
David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I respect the right of other people to choose their own beliefs; but I also have a Biblical obligation as a born-again Christian to expose lies, falsehoods and evil to warn others. Judaism is a Satanic religion rooted in rejection of Jesus as the Christ. The Talmud is a sexually degenerate manuscript, which debases Gentile women, children and motherhood. From beginning to end, THE BIG BANG THEORY sitcom is saturated with filthy talk, dirty-mindedness and sexual licentiousness (lewd and lascivious). It is evil.

Due to the evils of Zionism that has infected our churches, Judaism is not preached against as it should be. I love Jewish people and exposing Judaism doesn't mean that I don't love Jews, any more than exposing Islam would mean that I don't love Arabs. It's sadly ironic to me that the Jews and Arabs, who both descended from their biological father Abraham, deny the Lord instead of believing Him as did Abraham (Genesis 15:6; Romans 4:1-6). Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven!

“THE BIG BANG THEORY” program is filthy, disgusting and saturated with sexual perversion of every sort. The show has endured for many seasons now. In July of 2015, The Big Bang Theory is as sexually perverted as ever!!! Sheldon is extremely effeminate with homosexual traits, clearly. They're a bunch of girly-boy sissies! I noticed in the January 6, 2013 news online that the CBS show was the highest rated program on TV this week. According to Wikipedia, the show's actors receive $350,000 PER EPISODE!!![1] In a recent episode titled, "The Egg Salad Equivalency," dozens of sexually perverted comments are made throughout the sitcom, including:

"A woman is like an egg salad sandwich on a warm Texas day... full of eggs and only appealing for a short time." ~The Big Bang Theory, highest rated CBS sitcom

Isn't that terrible? Women have been degraded in American culture to the level of animals, commodities. Why don't women complain to the television networks, to the newsmedia and speak out against this garbage online? Why don't more Christians expose the evil television networks? I often feel like John the Baptist, crying aloud alone in cyberspace against the wickedness of this generation. I encourage others to speak out online. Perhaps get your own website. I knew nothing about making a website when I started. I learned as I went, determined to do what it took. There are a lot of places where you can post free webpages, but most of them are filtered from the search engines. You're much better off having your own website for $59 a year.

Let's all speak out against the filth and perversion of this generation. Let's preach the truth of God's Word, and expose all the falsehoods and lies online, in churches and in society. Why does everyone hate the Bible-preacher instead? The Talmud teaches a disparaging view of women (Abodah Zarah 36b. Gentile [Non-Jewish] girls are in a state of filth [niddah] from birth.). So it shouldn't be surprising that Jewish produced TV sitcoms degrade women as dogs. In the same aforementioned episode of the show, Rajesh says with an India accent, "I give her a shoulder to cry on and then I give it to her good" (a sexual innuendo). The same episode makes reference to: menstrual cycle, calls an African-American woman 'brown sugar,' speaks of sexual desirability, a six-breasted sex-robot, sniffing around your goods, take your pants off, inappropriate sexual advance, STD's, just to list a few. THE BIG BANG THEORY is a sinful show produced by unsaved heathens, sexual degenerates, who are bold Christ-rejecters.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Since 2002 when I began my online ministry, I have learned that the whole left/right paradigm (Democrat/Republican) is a New World Order (NWO) Luciferian hoax. America's political system has been hi-jacked and rigged. In fact, our whole federal government has been hi-jacked by criminals. Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney saw this truth many years ago...


Alex Jones was great in the early days, but sadly has succumbed, for whatever reasons (money, he's tired, pressure, or a little of all the above) to join the Republican platform and support Trump.

Here are some informative articles that I have written...





When I saw photos of Donald Trump playing golf with the criminal Clintons, I knew he couldn't be trusted. Trump's father was a big kingpin in New York real-estate and politics, and so was his son. Trump is controlled by the Wall Street banks, as was President Barack Obama, who hired at least 37 former Goldman Sachs employees to work in the White House...




In summary, Satan is the god of this world. He uses the love of money to control the world. The Rothschild family control America through the international banks, the Federal Reserve, Wall Street, which explains why they have taken control over the White House.

I think Commander William Guy Carr (1895-1959) explained it best, who said that it's not about Freemasons, Catholics or Zionist Jews who control everything; but rather, these groups all fall under the LUCIFERIANS who do control everything...


The Bible confirms this in Ephesians 6:12, teaching us that we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but “against the rulers of the darkness of this world.” So, in my humble Christian opinion, Mr. Trump is bought and paid for by the Luciferian elite (aka, the Illuminati). They are careful to remain hidden behind the scenes, and to blame everything on departing U.S. Presidents, so as to keep us fooled all the time. President Trump is setting the stage for the next U.S. president. I actually heard Trump say that he WILL be president for two terms. We'll see.

The next Democrat president will make Mr. Obama look like a Sunday School teacher, taking our nation to new moral lows never imaged. We're already at Sodom's level, and we're headed much lower! The national news has been filled lately with incest, pedophilia and every perversion imaginable, and it's only going to get a lot worse, by design, which is what the Luciferian elite have been working so hard to create through perverse music videos, filthy internet, raunchy Hollywood films, satanic Walt Disney and the entire ungodly media. I read last week about a 46 year old woman (in Oklahoma I think it was) who married her 26 year old daughter. Another man in his 40's impregnated his biological daughter in her early 20's, and she's bragging about it on the internet in North Carolina. This stuff is where we are headed next legally! The Antichrist is called “the man of sin,” and to be well received, the world must stoop to new moral lows.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Churches are filled today with imposters, who profess to be Christian; but they are only playing a game of church. They have never been saved.

I met a man in Hawaii, a Hawaiian, who talked about God and love. He appeared to be a Christian from the way he was talking and smiling; but when I gave him a Gospel tract which read... "You Need HIS RIGHTEOUSNESS," he became offended by the contents. Whereas the Bible states that God created mankind in His own image; many people today have recreated god in their own sinful human image. The man whom I had spoken with in Hawaii had "a form of godliness" as 2nd Timothy 3:5 mentions; but He was offended by the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

Tragically, Christianity is nothing more than a cult to many people, because the preaching of the Gospel to them is nothing more than a religious philosophy. I am not saying that Christianity is a cult. Not at all. I am saying that many people make Christianity a cult in their own mind. This is why we hear people saying, "I used to be a Christian." That is impossible. The second birth (i.e., the spiritual birth) is as irreversible as is the first birth (i.e., the physical birth). Many people join a church and adhere superficially to a few Biblical principles; but they never actually become a born-again Christian.

No one refers to the Bible more than the unsaved heathens. In nearly every debate with lost sinners they say, "But didn't Jesus say..." It is ironic that unsaved people, who are hellbound, seem to know so much about the Bible. The truth is that they are only vaguely familiar with the Bible, and cannot understand it's Truths because they have not the Holy Spirit of God (1st Corinthians 2:14-17).

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I have had many horrible things happen to me in life, and have been in Job's shoes. Job's wife never abandoned him, nor was she taken from him by death; but I have not had the companionship of a faithful wife since 2006, when she divorced me against my will. When I hear a man praise his wife in a church, I have to leave the room, because I am heart-broken, being alone all these years. I have forgiven her, but she still blames me for everything. That's okay, God is our only Judge (James 4:12). When Job's calamity ended, God restored to him double of everything he lost. I lost my home after the divorce, and have rented since, and will likely never own my own home again (and if I do, it won't be anything like the large home I once owned). Psalms 145:21, “My mouth shall speak the praise of the LORD: and let all flesh bless his holy name for ever and ever.”

My neck injury is permanent and I will suffer in constant toothache-like neck pain (stenosis, radiculopathy and displaced disks) for the rest of my survival on earth. I cannot express in words the misery I endure in constant neck pain. Since it is right next to my head, it cannot be ignored. So, in many ways, Job had it made, because his suffering ended, and he was restored double. Job's painful boils from head to toe were all healed. His health was restored. I will never regain my full health. Job never lost the companionship of his wife when life caved in upon him, although she discouraged him (because she was discouraged too). I don't feel sorry for myself, nor do I feel sorry for Job. Job is not my hero. It is hard for me to feel sympathy for people who suffer, because I have suffered so much myself. I can relate to their suffering, and help them, but I do not feel sorry for them. I have suffered through more things than I can remember. Psalms 145:21, “My mouth shall speak the praise of the LORD: and let all flesh bless his holy name for ever and ever.”

