Andrew Schlafly #wingnut #pratt #conspiracy
Millions of Texans freezing without power because leaders believed liberal global warming hoax, failed to winterize pipelines, and wasted expenditures on renewable energy.
Millions of Texans freezing without power because leaders believed liberal global warming hoax, failed to winterize pipelines, and wasted expenditures on renewable energy.
The alleged U.S. "party switch" claim made by liberals[1] ,and progressives[2] over decades is a political hoax and conspiracy theory that attempts to smear the Republican Party. The narrative, which has been crafted with the help of Communists (who infiltrated the Democrat Party over the decades[3] and who are known to lie, deceive, and engage in historical revisionism for the sake of being contrarian[4]), typically assumes that the Democrat and Republican parties "switched sides" during the 1960s, where the Republican Party somehow became the party of "racists" and the Democrats suddenly becoming the "champions of civil rights."[5] Many reputable historians and political scientists such as Carol Swain (see this video) and political commentators such as Bob Parks[6][7] strongly agree that the parties did not switch sides,[5] as the Democrats only switched strategies with Communist help.
While many modern leftists will note the liberal policies promoted by the Republican establishment for a while during the 1900s that dissipated in the 1960s to promote their myth, it's important to note the conservative roots of the early foundations of the Republican Party, as mentioned below. Leftists also falsely[8] characterize President Dwight D. Eisenhower as a liberal Republican[9][10] when he tended to favor conservative policies.[11]
Some leftists including the extremist hate group Occupy Democrats imply that the current Republican Party models past racist Democrats in using racially charged baiting to maintain their voter base.[12] This is false, as patriotic conservative Republicans since the party's foundation have consistently advocated for the same pro-civil rights, pro-human rights, pro-free market, pro-business, pro-tariff, and nationalist principles as well as emphasizing on individual responsibility. Furthermore, these liberal charges ignore the fact that the modern-day Democratic Party treats black voters in the same respect it regarded poor Southern whites in the past.
During a largely peaceful protest at the United States Capitol on January 6, 2021 organized by Trump supporters in opposition to certifying the "official results" of the 2020 U.S. presidential election, a small mob broke into the Capitol Building violently, forcing the people inside to evacuate. Despite the MSM blaming the breaking and entering on President Trump, falsely accusing him of "inciting" the situation, evidence has suggested the militant storming to have been the result of infiltration by Antifa and paid protesters.[2][3][4]
CNN and NBC each paid BLM/Antifa terrorist John Sullivan $35,000 for his services inside the U.S. Capitol on Januuary 6, 2021.[5]
Deep State Coup 1.0
The Deep state coup attempt (sometimes called the soft coup or the "insurance policy") was an effort by high-level Obama administration intelligence community officials and holdovers to sabotage the agenda of President Donald Trump, remove him from power, and hide the illegal actions of the Obama administration.
Although the details remain complex, the structure underlying Spygate—the creation of the false narrative that candidate Donald Trump colluded with Russia, and the spying on his presidential campaign—remains surprisingly simple:[11]
1. CIA Director John Brennan, with some assistance from Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, gathered foreign intelligence and fed it throughout our domestic Intelligence Community.
2. The FBI became the handler of Brennan's intelligence and engaged in the more practical elements of surveillance.
3. The Department of Justice facilitated investigations by the FBI and legal maneuverings, while providing a crucial shield of nondisclosure.
4. The Department of State became a mechanism of information dissemination and leaks.
5. Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign and the Democratic National Committee provided funding, support, and media collusion.
6. Obama administration officials were complicit, and engaged in unmasking and intelligence gathering and dissemination.
7. The media was the most corrosive element in many respects. None of these events could have transpired without their willing participation. Stories were pushed, facts were ignored, and false narratives were promoted.
Deep State coup 2.0 refers to the sham "impeachment" of Donald Trump by Democrat leaders Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff. and Jerrold Nadler to obscure revelations in the Spygate and FISA Abuse scandals. The Democrat Party, Clinton campaign, and Obama administration illegally colluded with foreign actors to interfere in the 2016 presidential election, and the FISA Court ruled the basis of the Mueller investigation was invalid.
After the failure of the Mueller investigation to depose President Donald Trump, in September 2019 Democrats manufactured evidence to begin an "impeachment inquiry". Under new House Rules adopted by Democrats in December 2018, due process rights were ignored and Republicans excluded from questioning witnesses while Articles of Impeachment were being drafted. The timing of the impeachment inquiry was to blunt information coming out regarding the fraudulent counterintelligence investigation opened up on the 2016 Trump campaign, and the Russia collusion hoax perpetrated by the Obama intelligence community in collusion with the Democratic National Committee, the 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign, foreign governments and intelligence agencies to meddle in American media, public opinion, sway elections and attack American democracy
The Democrats so-called "impeachment inquiry" denied fundamental constitutional due process rights.
While the impeachment trial neared a vote, Democrats and fake news media were more obsessed with removing President Trump from office than with preparing for the CCP global pandemic which was known to be transmissible between humans. When President Trump took action to form the coronavirus Task Force and shut down travel from the epicenter of the deadly viral outbreak, Leftists called President Trump "xenophobic".
