Rapture Ready

Administrator of Rapture Ready #fundie rr-bb.com

Rule #13

13] No Liberal Left Wing Political Agendas, Tax Dodging, Anti-American Conspiracies, Anti-War Propaganda, or that the United States is Israel or Mystery Babylon. This message board is conservative in line with the classical interpretation of scripture in that we uphold God's Word as the literal final authority on all matters. The Political forum is for discussing issues from a Christian viewpoint, not for plugging a favorite candidate.

Bound2Him #fundie rr-bb.com

Why do good christen people oppose the rapture, and they they attack us so vigorously and coldly about it sometimes. Even well meaning Christens. Have you noticed? But i understand most of their arguments are becouse they dont know too much about scripture...why?

We have to be ready right? But why do they? Are they too learned in thier own head or what?

VictoryinJesus #fundie rr-bb.com

[A poll on Rapture Ready]

Would you ever have thought a year ago in 2007, by this time in 2008 so much information would be coming out showing the antichrist kingdom has been in the works behind the scenes for so long and is so far along towards becoming reality?

Rapture Ready FAQ #fundie raptureready.com

According to the Word of God, abortion is one of the worst murders a human being can commit. About abortion, the Scripture says, "In the secret place doth he murder the innocent" (Psalms 10:8). The “secret place” is the womb of a mother. Definitely, the baby is an “innocent.” No person who is fully aware of another’s total innocence normally kills that other human being. Even wild beasts such as like lions and tigers do not kill their own kind, but rather, they fight to defend and protect them. But, today, man has made himself even lower than brute beasts by slaying innocent unborn babies.

Rapture Ready #fundie raptureready.com

Where did Cain get his wife?

Adam was the first man (1 Cor. 15:45) and Eve is the mother of all living (Gen. 3:20). Genesis 5:4 tells us that Adam and Eve had both sons and daughters besides Cain, Abel and Seth. So Cain married one of his sisters.

"Now wait a minute," someone might say, "doesn't the Bible forbid brothers and sisters to marry?" Yes it does, but that law came many, many years later (in Lev. 18-20). During the time of Cain it was okay to marry siblings. Here's why:

Our genes have mistakes in them. When people who aren't related have children, their offspring inherit different bad genes. But when relatives have children, there is a much greater chance that the children will inherit the same bad genes, resulting in an increased likelihood that they will have birth defects.

But before the fall of man, Adam and Eve had no bad genes (Gen. 1:31). After the fall, Cain and his brothers and sisters had bad genes, but not many. As time went on, the amount of bad genes humans were carrying had increased to the point at which God had to forbid relatives from marrying and having children.

OCSANDLOVER #fundie rr-bb.com


I beleive as well as I feel in my spirit that our country is on it's last round! The economy is collapsing big time! I have been stocking up on food & water! I think this will be the last call to the people of America from God .I beleive as eveything collapses in this country God will use us his people to bring in the last harvest here in this land before the rapture! From what I can see this is happening quickly!Stand Ready To do His Work!

CommanderTaylor #fundie theresistancemanifesto.com

[In reference to an article about ISP's getting ready to implement anti-piracy technology]

Yes. Not only that they'll probably ban religious web sites like rapture ready, voices of evangelism. For instance, If we instant message something about anything that involves Jesus, God, the bible or anti-Bush, three possible things might happen.

1. your entry will be rejected.

2. your connection will automatically be terminated.

3. Spyware gets into your computer even if you didn't download it.

If all else fails, we'll use Freenet to bypass their filters.

Katy-Anne #fundie aussiemama4jesus.blogspot.com

I mean, this is why when the rapture happens everybody will be geared up for all the stupid reasons people come up with for what happened, because they are used to fantasy. Fantasy is a trap of the devil and he's getting everyone ready by getting their minds so in tune with fantasy and science fiction so that he can explain away anything to do with God at the time of the rapture, give other explanations that will sound reasonable because people are so used to the fantasty mindset that they just accept it.

bazza #fundie prophecyfellowship.org

[getting all worked up about the Pullman's movie, the entire thread is a freaking gold mine...this board is spin-off of Rapture Ready]

Just watched the trailer...I don't think that this movie will flop, it will be the next Lord of the Rings, and it is a trilogy. Much prayer will be needed to keep children from going to this movie.

Rapture Ready #fundie raptureready.com

It is a noble cause to try to use genetic research to find cures for various illnesses that plague mankind. Unfortunately, the cause of disease can't be found by looking under a microscope.

