Donald Trump

Patrick Scrivener #conspiracy



Guy Fawkes is the father of all modern day suicide bombers and terrorists. His Gunpowder Plot is also the inspiration for all present day false flag operations.

On November 5, 1605, Fawkes and his Jesuit co-conspirators planned to decapitate the entire English government.

Until recently, the discovery of the Plot was widely celebrated In Britain.

During the long reign of Sultana Elizabeth I, the Jesuits worked closely with King Philip II of Spain to return England to Babylonian bondage. That strategy of invasion from without led to the "Invincible" Spanish Armada of 1588.

During the long reign of Sultana Elizabeth I, official British government policy was to embrace Islam as a counterweight to Spanish worldwide hegemony.

The "Invincible" Spanish Armada of 1588 failed miserably, and subsequent Spanish invasion attempts also failed.

With the ascension of King James I, a completely new strategy emerged!

Camillo Burghese became Pope Paul V in June 1605. He was one of the most fanatical Popes to ever wear the banned triple crown in Roma.

He canonized Ignatius Loyola, co-founder of the Jesuits, and Charles Borromeo.

He issued a plenary indulgence (license to kill) to all who participated in the Gunpowder Plot, and said that they were doing a "holy work most pleasing to God."

The changing face of Guy Fawkes!!

People like to see new faces, but unlike Hillary Digby Churchill Clinton, most people have only one face throughout their lifetime.

Even Guy Fawkes has undergone a metamorphoses and is now known as "Anonymous."

When the Pilgrim Fathers planted Israel in the Wilderness, they continued celebrating November 5, but they called it "Pope Day." George Washington abolished the celebration because he claimed that it offended his new Papal French allies.

The Jesuits have run out of options . . . so expect a "big bang" in the U.S.

Beginning with the new millennium, the Jesuits opted for a new 3-pronged strategy:

Install a Jesuit White Pope in the Vatican.
Install a Jesuit Chief Justice in the U.S. Supreme Court.
Install a Jesuit President in the White House.
The new millennium dawned with the Militia of Jesus as aggressive as ever.

In February 2001, the ailing Pope John Paul II made Jorge Bergoglio a cardinal.

He also named Bergoglio as his successor.

In March 2005, Cardinal Bergoglio was absolutely sure he would be the first Jesuit White Pope.

He would have taken the name Pius XIII.

Before the conclave, "anonymous" distributed images of Bergoglio blessing the Argentine troops prior to the invasion of the Falkland Islands. "Anonymous" is just a synonym for the British Secret Service:

No one admitted to sending the email. The ambassador said he did not do it. So did the lawyer. So did the journalist. So did several high ranking officials of the Society of Jesus, the world's biggest and most powerful religious order. The dossier that dropped anonymously in the in box of senior cardinals as they gathered at Rome was damning. Or so it was intended to be. Someone did not want Jorge Mario Bergoglio to be Pope. (Vallely, Pope Francis: Untying the Knots, p. 1).

Even though the "Iron Lady" was out of office since 1990, she was still hugely influential in governmental circles. They all remembered the Falklands War, and they were not about to have any Argentine as Pope.

After an intense struggle that lasted from 2005 to 2013, Bergoglio finally forced Pope Benedict XVI to resign. Only a month later, Margaret "Iron Lady" Thather—the woman who torpedoed Bergoglio in 2005—was sent to meet her Maker.

However, by 2013, it was too late for Bergoglio to achieve most of the objectives of the Jesuits.
The second option was Jesuit Antonin Scalia as Chief Justice!!

n October 2004, Chief Justice Rehnquist was suddenly diagnosed with terminal "throat cancer."

The heroic chief justice refused to resign; and, despite the pain and discomfort, he remained in office until his death in September 2005.

His timely death was the opportunity that Scalia had waited for all his life.

Scalia was sure that he would be the next chief justice. He was 69-years-old at that time, but judges are appointed for life, and he could have counted on at least another 15 years as Chief Justice.

By remaining on the Court until his death, Chief Justice Rehnquist changed the course of history.

By Sept. 2005, George W. Bush was besieged by the Iraq War and Hurricane Katrina.

He bypassed Scalia, and chose the less controversial Judge Roberts Instead.

Scalia remained on the Court until his timely death in February 2016. Many people suspected FOWL play in his death because he died on a hunting trip to Texas. It is possible that he was another victim of the "Clinton Body Count" because they did not want a repeat of the 2000 Florida Fiasco.

His death ended the second option of the Jesuits to make one of their own a Chief Justice of the United States.

The third option was Jesuit Hillary Digby Churchill Harriman Clinton as President!!

The 2016 election between Donald Trump and Hillary Digby Churchill Harriman Clinton was as critical as the 2000 election. Prior to the election, Scalia was sent to meet his Maker, so that nothing could hinder a Democratic victory.

It is almost beyond belief but Hillary Clinton was a physical descendant of Gunpowder Plotter Sir Everard Digby.

The banned Jesuits are still very, very proud of the names Guy Fawkes and Sir Everard Digby

You cannot fool Father Time, and despite several face lifts, Hillary was still 69-years-old in 2016.

In modern times the Presidential race is decided by televised debates, so the real Hillary had to employ the same experienced doppelgänger debater that she used in 2000.

Despite the Harriman and Rockefeller billions, and an experienced youthful debater, Hillary lost the election.

That ended the third and last option for a Jesuit takeover of the United States of Israel.

In the great American pastime of baseball, the rule is: 3 strikes and you are out....However, the "big bang" Jesuits do not play by the rules, and we cannot expect them to obey the 1773 Papal Bull of Suppression....That is why it is vitally important to Make America Christian again by reinstating November 5 as "Pope Day."

Andrew Anglin and other nazis #fundie

Can't Shake It Off: How Taylor Swift Became a Nazi Idol

Nazis and members of the "alt-right" consider Taylor Swift an Aryan pop queen who is “red pilling” America into a race war through her pop hits.

Every demographic chooses a pop icon. Gay men worship Cher, black women love Beyoncé, and neo-Nazis worship Taylor Swift, a skinny, blonde Pennsylvania girl that they have labeled an "Aryan Goddess." Nazis and members of the "alt right"—an Internet subculture that is best described as the venn diagram of hipster culture and white supremacy—have been spreading a conspiracy theory that Swift is a covert Nazi. They claim Swift's songs "red pilled" America into believing a conservative, racist agenda. (Taylor Swift's representative, a publicist named Tree Paine, did not return Broadly's request for comment.)

"Firstly, Taylor Swift is a pure Aryan goddess, like something out of classical Greek poetry. Athena reborn. That's the most important thing," explains Andre Anglin, the writer of the white supremacist blog the Daily Stormer. "It is also an established fact that Taylor Swift is secretly a Nazi and is simply waiting for the time when Donald Trump makes it safe for her to come out and announce her Aryan agenda to the world. Probably, she will be betrothed to Trump's son, and they will be crowned American royalty." (Swift is notoriously private about her political leanings, although, after Obama was elected, she told Rolling Stone, "I've never seen this country so happy about a political decision in my entire time of being alive. I'm so glad this was my first election.")

It's unclear when the white supremacists started writing blog posts about their Taylor Swift fandom. Anglin believes Swift Nazi memes may have existed since her "Teardrops on My Guitar" days. "Some believe it was meme magic that made her famous—though no one can be certain," he says. "We are certain that as soon as Nazis saw her, they were magnetically drawn to her sculpted Aryan form and angelic demeanor."

Breitbart columnist Milo Yiannopoulos believes the memes may have originated with a Pinterest user named @poopcutie, which was helmed by a teenage girl named Emily Pattinson. In 2013, she started pining memes attributing Adolf Hitler quotes to Swift to spoof memes that falsely attributed inspiring quotes to Marilyn Monroe. Pattinson emblazoned an image of Swift in a ball gown walking past trees with the Hitler quote: "As in everything, NATURE is the best instruction." BuzzFeed aggregated her posts without asking Pattinson for comment, and then Pattinson went viral. "Everyone wants to go viral," she says. She soon learned that short-lived Internet fame isn't what it's cracked up to be, when Swift's lawyer, J Douglas Baldridge, sent Pinterest a threatening letter, which Pattinson provided to Broadly. Part of the letter read as follows:

The association of Ms. Swift with Adolf Hitler undisputedly is 'harmful,' 'abusive,' 'ethnically offensive,' 'humiliating to other people,' 'libelous,' and no doubt 'otherwise objectionable.' It is of no import that Ms. Swift may be a public figure or that Pinterest conveniently now argues that the Offending Material is mere satire or parody. Public figures have rights. And, there are certain historical figures, such as Adolf Hitler, Charles Manson and the like, who are universally identified in the case law and popular culture as lightning rods for emotional and negative reaction.

Citing parody laws, Pinterest refused to take down the Hitler/Swift memes. "I didn't continue making the quote images, but I didn't delete my board either," Pattinson tells Broadly. In her wake, other Hitler/Swift meme accounts have popped up.

On Facebook, a group called Taylor Swift for Fascist Europe has over 18,000 likes. The group's community manager—who remains anonymous— tells Broadly in an email that he wishes "to preserve Europe" through fascism. "Not only has fascism traditionally opposed Marxism, rather than simple opposition to Communism in the spirit of many traditional conservative ideologies, but anti-Marxist principles are at the core of its ideology," he writes. "Only through the destruction of Marxism can Europe be restored to its former glory, and only fascism can ensure this destruction." Although he doesn't believe Swift is "red pilling" the masses, he says he believes that she embodies the Aryan "spirit."


"Being Aryan is not simply a matter of blood, but it is also a matter of spirit," the community manager writes in an email to Broadly. "Take Kim Kardashian or Miley Cyrus as examples of this: both began their lives with the same Nordic blood that Swift did, but what makes these two degenerates unfit for consideration as fascist icons? It is because, although Aryan in blood, the two are not Aryan in spirit. To be Aryan in spirit is what completes the fascist."

Now, actual fascists adore Swift. The Daily Stormer has published 24 posts about Swift, including "Aryan Goddess Taylor Swift Accused of Racism for Behaving Like an Ape in a Music Video" and "Memification: Top Feminist Calls Taylor Swift a Nazi." As Yiannopoulos points out, blogger Michael Collins worries that Swift has "succumbed" to the "Merchant," which is Nazi code for "Jewish."

"It's incredible really that she's surrounded by these filthy, perverted Jews, and yet she remains capable of exuding 1950s purity, femininity and innocence," Anglin says. "She is the anti-Miley. While Miley is out having gang-bangs with colored gentlemen, she is at home with her cat reading Jane Austen."

Yiannopoulos writes that Swift works as an avatar for the ultra right because she comes across as a born conservative but also keeps politics out of her public identity. The blonde, pale star grew up in Pennsylvania, one of the original 13 colonies, while her father worked as a wealth manager and senior vice president of Merrill Lynch. She originally sang country music, the genre beloved by the same people who voted twice for George W. Bush.

Some of the alt-right's defenders argue that memes just exist to rankle and troll people—the "Taylor Swift for Fascist Europe" page, for example, is listed as a comedian on Facebook. Perhaps, but racist jokes often come out of racists' mouths. Nevertheless, Anglin's commitment to Swift's ascendance into the role of figurehead in the coming white supremacist uprising remains steadfast. "The entire alt-right patiently awaits the day when we can lay down our swords and kneel before her throne," Anglin says, "as she commands us to go forth and slaughter the subhuman enemies of the Aryan race."

David Chase Taylor #conspiracy

SWITZERLAND, Zurich — Based purely on the fact Duck Dynasty’s NASCAR race was evidently slated to suffer a terror attack on April 6, 2014, there is a rather high possibility that Duck Dynasty founder Phil Robertson’s speech to the 2014 Republican Leadership Conference in New Orleans, Louisiana on May 29, 2014, may be targeted with state-sponsored terrorism as well. In order to bring unprecedented media attention to Robertson just prior to a terror attack, a video of Robertson’s allegedly “anti-gay” Easter speech was released on May 22, 2014.

According to reports, “Phil Robertson, patriarch of the Robertson family and star of the series “Duck Dynasty,” will address the 2014 Republican Leadership Conference, Thursday May 29th at 6pm. Also speaking on Thursday evening are RNC Chairman Reince Priebus, Gov. Bobby Jindal, Sen. Ron Johnson and Ben Sasse.” Other speakers at the 2014 Republican Leadership Conference include Governor Rick Perry, Governor Phil Bryant, US Senators Ted Cruz, Mike Lee, & David Vitter; Donald Trump, Newt Gingrich, Herman Cain, Rick Santorum, Michele Bachmann and Allen West.

As previously reported, the goal of the Obama administration is to somehow merge bearded Islamic terrorists with those who fly the Confederate Rebel Flag and root for the Ole Miss Rebels in the American South, like those individuals featured in the hit television show Duck Dynasty. That way, the U.S. government can pretend that they can no longer the difference between foreign terrorists, domestic terrorists, and the general population.

