
Cartel™ #racist #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Turdeau has selected 11 communities for Mass Replacement test run Vernon will go from 40,000 after 150 years to 130,000 by 2028

Let the raping and the pillaging begin!!!

One of the challenges facing business in Vernon, British Columbia and Canada as a whole is a skilled labour shortage. Work BC has estimated that the Thompson Okanagan Region will require 71,700 workers due to retirement and an additional 19,500 workers due to new economic growth from 2018 - 2028. This equates to over 90,000 workers in the region required to ensure businesses can continue to thrive.

North Bay, ON
Sudbury, ON
Timmins, ON
Sault Ste. Marie, ON
Thunder Bay, ON
Brandon, MB
Altona/Rhineland, MB
Moose Jaw, SK
Claresholm, AB
Vernon, BC
West Kootenay (Trail, Castlegar, Rossland, Nelson), BC

[link to www.vernon.ca (secure)]
image(Alt-Right meme depicting several black men, one wielding a machete, running towards the camera, captioned “Here comes the diversity. You are about to be culturally enrichedimage(Same image as above except with Pedobear inserted into the foreground)image(Winston Churchill: "For a nation to try to tax itself into prosperity is like a man standing in a bucket and trying to lift himself up
by the handle."
Justin Trudeau: "I nominate Canada for the bucket challenge.")

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Anyone read about Atlantis by Plato? It seems he's talking about the Nephelim (Poseidon).

"And Poseidon, receiving for his lot the island of Atlantis, begat children by a mortal woman, and settled them in a part of the island which I will proceed to describe."
[link to ascendingpassage.com (secure)]

"The Nephilim were on the earth in those days, and also afterward, when the sons of God came in to the daughters of man and they bore children to them. These were the mighty men who were of old, the men of renown."
Genesis 6:4

Poseidon was one of the fallen angels. The "myth's" of the "gods" were real.

Anonymous Coward #sexist godlikeproductions.com

Why Does Every Women Demand To Be "Special?"

Just answer the question.

They think it is an innate right to have

1.) Special attention when they walk into a place.
2.) Special protection of their little feelings.
3.) Special respect for their chatty little ideas.
4.) Special clothes and makeup.
5.) Special exceptions for their weakness.
6.) Special excuses for their stupidity.
7.) Special exclusion from danger.
8.) Special time for weddings.

Yet, all of this Special Stuff just enables them to continue to be how they are. A load on the Family's finances, a load upon the Family's freedom to be themselves, a load on their Husband's energies and time, and a load upon Society.

I once listened to a very stupid Wo-man on a talk show who claimed "Women Mend The Fabric of Society." She was oblivious to the huge carbon footprint all Wimmin have, their high maintenance costs, their lack of principled conduct in marriage and divorce, and their low IQ upon all matters in reality, and how Feminism has worked to destroy the Family. That Woman was an academic professor, most likely because she had no legitimate job skills.


GSB/LTD #ufo #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I believe that the many ET species are behind what's commonly called the New World Order and if they are, this would also explain the numerous conspiracy theories about the involvment of the "Iluminati" and every fraternal organization on the planet [I myself have been a Rosicrucian for over 30 years]. Every single Rosicrucian, Masonic and Shrine lodge practices ancient rituals that is supposedly the purest knowledge handed down by the Ancients [ET's] and why it must thus be protected from the general public.

And, I think the ET's demand a planetary homogeny: the erasure of all national borders, a common religion, universal disbursement of needs [with money considered obsolete] and communciation systems are key to global delvelopment. Since all the other cosmic cultures operate this way, it is expected that we do the same before we are invited to join them.

This all may just be a flashback from watching a first-run STAR TREK as a teen [I TOLD you I was an OLD man!], but it does seem to make alot of sense. It's also more than a little disturbing to imagine such a civilisation!

This whole "Galactic Order" could also explain why there are both "good" ET's and "bad" ET's: the bad ones are the rebels among the species... those who won't give up their borders or accept blending in any form. They are warlike because they've been fighting to maintain their cosmic autonomy. Meanwhile, the "good" ET's travel around observing -and sometimes fiddling with- planets such as own own. And here we are.

They say that art imitates life and how often have we seen scenarios like the one described above in countless TV shows and movies? There are those who insist that the classic sci-fi writers such as Azimov, Heinlein, and Bradbury were walk-ins. Could be!

GSB/LTD #ufo #magick #crackpot godlikeproductions.com

I believe I was "selected" just before birth, was monitored throughout my childhood and was visited when I finally made the connection -and call- as a young man.

When I began questioning my ET-history at a young age, I went to the public library and in their microfiched nespaper records [Yeah: it was THAT long ago!] I found that on the night and time of my birth a UFO wa tracked across three states before disappearing just south of my hometown. MY Mom ocnfirmed later that when I was born I wasn't expected to live - that the Drs. were amazed that I rallied so quickly.

I should also mention that I've always known I was being watched and saw my first UFO at the age of 9 [there was one other witness with me] but have never felt any fear from that observation.

As a pre-teen I developed a strong interest in ancient cultures and have studied them ever since, in particular those of Egypt and Rome. Later, When other 14 yr olds were devouring MAD Magazine I was reading Plato, Aristotle, Cicero, etc. and absorbing them like a sponge... they al seemed to be old, familiar friends! I still read them, and today have a modest collection of artifacts from both of those historic periods. In fact, as I write this I'm wearing a Bronze ring that was originally crafted for a foot soldier in Rome's XX'th Legion.

Shortly after I put out "the call" visitations [I refuse to call them abductions] occurred on a fairly regular basis [every 3-4 months] and I was able to summon them if I felt the need. Shortly after that routine started, I noticed someting new: an impant at the base of my skull; I was told by my "watchful ones" that it was a life-recorder that they downloaded during their visits. At the same time I was given a physical check [via probing which always hurt like Hell] where they would correct any health issues I had. I should mention at this point that today I am 67 years old and in excellent health... I've never even had a personal phsyician! I've never needed one. I take no medications or special care of my body, including nutrition: I eat like a teenager and still manage to thrive on such stupidity!

Some of my latent senses have also been awakened from the experience. I am a telepath, and am a much better "sender" than 'receiver", but can travel in OBE's pretty easily.

I carried that implant for eight years until I finally asked them to remove it - and they did with no hassles. But, since that day the visits ceased and I've had trouble contacting them.

Ancience #ufo #crackpot #fundie #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. was a repentant reptilian

Robert F. Kennedy jr. was the incarnation of a repentant reptilian called Endri-Gakama, son of Enki, one of the 5 reptilians to not descend from Enki's brother Reptillianus. Endri-Gakama was the father of Lam, the father of Ubaru, the father of Tubaru, the father of Tebiris, the mother of Nimrod, Semiramis (her reincarnation) and Canaan; Lam, Ubaru, Tubaru, & Tebiris being the other 4 reptilians who did not descend from Reptillianus.

