Roosh V

Roosh V #sexist #fundie

[From "Men Treat Women As Gods"]

In order to be with a woman, there is no sacrifice a modern man is not willing to make. He will pretend to be a feminist, travel around the world, and even feign allegiance to abortion or homosexual marriage. If a man wants a woman, and the woman professes to like something, the man will profess to like it as well, all for a chance of intimacy, sex, or just a bit of companionship, but like Adam following Eve, his actions lead directly to spiritual death.

I originally got into the game because I wanted one idealized sexual relationship, not many.[…]Instead of admitting that the relationship fantasy I desired in my mind didn’t exist in the real world or was unattainable in my current immature state, I convinced myself that I wanted sex with a lot of women all along. I always wanted to be a player.
Adam’s woman was tempted by Satan first and lost eternal life. When she came to him after eating from the tree, I imagine he noticed that her countenance had changed. She was no longer innocent with a saintly glow, and must have appeared worried and tense. The birds were not singing in the Garden like before. He was faced with a difficult choice: turn away from her and reorient himself to God, counting on Him to create another helpmate to make his life worthy, or fall with the woman in a moment of panic and fear of being alone to serve the will of Satan.

To Adam’s credit, he fell with the only woman in the world, yet today, men are begging to fall not for women who love them, not for women who could give them children (they would be immediately aborted), and not even for women they know, but for the potential to meet a godless woman.
Don’t make the same mistake as Adam. Don’t act as if you were made from the woman’s rib instead of the other way around.

Roosh V #sexist #fundie #homophobia

[From "6 Signs That A Woman Is In Rebellion"]

Most women you meet are in a state of rebellion. They have rejected the natural order and God, along with the notion of biological sex roles. While in rebellion, a woman will not respect the authority of a man or submit to him for long. Such a woman will be the source of great misfortune and heartache. Below are the most common signs that a woman is in rebellion.

She rejects the natural state of her body
She does not want to accept the body that was created for her. It is not beautiful or capable enough, so she begins an intensive crusade to morph herself in what trend-makers—who are in rebellion themselves—say is beautiful or capable.

In the early stages of rejecting her body, a girl will apply profuse makeup, dye her hair, or pierce her body in areas besides the earlobe. Still unsatisfied—and there is no other option for her to be unsatisfied when rejecting God’s gift—she will then adorn herself with fake nails, eyelashes, and even eyebrows. Almost always, rebellion against her natural beauty takes the form of adopting plastic beauty that is cultivated, advertised, and sold by corporations and the medical industry. Adopting their commercial wares may get her more likes on Instagram, but decreases her overall beauty to any man who is not in rebellion himself.


Obese women are in indirect rebellion from being in a state of gluttony, one of the seven deadly sins. Their proclamation of “beauty at any size” is intended more as a comforting rationalization than an attempt to attack God, but the end result is the same: she refuses the natural body she was given and morphs into a different creation.

She idolizes herself
The rebellious woman wants to be seen as a goddess or queen, and may even use those terms to describe herself. She wants to be worshipped by men and admired by women. The quality of those who worship her is less important than the quantity: her goal is to increase the number of individuals who admire her or “follow” her on social media platforms, because it provides an objective number to her goddess-like status that can be compared to others (the analog for men is sexual notch count). To learn how to be a goddess, women will eagerly follow other popular women on Instagram, mimic them, and drool over the prospect of being as popular as them. She soon becomes addicted to compliments of her appearance.


She rejects her traditions, countrymen, hometown, or nation
A woman in rebellion will be eager to run away from who she is. If she was born a Christian, she will take up yoga or be sympathetic to Islam. If she’s German, she will bring home to mom and dad an African man named Mutambo who arrived to Europe by boat. If she’s from a rural Midwestern town, she will escape to Miami or New York City. A manifestation of rebellion is to seek out the extremes, far away from what is familiar.

Whenever a woman from a foreign country slept with me, she was passing up on countless of her native men—men who shared her traditions, language, and religion, and who would make a far better long-term partner than I could. In some cases, she was directly cheating on a native man with me, her enabler and tempter. Fornicating with me was a way to reject those men and the country of her father. It’s no surprise that many foreign women I’ve slept with possess multiple rebellious qualities. While abroad, I adopted the view that if a foreign woman was quick to sleep with me, she couldn’t possibly be a suitable long-term partner.


She prefers the virtual over the real
It’s hard to carry out a successful rebellion while fixed in the real world. There is a physical limit to how many men a woman can interact with at any time. There are bodily flaws that can’t be hidden no matter how much work is done to conceal them. But in the online world, anything is possible. She can be perceived as a goddess from a shockingly high number of men who covet her photoshopped images taken at angles that camouflage her flaws. She can easily play out the fantasy of who she wants to be.


She has completely divorced sex from reproduction
The way a girl in rebellion believes she will achieve enlightenment is through her vagina or anus. She owns several sex toys and masturbates to them often. She believes being penetrated by a sexy man who doesn’t love her will fulfill her or make her happy, but as sexy as that man may be, she fears being impregnated by him because her career is not yet “established.” She has been on birth control since she was a teenager and is in favor of abortion.


She trusts in her own abilities above that of a man who loves her
God created Adam. God saw that Adam could use companionship, so He created Eve from the substance of Adam. God intended Eve to submit to Adam who then submits to God. While God gives equal blessings to men and women, he intended for women to follow the authority of men. Women in rebellion barely respect men, let alone follow them. They won’t listen to their fathers, their boyfriends, or their husbands, and will only fake submission for a short period of time when they want to deceive a man to gain a material reward. They believe that through their own knowledge and confidence, they are deciders of their fate and must only follow the result of their feelings and unseen demonic influences.

If you get involved with a woman in rebellion, you will have to suffer her punishment, just like how Adam following Eve into sin caused him to be condemned alongside her. You cannot isolate the pleasure you experience from a bad woman without also enduring the negative effects of deceit, lies, cheating, and other forms of manipulation. If a man can’t find a suitable woman, he is better off alone, because at least that fate will not lead to spiritual death as it did for Adam.

She is gay
The most severe form of rebellion is homosexuality. Such a girl has completely refused the natural order and the authority of men to develop a deep-seated hatred for both. Since a woman cannot penetrate another woman without the use of a plastic toy made in a Chinese factory, she has essentially chosen a life of masturbation in place of genuine love and intimacy.

It may seem “hot” when you see two attractive girls in a bar, but such situational bisexuality is an effort to spite God to receive attention. Indeed, stay away from harlots you only noticed because they were committing a severe act of rebellion.

If a girl is rebelling against God, her Creator, she will rebel against you. It’s not a matter of if, but when. Many men foolishly think they can tame a rebellious woman, but this is the same as thinking you can tame Satan himself. It’s fine if a girl who chooses against rebellion requires additional guidance or knowledge from you to stay out of rebellion, but if she’s in active rebellion, I suggest you run away unless she humbles herself before God and repents.

Most men are tempted to extract casual sex from a girl in rebellion, since she so freely gives it up, but understand that that sex act will not be free, and may haunt you for years to come while risking your salvation. Currently, I am single and can walk with Christ in peace, so I don’t feel compelled to take a risk on a woman who spits on God and sees herself as a goddess. Choose the women of your life very carefully, because your very soul may depend on it.

Roosh V #homophobia #sexist

A new psychological disorder called heterophobia is infecting America. Promoting a heterosexual or traditional family lifestyle is becoming increasingly shamed while criticism of homosexual lifestyle is no longer allowed. Our culture is making it clear that when it comes to sex, only heterosexuality can be ridiculed, especially when it is practiced by men.

I believe we’re only 10-15 years away from when homosexuality or bisexuality will be seen as a superior lifestyle to heterosexuality. We’re already at the stage where homosexual couples are seen as more virtuous than male players (mainstream media criticizes game incessantly, but no such effort has been done on homosexual couples). Any lifestyle choice that involves men wanting to sleep with beautiful, thin women will be linked to misogyny and hate, while lifestyle choices involving men wanting to sleep with other men is seen as progressive and open-minded.


Heterophobia will be devastating on boys. Impressionable children will be bombarded with messages that guide them into adopting a lifestyle that has no genetic basis within them. And yes, I am saying that gayness is not 100% biological—there is absolutely an environmental component, as there is for all other human behavioral traits. A genetically straight man could be turned gay if raised in an environment that nurtures and encourages his slightest homosexual tendencies, which is what America is doing today. Gender re-education will ensure that even normal heterosexual boys will be softened. Masculinity and staunch heterosexuality will be seen as a nostalgic throwback, unsuitable for modern times.

Evidence of heterophobia can be found in the immense support network that gays can depend on. If you’re a gay boy and are teased in school, the administration will rush to action. There are web sites and toll free numbers to call if you need help. Unless you live in a rural town, you won’t have to go far to receive compassionate support. But how about if you’re a teenage boy who wants to have sex? Tough luck, you privileged freak. You will be brainwashed that consensual sex is possibly rape and flirting is sexual harrasment. They are telling boys now that you can’t touch a girl without her “permission.” The only support you got are guys like me, who are being put on hate lists. If you are growing up gay today, people trip over themselves to help you deal with your issues, but if you’re a straight boy, they’ll teach you harmful propaganda to prevent you from even getting laid. The culture is being successfully changed so that deviant homosexual behavior is accepted and embraced.

Roosh V #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia #crackpot

[From "10 Ways City Dwellers Alleviate Secular Guilt"]

If a man lives in sin[…]his soul becomes burdened with the cumulative weight of his transgressions[…]He feels bad[…]searches for worldly solutions[…]
1. Buying organic food
“In spite of living far from God, to make sure I live a long and healthy life, I pay extra for organic avocados”
The idea of organic food is sound[…]Orthodox Christians[…]avoid goyslop[…]because they’re fake[…]
2. Buying ethically sourced food
“In spite of living far from God, I make sure to spend more money on foods I love to help those who live in racially and economically disadvantaged countries”[…]
4. Exercising multiple times a week in a gym[…]
Exercise enough so that you can stand for five hours during a festal vigil[…]Other reasons[…]may be a way to feed vanity[…]
5. Engaging in two minutes of internet hate
“In spite of living far from God, I have the discernment to state we should go nuclear against Russia because they’re baddies, and also I’m qualified to declare that the police officer who killed a black man on duty deserves the electric chair for his racism”

City dwellers fall into judgment because judgment feels good[…]
7. Practicing “safe” sex
“In spite of living far from God, I just engaged in a ‘safe’ act of mortal sin with someone who is not my wife because I covered 0.5% of my body with a piece of latex”[…]
8. Taking care of a small pet[…]
It’s hard to become a mother when you idolize your career and use apps like Tinder to meet a lot of men[…]
9. Attending a gay pride event[…]
The phenomenon of straight women going to gay pride events is very real[…]Gay pride is a psyop primarily targeted toward straight women[…]
10. Getting vaxxed, wearing face masks, and sanitizing hands until they’re raw[…]
I’m certain the coronavirus vaccine is from Satan—it’s a perfectly demonized construction that is perhaps his best work after the theory of evolution

Roosh V #homophobia

The World Health Organization (WHO) has come out with new guidelines that advise all homosexual men without HIV to take anti-HIV drugs to prevent themselves from becoming infected. This policy has presumably come about because HIV prevention education has not gotten through to homosexual men who continue to practice unsafe anal sex with dozens of new partners a year. This has hastened the global spread of the virus.

While the media has done a great job portraying homosexuals as “just like” heterosexuals (deserving of marriage benefits and infinite compassion), it’s clear that the similarities are few. Homosexual men engage in extreme high-risk and extreme promiscuous activity and, as the article linked above states, are “19 times more likely than the general population to be infected by HIV.” Bisexual men have become the perfect vessel to transmit the HIV virus to the heterosexual population, especially to women, who are more likely than men to become infected by HIV during patriarchal male-female sex.

Last year, the NBC made a stink about gay men not being able to donate blood, and even now there is a growing political movement to allow gay men to donate. Thankfully for my relatives in the US who I hope never needs donated blood, the ban on gay men from donating still stands, because health organizations (WHO, FDA) fully understand the danger that homosexual men pose to society due to their degenerate lifestyle.


The American media has become so infected with the politically correct virus that it is silent when it comes to informing the public of a real virus, all because it contradicts their heterophobia party line that aims to paint gay couples as wonderful and loving.


A common argument for homo acceptance is the following: “Why do you care how two gays live or whether they want to get married?” Because their lifestyle is spreading a virus that can kill people who aren’t gay. Society should rightfully accept that homosexual men are the bringers of death, a sort of grim reaper wrapped up in fuzzy progressive packaging. Even the FDA is vigorously fighting attempts to allow them to donate blood for the general population. We should be thankful they are on the side of those who don’t have HIV or engage in activities which easily spread it.