This will ultimately allow for the Obama administration to eradicate all of their political opposition with autonomous drones, a preview of which was evidenced on November 30, 2013, when “Fast and Furious” movie star Paul Walker was evidently assassinated in a drone strike in Los Angeles, California. Coincidentally, on January 2, 2014, it was reported that ‘Duck Dynasty’ is slated to releases their own line of guns, yet another sign that bearded violence may be imminent.

Tony Tinderholt #fundie

Access to reproductive healthcare and rights has been increasingly under fire since President-elect Donald Trump’s 2016 election victory. In the two months since the election, federal and state lawmakers across the country have introduced aggressive anti-abortion bills.

The Texas GOP opened its new session in mid-November with a bill that would force people to bury or cremate fetal remains. On Wednesday, legislators took the war on reproductive rights a step further.

Republican Rep. Tony Tinderholt introduced a bill titled “Abolition of Abortion in Texas Act,” which would both ban and criminalize the procedure altogether by making abortion — and the provision of the procedure — a felony.

The bill recognizes “the rights, powers, and privileges of all unborn children at every stage of gestation from fertilization until birth,” and categorizes the fetus as a “living human child.”

In turn, abortion would be treated as a criminal homicide, except in cases where the individual’s life is at risk due to complications during pregnancy. This also means that anyone who has an abortion or provides the procedure could face felony charges and lose their right to vote.

The proposed bill would be at odds with the Supreme Court’s Roe v. Wade ruling and seems unlikely to pass. University of Texas law professor Sanford Levinson told the Texas Observer, “This is a latter-day attempt at nullification of federal law or Supreme Court decisions, and it’s not going to work. Period.”

Levinson added, “There is simply no doubt whatsoever that it is unconstitutional under current law.” However, that it was introduced in the first place is telling of the fight ahead for basic reproductive rights and the Texas GOP has made their platform very clear.

In their agenda for the new session, the Republican Party of Texas stated that abolishing abortion and “stopping the murder of unborn children” are among their priorities.

Jimmy Arno #racist

A Georgia man whose family was attacked by a Muslim woman wielding an American flag said he’s preparing for civil war if Hillary Clinton wins the election.

Jimmy Arno told NPR he’s concerned about the direction of the United States, and he cited the bizarre encounter last year as proof that armed revolt might be necessary to keep people like himself in charge.

“I want grandchildren, but the way this country is right now, I don’t want to do that to these children,” said Arno, an auto mechanic and the father of two teenage children. “Think about what it’s going to be like in 18 years, if a child is born right now.”

The Lawrenceburg family made local and national news last year after 30-year-old Amina Ahra took the flag from their mailbox and attacked Dami Arno and her 17-year-old daughter, and her 14-year-old son grabbed the family gun to ward off the attacker until police arrived.

“If you go to a movie theater, you’re liable to get shot, you go to a mall, you’re liable to get shot,” Jimmy Arno said. “If you go to Atlanta or a major city, you’re liable to be shot or attacked.”

Dani Arno expressed concern about a Black Lives Matter protest at the local high school, and Jimmy Arno expressed dismay at the demonstration against the display of Confederate flags.

The Arnos used to fly a Confederate flag but took it down out of courtesy after some of their daughter’s friends said it made them uncomfortable, although they still hang a framed portrait of Robert E. Lee over their living room couch.

Jimmy Arno blames President Barack Obama for the increase in racial tensions that worry him

“I know that we were a whole lot further along racially eight years ago than we are today,” he said.

The couple both plan to vote for Donald Trump, saying Hillary Clinton would just be a continuation of the Obama administration, and they dismissed stories about the real estate developer cheating contractors and other “ordinary people.”

“Hillary wants to be elected and Donald Trump wants to be elected,” Jimmy Arno said. “They’re going to talk bad about everything that they can about the other candidate so that you vote for them. I discount the whole thing, because I want to know what your plan is to help the country, that’s what I want to know. Donald Trump, if I understand him correctly, and I hope I do, he wants to stop the flow of illegal people in this country. Stop the flow. Well, by stopping the flow, more Americans have an opportunity to go to work because they’re not losing their jobs to illegal immigrants.”

Jimmy Arno told NPR he was considering joining a local militia group, because he wants to be prepared in case his darkest fears become a reality.

“Should martial law, civil war — whatever — break out in this country, they will uphold the Constitution and rebuild our loss,” he said. “The war that’s going to break out if Hillary Clinton’s elected, if that happens. Your patriots are going to overthrow the government.”

Michel Chossudovsky #conspiracy

The plush dinner event with China’s president Xi Jinping at Mar-a-Lago on the evening of April 6 was carefully planned to coincide with Trump’s missile strikes against Syria.

Xi and Trump were accompanied by their wives; guests, family members and high-level officials from both countries were in attendance at the Palm Beach Mar-a Lago “replicate” of Rome’s Palazzo Chigi 16th Century dining room.

Later that evening on Thursday April 6, it was dessert time: The Donald was at the dinner table eating a delicious chocolate cake together with Xi Jinping, while also ordering Tomahawk missile strikes against Syria, in the presence of China’s president and his entourage:


Atrocities were committed and Trump ordered airstrikes which have resulted in further deaths of innocent civilians including children.

US intelligence is often based on the art of deceit, i.e. the fabrication of evidence.

But in this case there was “no art of deceit”. The White House report which Trump used to justify his airstrikes constitutes fake evidence and “sloppy intelligence”. Did it have the endorsement of the intelligence community?

There is ample evidence of a US coverup contained in this scanty White House “intelligence report” which has been refuted.

see Dr. Theodore Postol’s incisive report:

Assessment of White House Intelligence Report About Nerve Agent Attack in Khan Shaykhun, Syria By Dr. Theodore Postol, April 13, 2017

No credible evidence that the Syrian president is killing his own people has been provided.

The false flag does not hold up to scrutiny, yet this “sloppy intelligence” seems to have convinced the President and Commander in Chief of the United States of America, who’s eating a chocolate cake with the president of China—

And the Chinese president knows that the intelligence is fake.

Washington (which supported the opposition rebels in the use of chemical weapons) rather than Damascus is responsible for extensive crimes against humanity.

Chuck Ness #conspiracy

Why am I so not into how bad Irma is? I mean, for 8 years the Obama administration worked diligently to turn both NASA and the National Weather Service into “Climate Change Command Centers” or as I will affectionately refer to them in my opinion, the (CCCC). Please tell me how can I take it anymore serious than an average Hurricane at best?

—Look, we are talking about models created by a computer programmer which we all know has been influenced by their desire for us to buy into the Climate Change hoax. All for the purpose of taking out money and our freedom so they turn our country into a 3rd world nation controlled by the despots who are running the UN.

Added to this over hyped event that is steadily covering our eyes with a blanket of wool, is the fact we are continually told by both Democrats and the Republican elitists that we cannot feasibly deport 10 million illegal aliens. Yet, we are now watching 10's of millions of Americans being scared into evacuating Southern and Western Florida? I had to share that because it always goes through my head every time we are told to abandon our homes because of a flood, fire, or hurricane headed our way.

—Hey, I only share that fear, because the CCCC model that was wrong about where Harvey was headed to, is the same model that is telling us Florida is doomed. Think about it? They need storms to be thought of as being bigger, stronger, and more devastating than ever so that charlatans like Al Gore can continue scaring the crap out of the masses of uneducated people who have been indoctrinated by their public education system. So laugh all you want, but in your heart of heart you know I am right.

Think about it, these are the very same people who's computer model said Hurricane Harvey would hit Corpus Christi, then go inland, loop around back into the Gulf, and then slam back into Corpus Christi a second time? Yet, what happened? The darn thing failed to listen to a flawed computer model and instead headed North to Houston where no one was prepared. Consider it well. Millions were caught off guard and many died because another another supporter of CCCC's Climate Change hoax told the citizens of his city not to evacuate. I speak of Houston's Mayor, Sylvester Turner.

I know, I am questioning the evacuation of 10's of millions in Southern and Western Florida, while mocking the Mayor of Houston for not evacuating. Well, my point is not whether or not to evacuate, my point is the computer models we are told are infallible. Why now, after Trump pulled out of the Paris Climate accord are we seeing such huge hurricanes? They need to convince us that Donald Trump is a fool for pulling out of the Paris Accord, and the predicted massive Hurricanes is their proof that Climate change exists, and it's America's fault. Watch, I expect the accusations will come soon.

—As for their flawed computer models, I won't be surprised if Hurricane Irma heads into the Gulf. Just look at where it is right now. Irma's direction of path is just 5 degrees North of straight West. Well, I can see this thing getting into the warm waters of the Gulf that will build this thing up to a category 6 or 7 before hitting landfall in a place no one is prepared, and no one has a chance to get out of the way. I'm sure their goofy computer model has room for category 6 and 7 type Hurricanes. It has to, because the CCCC needs Hurricanes to get bigger so they can continue selling Climate Change to the uneducated masses.

Todd Starnes #fundie

Fox News commentator Todd Starnes spoke at Liberty University last month, where he declared that God gave America a “second chance” with the election of Donald Trump and conservative Christians must now rise up and take this nation back.

“For the past eight years,” he said, “we’ve been told that we are the problem, that we are not a Christian nation, that we are not an exceptional nation. Our traditions and our values have been ridiculed and marginalized. We were mocked by Hollywood and dismissed by the academics, marginalized by the mainstream media. But all that changed on election day when a man who promised to defend religious liberty, a man who promised to make America great again became our president.”

“I believe that God saw fit to give our nation a second chance,” Starnes declared. “My fellow countrymen, we are surrounded, the cultural bullets are flying, the enemies of freedom are advancing and the time has come for all of us to stand resolute. You say, ‘Todd, I’m not a fighter.’ Well, there ain’t no such thing today, sonny, because we are freedom’s last line of defense! — It’s time for every gun-toting, Bible-clinging deplorable American to take a thunderous stand for life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

Lance Wallnau #fundie

“I’m claiming Milo in the name of Jesus for the Kingdom of God,” Wallnau declared. “Just like [Donald] Trump was an unlikely candidate for us as a deliverer in the presidency — God hid himself in Trump, I think God is hiding himself in Milo and I’m calling him out in Jesus’ name to salvation.”

“Red rover, red rover, call Milo over,” he continued. “The church doesn’t want people like him, but God wants him in the church. Father, we call for Milo in Jesus’ name. We call, Lord, that You will break every cycle of destruction, every spirit that is assigned to him to destroy, distort, to wound and to lock him up. We pray for shafts of light to come from heaven into his heart, divine encounters with the Gospel in unique and unusual ways, we pray for Jesus to be made manifest in his dreams.”

Wallnau said that Yiannopoulos will be part of an “army of millennial young prophets who will expose the enemy” and prophesied that “Milo is going to be doing campus revivals in the future.”

Rick Wiles #conspiracy

End Times radio broadcaster Rick Wiles dedicated a good portion of his “Trunews” program last night to continuing his attack on President Trump for having launched U.S. airstrikes against Syria last week, placing the blame squarely on the shoulders of Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner, Trump’s Jewish daughter and son-in-law.

Wiles, who was an ardent Trump supporter until the president directed strikes against a Syrian airbase, played a portion of a sermon he delivered to his congregation last Sunday in which he attacked Ivanka and Kushner for being Orthodox Jews and tools of “the deep state cabal in the White House.” Wiles claimed that the couple are devout followers of the late Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson and sought “the dead rabbi’s messianic blessings on Donald Trump’s election victory,” asserting that Ivanka even credited Schneerson for protecting her father for an assassination attempt.

After blasting Schneerson for “being a scholar of the blasphemous Talmud” and “an esteemed teacher and practitioner for Kabbala, Jewish mysticism, witchcraft,” Wiles warned that “this is the rabbi that Jared and Ivanka revere” and “this is who is whispering in Donald Trump’s ear, ‘Bomb Syria.'”

Wiles went on to compare Ivanka with the daughter of Herod who, in Matthew 14, convinced her father to behead John the Baptist.

“That’s who I think Ivanka Trump is,” Wiles said. “She’s a Kabbala practicing, evil woman whispering evil things in the ear of her father. She’s going to the grave site of an old dead Kabbala practitioner and getting spirits telling her what to do — We have to pray against witchcraft in high places, witchcraft that plans to kill millions of people. — [Ivanka and Jared] are cleaning out the White House to surround President Trump with their Kabbala practitioners, and the only advice he is going to get will be from people who are evil. And the church is letting this happen.”

Donald Trump #fundie

President Trump Touts His Accomplishments in Thanksgiving Message

President Trump wished Americans a happy Thanksgiving early Thursday morning on Twitter, but didn’t waste any time before boasting about his track record in the same tweet.

“HAPPY THANKSGIVING, your Country is starting to do really well,” he wrote. “Jobs coming back, highest Stock Market EVER, Military getting really strong, we will build the WALL, V.A. taking care of our Vets, great Supreme Court Justice, RECORD CUT IN REGS, lowest unemployment in 17 years—.!”

He followed up with another tweet: “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!”

Four hours later, Trump posted what appeared to be an official White House video to Twitter. In it, he recited the history of the holiday and wished Americans a “blessed and joyful Thanksgiving.”

