Book Thief #transphobia #psycho

Earlier this year, I met a tranny,
Who said, "put your cock inside my fanny,
"And while you're at it, suck my dick,
"Or else I'll call you transphobic."

But I had no time for this crossdresser.
She seemed confused, misguided, God bless her.
I knew exactly what had to be done,
And thought I'd have a little bit of fun.

I said, "I'm not interested in your fetish,
"Your shoulders are broad, your face is blemished.
"I know this response will inspire your fury,
"But you're just a dude obsessed with yuri."

"Don't kid yourself, women don't have a dick,
"And demanding sex makes you a prick.
"Straight men don't want to have sex with dudes,
"You've confused reality with your futanari nudes."

"Porn is just art. Not real, it's fiction,
"But you've made it your life, a total addiction.
"And you act like your vices are moral fiber,
"As you inject yourself with more sissy cider."

"You seek out kids like the sex offender watch list,
"While telling us, 'we won't hurt them, pinky promise!'
"Then you convince them to join your cult,
"Where drugs and mutilation is the end result."

"When other catch onto you and become smarter,
"That's when your start acting like a martyr.
"You feign victimhood and cry 'genocide'
"To get unsuspecting Samaritans on your side."

"You'll harass, dox, and seek to cause harm.
"Funny, isn't that what you accuse the Kiwi Farm?
"You're nothing but bullies and sexual predators,
"And you diddle more kids than the average Senator."

I opened my eyes as I finished my speech,
Expecting to hear a tranny's vile screech,
But for the sanctity of my ears and to my surprise,
The tranny had already met her demise.

I looked up to examine a nearby lamp.
Swinging from a rope was the manly tramp.
In her pants, she had pitched a large tent,
As she finally became the Forty-One Percent.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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