Whenever someone waves a rainbow flag in your face and insists that you get with the times, tell them that maybe they can start a beef instead with the World Health Organization. They are so alarmed at what gay men are doing that they are pushing a desperate and expensive policy to prevent an epidemic that is not being controlled in spite of everything we know about preventing HIV with condom use. The least we can do is keep this virus contained within the homosexual population, and it may soon be prudent to even consider legislation that prevents homosexuals from sleeping with non-homosexuals.

Roosh V #homophobia #fundie

[From "Why Homosexuals Make The Tastiest Dishes"]

During my road trip across the United States, I visited restaurants all across the country. I noticed that the more gay flags a restaurant had, the tastier its food. How could it be that those who supported the awful act of sodomy make food that I liked the most? The answer is that they had dedicated their lives to carnal pleasures (food included) and had become worldly experts at it in a way that a devout Christian, who eagerly seeks divine pleasure, had not

That which you treasure is where your heart is (Matthew 6:21). As a carnal man for most of my life, food was one of my greatest joys. While living in Poznan, Poland, my Friday night tradition was going to Fat Bob Burger near the town square for a burger feast to satisfy my belly before hitting dens of iniquity to satisfy my lusts[…]
You will become a connoisseur of the world if all you have is the world. If you are a homosexual restauranteur and your entire life is centered around maximizing pleasure with great zeal, you will open a restaurant that easily satisfies the crowd and gets glowing reviews on Yelp. However, if you are an Orthodox Christian restauranteur who fasts for much of the year, and specializes in dishes that don’t feed one’s passions, your culinary creations will be suitable but forgettable[…]
When you’re in the prime of your life, with no health, family, or money problems, you may be very well deceived that all you need is to drink and be merry, that the homosexual establishments in the city are like icing on the buttery rich yellow cake of a well-lived life, but don’t be fooled: behind a pleasing material reality is Satan heaping up your soul in sin[…]
Let us be satisfied with gruel and slop if they are placed before us. Let us shed the skin of the carnal man and not desire to please our temporal taste buds. Let us not trust the offerings of homosexuals and degenerates to give us pleasures of this world

God Is Evil Award

Roosh V #fundie #crackpot

[From "You Must Suffer"]

One of the most difficult topics concerning Christianity is suffering. Lord Jesus Christ called us to pick up and carry our cross while not being of the world, but how much suffering is too much? Should we attempt to alleviate our suffering or embrace it?[…]I have noticed that experiencing any kind of suffering seems to increase my faith rather than decrease it. Therefore I must conclude that suffering is a gift from God to preserve our salvation

The first “gotcha” question that atheists usually demand of believers is “Why does God allow suffering?” Their hearts are too hard to understand the answer: because He loves us. Without suffering, we would remain attached to the fallen world and its false idols[…]it’s only in pain do we start contemplating the big questions of our existence. In the Orthodox Church, one saint has taught that illnesses like cancer which kill you slowly are a gift from God. It removes a person from the world and gives them ample time to serve God in a way that they didn’t before the illness
Even devout Christians require suffering to maintain their faith, because they can easily be tempted and deceived by the evil one upon moments of worldly luck or strength. May I be so bold to say that they need constant suffering
Since my early twenties, I have had heart palpitations. Many nights I have awoken in terror to a thumping chest. In the past few years, the problem has gotten worse, to the point where it’s a daily presence in my life[…]I’m sure there are pharmaceutical medications that can alleviate this problem, but I will not take them, and I also have not prayed to God to remove this affliction
The elderly suffer from health maladies not only because their body is degrading, but because God is trying to prepare them for the next life

Roosh V #fundie #sexist

[From "Top 3 Sources Of Human Pride"]

If Satan can amplify your pride then he can get you to commit all manner of sin. This will be made easy if you are born with one of three natural gifts that effortlessly make you proud[…]The more of these gifts you have, the easier it is for Satan to turn you away from God[…]
The world has become so carnal that possessing just a smidge of beauty[…]will lead to limitless material benefits and sexual offers that are hard to refuse. I have witnessed how beautiful women are treated, and I feel sorry for them[…]
With such a tsunami of temptation[…]a woman develops enough pride in her beauty and what it can give her that she sees no need for an Orthodox faith[…]
A beautiful woman may look in the mirror and still see a flaw that she cries to others about, but a handsome man may look in the mirror and think he’s some kind of human god. His pride can actually end up separating him from God more than a woman who is tempted at a far greater rate[…]
I can’t sing, but I have observed the effects of those who can[…]A male singer receives enraptured and adoring looks from women who have decided that are ready to be intimate with him[…]This makes him feel that his singing is a superpower that will get him what he wants in life instead of God

Once I encountered a woman who was not attractive in my eyes, but because she was an incredible singer, she comported herself with a proud air as if she were a celebrity[…]
If you’re ugly and can’t sing, there’s one more source for you to gain unlimited pride: intelligence. If your IQ is at least 115[…]you will be filled with thoughts of intellectual supremacy[…]
Woe to the man or woman who is intelligent, beautiful, and can sing! Within them will be a constant fountain of pride that not only stops them from humbling themselves before God, but which also leads to regular sins of the tongue and body

Roosh V #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #psycho #racist

[From "Corneliu Zelea Cordreanu: Revolutionary Or Saint?"]

Corneliu Zelea Codreanu was a Romanian Orthodox leader of The Legion of the Archangel Michael (more commonly known as the Iron Guard)[…]He is mostly ignored by Orthodox Christians of today because he raises the thorny question if using political violence and activism is in accordance to God’s will when subjected to a pernicious enemy that happens to be Jewish
is memoir For My Legionaries, which I excerpt below, contains so much truth that, if his movement were to be replicated in America, it would provide a proto-template of taking God from the realm of personal and temple worship and into the national consciousness
To keep out communists, Codreanu used violence[…]He did all this so that an atheistic ideology with predominate Jewish backing would not infiltrate and destroy Romania and its institutions. Did Codreanu “sin” through his activism?
Democracy is a tool of Satan that has been perfected by Jews and their gentile allies in secret societies to take sly control of nations[…]Can you read Codreanu’s six points of Jewish subversion and not see every single one having already been successfully used in transforming the United States from a nation with a Christian ethos to the state of Jewish pornographic sewage we have today?
Can you imagine what would happen to you if you went into the bars and slapped every Jew you saw?
I’ve learned through my own experience that the truth happens to be “anti-Semitic”
In the United States, we’ve arrived at a late stage of Jewish infection where even non-Jews possess the Jewish revolutionary spirit and act Jewish
If Orthodox Christian Alexander Schmorell was glorified by the Church for fighting Hitler by distributing anti-Nazi leaflets, I believe Codreanu has a fair claim at sainthood

Roosh V #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut

[From “The Demons Among Us”]

Demons by Fyodor Dostoevsky is a story about a revolutionary cadre that attempts to wreak havoc on a Russian village as part of their quest to overthrow the traditional order.[…]
Losing touch with God
Revolutionary ideas were sweeping Russia at the time. Dostoevsky himself was caught up in the fervor and served time in prison for his activities. Being spared execution by the Tsar at the last moment served as his spiritual awakening, allowing him to recede from the darkness and become a force of tradition and Orthodoxy.
Once the remainder is removed from those who rightly believe that a man is a man and a woman is a woman, and both should have the ability to seek their daily bread, materially and spiritually, what will be left? The horrors of the 20th century will pale in comparison to what we will soon face.
Whether local or global, revolution is the same
In the above passage, a revolutionary member is attempting to clarify the aims of the group he is a part of. You may be struck by how their method of subversion is no different than what the elites are subjecting us to today. The “denunciatory propaganda” comes in the form of relentless Jewish-controlled fake news.[…]
Destruction for the sake of destruction
The revolutionaries today are eager to share their “logic” of equality and love, but since they behave in direct opposition to what they profess, the only logic remaining is that of destruction and chaos.
The antidote to madness
The further you are away from Lord Jesus Christ, the closer you are to accepting the presuppositions and assumptions of revolution.

Roosh V #quack #dunning-kruger

[From "Vegetable Oils Are Toxic"]

In September 2021, I came down with a severe flu-like illness[…]I started researching my diet to see if it was the cause. I ended up down the rabbit hole of seed oils, more popularly called vegetable oils, which include canola, soybean, corn, safflower, and sunflower oil. I had always thought that it was only trans-fats that were dangerous[…]I have come to the conclusion that seed oils are toxic and should not be consumed by human beings. I have since embarked on a quest to eliminate them from my diet

You may be reluctant to examine the boring scientific evidence for why seed oils are toxic, but I promise that you won’t need a PhD. Simply watch this video on how canola oil is made[…]
Before seed oils came onto the scene, heart attacks were unheard of: cardiologists in the early 20th century never saw them[…]Captains of industry found out that they could dump their waste onto the food supply through the magic of industrial chemistry—similar to how they dumped fluoride in the water supply—by offering payola to medical associations for a stamp of approval[…]
I suspect that many of the chronic health problems Americans face today[…]are caused by the consumption of vegetable oils, moreso than a sedentary lifestyle[…]
Even though I was a scientist for many years, I don’t have the time or patience to wade through all the literature[…]I’ve implemented a shortcut. Did the food exist before 1900? Because the 20th century was a disaster for the human race, my heuristic makes the assumption that whatever existed before 1900 was better[…]
When it comes to fats, there are only a few that pass the 1900 test: olive oil, butter, ghee, pork lard, coconut oil (at least in Asia), and beef tallow. All are heavily saturated. Wait, aren’t saturated fats bad for you?[…]
When I compose I meal, I ask myself how I can maximize the amount of animal fats and cholesterol

Roosh V #fundie #ableist #conspiracy #sexist

[From "Marrying A Woman With Mental Illness"]

Diagnosable mental illnesses are so commonplace that it’s inevitable for a single man to meet a woman who is “mentally ill.” Should he still consider her as a wife or try to find another woman? This is a difficult decision that must involve God, his priest, and Christian family and friends[…]
Every man and woman born in this fallen world will have severe problems with their passions until they are purified by the Holy Spirit. Maybe you are prone to lust like I[…]
When evaluating a woman with an active passion, you must ask yourself several questions. Is she actively struggling against the passion? Has the passion’s control over her declined from its peak?[…]
Since I have so much experience with pride and anger, I believe I can handle it[…]But how about a woman who is slothful?[…]
To have a passion is not to be mentally ill[…]Medical industry has so broadened the definition of mental illness[…]huge percentage of the population is “verifiably” mentally ill[…]
Many women on anti-depressant medication take it because they are “sad.” Winter came around and they weren’t having fun in life[…]Another woman was “tired” from her busy schedule and didn’t get “enjoyment” out of casual sex and other secular activities. Another woman started being “depressed” when she couldn’t find an office job she enjoyed. In cases like this, I believe the problem is not mental illness but a lack of Orthodox faith and coping mechanisms[…]
Should you marry an immature woman who is on anti-depressant drugs? How about if she took them in the past but does not take them anymore?[…]
It is my opinion that most people diagnosed with mental illness are merely immature, but there are people with what I’d call “severe mental illness”

Roosh V #fundie #sexist #racist

[From "Why Do You Consume Secular Content?"]

At risk of reproaching fellow Christians, I am continually surprised by how much secular content they consume. From Facebook to TikTok, from Hollywood movies to pop music, I suspect the average Christian is bombarding his soul with several hours of secular content per week. Do they not know that this consumption may be separating them from God and weakening their faith?