Because cancer and other forms of deformities are the results of the curse of sin, I believe that scientists are probably wasting their time in trying find cures. In the end, their efforts will either amount to nothing or they will invoke God's wrath.

Cynthia Duncan #fundie amazon.com

Yes Mr.Greenstone you are biblically correct on this. We are In the last days and the rapture Is a breath away. If people aren't ready they will be left behind to contend with the anti-christ and his antics....Look for everyone that has blood In your body...God created you. To believe In the rapture or God Or Jesus Is your choice. He's still God ! Eternity Is a VERY long time to be WRONG........If you decide to jump off a 2 story house,whether you believe It or not you're going down. Because gravity Is real. God Is Real ! It's a dangerous thing to be thrown Into the hands of the Living God.

Rapture Ready #fundie raptureready.com

Do animals have souls?

Animals clearly do not have souls. This question is sparked over thoughts of what will happen to pets like dogs and cats when their lives end or when we're raptured. Over the years there have been trillions of animals on the earth, and heaven would be a very crowded place if each one of had a soul.

The fact that animals don't have a soul is, in a way, an advantage to them. I've lost several pets over the years, and I firmly believe that in Heaven I can ask God to bring each one back to life. With humans this outcome is not possible. I've had several relatives die in what I feared was a lost state. If I should make Heaven my home, I know I'll never see them again.

If I were a dog, I'd want a Christian as my master.

Ruth #fundie raptureforums.com

I posted this before at Rapture News under my previous onscreen name of Morgan. But thought I would post it again for any new member who may not have read it before. I wrote it one day about 2 years ago and still reflect back on it often. It is an insight that has helped me a great deal and pray it will help others.

Are You a Decoy?

Some days it seems as though I should never have left the warmth of my bed. Everything seems to go wrong - from

1. dropping my freshly filled favorite coffee cup on my keyboard first thing in the morning -
2. to my computer taking four times as long to process every command as usual
3. and a client calling every five minutes to see if I have that report done yet -
4. To the phone ringing and hearing from every friend whom hasn't called me in 6 months and chose this moment to pick up the phone and want to 'catch up'
5. to every telemarketer in the world calling in between
6. to having everyone I have faxed a report to that day tell me they never received it

At some point - I realize I am under attack. These are not coincidences. And the choice is made - to give in and give up and have that temper tantrum I so justly deserve and therefore be ready to tear off the head of the next person I talk to -

or realize that I am on the front lines taking the hits from the enemy and since he is not omnipresent - if he is messing with me - then that means there is a brother or sister in the Lord who is having a good day and recuperating from a day they need to be able to witness to someone for the Lord.

So, I wave the white flag and accept my assignment as decoy and smile. For, while the enemy was thinking I would destroy my witness and lose my joy - he was wasting his time and another soul was saved somewhere down the street by someone who was not under attack.

I am a decoy in the army of God - reporting for duty!

Todd Strandberg #fundie raptureready.com

I'm very keen to read ever-negative email sent to Rapture Ready. Reading all the letters that disagree with the site helps me better understand why people have trouble with the end-time message. I use this information to help me refine the advice we offer to the public.

At the heart of many emails is content I identify as the "Sucker's Bet." These people view us "Doomsday Christians" as wasting our lives by endlessly waiting for a Lord who is never coming. They base their view on the idea that Jesus hasn't come in 2000 years, so this complete lack of activity should prove that He is not coming at all.

Some of these people bet they will have the satisfaction of watching me squander my life on a meaningless quest. But I'm not sure where they see the payoff. If I outlive them, there is no payoff. The only wager I see is their hope that Jesus doesn't come back and bring their carefree existence to a premature end.


When I respond to people, I reply to the real issue they are secretly addressing. People normally write me because they are bothered by events that confirm Bible prophecy. I point out to them that prophetic fulfillment is the real reason they're mad at me, and I warn them by saying, "If my luck with the end-time signs doesn’t run out soon, yours will.

Psalm 107 #fundie rr-bb.com

Here's a interesting thought (at least to me anyway). This is just speculation and personal musings on my part but what if...

What if... our names that God has written into the book of life (and other heavenly books) also contains our coded DNA sequence? Maybe a small sample of each persons DNA is on file up there.

That would explain how God could perfectly reconstruct from the elements of the earth each of our physical bodies at the resurrection... both the redeemed at the first resurrection, and the doomed at the great white throne judgment.

