
RABBI COMPUTESTEIN 404BERG #racist godlikeproductions.com

EU Places The Interests of Jews Ahead of Europeans

[link to therealistreport.com]

A common theme of both my podcast program and my writings is the truly disgraceful manner in which White “leaders” and institutions, such as the United States federal government and the European Union, for example, place the interests of Jews (and other non-Whites) ahead of the interests of their own traditional ethnic demographic (read: White people).

This ugly reality is literally on display on a daily basis.

In an astoundingly revealing article published by The Times of Israel, it was recently reported that the European Union is acceding to Israel’s demands that it redefine and clarify the specific meaning of “anti-Semitism,” i.e., making basic, factual observations about Jews, the Jewish state of Israel, Jewish criminality and treachery, the Jewish agenda to undermine, pervert, and destroy traditional Western civilization, Jewish supremacy and control over critical aspects of (formerly) White nations, etc., “in a bid to better fight the phenomenon,” according to the article.

Screenshot (76)

[—] “The definition of anti-Semitism is very disputed, even among Jews themselves. The main dissent revolves around the question of manifestations against the State of Israel. We’re currently looking into this issue,” Katharina von Schnurbein told The Times of Israel in a telephone interview last week from Brussels. “One thing is clear: Anti-Semitism can sometimes hide behind anti-Zionism. That is certainly our understanding here.”

A German national, Schnurbein was named the European Commission’s coordinator on combating anti-Semitism earlier this month. Last week, she participated in the ninth EU-Israel Seminar on Combating Racism, Xenophobia and Anti-Semitism in Brussels, together with some 30 representatives from Israel’s Foreign Ministry, the European Commission, the EU’s External Action Service, Fundamental Rights Agency, technology experts and NGOs.

During the meet, Israel asked the EU to adopt a formal definition of anti-Semitism, said Akiva Tor, who heads the Foreign Ministry’s bureau for world Jewish affairs and world religions. “This would enable better monitoring and better law enforcement,” he told The Times of Israel on Monday.

“We also expressed our view that any formal definition of anti-Semitism must include the issue of delegitimization of Israel and the denial of Israel’s right to exist as forms of anti-Semitism,” he said. “We found the EU quite attentive and we look forward to working with them further on it.” [—]

It still astonishes me to fully come to grips with the reality that White “leaders” literally place the interests of hostile, alien, non-White ethnic groups – Jews, Muslims, Blacks, illegal immigrants, etc. – ahead of the interests of their own people.

The European Union is more concerned about combating “anti-Semitism” than protecting the interests and well-being of their own White European population. In fact, they are doing everything in their power to undermine the interests and well-being of their own White European population. The same is true in the United States, Canada, Australia, and all across the Western world.

The West is controlled and dominated by a hostile elite that is actively and consciously working against the interests of White people, period. That should be crystal clear to all objective observers of international politics and current affairs.

Have you ever seen a European Union meeting or conference centered around the reality of White genocide and the future prospects of the White race? Are there any official conferences or committees dealing with anti-White hate speech, anti-White biases and false historical perspectives, or non-White on White violent crime and intimidation?

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Super Hero's Created By Ashkenazi Jews To Manipulate and Control Whites. Now Played by Jews.

[link to www.jewornotjew.com]

Young Jews in america invented the Super Hero to inform the consent and morals of whites and now Jews are playing all the roles of the Super Hero's in their movies.

Taking back their culture now that they are accepted as white and have informed consent.

In Germany the Jews used the Uber Man idea. Same shit.

Superior(Stupid Dupe)Race

Two complete fallacies. "Superior" and "Race".

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

The truth about atheists is that the majority are dumb freaks. They can't be christians, because of their degeneration, not intelligence. Most atheists are homosexuals, drug addicts, alcoholics, and any kinds of degenerates who don't fit into christian doctrines. All these freaks do is repeating endlessly what a few intellectuals say and write in their books against the church.

They spend all their time in arguing against christians, even if anybody inteligent would knwo that it is a mindless waste fo time trying to explain to a christian that religion is bullshit. The whole goal of the atheist movement is to fight christianity because they want to legalize degeneration and perversion.

The whole atheist movement is being sponsored by satanist jews. You must be a retard to join atheists and believe that they are better than christians.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Rfid chips implant evil frequencies to the mind!!

It's like a resistor to the central nervous system and when you walk into store that have those theft devices, they reprogram your Reid chip Every time you walk through those barriers and then they have you under no ultra mind control
Good day on your implants.
I wonder how many crooked ones, which are everyone , will use it to kidnap kids and women..
Looks like this system is only for the scumbag lying elite, and no one else!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Trump taking his elitist reptilian nuttsak and spread it on killary face. the face smear campaign killary wants to drown the people in the propaganda machine stimulated by rockefeller in 1935 he dont have none of it he say he can make country great agin and we all believe sheeple fall right in line,. trump is reptilian i saw it in his eyes just look when he talks the creases there plain to see we just pick too sides of same coin killary or elititst arch-reptilien trump.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Flight 804 Egypt Air goes down 804 days!!! after Malaysian Flight 370 disappeared!!! HMMM INTERESTING!

I just counted 804 days since the malaysian flight on the same day WTF????

Its obvious this was some sort of ILLUMINATI sacrifice!!!!!

We have to wipe out the Rothchilds to stop this bullshit! Take every single one of them out!

Kung Pow Chicken #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Attention "skeptics": HR (bill) 2977 - Chemtrails are known/operational exotic weapons

"Fact: HR2977 introduced shortly after 9/11 listed "chemtrails" as "exotic weapons" to be banned. The bill was overturned.

Chemtrails are known exotic weapons and have been such since 2001.

Get with the times.

[link to thomas.loc.gov]"

I want to see the mental gymnastics skeptics do to "debunk" how a bill was introduced to Congress to ban "exotic" weapons, specifically "chemtrails", and how Congress overturned the bill, opening the door to application and use of said exotic weapons, specifically "chemtrails".

The gymnastics start now. Who wants to go first? (Pops corn, prepares for some laughs)

Look y'all the trapeze is open. I wanna see some tricks. Someone give me a "chemtrails don't exist you tard" argument in light of the above link.

C'mon monkeys, where y'all at. Chemtrails don't exist right? Introduced to Congress, HR2977, preservation of space bill, lists operational exotic weapons to be banned to ensure I suppose sterile warfare and the "peaceful" colonization of space. It lists exotic weapons. Notably it lists techtonic weapons, psychotronic weapons and scalar weapons. Basically revealing to idiot debunkers that no the military isn't trapped in the 1940s with WWII weapons. Nope. Instead the military has what some have been saying: exotic, space-age weapons, specifically CHEMTRAILS.

So let's go, up onto the trapeze you go debunker. Get some. I want to see some amazing mental aerials. Tell me chemtrails don't exist.

Worthless. You are worthless to humanity, debunkers. Got it? You carry water for idiots.

Ok so consider, new weapons, exotic weapons, space weapons: they all have to be tested, no?

Uh huh, they do.

So the US is bound by international law to test those weapons where? Where you idiot debunkers? Where oh where?


US weapons have to be tested in US territory. Duh!

Chemtrails are proven known exotic weapons that are constantly being tested in the US on US citizens, who are chatel to the USG, Inc. Period. Just like the US blew up unknown scores of nukes on its own lands and under its soil where the aquifer is. Just like every new plane and bomb has to be tested HERE. Chemtrails as known exotic weapons have to be tested here, on American soil, by law.

C'mon, who wants on the trapeze?

Anonymous Coward #transphobia godlikeproductions.com

Millennials Are the Cause of Transgenderism

Millennials is the first generation exposed to constant,
non-stop, 4K-quality porn, and they're also
the culture of instant tinder hookups.

They were already metro-sexual,
which reduces the taboo of transgenderism,
but they've also gotten bored with regular sex and porn.

it's not a coincidence that transgenderism has become
a political issue in tandem with millennials
supporting Bernie.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

[On the discovery of a new dinosaur species in Utah.]

Dinosaurs aren't real.
Triceratops? Didn't exist.
Brontosaurus? Didn't exist.
Dino's can't mate due to their size and weight.
Science now believes many had feathers... As reptiles.
No heart, or bone, or lungs can support land creatures of that size.
Dino skeletons and fossils in museums are plaster models and are designed by artists.
Dino's are only mind control for children.
Dinosaucers! Dinobots! Denver the last dinosaur. Yoshi. Land before time. They're back a dinosaur story. Jurassic Park.
The devil didn't put bones in the ground to test Christians. Men did to make money off an imaginary story.

What was found in Utah is either fake or just pieces of bone of some normal animal.

ZeroG #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

[On flight MS804's crash]

You have to think outside of the box here, and see what is the power that be connection and what they have taught us.

for example: TPTB are knowledgeable on Egyptian / Sumerian history
and Atlantis
over all of the passengers are 56 people = 11 = 11 Pointed star
Islam / Judaism + Illuminati bow down to the number 15
God Simple gematria = G7 O15 D4 = 26 = 8
MS804 = MS804 = 74 mirror 47
Abraham Lincoln four score and seven years ago
another example.
January 1st 2016 47 Shia's and 1 Sunni's murdered
4+7 = 10 / Complete cycle
for example Hillary Clinton's birthdate October 26, 1947 Oct = 8 / 26 = GOD and 47 = 10

Hillary and Bill Clinton are 68 when she takes office they'll be 69 years of age.
69 =15 = Yin and Yang two forces become one
Osiris 6 / ISIS 9 = 69

It's revive Osiris and ISIS + Gateway of Osiris
Osiris Constellation
Cairo = Giza Pyramids = aligned perfectly to Orion constellation

the airline crashed landed in mediterraneans sea, and mediterraneans sea used to be a home to Atlantis.

they are searching for Gateway that leads to atlantis, heaven on earth.

correction Bill Clinton August 19, 1946 (age 69 years)
re-entering the white house he would be 70 years.
7 is known to be the god number

Lucifer Morning Star fallen into Atlantis.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Joan Rivers impersonator's fake death for dummies
"Joan Rivers" is as much 80 yrs old here ...[1] as "Saudi King Abdullah" 90 yrs old here [2].

