
Marcus Ruiz Evans #moonbat amren.com

Message to White Nationalists from California

I read “What is to be Done,” published in American Renaissance. As a Californian and as the founder of CALEXIT — the California secession movement — I want to say that you are totally right. The liberal media do paint it as though the only people who support secession are conservatives, when we here in California support it just as much but for liberal reasons.

The American Constitution does say that states shall determine the direction of the country, not a direct popular vote. The majority of the states are conservative and will stay conservative, according to the US Census, until the year 2045. Liberals hate that, don’t respect the Constitution, and are willing to tear everything down so that conservative America doesn’t get to vote the way the Founding Fathers intended.

I know liberals think this way because I am one of them — I’m a liberal and also a Californian. I don’t share your values, but I was raised by conservatives and I learned that lying and cheating to win is not right. I don’t want to live in the America that you want to live in, but I also don’t want violence.

I know that my fellow liberals want to push their values on you because they think they know better than you, and they are willing to take away your rights guaranteed in the Constitution in order to push on you their vision of America. My fellow liberals believe that after their laws are pushed on you, you will eventually come around to see that they were right. As someone who grew up with conservatives, and who has family in Virginia and Texas, I know that is a fantasy. It will never happen.

I am deeply afraid that my fellow liberals don’t get that and aren’t going to until it’s too late. I see people on my side of the divide pushing America towards a super polarized and violently reactive era that will last decades — unless cooler heads prevail. I see the way liberals are pushing things, and that is why I support an amicable divorce. Let’s peacefully separate before we start fighting.

I write this letter directly to extreme conservatives to let you know that you alone have the power to put America on the path to peace and heal our polarized nation. Here is why you are America’s last hope for peace: You can expose the big secret that is keeping California from leaving tomorrow.

You know that the liberal media lie, but Californians don’t know that. They have been told by their media over and over that you conservatives in the middle of America love them and will never let them go, that you secretly want to be them, and will be weeping in the streets if they left. As someone who has family from the middle of America, I know that is not true.

Our movement was stopped in its tracks, not because we were told as Californians that we cannot survive as a nation, but because liberal media and liberal politicians and liberal professors told us we could never get the votes to go peacefully. They’re wrong. I know that a majority of the states, because they are conservative, would happily vote to let California leave America. Tomorrow there could be a majority of the states and the Senate that said, “Yes, you can go, CALEXIT.” This would happen if the people in conservative America stood up with one voice and spoke.

If the Senate and a majority of the states said, “Yes, California can leave the USA now,” it will expose the lies the media have told us here in California. Fifty-five percent of Californians were willing to think about leaving America when Donald Trump was elected. The media in California keep that hidden and claim that only 32 percent of Californians want to leave.

If you in conservative America can disprove the lie that conservatives would never vote for California to leave, it will let us who support Calexit force the media to acknowledge that a majority of Californians do want to leave. We liberal Californians can work with you conservative Americans to achieve a vision of America we both want and that will stop a violent future that liberals are pushing on us.

Here are your options:

California stays.
– “California Values” will be pushed on you. California has an outsized influence on Congress and pushes American Democrats further left.
– Californians will move to your town and change your local laws to reflect California values.

California leaves.
– Congress returns to a balance of left and right ideas. It stops pushing the extreme left because California is no longer there. The remaining liberals realize they have to work with conservatives to pass legislation.
– Because Californians are not American citizens, America can regulate the number of Californians who can move in.
– Shocked by the fact that Congress isn’t dominated by them, many liberals from across America will leave and move to the independent nation of California, making the rest of America even more conservative.

You can keep America. We’ll leave.

Gregory Hood #racist #wingnut amren.com

What Is to Be Done?

George Washington, Pater Patriae, won American independence through a strategy that went against his own aggressive instincts. He avoided battles with superior British forces. Instead, he attacked isolated enemy forces (as he did at the Battle of Trenton), kept his army together, and always withdrew in good order following a defeat.

If we adopt the military analogy, in 2016 and 2017, white advocates did not follow Washington’s example. Unite the Right was the equivalent of throwing colonial militia against disciplined redcoats in a pitched battle. This isn’t because marchers were defeated physically by antifa. Antifa were not the problem. Instead, city and state police deliberately failed to keep the two sides apart and used the ensuing — and inevitable — violence as an excuse to shut down the rally. In the aftermath, leftists unleashed “lawfare” — a host of crippling lawsuits — against pro-white organizations, threatening their very existence. White advocates lack the legal infrastructure — pro bono lawyers, friendly judges — to fight back. Even organizations that had nothing to do with the rally, including VDARE.com and American Renaissance, lost platforms.

The mistake at Charlottesville was understandable; just weeks before, there was a peaceful and successful Free Speech Rally. No one could have predicted that the Charlottesville chief of police would say,“Let them fight; it will make it easier to declare an unlawful assembly.” No one imagined a woman on security would abandon her post at an intersection, so that James Fields could easily drive his car into demonstrators.

What no one imagined, we can now expect. Democrats have denounced white advocates in Congress; we weren’t invited to explain or defend ourselves. Most of the “free press” cheers deplatforming rather than defending free speech. Tennessee, a deep red state, tried to impose security costs on us for hosting a conference, as if we are the ones likely to cause violence. It took a court order to save the AmRen conference.

Just four years ago, I would roll my eyes at excitable activists predicting censorship, arrest, or imprisonment. Today, I’m happy I still have a bank account.

Set aside apocalyptic fantasies. Instead, think of ways to gain control of state and local institutions. This includes supporting movements to break up and rearrange states, localities, and school boards. This may seem fanciful, but movements are already under way that would have sounded absurd just a few years ago.

Conservative Virginia counties are flirting with seceding from the Commonwealth and joining West Virginia. There are secession movements in other states, too. In Illinois, activists want to force Chicago out of the state. In Oregon, some conservatives want the eastern counties to break away and join Idaho. Idaho governor Brad Little welcomed their efforts, making him the second governor essentially to make territorial claims on a neighboring state.

Conservative upstate New Yorkers have called for secession for decades. Former Republican congressman Randy Kuhl argues that New York’s “extreme diversity” makes it almost “ungovernable.” He probably meant the divide between New York City and rural upstate New York, but he may even be thinking about racial and political diversity. To describe any kind of “diversity” as a source of conflict is heresy.

There is also “secession” on a smaller scale. In Louisiana, mostly white communities are breaking away to form their own school districts or cities. In Georgia, white suburbs broke away from Atlanta. In Alabama, a federal judge ruled that the city of Gardenvale’s attempt to break away from a diverse school district was motivated by race. Still, she admitted it was legal.

Journalists say what conservatives dare not: This is about race.

“The School Secession Movement Is Growing. That’s Bad News for Integration,” The New Republic, October 15, 2019

“The new face of racial segregation: School ‘secession,’” CBS News, September 5, 2019

“How a ‘New Secessionist’ Movement Is Threatening to Worsen School Segregation and Widen Inequalities,” The Nation, May 15, 2014

Some denounce the secession efforts in Oregon, Virginia, and Colorado. “Take it from us in SC [South Carolina] — if at first you don’t secede, don’t try again,” wrote Brian Hicks in the Charleston Post and Courier. He called the movement “a little silly” and said we should “chill out.” “Do you know what these myriad modern secession movements have in common?” he asked. “They are all led by conservatives who’ve been triggered because they aren’t getting everything they want.” In fact, the most prominent secessionist movement is “Calexit” — which would take California out of the Union — and it is led by liberals.

What does this mean for white advocates? We should take advantage of the existing political system. Rural America is losing population and is plagued by opioids. That’s where we should be, building institutions and businesses, concentrating geographically, working openly for our people, helping our neighbors, and building local political power. We may not be able to form a mini-ethnostate like Orania, but we can build something close. We can build communities where we can be safe, survive economically, and use the American constitutional system to our advantage. Secession efforts show that white Americans want self-determination, even if they aren’t willing to be explicitly racial about it yet.

What is to be done? It’s not trying to “take over” the GOP — the rise of Bernie Sanders and President Trump show that candidates can run strong campaigns without support from the party establishment, but we don’t have the power or the reach to champion a national candidate.

However, we do have the power to build non-political institutions in conservative, rural communities. We don’t want to “take over” towns. We should just be friendly citizens and be good at our jobs, just as Douglas Hyde’s Dedication and Leadership recommends. We need nursing homes to care for our elderly, gyms to strengthen our young, drug treatment plans to support addicts, credit unions for financial services, and group medical insurance. These things are all possible. With that foundation, we can survive and help struggling whites who need our help.

“White nationalism,” which is now a slur, once had a real meaning. It meant our people living free in our own communities, celebrating our heritage and undertaking great tasks. It’s utterly different from the “white supremacy” of ruling over groups or asserting that we are better than everyone. Perhaps we’ve been so focused on Washington D.C. and the electoral circus that we’ve neglected our nation. The people — not the government — is the nation. My nation is my people: white Americans.

Let’s face reality: America’s white majority has no voice in Washington. We can write, march, and post stickers all over the country. None of this matters if we don’t have a strong home base where we are building real communities based on peace and productivity, not fantasy and rhetoric.

Wherever you are in life, whether you’re a father like me or a college student, examine the path you’re on. If we really want a safe white community and ultimately a proud, productive white country, we need to take risks and make sacrifices. Build networks, concentrate in rural areas, create businesses that can support friends and fend off any attempt to get us fired. Let’s build the world we want from that ground up by uniting and building peaceful, effective systems that will improve our lives individually and strengthen us collectively.

In the second-best speech I ever heard Jared Taylor give (the best being the one in Budapest), he said that one day we will have a place on this continent that is ours, and only ours. Many are willing to suffer or die for this, but I’m asking you to live and work for it. Treat other races with respect, fulfill your obligations as citizens, obey the law. Yet every day, act as if our true homeland already exists. We achieve our homeland by building it from the ground up, within the existing system. Let’s show the millions of whites who already agree with us that it’s not just possible, but a reality. If they shut us down with violence, our example will only inspire others.

In the past, there have been times where I wanted to quit and be “normal.” Today, such thoughts make me sick. How can we say that we are afraid when we see what our ancestors achieved? How can I, or any of us, shirk duty?

We must possess an unshakeable faith that our cause is moral, our victory inevitable, and our future glorious. In the name of the best within us, let’s show the world what People of Light can do, not online, not in Washington D.C., but in the places where our people need our help and need a voice to speak for them. I hope I will see you out there soon. The opportunity is here. Let’s seize it before we lose this race against time.

I Love Libertarians #racist amren.com

RE: South Africa: Economic Transformation Can’t Be Achieved Through ‘Sweet Talk’ – Malema

The only problem with South Africa, as a Dnama (the original natives who hate the commie invader Blacks from the Congo who've taken over) friend there said to me, is it should have been settled by a few Hidalgo 'My name is Inigo Montoya' Spaniards or even better a few classic Sicilians.

Vinnie, Vito, and Boom-boom would never had settled for this bull. The boys would have paid Malema a little visit years ago to speak with him--personally.

The Afrikaners were a tough people, the White World turned on them.

Tough like rocks, yeah. The Hidalgos were sledgehammers.

Good point about their being sold out.

Helen Doe #racist amren.com

I was Liberal Until I Lived in a Los Angeles Barrio. Now I’m a Race Realist.

I was conceived out of wedlock by two California liberals high on marijuana. They had both grown up during the Civil Rights movement, and were proud of their status as enlightened egalitarians. We lived in a 90 percent white town, but my upbringing was nothing but leftist indoctrination and derision of “racist” Republicans and Southerners.

When I was a teenager, the only black guy in school had a crush on me. I didn’t think in racial terms back then, but was uninterested all the same. When a friend told me he had bought me a piece of jewelry for Christmas, I told her he should take it back. I told my mother about the incident, but didn’t mention the boy’s race. Later on, she found out about that particular detail, and nearly fell over herself gushing about how proud of me she was for not having found that aspect of the situation worth mentioning. She had raised a true egalitarian daughter, and she could not have been more pleased.

My mother substance abuse issues that eventually led to my parent’s divorce. Afterwards, she swore off men forever and took to decorating her house with every piece of African “art” she could find. The walls of our living room were soon filled with ghoulish tribal masks, while her bedroom sported framed posters of dancing African women with oversized backsides. As a child, I bought her African wood carvings and statues for Christmas and Mother’s Day. Mind you, I never saw my mother so much as speak to a black person (there were hardly any in our town), so this aesthetic obsession was entirely abstract, gleaned from television, movies, and a learned sense of self-loathing for being white. Today, I believe that her deep-seated white guilt contributed to her addiction problems.

Until reaching middle age, I was exactly what I had been raised to be: a typical ethnomasochist. I hated “white America,” dated outside of my race, took African dance lessons, voted for Barack Obama, and regularly decried racial injustice on Facebook. My awakening was very much an accident. My husband (white, thank God) owned and rented a little house in what used to be a ghetto but was now a barrio because of mass immigration into Los Angeles. He and I lived in another, white part of town, but we had plans to leave the city for greener pastures, so we decided to move into this house to fix it up and sell it. I was hesitant to leave our beautiful white area to live among the vibrant people I publicly praised on social media, but we really wanted to maximize our profit, so I agreed to move.

The next two years were a Hell punctuated by gunshots that my husband kept trying to tell me were only fireworks. It is hard to know where to even begin in describing it. We were immediately struck by how dirty it was. My husband and I walked the neighborhood every evening for months picking up all the trash lining the streets. Right when we’d get a block looking decent, the trash would start to reaccumulate. We’d pick in up again — hoping to shame our “neighbors” into better behavior — but that never happened. Eventually, we gave up and only kept our little part of the street clean. Even when we stuck to our property, tidying up and landscaping, drug dealers would drive by and gawk at me, leaving no doubt as to what they wanted. During those two years, every package I had delivered to our house magically disappeared — no exceptions. Eventually, I gave up and started having things sent to my in-laws, a 30-minute drive away.

Our immediate next door neighbors were Hispanic, and there were seven of them (including two out-of-wedlock children) living in a 700 square-foot, 2-bedroom, 1-bathroom house. To make more room, they put up a party tent in the backyard and turned it into grandma’s bedroom, though it looked more like a junkyard than anything else. They always left their windows, and we heard a constant stream of profane screaming matches, sometimes in English and sometimes in Spanish.

The worst thing about life in the barrio is the partying. Blacks hold base-thumping, rap-blaring, drug-fueled ragers. Hispanics squeeze 100 people onto one tiny property along with a mariachi band and a bouncy-house. Both types of party last all night long. My husband and I both worked hard at our jobs, and needed a good night’s rest, but were besieged by this endless racket. Making matters worse was that in order to make a noise complaint to the police, you have to have a precise address. So night after night, my husband would head out into the dark to find the party. He was always unarmed, too — since conceal and carry permits are not issued to regular citizens in Los Angeles County. I would stay home by the phone, praying for his safety. His perseverance ultimately paid off, and the parties started dropping in frequency and volume. It was a chivalrous act of bravery on his part to tread through the urban jungle and stalk the parties like that, totally defenseless but driven by righteous anger. He was doing the best he could to take care of us under very difficult circumstances, and to this day I admire him for that.

By the time we left this multicultural wasteland, California had started letting “non-violent” thugs out of prison early, so things were only getting worse. Incredibly, our house earned us a nice sum of money when a young professional couple bought it. They were both white, and I felt guilty selling it to them — but they were egalitarian liberals just like I had been. My hope is that they also become race realists and get the hell out. As for my husband and I, we now live in the Deep South.

As all of this was happening, Donald Trump was running for President. His campaign and all the comments he made about immigration were a source of hope for me. Even three years earlier this would have been unthinkable, but in 2016, I registered as a Republican and voted for him. Like with so many in our movement, 2017 was rough. The infamous border wall was clearly not a priority of the Trump Presidency. There was the disaster in Charlottesville, the subsequent deplatformings, etc. Meanwhile, Fox News and Breitbart were telling me how happy I should be because black unemployment was at a record low.

My newfound home did not prove to be a paradise, either. The number of blacks here is high, and getting higher as the reversal of the “great migration” keeps unfolding. There are also a shocking number of illegal aliens here. When my husband and I visited a local state park and we heard more Spanish than English. It makes me angry and depressed to write this, but sometimes it seems like this small Southern town is headed for the same fate as Los Angeles.

There is still hope though. In 2018, I attended my first American Renaissance conference. It was wonderful to be surrounded by people who knew what I knew, and who had their own horror stories about surviving multiculturalism. Not one person held my anti-white past against me. Everyone embraced me as one of them. It was truly one of the happiest weekends of my life. The YouTube personality “No White Guilt” uses the term “Going Free” to describe the process of “un-indoctrinating” ourselves from anti-whitism, and I absolutely do feel free. I am a more productive, confident, and complete person than ever before. My husband is still largely a civic nationalist, but recently when I was talking to him about the importance of “white positivity,” he said, “Your happiness is really attractive.” He’s not the only one who feels that way. Everywhere I go these days, people tell me how beautiful I look. I’m an attractive woman and I dress becomingly, but I’m in my early 40s and I’m not that beautiful. I think they see my love for our people, our culture, and the wonderful civilization our ancestors built radiating off of me. They sense my self-assuredness and pride. They see in me something they want for themselves but cannot articulate.

Unfortunately, I am not yet in a position where I can be openly pro-white, so most of the time I keep quiet and just pray for our people. I do look for opportunities to make small, white-positive comments to the people in my life, though — and when I have done so, people have been receptive. I also have an anonymous white-positive pen pal that I found through Way of the World’s NatConnect service, and she has been a wonderful source of encouragement for me. Our correspondence also goes a long way in making me feel less isolated. Despite the many obstacles we face, I believe the tide is turning in our favor. After all, if someone with my background can develop a sense of white racial consciousness late in life, the tide has to be turning.

Robert Smith #racist amren.com

How a Young Black Man Became a Race Realist

I am a 21-year-old black man. I am an atheist, a registered Republican, and a member of Mensa. Already a minority within a minority within a minority, I have yet another idiosyncrasy that puts me in an even more unusual category: I am a race realist. I believe that consistently observed racial disparities in societal outcomes are largely rooted in genetic differences, primarily differences in average levels of intelligence.

High school

This was the first time race predominated in the social climate. I started to notice people self-segregating along racial lines. But most confusingly, black students who did not conform to stereotypes were considered “Oreos:” black on the outside, but white on the inside. I remember the following comments:

“You’re so quiet. Do you consider yourself black?” This from a white classmate, genuinely confused as to why I bucked the general black trend of rambunctious and loud behavior.

A white classmate says something racially offensive in my presence and another asks, “Why would you say that with a black person standing by us?” Answer: “It’s fine; he’s white at heart!”

An Asian classmate: “You’re an embarrassment to your race.”

A group of black students are listing black classmates whom they think act white, and include me: “Yes, he’s white on the inside. He has no accent and hangs out with too many white boys.” (The person who said that flunked out at the end of the school year. He enrolled in a predominately black high school and went to an HBCU. Two months ago, as of this writing, he was killed in a black-on-black crime. There were no protests or riots carried for him, since his death could not be made to look like black victimhood. He got nothing but a few people on Facebook posting his obituary. Maybe he should have acted more “white.”)

I not only saw blacks accuse other blacks of “acting white,” but, even more often, I saw whites accuse their black friends of “acting white.” My Asian friend — of whom I was quite fond — would often say that he didn’t consider me black. I found this extremely puzzling. To me, “acting white” meant being an Uncle Tom — someone who is intentionally betraying his race and cares more about the approval of whites than of other blacks. Being called an “Uncle Tom” is definitely not a compliment. In fact, it is one of the harshest insults for a black person.

The self-hating black person is derided in black culture, as in Uncle Ruckus from The Boondocks and Clayton Bigsby from the Dave Chappelle Show. Many blacks would rather associate with a murderer than with an Uncle Tom. This is not mere hyperbole. The black community eagerly embraces thugs and criminals who destroy their neighborhoods while it ostracizes its most principled members — educated and conservative blacks.

Even more confusing, I noticed that the more intelligent blacks would be particularly prone to accusations of “acting white.” All my life I had believed that trying to come across as an intelligent and civilized person, working hard, speaking standard English, assimilating into American society, not playing the race card, and not acting like a minstrel show character were characteristics of intelligence — not traits associated with any particular race. That ghetto blacks would accuse others of “acting white” I could, to some degree, understand. After all, the more academically oriented blacks did tend to associate more readily with white people than with other blacks, who tended to be ignorant. But what was truly mind-boggling to me was how whites and Asians could accuse blacks — even their own friends — of “acting white.” Why did they mock their black friends for doing what they were supposed to do? Why were intelligent and civilized blacks so often called race traitors by both blacks and whites?

Like an idiot, I succumbed to this pressure. I came to view hard work and academic success as “white” activities. I began to take school and life less seriously, approaching it with a half-hearted attitude, as if giving it my all would be “white,” and antithetical to the very core of my identity. I tried to the greatest extent possible to distance myself from my white classmates — not a good idea at a school that is 90 percent white.

I ended up graduating nowhere near the top of my class but still got into an elite college due to affirmative action and good test scores. I felt a bit guilty for gaming the system, but I felt I experienced discrimination — because of the “acting white” comments — and affirmative action was my way of getting back at an unfair system. (The same college also gave offers of admission to two other blacks from my high school. Their level of achievement was, obviously, high by black standards but also nowhere near the level that would have been required of a white or Asian.)


In college it soon became clear that I was woefully mismatched. I began to doubt whether I was smart enough to work at such an elite level. Perhaps the problem was me, not society.

Other black students were constantly on the watch for imaginary racism. They felt so self-entitled they drew up a document intended to force the school to accept more students and hire more professors from underrepresented races.

I doubted my abilities to such a great degree that I decided to get my IQ tested. My FSIQ (full scale IQ) was 141 — 99.7th percentile!


I have included my hand in the photo to confirm that I am black.

Acting white

For years I was convinced that the major cause of black social pathology was this “acting white” accusation and the phenomenon of having to “prove” one’s blackness. It had certainly had a great effect on my life and impacted other high-IQ blacks around me. However, one day I came across a brilliant article by Steve Sailer addressing this topic.

He made the incisive point that doing well in school would not be considered “acting white” if blacks and whites had the same average IQ. That was my turning point. I realized that this was not a discrimination issue at all or even evidence of racial bias. What my white and Asian classmates meant when they accused blacks of “acting white” was not to call them “Uncle Tom” or “race traitor,” but something more along the lines of “you act more like a stereotypical white person than a stereotypical black person.” Factor in the differing average IQs, and it’s no wonder why the more intelligent blacks are often accused of “acting white.”

Of course high-IQ blacks will tend to associate more with a group that has an average IQ of 100 than a group with an average IQ of 85. This “acting white” phenomenon is exactly what one would expect when groups differing as significantly in intelligence as do black and whites co-exist: Behavior that is associated with intelligence becomes associated with whiteness.

I am now amused by how difficult it is to separate behavior that is stereotypically black from behavior that is generally associated with low IQ: making poor life decisions, failing in school, getting in trouble with the law, being loud and obnoxious, speaking poorly, promoting destructive and ignorant behavior, etc. Conversely, it is difficult to distinguish behavior that is “white” from behavior that reflects high IQ: being polite and civilized, showing emotional restraint, working hard, speaking articulately, being educated, being goal-oriented, listening to classical music, etc. It’s as though everyone subconsciously picks up on the IQ differences even if they don’t explicitly realize that what they’re noticing is different levels of intelligence.

I continued to study the question. I found that that other black members of Mensa are commonly told they are “acting white.” This pattern holds true throughout the world. High-achieving blacks in Britain hear the same thing. Successful Brazilian blacks are called the complimentary term “black with a white soul.”

I learned that literally everywhere in the world where blacks are found in large numbers, they exhibit lower rates of educational success and higher rates of criminality than other races. It’s no mystery why blacks who buck these trends are seen as different from other blacks.

I got my own DNA tested. I found out that I am 25 percent European — which is to be expected among American blacks. More interestingly, I learned that I was in the 96th percentile for Neanderthal ancestry among African-Americans. I find it amusing that I’ve so often had my blackness questioned; I’m unusually high in genetic material that is completely absent from pure Africans.

Compelling quotations

Here are a few observations by blacks that have stuck in my mind.

