
Trumphole #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Paris Accord Is A Fucking SCAM To Get A Carbon Tax Scheme Up And Running To Tax Your Farts An Exhales.

Sounds like a joke but its not. These Luciferian fucks want to be God. God breathed life into Man making him a living being.

These arrogant wicked assholes want to tax Mans exhale.

Trump is not against it he is just trying to get a piece of the Lords of London's climate scheme for the Ashkenazi and his Khazar masters who own him.

Benjamin #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

[On Trump mistyping "coverage" in a tweet]

Covfefe is a code for those in the know
Illuminati, Masons use hand signs and words to foretell to those in the know and their membwrst what will happen. Used to make money on the stock exchange or to take cover. Guess what Covfefe means? One love

Me114 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

#RUSSIAGATE - A message from Father God for Sunday May 21, 2017

I am avenging the death of Seth Rich. Sure it is easy enough for my scribe to say that I have this announcement to make. The clues are there for all to see with the reemergence of news on the investigation into Seth’s Death.

I am here to tell you what to research to find out the truth about the so-called meddling in the Election by Russia. Go back and find out that the false claim by the IT company called CrowdStrike is rife with inconsistencies. Recall that Podesta’s emails were discovered by a simple phishing expedition on his easy to guess p@assword.

All in all, it is very easy to unravel the entire Russia Hacking Narrative. The next question is will Mueller find any collusion between Russia and Trump and his team? My answer is an emphatic NO, because there is none.

In the meantime what exactly has happened to the American Mainstream media and Democratic Party? Have they not been exposed for their lies? What you are witnessing is a full blown crisis in America. How will you recover from the dismantling of the Left? The Deep State also is being exposed. This conglomerate will not go down without a fight, and you all are in the middle of this battle.

It is your minds and wills that are the focus of the enemy’s attacks. If you stop believing their lies, then how will they steer your wills to their desired ends? Therefore, you are obliged to take and make a stand, and one for the truth at all times.

Do you believe in prayer to Me? If not yet, then now it is time to start. You must ask Me to help you and your country and duly elected President. The whole world is at stake because the United States leads the world. The world is watching and as the control mechanisms fail in America, they will also fall apart in other nations, especially in Europe.

You must realize that it is not just a matter of cheering a victory over the Deep State. They control everything. When they fall, everything also falls. How do you pick up the pieces? You cannot without My Divine Intervention. If you pray then I will move on people and leaders to help restore your Constitutional Republic.

If you think that you cannot keep up with the news and events now, then you had better start your day with Me first. I can guide you in your thoughts and actions so that you continuously receive My Favor and blessings. You will always find yourself in the right place at the right time. Your family and loved ones will be provided for and protected.

I repeat that it is your minds and your free will choices that are at stake here. As your enemies destroy themselves they will create much chaos. You run a great risk of being confused. You will be confronted with other Americans that are confused and may even become violent. Therefore it is crucial that you are living within My Will for your life.

Cry out to Me. Humble yourself. Do not try to stand in the Pride of your own intellect. Do not depend on your sources. I Am your only Source. I will reveal the truth to you and guide your life from now on until the end. The World System is run by Satan and his time is rapidly running out. You know that you are living in the end times and that all My prophecies are coming to pass. Believe. Have faith. If you have trouble with your faith, then ask Me for the Faith of Christ and I will strengthen your faith.

I love you all deeply, both saved and unsaved. I am only a call away at all times. I respond faster than even a cell phone. I am with you always, even unto the end of this age.


Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

There will be no *impeachment* of DJT, God has already written the script.

If you don't see manifest destiny playing out before your eyes, dare I call it a modern miracle, you are blind. If you don't hear a calling from a higher place, you are deaf.

A man who wasn't supposed to beat a single person in the primary but beat 17, a man who wasn't supposed to beat a honed and polished career politician, but did.

He now sits as leader of the free world, and you think some worthless little liberal pukes, not that different than the dog shit that gets stuck to bottom of your shoe, is going to stop him? Really?

Never bet against Donald J Trump, never. You're betting against God's preordained plan.

So it be written, so it be done.


Donald J. Trump was the 'Chosen One', albeit somewhat unwilling like Noah, but chosen nonetheless.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Democrats bring up "Russia" in the media to distract you all from the SETH RICH murder and Pizzagate stuff they do.

That's why they keep mentioning "Russia". Clear as day.

P0DESTA and Hi!!ary both have dirty hands. Dems can no longer deny it.

Seth Rich was murdered. He was the one who gave Wikileaks info (not the Russians). He worked on the Clinton campaign.
[link to i.imgur.com]

Pizzagate is real. Wikileaks helped to expose this atrocity thanks to the bravery of the late Seth Rich.

It's a big pill to swallow and CNN, MSNBC and twitter are working to keep the public in the dark.

That young man gave his life for us to be free from the globalist and the deep state cabal.

We shouldn't let the story get buried. Let's help Seth's family get some closure, GLP.

TheOracle'sCookie #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

What humanity is "inventing" will take the script of Hollywood beyond any HORROR MOVIE ("Aliens" included) to unbelievable extremes.

Just Dr. Mary's Monkey--the truth about all the vaccine research--and the COST IN BILLIONS for cancer treatments world-wide as a result of the "contaminated Monkey Virus" used to grow the polio vaccines (not to mention the unfathomable human suffering it has caused) boggles the imagination. And we haven't even REALIZED the fall-out that CERN will bring the planet. We are SOOOO TOAST!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

White Aryan people of Nordic race are the true Israelites

In my opinion, I think it is very possible that Christianity or something very similar WAS the old religion of Europe, Sweden, Germany, and especially the English isles. There has been found Crosses and other Christian symbols all over Europe but especially the English Isles.

I think the Norse myths and the so called "Teutonic" Gods are actually a phony. They were taken from the Edda's and a few historians took these stories and blew it up in proportion to where everyone thinks that this was the religion of the ancient Europeans.

If you disagree with that please give me some kind of evidence that some state or kingdom of European past worshipped Odin or Thor or any of them.

In my opinion, the Ancient Europeans worshipped Yahweh. He is our creator. And this ancient religion has been covered up, that is why the Romans hammered down so hard on the inhabitants of Ireland and Scotland. This is why they had to wipe out the Bards of Ireland because they had ORAL knowledge of all the forefathers of the anglo race all the way back to the biblical times.

The Odin /Thor germanic gods are just a retelling of the NWO gods, which are based on the astrological planets.