Two of the differences between the agendas in each case:
- having an actor to impersonate Saudi King Abdullah after his death was not part of advancing the "plastic surgery is good for you" agenda.
- the Saudi King was not murdered.

Non white Joan Rivers impersonator, a tranny as daughter
Joan Rivers and her family were murdered long ago.
A non white started playing her role, supposedly after plastic surgery, a transvestite started playing her daughter.
One of the agendas was to have people swallow any impersonator that the illuminati use to replace assassinated oppositors (from Mandela played by Morgan Freeman to Sharon and Putin) to illuminati agents whose life is extended beyond death (Fidel Castro died and Liam Neeson impersonates him once a year).
The actress impersonating Rivers "died" 2014 as much as "Mandela" 2013.
To have fake Joan Rivers in public again with Clive Davis all it takes is a new haircut [4].

Tranny Michelle Obama: Why was fake Joan Rivers casted for Truth in plain sight
Now it should be clear why "Joan Rivers" was selected to "expose" Michelle Obama as a transvestite [3], in the classic script "paid with her life for exposing it".

Transvestite Michelle Obama, Homosexual Obamessiah of the Obamanation of Desolation in the illuminati anti-Bible:
The same indonesian actor plays both "Obama" and "Osama".
As for WHY the illuminati casted an indonesian homosexual as first black president and a transvestite as first lady:
Abomination of Desolation was the starting point to create the name Obama.
Osama comes from Obama, and Obama comes from Abomination.
This fulfills the illuminati anti-Bible, from Leviticus 18:22 to Deuteronomy 22:5.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I'm a Muslim. The London Muslim Mayor thing is designed by TPTB.

I'm against this. It's not the natural course. If that Muslim mayor won by himself without any interference by TPTB, no problem.

But, you all know they push us Muslims to the front and want you to believe we will take over for more division and hate and destruction of Islam and all societies.

I'm sorry. I really apologize. It's out of our hands. They are against us all and want us destroy and hate each other from within. The irony is TPTB/ the global government is led right from London.

You're my brothers and sisters in humanity. If religions would be used for their game forever and there is no way out, I'm ready to give up on my religion and be just pure human.

Please forgive those fanatics and ignorants specially from the Gulf states and the Levant, they are the ones being imported to your societies and to the scene.

Remember everyone represents only themselves.

The mayor, Imams, whatever do not represent me. They are all NWO actors.

The war is up on us all!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Climate change, chemtrails and global taxation

Let me start by saying the following.

1) Climate change is real.
2) It is caused by humans.


3) Carbon is not to blame.

Climate change is being caused by chemtrailing.

The continuous spraying of chemicals is not done to poison people, because why would the elites poison themselves as well?

No, what they want to do is to change the climate and blame this change on carbon. They exposed themselves, because they were too quick to implement carbon taxation. Where does this money go? In this case it is more about the global enforcement agencies that were created to enfore the global carbon tax.

problem - reaction - solution

The problem = climate change
The reaction - (cause is man made, we must change)
The solution = a global taxation scheme ensuring more control and power into the hands of the few.

[link to en.mundo.com]

Now you know why additives have been added to the jetfuel.

Osama Bush Obama Clinton #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

When America is Attacked in a False Flag or in Real Retribution, blame the Illuminati, and their Puppet Politicians NOT who the Media Blames.

When the bombs burst in America, Blame O-Bomba, H-Clinton and W-Bush NOT N-Korea or some other Media professed Scape Goat.

From at least January 22, 2013 The U.S. Corporate Propagenda has been Replacing S-Arabia and O-sama bin
Laden with N-Korea as the next terrorist with weapons of mass destruction able to blow up atomic reactors, cities, and cripple countries with a single bomb.

Men hiding in caves don't make a mighty military stand down, demolish 267 stories of 3 sky scrapers in 31 seconds, or blow up 2 trillion dollars of cooked books in the Pentagon.

Countries that can't feed their own people, or let their people out of their own Country trusting that they will come back some day, aren't able to blow up reactors, sky-scrapers or cities in other countries.

It is Neo-Con-vict Donkeys like H-Clinton, O-Bomba, W-Bush and D-Cheney that long for, call for, plan and carry out terrorist attacks in America, Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt, Libya, Syria, Yemen, China, Ukraine and numerous other countries around the world.

The Project for a New American Century claimed to want to rebuild America's defenses before they blew up the books in the pentagon, but the long undeclared genocide committed by Americans in more than seven countries has made numerous enemies and spread America's defenses thin today, so now in 2016 America has never been in greater peril. Those Fruits Nuts and Flakes in the O-Office belong in padded cells of a good mental hospitals for the criminally insane.

Those stooges, goons and dupes who handled the O-Office finger puppets, or funded the illegal undeclared wars and genocide that W and O said they were justified in committing should be charged, tried, convicted, and locked up to end their undeclared but well funded wars of terror.

After a Major false flag attack, O-Bomba, Joe-B, H-Clinton can say N-Korea or Syria or Libya attacked America, but then when in all of their long lives did any of those people tell the truth about anything. There still is no real proof that Osama did 9/11/2001 and those who we are told killed him, where not murdered to keep the lie alive.

The very evil people in the O-Office did not give their victims any trial, they just had them executed them with extreme prejudice. If the crooks and killers operating out of the Oval Office who have proved themselves to be the enemies of the World do not resign, confess their crimes and serve their time in prison, it is not unimaginable that truth, justice and the American way will place them where
they may only lie one last time before being Judged by Christ Jesus the Lord of life who would have forgiven them for all their sins if they had but asked.

All life matters

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

where do atheists get their morals from?

Atheists dont believe in God who would punish sinners so technically they dont have a fear of punishment. An atheist could murder an entire Christian family and laugh it off because his thought process is "there is no God"...... "survival of the fittest"......"the christian family I killed were just naturally selected out of the gene pool". They have complete lack of conscience because of their belief system. Thats why the WORST mass murderers in history were men who did not believe in God, thats why atheists mass murdered tens of millions of peoppe. In their minds they felt like they were squashing bugs. And they did their crimes with no fear of the repurcussions.

Ironically The few good atheists act under the influence of christianity. The reason that not all atheists are mass murderers is because of the positive influence of christianity on peoples subconscious. Without that influence all atheists would be like Stalin and Mao and would have killed all of us.

Atheism teaches NO morals.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The silent genocide!!!

10.000 suicides in Greece from the begining of the crisis (2009) not announced by the mainstream media
[link to www.youtube.com (secure)]

Same is happening and in Spain (in Argentina in past) and other White Race America and European countries...

Yellow dragonian chinese are at the final stages of their geostrategy taking control of the ENTIRE planet with the help of some traitors hebrewsaxons of the west who are delivering wealth and power and factories from west to the east, sentencing the west to a huge debt and unemployment unprecedented crisis!!







Mehitable Adams #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Alex Jones has come out saying he really believes MICHELLE OBAMA IS A TRANSGENDER!!! THIS AWARENESS IS SPREADING! Let's help it!!!

Jones is talking about the Big Lies (per Goebbels definition) that Obama has been telling and he says he finally has become convinced that Obama and Michael have an arranged marriage and that Michelle actually IS a transgender, which is why the Obama admin is so obsessed with this issue. To hear this on such a large radio show, regardless of what you think of Jones himself, is a MAJOR BREAKTHROUGH. We've got to keep this spreading and expose Obama and Michael. The more people know this or suspect it, the harder it's going to get for them to force their choices UPON US.

I never thought I would heard this said in public, and it's very very very gratifying!

Pass on this info about Michael/Michelle Obama, everyone needs to know WHERE THIS STUFF IS COMING FROM and WHY it's so IMPORTANT to the Obama admin. It's because they have a DIRECT PERSONAL interest in this topic.

Barry - Pole Choking Faggot #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Here's why Bull-Queers & Jews are a Dangerous Combination...

The Nazi party was founded by homosexuals. The Bratwurstgloeckl, a tavern frequented by homosexual roughnecks, is where Rohm joined the handful of sexual deviants (and occultists).

It was no coincidence that homosexuals were among those who founded the Nazi Party. In fact, the party grew out of a number of groups in Germany which were centers of homosexual activity and activism.

But it was not just the Nazi party Homosexuals...

Bull-Queer - Churchill met with Hitler as a young man and allegedly had Butt-Sex with him?

[link to i.imgur.com]

They were Bull-Queer, homosexual Pals.

Field Marshal Montgomery was a Homosexual.

Hitler was the Bastard Spawn of Jew-Banksters...

Hitlers Mother worked as a "Housekeeper" for a German-Jew Banker.

References to follow...

Thread: Hitler - A different perspective - Catholic Church - "Hitler Youth" = Diddle Little Boys

There are at least four women, including his own niece, with whom Hitler had sexual relationships, although these relationships were not normal. Both Waite and Langer suggest that his sexual encounters with women included expressions of his coprophilic perversion as well as other extremely degrading forms of masochism.

It is interesting to note that all four women attempted suicide after becoming sexually involved with Hitler.

Two succeeded.

Jewish historian by the name of Samuel Igra...

claims that Hitler:
"had been a male prostetute in Vienna at the time of his sojourn there, from 1907 to 1912, and that he practiced the same calling in Munich from 1912 to 1914"

Desmond Seward
says Hitler is listed as a homosexual in Viennese police records.

Walter Langer, that during several of those years Hitler chose to live in a Vienna flophouse known to be

inhabited by many homosexuals.

Frank Rector writes that, as a young man, Hitler was often called der schoen Adolf (the handsome Adolf) and later his looks were also to some extent helpful in gaining big-money support from Ernst Rohms circle of wealthy JEW gay friends.

A psychological profile of Hitler. His report, kept under wraps for 29 years...

Langer writes that Hitler was certainly a coprophile (a person who is sexually aroused by human excrement) and may have practiced homosexuality as an adult.

He cites the testimony of Hermann Rauschning, a former Hitler confidant who, reports that he has met two boys who claimed that they were Hitlers homosexual partners.

Hitler calls Foerster Bubi, which is a common nickname employed by homosexuals in addressing their partners [back then].

Hitler derives sexual pleasure from looking at mens bodies and associating with homosexuals.

A well-known fact is that Hitlers greatest hero was Frederick the Great, a well-known homosexual.

