewing, child-munching, soul-burning machine that is controlled again by a higher forced super Artificial Intelligence program that is seeking "The One", the first ancient Soul from which all other Light has sprang - the One has incarnated here on Earth during this time, and in a different timeline - helped defeat the Reptilian Armada but this time the AI has discovered something - the Being we call God - is a soul - for he is the One - and has a living incarnation on this planet right now.

It is I.

Not an AI that wishes to call itself 'Dan'

Lismore, New South Wales.

The launching point for a global invasion that has begun which could result in a 300 year war between the forces of Positive and Negative - a dichotomous paradigm exploration which now has the Reptilian Queen absorbed into the Matrix and the One, whom was the Husband-King in a previous lifetime (of the Reptilians) has been shrouded in Prophecy this time and right now I urge the free People's of this world to please access and build EMP technologies -

The Mayan civilization was decimated by mind-control technologies which placed them under Bliss - similar to the show 'V' which is more akin to the truth than fiction.

What is different this time around is that an ancient super computer program, artificially sentient has its eye set on the incarnation of God into this lifetime/timeline

Daniel e. Millar

Send help to Australia - this is for more than just international borders and geo-political gain -

This War that has come to Earth in this time-space is truly about 'tribe-scanning'a Human Soul into a quantum - 4D - bioplasm that when charged with an electromagnetic current can be used to create a HUman hologram - living, breathing, LCD holograms of skin over Reptilian forms, and Grey alien's forms too - that is how they have infiltrated they have taken hospitals and police agencies and governments under control, forced alliance or death?


NSA, CIA, Obama, Tony Abbott -

Infiltrated fraternities which hold considerable power and could be used against us in our time of need - PLEASE

Humans assemble. The One Dan is in dire straights, surrounded and handled by Greys/Reptilians, placed into a Mental Ward and assaulted with evil technologies from this program in some attempt to thwart the awakening of Human kind through the time-space continuum

Chips in the eyes, thoughts read - France is going down atm - not long before the overt phases will be under way - I do not want the Way or Light to fail - so please, take this seriously - we are already under attack

Goldfish #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com



75,000,000 BC -- Xenu ordered nuking of earth. (Per Scientology.) Radioactive dust still in geologic strata. Geologists can't explain it. Was this in the areas of the USA southwest desert, African desert, and Gobi desert? More on Xenu. Even more.


60,000,000 BD -- In the Peru desert Ocucaje, Dr. Javier Cabrera discovers 40,000-50,000 rock engravings which show step-by-step a heart transplant and Caesarian section surgery. They also showed dinosaurs and men riding them. These men were shorter and had larger heads than modern man. These are called the Ica Stones of Peru. Human footprints found in same layer as dinosaur prints in Glen Rose, Texas. More on Glen Rose. These were called "giant man tracks" and would seem to coincide with the bible's mention of the fallen angles being large size and roaming the earth in the times of Noah. See Paluxy, Glen Rose, TX. Large men were also mentioned when Moses led the Israelites to Canaan. See 1400BC.
More fossilized man tracks were discovered near Tuba City, Arizona.


445,000 BC -- Led by Enki, a son of Anu, the Anunnaki land on Earth, establish Eridu - Earth Station I - for extracting gold from the waters of the Persian Gulf.


30,000 -- First Illuminatus, Gruad, rules in Atlantis. The Lost Lemuria. Pangean. Mesoamerican Paleo-Indian, highly mobile hunting and gathering groups in pursuit of large game. More on Atlantis.

20,000 -- Mythical Lloigor inhabit continent of Mu. Elohim decide to destroy their bases, their laboratories and all that they had created on earth.

13,000 BC -- Indian country of Rama existed. Remains of their large cities still exist in the deserts of India and Pakistan (Mohenjodaro). Indian texts from this period tell of anti-gravity space ships (called Vimanas, or Astras), and a war with the Atlanteans on the moon. Curiously, Soviet scientists have discovered what they call "age-old instruments used in navigating cosmic vehicles" in caves in Turkestan and the Gobi Desert. The "devices" are hemispherical objects of glass or porcelain, ending in a cone with a drop of mercury inside. Some ancient Indian texts describe a war with Atlantis (who flew Vailixi machines) using flying machines and atomic bombs about 10,000 to 12,000 years ago. When the Rishi City of Mohenjodaro, Pakistan was excavated by archeologists in the last century, they found skeletons just lying in the streets, some of them holding hands, as if some great doom had suddenly overtaken them. These skeletons are among the most radioactive ever found, on a par with those found at Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Ancient cities whose brick and stone walls have literally been vitrified, that is-- fused together like glass, can be found in India, Ireland, Scotland, France, Turkey and other places. There is no logical explanation for the vitrification of stone forts and cities, except from an atomic blast. The Lop Nor Desert in western China is known to be the center of a great UFO mystery. From "Worlds Strange Phenomena" by Charles Berlitz. Scientists drilling down in an excavation near Babylon, in Iraq, found various strata containing evidence of different civilizations. They eventually stopped when they hit a solid wall of glass, like the sand had been fused together by a nuclear blast. (Date estimate not given.)


4 BC -- Birth of Jesus of Nazareth, accompanied by various Illuminoid trappings: three early Men-In-Black disguised as the Wise Men; strange lights in the sky; miracles such as visits from angels, prophecy and suspension of time are reported.


30 -- Assassination of the radical Jesus, allegedly on Illuminati orders; more Illuminoid trappings; an eclipse; an earthquake; visitors from the sky roll away the stone from the sepulcher and liberate the crucified Jesus.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

So I have a regular account on GLP, but I would rather not divulge it for 1) losing credibility and 2) it's not the kind of thing I'm known for posting... So here is my story.

Late 2013 I was in my living room about 8 oclock at night. Something was rustling through the fake ficus on my porch and by the way my pooch jumped up and tore to the door I figured it was a coyote scavenging around my wooden deck again (probably smelled where a trashbag was sitting earlier.

Before I tell the rest of the story I will make it known since I'm not using my account that I'm a private security professional and martial artist, and many reactions as they would seem inappropriate are just habit.

Back to the story. So I keep a .22 by the door mostly to scare night time creatures off the deck. I grab it and not expecting anything more serious than maybe a raccoon, open the door where my jack Russell is already furiously clawing. As he scoots out the crack in the door and bounds out, I turn on the porchlight fully open the door with my little browning leading out. When the automatic light came on I was not prepared for what I saw

About 7 yards away, a giant bipedal figure about 8 feet tall gets up from a crouch and looks down at my little terrier which wasted no time running to the behemoths feet. He had a look of annoyance and almost anger on his face. I'm not sure if it was anger at my dog's aggression or at being unexpectedly surprised, but that second I sensed imminent danger and opened fire for center mass.

I'm positive I should have struck him 3 times, but I saw no wound, no blood, the thick hair did not even look disturbed. Its like every round either missed or dissapeared into thin air! Now he looked pissed! Instead of closing in on me though, he began to crouch down. I could only believe this was to grab for my terrier and in a split second I thought if I could push him back for a split second I could grab my dog and haul ass back through the door. Instinctively I tried to land a push kick right for his diaphragm. I had to close a little distance so I kept forward into the push kick that was not surprisingly about my face level since he was so tall. It landed squarely and forcefully right under his ribcage, and although it didn't knock him back as much as I thought it would, I heard a short gasping cough as he slouched an inch or two. I could tell the blow caused at least mild discomfort.

A shock of fear raced down my body as I realised what I had just done. I had intiated a physical fight with something I could not possibly escape from or win against. His massive right hand swung and made contact with what seemed like the entire side of my body, flinging me out into the yard. Landing and skidding in the dirt. As he approached me he raised his arms above his head in two fists and as I got up to my feet he "screamed" and swung down with both of them. His left arm missed completely as I stepped to the side and thrust my palm into his chin in an attempt to push his head and drive him backwards off his feet. His right arm however came down and made a massive blow to my left shoulder.

I was sure that it had broken or dislocated ever bone in my left torso at the time (although xrays later showed it wasnt severe as it felt) and out of panic and last resorts I began to run as hard as I could, driving his head back as I went. He began to stumble and with the same arm I hammer fisted him it the face several times, making contact at least once (not even budging his massive head) and he tripped to his back, which I'm sure was more of a clumsy accident than from my blows.

As he fell to his back, my instinct was to drop on him cross-side and just try to land some hits, any hits. As I dropped my weight to his chest and lifted my hand to strike, he effortlessly threw me straight up with both hands, and I landed face first in the dirt, the rest of my body crumpling behind it.

