
David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Kids don't just get into illegal drugs... they're led into that wicked and destructive lifestyle by their musical heroes!!! Carnal music is ear candy, highly addictive to the sinful flesh! Kids diligently research their heroes and find out every detail of their life so they can mimic it, from the way they dress to the illegal drugs and booze they addict their bodies to. That's why I expose celebrates with destructive and evil tendencies, that is, because I love young people and don't want their lives ruined.

Our kids need positive role models, like local firemen and nurses and doctors; not some pimp trash garbage like Eminem or Tap Out fad founder, Charles “Mask” Lewis Jr. (1963-2009), who has the word “HELL” tattooed on his arm, wears crosses on his shoulders, has tattoos all over his body, dresses and acts like a freak, and has led millions of youth into worldliness with his punk-ass clothing line and freak-show. Lewis is a tinfoil hat-wearing nutcase! I know he's loved by millions of punks everywhere, but God has a better role model for your life... JESUS CHRIST!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church are a government front in my opinion. If not, they are just plain cruel and mean. They are of the Devil. NOBODY thanks God for dead 9-year old girls like Fred Phelps and his demonic cult of followers do. In January of 2011, an Arizona man killed a 9-year old girl with a gun, and a Constitution upholding judge, and also shot congresswoman in the head. These are sad and tragic events and my sympathies go out to the family members. Shame on Fred Phelps and his followers!

By “government” I mean a small group of criminals who have hijacked the federal government. President John F. Kennedy warned Americans of a White House coup 10 days before he was assassinated.

I suspected Fred Phelps of being a government plant ever since the day they first went public with their hateful signs. Before the little girl's funeral, the State of Arizona enacted a law banning protests within 300-feet of a funeral, because they heard Fred Phelps was going to protest at the little girl's funeral with hateful signs thanking the shooter. NO ONE does crazy stuff like that! It couldn't be more obvious that Phelps is being used to outlaw free speech. Then Phelps called off the protest after the law was passed. Of course, that was the entire goal to begin with.

Everyplace Fred Phelps goes, the First Amendment is being taken away. This is how tyrants take away our freedoms. They milk every incident that happens to ban free speech. I guarantee you that the law passed in Arizona will be expanded over time to ban free speech completely. The murderous forced abortion policy in China began as a seemingly innocent tax on parents. Fred Phelps and his hatemongering group are being used to get a foot in the door to ban free speech and attack the First Amendment. No pastor in America, Calvinist or not, would express such hatred as Fred Phelps. He has nothing but absolute hatred for sinners, but he is a sinner as much as the vilest homosexual, and so are you, and myself as well (James 2:10). All men are sinners (Ecclesiastes 7:20; Romans 3:23).

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Disney is perhaps the epitome of Illuminati abilities to create images. They have created great images for things Disney. That includes, Walt Disney, Disney movies and Disney’s Amusement parks. The sinister side of them has been carefully hidden. Disney, just as Satan, are deceivers (2nd Corinthians 11:15). They are not what they appear to be. A closer look reveals a very dark side.

In order to make movies that contain the typical smut of Hollywood, sex and violence, Disney did a slight of hand and created subsidiaries which Disney runs, which has allowed them to keep their good image. They also never showed the public the hard core porn that was made for years in secrecy for the elite. Behind Disney’s good front lies hard porn, snuff films, white slavery, Illuminati mind-control, and the seduction of several generations into witchcraft.

Disney’s involvement in these kinds of things will be explained in this article. Nobody has sold America witchcraft as well as the Disney brothers. Movie after movie has cleverly brought the occult into the warp and woof of American thought, all under the disguise of entertainment.

For instance, it was Disney that brought us cannibalism and told us that it was a “triumph of the human spirit” (a direct quote from Disney’s Touchtone Producer Robert Watts concerning Disney’s movie “Alive” featuring survivors of an airplane crash who turned to cannibalism). Under the disguise of entertainment and showing us how “triumphant” the human spirit was, they subtly promoted cannibalism.

Mickey Mouse plays a leading role in “The Sorcerer’s Apprentice.” And yet when it has been suggested that Disney movies aren’t wholesome, many Christian parents came unglued and have gotten angry. The deceptive image that Disney movies are wholesome is an Illuminati deception. Parents would be surprised what is slipped into cartoons.

Christina Aguilera was a "Mousekeeter" and it seems that she was severely affected by Disney mind's programming. Walt Disney is steeped in the occult as well as sexual perversion and Satanism, controlled by secret society Illuminists who are trying to corrupt every child in America.

Satan is the god of this world, he operates primarily through secret occult societies and esoteric groups. All of the worlds top political, corporate, financial, and media leaders are members of such Satanic organizations (such as Skull and Bones and Freemasonry).

Walt Disney himself was a 33rd degree Freemason which is an occult organization, whose members are often guilty of pedophilia, but are never prosecuted. Please read Masonic Child Abusers. Read about the Franklin Cover-ups, about the little boys being raped by Washington politicians

In the photo to the right you see Donald Duck pulling on Christina Aguilera's bra, exposing her breast. The person inside Donald's suit is doing exactly what you see, opening her blouse; and yes, the photo was taken inside a Disney theme park.

Sexual perversion and sexualization of children are in the top of Disney company's agenda. It is tragic that Walt Disney is recognized as a family establishment.

Even more tragic is that the Southern Baptist Convention [SBC], after 8-years of protesting the annual Gay Day at Disney, lifted their ban against Walt Disney. Well, God hasn't lifted His ban against Disney. It looks like the 37% Freemason membership within the SBC won out!

America isn't going to Hell, she's gone to Hell.

The current mind controlled puppet is the teen pop artist Miley Cyrus and judging by her successful career, it seems that North-American society is losing the battle against Illuminati-Disney propaganda.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Understanding Mormonism: The Sex Cult
The Church of the Living Dead

By David J. Stewart

Mormonism is a Freemasonry demonic cult (founded in 1830 by charlatan, con-man, sex-pervert and 33rd degree Freemason, Joseph Smith). The Mormon cult is rooted in the teachings of Jewish Kaballah. Since they are Masonic in nature, the FBI hires a higher percentage of Mormons from the Ladder Day Saints Church. To verify Mormonism occults nature, one need only view the outside of their temple in Salt Lake City, Utah which has the All Seeing Eye. Pentagrams are found at the temple as well. Please read, Religion: The Occult Connection! Catholicism, Jehovah's Witnesses, Scientologists, Christian Science, Pentecostal Charismatics, and Seventh Day Adventists are also vile Masonic religions. Satan is indeed the god of man's evil world (2nd Corinthians 4:4).

The Mormons are sneaky, part of the Devil's New World Order. Many rich men are Mormons, an evil cult as you know. 90% of Mormons never enter their luxurious temples, where sexual rites and immorality occur. These permissions are reserved only for the rich and famous. The 90% are ignorant, a cover for the 10% who practice sexual immorality, which their religion is rooted in and based upon. Freemasonry is the same way, an organization within an organization. The 90% are stooges for the 10%. Have you been deceived? Are you supporting a demonic cult, that has lied to you, hiding their true nature and purpose?

Most people are not aware that Mormon founder, Joseph Smith, was married to at least 8 women who were already married to other men. So Smith was not only a serial polygamist, but also a big time adulterer. There are entire Mormon towns located in Idaho, Utah and Arizona today where polygamy and shacking up with multiple female sex partners is still very popular. The Mormon religion cannot be made decent, non-sexual nor Biblical in any manner. Take away sex perversion and Mormonism ceases to exist.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Taylor Swift—Fearlessly Lewd!

By David J. Stewart | December 2012

James 4:4, “Ye adulterers and adulteresses, know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.”

Music sensation, Taylor Swift, has been chosen by the Associated Press as Entertainer of the Year for 2009. She's also one of the top lewd singers of the year, next to Katy Perry and Miley Cyrus. Now, going into 2013, Taylor Swift has been on a world tour, raking in hundreds-of-millions of dollars in profits. Truly the love of money is the root of all evil as 1st Timothy 6:10 warns.

I know that I am as a lone voice crying from the wilderness as did John the Baptist, but someone needs to take a stand against all the lewdness, immodesty and sexual suggestiveness saturating Country music today. Taylor Swift ought to be ashamed of herself. There's a lot of things more important in this world than money, and morality is at the top of the list in God's eyes. Sadly, morality is at the bottom of Taylor Swift's priority list and money is at the top.

A behind the stage 60-minutes special which aired in December of 2012 called Taylor Swift “a spiritual leader” to millions of youth. “A SPIRITUAL LEADER”... that's exactly what 60-Minutes called her, and it's very true. 60-Minutes praised Taylor Swift for not ending up in the tabloids; yet Taylor Swift needs to be publicly reprimanded and exposed for exposing herself bodily in her music videos and concerts. Lewdness is sinful. Lewdness means suggestive of, or tending to, moral looseness; driven by lust; preoccupied with or exhibiting lustful desires.

We all have to give account to God when this earthly life is over (Ecclesiastes 12:14; Hebrews 9:24; Romans 14:10-12; Matthew 12:36). I wouldn't want to be in Taylor Swift's shoes on judgment day, because she is leading millions of young girls into immodest clothing and sexually immoral behavior. They want to wear exactly what she is wearing and behave shamefully just like their hero. There was a time in America in the 1960''s when Elvis Presley was banned from gyrating his hips on TV, so they edited his lower body out of the picture. Then came the sexual exploration of the 1970's and the drug-culture. Abortion was inevitable due to millions of unintended and unwanted pregnancies. One evil beget another evil. That's the way sin always happens, that is, sin leads to more sin, which causes more sin, which leads to more sin. Taylor Swift's lewdness, immodesty and sexually-suggestive concerts, magazine photos and music videos are contributing to the moral destruction of America

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

One of the most sexually immoral, blasphemous and tasteless shows in television history is the “Saturday Night Live” (SNL) show. In a recent episode (February 16, 2013), SNL blasphemed the Lord Jesus Christ by portraying Him as a revengeful murderer, Who after raising up from the dead, slaughtered Roman soldiers with His sword.

