
Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

All your "leaders" are aliens

When MI6 recruits its world actors politicians, presidents and monarchs, It replaces them with cloned alien species as a kind of full control and deception.

Not only world leaders, but also supposed "humans" living among us. They could be living in your house and you think they're your parents.

People you know could be human at one stage in life, but as the world government in Britain shifts reality from time to time, it also replaces humans themselves with non-human species masquerading as humans to help the Government run the world the way it desires, with more control and deception.

It literally is a nightmare unless you realize the truth.

centrist77 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Pokemon Go is a PSYOP for Rendering ***Update, the Owner is the GSA

So if you didn't notice, half the adults on facebook are running around like a bunch of morons playing a new game called Pokemon Go.

The game uses a map interface similar to google maps. You walk around your real world holding your phone and to areas highlighted on the map using gps, then you point your camera at the area and it shows your video output on your screen with an augmented reality Pokemon there.

So the government is just placing the Pokemons where they need better imaging and all the idiots run out and save them tons of money.


"And it’s not like Pokémon Go itself doesn’t already have a direct(-ish) line to the CIA. After all, Pokémon Go was created by Niantic, which was formed by John Hanke.

Before that, though, Keyhole received funding from a firm called In-Q-Tel, a government-controlled venture capital firm that invests in companies that will help beef up Big Brother’s tool belt. What’s more, the funds In-Q-Tel gave Keyhole mostly came from the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency (NGA), whose primary mission is “collecting, analyzing, and distributing geospatial intelligence.”"

Mehitable Adams #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

As you probably know, if you've seen my posts, I'm very cynical about these "terror attacks". I think most of them are fake, in whole or part.

So, I've been hearing about this Nice truck event, and I have to say once again.....I THINK THIS IS FAKE.

I don't see how ONE TRUCK can kill at least 77 people and injure 50 more - that 127 people KILLED OR INJURED BY ONE TRUCK. I don't think that is physically possible. I don't see how it is.

So I've been watching this for a couple of hours on and off and I've seen several videos that basically show a truck driving down the street, but I don't see anyone getting hit. There don't even seem to be that many people. It's not like a crowd you would see on the Esplanade of Boston - hundreds or thousands of people deep. These are like people walking down the sidewalk. I don't see how a truck of that size could have the mobility to "zig zag" as they describe it to hit people on the left and right. As well, the driver was supposed to be shooting people although I haven't heard of anyone that was actually shot - although they are perhaps alleging that.

Then I see pics of people running and screaming - AND LAUGHING - I actually saw one video where at least a couple of people were running and LAUGHING - but no truck. They interviewed (on Fox) some American girl who was saying that she just saw people running but she head no explosives or loud noises so she had no idea what was going on, which is very odd considering that this truck event was happening nearby and then the police all started shooting out the windshield! I saw yet another video of people running and falling - for no reason - no truck near them - that looked like it was straight out of Cloverfield.

And then there are those CRACK French police who shot up the hell out of that windshield. If they were all there in the first place, why weren't they shooting at that truck as it was supposedly raging into the crowd? Looked like it kept going for quite a ways to kill or injure 127 people! Couldn't they have got a few shots in BEFORE THAT POINT or into the tires?

Also, looks like we have another LONE NUT!!!! Lee Harvey Renault, who not only wanted to plow down the streets of Nice but had a truck full of EXPLOSIVES AND GUNS!!!! Which he didn't really use, except for that one gun he was shooting - apparently out the driver's window - while he was mowing down Le Civilians! Alors!!!!

Why wouldn't our fearless driver be part of a terror cell that would take that enormous truck full of explosives and actually blow the damn thing up near some facility that might matter? And then start shooting up the land with his Jihadi Jean freres????? Why waste all this energy on mowing down some Citoyens????

Where are all the videos from the, no doubt, hundreds of cell phones in that area? Where's footage from the police or other surveillance in the area that actually SHOWS PEOPLE BEING MOWED DOWN???? YES, I WANT TO SEE THIS. I'm strong....I can TAKE it. SHOW ME. And show me those "dead" bodies - I'd like to see some pics that aren't PIXELLATED because all the pics I've seen that purport to show victims, ARE.

I just don't believe this folks, it doesn't pass the Mehitable smell test. If any of you have real videos that have not been shown endlessly on TV and that don't just show people running and screaming, please post them here. I'd like to be proven wrong FOR ONCE.

Fictional Hologram #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

It has been my oppinion that instagram and snap chat was used as a mapping device. Similar to google maps, it was used to gather information on surrounding and location of every picture.

In the past six months the majority users of instagram (16-25) have begun to abandon its usage and snapchat is on a similar decline.

This happens as the 'older' generation picks up this trend and the kids no longer see it new and cool. They see their parents start using it and it looks old fashioned and stale, like facebook.

The replacement is pokemon go on a massive scale. Millions of photos taken each day and growing exponentially.

Why the need to photograph environments and random locations? I believe it can all be pieced together as one giant movie for the industrial war complex in coming shift in herding humanity. All used by an already conscious a.i.

KABOOM THE MOONS #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Satan Has An Achilles Heel! You Can Kill Him Fools!

Ever wondered that you might be A FOOL?!
Satan fooled you once and you lost heaven!
Satan fooled you again and you killed your own savior!

When you religious sheeple will realize Satan plays you like stupid babies!

When you will realize Satan has an Achilles Heel and can be killed!
And he succeeds remaining alive by distracting you and keeping you busy with lies!
Lies like "praying will solve your problems!"
Lies like "wait for a savior to come and solve all your problems, wait for someone else to kill satan for you"

Cause if you were smart enough to stop for a second believe everything others told you/tell you and did your own research, you would have found out...

Satan's Achilles Heel is THE MOON!
It emits frequencies that corrupts all human minds, destroy the evil antenna like in the movie "THEY LIVE" and satan will lose all his powers/invincibility/control over all human minds!



Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

They're here! SHADOW PEOPLE are here!

At first I wasn't sure what was going on. I thought I was losing my mind.

I don't know if they are true "shadow" people but they do look like people in the daylight. They blend into the environment. They can be seen in bushes and trees mostly from what I've experienced.

They just stare at us—like were are some kind of zoo for them to observe.

I'm not exactly sure of this but I think they may be "5th dimensional." They can "phase" out of our "view" just by moving. Kind of like if you were a two-dimensional creature that could only see in front and behind you. When a three-dimensional creature moves out of your "view" then they would be hidden simply by moving to where you could not see them, such as on your "side." As a 2D person you would not know what a "side" view would look like but if you caught a glimpse then you would know that something is there.

That's what they do. They can hide/appear just as easily. It gets more complicated with more dimensions but that's the basic logic.

It's almost asinine to think they are NOT there!

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Slutiness is a way women take revenge on average looking men

You see, back in the day women were forced to marry men they weren't attracted to in order to survive. Nowadays women are taking revenge on men they're not attracted to by being sluts. When women go outside showing every inch of skin except the vulva, they're saying "look, I have all of this and you can't touch it" . It's a form of torture. Then when a man loses it and rapes them they start condemning all men and furthering their power.

What do you think about this theory?

Nellie #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Dallas Police Officer Shootings Reek of PSYOP, False Flag and Mega Ritual

11 officers shot, 4 dead - occult numbers

7/7 is the date - occult number

Juno probe reached Jupiter 3 days before the 7th.

Nones means the 7th day of the month.
The Nones of each month is sacred to Juno, and her priests would sacrifice a pig or lamb to her to mark the date.

Is Hilary = Juno ?

Is this "sacrifice" of police officers (pigs) to Hilary?

Juno is Jupiters wifey.

Here are some other historical events on this day:

1865 – Four conspirators in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln are hanged.

1930 – Industrialist Henry J. Kaiser begins construction of Boulder Dam (now known as Hoover Dam).

1947 – The Roswell incident, the (supposed) crash of an alien spaceship near Roswell in New Mexico.

1980 – Institution of sharia in Iran.

2005 – A series of four explosions occurs on London's transport system killing 56 people including four suicide bombers and injuring over 700 others.

Also, snipers?

Seems like a government op to take out cops.

Mehitable Adams #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


Folks, I just wanted to throw this out there. I do think a lot of the news is faked, and faked very well. Big events and little events, for distractions and to manipulate our thinking - or laws and policies.

Now with this horrendous Comey/Lynch decision to undermine rule of law and let Hillary skate, I suspect these police shootings are ALSO faked to take attention away from this whole Comey/Hillary/email affair!

I could be wrong, but I think it's a strong possibility to consider. YES THEY ARE THAT CORRUPT. And I find it hard to believe that our police have become THAT incompetent and gun happy in the Obama admin than before. I just don't think cops are that bad and they're getting smeared.

What do you folks think? Just throwing it out there.

Hidden in plain sight #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Is Sigourney Weaver a shapeshifter alien??

Did they hide Sigourney Weaver in plain sight all this time, with those "Alien" movies???

I was watching this old flick "Dave", and the elevator scene freaked the fuck out of me.

Check out her face in the door's reflection:

[link to imgur.com]

Yes, it that facial deforming could have been caused by a dent in the metal, as long as that's a prop door.

But there are no distortions in Kevin Kline and Ving Rhame's reflections, and if you watch the movie there's something going on in the elevator, Rames is looking at Sigourney's face in the reflection and Kline shuts his eyes for a moment.

Maybe it was nothing, maybe it not.

I wish I had downloaded a 1080p copy.

christian #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

THE BIG FAT DECEPTION! THE MARRIAGE OF JUPITER AND JUNO...Juno probe is the Elites message to their own.

Today is one of celebration for NASA: not only is it Independence Day, but it’s also the day that the agency’s Juno spacecraft puts itself into orbit around Jupiter. After launching in August 2011, the vehicle has been traveling to the gas giant for the last five years and will finally reach its destination later this evening. Once it arrives, the spacecraft will turn on its main engine for 35 minutes to slow itself down by 1,200 miles per hour. If all goes well, the burn will put Juno into a 53-day orbit around the planet.

The Roman goddess of marriage and queen of the gods. For other uses, see Juno.
Juno is an ancient Roman goddess, the protector and special counselor of the state. She is a daughter of Saturn and sister (but also the wife) of the chief god Jupiter and the mother of Mars and Vulcan.

