
Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Barrack Obama is Ganondorf

The evil king from the desert.

Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time has ties with Book of Revelations. Ganondorf ruled for 7 years. Third eye symbolism all over Zelda.

The greatest story ever told, over and over and over and over and over again, the Neverending Story.

VAEROSPACE #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Alien Mind Control test

just answer the questions ...

Do you...

1. Think humans have reached the pinacle of scientific understanding
2. Trust news agencies governments and scientists
3. Think you are above average intelligence

Do you ...
1. Think that anyone who disagrees with your opinion is a "dumbass" ?
2. Get EMOTIONAL over news issues and "science" ?
3. Think other ethnicities are intellectally inferior ?

Do you ...
1. Think wealth and material goods "define" you ?
2. Think "wars" are necessary evil ?
3. loose your "temper" frequently with strangers ?

Do you ...?

1. Think Extra terrestrials play by your rules and perceptions ?
2. Imagine you are the "architect" of your own destiny ?
3. play by "the rules" ?

Do you ...
1. pronounce "expertly" and 100% assured of your accuracy
on subjects you have only seen on T.V ?
2. Do you seek to be funny by being critical of everything and everyone ?
3. Argue both sides of any issue being debated or discussed ?

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Ebola and Aids were created in a Lab in the early seventies and both released in the mid seventies. Both were created for massive population reductions..

They messed up. Aids was a failure,, 40 years later and they only managed to murder just under 40 million people, it was to slow. The mid seventies Bio lab Ebola strain was also a total fuck up. Although it had a ninety percent fatality rate, it killed people in only three days, and so, never had the opportunity to spread as intended. Both were deadly viruses but Aids killed to slowly and Ebola was to fast. You have to feel sorry poor old lucifer, just could not get any one competent to work for him.

So one was to hot and one was to cold to achieve their goals..

After 4 attempts these satanic insane psychopathic retards finally got lucky, they have achieved their goal, one in the middle,, an Ebola bio weapon strain with between a 20 and 40 day incubation period were the patient is contagious before showing any symptoms, with a 75 % fatality rate..

This virus is already all over America, just not revealed to the sheep yet. How are they going to spread it if the sheep are awake and stop going to work and school for example, it just won't spread to the 200 million in America earmarked for termination.

The blackout NOW makes perfect sense. If you believe for one minute than none of the people who were in the Duncan are infected, you are a total moron and unworthy of life.

Ouiser #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Baha'i Faith the Religion of the NWO

Social principles
The following principles are frequently listed as a quick summary of the Bahá'í teachings. They are derived from transcripts of speeches given by `Abdu'l-Bahá during his tour of Europe and North America in 1912. The list is not authoritative and a variety of such lists circulate.

Unity of God
Unity of religion
Unity of humanity
Unity in diversity
Equality between men and women
Elimination of all forms of prejudice
World peace and a New world order
Harmony of religion and science
Independent investigation of truth
Principle of Ever-Advancing Civilization
Universal compulsory education
Universal auxiliary language
Obedience to government and non-involvement in partisan politics unless submission to law amounts to a denial of Faith.
Elimination of extremes of wealth and poverty
With specific regard to the pursuit of world peace, Bahá'u'lláh prescribed a world-embracing collective

The Bahá'í International Community is an agency under the direction of the Universal House of Justice in Haifa, and has consultative status with the following organizations:

United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)
United Nations Development Fund for Women (UNIFEM)
United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)
World Health Organization (WHO)
The Bahá'í International Community has offices at the United Nations in New York and Geneva and representations to United Nations regional commissions and other offices in Addis Ababa, Bangkok, Nairobi, Rome, Santiago, and Vienna. In recent years an Office of the Environment and an Office for the Advancement of Women were established as part of its United Nations Office. The Bahá'í Faith has also undertaken joint development programs with various other United Nations agencies. In the 2000 Millennium Forum of the United Nations a Bahá'í was invited as the only non-governmental speaker during the summit.

Is Obama a Muslim?

I dunno, he kinda seems more like this.

However, this religion was initially viewed as a sect of Islam.

chulahoma #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Both the 'ebola's real' and 'ebola's a hoax' tards are correct.. sorta.

Maybe the CDC's screw ups are the 'backlash' card in action; their ineptitude is unbelievable, as we're all witnessing. There'll be many people to blame for an upcoming outbreak, and no one will doubt that it's being spread across the world. Because of these idiots! (a good distraction.)

But we will not get 'ebola' so easily here. We will instead be poisoned and radiated (moreso than we already are), and then willingly injected with disease via vaccination. Ebola will be a convenient term for anyone with a symptom of illness, such as fever. The traditional symptoms of red blistering skin apparently don't apply anymore. How convenient.

Citizens will demand mass quarantine of anyone who's sick. That's the plan! Then what will happen to those quarantined?

Solar Guadian #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

My theory is that Comet Siding Spring is an ET ship disguised as a comet travelling ahead of an incoming celestial object or shortly after/before a superwave from a distant space object reaches us......

I think that there will be this big planet that will cause huge problems on Earth once its distance reaches us where its gravity and electro-magnetism would start to have a greater effect on our planet multiple times than it has caused to us for many years now......... Why we can't see it? It emits very little light and heat and can only be viewable in infrared and it travels at an angle either below or above the ecliptic plane of our solar system.