Christ died, was buried and miraculously resurrected so that men could obtain forgiveness of sins and eternal life by faith in Jesus Christ. It is sinful to mock holy things. The unbelieving Jews in Hollywood continually attack the Bible, degrade Christians and push the limit to see what they can get away with. The Lord Jesus Christ is holy and worthy of our reverence, praise and love. Only a fool mocks the things of God. Most of the people in this world are going to Hell forever because of their unbelief in the gospel (Hebrews 4:2; Matthew 7:13-14). Thus, it is a horrible evil to make fun of anything pertaining to the Scriptures.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I believe with all my heart that God is disgusted and saddened about what Christmas has deteriorated into in the minds of MOST people. I sincerely believe that God hates Christmas in America. Christmas has become so synthetic, so phony, so meaningless.

It's a mad rush by businesses after Thanksgiving to make as much money as possible before Christmas day. Christmas has sadly become VERY commercialized in America. Money, money, money! Christmas isn't supposed to be about spending and giving, it's about the birth of Jesus Christ. It's about God's free gift of eternal life to a world of undeserving sinners. We all deserve to burn in Hell for our sins, but God in His wonderful love provided a way of escape for mankind, a plan of redemption. God wanted to redeem man back to Himself. So God sent His only begotten Son into the world to be rejected of men, despised, spit upon, beaten, mocked, tortured, bound and ultimately crucified to death as a criminal.

Oh that people would seek the truth. Santa Claus is a mockery of the Savior, who knows everything and can be everywhere at one time. Interestingly, Santa spells S-A-T-A-N if you rearrange the letters. Coincidence?

X-mas Has Become a Favorite Holiday of the Wicked Unsaved
Tragically, nearly all of the people celebrating Christmas aren't even saved. Most of the people observing the Christmas season don't know the Lord as their personal Savior. Even atheists celebrate Christmas by renaming it "X-MAS."

"Independence Day" is much longer than "Christmas," yet no one ever calls it "X-Day." "Thanksgiving" is much longer than "Christmas," yet we never call it "X-giving." Why is it that out of all the holidays in America, the ONLY place where people feel compelled to place an "X" is over our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It is blatant evil. If you are reading this article and love the Lord Jesus, make sure to speak aloud to any business that displays the godless term "x-mas."

If it weren't for Santa Claus, reindeers, mistletoe, sparkling ornaments, tinsel, and a bunch of meaningless silly songs... the heathen world would abandon Christmas like a hot-potato.

So do you think that God Almighty is pleased with a holiday that EXCLUDES Jesus Christ? No way! God hates Christmas. And may I say again, there is NOTHING in the Word of God which leads us to recognize the birth of Christ in any way.

By the way, the Bible never lead anyone to recognize Mary in any way either. The entire Catholic religion is based upon the humongous lie that people are supposed to praise and adore Mary. Just as a child with candy all over his face who denies going into the candy jar, so are Catholics found guilty when they claim they don't worship or pray to Mary while continually bowing to her image and statue. The truth cannot be denied... Catholics worship Mary!


Christmas has become a joke in America. If we took all the money spent on Christmas trees, tinsel, ornaments, wrapping paper, snowmen, flashing lights, and everything else imaginable... we could literally feed millions of people in several starving third-world nations.

Are we really celebrating Jesus' birthday? Don't you think it would mean much more to God if you helped someone for Christmas instead of decorating your home inside and out? Sure it would. We are nuts in America! We go out of our way to teach children in the public school system the importance of recycling soda cans, while never a word is said about reducing the number of abortions. It's "save the whales, murder the children." Americans spend BILLIONS of dollars spoiling their dogs and cats at home, while people starve to death around the globe (2.8 BILLION people on this planet live on less than $2 per day). That's about half the population!


Satan Claus Has Come to Town!

Santa Claus the Great Imposter

The Plain Truth About Christmas (it's Babylonian occult origins)

Biblically, Jesus couldn't have been born in December (see the above article, The Plain Truth About Christmas). I am not against celebrating Christ's birth, not at all. I am against the Satanic deceptions which the Devil's crowd has integrated with Christ's birth to manufacture the worldly holiday of Christmas.
Santa Claus became extremely popular when Coca Cola really began promoting him in the 1940's. Today, Santa has replaced Jesus in the minds of most children. Ask any child what they know about Jesus, and then Santa, and see what answers you get. Most children know a lot about Santa from singing all the songs about Santa, but there are no Christmas songs for children which describe the Lord. The world's Christmas songs are designed to instill a picture into the child's mind of "WHO" Santa is.

Tragically, Santa is an exact clone of the Lord Jesus Christ. Children are taught that Santa (Not Jesus) watches them all the time, knows if they're bad or good, and will reward them if they are good. Children do believe these lies of Satan. The FACT that the U.S. Postal Service receives millions of letters each Christmas addressed to "Santa Claus" is proof enough of this fact.

God does NOT make a big deal out of Christmas and I think we would be wise to do the same. In fact, God does not make an issue of it at all. If God was concerned about us celebrating Jesus' birth, then He would have given us a date or time to celebrate, but He didn't.

I think God hates Christmas for many reasons:

1. The greed of Christmas. Let's face it, Americans alone spend billions of dollars just on Christmas.

2. The massive amount of money spent on decorations while the poor go hungry. Christmas to most people is all about having fun.

3. The heathen formalism of false religions like Catholicism. God doesn't care about mass or the seven sacraments...NOT AT ALL! God wants you to call upon Jesus to forgive your sins and come into your heart. God wants your heart, not religion.

4. The "give to get" mentality of most people. It's really quite sickening as I listen to all the Christmas music. Santa Clause is the hero of Christmas, not Jesus Christ. "What's Santa going to bring me?"...gimme, gimme, gimme!

5. The wicked diminishing of "Christmas" to "Xmas." This is so wrong! I see "Xmas" everywhere I go. Should it be any surprise that Christ would be removed from a holiday which centers around commercial greed.

6. Christmas charity is not righteousness. Just because you give some charity away at Christmas doesn't bring you one bit closer to God unless you have come through the blood of Jesus Christ. Your good works are filth to God (Isaiah 64:6). You need to ask Jesus to forgive you of all your wicked sins.

7. Worldly Christmas parties. All across America at Christmas time, booze flows and the whores take off their clothes. Every company I have ever worked for has invited me to their godless Christmas party. To date, I have never gone to one of them (and never will). All I hear afterwards is reports of nudity, booze, worldly entertainment, and immorality. No thanks Satan, I'll stay home with Jesus!

8. The utter hypocrisy of people. Everywhere you go throughout December in America, you will hear Christmas music. Openly homosexual singer, Elton John, has a Christmas album. Homosexuality is an abominable sin according to the Bible! Radio stations play his music all across America. When sinners living in wicked rebellion against God sing Christmas praises, do you think God is pleased? I tell you, God is extremely angry! (Psalm 7:11). God has no pleasure in the song of fools (Ecclesiastes 7:5). You'll hear "Holy, holy, holy" one song, and then godless Michael Jackson the next. The radio-waves at Christmas time are filled with the most ungodly and reprobate heathens singing Christmas songs...it is a horrid STENCH in the nostrils of God.

It is for these reasons and others that I believe God hates Christmas. God is angry with the wicked every day (Psalm 7:11). God is not pleased by a child-murdering nation. God is not pleased by a nation that invades innocent countries to steal their oil (Iraq). God is not pleased by a nation that loves witchcraft (Harry Potter). God is extremely angry with America for her many sins. We are a woeful people in need of God's judgment.

What right do we have to celebrate Christ when we spit on the Bible and disobey the plainest teachings in the Bible... "Thou shalt not kill." Some sinners even mock God by making a joke of abortion at Christmas time... see Planned Parenthood's "Choice on Earth" (instead of the Bible's "Peace on Earth"). America needs a serious whipping from God!

If you truly want to celebrate Jesus' birthday, then do it quietly without making the retailers richer. Use that money to help the poor. Jesus is in Heaven today, He wants us to help the poor. Don't be like the wicked world who only give ONCE a year, we should give to the poor at all times. Is it nothing to you?

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

"Diversity" in the dictionary is defined as "Noticeable heterogeneity."

"Heterogeneity" is defined as "The quality of being diverse and not comparable in kind."

"Comparable "is defined as "Conforming in every respect."

Based upon the above definitions, genuine "Diversity" simply means that I DON'T HAVE TO CONFORM. It also means that you don't have to conform. If you want to sodomize each other, that is your business... but I am going to protest against you when you parade in public. I'm so sick and tired of listening to homosexuals make stupid statements such as... "Keep your morality out of my bedroom." The problem is not what's going on in your bedroom, it's what you're doing IN PUBLIC and trying to teach in public classrooms across America. If homosexuals are going to parade down the streets of America promoting their wickedness, then don't tell me that Christians can't parade down the street preaching righteousness and the Word of God.

Then there's the recent Sponge Bob Gay-Pants dilemma. Look... if you don't want people to think Sponge Bob is homosexual, then don't feature him in a "diversity" video which obviously is implying that sodomites should be accepted as well. The flashing colors of Sponge Bob are a clear indicator to me. Everyone knows that the rainbow has become the hallmark of the homosexual movement. By the way, nothing is any more blasphemous to the Bible than the Sodomites stealing of the rainbow. It is God's rainbow, not the homosexuals! I don't have to accept homosexuals, that is my right to diversity. They will never accept me, no matter how much you try to brainwash them with "diversity." Sin-hating Christians have always been hated by homosexuals and always will be. What fellowship hath darkness with light?

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Before AIDS suddenly appeared in the 1980's, U.S. military officials had been requesting the need to develop a new biological weapon as early as the late 1960's. They wanted to create a virus cancer. Military scientists working alongside with cancer scientists developed such a weapon. AIDS first appeared amongst homosexuals in New York city after a year-long series of Hepatitis vaccinations. Africa was hard hit with AIDS as well. Doesn't it seem strange to you that AIDS just popped up from nowhere? It was created by the U.S. military.

I could go on and on about these things. The fact that our government would even create something as diabolical as Operation Garden Plot is extremely alarming. This program was developed during the Reagan administration as a means to imprison Americans in internment camps when civil war breaks out. I say "when," not "if." I'm surprised civil war hasn't broke out yet because of the Social Security scandal alone. Trillions of dollars have disappeared within our own government, never to be recovered or accounted for. Americans are already so weak and defeated that our government is getting away with these crimes and nothing can be done about it. All of the watchdog groups are making little impact. The average American citizen has become so complacent and indifferent that he or she doesn't really care anymore. It's been said, "The greatest problem in America is apathy, but who cares?"