Hitler was closely associated with Ernst Rohm and Rudolf Hess, two homosexuals who were among the very few people with whom he used the familiar "du" in speaking.

Hitler left the prison he fretted about his friend who languished there, and spoke of him tenderly, using Austrian diminutives: Ach mein Rudy, mein Hesserl

Whenever Hitler got a present he liked or drew an architectural sketch that particularly pleased him, he would run to Hess who was known in homosexual circles as Frauline Anna as a little boy would run to his mother to show his prize to her.

One of Hitlers prized possessions was a handwritten love letter which King Ludwig II had written to a manservant.

Hitler seemed to prefer homosexual companions and coworkers. In addition to Rohm and Hess, two of his closest friends, Hitler filled key positions with known or suspected homosexuals.

Reportedly, Hitler Youth leader, Baldur Von Schirach was bisexual; Hitlers private attorney, Reich Legal Director, Minister of Justice.

Governor-General of Poland, and public gay-hater Hans Frank was said to be a homosexual;

Hitlers adjutant Wilhelm Bruckner was said to be bisexual;

Walter Funk, Reich minister of Economics [and Hitlers personal financial advisor] has frequently been called a notorious homosexual or as a jealous predessesor in Funks post, Hjalmar Schacht, contemptuously claimed, Funk was a harmless homosexual and alchoholic;

[Hitlers second in command] Hermann Goering liked to dress up in drag and wear campy make-up;

SS Chief Heinrich Himmlers pederastic proclivities [were] captured on film by Nazi film maker Walter Frenze.

Igra, states that Hitlers chauffeur and one-time personal secretary, Emile Maurice, was a homosexual.

Moreover, even more interesting is this, Julius Streicher, the notorious Jew-baiter, was originally a school teacher, but was dismissed by the Nuremberg School Authorities, following numerous charges of pederasty brought against him.

Reinhard Heydrich, was homosexual.

Richard Grunberger tells of a party given by Nazi propagandist, Joseph Goebbels, which degenerated into a homosexual orgy.

A recent biography of Albert Speer by Gitta Sereny speaks of a homo-erotic relationship.

Hitlers personal bodygaurds were almost always 100 percent homosexuals.

The Nazi party was founded by homosexuals. The Bratwurstgloeckl, a tavern frequented by homosexual roughnecks, is where Rohm joined the handful of sexual deviants (and occultists).

It was no coincidence that homosexuals were among those who founded the Nazi Party. In fact, the party grew out of a number of groups in Germany which were centers of homosexual activity and activism.

Nietzsche was dubbed the Father of National Socialism.

Nietzsche is probably more deserving of this distinction, being so labeled by Nazi luminaries Dr. Alfred Rosenberg and Dr. Frank. Others have called him the Father of Fascism. Rabidly

anti-Christian and a homosexual, Nietzsche founded the God is dead movement and contributed to the development of existentialist philosophy.

Nietzsches publisher, Peter Gast, called Nietzsche one of the fiercest anti-Christians and atheists.

Nietzsche never married, and had no known female sex partners, but went insane at age 44 from syphilis and eventually died of it. According to Sigmund Freud

and Carl Jung, Nietzsche had caught the disease at a homosexual brothel in Genoa, Italy.

The extended-arm Seig Heil salute, for example, was a ritual of the Wandervoegel (Wandering Birds or Rovers), a male youth society that became the German equivalent of the Boy Scouts.

The Wandervoegel was started in the late 1800s by a group of homosexual teenagers. Its first adult leader, Karl Fischer, called himself der Fuehrer (the Leader).

Hans Blueher, a homosexual Nazi philosopher and important early member of the Wandervoegel, incited a sensation in 1912 with the publication of The German Wandervoegel Movement as an Erotic

Phenomenon, which told how the movement had become one in which young boys could be introduced into the homosexual lifestyle.

The Wandervoegel and other youth organizations were later merged into the Hitler Youth, which itself became known among the populace as the Homo Youth because of rampant homosexuality.

Sturmabteilung (Storm Troopers, the SA) were largely the creation of another homosexual, Gerhard Rossbach.

Rossbach, who historian Gruber says was a open homosexual, formed the Rossbachbund (Rossbach Brotherhood), a homosexual unit of the Freikorps (Free Corps).

Rossbach also formed a youth organization under the Rossbuchbund, calling it the SchilljugendSchill Youth).

Rossbachs staff assistant, Lieutenant Edmund Heines, a pederast and murderer, was put in charge of the Schilljugend.


All played on the same team...

Jews & Bull-Queers - Verses - The World

Working together to exterminate the Christian, Protestant, Puritan, Separatist...

Winston Churchill was a member of the Freemasons, and a member of the Loyal Waterloo Lodge of the National Independent Order of Odd Fellows.

"Freemasons" a Jew controlled organization...

"Order of Odd Fellows" = Bull-Queer, Pederast...

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Britain still rules the world

The global government was created in 1947.

A global government in which all countries are cooperating under one country's leadership. I think Britain still runs the show behind the curtain and the ultimate deception is that America was the new superpower. It is a proxy as well as Israel for two different parts of the world. I don't think it is the royals, but a rogue agency within Britain. Another deception is making it and other European countries in deplorable conditions by design and to look like as if being invaded by 'Muslims', the new boogeman and scapegoat.

I think the lie is that America replaced Britain and although Israel will replace America which will happen as part of the plan, there is a rogue power behind the curtain that pulls the strings of all this show and it is Britain, even if it is a rogue agency from within.

Britain created Israel and CIA in the same year of 1947, to act as two British proxies and fronts.

The creation of CIA made it easier for Britain to run America the way we see it today and at the same time to act as a proxy, a geopolitical, cultural, social front/facade in all details and not only the dirty operations.

The Roswell incident, which was also in 1947, pushed Britain to create a global government as fast as possible.

Roswell was a deliberate act by some inter-dimensional beings that customarily work with the most powerful government in the world each time a power change takes place. I think there are many evidences that they worked "with" Hitler, Napoleon (Google the chip found in his skull), ancient Egyptians.

The purpose of the Roswell incident was to threaten the Allies - that refused the proposed cooperation - that the entities will show themselves to the people and may even take a step further. A cooperation had to be implemented between the most powerful government on Earth and those super entities.

But, this time after WWII, Britain feared the same fate of Germany as the entities did not stand by Germany during the war, so instead of cooperating with these super entities as the clear government of Great Britain, MI6 devised a way in which a British-led global government will be formed from various world Intelligence agencies to act as both the government that will run the world behind the curtain and as the government that will cooperate with the super entities. Britain created CIA and Israel (Mossad) also in the same year of 1947 for this purpose.

This also refutes that America was the new superpower as Britain got America into the war as a proxy, and not for help. Britain wanted to introduce America to the world as the new superpower, while MI6 maintains the actual work of running the show behind the curtain as a rogue agency.

There are other main purposes behind the creation of the British global government other than being the shadow entity that would cooperate with the inter-dimensional beings as an official representative:

Britain has planned a long-term gradual comeback. Using proxies to not only destroy some rising and promising nations after WWII from within by installing puppet governments and control the others, but also destroying the proxies themselves. We can all feel the "planned" gradual decline of the US. The growing anti-Israel sentiments everywhere. So, as I said, the global government wants us to believe that America replaced Britain and that Israel will replace America (which will happen), then both will be destroyed as nations from within by design (the peoples will be the victims) by the British global government. Not to mention, Islam being used in this long-term plan. The global government wants everybody to see Islam the way that government wants it to be and not what it really is. Elimination of the concept of Jihad which the global government sees as potentially very detrimental to the world order in the future is one of many purposes behind the global government creation, besides it is a new way of blaming the destruction of Islamic nations on themselves. Today, we can see in both MSM and Alternate Media how Saudi Arabia is taking the blame and a hint at Israel too. Britain also wants to psychologically eliminate the stereotypical view of the public on the British way of ruling which had many deadly mistakes in almost all countries Britain set foot in. In the future and after a long-term social and psychological engineering Britain will come back and be looked at as friendly and as if a miracle had happened, but it has all been planned.

Japan and the global government:

All the recent Tsunamis and major earthquakes that happened and will be expected in Japan are artificially made by TPTB to destroy the country.

The reasons are that Japan is a very developed and hardworking country that reached all this success in such a short period of time and that there is a fear it would reach the peak of the greatest renaissance in modern history any time in the near future.

However, the main reason is that Japan is not on good terms as much as required with the world government that was formed by Britain in 1947 in which CIA and Israel were created as a Western and an Eastern proxy fronts for Britain which preferred to run the world behind the curtain this way for a long-term plan where most of its proxies will fall gradually by design from within and America can be made as an example of this outcome as many can realize its gradual collapse today by a certain remote power. This is to pave the way for Britain to come back in the open after eliminating the stereotypical view of the British arrogance known to the peoples and the countries they have set foot in, and after indirectly proving to the world that all major powers - that are actually under British (MI6) control - have failed to do any good to their own peoples and other countries.

Britain used 3 main deceptions among other ones, so ordinary people and even critical thinkers wouldn't suspect the thing. First, the British instructed America to enter WWII not for help but to introduce it later as the one and only coming major power whereas in fact America has been run only as a proxy for Britain since the day it entered the war, and even American military and technology is backed by Britain. Some of these technologies were stolen from Germany by only MI6 as other countries were not permitted to do this or even create its own technology without taking orders and instructions first from Britain. Second, MI6 wants everybody to see modern day Britain as no difference to any European country to some extent according to precise calculations and even worse. Some of the methods used for this king of programming is allowing huge numbers of Muslims and other nationalities in the country by design and in a manner that everything appears out of control to the Public, so nobody would be able to recognize the good old Britain. Third, MI6 has made sure through long-term planning, programming, Brainwashing, Hollywood and of course with the cooperation of its proxy agencies and countries that whoever one day would say that Britain is the one that really runs the world behind the curtain and nothing above it, would be the laughing stock everywhere in the world.

Japan is not that loyal to the world government although it is under the rule of the British global government. Japan does good things to its people that upsets Britain which has been pulling the strings behind the scenes since WWII and these good things are not part of the global assigned script.

