
Publius Pompilius Quietus #racist amren.com

Everything that left-liberals want--religious pluralism, economic egalitarianism, societal tolerance of sexual deviants, et cetera--becomes less and less likely with the addition of non-white immigrants. In the short term, a coalition of left-liberal white people and non-white people works because they both share the goal of dispossessing white people of their homelands; thus, socially reactionary groups like black people and Muslims will ally with degenerate white liberals. Yet, in the long term, it is doomed and so are all other multi-racial coalitions. Once the specter of racist whitey is gone, the coalition will break, and socially backwards non-white groups will reverse socially tolerant policies of the contemporary Western world.

Caesar Avgvstvs #wingnut amren.com

I also came to that conclusion concerning the leftist coalition in my mid-20's. I couldn't see how homosexuals, feminists and abortionists could align with Muslims or blacks who repress them in their own environments. It occurred to me that the only thing that keeps these groups together is their shared hatred (and jealously, in the case of most non-Whites) of both conservative (gender roles perceived as natural, family/nation/race before individual, etc.) and classically liberal (exposed natural inequalities, individual responsibility, entitlement only to what you earn for yourself, equal opportunity, etc.) Western society.

They are a "coalition of hate" that feel that this Western society is so dangerous that all their differences need to be put aside to combat it. Their idea is that they will usher in an era of peaceful coexistence (an obvious impossibility) once this society has collapsed. Rather, the collapse of Western society will be the death of them all- the feminists/homosexual/abortionist types will quickly be sidelined and many of them are White anyway, and the remaining members of the coalition- racial groups- will simply revert society back to the way it was before colonialism if not much further backwards. Leftist ideas that mixed race people, breakdown of tribalism, "democracy building" in the third world, multiculturalism, etc. will prevent this polarization are utter rubbish. The breakdown of this coalition will be within this century with minority groups already fighting each other (e.g. blacks/Hispanics hate each other in America, and the more their numbers are raised, the more they can't avoid confrontation) and with Europeans becoming minorities in most of their nations by mid 21st century. The resurgence of ethnic/religious based political movements and growing "racism" and "intolerance" are inevitable and there is nothing that the globalist/cultural Marxist types can do about it- they have also signed their own death sentences. In the real world nobody cares about "tolerance", gender equality, individualism etc. when society is collapsing around them and they're struggling to put food on their plate. That Israel's government is now a coalition including far-right militarists/ultranationalists shows that even they are fast becoming cynical and/or paranoid about the future.

Africa's numbers will plummet downwards with the absence of economic/medical aid, and without Western support to overthrow various authoritarian leaders. The Middle East would inevitably develop into another Ottoman Empire/Caliphate-styled entity (much like the IS is working towards now, sooner rather than later if they achieve their goal) and Africans would simply be underneath both Asiatic and Arabic hegemony once again.

Reverend Bacon #racist amren.com

So, the liberals have a problem. The Fundamental Tenet of Liberalism-- all differences can be explained by racism-- is wrong. They've spent tens of trillions of dollars of our money trying to erode those differences, and they've failed. Hey, let's try to see what happens if we snatch the kids away, and keep them from their underprivileged parents. I mean, before we completely give up on our Fundamental Tenet.

The results will be mixed. Some blacks will find it harder to join gangs, so they will be compelled to get educated. Some will rebel because they're not cut out for school. The ones in the right tail will be grateful, and it will benefit them. But it won't close the gap, and then someone will say it's because they weren't really accepted by their white parents or their white teachers, etc. And liberals will have found a way to take tens more trillions from us, and still have no solution to the "achievement gap," nor the "crime gap," nor the "intelligence gap." No solution except the obvious one of course: the circle can't be squared.

Susannah #racist amren.com

Africans, like Muslims, will be forgiven their unprogressive views that would not be tolerated of Whites. The main purpose in life of various third world peoples is to dilute and destroy White, Western Civilization, so their failure to fall in line with sacrosanct liberal ideals will be excused as always.

how about this #racist amren.com

It works like this:

1. Blacks' performance at basically everything is inferior because slavery made Blacks think they were not as capable as the White man. You can think your way into anything. This weekend I plan to think my way into the safe at the local Wells Fargo.

2. Jim Crow did the same thing. If you separate two races in the same country and one race fails appallingly while the other does not, the successful race must be blamed. A sense of inferiority is responsible, just like how humans are responsible for the low IQ of cuttlefish with our presumptuous claims that our species is more capable than theirs. If we just raise cuttlefish like people, we will see that they are just as smart as us. They even throw up their arms and turn red in frustration sometimes! See, they're just like us. Now we just need to teach little Cuttly to breathe air and free him from his internalized aquaticism. I promise it will work.

3. Ignore all the evidence that self-esteem has no effect whatsoever on school performance or IQ. Also ignore the evidence that blacks have very high self-esteem compared to other races in the US. It's self-esteem, okay?

4. Everything you Whites have, Blacks should have had and would have had if the White man had not killed their self-esteem. You bastards!