But the ancient Europeans, as Tacitus stated very clearly when he studied the Druids, they had knowledge of the REAL and ETERNAL God that the romans had to cover up.

Anonymous Coward #racist godlikeproductions.com

Watching hockey on NBC. Three commercials so far with interracial couples. That's three in less than two hours.

Many of you might not find this shocking, but for someone like me who only tunes in about once a year, it's pretty disturbing.

I don't know why companies and advertisers are pushing this so hard. I don't know what they have to gain or even what kind of strange social engineering they hope to accomplish.

I do know when you take one part of the population with an average IQ of 100 and another part of the population with an average IQ of 85 and coerce them into mixing, the net effect is an average IQ lower than 100. And a population with a lower IQ is easier to control. This combined with all the garbage in the food will continue our downward spiral into sheep-itude. But come on. Advertisers can't be that patient, can they? Chipping away at the fabric of society for years and years to bring us down a few notches on the IQ scale for later?

There must be more to it. It can't all be about IQ.

Shamrock007 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

High school classmate says Barry was a Gay Foreigner who fucked old white men for Crack.

It's from 3 years ago, but this interview doesn't have enough views in my opinion. Need to get this spread back around and shared. This is from a confirmed High School Classmate of Barry.

Some highlights

+ Described as a pathological liar as a teen.

+He was gay.

+Was able to get crack (expensive and new drug at the time), by fucking older wealthy white men. (TPTB pedo club?)

Definitely has all the prerequisites needed to be a Democratic candidate funded by Rockefeller, Soro's, and Rothschild. They love sick fucks like this so they can control them and they can never turn on them.

Galactic Federation #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I am Iris. I am a Mermaid. My words reach you through a channel chosen by me in order to communicate with our brethren from the surface.

I take long walks along some of your coasts, to feel the air that you breath going in and out of my lungs, just like you normally breathe. We can breathe air, but you cannot breathe underneath the water.

The Mermaids are capable of staying for a prolonged period out of the security provided by our seas, but when the sun dries our skin too much, we can suffer from a dangerous dehydration if we do not quickly wet our skin. That’s why we normally walk on the rocks and cliffs of the mainland during the night time hours, when the sun doesn’t shine and dry our bodies. It also helps us go more unnoticed by you, for at that time everybody sleeps.

We know that many among you, well, the majority, would treat us well; but there are still some in your surface world that would capture us to study our physical bodies or to exhibit us in aquariums, like they do with many marine and oceanic species. We would become strange creatures that people would pay to see. They would not care if we lost our freedom, if our captivity would satisfy the curiosity of your scientists or provide revenue to your aquariums.

The incomprehension and egotistical interest amongst some of you is what prevents us from getting to know each other openly, and for the two races (the submarine and the terrestrial) to become friends. That is exactly the same reason why our brethren from the Stars has not contacted anyone of the surface yet.

But they have done so with us; and in fact, we visit them frequently in their transoceanic bases each time we go by their “scientific” emplacements. They are very loving beings who receive us and look after us with much love, a profound respect and with much joy. They open for us their enormous domes so that we can come in and talk with them. They are travelers from other worlds, and even other dimensions, and they are used to contacting beings of all kinds.

The day that your world changes and you open the communication with beings that are different from you, then you will be able to contact our brethren from Space and also us.

Until then, we await that moment. Meanwhile, we will have to be satisfied with communicating with you through those who already have such talent, who have been born with a mission to become intermediaries, even in a hostile and distrustful world towards those who are not like them.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Race mixing pushed in the media isn't just about white genocide......

.......it is the key necessary for human genocide as a whole.

Remember that TPTB have to depopulate billions and billions of people. Humans as a whole are irrelevant at this point as robots can fill physical jobs and AI will replace jobs requiring brainpower and critical thought.

If you had to depopulate around 7 billion people, what would be the easiest route to go? The obvious answer is a pandemic and designer bio-weapons. Since the global white populations seem to be dwindling anyway, white people are of no real long term threat. However, the vast majority of the global population will have only one trait in common in the future and that is the presence of melanin in their systems. Remember, melanin isn't just in the skin but also found in various amounts in the heart, liver, brain, etc.

If TPTB made some designer engineered bioweapon that attacks melanin or at least latches on to melanin as a way to further rates of infection, they would then be able to wipe out the vast majority of the planet. If whites are gone or at least mostly gone, nobody would be able to see it clearly and blame it as a weapon meant to target "minorities" since damn near everyone would have melanin, including the multiracial children of the white people, at that point.

Consider that something as simple as nicotine can bind to melanin and, if those molecules were combined with some doomsday bioweapon, you could hypothetically have a super killer pandemic level virus out there. The elites will sit back in their bunkers and upload their minds to AI mind frames or transform into their true reptilian forms or whatever it is that they do. Meanwhile, humans as a whole will be dropping like flies.

Just remember as the media tries to push us apart as humans or emphasize fears of multiracial majorities in the future, we will all be depopulated in time and nothing will stop this.

Anonymous Coward #sexist godlikeproductions.com

I will tell you why beautymaxing = the cure for incels

My life is almost over, because of the agepill. But let me tell you this, young incels:

Beautymaxing = the key to happiness. You will never be completely happy if you don't become a chad, but the way people will treat you, will be much better once you reach 7. This will release endorphins and dopamine. You will always be extremely aware of your environment, because of the way your brain works, and this will be a burden, but it doesn't really matter as long as you get validation. Getting validation does not depend on the way you look, talk or what you think. You just get it, because in the eyes of people, you're just a body and nothing else.

Nothing will work against ugliness, i've been there, done that, i have talked to psychologists, it doesn't work. You need to beautymax, and this is the only way out.

Now, you can take the WRONG beautymaxing decisions, which i did as well in the past, or you could get a botched job, and then you fuck up even more, cause nobody likes to look at a fake man's face. It's all a matter of taking the RIGHT decisions. Unfortunately, the younger you are, the bigger the chance you take the wrong decision. This is just a rule of life.

You need to take the right decisions, beautymax to the limit, to the extreme, and then live a life where you can at least enjoy your looks, and having other people enjoying your looks, having female attention and people giving you compliments.

You must have achieved this, or else your life will never be satisfied. You must die a happy man, and in order to die a happy man, you must have lived a happy life, at least for a period of your life.