The U.S. Color Revolution, also known as the Biden Putsch, Transition Integrity Project, Deep State coup 3.0, Blue state Civil War or the Dem panic Pandemic is an effort by the Democratic National Committee to steal the 2020 Presidential election through mail-in voter fraud. Democrats openly threatened voters with violence if President Trump is re-elected.[14] The plan is essentially to create confusion in the immediate aftermath of the election resembling the 2000 "Florida Recount on steroids."[15] Twitter and Facebook announced that they will censor and block President Trump and supporters' claim of victory,[16] and will highlight the fake news reporting of CNN and other disreputable sources on the delayed election results.
Michigan, Pennsylvania and Wisconsin – key swing states – all prohibit election officials from beginning to process mail-in votes until election day.[17] The seditious Democrat conspiracy is to delay election results as long as possible. Ballot harvesting has become the tool of choice by Democrats to steal elections.[18] Mail-in ballots have been used for voter fraud.[19] Twitter and Facebook announced that they will censor and block President Trump and supporters' claim of victory, and will highlight the fake news reporting of CNN and other disreputable sources on the delayed election results; in fact, Twitter and Facebook, acting in collusion with each other, in blatant violation of the First Amendment and at the risk of both companies being put out of business for their anti-trust and censorious actions under both the Sherman Antitrust Act and Executive Order 13848, have already illegally censored and silenced President Trump on their platforms by banning him permanently from both of them[…]
Patriots were advised to pay attention to the Emergency Alert System.[23] The dissident group of former Democrats, the Walkaway movement, were immediately targeted for retaliation and silenced as the junta moved toward a one party system.
[RE: Biden’s infobox on conservapedia]
Personal Life
Date & Place of Birth: November 20, 1942 (age 78) Scranton, Pennsylvania
Parents: Jean Biden, Joseph Biden, Sr.
Claimed religion: Roman Catholic (In Name Only)
Dictatorial Career
Country: United States
Military Service: 4-F
Highest rank attained: Junta Leader
Political beliefs: Socialism, Communism, Marxism, Fascism, White Supremacy
Political party: Democrat Party
Date of Dictatorship: November 4, 2020
Wars started: U.S. Color Revolution
Number of Deaths attributed: ~40
The Great Reset is the globalist and Biden junta agenda to use the destruction of the U.S. and global economies by the Chinese virus pandemic to implement the Green New Deal]. It is based on the idea that a crisis is a terrible thing to waste and that capitalism can be snuffed out once and for all.[1] Klaus Schwab, who heads the World Economic Forum, began promoting a "Great Reset" throughout 2020.[2][3]
Liberal media are all on-board with promoting "The Great Reset" instead of protecting the American people from the details of it.[4] The important points of The Great Reset are that:
“There will be no money, no private property, no democracy. Instead, every key decision — what you do for a living, how much stuff you consume, whether you can take a vacation — will be decided for you by a remote, unaccountable elite of ‘experts’.”
[Submitter’s Note: The area in quotes is a quote from a Breitbart article]
The Green New Deal is a radical Communist and totalitarian plan to destroy America introduced into the 116th Congress by the Democrat Party.[1][2][3][4] It fundamentally seeks to "save" the planet from total destruction by greenhouse gases in twelve years by installing single-payer Medicare for All. Simply put, it is an intersectional coalition of the environmental movement and the socialist welfare state. The "climate crisis" gives urgency to pass legislation that will destroy American freedoms, such as the right to own a car, a gun, or private health insurance. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez's chief of staff admitted that the Green New Deal's goal had nothing to do with climate change, but rather to "change the entire economy."[5][6][7] 2020 Democrat presidential nominee Joe Biden is an enthusiastic supporter of the Green New Deal, which he renamed The Biden Plan.
Not to be outdone in apocryphal premonitions, the British government-owned fake news outlet, the British Broadcasting Corporation, claimed in July 2019 that by Inauguration Day 2021, we'd all be dead if the pseudoscience solutions to "global warming" were not adopted.[8]
There is currently no legitimate president in the White House. Joseph Biden is being claimed by the liberal media, by Big Tech and by the Democrat Party itself to be the 46th and current President"president". He took office was installed on January 20, 2021. His legitimate predecessor was Donald J. Trump Biden's "election " is disputed and illegitimate due to credible evidence of Democrat election fraud.
There is doubt as to the legitimacy and legality of Obama's claim to the Presidency due to his refusal to disclose his legitimate birth records (the fraudulent "birth certificate" he released notwithstanding, later complicated by his own admission that he originally came from Kenya, and his history prior to his announcing his plan to run for President as a Democrat candidate in 2007. He has determined to keep his records sealed because revelation of such would reveal that, under United States Constitution Article II, Section 1 (which prohibits those who are not natural-born United States citizens from eligibility for the office of President), he was not only not ineligible to hold the office but was ineligible to even run for the Presidency, thereby making both his Presidential run and his subsequent assumption of the office illegal under the Constitution. As such, Obama's ineligibility to run for or hold the office of President would mean that the United States of America did not have a legitimate executive from January 20, 2009 (the day that Obama assumed the office) until January 20, 2017 (the day President Donald Trump was sworn in to possibly become the first legitimate President since George W. Bush).
[Context: The latest version of Conservapedia’s “Biden Junta” article]
The Biden junta (also referred to by some critics as the Biden regime[2]) illegally seized power on November 4, 2020 in a nationwide rigged election by the Democrat Party, disenfranchising the will of the voters and the American people.
