Micheal Noire #fundie gaiaonline.com
Judy Garland. Manga. Bondage Gear and Handcuffs.
These are the three sources of homo-eroticism in America. My question to you is, are homosexuals capable of demonstrating an actual analog of their own, where romantic encounters exist, that aren't hyperbolic hollywood quasi drag queens lisping (too many examples to name but collectively refered to as Camp), that aren't direct parallels to Asian hyperfeminized androgynous cartoon fantasies, and aren't a highway to hell through PVC, bondage leathers, and police cosplay?
Put another way, do gays in America have a morally sound fact behind their fiction for paired relationships? Because, as every ED topic generally requires a claim, I claim they do not. I claim that the man behind the curtain has nothing going on but an excuse to get off. I claim that the romance between same sex couples in America is driven by kink, hollywood posers, and asian cartoons about asian androgyny and frankly, pedophilic relationships which have only recently started to get outlawed.
I am claiming that all you who support American homo-eroticism can produce is vile or imitated culture, rather than romance or something culturally admirable. I do not believe you have the capacity to prove me wrong.