When I first returned to God in the spring of 2019, I was wholly immersed in secular culture. I made several Twitter posts a day (usually about politics or the misbehavior of women), listened to popular music, watched movies, consumed all manner of YouTube videos, and read self-help books[…]
It is three years going and I’m still tapering myself off secular content—that’s how entwined it was into my life[…]
First I quit the modern music, rationalizing that “oldies” was okay, but an examination of their woman-idolizing lyrics revealed that oldies wasn’t safe either[…]
May I ask you why you consume the creations of non-Christians, of those who don’t live by Christ, of those who don’t glorify Him?[…]Why do you watch movies produced and directed by Jews who hate Lord Jesus Christ and view abortion as a sacrament?[…]
I’ve since become highly averse to reading, watching, or listening to anything that is produced by someone who does not have a knowable or visible Christian faith. If I get weak and think such content will edify me, perhaps because the non-Christian is “intelligent,” I ask myself how intelligent are they really if they don’t worship their very own Creator in the Church that He built[…]
It’s a mistake to believe that Orthodox Christianity is merely a lifestyle add-on that has a slot in your life alongside many other lifestyles. Orthodoxy is the lifestyle

Roosh V #fundie #sexist

[From "4 Reasons Why Lifting In Gyms Is A Bad Idea"]

For nearly two decades of my life, I would go to the gym[…]While I never had huge muscles, my body was athletic and toned[…]I want to claim that I went to the gym to be “healthy,” but my true intention was to be attractive to the opposite sex for the purpose of fornication. When I repented of my sins before God[…]I decided not to go to the gym anymore[…]
1. The music is filthy
The vehemently secular music that all gyms play is painful to my hymn-loving ears. I don’t want to hear songs about sex, seduction, getting rich, dancing all night in the club, driving expensive cars, and becoming a big boss. Thankfully, I can hardly understand the “English” being sung in most modern songs[…]the Satanically-engineered melody will find a way to worm its way into my brain[…]
I strive to listen to no secular music at all[…]because of how it corrupts my nous (spiritual eyes of the soul). One of the reasons I like shopping at Walmart is because they are one of the only supermarkets I know that don’t usually play music
2. The women are almost naked
There seems to be a competition among gym-going women to see who can display the most skin without technically being naked according to local ordinances. The arrival of “sports bras”[…]confirmed to me that the gym has become like an antechamber to the brothel bedroom
3. There are too many mirrors[…]
Since all gyms coat the walls in mirrors, my time in them exercised my pride as much as my body[…]
4. Desire to get bigger and bigger muscles for no practical reason[…]
Pride ignites within you to be even bigger and stronger[…]
solely to lift heavier things within the construct of the gym itself to make you think that your body, given to you by God, is an achievement of your own

Roosh V #fundie #conspiracy #wingnut

[From "Forecast Of The End Of The World"]

From studying Orthodox Christian eschatology and observing the political course of the coronavirus pandemic during the past two years, a clear picture has emerged for me about where the rulers of the world are taking us
In our modern, capitalistic age, power is derived from money, particularly the control of money
During the industrial revolution, oligarchs needed a growing population of human beings to work in factories[…]Ideas that did not promote reproduction, like homosexuality and spinsterhood, were stigmatized
In the 20th century, the world regime became fixated on the fear of over-population[…]Redefining sex to be recreational instead of reproductive helped reduce birth rates across the Western world, and decades later across the rest of the world thanks to the export of American culture
The regime also encouraged citizens to fixate on spheres of behavior outside of family, and that was primarily driven by the consumption model of capitalism
The regime tolerated human existence and freedom in the decades following the sexual revolution because technology did not yet reach their desired level of advancement
The advancement of their plans through the pandemic and other Great Reset schemes come primarily from a combination of greed[…]and the fear of losing existing power
The first problem of the oligarchs is they began losing momentum with the wide support of Donald Trump, Brexit, Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil, AfD in Germany, and Marine Le Pen’s National Front party in France
The regime believes the only way they will survive is if they are able to monitor and control all financial transactions[…]The digital currency must then be linked to a person’s social, health, and environmental scores, which brings to fruition the Biblical prophecy of the Mark of the Beast

Roosh V #fundie

[From "Serious People Don’t Pursue “Fun”"]

For most of my adult life, I lived as a child in an adult body. I never grew out of the desire to play in a selfish way[…]Only when I came back to Christ have I begun to put away the childish notion of having fun

The word “fun” is not found in the Bible. At no point did God command us to idolize fun, pursue it[…]The epitome of fun is the modern amusement park[…]stimulating rides and games for many hours until one gets nauseous from overstimulation[…]we do not need to physically drive to an amusement park to duplicate its effect upon our souls[…]cheap thrills that distract us from our vital mission before God[…]
Fun is a relatively new idea that entered the world when material ease and comfort became idolized. If your material needs were easily being met, and you did not take your faith seriously, you would experience black voids of “boredom,” where the antidote was not serving others or communing with God but engaging in fun[…]The apotheosis of fun may be the existence of a band by the same name who a decade ago sang about all the impious, drunken fun[…]
This song (i.e. work of social engineering) was extremely popular when it came out[…]
Mentally, we have all struggled to shake loose a childish desire to enjoy ourselves without responsibility or seriousness. How often does it happen to you that, after a tough day at work or a particularly long Orthodox service, you want to clock out and “enjoy” yourself?[…]
We’ve fallen so badly with our obsession to have fun and turn this life into a fit and a laugh that the early Church Fathers didn’t see the need to address that which didn’t then exist. To put it starkly, I have behaved worse than a pagan even though I was born after the revelation of Christ, and I am currently in the Orthodox Church and still must battle with my need to kick back

Roosh V #fundie #sexist

[From "Hugs Are Dangerous"]

It is extremely unsafe to hug a pretty woman. I expect most men to scoff at this notion and ignore it, but a hug with someone you’re attracted to is a form of intimacy, and intimacy before marriage turns on the treadmill of lust and sets the speed to a brisk jog before steadily ramping up to a sprint. One “innocent” hug can begin a course of heavy temptation that entices you into sin and blocks your ability to properly evaluate a woman for marriage

There is nothing wrong with a platonic hug, the form of which you’d give to an aunt or grandmother[…]
An intimate hug, however, is simply a variant of horizontal bedroom embrace[…]
I’ve lost count of how many Orthodox couples I’ve seen using secular behavior in their courtships. They drink alcohol together. They give each other googly eyes. They hold hands. They hug incessantly. They use secular vocabulary like “boyfriend,” “girlfriend”, and “dating”[…]
Another reason not to hug is that it becomes impossible to properly evaluate and vet a woman for marriage when you are in a state of even mild passion, and if you’re trying to evaluate a woman you’re having sex with—forget it! You might as well marry a woman sight unseen to at least have a chance at a marriage that doesn’t end in divorce![…]
The bad news is that even if you refrain from all physical affection during courtship, and she’s beautiful, you still will not be able to judge her properly. Her visage alone is tempting to your dumb flesh[…]
If you look at the history of courtship, men never had to make a decision to marry a woman wholly on their own (and neither did women), but involved parents, other family members, and the Church to guide that decision for them

Roosh V #racist #conspiracy #fundie

[From "I Am The Peasant Revolt"]

It wasn’t supposed to happen this way. I’m not supposed to be sharing the truth with you. They had a specific plan for me, but I figured out what it was and revolted against it[…]
In 1965, a certain demographic in America agitated for a looser immigration law. Historically, most immigrants came from Christian Europe, but the law changed, opening the borders to anybody, including the Middle East, Africa, and Latin America. My father was one of the first to benefit[…]My mom immigrated with her entire family[…]
The plan of the regime was simple: culturally sterilize the white population, their greatest threat to power (as clearly evidenced by the recent Canadian truckers’ protest), and replace them with atomized non-European people who will obey any directive to come and reside in the United States to enjoy its first-world comforts. Through the pursuit of their material self-interests, my parents unknowingly consented to this plan[…]Their son abided by this plan and exceeded it to a foul degree[…]
Within history you will find stories of the slave girl catching the eye of a member of the noble class[…]His spawn, sent back to the slum, is obviously smarter than the rest of the slaves[…]This half-breed then speaks for his people[…]How many peasant “half-breeds” are there in America right now, not racially but in socioeconomic class, knowledge, and faith, who were educated in atheist universities[…]
They gave me a degree in microbiology to use in developing vaccines, and I now use that knowledge to forcefully speak out against vaccines. They gave me the internet and computer technology to be programmed by their words[…]
The second I started to speak the truth outside of their Overton window, the regime activated against me. Their peasant was not behaving correctly

Roosh V #fundie #conspiracy #racist

[From "The Synagogue Is Ramping Up Their Attacks On The Orthodox Church"]

The Ukrainian government[…]has been making steady progress towards the unthinkable: the complete banning of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC). If this happens, it will undoubtedly pave the way for the banning of Orthodox Churches in America. Via Reuters:

The Ukrainian government will draw up a law banning churches affiliated with Russia[…]

Other outlets called the Ukrainian Orthodox Church a “sect”[…]but make no mistake that it is the canonical Orthodox Church in Ukraine with the vast majority of Orthodox believers (70%) and succession to Saint Vladimir the Great[…]
The other Orthodox church in the country, the Orthodox Church of Ukraine (OCU), hereby referred to as the schismatic church, was established in 2018 as a geopolitical attack against Russia thanks to its recognition by Patriarch Bartholomew of Constantinople, whose political aspirations lead him to continually meet with American officials[…]
First came the American coup in 2014 that took over the country and then little coups of the individual churches, with a design to move the geopolitical center of Ukraine from Russia to the West and its spiritual center from the Patriarch of Moscow[…]
History tends to repeat itself, and so it becomes instructive when we start asking who is behind the proposed shutdown[…]Christ refused Satan’s temptation for the world’s kingdoms, but members of the synagogue were quick to make lucrative deals[…]
Zelenksy is Jewish. Most of the cabinet directing Joe Biden is Jewish[…]
It’s worth asking yourself why the canonical Russian Church is being directly assaulted by Jewish authorities yet again a mere 105 years after the Bolsheviks came into power: because it is the true and faithful Church

Roosh V #quack #crackpot #fundie #sexist #conspiracy #transphobia

[From "Modern Psychiatry Is Demonic"]

The secular world makes people ill by denying the presence of God, and then the secular world gives the solution of psychiatry and its obsession of prescribing anti-depressant and anti-psychotic drugs
The whole field of psychiatry is backward rationalization. They study patients with mental illness, theorize on the biochemical state of their brains, and then shovel them with ultra-addictive drugs to make their brains appear similar to those without mental illness, but this is merely studying the effect of a disorder and then declaring it to be the cause
A psychiatrist will study house fires, notice that firemen always seem to be present at them, and then create a solution to destroy all firehouses, the “obvious” source of fires
Having a “brain chemical imbalance” is often the effect of a faithless or sinful state of existence where depression is due to the consequences of secular life
Psychiatric drugs disconnect you from your humanity and make it harder for you to repent before God. Consider that God gave us emotional states to help us orient our lives closer to Him
Feminism is demonic because it inverts the natural order by trying to make man as coming from the woman’s rib instead of the other way around, and here comes the psychiatrist to further enable this inversion with a heavily-marketed drug that keeps the independent woman working
The doctors all work as a team to destroy the human soul, one prescription, vaccination, and surgery at a time, until all that is left is a husk of a human
I believe that a person with symptoms of depression or psychosis should consult with an Orthodox priest for spiritual diagnosis and treatment. I would guess that treatment will include repentance, baptism, receiving communion, prayer, a change of diet, lifestyle adjustments, and in severe cases, exorcism

Roosh V #fundie #dunning-kruger

[From "The Theory Of Evolution Is Incompatible With Christianity"]

Evolutionism is at root an ideological justification for atheism. —E. Michael Jones in Logos Rising

The theory of evolution by natural selection to explain the creation of new species is Satan’s most elegant and effective lie. No other scientific theory has done more in killing God and faith[…]All truth comes from God, and since evolution is a lie, any Christian who believes in it is most likely in a state of deception

Let me first state that something resembling evolution does occur within species[…]The lie is that these changes, over the course of millions or billions of years, can lead to the creation of new species
Evolution is absurd on its face. To think that a “random mutation” can be introduced into a working and functioning system to create the beginning of an intermediary transition stage[…]requires so much faith that it would be a simpler matter to believe in the Bible
My field of study in university was microbiology, which included a year of biochemistry courses[…]Just one enzyme is so complex that you can give a computer simulator unlimited time and not even one of these proteins will ever be created through an evolutionary process
Evolution is a gateway to atheism. This is why Satan designed the theory and why it is pushed so forcefully on young people. I consider it Satan’s best work

Roosh V #dunning-kruger #conspiracy

[From "Are Viruses Actually Contagious?"]