What if... on the cross as Jesus took on all of our sins and sicknesses, every persons flawed DNA sequences were transposed into His body and blood? In His body the DNA code was repaired to remove the sin element from each and every one of us. My DNA and yours washed and cleansed by the very blood of our Redeemer.

When we, the redeemed, are resurrected or raptured our repaired DNA is exchanged for the damaged DNA (in an instant, in the twinkling of an eye) and we arrive in heaven spotless before the throne of God. The doomed at the second resurrection don't get the exchange and are resurrected with their original damaged DNA code so they wouldn't appear spotless before God. Imagine being in that group and seeing your repaired DNA sample on file, all the time waiting there for you to claim it and all you had to do was believe in Jesus and make him Lord of your life to receive it.

Just my personal musings but to me an AWESOME thought. I have nothing biblical to back these musings up with but I felt a need to share with everyone this thought that has been bumping around in my head for a while.

Get ready, get set, discuss!

MinnesotaSlim #fundie rr-bb.com

Bear with me as I build my thesis.
1. Since the first Star Trek we have been bombarded with the idea "Beaming-up" and teleportation. The image of a flash and your gone. This idea has been promulgated on many differant sci-fi shows.

2. The new age movement tells its adherents that mankind is ready to ascend into a new level of being. That those not ready (namely christians) will be left in the lower levels.

3. The UFO crowd and the new age crowd are so intertwined that they will have the same mine set.

4. Global warming/Environmentalists tell us that the world population needs to be drastically cut if we are to sustain life on this planet

My theory is that after the rapture, New Ager's channeling alien thoughts will explain that Christians were "beamed" to a planet far away for us to "learn to ascend" and to save the the environment. The "superior beings" left on earth will be so thankful and embrace the "ascended master" sent to show them the way. They will not sorrow over lost family members because they think they will see them again soon.

Rapture Ready #fundie raptureready.com

The Bible tells us the God of this world is the devil. The influence of Satan is the reason 90 percent of the press and Hollywood elite are liberals who vote exclusively for the Democratic Party. The one-minded eagerness of the left to influence the electoral process should act as a warning sign to the conservative base of this nation.

SmokinJoe1977 #fundie rr-bb.com

We all know what happened after 9/11, and I can't imagine what kind of horrific scenes willl occur right at the second of the Rapture...

Just about ALL vehicals will crash, power outages, and people will be in chaos. everyone will lose someone in the Rapture, if they are left behind... People need to be ready, get your soul ready. Because, the Rapture is very near...

Closer than we even think, because, we are witnessing Jews returning to their land. Its not going to be a pretty sight when we as christians leave this earth, when Jesus comes to get us.

Look, up in the sky, its a bird, its a plane, no.... Its Jesus Christ the Lord and Savior!

(site administrator) #fundie libertytothecaptives.net

[Criticizing Rapture Ready for being a tool of Satan]

How does gambling, playing occult computer games, keeping silent while Jesus Christ is blasphemed, listening to rock music, defending President Bush's occult affiliations, drinking alcohol, participating in coarse, unclean conversation and unholy jesting and engaging in all kinds of worldliness make a Christian "rapture ready"? It doesn't.

Todd Strandberg's Rapture Ready Ready Message Board, which consistently conditions Christians to partake of these and other sins, has an agenda to make it certain that Christians are not rapture ready. Their stated agenda is the opposite of their actual purpose as evidenced by their message board content. Much worldly and anti-Christian content is backed or ignored by the administration. Either way, the kingdom of God is being undermined, rather than advanced through the individuals who run this message board.

Relativism is the theme of the Rapture Ready Message Board: how a Christian feels while he is participating in behavior that violates biblical principles determines whether it is right or wrong. If he feels comfortable gambling, then he may gamble. If he feels comfortable drinking, then he may drink, if he feels comfortable playing occult computer games or typically sinful movies then he indulges, etc. As long as things don't get out of hand, conforming-to-the-world is promoted as being harmless and rather enjoyable. This is called giving place to the devil, and the Rapture Ready administrators and backers offer plenty of rationalizations to "help" the Christian justify getting off and staying off the narrow way that leads to life.

Diane 1611 #fundie rr-bb.com

My Jeep Liberty has the picture below on the wheel cover, the only difference being that the wheel cover is black and the print is silver. I also have my lovely Rapture Ready bumper sticker on the bumper.

