Why Are Europeans More Racially Aware?
One of the most perplexing differences between whites who are native English speakers—whom the French call Anglo-Saxons—and continental Europeans is their attitude toward white nationalism and the rights of whites.
In the United States, which is home to more whites than any other country, freedom of speech and association are constitutionally protected rights, but meetings of American Renaissance and other pro-white organizations are disrupted by people who hate us. Even traditional supporters of the First Amendment, such as the ACLU, libertarians, the Heritage Foundation, and Cato Institute take absolutely no interest in the trampling of our rights.
In Britain as well, pro-white organizations are attacked by radicals, vilified by the media, and shunned by the mainstream. Canada and Australia are no different.
In continental Europe, on the other hand, pro-white organizations are thriving. In France, the National Front is an influential and popular party, while the Bloc Identitaire is a rising youth movement. In Holland, Austria, and Switzerland, the Party for Freedom, the Freedom Party, and the Swiss People’s Party, respectively, are very strong. In Greece and Hungary, ultranationalist pro-white parties are surging. Since these movements are supported by millions of people, attempts by fringe groups to silence them would not be tolerated.
Why are continental Europeans more racially aware and much more resistant to the destruction of their heritage than whites from countries that were founded by the British?
There are many differences between the two groups of nations that influence their views and behavior about race. The most obvious difference is geographic. Because Britain, North America, Australia and New Zealand are geographically isolated, they have not been the victims of conquest by alien invaders, whereas the history of continental Europe is the story of endless conquests, often by savage Asiatic and Middle-Eastern tribes such as the Huns, Mongols, Tatars, Arabs and Turks.
Conquest and oppression in Europe lasted throughout the 20th century. European ethnicities suffered endless turmoil that is forever etched in their collective memories, whereas the last successful invasion of an Anglo-Saxon nation was in 1066.
These different experiences resulted in different attitudes toward alien intruders. While Europeans are instinctively suspicious of foreigners that have brought them so much horror over the centuries, Anglo-Saxons, who did not experience the same fate—but were often conquerors themselves—have not developed that same defensive traits.
Continental Europeans have a profound knowledge of their neighbors, who are often traditional adversaries. Americans, who do not have a similar historical experience, have relatively little knowledge or interest in either Canadians or Mexican re-conquistadors.
Thus, when Americans see millions of Mexicans streaming across the border, the alarm does not go off, as it would for continental Europeans. White Americans see intruders as people who are “like us,” just looking for a better life. The invading Mexicans, on the other hand, see their misguided hosts as people who “stole” the Southwest from their fledgling nation in the 1840s. While Mexicans dream of recapturing the mythical Aztlan, their white hosts see no further than the fact that Mexicans do inexpensive yard work. For most whites that is all that matters.
Recently, Jason Richwine was fired from his position at the Heritage Foundation because of his studies of group IQ differences and what they mean for immigration policy. The American public and their elected representatives are apparently not allowed to have an interest in the quality of their immigrant population, even though ignoring quality has catastrophic consequences.
Unlike Americans, continental Europeans have a keen interest in differences between races and ethnicities. Every European ethnicity has a well-deserved, widely-known reputation. Consequently, when German author Thilo Sarrazin published a book in 2011 which concluded that Turks and other nonwhite immigrants are “dumbing down” German society due to their low average IQ, he started a national dialog on the quality of immigrant population. While he was eventually forced to resign from his position at the Bundesbank, Mr. Sarazzin remains a popular, respected, and influential public figure in Germany.
Several years ago, when Turkey was negotiating entry into the European Union, its bid was strongly supported by the governments of Britain and the United States. Germans, however, are painfully aware of the consequences of the Turkish presence in Germany and since Ottoman Turks have a horrible reputation among the Europeans that had a misfortune of interacting with them over the centuries, Turkey’s entry was effectively blocked.
American elites and many whites view the United States as a boarding house that is open to masses of Third-World immigrants. They apparently believe that this gigantic social experiment will somehow be successful despite all the evidence to the contrary.