The coronavirus pandemic has revealed to me that science is not what I believed it to be when I received a bachelor’s degree in microbiology in 2001. Instead of striving for the pure, unadulterated truth of the natural world, it has blatantly become an authoritarian vehicle to enslave and spiritually destroy human beings at the hands of oligarchs[…]
A man who helped nudge me into my current belief is Dr. Tow Cowan, a medical doctor and researcher who has revealed the history of virology and other truths that were not taught to me in university. Breaking The Spell is a short 43-page book he wrote that reveals the sham of modern virology[…]
Last year, I came down with a flu-like illness while traveling. I returned home and then three days later, my mother came down with a similar but milder illness. It seemed quite intuitive that something was transmitted from me to my mother, but in spite of the timing, I cannot say with proof that a virus was transmitted[…]
Do you believe in a yawn virus? Probably not, but I’m sure it has happened to you that someone you were with yawned, and then almost immediately after, you also yawned. We don’t attribute such yawn contagion to a particle. Do you believe in a haircut virus? When I see a man with a nice haircut, I look in the mirror and evaluate if I need a haircut as well, and sometimes I get one soon after[…]
During the Spanish influenza, Milton Rosenau was tasked with researching exactly how it was infecting humans. After a series of experiments, he was unable to infect anyone with the alleged virus (then called Pfeiffer’s bacillus)[…]
If I give you a bottle of extra virgin olive oil, you will assume it only has extra virgin olive oil without adulterants. With virus isolation, however, you’re getting a potpourri of genetic and medicinal junk in addition to the alleged virus

Roosh V #fundie #conspiracy

[From "The Prayer Rope"]

What a time to have a child, he thought. All manner of pure evil was being normalized. Just the other day, he was told of the newest scientific trend, the “flay dinner party,” where friends would slice tiny pieces of skin from each other using a medical tool offering painless excision, mix it with a spicy tomato relish[…]Simon’s priest told him that society was beyond the wickedness of the Bible, and didn’t understand why Jesus had not yet returned
The doctors wouldn’t let Simon be with his wife in the delivery room. It took a whole day for them to even let him hold the baby. Who knows what they injected him with

The old man shook his head and squeezed his lips white. “How many violations can I count? You don’t have on your face lock. You left your domestic passport at home. And is that Christian contraband I see?”
“But you died last year. It was in the news. President Shaniqua spoke at your funeral”
Simon turned back around. Ten or twelve soldiers lined up behind the old man, decked out in all black, faces covered in tinted masks. Simon had thought that “hologram enforcement” was just a conspiracy theory
Simon was conversing with the avatar of Nathan Wolfe, a tech billionaire who died the previous year after his sixth or so heart attack
“You’re playing a very dangerous game by breaking the law to come here, but I will give you a final chance. The punishment for what you have done is re-education by nano-vaccination”
The force of the twelve bullets that entered Simon’s body pushed him backwards. He felt an intense heat throughout his torso but perceived no pain and was still able to stand

Roosh V #fundie

[From "Satan Helped Me Write"]

I’ve been writing since 1999, when I created a blog before it was known as a blog on the free web space that my university offered me. For the two decades that followed, I have written millions of words, much of it about how to fornicate. There is a challenge in organizing the chaos in your brain into the coherence of the written word, so I had to develop many habits to make my living as a writer. Upon my turn to faith, I thought that writing would become much easier, since I was now sharing the good news instead of instructing men how to sin, but truth is writing has become harder than ever

It wouldn’t be inaccurate to describe writers as degenerate alcoholics. The reason, I believe, is that writing creates so much mental tension that the flesh demands a release in the form of drink or other harmful behaviors that yield an immediate dose of caused pleasure

There were three pillars of pleasure that allowed my previous writing: coffee, alcohol, and sex
During a writing session, I stare at the blank screen and the blinking cursor in states of immobilization for longer periods than before. I have to construct little outlines for 800-word articles that I used to spit out in one go with no preparation. Every sentence I now type I must fight for, and only rarely do I enter a state of flow where the words are gushing out

God gave me the talent to write and then Satan hijacked it for his own ends, coupling it with a constant need for pleasure. I have had to disconnect my talent from those pleasures and write for God’s sake, for the uncaused joy he gives me at times I cannot predict, for a greater reward that will not come in this life. I can still write well enough, as I hope you’d agree based on my output in the past year, but every little article has become a fierce battle now that I cannot “unwind” after a hard day

Roosh V #fundie #conspiracy #racist

[From "Why Are Jews Behind Most Modern Evils?"]

After reading The Culture of Critique by Kevin MacDonald, I thought I knew everything that I needed to know about Jewish influence on Western culture, but I was only scratching the surface. Enter The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit by E. Michael Jones, a thorough examination of why Jews tend to be revolutionaries of any society and how they do it. By the end of the book, I could say I understood the race of people that vehemently reject Jesus Christ.
Jews killed their religion when they rejected their promised Messiah, one that was foretold through centuries of prophecies. The Jews then had no choice but to invent a new religion around the Talmud, an exhausting series of legal commentaries that further exacerbated their prideful nature and rejection of the Word of God.
They rejected Him and the eternal freedom He offered in exchange for earthly power and enslavement to their carnal passions.
Once you learn how to recognize Jewish names and physiognomy, it doesn’t take long to see that just about every moral degradation under the sun is spearheaded by Jews.
Every now and then I encounter news that a group of priests had an interfaith dialogue with Jewish rabbis. To that I respond, why? What profit will Christians have from engaging with those who reject Christ
Unless you do manual labor, it could be argued that you are Jewish in character.
Along with the work of Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, I consider it settled history that the Russian revolution was a primarily Jewish project, executed by Jews revolutionaries in Russia and funded by Jewish bankers from abroad.
Can we list any benefits that blacks have received from their long alliance with Jews?

Roosh V #fundie #sexist #racist

[From "Sinful Judgment vs Righteous Judgment"]

A persistent problem for new Christians is judging others. We look at someone[…]and develop snap judgments—often negative—from years of doing so out of habit as a non-Christian
A concept you hear among the Orthodox is discernment, the ability to pick out the divine signal from the fleshly and demonic noise. One of the differences between us and the saints is that the latter know when a thought comes from God and when it doesn’t
If judging others leads to sin, it’s not of God, and if judging others leads to virtue, it could be of God
1. I go to the café[…]In walks in a woman who is wearing a bra for a top and minuscule shorts. Immediately the words “harlot” and “slut” come to mind[…]I consider how immodest I have been in my own life. This is sinful judgment
2. My friend arranges a blind date with a “devout Christian woman”[…]She arrives in yoga pants wearing thick makeup. I can see her commodious cleavage[…]I determine she is not suitable to be my wife[…]I used my knowledge and experience with secular women to make a determination
3. I visit a friend in a rough area of town in the middle of the day. There I noticed a large group of black males smoking marijuana and listening to loud music. Immediately the words “lazy” and “criminals” come to mind and I ponder at length about why black people have such difficulty being productive members of society[…]Then I realize that I have performed worse evils than all of those men combined[…]
4. I’m a single father[…]I decide to enroll him in a private school[…]I noticed a group of black boys bullying a white kid[…]I decide not to enroll my white-passing son at the school, and instead pick a school where I do not notice racial strife. Here I made a judgment call

Roosh V #fundie #dunning-kruger

[From "How Old Is The Earth?"]

A potential stumbling block for many Christians is the age of the Earth. Scientists have normalized an Earth age in the billions of years, allowing them to present all manner of grotesque and fake intermediary species into the archeological record. Meanwhile, the Bible suggests an Earth age that is not much older than 7,000 years. These wide differences cannot be easily reconciled, leaving the Christian in a tough position. Should he reconfigure the Bible into a timeline presented by atheist scientists, or should he stick to a more literal view? One thing that may help him in his decision is understanding that God created the Earth with an inherent age

When God created the animals, they were fully grown. In other words, on the day after Creation there were some animals that were already many years old
How about the rocks and mountains? The moment after creation, the valleys and the hills were already in a state of lushness and completion
Techniques like carbon dating or DNA analysis do more to reveal the arrogance of man than the truth of our world. Scientists believe the Earth is old, and are already in a state of rebellion against God, and so settled on techniques that confirmed their tightly-held convictions
I don’t know exactly how old the Earth is, but I don’t believe it to be older than 10,000 years. Since I don’t work in a dinosaur museum, there is nothing in my daily personal experience that begins to even hint to an age older than that. What I notice on my path to salvation is that there is nothing new under the sun, and that what was written in the Holy Bible about man and faith has not at all clashed with what I encounter experientially. The Bible speaks to me, the scientists lie to me, and so I have thrown in my lot with God, for I cannot have two masters

Roosh V and E. Michael Jones #conspiracy #fundie #racist

(This is from a blog post reviewing the book The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit by E. Michael Jones the quoted parts are from the book, the rest is Roosh)
The Protestant Reformation
“Luther used rabbis to construct his text, and that text was, therefore, skewed in favor of Judaizing. Beyond that, when the average man read the Bible with the admonition that he has the power to interpret it unaided by pope, priest, or council, certain things were obvious to him. First, he did not find the word “Trinity” in it. Secondly, he realized the Old Testament stories of Hebrews taking numerous wives and exterminating their enemies far outnumber the texts of the New Testament containing the admonitions of Christ. By sheer weight alone, the unsuspecting reader was led to Judaizing unless corrected by a larger more powerful tradition. And Luther had discredited that larger tradition, no matter how much he hated the interpretations of those who invoked his name as a justification for their messianic politics.
Calvin and his fellow Reformers had “interspersed the religion of Christ with such an amount of Judaism that their Christianity was in many respects a relapse into the bonds of the Law from which Christ had set us free.”

The Catholic Church had major problems at the time of the Reformation, but if we cruise by any American city today and see what’s on the front of Protestant churches (gay flags, “Refugees Welcome” signs, “Black Lives Matter” propaganda, female pastor names, etc.), we can conclude that they did not ultimately bear greater fruit than the Catholic Church.

Roosh V #fundie #homophobia #conspiracy #racist #sexist

[From "From Degeneracy To Decadence"]

I ended my life of degeneracy when I turned to Lord Jesus Christ[…]I’ve made great strides away from a wretched existence, and am less degenerate than before, but I still find it hard to step away from degeneracy’s little brother—decadence
I define degeneracy as major sins that are a sign of a life lived far away from God[…]decadence is composed of smaller sins or worldly attachments that may be done by a struggling Christian. Here is a list of behaviors I’d define as degenerate:
Homosexuality — Sodomy is the champion of degeneracy
Masturbation — God did not design you to fellate yourself to Jewish-produced pornography
While my past sins were innumerable and multifarious, on this list I most committed fornication, masturbation, intoxication (mostly to enable fornication), and fame-seeking. When I wasn’t treating women as false gods to achieve sexual pleasure from their bodies, I treated myself as a god among men simply because I was so accomplished at worshipping promiscuous women
Some decadent behaviors I’ve identified in the wild:
Exquisite eating — I receive pleasure from the foods I make
Hot water — How can I not conclude that every time I turn on the hot water in the shower I am but a mere scrap of a man compared to my male ancestors
Optionality — To the decadent person, it’s important to have options, backup plans, and exit plans
Professional health care for pets — You want your pug to live forever and unto the ages of ages
On the list of decadency, I eat exquisitely, use climate control, shower in steaming hot water for prolonged periods, and pursue optionality. Do these habits completely block my salvation? I hope not

Roosh V #fundie #homophobia

[From "Demons And The City"]

The typical Western city of today is the most effective environment to encourage sin. It is able to generate immoral behaviors so effectively that the task of corrupting your soul becomes one of demonic auto-pilot.
A man or woman uprooted themselves and went to the big city because they desire to gorge themselves on money, sex, and fame. When a hungry child is in a candy store, do you need to convince him to eat candy?
The evil you may feel while in one may not come from the presence of demons but the mass quantity of people who have chosen evil. The city is actually a platform for evil, one that Satan has constructed and optimized over hundreds of years to lower the barrier for you to commit severe sins.
Surely the demons swing by on weekend nights to appreciate their handy work, especially in the month of June when the sodomites take over much of the Western urban world, but do they need to persuade a homosexual to attend a gay pride parade? Do they need to urge him to wave dildos and other sexual paraphernalia in public?

If the demons are not in the city then where are they? On assignment corrupting souls that have chosen for Christ.[…]They separate man and wife and put rebellious ideas in the minds of children.
When I went into the mountains for two months to live in what I later found out was a former crack house, a den of exceeding vice, I was tormented by sexual dreams and nightmares involving actual demons burning my flesh.
In my old life in the city, when I chased women for casual sex, Satan left me alone as I destroyed myself, and I can’t recall having even a single nightmare from the time I was behaving at my worst.

Roosh V #fundie #conspiracy

[From “President Joe Biden Is A Blessing”]

Conservative Americans are not happy. The Presidency of the United States was stolen in plain sight from their rightfully elected candidate, Donald Trump, and now they have to face at least four years of being ruled over by a usurper installed by billionaire oligarchs.[…]Joe Biden as President is actually a time to gird your loins and prepare for a long war. Here are five consolations from the inauguration of Joe Biden…

1. Joe Biden blocks you from attempting to outsource your masculine responsibilities to a strongman
Would I rather have Trump as President? Yes, because I’m lazy and weak and don’t want to do any of the hard work of building a worthy nation for my family and tribe.
Donald Trump promoted sloth in American men, because they could sit on their couches and consume untold hours of entertainment, pornography, and political news while rooting for their guy to say mean words to the CNN reporters all while neglecting their community and personal responsibilities.
2. He destroyed the lies that we couldn’t let go
You may have believed that your vote counts
Thanks to Joe Biden, I have had to accept that the left wants me dead, not in the figurative sense that I have encountered in memes, but in quite the literal sense that if the new President proclaimed that he would pardon anyone who comes to my house and murders me, I would have to immediately make final calls to those I love since my remaining time here would be measured in hours
3. He helped reveal the QAnon fraud
QAnon is a government or deep state psyop that was modeled on the Soviet Union’s Operation Trust.
5. He allows us to dive into spiritual warfare with zeal
Difficulties and trials build faith. The reason we experience sufferings in life is that God loves us.

Roosh Vörek #racist

[Pax Dickinson was fired from his job as Chief Technology Officer for Business Insider after his racist and mysoginist Tweets were revealed by Anil Dash, an Indian businessman, and Nitasha Tiku of Gawker. This causes Roosh V to go into a racist rant.]

A disturbing story has recently developed where two Indian immigrants have coordinated to destroy the livelihood of a white American-borne professional who they didn’t agree with.