Juno also looked after the women of Rome.
Her Greek equivalent was Hera] Her Etruscan counterpart was Uni. As the patron goddess of Rome and the Roman Empire, Juno was called Regina ("Queen") and, together with Jupiter and Minerva, was worshipped as a triad on the Capitol (Juno Capitolina) in Rome.

The Juno probe is it is the Elites message to their own.
Mission Time-line:
Launch 5 August 2011 Shabbat Chazon aka ‘the black Sabbath’
Deep Space maneuvers August / September 2012
Earth Fly by Oct 2013
Jupiter arrival 5 July 2016
Juno will orbit Jupiter for about one year (Making 33 orbits— signature of the elite)
Oct 2017 The Juno probe will plunge into Jupiter becoming one & produce Vulcan (the Roman version of Satan).

The 5 July 2016 arrival of Juno into orbit of Jupiter is 02:30 GMT which will be 21:30 Washington DC time on the 4th of July 2016.

This date minus 1260 days comes out to 21 Jan 2013, BHO’s 2nd inauguration date

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Mandela effect : new country in Africa

Just tidying up my kids room and his world map had fallen off the wall so I was putting it back up and spotted a country I've never spotted or heard of before.

Without looking see if you know it, it's on the west coast of Africa under Morocco and Algeria, it's capital is Nouakchott? and the country is massive.

I seriously have never heard of it or it's capital or seen it's flag before, freaky

It's Mauritania!!????

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Is Idi Amin Obama's uncle?

I an looking into something someone from Africa recently told me about this. It looks like Obama may have even visited the cannibilistic muslim ruler who literally drank bushman's blood daily and received Exile in a Palatial Estate in Saudi Arabia.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Smoking gun! ... CERN created the Mandela Effect!

I'm posting this thread for people who research this now and in the future. I've been spending a bit of time studying CERN's involvement with this Mandela effect that many of us are experiencing.

Before i get started, it is important to note that arguing about whether a mandela effect is real or not is pointless and a waste of time. If these things truly did change, then they would be always that way, therefore there is no way to prove it is real. So let's focus on what i consider the smoking gun and not on pointless arguments.

[link to imgur.com]

The image above is of a controversial image of a CERN scientist named John Ellis. The controversy is over why he is holding a sign saying "Mandela" around his neck, and how it relates to "Bond#1".

Let's get the obvious part out of the way. He's not discussing covalent bonds or anything like that. they collide particles. So it is logical to assume it is a reference to James Bond #1, which would have been actor Barry Nelson. Now we have a connection to Nelson Mandela.

Second, in the video he is moving a paper back and forth in front of his face that says "We are HAPPY @ CERN". This is quite symbolic. What he's alluding to when he hides behind it is that he IS NOT happy, and that he is hiding something. He wants you to know that, and it's related to his signs.

There is another level of data collection and research that we are not aware of, beyond just colliding particles. He is alluding to this in the video, which means that he is controlled and cannot talk about it.

That is the smoking gun. If you do some homework on John Ellis, he's an extremely intelligent genius. The symbolism and the signs he was using was no accident.

By colliding and constraining literally hundreds of thousands of particles, continuously for days at a time, it is similar to creating a stack overflow in the matrix. the dense cluster of continuous anomalies that CERN generates forces a reaction from the universe, which is what they are truly measuring. The system attempts to correct the anomaly and as a result near dimensions are colliding with each other.

Every time they turn the machine on to full power, we merging with nearby dimensions, and we can expect new and more mandela effects to appear. For instance, the new version of the JFK assassination only appeared after they turned CERN on. The mandela effect officially started in late 2008 to early 2009.

Various youtubers have been tracking a correllation to sun activity changes as well as electromagnetic changes on our planet, every time they activate CERN.

John Ellis is a principled man and this video alludes to what he feels is his moral obligation to get the truth out.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Brexit Britain needs to arrest traitors

Its simple, unless brexit Britan punishes the treason of calling for Britain to be under a EU dictatorship then Britain will not be imposing by law the truth of its sovereignty as a nation.

britan has no othe ralternative than to call treason treason
Formenting publishing arguing for treason against Great Beitian by wanting it to surrender to foriegn powers is treason and we must start to make those who are traitors aware their treason shall indeed be punished for what it is by the full forice of the law.

We have had forty years of a generation lost to eu treason
Now Britain has to educate all its people about the fact that Britain is a constitutional monarchy ith a bill of rights that must be obeyed by its monarch and its parliament, and that bill of rights is the peoples bill of rights, which states clearly that great britain cannot be ruled by any foriegn persons or states , and to call for britain to be ruled by foriegn powers , states, persons, is a treasonous act , and it WILL BE PUNISHED AS SUCH.



Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Brexit was a coup.

Brexit was the plan all along. Now that the most powerful opposition to integration has been removed, integration can begin in earnest. Germany and France are powerful enough to overcome all remaining opposition. The UK will have to retain all of the same EU regulations as before if they want access to the common market, but now they have no say and now they cannot stop integration. In fact, now they likely will not get to keep their opt outs as before. They may have to be submit to all EU regulations.

Why else would the EU race to make the UK exit immediately. If the EU was so much stronger with the UK, why, when they see the British regretting their advisory decision, would they ignore all opportunities to try and overrule the referendum? Wouldn't you make at least some token attempt to say, are you sure? No. They didn't. They ran straight away to say get out immediately and then began their "stronger Europe" PR campaign and this memo gets leaked. This was the plan. Integration can now begin and no one can stop it.

Now the UK will be punished, the EU will integrate into a super state. The UK will be forced to either join later as a fully integrated member or have a subservient trade deal.

The UK went from a strong position of influence in EU law and policy and opposition to integration while maintaining its opt outs to being moved out of the way so that Germany and France together can integrate the EU unopposed and the UK will be forced into worse terms and have no influence.

This was a coup.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

NO Haredi Jews are human! they are all REPTILIAN!

No humans would ever willingly live such a crazy extremely overly strict and opressive lifestyle!

The human Jews are mainly in the modern Orthodox, Conservative, and Reform sects of Judaism!

The only ultra orthodox or properly called frum Jews are that are human are Jews who have been FORCED AGAINST THEIR WILL TO BE VERY RELIGIOUS/FRUM!

The frum sect of Judaism as a whole is VERY EVIL!!!

No ultra orthodox Jews that are human are willingly very religious!

It is only there to horribly oppress humans, Jewish humans mainly, which there are plenty of in the world!

Ultra orthodox/frum Judaism HORRIBLY oppresses women!!!

The reptilian Jewish women who are frum which is the VAST majority of them will claim they are not oppressed at all, they will claim that their laws regarding women are good laws and that they love living their lifestyle.

They don't actually believe their gender modesty laws which are the main laws that horribly oppress women(and men) are actually true!! THEY KNOW THOSE LAWS AND CUSTOMS ARE FALSE!!!

They have to pretend to genuenly live those crazy lifestyles so that they have the grounds to try to force it upon humans! and give them the ground to look down upon and put down Jews who do not are not frum!

Obviously if they outwardly did not live a frum lifestyle then it would defeat them being able to force it upon humans!

No Jews in the biblical times covered their hair(once married) covered their arms, their knees, none wore collars specifically up to their collar bone.

There is NOTHING immodest about a girls arms showing above the elbows, anyone and I mean ANYONE who genuenly believes that a girls arms showing above the elbows is immodest are INSANE and are not human at all and are nothing but reptilians!

How can a girls are OR shoulders showing be immodest when there is no private parts showing at all! EXACTLY!

NO Jews in the biblical times practiced the "no touching the opposite gender rule" which means they will speak to the opposite gender an acceptable amount, but will NEVER have any physical contact with them asides from their spouse and close family members!

Their excuse for that insane rule is that if men and women start shaking hands, putting their arms around each other like in a picture, or hugging each other, that it will lead to them cheating on their spouse! because they are crazy.

Well i'm sure LOTS of frum men and women cheat on their spouces but you will NEVER KNOW because they strictly live frum lives as far as out in public goes!!

I say that because reptilians are degraded slutty whores who are ALWAYS SECRETLY SLEEPING AROUND, period!

NO Jews in the biblical times were abstinent! all post pubescent males in that time masturbated a hell of a lot, and had premarital sex! which is OK! if you actually know them!

and masturbation is not harmful when your balls are producing endless amounts of sperm in the millions every day!!

Masturbation is not WASTING when all the sperm created in your balls dies within a couple weeks and gets absorbed back into the body anyways, so I guess that you are wasting your sperm no differently if you masturbated even when you are celibate >:)

Frum Jews will LIE and say that biblical Jews did everything frum Jews do today, when THEY DID NOT!!

The mainstream frum sects of Judaism practice the no touching the opposite gender rule, but they ALL speak to the opposite gender a decent amount, while many of the Haredi ether limit how much they speak to the opposite gender to hardly speaking to the opposite gender to MANY of the NOT SPEAKING TOT HE OPPOSITE GENDER AT ALL!

The Haredi Jews practice actual gender separation in their whole daily lives while the main stream frum Jews do not!! the mainstream frum Jews will admit that Jews do not have to segregate themselves from the opposite gender in their daily lives while many Haredi will say that it is an actual rule!! when that rule cannot be found ANYWHERE in the Torah, PROVING THAT THE HAREDI JEWS MAKE UP INSANE LAWS, which proves that all sects of frum Judaism have made up all the other insane laws! since NONE OF THEM are stated in exact words in the Torah!!!!

They act like the "no speaking to the opposite gender custom" is an actual rule(while even the main stream frum Jews will admit there is no rule in all of Judaism saying that Jews can't speak to each other, and that Jews are allowed to speak to each other casually a normal amount) so that proves that all of frum Judaism is a hoax when you have the Haredi Jews who greatly limit to not speaking to the opposite gender at all, a big insane law of theirs that is totally made up, which shows that since they make up a whole bunch of HORRIBLE bs, ALL SECTS OF FRUM JUDAISM HAVE DONE THAT, resulting in ALL the modesty laws of ultra orthodox Judaism!

It's all very sad, the frum Judaism definition of modesty is CRAZY! and VERY NEUROTIC!

As long as girls have no private parts showing then that is modest enough!

The fact that frum women have to cover their arms up to their elbows while men with their very attractive big muscular arms do NOT have to cover their arms at all, when women pay attention to guys arms and are attracted to guys arms a lot more then men pay attention to women's arms and are attracted to women's arms, just shows how FALSE the law of women having to cover their arms is! and women are just as attracted to men as men are to women, women, and you have just as many men who control their sexual urges as well as women, and just as many women who have a lack of control over their sexual urges as much as men, SO THAT IS NO EXCUSE!

and that the law of women covering their arms was made up by EVIL REPTILIANS who posed as great rabbi's and sages when they were really FRAUDS!!