It began receiving federal taxpayer money in November 24 after the head of the General Services Administration received death threats against her, her family, staff, and pets.[3][4]
The junta's first actions were borrowed right out of the Nazi playbook. Like the Reichstag fire, a false flag attack on the U.S. Capitol building was staged by socialists[5] as a pretext to rein in human rights and free speech.[6]
Biden appointed Maoist Anita Dunn as Presidential Advisor.[7] Dunn had been fired by the Obama White House in June 2009 for openly expressing admiration and support for Maoist genocide,[8][9] was behind the cover-up of Tara Reade's sexual assault allegations and the appointment appeared to be a payoff.[10]
After ascending power on 1/20/2021, the Junta De Facto began rule by decree, issuing executive orders that unconstitutionally enter the United States into international agreements without congressional approval and overturning travel bans in a pandemic for the sake of a swift political victory. The Junta plans on issuing 50 decrees in the first 10 days in power.
[RE: Conservapedia’s newest edit to their Biden article post swearing-in]
Joseph Robinette “Joe” Biden, Jr. (born[2] November 20, 1942, see: Biden's age), is the current occupant of the White House. His right hand henchman, chief-of-staff Ron Klain, claims more than 2/3 of American elections are rigged.
Charles Lindbergh (1902-1974) was an aviation pioneer and the world's most famous hero in the 1920s. In 1927 he became the first to fly alone, non-stop, from New York to Paris. This solo feat created a sensation and he was welcomed by enormous crowds in France and, on his return, in New York. He was a hero to conservatives for his exploits and his leadership of the "isolationists" in opposition to Franklin D. Roosevelt's foreign policy in the late 1930s.
Lindbergh visited Germany in 1938 on a mission for the U.S. Air Corps. he studied and was impressed by the "Luftwaffe", the German air force, warning Americans it had the best equipment in the world. He accepted a medal from Hermann Goering for his services to aviation. Roosevelt supporters vehemently denounced him as a Nazi sympathizer, a charge he strongly denied and which historians generally reject.
Lindbergh was the leading isolationist of the day, and the hero to conservatives opposing Roosvelt's foreign policies. He strongly opposing American entry into World War II as an unnecessary war that would help Britain and the Jews, but not serve American interests and would lead to a dictatorship at home. He made a major speech on 11 September 1941 at an America First rally in Des Moines, Iowa, that led ex-New York governor and presidential candidate Al Smith to charge Lindbergh with being an anti-Semite. Previous speeches had hinted at Jewish control of the government, but it was in this speech that Lindbergh named Jews as a group of "war agitators."
Mary Trump is the far-left and Communist niece of Donald Trump. However, she makes very rude facial expressions, in extreme hate of Donald Trump. She wants Trump prosecuted. In extreme radicalism, she told Donald Trump to resign.
Rev. Sun Myung Moon (Feb. 25, 1920 - Sep. 2, 2012, Korea) was the founder of the Unification Church. Rev. Moon's main goal, throughout his life, had been to comfort the "grieving heart" (Gen. 6:6) of our heavenly Father. He said that at the age of 15, Jesus visited him and asked him to continue the work He had started 2000 years earlier, to establish the "kingdom of God on earth"
Al Capp said, "... out of him shines the most enormous good nature, the most enormous good will, the most enormous affection." YouTube clip, 4:31
Rev. Moon was known in the media and political world as the founder of the Washington Times.
His daughter In Jin Moon is CEO of Manhattan Center Studios and head of the Unification Church of America.
The reason Rev. Moon was against homosexuality was not so much that "God has forbidden it" but that it's a lifestyle that makes you miserable. The Bible says "Outside the city are the fornicators" not because some angel stands by the gate like a bouncer, but because fornication pulls us away from God.
Contrary to rumors spread by opponents, Rev. Moon had no plans to establish a theocracy; that would violate human free will.
Dr. Sang Hun Lee wrote, "Rev. Moon does not intend at all to propagate this thought in an absolutist or dogmatic way. He intends it to be popularized by obtaining the approval of many people after letting it undergo the research and critique of many thinkers and scholars, as many of the past scholarly works did."
During the January 6, 2021 Joint Session of Congress to certify the Electoral College ballots, while tens of thousands peaceful protesters rallied in support of President Trump outside the capitol, chartered vans of Antifa were escorted by state police in black, unmarked SUVs into the midst of the crowd.[52][53][54] Capitol Police then removed barriers and waved the crowd in to the Capitol steps.[55][56] Antifa rioters proceeded to break windows on the U.S. Capitol building and storm the premises.[57][58][59] Facial recognition technology identified Antifa members,[60] who had used disguises to infiltrate a pro-Trump protest group, as storming the building.[61]
[note: the citation provided at [60] claims that the identification of Antifa members was an error and has corrected it.]
In the early morning hours of January 7, 2021, Pence illegally certified the results of the 2020 presidential election in favor of Democrat candidate Joe Biden, even though Biden illegally benefitted from massive amounts of criminal vote fraud committed by the Democrats and their operatives to steal the election from President Trump. In doing so, however, Pence exposed his true liberal RINO colors, as well as exposing himself as a traitor to America and effectively ending his political career;
Conversion therapy, also known as reparative therapy or Sexual Orientation Change Efforts (SOCE), consists of counseling or treatment to change someone's sexual attraction from homosexuality to heterosexuality. In 2019, New York City repealed its politically motivated ban on this, just two years after trying to prohibit it. On November 20, 2020, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Eleventh Circuit struck down bans on conversion therapy in Florida.
