
bigone4u #racist amren.com

In their haste to fabricate a case against Zim and thus lead a high tech legal lynching, the power elites have shown what an effed up country THEY have created. Nonwhite America is a country of corrupt black judges, illiterate nonproductive black youths, and lying Hispanic "citizens" who cannot and do not want to become Americans. The attempted lynching of Zim has to be a wake up call to any white person that white people are HATED by the power elites, not for the color of their skin but for the "content of their character," white honesty, intelligence, and productiveness. It's time to disempower the power elites by whatever means necessary.

LaSantaHermandad #racist amren.com

Whites need to cease being "fair game" and that has to start in their minds. There's a quote on a sign outside the stadium of a High School in Atlantic County NJ that reads "If you think that you're beaten, then you are".

If we are to believe that Mau Mau comprise 13% of the population then we have an overwhelming advantage. It IS true that not all of that 13% are bad people and THEIR only fault is being so cowardly when it come to speaking out against the sociopaths in the Afro population. They're no more culpable than Whites who stand submissively and let themselves be beaten on the streets and forgive Blacks who murder their children e.g the Biehls. Whites are beginning to realize how they've been duped over the last 60+ years and that the agenda has suddenly been ramped up to a much greater degree in the last 10 -15 years.

Despite efforts by the puppet media to silence the truth about what's happening, the Internet and the UK newspapers have made the news readily accessible .
There was a striking video of Cape Buffalo closing ranks to rescue one of their calves who had become the chosen prey of a group of Lionesses. After being tossed about and stomped by the angry buffalo, the Lionesses were forced to give up the hunt.
Even a group of "born to be prey" animals can, on occasion, reach a point where they they decide to change their status on the food chain.
That's definitely something for Whites to consider.

It's frightening that the so called "Justice" system is so intimidated to the point where an unjust verdict be handed down so as to avoid widespread violence from a 13 % demographic.

Imagine if Whites had rioted over the "new trial" for Letalvus Cobbins and Le Maricus Davidson ( I'm confident that everyone here at AMREN knows who those critters are), the overturning of the death sentences for the Carr brothers, or the fact that the two murdering bastards who killed Eve Carson didn't get the death penalty. Even if all of the above were sentenced, it's not a secret that they'll never see the needle. The system deprived the families of the victims the true justice that they deserved because the "system" confident that White people don't riot and drag Black folks out of their cars and beat and rape them and that Blacks DO. How racist is that?!!
White folks. It's time to become Cape Buffalo!

MawellAxel #racist amren.com

What blacks don't realize is that negro fatigue is reaching critical levels. Black riots over this will push negro fatigue well into the critical level. It will solidify attitude changes amongst white that have been taking place for the past few years as well as make them not only dominant, but outspoken. After these coming riots, whites will OPENLY state thoughts and ideas about blacks that are now "verboten", and they will openly demand segregation or some other means of protecting themselves.

Dave4088 #racist amren.com

This article underscores the serious, potentially murderous, state of race relations in America. Every time a violent black "youth" gets killed in defense of the public by police or self defense by a civilian we must hold our breaths for black riots, violence and general mayhem.

The MSM are nothing more than criminals, liars and propagandists for the anti-racist/anti-white cause. Every word out of their mouths and every word they write is a lie and calculated to further their insidious agenda. Most politicians aren't much better.

Racial segregation is the only humane and sensible solution that would save a great many (white) lives. The alternative is periodic violence and bloodshed.

John #racist amren.com

According to genetic research, supported by empirical DNA evidence, Negroids are positioned somewhere between Caucasoids and chimpanzees on the evolutionary scale, which explains a lot. I'm not joking at all. I'm completely serious.

The egalitarians routinely espouse that Caucasoids and Negroids only differ by 0.5% DNA. Well, the truth is that chimpanzees only differ from homo sapiens sapiens (humans) by just a little more; ~1.5% DNA. Other genetic studies have shown that Negroids are much more closely related to chimpanzees than Caucasoids. It's an established fact based on empirical evidence. Like I mentioned earlier, it's a fact that explains a lot.

A few years ago, Pluto was stripped of its status as a planet. In time, will Negroids be stripped of their status as homo sapiens sapiens? Doing so would correct many wrongs.

