
Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Seriously demented!

Did you seriously expect Germany and China to go along
with your FASCIST NEO-CON World Order? Pleeaase!

Your biggest problem is not any other country in the world
but only your OWN country.

Your second biggest problem is that your are so distracted
by FAKE news, that you haven't got the foggiest clue what
actually is "actually" going on.

Let's take your insideous TRADE WAR against German companies
disguised as "a new round of sanctions against Russia" that
every idiot can see through, and your pathetic idea to
force Europe to buy US liquified gas about 3 times more
expensive than russian gas while you lack the
INFRASTRUCTURE to even transport the needed amount of gas
across the ocean for the next 10 years.

Let's take your "4billion-D" chess champions' total inability
to comprehend ME "reality", now Quatar pivoted towards
Russia by making a BRILLIANT Gas Swap deal, 'Europe for
Asia' ( I don't expect you to even know anything about
it), while Saudi Arabia finally and utterly disillusioned
prepares to sell oil to China in YUAN, duh!

Let's take your moronic policy of surrounding Russia with
NATO bases while the only isolated and contained country
is actually the United States of America.

Oh you don't believe it yet? The US is the only G7 nation
that is NOT a member of the AIIB, and the only nation
that doesn't send proper delegations to the
'One Belt - One Road' innitiatives, programs and conferences.

Did ANYONE stop you from joining? NOPE! IT's your own
government under Obama and now under Trump that are
ISOLATING the USA from the world.

And while most of the world was hoping the USA would return to play fair according to INTERNATIONAL LAW
all you do is ranting this one dumb phrase:

USA, USA, USA ABOVE ALL.. where did we hear that before?

You're so not ready to even notice who is conducting
a coup d'etat taking place right under your noses..

but one thing for sure.. it ain't Germany or China,


Pennypaste Zetazoom #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Well yes there is a gender.

It's divided by the square and petite forms.

While souls have the ability to transform their genitalia, at will, this isn't the defining concept of gender as many would believe.

There is the wide body of Satan.

There is the petite body of Lucifer.

Similarly expressed via Loki and Thor in the Thor films.

Together they compose the solidified expression of The One, from which both derive.

For The One, the true creator of your soul, not this fallen void known as the 'universe', is composed of both masculine and feminine features.

And Satan and Lucifer were connected to The One, until Satan betrayed The One and took their left eyeball, and used it to create this 'lower universe', a dark mirror of the real universe that existed before it and still exists.

However the use of the term faggot is somewhat contradictory, for it seeks to uphold the male as the dominant role, that would contend that you would most likely honor the male form as the ideal expression of power and are consequently polarized, thus negating your intention to suggest the absence of a distilled gender role in this 'so called 5d', which simply does not exist.

There is merely physical matter, and non-physical.

2 states, the pockets of space within are merely bubbles that don't really last long enough to be relevant.

Sort of like making lines within a sandbox to compartmentalize sectors. No matter the effort, the basic component of the sand in a square shape remains a constant, the selective etchings do not define a pocket of space worthy of acknowledgement.

This is what you see in reverse image totem poles, with multiple beings.

MaybeO #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

If you were in a space game flying towards a planet in your ship. You would see the round planet in the distance. As you got closer the planet would fill your perspective. As you decent to the ground everything would be flat. Even though the world you went to initially was round like a ball for the "aesthetic".

In truth if you were asked a question whether you thought the planet in the game was flat or round. You would say it is just graphics and pixels. It doesn't matter so much the shape or the physics of the code. When you are on the planet it is flat all around. Just because there is another perspective of it being round doesn't mean it can't be both flat and round at the same time!

We live in a machine masked as this REAL REALITY LOOKALIKE CONTEST.

LOL #sexist godlikeproductions.com

All women are rapists!

The reason is simple. Rape is the act of forcibly altering someone else's genetic control over their future offspring.

The male rapist denies women the choice of her own partner.

Well... women do the same. What do I mean, it's simple...

Females have decided, as a group, that as a male, unless you suffer for their sick desires to cause emotional and mental destruction... unless you slave away to make money in an environment destroying company to afford houses and cars for her... unless you take abuse...then you can't have any children.

The whole 80/20 thing, where 20% of the males only get to reproduce, that's how it used to be, in the caveman days.

But it changed, so that men and women had almost equal change to reproduce, during civilisation when marriage still existed. But now that women got the vote... women did the best to destroy all that. So we appear to be in a civilisation, while actually being back to the caveman days... where only a few males get to have children. It's the worst of both. Thankfully... women are doing this at their expense, and they too aren't reproducing enough.

You could say "it's just their choice". "If all women, as a group, want to avoid nice intelligent peaceful healthy good looking guys, and only choose stupid violent rats... that's THEIR CHOICE".

But I don't think so. Because the effect is of damaging the DNA of the species... to be one that is controlled by force, to have to degenerate, becoming more violent and stupid and less evolved. To have to put up with abuse.

Males raping females... causes weaker females to reproduce and more violent males to reproduce, propagating that attitude in their children too. So it is genetic degeneration.

Females raping males (forcing us to go through abuse or no children for you)... does the same. Damages the DNA of humanity causes future generations to have shittier attitudes.

But the thing is, with women, their "rape" requires ALL of them to act together. With men, it requires only a few to "act differently".

Therefore, all women are rapists.

LightofTruth111 #fundie godlikeproductions.com

The Season has come, this warning is from the Lord

Hear Ye O mankind time is short ye are in the Season spoke by the prophets in which sudden destruction shall come, great shall it be in that time and many sorrows to follow, as above so below the signs are in the stars the revelations in process of fulfilling, the Son of man soon rises and who can stand worthy before him who has lived righteously enough to meet the ends of the law. Take heed of this warning in which is now given for time is indeed short, and those who listen ye may be spared great suffering more than you can imagine, for it is by the mercy and grace of the Son to offer all a chance to repent and be saved from what is to come.

Many Shall perish in those days and shall find themselves in dark and deary places, dimensions of underworlds similar to mankinds idea of hell. O mankind listen now as I plead unto ye from One who knows what he is speaking, having overcome it all, ye know not the sorrows the future holds or what awaits for those whom die in their sins. Those who will not let it go and repent and accept the Son of God Yehoshua 'Jesus Christ's' offer of grace in his atonement, who will not strive in righteousness and follow Gods rules will have to taste of the dregs of the cup in which the Son has already drank, ye shall pay thy own sentence of sins and shall not be able to repent until it is over.

It is not worth it mankind whatever this evil world has to offer you, whatever this trap of Babylon has for you, whatever Mammon is offering you is not worth it, the cost of losing your soul for loving the things in this world is great, many have sold their souls without realising it by setting their hearts upon the things of Babylon and Mammon, it is enough for Satan to bind you to the various dimensions of underworlds each according to decree of horror based on a persons lusts, desires and sins. Now is the time to flee from the world of Babylon, let it go, let go of it's sins, repent ye repent and accept the grace of the Son of God Yehoshua 'Jesus Christ' before it's to late. For I say unto you now, a time will come that ye will not be able to repent, that the spirit of God even the Light of the World will be withdrawn and ye shall be in spiritual famine, ye shall thirst for the Light of the Lord and shall not find it, ye shall hunger for his bread and have but moldy breadcrumbs to eat, thy bodies shall be tainted in corruption and full of filth, ye shall wonder what has happened to me and be lost in confusion as the Lord God sends a strong delusion unto mankind in such days.

Mankind ye can say I am fear mongering, but behold I tell ye now that ye have great reason to fear God, for the Devil is soon cast down upon you and comes in great wrath and shall have power over all who has not repented and accepted the grace of the Son of God Yehoshua 'Jesus Christ', those who are not righteous whom live as hypocrites shall be left outside with the dogs, not measured in the temple and sealed. Such days I speak of soon come and great is the torment in that time, great are the cry's and sorrows, many whom were filled in pride who thought they could not be touched will be broken down. Do not procrastinate the time you have left to repent, for I know first had the sorrows to come and say to ye all repent, be ye not as the unwise who tempt fate.

I give ye also this promise of hope, if thou be as the foolish in which does fall know it is not forever, but ye shall pay thy own debts of sin first and it shall be worse than anything imagined. But a day will come ye shall be resurrected with the unjust and shall be before the Lord God in which you doubted in, in which ye spoke against and cursed. And he shall again extend his mercy and offer you his grace. Therefore hold to that hope and know that the debts when paid are forgiven but ye shall go through hell in getting to that point and learn the hard way unless repent now and procrastinate not your day of repentance any longer. But behold ye who are wise shall sincerely and truly repent before that hour and shall be forgiven if repenting in proper spirit, forsaking thine sins in truth and ye shall avoid much if do so. Some if they be called to give their life for Christ to hold to the faith in peace, do so with a guaranteed promise to receive life eternal and be taken into a paradise spirit world of waiting. As for many with spirit debts and weight upon spirit, the scale of eternal law must needs be met. Therefore know, ye whom are the servants of God, though ye may be called to tribulation and even if the jaws of Hell open up after ye, know that thy God shall not forsake ye and it shall be for thy own good. Ye shall rise again and shall be given thy just reward, yay even eternal life and a first resurrection, all things according to thy works in the book of life.

Now in closing, I bear my testimony that what has been spoken shall surely come to pass and I warn any whom would dare mock, scoff and speak insults against such, there are consequences in mocking such things. Let all be wise and speak not against this warning. These things are spoken in the name of Yehoshua Christ whom is One and the same as Jesus Christ, even the Son of the Eternal Father God. Amen

Mountain Woman #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Blatant Treason - CIA Takeover Of United States - Constitution Dead!