The Bible and Christian faith are powerful methods of becoming a heterosexual. Because ex-homosexuals exist, this helps explain why homosexual activists have sought laws prohibiting conversion therapy in many states, and liberal California, Oregon, New Jersey, Illinois and the District of Columbia have banned this therapy for minors. But on February 24, 2015, an Oklahoma House committee passed a bill to protect the right to conversion therapy, and the therapy remains fully lawful in the vast majority of the United States. Liberal Dem Governor Andrew Cuomo has tried to ban it for minors by issuing an unusual executive order in New York.
The successful approaches are aided by a change in someone's activities, such as sports, to an elimination of the animosity that someone might be harboring, such as anger towards his father. Conversion to Christianity and regular attendance at church can help; Paul referenced converts from homosexuality to Christianity in the New Testament. Aversion therapy, by which someone is averted from an unwanted activity or attraction by associating it with something mildly unpleasant, is an additional approach.
Sports activities correlated with very low rates of homosexuality are baseball, football, basketball, boxing, martial arts and wrestling. Studies show that 25% of teenagers experience ambiguity in orientation at some point. Central to the homosexual agenda is to recruit as many of those teenagers as possible into the movement, without telling them that they can choose heterosexuality instead.
A quorum exists under the Twelfth Amendment for the House GOP to reelect Trump, as 138 House members objected to the Biden electors this morning. But Trump's inept advisers are lying to him.
(Context: from the article “Biden Junta”)
The Biden junta began receiving federal taxpayer money in November 2020 after the head of the General Services Administration received personal death threats against her, her family, staff, and pets.
As of Novemeber 2020 Peter Neffenger was chairman of the corrupt ballot-stuffing and election-rigging SmartMatic corporation.[5] Neffenger was appointed to Biden's junta organizational team.[6]
Ron Klain - right hand henchman
SmartMatic chairman Peter Neffenger - junta organizer[10]
Jen O’Malley Dillon - in a message of unity called GOP Senators "a bunch of f*****" - deputy chief of staff[11]
Russia collusion hoaxer Jake Sullivan - national security advisor[12]
Hunter Biden contact Anthony Blinken - foreign ministry[13]
PLA operative Alejandro Mayorkas - department of homeland security[14][15][16]
Racist mayor Eric Garcetti - commissar of housing.[17] When objections were raised, Marcia Fudge, who referred to a judge that beat and killed his wife as "a good man who made a mistake", was appointed.[18]
jihadi Reema Dodin - deputy director Office of Legislative Affairs[19]
president of the CAP communist front Neera Tanden - Office of Management and Budget[20]
Trump-Russia conspirator and Obama snoop Avril Haines - DNI[21]
globalist Janet Yellen to merge the indepedent Federal Reserve Board and United States Treasury[22]
Democrat IT scandal kingpin Xavier Becerra as HHS commissar[23]
Marxist mayor of the systemically racist South Bend police department Pete Buttigieg - commissar of transportation
Alcholics Anonymous pitchman Deb Haaland - ministry of the interior[24][25]
(On The Big Bang Theory)
This sitcom stars a free-spirited beauty and her socially challenged scientist friends but does not demonstrate any family values. Instead, some of the main characters are rooming together without being married, and all four leading men have dysfunctional relationships with one or both parents. In addition, the key character Sheldon Cooper is one of the most outspoken atheists in sitcom history, which leads to both religious and cultural friction with his devoutly Christian mother Mary as well as his Jewish colleague Howard Wolowitz and Hindu friend Dr. Raj Koothrapali. The show is widely considered to have stolen its characters' personalities and their relationships to one another from an earlier sitcom, Friends.
(On Hazbin Hotel)
As if Big Mouth weren't dependent enough on shock value, this musical adult Web series struggles to get a theme of redemption (in which demons who were humans are invited to stay at the titular hotel to be cleansed of their sins so they can go to heaven) past its using shock value and sacrilege as a crutch. Protagonist Charlie is the princess of Hell and lesbian daughter of Satan/Lucifer himself (and Lilith, a demon from the Jewish religion who is his wife in this universe), and her three main costars are either gay or lesbian as well. Adult language (including swears against Heaven) is used in rapid fire, as is the real-world drug "Angel Dust", which is also the name of a gay pornographic actor-turned-demon included among the protagonists. As of the end of 2019, only one episode has been released, and Wikipedia has customarily given voice only to those who positively received it.
China topples the West and India in chess, as Ding Liren defeats the world champ Magnus Carlsen in a playoff. The liberal media ostracizes the game because it confounds feminist ideology in how the best players are all
Two developments were involved. After the first civil rights laws were passed, rebellions by lower class blacks broke out in over 100 cities, with nights of violence against police and looting and burning of local white-owned businesses. The inner neighborhoods of many major cities, such as Detroit and Newark, were burned out. National Guard and Army troops were called out. At one point machine gun units were stationed on the steps of the Capitol building in Washington to prevent rioters from burning it down. Every summer from 1964 through 1970 was a "long hot summer." Whites and Hispanics did not riot.
Mary Trump is the niece of Donald Trump. However, she makes very rude facial expressions, in extreme hate of Donald Trump.