I know what inexplicable lasting pain of soul feels like, lasting years, with no one to help me back up. I have even reached out to Baptist churches on Guam for help, who left me for dead and couldn't have cared less about me, such as Harvest Baptist Church on Guam (whose pastor in 2014 compelled me to leave and in 2017 told me I couldn't come back) and Agana Heights Baptist Church (whose pastor in 2009 was mean to me and didn't want me in his church because of hateful slander he had heard about me) and Lighthouse Baptist Church (whose pastor in 2018 got angry at me for exposing corruptible seed and the Bob Jones Alexandrian cult). A fool would say that I must be at fault, since there are multiple churches that don't want me; but God knows the truth is that I am more righteous than all of them! They are the self-righteous hypocrites! They are the one's (all of them) promoting or bidding Godspeed to corruptible seed. They are the ones who tolerate Satan's counterfeit Bible versions, tolerate and promote John MacArthur, and are indifferent toward truth. They are the bastards, not me! I don't have a problem with pastors, they all have a problem with me!!! GOD KNOWS THAT I AM PURE OF HEART!!!!!!!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Romans 13:1 in the King James Bible (KJB) teaches to submit to the “higher powers,” not the “governing authorities” as the New International Version (NIV) perversion says. The U.S. Constitution and our Bill of Rights (the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution) are a higher power than the U.S. federal government. And for that matter, God is the highest power (Ecclesiastes 5:8). The federal government has already recruited 26,000 pastors to join Clergy Response Teams to quell any national uprising. Do you know why? It's because a Police State is rising up around us, and our economy is going to implode!

Let me ask you a question: How do 2 planes bring down 3 buildings? It's impossible! WTC Building # 7 imploded and fell to the ground in 6.5 seconds. No fire caused that! In fact, the lying newsmedia reported that the building had fallen 20-minutes before it even fell. I couldn't make this stuff up if I tried.

Most of the evidence is solid concrete; not mere circumstantial evidence. Look at the facts. Architects and structural engineers from around the world have stated that it is impossible for two skyscrapers to simply crumble to the ground from a plane crash and fire. Think about it. Has any fire ever caused a skyscraper to lean or crumble even a little bit?

Furthermore, www.wtc7.net shows actual news footage of Trade Tower Building # 7 (WTC 7) imploding to the ground as well on the afternoon of 911. No plane ever struck WTC 7!!! The building was blown to the ground with explosives according to the owner of the building. Why was this building destroyed?

The investigations into 911 have been blocked repeatedly by the office of the President and top leaders working under him. The Bin Laden family has strong business ties with the Bush family spanning back decades. Firefighters at the scene on 911 have signed sworn affidavits that they heard multiple explosions going off at the time the buildings started to fall. Top Pentagon officials and leaders were warned the day before not to fly on 911. Israeli and French intelligence sources had warned the U.S. government prior to 911 that an attack would occur, but no one listened.

Many families and friends of the victims on 911 believe the government masterminded and carried out 911, some loved ones have even sued the president and his administration. Other victim's families have been paid generously to remain silent.

Folks, there is A LOT to all this. I haven't even got to the drugs in Afghanistan. Our troops are being exploited as paid heroine (opium) farmers. The Russian government has appealed to NATO for destruction of the opium crops in Afghanistan, because of the massive heroine-addict problems in Russia today. NATO refused. Afghanistan produces 90% of the world's heroine supply.

You really need to learn about all these different things before you can start to form a big picture of what is really going on. The U.S. had troops already situated on the Afghan border before 911 even happened. Our military was already in place and ready to invade Afghanistan. Afghanistan produces a half-trillion dollars (heroine value) of opium every year. While children are starving of malnutrition in Afghanistan today, the U.S. government protects hundreds-of-billions of dollars in heroin producing opium. Like everything else, follow the money. It's so wicked in the sight of God.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Keep your children out of public schools. The most deadly influence in your child's life is other children, who come from heathen homes and are as worldly as can be, especially during the teenage years! Children, like all human beings, are extremely impressionable. I am against the insane idea that when a girl turns 18, it is time for her to get a secular job. If you do that mom and dad, your daughter will meet some bum at Burger King and be pregnant with his child within a year at her job. I don't care if your daughter is 30 years old, you keep her HOME until she gets married! For that one main reason I am for Bible colleges, as a place to find a life's mate. It is a shame that our young people cannot find a spouse in churches today, because the rest of the kids are all going off to Bible college; but if I were in a church where there were a lack of options for my daughter, I'd do whatever it took to get my daughter enrolled into a Bible college, where she would be protected on campus from creeps, and could hopefully and prayerfully find a godly man to marry.

It's a jungle out there folks! These young girls enrolling into the military today are fornicating! Women don't belong in the military with the men, they belong in the kitchens and as nurses, not on the frontlines. Femininity is a lost precious art and virtue today in America! Our U.S. military has become so sickening these days, that President Barack Obama removed a ban in 2011 against soldiers having sex with animals. Do you want your daughter in that kind of mess? Rape is commonplace in the military nowadays, go read the news for yourself. Teenagers have NO RIGHT to be trusted by their parents, that trust MUST be earned!!! Every teenager needs to be involved in a good old-fashioned Bible-believing church! Each and every one of those sermons is building your child's brain for the rest of their life! Get your kids into a Christian school, where the Devil doesn't have the opportunity to corrupt them. We're talking about the issues of life.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The whole idea of losing one's Eternal Security is preposterous. How can a person have Eternal Security if no one can be eternally secure? It just doesn't add up. Let the Scriptures be your guide. In John 5:39 Jesus commanded His disciples to SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES!!!

Sealed with the Holy Spirit

I triple-dog dare you to show me one person in the Bible who lost their salvation. King David lost the "joy" of salvation, but he didn't lose his salvation. Jesus never spoke of anyone losing their Eternal Security. The Bible has much to say about the assurance of our salvation. As a matter of fact, God gave us the Holy Spirit as an "earnest" of our inheritance in Heaven. The Greek word for "earnest" literally means "down payment." God gave me the Holy Spirit as PROOF that I am a "purchased possession." If you are a believer, then you belong to God and He has made His claim on you.

"...ye were sealed with that holy Spirit of promise, Which is the earnest of our inheritance until the redemption of the purchased possession, unto the praise of his glory" —Ephesians 1:13,14

Don't tell me I can lose my salvation... my sins have been washed away by the blood of Jesus! I am a "purchased possession." The Holy Spirit is God's claim upon me as His own, which means the Devil cannot claim my soul to Hell. You cannot affect my salvation. I cannot change my eternal security. God has placed His down payment within my body—the Holy Spirit of God.

A License to Sin?

I am going to Heaven, regardless of how I live. But you say, that's crazy! No! That's Bible! So do Christians have a license to sin? Yes, if you want to view it that way.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I've never understood how anyone could look at the beauty of a giraffe, and say, “evolution did this.” No, God did that! Or how anyone could look at the majesty of a tiger, and say, “evolution did this.” No, God made that tiger. I've never understood how anyone could look at a spectacular sunset, with all its brilliant colors and awe, and say, “Isn't evolution wonderful?” No, God is wonderful. With God's handiwork all around us, a person would literally have to not want the truth to remain ignorant. Evolutionists are willingly ignorant, and the Bible even says so, 2nd Peter 3:5, "For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water." The universe was formed by the Word of God. Evolutionists are willingly ignorant of this self-evident fact.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

It is commonplace in Hollywood movies for produces to display occult symbols (primarily the All Seeing Eye) during creepy movie scenes depicting abductions, rapes, blood and gore, pedophilia and violence. This is how Satanists brag to each other. The reason why Hollywood is promoting such evils today, gradually pushing the moral limits, is to intentionally implant darker themes and heinous thoughts into the viewer's mind. This is an ongoing generational brainwashing program to prepare the world to follow the Man of Sin when he comes, known more commonly as, The Antichrist! God-fearing Christians WON'T follow the Man of Sin, they will expose him!

As difficult as this may be to accept, it is true. A clear example of this is the abundance of occult symbols displayed on back of every U.S. one-dollar bill. Another plain example is the Washington Monument, symbolizing an erect male phallus, by a bunch of phallus-worshipping Freemasons. Another blatant example is the 911 Memorial. Thousands upon thousands of Hollywood movies are saturated with occult symbols, some hidden and some obvious, signifying who the true boos of Hollywood is, Lucifer! I have a trained eye for occult symbols, and I see things that the average person doesn't, because they are not familiar with how Luciferians communicate and do things. A detective is not allowed to believe in coincidences. Are some of these symbols coincidence? Of course, no doubt, but it is also abundantly clear, such as in the case of the 911 memorial, that oftentimes it is deliberate! Most churchgoers don't care about such things and reject them, which is why Satan is able to deceive them so easily with New World order Bible versions and the NWO emerging church!