He also made reference to challenges America has faced in the last year. “We pray for the Americans impacted by the devastating storms and wildfires that struck our nation. We mourn for the victims of the horrible shootings that stole so many innocent lives. And we thank God for the police, firefighters, paramedics and rescue workers who put themselves in harm’s way to save others.”

At the end of the video, he reiterated some of the claims of his earlier tweet. “Our country is doing very well,” he said. “Our stock market has hit a new all-time high, unemployment is at a 17-year low, we’ve created $5.5 trillion worth of values. We are doing something very special. People are feeling it. The enthusiasm in this country has never been higher. We are very very happy on this Thanksgiving day.”

Mack Major #fundie

Once again witches are at it, uniting together to cast a 'binding spell' against Donald Trump, his administration and anyone who supports him. This is interesting. One must ask themselves:

What is it about this man (Donald Trump as president) that has witches and evildoers so upset?

If you as a Christian can't see by now that this is CLEARLY a spiritual war taking place for the nation and the world, you are spiritually BLIND when it comes to spiritual things! It can't get any clearer at this point.

When have witches ever come together in unison to stop any American president??? And since when have Christians ever had anything at all in common with witches?

I really need for some of you to wise up spiritually, get your head out of TV and La-la-land, and get with the program! Some of us are out here fighting against real dark demonic forces that are being unleashed against the church - and many within the church are content making Oscar predictions and actively working against those of us who are warring against the devil!

C'mon man! Where are my REAL TRUE spiritual warriors at?

It's time to take this walk with Christ seriously, and stop sitting by the sidelines like a spectator. Because while you're sitting contentedly by the sidelines trying not to offend anyone, the witches are out there casting spells against you and your family too.

What - you thought if you kept quiet and minded your own business satan would just leave you alone? Nah family: YOU are in this fight too, whether you want to be or not! War has been declared, battle lines drawn and its time for you to show up for active spiritual military duty.

These witchcraft binding rituals will include 'calling on spirits and demons of the infernal realms' to bind Trump, make him unsuccessful and cause him and those who support him in any kind of way to fail.

Though we know that no weapon formed against us as Christians shall prosper (Isaiah 54:17), it's important to know why we were given that scripture in the first place. It was because weapons would indeed be used against us!

And if we are to come out on top and be successful against those hoping for our downfall, we must know how to use our superior power that we have available to us in Jesus Christ. (I talk about how to avoid witch spells and such in my ebook 'Diva Goddess Queen.' Order it now if you don't already have it.)

The Bible also tells us to pray FOR our leaders - not against them. President Trump is our leader whether you voted for him or not. It's not hard to tell that if witches, LGBTQ'ers, feminists and satanists are against him, he's obviously God's choice for the office at such a time as this. He needs our prayers. And we need to cover each other with our prayers too.

And if witches want to see him fail, why would you as a believer be aligned and agreeing with witches and 'spirits and demons of the infernal realms' hoping for his failure too?—/witches-unite-cast-binding-spel—/

Christopher Cantwell #racist

On a post-Charlottesville blog post, Cantwell discussed his conversion from libertarianism to the alt-right. “As immigration became a leading news story in America and Europe,” he writes, “Lew Rockwell gave a talk titled ‘Open Borders Are an Assault on Private Property.’ From here, I decided to read Hans Hermann Hoppe’s ‘Democracy: The God That Failed.’ From these, I realized that the libertine vision of a free society was quite distorted. The society we sought actually would provide far more order and control than [would] modern democratic governments. It would encourage more socially conservative behavior and less compulsory association. Just when I thought I had everything figured out, I was once again reminded of my naivety.”

Cantwell continues, “People should be free to exercise complete control over their own person and property. If blacks are committing crimes, or Jews are spreading communism, discriminating against them is the right of any property owner. The fact that he may or may not miss out on good blacks or Jews is a risk he takes, and the merit of his decisions will be proven out by the market. Since a libertarian society would permit this, it seemed foolish that I should be compelled to support a democratic government policy which did not— It was only after all this that Donald Trump seemed worth taking seriously.”

Mike Huckabee #fundie

Mike Huckabee’s Flawed ‘Jaws’ Analogy Has Trump Getting Eaten By Shark Hillary

Sometimes an analogy just doesn’t play out the way you want. Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee was on “The Kelly File” Monday night when he swam up the wrong metaphorical stream, getting his preferred candidate cornered by a Great White.

In an attempt to downplay the effect of recently leaked tapes of Donald Trump speaking crudely of women and his sexual conquests, Huckabee compared the brash GOP presidential candidate to Capt. Quint in Steven Spielberg’s 1975 classic movie, “Jaws.”

“He’s vulgar, he’s salty. He might even get drunk. But hold on, here! He’s the guy who’s gonna save your butt and save your family. And, so at the end of the day, when he kills the shark, you’re happy about it. Now, Hillary is the shark. She’s gonna eat your boat. She’s gonna have open borders, immigration out the kazoo. And, so the choice is do you vote for Captain Quint, who’s gonna save your family, or do you vote for the shark? That’s the choice you get to make.”

Kelly, maintaining a genial side-eye during this extended analogy, paused before delivering the spoiler on this classic to Huckabee: “Now, governor, I hate to be the one to tell you this, but Captain Quint got eaten by the shark at the end of that movie.”

Huckabee, realizing his mistake, shook his head and smiled sheepishly.

“But he died saving the other people.”

Kelly, who apparently knows this movie really well, wasn’t going to let it slide.

Kelly: ‘But he died and went down in flames and the shark won between the two of them.’
Huckabee: ‘The shark didn’t win. The shark got blown up.’
Kelly: ‘After it ate him.’

Kelly closed the interview with her own rendition of Quint’s sea shanty: “Farewell and adieu, my fair Spanish ladies.”

“Any analogy can fall apart. Work with me, here. This is a good one,” Huckabee said in a style reminiscent of “please clap.” It may indeed be a very good one, especially given the pace of October surprises, but not for the reasons Huckabee thinks.

Richard Dreyfuss backed up Kelly:

Quint did not kill Jaws. —

Rick Wiles #racist

(Hey, it's a trifecta!)

End Times broadcaster Rick Wiles reacted angrily on his “TruNews” program last night to the news that the Trump administration is “launching a global campaign to end the criminalization of homosexuality in dozens of nations where it’s still illegal to be gay,” by calling out the evangelical advisers who surround the president for refusing to speak out against this plan. Ultimately, he blamed the entire thing on the Jews.

Saying that he is “very, very upset” with Trump, Wiles called out Trump’s evangelical advisers and challenged them to stand up in opposition to this effort, predicting that they won’t do so because all they really care about is protecting Israel.

“Now, what is the evangelical base going to do?” Wiles asked. “He’s got an evangelical board of advisers — What are you going to do about it? You’ve got access to the White House, are you going to speak out?”

“I dare you,” he continued. “I challenge you. Or will you be silent? What are you going to do, because you silence is complicity. Are you afraid to tell President Trump the truth? Will you tell him that you will withhold political support if he goes down this route? Because I think the Christians should tell him, ‘You go this way, we’re out, you’re on your own.'”

Warning Trump that “God cannot bless your administration” because it is “promoting something that God says is an abomination,” Wiles, who is deeply anti-Semitic and dedicates many of his programs to railing against Israel and the Jews, predicted that Trump’s evangelical advisers would hold their tongues on this issue because Israel is their top priority.

“The real reason they won’t say anything is because the real agenda is Israel,” he said. “They’re not going to jeopardize their standing with the White House to get things done for Israel. That’s the real reason.”

Wiles went on to declare that “the Jews” are ultimately behind this push and the Trump administration is simply doing what it is told because the Jews “control Washington” and have “control of the Trump administration.”

“Donald Trump is owned by the Jews,” he said. “That’s the truth.”

Matt Forney #fundie

Last week, the mainstream conservative press went apoplectic with rage at the epithet “cuckservative,” a popular insult in alternative right and neoreactionary circles. For the uninitiated, cuckservatives are right-wing politicians and pundits who make a big show of defending traditional values, yet when push comes to shove, they roll over for the left on every issue out of fear of being called “racist,” “sexist” or “homophobic.”

Conservatives like Red State’s Erick Erickson who throw tantrums over the term “cuckservative” are doing so because the term describes them perfectly. If you’re wondering whether you might be a cuckservative, Return of Kings has put together this handy guide to show you. Read on and discover if you’re the kind of conservative who enjoys watching your nation get brutally gang-raped by cultural Marxists—


4. You think the reason Detroit and other major U.S. cities are falling apart is because of unions

Cuckservatives are so desperate to avoid being called “racist” that they completely deny the role of race in American society. For example, National Review’s Kevin Williamson absurdly blames the dysfunction of Detroit on unions run amok and not the fact that the city is more than 80 percent black. While socialist policies will eventually ruin a nation, white liberal areas such as Vermont and Oregon have considerably higher standards of living than black areas with the same politics.


6. You support corporations, despite their advocacy for leftist causes

Cuckservatives are vociferously opposed to any government action that limits the power of corporations, from higher taxes to environmental regulations to minimum wage increases. These corporations have rewarded cuckservatives by eagerly shoving left-wing degeneracy down Americans’ throats. Not only does Hollywood and other popular media glorify homosexuality, transsexuality and other perversions, most corporations enforce leftist orthodoxy, contrary to the left’s claim that big business is pro-Republican.

For example, following the Supreme Court’s decision legalizing gay marriage, a whole host of corporations, from Google to Facebook, suddenly put up rainbow flag logos in solidarity with the LGBT movement. Here in Chicago, Allstate currently has posters plastered all over the L featuring two men holding hands. Just a few days ago, the WWE acceded to left-wing hysteria about “racism” by firing Hulk Hogan solely because he used a racial slur in a private conversation nearly a decade ago.

Even supposedly right-wing corporate figures are further to the left than the average American. For instance, the Koch brothers, favorite boogeymen of the left, are in favor of open borders. Yet despite being turkey-slapped repeatedly by their corporate masters, cuckservatives are all too happy to spread their cheeks for these multinational purveyors of leftist degeneracy.


Unfortunately for cuckservatives, their reign of squeezing their clammy mitts around conservatism’s balls is coming to an end. The sudden popularity of the “cuckservative” epithet shows that grassroots right-wingers are tired of the movement’s spinelessness and groveling to the left. With Donald Trump on the rise and cuckservatives on the run, reversing America’s decline has never looked more possible.

Mark Taylor #fundie

Self-styled evangelical Christian “prophet” Mark Taylor bragged that his prayers caused Hillary Clinton to collapse from pneumonia during the 2016 presidential campaign, Right Wing Watch reported Wednesday.

Taylor has never been to Bible school or seminary, but the retired firefighter claims the Lord told him in 2011 that Donald Trump would be elected president.

Appearing on the “Omega Man Radio” show, Taylor claimed he led a nationwide prayer call asking God to “remove all those that are corrupt in our government and in leadership across this country, at every level of government.”

“I hung up the phone at 9:17. Twenty minutes later, Hilary Clinton collapsed for the entire world to see,” Taylor claimed.

“Now that was prophetic on a couple of different accounts: One, that shows you the power and authority we have with 10,000 people in agreement, with one heart, one mind and one accord in unity — The second thing it was prophetic for, when she fell, that was a prophetic sign that the Clinton machine and all those attached to it were going to collapse,” Taylor continued.

Taylor is the author of The Trump Prophecies: The Astonishing True Story of the Man Who Saw Tomorrow— and What He Says Is Coming Next.

In December, Taylor foretold that President Trump will cure cancer and Alzheimers, but not until his second term.

In August, Taylor had an epiphany about a global conspiracy to change voters’ DNA in a plot to manufacture opposition to President Trump.

“I believe what happened on November 8 is the enemy has literally sent out a frequency,” Taylor said, “and it agitated and took control, basically, of those who have their DNA that was turned over to the enemy. That’s what’s happening. The Illuminati, the Freemasons, all these people, their main goal is to change the DNA of man and they’re doing it through these frequencies.”

Taylor believes broadcasting audio at 440 Hz “changes your DNA, which is the goal of the Freemasons, the Illuminati; they want you part of that Illuminati bloodline.”

Donald Trump #fundie

In a radio interview Friday, Trump declared war on those who would make war on Christmas, saying he went out of his way to use the name of the holiday instead of saying “Season’s Greetings.”

“I go out of my way to use the word ‘Christmas,’” Trump told Yellowhammer Radio host Cliff Sims.

“There’s an assault on anything having to do with Christianity,” he continued.

“They don’t want to use the word Christmas anymore at department stores — There’s always lawsuits and unfortunately a lot of those lawsuits are won by the other side.” (H/T Mediaite)

The comments fit with Trump’s recent push against anti-Christian sentiment in America.