Why hasn't its gravity caused severe problems at Earth yet? The answer: Light to medium effects have already been caused towards Earth already since the 1990s, with most of the medium changes on Earth in concert with an accelerating magnetic pole shift started ever since the December 26 2004 9.3 Andaman quake. The medium changes that have started since that time would have caused even more greater cataclysmic Earth changes but due to the intervention by the angels/higher dimensional beings from 5th dimension, 6th dimension and above, the changes have been reduced in intensity by multiple times....

The annual megaquakes that happened since Feb 27 2010 Chile 8.8 quake were due to an electro-magnetic and gravitational alignment of Earth and the incoming celestial object/pulse emission from a distant space object where its position and emission vis-a-vis Earth's orbit around the Sun would bring it into a perfect opportunity to channel its gravity much more effectively towards Earth to cause such major seismic disturbances..... It's pretty complicated stuff that even our most smartest Earth scientists haven't figured out the mechanism behind that phenomena yet....

As for the severe changes, we are about to enter that stage, once the distance between Earth and the incoming object shortens to a point that our Sun's gravitational influence on Earth would exact less than 70% influence on Earth relative to the gravity the incoming celestial object would exact on Earth. For example, for the past two decades, the ratio has been from 95/5 (Sun's gravitational influence over Earth/ Incoming celestial object's gravitational influence over Earth ) since the 1990s to 70-75/25-30 in recent years.....

The heightened activity at Yellowstone and the agitation of several major magma hotspots around our planet this year are signs that Earth is about to suffer more intensely from this massive 'tug-of-war' between these two objects, since while the Sun is stationary and is not moving towards Earth, this object is moving towards Earth increasingly in momentum with each passing year.....

It could also be a superwave from the Galactic Center that would cause such changes..... Either way, Earth civilizations would never be the same after that happens....

Comet Siding Spring is an ET ship disguised as a comet travelling ahead of an incoming celestial object or before/after such a Superwave. Its purpose is to clear Mars from the remaining members of the Dark Cabal/Illuminati or to tow Mars' orbit into a much safer orbit far from the influence of the Brown Dwarf star/Superwave so that ships now in orbit surrounding Earth can transport Earth humans who want to go to Mars and with the ETs a safe place to live in Mars while Earth completes its changes/pole shift/dimensional shift.

However, I think massive Earth Changes would happen on Earth long before Siding Spring reaches its closest distance from Mars on October 19 2014, but due to the ET's mastery of space-time travel, those who want to choose to go with the ETs to escape the Earth changes can ride 'ferry ships' stationed around Earth's orbit to travel to Mars or Siding Spring ship to start living in the new society/civilization there tutored and mentored by the benevolent ETs.

I think the massive Earth Changes would start with 9-10 magnitude quakes at many locations close to major fault lines and subduction zones, all culminating in a major crustal shift that would happen once our magnetic pole shift starts shifting hundreds of miles in a span of a few weeks......

The benevolent ETs will reeducate us and tell us the real truth about everything including life in the Universe as well as the fact that our souls are united with the Universal Consciousness and all we need to do is do good to one another to enlargen our energy aura of our soul so that we may progress faster in spiritual evolution, while those who do bad to others or cause others psychic pain thru bad deeds such as bad actions and bad thoughts would have their energy aura damaged by the negative energies generated by those whom they have hurt (Karma) and so that causes them to spiritually devolve since their energy aura of their spirit would be smaller after that.

This is the reason why some evil psychotic humans, Reptilians and Greys have no soul, since they only feed from others' suffering and do not give out any positive energy from their thoughts/actions so after a long time doing that evil their soul would lose all of their energy aura and chakras and become a soulless entity destined to be consumed by an inner black hole generated from their own soulless quantum collapsing energy field where they will be suck in to another universe/reality where they would have to start over as atoms in another universe....).

So, if my theory is correct, everyone on Earth would have their lives changed by the events involving Earth changes and Extraterrestrials before or by October 19 2014.

The Nobody #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Breaking: Ebola is panspermia from Ison, Elenin debris!

People are going to freak when this comes out in the news...they are handling it very carefully. This means that the entire planet is COVERED and it is only a matter of time. I guess the Guidestones were right after all...

Thereturn #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The return of MH370 in the mother of all False Flags will stop all flights across the globe and grant you your wish for flights to be grounded. What you should really fear is the upcoming winter/flu season. Will you take the chance that the fella that sneezes on you in the subway doesn't have ebola? Will you take this chance with the MSM hype that Ebola is in town? This is the kind of panic that will grip society and nobody will have to wait till they see later signs of ebola infection, with the blood oozing out on anyone before they GTFO. In fact, you may never see people with blood oozing out of them but rather the fear and panic that ebola is out to get you before society self destructs.

This is how society will cave in and crumble and hardly would anyone ever see the ebola myth in the final stages which leads me to the fact that the media and government hype is a hoax. Have you seen anyone with blood oozing out even with the MSM hype? No?