Please bear in mind that I am certainly not suggesting that Negroids be treated like animals. I personally believe that all living creatures should be treated with dignity and respect and subjected to abuse of any kind, but truthfully, they should be with their own kind, and we should be with our own kind. This social experiment has gone on for far too long, spanning far too many decades. This charade MUST end.

joesolargenius #racist amren.com

I am 60 years old and spent at least two thirds of my childhood living next to the railroad track in Beaumont ,Texas where on the other side was the Black Quarters, I had rock fights with the residents of that neighborhood for almost five years before school integration started.My father whom was a WWll combat veteran and a very large and extremely muscular man from a family of hard drinking and fighting men was the only White man in a union of all Blacks some 400 strong and he was a Steward.The other Union members (blacks) would place their guns on their laps in front of him whenever he stood up to speak out against something he thought was wrong, and this was during the heyday of the Civil rights movement in the sixties.I learned during those times that Blacks had been programmed to hate whites and would try and intimidate them when possible but were afraid to actually attack us openly. I never met a black male whom wanted to be my friend during those times although some of the mixed light skinned girls showed a physical interest in me but were of course forbidden to me by the unspoken rules of White conduct in those days.It was in the Marine Corps as a grown man that I first met Black men whom actually treated me with respect and one actually fought along beside me in a bar fight in Kenville ,Okinawa. As I get older I meet more and more Black people whom are friendly towards me but as there are a lot more Black people here than before I still believe that the percentages are the same. Whenever White people try to live with or associate with groups of Blacks they are subject to more danger and violence and if I continue to live in the South ,it is only a matter of time before I have to kill one in order to save some stupid White Liberal from being harmed by them . I am no longer in good enough health to physically stop several blacks from beating some one to death, therefore I have to stab or shoot one so the rest will run away ! Avoid the Groid has been my Mantra for almost twenty years and should be yours too.

Manaphy #racist amren.com

If Detroit, East St. Louis, Cleveland, Pontiac and Flint were populated with "creepy-a** crackers" and "the same group of white crackers who fought civil rights", then these cities would look like Rome, Paris, Moscow, Stockholm, Oslo, Frankfurt and other beautiful European cities, because the same crackers whom Charlie Rangel wants to genetically exterminate with "comprehensive immigration reform" are the creepy-a** crackers who founded Western-European civilization, who annually make 85% of all scientific advances, who (on average) perform overwhelmingly better in schools and universities than any other racial group (save for Ashkenazi Jews and Asians), who Developed and advanced the fields of Art, Music, and Mathematics, who built the fabric of society, who developed and created empires in Europe, while the rest of the world was inhabited by savages who constantly engaged in tribal wars and savage conflicts. If Rangel is so unsatisfied with "crackers", then I suggest that he move to Zimbabwe.

Matthew Contessini #racist amren.com

Why Are Europeans More Racially Aware?

One of the most perplexing differences between whites who are native English speakers—whom the French call Anglo-Saxons—and continental Europeans is their attitude toward white nationalism and the rights of whites.

In the United States, which is home to more whites than any other country, freedom of speech and association are constitutionally protected rights, but meetings of American Renaissance and other pro-white organizations are disrupted by people who hate us. Even traditional supporters of the First Amendment, such as the ACLU, libertarians, the Heritage Foundation, and Cato Institute take absolutely no interest in the trampling of our rights.

In Britain as well, pro-white organizations are attacked by radicals, vilified by the media, and shunned by the mainstream. Canada and Australia are no different.

In continental Europe, on the other hand, pro-white organizations are thriving. In France, the National Front is an influential and popular party, while the Bloc Identitaire is a rising youth movement. In Holland, Austria, and Switzerland, the Party for Freedom, the Freedom Party, and the Swiss People’s Party, respectively, are very strong. In Greece and Hungary, ultranationalist pro-white parties are surging. Since these movements are supported by millions of people, attempts by fringe groups to silence them would not be tolerated.

Why are continental Europeans more racially aware and much more resistant to the destruction of their heritage than whites from countries that were founded by the British?

There are many differences between the two groups of nations that influence their views and behavior about race. The most obvious difference is geographic. Because Britain, North America, Australia and New Zealand are geographically isolated, they have not been the victims of conquest by alien invaders, whereas the history of continental Europe is the story of endless conquests, often by savage Asiatic and Middle-Eastern tribes such as the Huns, Mongols, Tatars, Arabs and Turks.

Conquest and oppression in Europe lasted throughout the 20th century. European ethnicities suffered endless turmoil that is forever etched in their collective memories, whereas the last successful invasion of an Anglo-Saxon nation was in 1066.

These different experiences resulted in different attitudes toward alien intruders. While Europeans are instinctively suspicious of foreigners that have brought them so much horror over the centuries, Anglo-Saxons, who did not experience the same fate—but were often conquerors themselves—have not developed that same defensive traits.

Continental Europeans have a profound knowledge of their neighbors, who are often traditional adversaries. Americans, who do not have a similar historical experience, have relatively little knowledge or interest in either Canadians or Mexican re-conquistadors.