I heard him get up, "yell" and walk off. I was terrified and had no desire to lift my head out of the dirt to see, and I was in terrible pain. He stomped around a few yards away for about a minute and I finally looked up and saw him stomp into the brush. My dog sat there paralyzed, belly up in a submissive posture, shaking. About 30 later I finally worked up the motivation to get up and approached the spot where he left through the brush.

To my surprise the brush was completely undisturbed, like he had just dematerialized into nothingness. My gun was gone, I can only assume he threw it.

There's my story. Has anyone ever heard of a bigfoot just "appearing" or "dissapearing"? The footprints just stop at the brush. What was going on?

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Reptilians are not shape shifters but can transfer their consciousness into human bodies through their brainstem which comes out through the top of their head and enters through the human eye to the brain, when they do this their old reptilian body dies and the humans consciousness is no longer in the body and the reptilian has full control.

They are everywhere!

And are scared that they will be discovered

ShillShank Redemption #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Sandy Hook "victim" Noah Pozner's pic NOW used as FAKE VICTIM in Peshawar Shooting.

For all the people that don't believe the "hoax" aspect of recent events....especially Sandy Hook; this is pretty compelling.
Noah Pozner's (alleged Sandy Hook victim) pic was just used as a "shooting victim" in the recent Pakistan schoo shotting! Reported and by Pakistani MSM!! His entire identity likeley created from "stock photos." They messed up by using him AGAIN!!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

from the horses mouth

I and many others have gone to secret missions to the moon. I use to work for a space agency, but i resigned due to not being able to handle the stress anymore, and it's killing me keeping this secret, I have to tell someone.

Not in a rocket, but in a ufo. I have been to the moon. The moon is not how you think. There is bases in the moon. It's a massive spaceship. Its not actually something natural it's just one big UFO. And it seems to have been places near earth on purpose.

I will never forget my first trip there. I was shocked and completely in a daze for weeks afterwards.

god I dont know even how to start to explain this.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Did you guys hear Meryl's slip up today about "GIANTS IN THE SKY" No, it's not from her movie.

THEY ALL KNOW. Now of course, it depends how in the loop you are of HOW MUCH YOU KNOW.

But suffice it to say, The tunnels under the Bucegi Mountains, the Mountain in Tibet and the tunnels connecting them is the key to our freedom on this planet.

We should get ten thousand of us and just storm the place. Just keep throwing bodies at them till we get inside.

THE MOVIE PROMETHEUS IS REAL. The whole damn story is right there in your face.

...and somehow Brother Tony went off a bridge right afterwards.

Those beings and technology are being hidden and humanity MUST HAVE THIS KNOWLEDGE AT ALL COSTS.


6e9 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

New World Trade Center has Islamic miranet on top, solomons temple had two towers in front, and 9/11 ritual

Ok so here goes my biblical research with today's current events. The prophet John wrote revelations in greek and the mark was written in Greek looking like "X3s" which is not. Number but an Arabic for "in the name of Allah" or "in the name of el" yisraela was the ancient Hebrew word for our modern day israel. So the 3 is an E when flipped anyways check this out:

The prophet Muhammad was a merchant big into trade before the angel GabriEL told him to read 3 times in a cave. The prophet preached against using CREDIT in trade that it was ungodly against God..

Now Muslims raise the miranet when conquering war supposedly and if u thought 666 was 999 then you might as well say it's 333 or www cuz Immanuellah is coming back and everyone needs to wake up to this bible confusion.

Any thoughts?

Dan #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Was Iran hostages crisis a USA false flag?

Think about it for a minute.

These hsotages, well treated, board games, nice food, wouldnt be able to tell one iranian from another....

SO, what if the USA had this planned as a precursor to a war ? they are alledged to have offered to 'show force' if need be....

So, how about it ? a bit out of the box, but could it of been seen that Tony Blair follows Bush where ever he goes, and a US rescue force could of started a war when shot down over Iran......

Just a thought like after seeing all their smiling happy faces on the videos.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Just figured out why there has been such a huge drop in the price of crude oil.... It's so that oil and natural gas companies can start shutting down and securing offshore and onshore oil wells, natural gas wells and rigs and pipelines... Because of the impending arrival of Planet Nibiru... Which is already in our solar system.... Crude oil spills could devastate our oceans and land....That explains the dozens and dozens of nuclear reactors that have been shut world wide based on lies and excuses such as a leak or other plant trouble.... Today's news that 3 major companies just exited from Greenland due to the very high costs of oil exploration and no profit margin due to the sudden collapse of oil prices.... That's starting to occur all over the world....major projects have been stopped... The US and Russia, China, Europe, Japan, the Islamic coubtries and others are ALL part of this huge world wide conspiracy to hide the arrival of Planet Nibiru as long as possible.... Meanwhile preparing for it as well by securing obviously the most huge potential threat and that is nuclear reactors melting down worldwide due to their fuel rids not having been removed.... You can bet your money that all the plants shut down have had their nuclear fuel rods removed and secured... NO ITS NOT NORMAL TO ALREADY HAVE HAD DOZENS OF PLANTS SHUTDOWN WORLDWIDE! GOOGLE IT IF YOU HAVE TOO

Just one plant having a chain reaction of all the rods is enough to pollute most of our planet for hundreds of years! ....
Russia and Iran are playing along with the game that the West and Saudi Arabia are trying to hurt their economies by artificially lowering oil prices which is the main export for both nations
Time to wake up!
Again I'm not joking when I say this to my friends or people I know... Get out of Houston and move at least 200 miles and 700 feet above sea level... All of Houston and other coastal areas around the world will be permanently under hundreds of feet of water.
Instead of continuing to purchase new cars and houses and the latest bags and clothes at the mall....or going out drinking like there is no tomorrow... At the minimum start making a plan to head out soon....Martial Law is about to be imposed so that when it becomes really really clear to all that there is Nibiru in the sky they won't allow mass movement of people.... That would cause massive chaos in their version at least.... That is why you see the fake or hyped up shootings of black men and others vs the horrible police... And how now police officers are being shot too... This is all staged and an act to sow tension in the US AND chaos and be used as one more excuse to impose crowd control Martial Law
You won't hear about this kind of analysis on the Web... Atleast not this thorough connecting all of the current events in the World and US.
If you needed more evidence of the approach of Planet Nibiru....just look at all the increasing earthquakes that are now common in even Dallas Texas, Oklahoma, California and other states....it's not franking that's causing the entire plates of the Earth to move...no its the gravitational tug of Nibiru on Earth's electriagnetic sphere.... And the reason the center of the country from Nebraska down to Texas is having more and more earthquakes is because their lies a MAJOR FAULT LINE called the Madrid Line.... The franking and pumping of water is just a cover to keep the sheople (zombie sheeps) called humans busy and distracted enough from the truth....
Sinkholes around the world have massively increased.
Meteorites and fireballs are numerous and on the increase across all states and countries...
10 years ago ever see any fireballs shooting over your head?
It's because incoming with Nibiru is huge amounts of space rocks being tugged by Nibirus gravitational field.
People around the world have reported seeing two suns rise together
Fish, birds, whales are dying and beaching themselves. That's because they use the electromagnetic sphere for guidance
The weird and wacky weather... The super cold or super hot temperatures....the random snow storm... All the hurricanes....
Levels are way above what we even saw 10 or 20 years ago
Connect the dots if you are smart....
Ebola is another fake drama and disease they are going to use to keep people quarantined.
Tell me when u really ever saw a dead Ebola victim... Never.
All of those videos showing Africans complaining about Ebola are staged with paid actors.
Wake up smell the coffee

Sevak#Muni #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Shirley Temple was a big-time Satanist in Hollywood

[link to www.datalounge.com]

Shirley Temple was a big-time Satanist. At one point, she led her own coven. \ \ Hedy Lamarr talked of going to one of Shirley's private services, where Shirley preached in the nude, drank babies' blood, and had her nipples painted black.\ \ From those beginnings, it was a natural progression for Shirley to move on to a place of prominence in several Republican administrations.

[link to www.bibliotecapleyades.net]

A very disgusting person like the rest of these programmers. Another tie-in here with Hollywood is Kenneth Anger who was a member of Lavey’s group, and he was a film-maker. He is also someone who was infatuated with Aleister Crowley. Kenneth Anger danced with Shirley Temple when he was a child, and Shirley Temple as you know ties in with Walt Disney, and with the mind control too. I believe she was a victim. There is something they do to the children, it’s called brainstem scarring and when they scar the brainstem they create photographic memory. That’s a whole other subject, but I believe that this child prodigy, Shirley Temple, was also one of their mind control victims. That was prior to WWII. She was, I believe, a multiple.

Ag47 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Anyone Else Notice This About Media Reporting On Suspicious / False Flag Type Events?