5. The White man is dirty, but hating him makes you clean. With the cleansing power of this hate you are released from the oppressive responsibilities of finding a job, mating or bathing.

Christopher de la Viña #fundie amren.com

As a child in public schools and now as a graduate student in history, I have learned one thing to be true about the United States: It is a white country. The founders were white, white men established its core principles and political system, and white men and women built the nation into what it is today.
Even before I became aware of the importance of race, I never thought this was “racist” or unfair; it was simply a fact. America has always been a white country and always should be. Why, then, are white people giving away their country?

Immigration and assimilation
My maternal great-great grandfather had a saying in Spanish about the immigrants who began coming to the United States after the 1960s. In English it would be: “Their stomachs are in America, but their hearts are in Mexico.” This perfectly sums up the attitudes of immigrants from most Third-World countries.
Immigrants are pouring into the United States, not for the American dream, as many politicians, both Democrat and Republican, like to say. They are coming to exploit our economy, with no intention of embracing the culture, adopting the language, or considering themselves American. When asked, most will say they are proud Hondurans or proud Nigerians–proud nationals of the country they came from.

When I lived for a time in a border city, I saw how many American citizens were really nothing more than anchor babies, born in the U.S. but living in the neighboring Mexican city their wholes lives. They had American birth certificates, but they were wholly Mexican. They had no allegiance to this nation; their stomachs were in America, but their hearts were in Mexico.
Unchecked immigration should by far be white America’s most urgent concern, but for white politicians, getting elected to another term is more important than securing a future for whites. Both liberal and “conservative” white politicians and pundits take a soft stance on immigration, careful not to offend anyone or to appear “racist.”
Only whites are afraid of being called “racist.” The Japanese don’t care what non-Japanese think of their immigration policy, and Mexico does not hesitate to deport Central Americans. Only in white countries are people afraid of name-calling.
Whites continue to elect politicians who do not represent them. As a Hispanic, I cannot understand this. There is not one white congressman in Washington today who actually looks out for whites, at least not openly.
If I were a Hispanic activist or a member of La Raza, I could run as a pro-Hispanic candidate, exclusively on the issues and concerns of the Hispanic community. I would probably win, especially if I lived in a border city or border state. However, if a white wanted to fight for the issues and concerns of white people, he would be branded a “white supremacist.”
The double standard in American politics is obvious. White politicians have to represent everyone of every race, but non-white politicians can openly represent only their own people. No one seems to find this strange or unfair.
So I repeat my question to you, white people: Why do you continue to vote for moderate Republicans and “conservatives” when they do not care about you? The average American politician would much rather win an election with a million Hispanic or black votes and zero white votes rather than lose with ten million white votes and not a single non-white vote.
Some white Americans still hold the belief that mainstream conservatives will one day advocate for white interests, but the truth is that politicians will continue to pander to non-whites, particularly Hispanics. Politicians do not care about your vote; they care about my vote. Your vote will matter only if you start running pro-White politicians who are willing to fight the establishment.

Culture sets nations apart and gives its people an identity. The European-influenced culture of the United States is disappearing under the weight of immigration. Indeed, America is experiencing a rapid Hispanicization.
You white people now have two options: You can go along with Hispanicization and eventually become a minority whose ancestral culture is erased and replaced, or you can stop Hispanicization and help keep America the way it has been essentially since the days of the first permanent English settlement in Jamestown.

I have grown up around Hispanic culture, and as rich and vibrant as it can be, my ancestors left Mexico for a reason. I am at least a sixth-generation American, so I can be sure my ancestors did not leave Mexico to take advantage of American welfare. The system that can be so easily exploited did not exist then, and the American dream actually meant something. My ancestors understood that American culture was far superior and offered more than the culture of Mexico.
Today, even third- and fourth-generation Hispanics have not fully abandoned their ancestral ways. Spanish is the dominant language even for many who have been here for several generations.
Many expect society to learn Spanish, and it is clear that Spanish has become a second unofficial language in America.
Many Hispanics still do not value education. I am lucky to have a family that does value education, and I attribute that to both genetics and at least a century of assimilation. Half or more of the Hispanics I know don’t care about education, and many end up in gangs. This seems to be particularly true in Southern California.

