
David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Literally, our next U.S. President has already be selected behind closed doors in a secret society, and now the newsmedia will shape American opinion to justify their choice. That's how the system works! Americans don't decide anything, but the illusion of freedom of choice must be maintained. Think about it. What are the choices we're being given? — a lesbian criminal (Hillary), a drug-trafficking criminal (Jeb Bush), and a Christian man (Rand Paul). Who do you think Americans will vote for? I can tell you that our Hollywood-loving degenerate society won't vote for a Christian man. And we haven't had a Democrat follow another 2-term Democrat since 1836. So that leaves the Lucifer-worshipping, Bohemian Grove member, Jeb Bush. Also, Jeb Bush is going to play the Hispanic race card, big time, since he is married to a Hispanic woman. I have no doubt that Jeb Bush is headed for The White House, who has already said that he will expand Homeland Security in America. Literally, Jeb Bush will build the Police State!!! You watch and see!

Albeit, the Illuminati have come too far in achieving their New World Order, unwilling to leave anything to chance, so if anything happens to Jeb Bush, Hillary Clinton WILL BE OUR NEXT U.S. PRESIDENT! Either way, they win! Either way, you've got a New World Order criminal in The White House. The Globalists have arranged the chess game so that they cannot lose. WAKE UP AMERICA!!!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The Hollywood blockbuster movie, DIE HARD, starring Bruce Willis is evil to the core, repeatedly blaspheming the holy precious name of Jesus Christ. The movie's star characters continually curse in God's name and dishonor the Lord's name. Here is the movie script so you can see for yourself that what I say is true . . .

•The holy name of “Jesus” is used irreverently as a swear word 12-times in the movie.

•The word “Christ” is irreverently mentioned as a curse word 11-times.

•Toward the end of the movie Bruce Willis exclaims, “Holy Christ” as a curse word.

•The blasphemous curse term “Goddam_” is exclaimed 5-times in the movie.

•The term “God” is used inappropriately 17-times throughout the movie as a curse word.

•The horrible blasphemous phrase “Jesus f_cking Christ” is mentioned once.

•The words “f_ck,” “f_cking,” “f_cker” and “f_ckin'” are found 42-times throughout the movie!

•The filthy word for dung, “sh_t!” is exclaimed 22-times throughout the movie.

•The slang term “dic_head” is mentioned twice.

•The Biblical word “hell” is dishonored twice.

•The slang curse term “son of a bitch” is mentioned twice.

•The term “ little bastard” is mentioned once.

•The slang curse term “asshol_” is used 9-times.

This is Hollywood at their best (which is the worst!). There is no greater source of filth and sexual smut in the world than Hollywood. The movie DIE HARD contains nudity, nude pictures, sensual scenes, and a preponderance of cursing in God's holy name. The average American has the attitude that fornication and adultery are normal; but it is immoral and wicked. The lusts of the flesh are the enemy of holiness and what's pleasing to God. It is a sin against God's holy Law to have sex outside of a marriage commitment. One woman, one man!

Marriage is like a fireplace. Sex is the fire. As long as you keep the fire in the fireplace you're ok, but that fire will burn your house down if it gets out of the fireplace. And sexual desire will burn your life up if that fire gets outside of a marriage commitment! Marriage is not just the old-fashioned way; it's still the right way! America has deteriorated into a sex-sicko society of perverts, whoremongers and whores (Hebrews 13:4).

I don't condemn anyone, for we are all hell-deserving guilty sinners; but Bruce Willis is living for the Devil, as are all Hollywood celebrities. Hollywood is a cesspool (i.e., a place where sewers flow into) of iniquity. Hollywood will ruin your life faster than anything. If you've ever been to California, to the Hollywood area, then you know that it is a weird, sicko, evil place in America. People think and live very differently there. Sin is everywhere. Jesus Christ is hated in Hollywood—adultery, fornication lasciviousness, lewdness, prostitution, nudity, immodest clothing, Rock 'N' Roll, Satan-worship, laughing at wickedness, divorce, drunkenness, homosexuality, lesbianism, arrogance, pedophilia, sinful pride, feminist brainwashing, body piercings, masochism, sadism, substance abuse, Communism, idolatry, hypocrisy, slander, gossip, ingratitude, greed, covetousness, celebrity worship syndrome (CWS), theft, blasphemy against God, massive false religions and whacko cults... it all happens in HollyWEIRD!!!

Loser shows like The Simpsons, Family Guy and South Park are the outflow of California's community of kooks, quacks, and queers! They're not just nutty TV programs, they are California!!! They don't call California “The Granola State” for no reason, i.e., the land of fruits and nuts! You can keep Californication! To no surprise, California's divorce rate is over 75%!!!