Pax Dickinson worked as the Chief Technology Officer for Business Insider. He had a Twitter account where he shared views that went against the liberal narrative of gay marriage, spinster worship, fat acceptance, and open borders.


Last time I checked, white culture made America, but here we have a man with Indian roots attacking the entire home race. Why is it okay for him to attack white culture, but if anyone attacked “black culture” or “gay culture,” he would be first in line to fight back, crying bigotry, or as in the case of Pax, “misogyny”?

While white men aren’t perfect, would you rather live in the USA or India? Sweden or Bangladesh? Australia or Pakistan? Amil’s country and his people still have a long way to go before they can bash the white man for causing economic hardship when they won’t even catch up to the West for another 100 years.

In my line of work (teaching men how to fornicate with women), I have noticed a lot of pent-up frustration from Indian men that is directed at white men. The reason? Indian men are jealous that they can’t lay white women, who they pedestalize to heavenly heights. You can shake your head or laugh, but most Indian men will openly tell you they prefer white women over their own race. On my forum, we have enough angry Indian trolls that we’ve developed a name for them: Indian Race Trolls (IRT).

In spite of Anil’s apparent success in business, I would bet a month of my income that he is angry at not being able to have sex with pretty white women. Look at what he has reduced himself to[...]

He dates an unattractive half-white woman that fell from the ugly tree and hit at least eight branches on the way down. This man has lots of money and half a million Twitter followers, can easily import a pretty Indian bride through his family connections, but instead settles towards the bottom of the crab bucket. In other words, the fact that he is with a homely white girl instead of a pretty Indian girl (they do exist) is strong proof to his white woman fetish.

In comes Pax Dickinson, a fellow tech worker who is okay-looking (no homo), cocky, confident, successful, and white. I have never met Pax, but it’s not hard to imagine Anil happily begging him for his one-night stand leftovers. Anil is resentful of the white man not only for building the West, compared to—say—a Mumbai slum, but also because he can’t come close to getting the type of woman that his business success would give him if he were white.


Nitasha Tiku, also Indian and a suspected Marxist, has shown a pattern of disliking white men, who she believes are privileged and contain no inherent value. She recently called an app “deplorable” because it helped regular people avoid ghetto areas. In her world, it is unconsciousable to think that someone would want to keep themselves safe, but when you consider she lives in a white New York neighborhood, it becomes clear she is a hypocrite who won’t be interacting with poor black people anytime soon. She deemed the ghetto avoidance app “racist” and “classist” because it’s better if everyone is equally poor and unsafe. Why she doesn’t return back to India, where there’s a flatter class system consisting mostly of poor people who defecate on the street, I have no idea.


The irony is that Anil, her partner in Soviet-style denouncement, would never date her because she is Indian, even though they are of the same race, but it’s okay for them to team up and get a white man fired. I suppose in the end it doesn’t matter since she’s a lesbian, and I predict that she’s only one year away from identifying herself as neither a woman or man, as encouraged by the latest liberal trend of declaring yourself to be a gender-neutral carrot, or whatever.

In this drama you have a classic Marxist dyke and a sexually frustrated Indian man joining forces to get a white American man fired within 24 hours. And no one cares besides our perverted corner of the internet. That tells you how much power that immigrant liberals have gained.

Roosh V #sexist

How To Stop Incels From Killing People

The busy bees at the media have been highlighting how “dangerous” incels are, often linking them to the manosphere [1] [2] [3] [4] [5]. These journalists fail to mention that incels have either outright rejected manosphere ideas, especially when concerning game, or have been inoculated against its teachings by their own media colleagues.

Incels are killing solely because they are failing to bond romantically or sexually with women in an intensely competitive sexual market that constantly rubs sex and nudity in their faces. The solution is rather simple: give them free sex from whores.

What is an incel?
It’s first helpful to determine the basic profile of an incel. Typically, he does not have a hands-on masculine father teaching him the ways of life and women. He was teased in school, though not aggressively bullied, and has few friends. He is not good in sports or any other activity that would help give him a sexy aesthetic. He has no skills beyond programming or playing video games. His educational upbringing taught him that any display of masculine behavior is harmful to females, which he has internalized to his own detriment. More severely, he is introverted and has practically no ability to talk to females or attract them.

A decade ago, this type of “herbivore” male become a cultural phenomenon in Japan. In America, it’s now becoming the default man. Within a few years, more than 50% of all men will be on the incel spectrum.

An incel primarily wants a loving relationship with an attractive woman. Secondly, he wants sex with any woman. A male who gets laid but doesn’t experience love may be depressed or unhappy, but he’s unlikely to possess the urge to kill. The ones who do end up killing have received neither relationships nor sex. They feel utterly forsaken by society. To remind society that they do in fact exist, they resort to getting attention in the only way they know how: killing. Shooting up people is the same for an incel as a female uploading a perfect selfie. It’s a way of saying please recognize my existence and validate me for it.

Incels must be provided free prostitutes

I therefore advocate for a government program called Complimentary Heterosexual Affections Directive (CHAD). Incels will be given a mobile QR code for a complimentary legalized sex session every six months, a time interval that would outright eliminate their urge to kill. The whores that are a part of this program would be given special training to make the incels feel special by calling them “handsome,” “powerful,” and “confident,” compliments they have never heard in their lives. The whores would rock their worlds to such an extent that the incels will patiently wait to live in freedom another six months to fornicate again.

The details of the CHAD program would be simple. First, the government would provide an online questionnaire that incels take to qualify for the program. It would not be too strict: if a man hasn’t been laid in at least six months and wants a free whore, it’s better for society to provide it for him to dampen his rising urge to be noticed through a mass shooting.

Whores would apply to the program and work from home or in a designated government brothel that is placed in high population areas. After a sexual experience, the incel would give his government whore a rating on a 1-5 star system. Whores who ever dip under 3 stars would be eliminated from the program, ensuring that the government only hires the best whores for the incels since this is literally a life or death matter.

Single women will pay for the incel’s whores
She’s funding the free whores program

Structuring CHAD as a government program will allow women to have “skin in the game”—they’ll be reminded that their choices in sex partners have both financial and mortal consequences. The program will be entirely funded through taxes on the products that enable women to have casual sex with attractive men—birth control, dating apps, and smartphones.

After CHAD is implemented, anyone who wants to buy an iPhone will have to provide government identification that reveals their sex. If the buyer is female and unmarried, an automatic 100% tax will be added. Women will also be taxed $5 for every Tinder match they receive, and each birth control pill purchased by an unmarried woman will come with an extra $1 tax that goes directly to fund CHAD.

Whenever a girl uses her phone to get attention from attractive men, scores a new Tinder match with a hot guy, or pops a birth control pill that let’s her have sex without wanting to reproduce, her mind will flash with the realization that her easy-earned money is going towards incels she refuses to bang. If women are choosing nice guy incels for sex, those incels will not need to use the whore program and thus the tax will be reduced. It’s fine if women want to forsake the bottom 50% of the male population for sexual relationships, but they will have to pay for it so those men don’t kill other citizens. We have to stop the high standards of modern women from causing additional deaths.

An easier and cheaper solution than the CHAD program is to teach men game, particularly the Roosh Program. It instructs an incel to hit the gym, read some books, build up social experience, stop being a wimp, and finally embrace the masculinity that has been smothered for so long. Game may be getting harder in the West, but there are still worthwhile options in South America, Eastern Europe, and Southeast Asia.

Game saves lives
This man will not kill anyone

The fact that Jewish organizations, feminist authors, and the media continue to attack me means that they don’t really care that people are getting shot up. Give me an incel on the verge of killing and I’ll hand you back a sexually sated Stan who lives in Thailand for three months of the year, or a beefed-up Oscar who found a dive bar where he can bang porkers on the weekends with barely any effort. Maybe these situation aren’t exactly ideal for Stan or Oscar, but it’s better than rotting in jail or being killed by the police in an exciting shootout that gets millions of views on YouTube.

Of course our cultural elites with not help implement the CHAD or Roosh program. As much as they whine about how older women can’t find any “good men,” and how hard it is for mentally ill trannys to get laid with in a climate of “transphobic” discrimination, they much prefer for incels to fuck off and die. A Silicon Valley executive named Ellen Pao even suggested they never be hired in the first place, which could lead to their starvation. We’re only a year or two off from op-eds in the New York Times suggesting Incel Concentration Camps. Are you a man who women don’t want to sleep with? Off to the gulags! You won’t even be allowed to masturbate.

The reaction of the elites clearly shows that there will be many more incel shooting sprees in the future. They will desperately try to link these killings to pro-masculine dissidents such as myself, but we know that if a man is allowed to find my work and implement it, he would never want to kill in the first place. Let us all hear the incel rallying cry: Give me love, give me whores, or give me game! Otherwise, he just may go crazy.

Roosh V #fundie

Everything I Know About Women

I was sitting in a coffee shop when a young man came up to me. “Are you Roosh?” he asked.

“Yes I’m Roosh.”

“I want to be good with women. Please teach me everything you know.”

I said, “Before I teach you everything I know, I want you to prove to me that you will commit to my teachings. Go on the internet, find a couple pickup lines, and approach 100 women. Then come back and tell me how it went.”

One month later he came back.

“Roosh I did the 100 approaches. Some of them went okay but I usually ran out of things to say. I didn’t get laid. So I’m ready now for you to teach me everything you know.”

“Before I teach you everything I know, I want you to go read 30 books. They can be about anything. Then come back to me and tell me which books you read.”

He came back six months later. He told me about the books he read and the interesting things he learned from them. He showed me his new e-reader and mentioned how reading has become somewhat of an addiction for him.

“Okay Roosh I did the 100 approaches and read the books. Now can you teach me everything you know?”

I said, “I will be more than happy to, but you don’t look healthy. Your body is soft. Go read Starting Strength, follow the program to the letter, and come back to me in 3 months.”

When he came back again, his walk had more bounce and his muscles were bigger. I noticed he also got a new haircut.

“Okay Roosh I did the 100 approaches, read the books, and can now deadlift 250 pounds. I feel more confident. But can you just teach me everything you know about picking up women?”

I said, “Sure thing. But first I want you to do all three levels of the Pimsleur language program in Spanish. Then I want you to go to Colombia for two weeks to practice the language.”

“Jesus Christ Roosh! How is that going to help me with women?”

“You want me to teach you everything I know about women, right?” I said.

“Yes I do, but it will take a long time to learn Spanish and save the money for a trip. I just want to learn how to get laid like you. I mean, I don’t even know where Colombia is.”

“Just do what I tell you to do, and I will teach you everything I know.”

He came back nine months later and greeted me in decent Spanish. He told me a lot of fun stories about Colombia, including how he had a little fling with Maria, a girl he met while asking for directions in Medellin. “When I was in Colombia I heard a lot of guys hyping up Brazil, so I started learning Portuguese. It’s not so hard because the languages are similar. But anyways I still want you to teach me everything you know about women.”

“You got it. But there’s just one last thing I want you to do. Go do 100 more approaches. Then I promise you that when you come back, I will teach you everything that I know.”

Three months later he came back to the coffee shop. Behind him was a pretty girl.

“Hey Roosh this is Rebecca. I met her in the grocery store and we’ve been going out for two months.” When she stepped out to make a phone call, he said, “Roosh you’ve been very helpful to me. I’ve grown a lot in the past couple years and can barely recognize myself in the mirror, but I’m finally ready for you to teach me everything you know about—”

Suddenly he stopped and stared at me. A smile formed on his face. He gave me a strong handshake and then left with his girl. I never saw him again.

Roosh V #racist #conspiracy

Recently, Roosh Valizadeh — a former pick-up artist and purveyor of rapey literature turned religious zealot — railed against what he called “cultural rot” in an episode of his Roosh Hour podcast. Valizadeh took aim at, among other things, Bratz dolls, which he suggested were a Jewish plot to “groom” young girls.

“How ’bout the toys?” Valizadeh asked. “The toys that they’re giving girls, maybe the toys is [sic] gonna be — have some value to it.” He showed a photo of Bratz dolls and added, “And by value I mean teaching your young daughters how to become prostitutes.”

He complained about the clothing on a pair of Bratz dolls, pointing out that he could see the “G-string” on one of them. He then pulled up another photo of the same dolls — this time the doll on the left had lipstick on its face. Valizadeh said this was evidence that the dolls are a “lesbianic [sic] couple.”

“I mean these are the kind of dolls you would buy to groom a young child in order to sexually abuse them,” he claimed. “That’s it. You would teach ‘Hey, look, this is the doll, this is how you dress. Oh, you’re dressing like that.’ I mean, this is what I think. This is a grooming tool.”

Then Valizadeh put an antisemitic twist on his rant, pulling up a photo of MGA Entertainment CEO Isaac Larian.

Larian is an Iranian-born Jew whose company produces the Bratz product line. Valizadeh commented that “his face reminds me of something,” and pointed to Larian’s “engorged” nose, “juicy, thick lips,” and “thin and snake-like” eyes.

