
Rene Donaldson #fundie quora.com

In Dragon Ball Z- Dragon Ball Super the primary antagonist is Frieza. He’s the only reoccurring primary antagonist in the canon. He’s a symbolic amalgamation of dragon celestial and dragon demon races. He represents the real life rulership of the celestial dragon race over monkey demons. Dragon Ball Z’s story of Frieza’s empire ruling over aliens is just symbolic for the dragon celestials ruling over all races and species of demons. The saiyans were just one of many races under Frieza’s empire - in real life monkey demons are just one of many demon species who are under the authority of Dragon celestials.

The saiyan race is a warrior race trained to kill and destroy taking orders from a race of dragons who have an empire in space. This is based off the reality of celestial dragons princes who give orders to demons to continue their domination over mankind existing on earth in the 3rd dimension.

Our fascination with Dragon Ball is literally based on the will of the spirits of the monkey demons whom the fictional saiyan race is a cartoonish exaggeration. So the real life version of Frieza and saiyans are literally on the same side. There’s no fighting between monkey and dragon; there’s no super saiyan; no god forms; no ui; no blowing up planets or being galaxy - multi universal in power tier; theres no shaking the universe through fighting. All of that is fantasy to keep you entertained on monkey demons and their celestial dragon masters who dominate them.

Rene Donaldson , #fundie quora.com

Saiyans are just cartoon versions of monkey demons. Monkey demons are a monkey species derivative of nephilim, which were produced by intermixing monkey, angel, and human dna. The saiyan race is symbolic for the monkey demon race that thrived during the Pre Flood era of human history. It was eradicated in a global world war and the remnants were killed off through a global food. Afterwards throughout history human militaries have eradicated any monkey demons that were born within human and / or nephilim societies.

The spirits of monkey demons exist in the 4th dimension either on earth or in hell. The spirits of the monkey demons whose physical bodies were killed during the PreFlood era were crushed in battle against God’s race of celestial dragons. These dragon celestials forced 9/10ths of the monkey demon race to live in hell where they reside as one of many species of demon tormentors of human souls. 1/10th of the monkey demon spirits reside on earth - these are the ones that are behind Dragon Ball, King Kong, Monkey King, and monkey demon anime derivatives.

In Dragon Ball the ultimate gods of the show are the celestial dragons. They’re symbolic for the celestial dragon race who are the fore fathers of the nephilim race which sired the monkey demon race. Just look at the title of the show - Dragon Ball not Monkey Ball even though monkey demons are the main characters of the show. The title of the show signifies the celestial dragon princes that rule over the monkey demon race, whom the monkey demon race is completely dominated.

Lincoln Maene , I spent 5 years as an edgy internet atheist #fundie quora.com

Modern Atheists are almost exclusively Christians in denial. Very few have achieved any sort of intellectual rejection of Christianity in its core values (ala Nietzsche). And because they have wholeheartedly swallowed the ethical presuppositions of Christianity, they get really mad when the moral picture of God—in the old testament for instance—or the state of the world around them conflicts with the atheists’ Lord and savior: Jesus Christ. Take your average Atheist, for example, waxing pathetic about how the ever present pointless suffering and evil in the world shows that there is no God.
And that’s why the atheists get so mad: because they love Jesus Christ with all their hearts, their one and only true Lord, whose absence has destroyed all true meaning and longstanding joy from the atheist’s life.
[posts a stained glass image of Jesus]

Glenn Ricardson #fundie quora.com

(In response to: Do Christians ever fear that they will end up in Hell for all eternity?)
Yes, let's look at this in a simple way, we have very intelligent people in this world ,( Doctors, Engineers,, Technicians,, Mathematicians,, Chemists,,physicist,,Biologist,,Dentists,,etc. etc. BUT there is Not one man on Earth Today that Has the Brains or can even BEGIN to COMPREHEND How POWERFUL THE LORD IS we cannot even in our WILDEST Imagination ( drugs,, Alcohol, Acid Mushrooms, Lsd, Pcp, weed, Cocaine, Angel dust ,etc. None of those Heights, (good trips or bad trips ) we still don't have the Ability to Understand HOW MUCH GOD LOVES US,,so HE stept Down to Our Level ,and Became Flesh and Blood to Teach us How to Live with Love for Each other, if you cannot love your Enemies and Forgive them unconditionally then you Also don't LOVE The LORD can you imagine forgiving someone Unconditionally ?? JESUS SAID BE HOLY. JESUS NEVER SAID BE A CHRISTIAN,,, ,,,CHRISTIAN IS THE NAME OF A PERSON IN THE BIBLE,,,SO RELIGION OR RELIGIONS ARE THE WORKS OF the devil and could lead you straight to Hell

Edward Smith #fundie #dunning-kruger quora.com

(sigh… another creationist answer to my question.)

What would dolphins look like if they went back to land again? Would they become bipedal and have hands with opposable thumbs, or would they have hooves like their ancestors?

Dolphins were never land animals in the first place. Your question betrays a total lack of knowledge of biology, the fossil record and even the definition of evolution.

The idea of such as you believe is pure fantasy and only true in the wild imaginations of evolutionists.

Gerald Mcdonald #fundie #dunning-kruger quora.com

( Note: I asked this question and guess who the first person to answer it was? Gerald fucking Mcdonald. )

Q:What would dolphins look like if they went back to land again? Would they become bipedal and have hands with opposable thumbs, or would they have hooves like their ancestors?

A:They were never land lubbers. They as well as any other water loving mammal, have always been living in water. Their ancestors were created in water. And this is how they have always been..

Dom Clark #racist #wingnut quora.com

Isn't Jewism the ultimate and purest fascism?

Quite the opposite. Fascism is fundamentally good while Jewry is fundamentally evil. Jewry directly opposes almost all of the foundational ideas fascism is built on. The essence of Jewry is domination through parasitism motivated by pure greed. Fascism is built on the ideas of hard work, self-reliance, charity, humility, submission to legitimate authority, and service motivated by selflessness.