There is no greater culture in the world than European culture. I can admit it because it’s true. I enjoy living in a First-World nation shaped by people of the same stock as George Washington, Ben Franklin, Beethoven, Picasso, and Galileo.
Have whites decided that their people and cultures are no longer worth fighting for? Is Guatemalan or Ethiopian or Vietnamese culture better for America? Whites must believe this, because why would they otherwise let a great nation’s culture be replaced with that of Third-World immigrants?
I cannot understand whites. Time and again, I see white university students who are happy to watch not only their nation but their genes disappear. They say they would be happy not to have children or to have children with non-whites.
When I try to talk about race with my white classmates or coworkers most are totally apathetic or sometimes even hostile. Blacks and Hispanics are much more race conscious. They know race exists, and that they have interests as a race. Whites are uncomfortable even talking about race and may try to scold me when I say something honest about it.
Sometimes I meet a white person who appreciates my understanding of white interests, and, even if he does not fully understand the implications of race, he is at least not ashamed to be white. This is a good sign for white people, but these people are rare.
America cannot survive without whites. It will not survive when whites are a minority. If any remnants of Western Civilization are to persist on the North American continent, white people will have to begin to care about the future of their people. My people cannot accomplish what yours have accomplished in the almost two and a half centuries that the United States has existed.

bigone4u #racist amren.com

Given that Western governments are the enemy of the white race, and that the medical establishment is controlled by governments in all countries now (Thanks, Obamacare), the potential for evil use of this information is enormous.

I can easily picture doctors secretly injecting nonwhite genes into white babies in the womb, for example. Or extracting white DNA to inject into black fetuses to create some sort of new hybrid race that is related to the white race to such an extent that whites would have to embrace it.

Never trust anyone from the government. I think Ronald Reagan said something similar.

Light from the East #racist amren.com

Well-educated blacks have to marry "down" since it is simply too hard to find another smart black person. Studies have shown average black IQ is 85 and 68% of blacks have IQ range of 70 to 100. To be qualified to be in college, you have at least IQ 100. To be successful in college, you have to have IQ about 110. Based on studies, only 16% of blacks have more than 100 of IQ and few of them can be successful. In sum, studying at universities is not black people's nature.

IKUredux #racist amren.com

Study: Muslims to Outnumber Christians Worldwide at 2070

This will not happen. It can't. It goes against nature. Nature always wins. The only race who has fought nature, and won some battles, is the White race. Once we White Christians are gone, there is no other race who can creditably replace us. The Chinese, while smart, lack initiative and imagination, and, compassion. The Indians, most are not that smart, and, again, lack compassion. The Blacks. Puhleeeeze. They are not even in contention. The Arabs? Yup, they could be the global winners. They are stupid, backwards, but, they have passion for their retarded religion. Compassion is what sets us apart from the rest of the savages. It is also what will be our downfall. I think compassion is a trait that distinguishes the savages from the civilized. But, I do not believe that a trait that is godly, and benevolent, should cause the genocide of the practitioners.

What wins in today's world is PASSION for your tribe. We Whites need to stop thinking as individuals. Take a page out of the Talmud. We Whites are a distinct BLOOD group, with genomes that we share. We are under hostile assault. We need to fight back.


John Derbyshire #racist amren.com

In August 1986, John Derbyshire married a Chinese woman in Changchun, China. He described the process in an article for The Spectator.

During a debate with Jared Taylor at the Robert A. Taft club in August 2006 Derbyshire joked that the only reason he was not an open white nationalist was because "it would get me in trouble at home." During the question and answer session Derbyshire jokingly described his two children, Danny and Nellie, as "Danny-mud and Nellie-mud." He has argued that the internment of Americans with Japanese ancestry during World War II was "not a very deplorable thing to do" and noted that in the event of serious war with China, similar internment of Americans with Chinese ancestry will occur and "I hope the camps will not be very uncomfortable, for I shall be there too-- the Derbyshires travel as a family."

Augustus3709 #racist amren.com

The sun is setting on the African American race. As much as we rightly talk about the existential crisis of the White world, with the ongoing tidal wave of central American immigrants into the US, blacks will be squeezed out of the opportunities they had.

Blacks could have lived in paradise here, being the White man's sidekick, but instead they fell for the radical leftist trap, wanted impossible "equality", fell for every trick and bamboozling, the utterly failed "integration" agenda, the welfare state, feminist "sexual liberation" which undid hundreds of years of moral progress.

They had their chance and they blew it. Go and cry a few tears by the new MLK monument, before it's replaced with a poncho and sombrero.

MeanWhiteBoy #racist amren.com

Being a Upper class,middle class, or even a poor Black or Hispanic in the U.S. is the easiest life in the world. They live in a prosperous and safe white country all the while receiving diversity which propels them to get a nice job and put money in their pockets. The blacks and Hispanics want to have more of themselves so they can turn the country into a third world hellhole where it truly will be work or die (where the hardest working and most intelligent will pass their genes along, not the most racially diverse) No cellphones, cars, or microwaves for the poor in the third world. No preferential treatment for upper class, middle class and poor blacks and hispanics in the third world. Blacks and Hispanics don't realize that THEY are their own worst enemy, and their keeds are going to have a harder life when Whitey is gone

Douglas Quaid #fundie amren.com

It's all part of a big plan by the elites, they broke up our homes and ruined our women with feminism, they got our kids in the gov't schools and daycare when we prostituted our wives out to go work for another man, now we have "gay marriage" [sic], and we have incessant attacks on whiteness, Christianity, and anything good, true and beautiful.