Also, the purpose for the new lows in filth and immorality in movies, theatre screens and television is to corrupt the human soul. A child who grows up in a good home, without being introduced to the horrific ideas of murder, rape, incest, violence, rebellion, et cetera, won't even be able to think of such things. This is why sex education is being taught in public school, not to help children know better, but to damage them, by introducing sexually immoral ideas into their impressionable minds that that they would never think of. We've lost our innocence today in America, and it has been accomplished deliberately by Luciferians and ungodly moguls behind the entertainment industry, and the communist school system, and other areas that allow trashy people to influence and corrupt America's youth.

The ungodly filth in today's movies is intended by Luciferians to put those evil thoughts into your mind, to get you thinking an evil way, knowing that a small percentage of viewers will at some point act upon those evil impulses. What goes into your mind stays there forever! And in many cases, as we see increasingly across America in horrifying crime scenes today, they also come out! To put it simple, Satan is putting horrible evil ideas into TV viewer's minds!!!

David J. Stewart #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

In 2004 a crazed wife (aka, The Blue-Eyed Butcher) in Houston, Texas, tied her alleged abusive husband to a bed, stabbed him to death from head-to-toe 193 times, and then the insane courts only required her to spend 10-years in prison. She buried the body beneath the house, which was discovered a week later. The family dog had gnawed his hand off. If that had been a man who murdered his wife, he'd been given the death penalty or life in prison at a minimum. Women are given unfair leniency in the court system. Stabbing someone to death 193 times in anger is not self-defense. There are countless Americans serving life sentences for first-time drug offences!!! Something is VERY wrong with America's hypocritical, biased and rigged court system.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I tell you—the Bob Jones crowd are deceived, lackadaisical concerning the verbal inspiration of God's Word, promoting the Devil's corruptible seed in the modern Alexandrian Bible perversions, indifferent toward false prophets like John MacArthur (a BJU alumni), and lax toward women's modesty. It is frustrating as a man to see female staff members of Harvest Baptist Church on Guam walking around in public wearing sexy tight spandex pants. They are whores and couldn't care less about the war men are going through. 1st Peter 2:11, “Dearly beloved, I beseech you as strangers and pilgrims, abstain from fleshly lusts, which war against the soul.” The Bob Jones crowd DON'T CARE!!! God cares how you dress ladies. God cares which Bible we use. God cares how we present the Gospel. Harvest Baptist Church promotes the false gospel of Dr. John MacArthur!!! They must be exposed!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

You need to understand that sexually degenerate television in America is fueled by the sexually perverted false religion of Judaism. Despite superficial claims by Judaism that they are moral people, the contents of the Talmud cannot be argued. The Talmud permits sex with 3-year-old girls, see for yourself. I didn't make this stuff up, check into yourself, there's plenty of evidence online concerning the sexually filthy Talmud. So now you understand why the Parents TV Council did a study exposing television executives for sexually exploiting underage teenage girls for profits. Hollywood is Jewish, who worship the Talmud.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Black holes are just another non-existent theory.

Like the Big Bang, the theorized early non-oxygen environment; the origin of life from non-living materials; the chance production of protein molecules; and evolution of life-forms from one phylum, class, order, or family into other ones,—black holes look good on paper but do not exist in reality.

This is the evolutionists’ reasoning: "We know that black holes (‘singularities’) exist, because some sources emit a lot of X-rays. If a lot of X-rays are coming from a single source, it must be a black hole." Based on this, they have invented accretion disks, capturing and evaporating black holes and mini-black holes. The only evidence for black holes is X-rays from outer space. Remember that.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

We live in a wicked time of unjust critics! Don't be a hypocrite. You're just as big a sinner as anyone else (James 2:10). It takes two years for a baby to learn to talk, and 70 years to learn to shut up!!! We've made a God out of professional sports, entertainment and education in this crazy generation. My friend, when you are laying in a hospital bed dying, and you're about to enter into eternity, sports won't help you! Entertainment won't help you when you are dying! You're going to need God!!! 2nd Corinthians 6:2b, “...behold, now is the day of salvation.” We are living in a time of universal deceit! Revelation 12:9 forewarned that the Devil would deceive “THE WHOLE WORLD”! Take heed that you be not deceived! Luke 21:8, “And he said, Take heed that ye be not deceived: for many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and the time draweth near: go ye not therefore after them.” Be careful who you decide to follow on YouTube, because there are MANY nuts and false prophets!

This ungodly generation scrutinizes Bible-preachers and looks for every mistake, sin and fault they can find to kill, steal and destroy God's men. Ungodly people assume rumors to be facts. Ungodly people never give the benefit of the doubt to a Christian, they condemn them. Granted, there are plenty of ungodly men in the pulpits, frauds, shysters, con-men; but ungodly people reject the goood preachers with the bad ones. God sees every man's heart and will judge all men according to their works, and He won't except anyone's lame excuses in eternity. People won't be able to blame the failures of others as justification for their not getting saved and serving God!!! If you die in your sins without Jesus as your personal Savior, you alone will bear the damnation!

David J.Stewart #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

Women who pursue careers over marriage and motherhood are blaspheming the Word of God.

Now, I'm not endorsing Islam, but concerning women, the Arab culture comes much closer to being right than the American feminist culture of bossy wives, women preachers and career women. Rebellious Americans consider a woman being required to dresses modestly a form of oppression. Albeit, the American lewd and nude culture has inspired generations of sexual immorality, abortion and homosexuality.

Arab women are required (it's not an option) to obey their husbands and remain silent. I love that. Call me what you want... the Word of God proclaims A MAN as the head of his home, A MAN as the pastor of the church, and A MAN as a preacher of God's Word. America's women are out of control—which is clearly seen in the abortion rate, the divorce rate, pornography, et cetera. The Word of God teaches that women are to remain SILENT in the churches.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I believe it was Karl Marx that said that `religion is the opiate of the masses`. In other words he meant that the masses use religion as an opiate to mollify their existence. I say that evolution is the opiate of the scientist. I believe that every person has seen enough evidence to realize that sooner or later they will come face-to-face with a holy God. In order to pacify their conscience concerning that inevitable meeting, the scientists have come up with a theory that, in effect, says `there is no God`. The theory of evolution basically says that we made ourselves. Creationism says that a Creator made us.

David J. Stewart #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

Feminists don't want to boss men around, or be in charge of everything, they simply want to be EQUAL in authority. Such ambitions for equality of authority with men is sinful.

Feminists wants EQUAL authority in the marriage, EQUAL authority in society, EQUAL authority in the church, et cetera ... it has become a curse upon America. The 52% divorce rate is a direct result of feminism. Feminism and women preachers are inseparable. Some people will argue that women can teach or preach to other women, but this idea is not found in the Bible. The Word of God clearly instructs wives to learn at home FROM THEIR HUSBAND. Unmarried women should ask their father, or their pastor. We need a revival of wifely submission and a proper attitude toward authority in our homes and churches.

David J. Stewart #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

Most homosexual sex is performed with strangers. 70% admitting to having sex only once with over half of their partners. The average Homosexual has had 300 to 500 partners during a lifetime. 28% have performed sodomy on over 1000 partners. Only 2% have had monogamous relationships, and those are defined as lasting anywhere between 9 and 60 months.

Of these monogamous relationships;

-5% drank urine
-7% incorporated fisting
-33% ingested feces
-53% swallowed semen

Contrary to media propaganda, these practices are not always taking place "behind closed doors," in the privacy of one's own bedroom. According to The Gay Report, a homosexual magazine; the most frequented places to practice homosexual behavior are:

-public restrooms;
-bus stations,
-service stations,
-public libraries,
-rest stops;
-"health clubs" where groups gather to watch others engage in sodomy or go to private booths for themselves;
-"gay bars" and night clubs;
-street corners where they "cruise" for others,
-"glory holes" (circular holes cut out of partitions between stalls in public restrooms allowing anonymous oral sodomy with the person in the next stall);
-pornographic bookstores,
-peep shows,
-movie houses,
-public parks where groups gather in the bushes;
-beaches and public baths.

In Fact "Bob Damron's Address Book" lists all of the parks and recreation areas in the country that are frequented for anonymous homosexual activity, so new homosexuals to your town can always know where others congregate.

David J. Stewart #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

A women who does a man's job is a feminist. There's something very wrong with a woman police officer--who acts tough, works out with weights, carries a gun, talks tough to men, and has rough attitude. In fact, it disgusting to the name of femininity. There's nothing feminine about women cops, or women in the military. It's unbiblical, and wrong. This just proves how much Satan has warped people's minds in America, to where little girls are no longer growing up to be homemakers; but, to become plastic explosive experts, tank drivers, soldiers, trained to kill people.

She-men! Last I checked, 83 U.S. female soldiers had been sexually-assaulted in Iraq, not including the covered-up rape of Jessica Lynch. Women don't belong on the battle-field. Women don't belong in the military!

