
David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

• Americans have killed our unborn and called it choice.
• Americans have tolerated drunkenness and called it a disease instead of a sin.
• Americans have exploited the poor and called it the lottery.
• Americans have embraced homosexuality and called is an alternative lifestyle.
• Americans have rewarded laziness and called it welfare.
• Americans have taught children fraudulent evolution and called it solid education.
• Americans have murdered over one million innocent Iraqis and called it the peace effort.
• Americans have taught our daughters to dress like prostitutes and called it fashion.
• Americans have neglected to discipline our children and called it building self-esteem.
• Americans have abused power and called it politics.
• Americans have committed idolatry and called it entertainment.
• Americans have bowed in idolatrous worship of graven images (The Blessed Virgin Mary), calling it truth.
• Americans have ignored criminal insider trading by Congress, calling it soft corruption.
• Americans have stolen from each other and called it business.
• Americans have coveted their neighbor's possessions and called it ambition.
• Americans have polluted the air with profanity and called it free speech.
• Americans have produced and indulged in pornography and called it freedom of expression.
• Americans have denied the inspiration of the Bible and called it scholarship.

Why should God bless America?

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The 2nd remotely controlled plane just before it crashes into the WTC. Notice the odd shape under the fuselage, at the level of the wings.

Was the strange attachment on the plane actually an extra fuel tank filled with gasoline, for creating a big fire and huge media show? Such tanks can be seen on many army aircrafts, but have never been seen on a Boeing 767 which normally has no fittings (so called "hard points") to fix such a tank to... The tank could also have been a pod from which a missile was fired...

How come a plane could have taken off without anyone noticing the odd extra tank/pod? How probable is it some foreign hijackers "customized" a Boeing 767 in this way for their purpose?

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Even bally dancing is sinful, VERY SINFUL, because the women dance in their underwear, giving explicit views of their body. Those women who dance while skating are filthy. It is offensive to God. Bally Dancing is sexually arousing and; therefore, extremely sinful. The same people who scoff at my preaching are the same people who have no problem with abortion, divorce, nor fornication.

Tragically, most cheerleaders are dressed sinfully and often perform sexually suggestive dances while cheerleading. Although seemingly harmless to most people, it is such indecent practices as immodest cheerleading that corrupts societies' morals and leads to more sexual crimes.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

If the Archaeopteryx specimens really are genuine, there are several reasons why Archaeopteryx can be considered to be a bird and not a reptile:

1 - Scientists say it is only a bird and not a transitional species. It is significant that a special scientific meeting was held in 1982, a year before the furor over the Hoyle-Watkins declarations that Archaeopteryx was a hoax (which we will discuss shortly). The International Archaeopteryx Conference was held in Eichstatt, Germany, not far from the limestone deposits where all the specimens were originally found. At this meeting, it was decided by the evolutionists that Archaeopteryx is a "bird" and not a reptile, or half-bird/half-reptile. It was also decided that Archaeopteryx was not necessarily the ancestor of modern birds.

Therefore, the scientific community now officially declares Archaeopteryx to be, not a transitional species, but only a bird!

2 - How could scales turn into feathers? Although zealous evolutionists have always claimed that this creature is a descendant of the reptiles and the ancestor of the birds, yet they do not explain how the scales on a reptile can change into feathers.

3 - Bones like a bird. Archaeopteryx is said to have thin, hollow wing and leg bones—such as a bird has.

4 - Not earlier than birds. Archaeopteryx does not predate birds, because fossils of other birds have been found in rocks of the same period (the Jurassic) in which Archaeopteryx was found.

5 - It has modern bird feathers. The feathers on Archaeopteryx appear identical to modern feathers.

"But in Archaeopteryx, it is to be noted, the feathers differ in no way from the most perfectly developed feathers known to us."—*A. Feduccia and *H.B. Tordoff, in Science 203 (1979), p. 1020.

6 - No intermediate feathers ever found. Transition from scales to feathers would require many intermediate steps, but none have ever been found.

7 - Well-developed wings. The wings of Archaeopteryx were well-developed, and the bird probably could fly well.

8 - Wings designed for flight. The feathers of Archaeopteryx are asymmetrical, that is the shaft does not have the same amount of feathers on both sides. This is the way feathers on flying birds are designed. In contrast, feathers on ostriches, rheas, and other flightless birds, or poor flyers (such as chickens) have fairly symmetrical feathers.

"The significance of asymmetrical feathers is that they indicate the capability of flying; non-flying birds such as the ostrich and emu have symmetrical [feathered] wings."—*E. Olson and *A. Feduccia, "Flight Capability and the Pectoral Girdle of Archaeopteryx," Nature (1979), p. 248.

9 - No prior transitions. There ought to be transitional species from reptile to Archaeopteryx, but this is not the case. It cannot be a connecting link between reptile and bird, for there are no transitions to bridge the immense gap leading from it to the reptile. It has fully developed bird wing-bones and flight feathers.

10 - Bird-like in most respects. Archaeopteryx gives evidence of being a regular bird in every way, except that it differs in certain features: (1) the lack of a sternum, (2) three digits on its wings, and (3) a reptile-like head, but there are explanations for all three points. Here they are:

[a] - Lack of a sternum. Archaeopteryx had no sternum, but although the wings of some birds today attach to the sternum, others attach to the furcula (wishbone). Archaeopteryx had a large furcula, so this would be no problem.

"It is obvious that Archaeopteryx was very much a bird, equipped with a bird-like skull, perching feet, wings, feathers, and a furcula, wish-bone. No other animal except birds possess feathers and a furcula."—Duane Gish, Evolution: the Challenge of the Fossil Record (1985), p. 112.

- Digits on its wings. Archaeopteryx had three digits on its "wings." Other dinosaurs have this also, but so do a few modern birds. Modern birds with wing claws include the hoatzin (Oplsthocomus hoatzin), a South American bird, which has two wing claws in its juvenile stage. In addition, it is a poor flyer, with an amazingly small sternum—such as Archaeopteryx had. The touraco (Touraco corythaix), an African bird, has claws and the adult is also a poor flyer. The ostrich has three claws on each wing. Their claws appear even more reptilian than those of Archaeopteryx.

[c] - The shape of its skull. It has been said that the skull of Archaeopteryx appears more like a reptile than a bird, but investigation by Benton says the head is shaped more like a bird.

"It has been claimed that the skull of Archaeopteryx was reptile-like, rather than bird-like. Recently, however, the cranium of the ‘London’ specimen has been removed from its limestone slab by Whetstone. Studies have shown that the skull is much broader and more bird-like than previously thought. This has led Benton to state that ‘Details of the braincase and associated bones at the back of the skull seem to suggest that Archaeopteryx is not the ancestral bird."—*Duane Gish, Evolution: the Challenge of the Fossil Record (1985), pp. 112-113.

"Most authorities have admitted that Archaeopteryx was a bird because of the clear imprint of feathers in the fossil remains. The zoological definition of a bird is: ‘A vertebrate with feathers.’ Recently, Dr. James Jenson, paleontologist at Brigham Young University, discovered in western Colorado the fossil remains of a bird thought to be as old as Archaeopteryx but much more modern in form. This would seem to give the death knell to any possible use of Archaeopteryx by evolutionists as a transitional form."—Marvin Lubenow, "Report on the Racine Debate," in Decade of Creation (1981), p. 65.