Yes, martial law is coming friend. The U.S. government will use brainwashed young people to do their dirty work. Don't be surprised though when it's foreign soldiers in your face. Foreign troops have been training on American soil for many years now. The New World Order is already here. The microchip technology is here. Did you know that they can inject a microchip in you now using a syringe? It's smaller than you can see with built in nanotechnology. The chip can contains tons of information about you. It's going to be mandatory in our prisons. Every prisoner WILL be micro chipped like an animal, like it or not. I believe that we're seeing the beginning of the end folks. With all the nuclear bombs floating around this world...it's just a matter of "when." I'm not happy about this, but this is the truth as I see it.

Martial law will means the loss of our freedoms. There will be NO Bill of Rights. You will lose your rights. Even General Tommy Franks has said that the U.S. Constitution WILL be suspended if there is a terrorist attack in the United States. This is no conspiracy theory friend, I wish it were. This is reality!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Though it may be the most powerful organization in the United States, few people know it even exists. But it has crept into our private lives. Even mortgage papers contain FEMA's name in small print if the property in question is near a flood plain. FEMA was deeply involved in the Los Angeles riots and the 1989 Loma Prieta earthquake in the San Francisco Bay Area. Some of the black helicopter traffic reported throughout the United States, but mainly in the West, California, Washington, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas and Colorado, are flown by FEMA personnel. FEMA has been given responsibility for many new disasters including urban forest fires, home heating emergencies, refugee situations, urban riots, and emergency planning for nuclear and toxic incidents. In the West, it works in conjunction with the Sixth Army.

FEMA was created in a series of Executive Orders. A Presidential Executive Order, whether Constitutional or not, becomes law simply by its publication in the Federal Registry. Congress is by-passed. Executive Order Number 12148 created the Federal Emergency Management Agency that is to interface with the Department of Defense for civil defense planning and funding. An "emergency czar" was appointed. FEMA has only spent about 6 percent of its budget on national emergencies, the bulk of their funding has been used for the construction of secret underground facilities to assure continuity of government in case of a major emergency, foreign or domestic.

Executive Order Number 12656 appointed the National Security Council as the principal body that should consider emergency powers. This allows the government to increase domestic intelligence and surveillance of U.S. citizens and would restrict the freedom of movement within the United States and grant the government the right to isolate large groups of civilians. The National Guard could be federalized to seal all borders and take control of U.S. air space and all ports of entry.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

There is some evidence that suggests that the human brain can decode a recorded message that is played backwards, even though the person isn't consciously aware of what's being said. On the Beatles 'White' Album (called "The Beatles"), there is a song called "No. 9 Revolution." In one segment, John Lennon chants "number nine, number nine," which, when played in reverse, says "turn me on dead man."

This fueled rumors that group member Paul McCartney was dead. Eric Nehart, of Mechanicsburg, PA, who does research into subliminal techniques used in rock music, said that someone he knew, who was listening to "No. 9 Revolution", and hallucinating from drugs, was imagining that there were no windows or doors in the room, and that fire was coming at him. He began to scream, "Let me out, let me out." A section of the song, when played in reverse, says: "Let me out."

On the Electric Light Orchestra's album "Face the Music", there's a song called "Fire on High", a segment of which, when played in reverse, says: "The music is reversible, but time isn't, turn back, turn back, turn back..." In their album "Eldorado", there are backward messages which say: "Christ you're the nasty one, you're infernal," and "He's there on the cross and dead." Queen's song, "Another One Bites the Dust," when played in reverse, continually says: "It's fun to smoke marijuana."

In Jefferson Starship's "Blows Against the Empire", the song says: "I've got a surprise for you, a child is coming, a child is coming. Everything's gonna get better, it's gonna be brighter." When played in reverse, it continually says: "Son of Satan." On the live album of Black Oak Arkansas, called "Raunch and Roll", during the song, "The Day Electricity Came to Arkansas" the lead singer Jim Landy utters something unintelligible, then laughs. When it is played backwards, he says: "Satan, Satan, Satan; He is God, he is God, he is God." Some researchers believe that not all of this is intentional, that some of it may be put there supernaturally.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

It's bad enough that the U.S. government has been needlessly vaccinating children for decades (small pox was eradicated by the end of the 1960's). Think about all the trillions of dollars that the pharmaceutical companies have made on vaccines! What few people realize (and the government won't tell you) is that thousands of children have become sick, permanently disabled, or have died as a result of being vaccinated. Between 1990 and 1997, the U.S. government paid out over $800,000,000 in lawsuit settlements to families of loved ones who were VICTIMS of the government's ongoing vaccination program. Few Americans with autism realize that it's a result of their childhood vaccinations. The mercury used as a substrate (allows multiple vaccines in one injection) in the vaccines causes autism. France has OUTLAWED Hepatitis B vaccinations for their proven link to causing Multiple Sclerosis. Do an online search under "dangers of vaccines" and prepare to be shocked and angered. Now they're telling us that they're not liable anymore (nor the greedy evil companies who manufacture these deadly toxic concoctions). Every HONEST doctor will tell you that the best defense against disease is a healthy immune system. What the government and pharmaceutical companies are doing is BEYOND EVIL.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

There is a Satanic agenda at work to decrease the population, even going as far as to sterilize you and your children without your knowledge. They claim to be protecting you, requiring mandatory Tetanus shots which are actually a scheme to prevent you from having any more children. It is evil. Jesus said that the thief comes only to kill, steal and destroy (John 10:10). If it's not Herod sending in his henchman to kill the innocent, then it's abortion killing the innocent, but if not abortion, then it will be secret sterilizations. One way or another, Satan wants to prevent you from having children. If not Satan himself, who came to destroy Eve and her family; then he'll send a Planned Parenthood worker to rob you of your child; but if not someone from Planned Herodhood, then Satan will lie to you, forcing you to get a Tetanus vaccination to sterilize you; but if not any of those, then Satan will convince you that you are exercising your feminist rights as a real woman to abort your baby. Don't buy into the lie.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Walt Disney was part of an Illuminati family. His initial interest was not in kids in the way you might think, but he was in fact a sexual pervert and pedophile, which was displayed in everything he did. He was also a big time occultist, a 33° Freemason, member of the “Order of DeMolay” and during decades his sinister agenda remained hidden behind all those cartoons, magazines, movies etc. An agenda to control children’s minds.

Disney productions over the years are filled with Masonic symbolism, mind control and indoctrination through subliminal messages. They are preparing the younger generations for the NWO as well as introduce them to sorcery (black magic). Many current celebrities that have started their careers in Disney shows, as Britney Spears, Christina Aguilera and Justin Timberlake, are indeed puppets and mind control victims and the scandals they are usually involved, give us a clue about what you learn inside Disney world and for what you are prepared.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

If you want to prepare for what's coming, the best thing you can do is to move out of the country. I heard Gerald Celente in December of 2011 on The Alex Jones Show recommend Norway in his Trends Forecaster newsletter. The globalists are going to create artificial scarcity of food, water and oil. Most people don't realize that the globalists own the Monsanto corporation (the mad scientists who gave us brain-eating ASPARTAME). Monsanto has created genetically modified seeds that terminate after a year, and seeds that won't grow unless activated with a proprietary substance. This gives them total control over the world's food supply. The New World Order is a global private world government.

The globalists have built a massive seed storage vault in the arctic to store original seeds. This is because eventually all food will be derived from fake seeds that the globalists genetically control and can turn off at will. It's weird and frightening science. Research these things for yourself! Whereas God made seeds to reproduce AFTER HIS KIND (Genesis 1:12), Monsanto has produced GM seeds that terminate instead. Mankind has an insatiable desire to play God and tamper with life. No wonder Jesus foretold of worldwide famines and pestilences in the End Times (Matthew 24:7).

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Italy used to require a 3-year waiting period before a divorce could be granted. Now it's one year! I think it should be 3-years in America! It's not even one month. If I had my way, divorce would be illegal. A wife would be allowed to leave her abusive husband, but would NOT be allowed to remarry or else face imprisonment (nor would the husband be allowed to remarry, and would go to prison for fornication). I would make divorce so miserable that couples would work hard at making their marriages work, which is what people should be doing in the first place). You know, in the old days before the creation of a welfare state, women had no where to go if they had marriage problems. Although it was a yoke of wood and there was some abuse during those times, what is happening in America today is a yoke or iron (total enslavement) in comparison. There is no perfect marriage, none!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

President Barack Obama refuses to place his hand over his heart at the White House when others are pledging allegiance to the American flag. Obama is a horrible man. His name is really Barry Sottero, and he was born in Kenya. Mr. Obama doesn't even have a U.S. birth certificate. Just like Bill Clinton who dodged the Vietnam War draft and fled to Canada, Obama is another imposter. And apostate Independent Fundamental Baptist Pastors endorse Obama's presidency!!! I'm going to vomit!!! Don't you call yourself a patriotic American buddy! You need to put your golf club away pastor, and set down your BBQ spatula, and get on your knees and beg God to forgive your wicked heart, and give you a new heart, because you're not right with God. God help us!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia #kinkshaming jesus-is-savior.com

Tom Hanks also stars in the blockbuster Hollywood Movie, FOREST GUMP, in which one of the major themes driving the movie is that Hank's girlfriend (and later wife-to-be in the movie) was sexually-molested as a little girl by her father. Throughout the movie, a cabin and creepy scenes are shown where the molesting occurred throughout her childhood (which Hanks has torn down at the end of the movie to emotionally aid healing for his wife). What is it with Hollywood and child molesting? Why are they doing this? I'll tell you why, because sex sells, and the sicker the sin and crime, the higher the profits. The American people can't seem to get enough sinful violence, sexual perversion, and mass-murdering.