“Most of the people who were popular in my high school are either dead or in jail.” — my aunt

“This area was so nice when white people lived here.” — my grandmother, driving through a black ghetto

“I have been called ‘white’ my entire life. It’s a shame that just because I didn’t get high, skip class, and steal from the corner store I was thought of as a lame individual.” — a female cousin

“It’s not too often we get a young brother like you here. You’re proper. Most of the young black men I know besides you are thugs.” — a middle-aged black man I met during a summer internship

“N*ggers are terrible.” — my father, who often comes into contact with ghetto blacks in his line of work

“If it’s stupid, they like it.” — my grandmother, referring to young black people

“Why do we always have to come up with dumb shit?” — my extremely militant and pro-black uncle, lamenting black people’s proclivity for ignorance

It’s IQ, not racism

I now have no doubt about race realism. All the lines of evidence, from history to life experience, point to the same conclusion. All the usual excuses for black dysfunction are epiphenomenal and stem from the basic fact of lower average black IQ. Others viewed us as inferior because we never developed the wheel, a written language, a calendar, a mechanical device, or a two-story building. Slavery happened because whites (and Arabs before them) were able to enslave blacks; they had better technology and capitalized on the lack of black cohesion. Historians estimate that 90 percent of the slaves shipped to the New World were first enslaved by other Africans. (This is also consistent with Phil Rushton’s application of r/K theory; Africans have always shown low in-group preference.) All the usual explanations for black failure melt away once the fact of lower IQ is acknowledged. Anti-intellectual culture, poverty, bad schools, single-parent families, lack of role models, you name it — they are exactly what you would expect in a population with a lower average level of intelligence.

I certainly have learned much more about how the world actually works from great men like Phil Rushton, Richard Lynn, Steve Sailer, and Jared Taylor than I have ever learned from hucksters like Ta-Nehisi Coates, Jesse Jackson, or Al Sharpton. One might find race realism to be a depressing worldview; of course no one wants to believe that his race is much less intelligent on average than other races. But I truly believe that if you evaluate the evidence from an unbiased perspective and use logic rather than emotion, you cannot come to any other conclusion.

Furthermore, a worldview that takes into account human biodiversity is certainly more realistic and even hopeful than eternally yearning for whites suddenly to “wake up to racism” or voluntarily renounce their thirst for destroying “black bodies” — something Ta-Nehisi Coates thinks comes naturally to them. It is more hopeful than waiting for blacks around the world to stop creating “cultures of incompetence,” for which they seem to have quite a knack. It is more hopeful than waiting 250 years for the achievement gap to close or 228 years for the black-white wealth gap to close.

I now know what would theoretically be needed to close these gaps: a higher black IQ. I am free of any resentment against whites, for no matter how bad slavery, Jim Crow, or any other misdeed that whites are frequently made to feel guilty for, blacks around the world are infinitely better off than they would have been if whites had simply left them alone to live in mud huts and tote spears in Africa.

I feel empowered, for I now know that there is no impenetrable wall of white racism holding me back. In the words of the founder of logic, Aristotle, “The high-minded man must care more for the truth than for what people think.” If admitting the truth makes me an “Uncle Tom,” so be it.

As for my uncle’s question, “Why do we always have to come up with dumb shit?”, applying Occam’s razor will yield an elegant and parsimonious answer.

Various Commenters #racist amren.com

RE: Latino Support for Trump Is Real


First line, "President Donald Trump has done almost everything he can to anger Latino voters".
I stopped right there.

Donald Trump began his 2016 campaign by insulting Mexicans by calling them rapists and drug sellers, so it would be very strange if those people from that heritage would suddenly support him by over 50%. Jennifer Lopez who is an American and of Puerto Rican heritage made a political statement during the Super Bowl expressing solidarity with the migrant children so I doubt that this community could be that fragmented.

Insulting Mexican rapists and drug dealers. Fixed it for you Rex. Now it reads factually not dishonestly as you've presented.

(The Second Triumvirate)

In Hispanics are a mixed race. Some have more Spanish blood than others, and not surprisingly, those with more Spanish blood are usually the ones at the high end of the Hispanic bell curve. Still, the important point should not be overlooked: no matter how many blacks or Hispanics they sneak in behind Trump at his rallies, neither group will ever vote 50%+ for Republicans. The conservatism Inc crowd is constantly making sound as though this will happen someday ... if we only keep being nice to them. In the end, these people are simply drinking that particular flavor of leftist Kool-Aid -- the flavor that makes you think that race is merely skin color.


You are correct. Pandering to the Hispanic crowd especially in regards to immigration will only result in more democratic voters. Voters who will not only vote democratic, but also Hispanic.
If the white man of any party affiliation think the Hispanics will vote for a white man instead of a fellow Hispanic, they are in for a rude awakening.

It will be a cold, cold day in hell when any POC groups vote republican in any great numbers.
90%+ of blacks vote Democrap
80%+ of Asian
70%+ of Hispanics
I expect the next presidential election will turn more of them Democrap.

(John D.)

Maybe 30% of Latino (or is it Latinx?) Trump supporters are smart enough to realize that their quality of life in the United States depends on maintaining a White majority and don't want anymore of their ilk coming in, lest we become just another brown outhouse country.


The Latinos I knew were fanatic supporters of Trump. One was Indio the other an actual black Hispanic. That’s just my small sample though. However I’d not be surprised to hear that a sizable amount do support him.

(a multiracial individual)

It is an admission that this country has a cap on people that look like them and still remain prosperous. That must be interesting (disturbing) to them psychologically.


There was an anecdote I read years and years ago here on Amren about a man who was riding to work with his Colombian co-workers. They kept bothering him about why white americans were so "racist" and why they didn't want more south americans coming here. Mostly joking around, nothing too serious.

He eventually got fed up and replied, "How many white guys have you met that illegally hopped over the Colombian border for a better life?"

They laughed, but more importantly they agreed with him.

(laura r.)

i live in mexico they loves walls. so much that they protest the caravans coming thu from cent. america. the MX gove promices a wall on the southern border. wont happen. the trans globalists are in charge. btw, even the poorest mexican has protection: an iron door, a roof dog, bars.


Never forget: Hispanics turned California Democrat

The "very few"Latinos support the 2020 Rino Trump, NOT the escalator Trump in 2016. Trump is now a RINO.
The Latino trump supporters out here have silenced me at tea party and Republican meetings.
These "so called trump Hispanics" still want more legal immigration and legal immigration made easier. They also are fine with Spanish being spoken and their hispanic culture taking over. Hispanics love trump because he has not deported anyone and they have stolen ALL the jobs. Plus, the GOP is more than happy to let unqualified first generation Hispanics run for office as a Republican. The Hispanics are coddled


I call BEX on this article. Notice it's author? Ramos?

I predicted that this would become the reoccurring strategy of the Globalist open borders cabal. Have their bought and paid for media puppets in the print and television media start to blast out propaganda that all of these Mestizos who are flooding across our border are actually model and trustworthy 'conservative' voters who do not pose any threat whatsoever to the GOP's future chances of remaining competitive on either the national or state wide political scene.

The idea is to tamp down the White racial awakening that kicked in and which lead to the Orange Man's 2016 victory over the Hildebeast. Fill the news media outlets with endless fabricated fairy tales of how much these Mestizos love and admire the Orange Man and millions of IQ challenged White nitwits in the red states will relax and allow themselves to be lulled back to sleep and hypnotized by these White race genocide promoting con-artists like Charlie Kirk and his Z-clops associate race traitor, Israel First pal Dan Crenshaw.

Oh, and who else would benefit from this kind of propaganda? Might the answer be the Orange Con Man who has made so little progress on the Wall he promised to build and on the promises he made to end DACA on day #1, and round up these illegals and send them back, and to end this abomination known as 'birth right citizenship', and to bring an end to this nation destroying policy of 'chain immigration? How many of us remember the speech the Orange Man gave at a CPAC conference several years ago - where he asked the question as to why America does not allow White Europeans to immigrate to our nation, since they would be a much better fit to our existing culture and would assimilate much easier to our dominant culture? Has anyone seen any passenger ships docking along our coasts and watched any White Europeans stampeding off those ships?

So, rolling out this kind of propaganda in an election year smells to me like an effort on the part of the White House and the Globalist, open borders, pro-White race replacement crowd to try to defuse some of the anger that is growing within the red state voters who are realizing that the Orange Con Man has not delivered on his 2016 signature issues. Its a repeat of the George Wmd Bush--Karl Rove horse manure lie that said: Lookee here, 'Hispanics are natural born conservatives' - so there is no need to worry about securing our border!"

David Ashton #racist amren.com

Some time ago I met two pleasant, educated Black (not Indian) ladies, on holiday in my seaside town, from Guyana, and we got to talk candidly but politely about race and immigration issues. I said what I find offensive are the "black music/dance" videos, with their crude sexual animalism, the body-language and bling, the jumping about of the males and the lewd writhing of the scantily-dressed and much paler-skinned females, and I pulled out the current copy of the leftist "Guardian" newspaper which blatantly lionises gangsta &c "singers" and even gangsters. The younger visitor said: "I'm afraid your white girls go for this trash more than our black girls." I said: "You mean the 'whiggers'?" Her mother smiled, and said: "That's what we call them too." Her daughter then added, surprisingly: "The trouble with this country [GB] is that there is no free speech and your universities are the worst." She then looked at her watch, and said, "We'll have to rush as our parking ticket has nearly expired". So I said, "That's OK - just play the race card," and off they both went, laughing.

Rap videos are amazing manifestations of mate preferences.

High status males showing off their wealth.

Beautiful Peak fertility females showing off their goods.

At the lowest common denominator of rutting presented as porntertainment. Your idea of "high status" in the case of these moronic lecherous thugs with gold teeth inside their prognathous lips, waving their fingertips and jumping about to crude rhythms and even cruder lyrics, is admittedly different from mine. "Drill music" is even worse.

Graham Seibert #racist #sexist amren.com

Why Older White Men Should Start Second Families

Developed societies are not reproducing themselves. This includes the Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, and European peoples along with their former white colonies.

Societies must have children. At the same time, children of our peoples will enjoy better prospects if they can live among others like themselves rather than among a mix of other ethnicities. And governments, whoever their citizens may be, have a constant need for new generations of taxpayers and soldiers.

A significant number of older men become available for marriage. Though some are widowed, more are divorced. Whether they sought this freedom or not, many older men find themselves no longer bound by obligations to former wives, children, and grandchildren. They are free to start over.

Identitarians, who are making the strongest case for increasing the fertility of their own groups, should look at older men as natural allies and recruit them to the cause. Older men identify more strongly with the societies into which they were born. They retain traditional values. They have demonstrated by their survival and success that they have “the right stuff” worth passing on to a new generation. They generally have the material resources to support children, and if they do not already have a family, they should start one.

Men should not be encouraged to fritter away the last few decades of life traveling and playing golf. Like younger men who are re-discovering their identities, they should raise strong families to perpetuate their heritage.


Genetics lie at the core of most arguments against older fatherhood. Although the bulk of the harmful mutations that appear in every person’s genome are inherited from parents, an older man is more likely to have de novo mutations to his genome — those that appear during his lifetime.

Still, the number of harmful de novo mutations is small compared to the thousand or so inherited mutations. Kondrashov includes a table showing that in the genome of a newborn, de novo mutations make up 10 percent of the worst mutations (which reduce fitness by 10 percent or more), 1 percent of those that reduce fitness by 1 percent or more, and 0.1 percent and .001 percent of the lesser orders of magnitude of deleterious mutations. However old a father may be, he can take comfort in the fact that a significantly greater percentage of his children’s load of deleterious genes will be ones he and his wife inherited rather than new ones he passed along to his children. The increase in the risk of harmful mutations is probably no more than about 25 percent. If the rest of his genome gives children a 25 percent edge — in terms of charm, good looks, intelligence — it can be a fair trade.

Genetic advantages of an older father

An older guy who is available for marriage probably inherited fewer harmful mutations than most. He obviously didn’t inherit anything that would kill him young. Heart disease is about 30 percent heritable. An older guy fit enough to marry probably doesn’t have it. Alzheimer’s and other forms of dementia are about 50 percent heritable. The older husband who doesn’t yet show any signs of dementia is less likely to carry those mutations. An older guy on the marriage market is less likely to carry genetic mutations favoring bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or other conditions that show up over the course of adult life.

An older man available for marriage has almost certainly been successful, and therefore above-average in intelligence. Intelligence is about 80 percent heritable. A woman can’t control her own contribution to a child’s intelligence — that’s baked into her genome. But if the older partner she attracts has a 20 IQ point advantage over a younger suitor, she can reasonably expect her children will be correspondingly smarter.

Part of the argument about de novo mutations is that since the rates of childhood mortality fell from about 50 percent at the dawn of the Industrial Revolution to today’s 1 percent, an increasing number of deleterious genes are retained in each successive generation. The older father is one or two generations closer to the Industrial Revolution. In all, though the older father will have somewhat more deleterious mutations, his genome may be superior to that of a young woman’s younger potential partners.

What do we want out of life?

There are other considerations, and each of the following has a particular point of view: the older man, the younger wife, the children, and the state. Finally, society has an interest in perpetuating its culture, values, and traditions and this interest may conflict with those of the individuals and the state.

Will children make an older man happy? Children take time and money away from the pursuit of commercialized happiness. A man whose concept of “happiness” is skiing, surfing, and rock concerts will find that children do not bring happiness.

Personal consumption is a major element in many men’s idea of happiness. They want the latest iGadgets, imported wines, and Swiss watches. Children are expensive, so all but the wealthiest men must make trade-offs, but children can also be a vehicle for conspicuous consumption. Sending them to private schools, exclusive camps, and Ivy League universities burns money almost as well as buying yachts.

It is impossible to measure the value of sex. The man raising children within a marriage can be reasonably sure of getting sex every now and again, but he can be equally sure that he will not get all he wants. The man who equates happiness with frequent sex is better off being a wealthy bachelor, frequenting prostitutes, or using Tinder. An older husband, presumably with a somewhat reduced libido, is likely to be better matched to his wife.

Responsibility for a family gives a man a reason for living. The family provides emotional support. A lifelong partnership gives a man an anchor in life, a sense of stability. Happiness comes with satisfying ones felt obligation to God and/or the church, one’s clan, one’s tribe, and one’s nation. For a patriot, serving his country also brings happiness.

Community involvement

Being married provides a man with a niche in society. Other people know how to peg him: married with children. He is automatically included in other groups: the PTA, parents who carpool, babysitting cooperatives, swimming pool parents, etc. These connections keep an older father involved in society. It is easy for a retiree to let go of life bit by bit as his family obligations are satisfied and no new ones appear. A late-life family poses real obligations, and keeps a man connected with society.

Why would an older man start a family?

Having children doesn’t offer material benefit for the older prospective father. If he is already old, he won’t last long enough for children to care for him in his dotage. Having a younger wife will confer some status whether or not she bears him children, but the tax and welfare benefits of children are laughably small. Ultimately, the only motive is to have children for their own sake, and perhaps to follow some higher calling, such as an obligation to ancestors, society, or the church.

Why would a woman have children with an older man?

Western society has been drenched for decades with anti-fertility messages. We are told there are too many people on earth and Westerners, because of our material consumption, damage the planet. Our societies are inherently unfair to women and racial minorities and sexual minorities; we should die out. Add to that the scare stories from women’s magazines about the genetic risks of an older father.

If a woman decides, despite all the opposition, that she wants children, what are the advantages and disadvantages of an older man? The age of the mother is dictated by biology. A woman’s fertility declines quickly after 35. If she is over 40, the couple may well seek medical help, and will probably stop at one child. This is asymmetric: he has three more decades of fertility than she.

In Western society, a woman who has decided to dedicate her fertile years to having children is in a privileged position for choosing mates. This is especially true for intelligent, educated women, because so many of their competitors are busy with careers. Such a woman can choose a partner from more or less her own age up to the limits of male fertility. Why would she choose an older man?

Financial resources

Raising a family takes money. A woman wants a man who can provide for her.

In choosing a younger man, a woman is betting on the future. It’s uncertain how far he will rise. He may burn out — and prove to be an unsuitable provider — or, he may become spectacularly successful, pull away from his wife and family, and become subject to all kinds of temptations. With an older man, you get what you see. The drama has already played out.

Older men tend to have more money. This is especially true of older men looking for younger woman in the marriage market. They would not be looking unless they were successful. It is also something specific to this generation. The baby boomers have been running society for more than 40 years, and have stacked the deck in their own favor. The baby boomers are the richest generation in America’s history, and also in Western Europe. Younger men are not likely to have as much money.

Men already on pension are probably receiving healthy ones. This is on top of the wealth they have accumulated. Gen X and millennial men have had such a hard time scraping together the down payment for a house that they have not benefited from the rise in stocks and real estate. Moreover, they could well be cheated out of social security; there will be nothing but a dry well for them.


People tend to become more stable and predictable as they get older. They know more about life and they fall into habits that have proven successful. An older husband is less likely to make erratic decisions, such as changing careers, moving, or developing a newfound taste for drugs, alcohol, or video games.

Arguments and stress are part of every marriage. A mature man will understand his long-term interests better, and favor the long-term benefits of marriage over short-term concerns about one-up-man-ship or self-esteem.

A woman should enter marriage with the expectation that her partner will be there for the 20 years or so it takes to raise children. An older guy can be a good bet. Actuarially, an older suitor in good health is very likely to survive another 20 years, and psychologically, he is more likely to remain the same person.


A woman should not bet on a man who is unlikely to settle down. A man’s character becomes clear by the time he is 50. An older man is less likely to his affections wander, so long as he has a reliable partner.

To return to a previous point, the primary reason an older man would want to marry a younger woman and have children is because he wants children. The best way to succeed at that is to remain in a monogamous marriage. Children in a stable marriage are more likely to succeed, and the man himself is far more likely to have more children with a single loving spouse than he is with whatever paramours he may find by stepping out.

Traditional values

The rate at which society changes has accelerated dramatically. Members of the silent generation grew up attending church, not cursing (very much, anyhow), believing in the Golden rule and that honesty was the best policy, and expecting that we would marry and stay married. Our millennial children think we are hopelessly square. More than that, they slur us with epitaphs such as patriarchy, racist, bigot, homophobe, and whatnot when we utter what was merely common sense when we were younger.

A woman might conclude that the family values with which an older man grew up are a better foundation for a family than the social justice ideas that fill the minds of younger men.

Commitment to children

Convincing a much younger woman to have children is not an easy task. A man who does so has already shown his commitment to children. He probably already has children. A prospective bride can talk with him about what worked and didn’t, and how he will contribute to raising a new family. A man who has never married may not have given the subject much thought, and except for a few who have had the chance to help raising younger siblings, not much experience either.


Older men who are inclined to marry have probably done it before. They have experience changing diapers and babysitting. They probably know how to wash dishes and keep house. If the guy has kept himself in shape, as a great many have in this day of bicycling and health clubs, he should be up to the task. A man who works to stay in shape can sustain himself pretty well until he reaches his 70s, but at some point age catches up with him. An offsetting benefit is that an older husband is likely to have more time to spend with his wife and family

The wife’s career

The odds are strong that the prospective husband has already reached the peak of his career. If he is a workaholic, it will be evident — and he will probably not want to saddle himself with family responsibilities. If he truly wants children, there is a strong chance he will find time to spend with them. If her husband has more time to spend with children, his younger wife may find her own life easier. It will be easier for her to pursue a career if she wants, or to take music lessons, attend lectures, and do other things strictly for herself.

Predictable problems

An older man will have a different circle of friends and different interests than those of a younger wife. If both man and wife come from the same country and culture, he may expect his wife to socialize with people of his generation. If they come from different countries, as is often the case with modern May-December marriages, one of them will have to adapt to a whole new environment and make a new set of friends.

For an older man, the better option appears to be to rise to the challenge of learning a new language, making new friends, and adapting to new customs in his bride’s country. If it is the woman who is doing the adaptation — moving to a wealthier Western country — there is a chance the new environment will change her perception of her husband. Not a few older men have seen their tender Asian or Eastern European brides go feminist and decide that this marriage was not exactly what they wanted.

Advantages to children of an older father

The children of an older father will see more of their father. Spending time with their father doesn’t contribute to intelligence or the formation of personality, since these things are mostly inherited. However, boys, especially, turn out better if they grow up in intact families and spend a lot of time with their fathers. When mother and father agree that developing a child’s character is important, it seems they can do that. Even in a therapeutic society dedicated to the proposition that every child should be “happy,” parents who emphasize responsibility and hard work seem to be rewarded.

The good of society

Society needs children. A culture needs new generations to share everything that defines culture: customs, religious beliefs, history, dress and so on. The more fathers, the more children, and the more children, the better — at least in the West. If older fathers sire more productive children — intelligence, personality, etc. — their children make more positive contributions.

If we look at society as a gene pool, an older father’s increased load of de novo mutations is more than offset by the likelihood that he is perpetuating superior genetic material

The good of government

A government needs soldiers and taxpayers. Government benefits from children — and pays for their education and services — whoever the father may be. Older fathers do not impose any special costs on government. Their pensions do not go up. An older father is more likely to be solvent and less likely to be on welfare. This benefit is more than enough to offset the greater likelihood that he will die and his family will go on welfare.


We of today’s older generation have more education, resources, and time than any in history. Although we do not have as much of a feeling for our family, tribe, and nation as our ancestors did, we certainly have more than the generations following us. If there is going to be a renewed ethnic identity among our people, we have an important role. Many of us are already committed.

Awareness alone, however, will not solve the problem. We need new generations of people like ourselves. White people need to be raising white babies. Japanese need to be raising Japanese babies, and Chinese, Chinese. There is no danger in encouraging other groups. Given our shrinking numbers, the world has room for all of us.

We reached the zenith of human accomplishment when we had pride in ourselves and our people and believed that what we had was worth passing on. We can continue to do this by spending time with our grandchildren but, when possible, we should start new families.

Resolving to begin again and find a committed partner is not easy but it isn’t impossible. There are traditional women in our own countries, women who have not been swept up in the moral ambiguities of the age, who are looking for reliable partners. There remain countries such as those of Central and Eastern Europe where a majority of women of childbearing age want a traditional family.

Stop lamenting the unfortunate changes that have affected our countries and our society, and create a new generation to perpetuate all of the good that we inherited and cherish.

Graham Seibert #racist #sexist #homophobia #wingnut amren.com

Marry Your Own Kind

We can marry whomever we want. Anti-miscegenation laws are gone, and social norms have been relaxed. “Empowered” women, sexual liberation, and lesbianism mean there are fewer white women available or desirable as wives. White men are looking elsewhere, especially to Asian women.

There is a bitter backlash from white women who resent this, but nobody wants to marry a bitter woman. The “manosphere” is full of complaints about white women, so why should a white man marry one? I was married for eight years to an Asian and for 25 years to a half Asian (three children), and am now ten years into a successful marriage (two kids) with a white woman. Marrying your own kind — after choosing carefully — makes the most sense.

I have read widely on evolution. Survival of the fittest means differentiation and competition. The strategies that work best win out.

Sarah Blaffer Hrdy writes that human reproductive strategy was simply better than that of our ape ancestors. Nonreproducing females — sisters, aunts, grandmothers — help raise children. Human males do the same, at least more so than male apes. Human mothers can therefore bear children every two years or so as opposed to every five or six for apes. We out-bred apes, and with homo sapiens’ unique ability to speak and cooperate, other ape-men as well.

Real diversity

In Race, Evolution and Behavior Philippe Rushton applied r/K strategy to races. We evolved different reproductive strategies because we occupy different niches. Northeast Asians — fighting a harsh but predictable climate — became the most K selected. Africans, in a benign but unpredictable environment because of disease and predators, remained the most r selected.

Families reflect these differences. Asian “tiger moms” invest a great deal of effort in each child. Every member of a multigenerational Asian family recognizes that he must work towards bringing up the next generation. More than other people, Asians fulfill their roles out of a sense of duty. One of the attractions of an Asian wife is that sense of duty. Asian wives tend to feel obligated to feed their husbands, whether they like them or not, and to take care of children.

On the other hand, libido is weaker among the K-selected Asians. The newspapers carry stories of young Japanese and Chinese of both sexes who have no interest in sex. They are more likely to be faithful, but perhaps less likely to be satisfying partners. These are population averages; there is far more variation within a race than between the races.

Africans on average have measurably higher levels of sex hormones, mature earlier, and tend to have higher sex drives compared to Asians, but they don’t feel the Asian sense of obligation to spouses and children.

Caucasians are in between, although a bit more toward the Asian end of the scale. Stanford’s Luigi Cavalli Sforza has devised a scheme of measuring the genetic distance between any two populations. The genetic distances between the major races are much greater than those between any two European nations. Since our temperaments are under considerable genetic control, we are more likely to understand a fellow European at a deep level. That has certainly been my experience.

True love

Some things do not fall on the r/K continuum. We white folks came to believe in love and romance.

James Q. Wilson, writing in The Marriage Problem, attributed the notion of marrying for love to the medieval English practice of a young man moving out of the parental house to start his own homestead. When he was established and could afford it, he went out on his own to seek a wife among the local girls. He would choose on the basis of personal attraction, without much input from parents or anybody else.