So's here's what happened tonight. I went to the grocery store to pick up a prescription that I phoned in. There wasn't a car parked in front of my Jeep when I left the store, so I walked that way to the driver's door around and didn't go around the back of the Jeep. I put the Jeep in reverse and it felt like I hit something or had a flat tire. I put the Jeep in park, went around to the back of the Jeep and there was a shopping cart on the ground. There was no wind to blow the cart there. (I wish we had some wind - it would have blown away all the leaf burning smoke that was burning my sinuses.) The cart had to have been put there deliberately.

I thought about Matthew 5:11 as I was driving home. "Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecuteyou, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake." To whoever didn't like my wheel cover, that's okay. I forgive you. I just hope you remember the Rapture Ready website address you must have saw on my bumper sticker and check it out. And I promise I won't put a shopping cart behind your car if I see something on it that I don't like.

David and Barbara Cerullo #fundie insptoday.com

[Credit - this was posted on Rapture Ready as too Darnded even for them].

Did you know 94% of all the preachers in the world live in North America—where only 6% of the world’s population lives?! How can we reach the world for Christ, when 96% of ALL the preachers are trying to reach 6% of the world?

[Read the rest of the article for the fundierific solution]

Alberto Trippe #fundie ruraptureready.blogspot.com

This site is dedicated to converting hethen-liberals into God-fearing conservatives who follow the words and wisdom of George W. Bush, reject the ACLU and pro-homosexual agenda. I want to prepare you liberals for conversion and for the coming Rapture. R U Rapture Ready? You better be or you will be left behind.

Todd #fundie raptureready.com

Right now, even the people who design computers may have a hard time conceiving the need for computation power anywhere near the one TeraHertz range. I have one event in mind that would thoroughly tax the capability of such a machine. When the rapture takes place, any server hosting Rapture Ready will be inundated with traffic.

C. Little #fundie rr-bb.com

Suppose that the AC and his minions are ready and waiting for the rapture. As soon as it is apparent that it's happened, he launches about 1/2 dozen EMP's over the U.S., Europe, and the Far East. Thus completely wiping out all communications around the globe.

The rapture happened, but as far as anyone who is left knows, they just can't locate some of their friends and family, and they just figure it's because they have no way to communicate. The plains and cars all crashed because all the electrical systems went out. There are no widespread reports of people vanishing because there is no way to widely communicate with one another. There's complete chaos, and as soon as some power is restored, just to organize things again, we can give out an ID tag for everyone that will at least allow them to buy some food. We'll just make a mark on your hand or forehead that has this handy barcode in it to facilitate getting by while everything has to be rebuilt. If you told the Katrina refugees they needed this mark to get some food, I doubt you would have gotten any argument, especially if they had no idea of the rapture or the mark, or anything else Biblical.

All the chaos that has just gone on, forces the return of the twelfth Imam, and the long awaited Jewish Messiah, who will make some supernatural appearance. Ta da, I'm here to save the day.

Okay, it's just a wild thought.

mocha #fundie rr-bb.com

i find it hard to focus on school. my grades have slipped unfortunately but i really dont see much of a point anymore. I wanted to be an architect but im not sure if i'll be on this earth long enough to graduate HS anymore, which doesnt bother me much considerign i'd be graduating life in a way :P...i think that i probably need to get my act together and still do well in school but its extremely difficult when all these things are going on around me, all i want to do is go home and sit down in front of the comp and read rapture ready into the wee hours of the morning while reading my bible.

personally, i dont think i have a need for planning that far into the future given my stance on the end times which i cant say here because it would be date setting (i think, oh well), but for me i dont see a point, i know it would make me look stupid if none of the things that i think are going to happen happen and i end up living to be an old man, but even in that scenario i put my trust and my faith in God and i know he'll pull me through whatever challenges i encounter.

Basically no, i dont think we need long-term planning at this stage, maybe long term for other people, as a guide, but not for christians.

Carmen #fundie rr-bb.com

[From an administrator at Rapture Ready messageboard]

I believe this [people forming false memories] could happen. You tell yourself something long enough and you begin to believe it. I think (but don't know for sure, so don't quote me ) that this is the basic premise that brainwashing works by.

lhaney92 #fundie rr-bb.com

We just finished putting together a left behind box last night. We put a large page on the front of the box, saying to open it immediately upon our sudden disappearance. We are keeping it in our entry way from here on out for 2 reasons:

1. It will be seen by the first person who walks in after the rapture.


2. It makes a great conversation starter about the rapture when people see it!!!!!!!!!

(Oh, and yes, my friends do think I'm an odd duck!)