After the age of 36, it will be all over, for all of us. This is the moment you should look back at your life, and you need to draw the conclusion that you had some success with women. Then, you could either take the decision to accept and swallow the agepill and 'let go', or you could commit suicide, knowing that it was all about looks and things will only get worse.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Since his youth Macron has nurtured an ambition that is beyond normal. He needs the attention and admiration of others to compensate for his inferiority complex. So we are confronted with three paradigms that define a certain type of personality: 1) the idea that there exist no limits 2) a feeling of omnipotence from childhood, but even more so in adulthood 3) a narcissism that can accurately be defined as malevolent. This provides the structure of psychopathic behavior, for we are confronted with an individual - Emmanuel Macron - whose psychic make-up is perfectly definable as psychopathic. The word "psychopath" is not an insult. A great American psychoanalyst Nancy MacWilliams explains literally that a psychopath can attain the highest levels in the American government. So of course the psychopath can be a deviant, but if he is well organized from a cultural and social point of view he can also reach the heights of the ruling class in politics or finance - which is the case we're studying.

The psychopathic personality is characterized by an infinite spectrum of points of reference, for example: a fascination with the superficial, the ability to attract, uneasiness in confrontations. We see this in Macron's fits of hysteria when admiration wanes, underscoring the weaknesses of his identity. This hysteria is characterized by his interest in theatricality, which cannot fail to recall - a troubling coincidence - his personal history with his teacher - who taught drama. The psychopath is not worthy of confidence but succeeds through the fascination he exerts in trying to convince his interlocutor. He has no remorse. When he talks about the poor or insults the workers of northern France, reducing them to smokers and alcoholics, when he denigrates women, lowering them to the level of the ignorant, we have returned to the ideas perfectly explained by Jacques Lacan. It's true that he didn't want to say those things but his subconscious spoke for him. For he believes in what he says and cannot prevent himself from expressing it. Macron defends himself by altering the meaning of his statements - but never expresses remorse - for he never feels guilty.

So what is the problem from the psychiatric point of view? What is the danger with a personality such as this? I reply that there is no doubt: Emmanuel Macron, like all psychopaths is highly dangerous. An American intellectual who specializes in - let's call it "well-integrated disturbances" in famous people - literally said: "The serial killer destroys families, while the psychopaths at the summits of politics and the economy ruin societies." So in what way is Macron dangerous? 1) Like all psychopaths Macron has a high opinion of himself 2) Macron does not like France and does not fight for the people of France 3) Macron is enormously fond of himself and fights to keep his fragile identity. For him the conflictual situation with Marine Le Pen is not only a political conflict. He cannot accept that a woman - Marianne, the symbol of France - is his antagonist. He needs a nurturing mother. Any other relationship with a woman is difficult to undertake. So this fragility is very dangerous, because as with all psychopaths who work only for themselves and who consider others as instruments of their own grandeur, it underscores the extent to which a country like France finds itself in danger from a candidate of this type.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

PITCHFORK TIME - MACRON LOST BY AT LEAST 4 MILLION VOTES - European Union Stole Election. No Future Elections Anywhere Can Be Legitimate Again.

Here is the math:
33 million votes cast (and counted). 16 million votes cast (and nullified due to damaged ballots, and claimed "forfeited protest votes".)

Votes cast to Macron: 22 million. Votes invalidated by damaged ballots (100 percent of these were LePen:) 15 million. Votes for LePen that were not invalidated by damaged ballots: 11 million. Probable actual protest votes, no more than 1 million LePen: 11 million plus 15 million is 26 million.


LePen: 26 million.
Macron: 22 million.
Protest: 1 million.

But it is a lot worse than that, because there were extra ballots printed for Macron, that went poof into nowhere. So obviously they got stuffed. Macron DEFINITELY, beyond a doubt, did not get 22 million votes.

Macron is openly and publicly stated even by the MSM to be the Rothchild big banker choice. Macron hates France, and did not even honor the national anthem after "winning". It is flatly impossible for him to have been elected. In French elections, any damaged ballot is automatically thrown out as "spoiled". So to steal a French election all you have to do is tear up most of one candidate's ballots before mailing them out. They will then be rejected when counted. This is precisely what happened to LePen. The torn ballots by the millions, which are a confirmed fact, prove the French election was stolen.

Lucian Apollo Zalmoxe Aeli #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

How can we protect ourselves against ISIS and Russia and China and the duality of the Illuminati and the NWO

My dear friends
most complex solutions have very simple problems
there is a treaty made in 1967 between Romania and France and USA
between Giscard-dÉstaign and Ceausescu by which all three named above countries are forbidden to develop the high technologies invented by Nicolae Tesla and Henri Coanda around the years 1893-1945
these includes:laser,plasma,antimatter,death ray,transmission of electrical current wirelessly by using Tesla Coils,flying saucers,antigravity turbines,jump engines into 4d and 5d and 7 d and 10d and of course,stargates:)))

Well I propose that after 50 years we shall abolish this infamous treaty
the industrial base of France is 10x that of Romania and that of USA is 100x
you can produce much more plasma tanks and flying saucers than we can
simply head on to ftp.atlantia.online,the file is called atlantean_technology.docx,the login is apollo@atlantia.online and pass is Caligulas36
those are simple descriptions of techs not tech descriptions:)

Romania is in the first row of a Russian or Chinese or Arab agression
our vice prime minister is Sevil Shaideh and her husband is a syrian spy
I made this proposal for a french spy on 1st of january 2016 but Dracula said that I am not to be trusted
and someone else is needed
someone like him who steals laptops from Paris student houses and sells them back to Romania
and who destoyes with a hammer the crystal ball with Tour D Eiffel and the macbook pro and macbook air received from Artemis in his bathroom so I dont get them when I am 40 years old

yeah maybe someone else is needed but the Illuminati(and dracula is one) want to arm ISIS as well with flying saucers
we must not allow this to happen
the nephew of Bin Laden and Obama is not to have them and attack Paris with them...
that is all
peace with you be on the Europe's day 9th of may 2017
Apollo with love
Lucian Aeli

Weyoun #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

If anything, the existence of nuclear weapons strengthens the Mandela effect argument. Consider this, there could be who knows how many unknown particles and energy forces out there, that we cannot document or detect due to our limited technology. We are only limited to human dimensions and there can be somethings existing in 5D or 6D we don't know. Physicists, everyday, are trying to seek out these new particles and energies. Now, if we can't even document these unknown particles and energies, how do we know what effect will bring when we mess around with them. This is where the nuclear weapons come in. Nuclear weapons mess with these particles and energies, which we don't even know is happening because we can't detect it. Before discovery of radiation, people used to use Tritium in cosmetics because they couldn't have known about radiation. Similarly, there could be many energies and particles we don't' know about, but we are messing around with just like the Tritium cosmetics, and it is changing everything we know.