Undeniably, there is a demonic spirit of pedophile in the movie. Such themes take the viewer's mind in that direction, to plant seeds in their heart, to make them think about that sin. Truth is stranger than fiction, and the truth is that Hollywood is absolutely infatuated, enamored, and preoccupied with pedophilia, child-molesting, rape, fornication, adultery, homosexuality, bestiality, and every other sexual sin imaginable. Hollywood is a cesspool of homosexuals, pedophiles, perverts, adulterers, sensual whores and whoremongers, and innumerable God-haters. The insignia of Hollywood is to take the name of the Lord in vain.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Even more shocking is that President George H. Bush is purportedly married to Aleister Crowley's daughter. At a minimum, Aleister Crowley is known to have had sex with Barbara Bush's mother just prior to her birth. I think it would be ridiculous to assume that Crowley wasn't Barbara's father. She sure looks like Crowley. The fact that no one wants to reveal who Barbara's father really is, is strong evidence that Crowley is indeed her father.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Above photo: A popular Iams dog food commercial which appeared on television in early 2013. The woman is apparently a soldier returning on furlough. The commercial is disgusting, clearly suggestive, making it appear that the man-sized dog is having sex with her. I don't have a dirty mind, I have a man's mind, and this picture is highly suggestive of bestiality. Women shouldn't behave like that anyway, it's uncouth and disgusting.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Walt Disney's History Channel has featured several amazing shows about the secrets enshrouding Washington D.C., the Pentagon, Freemasonry, the NSA and other government agencies. Certainly, nothing is shared with the public that the globalists don't want us to know. In fact, by giving the public a bone to chew on it actually provides enough disinformation and deception to mislead curious truth seekers. I've learned to always remember that everything being told to the public is what THEY WANT US TO KNOW! Everything that the U.S. newsmedia tells the public is DELIBERATE MISINFORMATION, giving you something to think about while still avoiding critical and sensitive key issues. People think that they know, but they DO NOT KNOW!

The History Channel portrays the Pentagon as an organization whose true purpose is to protect Americans, but that's all a lie of the Devil. The true agenda behind the Pentagon, CIA, Homeland Security, NSA and all that America was build upon is rooted in the demonic cult of Freemasonry, whose true purpose is to build the Beast system of the coming Antichrist, aka, the New World Order. As the god of this evil world (2nd Corinthians 4:4), Satan is behind the overthrow of the American republic and liberty. It was all in the planning from the very beginning. Money and information are power, which are the heart of the New World Order. There greatest focus is not ownership as much as control. Whoever controls a nation's money and information controls the people. As a born-again Christian, I rejoice that God has nothing to hide.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

[Re. Conan O'Brien officiates same-sex marriage ceremony]

Notice that Conan says glasses must be broken in accordance with Jewish wedding custom. This is a same-sex Jewish wedding. My friend, God is no respecter of persons and neither should we be. I love Jews and Gentiles alike. Most Jews are everyday people who are just trying to raise a family and make a living. Zionist Jews are synonymous with occult Freemasonry. There's evil in every race of people, but elite American Jews are spearheading the most hideous wickedness upon the earth. Stanley Kubrick, Steven Spielberg, Martin Scorsese, Jim Cameron... all Jewish! Please watch, BARACK OBAMA: ROTHSCHILD'S CHOICE FOR PRESIDENT! (free online 1:32 hour documentary). The Jewish Mafia continues!

Hollywood is leading the way in sleaze and homosexuality and is predominantly Jewish owned and controlled. This is not a racist statement against the Jews (which they are taught to always allege as a defense). It's the truth! In the PROTOCOLS OF THE LEARNED ELDERS OF ZION, Jews are taught to make allegations of racism anytime someone exposes their true manipulative nature in the newsmedia. Truth is stranger than fiction. If you deny the truth long enough and speak nonsense instead, it eventually becomes as a fact—it's just a fact!

You can clearly see in the second video how the newsmedia is told what to say in advance. Several dozen news outlets nationwide were all talking about “Conan O'Brien may push the envelope.”

All we've been hearing from the corrupt newsmedia is that Congressman Ron Paul is a racist against Jews because he exposes the criminals behind the Federal Reserve Banks. What a bunch of scum liars!!! Hell will be hot for these wicked people.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The wife who accuses her husband of "abuse" will be held accountable for all the things she did to provoke her husband, and she will be judged accordingly. It's the same morons who call spanking a child "abuse" who are attacking and labeling husbands as being "abusive." But those same people don't have a problem with murdering children by abortion. The term "abuse" has been greatly twisted nowadays. Every God-hating feminist in the country is still trying to use the O.J. Simpson case to demonize men. Men who track their wife's time are now considered "abusive." Biblically, a husband has every right to tract his wife's time and whereabouts. God told Eve that Adam would RULE OVER her (Genesis 3:16).

Henry Makow #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The public execution of Terri Schiavo resembles a ritual human sacrifice. Others have commented on the Satanic signatures in the events leading up to the execution.

This sad affair appears contrived to deny the sanctity of human life and further brutalize society. The court denied Schiavo's parents guardianship even though her husband had started a new family with another woman. Apparently, his motivation for putting Terri to death was to keep the money from the settlement intended for Terri's care. Any court could see this yet it they refused to act. The Bushies can rig an election, cover up 9-11, gut the Constitution but they can't feed a disabled woman?

A larger satanic agenda is at work. The Luciferians intend to cull the human race through war or disease. We are squatters on their planet; they need only so many. So it makes sense to inure us to senseless killing.

Whether in rituals of war or murder, human sacrifice also has a Satanic significance. Apparently, Satanists derive some kind of power from the spirit of the dying victim.

Also, as others have pointed out, events like Schiavo's execution are designed to gauge public reaction. They are measuring how far they can go and how fast.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The Apple 1 was an early hand-built computer that was the company's first commercial product. It made its debut in 1976 for the slightly sinister price of $666.66. Only around 200 units were ever produced, making it an extremely rare collectable.

At a recent auction, an Apple 1 sold for the princely sum of $213,000. For the same price, you could buy 88 Quad Core 27in iMacs - and still have over a grand left in the bank.

Why did Apple computer developer, Steve Jobs, a 33rd degree Freemason, choose an apple with a bite missing for the company's logo? Truth is stranger than fiction.

In Genesis the serpent (the Devil, Satan, Revelation 20:2) seduced Eve to eat of the forbidden fruit, and she did eat, and gave it to Adam and he also did eat, openly the floodgate for sin and death to pass upon the human race (Romans 5:12).

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Katy Perry has been featured (dressed like a whore) on Sesame Street, singing with Elmo. Clearly, Katy Perry's smut and evil is being targeted even at the youngest age girls. It is tragic that 8 and 9 year old girls want to grow up to be whores like Katy Perry, wearing no clothes, acting bizarre, and blaspheming God. In one photo of Perry, she is holding a razor-point knife up to her right eye. Katy Perry is representative of the sicko California culture that worships sin, mental insanity, and rebellion against God.

Perry's latest album, TEENAGE DREAM, comes with a cotton-candy scent mixed into the print varnish, producing a cotton-candy sweet smell when the CD is opened. It ought to smell like sewage and have maggots crawling out of it instead, because that is the condition of Katy Hudson's (Perry's) heart spiritually. This is the new morality in America, which is NO morality at all. YouTube features umpteen videos of Katy Perry immodestly clothed and behaving like a whore. In one concert video her fans are stroking their fingers on her private places. The same YouTube videos all have religious ads leading people to websites that teach the heresy of Lordship Salvation (another California plague). This is the sick-minded world that we live in today.

It's all part of the Communist subversion of America. Don't laugh, the UN is serious about stealing your kids. The evil powers behind the moral decay of America are doing so to destroy families. The future Communist Police State wants parents to be mere incubators, not a real family. The State wants to brainwash children, and a strong family hinders that from happening. Don't believe me, listen to the first head of the World Health Organization, George Brock Chisholm. There are hidden powers of darkness (Ephesians 6:12), which hide behind puppet politicians in Washington D.C., whose goal is to totally destroy America, no matter what the cost to Americans. It is all so evil.

With a cellphone, you can destroy a family, or your own family in seconds, just dial 911. Local police have been militarily trained to be thugs, shoot the family pet, be intolerant, humiliate your family, abuse you, and most of all... GET YOU INTO THE SYSTEM. Once you're in the system, your family is toast. Read about this poor mother. Why do you think cellphones are being shoved down everyone's throats? We're becoming a spy society! Turn your neighbor in! Think I'm kidding? Homeland Security Telescreens to Encourage Wal-Mart Shoppers to Spy On Each Other! America is becoming worse than Nazi Germany. We are now being oppressed by a private-corporate world government!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The globalists commonly use the formula CRISIS + REACTION = SOLUTION (that is, they artificially stage the false flag crisis, then have the newsmedia tell the public how to react, then the globalists offer their solution). The Sandy Hook shootings and the Boston marathon bombings are a perfect example. I am 100% convinced that both incidents were planned and staged by the globalists. That's my opinion. The reaction has been the demand for gun control. And now the solution is gun registration and a ban on assault weapons (combat weapons). Nero burned down Rome, and then blamed the Christians so he'd have an excuse to slaughter them, and he did. The tactic is an old one, but very effective. A common tactic is for police to dress in plain clothes and turn peaceful protests into violent ones, thus justifying use of deadly police force against innocent citizens. Canadian police were caught red handed provoking violence and their masks were ripped off and they were exposed publicly. The Department Of Homeland Security is training police to confiscate guns from Christians.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Project Lucid

This global police set up was designed to monitor every man, woman and child once issued a universal biometrics card. Project Lucid will have a mind-control chip surgically implanted in the brain. Under this project, all undercover social security establishments will use its databases to monitor daily lives of people. All data will be linked, networked and processed by a central Gestapo where orders will be given to police, military and intelligence agencies. The global police state will comprise the FBI, KGB, CIA, DEA, DIA, NSA, IRS, EPA, OSHA, NCIC, USDA, FDA, NRO, BATF, FINCEN, INS, DOJ, WTO, Europol, Interpol, Mossad, and the MAB.

According to Nelly Paul, “666, when added, come to 9, which stand for greediness and natural disasters. It can either make or break. It is impulsive, restless, stubborn and inflexible.”