William Tong #crackpot #psycho quora.com

( Part 3 [Final] )

There are widely varying opinions on what to do about the problem of Sasquatch. There is the Kill ’EM ALL AND LET GOD SORT ’EM OUT crowd. I'm one of these. Then there is the “we're going out in to the woods naked and banging drums to chant our Bigfoot prayer of protection and wave beads and crystals around til they show up and dance with us. Then we'll all get high and communicate telepathically and sing Kum Ba Yah My Lord” crowd. These are the ones who grossly (and fatally) underestimate just how dangerous these creatures are. Unless everyone never wants to camp, hunt, fish, or so anything at all in the woods again, these creatures must be terminated. Keep in mind that compared to them just how feeble we really are. Even the fastest, fittest, and strongest of us is pathetically easy to kill by a Squatch. We're slow. We're loud. Compared to Bigfoot’s mastery of the woods and the art of evasion and concealment, were stupid and easily frightened.

One last thing. What IF Uncle Sam decided to inform us plebes that “hey guess what y'all ain't crazy after all heh heh. Yep. They're real. Chew on that why dontcha?” Next thing you know the Sierra Club and PETA and a gazillion funky tree huggers are screaming to make all Sasquatch lands protected. Well, they're everywhere so guess what Joe Logger? You just lost your job. Sorry Sammy Salmon Fisherdude. The Squatch need that food. Go work at Burger King. No more camping Mr. Civilian. We can't guarantee your safety in the woods so sorry. Hey Carl Cattleman we're just as bummed as you that a Squatch clan ate 43 of your cows. But they're Federally protected now you so you can't do anything. It's their land now. Move if you don't like it.

Think about it.

William Tong #crackpot #magick quora.com

( Part 2 )

And here is where it gets dicey. Man and Nature are in a constant battle. Sometimes we forget that our wonderfully advanced technology and seeming dominance of the planet is feeble at best. In recorded scientific history we've barely scratched the surface of God’s unique and mysterious planet. In short, we’re not nearly as badass as we believe. Imagine a fully grown Sasquatch. He stands anywhere from 7 to 9 feet for the “lowland” species topping out at a staggering 12 feet for the “highland” or mountain Squatch. Each one has roughly the strength of a grizzly with the temperament to match. They can run as fast as a deer. It has been recorded that any ammunition under a .338 Magnum will simply bounce of their incredibly dense skin and musculature. They are omnivorous, meaning they’re happy with your prized watermelons OR your blue ribbon steer or pig. Usually all of it. For some reason they hate dogs and will kill them no matter their mood. They are extremely territorial. If your farm or weekend cabin is in a place they want to hunt, they will do everything they can to drive you out. They will throw rocks, branches, even small trees. They will grunt, whistle, growl, shriek, and “woop”. If they feel threatened, they WILL attack… and rip their victims from limb to limb. They possess an ability known as infrasound (an ability to project an incredibly effective low frequency sound wave that can temporarily paralyze our and other prey animals nervous system). That's the reasoning for people saying they heard a Squatch growl and they felt frozen to the ground and couldn't move.

William Tong #crackpot #conspiracy quora.com

( Part 1 )

Although I've never had a personal experience with Sasquatch, I firmly believe in their existence. I'm not a man prone to gullibility or fanciful whims; there is simply too much evidence if one knows where to look and what to discard as false. Thousands of eye witness accounts universally describe them as fearsome, noisy, aggressive, and deadly. There are also accounts of indescribably “friendly” Bigfoot that will leave “gifts” if you leave them food. The Snohomish, Salish, and other First Nation tribes more or less co-existed peacefully with Sasquatch, worshipping them as gods. To this day their legends speak of respecting and fearing the Sasquatch and never doing any harm whatsoever to them. The Utes and Navajo speak of Sasquatch as aggressive and evil. Many of their legends tell of hairy giants stalking, stealing, and eating young children. So much so that many tribes finally allied and suffered hundreds of casualties driving the Sasquatch clans all the way up to the wastes of northern Canada.

Nationwide, many people disappear in National Parks. When their bodies are found, at times they had suffered massive injuries akin to a high speed car wreck… whilst hiking in the middle of the woods. Law enforcement is always quick to claim it was a bear (whatever flavor seems to be present in that region) and any civilians with knowledge of the event are intimidated and harassed by Federal agents into silence. While certainly not EVERY disappearance can be attributed to foul play by Hairy Jack, there are enough so that even the Feds (affectionately referred to as MOB or Men In Black) cannot plug every leak.

Gerald McDonald #fundie #pratt quora.com

(Part 3 [Final] )

What? What’s that? Oh, “the offspring are not identical to the parents. I see. So supposedly since the offspring are not identical to the parents, this is supposedly because of the slow moving evolutionary process. Well, why didn’t the evolutionists of the past make this stupendous revelation. Weren’t the offspring of the past not identical to the parents 150 years in the past? Why didn’t Darwin say this, instead of confessing that he was worried about not having found as many transitional fossils in the past?

And for that matter, if not being identical to the parents is actually a glimpse of that slowly occurring evolution, why are bacteria and other one celled organisms, said to be replicating “IDENTICAL” COPIES OF THEMSELVES?

Guys, this smells “something rotten in Denmark”. It smells of desperation. Which is causing the evolutionists to reach at straws to try to shore up a failing and flailing speculation that is built not upon science but upon wild imaginations and fantasy.

Evolution is fake science.

Gerald McDonald #fundie #pratt quora.com

(Part 2)

In the past, no one from the past is around to testify that evolution had actually occurred, so the claims about the past are not admissible as evidence, no matter how much the evolutionists cry, “but the similarities, the similarities”, because we see life forms born all day long, with similarities, but they are being born from other kinds of life forms. We’ve seen this pattern occurring for thousands of years. And whether they like it or not, what is observed holds more weight than anything they imagine had occurred.

And one great evidence that shoots holes in the speculation of evolution is the fact that if evolution had been going on for billions and billions of years, why is it not observed today. I mean, we are talking about bacteria replicating something other than more bacteria, or else how did they supposedly get to the place of being called humans.

And to tell the truth, even if evolution moves to slowly to occur, we are talking about what has supposedly occurred in the past. And millions of years has already occurred. So why isn’t the “bewitching” hour for many of the different kinds of life forms occurring all around us?

What has been said is that the different kinds of life forms all came from different kinds of life forms. Bacteria to frogs, or mosquitoes, or bananas, or apples. Maybe not quite in that succession, but if bacteria had evolved from something, shouldn’t we after all of these supposed millions of years that have already passed, be seeing bacteria replicating something more than other bacteria?