“We can’t see him below the chest but I would imagine his hands are clasped together — rubbing,” he said. This is a nod to the antisemitic “Happy Merchant” meme which depicts “a drawing of a Jewish man with heavily stereotyped facial features who is greedily rubbing his hands together.”

Yesterday on Twitter, Valizadeh announced that his YouTube account had been banned, claiming it was this episode that violated YouTube’s guidelines. Prior to his ban Valizadeh tweeted “People don’t like Jews because of their behavior” and “109” — a reference to the expulsion of Jews from 109 nations.

Roosh V #fundie #wingnut


The following article was originally published on Roosh V.

For the world to get to how it is today, with the nearly complete elimination of tradition in favor of a globohomo world where diddling little children is becoming normalized, conservatives have had to lose every meaningful cultural war in the history of man. When someone declares themselves a conservative, they’re in fact stating that they are a loser, someone who is meant to take the fall when the left comes attacking.

Conservatives have lost on every battlefront: free speech, the military, the universities, marriage, nuclear family, child education, the media, the government, Boy Scouts, business, law and justice, Christianity, patriarchy, immigration, the welfare state, and capitalism. The right to bear arms is the only battle they’re not losing in a rout, but I’m confident they will lose that too within a decade’s time. Conservative institutions are being infiltrated and subverted, or have disappeared off the face of the earth, and there is no sign of them ever coming back.

Why are conservatives such losers? Because they desire to merely hold the line while their enemy rushes at them full speed. They don’t want to conquer new lands, kill their enemy, or inflict real harm. They want to maintain the status quo while the left froths at the mouth to win, energized with momentum and passion. The left is so dissatisfied at the state of the world because of their deep-seated inner dysfunction that they put their entire being into trying to make it better. They don’t know how to enjoy their lives so they have to attack the lives of others.

Conservatives, on the other hand, have no momentum or passion. They just want to be left alone, which makes them easy pickings for a collective that is hellbent on achieving their nightmare utopia. In the end, conservatives are the Spartans in 300 who have trained their entire lives to lose the battle, even if they are pound-for-pound stronger than their enemy.

Conservatives have also shown to be comically susceptible to leftist ideas when it’s presented as “human rights.” Two decades ago, the vast majority of conservatives would have stood against gay marriage, but a few years of cheesy “love is love” commercials was all it took for them to change their mind. Their motto of “live and let live” is only reasonable to hold if their enemy believed the same. They give the crying baby its bottle and from that milk it gets fat and strong and decides to kill the entire family. Conservatives don’t understand that giving an inch to the left eventually results in absolute defeat. They have to psychotically refuse to give any ground, even if practical logic or fairness is staring them in the face, but we know they won’t do that.

Another problem conservatives face is technology, which is not agnostic but rather liberating. It allows man to rely less on traditions, family, social bonds, and religion, all things that the left hates. The more technology you have, the more you can be an atomized unit in a little urbanized box, reliant only on your service job and digital device to keep you alive and somewhat sane while using Uber and Lyft to travel in and out of your self-imposed quarantine zone. Because of technology, the conservatism of today is merely the liberalism of twenty years ago. I challenge you to find a single attractive “conservative” girl who hasn’t tried Tinder or engaged in abundant pre-marital sex. Look at the life of any self-professed conservative and odds are you’ll find a rather cosmopolitan existence that is far removed from nature and rural living.

The biggest reason why conservatives will continue to lose is that they’re still not ready to kill the left even though the left is ready to kill them. Liberals have been getting conservatives fired on a daily basis while suing their businesses out of existence while the conservative loser merely whines about it on Twitter. You may hate the left, but if you wouldn’t dare even punching them in the face because you fear losing your life of comfort, you will lose. If you’re not prepared to kill your enemy while your enemy is busy killing you, you will lose. It’s that simple. Some think that conservatives have to feel a sense of hopelessness to fight back, but by then there will be nothing left worth fighting for.

You don’t have to be a historian to know that conservatives will continue to lose. Simple take a look back 50, 100, or 500 years to see how much ground they’ve lost, and amplify that by a factor of ten thanks to technology if you want to imagine how much ground they will lose in the next 50, 100, or 500 years. They are such losers that if you see any sort of organized conservative “uprising” in the years to come, it will surely be a carefully managed scheme by the elites to usher in yet another monumental conservative defeat, just like we saw in the last few years with the alt right’s astonishing rise and then disastrous defeat in Charlottesville at the hands of their more capable enemies.

Since I know conservatives will not win, I do not identify as one, because I don’t see myself as a loser. I will stay under the radar and live with no label, and let the communists on the left defeat the losers on the right like they have been doing for centuries.

Roosh V #fundie

Compelling new scientific research has shown that female insects and mammals are able to absorb foreign DNA throughout the cells of their bodies. In human beings, this phenomenon has been conclusively shown to occur in women during pregnancy where genetic material from her growing fetus becomes fused within areas of her brain, affecting her chances of developing Alzheimer’s disease.

The evidence now shows that female animals can incorporate sperm DNA from her prior sex partners. This foreign DNA winds up in future children after the woman successfully reproduces with a completely different male. In the human world, this means that the children a man has with a promiscuous woman could possess genes from previous sexual partners he has never seen or met.


The above study has two seismic implications. The first is that a woman can absorb enough DNA during her lifetime that it changes her phenotype (i.e. her appearance and overall health state). There could be some truth to the phrase “slut face” in which highly promiscuous women suffer a change to their appearance because of all the variable sperm from different males that have been deposited inside them.

The second implication stems from the fact that it’s scientifically conclusive that single mothers have DNA of their bastard children residing permanently within their bodies. Any man who reproduces with a single mom will have a child that contains DNA from the bastard spawn, which of course includes DNA from the absentee father. This means that men can be genetically cuckolded without being traditionally cuckolded, and that having a baby with a single mom is essentially giving the father of her first child a bonus prize in the game of evolution.


For thousands of years, a woman’s purity was cherished above all else when it came to creating a family. Now the scientific community is confirming the validity of that practice. Until the science is settled, men who insist on reproducing with a promiscuous woman should at least demand to interview her previous sexual partners so he can become familiar with the men whose genes may be passed on to his future children.

Roosh V #fundie #sexist #crackpot


Since originally publishing an article describing how a male-friendly culture encouraging Elliot into self-improvement (game), legal prostitution, and foreign marriage with Southeast Asian women would have prevented his murderous rampage, I did something that most people won’t bother to do: I read his manifesto. Not even halfway through, I began to understand exactly why the media has been pushing the narrative that PUA (game) may have been the cause: Rodger was one of their own.

Here is the PDF of his manifesto ( If you take the time to read it, you will likely come to the same conclusion I have that Elliot Rodger is in fact a feminist. In other words, the killings of six individuals stem in part because of his mainstream feminist beliefs that, after intersecting with his dark traits of narcissism, entitlement, loserdom, and hopelessness, led him to kill. The fantastical mainstream media articles you have come across trying to pin Rodger upon us is nothing more than a defensive measure to distance themselves from a killer that was a card-carrying member of their own progressive club.

1. He put pussy on the pedestal, just like feminists do
Feminist theory speaks a whole lot about equality, but it’s actually an ideology that seeks to absolve all women from their amusing but sometimes dangerous stream of mistakes. Feminism (and progressivism in general—they might as well be interchangeable terms) treat women as flawless snowflakes that must be coddled and spoon-fed happiness and validation. Any act by a woman, even if it results in failure or bodily harm (like an abortion), is an “empowering” statement of independence and strength, while any failure by men is seen upon as proof that they are out-of-touch doofuses, a fact that is readily displayed on television, movies, and advertising.

Rodger’s manifesto exactly matches this feminist belief. He shows little genuine hate towards the object of his affections—women—and their poor choices, instead lashing out against the men who were successful with those women. Feminists do the same, always ready to blame men for their failures in life, even going so far as saying that society would be better without men, who are mocked as mere “sperm donors.” In spite of the bad choices that women make by dating bad boys at the schools he attended, Rodger gave them a pussy pass and continued to believe that they were flawless angels who should be cherished, especially the blonde ones.

Rodger’s hate for those men isn’t much different than that hate displayed to me and my colleagues here at ROK. Just take a look at this supposedly professional woman having an embarrassing emotional meltdown on a news show because she didn’t agree with what I said, resorting to blatant distortion and lies about “rape culture” and other such nonsense that was unrelated to the piece she was critiquing:

Elevating women as the superior sex, which is what both feminists and Rodger have done, means that discrimination and outright hatred must be then applied to the “inferior” sex—men. It’s no surprise that the most violent killings performed by Rodger were on his three male roommates with a knife, who surely endured more suffering and pain than the cleaner executions he did on his female victims.

2. He was awash in blue pill knowledge

We have an often-used metaphor called the “red pill,” which stands for the pursuit of truth concerning human nature, no matter how painful those truths can be. The opposite of the red pill is the blue pill, of people who choose to be placated by lies describing reality. Both feminists and Rodger were firm adherents to the blue pill world—of believing in a way of nature that doesn’t actually reflect actual human behavior. For example:

Both Rodger and feminists believe that attraction should be automatic and easy instead of being based on sexual market value or other components that can be changed (such as game).
Both Rodger and feminists believe that men should be blamed for problems of society or personal relationships.
Both Rodger and feminists were deluded into having standards way beyond their level of attractiveness (e.g., fat feminist cows actually think they should be able to date a good man).
Both Rodger and feminists believe that all a man has to do to get a girlfriend is to be “nice” and a provider, a strategy that no longer works in today’s America.
Both Rodger and feminists hated players who did well with women
As final proof that Rodger was as blue pill as you can get, simply reverse all the gender references within his manifesto and pretend it was written by a woman. What you would then have before you is a pity party of a self-absorbed feminist who thinks that men are the cause of all her problems. If he lived a couple more years, I have no doubt that Rodger would even be a proud moderator of the Blue Pill subreddit.

3. He didn’t believe in self-improvement, just like feminists
In spite of all the loneliness and pain that Rodger went through, he still couldn’t be bothered to lift one finger to improve his station. Compare that to what we teach here at ROK, where we strongly advise you to start your game training with at least 100 approaches, with the expectation that you’ll probably have to do thousands during your lifetime. In Rodger’s manifesto, all 140 pages of it, he details only saying “Hi” to one girl and practically running away from fear. In other words, he did one aborted approach with zero follow-up. That’s not game anywhere in the game universe, and if he came to us saying that he has yet to get laid after putting such an half-assed attempt, we’d tell him to do 10 solid approaches the following day and stop whining like an entitled child.

The fact that Rodger was a member of PUAHate, an online community of social retards who despised game and believed only Brad Pitt and millionaires can get laid, further highlights how vehemently anti-game he was. Why wasn’t he open to improving himself? Why wasn’t he ready to expend the labor to make himself more attractive to women? For that answer, we might as well ask some feminists, who share the exact same belief as him in not having to lift a finger in making yourself more attractive to the opposite sex. Look no further than feminist’s cause-du-jour, fat acceptance, a culture of de-improvement—and frankly, de-evolution—where women gain massive amounts of weight and then flaunt their blubber on social media, ready to attack any man who dare finds their display to be unattractive or repulsive.

Fat acceptance has become so pervasive that we had to dedicate one whole week on ROK tearing it to shreds, but in spite of that, not much has changed. America continues to get fatter and feminists continue to attempt to normalize obesity as actually being beautiful, just like how Rodger tried to convince himself of the idea that having a BMW would be attractive to women.

Take a look at this quote by Rodger:

“Everyone treated me like I was invisible. No one reached out to me, no one knew I existed. I was a ghost.”

Does that ring a bell to you? It’s almost identical to the rant we recently witnessed on the Louis CK show when a morbidly obese female went on to whine and bitch about how being a fat ass is not getting her the man she wants. It’s no surprise that fatties rushed to praise Louis CK for his act of sedition against men and acceptable standards of beauty. There is almost no difference between Rodger and a modern American woman who subscribes to feminist thought.

Now take a look at this passage:
“All of the hot, beautiful girls walked around with obnoxious, tough jock-type men who partied all the time and acted crazy. They should be going for intelligent gentlemen such as myself. Women are sexually attracted to the wrong type of man.”

Let’s do a swap on the genders:

“All the handsome men walked around with blonde bimbos who don’t have a good career like me and knowledge of reality television shows. These men should be going for a strong, empowered, independent, fabulous woman such as myself. Men are sexually attracted to the wrong type of woman.”

The overlap in mindset would be comical if it didn’t result in tragedy.

Another question worth asking is this: when today’s American woman can’t find the man of her dreams, does she look in the mirror and blame herself? No, she blames men for not finding her unattractiveness attractive. This is actively promoted by feminist thinkers on the most widely read American blogs like Buzzfeed, Gawker, and Huffington Post. Rodger shared this same viewpoint. His manifesto is dripping with entitlement of why girls don’t find him to be “marvelous” just because he happens to own a fancy pair of sunglasses. Feminists and Rodger, it turns out, are like two peas in a pod.