The biggest question that hunts our minds is if the end has finally arrived? The beast is controlling our lives and we are unaware. 666 is all over the place and is boiling down to globalization.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The common denominator in most false flag attacks is drugs. There is a preponderance of evidence exposing the CIA's MKULTRA mind-control projects. Tim McVeigh was staying in the same hotel room with his military appointed psychiatrist just prior to the Oklahoma City Bombings in 1995. McVeigh was a distraction, a fall guy, not the primary perpetrators. There were three C4 explosives planted in the building. Two of them failed to detonate, which you can find on YouTube news clips documented from local news in Oklahoma. But then the government came and changed the story, blaming a rental truck that contained a fertilizer bomb. There was a fertilizer bomb, but that was a cover.

The building was primarily brought down by a C4 charge. 168 people, including dozens of children, died. Do you think that the same globalist criminals (who control our nation) who sanction the slaughter of over 4,000 Americans every single day in our nation by abortion, have a consciousness about 168 people, or 2,745 on 911? No, not at all, not one tiny bit. How do you think they justify murdering innocent people? They rationalize that over 4,000 human beings are murdered every day in the womb, so what's the difference if you murder them after they're out of the womb? The international banking cartel deliberately started World War I and murdered 20,000,000 people. The bankers financed ammunition and artillery on BOTH sides of the war. They failed to get their League Of Nations, so they started World War II and murdered another 50,000,000 innocent people. World War III will cause the slaughter of hundreds-of-millions of people!!!

The newsmedia shows President Obama and Megyn Kelly crying as they talk about Sandy Hook and the evils of guns. What a joke! Hollywood pays actors to cry every day, and they do it well, on cue. Anybody can think of something sad, such as a favorite pet that died, and make them self cry. It's very easy for some people to turn on the tears with practice. Why doesn't anyone cry over the murder of 4,000 children every day in America by abortion? What a bunch of phony hypocrites! They'll cry over a handful of shooting deaths at Sandy Hook, but the slaughter of over 4,000 precious human beings every day in abortuaries across America means nothing. That sounds like mental illness doesn't it? That's like your home burning to the ground and you don't shed a tear, but then you cry like a baby when your car gets a flat tire.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

President Franklin D. Roosevelt was a wicked 33rd degree Freemason and incredibly evil man, under whose administration the occult symbols were placed upon our money. Roosevelt passed laws outlawing the private ownership of gold, allegedly part of the government “New Deal” to remedy The Great Depression. In truth, the government confiscated $10,000,000 of citizen owned gold at $20 per Troy ounce and then a year later Roosevelt raised the price of gold to $35 an ounce, thus nearly doubling the price of gold and making the Illuminati filthy rich at the expense of Americans.

The Pentagon is an absolutely fascinating marvel of modern architecture. Each day 23,000 employees work at the Pentagon. The building contains 17 miles of hallways and occupies 90,000,000 square feet. It takes 7 minutes through special access corridors to walk directly across the facility. The Pentagon has its own hospital, BestBuy retail store, umpteen restaurants, shoe store, et cetera. It's literally a small city with its own mayor. The Pentagon has its own police and fire force. Perhaps the most shocking fact is that at the heart of the inner grounds, called "Ground Zero" is a statue of an OWL. Yes, an owl!

The illusion of the Pentagon being there for Americans is a lie. The Pentagon is controlled by the Marxist-Zionist-Communist... Illuminati. The International Banking Cartel controls Wall Street, The White House, the Pentagon, the newsmedia, the U.S. military, the entertainment industry, et cetera. There are only two sides: Jesus Christ or Satan. Whose side are you on? Satan always uses the Bible to deceive people, as did the serpent to confuse Eve (Genesis 3:1-5). The Devil even tried to confuse Jesus with the Bible (Matthew 4:1-9). Some of the most evil people in this world profess faith in God and have a form of religion as 2nd Timothy 3:5 warns. The Bible says to turn away from such evil people. Many of them are sincerely deceived by the Devil, actually believing that they are on God's side by serving Satan and evil. The Bible warned that evil people would one day kill Christians thinking they are doing God's will (John 16:2).

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The pentagon is an infinite occult symbol — it is the center of a pentagram and a pentagram fits perfectly inside a pentagon.

Obelisks are phallic (penis) symbols related to the Egyptian Sun god, Ra. The 4 sides of the Washington Monument are aligned with the cardinal directions (i.e., east, west, north, and south). At the ground level each side of the monument measures 55.5 feet long, which is equal to 666 inches. The height of the obelisk is 555.5 feet, which is equal to 6,666 inches. THIS IS THE EXACT RATIO OF KING NEBUCHADNEZZAR'S GOLDEN IMAGE! (which was 90 x 9 feet, a 10-to-1 ratio). The new grand PHALLUS (obelisk) symbol representing the sinister power of the global Illuminati elite is the ONE WORLD TRADE CENTER replacing the old World Trade Center in New York. The new architectural wonder is exactly 1,776 feet tall, featuring The Great Pyramid in it's design. This evidences that the satanic plot for world government has existed for millenniums and is perpetrating from generation-to-generation by occult organizations.

With this truth in mind, it should not be too difficult to understand that the United States was founded by Freemasons with the primary intent of one day achieving world government (aka, a New World Order). President George Washington was a high-level Freemason as were many signers of The Declaration Of Independence. The following evidence shows the Masonic control over Washington D.C. (the headquarters of our U.S. federal government)...

The mall in Washington DC is laid out so the gardens and streets form the image of an owl. The owl is representative of the mythical goddess, Lilith. Pleas read, Bohemian Grove Exposed for much more information on the owl.

The street design in Washington, D.C., has been laid out in such a manner that certain Luciferic symbols are depicted by the streets, cul-de-sacs and rotaries. This design was created in 1791, a few years after Freemasonry assumed the leadership of the New World Order, in 1782.

In Europe, occult leaders were told by their familiar spirits as early as the 1740's that the new American continent was to be established as the new “Atlantis,” and its destiny was to assume the global leadership of the drive to the New World Order. The United States of America was chosen to lead the world into this kingdom of Antichrist from the very beginning. The capital is Washington, D.C., which is evidenced by the preponderance of occult symbols.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

Still today, men blame God for their evil deeds. There is much talk these days from the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgendered) community about a gay God Who creates homosexuals by birth. Since they claim God made them that way, they believe they should rejoice and fulfill the image of their gay god by committing sodomy with the same sex.

I heard a 25 year old porn superstar say on the news that since Adam and Eve were totally naked in Eden, she knew that God approved of nakedness. What she failed to mention is that Adam and Eve were the only two people alive at the time. Do you see how mankind attempts to justify their sins? This is how the evil human heart functions, deceitful above all else, who can know it? (Jeremiah 17:9). Thus, feminists and homosexuals are demanding a gender-inclusive Bible to make effeminate men and masculine women feel at home with the Word of God.

First the Communists and God-haters realized that they'd never be able to overthrow our nation unless they removed the Bible and prayer from children's lives, so in 1963 they banned the Word of God and prayer from being led by the teacher in all public schools. Then then brought wicked Rock 'N' Roll (the British Invasion) to sexual corrupt our nation's youth and lead them into Satan worship and idolatry of rock stars, which succeeded and consequently led to millions of unwanted pregnancies and the passing of Roe Vs. Wade in 1973, thus legalizing abortion nationwide. Today, the nation's youth commonly flash Diablo hand signs showing allegiance to Satan.

The deliberate moral subversion of the United States by the global financiers—the criminal architects of the New World Order—the elite international banking cartel (who have financed both sides of every major war conflict for the past two centuries) has succeeded. They've deliberately dumbed-down the public. They've targeted America for destruction. Our economy is about to implode. 3,5 million Americans are now homeless. 18.5 million homes are vacant, foreclosed by the banks. Millions of Americans walked away from their homes, because they owed far more in interest to the bank than the home was actually worth. Deliberate open borders, deliberate CIA illegal drug-trafficking into the U.S., deliberate theft of trillions of taxpayer dollars by Wall Street executives... this is just the beginning of judgment!

The problem is that people don't care! They don't care because they're not right with God. The Bible gives men convictions. Being a born-again Christian puts the Spirit of God into a man! Americans are devoid of truth, God and righteousness. Instead, people are saturated with TV, sports and entertainment. No wonder we are so weak and vulnerable as a nation, as sitting ducks in the hunter's rifle sight.

We don't need another Bible for modern times. We don't need a gender-inclusive Bible. God wrote the Bible as He meant it to be. A godly woman understands that God has ordained husbands to head their homes and marriages. Men are to lead the church. It is sinful for women to usurp authority over men. Hollywood caters to feminist and lesbian agendas—showing women leading armies, being in charge of everything, punching out a group of men. In reality, women could NEVER do what they do in the movies. It is a false reality that brainwashes young girls to become feminists, and their lives end up ruined as a result. Satan paints a rosy picture to young women, convincing them that killing their baby, shacking-up, and pursuing a career is a magical life. In reality, feminists one day realize that Satan stole their happiness, killed their babies and destroyed their marriage. Satan is a liar, thief and murderer (John 10:10).

The new NIV 2011 (New International Version 2011) has been released online, now on it's way to Zondervan publishers to become toilet paper. And if you love the Lord Jesus Christ that's what you'll do with the NIV 2011.

The word “men” appears in the King James Bible's Old Testament 2416 times, and 806 in the New Testament. That's 3222 times that the King James Bible mentions the word “men.” But in the feminist perversion of the NIV 2011, you'll only find the word “men” 1027 times in their entire Bible. Pretty sad huh?

The word “man” appears in the King James Bible's Old Testament 3105 times, and 1433 in the New Testament. That's 4538 times that the King James Bible mentions the word “man.” But in the feminist perversion of the NIV 2011, you'll only find the word “man” 1989 times in their entire Bible.

It's a feminist's dream come true! The NIV 2011 attacks the masculine authority of God, the ruling husband, and the authoritative preacher. There is no room for gender equality in Biblical Christianity when it comes to AUTHORITY.

The sad truth is that America has been overrun by feminists. Here's a couple quotes by infamous feminists:

“In my heart, I think a woman has two choices: either she's a feminist or a masochist.” —Gloria Steinem

“There never will be complete equality until women themselves help to make laws and elect lawmakers.” —Susan B. Anthony

That is the Devil talking ladies. Eve didn't like her restrictions either, so she bought into the Devil's lie of being “as gods” (Genesis 3:5). Feminists are placing themselves equal with God when they go against the Scriptures.