The first step is realizing the play being run, I'm not trying to wax Alex Jonesish here but there is a play being run against us. When people hear the elites talk about a "New World Order" we think that just has to do with world gov't, it's bigger than that. They are reshaping culture to no longer have any identity, so that we are just pliable mush who watch "Dancing With the Stars" and "Ellen".

That's why the borders won't be closed, that's why BET exists, that's why the universities are just liberal mind laundries, that's why there are homos all over the tv now, that's why diversity is constantly pushed.

John Smith & H. Leonskoi #racist amren.com

(John Smith)

All of Latin America is corrupt, which I take as a legacy of Spain and Southern Europe's traditions of the same, but when mixed with large numbers of Indians, it seems to have reached its heights.

(H. Leonskoi)

Good points. It seems to be a north-south issue. In fact, it seems to be a conflict between certain successful northerners (northern descent) and southerners. This is true even in Europe, the northerners are more successful in the modern world. One might think that the skin tone obsession of everyone, "anti-racists" and race realists, was silly because there is so much more to race and ethnicity than skin-tone, but there are races and ethnicities and it is a significant fact. However, generally the skin tone issue is a good guide to who is aggrieved (jealous, covetous, in denial) and who is successful. The northerners are successful and the southerners are less so. This is even true in Asia. Even the leaders of the societies in Latin America are Spaniards, Basques, and Portuguese, they are no Norwegians (forgetting for the moment the current pathological alturism, a somewhat different issue). Southern and northern Europeans ARE quite different in their approaches and perhaps in their talents.

NeanderthalDNA #racist amren.com

Well the level of cognitive dissonance is hilarious.

Well, sure, Blacks have been disproportionately violent for ever. What do you expect you racists!!! Ha ha!

Or what, liblefties? We Whites DESERVE this so stop whining? THAT is also a factor in their smugness.

I'd love to play this little game with the liblefty punditocracy. Bet I could knock out most of 'em with one punch as good as a negro!

OHDeutschePolkaConfederate #racist amren.com

Exactly. It is easy to give lip service to tolerance and the notion of peaceful co-existence when one lives in an all-White, low crime, peaceful neighborhood. Folks who experience the sociopathy that is Negroid behavior on a daily basis know that this stuff is nothing but pure naivete.

Jack Kerwick #racist amren.com

Back in 2011, Frank Borzellieri was terminated from his position as principal of Our Lady of Mount Carmel, a predominantly black and Hispanic Catholic elementary school located in the Bronx, New York. The Daily News charged Borzellieri with “white supremacy,” the Church to which Borzellieri devoted his life upheld the conviction, and that was that.

Yet the charge was baseless and the conviction cruelly unjust.

Borzellieri is the author of six books, some of which treat racial and cultural issues. His great sin seems to consist in the fact that he dared to note that there are interracial IQ differences that correlate to some extent with other social indicia.

In this, however, he joins every other scientist who takes this data for granted. To name just a few examples:

The Bell Curve authors, Charles Murray, an American Enterprise Institute Scholar and the 2009 recipient of the Irving Kristol Award, and the late Richard Herrnstein, a Harvard professor; MIT scientist and best-selling author Steven Pinker; and Thomas Sowell, the black “conservative” economist, nationally-syndicated columnist, and Hoover Institution fellow have been saying for decades nothing particularly different from anything that Borzellieri has written.

Yet the notion that Borzellieri is any sort of “supremacist” is patently absurd on its face.

Borzellieri chose–he chose–to ply his craft as an educator tending to the needs of New York City’s black and Hispanic students. He was also elected thrice to the New York City school board where he resisted efforts to replace literature on such Western heroes as Columbus and Washington with a curriculum requiring children to read books on homosexuality, masturbation, abortion, and birth control.

But Borzellieri must believe in “white supremacy,” his accusers contend, because he had at one time associated with Jared Taylor’s American Renaissance (AR), an organization that routinely explores the ways in which race and IQ intersect with all manner of other cultural phenomena.

And anyone who mentions race and IQ, or who associates with those who do so, must be a “white supremacist.”

Strike_Team #racist amren.com

[On the "Knockout Game"]

All I know is that it took a jew being attacked to have this make a dent in the national media. That's criminal in itself.

Blacks have been attacking whites like this for decades. Now it has a new name, and white technology, yes whites invented it, allow the animals to record their triumphs for posterity, to show the next generation the way.

negrolocaust #racist amren.com

it seems like 90 percent of my life is spent trying to avoid any and all contact with blacks. i have turned it almost into an art form. even driving 20 miles out of my way to get gas where i know there will not be one black at that station. it even angers me to have to drive by them shuffling down the road aimlessly with their behinds hanging out of their pants.