Have you asked yourself how it is that Obama and the Liberals seem to be committing blatant treason by trying to overthrow President Trump? I have, and I want to know how they are getting away with it.

This is the definition of treason: [link to legal-dictionary.thefreedictionary.com]
Under Article III, Section 3, of the Constitution, any person who levies war against the United States has committed treason within the meaning of the Constitution.

Treason is punishable by death. If a death sentence is not imposed, defendants face a minimum penalty of five years in prison and a $10,000 fine (18 U.S.C.A. § 2381). A person who is convicted of treason may not hold federal office at any time thereafter.

Why is it our Constitution is no longer the law of the US? It started after 9/11. Since 9/11, the government has ceaselessly violated our constitutional rights. Consider how privacy worked before 9/11 and how it works now in Post-Constitutional America.

In Post-Constitutional America, the old words that once defined our democracy are twisted in new ways, not discarded. Previously unreasonable searches become reasonable ones under new government interpretations of the Fourth Amendment. Traditional tools of law, like subpoenas and warrants, continue to exist even as they morph into monstrous new forms.

Americans are told (and often believe) that they retain rights they no longer have. In pre-constitutional America the colonists knew that they were under the king’s thumb. In totalitarian states of the last century like the Soviet Union, people dealt with their lack of rights and privacy with grim humor and subtle protest. However, in America, ever exceptional, citizens passively watch their rights disappear in the service of dark ends, largely without protest and often while still celebrating a land that no longer exists.

[link to reason.com]

Enter the outsider as president. Donald Trump has condemned the spying and leaking, as he is a victim of it. His White House staff was shaken by what the spies did with what they learned from a former Trump aide.

Trump's former national security adviser, retired Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn, himself a former military spy, spoke to the Russian ambassador to the United States in December via telephone in Trump Tower. It was a benign conversation. He knew it was being monitored, as he is a former monitor of such communications. But he mistakenly thought that those who were monitoring him were patriots as he is. They were not.

They violated federal law by revealing in part what Flynn had said, and they did so in a manner to embarrass and infuriate Trump. But they got away with it.

Why would they do this? Perhaps because they feared Flynn's being in the White House, since he knows the power and depth of the deep state. Perhaps because they believe that their judgment of the foreign dangers America faces is superior to the president's. Perhaps because they hate and fear the outsider in the White House.

Whatever the reason does not matter so much to me, as the fact they are doing all of these things, breaking Federal Law and getting away with it.

How? They are getting away with it, because the Deep State/CIA/Shadow Government is now the law of the land...not the Constitution. They tore that up when they took over. That is why Mueller is getting away with investigating Trump when there is no evidence to do so.

That is why Obama formed a group within his new home in Washington committed to overthrowing Trump. We now are under the control of the CIA/Deep State. They are one in the same. It is about time we face it.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Why Barak Obama is still President

Barak Obama was not Constitutionally eligible to be President, he was made President by very unconstitutional means. They can't get rid of Obama because the illegal actions of the Senate and Supreme Court would come out. Obama won't stop and they can't stop him. Because he should never have been made President in the first place, they can't remove him.
The only way to remove Obama is for them to admit guilt and be arrested for treason and that isn't going to happen.

This is also why the Democrats are afraid of Russia. Putin knows this. They don't need or want Trump and Putin working together to expose this.

Anonymous Coward and Lotus Eater #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Years ago Rush paid for a study to find out how many people were really bad-mouthing him on the internet.

What seemed to be tens of thousands of people turned out to be ten people using bots.


So, they have gone after Trump, vehemently, from the moment he was announced president.

Their vociferous hatred of the man has been apparant from the very beginning. Just remember the debates, the questions, the poorly planned democrats who were completely unprepared for dealing with a truth telling Trump, an "in your face", bold, unfiltered Trump.

The libs hate Trump, mostly because he tells the truth and shows these people for what they are. But they mostly hate themselves for losing simply because they failed to recognize the truth...

That they are a tiny. Fucking. Minority, and most Americans had sense enough to vote for ANYONE other than Killery Clinton.

I mean, the Katy Griffin head thing? The "E tu brute" death of trump at an CNN sponsored play in the park, for all the lib parents and kids?

Come on man.

They started all this shit, and if they keep it up its going to get even wilder.

Trumps not backing down, not a bit.

I pray tonight for Trump, May God lead Him in the right direction. God, after all, appoints the leaders of men, the bible says so.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The earth is definitely flat and not a globe

1. The Bible says so.
2. All pictures of the earth from space are admitted fake.
3. We're able too see objects such as land, buildings, boats that are supposed to be behind the "curve ".
4. NASA and Obama says we can't leave low earth orbit.
5. The North Star never moves and the constellations have never changed ever.
6. Weather balloon footage and footage from airplanes show the horizon to be flat and always at eye level.
7. None of the astroNOTS that supposedly landed on the moon would not swear on the Bible.
8. Water is always level and it makes up 70% of our earth.
9. NASA gets $50,000,000 a day.
10. Operation Paperclip nazi Germany helped form NASA.
11. The heliocentric model was created by freemasonic devil worshippers.
12. Air bubbles viewed in "space".
13. AstroNOT almost drowning in "space".
14. Scuba tank viewed in "space".
15. Density and buoyancy no magic gravity.
16. Gravity strong enough to hold the oceans to the earth yet birds and planes fly with ease.
17. GoPro lenses used to fake the "curve" of earth.
18. No observable proof of evolution.
19. Sun rays come down in angles and not parallel.
20. Moon light is always colder then moon shade.
21. Super zoom cameras show that boats do not go over any curve.
22. Neil Degrasse Tyson says the earth is pear shaped.
23. NASA caught faking a photo of the earth on the way too the moon.
24. More than one light source during the moon landings.
25. The UN flag is a flat earth map.
26. It took Captain Cook 3 years and 60,000 miles to circumnavigate Antarctica.
27. Underground cables and ground based towers used for our communication.
28. Flight paths only make sense on a flat earth.
29. All but one challenger passengers are still alive today.
30. NASA caught using green screens.
31. No 24 hour live feed of the earth from space.
32. No actual photos of satellites in space.
33. Lighthouses
34. Sun dogs
35. Antarctica treaty
36. Admiral Byrd said that there is more land.
37. The Michelson–Morley experiment proved the earth is stationary.
38. Auguste Piccard the first man to reach the stratosphere said the earth is a flat disk upturned at the edges.
39. The sun and the moon in the sky at the same time.
40. Rockets never go straight up.
41. Bedford level experiment.
42. Tesla's real scientific findings.
43. Our own senses tell us that the earth is flat and stationary.
44. The sun and moon appear to be the same size.
45. The globe model was created 500 years before NASA.
46. No one has ever circumnavigated the earth from north to south only east and west.
47. Sun dials.
48. All the "space" agencies across the land share the same vector logo.
49. Gyroscopes.
50. Astrolabes.
51. No parallax with the stars.
52. Time lapse shows the stars makings perfect circuits around the North Star.
53. Bolivian salt flats.
54. Sun appears smaller near the horizon.
55. We only see one side of the moon.
56. Railroads.
57. Air planes fly level and don't account for the curve.
58. We've only been able to dig 8 miles into the earth yet they say we have a molten core.
59. The top of the moon being illuminated during a eclipse.
60. Stars visible thru the moon.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

The Real Reason the Flat Earth Truth Receives Vehement Hate

Without their spherical Earth indoctrination, their beloved theory of evolution is torn to shreds.

The powers that be hate the truth so much because the truth of course sets us all free from their control over our thoughts and beliefs.

One must wonder why the Flat Earth is so viciously attacked; possibly the most ridiculed truth there is.

Before throwing your regurgitated childish insults at me, please consider the following and tell me then how the Earth is a globe.

Polaris, the pole star, is the brightest star in the sky and always stays in the same spot. Upon google searching "Polaris star trails", it becomes clear that ALL OTHER STARS orbit around this northern pole star.

How is this possible if the Earth is hurdling through space at an inconceivably fast speed?

How is it possible that we observe the SAME STARS in the same constellations in our sky year after year after year?

Nearly every nation on Earth signed a treaty to make Antarctica off-limits to unwarranted research and expeditions. What exactly are they hiding? The fact that Anatarctica is the circular border of the Earth. Ever see The Truman Show? Yeah, this is the place where the employees of the show were so desperately trying to keep Truman away from. Sound familiar?

"Again, the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor." Matthew 4:8

How could Satan show Jesus all of the kingdoms of the world on a globe?...

"And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters." Genesis 1:6

"Hast thou with him spread out the sky, which is strong, and as a molten looking glass?" Job 37:18

The dome above Earth is constructed of glass by God himself.

"Praise him, ye heavens of heavens, and ye waters that be above the heavens." Psalms 148:4

"And I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and over the number of his name, stand on the sea of glass, having the harps of God." Revelation 15:2

The LORD reigneth, he is clothed with majesty; the LORD is clothed with strength, wherewith he hath girded himself: the world also is stablished, that it cannot be moved." Psalms 93:1

The Earth does not move. It is completely stationary. The big lie is that the Sun is the center of our reality, when in fact it is the Earth that is the center of all that is.

Let the anti-Christian scoffing commence. :)

Annunakin #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Marshall Masters - Planet X/Nibiru Researchers Being Killed

This is a pretty crazy interview. Apparently many planet X researchers have been killed. Marshall is one of the closest people alive to this issue right now and has dealt with the disinformation first hand.