11 - Ornithologist agrees. *F.E. Beddard, in his important scientific book on birds, maintained that Archaeopteryx was a bird; and, as such, it presented the same problem as all other birds: How could it have evolved from reptiles since there is such a big gap (the wing and feather gap) between the two.

"So emphatically were all these creature birds that the actual origin of Aves is barely hinted at in the structure of these remarkable remains."—*F.E. Beddard, The Structure and Classification of Birds (1898), p. 160.

12 - Other birds had teeth. It may seem unusual for Archaeopteryx to have had teeth, but there are several other extinct birds that also had teeth.

"However, other extinct ancient birds had teeth, and every other category of vertebrates contains some organisms with teeth, and some without (amphibians, reptiles, extinct birds, mammals, etc.)."—*P. Moody, Introduction to Evolution (1970), pp. 196-197.

13 - Could be a unique bird. Archaeopteryx could well be a unique creature, just as the duckbilled platypus is unique. The Archaeopteryx has wings like a bird and a head similar to a lizard, but with teeth. There are a number of unique plants and animals in the world which, in several ways, are totally unlike anything else.

The platypus is an animal with a bill like a duck and has fur, but lays eggs; in spite of its egg-laying, it is a mammal and nurses its young with milk and chews its food with plates instead of with teeth. The male has a hollow claw on its hind foot that it uses to scratch and poison its enemies; it has claws like a mole; but, like a duck, it has webs between its toes. It uses sonar underwater.

The platypus is definitely far stranger than the Archaeopteryx, and there are no transitional half-platypus creatures linking it to any other species.

14 - Totally unique. Regarding the Archaeopteryx, *Romer, the well-known paleontologist, said this::

"This Jurassic bird [Archaeopteryx] stands in splendid isolation; we know no more of its presume thecodont ancestry nor of its relation to later ‘proper’ birds than before."—*A.S. Romer, Notes and Comments on Vertebrate Paleontology (19M), p. 144.

From his own study, *Swinton, an expert on birds and a confirmed evolutionist, has concluded:

"The origin of birds is largely a matter of deduction. There is no fossil evidence of the stages through which the remarkable change from reptile to bird was achieved."—*W.E. Swinton, Biology and Comparative Physiology of Birds, Vol. 1 (1980), p. 1.

Other scientists agree. Here is an important statement by *Ostrom:

"It is obvious that we must now look for the ancestors of flying birds in a period of time much older than that in which Archaeopteryx lived."—*J. Ostrom, Science News 112 (1977), p. 198.

"Unfortunately, the greater part of the fundamental types in the animal realm are disconnected [from each other] from a paleontological point of view. In spite of the fact that it is undeniably related to the two classes of reptiles and birds (a relation which the anatomy and physiology of actually living specimens demonstrates), we are not even authorized to consider the exceptional case of the Archaeopteryx as a true link. By link, we mean a necessary stage of transition between classes such as reptiles and birds, or between smaller groups. An animal displaying characters belonging to two different groups cannot be treated as a true link as long as the intermediate stages have not been found, and as long as the mechanisms of transition remain unknown."—*L. du Nouy, Human Destiny (1947), p. 58.

ARCHAEOPTERYX—That name surely sounds scientific. But it covers, what many scientists consider to be, yet another contrived hoax. Notice how carefully each "feather" is separated from the one next to it. None overlay others, as would occur if the bird was pressed flat by natural conditions. Instead, the artist carefully scratched out separated "feathers."

15 - Modern birds in same strata. Bones of modern birds have been found in Colorado in the same geologic rock strata—the Jurassic—in which archaeopteryx was found (Science 199, January 20, 1978). According to evolutionary theory, this cannot be; for millions of years ought to be required for Archaeopteryx to change into a regular bird. If it was alive at the same time as modern birds, how can it be their ancient ancestor? Birds have also been found in the Jurassic limestone beds of by researchers in Utah.

16 - Modern birds below it! Not only do we find modern birds in the same strata with Archaeopteryx,—but we also find birds below it!

"Perhaps the final argument against Archaeopteryx as a transitional form has come from a rock quarry in Texas. Here scientists from Texas Tech University found bird bones encased in rock layers farther down the geologic column than Archaeopteryx fossils."—Richard Bliss, Origins: Creation or Evolution? (1988), p. 46 [also see Nature 322, August 21, 1986; Science 253, July 5, 1991].

No bird bones of any type have been found below the late Jurassic; but, within the Jurassic, they have been found in strata with Archaeopteryx, and now below it: Two crow-sized birds were discovered in the Triassic Dockum Formation in Texas. Because of the strata they were located in, those birds would, according to evolutionary theory, be 75 million years older than Archaeopteryx. More information on this Texas discovery can be found in *Nature, 322 (1986), p. 677.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Until Hell freezes over, I'll never stop hollering the truth... 911 WAS AN INSIDE JOB!!!

If you don't like that, then get your heart right with God. There's nothing more despicable and nauseating that to see Christians supporting illegal wars, Communist tyranny and blatant massive crimes.

Although a new poll in 2006 showed that 36% of Americans now believe that 911 was an inside job, most still do not. The reason why most Americans won't believe that 911 was an inside job is very simply because they can't believe anyone could be so evil to do such a thing. Could the Bush Administration be so evil as to kill 3,000 innocent working people? Could Vice President Dick Cheney and President George W. Bush be so evil that they willingly murdered hundreds of firefighters? After researching the evidence you won't be able to conclude anything else, I assure you.

Do you think it was mere coincidence that President George W. Bush's younger Brother, Marvin Bush, was placed on the executive board of the electronics security company that oversaw Trade Tower security for the 2-years leading up to the 9/11 attacks? Coincidence? The chances are one-in-a-million!!!

How did 2 planes bring down 3 buildings? No plane ever struck WTC building 7, yet it imploded to the ground in 6.5 seconds. Why did all 3 buildings fall at the rate of gravity? You don't need to figure out the science, because over 1,500 architects and engineers have already done so, and are in support of the truth that 911 WAS AN INSIDE JOB!!!

Granted, it is very hard to grasp the truth that our nation's highest leaders attend a Bohemian Grove meeting every year just north of San Francisco, where a homosexual staff services the moguls, and corporate executives and national leaders worship a 40-foot owl in a satanic ceremony, offering up a mock human being for sacrifice. Believe it my friend, because it is true!!!

Members of the club have said it's just a bunch of old guys having some fun. Normal people don't worship a 40-foot owl and burn human sacrifices to have fun!!! Listen to a clip from the Cremation of Care ceremony (MP3) and tell me with a straight face that this is not satanic. I tell you, Bohemian Grove is of the Devil. Every year, witches and warlocks are drawn to the Luciferian event. They gather outside of the grove and dance, pray to Satan, dance to the beat of a tom-tom, and summons demons to the grove. It's a fiesta of occult activity, attracting voodooists, eastern mystics, witches and all sorts of idolatrous demon-worshippers.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

'O Christmas Tree' is no better than 'Sympathy For The Devil' by The Rolling Stones. Either way, God is being robbed of praise that He is rightfully due from mankind. Most of our American culture today is anti-God and anti-Christianity. I'll get to the blasphemous term X-MAS in a moment. We spit on God as a nation. I pray for God to punish our nation. We deserve a Police State, for being complacent and tolerating sin. That's why people tolerate government tyranny, that is, because their foolish hearts have been darkened by Satan.

