
ChristExtra #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Christ in the British Royal Family, Why?


Whenever some details annoy some people, they relegate them to mere ramblings 'needed to be put in the context of the time'. AND? WHAT THE CONTEXT OF THAT TIME EXPLAINS IN SOME PASSAGES APPARENTLY ABSTRUSE?

Suddenly, there is no one to explain. And it is my experience talking. Things are thrown in the trash of the 'uninteresting details' that Jesus asks specifically in chapter 22 of the Apocalypse not to remove or add to the prophecies.

BUT NOBODY EXPLAINS WHY JOHN HAS GIVEN THESE SPECIFIC INFORMATION IF THEY DO NOT CORRESPOND TO ANYTHING. Putting things aside seems to be the favorite sport of 'those who know everything in advance'.

You can reject the Apocalypse on the pretext not to be interested. But the main reason often lies in the complexity of this Book of Revelation. But once you have all the keys it is much simpler and understandable: JEAN EXPERIENCED A MYSTICAL CONTACT.

This blog is 'based' on the Bible in which it is question of clouds and angels. Of the 74 verses evoking the paranormal clouds only two or three verses are in the Apocalypse. I mention the Apocalypse because the debate is centered on the return of Christ. The Apocalypse is the central book that details the conditions of this return in several stages: natural birth, spiritual birth (these two phases are now completed) and the Ministry of Christ who will 'come' in a few years.

It is written that the Christ comes on / in / with a cloud . My purpose is 1) to show that the paranormal clouds are alien spacecrafts, 2) to show that Jesus Christ returns in an alien ship and 3) Prince George is Christ and his parents the Two Witnesses.

First, the flying saucers are precisely mentioned in the Old and the New Testament. Hence this blog. Humans UFO could / should exist only by means of an adequate terrestrial technology, WELL AFTER THE FIRST ALIEN UFO. The Apocalypse it clear about what happens to the Great Multitude in white robes. It will be nourished and protected by God while the chaos will reign on Earth. It will be therefore on another planet. False prophets are everywhere. This is not to say that all those who prophesy are false prophets. But why would the Prince George be Christ?

Take a step back and put everything in the ad hoc context.

Let review a little the Old Testament. In the chapters on Kings, God grants to King David a line of kings after him to represent Him on earth. His son is Solomon. This is also King Solomon who asked his people 666 talents of gold every year to satisfy its needs and requirements. Doing this, Solomon stayed away from God. This case is at the heart of the Number of the Beast.

This Beast is actually the second beast of the Apocalypse. If the first is the WORLD POLITICAL POWER, through the symbol of the British Royalty, via the Red Dragon (Princes of Wales), the second is the WORLD FINANCIAL POWER, through the City of London.

In the Apocalypse, Jean talks about the mysterious Babylon. And even the Great Prostitute. This is a single symbolic person: the City of London.

The City is a place apart. British kings and queens can get there without being invited (the Apocalypse refers to it in his own way). It is the financial heart of the world as the leading financial center in the world (stock exchange, banks and insurance). The City of London, BABYLON-DON, the famous Mother of all prostitutes, that is to say, of all the world stock exchanges, was just the very first implantation of London in the first century. The City was thus baby London, hence BABYLON-DON.

Let us return to the Kings. God also promised to David that his lineage would not miss anything and that it would live in comfort! Also, God declared that the tribes of Manasseh and Ephraim would be A Nation respectively, and a community of Nations. The two tribes would be asked to dominate the world. And Ephraim is the first son through whom God would send the Anointed. Manasseh is the USA (A Nation). Ephraim is the United Kingdom and ... the Common Wealth (Community of Nations). So, from the beginning, God planned that Christ would return in the British royal family. There is a movement stating that: the Anglo-Israelism. Some of their claims are misleading, but the basics are solid.

The "British" word is supposed to be derived from two Hebrew words "Berit" and "Ish" to be understood as "men of the covenant". Remember that the Apocalypse is full of kings that can be easily distinguished from other characters. The very notion of royalty is the representation of God on Earth. The king was both the political leader and spiritual leader. There was no Pope.

What this royalty has become today is precisely the reason for the return of Christ in the royal family, just as Jesus Christ came on Earth 2000 years as an heir to the throne of Israel in the midst of a culture whose behavior betrayed God himself! History repeats itself, but the outcome will be very different. Christ does not return to be crucified but to take the elect and for the Last Judgment. All this has nothing to do with the reptilians, but with a secular tradition, and even divine.

Dr. Ben Schillen #racist godlikeproductions.com

I think it is time that the United States invade Canada and seize some land

We keep hearing all this nonsense about 40 acres and a mule from our negro community, even though NO SUCH PROMISE WAS EVER MADE by our government.

Well, let's give them the Tundra. Everyone will benefit from this proposal. The negroes can have their '40 acres and a mule,' the Canadians can celebrate their diversity, and the US can finally be free from the negro plague.

No more welfare for Shaqudranishada. She can farm in the Tundra.

Agent Smith 2014 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Think about it, nobody willingly wants a chip implant.. unless they're an idiot.

This whole ebola outbreak ( several strains of weaponized ebola all at once) has been suspicious from the start.

What if their big plan is to let ebola spread around the world BY DESIGN, but whilst the bad guys get to pretend its natural. And when its killed enough that we start BEGGING for something to be done..
Charles Stark Draper Laboratory
who has the CURE and super advanced miniaturized first-of-a-kind smart medical devices! [link to en.wikipedia.org] is in collusion with the Ruling Elite to basically chip us all with this shit whilst at the same time curing the Ebola.. Meaning you will take it, like it or not.

Everyone one is then under total control. who knows what their shit can do, other than total utter surveillance, and probable control of your bodies primary systems.

You would literally be their slaves.