Why should God bless America? Hollywood wouldn't be so filthy rich if it weren't for all the people who but their filth, support their films, and give them their money. Bought any Hollywood movies lately? Television is truly the hellivision, corrupting America's homes. With all the cursing, blaspheming God, and cursing in Jesus' precious name present in Hollywood hellish movies, is it any wonder why our children are walking around shouting out “JESUS FU_KING CHRIST?!”

In James Cameron's hellish movie, THE ABYSS, you'll hear the name of “God” mentioned 40-times irreverently, and “Goddam_” 14-times!!! The name above every other name (Philippians 2:9-10), “Jesus” is mentioned irreverently as a curse word 17-times! The slang word for dung, “shi_” is mentioned 38-times! It's definitely a manure movie! That's what all these Hollywood movies are in the eyes of God and Heaven... DUNG!

David J. Stewart #fundie #sexist jesus-is-savior.com

As a result of Godless feminism, America’s women have become careless daughters. Very few women see anything wrong anymore with stripping down to their underwear and walking along the beach in front of men. It is wicked. God hates indecency! God doesn't hate people, and neither do I; but God hates sin, and so should we as Christians. Women have been bamboozled by the Devil into thinking that it’s ok to strip naked just because some color was added to the underwear's fabric (i.e., a bathing suit). I don’t care if you wear white women’s underwear or a blue bikini, you are disobeying God's Word by dressing immodestly (see 1st Timothy 2:9).

I wrote this article for one reason— to take a stand for God! Psalm 94:16 commands all of God’s children to stand against the evil doers, the workers of iniquity. Women across America need to put their clothes back on! I think an ice age is just what we need in this world.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Shakira's evil album, Oral Fixation Vol. 2, has been censored in Egypt. I cannot show you the album cover because she is almost naked. She is holding an apple by a tree, obviously a depiction of Eve in the Garden of Eden. Many Muslim nations have banned Shakira's song “How Do You Do” because of its lyrical content in which Shakira questions God. Sadly, Americans aren't as moral as the Muslims, so instead of banning it, we promote and buy it in the United States. Shame on our nation! Muslims over in Egypt love Allah more than Americans love the God in Whom we falsely claim to trust and worship. Americans by large are ingrates, liars, and fools (which is why we are losing our nation and liberties).

The following song, HOW DO YOU DO is on the Oral Fixation Vol. 2 album (produced in 2005). The song is a total mockery of God, blaspheming His holy name. Shakira shakes her fist in God's face, accusing Him of being a hypocritical and malign thug Who enjoys watching people suffer and die. Shakira attacks God boldly, shamelessly, and sinfully. What an evil woman! Shakira petitions God to forgive her on the basis that He is unjust, a hypocrite, and He owes it to forgive her since she has forgiven Him for all His evils against humanity.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Mad scientists are growing genetically modified babies in labs solely for the purpose of body parts and organ replacement. By combining animal DNA with human & plant, the embryo has NO RIGHTS because it's not considered human anymore. Think of the horrifying consequences of what this means! Scientists play God, mixing plant and animal DNA with human, creating poor creatures that have no rights. GM tampering will allow cross-species diseases to spread easier into populations, that could create plagues the likes of which this world has never seen. Unlike nuclear radiation which will go away after 100-years, GM tampering is irreversible in nature.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The European Community created the European Monetary Institute in January 1994, and it is now a single currency. One can easily see the power, threat, and influence of the euro. We are headed towards a "cashless society" where every transaction will be done without physical money. This will give the government unprecedented power over everyone. Christians will be labeled as "terrorists," for preaching against sin. Warrants will be put out for their arrest. They will not be able to buy food without being caught, prosecuted, and even killed (John 16:2).

In addition to its growing economic prowess, the European Union has already formulated common foreign and security policies with defense issues. The North American Union is already being formed, uniting Mexico with Canada and the United States. Soon, all defense policies will be made jointly. The European Union is rapidly dissolving the ideas of national sovereignty in a giant step toward Globalism and one-world government. The exact same thing is happening in the United States. Uncle Sam is taking steroids, and he's as corrupt as can be. The Super-state is preparing the way for a more powerful central government, one that will eventually be headed by a world dictator. With the passing of NDAA on December 31, 2011 the U.S. government can now make anyone disappear without a right to legal representation nor trial.

President George W. Bush is appointing military leaders throughout his administration in America. FEMA is being completely restructured, allegedly because of the failures which occurred after hurricane Katrina. The truth is that The White House deliberately did nothing after Katrina to give them an excuse to overhaul FEMA. Now they're going to militarize FEMA to accommodate their new American police state, and the American people are as naive and complacent as can be. Nationwide, America's local police departments are being militarized into thug squads.

