Up to a certain time, a certain safety feature didn’t exist in cars.
Because of a certain speed limit and there not being long enough straights in race tracks in his country, a certain someone brought AC Cobras to another so as to test the performance of the engines in such at 180+ MPH. Because he knew that the M1 in that country didn’t have speed limits thus he could do so. But he did his test runs early in the morning as there weren’t any cars on that motorway: and at the time there weren’t as many cars on roads - least of all the M1 at that time of day - as there are decades later as cars became cheaper.
He did his test runs. The police saw what he was doing, but at that time they could do nothing. But their observations were brought to the attention of the then Labour Transport Minister Barbara Castle, who brought up the matter in the House of Commons. It was debated upon, voted for and legislation brought into being: the 70 MPH speed limit on all motorways.
As a result of this safety law, there have been less occasions where said police have had the unenviable task of having to knock on certain doors and tell people that their loved ones won’t be coming back home alive. Fact: Speed Kills.
Killing Speed - as in a maximum of 70 MPH on motorways - results in more alive people. And all because of someone prevented to do what he wanted on roads in his own country with 55 MPH max.
Fact: An American - Carroll Shelby - is responsible for so many lives saved here in Britain. Certainly future generations since what he did here in the 1960s. And because of what said Transport Minister brought up in Parliament.
And with her making seatbelts compulsory decades ago, never mind safety seats that are compulsory in Britain since a certain Transport Minister brought up that other matter in Parliament how many pregnant women have gone on to give birth as a result of being saved by seatbelts in a road accident?
Aren’t safety seats simply saving the lives of those born after their mothers wearing seat belts being extra concerned about both parties’ safety?
So much for being the ‘Pro-Life’ Party if you aren’t, OP.