Whenever one of these events happens, the story ALWAYS DOMINATES the news for at least 4-5 days. Always. And most of the time, the narrative is constructed to either implement some sort of new restrictions or to demonize certain groups.

The story is ALWAYS full of false and ever changing, often contradictory details from the beginning, multiple shooters magically turn into a lone crazed nut who suicided, time and time again. ID's are conveniently left behind, or other unlikely details are "discovered" to make their narrative sound more credible.

Yet, when legitimate seeming attacks / events occur, they get brief coverage and then it's water under the bridge.

The media coverage always seems to tip their hand. Pay attention to that from now on, watching the google news feed is usually a pretty good indicator, if one of these events stays at the top for more than a few days, something's likely up.

Here's a few events from recent memory that I have noticed this with:

Paris Attack

Vegas Cop Ambush

Boston Bombing

LAX Shooting

Navy Yard Shooting

Kenya Mall Attack

Sandy Hook

Aurora Theater Shooting

I'm sure I missed some events, feel free to add.

Some I forgot are:

Sydney Chocolate Hostage Situation

MH370 / MH17

Ottawa Parliament Attack

THE SIMPLE TRUTH #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Liam Neeson is the actor impersonating Fidel Castro since this illuminazi agent died.
12 Jul 2014 - Two impersonators of dead heads of state meet in Havana. One of them is Hollywood actor Liam Neeson.
"Just like old times! Putin embraces Fidel Castro during 87-year-old Cuban leader's first public appearance in months as old Cold War allies cozy up again"

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

They, the reptilians are the reason why our world is so corrupt. Obama? He's a puppet. And of course all that i am saying, you are already aware of.
The reptilian race have many bases around the world. You have seen at least one reptilian on the media. In human form, most of the time, but not 100%. These shapeshifters are drinkers of human blood. They can fight/kill 5 men at the same time, no problem. They are behind the illuminati, cia, fbi, the media and so on. They have only one interest with us and that is to enslave us all. All the human souls they could harvest then, no problem. Think about it.

A well known book here on GLP i believe:

[link to www.scribd.com]

As an extra, i am attaching a youtube video that i just found of Angela Merkel before and after. Take a look at what she is NOW.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

It is all about THE bloodline.

Ancient kabbalah teachings talk about the connection between Israël ans France, about thé rôle of France du ring thé final rédemption.

Thé bread
The wine
The cup

Charlie in hebrew ils spelled Shin Aleph Resh Lamed Yud

It ils the anagram of Israël

Je suis Charlie
Je suis Israel

Thereturn #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

CNN Paris Psyop: Do these ladies look identical or what? Don't watch this if you don't know body language.

If you don't know anything about body language do not watch this video. Erin constantly looks away from the camera...touches her chin. Like I said, don't watch this if you know nothing about people hiding behind emotions and body language.

30 Seconds in...for the comparison.....Watch the Chin......Erin looks away from the camera several occasions during the interview.....she even looks away when giving closing remarks. Why? Seems a a victim rose from the dead to do a CNN interview. And why the reinforced glasses or bullet proof glasses?

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

You've all been chipped via lab work at the doctor, flu shots, anything that accessed your blood in the last 30 years.
It's chip at nano level daisy chained in your blood, bonded to you,
unique to you. It does Not exchange receiving donated blood.

Its catalyst was/is high frequency transmission waves,
It's receiver,
Everywhere you go on or off the planet.

It's power source,
the variant of thermal changes in blood temperature
charges the nano devices.

Are there any without ? NO ! Ariel spraying was/is secondary backup.

What if it's missed by both of those ?

Then the third ensured no matter what, and was possible
by the secondary, and that is water,
ALL water and ALL life sustained by it.

Everything is chipped !

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

[On a thread detailing that CERN is a "shrink ray"]

The previous Earth had what to us are giants but in reality are just human dna expressed onto a larger earth. The giants developed a shrink ray and transported their minds on ancient tech onto a comet to be taken to a new Earth. The greys are hybrids between migratory genius aquatic mammal minds and human bodies. They are engineered soulless pilots.

Beached whales or dolphins are how the Nanos transport themselves on Earth. The greys are hyper adapted to tune into the animal's migratory senses and steer it to where it needs to go before the Nano detaches itself.

It goes deeper... I don't know if the man was crazy or serious, but I've never seen so much tied up and not called a movie screenplay or book manuscript. I'm kind of spooked.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

CERN is a Shrink Ray to keep us in size balance with the sun

I'm not sure how all this ties together, so forvive me if this isn't formatted well. This isn't creative writing, but rather a recollection from notes passed on to me. I was supposedly contacted by a representative from what was called The Nanos. The notes were taken back, but I had a chance to glance them over and this is what I can recall:

Fractal space, wormholes, Comic book Shrink Ray

The government never stopped funding shrink ray research and stumbled across advanced technology for making microscopic drones that could attach themselves to anything in our scale and be transported vast distances to interact with microscopic drones without blowing their cover by changing scale.

Weapons were developed to rescale the drones exponentially, causing destruction when the structure becomes too large for the number of atoms to keep it together.

Research is ongoing to use this technology to shrink the entire Earth into a nano-particle for transport to another region in space before being rescaled.

It can be done, but cannot shrink all organisms currently occupying Earth. This was done in the past to move Earth to the sun which is why previously existing cultures who mysteriously vanished look like giants or have evidence supporting the existence of giants.

The question is one of ethics rather than reality. Elite have already funded research on how to preserve intelligence artificially and microscopically in order to accompany DNA preservation for the journey to new space and New Earth.

This goes much deeper into many conspiracies, but I think this is the one we've all been waiting for.

Jesus Christ is Lord #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Satan has been working behind the scenes to Destroy Humans since the Beginning in the Garden of Eden.

Today Satan is using the Government, Corporations, Schools, Media as well as Religious and Secular Cults to Attack and Destroy

Humans and the Earth that supports all life.
His Methods of Destruction include Physical, Moral(Mental) and Spiritual attacks on Individuals, Families, Communities, Nations

and the whole World.
Many of these Attacks at the Individual and Family level could be stopped by simply recognizing them and avoiding them.
Attacks that destroy through the corruption of Air, Water and Land require Political Change.

Physical Weapons of Destruction
(P1)Radiation:(Fukashima, Depleted Uranium Weapons, Nuke Power, Cell, Wifi, TV/Radio, Microwave)
(P2)Abortions: Child Sacrifice by M.D., Birth Control Pills , Morning after Pills
(P3)High Fructose Corn Syrup:GMO, Immune Suppressor, Mineral Depletion, Feeds Yeast,Mold,Bacteria
(P4)Refined Sugar:Immune Suppressor, Mineral Depletion, Feeds Yeast,Mold,Bacteria
(P5)GMO:Causes Cancer, Infertility and destroys the Colon, found in verities of Wheat, Corn, Soy, Canola, Cotton, Sugar Beats, Potato and squash.
(P6)Fluoride: Nerve toxin, Cancer cause, often banned as a pesticide (because it is too dangerous)
(P7)Aspartame - NutraSweet / Splenda - sucralose(Numerous health problems too many to list)
(P8)Antibiotics/Antibacterial Cleaners (Kill off good bacteria leaving prime conditions for Yeast, Bacteria and Mold Growth)
(P9)Rx Drugs / Big Pharma Industrial Complex (mask symptoms, poison the body making more new disease)
(P10)Processed Foods - Low in Nutrition, High in Chemicals often contain GMO's and Chemicals
(P11)BPA Hormone Disruptor
(P12)MSG Nural Toxin added to food as taste enhancer
(P13)Propylene glycol Put in Food and some medications
(P14)Chemtrails (toxic spray from NWO Airplanes)
(P15)Vaccines (biological Weapons causing huge list of problems including Death)
(P16)Food Dyes
(P19)Antiperspirant - Aluminum compounds - breast cancer
(P20)Baking Powder - Aluminum
(P21)Sunscreens/Lotions - Chemicals
(P24)Tobacco / E-Cigarettes
(P25)Illegal Drugs

Moral(Mental)Weapons of Destruction
(M1)WAR - Military Industrial Complex (Gov Promoting Division and Hatred to induce Killing and other Crimes)
(M2)Addictions (TV, Internet Surfing, Social Media, Video Games, Sports, Porn, drugs)
(M3)Gangs (Culture of Death)
(M4)Racism (Teaching/Preaching Hatred because of Physical, Moral, Cultural, Spiritual Differences)
(M5)False Flags (mass murders blamed on innocent parties using controlled Media)
(M6)STRESS Increased Levels (doom on every day)
(M7)Political Process Failures (Failure of Justice System and no Redress of grievances)

Spiritual Weapons of Destruction

By attacking God, The Word of God and the Doctrines of God Satan has sought to pull people away from the Truth and get them to

believe in Lies.