The days of officer friendly are over, now you get Darth Vader. 911 was deliberate, and George W. Bush had prior knowledge, which is why he sat there for 5 minutes after being told that the country was under attack. 911 gave the global monsters a pretext to attack Afghanistan, Iraq, and soon to be ... Iran. Americans have MUCH innocent blood on their hands as a nation. American's have already lost many of their freedoms via the Patriot Act, and laws are being passed regularly which are stripping away our rights. Americans are foolish to let this happen.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

There is not a more monstrous organization in the United States than the Illinois Department of Children and Family Services (otherwise known as DCFS). In other areas across the nation, this same diabolical government institution is known as CPS (Child Protection Services). What a misnomer! DCFS and CPS abuse families!

DCFS, an organization which was allegedly started to protect families, has actually in many cases DESTROYED families! The emotional, physical, and financial tolls are oftentimes devastating. Many innocent families have been forced into bankruptcy because of nightmarish legal fees to defend themselves against this evil bureaucratic monster. CPS doesn't try to heal, build nor restore families; all they know how to do is steal, kill and destroy as Jesus said in John 10:10. That's their agenda, to destroy! CPS are devils!

No doubt, many mothers and fathers have ended up in the hospital because of the trauma associated with DCFS' brutal and never-ending persecution. My wife was often sick, vomiting from the turmoil, wondering if the Communist Police State was coming to take our child away. If you've never been targeted by the State, then you cannot possibly understand. CPS are largely a bunch of sick twisted freaks. The government is NOT God, but they act like it, swooping in like ravenous vultures to steal our children away forever.
“There is no crueler tyranny than that which is perpetuated under the shield of law and in the name of justice.”
—Charles de Montesquieu
Watch the following video which exposes the criminal CPS empire that is taking children away from good parents, caught up in legal kidnapping. The following video documentary is frightening...

The system converts children into cash which destroys families and their lives. The public schools are hunting ground for CPS. If your child has a mark from falling down in the school playground, the teacher can be arrested for not turning the parents into CPS for possible abuse. Once the call is made, innocent families are automatically sucked into a brutal bureaucracy of abuse, idiocy and irresponsibility. Children are quickly placed into foster homes and the biological parents banned by law from having any contact with their children.

“That which is not just is not law.” —William Lloyd Garrison (1805-1879)

According to The National Center For Child Abuse And Neglect in 1998 reported that “six times more children died in foster care than in the general public. And that once removed to official 'safety' these children are far more likely to suffer abuse, including sexual molestation, than in the general population. Think what that number is today 10-years later. Child protective services seizes children using the very system that is paid for by the tax-payer, who actually believes it is used to protect abused and neglected children. The bureaucracy of workers benefit financially by a system that converts children into cash while destroying their families and their lives.”

CPS is an official government kidnapping ring.

Pastor Jack Hyles #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

As soon as you get to the place to where you think you’re smart without God and you can formulate your own philosophy about God and who God is, then the next step is your worship of the creature. Why? You’ve got to worship the creature if you think you can figure out who God is. If you draw up in your mind your own concept of God, you’re putting yourself before God. You’re worshipping your own mind in the place of God, and the next thing is that you worship the creature or the body.
Worship of the body is where our nation is tonight. All this open sex, nudity, free love, and body worship is the final step in the downward trend of our nation. “For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature.” (Romans 1:26) Now, you listen to me! When a nation gets to the place where nudity is prevalent, what else does it look for? One reason God intends for folks to wear clothes is because the unknown gives you added property to explore. Don’t snicker when I say that! However, when we get to the place where we strip off our clothes and nudity becomes commonplace, then man begins to search for something other than the natural man-woman relationship. To what does he turn? First, he turns to sex perversion or unnatural acts. When that runs its course, to what does he turn? He turns to women committing sex with women and men committing sex with men. Now, that is as low as you can get. Here is the order again:
1. We do not glorify god or give thanks to Him
2. We become vain in our imaginations
3. We become wise in their own eyes
4. We make a false religion
5. We worship the creature instead of the Creator
Let me say a little more about that third point- becoming wise in our own eyes. I’m not against going to a university, but let me tell you something. If you went to a university and got a degree and now think you’re better than your grandpa who didn’t go past fifth grade, then you’re an idiot! There’s nothing in this world any more sickening than for one hunk of flesh who’s worth only $1.98 chemically, a sinner who ought to go to Hell; if you’re fortunate enough to have trusted Jesus, then you’re saved by His grace.
There’s not one good thing in this world about any of us. “There is none that doeth good, no, not one.” (Romans 3:12b) “There is none righteous, no, not one.” (Romans 3:10) “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God.” (Romans 3:23) On and on the Bible goes to tell us that there is not one good thing about any of us for one of us to set himself up above the rest of us as being a scholar or an expert or of a particular sphere or caste system. It’s heathenism, it’s paganism, and it’s a result of turning from God. As soon as you do that, you become wise in your own conceit. You think you’re smart. You’ve been to college, you have your degree, so you think you’re above the common man.
Next, you begin to worship the mind and then you begin to worship the body. After that, you go into sins of the body, and the last step is the step that Sodom and Gomorrah took when God said He’d rain fire and brimstone on them. Let me tell you something, and you hear me well! There are three people who wear britches and have short hair and would be called men who sit in this room tonight who are homosexuals, and I know it. You have said, “Don’t let Brother Hyles’ preaching upset you. God wouldn’t have made us this way if He hadn’t intended for men to love men.” Oh, you pagan heathen! God didn’t make you that way! Don’t you blame God for your sin! Don’t you blame God for your rejection of God’s Word! You’ll burn in Hell forever and ever and ever unless you get born again and get delivered of that wicked sin! It’s not normal! It’s pagan! It’s iniquity! God hates it! God goes so far as to condemn to everlasting torment the soul of every person who is homosexual! Check your Bible! That’s the last step in man’s downward progression.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Having said all this, I believe that it is appropriate for a young woman to attend Christian college to prepare for motherhood and to be a wife. I am against women attending Christian college to pursue a career instead of motherhood. It's just as wrong to replace motherhood with a Christian career as it is a secular career. God put you ladies here to be a HELP MEET to a husband (Genesis 2:18). God didn't put you here to have fun, enjoy life, work a job, pursue a career or change the world. It's ok to enjoy life, after the work is done. Your family is your work.