Because you all believe this lie, you will sink yourself further into an abyss when society starts falling apart and people begin requesting that governments do something......that flights be grounded. However because the whole western hemisphere will be in winter this period, a common ground, not only flights from Africa would supposedly have to be grounded because of your fears, all flights across the globe would have to be should the government even cave in and decide to act on your concerns.

Then comes MH370 being flown by the corpse of Bin Laden, from the South Indian Ocean headed for a US, Israel or Western Interest. This will kickstart a global war involving nukes and then you will all truly have radiation sickness which have symptoms exactly as that of Ebola. This is what you truly have to worry about.

In the same month and almost exactly the same day Duncan was admitted into a US hospital, the search for MH370 takes off again. And guess what the name of the search vehicle is? Its called GO PHOENIX. not only does phoenix mean the mythical bird which rebirths itself from its own ashes, just like how society is about to fall apart right in front of our very eyes with the Ebola scare and governments have to pick it up, but the GO in front of the phoenix is actually a code or term for a GREEN LIGHT. Are you not surprised that Eric Duncan was in a green shirt in the image of him shown to the world by the media and all the Ebola imagery has been green?

So there you have it with them sending you a message about what is coming.

You are seeing the NWO being formed right in front of your very eyes.

TruthNow88 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I believe the 2014 ebola outbreak is real, but much smaller scale, more controlled and less transmittable then we are being programmed to think (with a lot of overlapping events, confussion, fear & media hype added to the mix). In my opinion Liberia is mainly Formaldeyde water poisoning with a very small amount of real ebola cases (primary poison target), Guinea is a mix of both (crossover of controlled ebola release & some Formaldeyde water poisoning), and Sierra Leone has the most cases of real ebola but for the most part are dying down (but are being replaced with Formaldeyde water poisoning now to help keep up the cover until ~Q1 2015 when the 10,000 doses of NIAID/GSK ebola vaccine & 100,000 doses of the CNLM VSV-EBOV vaccine should be about ready to be used in a part of the phase 1 mass vaccination program in West Africa. In my opinion most of the "ebola" related deaths in West Africa are not ebola related at all (directed tied to the coordinated drinking water poisonings happening across the 3 countries designed to mimic ebola), and I highly doubt a single case outside of West Africa is ebola at all.
I could go on for ages, and I WILL update this thread with more details about how I feel the media is playing into the agenda, and how all this is likely part of a 3 phase vaccination agenda (starting in early 2015, ending in ~2018) that is going to start off as optional for most (forced for selected areas), and transition over time to become more and more mandatory for even uninfected regions (phase 1 (current)=target sheep, phase 2=target submitters, phase 3=wipe out resisters) as part of a Gates Foundation funded global vaccination/sterilization/RFID agenda via The Global Vaccine Action Plan (with the aim of global immunization by the year 2020), which is all just a small piece of the overarching UN Agenda 21, and the ushering in of their New World Order.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

[Re. the Old Testament genocides]

1. For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of God's glorious standard.

2. Obey the LORD your God and follow his commands and decrees that I give you today.

Those two things are mentioned in the bible. If God tells you to slaughter, to love, who are you to say what is proper? For all you know those people were not even human! Think of all the stuff Noah and his family endured with the angels mixing with humans and beasts, think of that! I believe that when God orders the slaying of people, children, that they are abominations! There is no greater truth than God, and if God commands you to do something; it's for your own good or the people's good. Disobeying God's words resulted in death entering the world and caused people to struggle. Imagine what obeying God does to the world? God destroys the wicked, it says right there in the bible. Just because a child looks like a child, doesn't mean it is! Think about during Noah's flood. I'm sure some children looked normal at first and later were disfigured and became more monster looking (Nephilim).

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

(Commenting on the new 2014 block on the Georgia Guidestones)

posted this same thread topic at the exact same time as you. Great minds think alike. *wink*

I have a very bad feeling about this. When I first saw the headline, I thought maybe someone had chiseled the year into the granite slab but NO...they went to the trouble of chiseling out a notch and placing a "CORNERSTONE" with the year on it. This is definitely meant to send a message!!!

Teutony #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Do not take Ebola vaccine! Repeat: Do not take any Ebola vaccine

People, there is something related with this article which was related by this news outlet from Ghana: the event chronicle.

I'm referring to this link:
[link to www.theeventchronicle.com]

Mainly here they speak about that most of the people which were got diseased, were those which were injected something by Red Cross.

If you are curious more, you can try to get the cache, but you cannot access this link from any westerner country nor EU. You need to use an african proxy and then you can open.

Which leads to the conclusion, that I had before, that this is a spectacle of grand proportions, in order to terrify the masses and take the vaccines.

If we do that, then we will get the real deal, the real disease!

Try for yourself access that link and see why is this blocked from westerner countries?

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

We don't even know if Duncan or that Nina Pham even exists. We get to see some pics, they use social media as a proof for their existence again (that's the newest trend...)

Even if they exist, couldn't it be that they were trapped into something? Crisis actors? Come on GLPler you usually have all kind of ideas what they could be but now majority here buys the MSM story 100%...

The last thing that is present here, are real facts.
A lot over here also seem to forget that the entire year 2014 so far was full of distractions and psyops...

