
Feldmarschall #fundie theantifeminist.com

It’s because I need a girlfriend to continue to live, I’m like that, I can not change, I need another person to love me, of course I still go to high school at least (I’ll have to put a pincer on my nose, imagine!) , I do not know how you can live without a girlfriend, I do not even can use just casual sex with a teenager, I do not care if it’s sticky, it’s funny at times to have a sticky teen girl next to you, but as I say the bad thing is that with 16 they do not have much attraction to me, even I’m struggling to being attracted to them, but what if I do not? Being alone? At least they are under age, ‘children’ according to them, therefore I am a “pedophile” that take advantage of vulnerable underage girls (in fact is that “I go with minors” just that) but not problem I am going to sleep well being one of them.

theantifeminist #fundie theantifeminist.com

@anonymous – you seem to miss the point of the article. If finding teenage girls was immoral, then it would not be my business to promote immorality here. However, given your lack of arguments as to why it should be wrong, then a clearer reason is presented as to why society (through feminism) holds it to be wrong – female sexual jealousy.

Secondly, if we are hardwired to find young females to be attractive, it is because the genes of those who found young nubile girls attractive (and indeed acted upon that attraction) predominate in the population. In other words, you are here today to write such crap because your ancestors fucked young girls, throughout our evolutionary history. If there was something about such sexual relationships that left teenage girls psychologically harmed and compromised in their ability to function as mothers (and bear more children) their genes would not have survived. The idea that there is something inherent in a sexual act between young girl and older man that would leave her damaged is a feminist fiction that has no basis in science or empirical study.

And don’t give this shaming canard of ‘we are not monkeys’. It is you and your feminist scum sisters who are the monkeys – unable to divorce sex and your own broodmare needs from morality and in fact reifying your most basic and primitive physical needs and desires.

Alan Vaughn #fundie theantifeminist.com

“Terrified of Rolf Harris.”
Haha, yeah maybe it was his beard?
Seriously though: this means she ‘suffered’ for at least 11 years, presumably sometime between 1968 and 1980 but doesn’t say a word about it at the time it was all happening – when it would surely be most ‘traumatic’? No— However, she suddenly noticed how traumatized and how dysfunctional she’d become, over 40 years later? Doesn’t make sense—.

Ah— Of course! The lure of thousands of pounds ‘victim’s compensation’: like so many of her peers, reminded her of her ‘terrible ordeal’..
Hmmm— The power of money – so true – this case proves it without a doubt: It’s amazing how it can so easily reawaken the deepest, darkest and most long forgotten memories; especially in middle aged women who cannot accept they are no longer the hot, sexy teenage ‘groupies’ they were when they were enjoying the attention, not to mention unlimited SEX, with world famous celebrities, such as Rolf Harris, back in the best years of their (now miserable & pathetic) lives – ‘the swinging sixties’ and seventies.

The worst part though, is if she loses – i.e. the case is dismissed: NOTHING happens to the false accuser, even her identity is still protected, whilst Rolf and all of his family and their descendants will have to suffer the shame, indignation and scapegoating, for many years afterwards, possibly for an entire generation or two.

A lot more noise needs to be made about that aspect of these witch-hunts.

theantifeminist #fundie theantifeminist.com

Last summer I was sitting on a park bench next to a twenty something frump who was trying to seduce me into chatting her up. I had no interest, and when the frump finally realised this she decided to loudly eject gas from her rectum, whilst giving me a smug satisfied look. The stench from her fart was clearly designed to kill my libido for any woman, a kind of ‘if I can’t have you, I won’t let any other bitch have you’ spiteful vengeful act.

theantifeminist #fundie theantifeminist.com

At what age is the average female most sexually alluring to an ordinary, healthy, uncastrated male? Is it even possible to ask this question in the climate of today, and expect a reasonably honest answer? There have been a couple of good tries in the anti-feminist community recently, but such attempts inevitably end up with men playing the ‘I’m less of a paedophile than any other man here – feminists might be reading’ game.