If people don't care about the sin of abortion, and they don't care about the sin of homosexuality, and they don't care about the evil public schools, and they don't care about the evils of drunkenness; then pray tell me, what makes you think that they'll care ABOUT ANYTHING ELSE??? It's not that hard to figure out! People don't care anymore! People who don't care about God won't care about their fellow mankind either. Until people start caring about morality, then they won't care about liberty nor freedom either. Americans have been lulled into a semi-unconscious state of psychosis.

Blasphemy is anything which mocks, speak evil of, or attempts to replace God. This song is so evil, attempting to substitute the true meaning of Christ in Christmas with a worldly message of pleasure, self-fulfillment and baseless joy. It's absolutely sickening. I wanted to vomit as I listened to the cast of Glee sing this song. I mean, the Bible proclaims that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, and to day, and forever (Hebrews 13:8); not a lousy Christmas tree! It's blasphemy to attribute such omnipotence to a Christmas tree.

Leon Kilkenny #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Sixth explosion of hydrogen bomb took place in Indonesia on Dec. 26, 2004

On the day after CHRIST MASS, the Death's Head Jesuit General in the Vatican ordered the Pentagon to temporarily suspend the ecumenical movement and send a Christ MASS present to the Moslems in Indonesia. Traditionally Satan; I mean Santa, is supposed to arrive via AIR....This time he arrived by sea bringing DEATH and Destruction to hundreds of thousands of unbelievers.

The nuke or nukes were planted by the Pentagon Navy in the Sumatran Trench off the coast of Indonesia.

The TIMING of this event is the clue to Rome's involvement.

All the great Inquisitions of history began around CHRIST MASS time. Charlemagne, the unholy Roman Emperor was crowned on CHRIST MASS Day in the year 800. Soon after, terror came from the sea to the British Isles in the form of Viking longships.

All of the Vatican "holy" years or Jubilees began on Christ Mass Day.

The Soviet Union was officially dissolved by Jesuit Gorbechev on Christ Mass Day 1991.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Christmas is the most hypocritical time of the year for most people. Everywhere we go in America, we are bombarded with Christmas music. As I was standing in line the other day at a grocery store, I was disgusted by a particular song... "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year." My first thought was about all the aborted babies, MURDERED by their own parents! Do you think it's wonderful for them? Over 100,000 babies will be murdered by abortion in the U.S.A. just in the month of December alone! Is this how we honor the birth of the Savior, by killing? Only a monster could have a wonderful Christmas after taking the life of an innocent child. Woe unto America... "What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground." (Genesis 4:10).

Here's the lyrics to the song... "It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year":

It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year
With the kids jingle belling
And everyone telling you "Be of good cheer"
It's The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year
It's the hap -happiest season of all
With those holiday greetings and gay happy meetings
When friends come to call
It's the hap - happiest season of all

Oh boy!... friends, jingle bells, lots of cheer, dead babies getting their skulls cracked open and their brains sucked out, babies dissolved alive in acids, babies tossed into dumpsters--all such a happy time don't you think? Planned Parenthood (Herod-hood) is so ruthless and evil that they've even mock God's Word by selling "Choice on Earth" (instead of "Peace On Earth") Christmas cards promoting abortion. These people are sickos!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

There will be another large scale false-flag terror attack (possibly an Ebola pandemic threat) in the United States [This time to confiscate our guns. This is not just a good guess; but rather, the elite have been telling us of their sinister intentions to disarm Americans for the past century. Like the failed first attempt to bomb the Trade Towers in the early 90's, the CIA finished it off in 2001 (that's my opinion). Homeland Security was started by the CIA after 9/11, of whom daddy Bush was longtime director. Likewise, Sandy Hook was a massive failed fraud, so now they need another 9/11 scale false-flag terror attack to be used as a pretext to confiscate everyone's guns. Once the guns are taken, we'll see fascist oppression unrivaled since Hitler's regime in World War II. Research online for the Nazi roots of the CIA and you'll be shocked. Nazis The Occult Conspiracy (1998)—Full Length Documentary | CIA Formed By Nazi War Criminals | Nazi Fascist CIA (video) | U.S. is Becoming Nazi Germany! Remember that during the oppressive Russian Gulag Camps under Joseph Stalin between 1920 and 1950, only 15% of the Russian population were sent into the labor death camps (to build Stalin's projects). The other 85% went about life as usual. I believe this is what the toes made of iron and clay refer to in Nebuchadnezzar's image, that is, most people will go along with the New World Order, and only those who resist it will be crushed by its satanic power. This evil system is called DEMOCRACY, or majority rule!!! This is not liberty nor freedom.]

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The photo to the left shows former President George W. Bush and his gay lover, Jeff Gannon. White House logs furnished by the Secret Service show that fake reporter Jeff Gannon (aka, James Guckert) stayed overnight at the White House on many occasions (even when press conferences or briefings were not scheduled). The records reveal that the White House is a Gay Roach Motel, that is, roaches check in but they don't check out! Former President Richard Nixon admitted the homosexual nature of Bohemian Grove. Most people don't realize that Hollywood and elite politicians are saturated with homosexuals and pedophiles. Satan-serving sex perverts have taken control over our nation. TV is so perverted because they want you to become perverted too, so they won't seem so wicked; and moreover, so you'll stop CARING and they can strip away your family, marriage, home and rights, all in the name of building a New World Order. ORDER OUT OF CHAOS!

The Clintons and Bushs are all in bed together in evil. They don't want to shortchange themselves by bringing in an outsider. By keeping it all in the family, they can get a lot more done quickly because they understand each other and fully grasp what they're trying to accomplish. These people are evil.

According to retired FBI agent Gary Aldrich, in his book, Unlimited Access: An FBI Agent Inside the Clinton White House, pg. 105-106, when First Lady Hillary Clinton was in charge of the White House Christmas tree, her idea of festive ornaments included crack pipes, condoms and various sex toys. Hillary Clinton is of the Devil.

Mary Van Nattan #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

John F. Kennedy, C.S. Lewis, and Aldous Huxley all died on the same day. They all went to the same place in Hell.

• Kennedy went to Hell because he trusted in the Roman Whore.
• Huxley went to Hell because he trusted in himself alone and his hybrid Eastern mystic notions.
• And, Lewis went to Hell because he invented a new god, and he ended his life a Taoist.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Did you ever stop to think that the Illuminati could have quietly killed President John F. Kennedy with poison or some other silent way? Why did they execute him in high-visibility in front of all the public and cameras? It's because the evil Banksters and criminal barons behind the New World Order wanted to send a message to everyone to either go along or die. Kennedy's executive order 11110 was a major threat to the treasonous banking establishment and they murdered Kennedy to send a message to any other would be heroes. It is highly likely that F.B.I. director, J. Edgar Hoover, was instrumental in having Kenny assassinated for the criminal banking elite. The common denominator is Freemasonry, which controls America. Few Americans grasp this curse upon America. The true power in the United States does not abide at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue where The White House stands; but rather, at The Grand Orient Lodge in Washington D.C. just down the street.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

I KNEW IT! I knew that we'd see former Florida governor Jeb Bush running for the office of U.S. President (he will run, I assure you). After saying that he had no intentions of seeking office again, now Bush says he won't rule out a run for U.S. President in 2016. Who's kidding who... of course he's going to run! The Bush family is wicked beyond imagination, having usurped control over The White House when Bush Sr. became Vice President. After Reagan was shot, Bush ran the White House. I may be wrong , but I am fully convinced that Jeb Bush will be our next commander and thief.