It is wrong for a woman to attend a heathen university to earn an accredited degree as an educator. You are walking in the counsel of the ungodly (Psalm 1:1). The pursuit of accreditation in a state university has led to the spiritual downfall of countless young people. You'd be better to have no education than a heathen education.

Scott Jonas #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I love this picture to the right. I believe that every young lady should learn cooking, piano and etiquette. Sadly, girls today are learn how to have sex in public grade school, learning the nightclub lifestyle from Walt Disney and being taught by the toxic music industry that life's all about dating, selfish pride and rebellion.

I have read many great articles by Christian men and women regarding the participation of women in the workforce, politics, and in the military. These are activities that most women didn’t participate in until fifty years ago. However, I feel there is one other major activity these writers have not addressed. For some reason, they've overlooked women’s participation in sports.

For quite a long time, women resisted the feminist call to play sports, since they just weren’t interested like men were. But this didn't sit well with the feminists; they felt this was the fault of male oppression. In the name of “equality,” feminist leaders poked and prodded and pushed women to join the games, until women in droves finally succumbed to the pressure. I think this should give us strong reason to pause and consider the question, “Should women participate in sports?”

Over the years I’ve noticed that Christian parents, as much as any parents, encourage their daughters to participate in sports. This is all the rage in our public schools, especially since the passage of Title IX by the feminists. Since most Christian parents send their children to the public schools, it doesn’t surprise many of us that Christians are influenced more by the secular school culture than by the culture of the Church. Worse, the Church itself is being more heavily influenced by the culture instead of the other way around. One of the trends in schools is the participation in sports by women; therefore it shouldn’t surprise us that so many Christian daughters today participate in sports. But is this really all that bad?

For those of us who believe we should train our daughters according to Titus 2, 1 Peter 3, and other Biblical passages, my answer is “Yes, it is not good.” I propose that sports greatly hinders the development of godly, Biblical, feminine character. Parents today expend extraordinary amounts of time and energy taking their daughters from one sports event to another, week after week, even to the point where it exhausts the family and family resources. The fruits we see are that today’s Christian women are often ill-prepared to be Biblically obedient wives and mothers. This brings to mind a couple of questions: “Why do we spend so much time preparing our daughters to play sports?" and "What does it prepare them for in the future?” My answer is that sports prepare women to be more like men. Instead of spending all that time preparing our daughters as the Bible directs, we are training them to be like men so they can better compete with men in traditionally masculine roles - i.e., compete with them in the workforce, in politics, in the military, and in sports.

Actually, I don’t have a problem with women playing recreational sports on an occasional basis, just with them playing competitive sports on a regular day-to-day basis. This rigorous physical and mental training tends to make women more masculine. I think it is prudent to often ask ourselves “Can a woman do this activity and retain a Biblically feminine character?” With sports I think it will be difficult in most cases. Even some of the traditionally more feminine sports like gymnastics and ice skating are now influencing women to be more masculine.


Most men I know admire a woman who is reasonably healthy and fit; they are also attracted to a woman who is somewhat “soft” and cuddly. This does not mean she should be delicate like tissue paper; no, a woman should be reasonably strong, and the normal duties of life will make her that way. This is what we learn from the Proverbs 31 woman. However, if you look at pictures of female athletes who play sports or observe them on the playing fields, you will notice that many develop strong, muscular bodies. Female athletes also sneer, wince, push, and fight just like the men. I notice these things all the time in pictures in our hometown newspaper. The sneers are most obvious; they make young women very unfeminine. The masculine uniforms and sweaty bodies aren’t very attractive, either.