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

ET does not permit physical humans to land on the moon, nor to orbit beyond a few 100 km's above the surface. Any unmanned technology with a destructive capability is also not permitted 'out there'. There are rules, and they are enforced by benevolent forces far superior to any on earth.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Ebola is a cover for the Vaccine Parasites (viruses) that are about to activate on mass scale
Ebola is a cover for the viruses they injected the population with.

The vaccine parasites (viruses) are about to activate on a MASS scale!

Iron is accumulating at an unprecedented rate. Iron intake & absorption is at its highest level. Parasites must have a host with an iron supply to thrive & replicate.
[link to www.unveilingthem.com]

Disease, symptoms, conditions, deaths; are increasing exponentially in prevalence due to the iron & low copper status.

The vaccine parasites are set to activate on a mass scale NOW.

The self-appointed “authorities” are aware of this, and are announcing preparations for epidemics, pandemics, endemics.

They describe symptoms, rename diseases, in such a manner to deceive the population.

But, it is all the same – nano-parasites they injected the population with by force & threats, in conjunction with iron poisoining.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

December 1972 was the last fake phony BS apollo moon fakery stunt by apes from earth, on earth.

Never again did the ape make a return for more moon romping and never again did the ape even plan to go back cause the apes are on the crazy planet of the apes full of BS.

No apollo BS fake and phony rocket to the moon ever happened other than on your tv set back then. Sure a rocket lifted off crazy planet of the apes but it just circled the crazy planet and sent radio signals with some pictures of the earth, back down to all the apes waving false flags and cheering for their favorite sport heros..

Apes should be making regular trips to the moon if they ever went but since they never went, they don't return to the moon cause it was all BS made for you to think some stupid shit apes walked on the moon.

Apopheros #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Aetheric orbs evolving, displaying quanta potential shooting at chemtrails ?!?!

As I suspected, these orbs are evolving and are displaying new abilities. I think they are the same orbs that the chemtrails are trying to uncover by showing them up in the infrared spectrum, ...and they may have been involved in the russian Proton rocket that blew up during last spring, carrying a comm sat built with the latest technologies.
I believe they are related to the 5th element and the element of air(wind) and are based from intelligent design. I also think that they are related to the Quetzalcoatl legend. As for science, maybe they are made by the Sun's neutrinos and can travel in time on free will.

And also, there's a deity which I forget: it was a vertical lign drawn with 4 circle around it. It has a name but I cant remember, maybe you know?

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Don't you realize that with HAARP and all their other crazy mind control devices, they can stimulate and agitate certain emotional responses in you to create a pavlovian trained response to certain mantras and subconcious messages.

You shouldn't have sex without a condom, and you shouldn't think with out tinfoil.

No joke, its just a safe thing to do. Just think about all the radio waves and cell phone waves and electrical fields that are zooming around that didnt exist 50 years ago, and you wonder why cancer occurances have gone through the roof.


It doesnt matter if they think your crazy, it may be your best protection and its cheap!


You'll be glad you did.

Shamar #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Georgia Guide Stones – Cube Deciphered – EBOLA

Wow.........I cannot believe that this is an accident......

is there any other way that this outbreak of Ebola can be linked to the Georgia Guide Stones and to the NOW? The answer is Yes !


As others have already noted, there has been an episode of the Simpsons where a book cover is shown having the title: “Curious George and the Ebola Virus”. This might seem insignificant but it has already been proven that there were also hints to other events in Simpsons episodes, the most famous being 9/11.
However this could have been a coincidence but there is more. This particular episode of the Simpsons was aired on September 11th , 1997. A date that raises a red flag obviously.

So let’s take a look at the character of the monkey George. Wikipedia writes:

“The books feature a curious brown monkey named George, who is brought from his home in Africa by “The Man with The Yellow Hat” to live with him in a big city.”
Just like the Ebola virus, George was ‘taken’ from Africa to the USA. His name, George, could hint to the Georgia Guide Stones.

In the last of the original series of books (1966), George ends up in the hospital, just like the first Ebola victim, Thomas Duncan.


But wait, there is more. In the above quote from Wikipedia we read that George was brought or taken to the USA. This means a deliberate action. He was taken by “The Man with The Yellow Hat” after he caught George. If George represents the virus (originated from monkeys?), then the man with the yellow hat represents the carrier, Thomas Duncan. This is what Wikipedia writes about this mysterious man:

“The Man is never mentioned by name in the original adventures, or in any subsequent content over more than six decades. He is always called either ‘the Man’ or fully ‘the Man with the Yellow Hat’. When people speak to George about the Man, they often refer to him as ‘your friend.’ However, in the Curious George film (2006), the Man is referred to as ‘Ted’ throughout the film”

So it was not until 2006 that the man who brought George from Africa got a name: TED. Let us now look at our man who brought Ebola from Africa: Thomas Eric Duncan. His initials spell: TED.