Florida has been in world news for decades of epidemic prescription drug abuse and the open sale of opiate drugs to anyone with $500 from in or out of state. South Florida is a sicko Sodom and Gomorrah. A dozen people a day were dying just in Florida from opiate drug overdose. The state of Kentucky (and others) sued Florida for turning their state into the “Pill Billy” state. The drug scam became known as “The Oxycontin Express” (see below). As if that weren't bad enough, Former CIA Director and Vice President George H. Bush Put Himself In Charge Of the South Florida Anti-Drug Unit. You couldn't make this stuff up! The Bush and Clinton families are steeped in drugs!!! Why do you think George W. Bush was governor of Texas and Jeb Bush was the governor of Florida (both drug-import states on the southern border of the United States?

I've been researching the illegal drug-trafficking through the Mena, Arkansas airport when Bill Clinton was the governor of Arkansas. The drug-trafficking became so blatant that in 1994 the Citizens For Honest Government produced a documentary titled, “The Clinton Chronicles: An Investigation into the Alleged Criminal Activities of Bill Clinton.” Pastor Jerry Falwell promoted the film and 300,000 copies were distributed. There Is No War On Drugs! It's evil beyond comprehension that the same elite who traffic the drugs, own the prisons to profit at both ends of the spectrum. I want to vomit when I see Colonel Oliver North honored in any way. Key officials loyally covered-up all the illegal drug-trafficking at Mena. The Columbian cocaine and black heroine were trafficked through the airport at Mena, Arkansas. Officials looked the other way. There is no honor in loyalty to criminals. The truth is stranger than fiction. Privatized Prisons and the Global Drug Syndicate

Bill and Hillary are both sleazy lawyers. I don't hate anybody, but those two have done untold evil to our country. I am a Christian for honest government. I wanted to go vomit when I recently read that Hillary Clinton is getting involved with foreign nations to prevent child kidnapping. What a perfect cover for sex-trafficking and DynCorp! I don't trust these people as far as I can see! Goldman Sachs Caught Investing In Sex-Trafficking Ring (Mitt Romney's wife (Mormon) invested too). Anything the occult-driven elite get involved with is for alternative selfish reasons. Don't make the mistake of thinking that a group of people who cold-heartedly murdered one and a half million Iraqis are sweet people. They didn't hesitate to kill 2,745 Americans on 911 (half of the bodies are still missing, lost in the Trade Tower rubble). The global elite are evil beyond our imagination. They killed 20,000,000 people in World War I to make themselves filthy rich and form The League Of Nations. They killed another 50,000,000 in World War II to form their United Nations. Life means NOTHING to them. If they get their way, the world population will decrease from 6,800,000,000 to 500,000,000 by 2050.

They want control and power. Vince Foster was murdered for trying to expose the Clintons. When he was found dead, all of the White Water scandal files incriminating the Clintons were gone! They paid off his wife to say it was suicide. Yeah, right! Just like Gary Webb and Nancy Schafer were also said to have commit suicide. No way! These people are wicked criminals, hellbent on committing evil to get their way. I may end up dead too for typing this article, but I fear God, not man. I may be wrong about Jeb Bush becoming our next President, but if he runs HE WILL WIN!!! No ifs, ands or buts about it... HE WILL WIN!

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

As a nation we have allowed homosexuality to flourish to the point where Christians are now being arrested for speaking out against homosexuality. Unfortunately, there are not enough Christians obeying the Scriptures by speaking out against homosexuality (Psalm 94:16). Thus, homosexuals WILL get their rights and sin-fighting Christians WILL be persecuted. Halliburton is presently building concentration camps in the U.S.! You can be guaranteed it will be the protesters, patriots, Constitutionalists and Christians who are put into them!!! We will all be wrongly convicted as “domestic terrorists.” Are you aware of the recently created term “Christian Terrorism”? According to Wikipedia.com:

"Christian terrorism is terrorism that the perpetrator claims is performed in furtherance of Christian goals or teachings..." -SOURCE (Wikipedia)

But isn't it interesting in light of all the Alabama churches burned to the ground in 2006, that no mention was ever made of “terrorists” setting the fires? So if you block an abortion clinic, you're a terrorist; but if you burn a church to the ground, then you're just an arsonist. The Ku Klux Klan has become synonymous with hatred for homosexuals. The Klan is purposely and falsely labeled as “Christian” to associate Bible-believing Christians with the group. The truth is that the KKK is a Satanic organization founded by Albert Pike, Leader of the Freemason Luciferian-worshipping lodge. You can expect that government authorities in the near future will be labeling ALL TRUE Christians as terrorist criminals.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Oh how foolish are the sinful and rebellious hearts of men and women against the Lord that created them! Freddie Mercury left behind an estate valued at $15,500,000 to his family and friends. Freddie lived a reckless life of sodomy, fornication, illegal drugs and materialism.

Mercury died in London in his $4,000,000 home in 1991. He carried none of his wealth beyond the grave. He had such a beautiful voice, but used his talents for the devil. How sad! How tragic! Where is Freddie Mercury now? Hell!

My friend, you don't have to go to Hell. Jesus shed His blood to pay for the sins of mankind. I did not write this article to criticize Freddie Mercury. I wrote this article to express two observations I've made about Mr. Mercury's life: first, a life of booze, immorality, and devilish music always end in judgment; and second, all of Mercury's fame, wealth, and friends cannot help help him escape the wrath of God.

ALL Christ-rejecters go straight to Hell to be tormented in fire. I say this with great sadness, but it is the TRUTH nonetheless. I ask you to believe upon Jesus now as your Saviour. The Biblical doctrine and reality of God's wrath has been abandoned in America's pulpits. Psalm 7:11, “God judgeth the righteous, and God is angry with the wicked every day.”

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Is the water your drinking killing you? It is if it's fluoridated! Drink Natural spring water instead. You can usually buy a gallon for under a dollar. Make sure there is no fluoride in it! Although there are concerns about chemicals leeching from plastic bottles used for drinking water, it is NO WHERE near as toxic as the tons of fluoride added to tap water. Everything from osteoporosis and tooth decay is associated with fluoride poisoning. I stopped drinking tap water many years ago.

Presently (as of 2012) I buy drinking water in gallon containers. Lord willing eventually I'd like to buy one of those units that take moisture right out of the air and provide drinking water. They're about $1,000, but I think worth it. I've used water filtration units in the past that connect to the sink, but you really have to be careful what you buy because some of the units boast that they DON'T remove fluoride. They only remove chlorine and other contaminants. When you shower, your body absorbs about a pint of water. The fluoride gets into your porous skin.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Parents are Under Attack

Families are under attack in America. Children don't belong in public schools. If there's a mark on your child, the school nurse (known as a “mandatory reporter”) will call CPS and the State confiscates your kids forever. Even if a child gets hurt playing, a parent will likely be blamed and charged with abuse. God forbid that you actually spank your child when they misbehave. CPS will take your children from you. It happens every day. You'll lose your kids forever.