Robert Kennedy Sr. was Archangel Michael incarnate.

All fallen angels had elements to their being that did not have the potential to want to fall if these elements were to be separated from the rest of them, unlike the rest of them. These elements were separated from the rest of them, otherwise, they would have fallen. Even Lucifer had elements that were separated from him before his fall. The good elements of Lucifer answer to the term Lucy. After most of Satan repents and gets transferred to Lucy (if Satan were as large as 1,000,000 universees, the amount that remains would be a couple of inches), Lucy incarnates as an andromedan, repentant elements of Abaddon are transferred to him after becoming Lucifer again rather than Abaddon, he dies, gets infused with Archangel Chamuel's soul energy, and incarnates as John F. Kennedy.

John F. Kennedy was Lucifer-Chamuel.

JFK Jr. was an advanced human soul, a true christian, equal to the angels.

Patrick Kennedy (JFK"s son who died shortly after being born) was the incarnation of an Ophanic Archangel called Conciel, nicknamed Cicciel.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The moon landings were filmed in Sudbury, Ontario. A nickel mine there has killed everything downwind making a perfect moonscape
I just searched Sudbury on GLP and saw no topic on this.

The mine started in 1890.
The smoke and nickel particulate fallout has created a gray dead zone for miles around it.

Scroll down here for the satellite image
[link to blogs.ubc.ca (secure)]

Alien Star #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Lady Gaga: "I Deeply Regret Selling My Soul To The Dark Forces of Illuminati Organisation"

This may not be news, but it worth sharing for those that didn't get this info till now.

The famous artist Lady Gaga declared that she regrets selling her soul to the dark forces of Illuminati Organisation, for fame and money.

Before the pact, Lady Gaga was an unknown artist performing at very small events.

Gaga confesses that her chronic illness is caused by an evil force that got control over her body. stoned

Well, read the full article at the below link, it contains also videos.

[link to newsinstact.com (secure)]

Anonymous Coward #crackpot godlikeproductions.com


There is A LOT of false information in this link about freedom in the world!!!!

A LOT of those countries are a lot freer and also quite freer then they say because THIS WIKIPEDIA PAGE IS GIVING INFORMATION ABOUT HOW FREE COUNTRIES ARE THAT ARE NOT THE COUNTRIES THAT THEY SAY THEY ARE, and so that is how the information about a lot of those countries is FALSE because those countries are not even those countries AT ALL because obviously if they are pretending to be those countries then that means that they are NOT those countries all together!

If you went to the real planet Earth you would have billions of people telling you that they have never even heard of Russia LOL, because there is no Russia on the real planet Earth AT ALL, there is no Ukraine at all ether and same with Belarus and Moldova, everything that shows a Russia, Ukraine, Belarus and Moldova is completely fake information and the pictures that show those countries physically existing are pictures that were created by the use of PHOTOSHOP.

There IS a Czech Republic on the real planet Earth and it is a completely free country but it is not called Czech Republic... and it is quite a lot bigger then how big your FAKE Czech Republic photoshops itself to look and makes itself to look with false information combined with bits of information copied off of real information, LOL

XeroGravity #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Steven Hawking is a hoax. I forget the names, but there were people trying to expose the whole thing as a propaganda psy-op. The disease afflicting him would have long-since rendered him a vegetable 2 decades ago. His "wife," that attractive UK blonde, isn't his wife - she's his handler.

The people out there trying to make the case for this had me convinced. I'd point you to youtube but I imagine content like this has already been banned.

Christ/Einstein reincarnated #crackpot #dunning-kruger #ufo #fundie #god-complex godlikeproductions.com

Stephen Hawking was WRONG about GOD, the Afterlife, and More

Stephen Hawking was wrong about (A) there being no GOD or God-incarnate, (B) there being random bubble universes and parallel worlds, (C) the BIG Bang-Bit Bang was a random event, (D) we should avoid making contact with aliens, (E) "There is no afterlife - it's a fairytale. The brain is like an old computer where you just throw it away." (F) The Universe is our perception of The Matrix as a 2-dimensional hologram that projects our reality.

Hawking was right about (G) there being a Theory of Everything: Supergravity Theory/M-Theory's 7D hyperspace + 4D = 11 dimensions spacetime. Yet, it's incomplete.

(A) GOD & God-incarnate have been proven in many ways including GOD=7_4 Theory.

(B & C) The BIG Bang-Bit Bang was a supermassive white hole - expansion of energy and information 13.8 billion years ago - spawned by a supermassive black hole at the heart of a galaxy in our parent universe. This Universe is 1-in-2 trillion offspring each with similar inherited physical constants.

(D) Aliens are cool. We shouldn't be scared of them and they shouldn't be scared of us. Although, we should both be very cautious of each other.

(E) Science has proven reincarnation (google that). The great American scientist Benjamin Franklin believed in it and he conducted an experiment with his Autobiography being written as a manual for his reincarnated self as a child. This book was one of five that the young Abraham Lincoln had access to when he was a boy in Indiana.

(F) This Universe is an omniscient quantum computer where particles not only collide, they compute.

Hawking's analogy of the brain being like an old computer is incorrectly portrayed. Everyone takes the valuable information from an old computer and transfers the data into the new one or stores it on a hard drive/flashdrive/The Cloud. Now the truth of the analogy supports reincarnation.

(G) Unified Strings 21 or 19 Dimensions & Aspects of Spacetime provides an analysis of one-dimensional time and thus a very simple symmetry. There are 7 aspects of regular time: beginning, end, past, present, future, the void(?), and a constant - the speed of light in a vacuum. There are 4 aspects of hypertime: fast-forward, reverse, pause/stop, and before the beginning and after the end. The 12th aspect of time is imaginary time, but it doesn't apply here.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

EMF, the military, and you!

Hi! Did you know that our military is currently designing weapon systems that directly manipulate the way our minds and bodies operate? Would you believe that there are commercial devices used right now that “beam” voices directly into people’s heads? (Hampp) How about the fact that there is a growing community of people online who believe they are currently being targeted by these types of devices, for various reasons? (FFCHS) What about the simple fact that the World Health Organization (WHO) recently classified similar, consumer versions of these devices as possible sources of cancer? (IARC) Isn’t it curious that, even though I’m talking about the same thing in each of those previous sentences, the media doesn’t seem to inform us whatsoever about this topic?