Thus, when Americans see millions of Mexicans streaming across the border, the alarm does not go off, as it would for continental Europeans. White Americans see intruders as people who are “like us,” just looking for a better life. The invading Mexicans, on the other hand, see their misguided hosts as people who “stole” the Southwest from their fledgling nation in the 1840s. While Mexicans dream of recapturing the mythical Aztlan, their white hosts see no further than the fact that Mexicans do inexpensive yard work. For most whites that is all that matters.


Recently, Jason Richwine was fired from his position at the Heritage Foundation because of his studies of group IQ differences and what they mean for immigration policy. The American public and their elected representatives are apparently not allowed to have an interest in the quality of their immigrant population, even though ignoring quality has catastrophic consequences.

Unlike Americans, continental Europeans have a keen interest in differences between races and ethnicities. Every European ethnicity has a well-deserved, widely-known reputation. Consequently, when German author Thilo Sarrazin published a book in 2011 which concluded that Turks and other nonwhite immigrants are “dumbing down” German society due to their low average IQ, he started a national dialog on the quality of immigrant population. While he was eventually forced to resign from his position at the Bundesbank, Mr. Sarazzin remains a popular, respected, and influential public figure in Germany.

Several years ago, when Turkey was negotiating entry into the European Union, its bid was strongly supported by the governments of Britain and the United States. Germans, however, are painfully aware of the consequences of the Turkish presence in Germany and since Ottoman Turks have a horrible reputation among the Europeans that had a misfortune of interacting with them over the centuries, Turkey’s entry was effectively blocked.

American elites and many whites view the United States as a boarding house that is open to masses of Third-World immigrants. They apparently believe that this gigantic social experiment will somehow be successful despite all the evidence to the contrary.

A Freespeechzone #racist amren.com

Notice that many blacks and self-loathing Whites take that position that the facts in this case, as we know them, are irrelevant and that punishing Zimmerman for daring to defend himself from a known, violent thug must be done at all costs.

This is aided and supported by the DOJ, Obama and self-loathing White liberals who did nothing when Zimmerman had a bounty put on his life by the new black panthers. Lawless blacks can threaten and put bounties on people knowing they can get away with it--now if a White put a bounty on a black thug, Obama, Holder and the DOJ would engage all the resources of the country to find and prosecute.

Whites had better 'wake up'; if Zimmerman is convicted, minorities will be literally given the 'green light' to attack and murder Whites--knowing little, if anything will be done to punish them. God help the White person who acts in self-defense; they will be a target of the courts and government.

The results of this trial will change the way 'justice' is administered in the future. If you are White, be very afraid....

HJ11 #racist amren.com

Jeb Bush is a miscegenationist who has turned the Bush family line brown. His kids don't look like him or the other members of the Bush clan because they are mestizo. This is how family lines commit genetic suicide: bedroom genocide.

The former German Colony of blue eyed, blond haired Germans that settled in Jamaica is now there in surname only as the White genes have been absorbed by Black genes.

If anyone thinks the present Blacks with German surnames in Jamaica are the same as the German founders of the colonly, they need to have their heads examined, along with Jeb Bush.

gemjunior #racist amren.com

Boy you said it. Let me tell you that if they let [Boers] in here en masse they would soon set this place straight. I have absolutely no doubt the Boers would vow to NEVER repeat the mistake they made by letting the blacks get power - they've shown what they do with power. I wish to God, I pray that they would show up on these shores in droves and let EVERYONE, every nation on earth SEE the US gov't throwing out these white people while actively SOLICITING dangerous Somalis. I FEEL LIKE SCREAMING . I actually feel pretty mental hearing this and I cannot stop thinking of how insane we whites have been by giving black people everything we have given them - and I'm absolutely certain the Boers feel the same about their version of "civil rights" which ended up equalling pure misery for whites. Taking in Boers would no doubt be a great gift because they are the world's greatest farmers, and the men are still men who might inspire some much needed inspiration to some of the men in our country.

When precious St. Mandela dies they've threatened to go on a major white-murdering spree. Let's see if the whites finally realize they have to use their brains to outwit these chimping monsters and save themselves - they may only have each other since we know the western gov't are run by white-hating antiChristians.

Greg Thomas #racist amren.com

The White race is the only race on the face of this planet who will sacrifice themselves in order to elevate another race. I can assure you, that black, hispanics and asians do not think this way. They support multiculturalism and diversity from a collective group perspective, based upon how it can benefit their specific race. White altruism will prove to be fatal to our race, especially against minorities who exploit this poison to their tribal advantage.