The United Nations is planning to take control over America's children. Good parents lose their children every day in America, because of CPS thugs who think they are God. Even yelling at your child is considered mental cruelty and abuse nowadays. It's insane! Hell will be hot enough!

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

Homosexuals seldom openly admit that they want to sexually assault children, but their literature and their actions tell another story. In the January 1-8, 2001 issue of The Weekly Standard, author Mary Eberstadt exposed the clear link between homosexual activism and the growing North-American Man- Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) movement. Writing in “’Pedophilia Chic’ Reconsidered: The taboo against sex with children continues to erode,” Eberstadt notes:

The reason why the public is being urged to reconsider boy pedophilia is that this ‘question,’ settled though it may be in the opinions and laws of the rest of the country, is demonstrably not yet settled within certain parts of the gay rights movement. The more that movement has entered the mainstream, the more this ‘question’ has bubbled forth from that previously distant realm in the public square.

Eberstadt notes that the book, Male Inter-Generational Intimacy: Historical, Socio-Psychological, and Legal Perspectives edited by pedophile Edward Brongersma is currently available in the “gay/lesbian” sections of bookstores like Borders. This book, which openly promotes pedophilia, was first published in the Journal of Homosexuality in 1990. The Journal is edited by John DeCecco, a psychologist at San Francisco State University. DeCecco is a board member of the Dutch pedophile journal, Paidika.

The homosexual magazine Guide published a pro-pedophile editorial in its July, 1995 issue. In referring to pedophiles as “prophets” of sexual freedom, the Guide editorialist wrote: “We must listen to our prophets. Instead of fearing being labeled pedophiles, we must proudly proclaim that sex is good, including children’s sexuality. . . . Surrounded by pious moralists with deadening anti-sexual rules, we must be shameless rulebreakers, demonstrating our allegiance to a higher concept of love. We must do it for the children’s sake.”

Parents are correct to be concerned about homosexuals sexually assaulting their children. The Boy Scouts of America, for example, is right to prohibit homosexuals from membership or leadership positions. It is evident from the statistical evidence and news reports of child molestation cases, that homosexuals pose a clear and present danger to children. Our laws and social policies should protect children, not cater to the whims and sexual desires of sexual predators. We must oppose homosexual activism “for the children’s sake.”

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

We're all still wondering what happened at the Sandyhook shootings. Were any children murdered? Why has an inquisitive former State Trooper been denied access to all records and information about the event. He's been threatened with arrest and called “crazy,” told to hire a lawyer, and has almost lost his wife in divorce for taking a stand. Someone(s) in a high-power position doesn't want this investigator to have the facts, lest he see the truth. I'd like to see some influential politicians demand some answers!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The Jews are definitely not the innocent victims of history (as commonly portrayed by history books), but are guilty of mass murder themselves, just as are the people of Japan, China and the U.S. History is filled with much lies, the average person is completely brainwashed concerning history.

I am NOT anti-Jewish, but it is clear that the evils behind the new World Order are Jews, more specifically elite Jewish bankers. It is not a matter of being Jewish or not, it it a matter of evil power-hungry monsters wanting to destroy America as a means to an end...a New World Order.

Was there a holocaust? Yes, it was horrible, Jewish Communist leaders Lenin and Trotsky murdered an estimated 66 million innocent People (mostly Christians) under the Bolshevik totalitarian system. Not one person has ever been arrested or held accountable for all the tens-of-millions of people murdered, in the face of irrefutable testimonies and evidence. Why is the news media so silent? Is it because the news media is predominantly Jewish owned and controlled? You decide.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Rock music is a product of a disoriented, despairing, drug-related sex-mad generation. There’s no question about that. The first big rock singer was Elvis Presley, who killed himself with drugs and who went through women, you know, continuously. And he gave rise to the whole rock generation. He was the first, and his whole act was sexual, sensual, you know; it was terrible.

Elvis Presley, a Monarch mind-controlled slave, believed he had a twin that communicated with him spiritually. In the Angel Times magazine, (Oct. issue), a childhood friend of Elvis states that Elvis communicated with beings as a child. These beings had showed Elvis a vision of dancing, and of people "dressed in white with colors all around." While it is popular to dismiss the vanishing twin phenomena with superficial medical explanations, or with alien theories, at least of some of the phenomena is the result of the Illuminati’s massive system of abuse, where they need babies for sacrifice, experiments and programming.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Women are entitlement princesses, and think every moment is about them, and it better be “fun.” They have no idea how well they had it until feminism destroyed marriage. The new way is cohabitation with partner change every 2-5 years. I really believe today's American women aren’t capable of rational, logical, reasonable, or realistic thought. They need other women to make decisions for them, having a herd mentality. These women have been seduced by “the need for perfection.”

For years, modern media have taught these women about “relationships.” In their own minds, they form a platonic ideal on relationships, and find that their reality doesn’t quite measure up. Now, start adding envy— narcissism— selfishness— and what do you get? Women who will abandon their marriages (and sometimes hurt a lot of people in the process), all because they couldn’t be satisfied with what they had. I find it interesting that women push men in to marriage, and then when the marriage doesn’t live up to the fantasy women have in their minds, they kick their husbands to the curb.

There is one thing, and only one thing, that you can absolutely count on any woman to do, and that is what ever she thinks is going to make her feel emotionally comfortable, right now, at this moment. And, as often as not, that want was instigated by her awareness of something some other woman has that she doesn’t have. Basically men who get married in Western countries are in a no-win situation.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I mean absolutely no disrespect to God in any manner; but I sincerely believe that it is more than coincidence that Adam named a dog the exact opposite of how God is spelled. DOG spelled backwards is GOD! Next to God, dog has always been man's best friend.

[Genesis 2:19]

Could it be that Adam named a dog the opposite of God because Adam saw the love and loyalty that a dog has for his master? I am not likening God to a dog; but man to a dog, and God his master. If every man loved God as a dog loves his master, the world would be a wonderful place to live. Oh that men loved God as much as a dog loves his man!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Refutation of Skepticism

Skepticism is a powerful tool in the hands of an agnostic or atheist. As we saw in our definition and history sections, skepticism is utilized in many areas of non-theistic thought. It often is presupposed or asserted openly as part of an argument against the existence of God. For this reason, we shall deal with the claims of skepticism before we deal with the specific arguments raised above.

Skepticism is ultimately meaningless. It refutes itself. If one declares, "You can never be sure about anything," he is catching himself in his own trap. If we can be sure of nothing, then we cannot be sure of the state-ment, "nothing is certain. " But, if that statement is objectively true, then we can be sure about one thing, the statement. But, if we can be sure about the statement, then the statement must be false. If the statement is false, then we cannot be sure. The inexorable fate of the skeptic is to be condemned by his own sentence.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

One of the woeful deceptions of our time is movie ratings. I bought some so-called Christian movies at a Christian bookstore. The movie “JOSEPH” shows Potiphar's wife seducing Joseph, and you can see her breast teats through her scampi clothing. She is clearly naked under her negligee. I was shocked and went to look at the movie's rating, which wasn't rated since it was a CHRISTIAN film. That makes me so angry. They are such dirty, perverted, creeps. I'll tell you, some of the most dirtiest, filthiest, ungodly, sexually indecent movies on the market today are Christian movies.