So, the question is guys, why are we expected to fall head over heels in accepting what is not even observed occurring.

Gerald McDonald #fundie #pratt quora.com

(Since I can’t post all of the question here, I will split it up into multiple parts.)

What scientific evidence would prove that humans continue to evolve even today?

The same that is required to prove evolution in the past or that it will occur in the future.

The same that is required to prove gravity occurred in the past or is occurring today. The same thing that the wind caused the sand dunes in the desert. Or that earthquakes caused the formations of the mountain peaks.

Observable occurrences.

The evolutionists wish for everyone to accept their word that evolution had occurred and that it is presently occurring.

To make this wish easier to accept, they make the claim, (unsubstantiated one again), that the reason why evolution is not observed, personally by all, is because evolution supposedly occurs too slowly to observe occurring.

But isn’t it funny, that many of the public, don’t realize that if evolution is supposedly toooooo slow for “anyone” to see it happen, that the “anyone” should also include the evolutionists themselves. The very ones who are saying that evolution can not be observed, are the ones that are saying evolution is occurring, but you “just can’t see it occurring”? Man talk about gullibility. Maybe the public are just too busy, trying to survive to realize the nonsensical twisted rationale the evolutionists have fallen into and are trying to push us down into.

If it is not being observed, how have they confirmed that it has or is occurring?

Gerald McDonald #fundie #dunning-kruger quora.com

What do you think of the recent find that the Neanderthals moved further South and were technologically more advanced than previously believed?

It serves to proves what Creationists have said all along. The Neanderthal were humans. Not humans that became humans from some animal. And this also lends credence that there are no such thing as evolved into humans. Humans are and always have been human.

Gerald McDonald #fundie quora.com

What is the evolutionary benefit of coughing?

Imagine you are the first ever life form. Some how you grow to have lungs and when you eat something it goes down into those lungs. (don’t forget evolution is supposedly guiding your formation, so it doesn’t realize you need a stomach or an esophagus for food to travel to the stomach), but it gets the lungs right, but the food goes down the wrong way, and the gods of chance an luck have not had the time nor knowledge to have developed a cough reflex to push the wrong stuff back out of the lungs. So you did, because you were haphazardly formed by the gods chance and luck of the evolutionists.

Evolution did nothing to help any organisms. They were designed and created by God.

Peace John #fundie quora.com

What is the strongest proof that God does exist?

The strongest proof that God does exist, I mean the true God who dwells in heaven and owns the earth is that no matter how knowledgeable we think we are, we still ‘die' at the end and no one can stop that, for the fact that we can stop death is a big proof that God does exist.

William Patton #racist #wingnut quora.com

Why are some people so against Liberals?
The progressive liberal belief in absolute equality is daily affronted by the reality of intractable racial differences. It has been over 150 years since the demise of slavery and 60 years since the demise of segregation. Neither abolition or integration has brought about the liberal utopia.

How do liberals explain this chasm between reality and their ideals and expectations? They do what all liberals do. They explain it through a combination of hysteria, denial and conspiracy theories. Even if there are no actual racists oppressing black people, they are being oppressed by the mysterious forces of “systemic racism” and “institutional racism.” White people benefit from the invisible knapsack of “white privilege.” As the evil oppressors of blacks, the only way to bring about true equality and to establish a just society is to treat white people differently than black people. White people have to be punished for their unwitting sins and the sins of their ancestors. This is “social justice” or “racial justice.”

In such a way, the twisted logic of progressive liberalism leads back to racial hierarchy, inequality and the ‘racism’ they claim to hate. Oddly enough, it leads to both intolerance and bigotry, and the loss of liberty and equality.

From a non-liberal perspective, it is utterly alien:

[photos of African-American women protesting, a mural of George Floyd as an angel]

George Clark #fundie quora.com

Science makes many presumptions to arrive at an age of 13.8 billion years for the universe. Such as, science assumes the speed of light is 186K miles a sec AND this has always has been a constant. But Genesis infers that initially light was infinite in speed and illuminated the universe without stars. God lowered the original speed of light so we could see stars at night that He made.

Secondly, science ignores all anomalies that contradict adverse issues. Such as, if the Earth were as old as you say like 4.6 billion years , then the oceans would be much more salty than they are. The inverse of the current rate of change in salinity places the age of the oceans at around 10,000 years.

The same is true for nickel powder from meteorites being deposited only on the outer edges of the Earth surface. If the Earth were billions of years old, you would find evidence of nickel at a much greater depth. But you don't.

I believe science that depends on truth, facts, and all data not just excluding evidence that conflicts with non-science suppositions.

Wanda Dailey #fundie quora.com

There's no need to prove God the Creator to anyone - - let God do it for you! That is, He has already demonstrated who He is in extraordinary ways to all of mankind, but because of foolish pride issues, arrogance & trusting one's educational level, what their idol may have said, or trusting in their own analytical conclusions, or etc., etc., etc., atheist and a majority who believe in God's existence, but are not reconciled to our Father-God, have cut themselves off from God. We need to remember, our Father-God didn't send Jesus to reconcile every person, even though salvation is available to everyone, but Jesus came to reconcile those who earnestly seek to know who He is & is not & have a desire to “get right with God.” If there's someone you'd like to help in their discovery, try to keep in mind they may be superficial, in that, while they have questions it's not necessarily because they actually have a personal interest in learning, but have a ulterior motive.

Wanda Dailey #fundie quora.com

So with this said, I suggest recommending the following: (1) Tell the person(s) that if they have great difficulty believing there is but one Creator-God, to ASK HIM to make it possible for them to know He is God & to know He WILL answer them in His own unique way & timing! To ask Him directly & not through a spiritual leader! (2) Mention that Lee Strobel, an award winning Investigative Journalist & a strong-minded atheist, set-out to prove once in for all, that Jesus was a fraud & was not who he claimed to be & did none of the things He claimed to have accomplished! And, in fact, He never existed! Strobel hated Christianity even though he didn't have a clue of what he was talking about, but like many, had confused Christianity with mankind's religions, believing they were one in the same. And, as Strobel may have earlier mentioned, how do we know George Washington ever existed? How do we know our history books aren't a hoax? We know Washington existed, due to the number of folks who personally knew him, saw him or heard him deliver a speech & recorded their encounters in diaries, in letters, on documents, etc., etc., etc. Undeniable, verified documents is how Lee Strobel ended-up KNOWING who Jesus is & is not, was reconciled to God through Jesus & became an actual Christian and ended his quest by writing the only book in history, “The Case For Christ,” to prove Jesus is as the Holy Bible says! And, with this said, I mention I recommend them to read the book.