Kevin MacDonald, writing in Individualism and the Western Liberal Tradition, pushes the practice back further. He links it to the individualism of the hunter gatherers of preagricultural Europe. Each individual rose on his own merits in the “Männerbund,” or brotherhood of men. These were egalitarian societies in which individual merit mattered more than family.

Dr. MacDonald proposes that monogamy was the standard in these societies. Individuals living close to nature don’t have enough resources to support multiple wives, and sexual rivalries would have destroyed the cohesion of the Männerbund. Both parties chose carefully because they were marrying for life. They wanted someone who was skillful at manly or womanly tasks, but also pleasant to be with. The Catholic Church, a uniquely Western institution, promoted monogamous marriage as a sacred bond, based on love, dedicated to raising children — Augustine’s fides, proles et sacramentum.

That sets Europe in contrast to the rest of the world. In richer societies elsewhere, families chose mates for their offspring to keep wealth within the family. They arranged marriages for the competitive advantage of the tribe. In some places, such as among the Indians of the Brazilian rain forest, chiefs simply assigned marriage partners. All members of a tribe were so closely related by blood that it didn’t make much difference genetically.

The upshot is that romantic love is a Western notion, and we white people evolved the mental equipment to make it work. We believe in love. While the Japanese have made a fetish out of sending Valentine’s Day cards, and the Africans certainly celebrate sex, we lead in our belief in love. Moreover, Western societies were unique in the status afforded to women. We evolved to treat them as true partners, not just status symbols or incubators of our children.

Belief in love is not an unmixed blessing. Westerners are uniquely disappointed when we don’t find it. An Asian man will remain with the wife of his youth and simply take concubines if he can afford them. Sex in African societies is unconstrained. Native Americans likewise consider fidelity to the tribe to be more important than fidelity to their partner.

We Westerners have put ourselves in a bind. Western women have grown to expect that they can have it all: a family and the true love that society celebrates and that their ancestors knew, along with freedom and a career. Sometimes it all fits, often not.

Before the 1950s, sex was seen as part of marriage, not an end in itself. People were expected to fulfill their obligations to each other in the marriage, especially with regard to earning money, keeping house, raising children, and paying bills. Satisfaction came from fulfilling obligations to family and society, not sex.

Hugh Hefner started Playboy magazine in 1953, and in the same decade, Simone de Beauvoir published The Second Sex. The 1960s saw Betty Friedan’s The Feminine Mystique, along with the pill, the sexual revolution, the antiwar counterculture, and drugs. The emphasis turned to self-gratification, with sex becoming a plaything more than an instrument of procreation as part of a larger, social commitment. Sex became burdened with expectations it could never fulfill, leading to generations of unfulfilled men and women. This is how we arrived at today’s situation.


The children of a mixed marriage are . . . mixed. My one-fourth Japanese children called themselves “mixers” — neither Asian nor white. However, when pressed, because being white is so monumentally out-of-favor, they lean toward their Japanese quarter.

If the genetic distance between the parents is great enough, the parents will be genetically closer to members of their own race than to their own children — hard as that may be to believe.

I had hoped my children would inherit their mother’s Asian work ethic and conscientiousness and my drive and curiosity. I was disappointed. Is this common? Anecdotally, I do not see as many successful mixed-race Asian Americans as one would expect.

Only one of my mixed-race children inherited the sense of romantic love I got from my parents. She is also inclined to be critical of men who don’t have an Asian level of conscientiousness. I believe that she and, indeed, all three of them would be more comfortable if they were not mixed.

There is unlikely to be a statistical study of the characteristics of Asian-Caucasian “mixers.” It is hard to imagine a more politically charged research thesis. Moreover, a rigorous statistical study would be very hard to construct. And there is the question of which Asians? Profs. Lynn and Vanhanen find that the average intelligence in Asian nations varies by as much as 20 points.

Children of any mixed marriage find themselves in the same position as my children. Are they white or Asian? Or, like George Zimmerman, white or Latino? There may never be statistical validation of this point, but it is common sense to stick with your own kind and to have children who don’t have to decide who they are.

What’s the solution?

To make ourselves attractive as marriage partners, we white people should learn once again to act responsibly. We should learn to respect each another. We should learn that true satisfaction comes from family. But what can you do if you want marriage and children when there are so few well-suited partners?

Look in the right places. Find religion. People who attend church are more likely to believe in the Christian tradition of monogamous marriage and family. Take on a self-improvement program: People who attend Toastmasters or take night courses are more likely to be just as conscientious in their romantic relationships. The people you will meet at Dale Carnegie or dance lessons are more likely to be outgoing and interested in forming stable relationships.

If you are a woman, you should attend American Renaissance conferences, where you will find many like-minded men. You will find younger people in identitarian groups. Don’t just attend — take leadership roles. Learn to speak publicly. If a person’s first impression is looking up at you on a podium, he might continue looking up at you.

You can expect the commenters on articles at American Renaissance to be on your wavelength. There are ways to protect your privacy — burner email addresses, SIM cards and Skype numbers — and still let people know how to reach you. The odds of finding a soulmate among people interested in the future of our people are certainly higher than on Tinder or eHarmony.

Millennial YouTube personalities such as Brittany Sellner (formerly Brittany Pettibone) and Blonde in the Belly of the Beast have an attractive message. Join the commenters on their YouTube pages or Mrs. Sellner’s book and make contact with them.

After my second divorce, I was too old to do these things. As a graduate student on an American campus from 2003 to 2006, I didn’t find anyone who would have interested me even if I had been young enough to be in the running. Two poignant books, “Sexual Utopia In Power” by Roger Devlin and “No Campus For White Men” by Scott Greer pretty well sum up my experience.

The logical choice for me was to look elsewhere. While there are substantial white populations in Uruguay, Argentina, Chile, and southern Brazil, the largest number by far are in Europe. Women in just about every less-developed or recently-developed country, whatever their race, are less affected by cultural disease than women in the United States and Western Europe. Moreover, an American income is also more attractive to them.

I consider the Visegrad countries — Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic and Slovakia, and the Baltics to be recently developed. Although their standards of living approach those of Western Europe, the people remain traditional. I am continually encouraged by their resistance to the dictates from the European Union that they take immigrants. They are standing their ground, asserting that they are Christian countries and want to stay that way. The former members of the Soviet Union — Russia itself, Belarus, Moldova, Georgia, and Ukraine — might properly be considered underdeveloped. Average monthly salaries are less than $1,000. Though Western culture is making inroads, these peoples are still better marriage prospects.

Although most people think going abroad means American men looking for foreign brides, it works the other way. The men in these countries are more traditional. They tend to be more courtly, more inclined to observe the traditional courtesies such as opening doors. They can fix things. They expect to marry, the major constraint being whether they can afford it. At the same time, the characteristics now called “toxic masculinity” haven’t been beaten out of them. A white woman looking for a real man — with both the advantages and disadvantages — could do worse than Eastern Europe.

University has always been an ideal stage of life at which to meet a partner. All of Europe has a tradition of relatively inexpensive education. Here in Ukraine, education is ridiculously cheap — the most expensive schooling is about $5,000 per year for medical school. Moreover, at some universities, a lot of the courses are offered in English. A parent interested in the prospects of grandparenthood and the well-being of his wallet could do worse than to recommend that his children study overseas. Although it will probably take longer if the language of instruction is not English, the knowledge of a foreign language will be a lifelong asset, the experience with a foreign culture invaluable, and the possibility of a delightful (and philogenitive) partner is valuable.

Racial diversity brings differences that are hard to overcome in any context, differences that are on constant display in the United States and Western Europe. Marriage is the most intimate possible human relationship. The difference between men and women is already profound, and bridging it is challenge enough for any couple. As I have learned from costly experience, it does not make sense to burden a relationship with the added differences of miscegenation. Marry your own kind.

Gregory Hood #racist amren.com

Scandinavian Airlines Erases Scandinavian Identity

“Once any group has been stripped of their identity and existence in theory, it is only a matter of time before someone will seek to strip them of their existence literally,” wrote Joel Richardson.

“Whiteness is not a culture,” said the late Noel Ignatiev, “but a privilege and exists for no reason other than to defend it.” He wanted to “abolish the white race,” but said this was a political project, not a call to genocide. “Perhaps AR should publicly call for the destruction of the black race,” wrote Michael Levin, “and then explain that this is just a way of criticizing affirmative action.”

Ignatiev at least said “Italian culture” and “Irish culture” are real. Today, even that may be politically incorrect.

“What is truly Scandinavian?” asked a recent ad from Scandinavian Airlines (SAS). “Absolutely nothing.”

“There is no such thing,” say two girls in the ad.

Posted on February 26, 2020Scandinavian Airlines Erases Scandinavian Identity
Gregory Hood, American Renaissance, February 26, 2020

“Once any group has been stripped of their identity and existence in theory, it is only a matter of time before someone will seek to strip them of their existence literally,” wrote Joel Richardson.

“Whiteness is not a culture,” said the late Noel Ignatiev, “but a privilege and exists for no reason other than to defend it.” He wanted to “abolish the white race,” but said this was a political project, not a call to genocide. “Perhaps AR should publicly call for the destruction of the black race,” wrote Michael Levin, “and then explain that this is just a way of criticizing affirmative action.”

Ignatiev at least said “Italian culture” and “Irish culture” are real. Today, even that may be politically incorrect.

“What is truly Scandinavian?” asked a recent ad from Scandinavian Airlines (SAS). “Absolutely nothing.”

“There is no such thing,” say two girls in the ad.

The ad says Scandinavian traditions and achievements came from elsewhere. “We’re no better than our Viking ancestors,” explains a black man.


The ad doesn’t say why SAS is a good airline. The ad is pure Woke Capital — a company pushing politics. If you know about Stonetoss, you’re probably thinking about his “Burgers?” cartoon.


The ad insults Scandinavians in three ways.

Scandinavians have no culture except what they took from others. “In a way,” says the narrator, “Scandinavia was brought here.”

Scandinavian identity belongs to everyone. Non-whites, including the black Viking, represent Scandinavia.

Finally, the few Scandinavian achievements the ad finds worth mentioning are egalitarian projects, including “our democracy” and “women’s rights” — but Scandinavia can’t claim these either. The ad credits democracy to ancient Greece and women’s suffrage to America. (Of course, linking modern Scandinavia to ancient Greece admits there’s a larger Western, white culture that goes back millennia.)

The ad doesn’t mention Scandinavian explorers, composers, novelists, commanders, or scientists.

The good news is that people hated the ad. On YouTube, about 13,000 people “liked” the ad, while 112,000 “disliked” it.

Danish People’s Party foreign affairs spokesman Soeren Espersen said SAS “spit on us.” “What nonsense and self-hatred,” said Swedish Democrats secretary Richard Jomhof on Facebook.

SAS pulled the ad from its website but didn’t apologize. It vowed to continue the campaign and released a shorter version with the same message. It said the problem wasn’t the ad, but the people who didn’t like it.

Some media agreed. “4chan Trolls Target Scandinavian Airlines With Racist Harassment Campaign,” said Mother Jones, comparing the flap to the “coordinated harassment campaign” of Gamergate. LoyaltyLobby, which tracks travel loyalty programs, said the controversy was “made up.” Aftonbladet’s Jenny Wennberg’s blamed Russian propaganda and said “only an idiot” would object to the claim “Scandinavia was brought here bit by bit.” Expressen cited reports that the criticism came from “hate sites,” the “extreme right,” and Russia.

Blaming “trolls” or “Russia” is a way to claim any opposition to the ad was fake. It’s true that the Russian outlet Sputnik posted an article about the ad on February 12. However, Twitter users were protesting the ad before that.

No national airway of any non-white country would ever say its people had no culture. No company would ever say a non-white race, region, or country had no culture. McDonalds, Target, and Disney and scores of other companies celebrate Black History Month. The film Black Panther invented fictional history to make blacks feel better. If whites adopt black, Hispanic, or Asian traditions, non-whites accuse them of “cultural appropriation.” Somehow, a black man claiming “Viking ancestors” is fine.

The SAS controversy may seem small, but it’s part of our race’s central problem. Those with financial and political power seem to think we shouldn’t have anything of our own. If we have no culture, why should we have countries? Journalists and academics can call “The Great Replacement” a conspiracy theory because there’s nothing there to be replaced.

This is why white identity isn’t just about biology, pride, or politics. It’s about survival. The SAS ad wasn’t just an insult. It was a warning.

Michelle Malkin #racist #wingnut #conspiracy amren.com

Red China’s Infection of US Classrooms

Dangerous menaces are spreading from mainland China to the United States. Surgical masks and Big Pharma vaccines, however, won’t protect this nation from its infiltration. The problem doesn’t lie with bats. It lies with America’s batty pursuit of globalization at all costs.

Chinese Communist Party agents are using our suicidal pathologies — blind worship of “diversity,” naive exaltation of “cultural exchange” programs, and reckless surrender of our education system — against us for economic espionage, intellectual property theft and world dominance. While Beltway blowhards rail against foreign interference in our elections, Beijing’s hijacking of our classrooms ensues with hardly a peep of political resistance.

On Monday, the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Boston announced that the chairman of Harvard University’s Chemistry and Chemical Biology Department, along with two Chinese nationals, have been “charged in connection with aiding the People’s Republic of China.” Acclaimed Harvard chemist and nanoscientist, Dr. Charles Lieber, had served as a “strategic scientist” at Wuhan University of Technology for the past nine years and is accused of lying about his role as a “contractual participant” of China’s infamous Thousand Talents Plan.

Last fall, after years of intel warnings, a bipartisan Senate committee blew the whistle on TTP’s systematic recruitment of an estimated 7,000 academics who have agreed to “transmit the knowledge and research they gain here to China in exchange for salaries, research funding, lab space, and other incentives.” Lieber reportedly received $50,000 a month plus living expenses and more than $1.5 million for a Chinese research lab, all while soaking up $15 million in federal grants from the National Institutes of Health and Defense Department.

It is unknown how many Chinese nationals worked in either Lieber’s America-based or China-based labs. But the two Chinese nationals charged with Lieber were cancer researcher Zaosong Zheng, 29, whom Harvard sponsored on a J-1 work-study exchange visa and Yanqing Ye, 29, whom Boston University sponsored on a J-1. Prosecutors allege Ye is a CCP member and top military lieutenant. Zheng is accused of attempting to smuggle “21 vials of biological research” aboard a flight destined for China.

Those are just a few who got caught. In 2018-2019, China sent the most international students from around the world (369,548 out of nearly 1.1 million) to study in U.S. institutions. More than 71,000 Chinese students headed to Massachusetts; 6,222 of them embedded at Harvard and 10,598 of them enrolled at Boston University. Those figures don’t include their spouses and children, who are also welcomed through their own special visa programs. (And the national security risks of the untold tens of thousands of Chinese nationals on the H-1B tech worker visa is a whole ‘nuther story.)

China has cunningly exploited America’s alphabet soup of temporary visa programs, which are overwhelmed by out-of-control mass migration and are operated by open borders ideologues who put the alleged economic benefits of admitting 1 million international students into the country every year over the national security risks. Top administrators at Harvard and other prestigious universities have continually denounced the Trump administration for increasing vetting of foreign student visas and inconveniencing their wealthy clientele.

But mum’s the word on the treachery taking place under the guise of “cultural” enrichment:

Last July, the FBI indicted Chinese F-1 student visa beneficiary Weiyun “Kelly” Huang in an alleged visa fraud scheme that allowed more than 2,500 Chinese foreign students on F-1 — including a purported spy for the Chinese government — to extend their stays by claiming employment with a phony internet front she created. The ruse allowed the scammers to take advantage of the uncapped Optional Practical Training program allowing F-1s to stay an extra three years to work. Ji Chaoqun, an F-1 who received a master’s degree in electrical engineering in 2015 from an unspecified U.S. university, paid for Huang’s services and was arrested in 2018 for alleged spying and recruitment of academics and engineers under the direction of the People’s Republic of China.

In September, the FBI arrested Chinese national Zhongsan Liu in New Jersey for operating a fraudulent J-1 visa racket that imported PRC operatives to staff a New York front group recruiting scientists, academics and engineers to work in China. Liu targeted seven American universities for the scheme, including the University of Massachusetts Boston.

Just last week, the University of Missouri at Columbia announced it was terminating its partnership with a Chinese government-funded language and cultural program called the Confucius Institute amid widespread national security concerns. The Institute’s teachers were pouring into local K-12 schools through the J-1 visa program unsupervised. The U.S. Government Accountability Office identified more than 500 “Confucius Institutes” worldwide, with 96 located at colleges and universities in the United States as of December 2018 — the vast majority of them publicly funded institutions. A PRC propaganda outfit called Hanban has provided funding ranging from $900,000 to $1.7 million for “model” Confucius Institutes.
While several universities have closed their programs, several Chinese language charter schools and entire school districts, including K-12 public schools in Broward County, Florida, Houston and Seattle, operate “Confucius Classrooms” approved and co-operated with the Chinese government.

Where’s a nationwide public health emergency declaration when you need one?

Gregory Hood #wingnut #racist amren.com

Leftists Rage Against Classical Architecture

The Trump Administration has reportedly drafted an executive order to make “the classical architecture style” the “preferred and default style” for federal buildings. This would probably prevent eyesores like the U.S. Federal Building in San Francisco and the U.S. Courthouse in Austin. The Architectural Record reports that the draft requires buildings to display the values of “democratic Athens” and “republican Rome,” rather than “Brutalism and Deconstructivism.”

“Brutalism” comes from the French word brute, which means “raw concrete,” and wasn’t meant to define a deliberately harsh style. But it does. “Brutalism” is about creating buildings that display their construction material rather than concealing them for aesthetics’ sake. Architects often put up these unadorned buildings for public housing projects, and the style was popular in the Soviet Bloc. “Brutalism” is thus associated with socialist and vaguely totalitarian government schemes — and collapsing neighborhoods.

“Deconstructivist” architects deliberately avoid harmony and symmetry, in a school influenced by Jacques Derrida. Their buildings seem to be in motion or splitting apart, and violate traditional standards of beauty. The style has explicit political overtones. For example, a triangle juts out from the Museum of Military History in Dresden, Germany; architect Daniel Libeskind said he wanted to “penetrate the historic arsenal” and “engage the public in the deepest issue of how organized violence and how military history and the fate of the city are intertwined.”

Prince Charles has famously criticized modern architecture. The Guardian in turn said he was a reactionary. As Douglas Murphy wrote, “Rejecting modern architecture went hand-in-hand with fighting the unions, deregulating the planned economy, smashing industry and rejecting the spectre of socialism that had almost ruined Britain.”

The late Roger Scruton fiercely hated modern architecture, calling for a return to “beauty” and art that can “open ourselves to our highest aspirations.” He was part of the Britain’s Building Better, Building Beautiful Commission. Professor Sam Jacob said the commission is “clearly a front for the continuing attack on progressive ideas about architecture and cities” and claimed to see a “clear link between its aesthetic agenda and the far right.” He also says it is an “appeal to blinkered, quasi-fascist old white men.”

President Trump’s proposed order met a similar reception. The American Institute of Architects complains that “architecture should be designed for the specific communities” and should reflect “our rich nation’s diverse places, thought, culture and climates.” (Improbably, the AIA’s logo is an eagle in front of a column.)

Fast Company suggested it’s not completely irrational to “conflate Trump’s draft order with Nazi-era architectural shows of power.” Steven Heller of the NYU School of Visual Arts says “[T]here is reason for alarm in the rhetoric that the king of tasteless glitz is attempting to impose his personal brand on the physical manifestation of this nation.” Mr. Heller was also angry about our poster campaign.

Twitter was furious about the proposed executive order.

Media have already linked classical architecture to “white supremacy.”

“How architecture-themed Twitter accounts became a magnet for white nationalism,” NewStatesmanAmerica

“Twitter account dedicated to traditional European architecture draws ire as an architecture-themed dog-whistle,” Archinect

“The Aesthetics of Empire: Neoclassial Art and White Supremacy,” Contemporary

On one level, this is just the usual hysteria from journalists and academics hunting for “white supremacy” clickbait. However, traditional or classical architecture connects Europeans to their history. This has obvious political overtones, because if people feel connected to their heritage and history, they are more willing to fight for it. For that reason, some journalists and academics are worried about a return to traditional architecture. “We can currently witness a cultural tendency of using seemingly harmless terms like ‘identity,’ ‘tradition,’ and ‘beauty,’ to establish an idea of ethnic purity protected by a fortress Europe,” says Professor Stephan Trüby of University of Stuttgart.

But what’s the purpose of Brutalist and Deconstructionist buildings? Does anyone really think they are heroic or even pretty? Do they not reinforce an idea of racial deracination? Many academics are open about trying to dismantle the very concept of Western Civilization. As Jared Taylor notes, “diversity destroys culture,” certainly our culture. Architecture that alienate whites from their past makes them feel helpless, rootless, and weak. As part of a larger wave of hostility, this may be driving whites to despair or even suicide.

In a healthy society, buildings connect people to their heritage and history. They offer comfort, beauty, and connectedness. All institutions should do this. Instead, our institutions spread cultural and physical poison, and we see the results everywhere. President Trump’s proposed executive order is one small step towards reuniting white Americans with our civilizational tradition.

Gregory Hood #racist amren.com

Bad to Worse in South Africa

In February 2019, I wrote that South Africa’s government would make “apartheid denial” a crime. It’s not technically illegal yet, but South Africa’s president likens it to treason: “[A]partheid was so immoral in its conception and so devastating in its execution that there is no South African living who is not touched by its legacy,” said South African president Cyril Ramaphosa. “I would even go to say that to deny this, in my view, is treasonous.”

Treason to what? To “nonracialism,” which President Ramaphosa says, “is a fundamental and immutable principle that defines the character of our democratic nation.” He has an odd conception of “nonracialism.” South Africa’s Black Economic Empowerment policy (BEE) discriminates actively against whites. Mr. Ramaphosa chaired a commission that started the practice. Even the leftist The Nation reports that he used race preferences shamelessly to line his own pockets.

According to South African law, the people who get systematic preferences under BEE are “African, Coloured, or Indian persons,” so Indians get race preferences, too. It is common to point out that South African Indians benefited from apartheid. Some South Africans think there is still “Indian privilege.” The Indian Gupta family became rich and powerful through political connections and bribery. Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) head Julius Malema says Indians in Natal treat [black] Africans worse than Afrikaners do.

When he lived in South Africa, Mahatma Gandhi didn’t care about the rights of blacks. He said that the “British race should be the dominant race.” His objection was that the British “dragged [Indians] down to the position of a raw Kaffir.” Needless to say, Gandhi is not much of a hero in South Africa.

Some mixed-race “Couloured” people think BEE favors blacks and leaves them out, to the point that the Solidarity labor union complained recently that the government’s obsession with “racial mathematics” and superficial diversity has brought the economy “to a virtual standstill if it is not outright receding.”

If this is “nonracialism,” what does racialism look like?

What prompted this talk about apartheid and treason? Julius Malema of the EFF demanded it. On February 2, former South African president FW de Klerk said “the idea that apartheid was a crime against humanity was and remains an agitprop project initiated by the Soviets and their ANC/SACP allies to stigmatize white South Africans by associating them with genuine crimes against humanity.” Later, he apologized, but Mr. Malema said that wasn’t good enough and wants to take away Mr. de Klerk’s Nobel Prize.

The EFF has been demanding this for years. Mr. de Klerk won the Nobel Prize with Nelson Mandela in 1993, but today he’s just another white “racist.” Just weeks ago, President Ramaphosa told blacks not to thank Mr. de Klerk for ending apartheid, but to credit “pressure and the struggle that our people waged.”

Why did Mr. de Klerk hand the country over to the ANC? Ilana Mercer recently wrote a devastating column about Mr. de Klerk’s “Great Betrayal of South Africa.” Many white South Africans supported negotiations, she wrote, but they didn’t want “to be legislated into a permanent position of political subordination.”

Afrikaners’ “conservative” leaders, especially General Constand Viljeon, decided democratic elections in a black majority country were better than secession and creating a Volkstaat, or Afrikaner homeland. Miss Mercer writes: “As the democratic South Africa amply demonstrates, political rights and a paper constitution don’t secure the natural rights to life, liberty, property, and the pursuit of happiness.” The situation is so bad that even National Review published an article called “The End of South Africa” in 2015, which supported an independent city-state for Afrikaners.

A recent survey found most South Africans — including blacks — don’t trust the government and aren’t satisfied with its performance on jobs, crime, and the economy. They are also worried about cuts in electricity and water. The Human Services Research Council, which did the research, concluded that “it appears that South Africans do not believe that the government can adequately navigate the country under the weight of the present socio-economic challenges.”