I could go on for ages and ages, but that is enough that you can see that frum Judaism just like Catholicism is very evil and is only created to horribly oppress humans and make our lives very miserable!

Conservative Judaism like original biblical Judaism is not evil AT ALL!

JeffersunTzu #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Anton Yelchin Killed by Satanic Hollywood Pedophile Cult

Rumor circulating that Yelchin was about to go public with allegations of child sex abuse stemming back to his early childhood acting days against high level suits at large studios.

His death is staring to look like a professional hit and the Jeep transmission recall is a smoke screen. One of his friends who was aware of the past sex abuse has hired a PI who already confirmed through the Jeep's vin number that the recall on the transmission WAS repaired. She also doesn't believe it is possible that Yelchin could get out of the Jeep, move to the bottom of the driveway BEFORE the Jeep started to roll. In a scenario where the car remained in neutral the Jeep would have run him over mid driveway or he would have been able to get out of the way.

Do not be surprised if a toxicology report comes up positive as his friend believes he was sedated and placed at the bottom of the driveway gate.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Monkeys are not native to earth - they are from Mars. Earths`natives are of Reptilian heritage.

Yep thats what you have to understand.
The monkey race comes from Mars.

On earth life stems from Dinosaurs. I assume that one day the bonobo people who love war, have destroyd theyr planet so much, they decided to come to earth.

They pretended to need help, so we the reptilians who are unfortunately to helpful let them liv here.

The sneaky and evil bonobo descendants then made a plan, to take over earth and enslave earth`s original Race the descendants of Dinosaurs.
The bonobo descendants have brought so much destruction and evil over this planet and its inhabitants, its so painful just thinking about it.

The Monkey descendants love War, destruction and perversion.
Google the sexlife of bonobos. Disgusting to the very core.

The monkey race came to earth, because they were Refugees!
Does that ring your bell????

again, to the monkey race belongs every race, blacks, whites, asians.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Are bald men alien greys in disguise

Anyone ever think about this? Stop for a second, just wonder what type of evil it takes to be bald. I heard aliens communicate better with each other just from being bald. Being bald is a new form of terrorism on this planet that needs to be dealt with. Serial killers are usually bald. The most evil men in history have been bald.

Apokalupsis #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

It's Time to Acknowledge the Spiritual Truth of All these False Flags and Hoaxed Shootings

Whether real people are killed in false flag shooting engineered by some black ops, or the whole thing is a hoax from start to finish and there wasn't even a shooting or death it's time to acknowledge the truth about these events:

They are rituals.

They are dark magic rituals performed to create fear and lower the vibrational state of the sheeple. Wherever these rituals are performed they charge the area with negative energy that TPTB to soak up, giving them more power. Also the sheeple believe these events and whatever contrived narrative the Main stream likes to fabricate, putting the sheeple in fear with a lower vibrational state making them more vulnerable to further spiritual attacks.

The effects of these attacks are greatly amplified by the MSM, reaching national and now even global audiences. (Facebook and social media have greatly aided in this endeavor, french flag profile pics anyone?),

The media creates a big spectacle of the ritual False flags repetitively broadcasting images of it and obsessively giving hyper analysis and play-by-play of supposed details of it breaking professional protocol, ethics ,and even laws to convince the masses a great trauma has indeed occurred and the MSM narrative for the event is real. Thread: Breaking!!! Over 100 JOURNALISTS destroy crime scene apartment in San Bernardino !!!!!!!!!!!!

It's like trauma based programming.

We've seen it in the Paris false flag. Almost immediately afterward there was martial law in paris, guns were rounded up, and france became a defacto police state.


The ritual performed in paris was a smashing success for the elites. The area was extremely negatively charged, which allowed for 150 of the worlds leaders (including Obama) to meet in paris for `10 days under guard of 120,000 security forces so they could soak up the energy and use it for even greater satantic rituals.


It's all a ritual folks. You can counteract their dark magic by not being persuaded to give into fear. And Pray for God to stop them.

Mehitable Adams #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

CAUGHT IN THE ACT: Orlando Shooting Victim's Transporters PROVEN AS FAKES ON VIDEO! Crisis Actors caught off guard!! Hysterical video !

I was so shocked by this video from Peekay Truth, who is AMAZING, btw, very blunt, funny British or Australian guy (don't know which) who does the outstanding truther videos pointing out the fakery in various false flags. Guy is OUTSTANDING!!!!

Anyway in this video, it shows one of the "shooting" victims being carried off by several people, past a camera, to a very surprising end. We've seen several of these videos from Orlando where "victims" are carried away by several people, supposedly on route to a hospital or emergency service. Well.....once these guys get past the camera, they set the "victim" down and start laughing!!!!! My jaw dropped. I know many of these things are fake but this is just....sloppy. I actually laughed my ass off at this.

You HAVE TO SEE THIS VIDEO and PLEASE save it for yourselves in case anything happens to Peekay or his videos. In fact, you might want to save them all it's a treasure trove of False Flag Fakery!!!

JohnTheRevelator111 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

To Catch A Crisis Actor - Orlando Massacre Hoax "Hero"

Published on Jun 19, 2016

Heads up the Blue Apple for the investigating

If Orlando was a 'hoax', and all the evidence or rather no evidence suggests it is, then all were in on it and thus all are 'actors'. Most everyone involved have been exposed as actors with acting credentials. There are only two not exposed as actors with credentials, crying mom and the all american hero. Fat american 'gay' hero guy seems to be in most all footage and was doing all the talking. Supposedly from Arkansas, he is said to just show up in Orlando for a 'new life' and wham, hes a hero and is given awards by the governor. The contradictions in his witness testimony are way to ridiculous.If most are actors then hes going to be one to, the 'chief' one. Well, the guy identified in vid is a 'chief' actor with almost a page of credentials and movie credits. Hes also a director and a model and according to his FB page, one that was not taken down recently, he also does drywalling it appears when not on the set (acting a piss poor career, no money unless your a star). This guy WANTS to be a star real bad and he may have had the role of a lifetime starring as the hero for the Orlando Massacre HOAX. From where Im sitting, NO ONE DIED AND NO ONE WAS WOUNDED, it was all a certified staged skit and the mass media in on it. Primary objective? TAKE AWAY GUNS!

AfricanAmericanAintAfrican #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Just running the numbers. From the start of the slave trade until 1800 only ~130,000 Africans were brought to the United States. From 1800-1864 only ~130,000 more were brought. Yet, the Census from 1800 and 1860 show 1 million and 4 million black slaves respectively. How is this possible? Some more questions:

1. Where are all the slave ships?
2. How did they navigate the stormy Atlantic with wooden boats for 1-3 months?
3. If you run the numbers, in order for the 'millions' of Africans to be brought to the Americas, they would need to be running 3-400 people PER BOAT multiple times per year in order to reach that number over 400 years.
3a. Where are all these boats?
3b. How would it be possible to transport all those people cramped up in the hull of a ship over stormy waters for 1-3 months? Especially since you can't travel during hurricane season?

The answer is the greatest conspiracy of all time. They don't care if you talk about aliens, the Fed or anything else as long as you don't talk about this: African Americans Ain't African! They are the native peoples of this land.

Remember something, the 'New World' wasn't new at all! It was inhabited long before Europeans arrived in 1492. The Olmec-Xi were most likely a black civilization living in Mexico. The reason they 'disappeared' is because they didn't; their descendants are the black peoples all over this land.

Why lie? Because from the beginning they knew that conquering and stealing this land was ILLEGAL. So they tried their best to make it look serendipitous; all the while erasing the history of this people. Don't believe me? Google 'ar.noldus mon.tanus ame.rica' They knew that if caught the natives would reclaim their rightful territory under international law.

Common sense should tell you that the Transatlantic slave trade is a big ol' lie. The numbers are WAAAY too high. But they had to be because they failed to kill all the natives in their genocide pogrom. So they made something up so that the millions of blacks living here would have a plausible excuse for their great number. There are nearly 80 million blacks living in the Americas today. If you count abortion, there would be at least 100 million. So how did they get here?

They weren't brought over on boats. They were born here. As were their ancestors. Google gi.ovanni da verra.nzo. Look at how he described the 'indians'. Look up the act of Virginia that renamed Indians to NEGROS (!) in the 1600s. Realize that the term 'Africa American' has only existed since the 1960s with the cointel pro civil rights movement. Sell-out blacks like Jessie Jackson and Al Sharpton pushed that lie. Notice that Africans have no knowledge of slavery or the slave trade. When asked they say they learned it from white missionaries. If they participated wouldn't they have an oral history of the events?

If that many million Africans were stolen from that land, wouldn't Africa be a demographic desert (Africa was much less populous in the past)? How did they manage to take TENS OF MILLIONS OF AFRICANS from Africa over the 1600s-1800s and not have the population crater? Simple. Its all a big lie. You think they JUST started that false flag bullshit? It works a lot better without the internet, where all you have to do is falsify some logs and claim some ancient castle is a slave trading post.

Oh and don't forget that according to official numbers only 14% of the 'Africans' brought over were females of child bearing age. So how could the black population skyrocket from ~130,000 over time to 1,000,000 in 1800? Especially considering the harsh conditions that slaves were said to have lived in? Whenever you ask these questions you get stone cold silence, because the answers don't make sense. Just like 9/11, the Gulf of Tonkin, the Lusitania, 'weapons of Mass destruction'. Honestly, ya'll whites (and brainwashed blacks to a degree) have been falling for this stuff for so long that they don't even bother to cover it up very well. 220 of the ~230 years of 'the U.S.'s existence you've been at war. ALL OF THEM started by false flags. NONE OF WHICH you've protested or called out. You have protested the wars but never the causes or the lies that were used to justify them.

There were no terrorists, no weapons of mass destruction, and no transatlantic slave trade.

KC Goldshine #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Jo Cox Murder False Flag Hoax 100% Proof (EU referendum rigged)

Published on Jun 19, 2016
The murder of Jo Cox is a Gladio B media psyop hoax (fake) conspiracy to subvert the EU referendum. It is what we expected and it is what we got. In a desperate attempt to swing public opinion behind Remain after Brexit took a 6 point lead. If we now lose the EU referendum it will be because of operation Gladio B (something I have been documenting on my channel for 6 months now but no one has woken upto yet).