I also notice when driving by our public school grounds and sports fields another phenomenon taking place: the young girls are trained in sports right along with the boys. To me, this can only be degrading to the boys. In some cases, girls regularly participate on boys' sports teams, and therefore compete against the boys themselves. During the past decade, more and more girls participated in wrestling; since there were no girls' wrestling teams, they joined the boys' teams and competed against the boys. I read about one school where the boys refused to wrestle the girls and forfeited their matches; there could be no greater embarrassment to them than to lose to a girl, not to mention it likely violated their sense of masculine chivalry. So not only is female sports participation degrading the feminine nature of women, in many cases it degrades the developing masculinity in boys.

At the recent summer Olympics in Greece, women’s wrestling was a new sport. There were several female wrestlers on the U.S. Olympic team; most of them received their training by wrestling with men in college, since there were no women’s teams. If you saw their pictures, they looked just like men smashing each other into the mats. Women’s handball was another sport that I’d never seen before, and the pictures I saw of the women fighting each other were sometimes grotesque. Similarly aggressive sports are women’s hockey, boxing, football, rugby, and others where oftentimes the women pretty much look and act like men. But even the less aggressive but more common sports like soccer, basketball, and softball tend to make women masculine and manly.

Some Christians might say that women should not compete in professional sports, but any other level is okay. However, professional athletes get their start somewhere. They begin in local school and community sports leagues like everyone else, and sometimes move on to college and adult leagues. Eventually, they may end up as semi-professionals or amateurs competing around the world in a variety of sports; but nonetheless, the masculinization process begins when they are young girls. The longer they play, the more likely it is that their femininity will be degraded.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Sheeple don't think for themselves; they turn on the TV to form their opinions, which is the big problem in the United States (or should I say, the "Divided States"?). Fox News leads the way in brainwashing people. It's amazing how gullible people are. Within moments of the 911 attacks, people on the streets of New York were already calling for bomb-strikes overseas against the "terrorists" responsible. This is exactly what the Bush Administration and their accomplices wanted, i.e., a pretext to invade Afghanistan and then Iraq to steal their oil.

I am amazed just how predicable the human nature is. The conman politicians operating the federal government have mastered the art of lying propaganda. They are criminals without a conscience. It is a shame that the average American never thinks beyond what they were taught in the public school system—to vote. I'll tell you, only a completely ignorant person would vote either Democrat or Republican. Both parties are corrupt, evil and rotten to the core. Both parties are merely two separate legs walking towards a New World Order, i.e., a Global Totalitarian Godless Communist Police State.

All it would take is for the government to blow up one passenger bus in the U.S. and the American people would sell their souls for protection. Sheeple! This is exactly what happened after the 911 attacks, and the Patriot Acts were formed. Using Hurricane Katrina as an excuse, FEMA has also been completely overhauled (confiscated) by the powers that be.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

It is a shame that women today no longer want to be mothers and homekeepers as the Bible teaches. Communist propaganda has lured women into the workplace, and the criminal Federal Reserve has rigged our economy so that women cannot go back due to lack of finances. It's all a part of the New World Order's plan to destroy America. Don't believe it?
The picture to the left is only a dream these days for most children and husbands. It takes several hours to cook main course dinners like that. There is a woeful need for mothers in America. How sad that most families today eat microwaved and instant foods. We've lost the American dream.

The Bible teaches that a woman's place is in the home. God did not intend for women to wear a uniform, carry a gun and police men in society. God did not intend for women to wear business suits, carry briefcases and fight in court as attorneys. God did not intend for women to become shrinks, messing with other people's brains. God did not intend for women to join the army and go through boot camp, crawling under barbed wire and learning how to fire an AK47 rifle. God did not intend for women to pursue workplace careers. A woman's place is in the home. God intended for women to marry, bear children (plural), guide the house (a homemaker) and not give occasion to the adversary to speak reproachfully (that means stay off the phone, stay out of trouble and stay home).

[Emphasis mine]

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Government spy satellites are monitoring every square inch of farming land in Europe and America. Increasingly, small and medium sized farms are being oppressed with burdensome relegations, over-taxation, harassing citations and ridiculous news laws intended to drive them out of business. The criminals behind the New World Order want to gain control over the whole world, and the fastest and surest way to do so is to eliminate the small and medium sized farms. If the world's elite can control the production and supply of food through a dozen large corporations, then they can smash the resistance of the people in just a matter of days until the food runs out.

In fact, Revelation 13:16-17 teaches that no one will be able to buy nor sell food without having the mark of the Beast in their right hand or forehead. The world is fast-headed for a total Police State control grid society. You'll have to have a government license for everything!