“The Christians are being treated horribly because we have nobody to represent the Christians,” Trump said in a recent interview. “Believe me, if I run and I win, I will be the greatest representative of the Christians they’ve had in a long time.”

gene maynard #conspiracy

Donald Trump and Putin are both Deep State Assets. Trump appears to be standing against the most organized, well funded, well armed killing machine in the history of the world—yet without harm. One reason he was brought in was to clean up the mess. Root out and dispose of the swamp creatures who have become overexposed to the public. This apparently has been part of the plan all along and marks the time as being short. This will more than likely cause a splintering of government offices and will be bloody. The next step after the clean-up is to round up dissenters. Wars and rumors of wars; distraction—the three main players are all on the same side. Although ultimately the entire world will be at war. Geoengineering is the pearl of the deep state; if it can be stopped all else will fall apart.

sadgalsaint #fundie


The lengths that white people on this site will go through to defend a racist and his family is astonishing. Everyone keeps saying Keaton isn’t his mother, that he’s just a kid, & he’s too young to be a racist; as if older kids cant develop ideas and prejudices of their own. Y'all will infantalize big ass kids and throw their victims under the bus just to protect whiteness ????


I hold you in every bit as much contempt as I do the alt-right and anti-SJW crowd. See, I’ve long stopped expecting basic human decency from the alt-right and anti-SJW folks - but I should be able to *expect* better behaviour from you, who claims to be in opposition to those shitheads!!

Oh, I get it!! You’re an alt-right shithead pretending to be a social justice blogger in order to make social justice bloggers look like reprehensible hateful bullying assholes!! Game well played, Donald Trump ass-kisser!! Almost had me fooled here—


please go outside for once


If you truly claim to have a higher moral ground to the Donald Trump shitheads, then I would expect you to behave better than them.

Randall Russell #fundie

Ok, first things first— the information I’m sharing here is strictly speculative; and my intentions are to ask the question “Is Donald Trump the Antichrist?” Could we be seeing the rise of the charismatic figure spoken of through biblical scripture? I’m not saying that he is as Obama certainly makes a very strong case as well (as do others), but at the same time we simply cannot rule him out, brushoff and ignore the Donald’s speech and rhetoric. Please provide your take on this topic in the comment sections (blog and Facebook) below. (NOTE: If you cannot see the FB comments below then try a different browser.)

So before we dive into my perspective (opinion) on this topic, I want to take a moment and state that I first became aware Biblical Eschatology in 1987; and just to be clear— that doesn’t make me right, however; I am a long-time, studied student.

As a student of Eschatology, my position or perspective is that of the “Pre-Tribulation” or “Pre-Millennial” position of Eschatology (video explanation in suggested playlist in the concluding paragraph below). Also follow on Facebook Page “Pre-Trib Rapture Fan?”!

Regardless of your perspective, I would ask that you just take in the information and see if it resonates with you? If it rubs your spirit the wrong way or if there’s nothing to it, then it will fade out. But if it resonates— we’ll find out what happens together as the 2016 presidential campaign progresses— stay tuned!

Wayne Allyn Root #fundie

Hillary will open the borders like never before, to let in millions of illegal aliens who have no love for anything that made America great.

Illegals immigrants no longer come here "for a love of America." They come for a love of welfare, food stamps, housing allowances, free medical, free education, free meals at school, free English as second language classes—and don’t forget $3,000 welfare payments disguised as "earned income tax credits," for people who paid no taxes.

Illegals come here for the cradle to grave welfare state that America has become. Eighty percent of them (or higher) will vote for Democrats forever to keep the checks coming. That’s Hillary’s plan.

Don’t believe me? See California. No Republican will ever again be elected to statewide office.

This was the exact formula that destroyed California. Open the borders, let in millions of foreigners, make them dependent on government welfare checks, train them to vote Democratic to keep the checks and handouts coming. It worked!

That was the experiment. Call it Plan A. Now Democrats are onto Plan B. The plan is to flood the country with illegals and foreigners who don’t share our values or love of America. The plan is to turn the rest of America into California.

Hillary will flood the country with millions more.

Hillary will legalize the 15 million or so already here -- and give them the right to vote.

Hillary will allow those 15 million to quickly and easily bring in millions of their relatives and friends.

Hillary will also import millions of Muslim refugees -- people who will need instant welfare and food stamps, very few of whom speak our language, very few of whom believe in American exceptionalism, our Constitution, or Judeo-Christian values.

This is the four-step plan. Then it’s over for America. In four years we’ll be California-cated. We will never win a popular vote for president again.

Donald Trump is our last chance to ever again elect a Republican president. It’s Donald Trump—or it’s the end of the GOP on the national level—and the end of America.

So don’t even think of staying home—or taking a vacation—or registering a “protest vote” on Gary Johnson—or Evan McMullen.

Don’t even think of staying home because you’re a Christian and Trump is not your cup of tea.

Think of the Supreme Court.

Think of open borders.

Think of millions of Muslim refugees imported by Hillary to turn America into Western Europe.

Think of your children’s future.

Think of the future of your unborn grandchildren.

Think of your job.

Think of your middle class life.

Think of ObamaCare expanded to single payer like bankrupt Europe.

Think of capitalism, American exceptionalism, Judeo-Christian values.

Think of this as the last time you can EVER elect a Republican.

Think of this as Trump—or the end of America.

Then vote like you’ve never voted before.

Vote for Trump like...

It’s Trump, or the end of America.

Because it is.

Wayne Allyn Root is a capitalist evangelist, serial entrepreneur, conservative national media commentator, and proud champion of the middle class. He is a former Libertarian vice presidential nominee, now back to the GOP. Wayne's latest book is "Angry White Male" (Skyhorse Publishing). He is a supporter of Donald Trump's presidential campaign. For more, visit his website: Follow him on Twitter@WayneRoot.

Dreams of Dunamis #fundie

You might like to take a look at these two links:

Satanists versus Donald Trump

Spirit Cooking cannibalism and Obama’s bandaged middle finger

Spirit cooking? Ewww—.yuck. Many demons in that I am sure! Scripture tells us that His people do not cut themselves to offer blood sacrifices: Deut 14:1 says “You are pthe sons of the Lord your God. qYou shall not cut yourselves—”

Unfortunately I was not able to see the Alex Jones video because I had problems viewing it. But I know that the witches have been called to oppose President Trump.

I don’t watch that many Alex Jones video clips that much anymore, for he was heard taking orders from Rockerfeller on what he can or can not publish over the airwaves. So I do not believe he represents the honest indepth truth of what is really going on out there. So whatever he shows, I take with a grain of salt, and look for others to back up his presumptions to see just how much real truth there is in his words.

One of my kids has had a vision of future rioting, where the police had to come in to quell the uprising. Perhaps this might have something to do with president Trump? I do not know. I do know that the powers that be are trying to cause division between the people in any way they can. If they can get more fighting, more laws can be passed that remove more liberty—

Thank you for sharing the links. How are you doing?

Carol and Rodya #conspiracy

Carol: Yes, [Harvey Weinstein] is a despicable man. He abuses young women. John Podesta and Alefantis rape and torture and kill babies. They are STILL skating free like the Clinton Cartel pedos— Birds of a feather flock together. No Mercy for those that abuse God’s innocent! Where are the Antifa and feminazi’s now? How come they celebrate sexual abuse?

Rodya: Podesta didn’t just torture and rape babies . He baked them into Pizzas and fed them to his liberal friends . and Crooked hillary set it all up . it’s all there in the emails released by Wikileaks and Assange . For god’s sake wake up people ! Democrats and liberals are CANNIBALS. Thank God we finally have a Christian , moral and Godly President in Donald Trump who is going to put an end to all of this evil .

Dave Daubenmire #fundie

Christians are losing the culture war. Every institution in America is now under the control of those who hate God. Our public schools, government, universities, entertainment, legal, media, political parties, and churches are under the control of the kingdom of darkness.

How has this happened? The kingdom of darkness does its work in the dark. They have seized every one of our institutions without firing a shot. They have used their weapons of lies and deceit to violate and destroy all that is good. They have invaded every Godly institution, bombarded us with lies, and stolen the future of our children and grandchildren.

They have been militant. As a result, we have been violated. They have taken from our children what was rightfully theirs. The Kingdom of God has suffered violence. It is time to drop the sissified Gospel and reinvigorate the masculine side of our faith.

Let’s face it. There is absolutely no institution in modern America that Christianity has controlling influence over.

They slaughter unborn babies and force us to pay for it. They sell their little body-parts for personal gain. The command you to bake homo-cakes and demand you violate your conscience.

American Christianity will lead you to Heaven while it lets the world go to hell.

The haters of God have become emboldened. They have no conscience, no mercy, and no remorse. They get caught selling baby parts and become outraged at the one who made the film for doing it “secretly.” Everything our opponents do is rooted in deceit.

Christians must become more focused—more aggressive with our faith if we are to save Western Civilization. The idea that one can win by surrendering is a doctrine of demons that has infiltrated the American Christian mindset.

“Have nothing to do with the unfruitful works of darkness but rather expose them.” Sadly, for the most part, we are taught to embrace, encourage, and love those who practice such fruitless acts. Abortion is the destruction of fruit. Divorce destroys fruit. Homosexuality is fruitless. God hates them all.

I know this will cause some of you to gasp, but Paul, in Romans 1, speaking on behalf of Jesus, warned us that those who practice such things “are worthy of death.” But he didn’t just point the proverbial finger at the one who engages in the act, but also to those who “take pleasure” in those who do it.

Evil is real and some people are evil. It is time we faced up to it. Loving the sinner and hating the sin hasn’t worked. That was Gandhi’s suggestion, not our Lord’s. Loving sinners more than we hate their sin validates our own shortcomings. Jesus called us to “be perfect,” not “love the sinner.”

People are flocking to Donald Trump because he is violent and militant in his language. The church needs some militant, violent, Christian Donald Trumps. It is time to man-up.

Texe Marrs #racist

Texe Marrs is a Christian fundamentalist and conspiracy theorist who has rallied behind Donald Trump.

In the past he has authored books with titles such as “Holy Serpent of the Jews: The Rabbis’ Secret Plan for Satan to Crush Their Enemies and Vault the Jews to Global Dominion” and “Conspiracies of the Six Pointed Star”.

On a podcast with another far-right extremist, Mike Rense, Marrs declared that Donald Trump could be an “instrument of God” to destroy the Jews. He had suggested that Stalin had been planning to exterminate the Jews of the Soviet Union, but was assassinated before he could, and that Hitler is unfairly criticised. Whilst he goes on to talk about “Israel” being destroyed, his past writings in which he frequently speaks of “Jewish” conspiracies, which he references in the last paragraph quoted here, as well as the context in which he defends the murder of Jews, demonstrate that Marrs is not talking about political opposition to Israel. He goes on to say:
“Israel is going to be destroyed and it is going to happen so fast we’ll all be shocked about it. It’s going to happen and I’ve been wondering if maybe, let me just say something here, could Trump be the instrument of God in this? He doesn’t have to be a Hitler, he doesn’t have to be a Stalin, he can simply be a good guy.”

“He’s going to have to move very fast against these people”

“[Trump] may be so smart though, and intelligent that he outwits them—he’s their friend, he’s their pal, he’s their buddy and then it’s suddenly, wow. He takes the woman, the whore, so to speak, Mystery Babylon the Great and suddenly he destroys her, in one single hour she will be destroyed”

“I pray they get what’s coming to them”

“These people who have done such horrible things over the years and who, right now, are plotting such horrible deeds against gentiles and others, I hope they get what they deserve. I hope they do and I hope maybe Trump could be the instrument of it.”

In his other work, he has accused George Bush of attending a Black Mass in the Great Pyramid of Giza and claimed that the Clintons are “deep into Egyptian occultism and Masonic magic”.

Donald Trump #fundie

(Tha Alt-Facts Train just keeps on a-runnin'!)

President Donald Trump asserted on Wednesday that the Israel government and the Palestinian Authority “get along unbelievably well.”

During a press conference with State of Palestine President Mahmoud Abbas, Trump praised Palestinian National Authority for its efforts to combat ISIS.

“I also applaud the Palestinian Authority’s continued cooperation with Israel,” Trump said. “They get along unbelievably well— They work together beautifully.”

The U.S. president noted that there could be “no lasting peace” unless all Palestinian leaders spoke out against hate.

“There’s such hatred,” he added. “But hopefully there won’t be such hatred for very long.”

Wayne Allyn Root #conspiracy

“I continue to believe that the left stole the election,” Root said during the third hour of his radio program, which airs on Newsmax TV. “The left stole the 2018 midterm elections in so many states around the country.”

“Nobody comes out to see the Clintons, the Obamas, the Bidens, or any Democratic candidate, yet you’re convincing me that you beat us and won all those House seats fair and square?” Root asked in disbelief. “At the same time that’s happening, anti-Trump Murphy Brown’s new series was cancelled after one season — [Every time] they put something liberal on the air like Murphy Brown that just bashes Trump from the beginning of the show to the end of the show, nobody tunes in to watch.”

“You’re telling me it’s a Democratic nation?” he continued. “You’re telling me it’s a liberal nation? You’re telling me liberals are winning elections when nobody shows up at their events and nobody watches their TV shows?”