Alan Vaughn #fundie theantifeminist.com

I don’t know what that’s all about – why anyone thinks they are supposed to be ‘sexy’ or pretty, because in my youth, the only women that ever had tattoos were whores and I was told the only men that may think they look sexy were men that were at least 3 parts pissed! (Drunkards).
It’s ironic because I can remember a group of girls at my school discussing the topic of tattoos and how ‘revolting’ they were (on men) and now at least two of those girls, now aged in their early 50’s have the stupid things! (They both have a ‘ring of thorns’ tattooed on their upper arms and those hideous designs on their lower backs which they expose by wearing those low-cut jeans. These ‘tatts’ make them look even more ridiculous, because they of course don’t have slim or petite figures and their exposed midriffs make them look more like fat muffins, than hot ‘girls’!
Talk about ‘mutton dressed as lamb’—
Maybe today, they’re a sort of feminist (man-hating) statement of their new-age ‘femininity’.
Whatever they’re meant to signify or prove, they certainly ensure that they will never be bothered by, or arouse any kind of attention from me.

theantifeminist #fundie theantifeminist.com

Jessica Alba laments publically that she no longer can attract the attention of subhuman paedophiles men, because she no longer has the childish perfect body of a 14 year old girl.

She is one of the most petite actresses in Hollywood, famed for her toned physique.

But size 6 Jessica Alba, 32, is on a mission to convince the world she is just like the rest of us as she claims to suffer a multitude of body hang-ups including stretch marks, cellulite and a muffin top.

‘Let’s face it, I don’t have the body of a 14-year-old anymore,’ said Alba. ‘I think the more we try not to have that unrealistic ideal, the happier we’ll be.’

This in the Daily Mail. I’m sure if you can stomach reading through today’s edition, you’ll probably find a story of a sick pervert being rightly sentenced to years of ass rape for being caught looking at pictures of 14 year old girls in bikinis.

And hey manosphere dudes, why is Jessica Alba complaining of not having a 14 year old girl’s body, when we’ve all read on wikipedia that females hit peak sexual fertility at 21-23?

Me no get it.

And why would any liberal progressive readers degrade themselves by considering my crude supposition that adult women, who are motivated in nearly everything they do primarily by the desire to sexually attract men, and who spend half their adult lives and adult income trying to do so, might use feminism as a means to block men from seeking out females who they are naturally inclined to sexually prefer (i.e. 14 year old girls)?

Me no get human stupidity.

theantifeminist #sexist theantifeminist.com

10 years ago professional jailbait sites were (marginally) legal (13 year old models posing in bikinis and thongs- with paid for membership to view all the galleries) – it was called NN (non-nude). It was an open secret in the adult industry that these sites were making far more money than even the hardcore 18 year old teen porn sites.

Yes, that’s right, when the market had a choice, more people would readily pay to view pics of 13,14,15 year old girls in bikinis than they would pics and videos of 18 year old pornstars being fucked up the ass.

theantifeminist #sexist theantifeminist.com

In fact, the interesting thing about Incels is that very rarely is their hatred and bitterness directed at feminists, let alone women – it is always men, including their fellow companions in sexual misery. Even Eivind Berge is an example of this. This alone is proof that Elliot Rodgers was not a genuine incel, just a spoilt young aspie who couldn’t come to terms with his homosexuality.

Alex #fundie theantifeminist.com

My preference is 14.5-17, though I guess I’m attracted to as old as mid 30’s if a woman’s kept herself up and has good genetics. I think most men are the same way.

It’s pretty messed up that a gawky high school guy theoretically has access to the hottest, most succulent females while your typical engineer or plumber has to stick with old hags. In a sane society, it would be the civilization maintainers who are rewarded with jailbait sex.

Alan Vaughn #racist theantifeminist.com

And while I would agree that Japaneses women are probably not the ugliest Asian girls (the ones I’ve seen are usually total stunners, thus possibly the most attractive), however they are actually WORSE than our own feminized Western women in terms of their attitudes and mannerisms. They would have to be the rudest people I’ve ever had the misfortune to encounter – they’re repulsive – HORRIBLE and I’ve only so encountered a few of them, whilst they were here in Australia as tourists. God knows what they’d be like at home! I have no intention of finding out either—

Miguel #fundie theantifeminist.com

Ephebophilia (or ‘hebephilia’) is a word commonly bandied about online by individuals wishing to differentiate between men (like themselves), who are attracted towards underage teenagers, and ‘paedophiles’ who are sexually attracted to pre-pubescent children. Of course, the media, and the legal system, makes no such distinction. However, many who would champion the right of men to have sexual relations with girls currently under the age of consent feel strongly that if this distinction was more widely known and accepted then it could facilitate a more reasonable public discussion on the age of consent and the laws and punishments relating to sex with teens. Paedophiles are evil perverts and beyond the pale, but ephebophiles? Well, they are not so very different from the average red-blooded man – they just like their women a little bit younger. Yes, they are suffering from a clinical disorder, as paedophiles are, but it’s not so harmful and they are a lot closer to the normal spectrum than subhuman paedos.