4. He believed that men should be chivalrous and kind, like feminists do
Please don’t forward us another listicle on a feminist-friendly blog about how men need to be nice, friendly, and awkwardly consensual by applying legalese speak in the bedroom before passionate fornication. Rodger believed much of the same, thinking that you had to be a “supreme gentleman” that catered to the material and emotional whims of women, doing everything possible to please them in exchange for a sexual reward. We can only imagine how nauseatingly “gentlemanly” he would have been if he actually managed to land a date on his terms.

I have no doubt he would have agreed with just about all the mainstream bullshit advice on being a gentleman, particularly the Thought Catalog piece The 20 Rules Of Being A Modern Gentleman. There is also a Buzzfeed quiz titled How Much Of A Gentleman Are You? that Rodger would have gotten an A+ on. The end result of his loneliness (killing six people) was obviously not gentlemanly, but before that rampage he treated girls with a gentlemanly shyness, reverence, and respect that feminists would have applauded him for. Rodger and feminists believed in the exact same demeanor that men should have around women.

5. He hated game, like feminists do

No one hates game more than feminists, who have gone so far as to equate it rape ([1], [2], [3]). They absolutely despise any attempt by men to improve their value in the sexual marketplace because then that would mean fewer men to put up with their obesity, short hair, or bad attitude. Rodger believed the same, going so far as becoming an active member in the PUAHate community which dedicated the bulk of their efforts to criticizing game and its adherents like a woman’s gossip circle. (On PUAhate there had been over 100 threads criticizing me and other ROK staff.)

Would you be surprised if I were to tell you right now that Rodger and a mainstream feminist shared the same views on PUAHate and game? I hope not, because that’s exactly what I found. A popular feminist writer who has worked for Newsweek, Jezebel, Buzzfeed, and Dissident magazine, Katie JM Baker, publicly declared that PUAs (i.e. us) are actually worse than PUA Hate.

“The men that lurk in the PuaHate forums are almost worse than the PUAs themselves…”

Let that soak in for a second. Feminist rage is so deep and emotional against game that they have supported a forum with “hate” in the title that cultivated and gave comfort to a mass murderer. I gave Baker a chance to change her opinion about believing a forum of hate was less worse than men who practice game:

[Image of a Twitter Feed, Transcript:

RoK: @katiejmbaker, for the record, do you still believe that we are worse than PUAHate? Or did the recent murder Rampage change your mind?

Katie Baker: lol, what are you even talking about?]

A feminist refused to reverse her position that game practitioners are not worse than Rodger’s favorite hangout. That tells me that Rodger and Baker would get along very well in their hate for men like us who teach game and try to improve men’s lives.

6. He subscribed to The Young Turks Youtube channel, a feminist darling

This is a minor point but one worth mentioning. We don’t know how knee-deep he was into The Young Turks liberal positions, but it’s a fact that he was not a subscriber to my channel or forum. We can only speculate as to how much TYT molded his pro-feminist view.

7. He hated alpha males, just like feminists do
Whenever a feminist encounters these parts, she immediately bashes our alpha/beta concept of male sexual hierarchy. She instead spouts tired cliches that are supposed to help men in their pursuit of sexual happiness but which actually do nothing of the sort:

“People are people!”
“Just be yourself!”
“Don’t be an asshole/creep/jerk/rando!”
“Having sexual standards is, like, misogynistic!”
Of course these phrases don’t explain human mating behavior and why some men get way more women than others, but that’s no matter since feminist theory does not have the slightest intention to explain the world in an accurate or truthful manner.

Like feminists, Rodger despised alpha males, who he called “obnoxious.” Here’s some relevant quotes from his manifesto:

“I noticed that there were two groups of cool, popular kids. There were the skateboarder kids, such as Vinny Maggio, Ashton Moio, Darrel, Wes, and Alex Dib. And then there were the boys who were popular with girls, including Vincent, Robert Morgan, and [redacted]. They all seemed so confident and aggressive. I felt so intimidated by them, and I hated them for it. I hated them so much, but I had to increase my standing with them. I wanted to be friends with them.


I thought all of the cool kids were obnoxious jerks, but I tried as best as I could to hide my disgust and appear “cool” to them. They were obnoxious jerks, and yet somehow it was these boys who all of the girls flocked to.”

If Rodger was alive right now, he’d be giving feminists high fives for sharing the exact same viewpoint on sexually superior but “horrible” males who have figured out the dating game and what women actually want.

8. He shared many personality traits with your modern American feminist
Rodger might as well have been a woman, which has raised speculation if he was actually gay. He took selfies like women. He was addicted to Facebook like women. He was obsessed with his appearance. He was narcissistic, vain, and materialistic. I wouldn’t be surprised if he was also addicted to his iPhone like your standard issue American woman. Heartiste does a good job of highlighting the similarities:

“[The effeminate male, like Rodger, is an] indictment of this infantile Millennial generation, which daily provides evidence that their ranks are filled with effeminate males who, like women, expect the world to cater their needs, no questions asked, no demands made. Elliot Rodger couldn’t stand how unfaaaair girls were to date uglier men than himself, how unfair life was that his car and clothes weren’t a magnet for hot white sorority chicks, how unfair the cosmic laws were to require of him a little bit of effort if he wanted to put an end to his virginity.

Egotistic, attention starved, solipsistic, passive aggressive, perpetually aggrieved, and unwilling to change when posing as a martyr feels so damn good… there’s your new American manlet, same as your new American woman.”

Like I already mentioned, a quick find/replace gender swap on his manifesto will pass the Turing test in convincing most spectators that he was actually a 22-year-old empowered feminist who participates in “Take Back The Night” walks and thinks that posting mindless #YesAllWomen tweets on Twitter comprises her good deed of the month. Rodger was effeminate and a negative person overall simply because he possessed beliefs that are undoubtedly shared by feminists.

9. He wanted to be a social justice warrior, just like feminists
He had a victim complex of being held down by invisible forces outside of his control. Feminists also believe that the “patriarchy” is holding them down, and they flock to Tumblr to reblog facile images and memes to spread lies that men make more than women for the same work, for example. These Tumblr crusades have even led to my own family being prank called at late hours, all because my words hurt their feelings, just like Rodger’s was hurt that pretty girls didn’t find him automatically attractive.

It turns out that Rodger was a budding social justice warrior, perhaps not far from establishing his own Tumblr beachhead:

“I formed an ideology in my head of how the world should work. I was fueled both by my desire to destroy all of the injustices of the world, and to exact revenge on everyone I envy and hate. I decided that my destiny in life is to rise to power so I can impose my ideology on the world and set everything right. I was only seventeen, I have plenty of time. I thought to myself. I spent all of my time studying in my room, reading books about history, politics, and sociology, trying to learn as much as I can.


I seriously started to consider working towards writing an epic story. I was always creating stories in my mind to fuel my fantasies. Usually those stories depicted someone like myself rising to power after a life of being treated unfairly by the world.


To be angry about the injustices one faces is a sign of strength. It is a sign that one has the will to fight back against those injustices, rather than bowing down and accepting it as fate. Both my friends James and Philip seem to be the weak, accepting type; whereas I am the fighter. I will never stand to be insulted, and I will eventually have my revenge against all those who insult me, no matter how long it takes.”

Both Rodger and feminists feel the only way to get what they want out of life is not self-improvement, but attacking others they disagree with. Their shared ideology is one of destruction. We have to wonder if Rodger would have eventually participated in any feminist event like SlutWalks to right the world of fantasy injustices that prevent them from being seen as beautiful, marvelous, gentlemanly, and so on.

10. He was not far away from being the epitome of a white knight, a man that feminists collect for their friend zones

If you see a feminist in the wild, a white knight won’t be far. He’s the man who enables her false view of the world and provides her with good feels and encouragement for her social justice campaigns. While Rodger wasn’t quite a white knight in this sense, he nailed all three white knight components:

“1. He is the ever-present servant.
2. He pines silently for a single woman.
3. That woman wants little to do with him, and it shows.”

In other words, if you inserted him in feminist company, he would be the glove to their chubby bear claw fingers. His personality is wholly compatible with how feminists believe men should behave: servile and wimpy while never taking real action on their sexual desires.


The only things in common that Rodger had with us is that (1) he wanted sex with attractive women, and (2) he had a functional penis. That’s it. The overlap of thought and belief between Rodger and feminists, however, should convince you beyond a reasonable doubt that Rodger was in fact a feminist, even if he didn’t himself know that his peg fit snugly into the feminist hole. I’ve actually met self-described feminists who were less feminist than Rodger was.

While I stand by my argument that game would have helped Rodger, I am beginning to wonder if being a feminist was the seed that drove him to desperation and delusion, eventually leading to a tragic loss of life. This line of thought is worth pursuing by people who want to understand why a man felt that taking other lives and his own was seen as the best solution. You definitely won’t read about this conclusion in the media, which is too busy trying to toss Rodger to our side like a hot piece of coal, even though Rodger shares absolutely no similarity in thought and behavior to game practitioners.

I have logically come to the conclusion that Rodger was in fact the first male feminist mass murderer that we have seen in America. I’m afraid that if the feminist ideology contained within Rodger’s head is allowed to continue spreading, we are likely to see more violent acts by men who believe in the exact same things that feminists do.

Roosh V #fundie

Effective immediately, any one who replies to a female on this web site will be immediately banned. And don’t try to get sneaky by addressing a female comment outside of the thread she started. There will be no appeal, and if you try to return under another disqus account, that will be banned too. I’ve realized the problem is not just females commenting here, but the men who reply to their stupid comments. As always, females and homos will also be banned.

Roosh V #sexist

The busted dudes test is, according to Roosh, the only quality one needs to look for when deciding where to stay while abroad: "Is it common to see a busted guy with a pretty girl on his arm?" If within my first day in a country one sees pretty girls with busted dudes who aren't decked out in Hugo Boss or gold jewelry, one knows the sexual market is skewed in the man’s favor.[1] According to Roosh, the busted test "Includes everything. A guy with an okay face but 30 pounds overweight wearing jean shorts and white tube socks would be classified as busted."[2]

Roosh V #conspiracy #fundie

I first had doubts about the moon landing around 2015, but didn't come to a definitive conclusion. As the years went on, I was sympathetic to moon deniers because it was clear that those in power are lying about everything. If you catch someone in one lie, such as your wife, it's natural to evaluate other things they've stated to you as fact. I started to believe that it was more likely we didn't land on the moon than not.

I'm ready now to come out as a moon landing denier.

(after his moon trutherism is compared to post-modernism)

Denying Biblical teachings and scripture strikes me as a postmodern spirit. Questioning the existence of Holy truth and distrusting established Biblical facts are hallmarks of this philosophy. Ultimately, it has resulted in a rejection of the achievements and collective knowledge of God and His prophets. To call all of that into question seems like a play out of the leftist playbook. Deny the creation of God, glorify man's achievements, cut off your connection to the Holy Spirit, etc.

(After a poster tells him not to underestimate human ingenuity)

This is called "secular humanism", and is what has allowed us to inherit the world we have today. In other words, "human ingenuity" leads to gay pride, feminism, transgender children, deplatforming, fake news, etc. etc.

Roosh V #fundie #conspiracy

[From "There Is No Identity Without Christ"]

The tragedy of the modern era is that we lack identity. Once tradition and faith were removed from daily life, we had to search for worldly identities based on our sexual orientation, consumer choices, political beliefs, or even favorite dog breed.[…]Without Christ, all identities serve as distractions meant to keep us away from salvation.

In the past, I sought my identity through my sexual prowess.
If sexual or consumer identities fail me, I’ll move on to political identities. From the two available Presidential candidates, there will be one I can pour all my wishes, dreams, and hopes into. His personality and politics will fit me like a glove. Unlike candidate Kronos, who is obviously evil, Kang will save me. I must vote for him or else the country—and maybe even mankind—will end.
If an identity is worldly, it is controlled by the world. The sexual norms are controlled by those who control the makers of the sex culture—the movie producers, book writers, magazine editors, app owners, and pop singers.[…]The atheist identity, the only one which begins to reach into the unseen, is controlled by the revolutionary Jews who hate Christ. All serve under the banner of the world, and who controls this world but Satan. If you have an identity that is not predominately based on Christ, chances are you have a Satanic identity.

There is no true identity without Christ, for from Christ comes all that is good—family, love, beauty, and concern for one’s neighbor. If you are a Christian, you have all the identity you need.