Make no mistakes Nibiru, Planet X, Nemesis is on its way and people are posting videos of crazy celestial stuff every day.

Matouwac Torch #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Nibiru is also know as the RED planet, the RED dragon, the RED kachina

Sofia is the worlds most powerful, publicly known infraRED telescope. It has been VERY active recently. Mauna Kea is the largest group based IRT.

The sun, for those of us over 30, USED to appear more orange in the sky, where as now it appears more white... as if the visible color spectrum produced from its light has changed.

The ever present particulates that have been relentlessly sprayed into the atmosphere are blocking the IR band (infrared bandwidth) of sunlight and 'any other sources' from reaching the earth, and us.

Thus, consider that the purpose of the trails is not SRM, depopulation, nanotech/viral/germ tech, or laying a 'screen' for holographic projection. Rather , the purpose is it hide the presence of an incoming body which only is visible in the infraRED bandwidth.

They don't have to block much:

"Most infrared light from celestial sources is absorbed by the Earth's atmosphere. Only a narrow window of near-infrared radiation (at wavelengths less than about 4 microns) reaches the Earth. Observations at these wavelengths requires that the infrared camera be cooled to hundreds of degrees below zero using a cryogen (such as liquid helium) and requires special solid-state infrared detectors (costing tens of thousands of dollars). Hence, it is impractical to consider a true infrared telescope for personal use.'"

-'trails' in the sky have increased dramatically over the past 15+ years

- the sun has appeared to change color, going more white with less, red/orange

- Sofia, the powerful IR telescope has been VERY active

- bollides, meteors, etc have been on the rise, as has the interest in 'asteroid defense' and a new 'space branch' of the US military was formed

- EQ's are on the rise and the reporting agencies are manipulating data

- the world's human collective is looking for change, is experiencing a shift in perspective, awareness, and consciousness (as evidenced by myriad social changes and upheavals)

- tptb have been building DUMBs and 'ghost cities' globally since WWII

- TPTB are predicting MASSIVE human migration due to 'climate change' (pole shift?)

Dots connected.

IMHO the trails are masking the impending undeniably of a body in the sky, which will also be the cause of the coming pole shift.

christian #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Get Ready for CHRIST to confront SATAN directly on July 5th! Jesus to THROW him down!

July 5, 2017 – let the bright waxing gibbous moon guide you to the star Antares and the planet Saturn. We expect both Antares and Saturn to be bright enough to overcome tonight’s lunar glare.

Although we draw in the stick figure of the constellation Scorpius the Scorpion, you might have some difficulty making out its fishhook-shaped figurine tonight. But the moon will drop out of the evening sky by mid-month, enabling you to see this constellation in all its starlit glory, (THE MOON REPRESENTING BELIEVERS PROTECTED BY THE LAMB)

For now, use the moon to find Antares and Saturn, and then let Antares and Saturn serve your guides to the constellation Scorpius once the moon has moved onward.

Both Antares and Saturn are of 1st-magnitude brightness, so they are still pretty easy to see on a moonlit night.

You can distinguish Saturn from Antares by color. Antares glowers in a ruddy hue whereas Saturn appears more golden.

Because Antares is a star, it may be more apt to twinkle than the planet Saturn, which shines with a steadier light.

A 1st-magnitude star, such as Antares, tends to sparkle more wildly when it’s close to the horizon.
(When the dragon saw that he had been hurled to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child)

Enthusiasts consider Saturn the jewel of the solar system.
Because the moon moves eastward in front of the constellations of the zodiac, look for the moon to pair up with Saturn tomorrow, on July 6, and to be east of Saturn on the day after, on July 7.

As soon as darkness falls on July 5, watch for the moon, Antares and Saturn.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Sabbath Agenda: they want you to partecipate at the worshipping of Baal under UN interconfession cult

ISRAEL name designed in the whole mediterranean area where phoenician was spoke, the cult of Baal...Lord.

The cult born between the cananites (seed of cain, reptilian dna) included the sabbath where the worshippers would perform offering like the circumcision and holocaust ( burn the offering to baal) of innocents(first son of a cananite family) or "animals" meaning the children of gentiles who were obtained during incursions, wars, children of the slaves etc.

It was even in fashion to acquire a children and rise him for a while like he was part of the family for then holicaust him to baal.

Same shit the cabal, and cabal wannabe do. Like all hollywood stars killing their first children or adopting and rising children to then holocaust them.

they want to rebuild the temple and start to make "animal" offering again.

Fuck you. the sabbath and your fuckng cult of evil.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

On October 31st 2016, I had a weird vivid dream in which I was told 'Christ comes the 5th!' with the number 7, then preceded by the number 6 (on the left side of the 7), then by the numbers 01 and 02 below these numbers.

I was really surprised to say the least for it was related to the arrival of ET ships.

6 seems to be June. 7 seems to be July. It happens that this week ends with the 1st and the 2nd of July (numbers 01 and 02).

Now, the 5th could be next Wednesday (July 5th) or the 5th of the month following July, that is to say August 5th which happens to be 5 weeks after June, given that in that case 01 and 02 would be the numbers of weeks from early July before Christ comes.

It happens that we are in the year 5777, the 10th Jubilee of the prophecy of Rabbi Judah ben Samuel:

Just before he died, in the year 1217, he prophesied that the Ottoman Turks would rule over the Holy City of Jerusalem for 8 Jubilees. 8 x 50 = 400 years.

The Turks indeed took control of Jerusalem 300 years after his death, in 1517, and his prophecy came to pass, as the Ottoman Turks then lost Jerusalem in 1917. Exactly 400 years later! During WWI, British General Edmund Allenby walked into Jerusalem, on Hanukkah 1917, without firing a shot. The Rabbi went on to prophesy that after the 8 Jubilees, the 9th Jubilee would have Jerusalem being “a no-man’s-land”. The 9th Jubilee was from 1917 to 1967, and he was “right on” again with his prophecy. The Holy Land was placed under British Mandate in 1917 by the League of Nations and literally “belonged” to no nation.

Even after Israel’s war of Independence in 1948-49, Jerusalem was divided by a strip of land running right through the heart of the city, with Jordan controlling the Eastern part of the City and Israel controlling the Western part of the City. That strip of land was considered and called “no-man’s land” by both the Israelis and the Jordanians. The Rabbi then stated that in the 10th Jubilee “Jerusalem would be controlled by Israel”, which it has been ever since the Six Day War of 1967! His Prophecy continued, that “THEN” the Messianic end times will begin. The “THEN” refers to the end of the 10th Jubilee, and the beginning of the new, which would be 2017, or, the Year 5777!

It also happens that 2017 is the year following the 62 'sevens' (434 years) from the decreed Gregorian calendar (October 15 1582) and 7 'sevens' from the Knesset decree to rebuilt Jerusalem (June 28 1967).

It happens that 2017 is the year ending the Christian era (precisely on August 31st 2017) after Christ's resurrection (April 3 33 AD + 3 days) when computing 7 fractal periods (7 churches periods) of 1,000 + 500 + 250 + 125 + 62.5 + 31.25 + 15.625 years).

It happens that 2017 is the year ending the 7 heavenly years of 365 years from the 539 BC Cyrus the Great conquest of Babylon when Christ (same description in DAN 10 and REV 1) said he will come with the Prince of Greece to fight the Prince of the kingdom of Persia, aka Satan.

In my dream / vision, the coming of Christ was preceded by another UFO event big enough to be noticed by the MSM. So, these two UFO events should be VERY NEAR. Maybe tomorrow for the first one (transition between month #6 and month #7).

Anonymous Coward #racist godlikeproductions.com

I'm black dude...

And no there's not more for anyone, the same sluts go for all sorts of primitives and the rest become cat ladies...

I'm married to a black goddess who gave me two black princesses and two SONS. Nobody in my family ever race mixed.
And I've never wanted a white woman for me. It's you primitives who dream about white sex slaves because you are slaves.

YOU GOATFUCKERS ARE A TUMOR IN EUROPE AND YOU WILL BE REMOVED, either willingly or via laser guided shells and missiles (among other things).

Trust me I know about those things, and I've seen how you guys can't even hold high altitude mortar positions when just slightly peppered with 20mm from down below.

Parasites, ticks, leeches and snakes, that's what you are.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Slavery in the North American sense is a hoax. One of the greatest hoaxes perpetuated on the American people.

There were only a hundred thousand or so so called slaves in what's referred to as North America.

Thousands of more indigenous people centralized in their own home land were forced into chattel servitude; this amount totaling in the millions which were mostly located in South America as well as the islands occupied by the British and other European nations.

For North American slavery, we're told blacks were sold off in great numbers to the highest bidder, however what is often omitted is the fact of indentured servitude as it concerns Europeans who actually outnumbered so called Africans in this coercion of forced labor.

There were already people of color, unlike the Native Americans, of Moorish descent who already established civilization in North America long before European arrival.

So the idea that whites became superior of a uncivilized part of humanity is not true.

It's a hoax.


It's taught to brainwash those people of color whose ties to this continent which predates the so called arrival to Jamestown in 1607.

It's all bullshit.

Another thing to add.

Blacks and whites both mingled equally among st each other in Virginia but the planter elites found unity to be troublesome for a society that needed division in order to not supplant the ruling order.

DeplorableConspiracyTheorist #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The truth about the Syria war

Why are we being indoctrinated with this 'accept refugees' brainwashing?