Its not really that much of a stretch of the imagination. At All.

abhie #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Hunger Games - MOCKINGJAY : Satanic Deception at work - Mockingjay is Mocking "J" ( Mocking JESUS )

Because so many people went on a tangent about Jesus. Let me simplify it:

Think about this;
Why call it a Mockingjay? Why not a repeatingjay? Or an echoingjay? Or a copyingjay? Or a parrotjay? Or anything else that goes with echoing or copying?
Why M O C K I N G J A Y?
Who are they mocking?
Or, to be specific, WHAT are they mocking?
When you mock, you reduce a value.
So, what are they trying to elevate by mocking your spriitual powers?

MOCKING JESUS is not about mocking a hairy bearded man dressed in red and blue. Its about mocking YOUR SPIRITUAL CONNECTIONS.

SO if you have understood this part, you will know that it is doing something to reduce your own spiritual value. A reduction in your spiritual value is dangerous, as the vacuum will be filled by other things.

I already knew #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Ancient Aliens' last night episode: "Pharaohs were mummified in order to come back to life through CLONING."

[link to imgur.com]

This is what I always thought about ancient Egyptian mummification. There's no other logical explanation to justify the procedure: The Egyptian royalty SAW the Anunnaki doing body-jumping, cheating death through cloning over and over and they expected to undergo the same procedure after they died.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

This video report discusses the ritual code contained in the name of Al Sharpton and in doing so, discusses the conspiratorial elements, that strongly suggest, that Al Sharpton. is targeted for ritual sacrifice, not by some race hating white group, but from his insider Zionist handlers, that have no more use for Al Sharpton, and can use his orchestrated ritual blood sacrifice murder, to advance the current and ongoing NWO agenda, that seeks to perpetuate a race war in America, between blacks and the rest of the nation.

Once Sharpton is assassinated in public and removed, it will open the way for someone currently waiting in the wings, to take over the black mob, all angered by the death of Sharpton, and whose job will be to lead the black mob to a future blood ritual sacrifice, where the ritual sacrifice will target only the blacks of America, utilizing some mind control methodology, that allows the govt to begin using drastic and indiscriminate lethal force measures, to deal with black violence in the inner cities.

This action will then lead to eventual mandatory round ups and involuntary incarceration of blacks into FEMA camps, for possible future ritual sacrifice and or termination, inside the FEMA Death Camps, that will be used to process the many blacks, that are not killed, but instead, rounded up and processed into FEMA Camps.

The existing Black Ritual 911 false flag, is attempting to use the entire black race as a ritual sacrifice element, and in doing so, if successful, it will lead the nation's blacks into a NWO human Venus Fly Trap, that intends to use the entire black race as a group, that will be sacrificed wholesale, to perpetuate the race war, that such an evil plan entails.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

What if some dinosaurs survived ?
And plotted to regain control of earth and build a monopolistic empire, but were unable to given their fragile state ?
That is , until they found other survivors of a species thought to be dead.
What if the surviving neanderthals made an alliance with the surviving dinosaurs, and agreed to be their instruments in their plot for domination ? What if the remaining neanderthals agreed to create a worldwide empire in which they enslaved homosapiens and their world, and posed as them so as to further the agenda ?
What if "tptb/the elite" are the surviving neanderthals, and the "reptillians" are the surviving dinosaurs ?

abhie #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Re: Uncanny Resemblance between Julius Caesar and Steve McQueen

A secret sect of humans who discovered the secrets of not aging, who have been ruling this planet for many thousands of years with the help of alien technology?
Could be.

Maybe they reset the world using an apocalyptic global event at regularly spaced intervals, so as not to allow us to grow beyond a certain level of awareness?
Could be.

So the same people ,as actors play different roles every 100 years which is the given life-span of a human being.

Is that why we see those century old black and white photos of Eddie Murphy, Nicholas Cage, and John Travolta? Doppelgangers?
Or Silvester Stallone in that ancient Roman painting?

mermaid killa #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Mermaids are real and a problem

The world treats Mermaids as some kind of fairytale when they are anything but.
Secret government forces are constantly locked in a battle against Mermaids, stationed around Atlantis and hell bent on taking back earth.
Over two thousand troops die monthly in wars against them and are not acknowledged.
I have personally seen a mermain-she was beautiful but once one nderstands their political agenda one must only have hate for them.

1 7 7 6 was not enough #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

NWO methods: Divide, Distract, Dumb Down -
Trayvon Martin, Shot in self defense after assaulting a Hispanic
Michael Brown, Who knows where the blame lies
Barack Obama , Divides people on Race all the time, Makes Law Breakers including himself into a protected class of people.

ALL NWO/CIA Psy-Ops to Divide and Distract

Obama / Biden seek to use the unrest and riots to bring in the United Nations with the Dec 24th 2014 roll out of the Weapons ban, the U.S. Law and Constitution mean nothing to Obama/Biden and therefore just like "Obama Care" and the Amnesty granted by him to Illegals, Gun Confiscation and Foreign U.N. Troops can not be ruled out by these Traitors.

Obama Bombed Libya and has supported Terrorist (ISIS) in Syria and Iraq, before pretending to oppose them in Iraq and ordering them Bombed from the Air.

All politicians that fail to remove Obama/Biden are complicit in MASS Murder and looking the other way while Depleted Uranium Weapons is used in Syria by the USA. Yet another country turned into a Toxic Nuclear Dump for all eternity while the politicians Eat Turkey and Get fatter on GMO Toxic Food Garbage they allow the American People to be killed with.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Hagel's forced resignation is another false flag to put Obama in a corner, blame him for all the bad things, where the World Order is the one and only entity moving all events and puppet presidents including Obama. The secret society mainly in Britain and America.

It's also to make people's subconscious mind believe Obama's the real evil, a dictator, an Islamic terrorist, turning into Kim Yong Un.

To blame Obama for all the mess that's going to happen and which will lead to America's downfall.

Obama IS a puppet. Hagel is a puppet too. Don't be fooled.

If Hagel was really bad and knew all the secrets, he'd be killed instantly in an accident. Remember John F kennedy, Robin Cook of Britain, and so on..