Can you image a group of mexicans or asians celebrating and cheering upon the announcement they are about to become a minority in their own country. Who in the hell cheers that? Hell would have to freeze over before that would ever happen. For God’s sakes, if you hate yourself that much, please do us all a favor and go jump off a bridge.

Archimedes_777 #racist amren.com


If any white person finds it funny and laughs that he/she will be raped, murdered, mugged and killed by hordes of 3rd world invaders and black thugs around him, he is mentally ill.

His normal defense mechanisms have broken down and he is mentally ill. He may not realize it, because most mentally ill people have limited insight into their own illness.

F. Roger Devlin & Arthur Kemp #racist amren.com

A Home of Our Own

Those who attended the 2013 American Renaissance conference saw a change in mood and emphasis from previous gatherings—probably the result of watching Barack Obama coast to reelection with just 39% of the white vote. The new feeling is that the strategy of “awakening” whites and gaining power through democratic electoral means is not working. The demographic shift is too fast and our own progress is too slow; the opportunities we thought we saw are vanishing, and a strategic reorientation is becoming inevitable.

This reorientation will be toward the creation of autonomous white territories that can eventually become independent states, and Arthur Kemp’s Nova Europa is a fine introduction to this subject. The starting point and greatest strength of his thinking is a firm grasp of the territorial nature of politics.


So what must whites do to ensure their physical and cultural survival? They must establish homelands where they are the majority and can protect their racial and cultural integrity. Blacks have many such homelands; the Chinese have a homeland; even Jews now have a homeland. Only white people no longer have a place to call home, and that is why only our survival is threatened.

When mainstream journalists discuss demographic change, they like to call it “the mass movement of peoples,” a conveniently neutral phrase that masks the reality that all this “movement” is in one direction—into white homelands. Although many whites are unaware of it, the norm in most of the world is for dominant majorities to enjoy special legal protections. As Mr. Kemp notes:

Japan, China, India, most sub-Saharan African states, most north African states, most middle-Eastern states and, of course, Israel, are ethnostates with varying degrees of legal enforcement designed to ensure that they keep their homogeneity.

This sensible policy prevents ethnic conflicts before they can arise.

Even many white liberals favor such policies—as long as the beneficiaries are not white. They will happily help protect the Tibetans or the Indian tribes of the Amazon from alien incursion. Why is it so difficult for such people to see that it is fair and right for their own race to enjoy the same protections?

Europeans today even fit the definition of those who wear the ultimate badge of fashionable victimhood, indigenous people. Europeans have a continuous historical link with a particular territory, are characterized by large degree of homogeneity, and are being colonized by aliens.


As Mr. Kemp notes, “there is currently no area on earth which has been specifically set aside for European people.” Why aren’t the heirs of Western civilization being afforded protections routinely granted to the hunter-gatherers of the Amazon jungle?

It cannot be because such protection would be “white supremacy.” This fashionable bogeyman—imagining for a moment that anybody really advocated it—would be incompatible with the ethnic nationalism Mr. Kemp advocates: “self-determination specifically eschews the claim to rule over others.” Mr. Kemp—a strong critic of apartheid—argues that the demand for black self-rule in South Africa validates white self-rule in Europe and North America.

jackryanvb #racist amren.com

Please use the "fear of Muslim terrorists" theme to motivate White Judeo Christians to work for immigration control.

Don't let Christian Zionists put all the spin that most American immigrants are hard working Hispanic Christians with strong family values, natural Reuplicans.

Any alien looking, non White immigrant, legal or illegal is a potention Al Qaeda terrorist or a Zeta cartel killer. Why take chances?

Any White pol who is soft on immigration is taking Al Qaeda 's side to come in to our country and murder our people like on 9-11-01. Don't let bad on immigration pols like Lindsey Graham, Rand Paul, Karl Rove, John McCain try to change the subject to talk about gub rights or opposing Iran

The war is here in our country, who's side are they on:

Mohammed Ata, the Zeta drug cartel or on our side solid, regular American people.

HJ11 #racist amren.com

Socrates put an artificial concept such as loyalty to a city above the reality of nature and survival of his genotype.

This is similar to some Whites today who say they will fight to the death for the United States. The United States is an artificial construct and it contains genotypes that are not White, so what they are really saying is that they will give up their lives and their future to protect Blacks; to protect crime filled cities where Whites are being slaughtered. This is pathetic.

We must start understanding what is essential in us and what isn't. What is essential is our genotype. Our nation is in us. It is not land. It is not a constitution. It is not the Star Wars Bar. We are our nation. It is one with our genotype no matter where on Earth we are born. The U.S. was once White and protecting it also protected our genotype. No more.