Dean Cooper #fundie quora.com

Man could not have authored the Bible. We know that the Bible is authored by God because it foretells the future with 100% accuracy every time. No other book in the world has 100% fulfilled prophecy. This shows that it comes from the mind of God. Man would not write a book about how his God whom he loves and worships gets crucified. Man would teach that we get to God by our good works. The Bible is accurate from Science, Archaeology, Prophecy, Unity and Morality.

Dean Cooper #fundie quora.com

For me, ONE of the main reasons i believe in God is the sheer impossibility of the alternative.

We are living on a 6,371 km diameter rock, hurtling through space at a speed of 66,000 mph, a million miles away from a 27 million degrees Fahrenheit inferno and no-one in charge.

The Bible is not a book but a collection of 66 books, written over a span of 1600 years across 3 continents, by over 40 writers inspired by God in 3 languages yet it has ONE primary theme ( The Glory of God and salvation of mankind ) and zero errors or contradictions. It is scientifically, prophetically, archaeologically, historically and linguistically accurate.

Ignore the word "trinity". its not important.

Terry Ferguson #fundie quora.com

Witches are giving people scarey dreams.REPENT,learn to break off generational curses.Pray before you go to sleep.Ask Jesus to come into your heart.Pray,to the Father,Father I commend my body,soul and spirit,to your care,as I sleep,in the name of Jesus.Father I pray you let me not go through any part of this night,unacompanied by thee,in the name of Jesus.See deliverance videos by Derek Prince,WIn worley,John EChardt.Put on the full armor of God,Ephesians 6 KJV,Soak yourself,home room,in the blood of Jesus.Can anoint you door over your bedroom with olive oil.Father I ask you to bless this oil and place a drop of the blood of Jesus in it.Place some over your door.Get into the KIng James bible.Stay in it.

James Watson #fundie quora.com

The bible says everyone knows there is a God <Rom.1:18–20>, (i.e. from the creation they know there is a Creator, also Ps.19:1–6). Rom.2:14–15 teaches that everyone has the law written in their hearts, so they know right and wrong. So all these nations other than Israel knew there was a God and they were sinners. If they followed the light they had, they would know how to please God and seek the knowledge of the Messiah through Israel, but they didn’t. Some came to know and please God from other countries, e.g. Ruth from Moab, Ninevah repented at Jonah’s preaching. And God is not limited, so He could reach out to individuals like He did to Abraham in the Ur of the Chaldees. But I would argue that God is just and doesn’t punish anyone who is not guilty, unless they are caught up in the punishment of a wicked nation, like Jerusalem.

Bob Blacka, studied Quantum Field Theory at Drexel University (1974) #fundie quora.com

The God of Moses doesn’t need to complete with other religions because he’s the only living God. All the other gods are fakes, total inventions, because they have never done anything in history nor do they respond to prayer.

So a human being has basically one of two options: Either believe in the living God, or believe in nothing. Believing in some ancient pagan god is about as useless as believing in the tooth fairy. A pagan god is not going to do anything for you.

So why should you believe in the living God? Because he is the only one that can give you eternal life. That is his promise. If you follow the plan taught by Jesus, you are guaranteed eternal life. How do I know that? Because he said so.

John 6: “Jesus declared, “… whoever comes to me I will never drive away. For I have come down from heaven not to do my will but to do the will of him who sent me. For my Father’s will is that everyone who looks to the Son and believes in him shall have eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.”

How can someone know if Jesus is real? That’s pretty easy because Jesus claimed to be God and raised himself up from the dead to prove it. No other person in history has been able to do that. Not only that, Jesus raised a man, Lazarus, after he was dead for 4 days. No one can do that either. He did that only to prove to humanity he has the power to raise people from the dead.

If you are skeptical, consider this: Thousands of people saw Jesus die on the cross. And thousands of people saw him alive after he was resurrected from the dead. Hundreds of early Christians were tortured to death for following their faith and proclaiming Jesus as their Lord. Do you really think they would do that just for a hoax?

Oh yes, that thing about God killing people. Actually, he’s not keen on killing them, in fact, he wants everyone to have eternal life. God has bent over backwards to give people eternal life, but if they persist in worshiping the Golden Calf and burning up their children alive as sacrifices to Baal, then God has no other choice than to destroy those people. God only tolerates evil for a limited time, so when people have been warned repeatedly, over hundreds of years, and yet they continue to ignore the warnings, God has no other option left but to destroy them. But it pains him just the same.

Terry Stroot, studied The Bible #fundie quora.com

How do you think it will go under this evidence.

God knows everyones every secret thought.

God knew before you were even born every motive why you disobeyed Him

God knows every crime you did and everything in your life.

God said if you just commit even one crime against God’s commands you commit ALL OF THEM.

what will you say to defend yourself. You who are lawless.

Francis Marsden #fundie quora.com

(In answer to Why did Greek and Egyptian beliefs (among others) become mythologies but Jewish and Catholic beliefs became religions?”)

Because the Greek and Egyptian religions were simply myths and legends and nothing else, whereas Judaeo-Christianity is a true revelation from the really existing God, acting in human history.

David Whittle #fundie quora.com

I have nothing to prove to non-believers. I feel no need to prove anything to you, particularly since you reject the self-evident truths of God’s word and divine nature. God gives you the freedom to believe whatever nonsense you choose, including your false belief that I have chosen to believe fraudulent nonsense. I honor the freedom God has given you.