David J. Stewart #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

Feminism is more deadly than arsenic, the AIDS virus and the Bubonic Plague all combined. The same fool that will laugh at what I just said is likely also a supporter of abortion rights. Abortion has killed far more people than arsenic, the AIDS virus and the Bubonic Plague ever have. It is estimated worldwide that 400,000,000 children have been murdered by abortion!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Harvest Baptist Church is a big religious school with a church on the side. What a sad joke for a ministry!!! That is my humble opinion. They never cared about me, only their little snobby clique of Bob Jones University graduates and rich airplane pilots. I say, to Hell with Harvest Baptist Cult and their satanic counterfeit Alexandrian Bible versions!!! To Hell with Harvest Baptist Cult on Guam and their ungodly support of satanic false prophet, a boastful 5-point Calvinist, Dr. John MacArthur!!! To Hell with their heresy of Lordship Salvation, and for them bidding Godspeed to ecumenical false prophet Ravi Zacharias!!! Churches like Harvest are the reason why so many people will never step foot into a church, because it's all phony and people see right through it! There is no power of the Holy Spirit!!!

I am torn between my love and duty as a believer to stand for THE TRUTH (Ephesians 5:11; 6:12; Titus 1:10-13; Galatians 3:1-3), and my need as a human being for fellowship with a local body of Christian believers in a church. So Harvest has put me into a peculiar situation where I either have to compromise my stand, and go along to get along with their apostasy just to have a church family; or I can stay home an take a stand with no social life, and be lonely and likely never find a wife. I actually chose the former in early 2017, desperate for fellowship in a church. But now they won't even take me back, and so I am forced to do the latter, and I am standing, hence this article (and many more to come, Lord willing). Someone needs to tell THE TRUTH! Someone needs to take a stand for God's Word, to uphold its purity, inspiration and authority. The pastors and staff at Harvest have social lives, wives, friends, so what do they care if I don't, right? They are some of the most selfish, shallow, arrogant and insensitive people I have ever met. They have sold-out to ecumenism, sold-out to promote sinister ministers like Ravi Zacharias and John MacArthur. They have decided to go along with the corrupt religious world, to find their niche and take their slice of the money pie. Bob Jones University is a joke today!

I am not bitter against Harvest, I am disgusted how they have mistreated me as an individual, and continue to do so, because if they'll crap on me (and they have), they'll crap on anybody who is not in their little clique. That is as ungodly as anything in Satan's world of darkness!!! When a so-called “church” sees a man hurting, knowing that he is in bodily and emotional pain (and I have the e-mails to prove they knew, and a prayer list from their church with my name on it from 2014, until they forced me out and gave up on me), and have suffered a divorce (I have it in writing that she refused to reconcile with me), and lost everything in this life, and have done nothing to hurt anyone, they are evildoers!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Here's a short list of famous LGBT Hollywood celebrities: Former California governor Ronald Reagan (Rainbow Ronnie), Robert Reed (Mike, the father on The Brady Bunch), Paul Newman, James Dean, Marlon Brando, Burt Lancaster, Sal Mineo, Sir Ian McKellen, Richard Jaeckel, Steve McQueen, Whoopi Goldberg, Brandon De Wilde, Tony Curtis, Montgomery Clift, Ellen DeGeneres, Neil Patrick Harris, Scissor Sisters, Melissa Etheridge, Sean Hayes, Cynthia Nixon, Arnold Schwarzenegger (featured in gay porn magazines), Lance Bass, and MANY MORE!!!

You've got a lot of actors in Hollywood who will tell you they are not gay, but they act gay in movies, committing acts of homosexuality. I'd say that's VERY gay! At a minimum they are glorifying and approving of sin that Christ died for, which bring the judgments of God (Romans 1:32), which causes God to punish the wicked with vengeance in the fires of Hell for all eternity. Jude 1:7, “Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.” Do you think sin is a trifle matter to God? Do you think God approves of Hollywood actors acting out despicable sins for the world to view and lust upon?

There's a big difference between a person who sins, repents, and is determined not to sin again; verse another person who parades sin, glorifies sin, and acts out sin on camera for the world to see. Is it a sin to pretend to commit a sin? When you are talking about two men making out on camera, yes, absolutely! It is sinful for a man and woman to pretend to have sex on camera. They are naked and touching each other. It is sinful. Cameramen are watching these people lie in bed, fondling each other and kissing each other, recording it all to make a movie. The word “movie” seems to diminish the evil and filthiness, the exceeding sinfulness of it all. Nudity and adultery are sinful.

The Biblical movie “Joseph” (which many Christians have purchased and watched), shows Potiphar's wife's teats on her breasts through a negligee. That's immoral wickedness!!! This is supposed to be a so-called “Christian” film. In real life some woman took her clothes off and allowed her naked body to be filmed, wearing only a thin negligee. The cameramen and producer, and other actors including the man who plays Joseph, all saw her nakedness to make this so-called Christian film. It is evil in the sight of God. The Biblical movie “Matthew” shows a young boy as Herod's henchman kill the children, about 5 years old, standing totally naked from the back. It is wickedness!!! Public nudity is a sin! The Biblical movie “Samson,” shows much more of Delilah than any man should ever see of a woman who is not his wife. It is sensual and of the Devil, labeled as a “Christian” film, promoting pornography. You cannot buy religious films these days because they are all made by pornographers and wicked men and women.

The Passion of Christ is morally decent to watch, but the man who plays Jesus Christ is a bisexual drag-queen in real life. The film promotes the biggest demonic cult in the world, Roman Catholicism, giving emphasis to Mary where the Bible never does. The movie is not made by Christians. Jesus is even presented with a black eye in the film, linking him with the Antichrist.

God will not be mocked; homosexuality brings the judgment of God (Romans 1:24-32; Hebrews 9:27; 10:31). I think Lex Luthor from SUPERMAN had the right idea of nuking the San Andreas fault line and plunging California into the ocean. Goodbye Hollywood and Los Angeles, the porn center of the world!!!

Even so, come quickly, Lord Jesus!

David J. Stewart #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

The ungodly Walt Disney corporation (an Illuminati family) glorifies shacking-up and “relationships” (a key word for fornication). When a woman says she's, “not in a relationship right now,” what she really means is that she is taking a time-out from her whoring around. She is a whore! I say that kindly. She goes from one bum to the next! Any man who would have premarital sex is a bum! Ladies, you can do better than that! You find you a godly man who cares about you enough to put a ring on your finger and commit himself only to you for life, before letting him have the good stuff!

David J. Stewart #racist jesus-is-savior.com

You most likely remember the big hoopla over Time magazine's pick as Person of the Century. The online poll was a battle royale all containing choices of the strange to the outlandish. The real battle though was clearly whether Adolf Hitler would win the poll. And he almost did. But at the last moment a dark horse appeared and, like any good democracy, the polls were stretched and turned end over end to where a satisfactory result appeared that would please the Jewish owners of the magazine. Albert Einstein won the poll and why not? He is Jewish and his alleged abilities have been slavishly celebrated in the media for years. Other than a Martin Luther King anything is better than a "dead white guy" being proclaimed as the most important person of the century.

The "Reverend" Martin Luther King (Communist, plagiarizer, and sexual pervert) certainly met all the requirements for top kosher pick except one; he wasn't Jewish.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

There's virtually NOTHING on the internet about the relation between immodesty and sexual crimes, almost as if it's a taboo subject for the mainstream newsmedia. Sadly, even the churches and Christians are silent. Even if you have a small unknown website, your articles will show up at the top of the search engine if you address the topic that no one else does. You won't find hardly anything connecting sexual sins with television, sexual music and immodest dress on women. Yet these three are the main cause of all the sexual crimes today.

American girls have been taught by television, fashion magazines and by example to wear miniskirts, tights and low-cut blouses. Women are not stupid, they know what lust does to men. Sexual lust corrupts a society. Those women are evil, deliberately arousing men for the fun of doing it, and God will punish them for every man they arouse by dressing and/or behaving like prostitutes. Many people laugh at my moral preaching; but you'll be weeping in bitter tears of regret on Judgment Day, I assure you.

Why is it so hard for people to understand that when girls and women walk around naked and wearing the attire of a harlot, sexual sins and crimes increase? It's not rocket science. Why doesn't anyone talk about these evils in the world today? It's because most people are guilty, or have loved one's who are guilty of dressing lewd in public. Victoria's Secret is no longer a secret, because society has become so promiscuous and filthy that lingerie is no longer a private matter.