Svigor #racist amren.com

Blacks really seem to delight in the current situation where the white people who run the media aid and abet this "white boy/black man" thing. It's become a sort of unwritten rule in the media; white men are referred to as boys, and black adult males are referred to as men. This is pervasive across the entertainment spectrum. The only way a white man gets referred to (or even refers to himself) as a man is if there's no reference to his whiteness; white men can be men, but not "white men."

A sort of inverse holds for adult black males; they are never referred to as "boys," and never as "black boys," while "black man" or "black men" are quite frequent constructions.

Enjoy it while you can, negros. One day the YT's money will run out, and he won't be able to afford the mercs any more. Then we white men and you black boys will have to come to an understanding of our own. Don't worry though, we'll have plenty of white boys to sort out, too. It would be nice if it was while I'm still fairly young, but something tells me I'm not that lucky.

Tucker #racist amren.com

Something else is an exclusively White Ethnostate which has as its fundamental and unbreakable foundation, a new system of government that places the preservation of White European people as its #1, non-negotiable, most important criteria.

And, which prohibits residency of race treasonous white cockroaches like Juan McCain, Lindsey Graham, the entire despicably evil Bush family, the equally race traitorous Paul family, and every other one of these RINOs and Neo-Cons who've been supporting open borders immigration policies and the deliberate, genocidal, race replacement policies of the multi-cultural enemy, who's identity we all are so keenly aware of, but are not supposed to ever name.

Oh, and Mr. Engelman is also included on the list of prohibited residency applicants.

Hirschibold #racist amren.com

Here's some food for thought: I was recently reading Dr. Ben Bova's book "Immortality" wherein he suggests that in less than twenty years, scientists will probably figure out how to halt cellular senescence by lengthening telomeres inside our DNA, which will increase human lifespans by hundreds (and possibly thousands) of years. For those who would laugh at Bova, it should be remembered that he correctly predicted that the Russians would put a satellite into orbit, and that the Americans would put a man on the moon, and in that order.

Dr. Bova goes on to say that if and when we cure cancer as well as other diseases, and indefinitely prolong man's life, it will be due primarily to the work of Nobel Laureate James Watson, a man who was driven out of polite society for saying pretty much what Charles Murray and [Jason] Richwine are saying.

To put it bluntly, the "racist" men of science have put our species closer to eradicating death and disease altogether. What has an "anti-racist" like Tim Wise done for his country lately? Wish death on older white people who have the temerity to have different political views than him? It's pretty simple: the "racists" seek enlightenment, the "anti-racists" seek to keep us in ignorance.

John #racist amren.com

Multiculturalism, non-White immigration, gun control in any form, taxes, more government, affirmative action, diversity, miscegenation, amnesty for illegals, homosexuality (gay marriage), and a soft stance on crime are NOT conservative principles. Virtually all Republicans in power over the last few decades have increasingly supported these issues to the detriment of the nation.

What will it take to make the millions of Whites who vote for Blacks and Browns to stop hating themselves and realize that the White race builds the very best communities and countries on Earth with the very best qualities of life? Celebrating Blacks and Browns living among Whites is like celebrating a stray dog crashing a birthday party and defecating in the punch bowl. Would anyone care to "drink up"? Indeed, what sane White person would want to live in the squalor and savagery of a Black or Brown country?

The first step toward the goal of having Whites-only communities, stores, schools, and other facilities is to reaffirm the First Amendment and the right to freely associate with whomever we choose, based on our personal standards, not the government's. The government has absolutely no constitutional right to impose diversity, desegregation, etc. Of course, no Republican will stand up to their diversity gods who hold the purse strings. The Republicans are owned, and there isn't a hair of difference between today's Republican Party and the despicable Democratic Party (a.k.a. Marxist Party).

We need other options, my friends.

HamletsGhost #racist amren.com

The evidence for race differences in IQ has been blindingly obvious for over a century. It was accepted wisdom by the man in the street, and written about by Harvard scholars.

The complete turn-around had nothing to do with evidence. What happened was a full court press by the lying tribe to take over academia, media and government to enforce a Stalinesque thought prison against even thinking the most obvious truths. Kim Il Sung would be jaw-dropped with envy.

wattylersrevolt #racist amren.com

The Chinese arguably deserve to be kicked out of America. How did Native Born White America ever survive without them? Very well thank you...We put 12 Alpha Native Born White American Males with advanced Aerospace Engineering degrees on the Moon..the Chinese Youth who attend Stuyvesant HS...named after a European Settler...will vote a election time to make it a certainty that this never happens again. Now go pack your bags..and off to China where you will be much happier.
Bring Back The Chinese Exclusion Act!!!