Joseph Biden
See also: Voter fraud, Biden Crime Family, and Biden Putsch
Joseph Robinette “Joe” Biden, Jr., or Creepy Uncle Joe, Grandpa Gropes, Quid pro quo Joe and many others (born November 20, 1942, see: Biden's age), was the Vice President of the United States and served as President Barack Obama's token segregationist. He is famously known as the architect of mass incarceration and of the most extensive voter fraud organization in history. As the Democratic party nominee in the 2020 presidential election he was endorsed by Neo-Nazi white supremacist Richard Spencer and the official organ of the genocidal Communist party of China. Biden has been implicated in pay-to-play corruption in the Biden-Burisma scandal and is in a business partnership with the People's Liberation Army of the People's Republic of China.
"We Take Care of Our Own" is a single by rocker/liberal activist Bruce Springsteen off his 2012 album Wrecking Ball. It is a liberal anthem championing government intervention because of an "uncharitable" America though Americans are among the most charitable people in the world.
The single leaked to the Internet on January 18, 2012 one day prior to its official release for download. It was released the next day, on January 19. It made its live debut on February 12, 2012 at the Grammy Awards. It was nominated for a Grammy for Best Rock Performance but lost presumably due to the aging rock star's irrelevance in the genre.
The song is an up-tempo piece that is based on newer bands Springsteen mentored such as Arcade Fire and The Gaslight Anthem.
The song features Springsteen championing liberal causes with lyrics such as these
I've been stumblin' on good hearts turned to stone
The road of good intentions has turned dry as a bone
Where's the promise from sea to shining sea?
The song also references Hurricane Katrina:
From the shotgun shack to the Super Dome
There ain’t no help, the cavalry stayed at home
The song implies that Americans are less charitable than they really are.
The music video features Springsteen with working-class people wondering what the future holds. The lyrics are prominently featured on the screen to avoid a similar misconstruation as the song "Born in the USA" (a Vietnam War protest song) where people missed the message of the song because of a catchy beat and chorus. Note the chorus that could be possibly taken as uplifting (though Springsteen himself said it was meant to be ironic):
Wherever this flag’s flown
We take care of our own
The Obama Campaign added the song to the 2012 campaign song list, consistent with Springsteen's support and endorsement of Obama in 2008.
The "Antifa" (short for "Anti-fascist action"), sometimes known as the ARA (short for "Anti-Racist Action") is an international terrorist movement of anarchists and Marxist-Leninists dedicated to the overthrow of the existing order and responsible for violence, mayhem, and church burnings in the United States and throughout the world. While posing as an anti-fascist movement, the groups in fact is an intolerant hate group that uses fascist tactics and direct quotations from Adolf Hitler. The group relies on Cultural Marxist ideals and rhetoric for recruiting young people. It has been designated as a terrorist group in the United States. The Democratic National Committee partners with Antifa for fundraising and group works closely with Democratic Socialists of America (DSA). They have been spotted chanting 'Death to America', 'Black Power', as well as other racist and anarchist chants on the streets. They are known for rioting in the streets.
Although Antifa has been promoted by CNN as the elite Trump resistance movement since 2017, the concept of anti-fascism, especially as a far-left ideology, existed as early as World War II for propaganda purposes, where Stalin referred to the USSR as "anti-fascist", with the obvious implication that the USSR and Stalin were "morally better" than the Nazis and Hitler, using the misapplication of Nazism and fascism as being of the far right instead of being of the far left. They are also anti-American in outlook, often chanting "No border! No wall! No U.S.A. at all!"
Homo-fascism is the phenomenon when homosexual activists strive for advancing themselves beyond favored status to supremacy. In line with instructions in After the Ball (the LGBTI equivalent to Mein Kampf and the Communist Manifesto), the homosexual movement avoids using such terms as "favored status" or "supremacy", but rather outwardly pretend their goal is "tolerance" or "acceptance". Supremacy is then the stage in which the homosexual movement and its allies take effective control of most or all of the centers of power of a government or other organization. When they have achieved this level of control they use and abuse their power to suppress and/or punish those who openly disapprove of the homosexual lifestyle or its agenda.[1][2][3]
Homosexuals can be compared to their chief adversaries, the radical nationalists. Both groups hate each other, and would like to do away with the other. Neither side is embraced by the majority, but both deserve the right to freedom of their beliefs and to freedom of speech within reasonable limits. The rest of us must be willing to tolerate these difficult neighbors to preserve civility for society as a whole.
Obamunism is a portmanteau that was created by mixing together the words Obama and Communism, coined by critics of the Obama administration to describe Barack Obama's fascist and socialist policies and surveillance state. Obamunism was rejected in the 2016 presidential election but resurrected in the 2020 Leftwing insurrection.
[Conservapedia is losing it, guys! Whatever we’re doing, something about it must be right…]
There are 6 weeks until Election Day 2020. Vote in person!
33% of the American electorate support the Democrat base Marxist insurrection.
The 2020 United States presidential election will be held November 3, 2020. Donald Trump, the incumbent, is standing for re-election along with Vice President Mike Pence, having accomplished much during his first term. Many consider this to be the most important election of our lifetime.
Democrats nominated segregationist Joseph R. Biden, commonly known as the "Architect of Mass Incarceration" of minorities. His running mate, Kamala Harris, hired Marc Elias to run her primary election campaign. Marc Elias was the paymaster of Christopher Steele in what has been described as the biggest political scandal in modern American history Both Biden and Harris are descendants of slave owners. Harris has promised riots will not stop before or after the election.