Women in public and on TV are clothed in lingerie like they're ready for sex on their wedding night. TV's Late Night talk shows and smutty prime-time sitcoms and programs have corrupted American culture. The U.S. is like a stinking sewer of moral rot, saturated with crawling maggots, dung and the stench of death. We're beyond code blue. America is as a stiff corpse with rigor mortis. Our nation is dead spiritually for God; yet saturated with spirits of demons.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com


The unbiblical Catholic doctrine of celibacy has caused major problems within the Catholic Church. The Roman Catholic church is a cesspool of homosexual perverts and pedophiles. Pedophilia and homosexuality are inseparable (as many as 50% of all Catholic priests are allegedly homosexual). Whereas the average U.S. citizen would spend life in prison for committing the same sexual crimes as literally thousands of Roman Catholic priests, guilty priests are virtually untouchable. Instead the pervert pedophile priests are relocated, sheltered or retired by the Vatican, but hardly ever prosecuted by local authorities as they should be. Satan controls and protects the prisonhouse of perverted pedophile priests in Catholicism!

Sad to say, the Catholic Church is able to hide the grossest of sins (over 12,000 allegations of criminal sexual conduct since 1950). That is alarming!!! There's no difference between Mormonism's Warren Jeffs and the Catholic Pope, who both cover-up the crimes. Why are Catholics so trusting toward their priests, knowing that there's an epidemic of child molesting within the Catholic Church? They are so blinded by religion that they don't even care about their own children. Religion is a dangerous thing. Don't leave your brain at the baptistry! Unbeknownst to most, the Catholic Church was the biggest supporter of Hitler's war machine and the extermination of millions of Jews during WW2.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Wiccans are openly acceptant of sexual sins which are Biblically prohibited. Witchcraft is infamous for sexual rituals and ceremonial nudity. Anton LaVey, founder of the CHURCH OF SATAN, wrote a book called, The Satanic Witch, in which teaches women how to take advantage of men. The book is pure evil and promotes the sins of feminism and sexual immorality. From researching their own writings and websites, witches are well-known for lesbianism, orgies and sexual licentiousness. No wonder they have such an attraction for the Pagan god, Pan (the world's foremost sexual pervert).

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

In principle I actually agree with Jane Fonda's criticism of the war. Declassified government NSA documents in 2005-2006 have evidenced that Vietnam was an illegal war, based upon a big lie. The Golf of Tonkin incident was a false flag terror attack. It never happened! Tragically, 58,000 American soldiers were murdered by criminals in high power decision-making positions of the U.S. government, in a war waged over control of the drug traffic in the Asian area known as The Golden Triangle. The drug-trafficking empire goes back centuries involving China, Turkey and numerous other nations, including the United States since the booze Prohibition Era ended in 1933.

Former Arkansas governor Bill Clinton is a monster, who while in office helped orchestrate $100,000,000 per month of illegal drugs being smuggled through Mena, Arkansas. That is why Bill Clinton was appointed U.S. President, and the Bush family as well. They are all steeped in the drug trade. That is why George Bush Jr. was made governor of Texas, and his older brother John Ellie Bush (aka, “JEB”) was made governor of Florida, two border states that allowed drugs to be trafficked into the United States. Pastor Jerry Falwell even made a video exposing the blatant evil. Truth is stranger than fiction! The average American pastor couldn't care less, and so the dumbed-down churches continue to foolishly support criminals and evil. God pity the stupidity of most pastors today!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

There is NOTHING any more evil than women and young girls walking around public in their underwear. It is unthinkable! What is wrong with people today? It is now considered normal and acceptable to video and take photos for advertisements of young girls wearing only their underwear. If you don't see the harm and evil in this, then you need to get right with God. Young girls ought to wear dresses and culottes, which properly cover the body, teaching them to be chaste and virtuous. I have many places on my women's page where you can obtain such clothing. You have no excuse to dress like a prostitute, feminist hussy, or whore. Most women today scoff and laugh at what I preach, but God is on my side I assure you. What do you think God will say to you on Judgment Day when you give account for your life? Do you think God will overlook the immodesty? Do you really think it's not an issue with God, when He has commanded for all women in 1st Timothy 2:9 to dress in MODEST APPAREL? God cares about the way you dress, I assure you ladies.

Sexual immorality is not a trifle matter with God. Immodest clothing leads to immodest living. It always does. Your immodesty may causes someone else to go sin. You are accountable to God for causing that sin.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The New World Order has overtaken us, taking away our integrity and desire to be truly free, like taking candy from a baby. The Communist, international, globalist, criminals who have taken over our federal government are robbing us of our freedoms under the pretense of security. Most Christian leaders can't deal with the reality of what is happening; so they deny it, pervert the Scriptures to go along to get along, and betray their duty to defend the truth as God's men. The 911-attacks were the initiation, the beginning, of the New World Order. Romans 13 is widely misrepresented. God does not want us to submit to tyranny and ignore crimes.

Toby Keith is a disgrace to America. One of his albums is titled, White Trash With Money. Sadly, tens-of-millions of teenagers want to be white trash just like him. In one song he brags about getting drunk to be somebody; in another song he says that it's the American way to hurt our enemies. There is a lot of brainwashing propaganda in movies and music today.

Taylor Swift is the enemy of God; yet millions of apostate Americans idolize her while she's rolling around on the floor nearly naked on MTV. God hates smut and filth, and so should you. I don't watch TV anymore; it's just too controlled, filthy and agendacized. I have much better things to do with my time, like serving God by helping others.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Below is a photo of the grave where Mark Twain (real name: Samuel Langhorne Clemens) is buried. The world renowned author, Mark Twain, stated, "If there is a God, he is a malign thug." Mr. Twain also said, "Our Bible reveals to us the character of our god with minute and remorseless exactness ... It is perhaps the most damnatory biography that exists in print anywhere. It makes Nero an angel of light — by contrast." Mark Twain was an educated fool, who is now burning in the fires of Hell. I say this with sadness.

Mr. Clemens said, "I cannot see how a man of any large degree of humorous perception can ever be religious -- unless he purposely shut the eyes of his mind & keep them shut by force" Now, I would agree with Twain that religion is the worst thing that ever happened; BUT, Jesus Christ is the Savior, the ONLY way to Heaven. So many people, like Mark Twain, fail to see the truth amidst the lies of religion. The truth is there is people want it, so they are without excuse.

Please read, Is God Unfair to the Heathen?

Do You Believe the Bible?

Benjamin Franklin and Samuel Clemens (Mark Twain) didn't believe the Bible, and scoffed at the Gospel of Jesus Christ. So many people today claim to believe in a divine being, but it is a false god. There is NO God other than the God of the Bible, the Lord Jesus Christ. Woe unto unbelievers, and those who scoff and mock at God. How dare Mark Twain call God a "malign thug." Any man who would dare call God evil is certainly on his way to Hell. No Mr. Twain, it is you who were evil, not God. God is just and righteous. It is we, humanity, who are despicable and filled with all sorts of unrighteousnesses (Jeremiah 17:9; Romans 3:10,23). Our problem is that we demand for God to obey us, instead of we Him. We are created in God's own image (Genesis 1:27), and mustn't strive to RE-CREATE God in man's image instead. We are the creatures, Jesus is the Creator.

David J. Stewart #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

The government punishes married couples in dozens of ways financially for getting married (including at tax-time, those receiving disability benefits, if your spouse receives state care, et cetera). In every state, by law, the government is a legal 3rd party entity in all licensed marriages. Yes, you are also married to the state!

In addition, the feminist LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered) courts these days unfairly crucify men in divorce court. Lesbian judges are common now. Women don't think reasonably when they do men's jobs, because they were created by God to be emotional, submissive and sweet. So instead women become cruel and unjust in men's roles. Men on the other hand were created by God to be decisive, logical and to dominate. Feminism errantly teaches women to recognize a man's natural desire to dominate as being “abusive.” If you have a controlling father or husband, you ought to thank God that he is being the man God created him to be. There's no dog any more territorial than a man.

A man by nature wants to know who, what, where, when, how and why. That's his God-given right over his own wife, children and property. Why do you think Karl Marx (real Jewish name, Mordecai Levi) said that he could sum up Communism with one statement: Abolition of private property! Do you know why? It's because if you don't own any land, then you have no rights over that land or what happens on that land. Land ownership equals rights. Every real man wants to own his own land and be the boss of his property. The divorce rate has skyrocketed in America because of women's rights, because God-ordained masculine authority is viewed by feminists as oppressive. Yet, feminist hypocrites portray women on TV as being authoritative over men, and women who are able to physically over-powering men. It's not reality.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy #quack jesus-is-savior.com

I know firsthand that homeopathic medicine works. It is legitimate. Homeopathic remedies treats the root cause, not the symptoms like Allopathic doctors do (the drug dealing doctors). Most doctors are regulated strictly by the medical industry and big-Pharma companies.