Anonymous #racist amren.com

I tell my neocon friends that blacks behave badly today not because they lack fathers, but because they don't fear a violent white backlash like they used to. I said there was a time where if a black guy simply looked at a white person wrong, they'd be pushing up daisies in a heartbeat. Blacks feared whites then. That's why they didn't commit as many crimes and why they sure as hell didn't mess with white people then.

anarchyst #racist amren.com

It's the defective black pathology that fuels the violence that is endemic and part of black culture.
Being "disrespected" calls for immediate action, by fists, knife or gun. Everywhere blacks congregate, there is violence.
In Florida, "young master trayvon" felt that he was disrespected by neighborhood watchman Mr. Zimmerman for asking about his "business" being in that neighborhood. Any ordinary (non-black) person would have explained that he had relatives in the neighborhood and would have been on his way, but not "young master trayvon". In order to regain his "respect" "young master trayvon" was "forced" (by his defective black pathology) to jump Mr. Zimmerman and attempt to murder him.
In a related note, it is no surprise that many towns and cities "close up shop" when black college students "celebrate" their "spring break" week. It is just not worth it to cater to this naturally violent segment of American "society". It is far better to "go on vacation" than to deal with the unruly and violent black hordes.

Guest #racist amren.com

Blacks are like little children who must be constantly supervised lest they get wild and out of control. This explains, in part, why a strong police presence must turn out whenever any public event involving large crowds of Blacks occurs. Even then, the event frequently results in a shooting or some kind of riot or mayhem. And when it does happen, most people are not surprised by it once they learn it involved a large group of Blacks. In contrast, such scenarios rarely occurs when groups of Whites or Asians gather. This is because Whites and Asians have a higher order of culture, less impulsive, more disciplined and obviously more intelligent.

To think that people today still maintain all the races are equal and that there is no significant differences between them, reveals how deeply they have been duped by multi-culturalism. There is an entire mass of Whites who will ignore common sense and what is so obvious before their own eyes in order to maintain the lie that 'We're all equal; we're all the same.'

Guest #racist amren.com

[In response to the claim 'It's not that big a deal anymore that races aren't mentioned in crime stories - they just simply don't even need to anymore. Everyone knows.']

Everyone knows but they don't know the extent. For example, one in three black males, 19 to 29 is in prison. Every one with a rap sheet as long as my arm. Which begs the question....how many of them are not in prison, with rap sheets only half as long as my arm?

Separate hispanics out of white crime stats and basically, white, violent crime is zero.

Covering up these facts is most certainly a big deal. Whites, like the frog slowly being boiled to death in the pot, have not realized how bad it has gotten. Just two generations ago, the average person left their keys in the car (because no one would ever think to steal it) and didn't bother to lock their door at night. A black person stupid enough to come into a white neighborhood got his head beaten in by the cops...if he was lucky enough not to be discovered by white living there.....in which case he simply disappeared. Nobody had to watch their children as they were perfectly safe playing in the neighborhood. Often, far away.

Today, I can't even take my niece out for ice cream without feeling the itch to fondle my concealed Glock as various ambiguous thugs float in and out of my personal space.

Stan D Mute #racist amren.com

[In response to a comment attacking rock music for its African American origins]

Wow, I missed this. Here goes a VERY overdue reply which likely won't be read..

Negroes never invented an instrument more advanced than beating a hollow log. Therefore any music they make with white technology is at least half white - certainly NOT a product of Africa.

Second, you're missing some enlightening and uplifting compositions. I'd be interested to learn how you equate say RUSH with Afro music. Or ELO, Queen, Triumph, Genesis, Moody Blues, any Prog Rock? The lead singer for Queen recorded an opera. Maybe google "symphonic rock"?

François #racist amren.com

Blacks who benefit from Affirmative Action do not need to be really intelligent to become lawyers or other well-paid professionnals. That's how such Blacks move up to the upper-middle class. But genetics working how they do, their children will have a low probability of being intelligent. That's how you get dumb upper-middle-class Blacks, in America!

Jared Taylor #racist amren.com

Mr. Taylor gave examples of the absurd sacrifices whites make for non-whites and asked, “can you imagine anyone of any other race going insane in quite the same way?” He then speculated on why whites are so easy for others to put to work for alien interests.

He spoke of the extreme individualism of whites, and also of their unique concern for the interests of others. This concern takes the form of the institutions that are the hallmarks of Western society: freedom of speech, rule of law, respect for women, good sportsmanship, public charity, concern for the environment. These things show a high regard for the interests of others—not just other people but for other species and for unborn generations that will live on our planet.

Mr. Taylor argued that this concern for others has been disastrously perverted, and now requires whites to believe it is their duty to sacrifice their homelands and cultures to other races. He argued that if we are to change the minds of whites, we must realize that we are trying to overthrow the liberal moral paradigm, and that to be successful we cannot simply be right. We must be generous. Arrogance or mean-spiritedness will only drive away our fellow whites and confirm their prejudices about us as selfish, wicked people.

Mr. Taylor concluded with an appeal to duty—that duty is the message we read in all the great achievements of our civilization, in the faces of our sons and daughters, and on the tombstones of our great-grandparents.

Peter Frost #racist amren.com

Through their high capacity for affective empathy and empathic guilt, these Northwest Europeans had an edge in adapting to later cultural environments that would be structured not by kinship but by other ways of organizing social relations: the State, ideology, and the market economy.