The top reason that made the world government start these recent sly aggressive acts against Japan is that Japan wanted to expose the whole thing to the world someway gradually after the initial peaceful revolutions of 2011 that were made by the Peoples of the Middle East and inspired the whole world and they were not made by any other agency as contrary to the widespread alternate media propaganda. Japan wanted to prevent these great popular revolutions from turning into chaos by the British world government which has caused all the troubles and woes almost everybody suffer from to this day. Japan would have appeared like pre-WWII Germany which Britain also made sure to falsify the whole truth of Germany's good intentions and real greatness at the time and lie about almost everything to the Public in history books, all kinds of media and prints across the globe and even making the world believe that modern day Israel - created by Britain as part of the plan - is the one that lies, fabricates and even runs the show which is not the truth as Israel is one of the many proxies used by this world government for all the big destruction-from-within show, besides the Public would throw all and any accusations only at these proxies and not the real master behind the curtain.

TPTB (the British world government) created the Fukushima disaster to distract Japan and it worked well even initially and the series of punitive procedures are still underway against Japan for not being totally loyal like all the other countries. And as such, many artificial catastrophes and disasters to be expected in Japan.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

redpill rant: "Gay" is a psyop by women to shame men into being their worker slaves

I realized the whole "gay" thing is part of the slave conditioning psyop by women.. notice how they have most men afraid to express themselves or even speak coherently without possibly being tagged/mocked as some guy who likes dick in his a**? speaking clearly and dressing in clean clothes is now considered "Gay" to many, and as of a few decades ago men were also not allowed to grow their hair long or wear anything of color/style other than a "suit" uniform or work/slave clothes without being called "Gay" and outcast from society. Women have pretty much been running a sharia islamic law on men using headgames and figurative stones to beat men down into a powerless, incomplete-emotionless-human servant-class.

insanity. notice how women are given management jobs with big bux and yet you hardly see any female trash collectors or other ditch digging/ bullshit low-wage labor slave jobs?
Notice how hardly any women will ever admit such truth but will either pretend to not be aware of the obvious in your face reality or they will team up to fight for more privileges and power.. claiming women are disadvantaged? WTF?

Notice how many women will charge men $500 work-tokens (money) just to lay there for 20 minutes and again.. let him do all the work?Work tokens that guy probably had to do hours of labor on a railroad or skyrise or forcing other slave-men to do hours of labor and he extracting their wealth (women don't care how you got the work-tokens or if you actually worked for them yourself).

Why aren't women standing up and shaming these women prostitutes who rob men blind of all their labor and hard earned wealth? Do you really think having sex is harder for women than fo men and warrants the man having to pay her $500 work-tokens for?

Notice how.there are no women SJWs for the injustices towards men or that will openly admit that men have been in a slave-class position based on simple data of who collects the garbage/shovels the shit? Or even jist opening their eyes to simple observable reality and then admitting honestly to what they see? Hell no.. notice how they cake on even more black "eye liner" and "eye shadow" to cover up their basic sense organs that allow one to see things clearly?

blind slave driving bitches

R&D scientist #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Places were they had served human meat ...

Holiday Inn
Burger King

Products containing human meat

Gloria sausages
Bradwurst Sausages
Chef Boyardee
Oscar Mayer

Products Containing Cortisol

Worthington foods
Chef Boyardee

yes we got a problem every time the mafia or satanists wants to get rid of someone they dump him or her in the human food chain"

If your corn flakes smell like piss dont eat them .

[link to www.dailymail.co.uk]

if i post all the evidence i got all of you will be sick to death ' and its the tip of the iceberg ...

It's Flat #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The earth is not a sphere due to the Horizon-Line

The Horizon of a sphere is explained that it is the ground that begins to slope-downwards until you can't see no more.
[link to arachnoid.com]

The Horizon-line could never be seen with an upright eye-level, but always looking down because on a sphere the horizon is the ground that begins to slope-downwards until you can't see it no more.
[link to pad3.whstatic.com]

But that is not what we see.
[link to 7-themes.com]

The Horizon-line would never be seen at the middle of any photo but always at the bottom if the earth was round.

I realize that this new information is extremely shocking and will leave many in quiet dismay. Please do not panic, the authorities still care about your well-being.

I hope that this truth will not be deleted.

Seeing is believing...

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Are Black Lives Matter, radical feminists, and other communists crazy due to vaccines?

I have always thought the low level communists were crazy but this recent batch of young leftists are absolute lunatics. I am wondering if vaccines not only cause autism but perhaps they also cause people to go completely insane.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Trump is Illuminati

The elections have been rigged since JFK, why stop now.

Donald Trump will win the election.
Simpsons predicted Trump winning the election.
It's so obvious he is illuminati it isn't even funny.

Reincarnation is real
Dr Ian Stevenson did thousands of case studies on reincarnation

-Why has Donald Trump come into the race out of left field?

-Donald Trump shares blood-relations with Hilary Clinton. (Blood-ties run deep with the ruling elite all over the world and in history). (All the presidents share blood-relations with the royal families around the world).

-Takes approximately 1 year to reincarnate.
-Adolf Hitler committed suicide to speed up reincarnation process.
-Adolf Hitler died in 1945.
-Donald Trump was born in 1946.
-They both have blue eyes (iris).
-Both have unique hair and uncanny orator skills.
-Both came into power during economic turmoil.
-Trump kept book of Hitler's speeches at his bedside according to ex-wife.

-This does not mean he is the antichrist.

-Donald Trump speech at, Rochester, NH Town Hall, September 17, 2015 - Q:’How will you bring back the American Dream?’
A:”Look. We can bring the American Dream back. That I will tell you. We’re bringing it back. Okay? And I understand what you’re saying. And I get that from so many people. ‘Is the American Dream dead?’ They are asking me the question, ‘Is the American Dream dead?’ And the American Dream is in trouble. That I can tell you. Okay? It’s in trouble. But we’re going to get it back and do some real jobs. How about the man with that beautiful red hat? Stand up! Stand up! What a hat!’

-Red hat- Cult of Diodynsus- Liberty Cap- Phrygian Cap- Santa Clause Red Hat - santa anagram for satan.

-THEORY- America will gain more money prosperity similar to when Hitler was ruling, all funded by the Elite.
-Immigrants, Muslims, minorities will be the new targets instead of Jews for the FEMA camps, and WW3 will start.
It's already starting to work- Trump wants to build a wall, the public are already starting to listen. What they fail to understand is that Immigrants are people like you and me. The cards they have been dealt are terrible. The drug cartels, the beheadings by ISIS, the extreme poverty they come from, the prejudice, it was all set up by the people with the money.

-Who has the money? It isn't you or me, it especially isn't any of the immigrants. It's the Elite, the 3 Bloodlines, the people behind the shadows, smoking cigars on their multi-million dollar yachts.

-Yet we are going to ostracize our fellow brothers and sisters because they are taking jobs that pay peanuts. Or just because they were born in Turkey or Mexico or Ethiopia or Yemen ect... Yet we all continue to work/slave for slightly larger peanuts. I'm sick of peanuts and allergic to them.

It's time we stand up to the real enemy, which is easier said than done because well they already control everything. David vs. Goliath.

We can't stop him from winning the elite are too powerful.

The only thing I can think of is to talk to Trump. He needs an exorcism video on YouTube and I don't even know if that would work.

Secrets don't make friends yet bohemian grove and bildergroup and skull and bones and high level Mason's all meet in secret cause they are lame.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Do you want to understand what 911 really means? Why that date was chosen to sacrifice almost 3000 people?

We are shown the number 911 everywhere. Our "emergency" call number, in movies, on the web.

First you must understand a little about Chaldean or Jewish numerology. The number 1 means god, creator or lord. In truth though, we are referring to the False God or Creator, the Demiurge. They also consider the number 11 to equal 1 also. 11 is a master number and is not added together, but instead, 11 -> 1, not 2.

The number 9 in numerology means completion, death, finish, rebirth. It is the end of the cycle of life, the finish.

So, what did this sacrifice to the god called the Creator or Demiurge mean? It really means that 9 is finally moving to 11 or 1. So, it is the transition or completion.

It was a sacrifice to their god of Creation, the Demiurge that many know as their god. It is about the beginning of the end of a cycle of existence.

It was a sacrifice to their god to celebrate the ending of this aeon of time.

9 moving to 11 or 1.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Few doctors nowadays are willing to accept the idea that certain psychic disorders are caused by entities of the astral plane, which have penetrated human beings to feed off them and make them disintegrate. They believe that the problem simply stems from chemical elements that stop the psyche from functioning properly. It is true that chemical elements are at play, but these chemical elements are the result, the actualization of the presence of harmful spirits that human beings have themselves attracted. These entities proliferate in the astral world and if human beings open themselves up to them, through their weaknesses and their transgressions, these entities come in and cause a great deal of harm. These facts are very well described in all the holy Scriptures, which explains why initiates believe purity and exercises of purification to be of such importance. However, instead of reading these writings and understanding their profundity in order to then educate people accordingly, medicine looks for chemical products to camouflage the problems created by a disordered life. Why does it not see that by not treating the causes, it sinks people deeper into illness and misery?

LaVoy Was Murdered #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Earthquake....Ears Ringing? HAARP

Yesterday, I had 5 distinct "episodes" of ringing in my ears. They were sudden onsets and very high pitched. I knew something was about to happen.

NOW SINCE THIS IS A "CONSPIRACY" SITE...I'm going to tell you what I think is going on.

I think these earthquakes are being caused by HAARP. HAARP signals are known to cause ringing in the ears. HAARP is also known to cause earthquakes. One of the "signatures" of a "HAARP" earthquake is a shallow quake.

Both the Japan EQ and the Ecuador EQ were 10 km deep. Coincidence? NO!

The Japanese EQ and the Ecuador EQ were DIRECTLY Opposite from each other on the globe. Coincidence? NO!

If you don't know how HAARP causes EQ's then this video will explain it in very simple to understand terms. Start watching at 5:13....2 minutes worth of viewing will explain it all.

New Age Scam Artist #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The nature of Grey "aliens"

I'm writing this post because I thought it was important to help other people who have found themselves in a similar predicament as myself with these entities. I will say upfront that this post will contain a certain amount of speculation as I can't be 100 percent certain about an entity that hides its true nature so well. I'll start from the beginning of my personal breakthrough, and end with my hypothesis.