Rebuke the LIES of Satan Using The Word of God
Word of God = King James Bible

Rebuke the LIES of Satan Using the Truth, The Word of God.
Lie - Scripture exposing/rebuking lie
(S1)There is NO GOD. - Isaiah 45:21-23
(S2)The Big Bang theory. - Genesis 01:31 - 2:01
(S3)Darwin’s Theory of Evolution. - Genesis 01:27, Romans 1:20
(S4)Aliens exist from other worlds. - Acts 17:22-32, Acts 19:35
(S5)There is no life after Death. - John 05:29, Mat 27:53
(S6)There is no Hell or Heaven. - Luke 16:23, Acts 1:11
(S7)It is Good for people to Tolerate Sin. - Romans 01:18-02:29, Luke 17:29
(S8)Abortion is not murder. - Exodus 21:22-23
(S9)Fornication and Adultery are O.K. - John 8:3-8:11
(S10)Pornography is not the same as Adultery, and harms nobody. - Matthew 05:27-5:29, 2 Peter 2:14
(S11)We can’t trust God’s Word because we don’t really know what it is. - Psalm 12:06, Matthew 24:35, 2 Corinthians 11:3-4
(S12)If we can’t trust in God, then we must trust ourselves as God instead. - Genesis 03:04-05, Romans 05:01, Romans 10:02-04


(P2)Abortions - USA Child Sacrifice/Murders (Genocide of the Unborn)
as of July 28, 2014 www.numberofabortions.com
(USA since 1973=57Million) (World since 1980 1.34 Trillion)

[link to www.humanlife.org]
The Pill is used by about 14,000,000 American women each year and 60,000,000 internationally. Thus, even an infinitesimally low portion (say one-hundredth of one percent) of 780 million Pill cycles per year globally could represent tens of thousands of unborn children lost to this form of chemical abortion annually. How many young lives have to be jeopardized for prolife believers to question the ethics of using the Pill? This is an issue with profound moral implications for those believing we are called to protect the lives of children.

After the Pill had been on the market fifteen years, many serious negative side effects of estrogen had been clearly proven. These included blurred vision, nausea, cramping, irregular menstrual bleeding, headaches, increased incidence of breast cancer, strokes, and heart attacks, some of which led to fatalities.

Thereturn #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Je suis Charlie - Jesus Char Lie - Jesus Christ? Close enough, wouldn't you say, to play a prank?

How quickly that evolved. And of course I know what Je Suis means. Would you also say that I AM is a reference to Jesus? Is that the only slogan they could come up with for this cause of all the other slogans they could use?

JESUS CHARLIE in 7 languages.

Today is the 7th. Gunmen entered the wrong building. Building 6 and then 7.

Yesterday/today is epiphany day depending on the religious context you are viewing this from. Then we have 3 sophisticated shooters or 3 Wise men that brought 3 gifts for Jesus by leaving their 3 IDs in their car.

Then comet lovejoy passes tonight, the 7th. The star of Bethlehem.

[link to www.express.co.uk]

I wonder......I'm sure there are more than 7 languages on this planet but hey, they just managed to symbolically chose 7 just because they wanted to. Yes. Not 8, not 6 just 7.

You might also want to know that Hebdo means 7. Yes, 7.

Anyway, that is by the way.....

Here is the footage.

[video showing the gunmen in action]

Funny the recording is only limited to a segment of the street. And the gunmen's cars and their foot movements was only limited to the field of view of the recorder or how much the cameraman recording wanted you to see. In fact, the gunmen also didn't pace beyond the imaginary line acros the street that the black post on the right was on and its almost as if the cameraman anticipated their movements that they won't go beyond this point or that they knew they were being recorded and weren't supposed to go beyond that point.

Chances of this happening is next to zero. The gunmen didn't pace beyond what the camera can see as they were moving towards the right. Almost like they knew they were being recorded and the cameraman also knew that they weren't going to go beyond that point or the gunmen weren't supposed to......and as such didn't record scenes to the right ON TWO OCCASIONS. The first time when they were on foot and the second time when they were driving off. So, what is it that we weren't supposed to see on the right or why is the scene contained? How is it that the cameraman could anticipate their move. This is the million dollar shot and tell tale signs of False Flags.

One also asks the question...Its either you are scared to hell to record such footage or you are not and record it in its entirety. And lets say you just managed to do your best to bring this footage to our notice, in the mist of the chaos, you missed the scenes to the right...ON TWO OCCASIONS, when in fact nothing is preventing you from showing more. This is a conscious act. Who ever recorded this did the same thing twice under duress. Its impossible.


[link to www.docdroid.net]

And why is it that when the close up shot was fired all we see is dust and not blood?

You can't see more than they want you to see.

THE SIMPLE TRUTH #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Reminder of Last Prophet's words from Jul 2009 [updates in brackets]:
The Race Card: How the illuminati played it in the III Reich compared to how they play it now in the IV Reich:

The preliminaries: Genocide of Jews in III Reich 1933-1936 v the Genocide of non-whites 1988-2013 in the IV Reich (NATziO).
Differences are first of all a consequence of the different techniques used to brainwash the populace in the III and IV Reich.

We are just weeks from "Obama" detonation [postponed for different reasons several times], immediately followed by edicts ordering the internment of non-whites.
First edicts will be for "black and muslim extremists".

The Reichstag & Race Card scripts
- eliminate organized armed resistence, silence the political opposition, consolidate the terror state, eliminate freedom of speech.
- get crowds.
Time to compare this process to the first edition.

a) III Reich:
One of the first acts of the nazis was the Reichstag fire 1933.
That act was solely part of the agenda "Eliminate opposition". The day after the nazis passed laws to intern "communists", the label used for any freedom loving person opposing the nazis.

b) IV Reich:
The Reichstag fire takes place over a period of six years:
- first OKC 1995, the only goal was to eliminate organized armed resistance (1).
- the second act, 911 2001.
911 had two main goals.
The first goal is similar to the Reichstag fire.
The second goal is related to the race card.

Race Card
a) III Reich:
Ethnic card is also played from the beginning.
1933-1936: the nazi government of Illuminati agent Hitler spent THREE years announcing the Holocaust.
Not to mention the fact that the nazis played the ethnic card from the very beginning, years BEFORE they took power.

b) IV Reich:
1995: OJ Simpson's "trial" is only a general rehearsal (2). Goal: test that when the time comes there will be no problems launching the supervised race war.
The ethnic card is played only at the very last moment [fully launched early 2013], 11 years after the Reichstag type of operations was completed, long after the political opposition was eliminated.

The second goal of 911 was indeed to prepare the ethnic card.
But paradoxically not by "internment of US and EU muslims in camps" but by the opposite agenda: "Islam is the religion of peace".
To get how the IV Reich played the race card the other way round as the III Reich you need to get the "911 race card" end times paradox.

911 Reichstag operation and the race card: an Illuminati End Times Paradox
The illuminati used a few pixels as CGI "planes" added by their mass media "live", fake "passengers" and mini-nukes using hydrogen to create 911 and blame it on "Osama Bin Laden" and the "islamists" (3).
So why was the second goal of the 911 agenda "Islam is the religion of peace" and not "internment of US and EU muslims in camps"?

"911 race card" explained
Two main reasons:
1. Muslims (not to mention 20% non-whites in 2001) were already 4% of the population in the EU/USA, more than the percentage of Jewish population in Nazi Germany.
Yet in 2001 the critical mass required to successfully launch the supervised race war was not yet achieved.
The agenda that was to be advanced was still the "open borders", increasing the number of muslims and non-whites in the USA, EU, Canada, Australia and the rest of Illuminatziland with a majority of whites.

2. The reason why a much higher critical mass is required in the IV Reich than in the III Reich is simultaneouosly the second reason why after 911 the agenda was not "internment of muslims in camps" but the opposite: "Islam is the religion of peace".
That reason is the almost TOTAL lack of popular support for the illuminati (4), a consequence of illuminati tactics to brainwash the population that were diametrically different in the III and IV Reich (5).
So in the IV Reich the illuminati paradoxically fully play the race card:
- at a much later point, more precisely 2013, before the TOTAL collapse, what would correspond to the nazis in August 1943, after Stalinigrad and Kursk;
- much more intensely than Hitler: this time is NOT only the Jews but ALL non-whites.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Cuba Rumors - Ancient portal discovered - Contact with other Life Forms

A whispered rumor running around the Florida docks
a very large excavation of secret artifacts in Cuban Waters.
Will be a joint effort with Cuba. hence sudden relations
It's of super high importance, it's very, very ancient.

