ChristExtra #fundie
Christ in the British Royal Family, Why?
Whenever some details annoy some people, they relegate them to mere ramblings 'needed to be put in the context of the time'. AND? WHAT THE CONTEXT OF THAT TIME EXPLAINS IN SOME PASSAGES APPARENTLY ABSTRUSE?
Suddenly, there is no one to explain. And it is my experience talking. Things are thrown in the trash of the 'uninteresting details' that Jesus asks specifically in chapter 22 of the Apocalypse not to remove or add to the prophecies.
BUT NOBODY EXPLAINS WHY JOHN HAS GIVEN THESE SPECIFIC INFORMATION IF THEY DO NOT CORRESPOND TO ANYTHING. Putting things aside seems to be the favorite sport of 'those who know everything in advance'.
You can reject the Apocalypse on the pretext not to be interested. But the main reason often lies in the complexity of this Book of Revelation. But once you have all the keys it is much simpler and understandable: JEAN EXPERIENCED A MYSTICAL CONTACT.
This blog is 'based' on the Bible in which it is question of clouds and angels. Of the 74 verses evoking the paranormal clouds only two or three verses are in the Apocalypse. I mention the Apocalypse because the debate is centered on the return of Christ. The Apocalypse is the central book that details the conditions of this return in several stages: natural birth, spiritual birth (these two phases are now completed) and the Ministry of Christ who will 'come' in a few years.
It is written that the Christ comes on / in / with a cloud . My purpose is 1) to show that the paranormal clouds are alien spacecrafts, 2) to show that Jesus Christ returns in an alien ship and 3) Prince George is Christ and his parents the Two Witnesses.
First, the flying saucers are precisely mentioned in the Old and the New Testament. Hence this blog. Humans UFO could / should exist only by means of an adequate terrestrial technology, WELL AFTER THE FIRST ALIEN UFO. The Apocalypse it clear about what happens to the Great Multitude in white robes. It will be nourished and protected by God while the chaos will reign on Earth. It will be therefore on another planet. False prophets are everywhere. This is not to say that all those who prophesy are false prophets. But why would the Prince George be Christ?
Take a step back and put everything in the ad hoc context.
Let review a little the Old Testament. In the chapters on Kings, God grants to King David a line of kings after him to represent Him on earth. His son is Solomon. This is also King Solomon who asked his people 666 talents of gold every year to satisfy its needs and requirements. Doing this, Solomon stayed away from God. This case is at the heart of the Number of the Beast.
This Beast is actually the second beast of the Apocalypse. If the first is the WORLD POLITICAL POWER, through the symbol of the British Royalty, via the Red Dragon (Princes of Wales), the second is the WORLD FINANCIAL POWER, through the City of London.
In the Apocalypse, Jean talks about the mysterious Babylon. And even the Great Prostitute. This is a single symbolic person: the City of London.
The City is a place apart. British kings and queens can get there without being invited (the Apocalypse refers to it in his own way). It is the financial heart of the world as the leading financial center in the world (stock exchange, banks and insurance). The City of London, BABYLON-DON, the famous Mother of all prostitutes, that is to say, of all the world stock exchanges, was just the very first implantation of London in the first century. The City was thus baby London, hence BABYLON-DON.
Let us return to the Kings. God also promised to David that his lineage would not miss anything and that it would live in comfort! Also, God declared that the tribes of Manasseh and Ephraim would be A Nation respectively, and a community of Nations. The two tribes would be asked to dominate the world. And Ephraim is the first son through whom God would send the Anointed. Manasseh is the USA (A Nation). Ephraim is the United Kingdom and ... the Common Wealth (Community of Nations). So, from the beginning, God planned that Christ would return in the British royal family. There is a movement stating that: the Anglo-Israelism. Some of their claims are misleading, but the basics are solid.
The "British" word is supposed to be derived from two Hebrew words "Berit" and "Ish" to be understood as "men of the covenant". Remember that the Apocalypse is full of kings that can be easily distinguished from other characters. The very notion of royalty is the representation of God on Earth. The king was both the political leader and spiritual leader. There was no Pope.
What this royalty has become today is precisely the reason for the return of Christ in the royal family, just as Jesus Christ came on Earth 2000 years as an heir to the throne of Israel in the midst of a culture whose behavior betrayed God himself! History repeats itself, but the outcome will be very different. Christ does not return to be crucified but to take the elect and for the Last Judgment. All this has nothing to do with the reptilians, but with a secular tradition, and even divine.