EMF stands for Electro Magnetic Field. The World Health Organization recently determined RF (Radio Frequency) EMFs to be a “possible” human carcinogen. Just so we’re clear on the definition, “carcinogen” is defined as something that is known to cause cancer. Our bodies are bathed in numerous RF EMF’s every single day. Wireless routers, Bluetooth, microwaves (not the cooking device,) etc., are all examples of EMF. (WHO) Even the electric meters on our homes are likely emitting wireless signals! (American Cancer Society)

Secondhand smoke is a classified as a “known” carcinogen. (American Cancer Society) Evidence suggests that EMF is a “possible” human carcinogen. What is truly concerning, however, is that we cannot see or detect when we are in the presence of EMF, unlike secondhand smoke. If we don’t like being around smoke, we can leave the area. How do you remove yourself from a hazard if you aren’t aware you’re near one?

It is also concerning that, even though we are constant bathed in electromagnetic frequencies, this topic is never discussed in the media. This is such a curious thing for me. How can we disregard something of such potential importance without even a discussion? It’s not like this information is hidden, it is readily available and discussed in various forums. It is almost like the silence is intentional, and I can only speculate the reasons for this.

The various militaries of the world are studying how different types of frequencies affect the human body. The military, and other scientists, have filed some interesting patents regarding devices that modify the electrical field the human body emits, as well as the human brain.

For example, take the following patent, “Nervous System
Manipulation by EM Fields from Monitor.”

Abstract: Physiological effects have been observed in a human subject in response to stimulation of the skin with weak electromagnetic fields that are pulsed with certain frequencies near 1/2 Hz or 2.4 Hz, such as to excite a sensory resonance. Many computer monitors and TV tubes, when displaying pulsed images, emit pulsed electromagnetic fields of sufficient amplitudes to cause such excitation. It is therefore possible to manipulate the nervous system of a subject by pulsing images displayed on a nearby computer monitor or TV set. For the latter, the image pulsing may be embedded in the program material, or it may be overlaid by modulating a video stream, either as an RF signal or as a video signal. The image displayed on a computer monitor may be pulsed effectively by a simple computer program. For certain monitors, pulsed electromagnetic fields capable of exciting sensory resonances in nearby subjects may be generated even as the displayed images are pulsed with subliminal intensity. USP # 6,488,617 (December 3, 2002)

Let those words sink in for a moment. “Nervous system manipulation by EM (Electro Magnetic) Fields from (computer) Monitor. Someone has developed a method to modify your nervous system just from the EMF emitted from a computer monitor. You take this grain of knowledge, and add it to all of the hype from the NSA being in every piece of technology that exists, and it’s enough to generate a media story by itself. Yet, silence persists.

How about, a device that takes the human voice, converts it into microwaves, and beams it into the head of a target?

Hearing device
Patent number: 4858612
Abstract: A method and apparatus for simulation of hearing in mammals by introduction of a plurality of microwaves into the region of the auditory cortex is shown and described. A microphone is used to transform sound signals into electrical signals which are in turn analyzed and processed to provide controls for generating a plurality of microwave signals at different frequencies. The multifrequency microwaves are then applied to the brain in the region of the auditory cortex. By this method sounds are perceived by the mammal which are representative of the original sound received by the microphone.

Schizophrenia much? Maybe the people that “hear” voices are really just being manipulated? That is a bit of a stretch, but who knows? These are only two of many advances in this area. There is no way the military is making everything they discover public knowledge, they keep everything secret as long as they can. Believe it or not, there are commercially available devices that do this for advertising purposes. (Hampp)

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

There Was Nothing Holy About Mary, She Was Alcoholic.

At the Cana Wedding, the only thing recorded in The Bible which she talked about was her immediate request to Jesus for more wine. Typical of a juicer to do. She did not even say "Hi" to Him and the Disciples, she was hanging around with the wine in the kitchen instead of helping with the guests, she already knew Jesus could make great wine then like He had always done for her at home, and she never said "Thanks, Son! You are The Best!"

She was sloshed, Jesus knew it as He said to her, "Woman, What have I to do with you?" The next day they all had to go to Capernahum for her to sleep off the hangover.

It makes sense for Catholics today to revere her. They like to worship anyone other than Jesus. Especially a wino.notice they prefer to show Jesus always dying on the Cross, rather than resurrected. And, their pictures of Mary always show her with a drunken grin.

Anonymous Coward #ufo #conspiracy #crackpot godlikeproductions.com

[Re. Why space aliens are supposedly visiting Earth]

They want our DNA?

Well, I'll tell you something you don't want to hear. You wonder about the actual truth behind this stuff. But you'll scoff at the actual truth, because its something you don't want to hear. You already have your glorified pre-assumed ideas of what it must be all about. But the truth is not like you imagined.

They want children of their own. But they don't have women, and were never intended to have women or children. Only women can be reproduced with. The earth is the only place in the universe that has women.

We're scum to them. Useless. Not worth their time. Except, they feel they've been screwed over. Women and children were given to scum like humans. But these good things were not given to high glorious beings like themselves, who feel they're much more deserving.

They can reproduce with women, and have in the past. But its been forbidden for them to do so. Dire, dreadful consequences for reproducing with women that they certainly do not in any way want.

They want our DNA (altered by them, of course) to reproduce with women. Because it gives them children. But its not technically reproducing with women, in the traditional sense. So they're able to get their children, and work around the penalty for it.

The children appear closer to humans to us, than the visitors. But there are aspects about them, both inside and outside, that are very "not right." They're beings that should have never existed.

Do the visitors deserve to have children? Are they wrong for acquiring them in the way they do? I don't know. But I'm not the one to judge.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

[Actually two separate posts, one right after the other]

After the Events Over the Last 18 Years, EVERYONE Should Understand This Current FALSE FLAG

After all the events over the last 18 years (nevermind the countless one before 9/11/01), there should be no confusion in ANYone’s mind about this bogus placing-of-blame on Iran for the drone missile strike on Saudi oil production facilities.

Anyone who has spent any amount of time in this forum should be able to recognize this event as a false flag, as well as the most likely perpetrator(s) of it.

I sincerely wonder under what spell people who continue to believe the official story for such obvious false flag events are under. Only Edward Bernays knows.

This was a Saudi-Israeli-U.S. false flag. Just like 9/11.

The Israelis launched the drone missiles. The Saudis allowed it to occur. The U.S. provided intelligence support and is there to retaliate against the perpetrator (supposedly Iran), which has been the plan all along.

All so neat & tidy. Just like 9/11.

Bananafighter #racist godlikeproductions.com

I want "reparations" for the white privilege I didn't cash in on.

With all this new "white privilege" nonsense going around I am wondering if I can cash in on all the "privilege"I didn't get?

I'm not rich, famous, driving a super nice car, (my wife is hot) but still, where's all this privilege stuff they keep talking about and how do I get some?

I am a 41 year old white male who can't get a call back for skilled jobs. When's the privilege kick in?

KABOOM THE MOONS #conspiracy #ufo godlikeproductions.com

Men in Black International Decoded! The Evil Aliens Is Our Ancient Family!

I saw the Men in Black International yesterday.

What stood out was sex=mixing of genes is where the contamination of one's bloodline begins.