Sharan Kumar #dunning-kruger #crackpot quora.com

Sanskrit, Greek and Latin are three different languages. Contrary to what some of the users have suggested, in truth, Sanskrit does NOT belong to the PIE family. There is nothing called Indo-European family of languages. Now, I might be mistaken for a Hindu fundamentalist. So let me expose this pseudo-theory called PIE. The hypothesis that Sanskrit and European languages including Greek are related is a "lie" for three reasons, among others -------------- (1) There is no language without culture: we have heard of French language and French culture; Greek language and Greek culture. The relationship between the two is such that one can NEVER exist without the other. There is no language without a culture and vice versa. If there really existed an Indo-European family of languages, how can they exist in isolation from an Indo-European family of cultures ??? Since an IE composite culture cannot be located anywhere in the world (indeed, there is Indian culture in opposition to European culture), the theory that there existed a PIE super family of languages is purely counter-intuitive, especially when there is no VALID proof (that fails the test of falsification), without which there is no question of empirical science.

Joshua Harrell Dickerson #fundie quora.com

God revealed his existence undoubtingling when Christ was born. Also even when adam and eve were born. The existence of the Bible proves the existence of God because the new testiment was compiled by disciples who have seen Christ in the flesh. watched him die for their sins and he raised from the dead. The question is now do you believe in miracles. No? How about curses then like the conjuring. Annabelle, the curse of la llarona, Amityville horror, and all I've listed off is Hollywood horrors that are all based on true stories. What happened in those true stories. I don't care for now. Not going to take up exercism as a career to see if God really exist but I recommend all athiest to so they can finally get there “evidence”. Untill then I don't want to hear from an atheist until they take on my challenge for a year. Athirst convinently believe that God doesn't exist and yet to try my test to be proven wrong.

Karen Goe #fundie quora.com

The holy soirit has spoken through you. The person before you has let the devil dictate his words. We can pray that the devils strong hold on him wil not prevail to his death, for in the end we will ALL be judged and I want the cloak of Christ covering me. AMEN

Karen Goe #fundie quora.com

The real problem for us mere humans God gave us free will, choose him or not. He gave us a comllex brain. The 10 commandments are put into place and are here for our protection. Cause and effect. Put your hand in the fire and you will get burned. All the things that are in the 10 commandments if not adhered could have deadly consequences. There is only one that is perfect, JESUS. Jesus isthe there for us. He is the one who pleads our case to the Father. If the name of Jesus is not beautiful to your ears then maybe you are listening to the wrong being. AMEN

Norm Fishler #fundie quora.com

Modern abortion is nothing more or less than ancient Molech worship revived. It is the promise of liberation from commitment and financial freedom. Read through the Historical Books of the Bible to see how the practice played out in the natural. Then read the Old Testament prophetic books to see what those men of God had to say about the practices of child sacrifice. “A woman’s right to choose” is fraudulent on its face. It is not your choice to terminate a healthy living soul that grows within you. Nor is it a man’s right to bully a woman into doing so. Please keep in mind that these medical emergencies that the pro-abortion crowd likes to bandy about are so rare as to be statistically non-existent.

Philip Parker #fundie quora.com

Nobody, not even Jesus, knows EXACTLY when He will return! FACT! Only God the Father knows. But hear me well: Jesus was a lamb when he was here the first time. He will return as a LION, and I ain’t lyin! (lol). Read the book or see the movie: The Case for Christ, and then repost here. Josh McDowell is a tad hokey, to put it nicely.

Pat Jefferys #fundie quora.com

Christianity is not just a faith. It is a faith based on fact. Unfortunately most who believe in Christ do not know much of the fact. Neither do they conform to the tenets of Christ’s teaching.The Bible teaches: Study the scriptures and you will find me. This is very true.

As far as atheists are concerned. There are those who enjoy debate and will debate a knowledgeable discussion and on the other hand those who will react in anger and aggression. Unfortunate, by far the greater are the latter. The only atheists I know who accepted Christ are those who set out to disprove Christianity or entered into discourse with someone who truly knows the Bible.

D. Paul Walker #fundie quora.com

There are only two religions in the world, the one or the other, the wrong or the right. They are quite easy to tell apart. The one is based on man's works; the other is not of man's works. The one says to rely on yourself, find yourself, heal yourself, clean yourself. The other says your lost, incurable, filthy. The one says you've got time, it will all work out in the end; the other says seek help today, now. The one is a struggle, a constant effort; the other is a gift bringing peace, the product of grace and mercy. The one will make a few allowances, nobody is perfect; the other demands the sinless perfection that you can never provide yourself and—provides it for you.

The one or the other, the wrong or the right one, how to chose? The easy answer to that question is look in a mirror.

Proverbs 20:9 Who can say, I have made my heart clean, I am pure from my sin?

It is your decision, your choice. Are you righteous, holy, clean, pure? Contemplate just your thoughts over the last week. If your able to make yourself pure choose the one, if you are not so clean and pure and unable to get that way, choose the other.

Romans 6:23 For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

By grace are ye saved through faith, it is the gift of God, not of works, is a singular unique religion separate out of all the religions of the world. This where the contention arises. On the one hand, all those religions can come together without condemning each other, for they are all the same religion—works. On the other hand, you have a religion that condemns all the rest by grace through faith, a free gift without the efforts of man.

This response was taken from my study, “Introduction to Biblical Studies”

Ernie Drogt #fundie quora.com

It is important to know that Atheist hide behind Ad hoc hypothesis. Every thing they know is an adjustment of the equation to keep their failures current with the mind set of the public. This is also called the Axis of Evil. The bible is not really a scientific book, but it explains scientific beliefs ever so slightly. Which drives scientists mad. Mad enough for them to do Ad hoc. One cannot explain matter without intelligent design. You cannot make the leap into evolution without it. Which is why the missing link cannot be found. That takes a creator to do so. Bread a dog with a cat it cant be done. But some how it is done from ape to man. If its so easy as scientists claim then it should have been done over and over again. Try it and it is said you end up having AIDS. Laughable i know. I don't even know if that theory is true or not, but it had a good run….. its really not about faith but the bible really does explain our existence quite well. And science is only there to distort it. In order to understand i would suggest that people explore our quantum reality rather then mediocre science.


