Andrew Anglin #quack #dunning-kruger #crackpot #conspiracy #wingnut

[From “Alcoholism is a Hoax, You Gay Retard”]

Ever since I explicated, as part of the Illness Revelations, that alcoholism is a valid and perfectly healthy lifestyle decision, I’ve gotten messages falsely claiming that this information is inaccurate. In fact, it is completely accurate, but probably, the language needs clarification[…]
“Alcoholism” is a hoax created by Alcoholics Anonymous. “Addiction,” as a general matter, is a baseless fraud invented by ninnying women and embraced by the psychiatric industry as an extremely profitable swindle[…]
These people claim that “addiction is a disease,” which is an utterly nonsensical statement on its face. What is a “behavioral disease”?[…]
There are people who drink too much, and end up behaving badly. However, here’s the thing: all of these people have serious personal problems that do not involve alcohol[…]
Following the above explanation of how people drink too much because they have personal problems, people use drugs for this same purpose[…]
In terms of the “addiction” element – even for the hardest drugs of all, detox/withdrawal takes one week (don’t argue with me that it could be up to two weeks – average is one week)[…]You feel like shit, sleep a lot, have diarrhea. For a week. Everyone can do that. It’s very easy. That is not “addiction.” It’s detox[…]
I am a staunch defender of Adolf Hitler, and also the most prominent Putin shill in the English language. That might seem counterintuitive, but it’s really, really not. Hitler was against Slavs, but that is a complicated thing, which had a lot to do with hundreds of years of history, and then the Bolshevik Revolution (Hitler was aggressively anti-communist, obviously). I wish there would have been a deal between Hitler and Stalin, because Stalin was no Lenin, but that didn’t happen[…]There is a quote from Hitler where he says “the Russian concept of civilization is whatever keeps the vodka flowing”[…]
“Drunk driving” laws absolutely are communism



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