I also just purchased new checks and they are so cool, they have a pic of the Bible on the front and we had them put: Jesus is coming soon! Are you ready? <a href="http://www.raptureready.com" target="_blank">www.raptureready.com</a> , on them and when they turn the check over to sign for cashing it has Romans 6:23 "For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord." printed below the endorse line!

Editors #fundie libertytothecaptives.net

[These guys think that Rapture Ready is too liberal and willing lackeys in the devil's plan for New World Order.]

How does gambling, playing occult computer games, keeping silent while Jesus Christ is blasphemed, listening to rock music, defending President Bush's occult affiliations, drinking alcohol, participating in coarse, unclean conversation and unholy jesting and engaging in all kinds of worldliness make a Christian "rapture ready"? It doesn't.

Todd Strandberg's Rapture Ready Ready Message Board, which consistently conditions Christians to partake of these and other sins, has an agenda to make it certain that Christians are not rapture ready. Their stated agenda is the opposite of their actual agenda as evidenced by their message board content. Much sub or anti-Christian content is backed or ignored by the administration. Either way, the kingdom of God is being undermined, rather than advanced through this message board.

Relativism is the theme of the Rapture Ready Message Board: how a Christian feels while he is participating in behavior that violates biblical principles determines whether it is right or wrong. If he feels comfortable gambling, then he may gamble. If he feels comfortable drinking, then he may drink, if he feels comfortable playing occult computer games then he indulges, etc. As long as things don't get out of hand, conforming-to-the-world is promoted as being harmless and rather enjoyable. This is called giving place to the devil, and the Rapture Ready administrators and backers offer plenty of rationalizations to "help" the Christian justify getting off and staying off the narrow way that leads to life.

Gamer4Christ #fundie rr-bb.com

Every night now when I go to bed I make sure I have clean sleeping clothes on and my jumping shoes on. Also I have my Rapture Letter on my PC desktop and in my car. So in other words "I am Rapture Ready!".

Speedy #fundie rr-bb.com

I really 'feel' a strong sense of being rapture ready, not mild, I look around the world and feel totally unconnected to the way of this world, and inside feel a sensation of being prepared for the rapture... often I sense a 'slience' in heaven as if all that is happening down here is like a clock ticking, it's as if the world is on the path to oblvion and they 'haven't got a clue'...

TaxCollector #fundie rr-bb.com

Seriously though, everything is happening so fast now that I don't use the term 'years' when talking about the Rapture occuring, its more like days. Time is very short. Make sure the people you know are ready.

Vicki #fundie rr-bb.com

[The following discussion on Rapture Ready more or less speaks for itself. Especially note the (il)logic of the first two posts.]Tonight when I watched Jack Van Impe he talked about... 2011 for the very soon rapture maybe! FIRST, NOBODY KNOWS BUT GOD! BUT, if it were the year, does that sound like soon to you?! I realize the word soon [in the Bible] is ambiguous, but still I can't accept soon as being 7 yrs down the road!

A.Rachel #fundie rr-bb.com

But why would they [Norton Internet Security] label the Rapture Index page specifically as 'Intolerant'?... I have seen no intolerance there. Or anywhere else on Rapture Ready.

tractsforchrist #fundie rr-bb.com

I would just like to say that last night I felt a strong urge to get a rapture ready kit together... I put a couple of tracts inside, a couple of book tracts, and an apologetic book that shows that Jesus has to be real... . I also have a sealed envelope that says 'Do Not open unless millions dissappear: The Rapture' With a dated letter showing that I knew about this before hand.

tractsforchrist #fundie rr-bb.com

Actually it was really funny today... I seriously thought the rapture happened... I was sleeping with my lamp on and all the sudden the light got so bright that it was blinding and I rose from my bed slowly and I was like, 'I'm ready Lord!' To my dissapointment... I think it is amazing that we will be the generation that will see it happen before our eyes.

Magus55 #fundie iidb.org

You really don't know much about Roman Catholicism do you? It is the most heretical, unbiblical load of crap there is. Ever been to Rapture Ready? The apologetics topics are 90% of the time about Catholics because of how completely unbiblical they are. The Catechism and the Vatican/Pope take precedence over the Bible. 90% of the Doctrine Catholics follow are based on the Catechism, not the Bible, and they not only have no scriptural support - they have scriptural verses that specifically say what they believe in is wrong and blasphemy. The Catholic church is the biggest disgrace to Christianity there is.

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