USAFVET #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Something BIG is about to happen between Oct. 24 - Nov. 13

I watch CNBC almost every day since I trade the markets full time. Over the past 3 months, several larger than life, behind the scenes people, have intimated that an "event" will happen that I assume will bring down the markets in short order. Jeremy Grantham, a half-trillion dollar hedge fund manager has pulled his money out of the markets, starting the first quarter of this year. Other smaller hedge fund managers have liquidated their funds, and some have even left the country. Bill Gross, founder and head of Pimco, the largest bond fund in the world, left his position to join Janus for undisclosed reasons. All of the ammo, MRAPs, antibiotics, M-16s, MREs, tents, water, and other items have been delivered and situated in FEMA region III. In my own back yard, I was contacted by FEMA (since I am a subscriber and have worked in emergency management before) to start a Citizen Emergency Response Team (CERT) in my county. I have to submit paperwork to them, but could qualify for up to $25,000 in initial Federal Grant money to get the program started. Anyone hear anything mentioned about this time frame?

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Four years ago I had an encounter with the ones we call the greys. I was in the woods of western maryland on a camping trip. I experienced all the events of a typical abduction: seeing a bright light in the sky followed by a visitation by two entities, missing time, dread, hopelessness, telepathic communication, and psychological torment. I believed I had died and gone to hell. I would describe it as "spiritual rape." Every day that goes by I can't help but remember what they did to me. For two hours they spoke to me telepathically. They told me terrible things, almost driving me to suicide.

These beings are the most horrible, malevolent lifeforms I have ever witnessed. They are pure evil and see humans as insects. They derive pleasure from the emotional and physical pain of man. If demons exist, these guys fit the bill perfectly. The only way I was able to fight them off was through praying to Jesus for help. Even though I was an atheist at the time, the name of Jesus angered and frightened them and the attack stopped almost immediately.

I can't really explain this other than by saying these things are demonic beings, or fallen angels. If they have a soul, it is pitch black and full of evil.

Somebody.... #fundie godlikeproductions.com

No, sir, you were born with a perfect immune system that only becomes questionable when nutrition and lifestyle compromises said immune system.

If we were in need of hypodermic needles we would've been born with said hypodermic needles.

Please go to the CDC's website and read the list of ingredients (they will make known), then make an educated decision as to whether vaccinations are worth your health.

Disease is earned, not acquired....

Louis Pasteur admitted on his death bed that his germ theory was all wrong, as he ultimately stated, "The microbe is nothing, the terrain (your body) is everything.

Even Hippocrates stated, "Let thy food be thy medicine, and thy medicine be thy food".

The book of Genesis 1:29 (your owner's manual) Eat only the seed bearing fruit and herb, it is to be our meat.

An alkalized body is impervious to disease. It is a proven fact that vaccinations destroy the immune system. DO THE RESEARCH...

Man has your ability to profit him in mind, not your salvation...

Your polluted digestive tract is the basis of all disease, not some external microscopic animals attempting to enter your body...

"The bigger the Lie, the more they'll believe". -Adolph Hitler

[all bolding, italicisation and underlining from original post]

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Wow. That's another video of "the second sun" that is well worth watching.

The one thing that strikes me about this "second sun" is that it is only in the past few years that people have been claiming to see such a phenomenon, the "sightings" are increasing with time, the celestial body being seen is increasing in diameter with time (as would be expected if the object was moving toward the Earth), and the "sightings" are from an increasing number of different regions around the globe with time.

The shills discount the possibility of a second sun by saying that we would have alot of effects in our solar system and on Earth if such a celestial body actually existed.

I say that the effects we would expect to see in the solar system and on Earth are indeed already occurring and, thus, such a celestial body could, in fact, exist.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The whole reptilian shapeshifting thing is just humans tapping into a prominent genetic sequence that supports a reptilian behavior. Light holographism can reveal our behaviors... I've seen people who are bird-like, bear-like, cat-like, sloth-like, too. We are a super mix of DNA that has come from many places in the galaxy, We ware a balanced concoction of all these intergalactic races. and because of that, we are humans.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Chemtrail rain turning my black dog brown?

I have a black dog, well taken care of,she always has a nice black sheen to her coat, but not this year,
Her coat is turning brownish orange, same thing with the cats
who have black markings, turning Orange brownish from chemicals? has anyone seen this, where their coats touch the ground.
I think it is a form of bleaching from chemicals introduced into the sky.
Has anyone else seen this? look at your Black dogs and cats,
are they turning brown around the belly and legs?
Chlorine maybe? I don't know,but I ask you GLPers.
What is going on? Acid rain? Alkaline rain?

Anonymous Coward #racist godlikeproductions.com

[Were Black people created by the ancient Egyptians?]

No but I suspect the black woman is Lillith, who was Adams first wife. As in an older race of man. Asians/caucasians are the children of Eve, who was gentle yet naive and intellectually curious.

Lillith was not well disciplined and its said she now gives birth to 1000s of demons an hour. Sound like anyone we know?

THE SIMPLE TRUTH #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

pakistani girl MALALA = Gaby Giffords = fake identities acting as handicaped after TOTALLY staged attacks
[link to www.godlikeproductions.com]

Pakistani actress playing "16 years old girl Malala" will have to wait for the Nobel Peace Prize

TOTALLY staged "Resurection of Malala, victim of Taliban" is an illuminati joke about:
- the genocide of christians implemented by the illuminati puppets of Pakistan government.
- the Taliban hoax.

The agenda to gain support for the puppet Pakistani government in suppressing the revolt of ethnic minorities fighting for autonomy, like in the case of the Swat valley includes:
- extending the Taliban hoax to Pakistan. As part of this an actor is called on stage to play Taliban commander Adnan Rasheed.
- the theater act "Malala attacked by the Taliban".