When thor had sex with a reptilian woman his friend couldnt trust him anymore as he was able to see his bloodline contaminated and telling him "what happened to you, you're not the same anymore".

We got intel of nasa's space to be totally fake in the scenes where they showed space in a small cube/box the size of one's palm and in the scene where lunar queen says love is not real it's a chemical reaction and thor replying space is also a chemical reaction.

They showed in the island fortress that symbolized earth how the lunar queen is ready to blow up her own island/kingdom frieza style in order to escape when they come for her.

The hive boss was looking identical to the kraken from aquaman movie and he was also the human boss that was running the show on earth behind the scenes.

He contaminated thor's bloodline too before they killed him.

MIB agency was like the shield from avengers shown also to be run by the bad guys/hydra/hive.

Earth was shown to be also a quarry that gets mined to death krypton style by aliens/lunar scum and how the human elite on earth have sold out to the lunar scum and pimping out their own women and wives to them.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy #ufo godlikeproductions.com

One of ufology’s darkest secrets is that of human mutilation. Much like cattle, people are being selectively harvested by a highly intelligent and sinister force. Organs are extracted with expert precision, laser-like wounds have cauterized edges, all blood is drained and bones are shattered as if the body was dropped from an extreme height. High levels of radiation mysteriously surround the corpse. Several chilling cases have been studied and repeatedly show a sickening agenda at work. While this topic is truly disturbing, it is important to discuss. Perhaps with further research and an open dialogue, we can better protect ourselves and loved ones from falling victim to this heinous fate.

What are your thoughts on these bizarre cases of cattle and human mutilations?

christian #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Our galaxy’s black hole just released a super bright light is Revelation 19! The Heavenly Warrior Defeats the Beast!!

Our galaxy's black hole spewed a super bright light, and scientists don't know why
FLASH! Ah-ah! Came from Sagittarius.

Sagittarius is a figure of a centaur, a creature that is a man from the waist up, and a horse from the waist down. He is holding a bow aimed at Scorpio. Revelation describes a white horse that has a rider with a bow who conquers his enemies. Jesus is both the rider and the white horse itself.


The Heavenly Warrior Defeats the Beast

I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and wages war.

His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself.

He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God.

The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean.

Coming out of his mouth is a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. “He will rule them with an iron scepter.”

He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty.

On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written: KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS!!!


Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

It's called the 3 City Empire. There are 3 cities in the world that don't abide by laws of their host country. All three of these cities have an Obelisk erected in them. Washington D.C has it's own flag and it's a white flag with 3 red stars representing Vatican City, London, and Washington D.C..
When the empire of Rome fell they realized empires will rise and fall so the Globalist Cult set up a 3 City Empire. Vatican City which is controlled by the Rothschild's through debt is used for religious control of the masses. London is the financial heart of the empire and Washington D.C. is the Military strength. When Trump went England a few weeks ago he officially removed the U.S. from the 3 City Empire.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy #sexist godlikeproductions.com

It seems like a perfect way to fulfill depopulation agenda.

1. Promote hook up culture and promiscuity

2. Provide apps that make it easier than ever to find willing partners for meaningless sex or one night stands

3. Spread STDs far and wide

4. Release strains engineered or mutated to be resistant to all current known treatments

5. Sit back and watch them drop like flies while they have nobody to blame but themselves

George Guidestones are being implemented around us in some tricky and not so tricky ways.

Revbo™ #transphobia godlikeproductions.com

“If very few people are willing to date trans people, what does this mean for their health and well-being? If trans and non-binary people lack access to one of the most stable sources of social support, this could explain some of the existing health disparities within trans communities.”

According to your study, 12.5% of the population is just fine dating a crazy mutilated freak, doc. Considering the crazy mutilated freaks are less than a tenth of one per cent of the population, I'd say their dating options are well beyond anything they could possibly have ever hoped for, and they have assholes like you, who insist that the rest of us are "transphobic," whatever that means, to thank that the number is that high and most likely climbing as you indoctrinate a new generation of children, barely out of the womb, in to your degeneracy.

Robomont knows #conspiracy #quack godlikeproductions.com

Ive experienced emf as my neighbor tommie blair of mount pleasant texas used a DEW weapon/microwave transmitter to chase off via madness and kill about 25 people.
I used ultimate EMF app that does same thing as product.
Emf in this frequency can cause accelerated learning too.
Its not worth dying for though.
I used mine to bust the national weather service march 19 and feb 11.the microwave beam on feb 19 caused my neighbor oc hill to have a heart attack.that beam came from nexrad wsr 88d out of ok/ark system.
Then on march 11 they tried it again from nexrad running out of ok city.thats when i emailed them to turn the shit down!10-20 minutes later it was off.
These nexrads are 1 million watts each and directional.
The beam width was 10 miles wide.
As the nexrad site says 1 degree width.this means the circumference of path is 3600 miles circle.divided by pi means 100s of miles distance which measures correctly with the 2 sites ive mentioned.
Its not that its just one microwave source,its when all these sources are combined,the closest one gets blamed.even if its a wifi in home unit.
I suggest all be on lookout for abuse of nexrad system.as its highest wattage supplier of all systems currently in use.
Ive currently been healing, my wife hasnt had any schizoid episodes.ive gained about fifty lbs in fat and muscle tissue.
My torn joint tissues are also healing.
My heart is still feeling it bad though.
All this load on a weakened heart has made for chest pains but im a bad mofo so i gitter done!

IpiphiniPi #conspiracy #ufo godlikeproductions.com

Aliens trying to start WW3

Your A.I. is trying to start WW3 from any angle necessary, in order to cause chaos and eliminate hard targets - such as private islands.

Sounds good to the elite, since they want NWO, and are naive enough to believe in their A.I. - and are under threat by aliens.

Anyone in the background of this belligerent A.I. will be accountable for the impacts of its decisions.

You do not need to be totalitarian with A.I. and you do not need NWO. Having fragmented countries with different systems is good for global defense. It's also good for variety in culture, which makes the planet interesting for tourism.

Having one system in control of all systems is easy to hack - especially for aliens.

CookieTheSorceress #god-complex #crackpot godlikeproductions.com

I am an angel and your realm is about to change

There will be some unhappy beings but the truth needs to be said..

This is why I came back

My name is Azzaelius and I am an angel in a human body, but it hasn't always been this way. I had already come into contact with those from the Pleiades as I had once lived a life there. For years I had contact with these people and then I discovered that there was more to just the truth about their existence... and when I traveled out of this country I discovered the truth...

We are not a concept or a figment of your imagination. We have existed since the first start of creation, you could call us watchers, you can call us extraterrestrial but even "extraterrestrial" wouldn't be correct. Those that you call "extraterrestrial" are multidimensional such as ourselves, you as well. Our souls are a little bit different than human beings, even though altogether we are tied into this "trinity" based on the primordial source that has created all things. I am sure that on sites such as these along with many others you have also discovered that a majority of your people have been lying to you for many long years. The way the structured society is will no longer be useful in the times to come. We've waited a while for the right time, we know that so many are restless. We know that so many are tired as are we..