The African National Congress still won re-election in 2019. The ANC is more moderate than the EFF, but the two have certain things in common. Just a few days ago, EFF and ANC parliamentarians were trading accusations about beating women.

The “historically white” Democratic Alliance is the main opposition to the ANC. Interim leader John Steenhuisen said on Sunday that the ANC has failed to improve the lives of black South Africans. If the alliance is to accomplish anything it must attract more black voters. It probably can’t.

Meanwhile, South Africa is crumbling, and when egalitarianism fails, its believers need scapegoats. The Afrikaner-only town of Orania is booming, but a month ago, Rebecca Davis of the Daily Maverick called it “a shameless challenge to the rainbow nation project” and a “festering boil on the face of social cohesion; a grotesque suggestion that the country’s racial rifts can never truly be sewn together.” Last summer, an EFF parliamentarian advocated “relocating” landless people to “whites-only places” like Orania.

In May 2019, ANC secretary-general Ace Magashule called for an “unstoppable” struggle for “economic emancipation.” “We can no longer be slaves in our own nation,” he said. He said the “control of the resources of our country is still primarily in the hands of white people, who are the descendants of colonists who stole our wealth and land in the first place.” This is after 25 years of ANC rule.

Last month, the ANC announced that the executive branch, not the courts, would decide whether land owners would be compensated if their property were seized. US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo said expropriating without compensation (EWC) would ruin the South African economy. In response, President Ramaphosa said an upcoming bill wouldn’t undermine property rights, but simply “broaden the property rights of all South Africans.” He argued it was the failure to change “patterns of land ownership in this country” that hurts the economy.

Many whites are being murdered. Western nations mostly reject white South Africans who claim “refugee” status. In this context, it’s chilling that South African leaders are blaming white property owners for the country’s economic troubles, especially when Mr. Ramaphosa is considered a “pro-business moderate.”

“Power can only be resisted by power,” said John Calhoun. Mr. de Klerk deceived white South Africans and gave away his constituents’ power, but the current South African president essentially called Mr. de Klerk a traitor to the very regime he enabled. President Ramaphosa doesn’t need to appease powerless relics like F.W. de Klerk who prattle about constitutional niceties. Mr. Ramaphosa worries more about Julius Malema, who acts as if he’s above the law and commands a powerful movement.

The lesson for whites is that you can’t secure protection by surrendering power. Constitutions, promises, hopes, and wishes are no substitute for numbers, money, and sovereignty. Nelson Mandela’s “Rainbow Nation” was a transition phase in black state conquest of South Africa. That phase is approaching for our entire civilization. We can’t afford another South Africa.

Tucker #racist amren.com

RE: Nigeria May Be Part of Trump’s Travel Ban, But Nigerians Tend to Trust Trump

This sounds like an unbelivably chutzpathetic pile of bull biscuit BALONEY. Baloney that is so mindbogglingly comical and preposterous that it reminds me of what Hitler wrote about how that certain tribe of subversive nation wreckers would use the "Big Lie" technique, because when the lie is so gigantic and so outrageous and so off-the-charts in terms of believability, that it taps into & exploits what is the greatest weakness of White European people - their child-like naivete and gullibility. They hear these gigantic lies and are psychologically incapable of seeing them as lies, because of the sheer enormity of the falsehood - and, since they, themselves, are unable to imagine ever telling such a huge lie as the one they are hearing -- they conclude that the Big Lie must be true.

"Usually, when he makes the comments that people in the U.S. regard as racist or whatever, in this part of the world, people tend to agree with him because we think, well, we know these things he’s saying are things that everybody else is thinking. We’re not under any illusion that any country in the world wants to welcome African immigrants with wide-open arms. No Nigerian I know of is under that illusion. No European country is eager to welcome African immigrants. They’re putting policies in place. The data is there. All the EU countries are trying to keep immigrants out. So President Trump is saying the things we know everybody is thinking."

This sounds like it came out of the mouth of a racially sane White man, or more likely, from a non-white guy like Steven Miller - which I suspect is the most likely possibility. Listen to me, my fellow White Americans. The entire non-white World understands the power of playing the race card on the White race. The entire non-white World also understands how successful the race card has worked on weak, wimpy, racially castrated and racially emasculated Whites. They understand that, to get the White man to cuck and grovel and submit to their endless list of demands - all they have to do is accuse him of being a 'racist', and 99% of White men will immediately wilt and soil their panties and give these non-whites whatever it is that they are screaming to be given. But, here we see a news report that tries to get us to believe that these Nigerian blacks have tossed their race card into the garbage heap and are now claiming that they understand and respect the Orange Man's desire - and the desires of every other White European nation - to refuse to accept blacks from Africa into their nations?

Or, could this be another effort on the part of the Orange Cuck to float the idea that blacks all over the world are all suddenly big fans of his and if he decides to selectively exclude them from sneaking into a White nation so they can feast off of the White race - hey, no big deal, they understand and don't hold it against him?

Since when has a parasite ever voluntarily jumped off of the host it is feeding upon because it suddenly saw the host's point of view?

”We’re not under any illusion that any country in the world wants to welcome African immigrants with wide-open arms. No Nigerian I know of is under that illusion. No European country is eager to welcome African immigrants.”

Then why do you stream in droves to places where it’s clear to you that you cause problems, are a burden, and are unwanted and unwelcome? This has become a thing that has eroded any sympathy at all, for any of them. This African is no exception. That’s generally the attitude of all these immigrants for quite a long time. They know they are a burden, they know they’re pushing other people out, they know how we feel about it. And at best, they don’t care. More often than not, their attitude is “haha, suckers. We’re taking over that there’s nothing you can do. And you have to pay for it, and move aside. All your stuff is ours, and your government will give it to us. Weaklings!”

I’m well over “there’s many good people among them”. No. I don’t care how amiable they may appear on the surface. Good people don’t do this. At this stage of the game, they know darn well they are intruding and stealing. NOT a thing that good people do to a bunch of kind starngers that are helpless to this fate.

I get the gist of what NPR is doing here. They are trying to make the impression to the slackjawed yokel sucker Trump voters that third world immigrants are really Trump loving patriots, you see.

No dice. Not buying it.

Judging by the rest of the comments I have seen thus far, it appears as if Joy and I stand alone on being able to see through this unbelievably comical scam.

Like I said in my earlier comment - the #1 most racially suicidal weakness that plagues White European people is this child-like, Goober Pyle flavored naivete and sickening gullibility that drives us to always get suckered by the Big Lie Techniques used by the most evil and dangerous enemy we have ever faced.

Sunnnnnshineeee #homophobia #transphobia #racist amren.com

RE: Uber Driver, 28, Plotted to Drive His Car Into ‘Evil’ Gay Pride Parade to Kill Non-Muslims, Court Hears

I dislike Muslims but honestly, I think gays are worse. Muslims have absolutely no business in our countries, they shouldn’t be our problem. Gays are just civilization destroyers, no matter how you slice it. Obviously not saying this guy should kill anyone, but we also shouldn’t be celebrating deviance as a society.

[I dislike Muslims but honestly, I think gays are worse.]

You like terrorism more than quiche? Interesting.

If things were the way they should be, we wouldn’t have to worry about Muslims and their beliefs, because they’d be in their own lands.

And let’s be real here, the gays are just as militant in demanding people “convert” to their beliefs. They want to push their ideology on us and force us to celebrate them. They’re making it illegal for parents to try and get their gay children help, and are trying to make it illegal for parents to stop their minor children from mutilating themselves because they claim to be “trans”. And let’s not forget Drag Queen Story Hour and endless Pride parades and the fact that their uncontrolled sexual deviance has spread so many diseases and even brought many back into prominence, and their disgusting ways helped create MRSA and other super bugs.

Tim_in_Indiana #racist amren.com

RE: China Condemns ‘Truly Mean’ US Travel Warning, as Coronavirus Runs Rampant

Evidence continues to suggest that this is a Chinese only disease. Apparently, no shown non-Chinese cases have yet been found. Meanwhile, liberals continue to insist that race is just a “social construct.“ The disease hasn’t gotten the news yet.

Jed I. Knight #racist amren.com

My family worked for decades in what was Belgian Congo, more specifically in the Katanga region. rich with mining resources. Around the time of independence, Rebel militias would attack Belgian forces after having been brainwashed by some witchcraft doctor who had repeatedly told them Belgian bullets were made of water. So they would run towards Belgian lines also erect and torso bare, screaming "c'est de l'eau, c'est de l'eau" (it's water, it's water). This mental conditioning gave them particular resistance to pain and it was scary and horrifying for Belgian soldiers to see how many bullets were needed to finally take them down. Of course these running and screaming zombies would always be obliterated in the end, but the whole scene was truly nightmarish it seems. My great-uncle in particular, who spent 31 years in Belgian Congo (from 1929 to 1960), had other incredible anecdotes about the outlandish believes, actions, stupidity and incompetence of these people. The Hutus it seems are particularly primitive, violent and cognitively retarded. The Pygmies he believed were so stupid and physically different that they were a close branch of hominids, yes, but not humans. Of course my great-uncle would not pass as very politically correct by modern standards.

dianadepoitiers #wingnut #sexist amren.com

RE: Kiss Me Now, You Nazi! Refusing to Date Woke Women Makes You ‘Dangerous’ and ‘Far-Right’, Apparently

What about househusbands? That's a badge I happily wear.

What about them? They score between 0-1 on a 1-10 attractiveness scale .

It would drive me insane to have a househusband.

”Because that is what she WANTS to do. Feminists are not against women being housewives if they want.”

Yes they are. I cannot tell you how many nasty, hateful screeds I’ve read online about housewives. They say we’re lazy, stupid, worthless, slaves to men, etc. They only want women to do what they want, if it fits in with the liberal ideology.

Feminists resent domestic women despite lip-service to "women's choice."

Domestic women, unless rich-by-daddy, automatically depend on a man for their livelihood. This irks feminists to no end, but not because they think those women will be enslaved to a man, as folklore would have you believe; but because they know men willingly enslave themselves to those domestic wives by bringing them livelihood and protection on a platter - something an authentic Feminist could have never inspired in a man to begin with.

Because that is what she WANTS to do. Feminists are not against women being housewives if they want.

This is because:

1. Feminists are individualists, not holistic, civilization-oriented thinkers. Civilizations are not built strictly with what individuals WANT (their whims).

2. Feminists know their aggressive ideology and propaganda denigrates individual choices they personally despise anyway (Fems DO despise the housewife role and they resent women who can afford to choose this role).
Note how it is increasingly difficult for family with traditional values to choose to keep the wife in a strictly domestic role. They tell you you have a choice; but with enough women coaxed in the workplace, the provider/homemaker option becomes an unrealistic economic options for many. Only theoretical.

Generally speaking, when everyone is told that they can do whatever suits them, personally, and that their society should accommodate every individual with the widest possible array of choices - you end up with no civilization.

The bottom line is that, with very rare exceptions, most women contribute best to civilization by fulfilling reproductive and domestic roles, not "professional/technical."

Just like most men contribute best in the public sphere, not when they change diapies.

In fact, if you examine closer the so-called "workplace" (as if the domestic area is not a "workplace") most women mess around in frivolous, bureaucratic, paper-shuffling, make-work, resource-wasting, water-cooler gossiping jobs, not in value-adding jobs.

Women's value remains in the private sphere. It always has, it always will. The rare, highly competent female surgeon (or what not) can easily be replaced with an equivalent male. Keep the rare Anna Coulter in the public world - that one would probably explode if confined to domesticity.

Otherwise, it's not worth messing up your civilization for very rare individual exceptions to the rule.

Bring women back home. Make the Private Sphere Great Again!

Unfortunately, guys do not have a choice in what we want to do; same goes I suppose for most women. The 'elites' who have destroyed this once great country have made sure of that by importing tens of millions of illiterate turd worlders, ordering LE to let them run wild as they destroy the civilization that white people built over the last 500 years, and then their corporate world refuses to employ white people as anything other than fry cooks, toilet cleaners and floor sweepers. Jeff Sessions observed that 60% of all white STEM graduates never work in their field 5 years after graduation, or effectively, NEVER. This is because the corp world like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, et al employ h2b types, illegals and worse. But of course the MSM blames YT for anything that is wrong in this country. That record is getting very old and after 3 or 4 generations we have gotten wise to who is that bunch of clowns behind the curtin in the OZ throne room.

Yes. And what feminists do not want the public to understand is that when you hurt most men, you automatically hurt most women too.

Women are not attracted to weak, vulnerable, dispossessed men - whether they have enough money/power of their own or not. Just like men are not attracted to ugly, fat, fighter-type, non-feminine women.

It's nobody's fault. It's not that the sexes are mean to each other. It's what we have evolve to look for. A better world is a world where both sexes are encouraged and helped along to become the most of what the opposite sex looks for in a partner. That's kind, humane and beautiful.

It is why every young woman secretly dreams of being an inspirational princess who leaves glitter behind as she walks. It's why every guy dreams of being James Bond - who leaves bodies behind (as needed) as he walks.

Most leftist women are feminine conforming.

Originally, maybe. Increasingly less so, as feminism continues to weave its works. Most people with minimal observational acumen, who have had the chance to compare and contrast female populations in various feminist and non-feminist cultures (aka "perspective"), can recognize the subtly masculine traits of most contemporary western women when compared to women elsewhere.

Outspoken (translate loud), assertive (translate aggressive), confident (translate full-of-themselves or just nonchalant), trying hard to be funny (translate 'not funny'), cool (translate cold), comfortable and buddy-like around men (translate slutty), etc. They may wear lipstick and sport mermaid hair but their subtly masculine traits are less subtle with every decade. Western men and women are now pushed to converge in a gray area of androgyny.

Though the pretty feminine women see nothing wrong with what their non-feminie conforming sisters are doing.

Ever heard of virtue signaling? They don't want to act "judgy" because the culture says it' not cool; but I can promise you they they DO recognize plenty wrong with what their overtly non-feminine "sisters" are doing (non-feminine as in more or less butchy). On this point, this only means less sexual competition for them. Btw, there's no "sisterhood."

You appear to have little understanding of the depths of female hypocrisy and manipulation abilities.

Really? I’ve never met a feminist that didn’t double down on the lunacy and tried to emotionally castrate their sons and turn them into “feminist men”.

It can be confusing to distinguish all the conscious and subconscious motivations behind a woman's feminist identity. Not all declared feminists are created equal. There are authentic feminists (true genetic failures as women); there are popularity-driven feminists (women as herd creatures opt for what seems most popular); there are vanity-driven feminists (attention whores/ celebrities of the Me Too persuasion); there are defensive feminists (afraid of the rigors and upward pressures patriarchal societies often impose on women), etc. I'd say most female feminists fall in the latter two categories.

The popularity-driven ones usually don't know their left from right and just parrot back whatever sounds "cool" and "with it."

Various Commenters #racist amren.com

RE: Trump is ‘A Civil-rights Leader’ Because of Low African-American Unemployment, Fox News Guest Claims


However, the president’s record on civil rights has repeatedly come under criticism from activists and campaigners.

In November, the FBI reported that violent hate crimes and threats in the US had reached their highest levels in 16 years, partly due to a surge in attacks on Hispanic people in 2018.

Activists and civil rights researchers have said Mr Trump’s hardline anti-immigration policies and controversial verbal attacks on Latino immigrants carried some responsibility for the rise.

Hate crimes on Hispanics by WHOM? There are none! How did the hate crime occur? Did an English speaker ask a Hispanic person at the register to speak English? The fact that more blacks are working is a miracle because work is like Kryptonite to negroes. Also, I am a Trump supporter, but I am advising him not to count on the negroes for votes! The negro vote belongs to their master the democrat party who wants to keep them on THEIR plantation.

(Cheri Rodriguez)

Wake up! Plenty of hate crimes on Hispanics. The Norteños hate the Sureños. The Mexican Mafia hates the Norteños. The Fresno Bulldogs hate the Mexican Mafia...


I know the analogy of welfare to the plantation but to me blacks aren't on a plantation with the Democrat welfare system. It's more like they are on a permanent vacation resort living just like they want. Democrats have us on the slave plantation.

Blacks choosing wrong detrimental policies: This is because of misinformation spread by media ethics codes, police gag orders and lying politicians.
Any decent law abiding working Black would wish to keep Hispanics out of the country and to put Black thugs in prison. It makes no sense whatsoever to keep gangs and felons loose in your black neighborhood. Whites don't defend white robbers and rapists either.

No my friend. That is just who blacks are. They vote Democrat because they know Democrats allow them to do exactly what they want to do, namely nothing.

This conservative narrative that blacks are going to abandon the Democrats for Trump is as insane as the one when they claimed Mexican immigrants would all vote GOP based on their religion and family values.

(Polar Girl)

Yup, low unemployment rates for blacks and the hoarde of documented darkies is exactly why people voted for Trump. That and more wars for Israel.

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The way he is acting now, he may not wait for reelection. Since he thinks selling non-white unemployment rates pre-election is advantageous, I would not be surprised to see this delusion extend to war with Iran. That can more easily be hyped up in false jingoism of American flags minus the hidden Star if David superimposed over it and all the faux tough guy talk than non-whites love me for reducing the percentage of government responsibility for workers to an official all-time low.


Trump can try as hard as he wants but the blacks/browns don't crave equal opportunity, just equal outcomes.

Chris Roberts #racist amren.com

Black Stranglehold on Democrat Party Dooms Bernie Sanders

Pat Buchanan put it bluntly in one of his recent columns: “Consider the most loyal of Democrat constituents in presidential elections: African Americans. They are 13 percent of the electorate but a fourth of the national Democrat vote.” That share may not seem like much, but in a crowded field for the presidential nomination, blacks are can play kingmaker, especially because more than any other group, they vote as a bloc. In general elections, blacks vote Democrat at rates never lower than 80 percent, and sometimes much higher, and during the party’s nomination process, blacks still vote together. In the 2016 race for the nomination, 75.9 percent of blacks voted for Hillary Clinton. The white vote was split almost exactly down the middle: 48.9 percent for Mrs. Clinton and 49.1 percent for Mr. Bernie Sanders.

In 2008, unsurprisingly, Barack Obama beat Hillary Clinton among blacks by eight — and sometimes nine — to one. Vox noted that “Obama won every primary in the eight states where more than 20 percent of the population is black.” This included the very important early state of South Carolina. The nomination fight was very close; Mr. Obama beat Mrs. Clinton by less than half a million out of over 35 million votes. Hispanics supported Mrs. Clinton over Mr. Obama almost two to one.

This means that in 2008, black voters – all by themselves – kept Mrs. Clinton from winning the nomination, and eight years later they guaranteed her victory. To win the Democrat nomination, a candidate has to carry the black vote.

This makes the race hard for political outsiders, or even ordinary politicians who aren’t very well known by blacks. Mayor Pete Buttigieg is an example. He is a young, moderate who was in the military, and has earned plenty of support and attention from important media. But he was almost unheard of on a national level before 2019, and despite campaigning hard for months, blacks do not care for him. Politico put it bluntly in a recent article: “‘On life support’: Buttigieg’s struggles with black voters threaten his candidacy.” Its opening paragraphs explain:

Over the past month and a half, he has invested more money advertising in South Carolina, where a majority of Democrats are African American, than any of the non-billionaire Democrats running for president. . . . But the more than $2 million Buttigieg poured into TV and radio ads, some featuring black supporters touting the former South Bend (Ind.) mayor, hasn’t budged his stubbornly low poll numbers in the state — 2 percent among African American Democrats in a recent Fox News poll.

Last November, Michael Harriot, a black writer at The Root, wrote an article called, “Pete Buttigieg Is a Lying MF” — MF stands for “Mother Fucker.” Mr. Harriot wrote about how hard it is to be black and poor in the United States, and suggested that Mr. Buttigieg knows this, but lies about it. In response, the white presidential candidate called the author on the phone in hopes of mollifying him. Mr. Harriot then wrote a column about the conversation, saying he still couldn’t be sure how honest Mr. Buttigieg was, concluding, “The only thing I actually know about Pete Buttigieg is that he is a white man.”

Two months later, “Mayor Pete” has spent about one million dollars for each percentage-point gain in black support in South Carolina. Ethnomasochism rarely impresses non-whites — especially blacks — but Mr. Buttigieg doesn’t have a choice if he wants the nomination. For whatever reason, blacks do not like Mr. Buttigieg, who desperately needs them; all he can do is grovel and buy ads.

Mr. Sanders, whose consistent democratic socialist principles have inspired millions, faces the same problem. His support among blacks has never been high, and South Carolina polls suggest he has not made much progress. Vice President Joe Biden has a commanding lead, at 36.5 percent, with Mr. Sanders a distant second, at 16.2 percent. Meanwhile, in Iowa Mr. Sanders trails Mr. Biden by just 3.3 percent, and in New Hampshire Mr. Sanders is ahead of Mr. Biden by nearly 5 percent. Needless to say, the population of South Carolina is very different from that of New Hampshire and Iowa.

All the same, Mr. Sanders’s popularity has frightened many within the Democrat Party who think he’s a dangerous radical. But the anti-Sanders wing needn’t worry; there is one thing they can, and very well may, do that will certainly torpedo him: have Barack Obama endorse Joe Biden.

If this happens, whatever support Sen. Sanders has among blacks will evaporate and keep it well below 10 percent. As shown earlier, monolithic black support for Mr. Obama in 2008 won him the nomination, and in the general election, 95 percent voted for him. In 2012, 93 percent of blacks voted for Mr. Obama. Throughout his presidency, black approval always stayed above 80 percent — and was sometimes double that of Americans as a whole. Most blacks will do what Mr. Obama tells them.

By all accounts, Mr. Obama is not a fan of Mr. Sanders, and rumors have been swirling for months that he may step in to ensure that the Vermont Senator does not get the nomination. As CNBC reported in November:

Former President Barack Obama on Friday warned Democratic primary candidates to avoid leaning too far left in their campaigns, and raised concerns that certain liberal policy proposals on health care and immigration might have gone further than public opinion. In an unusual address to a room of wealthy Democratic donors, Obama urged Democratic candidates to be pragmatic in their messages to voters. While he didn’t mention any specific presidential primary candidate or proposal, Obama warned that the average American voter does not align with views from ‘certain left-leaning Twitter feeds or the activist wing of our party.’

He was obviously talking about Bernie Sanders.

So although Mr. Sanders inspires millions of whites to get involved in politics, he has a fatal weakness. If he wins Iowa and New Hampshire, Mr. Obama will almost certainly endorse Mr. Biden, and the Sanders campaign will almost immediately lose any chance of victory.

Mr. Obama’s power will not fade any time soon. He is young for a former President: only 58. Assuming he lives to be 80, he has another 22 years to play kingmaker within the Democrat Party, and there is no countervailing force. Former Presidents Jimmy Carter and Bill Clinton are older, white, and less popular. Flouting the wishes of blacks within the party would require a candidate that brings together most whites and most Hispanics. It’s not impossible, but not likely.

Today, many white progressives are full of hope that Mr. Sanders can fight the media elites and the Davos class within their party and win. But for all their hatred of big business, the military-industrial complex, and special interest groups, what most stands in their way is the fact that blacks, unlike whites, vote as a group. To fix that problem they’ll need more than socialism.

Robert Hampton #racist amren.com

Pathological Altruism in Tennessee

Blacks attacked a white teenager in Tennessee. The victim’s mother is furious — not at the attackers, but at neighbors who noticed their race.

“I am highly offended by people saying that this was stereotypical black children acting violently,” Edith Love told WREG. Miss love is a Unitarian minister who specializes in officiating at same-sex weddings.

Two young black men noticed her son had a $20 bill and asked for a dollar. He gave them a one-dollar bill, but they wanted more, and threatened to shoot him if he didn’t hand it over. They punched him, breaking his glasses and leaving him temporarily deaf.

Rev. Love does not want to press charges. She wants to have a discussion: “With them, with their families and say, ‘look this is my baby. This is your baby.’ Let’s talk this through.”

The blacks have reportedly harassed other neighbors and cursed at them with racial slurs. Rev. Love thinks she can convince them to “alter their path.” She holds a bachelor’s degree in “social and racial justice” and lectures on this subject.

Her bio states that she “believes her calling is to holding sacred space with everyone who has ever felt unwelcome, unloved, or outcast in her beloved hometown of Memphis, Tennessee. . . She believes all people are her people, the streets are her parish, and everywhere we are, we are standing on holy ground.”

In one interview, a young black girl was sitting next to her son, the victim. She may be an adopted daughter.

