As a child in public schools and now as a graduate student in history, I have learned one thing to be true about the United States: It is a white country. The founders were white, white men established its core principles and political system, and white men and women built the nation into what it is today.
Even before I became aware of the importance of race, I never thought this was “racist” or unfair; it was simply a fact. America has always been a white country and always should be. Why, then, are white people giving away their country?
Immigration and assimilation
My maternal great-great grandfather had a saying in Spanish about the immigrants who began coming to the United States after the 1960s. In English it would be: “Their stomachs are in America, but their hearts are in Mexico.” This perfectly sums up the attitudes of immigrants from most Third-World countries.
Immigrants are pouring into the United States, not for the American dream, as many politicians, both Democrat and Republican, like to say. They are coming to exploit our economy, with no intention of embracing the culture, adopting the language, or considering themselves American. When asked, most will say they are proud Hondurans or proud Nigerians–proud nationals of the country they came from.
When I lived for a time in a border city, I saw how many American citizens were really nothing more than anchor babies, born in the U.S. but living in the neighboring Mexican city their wholes lives. They had American birth certificates, but they were wholly Mexican. They had no allegiance to this nation; their stomachs were in America, but their hearts were in Mexico.
Unchecked immigration should by far be white America’s most urgent concern, but for white politicians, getting elected to another term is more important than securing a future for whites. Both liberal and “conservative” white politicians and pundits take a soft stance on immigration, careful not to offend anyone or to appear “racist.”
Only whites are afraid of being called “racist.” The Japanese don’t care what non-Japanese think of their immigration policy, and Mexico does not hesitate to deport Central Americans. Only in white countries are people afraid of name-calling.
Whites continue to elect politicians who do not represent them. As a Hispanic, I cannot understand this. There is not one white congressman in Washington today who actually looks out for whites, at least not openly.
If I were a Hispanic activist or a member of La Raza, I could run as a pro-Hispanic candidate, exclusively on the issues and concerns of the Hispanic community. I would probably win, especially if I lived in a border city or border state. However, if a white wanted to fight for the issues and concerns of white people, he would be branded a “white supremacist.”
The double standard in American politics is obvious. White politicians have to represent everyone of every race, but non-white politicians can openly represent only their own people. No one seems to find this strange or unfair.
So I repeat my question to you, white people: Why do you continue to vote for moderate Republicans and “conservatives” when they do not care about you? The average American politician would much rather win an election with a million Hispanic or black votes and zero white votes rather than lose with ten million white votes and not a single non-white vote.
Some white Americans still hold the belief that mainstream conservatives will one day advocate for white interests, but the truth is that politicians will continue to pander to non-whites, particularly Hispanics. Politicians do not care about your vote; they care about my vote. Your vote will matter only if you start running pro-White politicians who are willing to fight the establishment.
Culture sets nations apart and gives its people an identity. The European-influenced culture of the United States is disappearing under the weight of immigration. Indeed, America is experiencing a rapid Hispanicization.
You white people now have two options: You can go along with Hispanicization and eventually become a minority whose ancestral culture is erased and replaced, or you can stop Hispanicization and help keep America the way it has been essentially since the days of the first permanent English settlement in Jamestown.
I have grown up around Hispanic culture, and as rich and vibrant as it can be, my ancestors left Mexico for a reason. I am at least a sixth-generation American, so I can be sure my ancestors did not leave Mexico to take advantage of American welfare. The system that can be so easily exploited did not exist then, and the American dream actually meant something. My ancestors understood that American culture was far superior and offered more than the culture of Mexico.
Today, even third- and fourth-generation Hispanics have not fully abandoned their ancestral ways. Spanish is the dominant language even for many who have been here for several generations.
Many expect society to learn Spanish, and it is clear that Spanish has become a second unofficial language in America.
Many Hispanics still do not value education. I am lucky to have a family that does value education, and I attribute that to both genetics and at least a century of assimilation. Half or more of the Hispanics I know don’t care about education, and many end up in gangs. This seems to be particularly true in Southern California.
There is no greater culture in the world than European culture. I can admit it because it’s true. I enjoy living in a First-World nation shaped by people of the same stock as George Washington, Ben Franklin, Beethoven, Picasso, and Galileo.
Have whites decided that their people and cultures are no longer worth fighting for? Is Guatemalan or Ethiopian or Vietnamese culture better for America? Whites must believe this, because why would they otherwise let a great nation’s culture be replaced with that of Third-World immigrants?
I cannot understand whites. Time and again, I see white university students who are happy to watch not only their nation but their genes disappear. They say they would be happy not to have children or to have children with non-whites.
When I try to talk about race with my white classmates or coworkers most are totally apathetic or sometimes even hostile. Blacks and Hispanics are much more race conscious. They know race exists, and that they have interests as a race. Whites are uncomfortable even talking about race and may try to scold me when I say something honest about it.
Sometimes I meet a white person who appreciates my understanding of white interests, and, even if he does not fully understand the implications of race, he is at least not ashamed to be white. This is a good sign for white people, but these people are rare.
America cannot survive without whites. It will not survive when whites are a minority. If any remnants of Western Civilization are to persist on the North American continent, white people will have to begin to care about the future of their people. My people cannot accomplish what yours have accomplished in the almost two and a half centuries that the United States has existed.