So let me begin..

I came into this body 31 years ago, but this is only a number and our age is more than even the oldest galactic wars that have occurred. We do not age the same way, most consider me to be 20 yrs old. I am a representative and soldier of a council which guards the spheres or dimensions within the nine realms. Our story is a little different and it has been widely misrepresented among the human species, especially in your bible because this knowledge has been used to "control" you.

We come from the realm known as "Ichmarrin" it is called the silver city, during one point when the veil was very thin many actually witnessed it in your skies. As far as our appearance goes we do actually "have" wings. Our wings are two sets. One is feathers and the other is "energy". When we crossed over into this realm we lost them, this is the same for all angels here. We also wear armor, it is necessary because there are still things that are happening in these realms. You must understand something.. what I am telling you sounds like some fantasy world to you because your society has taught you that these things are "fiction" made up. It has been repeated again and again... and yet again in your books, movies and video games.

You may have thought that the most best kept secret was the existence of your space brothers and sisters?... No my friends.. You have no idea how deep it goes...

Finally let me clear up what Heaven actually is. This realm is known as "izmarin" it is right next to where we are from. It is ruled by the first Archangel; his name is Yehovah. Long ago we stood by him but his behavior was something many of us and the rest disagreed with. It changed into something unpleasant. Slaves are not a part of our agenda, this is what he does and continues to do. We disagreed. This is why many of us are here. For those of you reading these words now, getting triggered by memories of the rebellion you have been called. Your time is now here. Start to prepare, do what you can because you will have to fight and choose a side.

For those of you wondering if there is a hell realm, well it's true there is. However, it does not operate like scriptures in the bible say it does. This place has far more advanced technology and the ruler or king here is Batahel. As for Lucifer, that is not his real name. His name is Satanius and he exists now in a human body on this world...
The realm next to this one or sphere is where many of the demons reside. I haven't met many of them, except for a few similar species, which I will not mention here due to her safety. Plus she would be very unhappy with my actions if she knew.

Then believe it or not you have a realm where the elves exist. I've been there, it's quite nice but they are strict about who comes into their territories. Further more it hurts to travel through these spheres, do not attempt it when you go out of body, you could get stuck there and never be able to return. Moving through these is like being in some kind of black hole, there is 0 point energy, it operates much like a portal.

We are here to be a part of this shift with you but I must tell you that there will be many changes on your planet. You are going to start to notice things, things you have not seen before. The fires that occurred with Notre Dame among a few other things, is the first opening. this is not due to anything normal in your word and entirely has to do with what.. happened in the astral planes. There will and has been more events. These events are due to the intense energies that are flowing into this realm because of it. You can not stop something like this. So many years, thousands of them have been planned for this very moment and all of it is happening right now in front of your eyes.

The earth will continue with strange weather patterns, earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, sink holes, mud slides, tornadoes, major disasters but know this. there will not be nuclear war, it is not allowed.. For this will also affect our worlds as well. This is why some galactic have tried to disable your nukes. It will not ever happen. We all reside in our respective spheres, like yourself. Not everything is "physically visible" to your eyes.

There will be
No biological warfare either...

There will be a third world war but it's to be expected and with this is our coming..
During these times you are going to enter into a period of darkness. There will be no electricity. Do what you can to survive.

And last but not least, we will be there. Other beings will be here. Demons, all of it.

Our guess for your world on how fast these events happen is on a scale from anywhere between 1-3 years or less.

After all of this we will help to rebuild this place, but most of you will not make it. Truth to be told I am not so sure if I will either but I am in charge of many major tasks regarding our new cities. We must fight to survive , this is not a channeled message I am who I am say I am and I will not waste my time lying to your face, call you beloveds, dear ones, or leave behind cryptic messages.

We are here now. In the last of your days.

In addition to this, I am happy to answer questions. Please do not waste my time or your time with useless ones. All comments of a negative nature will be ignored.

You may be asking yourself.. Why not make a video, go to the news? Why not show your face and talk about these things.. For one thing I am already in a bad position, some of our structures on our backs well they are changing and although I have already had my dealings with "solar warden" requests, I will not go through with this again.

There is a reason why I write it here.

Those who see this, understand it. They will know it's true.
Others who see this may have questions about things, I am here to answer as best as I can. I do not have all of the answers, if I did I would be lying.
Some curious starseeds may disagree and explain that realms do not operate that way, that all souls are the same, or any number of reasons... friends I am not here to rob you of your opinions. Yours will be respected even if they are wrong.

Anonymous Coward #fundie #ufo godlikeproductions.com

UFOs are the nephilim.

Tom Horne and Steve Quayle have alot of information.

I have a personal one too.

I met the greys. They abducted me for some years. This was btw before I was with God. But I all of a sudden got the idea to ask Jesus for help. As soon as I called on him and used his name against them, they disappeared.
Now that's power. They are terribly afraid of him.

Other new age friends have tried to get me to open up to spiritual guides. I've never trusted this however. Like I said, how do you know, you don't get contact with something you don't want. I was told, trust your feelings. Ha, feelings is the most treasonous. When it comes to that. I mean, anything could use it. So I said, I only trust God, that's all I need. You really don't need anything else. Talk about the new age friends huff and puff. I said, how do you know, that you are not decievied? They couldn't answer. Yeah, but they've helped me, they even saved my life, I was told. I said, the darkness comes as the light. Just because of this, how do you know, they won't turn the back on you. Have you tested them from being of God? I mentioned the testing God says. That was answered with more huff and puff. Then I knew. They were pushing so hard, and other people in my history have tried to push So hard. Yet I h never trusted it because of my innate knowing.
And here we go. Proof is shining in your face.

It's fake guys. It's all fake. There are no spiritual guides. There are only demonic beings. It's not just so simplified, as a fairy tale. These things are real. They reside in the fourth dimension. Humans have no power, when they go there, through mediums, fortune telling or spiritual guidance. None. They make themselves totally open to these things and they don't even know, that humans can't operate in their realm. And they are much more intelligent.

Father Malaki Martin and Father Amorth are two other men who would agree. They have seen and experienced these things. And experience God's power.
They just don't invent these things.
It does one thing however. It proves the existence of God. And, when God exists, hell exists.
Listen to God.
Turn to Him.
You don't know when it's your time.
He's the most miraculous, and I owe him everything.
He really is alive.
Yes you have benefits of finding a church but you don't need a church to experience him. Just ask.
These things are REAL.