There's trillions of dollars in the cut, burn and poison methods; so they won't make you better in most cases. By keeping you sick, or healing one problem and causing another... they have a lifetime cash-cow to milk. They're just like the greedy and rotten banks who issue credit cards to people, hoping to lure you into debt to the place where you can't get out. Likewise, the big-Pharma companies are greedy and rotten and want to get you to the place where you need monthly medications for the rest of your life. There are over 50 high-blood-pressure medications on the market now, and many of them you cannot stop taking once you start.

Few doctors are going to suggest that you eat a proper diet, or exercise, or drink plenty of pure water to lower your blood-pressure; but they all prescribe drugs, drugs, drugs. It's an evil scam. And those hypocrites swear a solemn Hippocratic oath to help people when they enter the medical profession. What a bunch of liars! If you have diabetes or high-blood-pressure, losing weight and drinking lots of pure water are the surest cure!!!

I never drink fluoridated tap water. I always drink pure water, and cook with pure water, and make my ice cubes with pure water. Fluoride causes weak bones and will rot your teeth, contrary to what scientists say. Good health starts on the inside and rots from the inside.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

If God wanted to reach the world at all costs, then why did He write the Bible in such a harsh manner? I mean, we read about all the people who were slaughtered throughout the Old Testament? The Word of God contains much horror and atrocities, accounts of thousands of children being mass-murdered, etc. The famous writer Mark Twain said, "If there is a God, He is a malign thug." The Bible prevents more people from being saved than anything else, and Jesus said so (John 3:20). The world is diametrically opposed to God. There is NO common denominator, no fellowship between Christ and Belial, between Light and darkness (2nd Corinthians 6:14-17). This is the reason why God doesn't compromise, because it just doesn't work! There will NEVER be any harmony between the righteous and the wicked (Proverb 29:27).

So if God NEVER compromises in order to reach the lost, then it is sinful for us to think we know more than God. John the Baptist didn't impress Herod when he preached against his adultery (Mark 6:18). The Apostle Paul didn't make any friends when he accused the Church at Corinth of having a problem with fornication (1st Corinthians 5:1). The BEST and BIBLICAL method of reaching the lost for Christ is found in 2nd Timothy 4:2, "PREACH THE WORD!" The lost need preaching; not gangsta music.

Not one of the Apostles ever had a musical ministry. God told us to make melodies in our hearts to the Lord. Did you ever stop to think that maybe God would like to hear some music from your own heart, instead of you playing that same prerecorded CD over and over, while idolizing your CCM god. The Contemporary Christian Music industry has been leading young people to bow to Nebuchadnezzar's golden imagine long enough, it's time for professed Christians to refuse to idolize these heathen rock stars (rappers) any longer. Do the Christian thing and burn your Hip Hop garbage.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

A Godless, Global, Communist, Totalitarian, Police State is rising up under the disguise and masquerade of Democracy! Literally, the masses of the world will be deceived and led as cattle to the slaughter. It is already happening today! See, Signs of Satan. What the Devil could not achieve through military conquest and brute force, that is, World Government, he is achieving today through stealth (international trade agreements, the fraud of 'Global Warming,' global banking fraud, the influential ungodly entertainment industry, moral breakdown of society, et cetera).

In Matthew 4:9-10 the Devil offered Jesus fame and fortune if He'd bow to worship and serve him. Jesus quoted the Holy Scriptures to defeat Satan. ...

NOTE: Many people (like Adam Levine of 'MAROON 5') are today taking Satan up on his offer (instead of obeying The Golden Rule to 'do unto others as you'd have them do unto you,' they are selling their soul to Satan), selling their very soul for worldly fame, pleasures and fortune. For his satanic 'ANIMALS' video, Adam Levine was paid $50 million in 2013-2014. Hollywood's boss is Satan. The music industry is controlled by satanic occultists! Many artists today are singing about 'The Illuminati.' The 'Illuminati' refers specifically to the top leaders of the Luciferian conspiracy who are working to bring in THE BEAST system of the coming AntiChrist.

The Luciferian conspiracy exists on earth today, which is visibly at work destroying America, and has continued throughout the civilizations of history, began long ago when Lucifer initiated his rebellion in Heaven against the throne of God (Isaiah 14:12-16 - King James Bible). THE LUCIFERIAN CREED (excellent quotes from the awesome book titled, 'SATAN, PRINCE OF THIS WORLD' by Commander William Guy Carr, 1895-1959). Please read, Taylor Swift And Satanism.

David J. Stewart #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

Women's Rights Are Destroying America!

Feminism, the "right to commit adultery," is an abomination before God!

- Granting women legal rights precipitated a fifty fold increase in the US divorce rate.

- Implementing the "family law act of 1970" caused the divorce rate to jump almost 40% in just one year.

- 21 million Americans died as a direct result of this increased divorce rate, including one million divorce related suicides and one million divorce related homicides in the 20th Century alone.

- 8 million of these deaths were due solely to the 44% increase in the premature mortality rate of the children of divorce.

- Altogether, feminists cost 55,000,000 American Lives in the Twentieth Century.

- Our divorce rate is four times higher than countries like Uzbekistan, Tajikistan, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan--and Afghanistan!

- Feminism, the "right to commit adultery", is an abomination before God!

In the four minutes it will take you to read this page, eighteen more fellow Americans will be divorced, and nine will die as a direct result of that divorce, which means that giving American women legal rights was tantamount to mass genocide. The US Surgeon General reports that divorce is a bigger health risk to men than smoking tobacco. The Centers for Disease Control report that divorce triples the risk of suicide. Twelve different scholarly studies demonstrate that divorce significantly increases the premature mortality of fathers, mothers, and the children of divorce.

Divorce and illegitimacy put almost half of the nation's children in fatherless households where they are up to 73 times more likely to be fatally abused. One child of divorce dies prematurely for each 15 divorces in the US. The increased divorce rate in the US killed 21 million Americans in the 20th Century alone. Each additional one hundred divorces nationwide parallels five additional suicides, ten additional murders, twenty additional rapes, and three hundred more men in prison. The fifty fold increase in the US divorce rate paralleled a ten fold increase in the murder rate and a seventeen fold increase in the incarceration rate.

Divorce contributed to the increase in the percent of US managers and administrators who are women from 19% to 43%, which decreased the purchasing power of the average American family by two thirds. It caused a $7 trillion increase education spending at the same time that SAT Scores decreased 98 points, putting the US DEAD LAST in TIMSS. It contributed to the US having the industrial world's only negative Personal Savings rate, reducing the net worth of the average American household to a negative $77,000 each. It contributed to our record high personal and corporate bankruptcy filings.

Worldwide, each additional one hundred divorces parallels two additional suicides, one additional murder, six additional rapes, thirty three additional armed robberies, and puts one hundred more men in prison.

Feminism, the "right to commit adultery", the unwarranted demand for legal rights for women, the root cause of divorce, an abomination before God, must be outlawed and female criminals must be punished. Blind dumb feminists cannot point to one single economic or social statistic with pride and say "It was all worth it".

David J. Stewart #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

Women are to dress in MODEST apparel. The word “modest” means “of good behavior.” In other words, one's clothing is reflective of one's behavior. A slut dresses like a slut and a man ought not trust her with anything. A virtuous women shows herself to have morals, decency and character by wearing a long dress. In today's weak-kneed society, a woman who wears a dress shows that she is willing to go against the feminist trend of our time, stand alone, and be herself as a self-respecting individual. That takes a real woman!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Human footprints are found alongside dinosaur footprints in the rock formations of the Paluxy riverbed in Texas. This obviously shows that man and dinosaurs lived at the same time and the same place. But evolutionists claim that dinosaurs became extinct about 30 million years before `man` supposedly began to `evolve`.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The Bible teaches that children ought not be punished for the sins of the parents. Neither ought parents be punished for the sins of their adult children. Ezekiel 18:20, “The soul that sinneth, it shall die. The son shall not bear the iniquity of the father, neither shall the father bear the iniquity of the son: the righteousness of the righteous shall be upon him, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon him.” Adult children have their own free will from God. Whether they live for God and do right is solely their decision, which will largely be affected by the company they choose to keep. Wrong friends is a sure recipe for destruction! This is why attendance in a good Bible-believing church is so important, where you are likely to make godly friends. Only attend a church that exclusively uses the King James Bible. Only attend a church that teaches the simple Gospel, that is, the Biblical truth that a person is saved by admitting they are a sinner and believing the Gospel, apart from all works. Turning from sinful behavior, following Christ, surrender all to Jesus, inviting Jesus into your life, or any other type of self-righteous works for salvation, is not the Gospel, and is of the Devil. Run from such false churches!