Feminists seek equality with authority, just as Lucifer, who said in Isaiah 14:14, “I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I WILL BE LIKE THE MOST HIGH.” Feminists want equality of authority like Lucifer. It is evil. The Bible teaches that a husband is to “rule over” his wife (Genesis 3:16), and women are to “be in silence” publicly in the presence of men as evidence of their obedience to their husband (1st Timothy 2:12).


God is NOT into the gender-inclusive feminist/homosexual agenda of our time. It is wickedness in the sight of God. Read Proverb 14:2, “He that walketh in his uprightness feareth the LORD: but he that is perverse in his ways despiseth him.” Feminists and homosexuals absolutely despise the masculine King James Bible, viewing it as the bigot's Bible. No, it is God's holy Word, every Word of it! Romans 1:25 warned us that the wicked would change God's Word into a lie, “Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.”

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The same thing happened after the Oklahoma City Bombings in 1995. At first local authorities said that TWO undetonated explosive devices were found (Windows Media video), but later the feds claimed that there were NO bombs in the building. According to the government, a Ryder rental truck with a fertilizer bomb caused all the damage. They LIED through their teeth. It was admitted before the feds tampered with the evidence that C4 charges were planted in the building. One detonated, but the other two failed to go off. The Ryder truck DID blow up, but it was only a cover attack for the bombs in the building. All of the outside security cameras were confiscated by the FBI and erased!!! Talk about a massive cover-up!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

On April 19th, 1993 federal troops stormed the Branch Davidian building with 50 cal. machine guns and incinerary devices, burning 81 human beings (including 19 children) alive inside, and shooting others to death. It occurred on April 19th (the beginning of the witches' High Holy Days). Coincidence? Only a few escaped, just to be wrongfully convicted by a Masonic judge. Just like the ruthless tyrannies against the innocent folks at Ruby Ridge in Idaho and The Roloff Homes in Corpus Christi, Texas; tyranny has gotten out of hand in the federal government. Big government has always led to big trouble!!!

If the Georgia Guidestones evidence the global elite's plans to kill off 90% of the population by 2050, do you think they'll hesitate killing a few thousand, or even a few million? No, not at all. They've murdered over 100,000,000 people over the past century. Truth is stranger than fiction. We are living in the End Times of civilization no doubt. The Beast System of the coming Antichrist is being built.

Both Communism and Nazism are vehicles created by the Banksters to achieve World Government. Communism's method was to conquer by stealth, incrementally. This is what is happening in the world today. Nazism's method was to conquer by force and domination, through war. This method failed in World War 2, although Hitler and his American corporate financier's tried. Most students never learn that it was Wall Street in America that financed Hitler's war machine and fueled the holocaust. IBM manufactured the stamping equipment and IG Farben (a conglomerate of about 200 companies, including many U.S. companies) manufactured the Zyklon-B gas to kill the victims of the holocaust.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

In the 1995 blockbuster movie INDEPENDENCE DAY, the U.S. President (played by Bill Pullman) is laying in bed alone with his 6-year old daughter. He answers the phone to talk to his wife . . .


Whitmore sits up.

I have a confession to make.
There's a beautiful young blonde
sleeping next to me.

Sleeping next to him, his six-year-old daughter, PATRICIA.

Although seemingly harmless to some people, the movie clearly plants the THOUGHT of pedophilia into the viewer's mind. American's have been TRAINED by all of the sexually suggestive television to think dirty. The comment made by the father to the mother on the phone is of a sexual nature... “I have a confession to make,” and then he makes reference to a “beautiful blonde.” This is the sex-sicko Hollywood culture. Such child molesting suggestiveness is EPIDEMIC in Hollywood movies!!! What kind of sexually degenerate Hollywood piece of trash would joke about a father and child having sex? THAT'S HOLLYWOOD!

Later in the movie, the U.S. President and his staff ask to look at a spacecraft retrieved in the 1950's. While looking at the spacecraft the lead scientist says:

She's a beaut' ain't she?

Immediately the camera focuses close-up on the 6-year old girl, Patricia. Again, it's subtle, but continues the pedophile thought planted earlier in the movie. Remember, the movie begins with Patricia in bed with her father, whom he refers to as “a beautiful young blonde sleeping next to me.” Hollywood pedophiles know that TV watching Americans are dirty-minded, because nearly all of the programming nowadays is extremely dirty-minded. You must keep in mind that EVERYTHING which Hollywood records on camera is intention, deliberate and planned. You say, “Boy preacher, you have a dirty mind”... No, I have a man's mind!

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

It's Not That Hard To Figure Out

Any child knows that the bathroom sign to the left means men wear pants and women wear dresses. What if both signs has pants? You wouldn't know which bathroom to enter. The simple fact of the matter is that if both signs showed figures wearing pants that it would cause CONFUSION. American society today is confused on the sexes because men and women dress, think and behave alike. Satan deliberately is trying to confuse the genders, causing children to question whether they are straight or queer, male or female, normal or a freak.

No one is born homosexual because God doesn't make mistakes. It's the same ole bogus coat-hanger-abortion-in-the-alley scenario, grasping for extreme situations to justify the norm. The truth is that people, whether righteous or wicked, do the things they do because that's what they wanted to do, and then they look for excuses to rationalize the decisions they just made.

It's not a mere coincidence that homosexuality is on the rise in the United States, following decades of rampant sexual immorality, after decades of legalized murderous abortion, which all started in the 1960's with demonic women's liberation which taught women to rebel against male authority, strip naked in public, become whores and abandon all sense of loyalty to family, commitment in marriage and fear of a holy God that punishes sin. Romans 1:24-32 warns that homosexuality is a morally reprehensible evil that always brings the judgment of God. Don't be the Devil's fool by disobeying the Bible.

It all follows the 501c3 licensing of churches, which has prohibited preachers from taking a stand against the criminals which have hi-jacked our country's federal government. God cannot be licensed! Today's churches have been bought off, spiritually castrated, and are following the Devil into perdition. Thank God for the handful of pastors who are still on-fire-for-God, preaching against sin because they are walking with a righteous God.

The world errantly thinks that God-fearing preaches simply preach against the things they don't like; but they fail to see the holiness of God which we know in the Spirit, which the ungodly world doesn't want. I don't preach against sin because it's just my opinion, or because that's how I was raised, or because it's my particular religion; but rather, because I have seen a holy God, and the more I walk (abide) with Him in His Word, and because the Spirit of Christ lives (abides) in me, the more I am compelled to live for Him. My entire website is not rooted solely in my hatred of sin; but rather, in my personal relationship with a righteous God which produces a hatred for sin.

The satanic Southern Baptist Convention, which comprises 37% of the satanic Freemason religion, are slowly embracing the homosexual agenda for the sake of maintaining church membership. I wouldn't give you a dime for the hellish Southern Baptist Cult. What a pathetic joke! Homosexuality is a wicked sin.

God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. Homosexuals are sick people, spiritually and mentally and physically sick. Homosexuality is not normal, not acceptable and should be illegal, as is taught in God's holy Word. Homosexuality is synonymous with every form of wickedness, particular idolatry. God's curse is upon America for our nation's tolerance of wickedness, our nation's love for filthy television, and our nation's shameful apostasy in churches today. Woe unto America!

I guarantee you that women who approve of abortion (i.e., murder) also see no problem with women wearing pants. It's more than coincidence in a nation where most women scoff and laugh at the notion of women dressing modestly, that 53,000,000 of those same women have murdered their own children through abortion.

Satan's Crowd Knows What's Wrong With Pants On Women

If you don't want to listen to the Bible, then maybe you'll listen to a secular singer as proof from the unsaved world why pants on women are sin. The following lyrics are from the worldly Hip Hip artist, Chingy, from his 2006 album Hoodstar; the song title is Dem Jeans:

Chingy - Dem Jeans Lyrics:

How the he** did you get all of that in dem jeans
How da how da he** did you get all of that in dem jeans
'cause your waist so little and your a** it like wo
'cause your waist so little and your a** it like wo

Back it up a bit
Yeah that's it
'cause I can see your thong
Caramel skin tone...

Let me help you with dem jeans
Baby lay down

Da** Girl
How'd you get all that in
Dem Jeans
Dem Jeans
How'd you get all that in Dem
Da** Girl
How'd you get all that
(Is you talkin to me?)
Yeah you
I bet you had to jump up and down
Just to put 'em on
Bet you had to wiggle it around
Just to put 'em on
Bet you had to lay back on the bed
Just to zip 'em up
Am I right?
(You right)
Baby that's what's up

Now Now Now
When walkin' girl
And you make it swirl
Its hard for me not to look ...

[ Lyrics found on http://www.metrolyrics.com ]

Hope you ain't up in here with your man ma
I love it when you wiggle it Shake it
Drop it and do your little dance ma
True Religion, 7's...

When you walk away it make me wanna rub it...

Da** Girl
How'd you get all that in
Dem Jeans
Dem Jeans
How'd you get all that in Dem...

I bet you had to jump up and down
Just to put 'em on
Bet you had to wiggle it around
Just to put 'em on
Bet you had to lay back on the bed
Just to zip 'em up
Am I right?
(You right)
Baby that's whets up

I don't mean to be rude but I like
The way you move
Got your boy in the mood...

let it show it,
like them curves
make that thing talk when you walk
I'm slurring ma words...

man you working wit a lot.
Only a rebellious woman, who deliberately disobeys the Word of God, would wear pants. It is clear from these unsaved singers why women should not wear pants. Pants on women are adulterous in nature, and cause men to lust and sin. Jesus made this clear in Matthew 5:28, "But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart."

Women who wear pants deliberately cause men to lust, and commit the sin of adultery. It is this spirit of fornication which has caused tens-of-millions of unwanted pregnancies in the United States, and 48,000,000 abortions in America. Rock-n-Roll, Big Band, and the roaring 20's are much to blame. Along with these swingy types of music came dancing, one of the biggest sins of all. Billy Sunday was right to preach against dancing, and by the way... ALL dancing is dirty dancing unless it's between a husband and wife in the privacy of their home.