Unprecedented in American history, the Democratic party is dominated by far-leftists who openly seek a single party state and to abolish political opposition. The Coronavirus, lockdowns, school closures, leftwing lawlessness, Marxist Revolution, 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, and 13th Amendment issues, globalization and loss of jobs to Communist China are all major issues facing the American people.
Liberal whining is the tendency of liberals to immaturely protest when things don't go their way. This has been known to worsen and progress towards more destructive infractions such as liberal vandalism. Examples of liberal whining include the following:
Al Gore senselessly demanded pointless recounts repeatedly after his defeat by George Walker Bush in the 2000 Presidential Election[1]
Supporters of Barack Obama insisted that all or the majority of their opposition were racist even without any evidence in their favor. Anyone who did not support Barack Obama was automatically considered to be a White supremacist by liberals.[2]
The Fairness Doctrine is supported by liberal whiners who feel threatened by conservative talk radio.
Liberals complain bitterly about Republican use of the filibuster—an entirely legal and valid tool—to stop them from ramming home an agenda unsupported by the American people. Some have threatened to eliminate the filibuster in an attempt to completely deny Republicans any voice in Congress.
Liberal atheists complain about any references to God.
Liberals have been whining about the election of Donald Trump before the results even came in![3]
On the one-year anniversary of President Trump being elected president, liberal protestors literally chose to scream helplessly at the sky.[4]
Trump Derangement Syndrome is the term used to describe the irrational despair, hysteria, and hatred liberals, establishment token conservatives, and the mainstream media[1] have for U.S. President Donald Trump and anything related to him.[2]
Democrats were traumatized by Trump's 2016 election victory.[3][4]
The many hysterical, over-the-top predictions of what a Trump presidency would bring about,[5] including predictions that people would die because of Trump's policies.[6]
According to Pew Research Center in July 2018, Facebook rants by Democrats expressing opposition, such as to Trump, increased by 450% after the 2016 election.[7][8]
On the one-year anniversary of President Trump being elected president, liberal protestors literally chose to scream helplessly at the sky.[14]
It was announced in 2017 that "The Eaton Workshop hotel" – an explicitly anti-Trump hotel labeled "the world’s first politically motivated hotel" – would be built in Washington D.C.[15][16]
Also unprecedented, some Democrats used profane language against Trump, such as the f-word[36] and s-word.[37] Notably, in 2018, far-left Democrat congresswoman Rashida Tlaib stated that "we’re gonna impeach the mother****er," referring to Trump,[38] and many Democrats defended her vulgar comments.[39]
Bostock v. Clayton County 590 U.S. ___ (2020) was a United States Supreme Court case that illegally ruled that members of the LGBT community were "protected" under Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 through judicial activism. In this case, justices Neil Gorsuch and John Roberts betrayed conservatives by ruling with the liberal side of the court to re-write the law, despite the fact that they are not legally authorized to do so. Samuel Alito, Brett Kavanaugh, and Clarence Thomas all dissented, citing the fact that sexual "orientation" was not even mentioned in Title VII at all. As a result of this unfortunate decision, an employer can no longer terminate an employee due to his or her sexual identity. This case has been nicknamed the "Roe v. Wade" of homosexual "rights" cases,[1] and it is one of the boldest moves against religious liberty so far. Similar to how Lawrence v. Texas opened the door to the legalization of same-sex "marriage", Bostock v. Clayton County opens the door to religious persecution in the United States of America.
Ableism is a term used to describe severe prejudice against the disabled.
Though there are valid instances of ableism, both historically (such as Adolf Hitler's Aktion T4 program to euthanize disabled people), and contemporarily (such as Planned Parenthood's targeted, eugenicist extermination of millions of babies with disabilities and the leftist, globalist manipulation of mentally ill adolescent Greta Thunberg), it has frequently been used as a buzzword to attack conservatives, classical liberals, and even other leftists, for example when they use the "autistic screeching" meme. The left accused future President Donald J. Trump of ableism during his campaign when they claimed that he mocked a reporter with a disability at a rally. However, it was later proven that he had ridiculed several others using those same gestures.
In September 2019, at one of her campaign events, Kamala Harris laughed in response to a comment by a supporter that Trump supporters are "mentally retarded." She later claimed that she had misheard him.
[Submitter’s note: I do know this is 2008. Andy still deserves all the flak he can get.]
Conservative principles are based on reason. So why do non-conservatives still exist? Here are some reasons:
50%: did not hear about conservative principles and the logic behind them until ''after'' they made up their mind
25%: refuse to rise above their personal temptations to act or speak contrary to conservative values, often in a self-destructive manner
25%: refuse to let go of their past, or let go of their desire for a sense of acceptance by liberal friends
RationalWiki (RW) is an atheist/agnostic, wiki website.
As can be seen above, on May 17, 2020, the RationalWiki administrator who goes by the moniker DuceMoosolini, indicated that RationalWiki "attracts all sorts of weird people". The statement was made on their Discord channel (Discord is a chat website). See also: Atheism and social outcasts and Atheism and social skills and Atheism and mental illness
Message to RationalWiki editors: Gentlemen, birds of a feather, flock together!
RationalWiki administrator Oxyaena wrote: "it's just that i am probably raging too much most of the time to form coherent sentences."