Whereas back in the Great Depression, 90% of Americans were self-sufficient; today only 10% of Americans are able to support themselves if the food trucks suddenly stopped rolling and th stores go empty. It is hard to imagine in the land of the plenty, where stores carry a dozen different brands of every food (from pizza to maple syrup), that the day is coming when the shelves will be empty. There is a massive food shortage coming and it will be artificially caused by the global elite through the corporations. It may not be next month, but it is coming in the years and decades ahead.

The global elite are already testing their cruel food shortage scheme in suffering nations around the world. In a time of food crisis, a society will exhort to cannibalism in 15 days. In the Old Testament, the people ate donkey brains and dove's dung for food during famine, and it can happen in America or anywhere else in the world...

2nd Kings 6:25, “And there was a great famine in Samaria: and, behold, they besieged it, until an ass's head was sold for fourscore pieces of silver, and the fourth part of a cab of dove's dung for five pieces of silver.”

Do you think it couldn't happen in the United States? You'll thank God if you live on a smaller island if such a crisis develops, where at least fishing and local produce are plenty. In the metropolitan areas of the great cities, where millions-upon-millions of people dwell like sardines crammed in a tin can, there will be cannibalism, massive heinous crimes and all-out rioting and dementia.

I believe it is deliberate that the masses of humanity are being herded into major cities to live, because this makes it impossible to grow crops to support so many people. In reality, the masses are setting themselves up for disaster.

In the rural areas of America, where there are farms and people know how to survive off the land, they'll have a chance. City dwellers are slowly, but surely, digging a grave for themselves. I am convinced that by 2050 there will be famine in many of the world's major cities. Little by little all of the mom and pop gourmet restaurants and delicatessens of the past century will vanish away in America. When most people think of famine, they think of third world nations in Africa and elsewhere. In the Bible, it was war that often brought artificial famine, used as a weapon to conquer cities.

It will be the corporations who are controlled by the global elite that cause the famines of the future, to subdue the masses and to deliberately kill off 90% of the earth's population (as plotted by members of Secret Societies and revealed on the Georgia Guidestones). If you think this sounds too conspiratorial, then you should read up on U.S. President JFK's comments about Secret Societies. He tried to warn us, and they killed him! There are literally HUNDREDS of shocking books available, teaching about Secret Societies. Some of the books are written by members of the occult themselves, like Manly P. Hall, a 33rd degree Freemason. Truth is certainly stranger than fiction.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

In the previous freezing eggs news video you can hear a 29-year-old Arizona woman saying that her “long-term relationship failed,” and so now she is freezing her eggs while she waits for Mr. Right. What insanity! What she's really saying is that she's been whoring around for a long time, and now that the bum's left her for some other whore, she's going to freeze her eggs while she fornicates with other men until she hopefully finds one that won't abandon her. Girls, you'll never find Mr. Right by fornicating your way into a happy marriage. You get that wedding ring on your finger, first. You'll have far better odds of finding a good man IN CHURCH! Not all good men are godly men, but all godly men are good men!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Bill Clinton and other Homosexual Masons

President Bill Clinton became famous for the Monica Lewinsky affair. But actually, Bill Clinton never had conventional sexual relations with the young Jewish woman. Clinton enjoys kinky perversion and it is well known in some circles that old Bill is bisexual. Indeed, Clinton is a woman-hater, and documented evidence proves he has brutally raped at least two women.

One report says that Bill Clinton and a former pal, Arkansas Governor, Winthrop Rockefeller, had a fling. Winthrop, of the monied Rockefeller family, was well known as a homosexual. It is also possible that Clinton was himself abused and molested as a youthful member of the Masonic Lodge's DeMolay organization.

Albert Pike, the 19th century occultist who, as Masonry's Sovereign Grand Commander, created its rituals for the 33 degrees of the craft, was himself a notorious sodomite.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The Bible teaches that humans are by nature like sheep, we are gullible. We must not do something simply because someone tells us to do it. Very few people know about "homeopathic" doctors which offer "natural cures" for many so-called "incurable" conditions. There are many alternatives to drugs, but you'll never hear about them from your doctor or the drug companies. The whole drug industry is a big money-making scam! ...

Unfortunately, if you go to the average medical doctor with any type of mental or emotional problem. You will end up in a psychiatrist's office and talking drugs, not the local pastor's office. When you sit down in front of a "Professional," everything you say "can" and "will" be used against you. You are creating a paper trail. If you think it's all "confidential," you had better think again. Have you ever noticed when someone gets into trouble with the law how their past all of a sudden becomes everyone's business. It may not happen to you, but it can. Also, if you apply for certain jobs, your records will be checked. I am being your friend.