“It makes no sense to me at all,” Root added. “I believe that it was a huge outpouring of love, and support, and loyalty to Donald Trump and it was repelled by voter fraud. It wasn’t repelled by liberals coming out to vote, it was repelled by conniving, fraudulent conspiracy. It was repelled by voter fraud all over this country.”

Mark Green #fundie

Mark Green, a Republican state senator from Tennessee who is President Donald Trump’s pick to be army secretary, once told a church group that he opposed universal health care because it makes people less likely to embrace Christianity.

As the Washington Examiner reports, Green said in 2015 that it should be the Christian church’s role to help provide sick people with health care so they can more easily convert them to their religion.

“The person who’s in need— they look to the government for the answer, not God, and I think in that way government has done an injustice that’s even bigger than just the creation of an entitlement welfare state,” Green said. “In this setting, I’ll share the story, I think it interrupts the opportunity for people to come to a saving knowledge of who God is.”

Green argued that since Jesus regularly used his powers to cure lepers, the modern-day church should take on a similar role.

“If you look at the Gospels and you go and study the Gospels, every person who came to Christ came to Christ with a physical need,” he said. “It was either hunger or a disease.”

Roger Stone #conspiracy

Donald Trump supporter Newt Gingrich really wanted to build a moon colony when he was running for president, but according to Trump advisor Roger Stone, the moon landing never happened to begin with.

According to a report from Media Matters, a scroll through Stone’s Twitter feed reveals the alt-right conspiracy theorist called the moon landing “a hoax — shot in a warehouse in New Jersey.” The exchange began when Stone attacked President Barack Obama on his attire at an event. Comedian Charlie Currie replied that by his logic, Americans would never have stepped on the moon. Stone replied that no one ever did. Currie replied simply, “Oh.”

This isn’t the first conspiracy theory to come out of Stone, however. He believes the Clintons arranged the murders of four people and the Clintons personally killed John F. Kennedy with help from President Lyndon Johnson. Though he also believes that Sen. Ted Cruz’s father is connected to Lee Harvey Oswald, who he also credits with the Kennedy assassination. He also believes former President George H.W. Bush was behind a plot to assassinate President Ronald Reagan.

A full six percent of Americans believe that the moon landings were all faked, according to a 2009 New York Times article. That number shows no movement since 1999 polling done by Gallup.

There “is no credible evidence to support such views, and the sheer unlikelihood of being able to pull off such an immense plot and keep it secret for four decades staggers the imagination,” the Times says. It is unclear if Stone thinks the New York Times is in on the conspiracy, however.

Trump has latched onto Stone’s conspiracy theories in the past, namely that the election will be rigged in favor of the Democratic nominee and that the liberal media is in on the hit.

The Times explained that “in Donald Trump, conspiracy fans find a campaign to believe in.” Reporting on Stone’s recent appearance at a JFK conspiracy conference in New Orleans, the paper noted that Stone told a fan that the death of Justice Antonin Scalia may have been orchestrated.

Trump has pledged that if elected he will hire all of the best people.

Jesse Lee Patterson #racist

Right-wing radio host Jesse Lee Peterson attacked NBA star LeBron James last week for saying that “being black in America is tough” after racist graffiti was sprayed on his home. Peterson declared that James is nothing but a pathetic “girly man” who could learn a lesson from President Trump about how to be a real man.

“What a lying, weak, pathetic, poor excuse of a male,” Peterson said of James. “He is not a man. There is nothing about him that says man. Everything about this guy says girly. No wonder he supported Hillary Clinton.”

Peterson asserted that he didn’t even believe the vandalism actually happened, stating that if it did, it was probably all a “set-up to make it look like the white folks did it, the Republicans did it.”

“I really pity his wife and his children,” Peterson continued. “His children will grow up messed up because they have a weak, pathetic, girly, lying father — The way that LeBron James handled this is a disgrace to mankind and especially to men. LeBron needs to take a look or a lesson from Donald Trump, a real man.”

Donald Trump #conspiracy

Trump Mental State Crumbling As He Compares Himself To Abe Lincoln And Calls Newspapers Fake News

President Trump continues to show signs of not handling the presidency mentally well. During his campaign rally in Florida, Trump compared himself to Abe Lincoln and quoted Thomas Jefferson to suggest that all newspapers are fake news.


Trump Compares Himself To Lincoln While Claiming All News Is Fake

Trump said, “The dishonest media, which has published one false story after another, with no sources even though they pretend they have them. They make them up in many cases. They just don’t want to report the truth—Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Jackson, and Abraham Lincoln, and many of our greatest presidents fought with the media and called them out oftentimes on their lies. When the media lies to people, I will never ever let them get away with it.”

The President continued, “In fact, Thomas Jefferson said nothing can be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself, he said, becomes suspicious when put into that polluted vehicle.”

LovelyGiraffe #fundie

Listen-Up, People!

Pay Close Attention, About President Donald J. Trump —

Our "Great God Almighty" Has Placed Him In Office.
President Trump is "The Guy". He's "The Cleaner".
He's There To Clean-Up "The Mess", Left By Previous
Criminal Administrations, "Draining The Swamp".

Have faith in God, and the man, that He has sent us.
Supernaturally, jobs are returning to our country. Evil
accusations roll off Trump's back, returning to Hell,
where they originated from. No longer will the USA
pay for abortions. True Patriotism has arisen.

President Donald J. Trump Is Magnificent!

God Bless President Trump!

Make America Great Again!

God Bless The USA!

Dave Daubenmire #fundie

A religious right activist came right out loud and said what Mike Pence has been hinting at with all his talk about Donald Trump’s broad shoulders.

Dave Daubenmire posted a video Tuesday morning assuring like-minded Christians that Trump’s boasts about grabbing women by the genitals with impunity should concern them less than the possibility of a person with female genitalia becoming president, reported Right Wing Watch.

“Women and men may be equal, but I think it’s pretty clear that the Bible teaches us that women should not be in authority over a man,” said Daubenmire, who lost his job coaching high school football in Ohio after requiring players to pray with him and expressing offensive views about LGBT people and others.

Daubenmire, founder of Pass the Salt Ministries and an unsuccessful candidate for the Ohio statehouse, clarified why many conservative Christians are willing to overlook Trump’s immoral behavior.

“Here’s the point I’m making,” Daubenmire said. “With all that’s going on with Trump and everybody screaming and hollering about that, when is the last time your pastor stood up in the pulpit and said, ‘Hey, listen, we cannot vote for Hillary Clinton because women are not to have authority over men’?”

He stated explicitly what rumors about Clinton’s ill health and frailty have only implied.

“If we want to follow the Bible, that would sure be a good place to start, wouldn’t it?” Daubenmire said. “Rather than worrying so much about the immorality of a sinful man, what about the biblical principle that when a woman rules over a man — it’s a sign of judgment of the Lord?”

Wayne Allyn Root #fundie

Right-wing commentator, conspiracy theorist and Donald Trump-obsessed sycophant Wayne Allyn Root recently declared that for business owners, the president is like a beautiful wife who “makes passionate love to you every day, seven days a week.”

Root made the comments during an appearance on The Mark Cox Show earlier this week, where he said that he never tried to start a business during Barack Obama’s presidency since, according to Root, the former president hated the business community. But now Root says that he has been hard at work raising millions of dollars to start new businesses and hire hundreds of people, all thanks to the love and support from Trump.

“There is only one thing that makes me happy and makes me open a business, makes me create jobs,” Root said, “and that is a president who appreciates business people, who doesn’t put us down, who doesn’t call us miserable names — And we have a guy now who I know loves and appreciates business men and women.”

“When you have a wife who makes passionate love to you every day, seven days a week, all men get up and smile [because] my wife’s going to make love to me,” he said. “When you have a wife who hates you and you sleep in opposite bedrooms, guess what? You wake up in a bad mood. So I’ve got a president who likes me now instead of one who hates me. Don’t you think it’s going to put me in a good mood and I’m going to want to hire people? Of course it does!”

Wayne Allyn Root #fundie

Why I'm (still) betting big on Donald Trump to win

Every mainstream media outlet in the country keeps saying Trump is losing badly. They say this as if it’s fact. And based on many polls, it does look that way.

But so did Brexit. That was the vote for UK to leave the EU. No one anywhere in the establishment—or media—or any major politician thought it would pass.

But it did.

I believe this is our Brexit. And I’m putting my money where my mouth is. I’m betting big on Donald Trump to win the election. Here’s why.

I had the honor of attending the presidential debate as a guest of Donald Trump in my adopted hometown of Las Vegas.

My day began with a taste of what the Washington establishment and so-called “experts” think of the race. I was a guest on “Fox & Friends.” On one side of me was a Democrat political strategist from D.C. predicting a Clinton victory. On the other side was a Republican strategist from Washington predicting a Clinton victory. Both felt the presidential race was already over and Clinton could be headied for a landslide victory. That’s the thinking from Washington.

Which is fascinating. I call it “group think." Both of these political gurus would probably lose a ton of income if Trump wins. I guarantee they both hang out with all the same kind of establishment people—go to the same parties—read the same newspapers—study the same biased polls that oversample Democrats. No wonder they come to the same conclusions.

But they are not alone. Every time I turn on any TV or radio station, all I hear is predictions of doom and gloom for Trump. The national media seems to have already printed the headline, “Dewey Beats Truman.” You remember how that ended.

Yes, I understand why they think Trump is finished. Most of the national polls show Donald behind by 4 to 12 points. But didn’t all the experts and pollsters predict Trump’s demise every step of the way during the GOP primaries too? I’ve predicted his success since day one -- starting right here at Fox News on the day he declared for president.

More importantly, why is the media ignoring the polls predicting Trump is in the lead? I'm betting you've never heard a word about these polls in the media.

Rasmussen has Trump up by 43-41 percent.

USC/LA Times has Trump up by 1 point.

And most importantly, the most accurate poll of the 2012 election, IBD/TIPP has Trump up 43 to 41 percent.

Funny how the mainstream media doesn’t mention these polls.

But there are many signs this year is different and pollsters cannot accurately measure the direction of the electorate.

Trump attracts 10,000 or more crazed fans to his events. Hillary attracts 200 to 500. And most of those attendees are Democrat Party employees or union hacks paid to be there! The exact number since August 1 is 561,000 for Trump events vs 31,000 for Hillary events.

Hillary can’t even sell her new book. As of this moment, it’s #5,568 at Amazon. It’s brand new. It’s written by the most high-profile woman in the world. She has had an audience of over 60 million watching each of the past three presidential debates. Yet no one is buying her book.

The signs are everywhere. Literally.

My best friend’s wife drove this weekend from DC to Florida. She saw hundreds of Trump signs on lawns, on barns, on highway overpasses. She saw one Gary Johnson sign. But there wasn’t one Hillary sign. Not one.

Then there’s the dramatic drop in NFL ratings. My friends are all NFL fans. This is due to the anger of the people I wrote about in my new book “ANGRY WHITE MALE.” This is the same "Silent Majority" who are boycotting the NFL over disrespect for the flag by NFL players.

This is "the Trump effect" at work. My friends are angry and motivated. The media just doesn’t understand what’s happening on Main Street.

Then there’s the kind of polls I trust. My friend is a Vegas cab driver. She starts every new ride with this conversation opener, “Welcome to Vegas. Now let’s talk about the election. Who are you voting for?” In the privacy of her cab, with no one watching or judging, every single passenger in the past two weeks has whispered “TRUMP.” Yes, all of them.

So what gives? I’ve predicted this in the media for three months now. This is our Brexit. None of the experts saw Brexit coming. Only the people on Main Street knew.

Here’s some facts to back up my contention. William Hill, one of the largest legal bookmakers in the world, warned days ago that the betting patterns of this election look exactly like Brexit.

All the big bets they’ve taken are on Clinton. They report 71 percent of the money is on Hillary. Just like Brexit.

But 65 percent of the actual bets are on Trump. The little guys are all betting on Trump. Guess who determines the outcome of elections? The little guys. They’re betting their $5 and $10 on Trump. Just like Brexit.

I’ll take the Vegas cab driver’s poll over the fancy D.C. pollsters any day.

I’ll take the betting patterns at legal bookmakers.

I’ll take the sign of a massive drop in NFL ratings.

I’ll take the size of the crowds at Trump rallies.

I’ll take the signs along the road for Trump vs none for Hillary.

The signs are all there. Something is happening that the DC experts and mainstream media can’t see, or understand. Or maybe they just don't want to.

This is our Brexit. And I’m betting big on Trump.

HanAssholeSolo #racist

On Sunday, Donald Trump caused outrage with a tweet that appeared to contain a repurposed post by a Reddit user: a gif showing the president wrestling to the ground a figure with a CNN logo for a head.


“Holy shit!!” HanAssholeSolo wrote at 11.11am. “I wake up and have my morning coffee and who retweets my shitpost but the MAGA EMPORER [sic] himself!!! I am honored!!”