Taliban hoax
Black is white: naming freedom fighters: Afghanistan is the ultimate example.
Since 2003 Illuminati media calls Taliban to the the Mujaheddin.
The same freedom fighers who were about to defeat the Taliban illuminati puppets in 2001.

Christian minorities in countries with muslim majorities: illuminati agenda Genocide of Christians

Xtragal3 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

OMG Big Metroid UFO Intercepted by Helicopter

I was my house with a friend when my friend staying near the window said he heard a weird helicopter sound.

At first I didnt care being just a helicopter but being my friend kept insisting I went toward the window and could also hear how strange the helicopter sounded.

While it sounded as a helicopter the sound was somewhat different, my first though was maybe it had engine troubles.

In a hurry I grab my videocamera and zoomed in on the helicopter that looked like Yellow I belive it was from
Civil Defense unit:
[link to en.wikipedia.org]

"Civil defense, civil defence (see spelling differences) or civil protection is an effort to protect the citizens of a state (generally non-combatants) from military attack. It uses the principles of emergency operations: prevention, mitigation, preparation, response, or emergency evacuation, and recovery"

Now why would Civil defense be there if there was no Catastophe, Fire or Military atack?

I kept on zooming and looked in the direction the Helicopter was facing since it was like Observing something.

I was Surprised to see a Huge UFO in the middle of the sky
My Adrealine skyrocket as i observed through the tiny videocamera how the object seem to be landing behind a building and in the middle of the Town

Zooming in it looked like those Metroids in Nintendo Videogame that grab you and suck out your blood.

It was Greenish and for me seemed like it had 3 lights around.

I showed my friend the video and he was shocked but said the 3 lights looked like windows.

On the video you can see 2 persons hanging under the Object which make you believe is a parachute.

I not saying is Not a parachute but i never seen one with 2 person under it and looking like a Green Metroid.

Also why would Civil defense helicopter be in the air if it was only a parachute..

And who would parachute in the middle of the town when this is probaly forbidden.

Also why was the helicopter making so strange sound
(you can not hear the engine on the video at the moment i recorded this for some reason the helicopter engine was not heard in the video)

I decided to Call it Metroid UFO
as that is how It looked like to me.

I have seen parachute before But NEVER ever seen something that looked like a Metroid

Heres my video:
[link to www.youtube.com]

Now For me it was UFO as it was this Big unknown metroid looking thing that was realy realy creepy.

If this was a parachute it most be the coolest parachute in the world

I will email this video to more friends see what they make out of it.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

A surface to air missile with a terrorist strapped to it started WWIII don't forget it!

I think some hectic stuff is going on, behind this ISIS stuff.

For starters, the Radio hosts/DJ's are blurting stuff out before they switch songs, I heard the DJ on 101.9CFM (truck radio) say expect an explosion in the City. And then that horrible brain manipulating song came on "Its all about the Bass!"

Nicki Minaj makes me want to become a transexual alcoholic.

Secondly, I know we don't have to be so concerned about Muslims getting their hands on nuclear missiles but did anyone notice how, they did NOT mention Russia in their cyber threat, what if a country with Nuclear capabilities became radicalized?
Like an entire Country, does that make sense?

The Muslims are manipulating people with Social technology, they are brainwashing people, but who??

Wasn't Russia's President banned from the G20?

They only need a stealth Nuclear submarine from WW2 that still works to launch an attack on our country, Russians could buy that for the Isis!

(out of the box thinking)...

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

HAARP - Used to damp down Scottish Independence?

Here in Southern England we rarely have Thunder and Lightning, may be two or three times a year.

On the last two nights we have had terrific thunder storms.

The Metropolitan Police and media used to refer "Police Constable Rain" (an example here [link to www.halesowennews.co.uk] ) when rain came to the aid of the Police during times of civil disobedience.

Now is it more than co-incidence that at a time when the UK (Scotland) could kick off, we have massive Thunderstorms two nights in a row.

If anyone believes MSM that 98% of the Scottish registered to vote on Independence then they are a fool. Then we are told that there was a 90% turn-out to vote... Ha! never, Never, NEVER would that proportion turn out and vote. Then we have weeks of opinion pole saying that opinions were on a 50% / 50% knife edge. We had opinion-pole companies saying it may be their Waterloo moment when the pole goes way off beam with their predictions. Then we have postal votes being valid one week before the day of the vote.

The outcome of the vote 45% / 55% (a very convenient win for TPTB) on a supposed 90%+ turn out.

We saw the crowds of young Yes voters (older folk where the people who voted No) partying with thousands chanting obscenities at the BBC and other UK politicians while waiting for the result.

It well be interesting to see if weather modification appears to be taking place at times of potential mass disobedience.

I'm posting this having for a second night in a row been woken up by thunder and lightening.

JDM4Liberty #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

IF their was free and open elections, Scotland would absolutely gain there independence today. The Illuminati bankers and the satanic cabal would NEVER ALLOW Scotland to have freedom, instead of slavery and dependence.

The votes are rigged, IN EVERY COUNTRY. Especially in the UK and the US.