Rev. Love is a textbook case of pathological altruism. Jared Taylor defines it as “a sincere attempt to help others that instead harms others or oneself, and is ‘an unhealthy focus on others to the detriment of one’s own needs.’ ”

Rev. Love believes she is helping blacks, but she’s just hurting her family and neighbors. The blacks will terrorize others unless they’re stopped, but Rev. Love is using the crime to promote herself and claim she’s a “fierce defender of those oppressed” who is “more at home at a protest than a picnic.”

White liberals often behave this way. In November, Usman Khan murdered Jack Merritt, a Cambridge University graduate who worked in prisoner rehabilitation. Merritt had promoted mass immigration and criminal-coddling, two policies that contributed to his death: His killer was the child of Pakistani immigrants, and he got early release after a terrorism conviction. Merritt’s father denounced anyone who saw the connection: “’Don’t use my son’s death . . . to promote your vile propaganda. Jack stood against everything you stand for — hatred, division, ignorance.” Liberals loved his statement.

An illegal alien murdered University of Iowa student Mollie Tibbetts in 2018. Her family blasted anyone who connected the murder to illegal immigration. “To the Hispanic community, my family stands with you and offers its heartfelt apology,” Rob Tibbetts wrote in a Des Moines Register op-ed. “That you’ve been beset by the circumstances of Mollie’s death is wrong. We treasure the contribution you bring to the American tapestry in all its color and melody. And yes, we love your food.” Mr. Tibbetts also warned: “[D]o not appropriate Mollie’s soul in advancing views she believed were profoundly racist.”

The Washington Post and other media outlets praised this response.

An Afghan migrant raped and murdered 19-year-old German, Maria Ladenburger in 2016. Her family asked mourners to donate to a refugee charity in their daughter’s memory. Ladenburger’s parents won the “Citizen of the Year” prize from the Federal Association of German Newspaper Publishers in 2018.

South African blacks murdered white anti-apartheid activist Amy Biehl in 1993. They shouted “Kill the Boer” as they beat and stabbed her to death. Her parents forgave the killers: “We hope they will receive the support necessary to live productive lives in a nonviolent atmosphere. In fact, we hope the spirits of Amy and those like her will be a force in their new lives.” Biehl’s parents started the Amy Biehl Foundation to carry on their daughter’s work and hired one of her killers.

Too many whites would rather burnish their anti-racism credentials than stand up for their own flesh and blood. They want praise from journalists rather than justice.

Pathological altruism stops whites’ ability to defend themselves. It’s reinforced by the media and by elites who want us to accept dispossession. There is nothing more shameful than praise from those who hate us. When enough whites realize that, we can destroy this sickness.

JohnEngelman, LHathaway & Ambrose Kane #sexist amren.com

RE: Asian Georgia Middle School Teacher, 24, Faces Deportation After Being Charged with Molesting a 13-Year-Old Student

"It's unclear what Byrapaka's home country is and where she could be deported to."


That poor innocent boy. He suffered a fate worse than death.

I did not expect you to be flippant regarding this patent double standard regarding teacher/student encounters.

The double standard is based on sound instinct. Most adolescent boys and men enjoy casual sex and sexual variety. Most adolescent girls and women do not.

It is men who cause minors harm by making moves on them. If a male teacher had done this to the 13 year old boy, he would deserve to be seriously punished. A man would also deserve to be seriously punished if he did this to a 13 year old girl.

The double standard, like the assertions of race realism, consists of truths that used to be acknowledged by nearly everyone.

[Most adolescent boys and men enjoy casual sex and sexual variety. Most adolescent girls and women do not.]

Ahhh but your comment implies that some girls D-O enjoy that, and would enjoy that. Conversely, some boys D-O N-O-T enjoy that, and would not enjoy that. So since we cannot deduce which individuals would be damaged by such interactions, and which ones would not, we should have a zero tolerance approach to all such interactions.

For the record, I am not one who could have enjoyed casual sex and sexual variety. I have never been tempted to hire a prostitute. I am innately monogamous.

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What Rumah Byrapaka did was wrong, but not terribly wrong. She deserves some kind of punishment, but it should not be severe. Her mug shot indicates that she has already been humiliated by this.


I did not expect you to be flippant regarding this patent double standard regarding teacher/student encounters.

Look at it from the boys point of view. . .
Let’s be honest? We should protect young girls, too. We should recognize the hurt this teacher has caused young girls the same age as this boy. She’s taken something from this boys classmates, the girls, the classmates, this boys own age.

I got jokes. . .but I don’t think I’m joking.

(Ambrose Kane)

I agree. As a young student in Junior High and High School, I longed for the day when one of my female teachers would have tried something like this, especially if she would have sent me naked photos of her (of course, we didn't have cellphones at the time). Heck, even the less attractive teachers would have been hard to resist since my hormones were raging at the time! I wasn't the only young male teen who fantasied about it either. Most guys in school did, and it was common knowledge.

The 1970s was a different era, and if a female teacher was caught fornicating with her students, she likely would have been reprimanded and not much more than that. Things didn't really start to change until the latter 1980s or early 1990s.

I also agree that if a male does this to a boy or a young male teenager (regardless of the era), he ought to get prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. In my perfect world, something worse ought to happen to him than merely a jail sentence. Either way, it's unnatural and can really psychologically screw up a young teenager's head. This applies as well to female teachers - although I concede that the vast majority of teenage males are simply not traumatized by the sexual advances of their teachers. It's most often something they're proud of, and makes them feel more like a man. It proves, once again, how different males are from females.

And no, I'm NOT advocating that it's okay for adult female teachers to engage in sex with their younger male students. I'm simply pointing out differences in perspective and attitude that teenage males and teenage females feel about this sort of thing.

Gregory Hood #racist amren.com

MLK Is Post-White America’s Founding Father

It’s a holiday tradition. Conservatives, including civic nationalists such Steve Bannon, praise Martin Luther King. Both leftists and white Identitarians say this is absurd. Both agree King was a dedicated socialist who worked with Communist Party members. King was also an adulterer, a plagiarist, and did nothing to stop a rape he witnessed. The rape incident was disclosed by a progressive reporter and biographer, who called the challenge to King’s stature “fundamental.”

This has had little effect on conservatives. Instead, they redouble their efforts to force Martin Luther King into the American and even the conservative pantheon. Heritage Foundation president Kay James tweeted: “Our founding principles would be the very tools we would eventually use to right our own wrongs. Dr. King helped us to prove we could do just that.”

The Heritage Foundation also published an article at its website, The Daily Signal, claiming that “our principles required that we solve our race problem.” King therefore becomes “our last Founding Father.”

Yet can the race problem be “solved?” Barring genocide (which at least some leftists intend for us), expulsion, or peaceful separation, the race problem can at best be managed. No society has ever “solved” the race problem. That’s why prophets like Enoch Powell warned against unnecessarily importing the problem to begin with.

Even the Daily Signal article implicitly admits this. “The Untied States at large had a race problem that traced back to when the first African slaves were first imported to Virginia in 1619,” wrote Dion Pierre. “It was not ameliorated when Abraham Lincoln’s Union Army dispossessed the Southern aristocracy of its slaves and remained acute in places like Birmingham, where King first established himself as the man that would lead the United States into the multiracial era.” It would have been better to avoid slavery and the “race problem” altogether, as well as the supposed necessity for a “multiracial era.”

Contrasting King with Malcolm X and other black nationalists, Mr. Pierre said that “King understood the temptation to fight identity politics with identity politics, but refused.” Mr. Pierre also claims King preached that “any form of race nationalism defied the ‘edicts of the Almighty God himself.’”

Of course, King explicitly defended racial preferences for blacks, which is the essence of identity politics. Considering his sexual behavior and his denial of Christ’s divinity, he didn’t take the “edicts of the Almighty God” too seriously either.

Mr. Pierre deals with this history by ignoring it. He simply asserts that King believed “character, not skin color, counted most.” Now, thanks to the last Founder, the descendants of slaves and former slave holders can all sing “My country, ‘tis of thee, sweet land of liberty, of thee I sing.”

Maybe Mr. Pierre even believes this. Meanwhile, in the real world, most Americans think race relations are getting worse. A huge black majority says the country hasn’t gone far enough in granting “equal rights.” Fifty percent of blacks say America never will. Desegregation and affirmative action haven’t appeased blacks and leftists. They increasingly blame racism for racial inequality, no matter what programs are introduced, resources redistributed, or statues torn down. No other explanation for racial inequality is possible in a country that refuses to acknowledge racial differences.

Most non-whites think their race or ethnicity is “central” to their identity. Whites don’t, probably because “American” and “white” are still implicitly linked. Thus, polls show whites are more patriotic while non-whites lead protests against historic American symbols like the Betsy Ross flag.

White identity is catching up with “American” identity. In the “multiracial era,” your passport is less important than your race. European-Americans have more in common with our Continental cousins than “fellow citizens” who don’t speak our language, identify with our history, or honor our heroes.

Conservatives awkwardly trying to fit King into the Founders’ mold must ignore what Thomas Jefferson, George Washington, Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton and others said about race. Instead, they reduce our “founding principles” to “all men are created equal.” This is as stupid as saying King opposed racial identity politics.

Conservatives need King. To admit there is a conflict between King and Washington is to admit the problem can’t be resolved. It denies “American exceptionalism,” which to many whites is akin to denying God. Most whites can’t stomach religious hypocrisy the same way Reverend King and his pastor friends could.

Mr. Pierre is right about King being a “Founder,” though not in the way he thinks. A fraud and hypocrite in almost every aspect of his life, King cloaked his agenda in traditional American rhetoric that appealed to well-meaning, naïve whites. Now, the mask is off. Thanks to demographic change, leftists and non-whites no longer need to pretend. They can admit America was created by whites, that Martin Luther King was “radical” (in Cornel West’s words), and that American institutions must be fundamentally changed to serve the new population. King isn’t the last Founding Father, but the first Founder of the new, post-white United States. If King truly was the “Founder” of a nation, that nation has nothing to do with us.

Whether such a dystopian, dysfunctional polity can long endure is impossible to say. What is certain is that Sam Francis was right: “The logical meaning of the holiday is the ultimate destruction of the American Republic as it has been conceived and defined throughout our history, and until the charter for revolution that it represents is repealed, we can expect only further installations of the destruction and dispossession it promises.” Deliberate refusal to understand is moral failure. Conservatives can no longer plead ignorance.

rls976 #racist amren.com

RE: You Can’t Honor MLK If You’re White

Every once in a rare while the blacks get something right. Whites shouldn't honor the vile MLK, and these silly whites wanting to participate in honoring him exude an overwhelming aura of contemptible butt-kissing. They ought to be chased away, with ridicule. And we ought to make it our aim to have these blacks worshipping MLK in Africa.

By the way blacks, you ought to get busy to posthumously change MLK's name to something along the lines of Okuku Muzulu. Black hands off of our legacy and culture. Him bearing the name he had, lifted from the German theologian Martin Luther (1483-1546), is a manifestation of blatant cultural appropriation. And while we are at it, why don't you cease and desist using any technology created by whites - its not your legacy. In other words, go back to the Bone Age, your default state.

Various Commenters #racist amren.com

RE: 1905: The End of the Omnipotent White Man

(John D.)

A small island nation of ~50 million people (at the time) defeated Russia, and later gave (a ~90% white) United States a serious challenge. Today, just to the west of Japan is another industrious high IQ population with global ambitions, but ten times larger. Rather than take that threat seriously, we are focused on the black-white achievement gap, health care for illegal aliens, Islamophobia, transphobia, and other aspects of "social justice" straight out of clown world. This doesn't bode well.

(Bill Miller)

The Chinese watch the American Empire in long term decline, and quietly bide their time. Eventually - perhaps when America implodes, or when the currently cold civil war 2 turns hot - they will conclude - the Chinese will make their move on Taiwan.

(Hubert Cumberdale)

The Chinese love the blackening and browning of the USA. It's just gonna make the country a turkey shoot for them in a few decades in terms of completely dominating it economically and taking advantage of all the social friction in a nobody-is-in-the-majority country.


The Chinese know better than to admit the hordes of the third world who have nothing to offer them, but crime, disease, terrorism, and welfare dependency. They also lack Western squeamishness about looking for the genetic reasons for racial differences in average intelligence, as well as criminals and sexual behavior. If it remains dangerous in the West for geneticists to look for crime and IQ genes, Chinese geneticists will find them. When they discover that these genes are more frequently found in some races than in others, they will discover scientific confirmation for their racially exclusive immigration policies.


And when the Beijing Genomics Institute or a similar institution begins offering reliable intelligence enhancement for tens of thousands of dollars, the wealthy woke neoliberals of New York City and San Francisco will be quietly flying to China to get it for them and theirs, all while telling us ignorant peasants that these genetic findings are a racist lie.

(sea cliff)

Appreciation of the Russo-Japanese War’s racial significance was not limited to the actual combatants. Lothrop Stoddard writes that the war inspired “an understanding between Asiatic and African races and creeds . . . a ‘Pan-Colored’ alliance against white domination.” He wrote that Japan’s victory “produced intensely exciting effects all over the Dark Continent [and] sent a feverish tremor throughout Islam.”

Chinese statesman Sun Yat-sen was sailing through the Suez Canal in 1905 when the news of Japan’s victory broke. The locals, mistaking him for a Japanese, enthusiastically congratulated him on his people’s great victory, calling it a triumph for all colored people. Muslim leaders called for political alliances and commercial relations with the Japanese — even for the reorganization of Oriental armies under Japanese direction. A few dreamed of converting them to Islam.

I didn't know that concept of 'people of color' or 'colored people' pitting against whites was existent back then. I wonder why they didn't start eloping and immigrating to each other's countries? Just like now, they still copy and follow whites. I wonder what will happen in the world if whites were to have their countries completely taken by non-whites. The only thing supposedly 'uniting' them is the jealous hatred of whites. Most likely all these 'colored people' would just start warring again without advancing technologically, scientifically, or explorationally.

Coincidentally, the early 1900s was a time when European nations started shifting from a patriarchal system to one of "equality" and pandering towards women. A society run not by women but for women and later coloreds and the mentally ill. What a shame...

THE WAY #racist amren.com

I hate the anti-western anti-whites no matter what their political affiliation.

Right! Too many Whites who post here are brain locked into left vs right concepts and they seemingly fail to see that this is really a White vs non-White struggle that we are in albeit with some political fluff surrounding this real struggle. We must focus on the reality of race and the fact that this is where the real fight exists, and not in safe left vs right or liberal vs conservative terms.

Exactly! While the left is decidedly anti-white and anti-West. Many of the so called leaders of the right are not much better embracing massive immigration, 'diversity' and apologetic about white history.

Part of our problem is that many Whites lack a sense of identity as Whites. They'll find their identity in all sorts of other things that are really meaningless in the struggle we are in as the distinct people we are. For example, many Whites will focus on their ancestral countries instead of a more overriding Whiteness or they will find their identity in racially neutral political parties or sports teams. Whites need to understand that we are part of the Great White Tribe. We are a distinct people with many branches. Diversity? We have it more than any other people. Look at the many differences we Whites have in hair and eye color as just one example. What should bind us together is our common Whiteness.

Gregory Hood #racist amren.com

White Renegade of the Year — 2019

The White Renegade of the Year is the man who could have done the most good for his people, but instead did the most harm. Charlie Kirk is 2019’s renegade. His organization Turning Point USA could have been a real force for American nationalism, but he has led it up yet another Conservatism Inc. blind alley.

Tuning Point USA’s budget is reportedly over $10 million and may be $20 million in 2020. It boasts over 130,000 members, including high school students, college students, and recent graduates. It has more than 50 chapters. President Trump and his son Donald, Jr. have spoken at its meetings. It is Conservatism Inc.’s youth wing.

And TPUSA is not entirely a sellout caricature. Ann Coulter spoke at its December student leadership conference, where she argued that immigration is the most important issue because it changes everything else. If you support gun rights and oppose socialism, you must limit Third World immigration. Politics is downstream from culture, but culture is downstream from demographics.

Deliberately or not, Miss Coulter was accusing TPUSA of irrelevance, because Turning Point USA has little to say about this critical issue. Its chapter handbook on “activism ideas” doesn’t contain the word “immigration.” The handbook does talk about “affirmative action bake sales,” but even College Republicans have been putting them on for more than decade.

TPUSA opposes affirmative action only because it’s “inadvertent[ly] racist” and another way “big government sucks!” Its handbook lists four different ways to protest “debt,” but President Trump, whom TPUSA claims to love, piled on trillions more in federal debt.

TPUSA is everywhere on social media. Yet memes such as “Let me get this straight: You’re on food stamps but you can afford an iPhone” don’t appeal to young people. Audience surveys show these slogans appeal to older Americans, namely, potential donors.

On his personal Twitter account, Mr. Kirk often blames failing cities on “Democrats” instead of race. Others challenge him to explain well-run Democrat cities (with mostly white populations.) He ignores them.

Turning Point USA is not afraid of race — just white people. This year, the group hosted “leadership summits” for blacks, Hispanics, Jews, and women. Nothing for whites.

Charlie Kirk has debated leftists, despite TPUSA’s memes claiming Communism is racist and murderous. He’ll debate a radical leftist, but not Nick Fuentes.

TPUSA blasts “political correctness” and mocks people who are “offended,” but it enforces political correctness. For example, in June, its “brand ambassador” Ashley St. Clair mocked Donald Trump supporters, immigration restrictionists, and even her own organization. TPUSA did not fire her. However, after she simply appeared in a picture with Nick Fuentes, she was gone. Contempt for President Trump’s supporters is forgivable, but even casual association with the “far right” is not.

In June, Mr. Kirk called America “just a placeholder” for ideas, in contrast to Israel, which is a real nation. Only later — and after much criticism — did he explain his remarks, calling America a “place, a people, a history.”

In recent months, the “Groyper Wars” exposed TPUSA’s hypocrisy. Mr. Kirk is eager to challenge leftists to debate, or at least to dismiss them with a zinger, but he seems to be afraid of nationalists.

In September, Mr. Kirk claimed being American has nothing to do with color or religion, said American identity is an ideology, and called an ethnically homogeneous America “insane.” TPUSA claimed this “DESTROYED” ethno-nationalism.

Two months ago, a young questioner asked whether “American ideals” could survive a non-white majority. Mr. Kirk said it is a “racist ideal” to believe “race and ideology are somehow intertwined together.” He further claimed that “the black community is an inherently conservative community.” Needless to say, blacks are clamoring to vote against President Trump.

After nationalists pressured him, Mr. Kirk claimed he supported cutting legal immigration, but he opposes a moratorium and believes that whites should win over non-white voters to conservative ideals. “His continued refusal to talk about demographics in good faith does little to inspire confidence that his movement has a plan for an American future,” wrote Matthew Boose of American Greatness.

In November, nationalists heckled Mr. Kirk, Donald Trump Jr., and Kimberly Guilfoyle off the stage after they refused to let the audience ask questions at an event. Miss Guilfoyle’s irrelevant and insulting reaction: “I bet you engage and go on online dating because you’re impressing no one here to get a date in person.”

At its most recent conference, TPUSA kicked out Nick Fuentes. The Bulwark, a neoconservative publication, credited TPUSA’s attacks on nationalists with Young Americans for Freedom’s decision to cut ties with Michelle Malkin. I’ve also heard reports — I can’t disclose details — that Mr. Kirk personally called conservative groups, pressuring them to fire people who speak well of Mr. Fuentes or the so-called “Groypers.” Nick Fuentes reports similar tantrums.

Why does this matter? Isn’t this all petty Beltway Right infighting? It’s President Trump who is appointing bad judges and failing his supporters.

The fact is, it’s not about Donald Trump. In 2019, no white advocate or civic nationalist believes President Trump will save us. However, his triumph is slowly changing the GOP into a nationalist party, and without that transformation the Republicans will die. Virginia’s quick shift from red to blue shows that the GOP mustn’t ignore demographic change.

Leading nationalists such as Tucker Carlson, Josh Hawley, Michelle Malkin, and Ann Coulter are doing their best to push America-first policies, but a nationalist movement must be led by young people. Instead of creating new activists, Turning Point USA is exploiting them. It’s funneling would-be nationalists into the same, stale Conservatism Inc. talking points and positions that could lead to disaster in 2020. Instead of attacking political correctness, TPUSA is reinforcing it and purging rightists.

To be fair, Mr. Kirk isn’t anti-white. He’s not a leftist. He’s got a stronger immigration position than most Republicans. His opponents are also our opponents.

But the hour is late, and Charlie Kirk is in the way. He’s built another multimillion-dollar dead end for young Americans. After decades of failure, we can’t afford scams like this. We’re out of time.

The country can’t survive another generation of “conservative leaders” who are terrified of race, demography, and identity. Young Americans, especially whites, don’t need “#BigGovSucks” hashtags. They don’t need more leadership summits for minorities. They don’t need more tributes to Israel.

They need a group that puts America First. They need young people who declare, without apology, not only that It’s OK to Be White, but that it’s OK for America to stay white. They don’t need Charlie Kirk or TPUSA.

ky_native #racist amren.com

I have a dream...that one day Tucker Carlson can say on Fox News that the reason that blacks fail so much in life is because nature didn't intend for them to live in the city (or civilization). Tucker can look directly into the camera and say aloud: the reason blacks don't do well in academics is because they don't have the IQ, and the only reason they were sent to school to begin with is because of leftist morons who think we are all the same.

I have a dream that my sons will never have to look over their shoulders and wonder if they are being stalked by a garrison of negro thugs. In my dream, I see a BIG boat and white people standing on the docks waving farewell to the last negroes. This will be such a momentous event that people will buy flower petals to cast into the wind.

The white people can form choirs and sings songs of joy. Songs of Mozart! They will be free of the Grinch who took their belongings. The first Christmas without blacks will have the Whos (white people) gather around the Christmas Tree and sing songs of joy. As I watched this video, I realized that the Grinch is just the leftists, the democrat party, and other killjoys.

pwnful truth #racist #transphobia amren.com

Negroes also hate trans people. At former work place, the blacks used to make fun of the white gays and also the Mexican trans. When the white gay guy used to say I was racist for not supporting black interests, I told him that the blacks hate him and they call him lots of unsavory names behind his back.

Blacks don’t hate trans more than whites, or gays. Blacks are simply unafraid (rightly so) of being punished for those opinions. If whites weren’t so cowed, we would treat tranny freak shows with the disdain they very much earn, and voice our very rightful disapproval of open perversion.

Some have even told me that they 'hate' them. Maybe they use the word hate to just show that they do not approve of that lifestyle.

I hate trannies, or I should say: “hate” them. Do I wish them harm? Not beyond mocking and ostracism (I also think employers should be able to specifically bar them from employment), as has been done since the dawn of trannyhood.

I don’t feel I can say blacks hate trannies and coprophags more than whites do because they commit more crimes against them, because they simply commit every kind of crime more

Mocking and ostracism can cause emotional distress and is therefore a form of harming. Why would you want to cause distress to someone who isn't harming you?

I’m perfectly comfortable causing emotional distress for trannies, as a byproduct of discouraging the behavior in public.

American Tax Payer #racist amren.com

RE: Millions of Latinos are Trump Supporters. Here’s What They’re Thinking.

"What I found is that, in many cases, these folks are not really Latino at all. They’re “post-Latino.” They see themselves as Americans."

"post-Latino"? That's funny 'cause I've yet to find even one that is willing to do away with all their hispanic, excuse me, LATINO racial set-asides, latino heritage month, latino congressional caucus or latino chamber of commerce. Hell, they won't even support an English Only Law. I suppose that's because they're not forced to pay for it beings how they're the only ones who benefit from those things.

Most importantly, they seem very excited over the news that Americans will become extinct in just a few short generations. Americans they are not but invaders they are.

I beleive that the real concern here is that two thirds which is more than 20,000,000 voters will not be voting for Trump, Hispanics tend to vote for other Hispanics as a rule.This may also be the reason why this administration has not gone after all the businesses and especially the temp staffing services that employ mostly illegal aliens.

It's a set-up. Non-whites, or, their leaders always promise their votes in exchange for more set-asides but the votes never come. You'd think people would learn what liars they are and that's why I'm believing it's all a set-up designed to trap us.

And I'm sick of hearing Trump talk about all the things he's done for non-whites while he never talks about what he's done for Americans. He don't talk about what he's done for us 'cause he can't 'cause he hasn't done nothing for us. Did you know that over half the jobs he created went to non-whites? It's True.

Trump didn't create any jobs; individual whites and non-whites created them themselves. And he hasn't done anything in particular for any particular demographic either. The increase in job openings, business start-ups, and wage hikes benefited whoever showed up, tried, worked, and started things, regardless of race, sex, or sexual orientation. This included whites, blacks, Hispanics, Asians. But Trump likes to talk about blacks and Latinos because those demographics are less likely to vote Republican, so he tries to attract them by pointing out how well they're faring under his presidency. But in truth, all he did was cut some red tape and stay out of the way.

