Strange that communist countries have and had heterosexual couples who have children and don't engage in sexual perversion, strange that pornography was viewed as a sign of western degenerecy in communist countries, strange that a communist country basically invented space flight, sent the first humans into space, had the first permanent space station, most of the best chess players, the second highest number of scientific publications most of the time and a free education system. Strange that artists from communist countries are known and revered all over the world, and strange that you probably grew up in fear of a system that shouldn't be able to survive for 20 years on its own. Strange that there are actually people who keep thinking that their over-all life quality was higher in communism than it is today.
Some of your assumptions don't seem to add up.
Do you know what the communists did in germany during the twenties? They activly fought against the nazis and their predecessors, preventing them from gaining power much earlier, protecting those who couldn't protect themselves and giving hope to those who lived barely better than animals thanks to monarchy and capitalism, as one of the first political movements with both a female and a male leader.
You don't know shit about communism and its meaning as well as history in general and german history in particular.