The Bible Science Then Science Now
The Earth is a sphere – Isaiah 40:22 The Earth is a flat disc The Earth is a sphere
Innumerable Stars – Jeremiah 33:22 only 1100 stars Innumerable Stars
Air Has Weight – Job 28:25 Air is weightless Air Has Weight
Each star is different – 1 Corinthians 15:41 All stars were the same Each star is different
Light moves – Job 38:19-20 Light was fixed in place Light moves
Free float of Earth in space – Job 26:7 Earth sat on a large animal Free float of Earth in space
Winds blow in cyclones – Ecclesiastes 1:6 Winds blew straight Winds blow in cyclones
Ocean floor contains deep valleys and mountains – 2 Samuel 22:16; Jonah 2:6 The ocean floor was flat Ocean floor contains deep valleys and mountains
Blood is the source of life and health – Leviticus 17:11 Sick people must be bled Blood is the source of life and health
Creation made of invisible elements – Hebrews 11:3 Science is mostly ignorant on the subject Creation made of invisible elements(Atoms)
Ocean contains springs – Job 38:16 Ocean fed only by rivers and rain Ocean contains springs

Rene Donaldson, Security Officer (2017-present) #fundie quora.com

Yes. Tatoos and brandings on the skin always have a demon attached to it . Its a way demons possess you and own you as their property. This is why the bible states for people not to get a tatoo or marking on their body. The mark of the beast is the mainstream marking of mankind, which is the most demonic and well known mark on the planet. Its literally forcing people to become demon possessed

Sam Walker #magick quora.com

I do believe you are mistaken in your response. the neuro-chemical process in the brain does not create anything. The eyes and ears does not create anything either. Our eyes and ears allow us to access what already exists. Likewise nothing is created by the brain. The brain provide access to something that already exist.

There are many drugs that will do to the brain what telescopes, etc does for the eye.

Much of our music and art and knowledge was brought back by few who could access the realm of where such exists in the 4th dimension,

There was a person from India named Srinivasa Ramunajen who never went to school, but he taught maths to Professor Harding and Littlewood at Trinity University in England.

Colin Edwards, Masters from University of Edinburgh (2018) #fundie quora.com

God does not have any wives, and the Bible metaphorically speaks of the church being the bride of Christ. You have asked this question to cause trouble and to harm those who believe, and it is no wonder that within a hundred years there will be a genocide of religious people by atheists, the seeds of which are being plenty now, and I have no doubt you will cheer them on.

Richard Schiller, studied at University of Wisconsin - Parkside #fundie quora.com

(In answer to “What will the world be like the day after the rapture occurs?”)

The day after, the news of the 7000 dead will be televised everywhere. Nations of the United Nations will say where does the USA have the right to kill those who were raptured. At this moment they will ignore the many Christians who claim they are being visited by people who werekilled in it. Imagine killed in New York but visiting your Malawi relatives the same day after death.

The nations will all say this (how dare you kill our citizens) because many will be 7-day green card or visa passports from THEIR country. The USA President will blame the churches who lied to him saying this was a suicide. Blame the grape Kool-Aid served. I guess serving grape Kool-Aid jokes about churches gives the right to kill them saying they were there to stop death. BUT did they stop death in Waco. From what i recall, not a gun was fired of all those Waco stored weapons. Now with no weapons and no poison in the grape Kool-Aid how do you justify this church was threatened and then killed. The other churches caused it, and now these churches (all churches of the world) will not let the USA force PEACE on them, and so now those churches do fight, and UNTIL they are all dead. The effect sweeping the planet everywhere. Meanwhile those 7000 killed are unveiled to Satan that God has found 144,000 perfect people (perfect-enough) to let them all be flesh for 40 days to save Christian human flesh thru asteroid Armageddon which puts the water canopy greenhouse back up. Thus the HELL is 40 days of hell for YOU, but 40 days rejoicing for Christians knowing day 40 starts the year-long Flood and its survival on mountains. The rapid growth of plants and fruit for food with that water canopy is so much nicer than Noah’s getting off the ark to eat animals and grass grain (bread). But the year on island mountains will be very rationing. I suggest killing nasty beast to feed the hungry animals that crowd around the human survivors. I noticed in Miami how birds and cats gather to be fed by fisherman gutting their fish.

Don Sadlier, HVAC (1987-present) #fundie quora.com

(In response to: “What do you think would happen if Jesus returned?”

When He returns, not if He returns. What happens before He returns will be significant to you and me. Before He returns there will be a cleansing of wickedness beginning in the USA. How that will happen is in prophecy and we are seeing things ramping up for it. Have you seen the recent news where some are inciting violence to overthrow Trump? Are you aware of those that attempt to collapse the economy for the sake of creating chaos? Remember the protests which were egged on by those that were paid to protest? Those are the beginnings. They will get their way and all of America will break down in violence. What they plan is to place their people in power to quell the violence. What will happen is a different story, though. It will go beyond their ability to control because of other factors they didn't plan on. The end result will be that each person will have a choice to make: are they going to turn evil in order to survive or are they going to turn to God in order to survive? Those will be the great division prophesied of. Those that choose to turn evil for survival will not survive. The survivors will be those that turned to God. Even the peepers that plan on heading to the hills and live a life of self-centerdness will be hunted down by those that are evil and will be faced with the same choice of which way to turn.

In the end God will send a man that has great faith. No, he will not be like the Terminator but just the opposite. He will be humble and meek yet will have great powers bestowed upon him. He will have the ability to move mountains through faith and to cause death of goes by merely commanding it. The evil ones will see him as a weak target and will beat him. When they do it will be their last victim for he will command them to be destroyed and it will happen.

It will be through that man that Jesus Christ’s Zion Kingdom will be realized. That kingdom will be different from all other kingdoms on earth because it will be based on love, freedom, and agency. The manner of living will be unique from everything you know. Within that kingdom there will be no poor yet there will be no socialism. The citizens of that society will be the happiest on earth and will enjoy divine protection from those that would try to destroy that kingdom and society. Within that society guns and weapons are not needed for protection. There will be no prisons or jails because they would be vacant if they were built. It will truly be a refuge for those that seek to follow Jesus Christ.

After the USA comes the rest of the world in being brought to a point of having to make a decision of whether to turn evil or to turn to God. Some will turn evil thinking that they are turning to God but in the end will discover that the god of hate and war is the wrong god.

It won't be until that Zion Kingdom has been well established before Jesus will come again. When He comes in the clouds in the sky all will see Him. Those that chose to be evil will be destroyed at that time for all will have had to choose and will have made their choice. His glory will be of such intensity that it will cause mountains to melt down. Those that chose to be evil will be burned by that glory at His coming.