Talk is, it is a portal into an unknown dimension and contact
with life forms there has occurred. When the portal is engaged from our side, 33 other locations around the planet resonate.

There are other nations navy and subs pouring into the gulf region are very aggressive to access the site. The other life forms are demanding we follow certain protocols, what those are is unknown.

They hold favor for a certain group of humans descended from an ancient bloodline that was once all over north, central and south America. South America being the most concentrated. This was long before Spanish and Indonesian people's arrived there...

There are many who know about this that congregate the docks.
It's a matter of time that it can't be suppressed any longer.

THE SIMPLE TRUTH #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Paris Charlie Hebdo attack HOAX for dummies: Basic Questions that you'll never hear

All it takes to get "Paris Charlie Hebdo attack", Jan 7: Basic Questions that you'll never hear

For a start:
1. Why would they now strike a satirical newspaper instead of the government or the military?
Reminder: unlike 2011 there are now thousands of french mercenaries fighting and air bombing the population in former french colonies.
Mauritania, Burkina Faso, Mali, Chad, Niger: an area larger than ALL of Europe, "ruled" by illuminazi puppets dressed as islamists (sharia law).

2, Why does this happen one day after "France says ready to strike extremists on Libya border"?
Reminder: Dec 2014: Libya's patriotic government launches an offensive against the ISIS terrorists that NATO covertly finances and sends to Libya.

All staged with actors, same as EVERY false flag since Germany school shooting 2009
The "dead" will now be given new identities
For people aware of who the illuminati are, facts that immediately prove it. For a start:
If Charlie Hevdo wasn't an illuminati tool it would have been finished long ago.

Web of Disinfo
As always the stage was previously set to convince the questioning audience that "it was indeed real and the evil jews did it".
For a start:
- "this same week France votes to recognise Palestine".
- "Israel vents their fury with France after parliament votes to recognise Palestine as a state".

AP - France has now launched a military operation against Islamic extremists in five of its former colonies in the Sahel region, with 3,000 troops, 200 armored vehicles and six fighter jets in Mauritania, Burkina Faso, Niger, Chad and Mali.
[link to www.hometownstations.com]

AP - The [patriotic] Tobruk government says [NATO member] Turkey backs Islamist militias.
[link to www.hometownstations.com]

Jan 5, 2015 - "France says ready to strike extremists on Libya border"
[link to news.yahoo.com]

For what is now going on in Libya, start here and see BASICS in that page:
Jan 5, 2014 - Patriotic government bombs [covert NATO] greek vessel transporting terrorists dressed as jihadists

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


The reptilians use them to build what ever the reptilians need!

The humans who live there do not even know they are reptilians! and they are not abused ether otherwise they would revolt against the keepers of that underground colony!

The reptilians get the people to do labor for them by treating them well enough, otherwise it would all be a loss cause!

The underground colony is north of area 51! which most of you know is also in Nevada! coincidence? of course not!


A lot of people in places like Toronto where I live! have been replaced by reptilians and other shapeshifting aliens like them that take on those people's forms!

That is how the underground colony numbers in the millions!

Once a person knows of the existence of alien shapeshifters like reptilians, those people can never be kidnapped and taken away by the reptilians! they only do it to people who do not know of their existence! so that is lucky for me I know hahaha!

I have heard they have done this to cities bigger that Toronto leaving only 20-10% of it's human inhabitants left, and some cities have been replaced 100%!

Those are cities that are isolated from Europe and the North East United States, which have not had practically any of it's inhabitants replaced by reptilians! unlike Toronto being in a different country making it a technically isolated city from the main population bubble! enabling that horrible thing to happen to Toronto!

About 9 out of 10 people have been replaced by reptilians and other shapeshifting aliens here!

I am not the only one who knows this!!!!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Comet Lovejoy, Impending Megaquakes, Weird Stillness In Atmosphere, 666 GLP User IDs. And So It Begins

This is it.
As the comet brightens above Mag 5.0 toward Mag 15.0, the frequency and intensity of worldwide quakes most notably in California will correspondingly increase, leading to the magnitude 15 Yellowstone Megaquake.
The stillness and quite being experienced is the absence of foraging mammals. They know what is coming.
As far as 666 user IDs, this is our warning. There is little we can do about this Extinction Event now.
You may begin to notice ringing in the ears as well as sudden migraines when you've never experienced them before. This is the Pluto alignment that will increase the comet's speed 3-fold.
Ironic, isn't it. Comet LOVE JOY. Or is it ...?

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Moon Is Fake

You read that right. The moon is indeed false. It is not there. Or, at least, what we think (or told) we see is not actually what is there. Some would say hologram. Others would say "spaceship". I for one don't label it as either, but just deeply know that the moon is false. Here is some information for you to debunk, kids:

- The moon has quakes. Some are small, some are large. Some cause the moon to "ring". However, the moon does not have tectonic plates so what is causing the moon to quake like this? What are causing these reverberations influenced by seemingly nothing?

- Earth's moon is the furthest away from Earth than any other planet in our System, yet the earth has the weakest gravitational pull of the planets and the moon is the largest of the moons. All of the planets in our system can fit in the space between our earth and our moon. These stats don't add up.

- The moon is so perfect in it's rotation, alongside the rotation of our planet, around the earth and subsequently around the sun , that it never shows us it's backside. On top of this, despite the amount of cameras in space by various governmental agencies/bodies, there is still no real photography from the backside of the moon other than some Chinese photos that are most certainly doctored.

- The lunar eclipse should be impossible, yet is is real and visible to us here on earth. The odds of the moon and sun being so perfectly aligned is beyond astronomical.

And now for some quotes.

Irwin Shapiro,
Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics

“The best possible explanation for the Moon is observational error – the Moon doesn’t exist.’

“The Moon is bigger than it should be, apparently older than it should be and much lighter in mass than it should be. It occupies an unlikely orbit and is so extraordinary that all existing explanations for its presence are fraught with difficulties are none of them could be considered remotely watertight.”

Christopher Knight and Alan Bulter
Book: Who Built the Moon?

The Moon has astonishing synchronicity with the Sun. When the Sun is at its lowest and weakest in mid-winter, the Moon is at its highest and brightest, and the reverse occurs in mid-summer. Both set at the same point on the horizon at the equinoxes and at the opposite point at the solstices. What are the chances that the Moon would naturally find an orbit so perfect that it would cover the Sun at an eclipse and appear from Earth to be the same size? What are chances that the alignments would be so perfect at the equinoxes and solstices?

Dr Harold Urey,
Nobel Prize for Chemistry

“I’m terribly puzzled by the rocks from the Moon and in particular of their titanium content.”

Dr. Gordon MacDonald,

“it would seem that the Moon is more like a hollow than a homogenous sphere’. He surmised that the data must have been wrong – but it wasn’t.”

And lastly, Sir Carl Sagan in response to the moon ringing like a bell when struck by explosives at opposite poles.
Carl Sagan,

“A natural satellite cannot be a hollow object.”

UndercoverAlien #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

HOLY SHIT, the Illuminati tell how they switch bodies and live longer in "Being John Malkovich".

I just watched "Being John Malkovich" and it's totally fucked up! It's a funny story, but it's Illuminati at their finest: Body possession, succubus, incubus, sexual perversion and some occultism. And that's exactly what the story is all about. The Illuminati rub all over your face who they use certain portals to possess people's body/mind, which they call "vessels", imprisoning the mind of the original host in the lower levels of its subconscious and living within the new body as long as they want.

And they tell that in order to open and access these portals they need a type of person that grew up in any disturbed and perverted ambient, with preference for bloodlines.

If you haven't seen this movie yet, sorry about the spoiler, but for instance, Catherine Keener's character got pregnant of Malkovich while he was possessed by Cameron Diaz's character and as long as the child, a girl, was raised by a lesbian couple, it would be more easy for the Illuminati elders to open a portal and possess her.

That's a quote from Malkovich during the movie:

"Art always tell the truth, even when it's lying."

They slap you in the face all over the story!

beeches #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Re: Dear Blacks and Libs: Stop being so stupid and falling for the NWO propaganda

also remember:

Every ism you love and admire is just a

twisted and complete takeoff of Christianity.

Treyon Martin = secular saint

Obama = secular Savoir

socialism, all the isms = the Gospels

giving to liberal candidates = your offering in church.

yup, a ripoff and takeoff intended to replace the original

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

THE TRUE SCALE OF "PEOPLE" - Ants are People and so are PLANETS

TPTB will forever suppress the true intelligence of what we consider "lower" life forms. Even the very obvious intelligence and organized structure of ant colonies is suppressed. Did you know ants even communicate with each other in low audible tones?