Jared Taylor #racist amren.com

[About Jason Richwine's resignation from the Heritage Foundation over his infamous study on race and IQ.]

I have a simple question for people who call themselves “conservative:” When are you going to stop letting the Left tell you what you cannot think? In other words, when are you going to be men instead of lapdogs?

Because you are lapdogs, Jason Richwine joins a distinguished group of men fired by “conservatives:” Joe Sobran, Sam Francis, Scott McConnell, John Derbyshire, Robert Weissberg, Kevin Lamb, Frank Borzellieri, Leif Parsell, and no doubt others who have slipped my mind. John O’Sullivan, Peter Brimelow, James Watson, and Patrick Buchanan have also gotten some form of the ax for excessive truth-telling.

Our country is run by the equivalent of the most primitive tribes of Papua New Guinea and Africa. They believe that if something bad happens it’s because some enemy cast a wicked spell. Here’s the American equivalent: Blacks commit a lot of crime and Hispanics do badly in school? Vicious white people cast spells to make it happen. Can’t find actual, individual vicious white people hexing blacks or Hispanics? Invent a new kind of collective spell called “institutional racism,” so you can blame all white people. And when you find someone who doesn’t believe in spells but talks about race and IQ, crucify him!

In Africa and Papua New Guinea they regularly roast witches. In America we don’t roast our witches. Instead, we call them “racists” and make them unemployable. Jason Richwine is a young man with a wife and two small children.He is a professional thinker, perfectly cut out for a job at a think tank or a university. Who will hire him now that he has been branded with the scarlet “R” for “racist”? And how bitter must it be when people you have known and worked with, people whose trust and respect you thought you had earned, toss you in the gutter at the slightest sign of opposition?

When it comes to race and IQ, the record of history, the results of a thousand studies—intelligence testing, cross-racial adoption, brain-size differences—along with what anyone with vision in even just one eye sees around him every day are apparently not enough. But some day, not far off, the evidence for race differences in IQ will be blindingly, deafeningly, stunningly obvious. The genes that contribute to IQ will be found, and someone—probably in China—will report that they are not distributed equally in every group.

Until then, is our country fated to stagger on under an illusion that makes it impossible to formulate policy on everything from education to immigration to welfare? We could avoid that fate if “conservatives” were not gutless weaklings.

Dr. X #racist amren.com

Increasingly, I have less and less sympathy for victims of these kind of crimes -- Western white women who spend their enitre lives in some left-wing university and actually believe their own "diversity" and "coexist" propaganda. They then go to the darkest jungles of the Third World, expecting to be treated just as if they were at the local Starbucks sipping latte, and end up getting gang-raped. Just last month some Swiss woman got gang-raped in India; then another white woman got raped in Brazil. I could have told them what to expect, but the would've just shrilly accused me of being "racist" and wouldn't have listened, would they?

Our colonial forefathers knew better, and when they went to the savage jungles they went heavily armed. They would've shot any native savage who so much looked at a white woman.

MobyWhite #racist amren.com

There are no black conservatives.

None are disavowing integration, black privilege, affirmative action, the White language, White medicine, White institutions, White wives.

A true black conservative would have made it back home to Africa by now.

Jefferson #racist amren.com

European socialism can not work because White socialists all love racial diversity.

The same left wing White socialists in England who were out in the streets celebrating the death of Margaret Thatcher, are the same left wing White socialists who would never in a million years hit the streets of England to protest against the increasing number of Muslim and Black immigrants into their country.

Europeans ONLY hit the streets to protest and celebrate left wing causes like spitting on Margaret Thatcher's grave. Europeans NEVER hit the streets to protest and celebrate right wing causes like demanding that all Muslim South Asians and North Africans be deported from Europe.

That is why I do not feel sorry for the eventual collapse of Europe. I blame Europeans for voting these far left wing politicians into power.

I blame Europeans for not embracing right wing politicians.

I blame Europeans for not embracing the right to own guns in their home. Most European men are a bunch of sissy beta males who are afraid of guns.

America has more gun loving White alpha males than all European countries combined.

So CAL Snowman #racist amren.com

Rand Paul forgets one MAJOR thing. Economic Freedom to blacks means something completely different than it does to Whites. To White people economic freedom means the freedom FROM government intervention with high taxes and obscene regulations, and the freedom to embrace personal responsibilities. Economic freedom to blacks means freedom FROM personal responsibility and freedom from having to provide for oneself. Of course the little black pea-brain student WANTS government involved in his life, how else is he going to get ahead? To that little pea-brain student the government is MAGIC and can produce money and material goods out of thin air. Why wouldn't he want the MAGIC government to help him? Of course he also knows that Whitey pays his taxes and that Whitey tax dollars get redistributed to his little black buddies through the government. He doesn't know how (it's magic to them) he just knows it works.