This has been one path that leads to advanced societies, but it is not the only one. East Asian societies have pursued a similar path of cultural evolution while having relatively low levels of affective empathy and empathic guilt. They seem to have done so by relying more on external means of behavior control (shaming, family discipline, community surveillance) and by building on cognitive empathy through learned notions of moral duty.

Nancy Jennings #racist amren.com

Never has there been a population more resentful than blacks of being told “what’s good for them.” They already resent the “restrictions” on their EBT cards, and look for any way to cheat the system to get what they want.

Sometimes parents would claim to want something positive–for example, testing for their child so he could qualify for special resource classes–until they realized something was going to be required of them in return. In this case, a home visit by a social worker.

As a brand-new teacher, I was asked to submit names of students who needed special testing, and I obliged. I had no idea what was involved after I turned in those names, but I certainly wasn’t expecting the 300-pound mother waiting for me in the office one morning, yelling about “sending the motherf***ing government” to her house to “spy” on her.

I believe blacks have a different idea of “a balanced life.” “Learning,” “thinking,” “drawing,” “painting,” “singing,” and “working” are considered “white” activities and to be avoided. “Rapping” is not considered “singing.”

“Playing,” however, was a multiracial activity and therefore an acceptable pastime. So was “inappropriate sexual contact.” I discovered three five-year-olds–a boy and two girls–French kissing in the reading corner. When I caught them, the boy smiled and said, “Them my hoes.”

They seemed to live by the idea that “anything worth doing, is worth doing to excess,” so “playing” became their main preoccupation while at school.

However, they had a few other interests in their “balanced” life: fighting, cheating, lying, and stealing.

At this point, only politically incorrect solutions can save our country. Either way, I’ll be putting as much distance as I can between myself and the nearest black population, will start weaning myself from the grid, and have my ammo handy. When the EBT cards finally run out (and we know they will), they’ll come for my goofy liberal Emory friends first.

Jared Taylor #racist amren.com

Miss Pawel, a Pulitzer Prize-winning author and editor, is the ideal biographer. She has researched her subject exhaustively. She writes well. She presents her findings objectively and does not pass judgment–so I will: Anyone who reads this book can only conclude that Cesar Chavez was a deceitful, foul-mouthed, philandering, sociopathic egomaniac who pretended to be a saint. And, yes, he had an unusual capacity to attract and inspire people, and worked very hard to start a farm workers union. Only a unique combination of circumstances could have made a hero out of this gifted but odious man: America’s compulsion to throw itself at the feet of non-white figureheads and the relentless liberalism of the 1960, ’70s, and ’80s.

Jared Taylor #fundie amren.com

The liberal façade is all of a piece. It cannot be punctured only in a few safe and convenient spots. That is why its guardians plug every chink with such bloodthirsty zeal. To accept what dissidents call human biodiversity would open the door to everything the regime most piously hates: immigration control, inequality, self-segregation, nationalism, mono-culturalism. Whether he knows it or not, and no matter how hard he denies it, Mr. Wade has taken a match to the entire liberal/modern world view. The next thing you know, someone might say the Civil Rights Act of 1964 should be repealed or that women have no business on submarines.

Anon #racist amren.com

The original arabs were white Christians. Because they felt very much like modern day liberals, a weak, extremely evil group of non-whites was able to first infiltrate them, then butcher them. The men were killed, the women turned into breeding stock and the children turned into slaves. All this just as the Koran explains should be done. The children of these rapes intermixed with the non-white scum and the resulting people were semi-retarded half men. The descendants of the slaves are the only ones who every did anything in the way of civilization among the arabs.
Maybe the arabs will do it? That's another way of saying that maybe our children, after the non-whites murder us and take our women for breed stock, will do these things for their masters.

bigone4u #conspiracy amren.com

MTV is the youth propaganda arm of the SPLC. Both are key players in the New World Order conspiracy that promotes white genocide. The poor brainwashed white youths will either wake up soon or see their already diminishing opportunities usurped by blacks and muds.

Bill #racist amren.com

In those days, it payed to pretend to be American and a "good black". But like in cities, the more of them that get into a sport, the greater the numbers, their true colors come out. And today? Today they don't pretend at all. Not with Obama and Holder in power. Their innate nature and hatred and lack of intelligence or love of country is on full display. We never should have allowed them the vote, and as a nation we ALL should have stood with Gov. Wallace and the few who resisted while the rest of us watched.

LACountyRedneck #racist amren.com

Hammering Hank Aaron. TNB. 80 years old. Surely if his ancestors never came to America he would have had a successful baseball career in Africa and made millions off all the African fans there going to his games, and would have lived to a ripe old age of 45. If it wasn't for Whites, nobody would know who this bantu was, and he would be broke. He'd be a janitor sweeping urine infested dirt in some witch-doctor's hut.

At bats per home runs: 1) Mark McGuire* 10.61. 2) Babe Ruth 11.76....... 35) Hank Aaron 16.38.