About 4 years ago I had a major health crisis. I was having intense chest pain. I had a full work up by my medical doctors. I was diagnosed with 2 types of heart disease. This was alarming because I was only 28 at the time. I knew heart disease ran in my family, but when I was told to get my affairs in order, I knew the doctors were being serious.

I'm omitting a few months of backstory at this point because it involves a family member. Unfortunately it's pretty important to what I'm saying so I'll say this : This family member ( who I suspect is into occult rituals and magic ) came back into my life shortly before I started having the horrible chest pain. When they found out I was told to get my affairs in order, they came to my house against my better judgement. They had been responsible for a lot of my early childhood trauma/abuse. So much in fact that entities would converse with me at age 11 while I was in bed trying to sleep. Every single night they would fill my head with horrible, disgusting thoughts about what I should do to this family member. I held them off as a child the best I could.

When this family member came back into my life, I started getting the communication back from these entities. They would show up every single night. They tap on my windows. When I was driving to do errands they'd show up in the sky. When I'd take walks at night to blow off steam they'd hide behind bushes and vanish out of the corner of my eye when I made them. They started messing with me while I was asleep. I'd wake up paralyzed, frightened, with what felt like a large guitar string up my rectum and urethra, being flossed. I could see them. They were devilish little things. Horrible black, soul-less eyes. Completely empty. Unfortunately, I have to end this segment of my testimony. I'll accept private messages, but I won't post anymore about this time period due to potential personal threat.

Skipping forward. Long story short, I was misdiagnosed. When I met with a cardiologist to talk about putting a splint in my heart, he went back and looked at the test results. There was a typo on the test results. I was both furious and relieved. I tried to get the name of the doctor who made the typo but the system covered up for him quite well. I knew who conducted the test because he was a former doctor I had seen, but I was more concerned about who interpreted the results and made the typo. Every time I asked who read the procedure I was told, " We don't know. "

This of course didn't stop any of my chest pain. X-ray after X-ray, CT after CT, with no results, I finally had an endoscopy. A large hiatal hernia was found. This made sense. Since the age of 11 ( the same age I was being tormented every night as a child ), I was regurgitationg almost everything I swallowed, from water, to food, to even my own saliva. If it went down my esophagus, it was sure to come back up. Quite a nasty problem.

I was told this was definitely the cause of the chest pain. Fine, now I knew. Surgery was an option that was recommended. To have the surgery I had to go through a series of esophagus motility tests to make sure my swallowing mechanism was up to par and could withstand the correction. I got the tests done. Horrible tests. Sticking tubes all the way through you nose to your throat and stomach, and making you swallow liquids. That was the manometry test. For me, it felt like torture. Then there was the acid pH test. It was similar, except I had to keep two sets of tubes running up my nose through my stomach for 24 hrs. Hellish.

After getting the tests done, I decided to hold off on surgery because I thought I could live with the pain, especially since I knew it wasn't heart related any longer. And regurgitating everything I swallowed was so much a part of my life it seemed normal. One day I was looking in the mirror and saw two little red marks near my xiphoid process. They weren't capillary bursts, but they looked similar. What got me was the location. This was where my diaphragm was torn allowing my stomach to enter my chest cavity. I started to wonder how long I had these marks. It didn't feel like just a mere coincidence.

Then my breathing went. Granted, I've had asthma my whole life, but this was different. I couldn't get a satisfying breath past my throat/trachea. I started regurgitating acid into my airway while I was sleeping. This acid about scarred my airway. Years later and I still can't get a satisfying breath due to the inflammation cause by the acid. Here comes the wild card. I awoke one night coughing my lungs out because of regurgitated acid in my airway once again. When I burst upright, a large scaly claw pushed my head back down onto the pillow. I was paralyzed again. What the hell was going on I was thinking to myself. It held my head down, grunted, then looked me in the eye. Its eyes were similar to those of a reptile or cat. My horror almost instantaneously turned into peacefulness. I felt compassion from this creature. It put its other claw on my chest and pressed down. After that, it took my hand and placed it on its claw. It appeared that it was friendly. It was definitely reptilian of some sort. It was so big, it had to of been 7 or 8 feet tall. Such a horrible looking creature, but it gave off this aura of protectiveness and pure love.

The next morning when I awoke, I was amazed. This had to be a dream. Reptilians in the UFOlogy literature are typically aggressive and not in anyway compassionate. It just had to be in my head. A reptilian trying to make friends with me in the middle of the night. What freaking sense did that make? Then I looked in the mirror. My entire chest and abdomen was bruised. I probably had 100s of tiny little bruises in perfect circular shaped all over me. My wife's jaw dropped. This didn't make any damn sense. I wish I would of taken a photograph, it was so unbelievable. Even more unbelievable, I could take a deep breath. What the hell happened? I'm still skeptical about this creature, and I'm looking more into it.

My ability to take deep breaths eventually tapered off so I was back at square one again. I decided to have the damn surgery because all my doctors at that point were saying that if I didn't have the surgery I was putting my life at risk. I could permanently destroy my airway with acid and my Barret's could turn into cancer, and that's a cancer that will kill you really quick. I had the surgery. It got rid of the regurgitation and rephlux, but hasn't done much to improve my breathing to this day. It's possible that when my stomach tore through my diaphragm that it compromised the diaphragm enough to not fully expand anymore. Add that on top of airway acidic damage and asthma, I might not every breath normally ever again. Now I'm coughing up black speckled phlegm everyday ( which I've been meaning to make a post about also for inquiry ), but no doctor will help me with that. I've asked for bronchoscopies, but I'm always met with opposition like I'm crazy and it's all in my head.

Now that you know a little about me, I'll get onto the meat of the issue, the greys. I originally thought they were extraterrestrial, like many people still do. These little devils are liars. And when they enter your life, it's an abusive, one sided relationship. They telepathically communicate so it's hard to know what your conscious is saying when it's mixed with theirs. They like to make those of us they torment believe they're doing it for our own good. They groom us. They tell us we're special, and that we're loved, and that we should be grateful for them in our lives because they protect us.

But when you see them in the flesh ( and I'll get more into that ), they have no emotional connection. They stand there like puppets ( because they are ), and their eyes are lifeless ( because they are ). The sense of dread a person experiences when in their presence is incredible. I'm not the only one to describe this. Whitley Strieber has done a wonderful job of describing the dread he felt when they entered his life. I'm not sure exactly where he stands now, but his books and descriptions of the encounters themselves are spot on. They're terrifying little monsters.

This post is already getting way too long. My theory is that the greys aren't aliens at all. I've described them on this forum before as demons. Some people don't like that word because it makes them think of religion. Choose your own word. Egregore. Archon. Golem. Spirit. Interdimensional f***heads. Whatever! They aren't extraterrestrial. They hide on the Earth in different spectrum, maybe even between dimensions. Their nature suggests they have more in common with ghosts/poltergeists than they do any kind of alien from outer space. They enter into the lives of people who have suffered abuse ( mental, emotional, sexual ) and feed off the trauma, providing even more of it. They have more to do with ritual magic than they do technology. When you see them in the sky, they look like bright pulses of light. They don't have physical nuts/bolts craft. It's energetic, light-like.

And their bodies. Their bodies are horrible. They've been harvesting cattle ( and even humans ) for soft tissues to construct their puppet bodies. When people say they smell like death, not only are they not kidding, but they're spot on! Their bodies are patched together from mutilated animals. They're not checking out the beef, they're making themselves puppets so they can interact us with on the physical plane. When you consider all this, they sound a lot like damn demons. Whether they're some type of synthetic creature, ai, spiritual manifestation, they sure as hell aren't extraterrestrials! Old folklore literature describes the same entities, they're just called different things. They get called fairies a lot. They've been around for a long time.

I'll end the post now. It's too long as is. I'm sorry for the long winded personal story. I just wanted to be able to relate personally some of the things I've gone through to get to where I am now.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I have discovered something new about chemtrails. Ground based.

So I'm driving west toward Dayton the other day and I'm watching them chemtrail the tits outta Columbus. It was apalling. It was less 'chemtrail' and more 'fuck you humans' by the look of it. One of the planes spraying was flying west was low, like it was on approach. All of a sudden one of those black lines appears directly in front of it and behind it. Within seconds the straight chemical trail behind the plane turned into wispy, uniform curly Q's and another minute or so later dissapated evenly into a cloud. It all happened really fast. As the plane continued its descent, it stopped spraying. The second he stopped spraying that black line disappeared. Like on/off gone. Both the plane and the source of the line were in the general direction of Wright-Patterson.

As for the black line I have read that its an IR laser used to excite whatever they're spraying in order to get it to dissapate more rapidly and evenly. If this were true, a ground based laser could be the culprit. Whatever it was, only a blind fool would/could think it were anything natural.

I may be way off base (no pun intended) but those pieces suddenly fit in a way that makes sense. If you're within a few hundred miles of Dayton and happen to see this happen again, please watch and wait until the black line goes away. It doesn't stay on long and when it goes out, it does so in a blink.

It may be a week or so before I get another chance to observe from here as it is slated to rain in Ohio for another week...after that last run of ludicrous spraying we may not see the sky again for a while.

(Hey shills, we all know what you're gonna say so unless your paycheck depends on it, please give the thinking humans with functioning eyes and brains a break. If you're AI, my condolences on having no free will. Insult away according to your programming).

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Few know of our feline-humanoid alien allies. The Cat people are a race that strikes fear into all of our enemies from the malevolent alien races. In particular the reptilian races are scared to death of them. Ever watch a house cat kill a snake like it was a game? They win 99 out of 100 times. Thats what the feline-humanoids can do to the Reptoids in physical combat, although they are highly spiritual beings. Their reflexes are uncanny, yet they are not known to be a highly populous or prodigous race among those in the galaxy, thus the diminishment in knowledge of their abilities.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Are White People Trying To Poison Majority Black Cities With Lead In The Water?

I would think so but America has neglected it's infrastructure for so long that I'm sure majority White areas are being poisoned with corroded pipes too but it's not making the news.