John #racist amren.com

As we observe, politicians bend to pop culture. Clergymen bend to pop culture. Governments bend to pop culture. The owners of the world's central bank dictate pop culture through the media.

As for the Republican Party, they are selling their membership like wanton whores to Blacks, Browns, and LGBTs now, without shame or regret; determined to match the Democratic Party in betraying normal, conservative Whites.
Consider the facts:

- Slaves were freed, but not repatriated to Africa. Lincoln engineered it and Republicans approved it.
- Civil Rights Laws passed. Republicans voted for it.
- Desegregation laws passed, Republicans voted for it.
- Miscegenation laws were abolished. Republicans voted for it.
- Mass amnesty for illegal Mestizos was engineered by Reagan. Republicans voted for it.
- NAFTA was developed by Bush I. Republicans voted for it.
- Jeb Bush married a Mestizo.

Glickstein44 #racist amren.com

[re. the SPLC]

Any organization that works to destroy a persons reputation or financial livelihood because their ideology or thoughts dont mesh with theirs is a terrorist organization.That includes government,the media, and professors in institutions of higher learning who are biased in their grading towards students whose ideology is incompatable with theirs.Flooding White countries with third world minorities is also an act of terrorism as is promoting miscegenation and making any laws that only apply indiscriminately to White people...should we all not be equal under the law? Hate crime laws is a terrorist act that targets White people.

Michael McKeon #racist amren.com

"I urge those of you who praise George Wallace's actions to remember that he called out state troops at Selma in 1965 to stop a peaceful march by black people WHO WANTED THE RIGHT TO VOTE. Please read the 14th amendment to the Constitution ('equal protection of the laws') and the 15th amendment--which was added in 1870. George Wallace was literally in violation of the U.S. Constitution. If President Obama did that, you would call him a traitor."

Well, those blacks got their voting rights and how well is that working out? Furthermore, what kind of "equal protection under the law" has my race been getting for the past 50 years or so since they got those rights?

The Constitution was written by White people for White people, a homogenous population group. Granting equal rights to blacks and other non Whites has left the Constitution in shreds and left White people in a very precarious position, to say the least. The non White immigration bill of 1965 finished it all off.

The colorblind, libertarian "solution" to our race problems is a complete failure. The only practical solution I can think of is homelands based on race or, if we must live together, a return to Jim Crow.

Francis Galton #racist amren.com

[Peggy Wallace, the daughter of the late segregationist George Wallace, is an anti-racist activist.]

Blech! White Guilt Dementia never ceases to amaze--and disgust--me.

Doesn't Wallace realize that if the tables were turned blacks would not hesitate to make life a living hell for Whites every chance they got (which they indeed do in cities all over the US, as well as in Zimbabwe and South Africa)? Does she not realize that most blacks despise her (alleged) Whiteness with every fiber of their beings?

Why isn't John Lewis and his ilk protesting the CURRENT enslavement of their own people in their ancestral continent? Doesn't it seem rather self-serving to worry about hypothetically not being allowed to eat lunch at White-owned establishments when blacks elsewhere in the world are still being kept as chattel?

The mind reels.

Lew Grandipher #racist amren.com

I agree with everything you said, except about Racist conception. Even in the past, White Racism often had defensive meaning, rather then offending. Japanese as a prominent Asian entity are also Racists, where during WWII they expressed extremely brutal Racism. To day, nobody pays any attention to Japanese Racism. Same we have with Chinese, not to mention Muslims, which are the worse, with exclusively aggressive Racism.

My point is that White Protective Racism is benign. I don't want Black or any other race as slaves or to own them. I have no hostility against Blacks. I just want to keep distance from them for safety reasons.

Hence, White Protective Racism is civilization Defensive Line against intruders. In this context, I am fiery White Racist. I advises every White, get rid of archaic fear being labeled as Racist. Your Protective Racism is our common defensive line and please do proudly pass this value on others.

Among all Races, only Blacks are constantly playing on Race cards for any trivia. In addition, did you notice that there is Racial conflict only in Whites-Blacks relations? Why, because they are like leeches, they can't survive without Whites, not in US nor in their independent banana states. If we would move to Mars, they would try to follow, because no one else would take care about them.

Eagle_Eyed #racist amren.com

The truest fraud is democracy. Welfare moms in da hood who take billions from the government get an equal vote to the hard-working millionaire white entrepreneurs who contribute a lot more to the government than they receive back.