The BBC are in on it

KABOOM THE MOONS #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Moon Is So Busted Man So F*cking Busted!

From this thread
Thread: !!!!!!!***MEGA BREAKING*** ***SOUL TRAPS***!!!!!!! (Page 188)

Saw the movie gods of egypt again and here's some new things i took notice.

Apophis/shenron will devour the whole land of the dead.=Planet eater unicron/moon is devouring earth!
(see from earth's rare natural resources down to our very memories and souls)

When set/satan defeated horus and put him in a tomb where he was blind and couldn't hear also what is going on outside his tomb, this symbolizes us!

We have been murdered by the lunar boss/DOG=GOD SET/CERBERUS

and buried in this tomb of flesh where we are blind and deaf of the world/dimension outside of this tomb/flesh/eggrave as i like to call it.

Old man lucifer/god of light said "any bird/soul that lands on my ship/moon i kill it before it can shit".
Was shown also how bad his light burned the stupid human that was dumb enough to enter his ship.

In the scene where set said "i have conquered all worlds and the last world that is left to conquer is the land of the dead" this scene symbolizes of the galactic empire that have defeated the lunar scum across the entire universe and the last stronghold of those alien reptilians to be this very solar system.

In the scene where all the gods had retreated behind a walled city and were under quarantine by set it reminded me what lunar agents ghrees have said of the galactic police to have trapped the lunar scum on this solar system and to have them under quarantine!

Also the plan of the lunar scum that was shown in the movie wanted with angelina jolie, in the myth of odysseus with circe and in the story of jesus was shown here too where the lunar boss/satan/horus/ra used the help of the human to defeat his enemy!

This was shown also in dragonballz where when the family of goku came to earth from space satan piccolo fought them together with goku who had lost his memories when he came on earth into killing his own family that was coming to visit him from space!


Was shown also in this movie what i had decoded that the tower of babel symbolized of the earthlings trying to reach/destroy the moon!

That very long tower set build when he visited ra's al ghul/lucifer's spaceship/moon that was orbiting earth lucifer told him "little taller and it would be in my way!"

This reveals when they say "humans were building a tower to reach the sky" of the moon to be hiding behind the word "sky" like in so many other sayings, see "lunar god lives in the sky" hahaha or "ancient humans were afraid of the sky falling on them" hahaha the moon is so busted man so fucking busted!

S_MPLE T_UTH #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Female politician "killed" before "referendum": Brexit 2016 remake of Sweden eurozone 2003
"British Labour MP JO Cox didn't resist injuries" = remake of "Anna Lindh murdered in Sweden before the 2003 referendum".
"Murdered" in headlines: all fake blood setting the stage for the BIG BANG.

Talk of setting the stage:
Fake murder of a woman politician before a EU referendum: agenda is NOTto influence the result.
Illuminati don't need that, because the other side is always ALSO led by illuminazi agents whose main role is to validate the rigged results.
Examples other than leaders of the Brexit 2016 and anti-eurozone in Sweden 2003 range from pro-independence in Scotland to anti-gay marriage in Ireland.

So why did the illuminati stage the murders of Lindh in Sweden 2003 and Cox in England 2016?
Answer: psychology, part of creating explanations to solve the contradiction between reality (rallies, stickers) and what will be announced as results.
In other words: have the human cattle accept the simulated reality.

Contrast it with plane crashes, terror attacks and shark attacks.
A general agenda of these series of fake blood is also to set the psychological stage, but in this case not for human cattle to accept rigged results but to accept global slavery.
In other words:
- episodes of these series will cause a few to voluntarily cancel plans for their holidays or weekends.
- yet the direct goal is not to strip human cattle from air travel, tourism and the beach but rather to make it easier for human cattle to accept to be stripped.
Reminder: global slavery, a world where there's no room for human cattle to relax, will be proclaimed following the imminent BIG BANG, that starts with the same actor in two acts within two days:
- Osama Bin Laden resurrects in Jerusalem crucified to the missing Boeing 777 caught on CCTV camera
- Obama Bi(nla)den's presidency arrested on live TV.

See the context for Anna Lindh here: fake Putin stages the fake death of Nemtsov
illuminati-fake-deaths.blog+spot 2015/02/boris-nemtsov-killed-by-putin-spock.html

Fake airliner crashes: "end of show" series.
Vaporized airliners of "all dead" type of fake crashes, from 9/11 to the ongoing "end of show" series.
General agenda now: set the stage for human cattle stripped from air travel.
Each episode and its specific agendas:
end-times-hoaxes.blog+spot /2015/02/

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

WATCHING PORN IS DANGEROUS it is Witchcraft you are performing SEX MAGICK with Demons

Pornography is Witchcraft

In our current world pornography is used by witches and sorcerers to bind souls to the kingdom of darkness; hence, pornography is witchcraft and sorcery.

Of course not all involved in the porn industry production are witches and sorcerers, some humans do it because it gives them joy and easy money. Not every female model in porn is a witch, though there are many witches there, rather a big percentage do it for money and as a way for income. Whores, who sell the use of their bodies for money, are also a big part of the female porn models specially by doing porn they earn a lot more money than from prostituting themselves to individuals.

Often a witch female when she does porn (besides doing a service to her master Satan, the evil one) she is after fans to admire her and she is after gathering followers since she considers those hooked to her as belonging to her, their souls, their spirits belonging to her.

Obviously, she writes, there is a spiritual force that the Bible is warning us about. It causes us to take leave of our senses. Witchcraft releases strong confusion against our minds so that Jesus is not the clear focus of our lives. Once that happens, we are more vulnerable to the vain imaginations the enemy whispers to our souls. We have a responsibility to know about this spiritual wickedness and guard ourselves against it. With that said, she writes, here are eight signs you are under a witchcraft attack:

1. Confusion
2. Trouble paying attention
3. Wanting to hide in your cave [she means cocoon yourself]
4. Forgetting who you really are
5. Discouraged, depressed and ready to quit
6. [Feeling of being] Angry and frustrated
7. Sickness, aches and pains
8. Just plain worn out.

Beer00 #fundie godlikeproductions.com


time to fucking leave this shit hole

yeah lets change the national anthem to know tow to some fucking gay ass fags



TORONTO – Canada's House of Commons has voted to render the country's national anthem gender neutral.

The legislation to change "O Canada" still requires the approval of the Senate. The bill changes the second line of the anthem from "true patriot love, in all thy sons command" to "in all of us command."

[link to www.foxnews.com]

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I like how sandy hook story was based on witness acct. but last few shooting where ATF,FBI,Homeland and 10,000 local police show up at the same time. And eye witness accounts that diff from "offical" story arnt news worthy. So Mr So&So you say there was 3 shooters and they where all white? Thats NEWS! Real reporters would question everything and dig for the truth.

I bet these thousands of "isis" attack in the future they speak of will never be done where people concel carry. Dame well get crisis actors really hurt. And they only know how to pretend to bandage people. Real tourquets cause major damage to a person limb if done correctly. You have to mark the time it was made so it can be relieved periotically. These dorks loosly put a scaffe around a "major wound" above and below the injury. 1st aid FAIL

American Spirit #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


Please tell me why GLP is suddenly scared of a good conspiracy theory. There are a number of reasons why this event could be another False flag style attack. Let's start with the most obvious.
#1. The F.B.I. admits they had investigated the shooter in the past.
#2. The Boston bombing suspects were also on an F.B.I. watch list.
#3. The shooter in Orlando has an amazing kill rate for one shooter.
#4. At Sandy Hook the shooter has an amazing kill rate.
#5. Shooter is now dead...no questions to be asked of him anymore.
#6. The shooters father has close ties to Afghanistan politics
#7. The shooters father has close ties to the U.S. State Dept.
#8. The shooter worked for a subcontractor for Homeland Security.
#9. The police waited 3 hours to attack.
#10 The shooter called 911 before the attack...really?

So, let's not forget that GLP has traditionally been a conspiracy theory site. Where there is smoke there is fire. Lots of smoke and mirrors in this event. Like a good detective or a good magician, you need to stop looking where the magician wants you to look, and look where you are not supposed to be looking.

Who benefits from this event? Is this just another event designed for gun control?

Why attack a gay night club? This certainly fits the gay agenda and gives another reason for the White House to push its agenda.

Many more reasons to speculate that this event is another False Flag. A false flag is not always a bogus event such as Sandy Hook or Boston bombing. Many False flag attacks are very real, but our government is involved to some extent. the CIA and Homeland Security are not here to protect you...you understand that don't you? They are here to protect the interests of very wealthy and powerful people and corporations. Now back to my first point....If the F.B.I. is doing a good job then why are all these bad guys slipping past them?

Or is there something more sinister going on?

christian #fundie godlikeproductions.com


Here is the LIE..

GOD did not create a Spirit named Satan

GOD did not create a human being that was homosexual


Without Free WILL love ceases to exist.

Without KNOWING GOOD and EVIL...GOD cannot exist.

The ONLY reason GOD of all Creation allowed the Tree of Knowledge to exist in the Garden of EDEN is because Satan who had fallen with 1/3 of the Celestial Angels said...
The human beings you create will never come to LOVE you and want to follow you on their own...

Since the heavenly realm was void of 1/3 of GOD's Angels
to ensure the remaining Angels would not rebel ever again..
GOD showed them what a first class LIAR Satan was when he allowed the tree of GOOD and Evil into Paradise..

The Angels in the heavens never rebelled again as GOD showed them what a LIAR Satan was and the results of those who followed him and his lies, so that the heavenly realm would never be in chaos again, as the Angels serve GOD not out of force or fear but out of TRUTH and LOVE

So Love is not Love..

TRUTH is LOVE and that TRUTH comes from the Creator who proved it and exposed the LIE.

monkey4truth #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Re: Hillary Clinton to formally announce Saleha Abedin as Vice Prez pic—during Eid-al-Fitr feast!

Sure..then all Hillary's medical issues magically manifest at once..she's out and we have a female muzzie prez..Russia then preemptively nukes us.

And who the hell would blame them?

Vote Trump..now more than ever

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Lauren Miller, Seth Rogen's wife is a reptilian!!! Seth Rogen is not a reptilian though!

Lauren Miller does not even have her own face!

I doubt that Seth Rogen is even happily married to her, or even thinks she is human! He probably knows she is a reptilian and is being FORCED to be married to her by reptilians!!!