I bought the so-called Christian movie, “DAVID,” which had Leonard Nimoy from Star Trek playing the prophet Samuel. In real life, Mr. Nimoy photographs fat naked women laying across has dining room table as a hobby. You think I'm kidding? I guess it shouldn't come as to much of a shock, considering the the actors who played Jesus in The Passion of Christ is a porn Queen.

In Walt Disney's, "A WALK TO REMEMBER," starring Mandy Moore, there's scene in the movie where Shane West says "Are you feeling Christian?" The camera instantly focuses between Mandy Moore's legs, which are movie in and out, creating a sexually suggestive moment in the movie. The subliminal technique is commonly used and unmistakable. Hollywood movies are absolutely saturated with suggestive pedophile scenes, intended to desensitize the audience.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I couldn’t help but recognize the alarming similarities between the Canaanites and Americans today:
1. Just as the wicked Canaanites, Americans are sacrificing their children to a false god. The Canaanites sacrificed their babies to Baal (their principal god), and to Ashtoreth (Baal’s wife); whereas, American’s are sacrificing their children on the alter of convenience to the god of self.
2. Just as the Canaanites stored in jars the remains of children who had been sacrificed to Baal, so do Americans store the remains of aborted children in plastic containers (and the body parts and tissues are sold).
3. Just as the Canaanites who sacrificed their children, having good intentions (i.e., to bring good luck to the rest of the family), so do Americans justify the murdering of children with good intentions (e.g., "I'll abort this child so I can have a career and make a better life for my other children in the future"). This is the sicko mentality of many women today. Most people don’t do what they do for any particular reason. They do what they WANT to do, and then look for reasons to justify it. There is no justification for taking an innocent child's life. A child inconveniencing it's mother shouldn't be a crime punishable by death.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Please notice in James 4:4 that we become God's enemy when WE ARE a friend of the world. Look again at the definitions of a friend. We are God's enemy when we assist the world. This means that every beer truck driver is the enemy of God. This means that every bartender is the enemy of God. This means that every doctor who performs an abortion is the enemy of God. This means that every nurse who assists murdering a child in an abortion is the enemy of God. This means that every greedy publisher that corrupts the Bible is the enemy of God. This means that George W. Bush, who signed presidential directive W199i to protect the terrorists from being investigated, is the enemy of God (and the American people). This means that every casino owner is the enemy of God. There are MANY enemies of God in this world.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

This picture seems to show photographs laying on one of the landing pads of the LM. They can't be the foil, and in theory they couldn't be photographs, as these weren't supposed to have been on the moon! However, they DO seem to show the moon landscape as seen on the mission pics and films, and must probably have been used to compare earlier film/photo shots, but were forgotten by some set-manager... oops...

Billion dollar LM, or shabby handwork? Is this the LM that really went to the Moon? If you ever get the chance, then you should also see the original spacesuits from very nearby (like I did during an exposition)! It's about the same kind of "quality product", and would surely not be able to stand some serious rough handling or the supposedly extreme atmospheric conditions of the moon...

IRREFUTABLE proof of a hoax. And if the analyses of impossible light angles and various other oddities have led to a certain amount of discussions, with some room for doubt, then this picture certainly settles the matter for good. It is IRREFUTABLE proof that there has indeed been a massive deception by NASA and the government of the USA... This picture is not "doctored", and comes straight from a NASA website. Read and see more of some of the very best photo analyses of the moon hoax available (and the source of this and previous 2 picts), at 1, 2, 3, 4, and this article.

"Live" on TV: do you believe? Think about the BILLIONS of people that have been fooled by the Apollo hoax... If the USA government and its organisations could have pulled off such a thing, then why would they NOT be capable, and - most importantly - willing, to fool the world into believing 9-11 was a genuine "terrorist" attack by foreigners, in which the US government had no part...?

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

We are to be separated in our lifestyles. We should not go to taverns, nightclubs, and other heathen establishments. No Christian should ever spend a dime at Disney World, most of their movies are no better than Hollywood's vomit. We should not support sinful things produced by the Godless world. We are surrounded by Satan. Television is Hellivision. TV is very bad nowadays. I really hate television. The technology is not sinful, but the way mankind uses it certainly is. Technology simply allows mankind to go further down the road he was already traveling on... and it's the road to Hell.

Here's a song that my pastor taught us to sing...

(Sang to the tune of, "If You're Happy and You Know It")

Oh be careful little feet where you go,
Oh be careful little feet where you go,
For the Father up above is looking down in love,
Oh be careful little feet where you go.

Oh be careful little eyes what you see,
Oh be careful little eyes what you see,
For the Father up above is looking down in love,
Oh be careful little eyes what you see.

Oh be careful little ears what you hear,
Oh be careful little ears what you hear,
For the Father up above is looking down in love,
Oh be careful little ears what you hear.

And so on...

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

World Vision is just one of many front groups carrying out the elite's agenda to sterilize unsuspecting women with vaccinations. The women are told that the vaccines are for their own good and are necessary; but in reality, there are chemicals lacing the vaccinations that prevent them from having children.

Bill gates is working on two major items with his massive accumulation of wealth, in The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation: Vaccinations and seeds. Their agenda is population control, to reduce the earth's population.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

So few Americans understand the evils behind the Federal Reserve Act illegally enacted in 1913. It is the single most detrimental piece of bogus legislation ever passed to bring our nation to its knees. Listen to prolific author G. Edward Griffin (he names names) explain this woeful evil. History plainly evidences that The Great Depression of 1933 was scientifically engineered by the banking cartel who railroaded the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 through Congress during a Christmas weekend when most members of Congress were away. President Woodrow Wilson sold out his country to the criminal bankers. Wilson is the true Benedict Arnold of history.


The roaring twenties were nothing more than the bankers fattening the calf for slaughter, and oh how they slaughtered the American people during The Great Depression, killing the fatted calf. People lost their homes and farms. People were jumping from off tall buildings and bridges to their death. Others shot themselves in the head, having lost everything to the greedy Banksters. The international Banksters were the worst gangsters of the 20th century, and still today.

The Federal Reserve monstrosity is still doing damage today. In fact, it has escalated over the past few years unprecedented since it's inception in 1913. The bankers have blatantly STOLEN $23,700,000,000,000 over the past couple years alone from American tax-payers!!! These are the culprits behind the theft of American's homes. It is banking fraud.

The United States will soon become as a third world nation, where the average American cannot afford any luxuries. Food will become very expensive. America's largest cities will become as Mexico City, infested with poverty and crime. Social Security and Welfare benefits WILL BE REDUCED significantly.