So is ephebophilia a real thing? Does the concept serve any useful purpose in the context of the feminist war upon male sexuality and age of consent issues in particular? And am I just as much as a hebo as some of my former readers who have championed the label in the past, such as ‘Human Stupidity‘?

As regulars will know, I’ve made a point of strongly disavowing the very idea of ephebophilia. There are two good reasons for this.

Firstly, my experience of ‘ephebophiles’ both here and elsewhere online. Self-identified ephebophiles tend to be universally 1/ clearly autistic 2/ tactically clueless 3/ prone to paedocrisy and even 4/ Left-Wing and pro-feminist (obviously some exceptions, such as HS) and certainly ‘anti-misogynistic’.

To put it bluntly, based upon my experience, such people are worse than useless in the fight against the Sexual Trade Union. I’d rather go into battle against an Isis horde with only a dozen disabled, pacifist, transgenders alongside me than these creepy ‘ephebophiles’. Hell, I’d rather take on a handful of Russian Ultras with a thousand English football hooligans to back me up. That’s how pathetic these aspie hebos are when it comes to the street fight we are all in.

Secondly, I see no strategic advantage whatsoever in embracing the label of ephebophilia. ‘Hebos’ are so clueless that they really do believe, in their aspie naivety, that the same hysteric mobs who burn down the homes of pediatricians will take kindly to a group defining themselves by a slightly different Ancient Greek term meaning ‘ perverted love of underage girls with hair and perky breasts’.

Of course, this isn’t quite fair. Ephebophilia means ‘love of youth’ (form the Greek word for youth – ‘hebe’). And the attraction to young post-pubescent girls is indeed normal. The point is, to paedohysterics, a word doesn’t change a thing. David Futrelle, child snuff porn apologist and paedocrite that he is, is right to mock the idea that it could ‘win over’ feminists or the paedo hating population at large. In fact, it could make things very much worse. I have spoken here before of the fact that shows like ‘To Catch a Predator’, and ‘anti-paedophile’ vigilantes such as Stinson Hunter, nearly always target men who are trying to have sex with girls only a little under the age of consent. They never try to entrap real perverts and child molestors.

The reason why we have this insane moral panic over ‘paedophiles’ is not because perverts who molest 5 year old children are hated. It’s because society hates and fears even more the normal men who break age of consent laws by having sex with nubile young teens. Paedocritical men are shouting at the bulge in their pants at the thought of climbing into bed with a sexy 14 year old, and all the legal consequences that would follow for them, and paedohysteric woman (and feminists) are shouting at the millions of men who would not even hide the bulge in their pants and openly pursue teenage girls if it wasn’t for the law, the shaming, and the feminist induced hysteria over ‘paedophilia’.

It is true to an extent that establishing the concept of ephebophilia in mainstream discourse would help to clarify what real paedophilia is and isn’t. Real paedophilia is a psychological perversion involving the sexual preference for pre-pubescent children (in today’s USA, that means girls under the age of 10 or so). But at the same time, I see absolutely no advantage in replacing one clinically defined pathology with another. Anti-feminism is the fight against the feminist suppression and pathologizing of normal male heterosexuality. It is normal for men to be sexually attracted to females who have started puberty and who have the maximum number of fertile years ahead of them.

Ephebophile activists believe they can identify themselves as a group and fight for and eventually win their sexual rights, just as gays (supposedly) did. No they can’t. However, MEN can perhaps reclaim their sexual rights against feminists. Only normal, heterosexual MEN can win in the fight against the war on male sexuality.

With all this said, however, I wouldn’t be honest not to add my own personal experiences over the last couple of years, and describe how they have perhaps enabled me to look at the ‘ephebophile question’ in a new and more nuanced light. For some time I’d largely given up on dating. I was getting older, I was still introverted and awkward around the opposite sex, and in any case, as ‘the Anti-Feminist’ I saw all women as rapists, every one of them limiting male sexuality in order to futher their own selfish sexual ends. Walking down the street and smiling at a pretty jailbait as an act of defiance was the limit of female involvement in my world.