To close your mind mind to Mandela effect is to assume our current state of science is complete, that there can be no other new unknown possibilities out there. Einstein turned classical physics on its head and now Mandela is doing the same to "modern" science. Open you mind!

"Inappropriate Anthropomorphisation" Award

Chad vs. Incel: The (literal) cockfight.

Anonymous Coward #sexist godlikeproductions.com

Alpha/Chad wins even when odds are against him. The sad tale of a Beta/Incel Rooster

Ok. This story is real and it goes to show that Chad and Incel types transcend species.

My 5 year old Chad/Alpha rooster recently had surgery and has been recovering slowly.

Anyway, Beta/Incel rooster (normally painfully passive and cuck-like over the years; he's almost a damn hen) has been successfully fighting him for top spot, making Chad cry/scream/run away and generally trying to avoid combat.

Don't get me wrong folks, I don't let fighting occur and I stop it as soon as I see it.

So I've been sort of mourning Chad's loss, but today I realized he hasn't lost anything. The top hen refuses to follow Incel/ Beta - even though he's been "winning"...In fact, Alpha Rooster with his Alpha Hen have been closer than ever, as she cleans and preens him, and therefore, no-one in the flock is really following Beta - even though he's been winning the fights.

So cuck-beta rooster wannabe alpha is in a wierd position and is a rooster without any real respect...no hens will let him near to mount or do anything, as they all hang out with recovery Chad. So...there is a bit of a leadership vacuum til it all gets properly sorted out.

I suspect when Alpha/Chad is fully recovered, he's gonna beat the living shit out of Beta; beta will be relieved and go back to acting like the hen that he is deep inside (he actually makes really nice nests for the real hens) and all will be well...

My conclusion: Beta's/Incels need to remain betas/Incels. Even when they have a chance at being Chad, they simply don't have Chad-ness.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Do You Really Believe the Earth Spin, Wobble, Rotation Lie?

Spinning at 1,040 mph,

Rotating around the Sun at 69,360 mph,

And the Chandler wobble.

Keep in mind the speed of sound is 767 mph.

That's a hell of a lot of movement that can't be seen or experienced in any way.

How do we explain a still pond or lake?

If you've ever been on a cruise ship traveling at top speed, 20 knots (23 mph / 37 kph), in a fluid environment you know you're moving.

Or, add the Chandler Wobble at 69,360 mph + 1,040 mph. Have you ever experience an auto wheel that's not balanced properly at high speed?

Strife #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Magick is science. Creative Manifestation

Science and magick are one.

Magick is acheived by Will, Thought, and Belief. Which in turn are ruled by the Universal Law of Vibration. Which affects matter.

So, thoughts have power. Through science

What you see in this reality: is merely an effect of your core beliefs, because as what you believe – you see, in your reality. What happens in your world – either good or bad, is a mere reflection of the person you are/ was to others.

You advance, when your belief is replaced by knowing.

And that in a nutshell is the power of magick, manifestation through sheer Will and Thought and Belief.

Creative manifestation. Its science through Dipolar Gravity.

Vibrations produce realities in our consciousness, though that which produce vibrations may not be at all like what we perceive. Thus, in metaphysics we often differentiate that which is actual and that which is real. That which is actual. or actuality, is related to the essence of the Cosmic, the absolute state of Being. What is real is what we realize. the picture we have in our consciousness of the actuality.

The Absolute state is immutable. Realities are transmutable. Change the vibrations of a thing and we change the manifestation of the thing. From pure spirit to gross matter, all is energy in vibratory motion.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

what the Mandela effect really is

the Mandela effect is NOT something changing in the physical world (example: names and words change in printed books, a person once thought dead turns out to be alive).

the reality is that alternative physical dimensions/realities exist and for some reason peoples CONSCIOUSNESS (which is separate from the physical body) keep hopping across these worlds.

All that's happened is that your non physical consciousness has somehow shifted to your replica in another physical world where the name you're scratching your head about was always spelled that way and the person you thought was dead is actually live.

in other words, its not them, its you. you're the stranger from another world that's in a new world that you were not born into.

christian #fundie godlikeproductions.com

No doubt about it Obama is the *ANTICHRIST* the Son of Perdition. Comes to a head May 25th

May 25th is Ascension Day

Resurrection DAY April 16th.

40 days later MAY 25th

Acts 1 takes place 40 days after the Resurrection: Jesus, in the company of the disciples, is taken up in their sight.


Obama's Speech. The
May 25 event will take place in front of Berlin's landmark Brandenburg Gate, where Obama delivered a speech as president in 2013.

Obama to Join German Protestant Reformation Celebrations in May

MAY 25th 2017

44th day of the Omer= OBAMA the 44th President


The Seat of Satan: Nazi Germany

[link to www1.cbn.com]


Thread: THE SEAT OF SATAN WAS MOVED TO BERLIN..Obama – Occult Connection?


Obama to give speech in Berlin to mark Reformation anniversary

Obama to reemerge publicly for event on “democracy” and “responsibility” with Merkel on May 25th in Berlin

Obama's Berlin visit to coincide with Trump in Brussels

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Progressive Democrats Are The New Nazi Party

Their own actions speak for themselves,there is very little difference between radical left-wing progressivism and fascism.

Now that progressives are openly backing political violence against their opponents, they have technically crossed over.

NAZIs practiced or enforced:

Nationalized health care
Gun ownership rights stripped from citizens
Restrictions placed on free speech
Centralized control of the national economy
Capitalism banned
Centralized control of the media
Adherence to strict "green" environmental policies
Centralized control of education
Political violence against their opposition

The list goes on, but the key is progressive democrats today agree with pretty much everything the NAZIs did during their reign of terror against the world.

Progressive democrats are not liberals, not even to the slightest degree. True liberalism is a far right wing ideology that is predicated upon anti-authoritarianism, private property rights and the individual.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Could Edward SNOWDEN be Cadwaladr, The Great Welsh Prince returned per legend, to defeat the anglophile world?

Just a theory I came up with, but the name Snowden is certainly from North Wales, and no one has done more to harm the emerging Anglo-American police state and world government than this great-great-grandson (pronounced Kad-wall-uh-der) of Wales.

Here is a link about the legend of Cadwaladr and Cynan (pronounced Koo-nen), two early Welsh warriors who fought the Saxons and are rumored to return one day and defeat them:

[link to hefenfelth.wordpress.com (secure)]

Everyone knows the story of King Arthur, but many think his retunr will be from from Wessex, or even from Cornwall. This author (and many others) think the fiercest resistance to the final decline of the Britons (which was found in North Wales) will also be the "birthplace" of "the once and future king," Cadwaladr!