The good news is, a global groundswell is happening against tyranny and government control. Votes don't matter, its up to us. We the people need to say FUCK IT and start exercising our right to cause revolutions.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Remember when Michael Sam was the big story? Now he's taken a back seat to these alleged abusers. You think NFL players just started beating their wives and kids? Wake up! This is a planned distraction to sneak Michael Sam into the league so he can infiltrate the league with Obama's gay agenda from within.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Next time you visit fast-food chain McDonalds, KFC or Burger King; take time to ponder the source – where does the meat comes from? Is it really pork, chicken or beef as they say it is?

Actually it is not what you think it is.

Chances are what you are eating is meat bio-engineered in a lab in Plum Island, that too with human DNA. So essentially you may very well be eating your own kind. This is the reason why Mark Zuckerberg kills animals by himself before consuming it, that way he can confirm the source. As a young initiate to the NWO elitist system, he only recently learned the protocols of his serpentine extra-terrestrial masters of the NWO. The so-called masters who the banker-elitists serve are nefillim (mixed breed), being not fully human; and hence do not mind eating, abusing, raping and indeed sacrificing mankind. Their human puppets know they will be re-incarnated into this planet; in order to repay for their bad karma. Hence they avoid meat. Steve Jobs knew this, but paid a terrible price for refusing to play with the elitists agenda. He became a vegetarian early on as well so as to free himself. It is not that we must be vegetarian, but that we should not consume our own kind, of course.

COLD hard FACTS #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Of course the snow is fake and made of chemicals! This entire winter has been created via weather engineering!

The fake chemical snow, which has received more government shills than any issue since the first pieces of evidence against Sandy Hoax started coming out is just a small part of this entire fake winter.

Yep, you heard me. Winter 2014 the polar vortex is all man made. Weather engineering with the chemical proof in the snow. I can't wait until the multiple youtube users receive the chemical analysis back, its going to prove it.

The government is carrying out more sinister Agenda 21 plans, including poisonous air, poisonous water, poisonous food, extreme weather and climates.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I just watched that new show on mermaids, and it was eye opening. The us navy was doing sonar testing and beached thousands of wales in 2004 and also beached a so called mermaid. NOAA further investigated it and found extensive evidence that this could be a real species, they were researching in south africa until the navy and south african government confiscated all of their evidence and called the dna taken contaminated with human dna. But it was an acestor of humans. I always new mermaids and many other myths existed, but it infuriates me that time and time again the government covers up countless truths and claims it fake or myth. We need to gather and revolt! Its time for a revolution!

UndercoverAlien #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I've seen the hypnotic effects that Adele's low-life songs have in little children, acting like evil mantras poisoning their innocent minds with low emotions of bottom-of-the-bottle type of people. But now it looks like someone has proven that her songs actually have influence in the astral dimension, in the underworld, like witchcraft:

Quoting: [link to www.telegraph.co.uk]

At first sight it may look cool that a kid woke up from coma after listening one of her low-life songs, but it actually proves that Adele's melodies can reach the ASTRAL BODY in the underworld and have power to manipulate it. If her song can eventually bring some one back from there, very likely it also can bring dead entities and and other astral parasites as well.

I have no doubts in my mind that she's a witch, what explains why she got on top of the Illuminati music industry so quick and why she won all those Grammys in the same ceremony post Whitney Houston's sacrifice.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Re: What was the motive to bring down the WTC Buildings (1,2 &7)?

While the answer to this question is somewhat distracting, close inspection of the evidence that remains is paramount:

1. Directed Energy was necessary to collapse these buildings to 'free fall', and this technology is 'Alien' to me.
2. GEO - Political, Sociological, World control of Humanity is also another 'Alien' concept to me.

So, it was Alien Intervention - for their purpose of control.

Now, just who are these Aliens?

Us. Humans did this. And they weren't all from foreign countries, most were from the groups that want only 90 million people left on Earth (or however many that monument talks about).

Think carefully on how You are going to solve 'over population', and who, or whom, will control the remains?

This Earth still has tremendous resources - lots of gold, oil, gas, you name it - our planet is a prize.

A prize a real extraterrestrial alien might want.

And those aliens have lots of time to get it - and what a better method than to give advanced technology to ruthless humans to achieve this goal? They could stay totally anonymous. After all, who will be left to write the history books? They might be considered GODs some day.

If you look at the physics in the destruction, it doesn't take long to realize that no aircraft caused these events. With that thought in mind, then analysis of the 'what, when, where, why, and who' become frightening.

The first 3 are easy, the last 2 require a devious mind to consider, and that this carefully conceived Redirection Of TheTruth (ROTT) should be the main focus. We have been deceived yet again, on a world scale.

The news agencies fed off one another, with one fictional statement starting a cascade of fictional stories, ad infinitum. Just so you, the viewer, would tune in to their station for ad purposes.

All information based on a Lie, is a total Lie. No exceptions.

Were there individuals inside the buildings that the perpetrator no longer wanted on Planet Earth? The same goes for a particular business - or possibly a rival technology company, or maybe a combination of all these ideas, along with the destruction of The Constitution Of The United States?

Ah yes, The Patriot Act. Not patriotism at all, just government control of You and I.

All this to build their idea of "Heaven on Earth".