For over two years now I’ve been spending the majority of my time in Eastern Europe. As most readers accept here, Slavic women are much more feminine and better looking than their Anglo counterparts, with Russians at the very apex of the female beauty pyramid. Furthermore, they age rather differently too. Yes, of course any normal man would be attracted to even an average Russian 15 year old girl, but the ‘Manosphere Myth’ that I’ve criticised here in the past regarding peak fertility and women reaching their maximum attractiveness at 21-25 isn’t so implausible when you constantly see such stunningly beautiful long legged slim women in their early twenties all around you.

In Eastern Europe I don’t get the achingly painful sense of regret at seeing a pretty 14 year old girl and thinking that by the time she is legal, she will already be losing her youthful charm and beauty. The fact is, in the UK, and even in countries such as France and Germany, the majority of girls are burnt out, bitter, overweight slags by the time they reach 18. Because of diet, lifestyle, and genetics, even pretty 14 year olds do start to lose it by the time they are off to university. In Eastern Europe, puberty arrives a little later, lasts longer, and everywhere you turn there are 20 year old women who are ravishingly beautiful, have perfect skin, possess the long slim legs of ballerinas, and who wear elegant fashions with a graceful air.

Furthermore, I’ve fallen in love with at least a couple of such specimans. One of them is now 26. I have seen photos of her when she was a teenager and the curious thing is she didn’t look anything special even at 17. By 21 she was modelling, and even now as she approaches her 30’s, I get jealous looks constantly when I am with her, even in a city where HB8s are the norm. Even the likes of Krauser PUA would give me a nod of respect if he saw me with her. Look closely and she has crow feet developing around her eyes. Her skin is no longer perfect. But if I could re-wind time I would not wish her any younger than 21. And it’s not down to make-up either. I have seen her without, and she is still beautiful, and more beautiful than she was when she was a schoolgirl.

Another of my girlfriends is 20, and very pretty. She still looks like a teen, and even behaves like one in many ways, though thankfully more in a cute than insufferable manner. Although beautiful, I do not recieve so many jealous looks when I am with her as when I am with the woman who is a good deal older. This girl, I only met recently. I have seen photos of her when she was 18, and she looked almost perfect. I would have liked to have known her then, and I would still not object to a girlfriend such as her who is 16 or 17. However, in Eastern Europe the age of consent is not such a weighty issue given the mass of beautiful females aged above even 18. And this is probably why paedohysteria is primarily an Anglo-Saxon phenomenon.

So in the light of my experiences, how would I finally appraise ‘ephebophila’? As to whether it is a real thing, I am both more and less inclined to say yes. Despite my disavowal of the term here in the past, I somewhat suspected that I might be ‘a little different’ to the average man. Not just in being honest about attraction to young teenagers, but perhaps more strongly attracted than most. Although partly right, I think I had simply fallen into the same mistake that I’d rightly accused self-identified ‘ephebophiles‘ of making. The honesty to accept that teens are attractive can lead you to identify yourself, even subconsciously, as ‘somebody who is attracted to teenage girls’ and different to other men, and to somewhat ignore the charms of slightly older females. And this is compounded by the disgraceful state of femininity in the Anglo-Saxon world, a world in which the only feminine and loveable girls left are indeed mostly under 18.

If ephebophilia exists, therefore, it is not a clinical disorder, such as real paedophilia is, but rather a situation in a man’s life brought about by feminism and the state of women in the Western world.

And as a badge, it’s still tactically clueless and aspie.

My experiences of falling in love have also altered somewhat my views on ‘normal male sexuality’ in the sense that I now give more value to the merits of sex within a loving relationship. Of course, I am not now claiming that the female monogamous system is ‘right’ for men. I am currently in love with two beautiful women, and I think I have emotional room left for a couple more as well, hehe. All I’m saying is I no longer mock the notion of love, and that sex with love is, after all, something that every man should be able to experience as part of a happy life. I also look at porn less, and so I have to admit, I am closer to Eivind Berge’s view that real relationships are better than fapping. However, I still feel that he doesn’t understand the dangers of giving the slightest credence to feminist arguments against porn. And also, not many men can have girlfriends as good looking as his, and not many men approaching 50, as I am, can walk down the street with a beautiful 20 year old, or a HB9 26 year old, as I can. Porn never stopped me having relationships. Rather, it was a life-saving substitute in fallow times. It also helped to keep the flame of desire alive as I sank into middle-age.