I think some whites in high places would LOVE the idea of poisoning Blacks but the fact is that by defunding the EPA,FDA and other industries is just the wealthy not wanting to pay taxes.


Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Here is the truth about chemtrailing. What it is and why. It's awe inspiring and sickening.

First off I won't tell you how I know. Just read the explanation before calling me a fake or role player. Some of you have probably guessed their purpose or at least part of it already.

Remember not too many years ago we always heard about holes in the ozone layer? Then the talk just stopped?

Right about the time chemtrails came on the scene maybe? No coincidence.

Chemtrailing is to rebuild the ozone layer. At first it was only over major cities where the holes in the ozone were most prevalent now it is done basically everywhere. Yes they can cause cancer. I'll get back to that in a minute.

America designed the chemicals and was first to use them. It was a success. We actually pulled it off. That is why you rarely hear of holes in the ozone anymore. We repaired them. Awesome right? Yes it is but there's more.

The reason for the holes is not man made or natural. Both sides arguing that argument are well, dumb. It's a natural occurrence not being helped by man. Specifically the large cities. It's both but it is occurring naturally, more so now than ever. That is why the chemtrailing is so wide spread but man is not off the hook. The large cities would be deserted by now and millions dead if not for intervention of the Chemtrails.

The atmosphere is thinning as well as the magnetosphere. It seems to be a naturally occurring cycle but to allow it would cost billions of lives.

Yes they can cause cancer. I won't bullshit you. They keep refining the chemical compounds to cause less and less cancer but it is what it is. You are considered collateral damage if you developed cancer from Chemtrails. An acceptable but unfortunate side effect.

It is why the big push to cure cancer. So we can use ever more chemicals and radiation to repair the earth and hold off catastrophe. They have even started adding things to the chemtrails to fight off the cancer. Or rather to help you not get lethal doses of the metals used to repair the atmosphere.

Big pharma is holding the cheap cancer cures hostage and unfortunately unless a world wide outbreak happens they will milk the cancer game for as long as possible but have the cheap cures ready if survival of the race becomes priority.

We have learned how to selectively mutate using toxic radiations. That's the big secret. The curing of cancer is the final fig leaf to revealing it and using it openly for mankind.

That's it. Pretty simple stuff really. Simple to understand anyways.

Oh and the super secret how could I forget? We have had occurrences happen in space that should have wiped us out or at least wounded us severely.

We don't know what stopped these acts from happening. They just didn't harm us. No explanation. Even stranger some happened but no damage was done. Like being shot in the chest at point blank range and looking down to see no wound. A miracle. But a smoking gun and bullet missing from the chamber.

There it is that's the big secret. Also cern is doing a similar preventive function. Keeping the poles from reversing.

So the bastardS at the top are simultaneously saving the planet and poisoning it and profiting from it all at the same time. That's the truth and the way they use this situation to rationalize everything they do is the sickest thing I have ever seen. But credit where credit is do. They are ultimately saving the human race.

TriggerFish #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

A Theory of Fukushima - HAARP Technology Caused the Nuclear Disaster?

I just found this profoundly interesting and disturbing theory (very different from the alt media's first take) They were trying to reduce the dramatic increase in air ionization levels over Japan. It was caused by plant overstress and venting during uranium/plutonium production in 2010.

A massive cargo of plutonium was exported to Japan's Fukushima reactors for processing in 2010 -2011

A problem developed where the reactors had three times more after heat and steam than normal.

Reactors were opened and they started blowing air into the atmosphere.

The release of air caused the ionization levels above Japan to skyrocket.

NATO and the IEA freaked out about the rising ionization levels.

First they tried to push the ionization down with geoengineering chemicals so the nitrogenshere would not explode. That failed.

Then HAARP was tried to reduce the ionization levels above Japan's nuclear reactors.

HAARP ran for 2.5 days according to Russian and Chinese sources.

The ionization cloud acted as a lighting rod grounding all the HAARP energy into the soil.

The powerful energy reached the rock infrastructure below the Pacific & Fukushima; The crystal structure in the ground started to vibrate.

Immense rock bed became unstable. The tectonic boundary under Japan started to move.

The HAARP hammer effect triggered the earthquake and resulting tsunami.

[link to presscore.ca]

HAARP Magnetometer data shows Japan earthquake was induced.

The United States Air Force and Navy has provided a visual insight into what caused the 9.0 magnitude off of Japan on March 11, 2011 at 05:46:23 UTC. The image above was downloaded from the High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) website. It is a time-frequency spectrogram, which shows the frequency content of signals recorded by the HAARP Induction Magnetometer. This instrument, provided by the University of Tokyo, measures temporal variations in the geomagnetic field (Earth’s magnetosphere) in the ULF (ultra-low frequency) range of 0-5 Hz. Notions have been added to the image to show you what was happening the day the Japan earthquake and tsunami struck.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Earth's Core Is Being Intentionally Destabilized

I debated on whether to give this warning or not. There isn't much that can be done unless you have the means to get off the planet.

Earlier this month, visitors came and started pulsing energy into the Earth's core directly through the celestial south pole. At the time it was not known what the intention was of this action.

However it has recently been proven that the pulsed energy beams are destabilizing the Earth's core. It is superheating the core and also causing the core to vibrate and deform. This in turn is starting to cause earthquakes.

The earthquakes are predicted to increase in frequency and intensity over the next few months.

All attempts to combat this visitor force or negate the effects of their energy beams has failed to date.

Anonymous Coward #crackpot #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


The moon is hollow.

Only one side faces earth, hiding the cities and engines on the other side.

We are not allowed to go there, but TPTB and their secret societies have full access.

The Earth was terraformed. This is why Expanding Earth theory is forbidden knowledge.

This theme was revealed in a movie called "Battle for Terra". A heavily suppressed movie depicting the true origins of man.

NTT #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Drink your pee and defeat them! It's your perfect vaccine against all their efforts to make you sick!!!

When you were in utero you drank your pee to survive, that is what amniotic fluid is. They vaccinate you to erase the natural immunity you gained while you were growing inside mamas belly. That is why they "un" vaccinate you as an infant.

Revelator Stargate #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Real Mayan Calendar End Date (May 20th, 2016)

The Mayan Calendar is off by 3 1/2 years and I can clearly show you how and why. My theory is very solid. It appears the true Mayan Long Count End Date comes to a cycle conclusion on May 20th, 2016 (Gregorian calendar).

If my theory is valid, then we only might have 5 months left until all hell breaks lose and a new beginning happens.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


Yes it's very true and Britney Spears is unaware of this!

Every single one of her VERY MANY Las Vegas shows fund the illuminati A LOT!

Never ever go to a single one of her Las Vegas shows, trust me if she knew this she would not want anyone to show up if she was FORCED to perform, but i'm sure she would just completely refuse to do another single Las Vegas show, and then the illuminati would fake ANOTHER BRITNEY SPEARS MENTAL BREAKDOWN AGAIN LIKE THEY DID IN 2007-2008!!

It's VERY suspicious that Britney Spears was not put on tour for her 8th album like a normal celebrity would very normally do, and put into those numerous Las Vegas shows instead!!!

The illuminati faked Britney Spears 2007-2008 meltdown by sending out reptilians who took on crappy forms of Britney Spears and had them act crazy in public to frame Britney Spears for being crazy!!!

It was not Britney Spears who attacked the van with the umbrella IT WAS A REPTILIAN WHO TOOK ON BRITNEY SPEARS FORM AND ATTACKED THE VAN WITH THE UMBRELLA! all to frame Britney Spears for being crazy!!!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Quantum Physics is a hoax!

"Rational mechanics must be the science of the motions which result from any forces, and of the forces which are required for any motions, accurately propounded and demonstrated." -- Sir Isaac Newton

These Illuminati agents are using junk science to cover up the fact that God's orderly universe functions perfectly! In the 1600s, the venerable Sir Isaac Newton explained much of how the universe works, and other Real Scientists expanded on his work to give us Classical (or "Correct") Physics.

[link to en.wikipedia.org (secure)]

Albert Einstein -- a venerable man in his own right -- accidentally unleashed this would-be science with General and Special Relativity. These mathematically sound theories do not actually describe the real world, but Einstein didn't know this. The Illuminati -- who desperately wanted to disprove the unapproachable work of Isaac Newton -- ultimately provided Einstein with fake evidence during the famous 1919 eclipse. From there, their shills were able to take over the field and claim that God's orderly universe was a lie. As a good man and not a shill, Einstein objected to this, proclaiming firmly, "God does not play dice!" However, he didn't know about the 1919 conspiracy, so he just assumed that he'd made a math error somewhere. He spent the rest of his life trying to fix his brilliant -- yet completely wrong -- theories.

[link to en.wikipedia.org (secure)]

Despite these facts, we keep hearing more and more about the infallibility of these theories -- this field -- which makes no sense! As most of you, I'm sure, the people who make these claims are shills. There, I said it. Now, I have no doubt that there will be shills like Dr. Shillstro who will come into this thread saying, "It's all been explained, you religitard! The virtual particles explain it all!" or some other obscurantist garble. Quantum shills like to obscure the truth and say, "It's too complicated." or "You're being religious." All opposition to the nonsensical superpositional nature of particles is "religious." Well, I suppose that Reason itself is religious, then.

If you want true science, the truth is that there are forces in this universe which from God's sovereignty. Newton explored the Force of Gravity, while other true scientists uncovered other forces like electricity and magnetism. The technological benefits in today's world all come from Classical Physics. Now, you have the hoax "quantum computers" and and a bunch of other garble like that. These devices are all fake. They're using cleverly obscured Classical Physics to fool you! Don't be taken in by such Illuminist lies.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Donald Trump is a long time illuminati member.

His position as to date has been totally scripted. His acting role is the "anti-establishment businessman who can make america great again".

As you know the illuminati is deep into the occult. Maybe you've seen the "Illuminati card game"

Study the cards, you will see one that has good resembalance to trump.

The plan is to basically throw Trump in, make him say all the right things, have the public like him. (You see his poll results 1st overall) Whilst also having the media attack him, giving him the image of "anti establishment".
This will further the delusion.