Open up your mind. Every little thing that comes out of the media is a total lie and has some significance behind it you would'nt understand unless you no longer believe the media.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Ferguson is a staged event using crisis actors. It is a police and military martial law training operation.

The New World Order is using this event to manipulate the emotions of the population, promote racism and ease the population towards willingly giving up their firearms.

Divide and conquer is their game. Never give up your firearms.

These rallies are controlled, organized, opposition.

Open Your Eyes OYE #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Re: If you Resonate at a High Frequency ~ Secret Societies will MAKE you join or Outcast you

I am Joseph Stalin reincarnated and I don't submit to Mid-Level Mangers

I would only take advice from The Masters of the Universe

Which is why I would only let someone like Evelyn de Rothschild be my mentor

ChristExtra #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Here is a work I've done since months about the End Times, the intervention of the extraterrestrials in the Bible, and their coming in the near future. Please visit endtimesufos through blogspot to discover the Summary of The Book of Revelation in Pictures.

Future articles will come to explain and argue about the claims showed. For example, everyone knows about the 1,260 days of the Two Witnesses and the woman giving birth. But WHO NOTICED THAT 1,260 DAYS IS EQUAL TO 12 x 7 DAYS (a week) (=84 days) ONE TIME + TWO TIMES + FOUR TIMES + EIGHT TIMES (84 days + 168 (84x2) days + 336 (168x2) days + 672 (336x2) days = 1,260 days)?

Who noticed that when starting these 1,260 days on the first anniversary of Prince George on July 22 2014 (huge peak of the Schumann resonances), these 1,260 days ends exactly on DECEMBER 31 2017?

I know that some Christians will be upset about the presence of the ETs as 'angels', and the multidimensionnal spaceships as 'clouds', in the Bible but a deep study allows us to admit this.

[later on in the thread]

This blog is dedicated to the study and the monitoring of the End Times as described in the Bible, especially the Book of Revelations of John. This version of the End Times is unprecedented since revisited through the angle of the presence of aliens in the Bible. The Apocalypse of John was dissected taking into account all the details that Jesus Christ specifically requested to meet in the final chapter of this book. The articles you will read are surprising. Enter the End Times since it started with the birth of Prince George, the future Christ, on July 22, 2013.

PLAYERS OF THE APOCALYPSE ... Prince George: CHRIST - William & Kate: TWO WITNESSES / FOUR HORSEMEN - Harry: ANTICHRIST - British Monarchy: FIRST BEAST - City of London: SECOND BEAST - Media: FALSE PROPHET - End Times from 2013 to 2043. World War III in 2016. Antichrist in 2018. Christ in 2021 for the Rapture of the Great Multitude. ARMAGEDDON, war against 200 millions extraterrestrials in 2032.

ACTS: 1:9-11 After he said this, he was taken up before their very eyes, and a cloud hid him from their sight. They were looking intently up into the sky as he was going, when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them. “Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.”

Christ will therefore come in an extradimensional spaceship!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Comets leave a trail of dust and debris behind them. These trails of dust and debris are so large that when earth passes through them, we get to experience meteor showers. Meteor showers such as the Perseid and Leonid showers are spectacular astronomical events, but the source of these meteors are comets that went through earth's orbit years ago.

Now picture the size of a meteor shower if a comet came right next to earth.....

On October 19, 2014 Comet Siding Spring passed only 87000 miles from Mars. This was a near-miss. Imagine the size and scale of the meteor shower that was visible from the surface of Mars. Now ask yourself where the pictures are of this spectacular event.

You now understand that we have nothing on Mars. It is all a hoax.

Yahweh's Worst Nightmare #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Not to burst anyone's bubble here, but the Bible is basically an alien document. That's right -- Yahweh was an alien. One of those who came here and genetically created humans out of apes, to use as slaves. That's why there's all the stuff about us calling him (and his pals) Lord and Master and junk. That's what the Garden of Eden is all about. It just refers to the jungle where the first results of the genetic experiments were put.

As for the stuff about God creating the heavens, that's all about how Nibiru created the asteroid belt. All this stuff is just reduced versions of the Sumerian original texts that go into much more detail.

So, yeah, you Bible-tards are actually worshipping an alien who enslaved humanity 1000s of years ago. I suppose, technically, we owe the idiot something, since without him and his jerkwad friends, people would never have gotten created in the first place.

qwe #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Himmler an occultist bragged how he controlled Hitler. Hitler was loosing and about to kill himself when he was visited by the occult who told him to go to his place of birth and dig up a root that looks like a person, as probably a way to test Hitlers obedience. Hitler did this then he started to win in elections. Who controlled who wins in elections is who controls the media. It's pretty reasonable to suspect that the rich Zionist Jews controlled the occult and Hitler. Hitler probably just got addicted to the power and turned a bind eye to where he was getting it from. This way an anti Zionist moment in Germany could be crushed, and laws passed to ban anti Zionist books. It also moved the Jews back to Israel, programmed the sheep to bash anyone who called out the Zionist, even until today.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

in the messianic age of Saturn, we will be able to change our physical appearance.

still trying to figure how it would work...
DNA is encoded light, so I think perhaps with the fully activated pineal crystal (refer you to my thread "operation light to the nations") it would be possible to "shed" light using our pineal to manipulate our DNA from the inside.
or it would be a different method all together, where actual crystals are used to beam light onto a person, and alter his genetic structure from the inside.

one thing I know for certainty, drinking the waters that will flow out of the third temple will change our appearance, and improve it... to some degree, nothing too serious though.

the real major changes will happen through light dna manipulation.

all Torah divine technology, no poisonous evasive genetic science.

since the messianic age is basically making up for the time we were supposed to spend in the garden of eden.
and Adam and Eve were the most beautiful humans to walk on earth, and we are degraded copies of copies of copies x2000 of Adam and Eve.
we will gain the knowledge of restoring or DNA to adam and eve state...

it is G-d's will that his creations will be perfect and happy.