Something you may not have known about Snowden:

(from wikipedia):

"On May 7, 2004, Snowden enlisted in the United States Army Reserve as a Special Forces candidate through its 18X enlistment option, but he did not complete the training. He said he wanted to fight in the Iraq War because he "felt like [he] had an obligation as a human being to help free people from oppression." Snowden said he was discharged after breaking both legs in a training accident. He was discharged on September 28, 2004."

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Why are TPTB so against tobacco smoking? Is it somehow good for you?

With all the anti-smoking legislation, etc. I'm starting to wonder if there's something to smoking that's somehow beneficial.

Does it fight the crap they're putting in the chemtrails? Kill some new virus they're preparing for us? Make it hard to mind-control us through HAARP or something?

Damn. I guess maybe I am paranoid. Or I read too much conspiracy.

Real FACT #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Truth About Trump,The Zionist Media And The Deep State.

Trump is a prop of the Deep State, used by the Zionist media to distract from their ISIS army slaughtering civilians overseas.

If we got real news we would throw up seeing how much evil America is doing around the world.

We are to the point where it is wall to wall Trump analysis to keep the "News" off TV.

Trump is a fool in a dunce cap set out for the people to pillory and spit on. This keeps them from asking questions.

Trump is not a smart man and so every idiotic comment he spews provides cover for the Deep State.

When the Communist Chinese and the Godless Russians look like economic benefactors and arbiters of peace and political stability in the world you know America is FUCKED UP.

They flooded the Internet with so much Fake News that used to be called Propaganda when people actually had literacy, that they pushed the 9/11 Truth movement to the far margins.

They had to do this because the truthers would have revealed how Western globalists and Zionists have created a Fake Muslim Army to reshape the Middle East for Western Corporate control.

The fake Muslim army called ISIS could turn around and blow up in Europes face if they start marching West in their Toyota Trucks.

JWP #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Pope is the kingpin of Satan's Globalist cabal. Trump has become the most prominent Nationalist in the world.

Globalist [“elites”] are top level minions of Satan, the “god of this world.”
Globalist human kingpin is the pope
Globalist had POTUS minions for decades
Globalist have Trillions of $ with which to bribe
Globalist have files on everybody that is anybody
Globalist have death squads
Globalist have access to all kinds of weapons
Globalist have CIA minion.
Globalist have MSMedia minion
Globalist are creating the One World Government
Globalist One World Government is ordained to come to be.
Globalist have planned for decades
Globalist will bring down Trump and the Nationalist and end “sovereign” USA and end the “sovereign” nations of Europe.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Outer space is a hoax

Big bang vacuum outer space does not exist. Earth is not a spinning sphere in orbit around a giant gas ball sun millions of miles away. Earth is flat and motionless. The sun moon and stars are electro magnetic lights that move around above us. Reasonable people who use their senses and analyze the facts know vacuum outer space solar systems with orbiting planets is not real. Physically impossible to have atmospheric pressure next to a vacuum...duh. Don't be fooled by CGI, photoshop, animations and jibber jabber jive talk.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

I think my wife is a demon

My wife thinks she has the Mendella effect.

She started to read the Bible non stop.

She swears she's trying to find God and he isnt in her reality.

I heard her crying the other night she said she saw a golden woman come through the Bible and hold her.

Right back at it the next day I find her.

And the room was swarmed with spirits. The Bible was on fire she said the words were changing and she was begging for the golden virgin to bring God back. It was the most horrific experience in my life.

She said God told her she was a whore and his prisoner and now she has to find a green tree that guards the golden virgin who has a key to the dimensions we come from.

I think she opened the gates of hell and ushered in the apocalypse. Every day I go home I'm afraid she's going to do that again.

The clocks stopped in our home until whatever she did went away.

I'm not really familiar with the old testament and I've been all over online.

I need to get her back to reality and I don't want to lock her up. I have to admit whatever happened was freaking real.

What is the golden virgin? Where is she getting this from? Is it a demon? She's convinced the green tree is a lion with a dragon it doesn't make sense. She says she's reading the Bible and it's behind the words and the portal i saw came from the words when they locked in place. All I know is all the words on everything were moving till something came and sent the spirits away.

I've seen posts on here about the Mandela and since none of you know me I'm going to just lay it down.

I just want whatever she has done to stop and things to go back to normal. I'm scared she's demonic.. I never heard anything about the stuff she's telling me. Chemistry and physics aren't in the Bible. The Golden Virgin green tree and bees.

Anyways glad I could tell someone.

Anonymous Coward #sexist godlikeproductions.com

biblical women like Sarah, Zipporah, Elizabeth, Mary etc most certainly resembled Muslim women in modest clothing

I see women in my church who dress like atheist women. tight jeans revealing the shape of their behinds, tight tops with low necklines, skirts that end above the knee

adultery and formication begins with the eye. and a skimplily dressed woman endangers men by facilitating them in sin.

Life, Human Life is from God #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Babies Lives Matter BLM

Things Not usually taught in Government Education Camps (public schools)

KJB Genesis 1:26-27 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.

KJB Genesis 4:1 And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the LORD.

A Doctors Testimony-
At the end of a lecture in St. Louis, one of the doctors
present told me of a lady in good standing in
society and the church, who came to his office
and requested his services in producing abortion.
Her reason was that she had three children
and her husbands income was not sufficient to
support four children. He suggested that if
the presence of four children in the home
would lead to the death of the whole family
by starvation, that she return home and kill
one of the three. She was horrified at the
doctors suggestion that she murder one of the
children. The doctor explained that if she followed
his suggestion her health would be protected and
there would be but one guilty of murder, while,
if he followed her with, her health would be injured
and there would be two responsible for the
murder of her unborn child. But, Doctor,
she replied that would not be murder? I've not felt
it's movements. The Doctor explained to her how life
began at the moment of conception, how the little
embryo was as much a living human being as when it
has become strong enough to make it's movements known.
The true mother love triumphed and
she returned home and resolved to protect,
love, welcome and toil for four instead of three.

Medical Genocide approved of by World Governments under Satan's New World Order

Four Different Things:Abstinence, Conception Elimination, Conception Prevention, Birth Control

1)Abstinence - Not having Sex
2)Conception Elimination - Never having Intercourse
3)Conception Prevention - The rhythm method and/or Using Condoms or similar
4)Birth Control - Using a IUD, Chemical pill/drug to force abortion/menstruation

The Intrauterine Device IUD does not stop conception
The IUD does little or nothing to interfere with sperm migration or
fertilization (conception). It achieves its birth control effect primarily
by preventing the newly conceived human life from implanting in the uterine
lining (endometrium) and is thus an abortifacient.