May I say, everyone needs help at some time in life. The big question is... where do you go for that help? I am NOT against doctors. I am simply saying that as Christians it is in our best interests if we stay away from unsaved "professionals" who are woefully ignorant of God's Word. We need to seek counsel from a Godly pastor or other qualified godly person. Unsaved doctors in most cases are acceptant of same-sex unions, divorce, feminism, abortion and other sinful behavior that the Bible prohibits.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Much of the activity of the Reagan years can be explained by the fact that Ronnie and Nancy were devout supporters of Satanists. So devout that they insisted the head of the satanic Temple of Set, Colonel Michael Aquino, visit the White House wearing his satanic high-priest robe. With Reagan's support Aquino was able to get Satanism recognized as a protected religious belief in the military. Aquino was investigated by the military as well as the San Francisco Police Dept. when children identified him as head of a "Devil Worship Club" that ritually molested, murdered and cannibalized children. The court document notes that several members of the Army thought there was probable cause to "Title" Aquino with offenses of indecent acts with a child, sodomy, conspiracy, kidnapping, and false swearing - but the case was dismissed under pressure from the highest levels.

Daughter Maureen Reagan was close to Larry King, head of the failed Franklin Community Credit Union, Republican darling and leader of a child abduction, pornography and prostitution ring. Larry King was well known in the 1980's for his lavish parties attended by Republican power-elite. Less well known was the fact that some of his events came with party favors of child sex-slaves. King was involved with the satanic CIA child abduction and mind control program that kidnapped Johnny Gosch while he was delivering newspapers.

David J. Stewart #racist jesus-is-savior.com

Asian women are notoriously whorish and dress whorishly. They are degraded down to the level of animals in their cultures, being slaved out as comfort girls for money or for a place to live and some food. Most young women, and older as well, do it voluntarily because the alternative is to work for pennies a day in a sweat shop factory under high-pressure, fast-pace, dangerous workings conditions. The temptation to make a lot of money fast by having sex is why the criminal syndicate worldwide is involved. The Philippines have been referred to as “The Devil's Playground” because of all the prevalent sexual sins. This includes Costa Rica and most third world nations. Sadly, American military men are notorious for fornication worldwide.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

I want to go vomit every time I hear someone mention how wonderful our recent U.S President's are. They're all members of Bohemian Grove, Skull and Bones and Freemasonry (all demonic groups). Did you know that members of Bohemian Grove worship the Devil? Watch the end of the Martial Law 911: Rise of the Police State video and then tell me how wonderful they are. Watch The Obama Deception. The Bush family has deep roots in the German Nazi-party, as is documented in the video. Former U.S. President George H. Bush is purportedly married to Aleister Crowley's daughter. Don't take my word for it... check for yourself "whether those things were so." Here's another video on how wonderful the Bush Family is. Watch here about the Bush/Carlyle group exposed!

Here's some free videos and articles to give you a crash course in what's going on in the world today...
• END GAME (a shocking documentary, crash course into the New World Order. Please watch!!!)
• INVISIBLE EMPIRE (2:14 hour video documentary defining the New World Order)
• Police State 4: The Rise of FEMA (video exposing the Military Industrial Complex)
• The Obama Deception (Wall Street is Washington D.C. and Washington D.C. is Wall Street)
• The 9/11 Chronicles: Truth Rising - Full Film (shame on Christians who don't care about 911)
• Order Of Death (43 minute sequel to Dark Secrets: Inside Bohemian Grove, year 2005)
• Dark Secrets : Inside Bohemian Grove (Full Length 2:02 hour documentary, year 2000)
• Obama Rothschilds Choice - Full Movie (people have no idea what's going on in our nation)
• George Soros is Selling Gold to Buy Farm Land (the handwriting is on the wall)

Would you please read the following statement made by Congressman Ron Paul from the same article above, We've Been Neo-Conned...

Did you read that... "This requires that those responsible for today’s problems are exposed and their philosophy of pervasive government intrusion is rejected." Why are the churches silent? Why are these issues so TABOO in America's churches?

Sadly, this includes Independent Baptist Churches as well. Shame on us! Until 5 years ago, I was as blind as anyone else. It wasn't until CPS forced our daughter to take a dangerous drug, threatening to take her away if we didn't, that I first realized I was living in a police state. It just hasn't adversely affected enough people yet; but it WILL, mark my words.. IT WILL! Unfortunately, by the time enough people wake up to realize what evil is upon America, we will be living under martial law, in a totalitarian dictatorship.