You've seen it since the first debate where they basically made the entire show about Trump. Now by constantly attacking him he has been given more airtime than any other contender and has basically become the "star" of the entire political race.

Now the next stage of the "play". Will to be to "steal" the nomination from Trump.
Basically what we will witness is Trump losing at the convention to some establishment pick. Perhaps Ted Cruz, Kasich or another.

This will create mass hysteria, when the public realize they never really had any choice in choosing their president.

The nomination (and even eventual presidency) is chosen behind closed doors by large corporation owners.

Trumps loss will then incite riots, starting small but will grow to have 10's of thousands participating.

The plan is to create an all out remake of the civil war.

With white Trump Supporters pinned against Blacks and the BLM groups, Hispanics, Muslims, refugees and liberals, "anti business", "anti white supremacy" groups.

After causing much damage, fighting, more cities basically turned to third world status, Obama will swipe in as the saviour to declare Marital Law to regain control of the country and implement the "Rule of Law".

This will suspend elections, and implement a new level to the police state, with imposed curfews and many other new laws and restrictions for regular citizens. Surveillance will be ramped up in a major way, with all major roadways and streets being fully monitored via cameras, and with advanced facial recognition technology.

Military and police will work together to take care of any rioters or people who question or protest the new police state.

The endgame is to eventually for the elite to escape down to their bunkers, which have been and are continually being built for the ultra rich. Then a total destruction will devastate the planet, a world bombing on a mass scale the world has never witnessed to kill 95-99% of the total world population.

In a few years the elite and their children will emerge from the bunkers and build the New World.

They believe they will have everything they need to rebuild. They will have massive underground seedbanks, plantations and robotics and expect to emerge and replant the world and refill the world with trees and plants.

They will then, with a massively reduced world population, enjoy everything the world has to offer with only a small percentage of the world they have to share it with.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Trump is an INSIDER and a PEDOPHILE like all the other NWO puppets

Look at how much of an "outsider" trump is, he uses pedophile pimp Jeffrey Epstein just like Kissinger, Clinton, Rockefeller, Blair and all the other insider NWO puppets

Trump is such an "outsider" that the establishment "hates" so much they let him use the same pedophile pimp to the elite and let him hang out at the same parties where they have sex with underage girls

When you all gonna realize elections are a rigged joke?????

Vote for Clinton you get the CFR
Vote for Trump you get the CFR

"In 2010, Epstein pled the Fifth when asked by a lawyer representing one of Epstein's victims about his relationship with Trump:

Q: Have you ever had a personal relationship with Donald Trump?
A. What do you mean by "personal relationship," sir?
Q. Have you socialized with him?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Yes?
A. Yes, sir.
Q. Have you ever socialized with Donald Trump in the presence of females under the age of 18?
A: Though I'd like to answer that question, at least today I'm going to have to assert my Fifth, Sixth, and 14th Amendment rights, sir."

[link to news.vice.com (secure)]

"During its investigation, the FBI obtained a copy of Epstein's private 194-page phone book. Lawyers for one of Epstein's victims told VICE News it was stolen by a household employee sometime around 2004.

A copy we obtained includes investigators' margin notes pointing to key witnesses against Epstein as well as handwritten notes identifying dozens of then-underage girls, as well as their phone numbers.

Among people listed in the phone book were well-known political figures such as Prince Bandar of Saudi Arabia, Tony Blair, former Utah governor and Republican presidential candidate Jon Huntsman, Senator Edward Kennedy, and Henry Kissinger. Also listed were major political contributors like David Koch and Pepe Fanjul.

All those names were listed alphabetically at the front of Epstein's telephone book, along with the names of Trump's former wife, Ivana, his daughter Ivanka, and his brother, Robert.

Epstein created a number of other odd categories, including one called "Jeffrey." There were dozens of names in the Jeffrey category, including Ehud Barak, Alan Dershowitz, then–Senator John Kerry, former senator and lobbyist George Mitchell, powerhouse DC lobbyist Thomas Quinn, and David Rockefeller.

Trump was also listed in this section. Under his name were 14 phone numbers, including emergency numbers, car numbers, and numbers to Trump's security guard and houseman."



And just like insider and former puppet president Bill Clinton, Trump uses the same pimp to the elite for all his underage girl fucking.

Not only would Trump fuck his own daughter, but he'll pay to fuck someone else's underage daughter too.

Nothing says "I am an outsider" like be a regular customer of Jeffrey Epstein!!!

Trump is an "inside-her" just like Billy Clinton, David Rockefeller, The Koch Bros, Tony Blair, henry Kissinger, John Kerry, Prince Bandar, Thomas Quinn

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

vegans are closer to God - why meat eaters (the ungodly) see them as pompous

- being higher up on the sidereal food chain, having chosen to align with energy renewal that is more directly connected with God's source
- their DNA vibrating at a higher, lighter frequency - easily integrating the simple light geometry of fruits and vegetables directly into their open pineal glands and kundalini channels
- free of the common crisis found running rampant in the cellular reproduction attempts of the man who continues to consume the dead flesh and blood of once walking and speaking beings. free of demons.
- free of chronic gastrointestinal inflammation caused from the acidic condition of rotting flesh in the intestines, and free from having to pass uric acid, lactate, lesion-prone, hormone loaded, rotting "meat" (whatever the fuck "meat" is these days) through their asshole on a daily basis.

.. would likely be seen as "pompous" to an angry, bacon-eating asshole. The vegan seems condescending to the asshole, because technically the vegan is condescending and lives in a higher dimension of existence. It is not a negative thing to the vegan, the vegan would likely welcome the asshole in for a bean pie, whereas the asshole would just spew at the vegan for being skinny or gay. The Breatharian would seem condescending to the vegan if the vegan still had negative ego projections (more of a meat-existence program), but it's all good to the vegan if one wants to just live on air. Of course the herniated bacon eating asshole just wants to tell the vegan and breatharian to fuck off from their lower state and condition of being.

There is no problem as far as I am concerned. Things all just going along according to where people are at in life. Breatharians, vegans, and bacon-eating assholes all just getting along, singing campfire songs and passing on the all-beef hot dogs or vegan marshmallow smore's.

Great White Prepper #fundie godlikeproductions.com

It is heard time and time again that logic and reason are the foundations of an humanistic world view. By that same reasoning, creation is the logical and reasonable choice.

Let's examine.

These are the 2 choices most agreed upon.

1) Everything is a the product of chance where nothing created everything randomly. Our own existence is a "miracle" and unexplainable by modern scientific analysis. The only rules that exist are the laws of space, time and physics. Moral accountability is subjective and unfounded, thus anything goes. This path eventually leads to permanent destruction for everything in a world where nothing really matters in the first place.

2) The universe as observed by us, was created by a superior inter-dimensional being that has laid out rules for mankind which are to guide us to an absolute good and away from an absolute evil. This creates a system for accountability, spiritual growth and a life where all can Love. The same creator promises to destroy evil once and for all. Destroying this fallen world that was used to be an example to those that would rebel against these absolute rules for life. The promise of eternal life and happiness is present.

To summarize,

Choice 1 is a life of no importance/meaning, no good/evil, no life beyond death.

Choice 2 is a life of extreme importance/meaning, a life guided by absolute Love, and the hope of resurrection and eternal happiness.

Logic would dictate that the 2nd choice yields the best example for life and the hope to see wickedness destroyed and an eternal paradise.

We will examine the reasons why this logic cannot be accepted by secularists and then delve into which world view specifically is the correct choice.
There can only be one correct view after all. It is only logical.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy #fundie #sexist #wingnut godlikeproductions.com

Feminism is being used by the NWO/CIA/Pentagon/etc. as a military psychological weapon to control society

feminism as a military psychological weapon to control society

[link to famguardian.org]

feminism as a military psychological weapon to control society

Message To All so-called Patriot Americans: You Can't Handle The Truth

1. Current US child support laws were actually invented in the former communist Soviet Union.

2. Current child support laws are communist infiltrations into the united states of America.

feminism as a military psychological weapon to control society

Amerika the 4th Reich:


First thing communist countries do is put the women to work to take over the family unit. Increasing the workforce decreases wages - Economy101 - basic simple concepts of supply and demand. Women in the workforce doubled the workforce which decreased wages - (which was deceptively hidden thru deflation/the devaluing of the dollar).

(example: Let's say I own a factory. I have 500 employees knocking on my door everyday looking for work; I can then decrease wages and say, "If you don't like it there's the door. I have 500 ppl knocking on my door everyday looking for work." On the other hand, if I cannot find enough ppl to work in my factory, I would have to increase wages (if I can still make a profit.)
Read again from top now and Continue)...

That is why in the 1950's, the avg. American family lived fine on one income but today the avg. American family needs two incomes just to get by. Women in the workforce; feminism, just created more Taxpaying Slaves for The State resulting in the enslavement of the average American family unit.

Feminists are being used ... they have complained about power control freak men, husbands ... only to have it replaced by a Power-Control-Freak Totalitarian Police STATE. Create a (so-called) problem just to justify the excuse for more power to solve it is the oldest Dictator ploy in the book.

Either Fathers own their children or the STATE OWNS the children. Law of the Jungle; women look for the best Provider -- when the best Provider becomes the STATE (i.e. the Welfare State), she then marries (into) the STATE and now the STATE OWNS her children.

"Who owns the youth owns the future!" - Adolf Hitler ... thus the US Dept. of (in)Human(e) Services; Division of Family Destruction. Either the man/husband/father is the Head of His Household ... or the STATE is the HEAD of your Household! Attack the Family Unit = weaken society ... thus more STATE CONTROL. Cut the Head (man of the household) out - thus more STATE CONTROL = own the children thus more STATE CONTROL - breed ignorant society thus more STATE CONTROL.

Feminism = weaker men; weaker men = LESS RESISTANCE thus more STATE CONTROL.
Patriarchy = Men own their wives ... it's called a family unit ... it's called morality.

Feminism/matriarchy = everyone having sex with each others' women while still remaining "friends" like a bunch of ANIMALS! Feminism/matriarchy = village = socialism = tribalism = lowest form of civilization = NO SURPLUS = Deficit = Slavery.

Patriarchy = family unit = efficiency = prosperity = Individual Rights = opposite of socialism = Surplus = free time for great works/inventions ... i.e. immigrants who come here and prosper come from patriarchal family structures because Patriarchy = family unit = efficiency.