The "Birth Control Pill" does not stop conception, it ends pregnancy by forcing menstruation through a Hormone induced Abortion.
The Hormones in the Pills are stronger than the ones that tell the body that the woman is pregnant, but the body still goes through partial transformations in the breast to provide milk to the Baby, that is why breast cancer rates go up in women with long term birth "control" pill use.

Many women on the "pill" have had many pill induced abortions and many partial transformations of their breast tissue.
Who knows how many forms of cancer are a result of hormones starting the Pregnancy Changes, and them having them abruptly end when the Menstruation pills take over and starts the woman's Period?

(P2)Abortions - USA Child Sacrifice/Murders (Genocide of the Unborn)as of July 28, 2014

(USA since 1973=57Million) (World since 1980 1.34 Trillion)

[link to www.humanlife.org]
The Pill is used by about 14,000,000 American women each year and 60,000,000 internationally.

Thus, even an infinitesimally low portion (say one-hundredth of one percent) of 780 million Pill cycles per year globally could represent tens of thousands of unborn children lost to this form of chemical abortion annually. How many young lives have to be jeopardized for
prolife believers to question the ethics of using the Pill? This is an issue with profound moral implications for those believing we are called to protect the lives of children.

After the Pill had been on the market fifteen years, many serious negative side effects of estrogen had been clearly proven. These included blurred vision, nausea, cramping, irregular menstrual bleeding, headaches, increased incidence of breast cancer, strokes, and heart attacks, some of which led to fatalities.

Methods of Genocide Protected by the New World Order Government inside the United States of America.

the items below prove that Americans are being exterminated in a organized program of Genocide, protected and allowed
by their own "government"

Government approved/promoted WEAPONS used against People
-Abortion and Birth Control(physical and Chemical/drug induced Abortions)
-Rx Prescription Drugs, They rob the body of nutrients to detoxify from the drugs that suppress symptoms but actually create disease and new symptoms for witch Doctors will prescribe you MORE Rx Drugs. Drugs do not Cure Disease, they only treat (suppress) the symptoms and make you more Ill.
-Radiation (Cell, WiFi, Nuclear Fukashima, D.U. Weapons)
-GMO (Wheat, Corn, Soy, Cotton seed, Canola, Sugar Beets)
-Chemicals used on/in food, Pesticides/Herbicides/Preservatives/Dyes/Additives
-High Fructose Corn Syrup
-Refined Sugar
-Fried Foods/(Hydrogenated Oils) cause free radical damage and inflammation
-Aspartame and Sucrolose / NutraSweet and Splenda
-Alcohol consumption is a poison that like refined sugar suppresses the immune system and causes damage to the body.
-Fluoride plus other Chemicals and Drugs in the Water.
-Chemicals Cleaners, Flame Retardants, air fresheners.....
-Chemicals in Cosmetics and Perfumes
-WAR - Military Industrial Complex
-Laced Tobacco / E - Cigarettes
-Antiperspirant have aluminum compounds that increase breast cancer risk
-Processed Foods Micro Wave It so its really bad/destroyed
- Sunscreen, usually filled with Chemicals known to increase the risk of Cancer.
Sunscreen and covering the body in cloths all the time suppresses the Body in the production of Vitamin D, that is needed for countless essential body process to work properly.

Addictions (Cell Phones, T.V., Internet, Porn, Video Games, Sugar, Pop, Rx Drugs, ssri drugs)

Want to live?
Get Good Nutrition, Sleep in a natural/clean fresh dark room away from electromagnetic radiation, Exercise, Drink Clean Water, Detoxification and reducing Stress Cure the body of Disease (Dis-Ease).

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

UFO's are Intelligent Machines

Food for thought.

If UFO's are not military or something of terrestrial origin, given the obvious limitation of radiation, trip time, and other factors point towards UFO's being AI machines?

What's more likely...some organic alien travels light years to find us on another planet or some AI machine that can go dormant and awaken after light year of travel?

Might also explain why the UFO's are not keen about communicating...they may just be more like data collection agents then actual aliens.

I don't know about you, but when I see reports of unusual high speed changes in direction and UFOs traveling at high rates of speed that would cause any terrestrial aviator to pass out, I wonder who is piloting that kind of craft.

Starship Enterprise science fiction aside where they have solved for gforce....I wonder.


Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

We're catching up with the Grey aliens... at least in one field

Children's Hospital makes 'artificial womb' for lambs — raising hope for extreme preemies


Now we only need to improve our propulsion systems, physics understanding so we can go through solid objects like walls, and mentally control others.

By the time the human looking hybrids finish infiltrating key positions, it would be too late though... but still.

Xeven #racist godlikeproductions.com

Can middle eastern Muslims be taught how to be and live in a civilized society? They are raised in a barbaric animal culture. Can they ever be civilized or will they infect the civilizations they are placed in?

I do not think so. Just build a wall around the middle east like a zoo. If some show signs of intelligent civilized behavior we can let them out one at a time.

Anonymous Coward #racist godlikeproductions.com

[Re. two American women allegedly assaulted in France]

American girls are trained to be so nice and polite and respectful of diversity .. They are too dumb and naive to recognize the pack hunting and herding tactics of feral muslims who see them as prey ... Surround and assault

Anonymous Coward #sexist godlikeproductions.com

JOBLESS? Blame women!!


Women fought tooth and nail to have the opportunity to work just like men and any man who said women should stay at home with the kids was called a sexist who wanted to chain women to the stove.

Women entered the work force doubling the labour force while reducing its worth - wages haven't moved up since 70s but the cost of living has resulting in two income house holds becoming the norm.

Women realise work isn't fun and want to retire 30 years earlier in their 30s and play house but realise they need a man whose income can support a family - they can't find one so they blame men for being losers.

No. Women created this situation and are now reaping their rewards.

TrumpFan1966 #racist godlikeproductions.com

Did you know only 4% of Earth's population is White women?

Just think about that. Take 100 people on Earth, and only FOUR of them will be WHITE WOMEN.

Out of those FOUR White women, THREE are probably feminists and only two might, statistically-speaking, even be attractive.

Meanwhile, 50% of Earth MEN with only 4% of the population to mate with.