Roosh V #fundie #dunning-kruger

[From "What Christians Can Do As America Falls Apart"]

You don’t need a PhD in history to know that the American empire has run its course and is in terminal decline.[…]
I can’t speak for God, but I wonder if we deserve God’s mercy.[…]It would be more than just for us to deserve an outcome similar to that of Sodom and Gomorrah.[…]
Learn how to protect yourself[…]
Your best weapon is not one you can hold in your hand but one that you carry everywhere: your mind. Use it for self-awareness of your environment and quick judgement of abnormal or dangerous human behavior.[…]
The violence in the United States will get to a point where you may need more than just your mind.[…]Chances are that you may have to become more familiar with batons, pepper sprays, knives, guns, and swords.
Using force is not just about killing the enemy to protect your physical body but also safeguarding the salvation of those you love.[…]On the other hand, if you’re walking with Christ, and thirty communists barrel down your door, is it reasonable to kill them all instead of taking up the martyr’s crown for greater rewards in Heaven?
Tactically defend and preserve your faith
Obeying the authorities—who I believe are evil—has been a stumbling block for me, but I know that any resistance I perform should be level-headed with the main goal of giving glory to God, not myself.
The current decade is sure to include continual violence and adversity, yet it turns out that the best way to respond is through “boring” actions[…]Maybe you were hoping I’d tell you to organize into a militia and start seeking high-level intelligence contacts to infiltrate and destroy communist groups, but I won’t waste my time on actions that do little for me spiritually and are sure not to reverse the direction of a country that lost its faith long before I was born.

Roosh V #fundie

From "Experience Is A Lie"]

When I was a teenager, the idea of “experience” was aggressively pushed onto me. The only way I could grow up and enjoy life, I was taught, was to get a lot of experience. It would make me a mature, responsible adult. I went on to rack up a lifetimes’ worth of experience all around the world, and now that I look back at it all, I see that it was a waste.

In 2007, I backpacked for six months through South America.[…]Where is that experience now? How does it help me today outside of the specific task of taking a road trip?

If I were to write a memoir of my life, the most prominent lessons would be knowing how not to live, what not to do. I was floatsam on the river of Western culture and yet gained nothing.[…]
When those who control the culture tell you to gain experience, what they’re really telling you is to gain experience with sin. They certainly don’t mean experience with prayer, going to Church, and understanding the Bible. Instead, they want you to exercise your sin muscles and develop addictions to money, lust, and achieving a level of status among other worldly people[…].
I see experience as a shovel. Every time you embrace the world for a new experience, you dig out a chunk of earth from where you stand. The hole around you gets deeper. There is no pause between your experiences, or else you’d wonder why you are becoming surrounded by dirt[…]
If while in the pit, you see experience for the lie that it is, and beg God for help, He will lower down a ladder. You start the climb, nervous that the ladder will fail you. You step over the first rungs (prayer) and gain confidence that it will hold.

Roosh V #fundie

[From under "Worshiping Comfort Is Satanic"]

When the people of a society don’t have strong faith, they manufacture a false god to replace the one they have forsaken, unaware that they’ve created a new idol. This false god will be so baked into the culture that individuals worship it without conscious thought. In the United States, that false god is comfort. Whether an American is an atheist or a Christian, or somewhere in between, nearly all have put their desire for comfort—and the fear of losing it—above that of God.

Americans have no remembrance of war coming to her shores. They haven’t seen first-hand the two World Wars and the communist revolutions. There is no one alive to tell them how their lands were invaded, their women raped, their houses burned. Only American soldiers abroad have had to bear the brunt of human violence and suffering, while those back at home can sip on coffee, eat cheeseburgers, and drive big cars. No tribulation except the very recent coronavirus lockdowns and still developing riots have introduced to the American psyche the idea that life is not automatically one of high comfort.
Not everyone worships at the altar of comfort. The Slavic peoples of Russia and Ukraine, for example, have seen darker recesses of humanity. Alongside their Orthodox faith, they have come to see suffering as the same as the early Christians: a cross to bear. And many eagerly bear it.
Comfort is not my god. I was not created to live a comfortable existence. A soul was not breathed into my physical body so that I could have material blessings and excellent health and amusements and fleeting emotional happiness. I was put here on this earth to serve my Creator. Everything else that is thrust before me in this modern environment are mere distractions meant to make me covet all that is not God. The Lord can take all this comfort away from me. He can drain my bank account, He can put me on the streets with all the other homeless, and I will still follow Him until the end of time.

Roosh V #fundie #magick

[From "I Lived Most Of My Life Under Demonic Influence"]

Secular people think being under heavy demonic influence looks like something out of a Hollywood movie.[…]The reality is far more subtle. Demons can be in total control over your life, directing your every move, and you will still be deceived that you’re a “good person” who is in charge. The word demon may not even enter your mind.

You’re under demonic influence if you commit evil deeds yet are unable to recognize them as evil. Usually it starts when you commit minor transgressions as an adolescent, often starting with masturbation.[…]Over time, your conscience atrophies as you continue to disobey it, allowing you to commit greater evils as an adult until your conscience becomes so damaged that you are easily able to convince yourself that the evil acts you commit are actually good or virtuous.

An example of a great evil I committed in the past was taking the virginity of a few women. In my defense, I did not have to trick them that I wanted a long-term relationship or marriage, and chances are they used me to begin a promiscuous lifestyle, but that is still no excuse. I was the vehicle that Satan used to remove their bodily purity, something they will never be able to give to another man.
The biggest mistake that secular people make is believing that thoughts from their minds are theirs, and are therefore worth listening to or following, but if you are not in communion with God, much of your thoughts will be evil.[…]Thankfully, God and the angels can seed beneficial thoughts, and our conscience can never be completely annihilated, but don’t assume you’re totally in the clear where anything you think of must certainly come from a place of good.

In the past, I assumed that the demons would want me to suffer and experience pain. In the next life, yes, but in this life they give you all the pleasures and worldly rewards you can handle.[…]All he asks in return is your soul.

Roosh V #sexist #fundie

[From "Tomi Lahren And The Tragedy Of Modern Dating"]

Every once in a while, a woman provides us with a public example that dating doesn’t work. This most recently came from conservative Fox News correspondent Tomi Lahren, who proclaimed all that is wrong with men in a 15-minute video that has accumulated nearly two million views.
My guess is that Tomi, despite possessing a high worldly status she boasts about, has not been able to secure the commitment of the right man who wants to become one flesh with her in the house of God. This is because she is announcing to the men of the world that she cannot be a wife who dedicates herself to the husband and home since she already has a husband in the form of a career, and a home in the form of a television studio.
If a man is pursuing you at the same time he’s pursuing multiple women of ill repute, that says he sees you as a thot just like them. You share their characteristics, rituals, and behaviors. Those other women you call a thot do not call themselves a thot, yet probably would call you a thot. Every other woman but you is a thot although you’re similar enough to them that men you interact with can’t really tell the difference. At the very least, this should serve as a wake-up call for her to investigate the attributes she shares with thots.
If Tomi embarks on a righteous path, she will soon be able to recognize a different type of man, a man of the faith who does not excite her emotions but pleases her soul, because it’s through this man that she will serve God and not the world. May God bless her on that journey.

Roosh V #fundie

Due to my recent turn to faith, my sense of morality is becoming based on the Bible. I've stopped a lot of behaviors that I've used to do and am in the process of making other changes. I've also realized that the majority of my published materials and online platforms lead men into sin or enable them to partake in sin. I no longer want this to occur, so I am implementing two new rules on the forum that are effective on June 1, 2019.

1 .You can no longer discuss fornication or pre-marital sexual activity

Things you can discuss:

-Meeting women with the intention of entering a relationship with them
-Attracting women
-Going on dates
-How to enter relationships
-Using technology to meet women
-How to maintain relationships
-Sexual activity while married

Things you can no longer discuss:

-Meeting women with the intention of fornicating with them
-How to bang
-Physical intimacy with women you're not married to beyond the act of kissing
-Maintaining relationships with multiple women (i.e. spinning plates)
-Cheating on significant others (adultery)
-Using technology to fornicate
-Discussion of travel destinations which are best for fornication
-Stories of sexual activity while not married
-Promoting masturbation, oral sex, anal sex, etc.

2. You can no longer use pornographic or vulgar language

-Refrain from using terms like "I fucked her" or "I want to fuck her." Do not describe sexual encounters or situations that are beyond the act of kissing unless you are married.
-Refrain from using profanity if a cleaner word would suffice.

These rules will cause great change to the forum

The above two rules will mostly apply to the Game and Travel subforums. I know that I may lose some of you because of these rules, but I can no longer help men lead a life of sin, because doing so is weighing on my conscious.

I created this forum in 2008 to help men fornicate, so I don't know if it's possible to "retrofit" it for another purpose, but it's worth a try. In the meanwhile, I will gradually lock threads that break these new rules if they become active. The fully updated rules that new members see is stickied in the Everything Else forum. It can be viewed here.

Roosh V #homophobia #racist #fundie

[From "YouTube Banned Me… Now What?"]

On Monday, July 13, YouTube terminated both my main channel and Roosh Hour Clips channel, deleting all my videos even though I did not have any existing community strikes. They also deleted all my personal favorites and playlists.

Since I don’t glorify violence against any group, I presume I was banned for “encouraging hatred” (i.e. speaking the truth) about sodomites who groom children and those who worship in the synagogues of Satan. It seems that my coded means to discuss the current purveyors of evil was not enough to keep my account in good standing, and so I was banned like many other dissidents before me, including Alex Jones, Nick Fuentes, Owen Benjamin, E. Michael Jones, Rick Wiles (TruNews), Gavin McInnes, Stefan Molyneux, and David Icke.


I choose the e-hermit option

When I originally joined YouTube, I never had to self-censor myself. I could say whatever I wanted as long as I didn’t promote violence. Once YouTube started partnering with Jewish groups such as the ADL, speech for everyone on the platform was progressively curtailed. Who is to say that won’t happen to another platform that today advertises “free speech”? Chinese-owned DLive seems fine now, but no one can make any guarantees of its future direction. Therefore I will not spend several years building myself up on a site that will arbitrarily cancel me.

From this point on, I intend to take the path of an e-hermit. I will hunker down onto my own domain and forum and host as much content as I can, including videos. There are dozens of cloud providers for video self-hosting instead of the two or three video platforms. Even if I get banned from every cloud provider in existence, I will simply rent dedicated servers from one of hundreds of hosting companies and serve videos that way. It will be significantly harder for them to stop me now.

To defray costs, I can take up the fashionable idea of charging $5/month for access. Perhaps I will leave my podcast free but save videos for members, and maybe I can throw up some bonus content as well. I’ll figure something out, but first I will begin work on establishing an archive for all my deleted videos (in the meantime, you can use Bitchute).

Roosh V #fundie

[From "I Wish I Remained A Virgin"]

In the past, my advice to virgins was clear: do everything you can to lose your virginity. Improve your look, learn game, and start approaching numerous women so that you get lucky with one and stop being a dreaded virgin. I can no longer advise that. If you are a virgin in this current year, I advise you to stay that way until marriage.

Western culture has inverted the natural order. Sex has been elevated to a virtue and virginity demoted to a sin. If you don’t have a “sex life” then you’re missing out and must do everything within your power to remedy the problem. This is what I believed as I went through four painful years of high school and then four excruciating years of university as a virgin. Everyone was getting laid except for me, it seemed, and I was missing out on reams of pleasure and intimacy. I was in a state of extreme lust but could not get a single woman. I felt like a low-value man, a loser. Upon graduating from university, I implemented game teachings I had found online and lost my virginity within a year. Victory! I was no longer in a “sinful” state, and could “enjoy life” with the rest of my sexually active peers until, nearly twenty years later, I realized all that sex profited me not in the slightest.

Upon receiving the grace of God, I ceased all sexual activity. I don’t look at porn, or even sexy lingerie images. I don’t masturbate and definitely don’t fornicate. If sexual thoughts attack my mind, I pray to Jesus Christ to take them away, and He does. The closest I get to sex today is the occasional sex dream, but even in my dreams, I’ve developed willpower to usually say no to the flesh that is offered me. Aren’t I suffering like the days I was a virgin in school? Aren’t I in utmost pain from all my unmet sexual desires? The answer is no, because I’ve attacked the root cause of sexual pain: lust. Take away the lust, which is amplified in our pornographic culture, and you take away the ache and desire.

If you are a virgin in lust, and fail to gain physical pleasure, you will experience tremendous anguish. You will be angry at all the men who are getting laid, and you will also be angry at all the women for not choosing you for sex. You will masturbate to experience the pleasure of the orgasm, and then experience an immediate emotional hangover of having had to masturbate. This is an unbearable state that most men “solve” through prostitution, yet since a prostitute is not what any man truly wants, the pain and anguish intensify. Even for the sexually active man, the accomplished player, the pain of his lust is transmutated into other forms, such as the simultaneous addiction and hatred of “sluts.”

If the virgin doesn’t have God in his life, he will be in a heightened state of lust just like the fornicator, and suffer ill side effects from his pornography and masturbation habit, though he may sustain less damage to his soul since he is not corrupting women through the sex act. If he does have God in his life, he may feel lonely at times or curious about what sex is like, but these problems can easily be handled with just a mustard seed of faith. He will proceed in treating his body like the Holy Temple it was created for, further strengthening his walk with Christ.

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