If you need racial set-asides and need the Government to oppress a certain group of people in order to succeed, then you're not a job creator. You're not even a good employee for if you were, you wouldn't need the Government to force companies to hire you.

Trump's fawning over non-whites who get tons of racial set-asides while at the same time, doing absolutely nothing to stop the attacks on America and Americans from colleges and the media (won't even cut off their funding) is a turn-off and it's not worth losing his base over and especially not since non-whites are the "minority" and cannot sway an Election.

Now of course, Trump isn't losing his base but the only reason for that is because everyone else is openly hostile towards Americans and Trump is not.

Who think of themselves as Americans. This is called "assimilation." As the guy says, Latinos are not one thing. There are conservative Mexican businessmen, immigrants who want the border closed so they don't have to compete with newcomers, welfare parasites, Mexicans who loathe welfare parasites. But the Dissident Right expects them to bloc vote against Trump just as the Left expected women to bloc vote against him. It amounts to imposing an ideologically driven and imaginary ulniformity of a highly variegated part of the electorate.

"assimilation". What does that really mean? Americans like you, if you are indeed American, needs to understand that these allegedly assimilated "latinos" are not assimilated at all nor do they ever intend to be hence their racial set-asides and LATINO HERITAGE Month and LATINO Ethnic Studies Classes in schools along with all their LATINO Advocacy Groups and LATINO Government Agencies like that LATINO Congressional Caucus and LATINO Chamber of Commerce of theirs that works AGAINST AMERICANS in FAVOR of LATINOS.

Ambrose Kane #racist #sexist amren.com

"Limits to social benefits that has been aimed at primary immigrants has been removed because it hits the children they have so many of."

THAT instinct right there is why we should not elect female heads of state. Same thing in New Zealand. Those instincts to just nurture and protect the heck out of the out group is a VERY NEGATIVE TRAIT!

Thank you for saying this. It really does need to be said. I have nothing against females, but it's about time we recognize the fact that they have qualities and natural proclivities that are not desirable for a nation that wants to protect itself from welfare suckers and hostile 'migrants.'

Is it any wonder why every Leftist social movement has among its ranks so many women? Is it any wonder why every attempt to move the U.S. toward socialism and even communism is motivated and often led by women? The Left also knows that women at the forefront tends to disarm men, and it helps to garner sympathy from the gullible public. Women, then, have been weaponized by our enemies to destroy the West from within.

Sinclair Jenkins & Kajsa Norman #racist amren.com

The Swedish Unimind

Marcellus famously said to Horatio, “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.” Fortunately for today’s Danes, their politicians care about their citizens. This year the Danish Social Democrats, headed by Mette Frederiksen, blunted the rising power of the nationalist Danish People’s Party by co-opting their restrictionist immigration platform, and won over 25 percent of the vote. A young, left-wing female prime minister was poised to oversee a new era of nationalism.

Although the American media questioned Miss Frederiksen’s left-wing credentials, her party was returning to its roots. Before multiculturalism, labor unions throughout the West promoted strict immigration policies to protect workers against cheap “scab” labor. In the United States, Irish-born firebrand Denis Kearney called the Chinese immigrant a “cheap working slave.” There could be no compromise. In 1878 he said, “California must be all American or all Chinese” [1].

Europe’s social democratic parties pursued similar immigration restrictions. Harold Wilson’s government damaged Great Britain, but his Labour administration drafted a white paper in early 1965 that tried to curb immigration from Commonwealth countries. Had it been acted on, Enoch Powell’s “Rivers of Blood” speech three years later would have been unnecessary. In the 1970s, even the French Communist Party emphasized immigration control.

Sadly for the people of Sweden, their Social Democratic Party (SAP) lack the courage either to follow the Danes or to admit that their nation’s generous welfare state is on the brink of collapse due to unchecked immigration.

Journalist and former member of the Swedish Armed Forces, Kajsa Norman, discusses Sweden’s decline in her book Sweden’s Dark Soul, which was translated into English earlier this year. So far, it has received almost no press in the United States. The reason is obvious: Miss Norman exposes Sweden as an oppressive state of social democratic conformity that deals cruelly with dissenters. Miss Norman has a name for Sweden’s spiritual tyranny: the “Unimind.”

The book begins with Saturday, August 15, 2015. On that day, thousands of teenagers gathered inside Stockholm’s Kungstradgarden Park for the pop-music We Are Sthlm festival. Billed as a safe, family-friendly event, the day turned sour when hundreds of young men — the vast majority were Afghan and Somali immigrants — began molesting any girl they could find. They held down some of the victims and shoved fingers into their vaginas. The police and private security detained at least 90 suspects, but let them all go. A middle-aged police psychologist named Hans decided to send Dagens Nyheter, one of Sweden’s major publications, a first-hand account. Even though Hans saw that the perpetrators were foreigners, his initial email to the newspaper said nothing about race because he feared he would “be branded a racist” [2].

The story of the mass assaults was not made public until Saturday, January 9, 2016, nearly five months later. Fed up with the apathy of the mainstream media, Hans took his story to Chang Frick, an independent, Jewish-Gypsy journalist who first made a name for himself in 2013 by documenting riots in the immigrant-heavy suburb of Husby that the Swedish media ignored. Rioters shouted “Allahu Akbar!” and fought off firefighters with a hail of stones [3]. Mr. Frick’s Nyheter Idag not only broke the news on what had happened at the festival; it reported that authorities had been covering up We Are Sthlm assaults for at least a decade.

As Miss Norman writes, a few independent media outlets later noted other facts about mass immigration:

Young girls and women have been sexually assaulted in public swimming pools, parks, subways, and schools, and on buses. For many young people, this has been a part of everyday life, something one just has to learn to live with. In the 2016 Swedish Crime Survey, 14 per cent of 16- to 24-year-olds reported that they had been subjected to a sex offence [sic] that same year. In 2007, there were 12,563 reported sex offences [sic], including 4,749 rapes. By 2016, that number has grown to 20,284 reported sex offences [sic], including 6,715 rapes [4].

The mainstream media reacted by accusing Nyheter Idag of xenophobia. They tried to cast the story as one of police incompetence, noting correctly that Swedish police officials barred officers from investigating the crimes. Months before the same accusation became common in the United States, the Swedish establishment accused Mr. Frick and his website of being a mouthpiece for Russian disinformation [5].

This was not surprising coming from the elite media cartel. As Miss Norman points out, in Sweden, the media and the government have a close relationship dating back to the 1960s. Olof Palme, later to be murdered on the streets of Stockholm, spent his time as minister of education using television to “educate the population and convey the correct opinions” [6]. Between the 1960s and early 1990s, publicly owned television networks provided the bulk of news and entertainment to Swedes. Most programs championed left-liberal causes, from anti-colonial movements to feminism. And in Sweden, public shaming and ostracism — punishments typical of a feminized society — are very powerful.

In many respects, Sweden is not like other nations. Miss Norman writes that “according to research projects such as the World Values Survey (WVS), no other country deviates more from the global norm” [7]. Sweden is the least traditional country on Earth; in Sweden, extreme positions on sex equality, abortion, and families are common. The Swedish Unimind, which sees itself as the pinnacle of human achievement, does not permit deviation, but, as those who broke the silence about the We Are Sthlm assaults prove, the Unimind can be broken.

Sweden’s Dark Soul is less about collapse due to immigration and more about how, for almost 100 years, the Social Democrats created a false utopia and millions of citizen sycophants. It is a vivid demonstration of the problems of unchecked central power. The first Swedish centralizer, King Gustav Vasa (1496 – 1560), nationalized the Lutheran church [8] and created the first professional Swedish army and navy. This paved the way for the legendary Gustav II Adolf (Gustavus Adolphus) and the creation of the Swedish Empire. Until the late 19th century, long after the days of Swedish hegemony in the Baltic, “90 percent of Swedish taxes went to the Armed Forces” [9]. Statism, heavy taxation, and enforced opinions combined to create today’s Folkhemmet, or “people’s home.”

Swedes practiced collectivism long before the Social Democrats came to power in the 1930s, but it was the SAP that re-engineered Swedish society by giving power to left-wing technocrats. In 1934, racial hygiene laws were introduced to perform sterilizations on the mentally disabled, chronically ill, and those with “undesirable character traits” such as promiscuity, laziness, and alcoholism [10]. Alva and Gunnar Myrdal, who later won fame in Sweden promoting nuclear disarmament and the destruction of the nuclear family (Gunnar Myrdal also supervised the compilation of the hugely influential An American Dilemma), enthusiastically supported the sterilization of “anti-social” people [11].

After two decades of eugenics, the Swedish state decided to promote itself abroad as a “moral superpower.” A large part of this morality was an open immigration policy. In 1973, Sweden took in refugees from Chile after the military coup that ousted Salvador Allende. In 1979, thousands more entered Sweden from Iran after the fall of the Shah. Despite polls indicating that a plurality of Swedish citizens did not want more immigrants [12], the state decided to purge the country of “superstition and ignorance” [13]. In 1975, the Swedish Parliament wrote multiculturalism into law: “immigrants and minorities should decide for themselves to what extent they wished to be assimilated” [14].

Immigrants from Africa and the Middle East are four and three times, respectively, more likely to commit crimes than native-born Swedes [15]. Sweden has a higher percentage of foreign-born citizens than almost any other country in Europe, and rape, bombings, and shootings have become common. The “moral superpower,” which gave $550,000 in aid to the Viet Cong and $443 million to the African National Congress, is destroying itself.

As part of the Unimind, both the Social Democrats and the supposedly conservative Moderate Party parrot each other on the need to accept as many “migrants” as possible. The Unimind blames the patriarchy — not immigrants — for the rise in sex crimes. The Unimind believes that dismantling ancient Swedish tradition of free speech is more important than protecting the people or grappling with the truth. Sweden can be likened to a dictatorship of National Public Radio producers.

Sweden has become a nation of materialism, extreme egalitarianism, with a culture of shaming. Although Miss Norman does note that the Swedish mindset can turn quickly, and that the nationalist Swedish Democrats are winning more votes, Sweden’s Dark Soul reads like an epitaph. In the United States, if demographic change continues and the Democrats become as powerful as the SAP, we will become like Sweden, though far more violent.

American Tax Payer #racist amren.com

RE: Chinese Immigrant Ex-CIA Officer Sentenced For Selling Secrets To (Surprise!) The Chinese

"ethnically Chinese, or Chinese immigrants" - What's the difference? The asians who are not working for China, I mean, the CIA, FBI or some other Government Agency are still asians only here to colonize and steal and cheat and take over whatever they can.

Perhaps the lesson here is to remember WHO Asians really are; NOT White. Not "honorary" White neither.

Is this the "honorary white" people? An AMERICAN, a REAL White Man was denied that job for this "honorary white" one. "Honor" is meaningless with asians in charge.

I do respect the Japanese and the South Koreans somewhat. Even they do not trust the Communist Chinese.

Do Japs and Koreans Respect White People? The answer is clearly, a Big Fat HELL NO. Japs tortured Americans to death but Americans were forced to give them money for being detained in a day camp where they were treated with kid gloves and Congress gave them an official apology. Did the Japs give us one? NO, they did NOT. Japs got museums HERE, IN America. How many museums do Americans have in Japan? I'm guessing none.

Same goes for Korea. I hardly think the Koreans treated American Soldiers with any kind of decency and hey, what about Otto? Even in these modern times, they will torture an American to death any chance they git. And yes, I know Otto was in North Korea but not even those allegedly great South Koreans spoke up about Otto nor do they come here to assimilate neither as they also have their own korean set-asides here in America at the expense of Americans.

Look, I gotta tell ya, I get real sick and tired of people fawning over asians or talking them up when it's not the asians who are being invaded and oppressed and discriminated against or having their culture and history lied about and erased and overwritten no, it's ONLY WHITE PEOPLE that it's being done to so no, I do not respect asians or blacks or hispanics or middle easterners at all.

Liv Heide #racist #wingnut amren.com

Quality Matters

As a farmer’s daughter, I grew up surrounded by nature and animals. My father, like both of my grandfathers, was a very active and successful hunter, who turned the entrance hall of my parents’ house into a trophy gallery.

Our family’s men all had hunting dogs. I especially remember my grandfather’s German Shorthaired Pointer named Edda and several of my father’s Small Münsterländers, which had an excellent reputation as loyal hunting dogs for small game. The breed had been brought back almost from extinction at the end of the 19th century through some remaining lines found in the region of Münster, Germany.

The optimization of qualities is the obvious goal of any dog breeder. Not even a race-despising, self-proclaimed “anti-racist” can deny this. Not long ago, a hunter’s ability to feed his family depended on the intelligence, nose, swimming capabilities, and prey drive of his dogs. Recreational hunters still value these qualities and understand breed purity. I do not know much about equestrian sports, but horse breeders take the same approach in what is a $300 billion worldwide industry.

Yet when it comes to humans, we are expected to believe that physical, mental, and moral qualities have nothing to do with breed or race — that we are just one race: the human race. Like dogs — there is only the dog race?

To expose this laughable double-standard, I made a video and entered it in the Last Message to the West video contest run by Jared George of The Great Order. The contest is open for voting here (you have to register your email to do so). You can also watch my video at the same link.
I openly invite viewers to reject the taboo against seeing humans in racial categories, and urge them to strive for racial optimization in health, intelligence, creativity, and — last but not least — beauty. I dare them to look at humans as animal breeders look at animals, and I won’t apologize for it.

Animal breeders want to achieve certain results, and — let’s be honest — so do we. I am quite certain that none of the female members on my website WhiteDate.Net hope to reproduce one day with a man who looks like the hunchback of Notre Dame. Men do not dream of a hideous and mentally retarded wife and mother of their future children. Men and women alike, more or less subconsciously, even try to look for traits in a partner that would correct their shortcomings, such as height or hair quality. Sweeping this under the rug does not change the universal truth that finding a partner is and has always been a eugenic choice.

I am also quite certain that a pregnant woman looking for information on hypnobirthing online wonders why the YouTube algorithm suggests videos about “A Day with 4 Handicapped Children,” “My Abortion Story”, “I am Sophia – Life of a Transgender Child,” or “Beauty Queen with Down Syndrome,” etc.

You almost get the impression that the biggest video platform welcomes anything dysgenic and unnatural while it normalizes the elimination of perfectly healthy embryos. By strange coincidence, everyone in these videos is white. A dog or horse breeder would tell us that a strong, functioning society needs healthy, intelligent, productive people.

Well, looking at what our ancestors have built, we woke white people understand what we are capable of, because these qualities are enshrined in our DNA. We woke white people feel a responsibility to maintain and improve these qualities, even if only for the sake of honoring what defines us: our race!

ky_native #racist amren.com

RE: Julián Castro on Why the Presidential Primary Season Needs a Shake-Up

What this Mexican bandito wants is to push whites completely out of the equation. Nevermind this is our country! He is chomping at the bit to replace us even as we still have the majority. Here is his reasoning: How can New Hampshire and Vermont be the first to vote because they are too white? Can you imagine the apoplectic reaction the liberal media would take if Jared Taylor said such a thing? Castro is a RACIST! He is for his race (La Raza), and I am for mine. I like New Hampshire and Vermont as they are: WHITE!

The only way for Castro (a.k.a. Fidel) to change that demographic is to open the borders and allow MILLIONS of illegal Mexicans and African negroes into those states to effectively erase the white people. Here is the really sad part: there are whites in those states who agree. His view is since this worked in Georgia, why not in all states.

The time for flushing the toilet is NOW.

Gregory Hood #racist amren.com

Schrödinger’s Demographics

Last week, Democrats won full control of Virginia’s state government. Among those elected were Ghazala Hashmi, Virginia’s first Muslim woman state senator. Virginia, like California, is now solidly — and probably permanently — blue.

Republican pundits were baffled that Governor Ralph Northam’s blackface scandals and extreme pro-abortion positions — along with other democrat sex scandals — didn’t hurt Democrats.

They shouldn’t be surprised. California went from red to blue because of demographic change. What just happened in Virginia will happen to Texas, Georgia, and Florida soon. Politics is downstream from culture, but culture is downstream from race.

Less than 70 percent of Virginia’s electorate is white, and Democrats win an overwhelming share of the ever-increasing non-white vote. A Heritage Foundation report found even non-citizens who voted in recent state elections.

The political consequences are obvious. If you celebrate those consequences, the mainstream media welcome your opinion. If you oppose them, you are racist for suggesting demographic transformation matters.

Call it “Schrödinger’s Demographics.” Demographic and political changes either exist or don’t depending on whether you think they are good or bad.
Democrats and their media allies are proud to attribute their triumph to “diversity.”

“[A] younger, more racially diverse electorate combined with a backlash against President Trump to propel the most dramatic political shift in a generation to Prince William and Loudon counties.” Washington Post, November 6, 2019

“Tuesday’s elections also seem to indicate changing demographics, something highlighted by women and African Americans winning seats in statewide and local races.” Free Lanec-Star in a story entitled, “Tuesday’s election paints picture of changing demographics.”

“We are winning because we recognize the power of an electorate that includes and reflects the diversity of our state.” New York Times, November 6, 2019

The Times op-ed by Tram Nguyen of New Virginia Majority also claimed that felons’ who had their voting rights restored by former governor Terry McAuliffe were a “key voting bloc.”

Like these writers, Laura Ingraham also recognized that demographics matter. “Virginia’s foreign-born population nearly doubled from 2000 and 2017,” she said, “and these immigrants are mostly concentrated in Northern Virginia, Fairfax Country, Loudon County, Prince William County, outside of D.C., and they are altering the demographic makeup of the state – and, as The Washington Post and others have pointed out, the electorate.”
However, when Miss Ingraham made essentially the same observation that liberals had, it became “racist.”

Former governor Terry McAuliffe called the very use of the term foreign-born “horrible.” “She oughta take her racist policies, go sit with Donald Trump and have a good afternoon talking to each other,” he said. “We don’t want that in the Commonwealth in Virginia [sic]. We are a strong state because of our diversity.” CNN’s Dana Bash said that regardless of the term Miss Ingraham used, state demographics are shifting. Mr. McAuliffe responded that “America’s demographics are shifting,” repeated his love of diversity, and said Laura Ingraham could leave Virginia because “we don’t want that racist kind of talk in our state.”

(Terry McAuliffe lives in McLean, Virginia. The Census Bureau reports it is over 75 percent white and 18 percent Asian. It’s less than two percent black and just over five percent Hispanic. The New Republic calls it “home of America’s ruling class.”)

A flurry of “point-and-sputter” articles appeared condemning Laura Ingraham for noticing the obvious.

“Fox News’ Laura Ingraham Blames ‘Foreign-born Population,’ George Soros for GOP Losses in Virginia,” Haaretz

“Laura Ingraham says ‘foreign-born’ voters and George Soros to blame for GOP Virginia losses,” Newsweek

“Laura Ingraham blames GOP losses in Virginia on George Soros, ‘demographic changes’ and ‘foreign-born population’,” Media Matters for America
(“Demographic changes” in scare quotes is an especially nice touch.)

The social media campaign Sleeping Giants, which runs economic pressure campaigns against conservatives, called her “racist.” Of course, both demographic change and George Soros’s massive spending in Virginia are facts.

In April, The Washington Post reported “Money from PAC funded by George Soros shakes up prosecutor races in Northern Virginia.” A follow-up story in the Post a few months later said a PAC supported by Mr. Soros spent nearly one million dollars “to promote progressive challengers in the Democratic primary races for prosecutor in Arlington and Fairfax counties.”

The Washington Free Beacon reported a few days ago that the PAC was “flooding Virginia with hundreds of thousands of dollars in a last-minute effort to support Democratic prosecutors on the ballot on Nov. 5.” Democrats swept these elections, an outcome The Washington Post reported was “powered to a significant degree by Democratic megadonor George Soros, whose political action committee spent nearly $2.1 million in the primary and general election on polls, mailers, and advertisements” for various candidates.

Facts are irrelevant. What matters to journalists is whether someone celebrates replacement migration taking place. “The Confederacy is dead,” wrote Bennett Minton in The Washington Post, celebrating a Democratic coalition that is “educated, racially and ethnically diverse and dominated by women.” Republicans, he said, have a “shrinking base” with voters that are “whiter, less educated, and rural.” He anticipated that Governor Northam will soon sign a bill authorizing localities to remove Confederate statues.

This will be a powerful symbol of white Southerners’ dispossession. Yet some conservatives are still blind. In response to Minton’s column, Jessie Jane Duff of Veterans for Trump tried, once again, a variation of the “Democrats are the real racists” argument.

This tired script failed spectacularly. Non-whites are not impressed by GOP groveling, nor should they be. It’s entirely rational that non-whites vote for the party that gives them racial preferences, government handouts, and demographic reinforcements.

Even Bill Kristol admitted we don’t have elections anymore, just a census. The Republican Party depends on white voters. Liberals recognize this, but when conservatives say it out loud, liberals call them “racist.” Clearly, reality is racist.

Dan Roodt #racist amren.com

South Africa Wins Rugby World Cup. Why Does it Give Me No Joy?

In a Rugby World Cup final in Japan, for which most pundits predicted an easy win for England, the South African rugby team won by 32-12 and became world champions for the third time. All over the country, in bars and on the streets, there were celebratory shouts and honking cars with green Springbok team flags flying from their windows.

I do not follow rugby, nor watch so-called Super Rugby on the pay-TV channels. Our bankrupt public TV corporation, the SABC, can no longer afford the rights to broadcast rugby. However, I discovered that I could stream the match in French on my computer. Boris Johnson and I therefore had something in common: We both seem to have followed it live in our respective studies.

If it had been any other opponent, such as New Zealand or Australia, I probably would not have bothered, but losing against England would have been especially bitter. England is the source of our misfortune, a country whose politicians and diplomats have largely destroyed Western civilization in this part of the world. Not only did the English media, rock stars, and even the royal family enthusiastically support the Afro-Marxist terrorist movement known as the ANC, but their Queen also bestowed a knighthood on Robert Mugabe, the dictator to our north. The now deceased Zimbabwean could be called the king of all anti-white blacks. Admittedly, the British did quietly retract the knighthood once the worst of Mugabe’s excesses became known, but still. How dare they? — as Greta Thunberg would say.

Prince Harry of Sussex, the first British royal to marry someone we in South Africa would call “Coloured,” visited the Springbok rugby team in the changing rooms at Yokohama International Stadium after their brilliant victory. Amazingly — or perhaps not — his brief address to the players was not about rugby at all.

“Congratulations,” the red-haired Prince said. “I generally think that rugby has the ability to unite everyone around the world. And I could not think of a nation who needs it more than you guys right now.” And raising a bottle of Heineken given to him by one of the Afrikaner players: “So on that, well done.” He then posed next to the lock (a player in the second row of the scrum) Eben Etzebeth, apparently saying, “F*ck, you’re tall.”
And that’s where rugby, politics, and race collide. For over a century, the Springboks have been very successful against teams from much larger Western countries because of our physical advantages. The torturous evolution we have gone through on the African savanna, being constantly attacked by wild animals, poisonous snakes, and above all, black tribes for whom killing sometimes seems like their form of rugby, seems to have bestowed gifts on us, one of which is size. We are a race of giants. At least you can get that impression from meeting rugby players, especially the tall locks who have to jump for the ball during line-outs.

During the semi-final game against Wales, the two French commentators were clearly biased against the Springboks, hoping the lumbering Welsh team with their heavy pack of forwards grinding toward the goal line would win. However, as it became obvious that the Springboks would carry the day, the two Frenchmen ascribed it to their niveau d’aggressivité (level of aggressiveness).

The Left in South Africa, especially the English Left, has long decried Afrikaner dominance in rugby, which they call a sport for “racist, white males.” Our universities and other leftists have already provided us with endless denunciations of the Afrikaner passion for rugby and its alleged celebration of whiteness, toxic masculinity, racism, and Afrikaner fascism. What the 1936 Olympic Games were to Nazism, we are told, rugby has always been to the Afrikaner.

Since we have been excluded from politics, the military, the police, academia, big business, and soon the church, the game of the egg-shaped ball is perhaps the last thing we are allowed to do. Or not. The relentless demands of affirmative action have seen to it that even rugby is no longer an all-white, all-Afrikaner game. Ever since the days of anti-apartheid protests and sports boycotts, the agile little gazelle that gives the Springboks their team name has been unpopular. Successive sports ministers of the ANC regime have tried to suppress the name, a quintessentially Afrikaans word that does not have an English translation.