Why is Syria being torn apart while Assad smiles?

Why are ISIS destroying the ancient monuments?

Why are the major players fighting over the Fertile Crescent?

Because it will soon be fertile once more, while the rest of the world suffers.

It is not an invasian by refugees.

It is clearance of the land for the elite.

They know what is coming and they are getting rid of the commoners.

The elite are preparing for the New World Order.

TruthNow88 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

September 11, 2001: This Post Will Likely Show You How Little You Actually Know About The 9/11 Attacks... SERIOUSLY...

I know what your thinking, OMFG another 9/11 post that is going to talk about the same conspiracy theories that you have already heard 1000 times... well if you make that assumption I think you will soon find that your are quite incorrect. Please take the time to read this post if you want to know the truth behind the 9/11 attacks (FYI this post is mainly aimed as dissecting the pentagon aspect of that days attacks), and help spread the word if you agree with my detailed assessment (based on over a decade of research into the topic). Anyways if you have the patience to read it, let me know what you think.

Do You Know What Hit The Pentagon On 9/11? Because It Sure Wasn't Flight 77... It Was A...
The object that hit the pentagon on 9/11 was NOT flight 77 or a commercial aircraft of any kind as the official story would like to have us all believe, In fact truth be told it was a retired US NAVY A3-Skywarrior which was converted to a drone using something called the Flight Termination System, a drone control+detonation safeguard technology used in unmanned live fly military wargames, drone technology which directly ties to the then Pentagon Comptroller Dov Zakheim, the very man who was in charge of the $2.3 trillion announced missing from the pentagon budget the day prior to the attacks (announced by Donald Rumseld on Sept 10, 2001, primary records destroyed in Pentagon that day, offsite backup records held on a secure server in WTC7 were also destroyed that day), the same man with direct ties to a company that back in 1993 got the top secret blueprints for both WTC 1 and WTC 2 towers in the aftermath of the 93 WTC bombing as part of the aftermath investigation, the same man who was also part of a consortium of companies that convert commercial aircraft into tankers which were then sold overseas, and the same man who was a co-author of the Project For A New American Century (PNAC) document titled "Rebuilding America's Defenses - Strategy, Forces and Resources For a New Century" which was released 1 year to the day prior to 9/11 (Sept 11, 2000) which stated that a "New Pearl Harbor" style attack would be required to persuade the American public into going along with the wanted PNAC agenda (which called for a massive increase in defense spending and the fighting of several major theater wars in order to re-establish American military dominance).

Anyways this drone US NAVY A3-Skywarrior was launched from the USS George Washington US NAVY Carrier that morning which was positioned just off the East Coast, south of Miami, Florida near the entrance to the Gulf Of Mexico (and in case you care, the backup plan if anything went wrong was to blame that element of the attack on a Cuban cruise missile which is the reason for this specific launch position of the carrier) which was there that morning running a "wargame scenario", more specifically NORAD Amalgam Virgo 01 (combined joint-training for unconventional threats), which was an exercise designed to test a (said-to-be) mock drone/missile attack against tall buildings as well as the capitol (and even depicted Bin Laden on the cover of the exercise document), an exercise which originally ran on June 1-2 2001 but was initiated for a 2nd time on 9/11 though the dynamic aerial threat assessment exercise NORAD Vigilant Guardian, which used previously ran and soon to be scheduled NORAD drills (such as Amalgam Virgo 01) to build its annual exercise template which would then be use to accurately test regional aerial defense capabilities along the East Coast using a series of (said-to-be) mock multi-prone aerial threats that would take place over a ~2 hour period (8am-10am), ending with an element of the attack which would directly impact the capitol which in the aftermath would cause a "simulated" break in the standard chain of command.

This final exercise element and its ensuing and scheduled break in standard chain of command was specifically designed to activate Vigilant Guardians sister exercise USSTRATCOM Global Guardian (which had prep starting at 6am with the actual exercise scheduled to start at 10am) which is an annual Continuity of Government Armageddon response exercise which was designed to then take over command and control of the nation in the aftermath of the final (said-to-be) mock attack on the capitol.

Anyways circling back to the Pentagon, after the A3-skywarrior was launched off the East Coast, it went inland west using the cover of a drone aircraft responding to the (said-to-be) Flight 93 hijacking, but part way there it changed course, went North, turned back East and then mirrored the (said-to-be) flight 77 flight path (which up to that point was only a false radar signature which was being added to radar screens via an element of Vigilant Guardian, artificial flight paths which were already added to FAA computers hours prior to the attacks taking place (6am-8am) by a company called PTECH which was prepping the FAA/Pentagon systems for the crossover from Vigilant Guardian to Global Guardian). Once in position the official wargames were called off and the drone A3-Skywarrior continued its path towards the Pentagon as if it were flight 77, passing over the building and then doing a descending corkscrew dive towards the West face of wedge 1 of the pentagon. Just prior to impact with the exterior wall the A3 was remotely detonated using the FTS safeguard which was triggered via proxy trigger when it got within 10 meters of impact (which was done to help minimize large pieces of identifiable debris near the impact zone as much as possible), a proxy trigger which was synchronized to also set off series of multiple simultaneous explosions inside the pentagon, explosions which were planted inside the exterior walls on the bottom floor of the west face of wedge 1 as well as the internal walls of the Office of Naval Intelligence further inside the building (where parts of the operation were ran from btw, as well as WTC7, which is why both needed to be destroyed as part of the black op to help destroy all traces of any sensitive evidence used in the operation) explosives which were planted as part of the multi-month long "bomb mitigation" renovations done by a company called AMEC (who planted the explosives INSIDE the target area walls instead of Kevlar reinforcement), "bomb mitigation" renovations which go figure just so happened to be finished the day prior to the 9/11 attacks (finished on Sept 10, 2001).

To further sell the wanted official story to nearby onlookers, another decoy visual element was overlapped with the A3 approach & internal explosions, which was a near-miss flyover of a commercial 737 (DELTA) that was simulating an emergency landing due to smoke on-board the aircraft (Part of the exercise MASCAL, aka the Pentagon Mass Casualty Project), a decoy plane which took a slightly different flight path then the A3 did (it hooked in from the NW VS the West), was traveling a fair amount slower then the A3 (~345MPH VS~550MPH), was flying a fair bit higher then the A3 (flying several hundred feet off the ground VS~5 feet), and flew just over the West face of wedge 2 (slightly north of the official impact zone) passing just over the building and then landing on runway 15 of Reagan National Airport which is on the opposite side of the Pentagon on that exact angle it was traveling.

As an added note, almost a year prior to 9/11, on October 25, 2000 the pentagon held a MASCAL (Pentagon Mass Casualty Project) tabletop planning exercise which brainstormed potential mass casualty threats to the pentagon, and with this hypothesized 3 plausible mass casualty threats that could take place at the pentagon, scenario #1 being a truck bomb against the outer walls of the West side of the building (which the planted interior explosives fulfilled), scenario #2 being a drone/missile strike (which the A3-Skywarrior fulfilled) and scenario #3 being a commercial aircraft crash during failed emergency landing (which the decoy 737 fulfilled). As part of this tabletop planning the Pentagon called in several former employees who specialized in each aspect of the scenario to help them refine each aspect, and one of these guys was currently an American Airlines pilot, who go figure, 1 year later on 9/11 is said to of been flying of all things... Flight 77, the very aircraft we are told impacted the Pentagon that day. Anyways the actual MASCAL exercise was originally scheduled to take place exactly 1 year after the tabletop planning session (Oct 25, 2001), and was originally to be coupled as the initiator for Global Guardian to be used as the trigger for the switch-over to Continuity of Government protocols after the "simulated capitol attack" took place. Well just prior to 9/11, the run date for Global Guardian (the exercise MASCAL was originally to be coupled too) was abruptly changed to instead start on the morning of September 11, and with this the run date of the live element of project MASCAL was also changed to match this date.

Anyways I could literally go on for 1000+ pages, and I intentionally avoided any mention of the WTC elements of that days attacks (as again this post would go on forever if I did) but for anyone who cares to do some digging into the WTC aspects I recommend you research the NORAD exercise called "Amalgam Virgo 02-1 Red Spins" (as well as FEMA Tripod II which was code-named operation "treason" and was to simulate a major terrorist attack in NYC on Sept 12, 2001 with part of the theme being building fires and collapses, as well as a few other exercises I won't go into right now) as those are the meat and potatoes of the WTC elements (flight 11 and 175 aspects). As a quick summery, AV 02-1 Red Spins was the #1 scenario (of over 40) of the 2nd phase of the Amalgam Virgo exercise series (an exercise which had the theme of 2x near-simultaneous commercial aircraft hijackings (DELTA) and attempted suicide attacks using those aircraft against major monuments and infrastructure), an exercise which was also originally scheduled to run on Oct 25, 2001 (but was ran on the morning of 9/11 as one of Vigilant Guardians dynamic aerial threat scenarios), an exercise which was classified until just a few years ago but was released fairly recently as part of the Amalgam Virgo 02 FIOA document dump (227 AV 02 documents), yet even after being publicly released in that document dump to this day it still remain basically fully classified (specifically stating "9/11 Classified Information" over almost the entire document). As a final sidenote of the 227 Amalgam Virgo documents that were released, scenario #1 Red Spins is the only one that remained classified upon release.