The Bible teaches us to “honor” our parents. It is one of God's Ten Commandments to humanity (Exodus 20). To “honor” means “to value” them. It means to place emphasis upon the good and not the bad in our parents. It means to cover their past mistakes if they were Christian parents, protecting their name. Proverbs 10:12, “Hatred stirreth up strifes: but love covereth all sins.” Self-righteous children want to broadcast to the whole world the sins and failures of their imperfect parents, while failing to understand that they are just as sinful in God's eyes (James 2:10; Romans 2:1; Romans 3:10-23; Matthew 7:1-5; James 4:12).

David J. Stewart #racist jesus-is-savior.com

The ghetto-style music that is popular across America today is demonic. It is shameful what goes on in the slum-lord, section 8, crack-houses in ghettos and depraved housing projects across America. There was a K-mart commercial the other day on TV that showed African-American children on a school bus singing rap songs. It sounded like the ghetto. The ad was for back-to-school supplies. It is a shame that children are encouraged by the corporations to sing that kind of gang-land style, pimp-music that is associated with street gangs, prisons, violence, illegal drugs, pushers and prostitution in every ghetto project across the United States. Rap music is of the Devil. It is saturated with sinful pride, sensuality and a horrible bad attitude toward proper authority. It is worldly in every manner.

Sadly, poverty and crime co-exist. The answer is not more affirmative action in government, forcing companies to hire unqualified workers simply because of their race or gender. The city of San Francisco is required by law to hire at least 20% homosexuals, gays, lesbians and transgendered workers. It's wickedness. Christians don't receive any such special treatment. Truly, we are living in sordid times that are WORSE THAN SODOM AND GOMORRAH!!!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The worst gangsters of the early 1900's and the 20th century weren't Pretty Boy Floyd, Baby Face Nelson, Bonnie Parker and Clyde Barrow, Al Capone and John Dillinger; they were the Rothschild's, of Europe, Lazard Freres (Eugene Meyer), Israel Sieff, Kuhn Loeb Company, Warburg Company, Lehman Brothers, Goldman Sachs, the Rockefeller family, Federal Reserve officials and the J.P. Morgan interests. These were the cutthroat villains behind the Federal Reserve Scam of 1913.

You'll never learn any of this in a Communist public school, nor a heathen State university. I am telling you the truth. You can read much more in William Guy Carr's eye-opening book, Pawns in the Game. See my webpage, Root of All Evil.

And as you might imagine, the descendants of these early criminal gangsters, otherwise recognized as the International Banking Cartel, are the Banksters of today's organized criminal underworld. Worldwide fans of the historical era still idolize the early gangsters; such as Al Capone and Bugsy Malone; but the gangsters of the Roaring Twenties were nothing but a big Cover-up for the real gangsters who made their debut in 1913.

It was the criminal banking cartel who met in Jekyll Island, Georgia in 1913 to imagine and devise an evil work, who have wreaked havoc upon the United States, looting and bankrupting our economy, and causing tens-of-millions of American citizens to lose their homes and end up on government welfare. As I type, 40,000,000 Americans are receiving government Food Stamps. Hasn't anyone stopped to realize that it was treason for our government leaders to allow American corporations to relocate tens-of-millions of U.S. jobs to foreign soil? And now no one can find a decent job. If that's not bad enough, Americans are now competing with illegal immigrants for the minimum wage jobs that are left.

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

As much as the newsmedia exploits sexual crimes to boost ratings, you'd think that they'd tell the truth about WHY there's so much sexual crimes these days. Do you know why they won't tell the truth? It's because everyone's guilty nowadays of causing the epidemic of sexual sins and crimes in the United States. The miniskirt-wearing-slut reading the teleprompter on the evening news IS THE PROBLEM. How many little girls have been molested after some drunken family member saw some sleazy whore on television? TV is synonymous with sexual crimes. American society is IN DENIAL. No one wants to admit that we cursed ourselves as a nation by taking the Bible away from the classrooms.

No one wants to admit that girls and women who dress immodestly cause sexual sins. These hellish videos are MUCH worse than immodestly dressed women. Stephen Tyler's video CRAZY is far worse than immodesty. It's sexually explicit! The cameras focus just right on every sensual move, catching Liv Tyler's buttocks just right as she bends over and invites men to have sex with her. The underaged teenage girl coming out the high school window didn't accidentally catch her dress on the window. The perverts who made the video made sure to lift her miniskirt. They made sure to have her panties and rear-end right there in the camera to be filmed. They planned it that way!

Those sexual degenerates made that video to arouse people! It's part of the deliberate, Illuminati, Communist, subversion of America. They think it's funny! They think it's good clean fun; but it's the root cause of Amber's alert and little children being sexually abused and killed. What trashy perverts! I sometimes feel like I'm the only man in America who gets angry over this filth. It's all around us everywhere we go. I know there are other men who are angry over the wickedness of our time, but few are voicing their opinions publicly. God told Elijah that He had 7,000 men who hadn't bowed a knee to Baal (1st Kings 19:18). Yet, Elijah felt like he was standing alone because he didn't know those other men. Every Christian should speak up and speak out! I think a lot of people figure what's the use, we'll never change anything! That's not why we preach and take a stand! We take a stand and preach because GOD TELLS US TO AS HIS CHILDREN!!!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

If multiple U.S. Presidents, dressed in the finest clothing, delivering the finest speeches, and possessing the finest public ethics, were child-raping pedophiles; then who can you trust? There's a reason why a giant obelisk (penis) is America's symbol in Washington D.C.! Freemasonry is a sex-perverted religion, closely associated with Mormonism and Judaism. King's Nebuchadnezzar's golden image was an obelisk (the same exact 10-to-1 ratio of the Washington Monument). The obelisk has always represented the male organ and sexuality in the occult.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Something hurtful happened to me the other day. I rarely bring my pedal steel guitar to the beach, but decided to bring it this day to the beach. I set it in the grass before the sand. It's about 500 feet from my car to the area where I was going to perform for free. I love sharing my music and letting the kids try to play the guitar. They learn something new. I always bring a bag full of Gospels of John to give away to others. I have a little portable 2-wheel dolly that I store in my car.

I had my $700 Fender Princeton Reverb amplifier and a milk crate with items inside, like my volume pedal and instrument cables. I tried to roll them both on the dolly over some tree roots, but it all fell over on the ground. My $700 amplifier hit the ground pretty hard but seemed ok. I stacked everything back onto the dolly and started to roll again, but it all fell over again and my amp hit the ground hard again. I heard a group of people burst out in laughter the second time everything fell. I looked right at them and they were starring at me. They were a family having a barbeque.

I walked by and told them that they shouldn't laugh when someone falls down. I quoted the Scripture about doing unto others as you'd have them do unto you. I quoted the Scripture which says if you've done it unto the least of these My brethren, then you've done it unto me. I walked away. I forgot something in the car and went back to get it. As I walked by they were laughing at me, mocking me. I forgot something else and went back again, and I heard them laughing at me again, mocking me. I was so mad and trying to keep my composure. I looked at them. I was so mad.

I grabbed my bag of Bibles and walked right up to their group. I kindly said, “Could I please give you some Gospels of John?” To my surprise they accepted them, but others wouldn't. So I left 4 laying on their portable table. There were about 20 of them, several adults and their children. I passed out about 10 Bibles. I said, “I didn't mean to snap at you before. It's just that nobody likes to be laughed at when they fall down. I know you weren't trying to be mean by laughing. God bless, have a good day” and then I kindly left. I diffused the situation. I overcame evil with good. I don't always do the right thing like that (I wish I did), but I sure want to do better and better with the Lord's help.

Trust The Lord To Avenge, Knowing That God Sees When People Mistreat Us

I love the following passage of Scripture. King David had commit adultery and murder. One of David's subjects and enemies, ran alongside David casting dirt and stones at him, willing to die he was so angry. One of David's men offers to kill the man. But David said to leave him alone. David reasoned that perhaps God would later bless him, seeing that this man had cursed David...

2nd Samuel 16:11-13, “And David said to Abishai, and to all his servants, Behold, my son, which came forth of my bowels, seeketh my life: how much more now may this Benjamite do it? let him alone, and let him curse; for the LORD hath bidden him. It may be that the LORD will look on mine affliction, and that the LORD will requite me good for his cursing this day. And as David and his men went by the way, Shimei went along on the hill's side over against him, and cursed as he went, and threw stones at him, and cast dust.”