Three hours earlier, HanAssholeSolo had been taking part in a discussion on the “Reddit pics” section of the website. Another user had posted a photo of a banner which said: “Totally failed at life? Then why not blame a foreigner.”
HanAssholeSolo wrote: “In America it’s blame the white person.”

On Monday, the White House did not immediately respond to a request for comment. In the face of condemnation from Republicans, Democrats and free press groups, Trump has not commented on his Sunday tweet.

HanAssholeSolo also did not immediately reply to a request for comment. The user appeared to have deleted a series of posts after Trump tweeted the CNN video, but screengrabs collected by Quartz and other outlets showed a series of disturbing remarks.

HanAssholeSolo has repeatedly railed against the perceived mistreatment of white people and denigrated other races using shocking and abusive language.

In May the user took part in a discussion, which appears to have been deleted, and described someone as a “nigger” before asking: “Explain to me why a weekend doesn’t go by where 80 of you fucking moon crickets aren’t shooting each other down in Shitcago [Chicago]? Why you dumb fucking nignogs can’t attend a rap concert without someone being shot up?”

He went on to make further offensive remarks about black people in the same thread.

In reply to another poster, he wrote: “500,000 dead Muslims is a good start. Kill the rest and I’ll be impressed. Good keep up the good work until the last Islamic piece of shit is wiped from the planet.”

In other posts, HanAssholeSolo used the terms “goatfucker”, “faggot” and “retard”. On 13 June, he posted an image showing dozens of CNN hosts and employees, each with a star of David attached and with the caption: “Something strange about CNN — can’t quite put my finger on it.”

Donald Trump #fundie

One of the things I’m gonna do, and this is only gonna make it tougher for me, and I’ve never said this before, but one of the things I’m gonna do if I win— is I’m gonna open up our libel laws so when they write purposely negative and horrible and false articles, we can sue them and win lots of money. We’re gonna open up those libel laws.

With me, they’re not protected, because I’m not like other people— We’re gonna open up those libel laws, folks, and we’re gonna have people sue you like you never get sued before.

Andy Ngo #fundie

[Note: these are all different posts Andy was making within hours of each other; he links to articles in each]

Right after Donald Trump’s election, the SPLC really stoked panic. A pro-gay Episcopal church in Indiana was vandalized w/“Heil Trump,” a swastika, & an anti-gay slur. Turns out it was the gay organ player who did it. He was only charged w/a misdemeanor.

Days after the Pittsburgh massacre, Trump supporters were blamed for Nazi vandalism at a Brooklyn synagogue & fires in a Jewish community. Turns out the perpetrator was a gay black man who had worked with city council on an initiative to fight hate crimes.

One week before the presidential election, a black church in Mississippi was burned in an arson attack. “Vote Trump” was written on the building. After much panic, an investigation revealed that the man responsible was a church member. Andrew McClinton:

In Nov 2016 a Muslim student at the University of Louisiana said two white racist Trump supporters brutally assaulted her, ripped off her hijab, & robbed her. The story went viral. It was a lie. Media never identified her by name after hoax was revealed.

I remember that Trump & his supporters were blamed for a spate of anti-Semitic, KKK & Nazi graffiti on the campus of Nassau Community College in Long Island in late 2016. The student responsible was Jasskirat Saini:

In Dec 2016 a Muslim woman said she was attacked by 3 white Trump supporters in NYC on the subway. She said they tried to rip off her hijab. Yasmin Seweid lied. CAIR said Muslims are under tremendous “stress & pressure” resulting in incidents like this.

In Sep. 2018 a black woman in Long Island said Trump supporters confronted her & told her “she didn’t belong here.” Her car tire was slashed the next day & a hateful note was left behind saying “go home.” Adwoa Lewis made up the whole story.

In Nov 2018 students at Goucher College demanded social justice training & safe spaces after racist, Nazi, & KKK graffiti was found on campus. Someone even wrote the names of black students. Trump was blamed. Fynn Arthur, a black student, was responsible.

Wayne Allyn Root #fundie

Donald Trump Is Already the Greatest Conservative President in Modern History

Up until now Ronald Reagan was my favorite president in modern history. But remarkably, Donald Trump has passed my hero Reagan in his first 6 days.

Trump makes Reagan look like he was standing in quicksand. Trump makes Reagan look like a slacker. Trump makes Reagan look like a liberal (almost).

I was honored to be opening speaker at each of Donald Trump’s six events in Las Vegas, Nevada in the past year. At each of these giant rallies I recited a “dream wish list” of everything Trump might do in his first term. Conservatives responded with wild applause and standing ovations for each line.

Then I added, “Trump will do all of that on day one. Can you imagine what he’ll accomplish on his second day?” The crowd roared with delight.

But I was joking. I was dreaming out loud. These were my wildest expectations. I was hoping and praying he might pass some of them in his first 100 days, or maybe his first year, or in his first term.

I never expected in my wildest dreams to be guilty of UNDER-promising!

I was among the first to endorse Donald Trump and predict his victory- over twenty months ago. I said over and over again that he would be our generation’s Ronald Reagan. And that his “CAN-DO” businessman’s attitude would make things happen—fast.

But THIS is ridiculous.

Trump has gone straight from “CAN-DO” to “Already Done.”

Brian Wiggins #racist

Canadians from the founding cultures, need to look beyond a conventional political solution. If Catalonia, Khalistan, Israel, Wakanda, “Farrakhanland,” Scotland, Kurdistan, Quebec, and “New” California, why not a homeland for European-Canadians in South-Western Ontario; the Maritimes; the Prairies, around Quebec City or the interior of beautiful British Columbia? It’s British Columbia, after-all.

We can’t be accused of discriminating against people we don’t live with. The massive transfer of wealth and the $35B-$40B fiscal costs of immigration will disappear. Infrastructure savings would be enormous. We’ll never have to worry about being branded racists or xenophobes again. Taxes will decline. Hospitals, currently operating at 135% of capacity in both the Fraser River Valley and the GTA, largely as a result of chain migration, will gradually decline to their intended 85% cap, and we’ll be able to move on our highways again. The Canadian environmental could heal. Employment equity plans will vanish, and organizations can get thousands of our kids out of their parent’s basements and into the workforce.

A new homeland for the founding cultures might seem fantastic or a pipe dream to some but consider that we are now, as of the credit crisis of 2008-09, at a significant historical inflection point. In their bestselling book, The Fourth Turning: What the Cycles of History Tell Us About America’s Next Rendezvous with History, authors William Strauss and Neil Howe describe the seasonal nature of history and foresee an inevitable period of decay that will destroy existing social and political institutions.

Steven K. Bannon, former advisor to President Donald Trump (and many others), agrees that a Fourth Turning began in 2008 with the global financial credit crisis and has argued that the administrative state must be dismantled in advance of the final climax. Canadians, too, should tear down everything that is no longer functional, including our pathological immigration policies and official multiculturalism. In order to renew, forests need fires and rivers need floods.

To be fair, sweeping theories of history are not as well received in academia. The Fourth Turning is non-falsifiable and has been a tough sell to professional historians who have now been co-opted into re-writing and revising history to allow for the occupation of formerly Western ancestral homelands by alien out-groups. William McLoughlin, a former history prof at Brown, believes that it is fantasy to think that “if you put enough data together and have enough charts and graphs, you’ve made history into a science.” Fair enough. Those sophisticated enough to lose money in the capital markets at any time, will confirm that the future is unknowable by definition. Nevertheless, the Turnings are much more than mere happenstance or data mining.

Readers who have stock market experience can find support in Elliot’s 5th and final wave of his grand super-cycle and with Nikolai Kondratieff’s wave theory. The cycle of crises also corresponds with cycles of war identified by Arnold Toynbee and geopolitical cycles identified by William R. Thompson. Keep in mind Vladimir Lenin’s comment that “In some decades, nothing happens; in some weeks, decades happen.”

There’s a lot to be concerned about. North Korea and Iran; the staggering mountain of immoral public debt in the United States and Canada and throughout the West; the crouching, racist and hyper-nationalist tiger dreaming of global domination and increasingly militarizing, with weapons stolen from the West, the South China Sea, or what I prefer to call the North Philippine Sea, are all potential sparks. The world’s greatest threat according to Bill Gates, is an influenza pandemic. The Institute of Disease Modelling predicts that a severe flu pandemic could kill more than 33 million people in just 250 days. Several concerning strains are already circulating.[iv]

Finally, in my view, there is a growing threat of a second civil war exploding out of the incredible divisiveness in the United States. Either of these four “sparks;” debt, China, a flu pandemic, or the outbreak of a second American Civil War or a combination of these threats could ignite the final Fourth Turning “climax” sometime between now and 2025, give or take, according to the theory.

The generational cycle cannot explain the role or timing of these individual threats. Nor can it account for the great events of history, like the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand, the bombing of Pearl Harbor, President Kennedy’s assassination, 9/11 or the Lehman insolvency. What the generational cycle can do, according to Strauss and Howe, is explain how society is likely to respond to these events in different eras. It is the response, not the initial event, which defines an era according to the theory. [v] According to Strauss and Howe, the crisis period lasts for approximately 20 years.

A financial collapse driven by a debt implosion is certainly plausible. Total debt in the U.S., for example, including Federal, State, Municipal and contingent liabilities in Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare is roughly $207 Trillion. In Canada, the Province of Ontario is a financial train wreck. The province will need to increase borrowing to finance another spending shortfall, adding to an existing mountain of debt, borrowed on our grandchildren’s credit cards, and is forecast to rise to $325 Billion, or more than $22,500 for every man, woman and child in the Province.[vi]

Newly elected Premier, Doug Ford, will find his hands to be tied but at least he has the right mindset and there is some hope that his populist surge will spill over Federally next year. To make matters worse, Moody’s has joined the Bank for International Settlement (BIS) and S&P Global is warning that Canada’s banking system, yes Canada’s, is facing a growing threat of souring consumer loans amid rising interest rates. Canada’s ratio of household debt to disposable income reached a new astonishing record of 171% in the 3rd Q of 2017 and the proportion of uninsured mortgages has increased to 60% from 50% five years ago.[vii]

It is my view, however, that the final spark for the Fourth Turning will be ignited by a Second American Civil War. Either way, the day of reckoning is coming. The chickens will come home to roost.

The Fourth Turning, whatever the final cause(s), has the potential to trigger a political upheaval beyond what we can possibly ever imagine. Strauss and Howe see a return to a more traditional and conservative social order as one of the outcomes. If history is a guide, the probability of retribution for former “collaborators” and for those who resist the new expectations for conformity will be high. There will be no assumption of compassion for the traitors and complacency will not be an option.

On the bright side, fertility rates will rise again, quality of life and prosperity will climb and public investment in infrastructure will surge. We will enter into a period of Peace, Order and Good Government but many nations are likely to be fractured and geographically divided by ethnicity as a consequence.

Yes, there is hope for a new homeland for the founding cultures. This may be our opportunity to take our nation back and hold those responsible for giving it away, without our consent, as traitors. Gird your loins for our next rendezvous with destiny.

Canada is over 400 years old. Our people have a DNA all our own. We belong to a unique and storied nation with its own official languages, religion, history, heroes, mannerisms, culture and identity. We don’t want open borders. We don’t want mass migrations to change Canada into something new. We don’t want to become a minority in our own land. We want our country back.

Canadian “elites” babble about “diversity,” about how much better a country we will be in 2036 when white Europeans are just another minority and we have become a “gorgeous mosaic” of every race, tribe, creed and culture on earth. To many Canadians, such a future entails the death of our nation. To Canadians, millions of African, Chinese, Indian, Arab and Islamic peoples settling in our lands means the annihilation of the historic nation we love, the nation that came into being to preserve us. We will never forgive politicians, whether by accident, or design, if they change our country completely and forever.

Many of these aliens who occupy Canada today have no “cosanguity” with either of the two founding cultures or the larger white European family. From the growing expressions of resentment, contempt and even hostility towards us, it’s clear they we’re not compatible.[viii] Canada is increasingly being filled with people who have absolutely no connection to the great historic Dominion of Canada. They can’t be faulted. Canada was never really created for them but as anti-white sentiment goes mainstream and all of Canada’s non-whites increasingly assert their own racial and ethnic heritage, what will keep Canada together when we lose our white majority? If Euro-Canadians had the same group loyalty as Sikhs, Muslims, Chinese and Indians we would never have permitted these aliens into our land to begin with.

Our ancestors did not create the heroic and adventurous Hudson Bay Company, fight on the Plains of Abraham, Beaver Dam, Stoney Creek, Lundy’s Lane, Michilimackinac Island, Queenston Heights, Paardeberg and Leliefontein, Ypres, Vimy Ridge, Passchendaele, The North Atlantic, in Defence of Hong Kong, The Battle of Britain, Dieppe, D-Day, The Liri Valley, Normandy, the Scheldt, Kapyong and Kandahar, and endure the enormous hardships and sacrifice of the Great Depression, in order for baby boomers to turn the country over to alien out-groups and foreigners who have nothing in common with us and who don’t share our values.