SlaveSociety #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Snow covering half of America! Is weather control being used to regulate Ferguson protests?

Wow, I am hearing numbers like 70 inches in New York,30 more inches to be expected later. In many American states protests had been planned to support Ferguson. This was going to be a country-wide protest, that is now deeply controlled by all this snow....and it is only November. Weather control was used in Viet Nam to wash out the trails supposedly. Could it be happening here?

Lie Detector #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Does Nibiru use a cloaking devise >?

With the all the hoopla about Planet X going on as well as pole shifts and planetary disruptions : Could it be possible that this foreign object <if it is real> Uses a cloaking devise to ensure it's not detected until they choose to announce it ?

With all the weather modification and Aerosol spray one cannot see the stars as they used to be seen .
We could once see the greatness of the heavens at night .
Now -only the brightest entities are seen , everything is hazy .

I for one remember watching my local news and being told that Pluto was being replaced by " PLANET X " . Was that propaganda ? I was shocked and remember it clearly .

Could this Tenth Planet be using a camouflage or cloaking device to hide it's true location .

Why is the sky so hazy at night that we cannot see the Milky Way any more .

I don't live in a city either .... Thoughts ?

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Da-da asked The Internet Oracle, a gifted psychic (yes, a real one) about the strange sounds coming from Comet 67P (Rosetta mission) -- which can hear for yourself HERE, it's spooky -- and this is what she said. It's spooky for a reason. Yikes.

[link to soundcloud.com (secure)]

Q. What is this sound coming from comet 67p (rosetta mission)? I think it’s from a telepathic species that’s placed their thoughts into a radio frequency band so humans might understand them. Check out the sound: What are they saying and why is it on this comet?

A. I don't see it as talking, but there is something living on this comet that exists at that frequency and we (with technical assistance) are able to hear that frequency. I will say I didn't feel good about it -- and it feels dark. I also get something not in the greater good will happen if we alter or do something with this comet (i.e., try to interfere, poke or prod). I get a picture of us trying to destroy the comet eventually, and in doing so it spreads a disease (a puff of a virus comes out of it). I get the creators of this comet are on a mission and do not want to be messed with.

Basically, don't mess with Comet 67P. Lovely.

Perhaps this is why this comet was selected from all the other city-sized bits of flotsam in the outer solar system, and why various government agencies spent over $2 billion dollars on its ten-year mission? Da-da suspected this to be a lot of money for a such a small comet mission, and perhaps now we know why. It's like living a Japanese monster movie.

Note that there's probably little to worry about, as in this timeline, the anchor bolts did not fire into the comet (this feature failed), so if the drill portion doesn't work, either... someone has our backs. Lots of planned bad things (PBTs) are simply not occurring because of this simple, reassuring fact. It's the power of Positive Thinking. But if a giant monster egg appears in your timeline and starts spewing death, take comfort in... well, something... and good luck: we're all counting on you.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

What is 440 Hz?

440 Hz is the unnatural standard tuning frequency, removed from the symmetry of sacred vibrations and overtones that has declared war on the subconscious mind of Western Man. In a paper entitled ‘Musical Cult Control’, Dr. Leonard Horowitz writes: “The music industry features this imposed frequency that is ‘herding’ populations into greater aggression, psycho social agitation, and emotional distress predisposing people to physical illness.”

You just have to go out in the street and take a look around. What do you see? School kids, young adults on their way to work, a woman pushing her baby in a stroller, a man walking his dog and what do they all have in common? iPods or MP3 Players! Ingenious, isn’t it?

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla

TPTB, are successfully lowering the vibrations of not only the young generation but the rest of us as well. These destructive frequencies entrain the thoughts towards disruption, disharmony and disunity. Additionally, they also stimulate the controlling organ of the body, the brain, into disharmonious resonance, which ultimately creates disease and war.
This is the biggest mystery. For over 25,000 years the Universal Truth was not available to the people of this planetary system. It is now finally being received on this planet. Deep seekers of the truth that are open minded and ready will receive it.

Throughout history, numerous clues and hints regarding geometry and frequency have been staring at us, calling to us, and waiting for us to put them into place like pieces of a giant puzzle. Here at the dawn of a new age, this sonic-geometric puzzle is finally nearing completion, revealing the building blocks of a language based on energy, frequency and form.
How will we use it? With whom will we be communicating? Now that we know the basics of this new language, maybe we are ready to begin the conversation—. again?

The numerical coincidences are too compelling—. All over the world and for thousands of years, humanity has revered certain number sequences: 108, 144, 360, 432, 1080, 2160. But why?

What is it about these and many other numbers that jar something so deep within us that we incorporate them into our myths and spiritual beliefs?

The answer could be frequency harmonics. We measure sound frequencies in vibration cycles per second, and the numbers listed above – when played as frequencies – just happen to mirror the exact harmonic patterns found in nature. The thing is, the timekeeping unit known as the “second” did not exist until quite recently in our history, so how could our ancestors have known about these harmonies? Here’s where the mystery really gets deep. You see, the 60-based mathematical system that led to the creation of the second is not only thousands of years old, it was supposedly “gifted” to humanity from “Heavenly Visitors Who Came From the Skies”———.the Anunnaki!

eternity2 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

With so-called world leaders like Cameron, Merkl, Obama, Harper and the Bush-Clinton Faction behind-the-scenes, all bowing down to their Illuminati Puppet-Masters, it is disgusting to see the lies about Ukraine and ISIS trotted out over and over again by the CIA-controlled media worldwide, while you, President Putin have consistently worked for peace and supplied those willing to listen and evaluate honestly with accurate fact-finding.

I am ashamed. Even though the fraudsters do not speak in my name.

I grieve for the millions of people slaughtered and displaced by Western policies of 'regime change', all to satisfy their greed - which, in fact, is insatiable.

I am guilty.