South Africa is the only country in the world where there are racial quotas in sport — against whites. Such quotas are essentially aimed at rugby, as well as netball — a sport like basketball but for women — in which Afrikaner women excel. Various complicated rules have accumulated over the years of ANC rule or — more correctly — social engineering. At any given moment, a certain number of “players of colour” have to be on the field. Otherwise, teams are fined, coaches are fired, or sponsors withhold funds.

During the World Cup in Japan, for the first time ever, the Springbok captain was a black player. Siya Kolisi happens be married to a blonde wife with whom he has two children. Most of the media coverage focused on him, as a kind of “miracle man,” and not on the white players.

Inside South Africa, the black players — who are normally less than half of the team — get all the credit and are lauded as “rugby geniuses.” Outside the country, there are sometimes more objective views. One British columnist, Stuart Barnes, was candid enough to write in the London Times before the final game that Captain Kolisi would serve the team best by sitting on the bench:

"Strip the politics and emotion out of the equation and the rugby case for benching Kolisi is powerful. Pieter-Steph du Toit [a white player] has been far more influential in his lineout and counter-rucking than his fellow flanker. He has to start."

Indeed, shortly after the final game, the lamentably white Mr. du Toit was named World Rugby Player of the Year, and the equally white Afrikaner Rassie Erasmus was crowned World Rugby Coach of the Year.

Many commentators, both sports and political, compared this year’s victory and the “sense of unity” it supposedly engendered to the one in 1995 when we beat New Zealand’s All Blacks in the World Cup final in Johannesburg – with one black player on the team. Nelson Mandela ingratiated himself with whites, especially Afrikaners, by donning a number-6 Springbok shirt like the one worn by captain Francois Pienaar, and appearing at the stadium in front of the crowd and the cameras.

During their three decades as an international terrorist group, headquartered in London and supported financially by both the Soviet Union and Sweden, the ANC had always boycotted rugby. The very image of the Springbok was “racist,” and the ANC regime is still trying to have it removed or even banned, like our old South African flag and anthem.

At the time, Mandela’s gesture was called “reconciliation,” but in South Africa, that word means establishing black domination. Not long afterward, Mandela clashed with the rugby administration over affirmative action and racial quotas.

Nearly 30 years later, some are still unsatisfied. On the eve of the final game in Japan, liberal journalist Pieter du Toit wrote:

"Because of its place in history and the architecture of society – a team once rooted in chauvinistic nationalism and exclusion, now diverse, humble and welcoming – the Boks will always be controversial. Whilst many live and breathe the green-and-gold, there are still many for whom it remains symbolic of subjugation and segregation."

Nobody knows the inner feelings of blacks better than liberal white journalists, but in the wake of the Springbok triumph in Japan, “reconciliation,” “unity between the races,” and the slogan “stronger together” are being bandied about by both the media and politicians. Of course, despite the euphoria, we are not together.

In the run-up to the World Cup, the above-mentioned giant, Eben Etzebeth, was accused of assaulting a Coloured man in a bar and calling him the “H-word.” That was “hotnot” in Afrikaans, a shortened form of “Hottentot,” which was the original European word for the primitive hunter-gatherer tribes on the Cape coast, whom we now must call Khoikhoi. “Hottentot” is thought to have originated from the German hotteren-totteren or “stutter,” referring to the click-sound language of the tribes.

The list of taboo words in South Africa grows all the time. In 1996, shortly after the ANC came to power, a Springbok coach, André Markgraaff, was forced to resign after calling one of the new black sports administrators a “kaffir.” South Africa, like the USA, represents a semantic minefield.

As soon as Eben Etzebeth steps off the plane from Japan, he will face the wrath of the South African Human Rights Commission, which has little to do with human rights but more with race-baiting and the persecution of whites who stray from the code of subservience. The head of legal services at the Human Rights Commission has promised that Mr. Etzebeth will be charged with attempted murder.

Rugby, like the Afrikaans language or the very presence of the white minority in South Africa, is a relic of the hated past, but that past, despite all the propaganda efforts to the contrary, is looking increasingly like a lost golden age. It was a time when South Africa was not only winning on the rugby field but also in education, health, construction, industrialization, honest government, municipal services, electricity generation, water treatment, administration, etc. Needless to say, the ANC regime is failing in all these areas and many others. We have blackouts or so-called “load shedding,” and many rural towns do not have potable water.

Even Prince Harry’s “unity” comments echo an awareness of South Africa’s increasing status as a failed state. Rugby is therefore the lone swallow that does not a summer make. The team’s meticulous Afrikaner coach, Rassie Erasmus, who has brought strategy and daring to their game, is a man of yesterday, an anachronism from a time before black sports ministers and the so-called Human Rights Commission.

It gave me a few moments of satisfaction that we had, once more, beaten our arch-rival England, but that soon gave way to a sense of tragedy. Our players, from the gargantuan Eben Etzebeth to the diminutive scrumhalf Faf de Klerk, are gladiators in green-and-gold. Like most gladiators, they are doomed to die in the arena. Instead of their undoubted talent and prowess counting toward the esteem of our Afrikaner nation, they are glorifying the ANC’s zombie nation, as well as the giant corporations whose brands they bear and who are contributing to the demise of whites.

Under apartheid, we had military, economic, energy and financial boycotts against us. In Amsterdam, they threw Afrikaans books in the canal next to South Africa House; elsewhere they spat on our diplomats. But the worst, it seems, was the sports boycott. In a sunny country dedicated to outdoor pursuits, it prevented us from showing off our athletes and our rugby players on the international stage.

Patti Waldmeir, a correspondent for the Financial Times in South Africa during the early ’90s, wrote in her book, Anatomy of a Miracle, that “the Afrikaners swapped apartheid for rugby, and thought they had made a good deal.”

Hence the Faustian Pact that our hapless leaders made with the ANC’s communist politicians: If only we handed them our country, we could play rugby against the All Blacks again — the same New Zealanders who held up placards saying, “Boks go home,” and who spread broken glass on the field in their country where we were supposed to practice.

Like every Faustian Pact, this one was bound to go bad. We have already paid a staggering price, with trillions of rand looted from the state and state-owned companies by corrupt ANC politicians and their cronies. Our infrastructure has been gutted, our environment polluted, our language and culture suppressed.

Rugby is not worth it. Seeing two Afrikaans high-school teams playing each other should satisfy our need for rugby. Why play against other nations from the British imperial system who hate us? It might help if we could have our own team, free of racial quotas and affirmative action. It would be an Afrikaner team, just as there are three national teams in the United Kingdom: Scotland, Wales, and England.

We would fly our orange, white and blue flag, the one which has been officially declared “hate speech” by a South African court. We would play our national anthem, “Die Stem,” at international matches.

This is all unthinkable. Probably the Springbok will be replaced by some ANC symbol soon, just as our street names have been changed. Then the so-called “transformation” of the team will be complete. A few Afrikaner gladiators will still be allowed to play.

Our triumph over England in Japan is a Pyrrhic victory. We have won a game but we have lost a nation, our nation, the real one, not the meretricious, multicultural hodgepodge that the media and the beer advertisements with their gleeful images of blacks and whites “happy together” promote.

I have nothing to celebrate.

Sunnnnnshineeee #sexist #racist amren.com

RE: ‘What’s a Girl Seeking, Alone at Night?’ German Mayor’s ‘Victim-Blaming’ Blasted as Immigrants Accused of Gang-Raping Teenager

You should celebrate the rise of Islam in the West.
For the ladies:
Church, Kitchen, and Children

Amazing, because the latter two are pretty much my life. And you know what? I’m safe, loved, cherished and taken care of.
I never see any of these liberated, feminist, strong and empowered women, looking half as content as I am. Go figure. Their husbands seem to actually hate them and they’re all heavy wine drinkers, on pills and stressed out. They hate me because I buck their stupid feminism and am far happier for it. Oh well! Sadly they never seem to learn and double down harder on the feminism, and get more and more miserable.
I’d do fine in a burka. I already dress modestly. The only people that will be upset will be the degenerate feminists. Too bad so sad for them!!

The difference is that you chose how to live. The religion of pieces won't give you that choice. And a sacrifice won't be wearing a burka but your children.

True, but evidently we’re going to get it, whether or not we want it.

That is where you are mistaken. Nobody will be forcing burkas on American women unless all of us American men are already dead.
All we have to do is decide to act and we could eject them or wipe them out. There are not that many of them here. Let's see what happens if they push us. I predict none will be allowed to live.

I truly hope you’re right. I know this sounds strange coming from a woman, but I despise most women and think they’ll get what they deserve.
They were never accepting and tolerant of my choices, they made it a point to make my life a living hell despite my only wanting to be left alone, so I can’t really blame the many men that have walked away and left women to their own self imposed destruction. They’re just so spiteful and venomous that the poison they spit is going to poison them.
I don’t understand why any man would care what happens to the vast majority of women. But I am grateful some do, if only to save my own skin and my children.

The left is more animated by microscopic instances of Western misogyny than by gargantuan instances of Non Western misogyny.

Yes because it’s a war against WHITE MEN. They don’t care what non white men do to white women (or non white women). Surely you understand this?

Being out late on Halloween I can understand but she meets a group of boys and agrees to go home with one of them??!!!
What the mayor wanted to say was, "What a ditz!!"

I’ve already explained to my children that they won’t be unsupervised in their teens. And I show them these stories to reinforce the reasons why. It’s time for white people to understand that we need reinforcements and strength in numbers. Is it “right”? No but it’s the reality. Better to be chaperoned then gang raped, or ground up into a kebab or fed to alligators, etc.

Son of the 1st Revolution & SAVE WHITE SETTLER U.S.A. #racist amren.com

Re: Florida: Huge Majority of Hispanics Support DeSantis, Mandatory E-Verify

(Son of the 1st Revolution)

Makes complete sense. What if open borders is entirely a white liberal creation? Imagine you're a Mexican living in Mexico. Do you want a politician who allows open borders from Central America? Do you want more gangs and criminals pouring into your country? Do you want to compete with mass immigration for your job (which would lower your wages)? It's quite possible that only illegal Hispanics and white leftists want open borders. The legal Hispanics would be harmed by open borders.

California has a large number of illegal Hispanics, which is probably why it votes in favor of sanctuary cities and open borders, teamed up with the insane white liberal vote.

That DeSantis won (against a black guy for governor) by such a slim margin isn't good.

I believe the statistics here. I'm reminded of Carlos Mencia and his racial humor. During an interview, he once said that he made a joke making fun of black people. He looked out at the audience, the blacks were laughing, the Hispanics were laughing and the whites were sitting there with expressions on their face that said I can't believe he said that, so wrong.
Why don't Republicans do a better job of labelling the Democrats as the anti-white party or the party of white guilt. The sick whining the Beto-s of this world do is off putting.


Hispanics for this guy means nothing. The bottom line is that Hispanics want to be in control. My state of California was Republic when it was majority White. It became Democrat when it became majority Hispanic. I am not sure what games the site is playing but the reality is, that the majority of Hispanics vote Democrat.
And actually who cares what Hispanics think... 99% of Hispanics aren't even supposed to legally be in this country...
The real question is why are we letting the Hispanic Invasion grow and continue?

Missy #racist amren.com

Re: Bernie Sanders’ Immigration Plan: Halt Deportations, Abolish ICE, Welcome 50K ‘Climate Migrants,’ Give Welfare to All

What's so strange about all of this is that up until very recently, Democrats were completely opposed to illegal immigration. What changed the Democrats and so suddenly? Is it because racism is now such a huge issue for PC whites that they were forced, like Bernie, to alter their positions to make sure they are seen as not racist? If the illegals were white, I highly doubt any Democrat would support open borders. This must be about race.

Davide Piffer #racist #sexist amren.com

Creativity, Genes, and Racial Differences

Davide Piffer is an Italian evolutionary anthropologist. He received a BA in Anthropology from the University of Bologna and a Master of Science in Evolutionary Anthropology from Durham University in England. His Master’s thesis was on the sexual selection of sleep patterns among humans, and was the first to link mating behavior to chronotype (sleep patterns during a 24-hour period) within an evolutionary framework. His research later shifted to quantitative genetics, and he published one of the first studies of the heritability of creative achievement. In 2013, he switched to molecular genetics, focusing on the polygenic evolution of educational achievement and intelligence, and this remains his main focus. Within this area, his main finding is that ethnic differences in intelligence are largely explained by the thousands of genetic variants that predict cognitive abilities within populations.

Grégoire Canlorbe: As Leonardo da Vinci pointed out in his notebooks, “The black races of Ethiopia are not products of the sun, for if in Scythia a black man makes a child to a black woman, the offspring is black; but if a black man inseminates a white woman, the offspring is gray. Proof that the race of the mother has as much power over the fetus as that of the father.” Besides skin color, how do you sum up what we know — or appear to know — about heritable racial differences in traits such as intelligence, creativity, or even the rate of maturation of male voices?

Davide Piffer: As I said, creativity has been neglected by geneticists and many psychologists, so unfortunately we know next to nothing about race or individual genetic differences in creativity. With regards to intelligence, there is a growing consensus, thanks to the work of myself and colleagues, that racial differences have a genetic basis. This comes from different lines of evidence, using the most recent methods of population genetics: admixture analysis and polygenic scores.

As for voice maturation, Philippe Rusthon proposed the theory that the Mongoloids are the most K-evolved and the Negroids are the least K-evolved, while the Caucasoids fall between the two, although closer to the Mongoloids. This theory is supported by a large amount of data. I made a new contribution to Rushton’s theory by presenting data on race differences in the age at which the voice breaks in boys. The prediction from Rushton’s theory and the hypothesis to be tested is that the voice should break at a younger age in Negroids than in Caucasoids. The hypothesis was successfully corroborated.

Grégoire Canlorbe: Your most conclusive investigations in behavioral genetics deal with the connection between sexual selection and sleep patterns — or that between sexual selection and both sex- and country-level differences in performance on tests of fluid intelligence. Could you tell us more about it?

Davide Piffer: I was the first to investigate the relationship between sleep patterns and sexual behavior among humans as part of my MSc’s dissertation at Durham University. My original work was later replicated by a researcher from Sri Lanka and a group from Germany. Sleep is well known to affect mating behavior in many animal species, and some heritable differences in chronotype also predict mating success among men, both in Western and non-Western societies.

The effect seems to go above and beyond personality (extraversion) and the propensity to engage in social activities at night. Being a night owl is associated with going out at night, thus increasing the chances of meeting a member of the other sex, but also with testosterone levels. We still don’t know if it is also perceived as an attractive feature in males, but it has significant sex differences, with males across different societies being more likely to be night owls than females, so it is a candidate target for sexual selection.

Some years ago, I published a paper in which I proposed an explanation of the paradox that more developed countries, with higher equality of the sexes, had a higher sex inequality in IQ scores. That is, in more developed countries, men are smarter than women, but this sex difference is much smaller or absent in less developed countries. For example, in Muslim countries, women have higher ability than men, so we could call this the Muslim paradox. This is the opposite of what one would expect from a purely environmental perspective, because women get more education in sex-equal countries. What I found was that smarter countries had higher sex differences independent of GDP or equality of the sexes.

A potential mechanism that I did not mention in the paper but that occurred to me later is that in industrialized countries, dysgenic fertility is mainly driven by highly educated females having fewer children and later in life, whereas male intelligence is not generally related to reproductive success. This sex disparity in dysgenic fertility would cause women to decline in intelligence relative to men.

This may not seem obvious. Because both men and women contribute to the genotypes of children, the fact that high-IQ women have few children should depress the IQ of both sexes, not that of women only. The question is more subtle, however, because many complex traits have sex-specific mechanism of expression, so that the same allele has different effects in males and females, even if the genes are not located on the sex chromosomes.

Grégoire Canlorbe: You devised a methodology to detect polygenic selection, a mechanism that acts on many genetic variants simultaneously. You have done this in particular with educational attainment. How do you summarize your approach?

Davide Piffer: My approach moves away from classical methods that focused on a single gene, because most traits are polygenic — the result of contributions of many alleles, or gene variants — and the effect of each is so diluted that you need to study many genetic variants in order to detect a pattern of selection. The frequency of a single allele is mainly affected by genetic drift unless that allele has a very strong effect on a trait such as, for example, sickle-cell anemia. Natural selection also affects population frequencies of alleles, but the effect on a single allele is typically so small that it can go unnoticed. However, when you simultaneously look at hundreds or thousands of alleles, you start seeing a pattern because the effects of random drift on each allele cancel each another out, and what is left is the directional effect of natural selection, which acts more strongly on some populations than on others, according to the environmental conditions or the sexual dynamics across the millennia.

Of course, these alleles are not picked at random from the genome. They come from studies called GWAS (“genome-wide association study”) which explore the correlation between millions of genetic variants or SNPs (single-nucleotide polymorphisms) and some phenotype or trait, such as years of education or height, using very large samples (from 100,000 to over a million individuals). These studies then find the SNPs with the strongest phenotypic effect, that is those that can increase an individual’s IQ by half an IQ point or increase height by as much as a centimeter.

The average frequency of alleles weighted by their effect on the phenotype (e.g. IQ) is called the polygenic score. Polygenic scores can be used to predict how well individuals do in school, or their height, or risk for cardiovascular disease. These scores are based on direct biological evaluation of a subject’s genome, so they are unaffected by culture, family differences, or any other factor that is commonly claimed to invalidate traditional IQ testing. I calculated polygenic scores for populations by averaging the scores of samples from different ethnic groups available on public databases. In the case of educational attainment and intelligence, I used between 2,400 and 3,500 of the most significant SNPs to compute polygenic scores.

What I found was that these population-level polygenic scores had a very high correlation of r=0.9 with scores on standardized intelligence tests. Ashkenazi Jews have the highest polygenic scores, followed by East Asians, then Europeans, South Asians, Native Americans and Blacks. A correlation this high would occur at odds of only one in 46,000 if the SNPs had been chosen at random. Furthermore, the SNPs associated with the greatest intelligence differences between populations were also associated with the greatest differences between individuals within a single population. This supports the view that both kinds of difference were the result of selection.


Grégoire Canlorbe: You made the claim that the north-south difference in Italy in fluid intelligence should be understood in terms of genetic differences between the populations. What data corroborate that hypothesis?

Davide Piffer: Historically, literacy levels and economic prosperity have been higher in the north than in the south. Data collected by Richard Lynn have shown that these differences are reflected in scores on tests of intelligence and scholastic aptitude (PISA and INVALSI).

There are strong genetic differences within Italy, recently corroborated by an in-depth study (Raveane at al., 2019). These differences were mostly established in pre-Roman times: Bronze-Age migrations from the Eastern European steppes (Indo-Aryans) in the north and West Asians from the Caucasus in the south. The Latin people who founded ancient Rome belonged to the Indo-European/Aryan group, along with other Italic tribes, such as the Veneti who later founded Venice.

Later migrations strengthened the pre-existing differences. In the first millennium BC, groups of Celtic people (originating from Indo-Aryans, like the native northern Italians such as the Veneti and the Ligurians) settled in the north and mixed with their ethnic cousins (that is why the Roman name for northern Italy was Gallia Cisalpina), and the Greeks heavily colonized the South (Magna Graecia) in the 1st millennium BC. In the Middle Ages, Germanic people invaded Italy and mostly added to the genetic pool of northern Italy (mostly Lombards and Gothic peoples) with some pockets in central and southern Italy (the Lombards in the Ducato di Benevento and the Normans in Palermo), whereas the south was conquered by Arabs.

WestWins #fundie #racist amren.com

(commenting on story “Former Center City Starbucks Manager Suing Company for Alleged Discrimination Against White People”)

This will make it to ABC World News Tonight with David Muir. (Sarcasm)

We need to expose the Arab's control of the media. Alex Jones is right -- Arabs run Hollywood.

Gregory Hood #racist amren.com

Access to White People Is Not a Civil Right

“Good schools.” It’s the ultimate dog whistle, the proof of true preferences, the closing argument for race realism. Whatever people say publicly, very few want to send their children to failing, dangerous, “diverse” schools.

Recently, residents of the St. George area of southeastern Baton Rouge voted to secede and become an independent city. Residents fought a long battle because they wanted their own schools.

Critics claimed St. George was another example of “re-segregation.”

In a May 20, 2019 article called “The New Secession,” The Atlantic said “73 communities have split to form their own school districts since 2000, and the rate of places doing so has rapidly accelerated in the past two years.”

It’s almost always white areas breaking away from “diverse” districts, and St. George is typical. It’s more than 70 percent white and less than 15 percent black; East Baton Rouge Parish is about 47 percent black.

St. George isn’t the first breakaway from the Baton Rouge school district. Central became an independent city in 2005 and opened its own school district in 2007. It “now has one of the top school systems in the state,” says The Guardian. It is also overwhelmingly white.

The Zachary community school board broke away from the East Baton Rouge Parish school district in 2002. “Largely white,” Zachary is now the “highest-performing” school district in the state, according to The74.

Baker also seceded. However, “with a much higher percentage of poor and minority students,” it continues to “struggle,” according to Business Report.

Mainstream media, which furiously denounce race realists, seem to understand that a school district’s success depends on the number of whites.

The New Republic wrote that secession efforts create “cities designed to make schools whiter, while leaving everyone else behind.”

“[T]he smaller districts created through the secession process are usually whiter and have more affluent residents than the districts they leave behind, which are larger, have more non-white students, and more students in low-income or impoverished households,” explains Vox.

“Every time a white community jettisoned the county district, they left behind an increasingly nonwhite and poorer student body and put more pressure on the remaining white communities to follow suit,” said The Nation.

“The secessions are part of a trend of neo-segregation in which predominantly white and relatively affluent areas divorce themselves from school districts that are majority-minority and have greater poverty,” reported the Washington Post.

The unspoken premise is that access to well-off whites is a civil right. Whites must prop up “diverse” school districts. “Segregation,” like “racist,” is a word to shame whites into acting against their interests.

Whites’ demographic decline makes integration more difficult anyway. As Steve Sailer has written, “America is running out of white children to solve the problems of nonwhite children.”

It’s unclear if integration even benefits blacks. Just days ago, the Washington Post reported that Shaker Heights in Cleveland, which worked hard to integrate schools, failed to close the “achievement gap.” “Anytime you break our data out by race, we look like two different schools,” said the district’s director of student data systems. Everywhere, races have different levels of achievement.

It’s not surprising whites are tired of going along with this “integration” charade. Even Little Rock schools, the most famous example of forced integration, are re-segregating.

In multiracial America, white parents have no good options. They can send their children to failing “diverse” schools. They can pay for private schools or suffer the opportunity cost of homeschooling, all while subsidizing public schools through property taxes. Or they can create their own school districts, but this means overcoming legal obstacles and media accusations of “racism.”

It doesn’t have to be this way. It wasn’t always this way. “Schools and the means of education shall forever be encouraged,” promised the Northwest Ordinance of 1787. The Confederation Congress passed this law before the Constitution existed.

Today, white Americans must fight their own governments to provide the “means of education.” Forced integration isn’t working. Whites want out. For now, secession is limited to school districts and cities. Yet in the long run, we will need not just our own schools but our own nation-state if we want our children to have a safe, prosperous future.

Gregory Hood #racist amren.com

Ashley St. Clair and the Bankruptcy of Conservatism Inc.

American Renaissance readers may remember Ashley St. Clair, whom we first mentioned in June. She was a young woman who appeared out of nowhere to become a “brand ambassador” for Turning Point USA, a major campus conservative organization backed by the president. Her job was to promote the group on social media, essentially through attractive photos of herself. She kept her position even after mocking President Trump, anti-immigration conservatives, and her own organization.

Why does it matter? Young campus conservatives, overwhelmingly white, join groups like TPUSA because that is the main opposition to liberalism. However, instead of effectively fighting anti-white policies on campus, groups like TPUSA teach young whites to repeat tired, ineffective “conservative” slogans.

In TPUSA’s case, it’s particularly obnoxious because the group is fanatically opposed to white identity politics, but regularly hosts “leadership summits” for blacks, Jews, women, and Hispanics. The Beltway Right is the main obstacle preventing white identity politics because it funnels right-wing energy into dead ends. Miss St. Clair’s case proved the point; despite her obvious contempt for the president and the anti-immigration grassroots, TPUSA stood by her.

However, TPUSA recently fired her. Her crime? She appeared in a photo with Nick Fuentes, who has been so wicked as to speak at an American Renaissance conference.

Mr. Fuentes was debating Jacob Wohl, a Jewish political activist who’s occasionally in the news for leveling sensational charges against President Trump’s enemies. Miss St. Claire was one of the people present at the debate and appeared in the selfie below. Astonishingly, although TPUSA claims to define itself as defending “free speech,” this photo was enough for Miss St. Claire to lose her ambassadorship.