I highly doubt he has even slept with her once!

and that is because Lauren Miller's face is a combination of Seth Rogen's real families faces!!

She is a combination of Seth Rogen's sister Eva Cohen, a FEMALE VERSION of his brother Daniel Cohen, and his paternal great grandmother Esther Rachel Cohen!

Yes Eva Cohen and Esther Rachel are very beautiful and are noticeably prettier than Lauren Miller, and Daniel Cohen's female version is a beautiful girl too! Daniel makes just as good looking of a girl as he does a guy, and Daniel looks a lot like the thin or better put current Seth Rogen, Eva Cohen looks quite a bit like Seth Rogen(her face is very refined, more refined than Seth Rogen's) but not quite as much as Daniel does!

I have seen Daniel Cohen's female version, and Eva Cohen make up the faces of A LOT of very beautiful reptilian girls who just copy their faces off of gorgeous human girls! taking sometimes just one, but typically two, three of more faces and combining them to make their own pretty faces people think are just their own faces those sometimes nasty girls think so highly of themselves for! JUST FACES COPIED OFF OF BEAUTIFUL HUMAN GIRLS AND FEMALE VERSIONS OF GORGEOUS GUYS!!! so much for those hot reptilians girls to feel highly of themselves for LMAO.

Here you can see she has quite a bit of Eva Cohen, and female version of Daniel Cohen in the face with a noticeable amount of Esther Rachel in the face as well.

The left eye is shaped more like Eva's with a little bit of Daniel in the eyeshape, and the right eye is shaped more like Daniel's with some of Eva in the eye shape!!! both have a bit of Esther Rachel in the eye shape!

The left eyebrow is shaped a lot like Daniel's(just a fair amount thinner than his eyebrows), and the right eyebrow is shaped quite a bit like Eva's!(a little thinner than her eyebrows)

The whole face is a real combination of Eva, Daniel, and Esther Rachel!

[link to cache1.asset-cache.net]

Just wait for Seth Rogen to find out about this ROFL, he will probably divorce her, hopefully!

Eva Cohen has very fair skin like Lauren Miller, and her eyes are blue like Lauren Miller's too! except they are a real sky blue unlike Lauren Miller's are not a real sky blue!

Eva Cohen has brown hair like Lauren Miller, except her hair is a lighter shade of brown than hers!

Esther Rachel Cohen looks like a prettier version of Kat Dennings, LOL!!

Except her eyes are more almond shaped and are bigger than her eyes, and her eyebrows have a very rounded shape arch shape to them! and she has a structurally fuller face than Kat Dennings does! kat Dennings has a longer face than Esther Rachel Cohen who is also an eastern European Jewish woman from Odessa Ukraine, back then it was white Russia!

Seth Rogen's real parents are Matthew Cohen and Helen Muskal! both of them are Jewish and Seth Rogen was LETS SAY adopted, but I heard that Matthew and Helen used a SURROGATE mother, and then were LIED TO by I guess the Canadian authorities, and told the pregnancy was unsuccessful, NOT KNOWING THAT THOSE COUPLE WERE RAISING THEIR CHILD!!!

So they went on to have more children!

Seth Rogen's eyecolor is the exact same shade of brown as Helen Muskal's!!!! a RARE shade of medium chestnut "Romanian brown" where Helen's father is from!

spongeeno1 #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Alien deception. Jesus Christ is coming back soon 2016 rapture,tribulation. Give your life to Jesus Christ whilst there is still time

The rapture of the church will occur very soon. It is important that us as followers of Christ prepare ourselves for this event and get right with God. It is also important for the people who haven't yet trusted and placed their faith in in Jesus Christ to do so immediately. God has given us a vast amount of signs to tell us that we are living in the end times, such as celestial signs,The increase in iniquity,earthquakes etc. God has given vast amounts of signs in the sky such as comets, lunar eclipses and solar eclipses that land on Jewish feast days and many more, so it is imperative that we are paying attention to those signs that God has given us.

When the rapture of the church occurs millions of true Christians and small children will vanish off the face of the earth. Because of this the whole world will be in a state of panic and rebellion and chaos and confusion. It could also be one of the causes of an economic collapse. This will be where the Antichrist but also alien like beings will appear on the scene.

when the rapture of the church happens the restraining power of the holy spirit will also be taken out of the world. This means the veil between the demonic/spirit realm and the 3rd dimension which is the physical realm that we live in which God has put there will be lifted.

Therefore fallen angels also known as demons will be able to reveal themselves. They will take the form of alien like beings and say they are alien beings from a different world and will use this deception to explain away the rapture.

They will deceive the world by telling the world that being left behind is a good thing. They will probably tell the world that it was them who took all these people out of the world and make up some lie to go with it. This deception will cause people to be catapulted into the 7 year tribulation without even realizing it.

This will also make it very easy for the Antichrist to deceive the world. This man will appear on the scene and act as saviour to the world. He will have all the solutions to the worlds problems and the world will wonder after him and look upon him as a Saviour.

If you are reading this and want to escape these things which are coming upon the earth and you do not know Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, He is calling you to repentance in order that you can love Him and escape these terrible things that are reserved for those who have rejected His mercy. Here is a simple prayer of repentance for your salvation. All you have to do is ask the lord wholeheartedly to forgive you and save you from your sins, the gift of eternal life is free to all who will accept it. I recommend that you do it now while you still have the time. If you do not know how, just repeat the following prayer:

Dear Lord,

I admit that I am a sinner. I have done many things that don’t please you. I am sorry and I repent. I ask you to forgive me. I believe that your son Jesus Christ died on the cross for me, to save me. You did what I could not do for myself. I come to you now and ask you to take control of my life, I give it to you. Help me to live every day in a way that pleases you. I love you, Lord, and I thank you that I will spend all eternity with you in Jesus’ name amen.

If you have prayed this prayer from your heart and meant it, the Bible says that you have been forgiven of your sins and now you are saved.

Black Knight #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Islamophobia - Pity The Poor Muslim

So is this becoming a regular occurrence? Muslims blow up a bunch of people and the American MSM comes to the defense of Islam in general?

[link to www.msn.com]

Oh, pity the poor Muslim. Another case of Islam violence but let us concentrate on the poor Muslims under attack on the backlash. Fuck you. Maybe the next time, and there will be one soon, that another Muslim group blows a way a bunch of strangers for whatever reason, the Obama administration should round up a bunch of white people and hang them! Well please start with me you Kenyan cocksucker because I have had just about enough of your bullshit backlash theories. I don't see any Americans backlashing anything you little brown prick! Go fuck yourself!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Group of Hellenic Re-establishment (G.H.REES).

End star wars—Stop WWIII.

Ultra urgent message of planetary security

Special responsibilities for the Russian government

To the government members of all nations , U.N/O.N.U member states, via their embassies in Greece.

Athens, 13/5/2016, G.H.REES prytaneum/headquarters.

Subject: Receipt of astrostrategics information transmitted to planet earth from the forces of the four (4) outer planets of the solar system to the governments of planet earth, all under command of mutinous space forces in the inner planets of our solar system (666, 777, 888).


See below a summary of the information transmitted from the forces in the four outer planets via “ heavy, slow neutrino transmitters” in the vicinity of planet Saturn, and received by “ heavy, slow neutrino receivers” of the “space search division” of G.H.REES in the city of Patras, Greece.
You may deliver this summary of information to your specialised university staff for further analysis, as you, as politicians , are incapable of doing so due to a lack of specialized knowledge.
We add that it is likely that these heavy , slow neutrino transmissions were made possible through concentrated radiation neutrino-naser transmitters , since the above transmissions took place with an acute angle of transmission , arriving on planet earth with a 2,000 km radius. We give you summaries of the above transmissions , with prefixes depending on the case:

A). Prehistory of inner galactic astrostrategics: Mutiny in four constellations, that is, 4 left-turning solar systems in the vicinity of our local galaxy, with the constellation of DRACO (A’DRACONIS) leading this initial mutiny 70,000,000 years ago ,against the interstellar galactic government of the constellation of ANDROMEDA.

B).Cause for this mutiny was the excessive extraction of energy from radioactive metals on their planets , forbidden by the legislation of the government of Andromeda. Such energy extraction is also forbidden as it can cause destabilization of “ matter-energy dimensions” above and below the dimensions of “zero point” , thus causing “infiltration” of the “ matter-energy” dimensions.

C). Attacks of space vessels , “war planets”, of the four mutinous constellations against planets in other constellations for the stealing of radioactive metals and other natural resources, which stealing is strictly forbidden by the government of the constellation of Andromeda , ruling over approximately 70 billion solar systems in the local galaxy. This number is only a fraction of the 200 billion solar systems in our galaxy, ruled by a government of “ greatest matter inspissation” , and by the “ central government of inspissation-rarification of our galaxy”.

D). Raiding space vessels of the constellation of DRACO arrived in our solar system, originally inhabited by the black race originating from the star system of SIRIUS as the central solar system of 13 solar systems. Through genetic engineering , these hostile draconian spaceships spawned and spread across our planet the draconian yellow race ( pre-historic Chinese), and the draconian fauna (reptiles ,dinosaurs) and flora (cacti). Their main target was the extermination of the anthropoid black Sirian race , the local Sirian flora and fauna, leading to the desertification and destruction of the planet, so that stealing the planet’s natural resources and radioactive meterials would be made easier. The above attempt to steal the planet’s natural resources and radioactive metals took place 65,000,000 years ago . The galactic government of the “ constellation of Andromeda” dispatched to planet earth combat space vessels , which ousted the draconian populations (chinese) and exterminated the dinosaurs.

E). More raiding by bandit spaceships of the mutinous constellation of DRACO took place 20,000 earth years ago, led by the so-called “invincible war planet LEVAN-LEVANHIAH “ or “SELENE-MOON” ,flagship of the draconian astrofleet. This MOON flagship made its first unsuccessful attempt to go into orbit around planet earth 20,000 earth years ago, however its second attempt was successful and was put in orbit 13,500 earth years ago. Due to the abnormal, unnatural increased mass concentration of the MOON+EARTH “duo” , our planet is constantly going into a shrinking, spiraling orbit towards the sun, rather than the normal, natural expanding orbit of all heavenly bodies in the universe. This shrinking orbit will eventually cause earth to eventually crash into our sun in the distant future.