Gali Galit, Messianic, Missionary, Scholastic. #fundie quora.com

//Would you choose to burn in Hell forever, if it turns out that God is pure evil, such as because he slaughters children and tortures people forever, or would you bow down and worship him to save yourself from having to suffer the same fate as others?//

Thank you for the A2A.

“he slaughters children and tortures people forever,” you say.

Someone else once asked me a ridiculous question like yours somewhere else. They posted a video of how “bloodthirsty” God is.

The video cited verses where God punished people by death including:

drowning Pharoah’s army in the sea, failing to mention that they repeatedly refused to obey God and sought to enslave Israel again;
destroying 3,000 people when Moses returned from the Holy mountain with the Lord’s commandments, failing to mention that they were worshipping idols and behaving like wild pagans, despite experiencing several miracles of God which resulted in their freedom from enslavement, and who were even given the choice of choosing God or rejecting Him before God destroyed them. Those who rejected Him, despite gaining their freedom by God’s miracles, were rightfully destroyed;
blasphemers being stoned to death, as per Divine Law;
destroying 600 Philistines! (not nearly enough, imo), failing to mention that they were aggressive, warmongering people who physically threatened Israel’s development as a nation for 200 years, and who continue to do so to this day, putting out “Pallywood” videos, playing the victim to the hilt despite their international war crimes, and promising the destruction of Israel and worldwide Jewish genocide.

The video continues attacking God, using several examples from the Book of Judges, failing to mention that the purpose of the Book of Judges is to show to the consequences of disobeying God. The Book of Judges establishes the recurrent pattern of sin that would dominate the time of the judges. By the end of the book, it is clear that Israel violated her covenant with God in almost every possible way. “Charlie” obviously expected that God should ignore His own Divine Laws, ignore the breaking of the Covenant between Himself and Israel, ignore those trying to destroy Israel which He loves, and expecting that God should just sit on His hands in silence. I wonder if “Charlie” expects police and Court judges to do the same when mortal laws are broken.

The video then continues on to attack the Book of 1 Samuel. Israel had a priesthood that was corrupt. Samuel’s sons who served as judges in Beersheba were also corrupt. The people of Israel showed open disdain for the Word of God, and refused to listen to His prophet, Samuel. A remnant of Israel was righteous and longed for the glories of a just monarchy; God granted their desire. He gave them King Saul, however, Saul also ignored the Word of the Lord. The Philistines continued to be a threat to Israel, and they captured the ark of the covenant. But “Charlie” expects that God should accept it all quietly. The video even condemns David killing Goliath!

The video then moved on to attack the Book of 2 Samuel which covers the establishment of the kingdom of Israel. The book emphasizes that God rejected Saul for his disobedience, chose David for the throne, and disciplined David for his pride. The key to David’s successful reign was his relationship with God. God described him as a man after His own heart:

In his youth, David demonstrated his strong faith in God by challenging a giant with only a few stones and his faith in God’s strength to win the battle;
In his adulthood, he continued to rely on God for guidance and strength;
Early in his reign, he demonstrated the importance of his religious convictions to all Israel by bringing the ark of the covenant to Jerusalem in the midst of a lavish celebration before the Lord;
Following that, his eagerness to build a temple for the glory of the Lord was known to all.
David led the Israelites back to the true worship of God.
Even when he sinned, he demonstrated to the people his repentant heart before the living God. David’s religious leadership was the most significant part of his reign.

Through all the national and personal events of His people in order to accomplish His will, God gave David a glimpse of His ultimate will in the promises He gave him, commonly called the Davidic Covenant. In this unconditional Covenant, God promised David an eternal dynasty, an eternal throne, and an eternal kingdom. If the wicked had to die to accomplish that, so be it.

The video then mentions that no number of the dead were available from the Flood, but fails to mention that mankind was so wicked that, among other abominable human behaviour, human women were having relations with demons which resulted in supernatural, wicked, giant offspring:


If God hadn’t wiped out life on Earth when He did, giants would still be part of our population today, if not the only population today, certainly increasing in evil, and would make this sinful world of murder, rape, pedophilia, necrophilia, bestiality, wife-beating, child abuse, liars, thieves, and disease, look like a picnic.

The video also condemed God for the death of all the first-born of Egypt, failing to mention that this Divine judgment was the result of an Egyptian edict that all the first-born of Israel should die, so God turned it around on them. Perfect justice.

The video then moved on to attack Ezekiel 9 where God destroys the wicked, failing to mention that the people were perversely wicked, and that God protected those who cried out to Him for protection, by destroying them.

Then the video moved on to attack the Book of Jeremiah (“the weeping prophet”). Jeremiah’s ministry covered a very critical time in the history of the ancient Middle East. Josiah, the King of Judah, died at the hands of the Egyptian army. The people of Judah lost their freedom and didn’t turn to God, but to idols. This idolatry was the reason for Jeremiah’s proclamations of God’s judgment. “Charlie” obviously didn’t know that idol worship is against God’s Commandments and is punishable by death when violated. The book of Jeremiah includes many difficulties including Nebuchadnezzar defeating Pharoah, Jehoiakim rebelling against Nebuchadnezzar, Jehoiachin replacing Jehoiakim on the throne for a short time, and thousands of political and religions leaders in Babylon. Jerusalem’s walls were eventually breached, Nebuchadnezzar’s army besieged Jerusalem, the temple was burned, along with palaces, houses, and other administrative buildings. To Jeremiah, God was the incomparable God of all creation, was the Lord over nature and history, and He reigned not only over Judah and Israel but over all nations. Jeremiah was very aware of the covenant between God and Israel. The covenant bound Israel to God in a special relationship of love, faithfulness, and hope. But the covenant had two sides: Faithfulness to the Lord and to the covenant would bring blessing; disobedience would result in punishment, destruction, and exile. Finally, Jechonias (called Coniah in Jeremiah 22:24-30) was so evil, there was a special curse pronounced on Jeconiah that affected the throne of David, which in turn affected the rule of Jesus on David’s throne, which could only happen through the genealogy of Mary. The video fails to mention all of this and more.

The video then mocked God, i.e. “God is love, 1 John 4:8,” etc., failing to take into account all that they failed to mention up to this point.

Then it mocks the book of 1 Kings when God chastises Israel, and misses the entire point of the book which is the importance of obedience to God’s law. Naturally, the video disregarded the false religion of the Canaanites, the failures of the Israelites to walk in God’s ways, and only focuses on God’s chastisement which serves as a warning to us. Unfortunately, some of us are just too thick to get it.