“But I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her hath committed adultery with her already in his heart.” —Jesus Christ, Matthew 5:28

The average person today scoffs at the idea that Rock-n-Roll, Satanism, and immoral sex go hand-in-hand, but they certainly do. When Rock-n-Roll came to America, so did pants on women become mainstream. Naturally, feminism, witchcraft, abortion, and homosexuality came as well. Rock-n-Roll is straight from the pits of Hell. ALL rock-n-roll women wear pants. Sexual immorality is a driving theme in rock. Listen to quotes from the rockers themselves...

"Sex is where its at in music... and I like it." (Johnny Bristol)

"I’ve always thought that the main ingredients in rock are sex, really good stage shows and really sassy music, Sex and sass, I think that’s where it’s at." (Debbie Harry, lead singer with Blondie)

"I'm in rock music for the sex and narcotics." (Glenn Frey of 'The Eagles')

"Rock 'n' roll is 99% sex." (John Oates)

"Everyone takes it for granted that rock and roll is synonymous with sex."
(Chris Stein, lead guitarist with 'Blondie.')

"Rock music is sex. The beat matches the body rhythms."
(Frank Zappa, superstar of 'Mothers of Invention' fame.)

What more evidence do you need? You are accountable to God ladies for the way you dress, the men you cause to lust, and the sins/crimes they commit as a result.

It is no coincidence that Hollywood has been putting nudity in their films as much as possible since the 1930's. Even in the 1966 film titled, “THE BIBLE: IN THE BEGINNING,” a 19-year-old Swedish woman (played by Ulla Bergryd) appears totally butt naked, showing everything. She plays Eve in the film. The film was accepted by the churches simply because it was produced as a religious film.

In the 1995 movie “Joseph,” starring Ben Kingsley as Potiphar, the breast teat of Joseph's wife Asenath (played by Valeria Cavalli) is plainly visible as she leaves the bathing tub; and the breast teats of the woman who plays Potiphar's wife (played by Lesley Ann Warren) are clearly visible through her transparent clothing. These are so-called Christian films produced by the cesspool of iniquity of Hollywood. Godless, Christ-rejecting, pedophile, Jews own and control Hollywood, and God's judgment is upon them all. It is this evil group of perverts who have shaped America's moral standards since the 1930's, and look at the mess were in today! If you're not angry, you're watching too much television!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Are Buffy and Sabrina Angels or Demons?

According to The Sunday Herald, August 6th, 2000...

Witchcraft has come out of the shadows and is entering British society as a viable alternative lifestyle. The Pagan Federation, an umbrella group which represents druids, shamans, witches and high priestesses, is now receiving up to 1000 calls a week. And with more than 120,000 members, being Pagan hardly consigns practitioners to the wacky /sinister fringes of society.

SOURCE: The Sunday Herald, August 6th, 2000, by Neil Mackay

Satan has a bid for each teenage, and he is successfully luring many youth today into witchcraft through demonic TV, video games and books.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer is an American cult television series that initially aired from March 10, 1997 until May 20, 2003. The entire concept of vampirism is rooted in Satanism. Sadly, many teenagers have adapted to a vampire type of subculture known as GOTH.

Sabrina, the Teenage Witch is an American sitcom based on the Archie comic book series Sabrina, the Teenage Witch. Its first four seasons aired on ABC from September 27, 1996 to May 5, 2000; the final three seasons ran on The WB Television Network from September 22, 2000 to April 24, 2003. Only God knows how many teenagers, especially girls, have become involved with witchcraft because of Buffy and Sabrina. God hates witchcraft (Galatians 5:19,20).

Teenage magazines such as Mizz promote spells, crystals and tarot cards in their "Spooky" section. Walt Disney's New FLY Pentop Computer for Kids Features the Satanic W.I.T.C.H. Journal. Each letter in W.I.T.C.H. represents the name of an actual witch in the TV series! This is demonic!

To no surprise, Toys-R-Us also sells glow-in-the-dark Ouija Boards for your kids to invoke the Devil with. Or how about Glinda the Good Witch Doll for ages 6 and up. Also for sale, the Teen Witch DVD movie for ages 13 and up.

Then there's books to lure your child into Wicca witchcraft, such as: The Young Witches Handbook by Kate West (Harper Collins) and Spells for Teenage Witches by Marina Baker (Kyle Cathie). Wicca is a big lie! Wicca is a false religion, which worships hundreds of pagan deities; but vehemently rejects Jesus Christ! According to 1st John 2:22 in the Word of God, Wiccans are LIARS!

A growing number of TV programs and movies have been directed at our children, such as The Golden Compass, which mentions the word "demon" over 50 times! Witches are portrayed as being "good" throughout the movie, and demon possession as something to be eagerly desired. The movies' author, Philip Pullman, is a militant atheist who in a 2001 interview with the Washington Post said: “I’m trying to undermine the basis of Christian belief.”

Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Charmed, Witches, Sabrina the Teenage Witch, Harry Potter, and Witch Academy & Angel are among popular TV programs which Satan has used to attract teens, particularly teenage girls, into Wicca witchcraft.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I feel nauseated every time I hear Lee Greenwood sing his song, GOD BLESS THE USA. We are so arrogant as Americans. We think we can do as we please—calling our evil good—legalized child murdering, pornography and fornication, drunkenness and public lewdness, lesbianism and same-sex marriage, casino gambling, false religion, feminism and divorce, illegal wars, witchcraft and idolatry. What right do we have to expect to be blessed? Here are some of the lyrics to Lee Greenwood's song, GOD BLESS THE USA...

And I’m proud to be and American,
where at least I know I’m free.
And I wont forget the men who died,
who gave that right to me.

And I gladly stand up,
next to you and defend her still today.
‘Cause there ain’t no doubt I love this land,
God bless the USA.

I'd like to offer my own amended lyrics to Mr. Greenwood's song, because my version is reality...

And I'm sad to be an American
Where we murder our children because we're free
And I'm ashamed of what our troops are doing in Iraq
where we have killed so many in an unprovoked attack

And I gladly stand up
and pray for God to curse America
'Cause there ain't no doubt we spit in God's face
God curse the USA.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

It is important for you to understand that MOST of the professed "Christian" world is NOT Christian. In the popular Left Behind Series, the Pope actually gets raptured. If you know anything about the Bible at all, then you know that Pope John Paul II is burning in hell. "...Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God" (John 3:3). The Roman Catholic religion teaches that the only way to heaven is through the Roman Catholic Church (through baptism, the keeping of the seven sacraments, and a good relationship with the Mother Mary). No such nonsense is taught in the Bible. John 14:6 declares that Jesus Christ is the ONLY way to heaven. "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." -John 14:6. The seven sacraments are a lie!

So NO Catholics will be raptured because they are NOT born again believers. If the rapture has already occurred, then perhaps you are confused because MOST of the professed "Christians" are still alive.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Did you know that the public school system was Karl Marx's 10th plank of his Communist Manifesto? Should it be surprising that one of the primary engineers of today's Godless public school philosophy, George Brock Chisholm, was a God-hating, family-hating, immoral, Communist! By promoting Illegal Immigration, interracial marriages, religious ecumenism, feminism, homosexuality, and moral decadence in America, Communists are successfully fulfilling the Godless vision of sicko and Communist, George Brock Chisholm...

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Americans murder (abort) over 4,000 of their own children every single day, but then we condemn Muslim cultures for the way they treat women. What hypocrites! Our sick and twisted way of thinking in America is Satanic! It's ok to murder a child in the womb? Homosexuality is ok? Same-sex marriage is ok? Indecent magazines and videos are ok? We're sick in America. We Americans can murder, lust, fornicate, commit perversion, lie, divorce and covet; but then we demonize and look down on Arabs as an inferior culture because their women are required to cover-up with clothes, be quiet in men's matters and smutty television is banned. We're very spiritually sick in America. Our television is sexually perverse, which offends most Arab cultures. They're far more moral than we are. I love Arab people. I despise Allah, a false god; but I love the descendants of Abraham's son, Ishmael, the firstborn.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Parents all across America have been charged with being "negligent parents" by the Child Protection System for nothing more than a refusal to subject their child to the numerous and often harmful side-effects of DRUGS. Child Services would much rather prefer the term "medicine"; but the honest truth is that they are DRUGS. These drugs are often fatal. In fact, 100,000 Americans die EVERY YEAR from prescribed drugs from their doctor.

If you want NON-DRUG medicine to help you, you must seek the help of a homeopathic doctor. Unfortunately, 99% of all people go to the drug-dealing doctor because insurance companies WON'T cover natural remedies. Isn't that crazy? Nearly ALL doctors are trained to prescribe a "drug" to treat the body's ailment (drugs, drugs, and more drugs)!!! The pharmaceutical industry is a multi-billion dollar empire. Are you starting to get the picture? Parents informed of the potential dangers of such dangerous drugs are expected by the government to subject their children to those drugs (OR ELSE be charged with parental negligence!!!). It is utter COMMUNISM!!!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Members of the public have been terrified in cities where these operations have occurred. Unmarked helicopters and black hooded, armed troops descending on unsuspecting American mass population centers is one of the most gross and infringing violations of governmental and military authority ever perpetrated on the U.S. citizenry. But this is mild compared to what it will be like when the training stops and real implementation begins!

Yes, indeed, FEMA is definitely an emergency management agency, and when the president decides there is a national emergency, FEMA will certainly do the "managing"!

Now, getting back to FEMA's underground headquarters and some of their other functions. FEMA, as you would suspect, has the most advanced communication and data compiling technology available. Their massive data bank includes information on practically every citizen in the U.S. It also has lists of nearly all organizations or groups. Especially those whom they consider subversive or militant.

This basically includes every group, organization, and many individuals who actively oppose the goals, aims and objectives of our increasingly imperial American government. Your name may very well be on this list.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

I've been predicting for years that we'd likely see more attacks in the United State to further a Police State takeover. And so it is! I became suspicious of the nature of the Boston marathon bombing the moment I heard that a 'terror drill' was announced prior to the bombing. The same terror drills were used as a cover for the 2007 London bombings. Unbelievably, Rudolph Giuliani was present in London when and where the bombings took place. The same war-games 'terror drill' was used as a cover for the 911 World Trade Tower attacks in 2001. All three bombings were accompanied by 'terror drills.' Confirmed by eyewitness: Bomb squad drill was under way at Boston marathon.