The worst gangsters of the 20th century, and still today, are the banking cartel. Wall Street and Washington D.C. are more wicked than Sodom and Gomorrah ever could have imagined. Wall Street is the true SIN CITY in America!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

America is guilty of killing 50,000,000 babies by abortion--guilty of killing over 100,000 innocent Iraqi's--guilty of promoting killing through it's violent movies--guilty of torturing and killing Terri Schiavo--and guilty of killing the Lord Jesus Christ.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

God is the most bigoted, narrow-minded, opinionated person in the universe. The dictionary defines a “bigot” as, “a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own.” Well, that makes God the ultimate bigot of all then, because it's His way or the Highway to Hell.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Marilyn Monroe sold her soul to Satan, stripping naked and leading an entire nation into adultery. It was her sensual role in the 1954 filthy movie, THE SEVEN YEAR ITCH, that led her divorce to baseball player Joe DiMaggio. Godless movie producers used a big floor fan to blow Marilyn's dress up over her head, completely exposing her private area for all the lustful men to never forget and film from different angle's. Her husband Joe DiMaggio was very upset with her for giving to other men what belongs only to him, that is, her body. Monroe's disloyalty to her husband, vows and marriage is awful. On her wedding day, a wife vows to keep her self only for her husband for as long as she shall live (and vise versa). Americans are such liars!

Sinfully regarding her career more than her husband (same as Sandra Bullock), Monroe filed for divorce several months later over the incident and quit her marriage (NO HUSBAND WAS GOING TO TELL MARILYN WHAT TO DO!!!). So she left, abandoned and ruined his life. Poor Joe!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy #quack jesus-is-savior.com

G. Edward Griffin narrates his movie World Without Cancer. In it, Griffin marshals the evidence that cancer is a deficiency disease – like scurvy or pellagra – aggravated by the lack of an essential food compound in modern man's diet. That substance is vitamin B17. In its purified form developed for cancer therapy, it is known as Laetrile.


The Hoax Of The "Proven" Cancer Cures The effects of surgery and radiation in the treatment of cancer; a comparison showing that those who receive no treatment at all live just as long, if not longer, than those who are treated.

Laetrile and Cyanide Read about the life saving substance called cyanide.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The Bush family is a massive crime family! Mountains of concrete evidence indict George W. Bush's administration for being instrumental in carrying out the 911 attacks in 2001 on the World Trade Towers. They have been exposed! The only reason they haven't been brought to justice is because of the Zionist-controlled criminal newsmedia that has whitewashed everything. Hell will be hot! No place ever struck WTC 7. How do 2 planes bring down 3 buildings? There has been a massive mainstream newsmedia blackout concerning what happened on 911)

BBC News Reported that WTC building collapsed 23 MINUTES before it actually came down! This proves that they had advanced knowledge and caused 911.

Former FBI Deputy Director, John O'Neill was murdered on 911, his first day on a new job that his buddies at the White House got for him. O'Neill resigned from the FBI because of presidential directive W199-Eye signed by then President George W. Bush (which effectively blocked the justice department and FBI from investigating the suspect terrorist activities of the Bin Laden family in the United States prior to the 911 attacks. O'Neill smelled something dirty at the White House and washed his hands of it all. They killed him to silence him.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

In 2010, Hollywood actress Julia Roberts shamefully converted over to Hinduism. This is so sad. Just as golfer Tiger Woods (who is a devout member of Buddhism), Roberts will find out in eternity that there is NO forgiveness of sins in either Hinduism or Buddhism. Neither Buddha not the multiple gods of Hinduism can save anybody. The Bible proclaims that there's NO salvation in any other name than the precious NAME OF JESUS CHRIST...

Acts 4:10-12, “Be it known unto you all, and to all the people of Israel, that by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom ye crucified, whom God raised from the dead, even by him doth this man stand here before you whole. This is the stone which was set at nought of you builders, which is become the head of the corner. Neither is there salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved.” (King James Bible)

Biblically, faith in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to Heaven. Hinduism is a lie of the Devil and a certain path to the Lake of Fire (Revelation 20:11-15). Hinduism's gods cannot save you from the judgment of God.

Hindus argue that they are not polytheists, teaching that their thousands of gods are merely expressionsof their one god, Brahma. Someone has likened Hinduism's gods to the rays of the sun, which are not the sun, but are emitted by the sun. Hinduism teaches that Brahma is the creator (who is one of Hinduism's three major deities (a trinity) from which all other deities originate. Clearly, Hinduism is a poor imitation of Biblical Christianity.


As you've just read, Hinduism is a New World Order religion, promoting unity between all denominations and faiths. Only Biblical Christianity is INTOLERANT of other faiths. The reason is because religion is not God's plan of salvation. The world's religions are saturated with false prophets who teach self-righteousness instead of the Word of God from the Bible.

Who's going to condemn you since Hindus have no official dogma nor headquarters? Anything goes in Hinduism!!! Hindus deny being merely a religion. They also lean heavily upon culture and tradition. Biblically, Hinduism is a false religion of Satan. 2nd Corinthians 11:13-15 plainly teaches us that Satan is a deceiver and also his ministers of unrighteousness, appearing as the good guys. Honestly, Hinduism makes people do crazy things. Hindu's view all life as sacred, especially cows. If a cow is laying in the road, they'll sit in traffic waiting for hours for the animal to move. I'd make ground beef out of the cow.

The Bible warns us about ANOTHER gospel, ANOTHER Jesus and ANOTHER spirit in 2nd Corinthians 11:3. Hinduism is a demonic religion which denies Jesus as the Christ entirely, denies the Bible as God's inspired Words and teaches a false way. In Hinduism you get to make up your own beliefs...

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

And you wonder why we people today have so easily fallen into the "planned" Aids epidemic ?! It begins with that first shot after the baby is born ! This begins to weaken the immune system, and destroy it. Remember, a baby's immune system is NOT DEVELOPED until the age of 4. And it WON'T develop, with all the vaccines that has been poured into a child by that age either !! Nature gives us the 'perfect' immune system and the way for it to develop, when we are born. When we take our first breath in this polluted world, we begin to "adapt" NATURALLY, THE WAY GOD INTENDED WHEN HE MADE US. This is how the immune system becomes strong and develops. Diseases MUST ENTER THE BODY IN A NATURAL WAY IN ORDER FOR THE IMMUNE SYSTEM TO RESPOND THE RIGHT WAY !!

So, your doctor tells you the "routine story" of how there's an 'outbreak' of some childhood disease, and you just MUST get your child vaccinated NOW !! DON'T BELIEVE HIM !! IT'S PART OF THE MANIPULATION !!

These vaccinations CAUSE the diseases !!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Actress Cameron Diaz is a wicked woman for starring in the recent R-rated (R for rotten) Hollywood filthy 2014 movie titled, “SEX TAPE.” I haven't seen the movie and won't see it. The advertisement says the story is about a married couple who records themselves having sex, then wakes up the next morning and finds the tape missing. So they spend the rest of the movie looking for the tape. This is the evil Hollywood smut that continually provokes THE JUDGMENT OF GOD upon our nation, and it is already happening... just look at the police state being set up right before our eyes, while dumbed-down, decadent, comatose, sin-loving, party-going, sports-worshipping, obese, television-brainwashed, indifferent Americans are doing absolutely nothing to fight it!!! Shame on Cameron Diaz for being involved in such evil smut, nudity and wickedness. This is preaching!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Some people claim that the Jews are behind the Illuminati. Others claim that the Catholic Church is behind the Illuminati. Some claim that Mormons are behind the Illuminati. Many people claim that the Illuminati is a Freemasonry conspiracy. It is important not to identify any one group as behind responsible for the Illuminati. The goal of the Illuminati is a global government, aka, a New World Order. The truth is that each of these groups play a distinct role in Satan's plot to control the world. They each have their part in the New World Order.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I Want Your Children

I have come to visit your children
And I’m pleased with what I see.
They abuse all kinds of drugs,
And are getting drunk with me.