Question: Why is the website called "Rational"Wiki if one of their administrators is probably raging too much to form coherent sentences? There is a lot of irrationality at "RationalWiki". See also: Atheism and irrationality and Atheism and emotional problems and Atheism and anger and Atheism and mental illness
Theodore Beale wrote: "This would also put Bruce Charlton's Mouse Utopia observations into context, as atheism appears to be one aspect of the nihilistic despair that is a consequence of the increased prevalence of genetic inferiority that results from easier circumstances."
Gentlemen, full exoneration. Just like I expected!
First atheist controlled, mainland China was shown to cause the coronavirus pandemic through their bizarre eating habits and deceit. And now this! 2020 is the worst year in the history of atheism gentlemen, just like I predicted! See also: Atheism and the Wuhan coronavirus epidemic
Most people who believe in the theory of evolution inevitably have bouts of depression. It may be that the only way to overcome that is to question the false belief system.
The Proud Boys are an international conservative or paleoconservative fraternal organization formerly led by Rebel News personality and Vice Media co-founder Gavin McInnes. Proud Boys describe themselves as "western chauvinists" and espouse pro-second amendment, pro-free speech, anti-illegal immigration, and anti-racist views. Proud Boys tend to gather among themselves to hang out at restaurants or bars, and also attend political events either in support of or in opposition to other groups. They can typically be identified by their black and yellow Polo shirts.
Proud Boys have been vehemently mischaracterized and slandered by the liberal mainstream media, perhaps more so than any other single conservative organization in recent times. Most news outlets characterize the Proud Boys as white supremacist, alt-right, and fascist, as well as accusing them of promoting political violence. Wikipedia holds strongly to this warped view,while hypocritically characterizing Antifa, an anarchist terrorist faction, as mere "political activists".It is likely Wikipedia holds this view as a result of parroting the left-wing Southern Poverty Law Center, a notoriously dishonest organization which Wikipedia tends to use as a source.
In actuality, the Proud Boys are a multiracial group (which even some liberal outlets have noted) and have continually denounced the Alt-Right, to the point that actual Alt-Right groups often attack them and their founder as well. The FBI has declared the Proud Boys are not extremist or terroristic.
[Submitter’s note: yes, you’re reading this right- Andy and a cake metaphor vs. the Theory of Relativity]
The problem is that '''E=m2 does not meaning anythimg [sic] that makes sense.
Eating a pound of cake does not cause one's energy to increase by the speed of light squared.
Beginning in 1950, McCarthy became the most visible public figure to object to Communist infiltration of the United States government. A 1954 Gallup poll found that Joe McCarthy was the fourth on its list of most admired men. He is now considered an American hero by many, though liberals still seek to tarnish his name.
Gender-neutral terminology is used by politically correct liberals in a ploy to efface the natural differences between men and women, sometimes with absurd effect. Thus, although in legal texts the word "he" and "his" have been used for centuries to apply to both sexes, political correctness advocates insist on the cumbersome "he or she", "his or her". Sometimes people mistakenly use of "they" (or "their") despite the fact that this usage is grammatically incorrect. They also try to abolish terms as policeman, fireman, postman, fisherman, chairman, actress and waitress, claiming they are sexist terms. Use of gender-neutral language is a hallmark of overly liberal translations of the Bible.
Some languages use different words or suffixes depending on the gender of a noun, and attribute gender to non-people nouns. However, formal English does not ascribe gender to inanimate objects and defaults to the "male" pronouns or words when referring to either gender. For example, "All men are created equal," is correct English and the statement includes both males and females.
The fact that there are two different genders – male and female, based on one's biological sex – is affirmed through Scripture:
So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27 (ESV)
Transphobia is a term made up by LGBT Marxists, who claim it is the "fear" of people who have willfully undergone anthropogenic sex change operations. LGBT agenda supporters use this non-existent "phobia" as an emotional smear term against anyone who opposes gender confusion, unnecessary surgical mutilation for the sake of "changing gender", and especially the intentional targeting of children by gender confusion activists to groom them and confuse them about their biological sex.
Pastor Jack Hyles wrote:
We are facing a concentrated effort in this nation to try to de-emphasize the difference between the sexes. People ask, “Brother Hyles, are you opposed to this or that?” I’ll answer this way: You can name anything you want to name, but I am opposed to anything in the world that de-emphasizes the line of difference between the sexes. I believe that ladies ought to be feminine and sweet and lovely and charming. I believe men ought to be strong and masculine and decisive. I’m opposed to anything that makes a man and a woman act alike, look alike, dress alike, or talk alike.
A "woman against feminism" wrote:
With their complementary roles, the visionary husband and wife don't walk in opposite directions with differing agendas. They unite their hearts and minds and work toward the same goals, each in their own God-ordained sphere.
Fundamentalism is one of four major branches within Protestantism, the other three being mainline, evangelical, and Pentecostal. However, the term itself is sometimes used in a pejorative way today by liberal bigots to describe any Christian individual or group that opposes liberal Christianity.
Left-handedness is a good indicator of a high mutational load. People who are left-handed higher incidences of autism and schizophrenia. A study found that atheists are more likely to be left-handed
2020 Leftwing riots were an effort by the DNC and mainstream media to spark a race war in the United States in advance of the 2020 presidential election.[3] After the killing of a Black man while being taken into Minneapolis police custody, white liberal racists and social justice warriors nationwide began rioting, knowing that African Americans would be blamed for the violence.[4] The violence was discovered to have been pre-planned[5] and well financed. Democrat leaders and mainstream media refused to condemn the loss of innocent lives and property. The Antifa terrorist organization and other violent socialist groups hijacked peaceful protests and were responsible for the looting, burning. and lawlessness. The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) is a key support group.