A good-looking, HOT White woman is practically EXTINCT these days, and by the time they are 30, they are USED UP, and have been fucked up the ass by every Black guy in town.

I don't know WTF to do about this. It scares the shit out of me what is happening to our world, and what will even be left.

This is a FUCKED UP situation!

Dontwastetime #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Illuminati killed Dimebag Darrel to destroy white men .

It happened the same anniversary day as John Lennons murder. It happened in Columbus, Ohio sacrafice to the godess columbia at the alla rosa villa. The rose . Dimebag had the white people in power mode he had to be punished for setting the pro black mixing era back a few years with panteras raw mind power music. Think about it and you will see .Some dipshit named Nathan said pantera stole his lyrics. Yea fucking right. Diamond changed the world and had to much potential to rise the white man again lile pantera did. He was killed in my opinion to kill white hope.Rip Dime. WLM .

TrumpFan1966 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Donald Trump is a Rothschild puppet.

There is simply no other conclusion to reach if you start connecting the dots.

Look who owned Resorts International (and its history) before Trump bought it. This is significant.

Look who bailed Trump out of all of his failed businesses, particularly the casinos (now look who that person worked for. Starts with an "R" ends with a "d". This person is now our Commerce Secretary).

Look who Trump has appointed throughout his cabinet.

Look who Ivanka used to date.

Look who Steve Munchkin used to work for.

Look who Jared Kushner has worked with.

Look who Trump has worked with.

Look who just staged the Syria false flag.

I mean... this stuff would be fucking comical, if it weren't so sickening.

I understand the "media hates him", but keep in mind, the elites rule through divide and conquer, and through the Right / Left Paradigm. Or have we forgotten that around here?

We now must ask, Is Trump in on it, an unknowing dupe or just an actor?

I'd venture to say carefully groomed for many years, and propped up by forces around him, to play a role. His character utterly scrutinized from A to Z through algorithms used by the elites surrounding him. They know him head to toe, how he will act, behave, respond.

Remember, Trump's politics have wildly differed over the years.

In 1999, he basically said Pat Buchanan was a racist, and slammed The Reform Party for making him the nominee.

He said Oprah would be a great president.

He issued a public plan to force rich people to pay a one-time "luxury tax" to pay off the debt.

He's contradicted himself thousands of times.

We have no idea what his principles are. We just know for the election he took on a wildly populist, pro-America, somewhat right-wing, anti-Establishment position.

Take a look at his meetings with foreign leaders now that he is president. Most of the time he does not wear the translation earpiece! Look it up on YouTube. He has no idea what they are saying, yet he sits there and nods.

Trump did not write a single word of "The Art of the Deal". This is a fact, look it up.

Trump once said if he wasn't a "businessman", he'd have gotten into the movies and gone to Hollywood.

Trump, when asked on Letterman years ago what he'd do if he "lost it all", said he'd open a marketing firm. The crowd booed, expecting him to say he'd start over in business, rather than find a way to promote himself.

Trump actually is an actor. Look at his Wiki bio or IMDB profile.

Think about all of this.

Add it up, critically.

Take your blinders off.

Stop putting your FAITH in a man.

We are so far down the line.

We got played.

He was our only choice, but it really wasn't a choice at all. Hillary or Trump? No difference.

In some sense, this is worse, because we actually think we won, when we didn't. At least with Hillary we know who the enemy is.

It was hard for me to write this, because I believed in Trump -- with a few doubts -- but this is the truth.

You cannot deny Trump's Rothschild and Soros connections. You cannot. They're all there, all intertwined.

Trump was consistently propped up despite his business failures over the years by these very people, and now they own him, and he's paid them back by dutifully appointing them to key positions in government.

Furthermore, very little has fundamentally changed.

We see what are largely "window dressing" promise-fulfillments, lacking teeth. E.O.'s, but no meaningful legislation. We see Trump issue a ban on 7 Muslim countries, but not Saudi Arabia. We see Trump lay down to the court rulings.

We see Trump entirely endorsing Ryancare and blasting the Freedom Caucus, with seemingly little interest in the details of the health care plan.

We see Trump completely go back on his promise to "lock her up" (he now calls the Clintons "good people").

Trump is not in control.

We see a man either following a script provided to him, or a man totally in the dark, and "winging" it as he goes along.

He is not leading. He is not "draining the Swamp". Little has changed.

His token gestures and reassurances are simply there to keep the "base" shored up, and from engaging in outright revolt.

We see a man who does what he is told, and trusts all the wrong people.

I don't know the full story, but what you see above IS the truth -- not all of it -- but a bit part of it.

I'll remind you this is a conspiracy site, where we should be allowed to openly QUESTION things around us.

The greatest TRICK the DEVIL ever played was convincing the world HE DID NOT EXIST.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

THERE WILL BE WAR ---> Cryptic Email From British Elite


I received a cryptic E-mail that was definitely from British elite which I should have read better but I did not know they were going to make things impossible immediately after I saw it and prevent me from going back in. The gist of it was that I won't be doing this web site much longer and that I would be paid a visit. I had to back door the E-mail as it was because they somehow killed the front end that a mail app would use to get into the account last night. Long story short: They are stepping up the assault on alt media. Do not expect it to be around much longer. EVEN BIN HAD ITS TRAFFIC CUT BY BETWEEN 80 AND 90 PERCENT BY WHAT METHOD I DO NOT KNOW, BUT IT HAS BEEN HIT BAD. ALEX IS GETTING SLANDERED BADLY ON TOP OF DE-FUNDED. YESTERDAY YOUTUBE CUT FUNDING TO MUCH, IF NOT ALL ALT MEDIA POSTERS. I SAW HUGE PROBLEMS YESTERDAY, AND COMBAT MODE IS THE ONLY WAY I WILL BE ABLE TO DO THIS WEB SITE. It is a good thing I was ready with that.

Ok, so I have made guesses at what is going on. And my conclusion is that evil people who would not normally have access to NSA abilities have used the spyware from the latest Wiki release to cause mayhem. There probably will be no patches made because Microsoft would want that, and the same evil people have infiltrated the other operating systems as well. They have launched massive attacks on alt media, to try to give it the final kill shot. They know they put a leash on Trump, and will now proceed to make damn good and sure no one of the sort will ever get into politics again. A bloody war, where every last one of these people is rooted out and killed is now the only answer. I don't know if such a war can be fought. They are now going to kill Brexit and proceed with their New World Order unless stopped one way or another. Now, seriously, a Russia/Chinese win in World War 3 appears to be the only hope.