They live as in Gomorrah or Sodom,
Their minds perverse and blown.
I will claim their souls anytime now,
You shouldn’t have left them alone.

I am glad you worked long hours,
I am glad you were busy a lot.
It would have been harder to sway them, if not.

At your schools I have been at work,
Making sex an acceptable game.
You slept while I fought to keep prayer out,
To add to your neglectful shame.

You don’t seem to notice the witchcraft;
I broadcast on your own TV,
"It’s just an innocent program,"
Twitch your nose as they follow me.

Add a couple violent sitcoms,
It’s funny to see heads blown in two.
Now your little Tommy has his own gun
And there’s nothing you can do.

They’re mine and you cannot reach them;
Their hearts are cold, hard, and black.
I’ve showed them how to party,
With pot, cocaine and crack.

You have been a tremendous help though;
I couldn’t have done it alone.
If you hadn’t forsaken your prayer life,
These seeds I could not have sown.

So stay away from the Bible’s teachings;
Don’t listen to what God has to say.
Your children are no longer your problem,
A price they’ll eternally pay.

Without Christ they are mine to devour.
Without God, nothing you can do.
Today I will take your children.
Tomorrow I will be coming for you.


David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

You'd think that cartoons at least were safe for children; but they're not. Scooby Doo promotes witchcraft, summoning up demons and casting evil spells. Girls are clothed in miniskirts in most cartoons, such as The Jetsons. Although seemingly innocent, these shows send messages to children's brains that these sinful practices are ok, acceptable and harmless.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Even Almighty is of the Devil. At one point Steve Carell says the line, “God thought it would be funny.” As I recall the story of Noah and his ark, it’s about an angry God who decides to kill nearly everyone on earth. Apparently the idea of God drowning the wicked for their sin and rebellion is a big joke to movie producers. The Word of God is not a laughing matter, and should never be taken as such.

The advertisement for Evan Almighty (as seen in the picture to the right) states... "A COMEDY OF BIBLICAL PROPORTIONS"! The implications are clear... the producers of Evan Almighty think the Bible is one big comedy. But they won't be laughing when they're cast into the Lake of Fire (2nd Thessalonians 1:8,9; Revelation 20:11-15).

Note: Please notice the Washington Monument (a freemason illuminati symbol) in the lower left corner of the movie poster to the right. We are seeing New World Order symbolism in everything nowadays, showing people's allegiance to the forming Beast system of the coming Antichrist.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Are you drinking dead water?

Only healthy water can form beautiful hexagonal snowflake-like crystals. Snow water, water in fruits and vegetables, cold water from deep wells and pristine streams - all have the ideal hexagonal structure.

Tap water cannot form crystal hexagonal structures even when it freezes. Of all water’s properties, its hexagonal structure is probably the most important, but is also the most fragile. It is easily destroyed by environmental contaminants and modern water treatment processes.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

What most people don't realize is that the elite are all a bunch of homosexuals. Skull and Bones are a bunch of homosexuals. Presidents George H. Bush and George W. Bush are homosexuals. Ronald Reagan was known as “rainbow Ronnie” in southern California while governor. Hollywood is owned and controlled by a bunch of Jewish homosexuals (and they hate Jesus Christ, which is why every single major movie produced takes God's name in vain). Here's a list of 67 homosexual Hollywood films. We are witnessing the homosexualization of the United States, and it is disgusting and sinful!

Human beings were offered up to Moloch throughout ancient times and in the Old Testament. It's still happening today. Don't think for a second that the elite don't actually sacrifice real humans. Women and children disappear all the time, millions per year globally, never to be seen again.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

It is a sin to deliberately promote interracial marriage as part of a New World Order agenda. Such heathen movies as, JUNGLE FEVER, promote interracial relationships. Since interracial marriage is very controversial, interracial couples are nearly ALWAYS liberal-minded and tolerant toward the homosexual agenda. It's not just interracial marriage, Satan is trying to break down ALL boundaries of nationality, heritage, race, religion and even gender. Again, the Bible permits interracial marriage in Hebrews 13:4; but it is a sin to deliberately promote such relationships as part of a New World Order agenda.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

The chairman of the Old Testament who translated the New International Version was an open homosexual. No wonder he removed the word “sodomite” from the Bible completely. It is wickedness to remove the word sodomite from the Bible, which is the Biblical term for a homosexual. Romans 1:25 says that the wicked “change the truth of God into a lie.” Homosexuality is a horrible sin, just as are all sins. Any sin can be forgiven in Christ, but this does not mean embracing the homosexual lifestyle as being acceptable or legitimate. The NIV Bible is of the Devil, translated and endorsed by homosexuals.

If you love Jesus, then you're not going to use a perverted Bible version that diminishes His deity, removes the Godhead and removed the blood of Jesus 15 TIMES!

If Dr. John R. Rice were still alive on earth today, I am convinced that he would take an uncompromising stand as I am, as a preacher, against the perversion of modern corrupt Bible versions. The NIV took the Bible version issue to a whole new level. Now the new NIV 2011 has been published, which is gender neutral, no longer calls the Holy Spirit a “He,” wives are no longer commanded to obey their husbands, et cetera.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The average Christian fails to realize that most of the hospitals in America are owned and operated by false religions... St. Elizabeth's... St. Joseph's... St. Mary... St. Jude... et cetera. Eighty-percent of all hospitals in America are Roman Catholic. Please don't misunderstand me, I am NOT condoning false religion. I am just saying that there are few options available when you need a doctor. If I had the choice, I would NEVER step foot into a Catholic hospital.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

There's nothing worse than an ignorant preacher who preaches falsehood with zeal. Please stop blaming Bin Laden for 911. Bin Laden is a face, nothing more. Do you understand that? The true criminals behind 911 needed a villain, a face to associate with the attacks. They needed to give the public and victim's families someone to blame and hate; thus, the evasive Bin Laden (at least he was until 2011 when they faked his capture and burial at sea... and then allegedly murdered all 20 members of Navy seal team 6 just months later to bury all evidence). Think about it... fake capture, fake burial, fake helicopter bombing... no evidence to confirm anything! How convenient. It's basic mind-programming 101. After 911, it was common to see Bin Laden's face in urinals, dartboards and gun ranges. The public fell for it, gullible as can be... those evil Muslims! If you want the truth, you'd better turn off the box (TV) and start researching. Here's the truth...




David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Though some homeopathic doctors definitely employ the occult philosophies of Yin-Yang, many do not. Homeopathy is method of treating disease with small amounts of remedies that, in large amounts in healthy people, produce symptoms similar to those being treated (a very effective form of natural medicine). For example: What do people do when they have the flu? They have teary eyes, sinus congestion, etc. A homeopathic solution would be to eat some hot peppers or onions. No kidding! When I get a cold, I eat Mexican food and hot-sauce. It works for me.

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