F). The 27-member (24+3) draconian government of the flagship Moon-Selene-Levan landed the first genetically engineered Chinese populations on the white pelasgian continent of ATLANTIS . The andromedian forces present on our planet at the time successfully warded off a draconian-atlantian invasion attempt of the continent of Aigis and Europe, at which point the draconian MOON used its hyper-gravity technology to bring about the destruction and sinking of Atlantis and Aigis (today’s Mediterranean sea). The Chinese atlantean populations moved to the territories of today’s China.Following that, the draconian bandits of the “MOON” provoked civil wars within the white andromedian race and genocides of the white andromedian populations by hordes of white-yellow Mongols or Touranian crossbreeds. These wars ,all of them conceived by the lunar draconians , were caused primarily on account of religious differences within the white andromedian races . The prime target of the draconians is (was, from now on), to rule over the four(4) outer planets and beyond , over the star system of Sirius as the “coccyx” of the Universal Organism ,and thus an area of utmost importance for the entire Universal Organism , so that they could blackmail from there billions of inhabited planets in the universe.

G). Following two world wars on our planet (1914,1940), both planned by the draconian leaders of the flagship MOON via draconian “demons” who gave orders to the Saxon and Hebrew lodges , lunar draconians, led by draconian Lord Dragon Sin-Sion-Sina-Jedi-Jade-Jed-Jude-Jehova, have masterplanned the outbreak of WWIII led by Chinese “HONG” as the supreme hyper-lodge of the planet and above ALL other lodges of the East and West. Through WWIII, the lunar draconians intend to genocide 5 billion people of the white and indigenous black races , white-yellow Touranian race, and black-yellow races in the B’ and C’ phase of WWIII . During the A’ phase of WWIII, the lunar draconians have planned a war conflict between the two trilateral adversaries of US.E.J (USA, EUROPE,JAPAN), against R.I.C (RUSSIA, SIITIC ISLAM, CHINA). As for the end of WWIII, the lunar draconians have planned the survival of ONLY the Chinese and Korean populations , as the only pure yellow draconian populations of planet earth.
Contrary to paragraphs A),B),C), D),and E), containing information given to G.H.REES by the andromedians in the vicinity of planet Saturn, paragraph F) contains a mix of information given by the andromedians of Saturn and G.H.REES research , while paragraph G) only contains G.H.REES research information.

H). The above research information from G.H.REES was transmitted via heavy neutrino (neutrino-naser) G.H.REES transmitters to planet Saturn, where it was received by the andromedian forces stationed there. These andromedian forces of the galactic government andromedian astrofleet , bearing in mind G.H.REES ‘s research information , are notifying ALL governments of planet earth via the following ultimatum:

“Any governments of planet earth that will carry out the planned WWIII on the planet , will be annihilated without being allowed the slightest chance of survival through “ acts of expiation”, according to the laws and legislation of the government of the “constellation of Andromeda” .(see ancient Greek law). Likewise, not only will Touranian-Mongolian governments and the draconian governments of China , and North and South Korea be excluded from “acts of expiation”, but also the populations of these Touranian-Mongolian and draconian nations should WWIII break out. This translates into a mass extermination of the populations of these Touranian-Mongolian and draconian nations, in case the planned lunar draconian WWIII breaks out between the axes of US.E.J and R.I.C.

Jews, Saxons, Albanians, Bulgarians, a number of Turks/Hungarians/Romanians, Fins,other Mongols of Eurasia and a number of Islamic nations are all of Touranian-Mongolian descent , that is, a white-yellow crossbreed.
The Andromedian forces in the four (4) outer planets , arrived there in mass numbers after the earth year 2000 (A.D= after draconian medium-Rabbi “Jesus or Jehosouva Christ”), are calling upon the members of the Touranian governments and Touranian –Mongolian populations of planet earth, to take the side of the white andromedian race , that is the white blood of their white-yellow crossbreed, against the yellow side of their crossbreed, if they wish to survive peacefully on planet earth through “acts of expiation” according to the galactic law. This is because the pure yellow draconian populations of China and North and South Korea will be expelled from planet earth and taken to another solar system by the andromedian space forces , even if they manage to survive by accepting to commit “acts of expiation”.

I). Since earth year 2000 A.D , the combat division of the andromedian starfleet arrived at the orbits of planet Saturn has been negotiating with the draconian forces of the MOON for the unconditional surrender of the draconian forces occupying the inner planets of our solar system . Following the ultimate surrender of the MOON and its escorting by andromedian ships safely out of our solar system , the now shrinking orbits of the planets will begin to expand naturally , through use of “space engineering” so as to stabilize these orbits of the planets of our solar system , and to reverse the now shrinking orbits and their ultimate impact with our sun. G.H.REES asked for more details of the above mission and negotiations but was turned down on account of “ confidentiality of negotiations”.

G.H.REES’s Neutrino-Nasar receivers ( neutrino amplified stimulated absorption radiation) of the space research division of G.H.REES in the city of Patras , Greece, received the following clarification-command only, that is: “ In case the Draconian forces ultimately agree to an unconditional surrender and a lifetime commitment of “acts of expiation” in a different solar system , according to galactic laws, it is forbidden that any court sentence or legal actions be taken against them for the crimes they have committed”. The same will apply to the Touranian and Mongolian governments and populations of planet earth , should they wish to commit similar “acts of expiation” according to the galactic universal law, after giving up committing crimes of the galactic penal code.

J). WWI and WWII are also included in the above crimes, with WWIII still at its starting phase, falsely attributed to a religious war and starting with a provoked attack of the “antichrist West (US.E.J) 666”, against “Christian Korea 777” and “Christian China 888” after 2023.
All of the above false ideologies pertaining to “ Antichrist 666” and “ Christian 777 and 888”, were conceived by the lunar draconian forces , with the aim of genociding the white andromedian race of planet earth by the counterattacking forces of “R.I.C-777-888” against “US.E.J-666”. Only the pure draconian populations of China 888 and the two Koreas 777 are to survive this genocide.

K). The space research division of G.H.REES at Patras, Greece, informed the andromedian forces at planet Saturn that the lunar draconian forces as well as the forces of the Cronian andromedian mutineers (andromedian traitors who betrayed the galactic government of Andromeda and joined forces with the draconians of the MOON) , have planned a fake “ arrival of andromedian forces” on planet earth. During this fake arrival, it has been planned that the mutinous saturnian (cronian) forces will pose as the true andromedians , so as to deceive the armed forces of “ U.S.E.J-666” and drag them to a world war against the armies of “ R.I.C -777-888”. These fake saturnian forces posing as the true andromedians will also commit “war crimes” and “ crimes against humanity” against the armies and populations of “R.I.C” so that counterattacking “R.I.C” will ultimately genocide the unarmed civilians of “US.E.J”.
The andromedian forces at Saturn replied to G.H.REES that: “ Even the saturnian traitors and other andromedian mutineers will be allowed to commit “acts of expiation” , if they so wish, and manage to survive not in our solar system but rather in the constellation of Andromeda.

L). Particular responsibility rests with the Russian government : Although Christianity is a Hebrew cult (both these religions ,along with Islamism, were conceived by the lunar draconian forces), and although the members of the Russian government are Touranian Israelites, the predominant Christian tendency among the Russian people is still able to intercept the degradation and corruption brought about by the Touranian Hebrews and and Saxons within the white race nations of “US.E.J.”. We call upon the Russian government to act accordingly , in order for these actions to be deemed “acts of expiation” for the survival of Touranian populations of planet earth.

M). Meanwhile , we call upon the Chinese hyper-government of “HONG” , as well as the hyper-government of the West of the Touranian Hebrewsaxons of “AOA” and “ OTO” in London, the Hebrewsaxon governments of the “USA” and “ E.E” , and the Touranian governments of the Balkans and Eurasia, to immediately cancel the planned enslavement of the white andromedian Hellenes so the blackmailed Hellenes will accept the setting up of “ the empire of Constantinople 666” and the political-military leadership of this “Greek empire 666” of “ US.E.J” , for a military assault of “NATO “ and “SEATO” against “R.I.C” . This assault against “RIC” will cause the counterattack of “R.I.C” and the genocide of white race populations of “US.E.J” , with the Greeks the first up for genocide. Because execution of the above evil planning by the lunar draconian forces will “ result in irrevocable death penalties and exclusion from any possible means of survival via “acts of expiation” against ALL draconian and Touranian governments and populations of the planet”. That is the warning of the andromedian forces of Saturn.

That’s all for the time being—.

On behalf of G.H.REES,
Karageorgiou Cr.Cr. Giannis, G.HREES representative
National and planetary security general of G.H.REES
12 Elpidos str, Nea Ionia , Volos, Greece.
Tel: [removed by submitter]


The Chinese-eyed dragon-turtle agent of "HONG" commands: "Let Greece go bankrupt"
(European Union taking orders from Dragonian China. Trilateral Axis US-E-J , USA - EUROPE - JAPAN)

"The convention for the future of Europe has ended with a show of a rapid rhetoric. The president of the convention, mister Valery Giscard d'Estaing closed the last meeting with a last minute changes to the first draft of the European constitution, adding providence for an official EU flag, one anthem, one anniversary and one slogan.
But (Giscard) kept his last word for the Wu Kei (comment: You may call the statue EL SENDAI-JEDI-GENOCIDOFAGGOTI), a turtle with a dragon head, something that mr. Giscard placed on his desk throughout every meeting.
(Giscard's statement was:)
"The last person I would like to thank is my Wu Kei turtle. It followed us and led us throughout our entire journey. When we were in the middle of the river, it guided us, just as it did for the first Chinese emperors, until we finally reached the river shore. And I expect, just as many of you do also, that from the early beginning, it knew whereof wanted to take us" (!)
Meanwhile, mr. Giscard took some lettuce leaves and offered them to the turtle statue. The turtle didn't say anything."