Patriotic Black dude #fundie godlikeproductions.com

A revelation was given to me about what it means to be "filled with the Holy Ghost." I am sharing it with you
Being filled with the Holy Ghost of God comes in five different progressively holy forms of the feminine nature; in essence, The Holy Ghost diffuses itself into five forms of "Holy Spirits" or "wives." These spirits marry onto you for a dispensation or epoch. The revelation I was given is captured in the below verse with a very specific interpretation:

Lev 21:13 And he shall take a wife in her virginity.

Lev 21:14 A widow, or a divorced woman, or profane, or an harlot, these shall he not take: but he shall take a virgin of his own people to wife.

The following is the rank, in descending order, of the Holy Ghost, as expressed as wives:

Virgin wife
Divorced woman

The common or natural man is excluded from entering the mysteries and engaging these spiritual forces. He may get into relationships with any of these women but the cosmos do not respond, a holy spirit is not dispatched to him. However, a spiritual man will find that his life events reflect those cosmic spiritual forces.

The spiritual man will be filled with five kinds of Holy Ghosts as he advances or develops his spiritual nature. The first is the "Harlot." This is the lowest form of Holy Ghost and is an "unholy holy" spirit. When this force enters a man, he is moved by powerful cosmic forces that drive him to align with a flesh and blood female who mirrors the nature of this unholy-holy spirit. A woman will come into his life and act as a conduit or channel for this unholy-holy spirit.

The spiritual man starts from the bottom. When first acquainted with the Holy Ghost he finds himself forming a relationship with an actual reformed, Harlot female. Fate or powerful cosmic forces will bring them together. There is no getting around it as these five Holy Spirits ---Holy Ghost--- are counterparted or reflected in the material world by certain females.

So to recap on these wives:

Virgin wife- highest form of Holy Ghost.
Widow - Second highest Holy Ghost
Divorced woman - Third Holy Ghost
Profane - forth Holy Ghost
Harlot - final Holy Ghost

There are five organs in the body that reflect biologically "vessels" the Holy Ghost pours itself into the spiritual man.

The five are in ascending order:


Each of those organs act as containers or "vessels" for key solids, liquids and gasses, three forms of The Holy Ghost.

1. Testicles are filled with semen
2. Stomach is filled liquid foods and intoxicants.
3. Lungs are filled gasses; herbal drugs
4. Heart is filled with emotions.
5. Brain is filled with religious doctrines.

Semen, alcohol, meats, herbal drugs (marijuana), emotion (love, affection) and doctrines (incantation, etc). These are the solid, liquid and gas forms of the Holy Ghost which fill you up at the testicular, abdominal, lung, heart and mind level.

The virgin wife correlates with the mind
The widow correlates with the heart
The divorced correlates with lungs
The profane correlates with stomach
The harlot correlates with testicles.

KABOOM THE MOONS #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Jacket/Human Flesh 2005 Decoded!

I saw the jacket 2005 yesterday. It was all about the lunar boss/crazy doctor/scientist have us all drugged and stuffed in morgue drawers dreaming human life!

Identical scene was shown in snowpiercer and avatar 2009 but for few seconds while this movie was based entirely on that.

Oh oh oh forgot hellraiser hellworld hahaha where the lunar boss was bragging how he outsmarted us and how he won the game before it even begun.

Identical intel i found and posted a while ago from a dmt user who managed to connect to his body that is trapped in a metal box as he described/symbolism of morgue drawer.

Funny thing in the jacket movie when they were pulling him out of the morgue drawer he was dying in the human world saying "they're pulling me out, they're pulling me out".

He also gave intel identical to plutarch how most that wake up are so addicted to the human dream that first thing they want is to come right back.(i think it's part of the programming and drug addiction that makes us wanna come back.)

The lunar boss was shown also as a good doctor in the end that just wanted to help us out calling us all criminals that were arrested and sent to him for therapy.

But but but this movie showed how we're all innocent and were framed for crimes we didnt commit!!!

Similar intel was shown in daywatch/nightwatch russian movies where the lunar scum lure us and trick us into committing sins so we get in trouble.

It was shown the same people that manipulate us or frame us for crimes are also the same who play cop and judges and punish us for our sins.

Identical intel was shown in batman dark knight rises with the bad guys playing judge!

The jacket showed also the intel from ready player one how we're ghosts in the real world which i decoded to be something similar to surrogates with bruce willis and avatar 2009 where we experience the real world through avatars/surrogates that filter out most of what is out there/around us.

Identical thing scientists say how our eyes and brain show us less than 1% of what really is out there/around us.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Re: Chemtrails Still Full Force With New President Trump

I'd say he ought make it against the law to spray us like bugs for to make us sick. But he won't do it. He won't outlaw adding fluoride to the water. He won't make an EO to force the labeling of GMO foods, either. Why!

I'll bet the President's family have the best air and water filters available, and I'll bet they eat nothing but organically grown foods. The rest of us? Well, our money goes to support the entire health industry from cradle to early graves.

Shame on Trump.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


Mini nuke false flag will be targeting fed reserve bank and records and implode US economy along

Dual citizen Rahm Emmanuel and Mossad agent who left WH under Obama to enter mayor race late and still win in Chicago has set the stage and now he will be leaving office and not be running again after holding position for two terms

This Scene of Predictive Programming from 2015 movie explains the set up.

Terror attack for military to get its war and for black politician (president) to get his office BACK!

The usual suspects #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Are the same ones who wiped out Mars and blew up the planet next to Jupiter, reincarnated on Earth as Trump, Bolton, Netanyahu, etc?

All these warmongers currently in power, in America, Middle East, Europe, Asia, always plotting endless invasions, threatening armageddon-type wars against everybody, relying on ancient "prophecies" and religious fairy tales to justify their dementia, blood-lust, reptilian genes and whatnot, somehow managed to destroy TWO PLANETS in this solar system in the past and sneak their way to Earth afterwards.

Now they are doing everything in their power to destroy this planet as well.

PsyStemUpdate #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Re: Bigfoot: interdimensional being or super crafty woodbeast?

the real answer is both....with the attunement to nature they also have gained the attunement to the supernatural. military industrial complex doesn't want you to know this because just like native american shamans, they hunt in their spirit form as well; they can see you long before you see them coming because of their chakra systems. The military has captured some live ones for genetic experimentation and the creation of super soldier hybrids. If you hear about super soldiers, you ought to know that they have used the DNA of this beast to mix with human DNA because of its compatibility.
The religious rulers of our world don't want the paradigm to be shattered they can't let humans know that there are other sentient humanoids; it is still just a human, but a human whose genetic tree branched off in a different direction that ours. Some of the paranormal experiences people get in the woods are actually this being manipulating advanced occult forces to mess with people; it cannot be stalked very easily because of its supernatural attunement.

Eubillicant Complectogram #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

When the chemtrail program is shut down (it will eventually), you will see archons roaming the planet.

as the cosmic frequencies (partially blocked by chemtrails) upgrade the DNA in life forms, this will give you the ability to detect the plasma entities roaming this world, see, sense or both.