Canada is much more than an idea; it’s much more than a shopping mall. The Fathers of Confederation did not frame the British North America Act to celebrate diversity. It’s the “British” North America Act, after all. Canadians did not spill their blood and treasure around the world for multiculturalism and to become a marginalized, despised but “privileged” minority in the land bequeathed to us by their ancestors; our home and native land. Did we?

If we don’t stop this madness, and establish our own lands, Euro-Canadians will learn soon enough that the non-whites our hyper-altruistic elites usher into 24 Sussex Drive will not fritter away their demographic, political and economic gains in fruitless displays of moral superiority the way we have. A Canada run by non-white aliens and foreigners will be a shockingly different place. Competitive racial and ethnic altruism is not a game non-whites play.[ix] Canadians must force our traitorous elites to abandon policies that will, before long, destroy us all and everything that was bequeathed to us.

I should be careful what I wish for, but as far as I am concerned, the Fourth Turning can’t come soon enough. We are a people. We can create great things if left free to be ourselves and only we can be ourselves. If Canada ceases to be majority white country, it won’t be a country at all. Euro-Canadians should never give up on the idea that this country belongs, first and foremost, to us. We will fight back and the fight has, in fact, already begun. A cold wind is blowing. Winter is coming—

Wayne Allyn Root #fundie

COMMENTARY: Polls are again showing their bias when it comes to Donald Trump’s popularity

Liberals and the mainstream media (I know, I repeat myself) keep talking about “fake news.” That’s because they invented the genre.

Exhibit A is President Trump’s popularity. If you watch or read the mainstream news, you’d think Trump is not only unpopular, but the most unpopular new president ever. Really?

During the 2016 presidential election, almost every poll showed Trump losing badly. All the political “experts” got it wrong, because they believed the polls.

But I knew the polls were flawed. They were almost all oversampling Democrat voters. If you’re including far more Democrats in the poll than Republicans, of course the poll results will be negative to Trump.

The same polls that oversampled Democrats to show Trump was losing the election badly are now repeating the scam.

Unpopular? He’s the first president in history to actually do what he promised to do. In a matter of three weeks, he’s already passed, proposed or signed much of the agenda on which he campaigned. Trump is remarkable. Why would that make him unpopular?

Americans voted for cuts in taxes and regulations — for the repeal of Obamacare — for a wall to be built along our southern border — for an end to lawless “sanctuary cities” — for a president tough on radical Islam — for a president willing to impose “extreme vetting” on immigrants from countries that breed terrorism — for a president willing to kill bad trade deals. Trump has already taken action on all of that.

Wayne Allyn Root #fundie

It’s only been 6 days and already my wish list is in place:

Trump used Executive orders to give the go-ahead to the long-stalled Keystone and Dakota Access Pipelines. America is open for business again (and high-paying middle class jobs).

Trump erased all mentions on the White House web site of “climate change.” He did that within ONE HOUR of taking the oath of office. Are you kidding me? It’s almost as if conservatives like me have died and gone to heaven. But wait, it gets better—

Trump erased all Spanish language from the White House web site. It is now “English Only.” It’s like Christmas in January.

Yesterday Trump issued an Executive order starting the construction of “THE WALL.” Liberals heads must be ready to explode.

He also announced the hiring of 10,000 new border agents.

He will soon announce a temporary ban on refugees from Syria and Middle Eastern war zones.

He also announced a ban on visas from dangerous Muslim-majority countries with inadequate screening.

He also announce the end of “Sanctuary cities” and the defunding of federal funds for any city that chooses to continue breaking the law.

He also signed an Executive order demanding the Secretary of Homeland Security publish a weekly list of violent crimes committed by illegal aliens.

Trump signed an Executive order freezing the hiring of non-essential federal employees. He is the first President EVER to figure out that government employees are busting the budget and bankrupting America with their obscene salaries and benefits, plus pensions that can best be described as insane. And there are far too many of them.

Trump issued an Executive order to “ease the burden of Obamacare” and as a bonus, made it clear to Congressional Republicans he wants Obamacare repealed and replaced FAST.

Trump said out loud the words “radical Islamic terrorism.” He did it in his inaugural speech- which means Trump did in his first 15 minutes as president what Obama would not do in eight years.

Trump has announced plans to dramatically lower taxes.

Trump has announced plans to cut 75% of regulations—and “maybe more.” SEVENTY FIVE PERCENT? Only a billionaire “CAN-DO” businessman aims for the moon. What a breath of fresh air.

Trump withdrew America from the TPP treaty that kills middle class American jobs. Even liberal unions applauded.

Trump announced he will renegotiate NAFTA in a matter of days.

The Trump State Department will begin an immediate review of Obama’s final hour giveaway of $220 million to the Palestinian Authority while Congress had a hold on the money.

The NY Times reports Trump is preparing Executive orders to drastically reduce funding and America’Donald Trump Is Already the Greatest Conservative President in Modern Historys involvement in the United Nations and international treaties. I’ve been waiting a lifetime for this one. It’s Christmas in January!

Trump announced he’ll begin a major investigation into voter fraud in the 2016 election. He believes millions of illegal aliens voted. It’s about time a Republican woke up- I believe he is right on the money.

So here’s my message to President Trump. Start your investigation in my home state of Nevada. I believe the so-called “Harry Reid Machine” used thousands of illegal alien voters to steal the state from Trump and the GOP. Make Nevada your “Exhibit A.”

And I’m counting on President Trump to pass National Voter ID laws so Democrats can never use voter fraud or illegal aliens to steal elections ever again.

By the way, Trump signed all these Executive orders with the bust of Winston Churchill behind him- back in the Oval Office for the first time in eight years. If image is important and symbolic, this says everything. Trump is erasing Obama as if he never existed.

Lastly, corporations across the globe have all publicly announced they are bringing jobs and billions of dollars of investment monies back to America because of President Trump- and many of those announcements came BEFORE Trump was even sworn in.

Simply amazing. Breathtaking. Head-spinning.

And all of this happened in Trump’s first 6 days. Even God rested on the 7th day. I’m betting Trump doesn’t.

Can you imagine what Trump will do starting in his second week?

There is no longer any doubt- Donald Trump is already the greatest conservative president in history.

Brad Watson #conspiracy

GOD: the all-inclusive system as a whole, the Universe as quantum computer,
†he33 1 Mind40, the Greater GOOD = 12t hi ui pi
Quantum entanglement transmits information faster-than-light. Thought being massless outside the brain can be superluminal and defy strict linear time and locality. Dark energy74, gamma rays, quasars, antimatter, negative energy, helium 3, etc. aren't the most energetic things; GOD/FOD's †hough† is.

Y h w/ h64? ... thought = h2c² ... new thought = t²h2up

(why [Y], hydrogen [h], with [w/], speed-of-light [c], time [t], universes ,
pain & pleasure [p], infinite )

God-incarnate (the Christ): the reincarnating original & number 174 program74mer,
the Creator of all 'true Earth-like plan-its'

E=mc² ... Conglomeratal Energy eternal=light² × mass of infinite universes
CEe=God= 2 Christmases ... God=CEe=mass × infinite Christs

CEe=5m ×/+ 8t=40/13masstime (GOD=40[34]/13mt)

Conglomeratal Relationships eternal=infinite universes × 10 senses × 6 mass × 12 time
(gods e=6m ui 10s 12t)
10 Senses: 5 common senses + 6. humor, 7. psychic/intuition, 8. telepathy, 9. sexuality,
10. imagination/ability to change the 'matrix'/perform miracles

Reincarna†ion Theory & its 26 Principles includes 11 ways to track an eternal7 soul4 i.e. scientific law of attraction + laws of energy, consciousness, & information can’t be destroyed, only transferred. Life (like all matter & energy) is both waves & particles. Natural selection/“survival of the fittest” assures that human souls that help the global system (Gaia) will return as human (Mt 5:5).

Theory of Luck 100 points =
[karma 4 + modesty 1] × [desire 4 + actions 4 + ability 4 + contribution 4 + blessings4]

Franklin & Eleanor Roosevelt?Barack & Michelle Obama
Oliver Cromwell?George Washington?Robert E. Lee?Dwight Eisenhower
Nathaniel Greene?U.S. Grant?Omar Bradley
Andrew Jackson?Teddy Roosevelt
Abigail Adams?Mary Lincoln?Marilyn Monroe?Janet Jackson58
Thomas Paine?Frederick Douglass?Martin Luther King Jr.
Copernicus?Kepler?Newton?Carl Gauss?Karl Schwarzschild?Stephen Hawking
Billie Holiday?Mariah Carey
Old Tom Morris?Arnold Palmer
Vladimir Lenin?Vladimir Putin
Nero...John Wilkes Booth?Ronald6 Wilson6 Reagan6
King George III?George McClellan?Adolph Hitler?George Bush Jr.
Benito Mussolini?Donald Trump
Julius Caesar?Jesus...Muhammad...St. Bernard?Fibonacci?Dante?Nicole Oresme? Joan of Arc?Da Vinci?Galileo?Carlos Sigüenza?Ben Franklin?Lincoln?Einstein?

Richard ‘Brad’shaw Wa†son77 II

Wayne Allyn Root #fundie

Wayne Allyn Root: I’m A ‘One-Man Army’ Who ‘Single-Handedly’ Won Nevada For Trump

Donald Trump-loving sycophant and ardent conspiracy theorist Wayne Allyn Root was a guest on TheDove TV’s “Focus Today” program yesterday, where he congratulated himself for having personally won the state of Nevada for Donald Trump in the upcoming election.

After declaring that when Trump is elected, his first order of business should be to pardon Julian Assange of WikiLeaks and award him the Presidential Medal of Freedom, Root credited himself for single-handedly winning Nevada for Trump.

“I don’t want to brag too much,” Root said, without a hint of irony, “but I think I helped him get the state. I think I single-handedly was the biggest difference. I’m the number one radio talk show host now in Las Vegas and I’ve been the opening speaker at all six Donald Trump rallies with 5,000 to 15,000 people at them since December in Las Vegas. I’m the star columnist in the Las Vegas Review-Journal, my column is literally on the front page of the Nevada section every Wednesday and Sunday and every column has been cheerleading Donald Trump and attacking Hillary, so I think I’ve been a one-man army that’s won him the state. I wish he had a Wayne Root in every state, we’d win 50 states.”

Sadly, Root said that he has been too busy to travel to Utah and win that state for Trump as well by stopping the Mormons there from “making such a tragic mistake” of voting for Evan McMullin because, by doing so, “they could ruin the election and ruin their own lives for the next 100 years.”

Wayne Allyn Root Has Been A 'One Man Army' Who 'Single-Handedly' Won Nevada For Trump

Michael Savage #fundie

On his radio program yesterday, after predicting that Sen. Bernie Sanders will turn into a violent dictator if elected president, right-wing radio host Michael Savage blasted the Vermont independent’s wife, Jane O'Meara Sanders, for “looking like Stalin’s housekeeper,” unlike Donald Trump’s “beautiful” wife Melania.

Savage told viewers that he “can assure you that Trump will be president” while Sanders will “be thrown into the dustbin of history.” He said that under a Trump presidency, “people will again walk around proudly in this country” and “we will see Iranians crying and begging for their life when they are captured by the Americans.”

“We’ll have America back again,” he declared.

While criticizing Sanders as a “jealous loser,” Savage hailed Trump’s family: “When I saw the beautiful Trump family on the stage last night, I said, ‘America is back again.’ I said, ‘Camelot is back again.’ I said, ‘My God, wouldn’t it be beautiful to have a first lady like Mrs. Trump? Wouldn’t it be beautiful to have a first family like the Trump family?’”

“Can you imagine what this county would look like if Bernie Sanders became president?” he said. “His wife looks like Stalin’s housekeeper. And if you want an America with a first lady that walks around looking like Stalin’s housekeeper, well my friends, vote for Bernie Sanders.”

drkresearch #conspiracy

What an arch-Zionist collaborator he is, Donald ‘Bankruptcy’ Trump, fully collaborating with all the key Zionist agents known. Trump is beholden to the Zionists and is their proxy agent, make no mistake about it. Those who think otherwise have been fooled. He is merely a terminally rabid arch-Zionist agent, just like all the others: just like Clinton, Cruz, Rubio, Sanders, and more.

Yet, it is said by some that one is better than the other, that, somehow, it would be better to have Mr. Trump than known hard-core Zionists such as Clinton and Cruz. It’s irrelevant. It’s all a stage, fully run and controlled by powerful pro-Israeli power-brokers.

Trump even appeared on the Alex Jones show to supposedly justify his Islamophobic remarks. Here, both these Zionist agents joined together, blaming the Muslims for acts committed solely by the Zionists. .

In fact, what more proof is need of his role as a Zionist agent than that? The entire world knows that it was the Israelis who were doing the celebrating, no others. Then, in what is nothing other than a fulminate lie Trump comes forward, aggressively and inanely blaming the Muslims, supported by that other arch-Zionist agent, Alex Jones? Who, then, does he work for other than rabid, extremist Zionist Jews?