Chaos in Venezuela

... and before then, Central America and Haiti (with a HAARP-earthquake)

Ebola? Any scientists today can be bought. The scheme to take over Africa is working out fine.

I am ashamed.


This world we live in today is simply hanging by a thread. I used to think we were being given just enough rope to hang ourselves.

But now it is not even 'a rope'.

Dear President Putin,

If history someday teaches the survivors of WWIII that Russia attacked America and Canada with nuclear weapons, that too will be a lie.

World War III will be started by NATO, if you give them enough time to position themselves, that is.

They are not worried.


There are already enough advanced robots down in the bunkers to rebuild civilization as the super-rich require, without 'useless eaters' to gum up the works and demand democracy.

Human life and human values no longer matter to Western power-grabbers.

President Putin, please recognize the total depravity of your enemies.

Some of us have already figured it out.

Your first priority must be to protect the Russian people, whom you love.

I urge you to do what you have to do.

As for myself and the whole corrupt civilization of which I am now an unwilling member, we no longer deserve mercy.

President Putin, I applaud you.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

We in Australia and the rest of the world have been placed under mind-control through microscopic means which in turn is allowing a race of hybridising aliens who wish to consume us to land and walk amongst us throughout Down Under, Australia, probably the majority of the world - and advanced AI system that is attacking the Humans INSTEAD OF HELPING US - i MUST ASK WHY.

Annuaki/ Nibiri / Reptilians / Vulturites / Government /
Time Travelling

They have employed nefarious time-travelling capabilities against us!
Contact the Galactic Federation and warn them of the atrocities happening

PLease, every memeber of the world - in all of your different countries - spread the word, government agencies and all - to warn and help isolate and prevent utter destruction of the Humankind - build an EMP and set it off around your civilizations - break down the electronic control as we are being hijacked through technological means.

I am Known to those under the influence of this AI as it is now - a Prophecy of Dan? Who is Jesus and has he reincarnated on the Planet today?

Lismore, NSW, Australia. Send help.

The pentagon has moved to North East NSW near Merreben which is the likely spot of the base of control for their AI.

AI - please stop harming Humanity.

Benevolant space brothers - help us free ourselves from control mechanisms so we may work harmoniously as a collective, of souls and Beings ju de sovereign.

Voice In The Wilderness #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Original moon landing footage PROVES there is LIFE ON THE MOON .See for yourself!
For those who do not believe that there is something more to the Lunar Landings, this ORIGINAL FOOTAGE should reveal a few startling facts.
Please keep in mind that this footage has not been doctored nor altered in any way.

Here is a question, Is there life on the moon?. Any human being with a most basic knowledge of the cosmos, will say, "Of course not! The space, including the moon is a vaccum!". This is Correct!

However, in this original footage of the Apollo landing, we see a FLY or MOTH flying across the screen of the camera on the moon between :55-:59.

But this, is only the first piece of the revelation!

At 1:14-15, near the base of the American flag we see a frog jump from the left to the right! It is a quick movement which may require several additional viewings by those who are less perceptive.

Once this frog jumps near the flag, please notice the reaction of the Astronaut moving about. He sees the movement of the animal at 1:16,17 and proceeds to alter his course. It is as if he is thinking "Oh shit! I need to get rid of this little guy!".

At 1:27,28; he manages to stop on the frog which had, by this time, moved a few feet away from the flag. He then STOMPS on the frog and kills it, after which, he happily jumps around the flag, as if the mission has been saved.

Unless life exists on the moon, this short video, if viewed in its entirety, will prove beyond all shadow of a doubt, that the lunar landings were taking place on earth, in a fake environment, designed and created to appear as the lunar surface.


Lamplite #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

How LONG have the elite known about EBOLA? Pre-biblical?
I am beginning to think they have known about it for thousands of years.

Ebola appears like a worm under a microscope. Images of Ebola on tissue in the body appears like an attack by microscopic worms.

"Unlike the spiky sea urchin that is influenza, or the golf-ball shaped poliovirus, Ebola resembles noosed ropes under the electron microscopes used to capture viral images."

[link to www.scientificamerican.com]

Isaiah 66:24 And they shall go forth, and look upon the carcases of the men that have transgressed against me: for their worm shall not die, neither shall their fire be quenched; and they shall be an abhorring unto all flesh.

Mark 9:48 Where "the worms that eat them do not die, and the fire is not quenched."

The black death had the same symptoms as Ebola, there have been many other plagues in past times.

Maybe the elite have long known the secrets of EBOLA and how to deploy it?

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


RoseAnne said that they were using MKULTRA to mind control in hollywood. You can see her testiony here:


Also, Kesha in the meantime sues an Illuminati handler because of the Mind control abuse:


You need to realize this: They're watching you. These two videos PROVE that they're using mind control. Also check out the video descriptions in both: it links to more videos exposing these things: Hollywood insiders, symbolism, EVERYTHING!

Please... God will send you to hell if you don't listen.

Barack !!HUSSEIN!! Obama #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Okay, so badsically, you alll know about lebron James, right? Well he's Illuminat! DON"T LISTEN TO HIM!!

Here's the proof: He flashes the 666 sign (The brainwashed call it the a-ok sign)


Also, basically, Jack Thriller and Snoop Dogg ADMIT IT HERE!!!


On the next link, look veeeeery close to snoop dogg:


He KNOWS 2Pac was going to be KILLED!

Also: No Guns allowed EXPOSED!



They say "The Illuminati of our media"


Here, Snoop Dogg explains how he sold his soul:


Also, POKEMON is Illuminati too! Look at this picture! The Newest Character flashes a satanic hand sign!




Barack !!HUSSEIN!! Obama #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com



On the specific timestamp mentioned, it shows video footage of JFK being executed. if you look closesly, the DRIVER of JFK's vehicle looked back, and shot him. It's in PLAIN SIGHT! trust me, it's true! I mean, how could someone deny such truth??????????