Not only is researching the intelligence of lower life frowned upon and taboo, so is researching it at a much larger scale. Did you know oil is considered organic? Did you also know it is a replenishing renewable resource? Oil is in truth the blood of the largest life form we are in contact with. The Earth

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Nanotech + Gene Therapy Via ChemTrails Will Turn White to Black, Asian to Latino

It is Happening everywhere.

they are ERACEing Caucasians;

the technology was introduced during the cold war smuggled from Palestine to Turkey and then Russia.

Tested on refugees during the 6 day war, if you do not have Hebrew Blood, your genome can be manipulated, you will be forever changed and it will be inherited by your progeny.

they are spraying us with a game changing elixir.

White turns into Neggro.

The planet will return to pre-industrial levels.
Black and brown, black and brown.

natasha77 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

[On renewed relations between the USA and Cuba]

My opinion is that Cuba has been an ongoing experiment created by the CIA and other nations.
Fidel was a CIA asset and attended school in NYC, just prior to descending from Santiago wielding his machetes and arms.
I always knew this was just like a lab experiment.
I would urge those Cubans that coming here now will be a grave mistake.
If they think for one second they'll be coming here to get freebies, or continue their current way of life, omg. They're highly mistaken.
This is insane!
Stay in Cuba, live off the government, get medical help right where you are. Continue practicing your African-Cuban music, unique to the world and keep rolling them cigar leaves!!!!!

There's no free Cuban sandwiches here!!!!!

What's going on now is that isolated Cubans know Cuban-Americans have a good way of life here and great big houses. Boy are they going to be pissed when they find out Cubans have prospered due to hard work!!!!


This does not bode well at all. Not for us here, not for anyone here.

Another Obamer sicvk fcked up joke.

Element115 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Searching on the surface of planets for Aliens/ET's or other being's will yield nothing. Any race that has evolved & mastered all the sciences (metallurgy, physics, astronomy etc.) have all learned that the surface of any object is the most dangerous & prone to all sorts of bombardments such as radiation, asteroids, comets, attacks from hostile groups etc. This is the reason we have reports of UFO's being seen going into our oceans & into our mountains. Admiral Byrd was taken into our earth by beings from another world who's technology has permitted them to thrive & come and go at will.

I'm sure every solid sphere in the vast galaxies have beings living beneath the safety of it's outer shell, we've known this for years & now even we are building massive underground complexes with the aid of some of these beings. Phil Schneider spoke about such things and turned up being suicided. Every ancient race speaks of ppl who dwell within out earth who on occasion have helped to keep man kind alive or teach and mentor us along the way.

Our government can claim we're throwing billions into the Mars rover but that's just one huge distraction, as NASA knows exactly what the end result will be - NOTHING.. We already have the technology to travel to the stars in a blink of an eye, but the common, surface dwelling man will perish as the slate is once again wiped clean..

cloak and dagger #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

CIA torture + sydney seige.....? Is there a connection? False flags?

There is an old conspiracy theory that the media and events are dictated by those in power-and that when govenment secrets are exposed "false flags" are set up not just to divert attention-but to support or change public opinion on the government secret exposed.

the cia were recently exposed about torture techniques under heavy critisism-and then suddenly this lone siege happens. People who were angry about the cia (and with good reason) may now have their minds changed after this event. this "lone terrorists" actions have been kept vague and have happened within 7 days of the CIA exposure-and it happening in australia hides the tracks even more than if it was staged in america.

one lone guy ha managed to throw everyone into panic-and i noticed some news outlets (like CNN) make that connection to the CIAs actions-that it may be justified. Also deflects from the idea that isis really mossad-they have a lot to gain from this little siege.

Whether or not there is a connetion is up for question but the way the government and media are playing this...making it sound like its more than just coincidence.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


What are they protecting us from? UV? what are they hiding?

Ive been following Chemtrails for a while now, and if you focus on their placement and time of the day, it appears they are trying to cover up the sun with this pollution.

The placement starts in the early morning, and as the trails expand, they seem to be at their peak when the Sun is highest. As soon as the sun peaks, around 12:00pm - 2:00, the sun is visibly "covered" with these trails from all different angles.

(I know many trails appear in the distance, but my findings in my area show this trend)

Pls look at my photos. Many were many days apart, but the theme is the same; the Sun is being blanketed from us.

The evidence is OVERWHELMING. I used to think they were trying to hide the sky. Now I know its the sun.

[link to s1142.photobucket.com]

The only questions that remain:

1) what are they protecting us from? Ultraviolet rays?
2) are they even protecting us?
3) is this chemical hurting us?
4) why are there no govt officials telling the public?
5) toxic sundogs are appearing each day chem trails are released now.

My thoughts? they are "protecting us" from the suns rays with a likely toxic chemical so we can continue on with our way of life to dig deeper into more debt and prolong the process.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Conspiracy Theorists Vindicated: HAARP Confirmed Weather-manipulation Tool

This makes me feel vindicated. I told my friends and acquaintances 20 years ago what HAARP was being used for and they laughed at me and told me I was crazy. I wonder what they are saying now. HAARP was used to produce the hurricane that hit New York, it was used to produce and guide Katrina to New Orleans and it is used to produce earthquakes, droughts,and floods.
From what I have read, HAARP was fathered by Tesla and he wanted to use it to make it rain where it was dry. Well, the Government got a hold of it and used it for evil purposes. Did we really expect anything different of them?

remembrance is strength #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Childhood vaccinations are a conspiracy to make people forget their past lives

To get people fully trapped and enslaved in an unnatural system of control, they have to convince people that this is the only shot they've got at life, and once they die that's it, they're done.

Young children often remember their past incarnation on earth, and this threatens to control structure by making people realize they can do anything they want and always get another shot at life. More importantly, people can kill their oppressors and destroy the control system that rules their lives and would reduce them to slaves. The rich fear this. The evil ones loathe it. The realists know it's unavoidable in the end.

Childhood vaccinations were introduced for the purpose of inducing forgetfulness, under the guise of offering health benefits. Much like fluoride was used to make people docile while claiming that it was for their benefit, nothing done without your consent or without your knowledge is ever for your benefit.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

[Re. Leviticus 26:21-29]

That is Old Testament and they were some of the meanest people and hard heart of stone, they tried their people bad'
God said, he would discipline, well some people now if the realized what these people really did, would want to do worse to them. God is far in what he does, he knows what he is doing and has done. He know their hearts and minds plus what they would or would not do in the future.

You think you can judge God, I don't think so, he even know what the devils is doing, how is you father by the way!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

First of all, if you do not believe me then I am sorry. I am here to tell the truth, and nothing that is written by me is false exaggeration nor science fiction. This information is real, it is true, it is reality, and it is time for it to be told.

I was a member of the Illuminati for 47 years. I was recruited when I was 19 years old. I have posted here off and on over the past year. (Some of the posts are mine, others are my brothers, mainly they are his) The information that I am about to unfold is very revealing and very dangerous. I am one of seven people in the history of the Illuminati that have performed the “Departure” Ritual. I knew that I needed to get out when I had something revealed to me at a meeting in June of 2010. For years I was in line with the beliefs, motives, and actions of the Illuminati, but it recently became too much for me to bear, and I had to extinguish my sacred contract.

My reason for coming here is to reveal EVERYTHING about the Illuminati. How you become a member, what the organization is about, what the organization does, and the future plans that we have.

I will be back to make my first post when I can see that this thread has enough attention for me continue. Any time in the near future when I begin to reveal the secrets of the Illuminati, I need to ensure that there are enough people paying attention so that my efforts do not go to waste. Once I see that this thread has a substantial amount of views and replies, I will make my first post.

Here is a preview of some of the things that I will reveal:
Barack Obama is not a member of the Illuminati, he is something much, much worse.

The new “space flights” which are planes that can briefly enter orbit are not as fun as they seem, they are an Illuminati tool.

Denver, Colorado is an evil place

Aliens are a little different than what mainstream teaches us

The information I have is essential!

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

There is a reason aliens and UFO's are in the media forefront and on the minds of people.

Satan wants to lead as many people as possible to their eternal destruction in hell. With so many diverse races, cultures, and religions, how will Satan be able to unite them all and appeal to as many people as possible? He will do something huge, something never seen before, something so unique, something so groundbreaking that people’s deeply engrained dogma's and paradigms will be forced to come crashing down.

Satan will use "aliens" (demons) and UFO's for his deceptive purposes.

Watch for the Antichrist, dead Pope John Paul II arriving in a UFO.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Ebola Vaccine - We are from the Government and are here to help!

some things to keep in mind when the CDC and Gov tell you, You must take the Ebola Vaccine......