Then it moved on to attack the Book of Isaiah which details the prophet’s message of condemnation to the 8th-century Israelites, pronouncing judgment on their immoral and idolatrous lifestyles.

At this point, the video records God “killing” almost one million (1,000,000) people, not including the Flood.

Alas! …

… the video introduces Satan - WHO KILLED ONLY TEN PEOPLE! count ‘em, 10! - and continues to attack God and Scripture by attacking the book of 2 Chronicles.

While Satan holds steady at 10 murders, the video attacks the Book of Acts (obviously believing that God should overlook lying to the Holy Spirit, too).

The video’s pièce de résistance? God kills Jesus.

The video’s conclusion: God killed over 2 million people compared to Satan who killed just 10.

The ignorance about the death of the Christ and the number of murders by Satan is astounding. “Charlie,” - who posted the video to straighten me out - didn’t understand that when Satan lied to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden, their sin was generational without end. Every single person after them was born in sin and even conceived in sin (Psalm 51:5). There are almost 8 billion people on the planet today, and there were billions on the Earth in the last 5,780 years, every single one of them was born in sin, and separated from God because of it. “Charlie” didn’t understand that Satan killed billions of people because of what he did to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Satan is the biggest mass murderer in the history of the world.

Enter The Christ.

“Charlie” didn’t understand that God loves mankind so much that God became incarnate to die for the sins of mankind - including “Charlie” himself - based on God’s own LAW, Leviticus 17:11. “Charlie” didn’t understand that God is a God of integrity Who wouldn’t break His own LAW despite the enormous cost to Him to save sinners from eternal punishment because of what Satan did, and because of man’s endless rebellion against Him now.

As God incarnate, the Christ restored sight to the blind, healed a paralytic, fed 5,000 people by multiplying a minimal amount of food, fed 4,000 people by multiplying a minimal amount of food, turned water into wine, cleansed the lepers, restored hearing to the deaf, healed a man with a withered hand, healed the woman afflicted with a hemorrhage, healed a possessed mute, healed a possessed crippled woman, healed the possessed man in the tombs, restored Peter's ear after it was cut off, cast out demons, calmed a storm, walked on water, raised the dead, suspended the laws of the universe, and performed so many other miracles that if every one of them were written down, the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written (John 21:25).

The Jewish leaders hated Him because He claimed to be exactly who He is, the Jewish Messiah and the Son of God (Matthew 26:63-65). The religious Jews (the Pharisees) brought Him to the head of the Roman administration, Pontius Pilate, to sentence Him to death. Pilate found no fault in Him, but to satisfy the huge uprising of people, he sentenced Jesus to flogging. The legal limit for flogging was 40 lashes. The Romans flogged Him so much, and tortured Him in other ways to such an extent, that Scripture says that His appearance was beyond human likeness: Isaiah 52:14. As God in the flesh, He had the power to escape from it anytime He wanted to. But He loves man and wanted to reconcile us to Him, so He endured it. This is just the flogging, which shows a small fraction of what He endured:

After the horrendous beating that disfigured Him beyond human likeness, He was then mocked with a crown of thorns and more, and forced to carry His own heavy wooden cross when all His bones were out of joint: Psalm 22:14.

He was then nailed to a cross to be humiliated, and tortured to death. This link details His physical suffering: frames of physiopathology. This is no small price.

After 3 days, He rose from the dead again, sat at the right hand of the Father in heaven (Luke 22:69), and sent those who accept His sacrifice for the forgiveness of their sins, His Holy Spirit to live within us (Ezekiel 36:27; 1 Corinthians 3:16), for several reasons. Not only did God forgive us our sins if we accept the Christ as our Saviour, but He continues to gift Christians in many ways.

People today are as rebellious as ever. They’ve obviously never heard the expression “You can run but you can’t hide.”

Galatians 6:7
Do not be deceived, God is not mocked [He will not allow Himself to be ridiculed, nor treated with contempt nor allow His precepts to be scornfully set aside]; for whatever a man sows, this and this only is what he will reap.

Did you know that by 1924 when their caliphate ended, the ideology killed a total of two hundred, seventy million (270,000,000) people? And we didn’t have weapons of mass destruction or nuclear weapons. All of these people were butchered by the sword. Iran is working on those nuclear weapons now.

Here’s something legitimate to bellyache about:

Terror Attacks - This list is updated daily, and lists every single day all the way back to September 11, 2001. That’s approximately 7,000 consecutive days to date.

You might also want to look up the islamic Eid al-adha festival .


"There is no drop of liquid as loved by Allah more than the liquid of blood." - Muslim cleric Abu Hamza


Christopher, if you think God was harsh in the Old Testament to people who broke His laws, violated His covenant, loved sin and Satan over Him, and chose them over being reconciled to Him, wait until the Christ returns to deal with society throwing God out of everything, and embracing and legalizing everything He forbids and abhors. When the Christ returns, they’re going to experience some serious fecal incontinence.


Thank you again for your A2A.

Mike Hodorowicz #conspiracy #psycho #wingnut quora.com

To all you elitist urbanites.

Surrender to the constitution as it stands. Do so for the children.

You will die. You won't eat. Your sustenance comes from enemy territory. The food and drink (even water) is grown, gathered, raised and slaughtered out in flyover land. It's driven to you from, by truck drivers who come from here where our real interests lie.

The street gangs will becom militias and their leaders will be the warlords. The police you have insulted, belittled, vilified until their rules of engagement make for the forfeiture or their lives, may or may not help you. What's in it for them at this point?

The politicians will be protected for as long as they can hold loyal bodyguards. Celebrities may fare better. Eventually they'll align with the gangbanger warlords.

Minneapolis, Chicago, St.Louis, Miami and New York City will become the kind dystopian wastes seen in Los Angeles and San Francisco.

Our terms are easy. Surrender to the constitution. Never more seek one size only solutions to local issues nationwide. Do it for the children. Develop ethics before preaching them. Let no minion of Satan convince you life is supposed to be fair.

We have guns. Sometimes they're scary looking. You won't know who has them but you must have the common sense to see it as the good thing it is. Come to terms and surrender to the nation you live in.

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