I often think about this passage of Scripture when people are abusive, mean and rotten toward me. I know that God sees their evil toward me. God sees their hatred. God sees their jealousy, God sees their hypocrisy. God sees their wickedness. And so I leave the matter alone, trusting the Lord to avenge me as He promised in Romans 12:19, and believing that perhaps God may bless me in His wondrous mercy, in repayment for the unkindness, cruelty and cursing of my enemies. That is exactly what the Bible teaches here. If we avenge ourselves and try to get back at others, hurt them and attack them, then God won't do anything.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Most people have no idea just how ethical God is, and how much He does care, and the extent to which He thinks about other's well-being. I love listening to the Bible on DVD. When I bought the Bible on DVD, read aloud by Alexander Scourby, I began to hear and learn things that I had never noticed by reading the King James Bible. There's just something special about HEARING the Bible being read aloud. Does not Romans 10:17 say that faith cometh by HEARING!!! Yes, indeed it does! If you don't already have the King James Bible on DVD, please get it and listen to the Bible being read regularly. You will be blessed so much as I have.

A Christian woman who cares about morality will wear modest clothing. Women who dress like prostitutes in mini-skirts, halter-tops, open-blouses and tight clothing... don't care about causing lust, ruining families, displeasing God, nor being judged in eternity for their wickedness. They don't have any faith in God. They don't fear God, just as Romans 3:18 says most people don't. They don't care because they don't believe. If we have faith that there's a real God in Heaven, Who is keeping track of every decision that we make, and we'll have to give account one day for those decisions, then we're going to care about the things which we say and do (Romans 14:10-12).

It is so important that you care because everything else depends on it... how you treat yourself, your family, your neighbors, et cetera. A woman dresses modestly because she CARES. A mother doesn't abort her baby because she CARES. No caring woman kills her own flesh and blood. CARING is everything in life. A small handful of Washington D.C. politicians actually do the honest thing because they CARES (Dr. Ron Paul is one of them). Ron Paul CARES!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Trump's mission is to make fake Zionist Israel great again, not America. Without great churches our nation is doomed! God will not bless an ungodly nation! Check out some of the epidemic of homelessness videos in California. Where is Trump's "great" America? Globalists have admittedly hurt the United States to benefit globalism, benefiting themselves and corporate CEO's financially. America will never be “great” as long as we have this type of poverty in our our backyard...



Mr. Obama did so much damage that the Illuminati needed to give Americans a break, so now the churches are praising Trump like a savior, but he is just damage control, preparing the way for the next Illuminati stooge. Trump is merely doing his job for the Luciferian elite, and no more, or they'd kill him in broad daylight like they did President John F. Kennedy (admittedly murdered by the CIA). Trump won't change anything for the better in the long-run. On the back of every U.S. one-dollar bill, it says in Latin, “New Order of The Ages.” ...


Sadly, many Christians today are woefully naive of what this means, and in their woeful ignorance they support New World Order modern Bible versions, fake manmade Israel, ungodly U.S. presidents who carry out the agendas of the Illuminati, et cetera. When you try to warn them, they criticize you and don't want to hear it. And so they are deceived by the Devil, inviting the Devil right into their churches and unknowingly supporting the NWO.

Anyway, I could go on and on. I don't trust Mr. Trump. I am not sure if he is trying to sway public opinion against conservatives, to me that seems unlikely. Like I said, I am not too up to par on what Trump has been doing, but I did notice that he is signing off on a $1,000,000,000,000 Omnibus spending bill, which is exactly what I predicted before he was even elected. You see, since 1913 when the criminal fraud called the “Federal Reserve Act” was shadily passed over a Christmas weekend, when most members of congress were absent (kind of like the Pharisees calling an emergency midnight meeting to condemn the Lord Jesus Christ), the PRIVATE evil families who own the Federal Reserve have been creating wars and all sorts of fraudulent ways (bogus school loans, welfare handouts, wasteful government spending) to make massive financial profits from their new money machine. The Federal Reserve Act is also known as “fractional banking,” which basically allows the government to spend 10 times more money, with only a fraction (10%) of gold on reserve. Of course, President Richard Nixon totally took us off the gold standard, so now our money is worthless, literally.

The banks started World War I and World War II, and made trillions of dollars!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Out of Eden is a Hip-hop/ R&B/Gospel group of soul sisters who are actually sisters! Lisa Kimmey, Andrea Kimmey-Baca, and Danielle Kimmey. I think a more appropriate name for their group would be "OUT OF HELL." These women are imposters, exploiting the name of Jesus to make a fast buck. It is sad, and a clear sign of the apostate condition of America, when professed "Christians" act, dress, and sing just like the unsaved world. The idea that you can put improved lyrics to Satanic music, and then label it as "Christian" is wrong.

Also, look how these women are immodestly dressed. And who stands like that? The woman in the middle looks like she's having a problem or something. She looks like she needs a doctor. I'm not trying to be unkind, I am trying to make a good point—these so-called "Christian" women look and sing like heathens! The Bible, God's Word, states in no uncertain terms that we are to be separated from the Christ-rejecting world, "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? and what communion hath light with darkness? ... Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you" (2nd Corinthians 6:14,17).

Their songs have been used in many screen productions such as Eddie Murphy's "Dr. Doolittle," Christina Aguilera's Diary (a lesbian whore), and The Chris Rock Show. This is evidence enough of their worldly status. They also appeared on the primetime UPN show Moesha (starring Brandy) and have been featured in several major magazine features and cover stories. In the photo to the right, the two sisters on each end are sitting like tramps.

Is this how a Christian woman should sit, like dogs? Don't get mad at me, I have 2 dogs and that's how they sit. These girls are bad news, serving the Devil, and ought to be ashamed of themselves for posing in such a lewd and unladylike manner. It's not just marketing tactics—nudity and sexual advertising are demonic! Clearly, this album cover is sexually suggestive. It's disgusting in the name of morality!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) and Drugs

What a joke that Senator John Kerry (a lifetime Skull and Bones occult member) led an investigation into the CIA's involvement in illegal drug-smuggling. That's like the wolf investigating the disappearance of chickens from the hen house. 'Com on! What a whitewash! Not all Americans are stupid. It is tragic that so many MILLIONS of U.S. families have been torn apart and destroyed by illegal drugs, that many of our own U.S. government, military and law enforcement officials orchestrated. God sees the blatant evil and no one will get away with anything (Matthew 12:36).

Few people know that it was Wall Street attorneys and bankers who created the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) during Harry Truman's presidency, as a mean of subverting America and achieving a New World Order. Secret societies have been at work shaping and ruling on behalf of Satan for millenniums. Few Americans ever learn the shocking reality that America was founded by Freemasons as a vehicle by which to create World Government. There is plenty of historical evidence to substantiate this truth. One year before the Revolutionary War of 1776, Adam Weishaupt (1748-1830) started his “Illuminati” secret society and laid out an elaborate blueprint for World Takeover. Karl Marx (1818-1883) basically reiterated Weishaupt's plot in his Communist Manifesto in 1848. Please watch the film, “America's Secret Destiny” by Investigative Author Ralph A. Epperson.

Even Russia asked in 2010 that the Afghanistan's poppy fields be destroyed, because 30,000 Russians are dying every year from Heroine-related deaths. NATO said no . . .

There Is No War On Drugs!

NATO won’t destroy Afghan poppy fields

The Oxycontin Express — The Full Documentary
(50 Florida doctors prescribed over 9,000,000 Oxycodone pills in the last 6 months of 2008. Please note that the preceding YouTube video keeps getting censored, because it indicts Florida's former governor, Jeb Bush!!!)

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Creation Science was the prevailing belief system before the rise of geology in the late 18th Century. The early European scientists, from Galileo, to Copernicus, to Newton, all believed in a literal interpretation of the Bible's account of Creation. Historians have made many estimates for the date of creation, including 3761, 3928, 4004, and 4456 BCE. The most generally accepted date was established by Bishop Ussher: 4004-OCT-22 BCE.

With the rise of the scientific intelligencia, and the woeful apostasy of modern times, the ridiculous THEORIES of the origin of the universe have been used by Satan as a Trojan Horse for many other sins.

Karl Marx, Communism, Nazism, Darwinism, and the Public School System

Such Communistic, anti-family, anti-God, anti-country, thinking was nothing new for Chisholm's time. It was Karl Marx in 1848 who called for a public school system in the 10th plank of his Communist Manifesto! The purpose of a public school system was to enable the occult powers that be to brainwash children, to further their diabolical plot...

Karl Marx (1818-1883) was a German of Jewish descent. He was expelled from Germany, and afterwards from France, for his revolutionary activities. He was given asylum in England. In 1948 he published the Communist Manifesto. Marx admitted this long range plan , to turn the world into an International of Soviet Socialist Republics, may take centuries to accomplish.

SOURCE: PAWNS IN THE GAME; chapter one, page 4; by William Guy Carr; 1958.

America is largely Communist today and the average person doesn't even realize it. Wake up America!

An undeniable connection exists between Evolution and Communism. With communism the struggle of "race" is replaced by the struggle of "class" as history is viewed as an evolutionary struggle. Both Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels were Evolutionists before they encountered Darwin's The Origin of Species (Dec 12, 1859).

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