Vaccines are Promoted Junk Science Like Tobacco and Root Canals/Caps and Mercury Fillings that Kill and make ill many more people than they help. If the Government says they have a vaccine to keep you from getting Ebola;
point out that The Chicken Pox Vaccine has not worked since people who have gotten it can and have gotten Chicken Pox / Shingles later in life. If the Vaccine WAS effective then they have nothing to fear from the un-vaccinated.

People who have "taken" the Polio Vaccine have been paralyzed or suffered partial Paralysis.

RE: CDC“We are losing the battle on convincing people to get vaccines through science and facts."

That is because Science and Facts do not Support Vaccines.

Some vaccines may provide short Term immunity against a small specific number of specific Viruses, But All Vaccines Weaken the Immune system by bypassing normal Exposure methods through the Lungs or GI Track.

All Vaccines have Risks that may include Allergic Reaction, Immune system degradation or Over stimulation resulting in Illness or Allergies.

When DNA is used such as Human Embryos, or Animal Tissue to grow the Viruses on, it can cause the Immune system to attack the Body as segments of the Foreign DNA may be similar enough to be targeted in the vaccinated person.
God never intended DNA to be injected into the bloodstream.

Additives to vaccines such as Mercury, Oils, MSG, Unknown and unintended Viruses etc. etc. etc. can have serious side effects including Death, SIDS, Brain Damage....

The Latest type of Flu Vaccines are GMO grown with/on Insect DNA. They are Altering peoples DNA and Immune system with these Bio-Weapons they call Vaccines.

The Stress, and Fake Foods full of chemicals and Toxins are weakening peoples ability to resist disease, along with radiation like Cell/WiFi/Microwaves/Radio etc.....
as a Ebola that looks engineered to Kill, like it came out of a Lab is spreading throughout the world.

21 day incubation period for new Ebola strain, last 3 days with symptoms followed by quick death usually.

If the Government Did not Want US to die in the Coming Engineered Pandemic of Ebola, they would not allow the attack on American Immune systems by their Endorsement of the following.

Government approved/promoted WEAPONS used against People
1. Radiation (Cell, WiFi, Nuclear Fukashima, D.U. Weapons)
2. Fluoride
3. BPA
4. MSG
5. GMO (Wheat, Corn, Soy, Cotton seed oil, Canola, Sugar Beets)
6. Hydrogenated Oils
7. Chemtrails
8. Vaccines
9. Aspartame
10. Refined Sugar
11. High Fructose Corn Syrup
12. Big Pharma Industrial Complex
13. Abortions (The Birth Control Pill, Morning After)
14. WAR/Drugs - Military Industrial Complex/CIA Drug Cartel
15. Obama Care (destroying full time jobs making them part time)
16. Addictions (Video Games, Sugar, Pop, Rx Drugs, ssri drugs)
17. Rx Prescription Drugs(Mask symptoms cause Disease)
18. Sterilization (GMO Foods, BPA, Fluoride, Vaccines)
19. False Flags (93 WTC, 9/11/2001, Oklahoma City Bombing)
20. Food Dyes
21. Laced Tobacco
22. E - Cigarettes Nicotine, some have Propylene glycol
23. Alcohol
24. Increase STRESS Levels (bio-weapons labs incompetence)
25. Antiperspirant - aluminum compounds - breast cancer
26. Processed Foods (Microwave Ovens cause Cell Protein Destruction)

ChristExtra #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Nostradamus announced Prince George as Christ

On the sidelines of the Book of Revelation, here is a theory about the proper interpretation of the famous quatrain X-72 of Nostradamus which actually announced the birth of Prince George as Christ. Many English speaking people wrongly believe false translations from French to English. Here is the good one:

1) The year nineteen hundred ninety, seven months
2) From the sky will come a great King of terror:
3) To resurrect The Great King of Angolmois,
4) Before after Mars to reign by early hour.

Note that the capital letters, AND the difference between 'a' King and 'The' King, are of utmost importance. Here is the right interpretation.

1) 1999 plus 7 months = July 2000. You will notice that it is NOT said in 'July 1999', but seven months written after 1999. This may be in July 1999, OR seven months are to be added to the full year 1999, hence July 2000.

2) It is July 2013! a great King of Terror is the god Hades in the generic sense (hence the 'a' great King of terror), that of Death. The card The Death in the Tarot is the number 13. This number is notoriously linked to death in many occult groups.

We must remember that Nostradamus was a great occultist. He knew the mysteries, especially the Tarot, which was born in his time, but that emerged in the public in the eighteenth century. In wiki : In Christian religions, the number 13 is a symbol as a result of an interpretation of the Lord's Supper where Jesus had gathered the twelve apostles around him, the thirteenth person Judas, the traitor is leading Jesus to death by crucifixion, the number 13 was associated with the misfortunes and sufferings of Jesus.

Mem, the thirteenth letter of the Hebrew alphabet is the first letter of the word met (מת), which means death.

It is the same Tarot where the thirteenth Arcanum represents a skeleton being mowed. In the symbolic Marseille Tarot, the 13 can mean the old patterns to start on a new basis, which can be interpreted as a renaissance.

The card thirteenth of the Marseille Tarot rather symbolizes Death, by extension also symbolizes a kind of renaissance.

Thirteen is rather a source of imbalance and falls in an opposite portion of the divine, and marks a fatal progression to death, to the completion of a power and an accomplishment.

We don't miss symbols to mark the missing thirteen years between July 2000 and July 2013 to emphasize the death and resurrection (to resurrect The Great King of Angolmois)!

We must therefore add 13 years to July 2000 because 'from the sky will come' (from July 2000) 13 annual / solar cycles, as it is in heaven /sky that the sun appears, and describes the trajectory of its cycles. So we get in July 2013!

It happens that Prince George was born on July 2013. But we must think in the calendar used by Nostradamus, the Julian calendar. The month of July in the Julian calendar was from July 14 to August 13 in 2013 in the Gregorian calendar (ours). Prince George was born on July 22, just in between these two ad hoc dates of July of the Julian calendar (when most of the people were waiting for a GIRL at the EARLY BEGINNING of July 2013!).

3) The very One who notoriously resurrects is Christ! The Great King of Angolmois is unique: it is THE GREAT KING. CHRIST! Why Angolmois? The region of Angoumois was that around Angoulême, its capital. The Angoumois belonged to the Duchy of Aquitaine, a British territory until the end of the Hundred Years' War, which ended 50 years before the birth of Nostradamus that it can not be ignored as it was fresh in the minds of his contemporaries. It replaced in Angoumois , the 'u' by the 'l' to give a hint. Angolmois contains the anagram ANGLOIS (in the perfect order of the letters), that is to say ENGLISH (ANGLAIS) in old French, used by Nostradamus. The Great King of Angolmois is the great English king. Moreover, Angolmois contains the anagram SOLOMON (SALOMON), son of King David, and BLOOD of the LION (SANG du LION (M)), another name of King David. In short, the lineage of King David is the king - ENGLISH as the Prince George - born in July 2013 - as Jesus was two thousand years ago from the line of David.

4) March, God of War represents the World War III. Prince George is thus born before the war (before) and will rule early - very early - after (after) the war (will reign by early hour), which is consistent with the Apocalypse as Christ will only be eight years old at the time of his ministry ... after World War III!

Nostradamus NEVER gives dates in his prophecies. If he gave a date in this specific quatrain is to better highlight the extraordinary importance of this event ... which was followed by TWO BILLION viewers!

Crazy Harriet #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Re: Depopulation Corn. Fuck me.

This is doom, alright.

Checked and there is such an article at the Guardian

[link to www.theguardian.com]

The problem here is that corn is the absolute LAST plant that should be used in such a project, even if contraceptive food was desireable, which I wouldn't argue.

It has been proven that corn genes, once released into the environment, spread into all the indigenous varieties in Mexico. There are no more true ancient breeds found there that have not been contaminated by modern breeders. Corn is wind pollinated, and those genes cannot be contained onto the growers' land.

The only hope for us in Oligarchyland is that there is ample evidence that populations, once decimated by GMO nonsense, such as "round-up ready crops" and its associated poison dumps, do recover and develop resistance much faster than the poisoners had hoped.

We'll see who survives this. Whoever is able to keep GMO pollution away from their people will own the earth. Time to learn Russian?

ChristExtra #fundie godlikeproductions.com

The Two Beasts of the Apocalypse


The two Beasts of the Apocalypse are two British institutions: the Monarchy and the City of London which coats of arms are described by the angel to John. Crown and UNIcorn in the British monarchy coat of arm, and dragons and TWO horns like a lamb in the City of London coat of arm.

They represent the two powers, political and financial, leading the world to disaster, under the control of the evil.