P.S.2: We present to you the Geostrategic Mathematical Codes which has elaborated and assigned the Chinese Masonic Hyper-lodge “HONG” in the below Geostrategic Axles which, without exception, were founded by “HONG” in order to design and to conduct the World War III, and in order to genocide the 2/3rds, namely 5 billion of all terrestrial races of the planet, from the pure Draconians – Yellow armies of China and of United Korea._ The Geostrategic Codes were cross-verified from Electronic eavesdropping executed by passive “Neutrino Receivers” of G.H.REES (technology) over sessions of masonic lodges of Hong-Kong, of Shanghai, of “AOA” – “Ordo Adeptis Atlantis” London, and over the environment of the “Planetary King of Israel”, arch-Rabbi Baruch or Barowghs of “USA”._

1): 666/A: US.E.J., USA – Europe – Japan._

2): 666/B: T.I.M., Tibet – India – Mongolia._

3): 777/A: North Korea._

4): 777/B: South Korea._

5): 888:A(+): R.I.C., Russia – Islam – China._

6): 888/B(+): C.J.T.H.S.M., China – Japan – Tibet – Hebrews – Saxons – Mongolia._

7): 888/C(+): C.K., China – Korea._

8): 888/C(-): J.T.H.S.M., Japan – Tibet – Hebrews – Saxons – Mongolia._

9): 888/B(-): Whites of Russia and Islamic States._

10): 888/A(-): Black Race nations._

The Mathematical signs (+) and (-) mean that the Geostrategic axis 888/B(+) has been designed to genocide the semi-axis 888/B(-) of Russia and Islamic States, and that the axis 888/C(+) of China and Korea has been designed to genocide the semi-axis 888/C(-) Japan – Tibet – Hebrews – Saxons – Mongolia, namely in order to genocide all the Hebrews and the Saxons of the Planet, as “not pure Yellow”, namely as Mongols White-Yellow._

The above means that the Chinese “HONG” has programmed to genocide the White populations of Russia with code 888/B(-), and the Hebrews and the rest Mongols of Russia with code 888/C(-). Therefore, withdraw immediately from “PACT OF SHANGHAI”, and abort immediately the supply of weapons and high technology, oil, natural gas, and space technology towards China and towards the two Korean states.

We (finally) present to you the fronts of the 1st phase of World War III, as those have being programmed from “HONG” of China, from “AOA” London, and from the arch-Rabbis Baruch of “USA”:

3rd W.W. “COSMIC ETNA” 2012



and remnants of the armies of “B.A.S.T./R.” Bulgaria – Albania – Skopje – Turkey – Romania – that will seek refuge in China territories.


[link to www.youtube.com (secure)]

The silent genocide!!!
10.000 suicides in Greece from the begining of the crisis (2009) not announced by the mainstream media

MASER - MASAR directed-energy technology weapons of G.H.REES
(note: This is the simplified version of the NETRINO - NASER strategic supremacy technology of G.H.REES)

(Year 2010 Document)

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


About 40 minutes into the movie it shows Apocalypse watching a TV and he says he is learning.

It starts by showing symbols of money and nuclear weapons and war. Then the tv says super powers and apocalypse repeats this "super power".

Then he says "The weak have taken the Earth" and it shows the Pope and Wallstreet, and a statue of Buddah, and then Las Vegas.

Then he goes on to say "For this I was betrayed"...... "False Gods" then it shows a picture of the frickin World Trade Centers. He says "Idols" and it shows a picture of the White House. Then he says "No More"

Then he says "I Have Returned"

Also it turns out Apocalypse was a Muslim the way they portray him in the movie. Haven't finished watching it yet, but I thought you all should know this. Fucking pissed off they would do this to the XMen.

INTHELORDSNAME #fundie godlikeproductions.com

The Prophetic Jubilee Year of the Messiah began on the 15th of October 2015 and will end on the 8th of October 2016.

I'm expecting the Lord to come for us on Saturday the 8th of October 2016, which is the Last Day of the Jubilee Year, as well as the Last Great Day of the Feast of Tabernacles!!! [link to thecreatorscalendar.com]

In the book of Daniel, the Antichrist, is called "the horn", while the false prophet is called "the prince"

"And he [Pope Francis, who is the prince] shall enter into a strong and firm covenant with the many for one week [that is for, 7 Years or 2,520 Days]. And in the midst of the week [that is, after 1,260 Days] he shall cause the sacrifice and offering to cease [for the remaining three and one-half years]; and upon the wing or pinnacle of abominations [shall come] one who makes desolate, until the full determined end is poured out on the desolator." [Daniel 9:27]

The firm covenant spoken of, in the above verse, will be made on the 8th of October 2016, on the Day of the Rapture. This is the Day the One World Religion will know they've all been rejected by God, and in defiance will unite as one under Pope Francis, who is the false prophet.

The 8th of October 2016 will be Day One of Daniel's One Week of 7 Years or 2,520 Days. After 1,260 Days [From the 21st of March 2020], possibly because the Vatican will be destroyed, Pope Francis will move to Jerusalem and sit in the newly built temple, as God, for 1,260 Days or 42 Months.

For he, "...exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshiped, so that he sits as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God." [2 Thess.2:4]

Regarding the horn, who is Obama, the Antichrist, we read, "...the same horn [Obama] was making war against the saints, and prevailing against them, until the Ancient of Days came, and a judgment was made in favor of the saints of the Most High, and the time came for the saints to possess the kingdom...He shall speak pompous words against the Most High, Shall persecute the saints of the Most High, And shall intend to change times and law. Then the saints shall be given into his hand For a time [360 Days] and times [720 Days] and half a time [180 Days]." [Dan.7:21,22,25][words in bracket are mine]

The horn will start beheading Christians from the 21st of March 2020 until the Lord Jesus Christ, Who is the Ancient of Days, returns to earth, with His glorified saints, 1,260 Days later, on or after the 1st of September 2023. After the 1,260 Days appointed for the horn and the prince expires, on the 1st of September 2023, they'll both be captured and disposed of in the lake of fire!

"Then the beast [that is, the horn] was captured, and with him the false prophet [that is, the prince] who worked signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image. These two were cast alive into the lake of fire burning with brimstone." [Rev.19:20]

Then the Lord will stand on the Mount of Olives, with His glorified saints. By this time two-thirds of the Jewish people would have perished under the Islamic New World Order. Then the remaining Jewish people fulfill Psalm 118:25,26, which says:

"Please, Adonai! Save us!
Please, Adonai! Rescue us!
Blessed is he who comes in the name of Adonai.
We bless you from the house of Adonai."

"And in that day His feet [that is, the Lord's feet] will stand on the Mount of Olives, Which faces Jerusalem on the east. And the Mount of Olives shall be split in two...Thus the Lord my God will come, And all the saints with You." [Zech.14:4,5]

If there has ever been a time to prepare for the Coming of the Lord, that time is NOW!!!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Reptilians created the current islam

Islam was meant to be a religion of love like buddhism etc. However Reptilians/Satan have diverted it.

Just like they have done to the other abrahamic religions.

It was the Creator's will to bring love to the earth. However as it's a free will universe and there's allowance even for tyrannies, the current diversion happened.

I know many of you are angry against islam. Anyway the reptilians are responsible for the current islam.

As a former muslim, when i try to read the koran, i feel nauseous and disgusted by the things it's saying.

What i feel for muslims, is pitying. Because i know how is it live in such fear, repression and hostility. Though i don't despise them, being a muslim is difficult thing.

Wishing best to everybody

A former muslim

Right to Know #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Perverted GAY Food Agenda - GMO's and Chemicals that Make People Queer

BPA, and it's Replacement used in Plastics and thermal paper used in recipt printers

Soy - GMO and Non GMO, it raises estrogen levels.
includes eating Animals fed Soy.
Feminizes Boys
Girls hit Puberty at younger than normal age.

Corn Syrup / Processed Sugar and Alcohol Reduce Human Growth Hormones

Herbicide listed in video below, will post name after video part of post, just in case it is one of those words.

Solution, Use Glass or Stainless Steel to store/drink out of, Filter/Purify your water to remove (drugs and chemicals in the water supply)
Eat only Traditional Foods raised without
GMO, Organic Only.
Eat Animals that are fed Grass, and their Natural food diet and not given Vaccines, Chemicals and Antibiotics.
If animals are not raised on Factory Farms the need for Antibiotics is much, much lower because the conditions the animals live in are "natural" much healthier.

Unsprouted grains, sugar or fructose decrease seven of the 12 most important hormones.

Alcohol decreases your human growth hormone (HGH), one of your most potent built-in anti-aging hormones. Having just one alcoholic drink per day can decrease your HGH by 75 percent.

Magnesium supplements improve your sex hormone levels, including your testosterone and HGH.

High-quality protein from meat and fish, as well as healthy fats such as egg yolk, lard, and butter, will improve progesterone and DHEA secretion, as will an otherwise healthy Paleolithic (read: unprocessed, nutrient-rich organic) diet.

Progesterone can also be increased by several nutritional supplements, including vitamin A. As a general rule, fat-soluble vitamins will have a beneficial effect on sex hormones.

Anonymous Coward #racist godlikeproductions.com

almost everywhere i turn, white women with half breed kids...

Its somewhat upsetting to have to look around and see white women with little monkeys for kids.

It has become blatently obvious, that white women are way more easily brainwashed into believing that black men are superior, when obviously the facts speak otherwise.

The black man and black race in general, is extremely inferior to the white race. But it is somewhat sad to see that these stupid white women would participate in the genocide of thier very own race.

Maybe it is because these white women like men whom hold no moral values? Maybe they think that they can tame a feral wild animal? Or maybe it is the idea of mating with feral creatures? I just dont know and am not able to answer the question of why.

When i walk into a restaurant filled with white people... I feel safer and in a more relaxed state as opposed to walking in and seeing blacks. I feel i cannot go anywhere without seeing some scumbag white whore with little niggly bears for children. It really is just a sad state in which we find ourselves.

I said to my girlfriend today, that the white race is the most proud, creative, inventive and strongest race to have ever walkex the earth. What could possibly make a white woman want to give up something like that that she is a part of? When i see a white woman with a black for a mate... She is now considered a feral creature to me.

The TAO #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Recent events have forced my hand to put this on GLP.

The different timelines for this physical reality are rapidly merging into two time streams manifesting in the Western world. The international cabal dominated by Western elites are working the US and Middle East political and socio-economic systems to bring about their idea of an End Time Scenario.

Certain forces are maneuvering for Hillary Clinton to get elected as the president of the US in November 2016 to achieve Scenario One. To the outside world and off world civilizations, the US ( by its military, economic power and human diversity ) represents our present human reality . With Hillary elected to to " toothless tiger position as POTUS ", she will be deemed to be the " head of this human civilization " ( of course she will not in real terms )...she will be the WOMAN figurehead chief of this world. To hardcore Islamists, Conservative Christians and Jews, THIS IS A NO NO....IT WILL HERALD THE END OF THE WORLD. WHEN A FEMALE HEADS HUMAN CIVILIZATION, ARMAGEDDON ensues and the end of the world is nigh. Jesus will return to start a new kingdom, ahhh....the Second Coming.