And that thought leads nicely onto a final word regarding my contribution to men’s rights activism and the lack of updates on this blog. Yes, I am in some ways happier and more content than before, and therefore no longer feel the need or have the desire to carry the stress and time commitment of regularly posting articles here. It’s also true that I certainly no longer feel any personal pain at current age of consent laws. I would certainly be satisfied forever more at having relationships with beautiful Slavic girls aged 16 above, or even 18 above. But this certainly isn’t the reason for my lack of involvement in men’s rights. I still maintain that the ‘age of consent’, or more correctly, all the many issues that revolve around it, as part of the wider assault upon male sexuality by feminists, is the leading men’s rights issue. But perhaps I am less inclined to maintain this site, just when I am finding some happiness and sexual satisfaction, to cater to disloyal self-identified ephebophile readers such as the likes of Jon or Human-Stupidity, themselves prone to paedocrisy whenever it suits them.

theantifeminist #fundie theantifeminist.com

It was -10 with blizzards yesterday morning in the Euro town I’m currently in. Didn’t stop me seeing two blonde girls, about 14, wearing the tiniest denim micro shorts revealing at least half of their butt cheeks walking down the street. I’m sure one of them called me a paedophile as I looked on in amazement at the rather surreal sight. Almost makes you feel the muslims have a point after all!

theantifeminist #fundie theantifeminist.com

Hollywood luvvie Meryl Streep has given a speech lambasting President Elect Donald Trump. No suprise there. The Alt-Right, led by paedohysteric Mike Cernovich, has responded by pointing out that Streep gave a standing ovation to Roman Polanski – the director still wanted in the USA for taking a 13 year old girl up the ass, back in the 70s. No surprise there either. His Twitter feed has quickly degenerated into a shouting match as to who are the bigger paedos – Conservatives or Libs – complete with pictures of Trump kissing a very young cutie on a bed (Brooke Shields?) and Obama apparently feeling up his own teen daughter’s ass on the sofa.

This is what political discussion has been reduced to in the death throes of Western civilization – which side is the bigger paedophiles for openly showing attraction to fertile teenage girls. The really creepy thing is, both side’s Twitter armies are full of profiles with anime avatars showing very young pre-pubescent girls. In fact, I believe the alt-right are particularly famous for it and even have a group dedicated to it (anime).

theantifeminist #fundie theantifeminist.com

Perhaps in 30 years time even feminists will be so happy, waking up each morning and being fucked by their king kong sex robots with their 20? power drill black penises, that they won’t care if millions of men are doing similar with their perfect nubile 16 year old Anna Kournikova silicone replicants. Unfortunately, women aren’t psychologically satisfied by the satiation of their physical sexual needs in the way that men can be. They will still feel ‘threatened’ and insecure by the ready availability to men of female beauty and youth. They will still want to take a legal hammer to those Anna sex bots, no matter how many electric black cocks they themselves are being happily serviced by.

Anon #fundie theantifeminist.com

The problem is feminism has brainwashed women into thinking they are men. A man’s sexual value is a complicated thing. It is a mixture of looks, social status, work success, money and a thousand other things. For women it is simply looks and nothing else.

Put it another way, an Aston Martin makes a guy more attractive, because it signals wealth. A fat old women in an Aston is just undesirable as a fat old women in a Micra.

The problem with older women is they make false calculations about their sexual value. They think that their careers, money, and experience means they are more desirable, therefore they deserve a high value man. In reality their value peaked at age 17 and is in constant decline.

Alan Vaughn #fundie theantifeminist.com

Of course we know something here that most people don’t: What this repugnant piece of excrement really means and is in fact very concerned about, is that if men have the option of sexbots, they will be far less likely than they already are, to ‘pursue sexual relations’ with horribly unattractive frumps such as herself!
If she seriously believed that we exploit women, surely she would welcome the sexbot technology, because we’ll be leaving the poor little ‘exploited’ and objectified princesses alone. Her reasoning is totally illogical – a paradox and equally as ridiculous as their voodoo magic theory of perverts repeatedly harming 17 year old children by looking at photos of them smiling provocatively while wearing short skirts.