RightWingWatch triumphantly displayed Miss St. Clair’s scalp, while Miss St. Clair’s associates blasted TPUSA for capitulating so shamelessly.

Commentator Mike Cernovich mocked conservative cowardice.

Kathy Zhu is the former Miss Michigan who was stripped of her title for tweets that criticized the hijab and blacks’ propensity to blame others for their own problems. Now a conservative activist, she condemned TPUSA, in language I will link to but not repeat. She noted that TPUSA does practice identity politics for everyone except whites and does not support free speech.

Black conservative C.J. Pearson also defended Miss St. Clair. He even took a stab at distinguishing white consciousness from white supremacy.

He has since deleted the tweet and apologized, but later said whites should be allowed both racial and national pride.

Still, other conservatives supported TPUSA’s decision to fire Miss St. Clair. Human Events editor Will Chamberlain was one. In the past, he’s argued strongly that “platform access is a civil right.” However, he recently tweeted:

Are covert “racists” ok?

The Washington Examiner was equally harsh. “If you want to be a conservative personality, don’t associate with white nationalists and anti-Semites,” wrote Madeline Fry. Washington Examiner contributor Tiana Lowe said “white culture” does not exist and that identitarians are “incelites.” Brad Polumbo dedicated two columns (so far) to attacking C.J. Pearson for daring to stand up for white people.

The final irony? Mr. Pearson is now an “ambassador” for TPUSA, essentially replacing Miss St. Claire. Protective coloring?

The whole thing looks like a game of musical chairs mixed with kindergarten-level politics. Joe Sobran famously said conservatives think their movement is a “game, a way of making a living.”

“Movement conservatives” are in a never-ending war of position against each other. “Purges” define the movement. Those within the “movement” keep their platforms, media access, and above all, money. Those outside become non-persons. The goal is to become a “conservative personality,” as Madeline Fry explained in the Washington Examiner.

This requires a balancing act. A “conservative personality” must bait leftists, but if a “conservative personality” is pro-white or questions racial double standards too aggressively, his colleagues use the liberal media against him. Ultimately, the liberal media determine who remains within the conservative movement. Miss St. Clair, whatever her faults, is the latest victim of Conservatism Inc. collaboration with its supposed opponents.

I wrote weeks ago I didn’t want Miss St. Clair fired, despite her attacks on opponents of mass immigration. Yet it’s striking that TPUSA tolerated insults against itself but could not stomach her appearing in a photo with Nick Fuentes.

Movement conservatives are paralyzed by fear. So are most normal white Americans. However, movement conservatives could instantly stop what can be called “cancel culture.” They just have to say “no,” and the liberal media’s power over them would be broken.

They don’t. They won’t.

Will Chamberlain speaks of “wartime conservatism.” Yet Conservatism Inc. disarms its fighters. Intellectually, they are limited to repeating slogans about “free markets” or outright lies about American history if they want to stay in good standing. Non-whites organize on racial terms; white conservatives prevent their own people from doing the same. It’s not surprising the Left owns American campuses.

If the American Right is fighting a “war,” its generals are abandoning their wounded and spiking their own guns. They take orders from their enemies and execute their own soldiers when told to do so. It’s immoral to ask people to “fight” for a cause when their “leaders” don’t want to succeed.

No white advocate is trying to be a “personality.” One silver lining to the repression we face is that no one would choose this because it’s an easy way to make a living. We do this because we know our duty.

Identitarianism is rising because it is true and necessary. Conservative failure leaves no alternatives. The “wartime conservatives” have many generals, but not many soldiers. We get more defectors from their side every day. No one will fight for generals who define victory by surrender.

Various commenters #racist #sexist #fundie amren.com

Re: Guess Which Race Has the Highest Rate of Sex Trafficking

(Question Diversity)

So who are the traffickers? Is the stereotype of the black pimp based in reality?

This Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) report gives the breakdown:

Percent of all trafficker suspects by race

Blacks 43.7
Hispanics 29.2
Asians 13.2
Whites 12.8
Other 1.2

I’ll assume many of the “others” are American Indians. Of course, we need to adjust for group size. Since whites have the lowest rate, we’ll make them the comparison group. The list below shows how many times a member of a given group is more likely to be a pimp than a white person:

Blacks 16.8
Hispanics 8.1
Asians 16.5
Others 6.0

Compared to whites, blacks are 16.8 times more likely to be pimps. That’s a huge difference, but the difference is actually larger for Asians. (I treated “Other” as Native Americans, but that is probably an inflated number since the category will include non-Natives).

Asians usually have the lowest crime rates (by far) but not here.

Quite a few years ago, in a land far far away (from where I am now), I inadvertently and nonchalantly started up a "how's the weather" conversation with a Bureau of Federal Prisons agent-guard, who was part of the team who had transported a Federal inmate doing time in the Greenville, Illinois Federal prison to the clinic in St. Louis where I happened to be that day for my own doctor's appointment, as the inmate also had a doctor's appointment there. Black, of course. In for sex trafficking Mann Act sort of stuff, as he said.

He told me, in not so many words, and more dog whistling than anything, that the really big problem with these sex trafficking and prostitution rings are from black gangs from big black cities going to the Upper Midwest luring Scandinavian ethnic type white teenage girls with dope, and then hooking them in and taking them back to their big black ghetto cities and forcing them to be come prostitutes.

(Peter Hunt)

akistan is a nation that's located in South Asia. Pakistani, Indian, Chinese, and ALL other Asian groups contribute to the ruining of Canada and other Western countries.

I actually thought it would be Hispanics.

I had Chinese, Japanese, Koreans, Taiwanese, Vietnamese, and Thais in mind with Han Chinese as leaders of the pack.

Ask any honest and completely aware thinker who lives in China or Taiwan or Japan or South Korea about all categories if crime. Murders might be the only one in which Whites lead any one of the aforelisted East Asian nations. Substance abuse is rife! Meth, alcohol, Nicotine, and pharmaceuticals (easy-peasy to score in the Republic of Korea, China and Taiwan) are abused by way more folks than in the States, and those 3 countries respective guys don't admit anywhere near the true extent of how much if their respective oops are addicts.


Sex trafficking, almost exclusively, appears in dangerous neighborhoods, which are populated by Blacks or immigrants from different cultures.
Observations and personal experience quickly can confirm statistics like this. In the 1980s, I lived in Brooklyn for a few years, where I was robbed five times, twice with a gun pointed at me. Somebody vandalized my car every few months. At nights one could see a lot of girls on the streets offering sex for money. Now I live far away from NYC. Nothing happened to me or my property ever since. I can walk my dog safely, even on Saturday nighs. My car is usually unlocked unless I am away for multiple days.

Sounds like you resided in Rodney Dangerfield's neighborhood. He said that when he first moved there he stepped outside and asked a cop "How long does it take to get to the subway from here." The cop replied "I don't know. No one has ever made it."

After I graduated, I moved out of there as soon as I could. They offered me a much higher salary in NYC. I didn't take it. In retrospective, I believe, this was the best decision I ever made.

(Big Al)

We can tsk-tsk all we want, but there's been a study done on US pimps. And you know how much some of them make a WEEK? $30,000! Take that, Walmart middle manager! That's how huge the market is. And not only that, pimping is one of the safest career crime choices, as they're much less likely to be caught and arrested than drug dealers, and much more likely to reach arrangements with crooked cops so long as they keep it discrete and informal.

I once took a training course in Canada. The speaker, Timea Nagy, told a heartbreaking story of being trafficked in Canada by way of Hungary. She never said so, but I believe her traffickers were Hungarian Gypsies. Later in one of the trainings, we were told to look out for older black men with younger white girls. That was generally the trafficking pattern. One of the organizations the police were going after was called "North Preston's Finest". They even have their own wikipedia page. The Canadians can thank the underground railroad for those wonderful additions to diversity.

Because the drinking age in Canada is 18, a lot of young women go clubbing across in Niagara Falls, Ontario. Lots of these young adult females were getting slipped roofies. We were told off the record that the police couldn't say so, but it was almost all East Asians (Pakistanis) doping the victims.

Once upon a time, we used to put some blame on prostitutes along with their pimps. Now we find every excuse in the book for a woman who chooses this career path. We don't call it prostitution anymore; we call it "trafficking". That's because we refuse to look at it straight and recognize for what it is: a lot of women are whores, and most of those get in there WILLINGLY. Whether from country to country, or within the one country. The whole roofie thing is the exception rather than the rule. It's plain old prostitution. Just read the details of those stories about those minor English girls. There were no roofies. They were in for the gifts, for the excitement, for the male attention, and the easy cash.

Part of the reason that prostitutes stay in the game is the feeling of shame and humiliation for having been duped. They get threatened with having their lives exposed to family and loved ones. Of course, there's often beatings, too. They often feel like it's their fault. In turn, the pimps often prey on the vulnerable, ie the young, the homeless, the mentally challenged etc...

Really, there's no way they could go to the police just so that their parents don't hear about it? Sounds like a stretch to me. This isn't the Congo jungle. If someone is really forcing you to do something, call 911. And they'll come and take him away. It's not that hard.

By the way, that's also the bull feminists bring up to explain women who stay with supposedly abusive husbands and so on. They could never bring themselves to admit that there's a part of willingness from the woman in question, so they make up a lot of implausible scenarios about how they can't leave.

So what's your solution, that we just let sex trafficking take place and look the other way?

First of all, it's prostitution. And second, of course not! I'm for jailing the whole of them, PROSTITUTES INCLUDED. Let them rot in jail. I'm also for a ban of the entire sex trades (prostitution too, don't fool yourselves) in whatever form they take: porn, stripping, cam shows, the whole of them. I don't even like cheerleaders. But punish the whores too! I'm sick of this "compassionate" culture where no one ever takes responsibility for anything. For the vast majority of the time, they get in there willingly. Everybody who's ever gotten close to those trades knows it.

Fooling aside, if you want to campaign for such restrictive laws on people's lives, please stick to your city or state governments.

Don't worry, I'm a federalist. And these should be state and local matters. And even if I wanted to, last year, the people of some Nevada counties had a referendum on whether to keep their brothels open, and something like 80 percent voted "Yes." So I have no hope for these people. I just don't want to live around them. So I'm well aware it's hard to enforce on 330 million anyway. But yes, I'd welcome such restrictions in the city or state I live in, and the SCOTUS better mind its damn business with its farce of putting pornography under the First Amendment.

Watch the people in your state flee to greener pastures en masse once you start enforcing your puritanical morals and suck the juice out of life as a result.

Many would flee, but many of the likeminded would flock in their stead. That's the whole point.

Various racists #racist amren.com

San Francisco’s Yerba Buena Center for the Arts (YBCA) is a large museum next to the Moscone Convention Center downtown. This non-profit is funded by the City of San Francisco, the National Endowment for the Arts, Bloomberg Philanthropies, and the James Irvine Foundation. From July 23 to August 25, YBCA screened Jonathan Garcia’s movie Why Don’t We Murder More White People? It was on an endless loop and each cycle lasted 11 minutes and 17 seconds, and is now on Youtube. Mr. Garcia produced this video as a year-long YBCA fellow, for which he got a stipend and an honorarium. YBCA identifies him as: “Community Engagement & Inclusion Associate, Chief-of-Staff of the SOCIAL CLUB, author.”

Most of the video is of non-whites complaining about whites. They say such things as:

“I’m angry at white people most of the time.”

“It’s like, just part of like whiteness to be abusive and violent.”

“Whiteness invades my life and my mind.”

“You could be violent, and through that perpetuate whiteness. You could not look at your whiteness and be perpetuating that violence, still. Like, you could do nothing and still be violent.”

“Fuck the pigs.”

Some of the speakers encourage violence:

“I think if you’re not supporting people of color and to end white supremacy, and you’re neutral, or you are that person that’s perpetrating it, then you shouldn’t—I think you deserve harm.”

“I think that harm is radical. But I think sometimes radical is needed.”

“And, sometimes I feel like non-violence is not the best route.”

The video assumes that white people are a kind of plague; the only question is what to do about them. Some of the speakers do not call for violence, but they never say killing whites would be immoral. They have other reasons for hesitating to kill whites:

“I’m not gonna harm a white person, I’m not gonna murder a white person, ’cause I’m scared.”

“I think the reason we don’t murder more white people is because they are protected, in a sense.”

“You don’t wanna be violent ’cause that’ll make you look bad or something. Or like, make you and your community look bad. But, whiteness is violence.”

“I think that we don’t murder white people because there is a thought process around, ‘White is Right.’”

Some of the speakers make a distinction between killing white people and destroying “whiteness:”

“‘Why don’t we kill more white people?’ is because it’s not going to solve any issues . . . . What we have to eradicate is whiteness. You know, this whole notion of ‘white genocide.’ We don’t want to kill white people. We want to kill whiteness.”

“Whiteness should be, definitely, harmed and like, destroyed.”

There is also an interview with a white woman who says:

I think that the insidious nature of whiteness begins at a very young age. And because of the historic tie that we have to white children as pure members of our society, we do not address the harm and the evil that they inherently bring to communities of color, to the school playground, to the classroom, to wherever they are. We don’t address that because they’re too young.

These short commentaries are interspersed with staged shots of a white hand grabbing a non-white man’s head from the top and turning it back and forth. There are also shots of a non-white man wearing a whiteface mask as he plays chess or pulls a rope (an image of lynching?) out of his laundry. At one point, there is a voiceless caption over the man in whiteface: “Whiteness is the root of all trauma.”

Presumably, these peculiar scenes are what makes this an “art film,” to be screened at an art center.

The exhibit panel at YBCA introducing the video noted that “we continue to watch the death of black and brown people become normalized in parallel with the ruse of white supremacy.”

Jed I. Knight #racist amren.com

That is one crucial difference between whites and blacks, certainly because of genetics. For a white person to be able to commit such an atrocity, you are virtually always dealing with an individual under a clinical diagnostic of psychopathy. However, regular blacks, often teenagers, are capable, in group, of such evil acts, and later analysis often conclude to an absence of psychopathic traits. I take it from my sister who is a legal psychiatrist and NO LIBERAL. A white psychopath will not show any remorse and keep his cool, while blacks will cry, deny, blame it on others, but were in fact able to commit an atrocity outside of any psychiatric condition. Anyway,, take it for what it's worth.

Gregory Hood #racist amren.com

Kashmir: Suddenly the Left Understands ‘The Great Replacement’

Good news! It’s not a “conspiracy theory” anymore. The media finally understand that government policies affect demographics and that demography matters.

The Indian-controlled portion of Kashmir, known as Jammu and Kashmir (J&K), is the only majority-Muslim state in Hindu India. When India became independent in 1947, Article 370 of its constitution granted special rights to J&K so that it could maintain a Muslim majority.

On August 5, India revoked Article 370, to the dismay of most American media. Hindus, they warned, might take over!

Vox’s Alex Ward, for example, noted that Article 375 barred people outside the state from buying property, and was written to “prevent India’s majority-Hindu population from moving into Jammu and Kashmir and displacing the Muslims who live there.” Mr. Ward warned there could be “ethnic cleansing.” In another piece, Mr. Ward wrote that some believe “Hindus will flock to the region to push out the Muslims once and for all.”

Suggesting that loss of local population control could lead to “ethnic cleansing” sounds like an unhinged conspiracy theory. Mr. Ward himself, in a piece praising Pete Buttigieg’s plan to combat “white extremism,” said the idea “that white people are being replaced” is a “white nationalist” idea promoted by murderers such as the Christchurch shooter.

What’s wrong with revoking Article 370? Shouldn’t all Indians be able to buy property in their own country? Preventing “outsiders” from buying property sounds like restrictive covenants to me.

Mr. Ward or some “extremism expert” should tell the Muslim Kashmiris that there is no “us” or “them,” and that diversity will soon be their greatest strength.

Mr. Ward warns that Pakistan might intervene to maintain the status quo. Is he implying Muslims in Indian Kashmir might have dual loyalties and want the protection of a foreign country?

Even the New York Times now understands the great replacement:

Human rights activists said that the moves to change Kashmir’s status were only the first steps in a broader plan to erode Kashmir’s core rights and seed the area with non-Kashmiris, altering the demographics and eventually destroying its character.

The human rights group American Renaissance has made the same argument about the United States for decades.

The Washington Post also gets it: “Critics” reportedly say the Indian government’s ruling Bharatiya Janata Party wants to “dilute the concentration of Muslims there and further its project to enshrine the Hindu identity of the nation.” The author also compared the “ethnic and religious undertones” to those in the West Bank, another area where media outlets mysteriously understand the importance of demographics.

The Atlantic worried that without the rule “dating back to colonial times” barring non-Kashmiris from settling, “the demographic balance of the state could shift—and with it, the idea that a vibrant democracy must take special efforts to protect the status of minority communities.”

Should the “status” of the white minority in South Africa be protected? No, said an Atlantic article in 2018. Worrying about the survival of white farmers is a “thinly veiled white supremacist cause.”

Bloomberg’s editorial board said India had made a “mistake.” It wasn’t making Kashmiris “feel like full citizens, in control of their lives and their destinies.” “Democracies as large and heterogeneous as India cannot escape internal tensions,” it said, “but the way to relieve such pressure is to decentralize power and give citizens a greater stake in their governance, as well as more control over local resources.”

That same day, Bloomberg argued for increased federal power in America. “The U.S. needs better intelligence-gathering and more effective preemptive action against domestic terrorists,” it said. Bloomberg also called for more gun control and an intensified fight against “white supremacy.”

When Kashmiris demonstrated against revocation of Article 370, India sent in troops and declared a curfew. Now the BBC even appears to be sympathetic to terrorism in the name of ethnic identity. In an article called “Inside Kashmir’s lockdown: ‘Even I will pick up a gun.’” it quotes without editorializing an angry young man who says of his toddler, “He’s too small now, but I will prepare him to pick up a gun too,” in order to fight what Kashmiris call “dictatorial power.” The article did not call for “gun control” or “tolerance.”

The Associated Press warned that “for many, India’s decision is a breach of trust and an attack on Kashmir’s identity.” Another AP story quoted a local man: “Maybe slowly our identity will disappear.” The AP did not call him “racist,” “far-right,” or “nativist.”

Two weeks ago, Farooq Abdullah, a member of the Indian parliament who represents Jammu and Kashmir, said he would “not allow any changes in the demography of the state.” He swore to resist “any attempt to dilute Jammu and Kashmir’s unique identity.” Imagine an American politician saying such a thing about the United States.

For white people, progressives repeat condescending slogans about the inevitability of population change.

“Migration is inevitable.”

“Borders are just arbitrary.”

“There’s no way but violence and oppression to stop the mixing of different people.”

Yet now we hear warnings about a government trying to “dilute” a native population. Amazing.

Kashmiris are bitter because they thought the Indian constitution guaranteed autonomy. White South Africans thought their land was safe because the constitution said it was. White Americans foolishly think the Constitution will protect their rights. History follows blood, not ink.

Kashmir just got its equivalent of the Hart-Celler Immigration Act of 1965. Unless it’s reversed, Kashmir will lose its identity. Still, at least reporters and human rights groups won’t call Kashmir “racist” for resisting.

Some commenters #racist amren.com

Re: There Are 500,000 U.S. Citizens Living in Mexico

(Rich at Large)

"The vast majority of this group has Mexican-born parents."

So what, then? Get back to us when 20 million white (or black or Asian, for that matter) Americans have legally and illegally crossed the border to settle in Baja California, making Mexicans into a minority there, and taking advantage of free health care and other services.


FTA: "Our research, published on June 10, uses Mexican census and intercensal data to reveal new insights into the characteristics of this group of young American citizens in Mexico."

So Mexico asks questions about citizenship on its census?? How racist of them!


"Children who do not have Mexican documents cannot easily enroll in Mexican public schools. Furthermore, children who do not speak Spanish well will face problems learning in Mexican schools."

American legislators and educators would do well to emulate their Mexican peers.


Most Latin American countries love gringo's to move in. Happy to exchange a buzillion meztizos for a handful of monied, skilled, gringos.

But this seems to suggest a different sort of "gringo", like hispanic "American" bastards and such...


(Jason Lewis)

Brings up the average IQ. Especially when we mate with the locals.

500,000 US citizens live in Mexico. This is suppose to make us think that we do it too. I'm willing to bet that 450,000 of them are Mexican descendants.

“Sorry, but I won't take your bet. I'd be hard put to believe White people would be dumb enough to move to an s-hole nation like Mexico.”

Some white businessmen and managers go down there and live to guide their cheap laborers.


So it's ok for Mexico to do a census and ask where you're born, but our president can't do the same? Why do American anchor babies go to Mexico and not get dual citizenship? After the Mexicans throw them out we should do the same on their return here.

Jared Taylor #racist amren.com

“Why is White Nationalism on the Rise?”

By Jared Taylor

On May 4, CNN published an article by David Neiwert called “Hate groups are recruiting our young people into a toxic belief system.” This belief system is “white nationalism,” which Mr. Neiwert warns is growing at an alarming rate: “[W]e’re talking in the hundreds of thousands, if not millions of new young white nationalists being born online right now.”

Why is white nationalism, which Mr. Neiwert dismisses as “hateful” and “toxic,” so attractive? Because it is based on the conviction that whites—like every other racial group in America and the world—have legitimate group interests. The most obvious of these is not to be reduced to a minority where they have traditionally been the majority.

From its founding and until immigration policy changed in 1965, Americans took it for granted that whites would always be the majority. They were 85 percent of the population in 1960, but are now projected, largely through immigration, to become a minority by 2045.

Whites were never asked if this was what they wanted. White nationalists do not want to become a minority, and the burden is on people like Mr. Neiwert to explain why they are wrong.

Is it wrong for Japanese to want to remain a majority in Japan? Or Mexicans in Mexico? Or Turks in Turkey? Israel is an explicitly Jewish state, and virtually all Americans recognize its right to remain Jewish. White nationalists believe that whites—whether in the United States or Europe—have the same right.

It is not “hatred” for whites to want to live in a society shaped by the European values and texture of life handed down by their ancestors. Mass immigration changes a country—often radically—and whites have the absolute right to prefer societies that are faithful to their ancestral values. This is an entirely normal, healthy sentiment that Mr. Neiwert would surely not find “hateful” if expressed by non-whites.

Would Mr. Neiwert be happy if the whole world were changing as the United States or Europe is? Should populations migrate and mix everywhere, reducing every local majority to a minority? That would crush every distinct culture and civilization everywhere. Why is that acceptable only for white countries?

“White nationalists” recognize that hypnotic slogans do not make “diversity” a strength. It is a source of tension and conflict. At its worst, it means race riots and prison riots. Every day, it means discrimination lawsuits, resentment, accusations of insensitivity, and bitterness over whether the Oscars or Harvard or boardrooms or tech jobs or neighborhoods or the police force have the right racial mix.

Even if diversity were a strength, why should whites “celebrate” it when it always means a decline in their numbers and influence? No healthy people wants to give up its place in society and march into oblivion.

White nationalism is also the inevitable reaction to an increasingly harsh double standard: Whites must always be “sensitive” to others, even if others hold them in contempt.

In 2018, the New York Times appointed a 31-year-old immigrant from Korea, Sarah Jeong, to its editorial board. Miss Jeong had tweeted such things as “White men are bullshit,” “#CancelWhitePeople,” and “White people have stopped breeding. you’ll all go extinct soon. That was my plan all along.” No white person who said anything remotely like this about non-whites could be a janitor at the Times.

Headlines such as these show contempt for whites: “ To the White Men Running to Be the Democratic Presidential Candidate: Can You Not?” “Step aside white men. It’s time for women of color to lead.” “Should a White Man Be the Face of the Democratic Party in 2020?” Television host Trevor Noah put the same question to Bernie Sanders: “Isn’t this a time for your guys to step aside?”

In the 1960s, the national goal was to overcome racism and achieve color-blindness. Now, whites—but only whites—learn that, as Psychology Today explains, “Colorblind ideology is a form of racism.” When whites left transitioning neighborhoods, it was called “white flight” and was “racist.” When they go back to those neighborhoods, it is “gentrification,” which is also “racist.” It’s healthy for blacks or Asians or Hispanics to have a firm racial identity; for whites, it’s “Nazism.”

When blacks and Hispanics do not do as well as whites, it’s the fault of entrenched white supremacy. But if America is a white supremacist country, why do East Asians do so much better than whites?

All this—certainly not Donald Trump—explains the rise of white nationalism.

It is true that some people with nationalist ideas have committed horrific murderous acts. Why? Because when people have a voice, they speak. When they are hated, silenced, and their deeply felt values driven underground by self-righteous media censors, they may act in unspeakable ways.

There are democratic solutions to these problems. Censorship and demonization will make them worse.

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