Michael_C_Scott #racist amren.com

"But unlike our 42nd President, Obama actually went and avenged the nearly 3,000 Americans who perished on 9/11...Look, I'm no supporter of Obama due to his politics, but let's give credit where credit is due, shall we?"

Navy SEALs did that. President Oogabooga did not.

Matt #racist amren.com

Obama has only succeeded to be twice-president, Nobel Prize winner, and Time's Man of the Year, because he is a black man. I can't see how any white man (or white woman) could succeed like that if they possessed only Obama's insignificant achievements. Sarah Palin had more going for her, but the media trashed her mercilessly. Although Obama's white maternal relations were responsible for him actually having a good childhood, his black paternal genes were all that were responsible for him winning the presidency.

You Are Now Enriched #racist amren.com

Greg Johnson said that 1. he hopes Romney loses because he deserves to, and 2. Obama is good for White nationalism because he puts an undeniable black face on our problems.

During the campaign, I noticed more overt anti White hatred spewing from MSM than probably ever before in our history. O'Reilly is steamed about it, and last night he said he'll take it on and call it out. (All he'll do is draw attention to it, but he won't really debate it.) But "get Whitey" is now institutionalized in our culture. That should frighten you and serve as a warning. In a "get Whitey" culture, you can never relax and must always assume that since you are a target, somebody has you in their sights.

So here we are: four more of Obama, and growing anti White hatred, mixed with harsher measures to put us all under BRA Diversity. God, how hideous it will be!

We are at a point of "intersection": 1. the Gay Agenda has won the culture and institutions and will destroy the families not yet destroyed by feminism, drugs, porn, the pill, and abortion, 2. Islamofication is close behind, and now Christian churches are embracing InterFaith Chrislam, 3. Overt hatred and violence against Whites will become mainstreamed to the point of commonplace.

EVERYTHING FALLS APART from now on. In the chaos, you will be victimized.

This is Post 9/11 America. Obama was their second attack.

It all churns toward a Day of Reckoning, and justice will be what you can work out in your own neighborhood. Gold won't do you any good.

gemjunior #conspiracy #sexist #racist amren.com

Women did not create feminism, men did. It was part of the plan of the Frankfurt school, in combination with the plan to destroy the family and reduce the number of white children born to couples. In addition, another salary could be taxed, allowing for the transfer of even larger amounts of $$ from the middle class.

Most women were too busy caring for their children to participate in suffrage or bra-burning ceremonies put in motion by a few upstart jewesses. Had the political will existed, the idea could have been crushed before it even began.
MEN of a certain political and ethnic group were responsible for the introduction of feminism, partly to destroy the family but also the partriarchy, weaken Christianity, and numerous other reasons. To suggest women “grabbed power” is ludicrous, similar to suggesting that black slaves protests ended slavery, or blacks marching and MLK were responsible for civil rights - these were convenient small groups that were politically expedient for the cause of destroying white men and the power they held - legitimately - as the creators of the USA and all advanced western civilization.

Guest #racist amren.com

This isn't what blacks really want. What blacks REALLY want....and MOST of the black AA scum in law, especially those that manage to infiltrate law schools (where this is now taught as standard doctrine in almost all law schools now) and judgeships, is to have some form of this for CRIME.

It's outrageous and insane but most people have no idea its going on because the media censors it but this is out in the open now, although purposefully distorted. When you hear anyone comment that blacks are disproportionately in jail, especially for violent crime, understand that they don't mean that a large number of innocent blacks end up in prison due to racism. No no no.....what they mean is that a large number of GUILTY blacks should not go to prison because it is not fair that so many more of them are in prison than whites. Only retarded blacks can't figure out that the reason for the arrests and punishment is guilt, not random. They literally don't understand guilt. A common saying is "I din' do nuffin....followed by sucking their gums".....meanwhile their dead victim is 2 feet from them and the whole thing is on video. They aren't lying. They don't understand morality, law, or that punishment is anything but arbitrary. Heck, they are raised like this....beaten and sodomized at random while bad behavior (and good) is completely ignored. They are taught and told, early and often that, whatever you can get away with or whomever you can get away with hurting is right.

It's the jews and handful of white liberals that support this that understand full well what is going on. THEIR goals is to hurt white people. There is not a single anti-death penalty advocate that doesn't have this goal as his real one. Not a single person who works on behalf of prisoners who doesn't keep this goal (to get vicious scum out of prison to kill, rape, and hurt white people) in the back of their head at all times.

White people have not acted appropriately to these things for a long long time. A good beginning would be to arrest everyone who wants race equal punishment in schools and give them 10 lashes with a cane....malay style.

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