Even so, did this treacherous one even speak an iota of truth of what happened on 9-11? Did he say even a word about the Israeli hand, not mere Israeli involvement but, rather, the role of these criminal elements of debauchery are raw butchery? What of the people who were forced to their deaths, falling to be crushed into the pavement and all the others, wounded with crush injuries and also lacerations from falling glass? Like the criminal elements of real-life murder investigations, Trump commits what is essentially a crime, attempting to disguise the culprits, the actual murderers and property destroyers in this case, by casting aspersions against the innocent.

It was Netanyahu and his Mossad goons who were responsible for the carnage as well as the vast destruction. It was strictly Zionist agents, mere so-called IDF demolition experts, who did the filming and celebrating. The Muslims had nothing to do with it.

Trent Franks #conspiracy

In a contentious interview with an Arizona congressman, CNN host Brianna Keilar continually slapped down the lawmaker who kept insisting former President Barack Obama did nothing about undocumented immigrants during his eight years in office.

Along the way he warned of nukes being smuggled into the U.S. in bales of weed.

Rep. Trent Franks (R-AZ) addressed the stepped up efforts by the Trump administration to round-up and deport undocumented immigrants, saying the media was trying to foment “panic” over it.

“Well, part of the panic here is the media overstating and confusing some of the things that are actually happening here,” Franks remarked. “If you look at what the Trump administration’s actual policies are, I don’t think the media is accurately portraying what the real situation is.”

“The reality, Brianna, is that we have to measure all of the costs, ancillary and otherwise, and make the best decision that we can. But I can suggest to you that there are national security implications here for a porous border,” Franks said. “We sometimes used to make the point that if someone wanted to smuggle in a dangerous weapon, even a nuclear weapon, into America, how would they do it? And the suggestion was made, ‘Well, we’ll simply hide it in a bale of marijuana.’”

The Arizona lawmaker then asserted that Trump was finally doing what former President Barack Obama refused to do.

“I’m saying the federal law has been in place for a long time. It’s how it was enforced. I will make no argument with you that there is a different president, there’s a different administration in place, and yes, the law is being more clearly enforced in the present than it was before,” Franks stated. “My contention is before, when Barack Obama just kind of stood by and let whatever would happen happen, that it endangered this country.”

That was when host Keilar pushed back.

“He [Obama] deported more people than George W. Bush,” Keilar shot back. “He deported more people under his administration than George W. Bush did.”

“I don’t know what all the numbers are,” Franks parried.

‘I’m telling you the numbers. He had 3 million something, and George W. Bush had 2 million something,” Keilar pressed.

“So now tell me that Barack Obama was more committed to border enforcement than Donald Trump,” Franks deflected.

“You tell me what you make of those numbers,’ the CNN host fired back. “You said he stood by, you said he stood by. I’m just telling you the numbers on deportations.

“I’m suggesting to you that Barack Obama border security was something that, in my judgement, was dangerous to this country,” Franks replied. “And I continue to stand by that.”

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy

Trump is Illuminati

The elections have been rigged since JFK, why stop now.

Donald Trump will win the election.
Simpsons predicted Trump winning the election.
It's so obvious he is illuminati it isn't even funny.

Reincarnation is real
Dr Ian Stevenson did thousands of case studies on reincarnation

-Why has Donald Trump come into the race out of left field?

-Donald Trump shares blood-relations with Hilary Clinton. (Blood-ties run deep with the ruling elite all over the world and in history). (All the presidents share blood-relations with the royal families around the world).

-Takes approximately 1 year to reincarnate.
-Adolf Hitler committed suicide to speed up reincarnation process.
-Adolf Hitler died in 1945.
-Donald Trump was born in 1946.
-They both have blue eyes (iris).
-Both have unique hair and uncanny orator skills.
-Both came into power during economic turmoil.
-Trump kept book of Hitler's speeches at his bedside according to ex-wife.

-This does not mean he is the antichrist.

-Donald Trump speech at, Rochester, NH Town Hall, September 17, 2015 - Q:’How will you bring back the American Dream?’
A:”Look. We can bring the American Dream back. That I will tell you. We’re bringing it back. Okay? And I understand what you’re saying. And I get that from so many people. ‘Is the American Dream dead?’ They are asking me the question, ‘Is the American Dream dead?’ And the American Dream is in trouble. That I can tell you. Okay? It’s in trouble. But we’re going to get it back and do some real jobs. How about the man with that beautiful red hat? Stand up! Stand up! What a hat!’

-Red hat- Cult of Diodynsus- Liberty Cap- Phrygian Cap- Santa Clause Red Hat - santa anagram for satan.

-THEORY- America will gain more money prosperity similar to when Hitler was ruling, all funded by the Elite.
-Immigrants, Muslims, minorities will be the new targets instead of Jews for the FEMA camps, and WW3 will start.
It's already starting to work- Trump wants to build a wall, the public are already starting to listen. What they fail to understand is that Immigrants are people like you and me. The cards they have been dealt are terrible. The drug cartels, the beheadings by ISIS, the extreme poverty they come from, the prejudice, it was all set up by the people with the money.

-Who has the money? It isn't you or me, it especially isn't any of the immigrants. It's the Elite, the 3 Bloodlines, the people behind the shadows, smoking cigars on their multi-million dollar yachts.

-Yet we are going to ostracize our fellow brothers and sisters because they are taking jobs that pay peanuts. Or just because they were born in Turkey or Mexico or Ethiopia or Yemen ect... Yet we all continue to work/slave for slightly larger peanuts. I'm sick of peanuts and allergic to them.

It's time we stand up to the real enemy, which is easier said than done because well they already control everything. David vs. Goliath.

We can't stop him from winning the elite are too powerful.

The only thing I can think of is to talk to Trump. He needs an exorcism video on YouTube and I don't even know if that would work.

Secrets don't make friends yet bohemian grove and bildergroup and skull and bones and high level Mason's all meet in secret cause they are lame.

sadoeconomics #fundie

Can you give a good reason why you believe child pornography ahouldnt be illegal? Because to me it sounds like youre justifying child rape in the name of "anti-censorship"

I’m not doing that at all, and you shouldn’t put scare quotes on anti-censorship.

First, let’s go over a few incidents. Recently, I heard about an acquaintance of mine whose 16-year-old son’s 17-year-old girlfriend attempted to send him a topless selfie but instead accidentally texted it to her neighbor, an old lady who freaked out and called the police. And the first reaction of the police was to begin the process of indicting ALL THREE OF THEM for possession of child pornography and adding them to the sex offender registry for life - and it’s only because the girl’s dad was a golfing buddy of the chief of police that it ended with all of their cell phones being confiscated and wiped instead. Does this sound like a reasonable way of dealing with this situation? Were all of them child rapists? How much prison time should you get for the crime of receiving an unsolicited JPEG file exactly?

Let’s consider also the Playpen incident last year, which was what prompted that post you’re probably responding to, in which the FBI ran a sting operation that disseminated a massive amount of child pornography through the dark web, which was so badly mishandled that very few people they caught downloading real hardcore child rape pornography can be prosecuted. The US federal government is itself unquestionably the biggest distributor of child pornography there is. This is the same federal government that ran COINTELPRO, MKULTRA, the Tuskegee syphilis experiments, etc. And they are now headed by Donald Trump, who is one of several political figures who went to Jeffrey Epstein’s private island before Epstein was convicted of trafficking in underage prostitutes. Donald Trump of the Republican Party, which recently had Dennis Hastert as the Speaker of the House, who has since been convicted of raping an underage boy. And let’s not even get into all the shit the Democrats have been caught doing. Are these the people you trust to fairly enforce these laws? Do you think it would be difficult for any three-letter agency to put child pornography on your computer without your knowledge if they wanted to, so they could prosecute anyone they wanted and claim they were secretly a pedophile, to destroy their reputation? Is that a power you are comfortable with Donald Trump and the deep state having? They haven’t been willing to legally define ‘pornography,’ even. Having laws forbidding certain combinations of ones and zeroes hands those people a blank check to destroy whomever they wish.

Let’s go back to what prompted my personal interest in this whole debate, which was the relationship I had with an older woman when I was 16 - when I had a job, I was going to college, I was allowed to drive a multi-ton motor vehicle, I was talking to a recruiter about joining the Marine Corps, etc. but had no access to many other legal rights arbitrarily withheld from people under 18. If she had sent me racy photos of herself or vice versa, well, she might still be in prison today. As it was, we carefully avoided putting her at risk for two very long years until I was 18, at which point we had a rather normal romantic adult relationship for several years that ended amicably, that I look back on fondly today. As the person who was supposedly protected here by being forcibly kept apart from the person I loved, how do you think I feel about the state’s interference in our relationship now? If you guessed ‘immensely resentful even after all these years,’ you are correct. Would it have been child rape on her part if I had sent her a picture of my naked body unprompted? Does it make any sense that I could pledge to sign several years of my life over to the military at that age but I couldn’t send someone a picture of myself? Do you get how that experience molded my opinion on the subject and made me willing to speak out on the subject even if it meant people would call me a pedophile?

One of the most famous home movies in history is the Zapruder film of the Kennedy assassination. We’ve all seen it, right? But it’s photographic evidence of a crime. Shouldn’t we all be charged with condoning the murder of the president for watching that footage, by your logic? Surely you agree that murder is worse than rape. Shouldn’t possessing media of a person being killed be illegal, if possessing media of a person being raped should be? And if animated or drawn child pornography is illegal, shouldn’t possessing any movie or video game in which a person is shown being killed be grounds for imprisonment as well? The logic that you folks use has implications far beyond this subject, but you never really pursue those implications (and you shouldn’t, because they’re insane).

My point is, that’s because you’re fabricating unsound legal principles here to support the existence of this unjust, unconstitutional law (probably because anyone who questions it gets accused of being a pedophile, and you don’t want to wind up with clueless anons accusing you of justifying child rape, for example), instead of coming up with law based on sound legal principles. In any other context, anyone would tell you that possessing a picture or video of a crime is not the same thing as committing the crime yourself and the harm was entirely in the original crime, not just watching it. Are you justifying robbing convenience stores by saying it shouldn’t be illegal to watch America’s Dumbest Criminals? And if we took that principle to extremes it’d suppress important political speech - for example, after Vietnam the American media was pressured by the military to stop showing images of US soldiers in body bags, and as a consequence we’re more emotionally isolated from the wars currently being waged and information about the circumstances of the deaths of soldiers has been kept from the public ‘out of respect.’ Laws against pornography were used not so long ago to suppress information about birth control and sex education. It’s not unimaginable that there’s something important we’re not being allowed to know about, or that we’re all afraid to discuss, because it’s been declared child pornography. Censorship is absolutely something you should be afraid of in any form, and even well-meaning censorship can inadvertently suppress the truth. A free society, especially a democracy, depends on open access to information to function and I’m skeptical of anything that nibbles at that around the edges, even for the noblest of causes. These things always have chilling effects on expression far beyond their official limits as well. If some JPEGs can be illegal it requires all this machinery of surveillance and enforcement that can be just as easily used to suppress other things, and if we don’t trust the state, which we shouldn’t, we shouldn’t be comfortable with that machinery of censorship existing at all. We can’t trust them to stay within their mission - look at all the NSA personnel spying on their girlfriends instead of terrorists. Look at how the state has far outgrown its constitutional bounds. Stopping a few fucked up people from getting access to their preferred masturbation material is not worth having to give Leviathan access to all of our digital communications.

I am an anarchist. I discuss radical libertarian politics here. That’s why I’m against this law that’s been abused so much, the enforcement of which has been a massive travesty of justice for decades. Not because I’m ‘trying to justify child rape.’ My ideology is rooted in the nonaggression principle, which rape obviously violates. Do you think I should take the position of ‘we need to remove all power from the government except the power to prosecute people for child pornography?’ There’s no exception here to my general critique of the state. And what do you think would happen to child rapists in Ancapistan, anyway? ‘Hunted for sport’ is my guess. A convicted child rapist would probably not be able to retain the protection of a DRO (I’ve conjectured for a long time that that might be the one thing all of them would refuse to deal with) and they’d have the status of a medieval outlaw, they’d have no legal protections - likely a de facto death sentence with all the people who’d be lining up to kill them. Meanwhile, the state plays catch and release with child rapists - go check the sex offender map and see how many live in your community right now, I dare you.

Anyway, Anon, you are the unwitting pawn of someone who has started a harassment campaign against me, who has accused me of all kinds of other ridiculous vile shit in the past few days as well, and sent messages encouraging me to commit suicide. They dug up a post from nearly two years ago and reposted it outside of the context of the ongoing debate we had had, triggered by the revelation that the FBI had disseminated a massive amount of child pornography on the deep web. I had explained all of this back then in even greater detail, but then someone sent me an anon asking me about banning violent porn and I made the mistake of mentioning my position again without that context, so it could be misinterpreted by people unfamiliar with my ideas.

So yeah, I don’t condone raping children, I’m not a psychopath, I just really don’t trust the government, in large part because there are so many actual child rapists at the highest levels of government, and I think we can do better than the current system. I hope this clarifies my thinking for you.

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