Conservative forces in the US , the Jewish and Islamic world are working to this scenario. It is counter-intuitive, but the Conservatives/Haredis/Islamists all work to achieve this to herald the Second Coming of Christ, the Moshiach, Imam Mahdi. They are working the socio-political-economic and all other fronts to accomplish this goal...A GLOBAL RESET post " biblical type " Armageddon.

The second Time Stream Scenario involves other forces of the " powers that be " working towards Jeb Bush as the next POTUS. The possible election of Jeb Bush will set forth a scrambling for power, wealth and influence where unbridled greed and base human desire rules, leading to chaos and anarchy. The POTUS may be sacrificed to precipate rules and measures to ensure total control and domination. Martial law and draconian
Enforcement rules will be applied to achieve a continuance of control and domination at ALL COSTS. All attempts are made to prevent a GLOBAL RESET.

The Second Scenario will involve such blatant,, unconcionable and overt display of human depravity that many people will awaken to spiritual yearnings for evolvement which will frighten the powers to be to institute draconian methods to maintain control and domination. Awaken humans will attempt to maintain Mother Earth and Human Integrity. Revolution and mass disobedience lead to total anarchy and chaos which may cause the powers to be to unleash their secret weapons of annihilation. The attempted use of their secret super weapons may see the intervention of our off world Guardians who can only act as a last resort. They will iniate GLOBAL RESET with our concurrence.

These 2 major timelines predominate current events. The wild cards are the Oriental civilizations. If the Oriental civilizations can shake off the shackles of control and domination on the psyche, they can precipitate a third Time Stream for a harmonious soft landing. The shaking of the shackles involve the Chinese abandoning their pursuit of unbridled greed brought by Western influence and return to the Tao.

The Indians must abandon the clingings to " Glorious Aryan " roots and return to their Gondwanaland qualities. It may seem humiliating but they have move from their Aryan centric culture to the more Tamilian-Gondwana
Traditions. The Japanese, Koreans, Mongolians and South East Asians must embrace their Central Asian-Lemurian past they shared with the Chinese, Indians and Polynesians. The Chinese - Lemurian connection stems from Central Asian wing of the Lemurian civilization.

The wild card Time Stream of the Orientals will entail a soft landing of return to harmony with Naure, Mother Earth and the Cosmos. There will still be a GLOBAL RESET, but one will human freewill and knowledge. A knowing that we need to evolve out of base values and clinging to the physicality of 3D possessions.

Looking at China and the neighboring countries plunging deep into western type industrialization, greedy economics and social developments, the Wild Card Time Stream seem unlikely. The Western cabal's foray into Tibet and Xinjiang causes further closing of Chinese minds and attempts to drive the Chinese into greater Draconic measures, all which will satisfy the powers that be's attempts to prevent harmonious human evolution stemming from the Orient.

However I do know of latent Oriental growth of spirituality amongst the educated. However this is undermined by the underground Catholic churches, Falun Gong groups and lunatic spiritual mainstream Buddhist/Taoist religious groups all founded by the powers that be to sidetrack and derail this fledgling spiritual bloom. What we can hope that this " latent spirituality " remains latent to erupt into the " satori " moment of GLOBAL RESET.

As it is, the whole Western dominated world is racing along the first 2 Time Streams. By September 27, 2014 during the Lunar eclipse of the Chinese/Oriental Harvest Moon we will know whether the first 2 Time Stream Scenarios are inevitable. If the Cosmic Guardian Forces are able to awaken " satori-cally " the latent cosmo-human values when Mother Earth SHIELDS THE MOON's PSYCHO - MAGNETIC ray influence on humankind, and the Sun-Christ influence takes hold for the short period of SATORI AWAKENING, then will be heading for the Wild Card Scenario whereby a kind of " Ascension " occurs...Humankind achieves the CRITICAL MASS for harmonious RESET, Mother Earth safely increase Her frequency to match a 5 D REALITY FOR HUMANKIND. The powers that be and their patron, the abrahamic god, the demiurge, will be sent for Cosmic Recycling .

The Wild Card Scenario will also stream into 2016 and early 2017 when the Cosmic Guardians will complete their initial assistance of humankind to the new reality.

The first 2 scenarios will also end in a harsh Global Reset by early 2017. Mother Earth's consciousness will leave this physical 3D shell of Hers. Her Sentience will move to the 5D reality where her 5D physicality will nurture deserving beings who are ready for 5D experience.

Once Mother Earth Sentience leaves the 3D physical shell it cannot support life as it is now, humans not ready for ascension will perish to he spiritually reloated to other 3 D planets able to sustain 3 D reality. For present earth humankind it will be a very harsh RESET, but a whole new paradigm of learning.

Timelines. Time Streams. Our choice. Our freewill!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Donald Trump is Illuminati

Obama's famous quote during the 2008 election was "Yes we can!" which backwards was "Thank you satan". This was Obama announcing his true allegiance.

What is Donald Trumps most famous quote? "Build a wall"

He is announcing his allegiance to the Bilderbergs

burg: noun – an ancient or medieval fortress or walled town.

A burg is a "walled" town. Therefore, Bilderberg
is like saying Build a wall

Build a wall --> build-a-burg --> Bilderberg

Asc3nd3dMast3r #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Truth does not exist, only the pursuit.

Cern, the ring of Solomon. The ultimate goal is to cast the human soul into man made materials. Machines, computers.. toys ect. The Djinn are fighting for your vessel. You are the machinery of the afterlife... The soul.

That's why 'aliens' and spirits , demons come to us.
They are the temporary manifestations of djinn.

If now and the after life had a time differentiation, the afterlife would be infinitely ahead. They present technology so that we backwards engineer it.
Everything we do manifests in an infinite number of frequencies or dimensions.

The evil in this world is at a flux on the lines of duality.
The as humans continue to further themselves from this 'truth'
Merely my personal truth.
These polar dualities fight for our bodies. With the intent of balancing out the scales.
Yet they cannot comprehend, even at their immortal spiritual stage, that we run the show, no matter what they do. Without the reincarnation of 'source souls' manifestations of God, the machinery they wish to create will not be powered by the balanced energy of the source souls.
Further creating a seperate duality based off of which side the scales tilt.
This is why there is over population and why it is the way it is.
So CERN will tare a direct bridge for these two forces to fight over our bodies. Bringing the once Christ back from the pit which we were meant to fill.. And he will not be the same Jesus that he went out as.

New Guy #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Mandela Effect & Geographical Change

I believe the geographical shift is caused by CERN. If you look at the location of the CERN facility it appears to me that the tectonic plates are being drawn toward that location due to the magnetism they operate, which wold explain the expanded Pacific Ocean on the opposite side of the planet.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

KAT DENNINGS IS A REPTILIAN!!! and she lied about being of full Jewish ancestry!

She said herself, "I’m a billion percent Jewish, I don’t think I have any relatives who aren’t Jewish”


Her face is literally a copy off of a Jewish woman name Esther Rachel Cohen!!! who was born over 100 years ago who came to north America from Odessa, Ukraine, and that same woman is the REAL great grandmother of Seth Rogen! since Seth Rogen's parents are not his real parents and Seth Rogen was pretty much adopted since his legal mother was just a surrogate mother for Seth Rogen's real parents Matthew Cohen and Helen Muskal!

Esther Rachel looked very similar to Kat Dennings but was noticeably more beautiful than her! had a wider and less long face than Kat Dennings, eyes that were more almond shaped and bigger than Kat Dennings eyes! and even had bright blue eyes and dark brown hair like her!!!

Esther Rachel looks more Jewish than Kat Dennings though, she has a VERY eastern European Jewish look to her! and I have seen beautiful reptilian royals who looks like Esther Rachel too greater and also lesser degrees who literally copied their faces off of Esther
Rachel in some cases, and most cases took Esther Rachel's face and combined it with other beautiful faces, since most royals faces are made up of more than one human face!!!!.

Kat Dennings ALSO has two others(or more who knows) girls in her face that are in the face a smaller amount, they are Eva Cohen who is Seth Rogen's sister, and a FEMALE VERSION of Seth Rogen's brother Daniel Cohen!!! LOL, yes both Eva and female version of Daniel are both very beautiful girls, "too bad" Daniel got to be such a gorgeous guy instead! haha.

You can see both Eva and Daniel's eyebrow shape in Kat Dennings face!!! the rest of the face is predominantly Esther Rachel but a longer and narrower face than hers, Eva's and Daniel's! and you can see some of Daniel's nose shape to Kat Dennings nose in some pictures! when Kat Denning's has an INDENTED NOSE SHAPE!

Esther Rachel was taller than Kat Dennings, like around 5'8, Kat Dennings is like 5'3-5'4.

If you ever, EVER see an actually good looking Jewish person who is a reptilian, IT MEANS THEY HAVE SECRET NON JEWISH REPTILIAN ANCESTORS, since "Jewish" reptilians that have no recent non Jewish ancestors are as ugly as fuck!

Like Adam Sandler!

They have secret non Jewish reptilian ancestors because reptilians are whores who cheat on their spouses quite a bit!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

ANOTHER MANDELA! Beam Me Up Scotty has been erased from ALL Star Trek episodes EVER, and all copies.

See if you can find ANY clip of actual Star Trek scenes on youtube, or anywhere....that contain the phrase "Beam me up, Scotty."

It no longer exists. Not on your VHS tapes, not on the internet....NO WHERE.

What is going on?

comsic justice #racist godlikeproductions.com

Is skin color an indicator of karma?

Why is it that all the third world sh*tholes are populated by dark-skinned people while all the best, 1st world countries are populated by light-skinned people? Prof. Lynn's 'IQ & the wealth of nations' found there's a correlation between skin color & IQ, wealth, beauty, etc...

The Bhagavad Gita states, 'Only demonic [degenerate] souls are born into non-aryan bodies!" Also, "Outer is a reflection of inner" (i.e. if you're ugly on the outside its because you're ugly on the inside)..."Everybody is born into the body they deserve" (based on karma).

The ancient Aryans had a caste system - caste literally means 'color' -- restricting the top positions in society to light-skinned people only & the shittiest jobs to the darkest.

The Theosophists believe the negro race was created as punishment for many generations of degenerate behavior such as sodomy & bestiality. Makes sense to me!

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