Anyways, hopefully this wakes some people up to some of the real story of what happened that day. I will continue to do more 9/11 posts whenever I have the time so make sure to follow me for more. Maybe some day we will see justice, but for that we must stay educated on the topic and demand answers. NEVER FORGET...

But but but #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Did you ever notice the YUGE, the overwhelming amount of DISTRACTIONS that Hollywood creates around Donald Trump????

Of course I assume you didn't buy the "they are against him and he's against them" horseshit not even for one second.

Having said that, every single week, when it's not every single day, there's always somebody from the sheepletainment industry creating a massive distraction around Trump, always when one of the endless holes of his counterfeit presidency is exposed.

Cue Meryl Streep, Alec Baldwin, Kathy Griffin, Rosie O'Donnell, Snoop Dogg, Johnny Depp and the list goes on and on and on....

Everybody out to distract the sheep and divert everybody's attention from Trump's closet skeletons.

Add to that the massive reverse psyop of MSM, gubmint-run forums and actors with radio shows playing conspiracy theorists, to trick you into thinking that he's against them and they are against him.

Gone in T minus....

I almost forgot that actor Luis Guzman or one of his cousins who played "El Chapo".

Be HONEST, assuming you are not a paid Trump-bot, and tell me it doesn't feel as if all these celebrities come out from time to time to create the illusion that he's a martyr, a victim and the billionaire anti-hero fighting the system, while his minions secretly give continuity to the same satanic agenda pushed by Obama, Bush, and everybody else before.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Fun Fact - England Invented Darwin.

Fact! They sent the egg head all around the world to try and get rid of him. He came back with all kinds of stupid theories and was made fun of. Then he got a hold of his father's paperwork and decided to copy it and sell it as his own. Of course his father thought that the ancient Greeks were wonderful with their Gnosticism. So his father decided to copy their paper work and sell it as his own. Then we ended up with the theory of evolution because the world hated Jesus so much that by the 19th century they would rather eat a lemon whole than continue on with the sour puss face they always got when hearing about Jesus.

CohenTheBarbarian #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Barbarians that sacked Rome were NOT Germanic!

Barbarian -
The term has also been used to refer to people from Barbary, a region encompassing most of North Africa. The name of the region, Barbary, comes from the Arabic word Barbar, possibly from the Latin word barbaricum, meaning "land of the barbarians."

- Wikipedia
[link to en.wikipedia.org (secure)]

It wasn't the Germanic tribes that sacked Rome, it was the Arabs! Of course (((TPTB))) don't want you to know that because they are now using them to sack Europe, so they instead tell you you're being "enriched"!

Same reason they tell you the Crusades was about "securing Jerusalem" when in reality it was to drive the Muslims out of Europe after a 400-year brutal occupation where they butchered the men, castrated the little boys & used them & the girls as sex slaves!

Second Grader Science Award

Density = Weight / Dumbass

Skizzy911 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Gravity isn't real.

Gravity is complete made up bullshit, things fall because of density, everything is either more dense or less dense than air.

I mean floating is explained by density, not gravity. Gravity said fuck it, IDK why things float, take it over density.

How can planets have gravity just because of their mass? It doesn't make any sense, have you ever seen any other big object have gravity, even the slightest bit?

Also how can things grow upward if there is gravity? It doesn't make any sense even from an evolutionary standpoint, at what point did evolution decide to say fuck gravity, I'm gonna conquer it and grow upwards instead?

Also why is gravity different depending on the weight of the object? Do heavy objects have more 'gravity'? No, they have more density. You can create a massive balloon, kilometers wide, and fill it with helium and it will float, even tho the balloon itself can weight tons, it will float just the same as a small balloon. However a needle will never start floating, even tho it weights next to nothing.

Why do ships float on water? A ship weights a lot, however if it is hollow inside it will float because it is not dense anymore, and if you fill it with water it will not sink because of the extra weight, it will sink because of the extra density.

There is only electromagnetism and density, no gravity.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The liberals Climate Change agenda has nothing to do with the changing climate !!!

They actually don't care at all whether the climate is getting warmer or cooler or staying the same or whether man has any contribution to it.

Their agenda is about power, control, taxes, and wealth redistribution.

They want to stay in power, control you, tax you, and redistribute your wealth to themselves and third world countries.

As always, liberals are not honest about their agenda because if they told the truth no one would vote for them and let them stay in power.

They've purposely hijacked the Global Warming/Climate Change movement and manipulated the useful idiots ( [link to en.wikipedia.org (secure)] who are believers to promote and carry out their agenda.

Don't be fooled by what they say, watch what they do.

The Paris agreement's purpose is to redistribute trillions of dollars in wealth from to U.S. to others. The people complaining the most about the U.S. withdrawing from the agreement are those that would receive their fair share of the redistributed wealth.

For instance, Tesla's CEO, Elon Musk, who very publicly quit as an advisor to the President would be on the receiving end by Tesla getting more BILLIONS in grants and loans from the U.S.

Don't be fooled by what they say, watch what they do.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

UK election. May lost on purpose!

For anyone who thinks that the UK is going to be allowed to leave the EU think again! May is obviously still working for tptb by calling the election. There will now be calls for a second referendom or weak brexit which will destroy any real chance of breaking free. The Brits have fallen for it hook, line and sinker!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Brexit, Trump and the London Fire

Brexit and Trump are the two biggest and ONLY recent/remaining victories for nationalists and populists standing in the way of global cabal's control for Western society. If both fall/fail, the elite will have a clear path to victory.

The GreenFELL fire marks the beginning of the plan for a coup in London. There will be citywide chaos within days and the crown and gov't will be overthrown by Corbyn and his communists. This is the only way for them to stop Brexit.

There is a coup also occurring in the US, Trump WILL be forced out if he does not take drastic measures within the coming days.

They are making their final, desperate last move. Will they succeed?

Your Food is Eating You #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Chronic Cough and or Infections, Stop Eating Corn, Soy, Wheat, Canola, Cotton Seed Oil or any other GMO Sprayed with Herbicides.

Many people suffer from chronic Cough, Drainage of Mucus into their digestive track caused by GMO's causing inflammation in their sinuses and lubricating the whole digestive track with mucus causing shit to leak out when the stomach muscles are tensed up.

Secondly mal-absorbtion of nutrients and problems getting rid of waste from the body can happen from chronic inflammation of the Digestive track caused by GMO's and Roundup type herbicides. You can eat all day and be starving to death and have toxins building up in your body due to leaky gut, damage to your digestive system.

cecropia #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Islam, the papacy, Marxism, and the Hegelian Dialectic

The Hegelian formula is:

Thesis + Antithesis = Synthesis

Ex: Capitalism + Communism = World Governance (UN)

It is "integrating and uniting a set of contradictions without eliminating or reducing either one, to create a synthesis."

The Hegelian method was employed by writer Karl Marx, though few realize this. The current pope is actually a Marxist.

This war with Islam is a controlled conflict and you are being manipulated like cattle. The elite are creating a predetermined history where a single power controls the conscience of the whole world.

You are not free.

Instead of "the commies!!" it is now "the Muslims!"

Christianity + Islam = a compromise between the two (religious control/less freedom for us)

Islam is not a true church, it is a false church. It was actually created by the pope for this very reason: To be the Antithesis of the counterfeit church of Christ, the Roman Catholic church, the Mother of Harlots, the Whore of Babylon, mother of all false churches, of which he, the Beast, the Antichrist, the vicar of christ, the counterfeit king of the north, the papacy of Rome, is the head.

Islam is not the enemy, the true enemy is the POPE!

harden clobber #fundie godlikeproductions.com

GAYS have been elevated above children

soon the majestic homosexuals will rule america and be allowed to fornicate with your children legally ... you know its heading that way they literally drool when they think about making love to your kids , the scary part is i am not sure how any of us stop this nightmare as those in control approve of everything these creeps decide to do .You see them marching through city centres in underwear , you see the crowds cheering them on ....just know where that march ends .

CairParavel #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Is Flat-Earth a psy-ops to distract from Hollow-Earth?

I'm starting to think that the flat-earth nonsense is all a psy-ops to distract from Hollow-Earth. That is,to distract from the Annunaki,who live deep inside the Earth and will reveal themselves at the right time. Also, it was said that the Nazis reached an opening in the Earth's crust in their expedition to Antartica and they found a fresh-water lake among other things.

The Comedian :D #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Flat Earth and "We never went to the moon" are psyops with 1 purpose

To discredit this forum and other forums like it.

They are not "different opinions".
They are not "free thought".
They are not "awake".
They are retarded.

They are cray cray stories that only real fools actually believe. And the people planting those bullshit stories here have 1 purpose:

To discredit GLP, it's posters, and the real news that breaks here.

"Oh, you support Trump and post on GLP? So you believe in flat Earth, therefore Trump must be a neo-con".

Ask any mod or any poster you trust. There are US government IP addresses posting this bullshit and trolling.