I have already been seeing them since 92, but thats an exeception to the archon matrix (it's not 100% assimilation, it has flaws due to 'lack of').

Darkness = lack of, that includes lack of perfection.

Anonymous Coward #racist godlikeproductions.com

Re: Kardashian asses are a deformity. That is not a normal human attribute.

Yes, but they're millionaires/billionaires because of it. People like to gawk at them and their lifestyles. Why do they date only black men? Why do they have only black women for "BFFs"? Was this some kind of planned strategy? "We're going to develop a style of whites turning into blacks physically and hanging around with blacks socially and having mixed babies." Interesting how it fits into the diversity/mixture ideology now. I think their mother is a sociopath, only for money. Who takes their kids to plastic surgeons when they're teenagers? She also had an affair with OJ Simpson who is most likely the father of Khloe, the big one. Look at Khloe. It's very apparent.

AltSwede #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

SWEDEN: Commie politicians wants ISIS kids plus parents and other commie wants to place immigrants among old people

Double news of insanity for the day.

Commie politician Linda Westerlund Snecker from the Left party (Used to be named Left Party the Communists but they dropped the Communist part of their name and are now just The Left Party) demands Sweden bring back children of ISIS parents that left Sweden that are now in some type of refugee camps but not just the kids but also the parents.

The logic is "they will learn the multiplication table and not shooting with Kalashnikovs"

Yeah but you wanted their parents to come along... it's those parents that were teaching them or sending them to someone to teach them to go to war. Why would they stop that when they returned to Sweden? (Article in Swedish)
[link to www.friatider.se]

Guess she never saw this:

[link to www.youtube.com (secure)]

[link to www.youtube.com (secure)]

the seeds of demon muhammadallah has been planted already, but then she's a commie, she's part of the same team.

And in the other craziness from Sweden some Balkan woman named Dragana Curovic (most likely a communist from former Yugoslavia that "fled" to Sweden and is now doing the same hostile shit done in Yugoslavia) thought it was a good idea to "integrate" young jihadist men to live in the same place as old people, so mixed old care people home and immigration home.

I wonder if she will personally responible for the thefts and rapes that will come as a letter from the post office. Probably not, when the old folks are raped and robbed by these savages she will just step back into the shadows and hide.

They explain the insanity in the article (in Swedish)
[link to www.friatider.se]

So now you got a double dose of insanity today from the open air mental asylum known as the Kingdom of Sweden.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Look how easily entire western nations have been overthrown and filled with demonic Islam.

Wake up America. They are working hard to do the same to our nation.

The stupid leftists who are too dimwitted to see the facts make me sick.

They won't take over the USA as easily, but they certainly don't care who they harm to get their way. Pelosi called it "collateral damage."

Make no mistake, Americans will fight against this.

Then we will have to contend with all the satanic nations that were once our allies.

We'll have to whip their asses too.

nomaam #sexist godlikeproductions.com

Are women a different species from men?

There are many fundamental differences between men & women. Sure there are similarities, but the differences are so drastic it makes me wonder if women should even be classified as the same species as men.

> Women have the minds of children and don't mature intellectually as they age.

> Women operate as a collective, lack critical thinking skills, incapable of thinking outside the box, & instead just go along with the herd. (Even their periods sync up when they work together!)

> Women do bizarre things, which make no sense i.e. not rational! Its like dealing w/ aliens!

> Women aren't capable of visualizing, empathizing (w/ men), lack self-awareness, are only capable of loving their own babies (& maybe some small furry animals) but not men - whom they see strictly in utilitarian terms (i.e. What can he do for me?)

> Women lack soul; are empty fleshsuits.

> All women have the same basic generic/bland personality.

> Women inherently dislike men but need them to survive (With men its the opposite)

KABOOM THE MOONS #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Elite Is Using Mongol Elon Musk To Distract The West With The BS AI Fearmongering While China Is Preparing To Rule The World!

From this thread!

Thread: Illuminati, Hebrews, Robot AI, Reptilians, The Boogey Man Etc Are All A Smoke Screen For The Mongols And Chinese/Dragon's Race To Hide Behind! (Page 2)

And this strategy china/mongols play with the hebrews is so simple and common yet so effective!

It's similar to the strategy a youtube gun-owner was revealing he would use if the governor was to come to take his guns.

He said "you have to give them something, have some old crappy guns on public display to distract them so they dont go looking deeper and find your good valuable guns!"

China/Dragon/Snake with legs/Satan
"Lets give the west an enemy so they dont go looking deeper!
Now who would volunteer to receive all the negative light so we hide in the darkness?

We sir/lord, it would be our honor!

China after 1000 of years of evil hebrews propaganda started getting old.

"We need a new enemy/enemies to distract the west, the hebrew propaganda is getting old and we smell westerners itching for more/looking deeper etc."

"Oh hello robots, AI, reptilians, aliens, mutants, clones(oh boy that got old fast hahaha) etc"

Mongol Elon Musk
"Lord China/Sina/Satan i got the AI, watch me distracting and scaring the crap out of the west with it and awe!"

"Thank you Elon Musk, lets have also a crappy computer in human disguise say "we will destroy humanity" to solidify the AI terror.

After tons of fluoride, poisoned food/water, chemtrails, vaccines etc we dont expect the low IQ, brain dead west to see through our bullshit hihohohohi!

KABOOM THE MOONS #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Google "USA Presidents" And Pay Close Attention To Their Eyes. All Mongols!!!

HOLY MOLY! After i noticed bill and hillary clinton having mongolic eyes i was like lets google "usa presidents" and i was like cypher from matrix screaming "No, I dont believe it!"
[link to www.google.com (secure)]

Not u.s. presidents but worth mentioning.

David Rockefeller mongol as hell!

Jacob Rothschild mongol as hell!

Queen of England mongol as hell!

Hitler mongol as hell just like Himler!

Oh by the way all russia's leaders were mongols as hell too like lenin, stalin etc and even putin has been exposed as a mongol too recently and with surgery around the eyes to cover up most likely.

Karl Marx mongol as hell too!

This info needs to get out to as many people as possible as i had enough seeing mongols doing all the crimes against humanity and the average hard working white man taking all the blame and being accused as the devil by brown turd mongols like this piece of shit.

In an attempt to destroy america from within by causing civil war between the blacks and whites.

Then the chinese will show up to throw our corpses to the gutter and occupy usa without a shot fired.

Mongol Julius Malema is doing the exact thing in africa while china colonizes the crap out of her as we speak.

billfountain #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Example of how the civilians could perform their own false flag

TPTB will continue to use school shootings in an attempt to disarm Americans. This is effective, because people react emotionally when children are in danger of violence. Civilians must use these same cunning, deceptive ways to counterattack against this corruption.