MekongDelta69 #racist amren.com

[Larry Johnson floats the idea of an all-black NBA in response to Donald Sperling's racist remarks.]

The NBA used to be majority white. That's when it was civilized. (You know - it went along with AMERICA being civilized.)

It's been 80 something percent black for decades, and like everything else touched by them, it's turned into a dread-wearing, thug-acting, criminal-dominated, rap-idolizing ghetto.

Besides, nobody's stopping him from creating an "all-black NBA." (Then 'our' all-White NBA would become civilized again.) Of course, who would fund their "all-black NBA"?!
[Don't answer. That was a completely rhetorical question!]

bigone4u #racist amren.com

There were quite a few older decent black church goers around when I was growing up in the deep South. They knew their place, meaning they were smart enough to know that they weren't as smart as the white man. Blacks were not as violent in those days. Segregation and serious punishment kept them in line. Not that the older decent ones showed those tendencies anyway. There were also the bad ones.

It's just that today they're mostly all bad--loud, disruptive, disrepectful, dumb as a box of rocks, etc. None of this is against the law, but it is black "microaggressions." Then we have huge numbers of really bad ones. So many more of them today than there used to be. Maybe police dogs, fire hoses, and burning crosses kept them in line. If so, let's bring back the old days.

kenfrombayside #racist amren.com

Over and over, we are force fed propaganda on how "brave" blacks are in the US military and how patriotic they were. It is now offical folklore how the Tuskegee Airman singlehandly cleared the sky of nazi fighters. The reality is much different. British authorities complained to Americans about multiple rapes of white British women by knee grow troops during WWII. Another consequence of blacks in US military uniforms: half black children in Germany, Korea, Vietnam and Japan. Don't believe the propaganda.

DudeWheresMyCountry? #racist amren.com

Actually it is a reality kick for race realism. As much as people will lie, everyone wants a White quarterback. Peyton Manning will be the difference in this game of low IQ Bantus from inner-city ghettos who went to top colleges on your dime and amazingly didn't learn anything except the features of the latest "beats by Dre" headphones running around tackling each other... even in the sports world Blacks are the cattle and Whites make the actual decisions.

r j p #racist amren.com

[Cheerios depicts an interracial family in its Super Bowl commercial.]

If the story was real, mom would be popping out a White baby because she has been cheating on her negro at work with a more intellectually stimulating individual who doesn't require Cheerios to count. Then negro daddy would slay mommy for cheating on him. And mulatto daughter would grow up in foster molestation homes.

NeanderthalDNA #racist amren.com

[About interracial families.]

Disown and forever turn them away. You and I have the right to DISSOCIATE from - and for that matter to HATE - anybody we choose and for whatever reason we choose and NO gubbamint nor high yaller prezzy nor attorney general nor Marxist hepped wannabe John Brown has any right to tell us otherwise.

Sew onto them in your mind an indelible scarlet letter T for TREACHERY, or if you prefer, a big BLACK N for...negro...

And save your folk.

And never, ever give up your guns...

Tim_in_Indiana #racist amren.com

[Cheerios depicts an interracial family in its Super Bowl ad.]

Right, nothing blacks do is ever "hateful," no matter how hateful it actually is, and no matter how many millions of whites are pushed out of their neighborhoods by resentful, high-crime, low-IQ blacks.

The problem is, constant media propaganda has a powerful brainwashing effect on the masses. Never underestimate the powerful psychological effect constant warm and fuzzy depictions of aberrant behavior can have.

That's why whites have to overthrow the MSM, and this includes Hollyweird and television. The Internet makes it possible to shake off the shackles of our media masters, but we need more independent filmmakers out there.

Kathy M #racist amren.com

[Cheerios depicts an interracial family in its Superbowl ad.]

Adorable little girl? What is it? It isn't White. What I see is a Euro/African hybrid. A European who has mixed her genes with the primitive genes of an African. The offspring has a muted nature. It is unnatural.

Homo_Occidentalis #racist amren.com

You'll have to pardon my fatalism, but as a Canadian I perceive only three certainties in life: death, taxes, and continued massive non-white immigration. Though immigration in per capita terms is worse here, the Mohammedans do not form as much of a distinct and important underclass as they do in old Albion. Their influence is more dilute among the sea of other undesirables arriving in the hundreds of thousands every year. Leftism is far too entrenched among the white youth, and contempt for "racialists" ubiquitous. Very little can be done now to prevent a complete racial and cultural replacement of the British peoples.

John K #fundie amren.com

A lot of people thought of Dracula as a monster, but he's a hero to his people and to me (Dracula; Dracul was his father). He knew how to deal with the Muslim hordes the only way they could understand: sheer brutality and violence.

There was a large Muslim army that arrived at the Romanian border for an invasion. They saw Muslims lined up along the border, all impaled on stakes. Their leader said that they could not defeat a man this brutal, and they turned around and went home.