The earth is a spheroid, we went to the moon, and Deep State really fucking hates competition to its controlled narrative, and lies to you more easily than it tells the truth.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com


So I see yet another muzzie attack in the UK, followed the next day by the obligatory candles, flowers and teddy bears. This on the heels of a previous attack less than two weeks before that was culminated by an Ariana Grande and friends charity concert. This same scenario happens time and time again, yet I see no anger, no finger pointing at who or what is to blame for this endless cycle of carnage, only solemn pre-occupation with grievance and memorial; slaughter - grieve - repeat, slaughter - grieve - repeat....... These are the same people who refuse to declare multi-culturalism a dismal failure, the same people that continue to welcome barbaric savages into their midst with open arms. Modern liberalism = cultural suicide How can they be so stupid? That's when it hit me. This is the libtard way of engaging in human sacrifice. They are "sacrificing" these victims of terrorism to the gods of their secular faith; modern liberalism. It is why the lives of these victims seem to mean nothing to them when compared and contrasted to their need to perpetuate their ideology. They view the terrorist's victims as the "collateral damage" of liberal policy. It is a modern day version of human sacrifice. Really no different than throwing a virgin into a volcano or bloodletting a lamb on some pagan alter. These candle, flowers and teddy bear festivals of grief have become ceremonial, because not a one of these people is saying "I hope this will be the last one". They are fully expecting another and seem just fine with it.

Waffles #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Trump fired Comey because of Pizzagate...stood silent in face of rampant pedophilia

Trump knows the FBI was swamped with calls for an investigation into Washington pedophilia and Comey and the FBI is strangely silent protecting Clinton,Podestas and that whole inner circle..

children are being sodomized and murdered and Comey does fucking nothing????

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Why do I feel like this MARCH on SHARIA is pro liberal agenda

False flag attack today?

Or major arrests and citizens stamps as "homegrown" terrorist.

No one is saying all Muslims are evil, muslims, like whites, blacks, native Americans, Asians can be evil. That's fact. Some can be good, and some can be caught scared or just so down they can't speak up or fight back.

See people think, that Muslim elites paying money to fix the problem that hate groups coming out of their area cause, it is just wrong. You don't just sweep it under a rug. That doesn't solve it. You need to just wash your hands of it and start knowing your people. I'm not saying surveillance, I'm saying I was raised in NY and I knew where to stay away from for a reason. When you see crime increasing, hate gangs surfacing, it's cause that area is getting little to no attention. They want to add more they these safe spaces.

A safe space is to grow up terrorist cells. And they already have them. Think about all those FEMA camps.


BUT whose going... Thats what this war rep and dem are fighting for.

Your either gonna see trump rise and the safe SPACES will be used for Muslims but for families and supporters of this American freedom. While the others will be tried, convicted, and sentence to cock meat sandwiches.

Or it's the Dems and media stop trump. And then it's us, actual Americans who are not targeted for hate group purposes, leaving the outside world in Sharia law, purgement.

Is it rape women on the street, kill people who don't have your view. Or rise up so people really do have a chance at surviving.

Once these safe SPACES are fully operational and Muslims start using them even without governmental approval, it will be blamed on trump and they will fully make him out to hitler. Mark my words.

Drain the swamp before monsoon season. It draws closer everyday.

Base12 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

666, Carbon Atoms, Fingerprints and the Mark of the Beast

Oracle's Cookie posted a fascinating thread on the new movie 'Alien Covenant'—

Thread: Alien Covenant Ridley Scott's new Movie--NEW Update pg.13: Carries Message on DNA and Ark of the Covenant! Video

...and in that thread she posted several images from the film that were quite revealing.

One of them was a droplet of 'Black Goo' on top of a finger, however this was no ordinary finger.

There was a 'Mark' on it...


Look carefully. Do you see it?

Now whether the filmmaker has been privy to very advanced Esoteric Knowledge, Top Secret Hybrid Programs or whether there are Familiar Spirits at work here I cannot say.

One thing is for certain... he hit the Bullseye with that one.

This is something I've been warning folks about for many years, and it's now showing up in movies.

Allow me to explain...

It is my opinion that the number 666 in the Bible is referring to the Carbon Atom...

Revelation 13:18
"Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six"

'A Man' being a reference to all of Mankind, not just one person.

Many researchers have long suspected this. After all, we are Carbon Based Lifeforms.

Carbon has:
6 Neutrons
6 Protons
6 Electrons


If this sounds too fantastical, just know that the Bible is replete with proof of this claim if One knows where to look.

For example:

In the Book of Ezekiel, God describes Israel as a 'most rebellious house'.

So when Ezekiel needed to prophecy unto them, God had to change Ezekiel's DNA to become like them which in turn gave Ezekiel a *Carbon Mark* on his forehead.

You heard that right... a CARBON 666 MARK on Ezekiel's forehead!

And in order to "Transform" Ezekiel into one of these 'Beasts' God made him swallow a Scroll, in other words, a 'Little Book' of Genetic Sequences (perhaps God's version of Black Goo).

Swallowing the Genetic Sequences altered Ezekiel's DNA, and as a consequence of this transformational process, Ezekiel's forehead turned into a Diamond...

Ezekiel 3:9 (Holman Christian Standard Bible)
"I have made your forehead like a diamond, harder than flint. Don't be afraid of them or discouraged by the look on their faces, even though they are a rebellious house"

What is a Diamond made of?


Another word for Carbon in the Bible is "Ashes".

Ashes are made of Carbon.

Abraham describes himself being made of Dust and Ash...

Genesis 18:27
"And Abraham answered and said, Behold now, I have taken upon me to speak unto the Lord, which am but dust and ashes"

...as well as Job...

Job 30:19
"He hath cast me into the mire, and I am become like dust and ashes"

Why are souls under the Altar? That's where the Ashes are...

Revelation 6:9
"And when he had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of them that were slain for the word of God, and for the testimony which they held"

Don't forget "Smoke" is Carbon as well.

What does life exhale? Carbon Dioxide.

Thus when we pray, we exhale Carbon Dioxide creating smoke...

Revelation 8:4
"And the smoke of the incense, which came with the prayers of the saints, ascended up before God out of the angel’s hand"

Smoke coming out of the nostrils could indicate Carbon Dioxide...

Psalms 18:8
"There went up a smoke out of his nostrils, and fire out of his mouth devoured: coals were kindled by it"

Could the Smoke coming out of the Bottomless Pit be Carbon Dioxide breathed out by the creatures being birthed from within it?

Like a baby's first breath...

Revelation 9:2
"And he opened the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke of the pit"

What's that Mark on her forehead made of?

Here we see Sin written by Diamond i.e. Carbon...

Jeremiah 17:1
"The sin of Judah is written with a pen of iron, and with the point of a diamond: it is graven upon the table of their heart, and upon the horns of your altars"

Are the Horns of the Altars black with Carbon?

"Dead Man's Blood" may refer to Hydrocarbons i.e. Oil...

Revelation 16:3
"And the second angel poured out his vial upon the sea; and it became as the blood of a dead man: and every living soul died in the sea"

Slime and Pitch (Tar and Asphalt) are Carbon substances...

Exodus 2:3
"And when she could not longer hide him, she took for him an ark of bulrushes, and daubed it with slime and with pitch, and put the child therein; and she laid it in the flags by the river’s brink"

Again, Scripture provides much evidence for the 666/Carbon link.

Thus, Carbon may explain why Hollywood keeps promoting this so called 'Black Goo' that seems to have a sort of Nanobot nature to it powered by Artificial Intelligence.

This Black Goo is often associated with DNA manipulation, ie... Transhumanism.

Scientists are now working on CRISPR Editing Systems that works in a similar fashion to this Black Goo which enables just about anyone, including children, to alter DNA and create their very own Life Forms.

Here is the problem...

We are all born with a unique identifier... a 'Mark of the Beast' so to speak.

This Mark is what we call Fingerprints or Palmprints and in some cases, Facial Recognition Features.

This is why Police take Fingerprints and mugshots of criminals. They identify us.

Mark in the Right Hand = Finger/Palm Prints
Mark in the Forehead = Facial Recognition/Iris Scan

No two prints are the same.

Once One modifies their DNA however, at the very least, their Fingerprints will change.

Did you catch that?

Once One modifies their DNA, their Fingerprints will change.

Meditate on that thought for a moment. Let it really sink in as to how profound this Revelation Truly is.

Now look at that Image again...


The Mark of the Beast will be none other than a new set of Fingerprints and Facial Recognition Features caused by a Transhumanist agenda that will transfer ownership of a Soul to a Corporation away from God...

God's 'Book' (DNA) will be re-written and Man will become a slave forever...

DNA will become the new currency in the Cashless Society.

666 and the Love of Money...

1 Kings 10:14
"Now the weight of gold that came to Solomon in one year was six hundred threescore and six talents of gold"

If you know anyone who is currently undergoing DNA augmentation, or is about to... tell them to make a copy of their own fingerprints and compare them as their DNA changes.

Now is the time to begin paying attention to this by keeping a close eye on the progress of these unsuspecting Fig Tree harbingers.

Their leaves are about to bloom...

Mark 13:28
"Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When her branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is near"

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Why the Muzzies are being encouraged to infiltrate the west

Albert Pike.

As a 33rd degree Mason, he was one of the founding fathers and head of the Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry, being the Grand Commander of North American Freemasonry from 1859 and retained that position until his death in 1891.

I'm not going to provide his full biography for you. A quick search of his name should provide all the background you need to learn about him. If you really want to know how his mind worked, his book Morals and Dogma is freely available in pdf format. He was a Luciferian.

Assuming his predictions of the three world wars were truly his predictions, it's obvious as to why we have the Muzzie problem we have today and it won't go away unless we MAKE it go away.

He has been attributed to predicting the precise reasons for escalation of each world war.

For a more in-depth study of WWI:
[link to www.threeworldwars.com]

For a more in-depth study of WWII:
[link to www.threeworldwars.com]

It seems he was rather prescient regarding the world wars to follow considering he died in 1891.

This brings us to WWIII. Guess who is instrumental in making it happen as he predicted??? Yup - muzzies.