If you’re looking for the truth about the Boston marathon bombings, don’t bother reading the mainstream media. The mainstream newsmedia work for the globalists. The real breaking news is found in the alternative media, where Anthony Gucciardi of StoryLeak.com just did an on-the-record interview with Alastair Stevenson (a University of Alabama cross-country track-coach) who heard law enforcement telling the crowd, “It’s just a drill” immediately after the explosions.

The globalists (Illuminati) love to mock the stupidity of the public. In an eerie Family Guy episode aired just weeks PRIOR to the Boston marathon attacks, Peter Griffin is depicted detonating TWO BOMBS with his cell-phone at the BOSTON MARATHON!!! Coincidence? The chances of such a coincidence is astronomically improbable!!! This is really bizarre!!! Here's the video on YouTube by Paul Watson of Infowars. Truth is stranger than fiction! The globalists mock us with the 911 Memorial. It is sport to the wicked to do mischief. Proverbs 10:23, “It is as sport to a fool to do mischief: but a man of understanding hath wisdom.” Secret Societies love to brag about their control over humanity, laughing at our woeful naivety and ease of being manipulated.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

It is well-known among people who care to do the research that AIDS (among other viruses) was created to depopulate the planet to make way for the New World Order (NWO). The most straight forward evidence of this are the progress reports of the U.S. Special Virus Cancer Program, as exposed by Dr. Len Horowitz (www.tetrahedron.org) and Dr. Boyd Graves (www.boydgraves.com) and a video called "AIDS CURE: U.S. Patent #5676977 on Google video. The killer is that the U.S. has patented a cure for AIDS (go to www.uspto.gov, patent # 5676977). Large "humanitarian" organizations such as the Global Fund to Fight AIDS and Samaritan's Purse don't prioritize finding a CURE for AIDS! This is not surprising considering that the heads of these major organizations are SNAKES and disgusting liars.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Karl Marx (1818-1883) is considered by most students of history to be the father of modern-day Communism. Marx was a devout satanist in college and a Luciferian-worshipper throughout his life. He was also a member of the underground Illuminati. Marx was a Jewish high, level Freemason and infiltrator, working for the sinister International Banking Cartel. William Guy Carr does an excellent job exposing the agenda of the Banksters in his incredibly informative book, PAWNS IN THE GAME. Marx's infamous COMMUNIST MANIFESTO was a virtual reprint of Illuminati founder, Adam Weishaupt's blueprint for World Government back in 1775. The summarized 10 Planks of Marx's Communist Manifesto are shocking when you realize that they totally describe America today. Why do you think President Obama want our guns? You haven't seen anything yet until our guns are gone. Fascist, cruel and inhumane mistreatment of citizens will become the norm.

Few Americans have ever learned the truth that the Revolutionary War of 1776 was a direct result of the Illuminati's plans to achieve World Government, aka, a New World Order. This has been America's Secret Destiny since the very beginning, as outlined and evidenced in 33rd degree Freemason and prolific author, Manly P. Hall's eye-opening, insightful, book, AMERICA'S SECRET DESTINY. It was Manly P. Hall who correctly stated, “The best place to hide a LIE is between two TRUTHS!” (and so it is in society today). Also, Hall states that the most effective deception is the half-truth, because in part it can be contested with incontestable logic. Pretty good stuff, huh? Clearly, Freemasons are trained, professional and cunning masters of deceit, lies and swaying public opinion for their organization's secret agendas.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Mormons are widely known for their sexualized religious beliefs. The two are inseparable. Remove the sexual perversion and the Mormon religion ceases to exist. But a much lesser known, but far more spiritually dangerous false religion, is Judaism. The sexualized Jewish false religion is far more dangerous because it's been influencing American society through television for 75 years. As with Mormonism (and the two religions are closely associated, along with Freemasonry), Judaism and the Talmud cannot exist without sexual perversion (as I'll prove to you in some shocking quotes from the Jewish Talmud later in this article).

One of the most sicko and sexually perverted programs on television since 2007 is called "THE BIG BANG THEORY." The evil show is co-produced by Jewish TV executive Chuck Lorre (his 2011 yearly salary was $35,000,000); and the star of the show, Mayim Bialik (who plays Amy ) is a devout follower of the Talmud.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

PAN'S LABYRINTH is rated-R due to graphic violence and foul language. Here's their website. Anyone who is familiar with Satanism and the occult knows that “Pan” is the pagan god of sexual fertility, immorality, lust, rape and pedophilia. Many statues of Pan display him with an erection. Wiccans adore Pan more than all the other false gods that they worship.

Tragically, ChristianityToday recommend this filth and gives it their highest rating of 4-stars.1 It shouldn't come as a surprise that the apostate minister, Billy Graham, is the founder of ChristianityToday, which ought to be renamed to ApostasyToday.

As a Bible-believing Christian who has studied the workings of Satanism and the occult, I have learned over the years that sexual sins are inseparably inherent to them both. The infamous Aleister Crowley, a renowned Satanist and 33rd degree Freemason, was a known drug-addict and bisexual. He spoke in his writings of child sacrifices to Lucifer. Ritualized child abuse is a known, documented and widespread evil throughout the world today, as it has been throughout history.

Satan is unmistakably presented in Pan's Labyrinth. The movie creators even name him “Pan.” The following quote is from the website, Movieweb.com...

"In this fairy tale, a small family in Spain moves into an old house in 1943 after the rise of Fascism. Their eldest daughter, at age 12, falls in love with a fawn that lives in the old ruined labyrinth which resides behind their new decrepit home." —SOURCE

The very notion of an innocent child falling in loving with a sexual predator like Pan is nauseating to any God-fearing person. Lest you think I'm grasping for straws, the movie's producer, Guillermo Del Toro, has openly stated that one of the works which largely influenced the making of Pan's Labyrinth is the THE GREAT GOD PAN, a novella (shorter than a novel) written by Arthur Machen in 1890. The work was so demonic and despicable that the public was outraged . . .


Why would anyone be infatuated with such a sick character as Pan? The producer of Pan's Labyrinth finds the figure of the god Pan compelling . . .

Some of my favorite writers (Borges, Blackwood, Machen, Dunsany) have explored the figure of the god Pan and the symbol of the labyrinth. These are things that I find very compelling and I am trying to mix them and play with them. (Del Toro message board, Answers Archive, Nov. 24, 2004)

Pan's Labyrinth producer, Guillermo Del Toro, admits the dark nature of the film . . .

There are differing ideas about the film's religious influences. Del Toro himself has said that he considers Pan's Labyrinth “a truly profane film, a layman's riff on Catholic dogma.”

Yes, it is a profane (morally corrupt) movie. For anyone who understands who Pan is, what he does and the evil he embodies, it is unthinkable that someone would actually place an innocent little girl into such a setting, in a movie, portraying her as falling in love with Pan.

This is how sicko the Hollywood elite really are!


Walt Disney has also featured Pan with a little girl, in the movie NARNIA. The little girl ends up alone in the fawn's home. His name in the movie is Tumnus. The girl falls asleep. When she awakes, Tumnus says he has done something horrible, and there is undeniably a spirit of pedophilia in the movie. One look at the fawn in NARNIA identifies him as Pan, with hoofed feet and horns on his head. The plain and simple truth is that anyone who know anything about Pan knows what he represents... sexual seduction and immorality. To make a movie that features an innocent little girl in Pan's Labyrinth (a system of paths and tunnels) is sickening. The entire spirit of the movie couldn't be anything but sexual, since it's main character is the biggest sexual predator in history, Pan. And to think, ChristianityToday recommends it? God help us!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

There's NOT a dime's difference between Democrat and Republican concerning New World Order agendas. There are higher powers (like the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers) that control our spineless leaders like puppets. All of our top leaders are blackmailable (just in case they need to be removed from office quickly). Both Bill Clinton and George W. Bush have had previous charges of rape against them.

The woman who accused Bush was found dead weeks later with a bullet in the back of her head. The Supreme Court has been compromised, they are told what to vote. Do you really believe that the abortion vote is always a close call at 5-to-4? Come on! Did you know that Hitler was a Rothschild. The Rothschilds control trillions of dollars in U.S. credit debt, etc.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

What is an agenda? An “agenda” is something that didn't just happen, it was made to happen. Homosexuality didn't just happen in America. Our society didn't just decide one day that God created Adam and Steve, instead of Adam and Eve. Abortion didn't just happen because a women named “Jane Doe” wanted to murder her baby. Feminism didn't just happen, indoctrinating women to ruin their marriages, kill their babies, and pursue a career working as a man. These are evil Communist agendas that were MADE to happen.

What is Communism? In its simplest form, Communism is a vehicle created by Freemasons to achieve a New World Order. This was the same reason for the Nazi Movement, started by Karl Ritter. BOTH Communism and Nazism have the same goal—world domination and the enslavement of humanity. Since Satan failed to unite humanity against God at the tower of Babel in Genesis 11, he has desperately tried to unite men ever since segregated humanity (Genesis 11:6-8); by breaking down all barriers of race, language, culture, religion, and location. This is why we have open borders, the ecumenical religious movement, outsourcing jobs to foreign slave labor, hundreds of corrupt Bibles; it's all intended to destabilize society. One cannot possibly fathom the broadness of the attack against America.

Communism is the opposite of Capitalism. In Capitalism, a man keeps what he earns, in a free market society. In Communism, the government takes from the haves and gives to the have nots. Communism always ultimately fails, because when free market is suppressed, so is personal work ethic and individual ambition. Someone has to pay the bills.

But a more sinister purpose behind Communism is the moral decay and subversion of society through government supported immoral agendas, lewd and violent TV programming, welfare and section-8 housing for divorcees, banking and real estate fraud, the lies of evolution in public schools, the newsmedia brainwashing of society, et cetera; with the ultimate goal of destroying the family unit, thus enabling the take over of society by criminals. Their intent is to achieve a unified global government, all under the dictatorship of a global ruling elite group (The Council On Foreign Relations). Through the agendas of feminism, abortion, divorce, homosexuality, 501c3 tax-exempt charities, liberal religion, and many others, America is being completely devastated. God is an authoritative God; but He's not a thug Communist.

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