Another time, a Muslim diplomat arrived at Dracula's castle, and refused to remove his turban, stating that it went against his religion. Dracula had it nailed to his head; when in Rome, do as the Romans do.

Max Krakah #racist amren.com

[Re. a woman who was beaten and sexually assaulted by a man whom she gave a ride to the hospital.]

What probably happened was that the black was on the prowl. He was probably monitoring the area waiting for an opportunity. Blacks have a predatory nature. He had a relative in the hospital too, and emotional stress will overwhelm the thin veneer of civilization, the week inhibitions against their real nature. IN Africa, he would think it was normal to go out, kill, rape and then eat someone when he needed to feel better. That is their true nature. They are not just cannibals though, they are spiritual cannibals. They feed off of the pain and suffering they inflict on others. This is why it is the NORM for black crime to be aimed at a random stranger. While white crime almost always involves a conflict and a failure to resolve it, a huge percentage of black crime is random violence, violence for it's own sake, violence for the purpose of PLEASURE or to release tension. As a group, they are feeding off of the havoc and humiliation that the creature in the white house is wreaking.They hate white society and white people because of the strain of living under white norms.

DudeWheresMyCountry? #racist amren.com

Has a White woman ever given birth to a Black baby that wasn't the ugliest thing ever? I would think these dumb women would at least want their offspring to not look like ogres.

Oreo males seem to always be the biggest anti-Whites; I believe sincerely it is because they are deep down bitter and angry that they, a White egg was fertilized by a Black... robbing them of the one thing they wished more than anything... to be White, which as they know they will never be.

When Whites mix with non-Whites as far as I'm concerned their bloodlines go extinct right there.

Pro_Whitey #racist amren.com

[A 14-year-old black student has been charged with murdering his math teacher.]

It's cases like this and the white great-grandmother murdered by her black great-grandson that get me learning why southern states were so adamantly against miscegenation. It creates mulattoes who don't fit well with either whites or blacks, and become resentful of their white relatives, not to mention other whites. You don't want such descendants because they are just a lose-lose proposition.

Anon #racist amren.com

[A 14-year-old black student has been charged with murdering his math teacher.]

No...it did not take much "mind boggling hate" to make this happen because his behavior is not deviant. From our point of view yes...it would take ALOT to make a white person do this.

But this is normal behavior for blacks. They ALL think like this as their standard mode of thinking. The only thing necessary to set him off was opportunity. Given the opportunity, every single black person with almost no exceptions would do a horrific crime like this.....for fun, if for no other reason.

Meditate on that fact for awhile. Think of the implications of it for what black people are. And then, think on this. You assumed black people were just like us, only different in skin color (although you probably think you know better). You literally couldn't process the truth do to the level of race brainwashing you've been exposed to. You need a reason...a rationalization for white a human being would do something like this.

It literally never occurred to you that the killer isn't human. He is NOTHING like you on the inside. He might as well be a pod person (invasion of the body snatchers). They only look human and perhaps, act human when they know you are looking. However, be vulnerable to them in any way and you quickly discover they are not. This was probably the last thought going through Collen Ritzer's mind as her throat was being slit. She knew they were different. Until that exact moment, she probably didn't know how different.

rowingfool #racist amren.com

I believe that most states had laws against master's abusing their slaves. The popular image exploited by propaganda such as this film is that cruel, white slave masters ruthlessly and relentlessly beat their slaves senseless out of pure sadism. Now why would a man spend $1000 (of 1840's money) on a laborer from whose work he expected to profit and then incapacitate the man? Is it likely that a white man who was cursed with such poor impulse control and had such a flagrant disregard for his own monetary welfare would have even accumulated $1000 to begin with?

In general, the relationship between races on plantations was far more cordial than this movie ["12 Years a Slave"] depicts. Many black slaves were better off than poor southern whites because white laborers could not work as cheaply as slaves and were forced to scrape by as best they could. Thus it was the white laborer and not the wealthy planter who was antagonistic towards blacks. Unfortunately, this movie doesn't present these historical truths and therefore adds nothing of value to understanding the actual daily life of slavery.

And finally, why should we believe that white slave owners raped their black women slaves? It's almost unheard of today for a white man to rape a black woman and it strains credulity to believe that tastes have changed so much that there was any more white on black rape back then.

dogbone #racist amren.com

Obanana is not the sole cause, and neither is democrat party: It is ALL the politicians and the people who elected them. Obanana is just the most recent imbecile in the spotlight. The military started to get bad around the early 1960s: After Korea.

I was in the Army while Clinton was in power, and blacks ruled the Army. They would gang up and attack whites they didn't like. Many of the white officers tried to get the blacks booted out, but they couldn't without proof of wrong doing. The only acceptable proof was a signed confession and irrefutable physical evidence. Even if a black person confessed, he was taken into counseling and told he didn't have to admit to anything (legacy of slavery), and then he was allowed to retract his confession as if it was never made. Everything is done to keep blacks in the Army. I guess it gives the appearance (on paper) that they are a useful part of society.

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