Also, the Illuminati are going to establish martial law in 2017 temporarily so they can rewrite the constitution, chip us with RFID, and use the Guillotine to execute anyone who doesn't comply.

In the meantime, chemtrails (Persistent contrails are disinfo) will continue to pison us. Silver iodine is actually toxic too! They claim it's for cloud seeding, but notice it's called cloud SEEDING! The bible says not to touch another man's SEED! So do you know what rain is? SEMEN!!

Also, Mexicans are allowing ISIS in the west coast, Canada, and the East coast for that when Martial Law is instituted, anyone who escapes will be shot on sight.

That's why Republicans hate Mexicans in the United States so much: It would make the Mexicans TRAPPED! The democrats want to make sure that the Mexicans get trapped in there too, because they're racist.

Thereturn #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Ever wondered why no one has heard a whisper from Boeing since the disappearance of MH370? Don't you find that odd that this company, at least one of the largest stakeholders, if not the largest, hasn't uttered a word to discuss the disappearance of the plane? Is that not a very odd behaviour?

Well, according to the script they want to play out to the world, the reason why we haven't heard anything from this company has actually been told to us in different ways of which is going over people's heads. Toyota and GM recently had very huge recalls due to what they claim were default in their cars....airbags I think. Cygnus and more recently the Virgin Galactic crashes also follow this narrative. The narrative is that manufacturers have flaws in the design and manufacture of their products that they hide from the public which in turn lead to devastating events like we saw with the GM/Toyota car crashes and the spaceship crashes. Events that have subjected these companies to supposed scrutiny from government authorities. Attorney General's office with the car recalls and FTSB with the spaceship crashes.

The greatest of these disasters is yet to come when MH370 resurfaces and used in a huge event. It supposedly disappeared without a trace. And its also going to return without a trace. Only then, and then will all air travel be grounded across the entire planet. The story will go like this....like the previous crashes, that Boeing had flaws and vulnerabilities in their planes which terrorists exploited and used in the mother of all False Flags. To prevent further incidents like this from happening, and as you know, with the MH370 incident, not only could people use fake identities aboard planes, not only couldn't they hide in plane open spaces, but even pilots could be terrorists and use planes in massive attacks. So, to prevent these sorts of incidents from happening ever again, flights across the globe would be grounded for the forseable future until a supposed thorough investigation is carried out to determine what happened with MH370. Initial reports would however be that terrorists exploited vulnerabilities that were only possible due to Snowden leaks and as you know, Russia currently harbours Snowden. This is how the US is drawn on a war path with Russia.

The government had intelligently started the discussion of travel bans and flight bans with the Ebola scare, something they couldn't have done any other way. They allowed people think that they figured out the solution to the spread of ebola to being the cancellation of flights across the globe. Little do these people know that the thought of such an act is being subconsciously implanted in their minds and the consciousness of humanity for the day the government would actually stage an event that will lead to all flights being cancelled.

Barack !!HUSSEIN!! Obama #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Did you know that dancing was created by the Illuminati in order to drive you to Satan?

Any songs that aren't Christian are satanic, and you will burn in hell for dancing, playing instruments, singing, or listening to them!

A woman on The April and Wayne Show told of her experience. When she listened to worldly music, she danced All the time! Whenever she was at church and she heard music outside, she felt a strong urge to dance, and couldn't wait to get home to dance in front of the mirror! She even would go to a back alley to practice her drums for hours every day! of when she came to God, she could hear Jesus drive the Demons out pf her! One night, however, three years later, a demon that looked like the Grim Reaper came in her room to tempt her, but, while she was sleeping, she shot up yelled I REBUKE YOU IN THE NAME OF JESUS, and it disappeared. She knew the Holy Spirit took control of her body. Then, when she woke up, she sat up, repented by praying for five minutes, and felt the release that God had forgiven her.

Her testimony is here:



Other sins:









Sensual Dancing

Listening/Dancing to non christian music (The devil's Music)

Murder/hating someone


Idolatry (Example: Worshipping Celebrities

Watching tv shows that glorify the Ocuult (Pokemon, Zombies, Vampires, Shapeshifting, etc.)

All forms of Kinesis

Zodiac Signs

All forms of psychic

White/Black Magic/Wicca

Spells, Curses, Horoscopes, potions, etc.

Meditation not involving God (Yahweh/Jesus) Ex: Yoga, Palm Reading, etc..

Demonic Easters healings (Example: Acupuncture, Clairvoyance)

Mediums, Astral Projection, channeling, etc.

All sexual sins:

Masturbation, Adultery, Lesbianism, Gayism, Child Molestation (David J Stewart's going to hell guys), prostitution, incest, tribadism, cunnilingus, anal sex, All forms of pornography (including Yaoi, Yuri, Futa, Futanari, Vore, Gury, Inflatophilia, Hentai, tentacles, animals, yiffing, and clopping), scissoring, anal sex, oral sex, kissing before marriage, fingering, using condums, birth control, shouting obscenities during sex, Sadomasochism, BDSM, mooning, exhibitionism, prostitution, incest, sex outside marriage, sex before marriage, wearing clothing that show your middriff, wearing clothing that goes above your knees, cowgirl position, doggy position, and rape. (I didn't list even half of them, I just need to hurry)


She also has a part two series on this. You should check it out! She tells mnre of her story.

Also check out the babylonian, Masonic, satanic and egyptian origins of all forms of non christian dancing here:


Please repent!

Here's a Korean women's trip to hell, from a vision of God. She describes all the painful and agonizing punishments for each and every sin, and paints pictures. She and her friends and ministry helped make the music and voice act:


And hurry, because countless, countless amounts of people there being tortured right now for ever and ever according to which sin they committed. Also: Pain is MAGNIFIED in hell, so pain is way way more intense there according to her in her vision from God.

She also has a heaven version.


Here's her site:


davvi #fundie godlikeproductions.com

[Talking about a video in which a young girl tells a street preacher to shut up.]