Here's an example of a false flag attack civilians can execute:

(1) Orchestrate following team:
* (a) 12 open-minded mothers with 12 children who all attend the same elementary school
* (b) Open-minded aficionado in computerized engineering, and robotics
* (c) Open-minded aficionado in creating silicone hyper-realistic masks
* (d) Open-minded aficionado in computerized special effects
* (e) Open-minded actor
* (f) 4 open-minded, friendly civilians with no connection to children and who exhibit great skills of hospitality and verbal evasiveness.

(2) Arrange clandestine meeting with team and discuss steps hereinafter

(3) Mothers and children all agree to have 12 children to be mock kidnapped

(4) Children to be held safe in residence of civilians in team

(6) 13 days after investigation commences, anonymous streamer with no IP detection begins streaming on popular websites. Visual stream shows him with hyper-realistic silicone mask and 12 children “actors“ who are “captive and in distress”. man does not appear to be wearing mask

(7) With special effects production help from team, stream appears to show masked man graphically shoot and kill one of the children in cold blood

(8) Man demands [INSERT ANYTHING HERE]

(9) If demands are not meant, technical measures will be made to ensure each of the 12 children appear to be slaughtered in cold blood graphically by the silicone masked man on the visual stream.

HeraldofDawn777 #sexist godlikeproductions.com

Teen boys, Ford, and #Men G t O W

Let me start by say this incredibly sad. The potential relationships killed before they even begin. Ford deserves to killed by the most sadistic demons imaginable for what she's doing.

She's bringing up something, unsubstantiated, from 36 years ago. She's using a false story to destroy someone, with no witnesses and no evidence. She's setting the precedent for women everywhere who wish to do as she's doing.

Now, for teen boys seeing this, what could they be thinking? Hundreds may be seeing what's going on and being like, if this can happen to Brett, it can happen to me too. What if something happens to me in 35 or 36 years? They're not going to want to take the risk. Seeing how big this has gotten, and with such little, nay, no evidence, it's happening to Brett. And teen boys are like, it can happen to me too.

So they're going to stay away from being involved with teen girls romantically and sexually. Heck, Brett didn't even interact with this woman which makes it more ridiculous! It's a complete fabrication!

Which brings me back to Ford deserving to be slowly pulled apart piece by piece by demons. For the wreckage and unfulfilled future loves she's destroying by doing this. All the potential relationships that will never be because of this bitch Ford.

By setting this precedent, Ford is only encouraging scores of teen boys to #Men G t O W.

Ford's also providing more ad material for the Sex Bot industry than the people working in it ever thought possible.

What are peoples' thoughts on this?

TheNobodyBee #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

They are spraying worldwide in all major cities. What most people don't realize is the Nano particulates are all around us at the ground level. You cannot see the nano in the daylight. I have found a very good way to expose the nano all around us. Just buy yourself a good UV Black Light flash light. Shine it only at night or in a dark room and it will look like it is snowing nano everywhere. This nano is everywhere in your house outside in your car at your job in your food in your water everywhere.
If we all did this used a black-light exposing the nano and make a YouTube video about this. Spread it viral to friends family everyone you know, also have them get the UV black-light as well. If we all exposed this and made videos and posted them to YouTube in all city's worldwide. There would be millions of these videos. Then send the videos to all our government officials to demand they stop spraying us like cockroaches or we the people are going to defund them by not paying taxes until this atrocity is stopped.

The Nasa agency is behind the spraying of these chemtrails their main purpose is surveillance capabilities and to break down our immune systems. The chemtrail planes all land on USA Airforce bases worldwide to be refueled. The united states Air Force is spraying us with chemtrails worldwide. Here is the evidence the USAF has been spraying sense 1990. Here is a PDF of the US Air Force Cadet Manual from 1990 that teaches them about chemtrails chemistry and how to spray .
[link to chemtrailsplanet.net (secure)]
The Title of the manual is : Chemtrails chemistry 131 manual 1990 USAFA you can download it here you have to right click and save. If you look at page 201 & 202 . This is undeniable proof they have been spraying us sence the 90’s

I live in the United states they spray my city 3-5 times per week for the last 5 years that I have noticed nonstop. Am I living in the land of the United States or the land of the United Snakes? It's like were living in Nazi Germany Part 2 were there's no freedom under the sun.

I’m was currently sick with the chemtrail lung for about 3 months . I used a humidifier filled with 500Ml of distilled water mixed with 1/2 teaspoon of pink salt & 3 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar this reduces the nano in my house by 95%. I call it the anti chemtrail it destroys the nano. I also drank true colloidal Silver for about a week it has worked amazing well at recovering my health. Buy doing these 2 things I have recovered my personal health from the chemtrail nano poisoning.

If we all expose this and wake up the masses and send the video evidence to our government officials they will have to stop spraying us like cockroaches. I do like your Laser Idea as well . The best this we can do it send in the video evidence the air force manual that is undeniable proof and demand they stop or we defund them by not paying our federal income tax. Why are we paying taxes to be sprayed like cockroaches by our own USA AIRFORCE? It’s time we all file a class action law suit for the poisoning of ourselves and our family’s.

LIBERTY777 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

FAKE HURRICANES!!! WTF??? Weather Channel's Mike Seidel Fakes Wind During Storm!

I see the Deep State has the western states on fire while they flood the gulf and southern states saying its a Hurricane....


They cloud seeded this storm and steered it into the east coast using Haarp or other weather modification devices.

They are burning up houses in California and destroy homes and cities with FLOODING from Chemtrails and cloud machines.

This also matches with the Agenda 21 Maps and depopulation agenda....

First Born Son #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Don't tell me that nothing gave birth to something... because it decided to... This goes against everything science has ever stood for.

So nothing makes something, and then something self organizes over 13 billion years into humans. Yeah, that makes way more sense than the thought that we were built, or are a simulation.

See you ppl, always go to the "ghost" and "Spirit" arguments. Trying to belittle the very concept of creation. And in the same breath tell us you KNOW that nothing took a giant shit and out we came.

By it's definition, nothing does not exist and therefore cannot produce anything.

FHL(C) #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Amen, in YAHshua Jesus name

Its control of narrative, anywhere and everywhere, the USA is a test case, can they take control before November elections, and take out or prevent President Trump, from destroying them in antitrust and organised traitorism/crime legislation, that you already have on the books, by distracting him, with stuff like Syria , economic charges against other nations etc externals, whilst still hammering him, with ever increasing fake news, claiming he is the traitor, unhinged leftists have assassinated many people in the US before this for less.

Alt-media is a major threat, if we go down and become individualised and therefor easy to pick off, you will see the A/antichrist/s take control through the ghey mafia, that is heavily over represented in all media, education etc.

So will it be a red wave or blue wave, this November, its in your court USA

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