I'd have posted this earlier but there was a mail problem that took some learning to render it irrelevant (how to open incorrectly sourced encrypted Paypal mails). Figured it out. I am actually happy about it. ANYWAY
There are so many fake news assaults that I have learned to be careful about what I post, so I don't have to do redactions later. With regard to the Putin/Trump/China/NK/Syria news, here are cold hard facts:

1. Russia really did say that Trump is more dangerous and unpredictable than Kim Jong, and more crazy to boot! They put Trump at a social status below Kim Jong, believe it or not. That's an unbelievable tidbit of info, but Russia really did do it. BECAUSE OF THIS:

2. Russia really did move extensive anti aircraft munitions to within striking range of U.S. forces in Korea. Now that is a development like no other. Additionally:

3. Russia fully called America's bluff on the fake Syria gas attack, and bombed the living * out of U.S. supported fighters in Syria. Russia drew the line and said NOPE, YOU ARE NOT OUSTING ASSAD. As a result, Syria took back major turf.

4. FACT: Trump decided to beef up the attack force on North Korea by sending two additional carrier groups. So expect some major action there, that did not happen for nothing.

5. It appears China really did back track, and is very likely to support North Korea simply because America under the newly drugged Trump puppet of Kushner is behaving like a belligerent crack head, and China placed new value on having a buffer zone.

6: FALSE: Trump is not gaining popularity in the polls. He's falling like a rock, and despite falling like a rock "more accurate polls" are still showing his popularity improving. Don't let that fool you, all the Israeli-controlled MSM is doing is backing off on their lies a little to lie yet again and make people think Trump is gaining respect from the average Joe for going to war. REALITY: His support base does not want war. You can't exactly call the polls fake, but they are definitely misleading because they never told the truth to begin with.

7: Hawaii really did start taking old nuclear fallout shelters out of mothball. They know this is probably not going to end well.

All of this adds up to a weather forecast that goes like this: 85-95 percent probability of heavy metal precipitation, seek shelter immediately, duck and cover. YEP. THAT.

Do not believe the hoax that Trump's approval rating is improving. I would bet that prior to him flipping against his voter base, that his real approval was at least 70 percent, and now it has fallen. But since he has pleased the Israeli community in America, they will front whatever they want through their scamming media.


DHS-FEMA Operation "Gotham Shield" document link has been out there since Jan. 10, 2017.

Gotham Shield 2017 Overview.pdf


HUGE! Operation Gotham Shield 2017! Nuclear Detonation Drill To Take Place IN NEW YORK!

Anonymous Coward #sexist godlikeproductions.com

A woman has to be exceptionally stunningly beautiful to pull off a tattoo. But that's defeating the whole purpose right? Ugly girls in search of identity are the ones who get tattoos.

But if I'm out getting chicks and I snag one with a tattoo, she is immediately downgraded to sperm urinal. Sure I'll stab them intestines like Mike Meyers but I'd never commit to a chick with tattoos.

As a rule of thumb, each tattoo on a girl symbolizes each 50 dudes she let piss sperm in her womb.

Anonymous Coward #sexist godlikeproductions.com

Am i only one don't like women with tattoos?

My god, i get sooo turned off by them. How can women ruin their beautiful skin with tattoos...
women without them I find much more hot 50% bonus.

I can understand why people in the bible didnt like tattoos, hence why they don't get into heaven, no scars, no uggggly people, no missing limbs, no tattoos. Im going to be the only hot guy there.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

'THEY' WANT NUKE WAR OVER NK/JAPAN/CHINA - Great Cover For Fukushima Death of Pacific Ocean

Total incompetence and govt/media fakery for six years.

Nuclear catastrophe in that region will allow the public to accept that all the fish have died in the Pacific, and that stealth fallout is literally killing Americans already in the 'homeland'.

Whereas if they actually admitted the truth, the rage of the world would be more than 'They' could manage.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

North Korea is a FAKE country and so are the NUKES

North Korea is a fake country with fake buildings, fake crowds, and fake nukes. North Korea is being used as a pawn by TPTB to spread fear and start wars.

North Korea Fake Country:
[link to www.news.com.au]

Missiles from 2012 parade proven fake:
[link to www.nbcnews.com]

And the big JOKE is that Nukes are real to begin with:
[link to www.youtube.com (secure)]

Don't be fooled people this is all staged.


The MOAB is proof that ICBMs are fake as well.

If ICBM existed, then why use aircraft carries to get close, then airplanes to drop bombs? MAKES NO SENSE

They don't have the capacity to launch a missile with a payload thousands of miles on target and do any significant damage.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

When TPTB or NWO needs more slaves

When they need more slaves to fuel their machine, they start the invasion of other countries.

They want the slaves and resources.


The power over the physical bodies it controls.

The Eagle eye that oversees all below.

Their plan is to replace you all soon.


Their plan is almost complete.

They were using social media to build the A.I. based
off of human profiles and social media interactions.
As a matter of fact, many people on social media have communicated with A.I. bots without their knowledge. You assumed it was just another new friend/real person.

People need to wake up quick before it's too late.

They only need people for a short time longer before their A.I. is ready to replace people.





It's going to get ugly soon.

You know deep inside that it's true, but many feel the need to go on as if nothing is happening.

Following the rest of the sheep over the cliff's edge.

We must all help eachother to awaken to the deceit and their manipulation tactics. They are pros at it. Afterall, they've been doing it for thousands of years.

They even used Marylyn to piss off J.F.K.'s wife, so that when wanted him gone, the wife wasn't a problem.

Marylyn was a pawn. They got rid of her before she revealed the truth later in life.

They attack their enemies using your weakness.

They control most in the Seats of control by their weaknesses.

Sex, Drugs, Money and so on.

H.R.C. had lots of dirt that she instigated and created on many for them. She is one of their prized puppets.

Now you know why she isn't in jail.

She has too much dirt on too many in high positions.

The rabbit hole goes real deep.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

The Most Beautiful Thing That Can Happen to Planet Earth is the COMPLETE ERADICATION of Islam

Islam is a confirmed deadly mind virus, hell bent of eradicating the life giving FEMININE energies, subjugating the female, and raising of the MALE energies.

The very first Egyptian civilizations boomed owing to the superiority of the FEMININE. This was the GOLDEN age. We have murals showing women ruling, and women with hands over the male Pharaohs. This is the way its supposed to be.

Then along came the satanic forces, and they created a bunch of MALE DOMINATED shoe box cults.
Moham-mad was contacted by evil entities in a dark cave where he supposedly meditated.

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