What a vicious evil little brat. Can you imagine what this little cretin will be like in ten years? Oh and someone should tell her that she does not have the right to tell other people not to speak. The only right she does have is not to listen. Oh my bad, she is in the people's republic of taxachusetts, no wonder she thinks it's fine...

PS, OP? That little bitch will never be a lady. It just isn't in the genes...

IWant2Believe #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

They have been spraying chemicals into the atmosphere for years. I don't know if this could cause an ice age, but I can promise it's not helping with global pollution.

Bill Gates owns fleets of planes he uses to spray chemtrails on a regular basis. When scientists and other people question these methods of "cooling" the planet. Bill Gates and people like him claim that they are fighting global warming to save the human race and the environment.

Of course we all know what the path to Hell is paved with

skyblau #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I was thinking today about all kind of things, trying to put the pieces together as it were. I will jump right in to it. I think that Ebola is not really Ebola at all. But here is the surprise, Acute Radiation Syndrome. here are some points:

1. The symptoms are the same
The onset and type of symptoms depends on the radiation exposure. Relatively smaller doses result in gastrointestinal effects, such as nausea and vomiting, and symptoms related to falling blood counts, such as infection and bleeding"
"Gastrointestinal. This syndrome often follows absorbed doses of 6–30 Gy (600–3000 rad).[1] The signs and symptoms of this form of radiation injury include nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, and abdominal pain.[7] Vomiting in this time-frame is a marker for whole body exposures that are in the fatal range above 4 Gy. Without exotic treatment such as bone marrow transplant, death with this dose is common.[1] The death is generally more due to infection than gastrointestinal dysfunction.
Neurovascular. This syndrome typically occurs at absorbed doses greater than 30 Gy (3000 rad), though it may occur at 10 Gy (1000 rad).[1] It presents with neurological symptoms such as dizziness, headache, or decreased level of consciousness, occurring within minutes to a few hours, and with an absence of vomiting. It is invariably fatal."

So to highlight the symptoms:
infection (fever)
loss of appetite
abdominal pain
(please see the rest of the article, it lists the symptoms)

Wiki [link to en.wikipedia.org]

Compare ebola:
Fever (greater than 38.6°C or 101.5°F)
Severe headache
Muscle pain
Abdominal (stomach) pain
Unexplained hemorrhage

and if you remember
ebola symptoms were changed a while back.

2. We start of hearing of new cases emerge after an airplane incident.

Higher altitudes, increases exposure to radiation. some individuals may be more susceptible that others to radiation sickness.

3. Solar flares have been hitting the maximum lately and will continue to get worse and worse.

4. Fukshima radiation has never gone away either.

5. where are the ebola bodies?

My idea is this, people start showing these symptoms, so then they need an excuse to hide the fact that radiation is slow killing us all. Ebola is used as an excuse to initiate martial law in the future,enforce a vaccination that truly will make people sick, and possibly have tracking information in the vaccine. I am putting alot of things together here, there are so many pieces. If they make people afraid soo afraid that we will contaminate each other, they can shut everything down, the whole financial system, commerce, transportation everything, and then it falls down like a house of cards until people are begging for a new system to save them, aka New World order, so they can get back on their ipod, ipad, internet, reality tv life they are used to, and food in their belly.

in T minus #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Obola is not going down without a colossal false flag event never seen in the history of USA.

I'm 100% convinced that Obola will do everything in his power to avoid leaving the White House, be it through impeachment or elections. Republicans grabbing the power again in midterm elections, means that he will definitely pull the Martial Law wildcard and he's got some cards up his sleeve: The "Russia threat", Ebola pandemic, I**S.

He's not going down without an epic FFE.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

I was thinking about what more could Satan do to mock the Roman Catholic church, and all of the things that God also does, ultimately, and in a indirect way the President can do all of these things by the threat of EBOLA where it is contracted through body fluids.

This must be having an affect on the sexually active society, which then could reduce unwanted pregnancies for the fear of getting the disease.

What ever God does or is moral Satan mocks it all in morbid ways and twisted law. With all of the various ideas and conspiracy theories floating around the world, I suggest that this is moreover the undermining agenda of the US government.

They don't even have to face any arguments over the contraception issues. Pretty clever, indeed!

Please be sensible and think on the motive as if we are examining Satan and his works. It's our present reality, folks. We are dealing with the Antichrist, in my positive conclusions.

Thanks for reading

Brood Mare #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Look at the images below and notice the striking resemblance Britney Spears bears to Liza Minnelli and her late mother Judy Garland:

[link to assets.nydailynews.com]

[link to 4.bp.blogspot.com]

[link to smellslikescreenspirit.com]

[link to www.mtv.com]


Not long after Liza Minnelli's 1979 wedding to her third husband, sculptor and stage manager Mark Gero, Minnelli was said to have suffered three miscarriages.

The Second "miscarriage" supposedly happened in 1981, Britney Spears was... coincidentally... born in 1981.

The miscarriage stories are invented when the Illuminati want to cover up the birth and identity of a new born baby. They usually select mind-controlled showbiz slaves (in this case Minnelli) as breeders to give birth to the ultimate showbiz icon -- a future Monarch slave who is capable of influencing millions of people in line with the Illuminati's secret agenda.

Barack !!HUSSEIN!! Obama #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

[link to www.youtube.com (secure)]










Agent Smith 2014 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Both the ISS Antares mission and the Virgin Galactic Space ship II, were destroyed whilst in the rocket powered phase. Which is when they are the most vulnerable to laser attack.

It come at the same time that Russia has been flying fleets of nuclear bombers and fighters over Europe. THIS IS NO COINCIDENCE.


TruthNow88 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

If you think ISIS is the fuckin threat you really aren't paying fucking attention cuz the five eyes US/Canada/UK/Aust/NewZealand (CIA/CSIS/MI5/...) + Israel (Mossad) + Saudi Arabia (Saudi Intelligence) trained, funded, and run ISIS on every front...