After the killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis policeman using a "non-lethal" choke hold approved by the city's Democratic administration,[6] the communist-dominated New York Times called for a movement to defund the police nationwide.[7] Hillary Clinton's 2016 presidential campaign spokesman immediately echoed the sentiment.[8]
It is certain the riots were non-spontaneous; the delivery of unbound pallets of bricks placed at strategic points in front of government buildings and affluent shopping districts in metropolitan areas throughout the country on the morning the riots broke out demonstrates a high degree of logistical coordination and financing.[9] The evidence suggest a classic communist revolution, which much of the world has suffered at one time or another over the past 100 years, but the American people has been isolated from and remains somewhat naive in dealing with such threats to preserving their freedom.
150 federal buildings were defaced and 750 police officers injured nationwide in the liberal Democrat/Socialist violence.
Most modern feminists:
want to remove significant distinctions between how men and women dress, such as preferring that women wear pantsuits rather than dresses, even though many feminists also want women to dress immodestly. In some cases, most infamously during the Miss America protests in 1968, feminists have even gone as far as to indicate that female products such as makeup, bras, and heels were "instruments of oppression."
do not want gender equality; they want power for the female Left
in movies and television, portray the men, in particular, the white heterosexual men, as inherently evil, dumb or incompetent, and the women, in particular those that adhere to the feminist agenda, as inherently good, smart or competent (note that this conflicts with gender equality).
on that note, some movies and television programs, in addition to depicting men as inherently evil, dumb, or incompetent, can sometimes depict women who adhere to more traditional femininity, including promoting traditional family values and traditional marriage (see below), as well as expressing more traditional gender roles and natures, in an extremely demeaning manner, usually implying that they are at best brainless bimbos and at worst gold-diggers (women who only marry someone for their wealth), often with the implication that traditional femininity is considered inherently bad (which goes against the concept of women having free choices regarding how to pursue their life).
conveniently pretend that there are no meaningful differences between men and women when that advances liberal causes (e.g., women and men equally in military combat, to weaken the U.S. military), but reject equality when that results in more money to women (e.g., VAWA funding of women's groups).
oppose chivalry and even feign insult at harmless displays of it (see battle between the sexes).
view traditional marriage as unacceptably "patriarchal".
belittle and mock other women who desire to have children or raise a family
shirk traditional gender activities, like baking.
support affirmative action for women.
advocate for women in combat in the military just like men, and coed submarines.
refuse to take her husband's last name when marrying.
believe marriage implies "female servitude" when it is in fact a mutual bond.
distort historical focus onto female figures, often overshadowing important events (E.g.: Henry VIII's wives take precedence in common knowledge to his actual reign.)
often condemn the God-given order of gender roles, as laid out in the Holy Bible.
object to being addressed as "ma'am," or feminine nicknames such as "sweetheart" or "honey"; object to other female-only names, such as "temptress".
take offense at grammatical rules of the English language, like using the pronoun "he" when referring to a hypothetical/anonymous person, or phrases like 'fireman' and 'stewardess.'
support the homosexual agenda.
push propaganda that implies that women weren't allowed to be granted an education until the 1960s, and all education beforehand was granted solely to "rich white males."
demands that women choose a career over raising children without any remorse.
criticize music such as heavy metal, rock and roll, and country for being "sexist".
object to anyone describing Northern and Western European women being demure or Southern and Eastern European women as seductive.
Denounce and demean any women who have more feminine traits and embrace their femininity.
Note that women who have to take over the family business due to their parents not having a son and the parents themselves being unable to continue working at the area is not considered feminist due to the circumstances involved. Some feminists want to do away with masculinity.
The atheists eat babies meme is a dark humor meme used to illustrate the fact that many people distrust atheists and equate atheism with immorality (see: Distrust of atheists and Atheism and morality).[2] There have been several studies indicating that many people have a low opinion of atheists (see: Views on atheists).
However, as can be seen below, China which has the largest atheist population in the world and state atheism, has citizens who are eating powdered human baby flesh because they believe it increases a person's stamina, increases sexual health and is also seen as a medicinal 'cure-all'.[3][4] (see:Communist China and baby eating).
See also: Atheism and cannibalism
The Debunking Atheists blog states: "An atheist may... say murder, rape, and eating babies are wrong; but when asked why, they will not have a final reason, or authority, to which they can appeal to, besides their own subjectivity... So it is merely a personal choice not to."[14] See: Atheism and morality and Atheist population and immorality and Objective morality
MeToo and the Kavanaugh smear
The MeToo movement began in 2018 when Swift won a sexual harassment judgement for $1 against a radio disc jockey. The hash tag movement soon engulfed the careers of prominent Democrat donors, office holders, liberal mainstream media executives, journalists, and broadcasters who felt entitled to harass and assault women after Democratic Senators voted to deny President Bill Clinton's sexual misconduct as a misdemeanor impeachable offense.
Swift's first foray into politics caused a snafu when she betrayed her commitment to equality and women's rights be endorsing a white male Democrat (who claimed he would have voted to confirm Justice Brett Kavanaugh despite Democrats' coordinated Kavanaugh smear campaign) over an incumbent female Republican with a proven record in support of women's empowerment.