His purported prediction for WWIII:
"The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the "agentur" of the "Illuminati" between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World.

The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other.

Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion.

We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil.

Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view.

This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time."

SO, let's assume there is a remnant of those who follow, believe AND wish to foment the tenets of this Satanic asswipe...NOW do you see why Islam is being embraced by every western nation on the planet even though the evidence of their barbarism goes back for centuries? Those with half a brain are scratching their heads wondering why the fuck world governments are putting up with this shit. It's because they're IN on the plan!!

It doesn't take a rocket scientist to see that we are slowly being invaded by a culture that embraces the death of any who disagree with it.

Knowledge is power.

To use the term Islamophobia as an axiom for hate is an oxymoron!! This "brand" is used to insinuate "hate" towards those to whom it is spewed. A phobia is a FEAR. (This applies to all the other "phobias" the PC crowd tosses around ad nauseum. Fucking illiterate morons!)

Make no mistake, what is transpiring with the embracement of Islam by TPTB is a slow, eventual creep towards war and the ultimate enslavement of the populace. We either sit like frogs in the pot and wait for the water to boil or we put a stop to this shit.

/rant off.

Psychonaut SN7 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

TPTB Ultimate Goal Is Manifesting: The Holy/Political War Against The West & The Purple(Red + Blue) Revolution Against Our Rebublic Has Begun

The Attacks On The West Will Continue To Increase As ISIS Is Finally Losing More Ground In Syria & Evacuating Raqqa. The Attacks On Trump & Our Rebublic Also Continue To Grow As The Purple Colour Revolution Gains Traction:

Red (Problem)
Blue (Reaction)
Purple (Solution)

The "Solution" is the unification of Red States & Blue States. They have already divided us as division is one of their main tools. They are now reacting by using the MSM one of their other main tools. Almost each week now the CovFEFE seems to double. What comes next im not sure, but by the looks of things it's nothing good...

Thread: What If Most Recent Successful & Attempted Regime Change Attempts Were Used As A Real Isolated Testing Environment(Sandbox) For Experimentation?

After watching the events & Trump's actions over the past Month this Travel Alert makes much more sense. He clearly knows the blowback is coming as he is currently working on staging/preparing for actual Anti-Terror Operation's.

TPTB are going all out, manifesting political terrorism throughout the globe. If thing's continue to not go as planned in Syria the terrorism will continue being exported from the ME to the West. It Looks Like Duterte might the next Assad. Also the manifestation of a militant political movement within the US is forming. This has always been TPTB ultimate goal, to dived us to the point of Civil War with Islamic/ANTIFA/BLM like factions. Trump is practically being branded the next Hitler by the Liberal MSM. As he is now a major obstacle to TPTB plans, just like all the other "obstacles" that the Deep State/Shadow Government arm of TPTB has Toppled/Assassinated...

Trump came out of nowhere they weren't expecting him, his genius unprecedented methods of gaining massive backing/support, or that he would win the election. But this is something they had long worried about & somewhat prepared for. We are now seeing the tactics they developed for a Trump like scenario play out, especially through the MSM & the actions of the Left/DNC. They are waging a 24/7 Propaganda Campaign. They repeat the current CovFEFE over & over, ignoring actual major news stories. They literally spent all day having a meltdown over a fucking tweet. Worst of all the mindless sheeple actually believe all the CovFEFE.

Quoting: \\\ Psychonaut SN7 ///

Psychonaut SN7 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

What If Most Recent Successful & Attempted Regime Change Attempts Were Used As A Real Isolated Testing Environment(Sandbox) For Experimentation?


Stage 1 which is a Colour Revolution is clearly already underway within the USA. It's seems as of now they are mostly using the MSM Propaganda Machine. But at this rate it's only a matter of time before they have massive amounts of mindless zombies waving around their premade signs & all reciting the same script...

Europe is likely close to half way through with Stage 2. The importation of Mercs & Political Terrorist which is still underway within Europe. The Philippines now also seem to be in the beginning of Stage 2 specifically targeting Duterte...

This is just an opinion that randomly popped into my head today. But if there is some truth to this, for all we know the Shadow Government could already secretly be in the beginning of Stage 2 while Stage 1 still plays out within the USA. Stage 3 would involve directly overthrowing Trump or causing him to suffer the same fate of our last true President JFK. Or they will use the Goatfucking Puppets deep division & destabilization Otowelhead created throughout our Rebublic to start a Civil War. Convincing the Sheeple & Libtards to attempt to parade a battered Trump around in public before sodomizing him with a stick, don't think I need to finish the story cause you all know what happens next...

KABOOM THE MOONS #crackpot godlikeproductions.com

Jesus escaped the underworld/under the dome/hollow earth/land of the dead and got resurrected, when Humans will escape?

Well humans are not even aware they live in the underworld, that their sky is the actual surface of their planet, that like skynet they died/got murdered before they were born, just like in mythology, you have to die first before you enter hades/underworld/inner earth.

Nameless the Deplorable #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Why GLP is seeing so many Anti-Trump/Anti-Europe/Anti-America threads lately

The wise among you are probably noticing the recent rash of proxy AC's posting how much 'their' countries hate President Trump and Americans or how America should just let Europe suffer and not help them with the planned Islamic invasion. Some of these paid retards are actually stupid enough to use leftist rags to justify their posts as factual.

Examples of these shit posts:

"Some random unnamed German official say Germans hate Trump"
"Americans will not help Europe"
"When will America pay for the mess it created?"
"No one likes Trump in (insert any European country)"

All of these are scripts and made up lies.

Just like the crack smoking trolls that are paid to post that the US military hates President Trump and keep repeating the Maxine Water 'impeachment' meme of stupidity. They are deceivers.

The truth is the media is using their ill gained platform to twist the western world into hating each other.

There is a concentrated effort from leftist troll AC accounts spreading these lies all over the internet forums.


"Vereinigt sind wir stark"
"Unidos somos fuertes"
"Siamo uniti siamo forti"
"Forent er vi sterke"
"United we are strong"

Do NOT let the left divide you from your European brothers and sisters across the pond. Stand strong and stay united.

Regardless of what the media and world leaders are saying, we are at war...we didn't wage it and we sure as hell didn't start it...but we will win it, if we stand united against tptb. We WILL destroy the puppets and their puppet masters.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

EARTH IS NOT A SPHERE and There is no such things as GRAVITY

I am not a flat earther. I don't know what the earth is or how it is or where it is. I don't know whether God exists or not. I don't know these things.

But there are things I know, for sure.

1) There is no gravity.
2) The education system you know, it is a joke.
3) All the pictures and videos of outer space: LIES
4) We never went to the moon, because it is not a place you can land on (since planets, do not exist)
5) Your language creates your world
6) Sports for the audience: mind-control mechanisms
7) The earth is not a sphere (I don't know what it is, except that it is definitely not a planet moving in empty space)
8) Space doesn't exist, and we are living a closed system, perhaps there is a machine for all this.
9) There no astronauts in space right now and there never was, all those videos were and are being taken down here on earth, just watch them CLOSELY and catch the errors as I did.
10) Evolution: best of lies.

These are for certain.

Other than these, I can sincerely confess that I don't know what's going on and why we are here. I am not really a God believer but I know how certain things are. Believe what I say or not, but what I am saying is true regardless, you can find out for yourself if you pay enough attention.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

SCIENTISTS getting closer to the TRUTH...that CAUCASIANS are the OFFSPRING of an advanced ALIEN RACE...

Would explain alot. Why white Europeans possessed the intellect so far above Earth's indigenous races. The elongated skulls found in the Middle east and South America have been DNA tested to be of European decent. The History Channel's show, "Ancient Aliens" traced the DNA more specifically back to Scotland and many of the skulls recovered had traces of reddish or blonde hair remaining, traits biologically specific to Caucasians. But how did Caucasians get to Peru over 2000 years ago? And how were these same elongated skulls found in Antartica? Its long been known that several culture made attempts to artificially elongate the skulls of their children by wrapping or banding the skull before it was fully formed. But why? Perhaps to mimic the appearance of alien beings who had visited them? The volume of the elongated skulls that would have contained the brain is significantly larger than that of a human skull. Purposeful deformation of the human skull can change its shape but not its volume.

Me114 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


Many people are not grasping the gravity of our situation. We need to key in on the most important pieces of information that move our world. Today on my Twitter feed, you can find some vital articles to inform you as to what is going on.

[link to twitter.com (secure)]

The old news item from 2007 on the Sentient World Simulation (SWS) tells us exactly what we are up against. A quantum artificially intelligent computer is gaming everyone’s data into simulated scenarios that then determine what events are staged, and what propaganda is published, by the elite controllers.

What you must understand is that the few 1% elite are not intelligent enough on their own to devise plans to culminate in their desired New World Order. They are too busy kidnapping our children and raping them, hunting them, murdering them, eating them and selling their organs. What man is unable to do, a machine can. The quantum AI can keep track of 7 billion souls and their data quite easily. To give an example, if the goal is to destroy President Trump and remove him from office, then they simply feed that outcome into the AI. The AI then tells them what actions they should take to achieve that goal. No humans are smart enough to figure out an agenda with such complexity.

The other news item I posted is the work of Deborah Tavares on Climate Action Plans. She has done the leg work to inform the public about what the Global Warming and Paris Accord are all about. They intend to infiltrate our homes with monitoring devices in our appliances with an intention to tax us for emitting CO2 gases. Research the Carbon Tax problems in Australia.