Name me one time when Government Sponsored Propaganda was not Totalitarian in Nature. Feminism is Government Sponsored Propaganda - to weaken society; weaken the family unit; weaken it's men ... for more STATE CONTROL.

Multiculturalism = everyone different (immigrants not "Americanized") = NO UNITY amongst society = Divide & Conquer/LESS RESISTANCE thus more STATE CONTROL.
Homosexuality + abortion = population control.

Population control techniques deployed at Americans + allowing more illegal immigrants into the country = higher % (of society) of a working slave force - cheap labor.

Racial Eugenics in AmeriKa:
The #1 Group to benefit from Affirmative Action are white women (thus) they are using mathematics to keep a large percentage of minority men DOWN
"He who rules mathematics rules the Universe"
This is the mathematics of racial eugenics.
This is the mathematics of the New World Order.

AmeriKa Today has 1/3 of the entire world's prison population and 78% of Amerikan prisoners are black men, and that is not even counting latino men.
If these black men were all let out of jail, there would not be enough jobs for them all.

The Shadow Government who is truly in Control of AmeriKa, wants and needs all these minority males in jail so that they can give half the good jobs to white women.

I am going to expose this evil to Non-White AmerIka. I am not against white people, I am against the evils of feminism, I am against having all these minority males living horrific lives in jail at the expense of the AmeriKan Feminist WHITE WOMAN.

Even after DNA proves that he is NOT the biological Father, Judges in the US still force thousands of men to pay child support even with the DNA evidence in front of them !!!

Thousands of men in California ALONE are being forced to pay child support AFTER DNA Proves that He is NOT the Biological father:
[link to www.abcnews.go.com]

Not even Saddam Hussein would force a man to pay child support for a child that is NOT his !!!
Feminism is a Weapon of Mass Destruction

"First You Get the Women, Then You've Got the Children, So Follow the Men" -Adolph Hitler

"The `perennial' father is a menace to society and must be treated as such. Like the mental defectives and those afflicted with certain hereditary diseases, he should, after due warning, be rendered incapable of further parentage." -W.J. Ruth. "Population Control For Unemployment." Birth Control Review, Volume XVII, Number 5 (May 1933), page 134.

In the Book of Genesis, when Satan attacked Adam and Eve, he attacked through the weaker vessel: the woman. Just like The STATE is doing today, attacking us through feminism, through the 'woman'. Falsely "empower" the woman for her to make the wrong choices that way to weaken the man to control him. This is how evil attacks man, who was made in the image of God.

In the Book of Exodus, Pharaoh of Egypt decided to kill all the male Israelite infants to weaken the Israelites militarily. This is nothing new. Think about it ! ! !

Statism is Antichrist plain and simple. God should be the King and Head of an individual man, and the man/husband should be the head of his household, not the Anti-Christ STATE.

In this last century alone, governments around the world have killed over 500 million people of their own people. All this government sponsored propaganda about Domestic Violence is just a smoke screen to divert attention from the real abuse: Government Abuse Against It's Own People. This is the real Domestic Violence.

The Bible depicted governments as Beasts; in Daniel and Revelations. Look at old Nazi film; their Armies marching like ants mimicking the Animal Kingdom and therefore subhuman. Individual Freemen become just another cog in the Wheel of the Predator Beast State which becomes the Alpha Male which today IT is doing this through the propaganda of feminism. By feminizing society and thus emasculating it's males for more State Control.

"To disobey tyranny is to obey God." - Thomas Jefferson

Paying child support kills children by Funding/Subsidizing the #1 KILLER of children: single-mother-households:
Children from single-mother households, compared to children of two-parent families where the biological father is present, are more likely to go to prison by 20 times, to commit suicide by 5 times, to have behavioral problems by 20 times, to become rapists by 14 times, to run away by 32 times, to abuse chemical substances by 10 times, to drop out of high school by 9 times, to be seriously abused by 33 times, to be fatally abused by 73 times, to be one tenth as likely to get A's in school, and to [per Lenore Weitzman] have a 72% lower standard of living.

"This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember it or overthrow it." - Abraham Lincoln, First Inaugural Address, March 4, 1861 (1809-1865)

Question to America:

America used to be free. Not anymore. America has turned into Amerika.

Question to America:
1. I steal your car.
2. You take me to Court and the Judge 'gives' me custody of your car.
3. On top of that, the Judge now says you must keep paying the monthly payments, insurance, and overall maintenance of the car.
If you refuse to 'pay', you are labeled/vilified into a lowlife scumbag dirt bag criminal and thrown in jail surrounded by violent criminals.
And to make matters even worse, the government pays/sponsors for a massive government Nazi-like propaganda campaign, brainwashing society, convincing them that if you don't accept/pay for this, with a smile on your face no doubt, that you are than a scumbag dirt bag lowlife 'deadbeat' who belongs in jail surrounded by murderers, rapists, child molesters, etc.

Question to America:
What exactly happened here?
Explain to me what happened here, because this is exactly what they are doing to American Fathers.

If the British had this current System some 200 yrs. ago the American Revolution would have never happened. Benjamin Franklin had like 13 bastard children, he would have ended up in jail as a 'deadbeat' dad.
The rest of our Founding Fathers would have been forced to 'attend' Anger Management Courses.

This US Media Propaganda Machine would have called the Protestors of the Boston Tea Party a bunch of 'nuts' and/or anarchists.

Feminism is a military psychological weapon to feminize/emasculate society for more State Control by weakening the State's Main Competitor: Men

The US Federal Government is the Biggest Deadbeat: $5.7 TRILLION on the National Debt - (financial-future of 'our children').

The STATE Kidnaps children from their Fathers than demand ransom/extortion deceptively called 'child support.'

Maxim of law: The children that belong to the mother are those of slaves and animals. But the children that belong to the Father are those of Freemen.

That is why the Slave Masters used to separate the black slave Father from the black slave mother and child to weaken them to better control them. Divide & Conquer: this is nothing new.
And now they are doing it to men today in Amerika: 2008

Even after DNA proves that he is NOT the biological Father, thousands of men in America are still FORCED to pay this ransom/extortion deceptively called child support even with DNA EVIDENCE PROVING he is NOT the Father:
[link to www.abcnews.go.com]

Why aren't former Enron Execs forced to pay child support to all the familes who lost their money?
Why should Corporations have more rights then Individuals?
The Constitution spoke of Rights of the Individual (not of the rights of Corporations)

Women today can dump their babies off in garbage dumpsters and go to jail, but when they get out of jail (they are than not forced to pay child support)

Women today can dump their babies off in Police Stations and Hospitals and not be prosecuted for it (a new law now) And these women are not forced to pay child support...

Women can also give up their baby to adoption (orphanages)... and not be forced to pay child support. Women can dump THEIR responsibilities...

Why can't men ?

Society today promotes, advocates, and supports homosexuality while at the same time promote, advocate, and fully support destroying heterosexual males with alimony and child support... this is SATANIC !!!

"Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground. They want rain without thunder and lightning. They want the ocean without the awful roar of its waters. This struggle may be a moral one; or it may be a physical one; or it may be both moral and physical; but it must be a struggle! Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did, and it never will. Find out just what people will submit to, and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them; and these will continue until they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress." - Thomas Paine

All Praise and Glory to the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob

the Only True God - The Creator of both the Heavens and the Earth in the NAME OF JESUS THE CHRIST

Anonymous Coward #racist godlikeproductions.com

If there were no ugly people evil would disappear

Ugly men, as a necessary means of survival, orchestrate extensive social lies and financial scams in order to gain an economic mating advantage over beautiful, honest, good men.

Beautiful is good. Evil is ugly. There's no better example of this than ugly, hook-nosed, media manipulating, bank scam-running Jews. They have no choice. If they didn't work together to gain an economic mating advantage they would lose their women and be mated out of the gene pool.

No wonder the mantra of the Jewish people is "L' Chaim" - to life. Without the lies, cheating, and theft their lives would vanish in a few short generations.

Thyrique #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Sandy Hook: False False Flag

My uncle, the potentate of an alphabet soup agency, says that Sandy Hook is a false false flag designed to look false with the help of g-man Halbig, Fetzer and others. Then at some point in the future it will be proved real to discredit false flags on all fronts.

Of course, there was a drill, it was all stage, but people died.

OBEY YOUR MASTER OR ELSE!!! #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

PRINCE BLACK OP--=--JOHN DENVER BLACK OP--=--PRINCESS DIANA BLACK OP--=--I was not able to post anything today, other than this

I was not able to post anything today, other than this.

Prince is dead and I do not know what to say about it. He was more aware than most, and may have gone to meet Michael Jackson, who was beyond all doubt murdered. Remember how John Denver died? They said it was because he took off drunk and did not have any gas in his airplane. But what they will not say is that about a week before he made a comment about how as he flew around the wildlife never looked better, with huge herds of elk and an obviously vibrant ecosystem un affected by man.
Prior to making that statement he was a huge voice for the environmental movement, but John Denver woke up and turned on that movement, saying it was B.S. and the Al Gore crowd wanted none of it. About a week later he was dead, defamed as a flying drunk.

Too much has happened to overlook any conspiracy story, especially when Prince was only 57 years old. They are dragging AIDS into the Prince story to defamate him, and frankly I do not buy it. Found dead in an elevator??? YEAH RIGHT.

And just like with Princess Diana, Prince will get top honors in the media, false cover for those who murder prominent people. Speaking of Diana, I saw that car crash practically as it happened on TV. Somehow they got television cameras there within 5 minutes, and she was alive, expressing with her hands a gesture 'how did this happen'. I figured she would live, she did not look that messed up. I think they offed her after the fact to prevent an Arab (Dodi) from making too much positive press before the elite kicked off the war on Islam. They obviously murdered Diana, and gave her a five star burial. But a burial is a burial, stars or not.

The un told part of the Princess Diana story was that the driver and guard in the front of the car were both wearing crash suits and worked for Israeli intelligence. Both survived. Interesting detail that is, and I would guess that after laying low for five years both got their $600,000 payoff, the standard Jew pay for a prominent black op.

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