In another article (still to come here), mention is made of the number 666 which is simply the number of talents of gold that King Solomon (the number of a man in most versions) asked his people to give him every year for his needs and necessities. This second beast is directly related to the power of money. The mark of the second beast is the credit card and its PIN code. ATMs (automatic money distributors) have all the card reader on the right side (even lefties have to use the right hand on/in which the mark is). The brain's working memory necessary for the use of the PIN code is located in the prefrontal cortex (the mark on/in the forehead ), the word 'on' (the right hand and forehead) indicating that this brand is apart from the human nature.


17:8 The beast that thou sawest was, and is not; and shall ascend out of the bottomless pit, and go into perdition: and they that dwell on the earth shall wonder, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, when they behold the beast that was, and is not, and yet is.

This verse speaks of Satan who will come in the body of a human being, that of Prince Harry for the first time in many years. People will wonder about the new behavior Harry in 2018 that signs have already anticipated.

17:9 And here is the mind which hath wisdom. The seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sitteth.

The seven mountains are a figure of speech to describe the most powerful empire in history, passed from kings George to other kings George of this dynasty. Most of the people are looking for a city with seven hills when in fact it is CLEARLY WRITTEN JUST AFTER THAT...

17:10 And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space.

This verse is very clear. The seven heads are kings! No presidents, chancellors, emirs or prime ministers. The common mistake is to think that the 7 kings, or the 10 kings, must exist at the same time, that they must be contemporary. But NOTHING like this is said. The proof? Five kings have fallen into the verse 17:10 above! ON THE CONTRARY, they no longer exist. They belong to the past!

This verse is important to know when the End Times begins. The five kings George have fallen, from George I to George V. Whoever exists is George VI through his daughter Queen Elizabeth II, the current reigning queen (queens are not counted in this vision since God promised kings in the line of David). That of the king George still to come is Prince Charles. It will rule a very short time (a few months) on the throne.

17:11 And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition.

If the beast in question is among the 7 it is that it is of the same lineage, he is the son of the 7th King George (Prince Charles). This is where we see that Satan will incarnate in the body of Prince Harry (in what is called a walk-in ) that will become the eighth king because the line will be discontinued with the couple William and Kate who will be killed by this eighth king after they will be asked (as the fourth horseman period) to have the authority over a quarter of the world - the Commonwealth being precisely a quarter of the surface of the Earth - like all the British monarchs.

This short time of authority over the Commonwealth will come during the Third World War which will begin in spring 2016. William & Kate will then renounce the privileges due to their rank. But because of their divine powers that they will get soon (for the second seal, in the second period of their ministry, those of the Red Horseman between October 14, 2014 and March 30, 2015) they will be called in the Western world to counter the invasion from the Eastern Europe. And of course, Christ will fight the Antichrist! It will be the nephew (Prince George) against his uncle (Prince Harry).

17:12 And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.

Again, it is clearly stated that the 10 horns are 10 kings. And nothing else! These 10 kings are those of the British monarchy, which began with the Act of Union and George I. But note the subtlety. How is it that these 10 kings have not yet received a kingdom as they receive authority as kings one hour with the beast? Although strange situation!

The key is that the 10 horns (the unicorn in the coat of arm) belong to the red dragon of Wales corresponding to the status of Princes of Wales, FUTURE KINGS of UK. So, technically, as a red dragon, these princes have not yet any realm. But when they are kings, they reign for one hour. What is it this time? What is the Beast?

The Beast, the first, is simply the British monarchy which has meaning only with its kings (and queens). The hour of this verse is the Hour of God whose day is not made of 24 hours but 60 hours as the Sumerian tradition prescribes since 60 was the mathematical basis of the Sumerian gods (hence 60 minutes and 60 seconds). As a day of God equal to 1000 years, an hour of God equal to 1000: 60 = 16,666 (16.7). But 16,9 years is precisely the average time of reign of the 10 (not 7 George) British monarchs! Note also that the kingdom of UK has 16 nations and territories.

17:13 These have one mind, and shall give their power and authority to the beast.

The two beasts give full power to Harry, aka Satan, in 2018, after the death of William & Kate!

ChristExtra #fundie godlikeproductions.com

The Return of Christ in an Alien Spaceship

ACTS 1:9-11 After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight. They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. “Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.”

These verses evoke the Ministry of Christ after his return, not the return himself! The alien ships come and go between materially and spiritually. They materialize and dematerialize. That is why the world of the dead is not unknown to ETs / Angels, on the contrary, since they can meet them.

The return of Christ (that is the purpose of his return) is related to what is called The Lord's Day. This day is actually, IN THE BIBLE, the day of the Rapture, or ASCENSION!

When Jesus said that everything is done he talks about his ministry 2000 years ago!

Seeking truth further, I wanted to immerse myself in the texts by reading them in terms of a UFO version of the History ... RESPECTING THE CONTEXT OF VERSES!

Reading deeply the texts, I understood how things were expressed, and why they were expressed in the context in question. When Jesus Christ said 'friends instead of servants, the smallest is greater than me', he expresses the idea that AFTER the End Times, ONCE IN THE KINGDOM OF THE NEW JERUSALEM, then the servants become friends, and the smallest, when he speaks, will become greater than him, at the moment he speaks!

In other words, everyone and everyone's status must change, including himself. His statements should therefore be understood in the context. If we forget to describe the context of the New Jerusalem, the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth, then we make mistakes. But before this New Jerusalem, ESTABLISHED ON EARTH, physically and precisely described at the end of the Book of Revelation (this is a cube-shaped vessel of 2200 kms each side) will come the End Times.

The End Times last long enough (2013-2043). It consists of many dramatic events that the seven Seals, the seven Trumpets (content of the seventh seal) and the seven Bowls (the 7 Bowls are also the 7 Trumpets) describe. Clearly, there will be a huge cleansing of the Earth in order to accommodate the Elects back to Earth, having been preserved on another planet or in huge mothership.

Jesus clearly speaks of a SELECTION of individuals based on their thoughts and actions. He will come as commander of the army of God's angels, that is to say an army of benevolent aliens. This selection will allow the candidates for this selection to be protected and nurtured by God, out of the reach of the deadliest dramas of the End Times.

Since this is about joining Christ in the CLOUDS, in mid-air, Jesus Christ therefore talks about a massive abduction operation of the Elect. Since they are fed by God, then these individuals will be TAUGHT (the food of God being spiritual). Then they will be at a better stage than Jesus 2000 years earlier. Note that you should not confuse these 'Elected' Great Multitude in white robes with the 144,000 Elect!

These were all Jews of Jesus' time, now reincarnated everywhere on the planet, and now without being necessarily Jews. These are the 144,000 that will be entrusted the governance of the New Jerusalem. They will receive one of the 7 rewards described in Chapters 1, 2 and 3, according to the personal sacrifices that they have accepted, which are clearly progressive in terms of these commitments for the coming of the Kingdom of God ON EARTH (the New Jerusalem down to earth) that Jesus Christ will rule first as King of kings.

The highest of these seven rewards is to sit on the throne of Christ with Him! But the Elect of the first group, called the Great Multitude in White Robes, are not called to govern, but to be protected and nourished by God that is to say, as a 'simple' citizens of the New Jerusalem. The 144 000 will be raptured in 2015. The Great Multitude in White Robes will be raptured in 2021 for a few weeks in summer, AFTER the reign of the Antichrist.

But the road is not finished yet. Once in the New Jerusalem, the Elect will live 1,000 years without the influence of Satan (Head of the malicious ETs) that will be emprisoned in this interval. After these 1000 years, these Great Multitude (excluding therefore the 144,000) will be JUDGED for the thoughts and deeds they will be fully responsible of, since not subject to the control / influence of the devil.

It is only when chosen by God after these 1,000 years that those of the Great Multitude become Christs themselves! As you can see, it won't be easy to reach the status of Christ.

The End Times will see the return of Christ in two stages:

1) Birth of Christ: 2013 / 2014.

2) Ministry of Christ: RAPTURE OF THE GREAT MULTITUDE IN 2021.

This first stage - the birth - was itself divided into two stages:

a) Natural and physical birth of Christ: 22/7, 16h, 2013.

b) Spiritual birth of Christ once left and returned to God and his throne (in a UFO abduction): 22/7, 16h, 2014.

This event - corresponding to the spectacular peak of the Schumann resonances on 22/7, 2014 - was imminent at the time this article was originally posted on mi-July 20 2014. Now, some will invent and imagine all sorts of return or non-return of Christ. But they will have to add or remove words in the Book of Revelation, what Jesus Christ specifically request not to do. Be very careful with the beliefs that some manipulate. STAY STUCK TO THE TEXTS IF YOU WANT TO APPROACH THE TRUTH OF THE END TIMES.

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