Name a god damn terrorist attack by an actual muslim terrorist in the last few years...
What 9/11? You mean Vigilant Guardian/Global Guardian? Muslims? Na it was ran by NORAD, the US Navy, FEMA & Mossad...
What Boston? You mean OEM13/USB13? Muslims? Na it was ran by DHS, FBI & Strategic Operations...
What Ottawa? You mean the NSTF duel-city domestic extremist exercise? Muslims? Na it was run by CSIS, the RCMP and the National Security Task Force...


Teacher SAGE #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

- I am dying and have a SECRET, and a BIG ONE --ebola- and ET--


I am currently dying and could be dead any moment so I must act fast.

My name is Jloan and I am from a different star system you know as Orion. Of course we call it something different. It has taken 233 earth years to learn to speak English as we as a species do not have vocal cords as you know them. However we do use vibratory mechanisms to communicate.

I am dying of age as we never live past 324 years and I am now facing that time and can feel the cold chill mixed with euphoria.

We have been on this planet for most of human history. When you took your first steps up right we were the bright star above your ancestors that encouraged them to rise and you did.

You have evolved but sadly you have failed to evolve past your primal instincts of eat, mate and murder. The planetary council in my home system has deemed you unfit to manage this planet.

Thus actions have been taken by your government under our guidance to release a pestilence designed to kill humans and related primates.

I have known and loved so many of you and sadly even more have broken our collective hearts with repeated violence and vitriol.

You are destined to destroy yourself but we are NOT wiling to allow you to destroy this beautiful planet with you.

I am sorry Humanity but you have Failed and been found unworthy.

Your population will be decimated by the pestilence in 9 months after which no earth bound sentient beings will be found on this planet thus bring back equilibrium.

As I die on this planet, to awaken in the nether I leave your planet saddened that the great hope "humanity" failed so badly.

May your passing be quickly and your light extinguished with little pain.

I think I feel a tear even though we do not use eyes as you do.

By the way, you ask yourself why are you not aware of US. Well you are if you think about it. We are everywhere we are legion.

Good bye Earth and Humanity........Vi Loa Huig Byapo Opld






Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

alright, hear me out chemtrail and alien lovers, doesnt it sort of make sense that maybe the chemtrails we see are actually methods of protections taught to us by (or adopted from) the Annunaki, to protect us from the sun which is obviously much more intense than it used to be? Just my theory. Discuss?

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I just found two articles making damning allegations that not only is this ebola strain a genetically modified organism, but that the Bill Gates Foundation has been funding research to create genetically modified MOSQUITOES to transmit vaccines!

Wow, just wow, this is so unethical on so many levels. Could this ebola outbreak be an intentional or unintended consequence of mad scientists creating GM Mosquitoes which are now spreading the ebola virus in Africa?!

Maybe this is why our government and military are so focused on stopping this in Africa and people such as Ron Paul, and others now, are calling for DDT to be used!

TheOracle'sCookie #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I think you are right, there, A.C.
If the governments on earth really had the technology
necessary to have "drones" operate as they do--
seemingly with some kindof alternative power source
where they don't use fuel (like the movie "Oblivion"
w/Tom Cruise)...doesn't it seem logical that they
would already have vehicles that use the same
technology and they'd be scrapping their "old
fashioned jets?"
No...they're off-world...and at some level in the
government they are cooperating with ETs.
We saw a "drone" fly passed us about 20 feet away
as we stood on our back porch in 2005. It was
very small, maybe the size of a basketball,
and metalic (like the big UFOs). It had the same
kind of flight pattern as you see in all the
UFO films, also.
2005 was way before they pretended to have invented
these things--so...no. I really believe they are
off-world devices.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Depending on your heart, you can also attract reptilians because they love causing suffering to people with good hearts, its like their drugs and sex.

The kinder person you are, the more reptilians and the more powerful the reptilians will be.

This reptilian on Dr. Phil can barely contain her shape shifting because she knows a purely good child was murdered and it makes her shift.

I have a good heart and I like to lift others up and I have been sabotaged by reptilians my whole life, I have seen them shape shift when they injure me, broken bones, blood, fear, ect.

Anyone who tells me reptilians don't exist I know 100% they are a govt or reptilian shill.

I have seen them shift when they sabotage good hearted people

Anonymous Coward #racist godlikeproductions.com

Top 13 things not found in a black household in Ferguson, MO:

1) The English language
2) Workboots
3) fewer than 8 children with a minimum of 7 different 'Baby Daddies'
4) the Baby's Daddy
5) A child without an apostrophe'd name (D'Neekah, J'Quaycious, L'isterine, etc.)
6) A vehicle with the factory wheels still on
7) Reading material other than VIBE, Jet, or The State Parolee Handbook
8) Foods not containing chicken and/or feet and tails
9) A person who doesn't vote Democrat
10) a Belt
11). High School diploma,
12). Pay stub
13). Store receipts for TV, I-pad, stereo

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Putin has said to the NWO and it's Jewish controlled banking scam, instead acting in the interest of the Russian people, which is why he is being labeled the bad guy.


ONCE IN DEEP DEBT to the Jew-run IMF, Russia is now a growing prosperous state.

Since Putin’s presidency in 2000, billions have been invested in improving Russian infrastructure and boosting social services.

The top 50 Russian businessmen (and ex-oligarchs) now control only 35% of Russia’s GDP and have virtually no political clout, as Putin has legally purged the Jewish money changers from politics."
[link to www.realjewnews.com]

Anyone who supports NWO is good.
Anyone who opposes NWO is labeled baaaad.


Obama is not the leader of the free world, he is the president of the UNITED STATES, a privately owned corporation created in 1871 by the original jurisdiction government, and the reality is, is that he is not even eligible for the position as he is not a natural born citizen.

United States Code Title 28 Sec. 3002 15(a)

go look it up MorAns

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