They are attacking us from all sides. There is method to all their madness and it can be traced back to this evil AI that is like Satan himself. You need to research how quantum computers work (D-Wave). You need to look into how they enable what is called the “Mandela Effect” whereby they use quantum entanglement to reach into the past and change things. Look up “Lion and the Lamb” for an easy example.

Lastly, you need to know about the “Deep State” which has circumvented the U.S. government and controls the MainStream Media, primarily through intelligence agencies like the CIA and the MOSSAD.

Now today, the most important story is the citizen investigation into the Seth Rich murder. His demise is the key to taking down the Deep State. If Seth Rich is the leaker to WikiLeaks then that truth will destroy the entire Russia Hacking Narrative. Revelations of the corruption of the DNC, Podesta, Hillary Clinton, pedophilia, leaks, and much more will expose the machinations of the Deep State.

The key for us is to stand on “Truth” at all times. We have to be “Lovers of the Truth” to make it through the inevitable dismantling of the U.S. government as a result of all these exposures. People will be arrested, prosecuted, tried, convicted and jailed. We will have to reconstitute our government.

I have to mention God because He is the one who will help us to know the truth. If we include Him in all our endeavors then we will succeed in stopping the Deep State. God can guide our steps and move on the people who will do what is necessary to expose all the corruption. Yes, we have to pray to God to give us His Holy Spirit discernment so that we will know what is true and what is disinformation. By praying for God’s help we can practice and fine-tune our intuition to know what is true. There is a BS Meter built into all of us.

People who are in the lime-light of Alternative News must include God and invoke God’s name into all their articles and broadcasts. Ask your listeners and readers to pray for God’s help. In our personal lives we must ask God to be a part of all that we do. Start and end each day speaking to God. Pretend Father God is watching your life through your eyes and speak to Him constantly about what is going on. By doing this exercise then you will learn to hear God’s voice more clearly. Watch your every thought and God will help you clean up your thought life.

Ironically, we are the ones who need to be righteous and holding the Light in order to achieve victory. Our future does not have to be doom and gloom. Your country can resist the globalists. The Bible does not say that we do not fight. Our main weapons are EXPOSURE and PRAYER. Please think about these two methods. We stand on the truth and expose the enemy. We pray to God to guide us and others as to what to do. So, you see that as an individual you CAN make a difference.

Before all this is over God has a plan to raise up some few of us whom He has been preparing. God will glorify this remnant, which means that they will be transformed into new bodies like the one Jesus had after His resurrection. They will be filled with God’s glory and power and go about doing miracles and preaching the Gospel (good news). Believe God. Have faith in Him. Trust God. He does love us all and is ready to help us with all details of our lives. I leave you with some of my favorite verses in the Bible:

Isa 60:1 Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.
Isa 60:2 For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.

Imagine #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


Just stop and think for a second, that a planet 7x larger than Earth, with comet like attributes is spiraling towards us.

The government technology is 30 to 50 years ahead of anything available to the public.

Imagine, just take a moment to picture a very troubling time ahead, a time that has been witnessed by the ancient times over again, but has not been witnessed by anyone here living presently.

Have any of you considered that the Hebrew Holy days were dry runs in preparation for this event orchestrated by the very creator itself?

Have any of you thought about the Electromagnetic plasma discharge possibly being responsible for Mars scarring and The Eye of the Sahara circular crater, which is still unexplained?

Is it not better to prepare and nothing happens, than to not prepare and the worst happens?


Why would anyone want to face the thought of going through the debris field of a planet comet not once but twice?

Who wouldn't panic at the sight of a unknown body in our skies raining down hell fire for 150 days or 5 months.

Earth's ancient civilizations were accustomed to surviving natural celestial events, patterns were formed, and directions to overcome were passed down.

Some large council of evil people would love to use the knowledge of this event to take total control of man for the next 360 years...

Imagine everyone who doubted reality cast into a world of collapsing beliefs and security because they never...


Have we all lost the ability to imagine?

Me114 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

URGENT WARNING – Seth Rich Battle Waged Against AI

Greetings God-Loving Patriots!

This past long weekend, May 27 to 29, we saw many informational nuggets come out about the Seth Rich assassination and non-investigation. We saw rumors, innuendo, facts, and much speculation stated as facts. Tuesday morning has been no different. There are a few new announcements that seem fantastic on their face, but there really are no confirmations yet.

My warning today is for us to take a step back for a moment and consider before we choose to spread what could amount to be disinformation or misinformation. The best way to decide what to believe is to ask Father God to give us His Holy Spirit discernment. Before we hit that ReTweet button let us get in touch with that inner intuition that tugs at the heart about whether something is true or not. If we have any hesitation, then do not spread it to your followers, friends and readers.

Consider the source of the information. Is the person trustworthy? Why? Is he or she very popular? Why? There are big names out there in the Alternative Media space who have been on the front lines with this Seth Rich story. The question is should we trust them? The question is are they using spiritual discernment before they publish their latest findings? They claim to have sources and that is all we are hearing lately, is sources this and sources that. I declare to you now, that Father God is THE SOURCE for all information.

Last night I had a discussion with Father God before bedtime. He warned me specifically about George Webb. Who is George Webb? What is Webb’s background and where did he come from? Now today I am shocked to see some of the latest blurbs from Webb and it makes me take caution. If Webb hasn’t tickled your truth meter then perhaps you have been following him in a wave for quite some time without stopping to question his assertions. There are others whom I already do not trust, and they are, A(lex), Roger Stone, and Steve Pieczenik. Does this list burst your bubble? Why? They all exhibit so much hubris and boast about their “sources” to make you believe what they say. There are even two outspoken people whom I love to check out but even they have trusted in their human sources more than God lately. They are Dave H. of (name not allowed) show and Robert David Steele of the Public Intelligence Blog. Both have published a few wild claims that I have to question.

The major problem with sources and even trusted and long-standing, known sources, is that in today’s world, disinformation can easily be planted. Our battle is no longer with only the human intelligence of the Deep State. Nowadays, the Deep State is obeying the dictates of a quantum enabled AI (Artificial Intelligence). They feed all available data points to the AI. The AI can even go out and get data on its own. We are being watched. Everything is known about us, and especially who we communicate with. The AI is given a directive to seek certain outcomes and then role-play a set of direct actions to lead to the wanted outcomes. The quantum AI is much more powerful than the best Super Computer. This AI can plant a piece of information and then watch to see exactly how it spreads, and how much it is believed. We are being gamed and played. The people we trust are also subject to being deceived in this manner.

What do we do? We must make a commitment to trust God above all human sources. If you do not believe in a loving Father God, then now is the time to start. We must begin and end each day, speaking to God. God is the only one who can outsmart the AI. God is on our side and He too is seeking to avenge the death of Seth Rich and to see that Justice is done. We must understand that the Seth Rich story is THE KEY to destroying the Deep State, right now. The Deep State realizes their danger and are pulling out all stops to control the Seth Rich narrative. They see that they cannot stop the chatter. But with the help of their AI they can cause confusion and chaos. They are so cluttering what we read about the investigation that it will be easier for them to successfully label all of it a “conspiracy theory”. We have to stay on point with only the truth. To know that truth, we need God’s help. It helps to think of it this way: God is leading the charge in this battle. So all we do is allow God to direct our paths. Ask God before you retweet or post something. Question everything, relying on God’s advice.

The two possible outcomes to this war is that we defeat and destroy the Deep State, or the Deep State succeeds in destroying the Republic of the United States of America on the way to establishing the New World Order. Lives hang in the balance. This is very serious. You must understand that we are up against a non-human artificial intelligence. Only God can lead us all to victory. Don’t believe the lies that people tell on God. He is intimately involved in all that our lives have to do. God’s plan is to Glorify a specific remnant of people whom He has been preparing and they will go about doing miracles and spreading the Gospel. All the more better that America is seen restored to its Constitution and its people living in harmony when the time comes.


Trumphole #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Paris Accord Is A Fucking SCAM To Get A Carbon Tax Scheme Up And Running To Tax Your Farts An Exhales.

Sounds like a joke but its not. These Luciferian fucks want to be God. God breathed life into Man making him a living being.

These arrogant wicked assholes want to tax Mans exhale.

Trump is not against it he is just trying to get a piece of the Lords of London's climate scheme for the Ashkenazi and his Khazar masters who own him.

Susie #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Guillotines Have Arrived FEMA CAMPS!! Bible Prophecy!!

[link to www.youtube.com]

Photo here...

[link to i159.photobucket.com]

It appears our satanic government officials have ordered thousands of these modern guillotines to be manufactured in China and Japan. Then these guillotines were secretly placed and loaded on tractor trailer trucks and then shipped to military and army bases across America and was top secret infomation. As top military troops and foreign troops have been trained to use these guillotines on the American people during martial law! This includes the resistors of the NWO, Christians, Patriots and Militias. Some won't even make it to the FEMA camps when abducted during martial law. They will be placed on prisoner boxcars all new and made in China, to other refurbished older boxcars.

Some versions have the modern guillotines installed in them, others do not. But all have shackles installed to restrain prisoners! So decapitation may occur right there on the boxcars before arriving at the FEMA camp. Then the head and body thrown in the plastic coffins. Below is a picture of a modern guillotine that was made in China or Japan.

You will not be allowed to have a Bible in your posession, nor practice the Christian Faith or you will be be-headed if you refuse the Mark of the Beast....

Make sure you are part of the Raptured Saints!

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