Dr Richardson is a text-book example of a bitterly jealous femihag sexual trade unionist.
BTW: what is her doctorate? My guess would be ‘women’s studies’ or something equally as meaningless and useless.

The Antifeminist #fundie theantifeminist.com

Paedocritical men are shouting at the bulge in their pants at the thought of climbing into bed with a sexy 14 year old, and all the legal consequences that would follow for them, and paedohysteric woman (and feminists) are shouting at the millions of men who would not even hide the bulge in their pants and openly pursue teenage girls if it wasn’t for the law, the shaming, and the feminist induced hysteria over ‘paedophilia’.

theantifeminist #fundie theantifeminist.com

A court in Germany has ruled that the parents of a 15 year old girl cannot stop her from continuing a sexual relationship with her 47 year old uncle that she started when she was just 14.


While this may seem like a rare victory for the sexual rights of post-pubescent females and their older male lovers, we can be certain that the controversy of this case will be used by femihags in Germany to further push for the age of consent to be raised to 16 or even 18. Already, after recent ‘strengthening’ of German age of consent laws, a female who had sex at 14 or 15 and regretted it has the right to pursue child abuse charges against her former partner – something no doubt likely in this case when the girl is gotten too by the pressure of the media and feminists, or if she ever breaks up with her older lover and decides to redefine her love for him as victimhood.

The Antifeminist #fundie theantifeminist.com

The tentacles of feminism now reach into every nation and society on Earth. Sexual Trade Union theory explains this through accounting for feminism as a reaction to technological forces openeing the sexual market and lowering the sexual 'price' or SMV of most women. As these technological forces are present in all societies, then feminist Sexual Trade Union will emerge and strengthen everywhere, together with an accompanying growth in global political institutions and international NOGs that are vehicles for the spread of feminism worldwide.

There is nowhere left to run to. There is nowhere left to escape the coming holocaust.

But what if men could escape feminism by creating their own refuges? Perhaps there is the possiblility of an island, or rather, the possibility of creating our own islands?


Seasteading is funded by the tech billionaire Peter Thiel, a libertarian who once expressed this opinion over the historical disaster of granting women the vote :

" Since 1920, the vast increase in welfare beneficiaries and the extension of the franchise to women - two constituencies that are notoriously tough for libertarians - have rendered the notion of "capitalist democracy" into an oxymoron."

The Antifeminist #fundie theantifeminist.com

Wouldn't it be a kinder, more humane world, if instead of old men being crucified in public to satisfy the bitterness of hags and the repressed urges of paedocrites, that teenage girls were taken to retirement homes by their teachers in order to give the lonely coffin dodgers a free suck and fuck? But perhaps it would require the selfish maladaptive sexual psychology of women to be repaired and altered before that was possible.

theantifeminist #fundie theantifeminist.com

It’s been a permanent mystery to myself, and to several of my loyal and esteemed readers, why it is that the men’s rights movement, and the manosphere in general, has been so reluctant to focus upon, or even barely mention the fact, that feminists are invariably ugly, and that feminists give primacy in their lobbying campaigns to goals that invariably will in some way limit the freedoms of non-ugly women (and more importantly often criminalize or at least restrict the liberties of thousands or millions of normal heterosexual men).

This is the great Elephant in the Room when it comes to feminism and the men’s rights movement.


It is the very fact that MRAs, and men in general, ignore the fact that feminists are blatently ugly jealous women that has allowed them to pass law after law that leads to thousands of men being raped in prison while simply serving no other end but to raise their own sexual market value (and those of their supporters – the mass of women) and to soothe their insane psycho-sexual jealousies. Feminists are trampling on basic human rights because they are ugly and jealous – there is no getting around this, however crude or even comical it can sound.

theantifeminist #fundie theantifeminist.com

"I’m not sure if you know this already, but don’t forget we have female anti feminist supporters too."

And they’re not particularly welcome here. Such supporters nearly always tend to be femiservatives who seek to hijack the men’s rights movement in the interests of protecting their own sexual value, just as females have hijacked just about every concievable political viewpoint for the same reason – from socialism to the extreme right, to transhumansim and to animal rights.

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