We knows who wins - in the end.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

So W is just like an M, just upside down. Upside down stuff is common in satanic meanings. So the Wii is really 1002. Now just simply turn that backwards and we have 2001. Ring any bells? Sure.. 2001 a Space Odyssey which describes the total transformation of humans to their next incarnate plane at certain intervals. This is Satan's lie, that you will become like gods.

What's the sequel to 2001? 2010, the year we make contact! But this is a sequel. What's the number of a sequel? Yes, 2. So really the year we make contact is 2012--or so the devil would have you believe. It's all smoke and mirrors for when the Lord's chosen get raptured up into heaven before the start of the great tribulation. TPTB want the rest of the world to believe that the nonexistent alien beings took us away...or maybe we weren't in the right frequency of earth's natural harmonic, and so were deleted from earth's program. Either way, they're all lies my friends.

Need more proof? Why certainly I'm glad you asked. Nintendo. Nin is Nine ten is well duh ten. Do is the first word in do re me fa so la tee do. 9 + 10 +1= 9/11. I don't know how to make this any clearer folks.

So don't worry, don't even think about the fact that when you fire up another game of Wii Bowling with your friends, you guys have just bowled yourself a one-way ride down hell's alley. Game over. you lose.

samanthasunflower #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

They had to do something. Their old program of destroying our best and brightest with Autism was mainly only destroying boys. (Every wonder why Autism destroys children of IT workers more than the general population?)

So they come out with Gardasil, which destroys our young females.

Within a generation, our nation will have imploded and no young children will be left.

1103079 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

A long time ago thousands of years ago atleast, after man was created, in a lost record of history, a friend of humanity engineered what you know as "cats" and "dogs" as pets for us, these alien friends "look like humanoid cats and dogs". these beings come from other worlds, many myths were generated from these beings in folk lore. there are drawings of these beings on cave walls and other historic artifacts such as anubis. these beings are benevolent and have always been our friends, just two of the many races that have visited our planet. no other animals on earth are similar to humans, dogs, or cats.

they created the Canidae and the Felidae

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The nature of the UNICORN.

The horn of the unicorn served a specific purpose.
You see, the Unicorn was greater than any Horse. Larger, stronger, faster, more agile and and as intelligent as a human.

They had giant teeth shaped and arranged like a humans. They were beautiful and calm when being viewed on by humans. Their essence drew you in and their lack of fear was inviting. So people would slowly approach them talking softly and in a reassuring manner.

The Unicorn would respond in a friendly manner approaching the human easily and relaxed, showing no menace or feral behavior.

Then, when the human was close enough to touch this beautiful calm and confident creature, the Unicorn would show its human teeth in a smile.........freezing the human with this unexpected display of human emotion and white even teeth.

The Unicorn would then bow in what appeared to be a gesture of welcome and submission.

When the human would move forward to touch the calmly stooping Unicorn it would charge forward and upward like a rhino. So fast if you blinked you would miss the movement.
Impaling the human before rising up on it's back legs and slinging it's powerful head and neck forward. Slamming the human to the ground as easy as if they weighed no more than a hat.

Then it would once again resume it's calm peaceful nature as it stands over you and again gives you that human/inhuman smile.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

9/11 was a movie and no one died

My town recently had a memorial to the 9/11 victims, but no victim family members spoke. The thing is my state is adjacent to NY. People in my state supposedly died, why weren't they there?

I believe more and more that 9/11 was a media movie and a big hoax with fake victims.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Joan may have been silenced for talking about how gay the president seems.
This stood out to me:
"On Friday, the medical examiner's office stated that an autopsy has been performed on Rivers' body but no cause or manner of death could be found."
No cause of death could be found ? Hmmm
Also, the way the clinic said they would respond to "government" reviews. "Yorkville Endoscopy would promptly report to appropriate government and regulatory agencies and would proactively co-operate with any government review.'
The clinic seems very concerned with "government". Hmmm

J_Common #fundie godlikeproductions.com

7 year tribulation may begin Sept. 26, (this month!)

Rapture this month? (Sept. 26th) Feast of Trumpets-- believed for years to be the 'Rapture feast'

Feast of trumpets(9-26-14) to Day of Atonement(9-16-21) = exactly 2,550 days or (7 years).

Also would usher in the 7 year biblical tribulation

Spirit Bomb #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Today I experienced Deja vu.
Spectacular eh?
Well, began pondering upon it..

I have three extremely vivid Memories in my life.
I remember my birth.
Then, it struck me.
Within the Matrix, a simulation, two events are infinitely occurring in your own separate simulation within that matrix.
I remember The darkness of The act of dying and coming into life, the in between space must have been the DMT because there is no memory and also this idea hit me. The substance of existing in the matrix is DMT(we are a MASSIVE or not so massive DMT trip also known as life or the matrix) Existence is literally a dream.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Is the 9 year old girl shooting an UZI just a mini-false flag?

Of course many of the other false flags are easy to spot but perhaps this event of the 9 year old girl shooting her instructor is a false flag that will be difficult to prove. It just seems like such a perfect event. I mean for this to be real you have to believe that the parents were filming this happening right before their eyes and that the firearms instructor was actually that stupid. I will need to see the full video for me to believe this one.

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