David J. Stewart #fundie #wingnut #sexist #homophobia #kinkshaming jesus-is-savior.com

People have been asking me what secular albums are "safe" to listen to. As a good guideline, ask yourself this... "Does the band / music you wish to listen to include any of the following themes:

Nihilism (belief in nothing) / Apathy
Escapism / Suicide
Drugs / Alcoholism
Sexual Perversion / Fornication / Pornography

Dissonant / Offensive Sound
The Occult / Satanism
Anti-God / Anti-Authority
Cult-like Organization, Terrorism

If so, you should steer well clear. The Bible, God's Word, teaches us anything that promotes or embraces any of these factors is predominantly anti-Christian, and against all that God's Word stands for. The following are just a few God-haters you should definitely avoid like the plague...

Rock Music: Straight From The Pits Of Hell!

AC/DC: song Hell's Bells, inspired "Night Stalker" serial killer, pentagrams on album art (Highway to Hell), violent cover art (If You Want Blood You Got It), guitarist admitted to being 'possessed' while on stage. Band-name AC/DC purportedly stands for Assault Christians Destroy Christians. Promote pedophilia (guitarist dresses like a school boy on stage), extremely offensive and harsh sound, produces a spirit of hatred and anger. Lead singer, Bon Scott "drank himself to death" at age 33. Avoid this band like the plague.

Aerosmith: drug and alcohol abuse, equating sex and religion on "Angel," glorifying homosexuality and cross-dressing on “Dude looks like a lady”

Agnostic Front: violent and rebellion-themed album art (Cause for Alarm)

Amen: objectionable album art (Disorderly Conduct)

Anthrax: violent album art (Fistful of Metal)

Bad Religion: objectionable band name, objectionable album art (Back to the Known)

Bauhaus: backwards Latin Satanic incantation in "Father, Son and Holy Ghost", Satanic imagery, anti-Christian lyrics

Beach Boys: Brian Wilson said they were trying to create "witchcraft music" in 1966. One band member drowned when he fell drunk off a boat

Beastie Boys: more than 90 references to drug and alcohol abuse on Licensed to Kill

Beatles: promote Communism in "Back in the USSR," sexually degenerate lyrics... "Why don't we do it in the road (1968)," rebellion, fornication, false religion (Catholicism and Eastern Mysticism). Lennon called Jesus a 'garlic eating fascist bastard.' Paul McCartney is an admitted atheist. 'Sgt. Peppers' album cover has Aleister Crowley's face on it

Billy Idol: rebellion, fake crucifixion in "Hot in the City" video, mock crosses in "White Wedding" video, has 'Idol’ as name (Blasphemy - There shall be NO Idols before God)

Birthday Party: likened Jesus to "bad seed", indecipherable lyrics about "post-crucifixion baby"

Black Flag: violent and suicide-themed album art (Family Man)

Black Market Baby: objectionable band name and album art (Senseless Offerings)

Black Sabbath: number of the beast, crucifixion imagery, objectionable album art (Born Again, Sabbath Bloody Sabbath)

Blink 182: rebellion, tattoos, perverted lyrics about sexually abusing animals (F*ck a dog)

Blaspheme: objectionable band name and album art (Last Supper)

Blue Oyster Cult: the occult, promotes Satan worship in the song 'Don't Fear The Reaper'

Boston: promotes fornication, wild immoral parties, drug abuse, indifference, smoking pot, lead singer commit suicide in March 2007 (left a suicide note saying, "I am a lonely soul")

Britney Spears: bi-sexual whore, promotes sexual immorality, lasciviousness, and feminist rebellion

Carlos Santana: Says he's been communicating with a demon named "Metatron" regularly since 1994, promotes New Age, immorality.

Cheap Trick: promote rebellion against parents, fornication

Celtic Frost: use crucifix as slingshot on album cover (To MegaTherion), occult links, rebellion

Christian Death: Gnosticism, sex- and occult-themed album art (Only Theatre of Pain, The Scriptures, Sex and Drugs and Jesus Christ, What's the Verdict)

Coil: devotees of Aleister Crowley

Alice Cooper: on-stage mutilation, rebellion, "School's Out" prevents mice from solving mazes, objectionable album art (Constrictor)

Cramps: "degraded" sexuality (Date With Elvis)

Crass: crucifixion-themed album art (Christ the Album, Yes Sir I Will)

Crown of Thorns: objectionable band name and album art (Pictures)

Cure (The): alcohol abuse, blasphemy in "The Blood" and "Holy Hour", Satanic imagery in artwork

Cradle of Filth: openly satanic music, t-shirts proclaiming 'Jesus is a c*nt, mockery of Christ, anti-Christian lyrics

Danzig: Use satanic imagery

Damned: crown of thorns imagery (Grimly Fiendish)

Dark Angel: objectionable band name and album art (Darkness Descends)

Dark Wizard: objectionable album art (Reign of Evil)

David Bowie: occult, recorded "Quicksand" about Crowley. Promotes rebellion in "Rebel, rebel."

dc Talk: This so-called "Christian" Rock band is of the Devil. DC Talk's Kevin Max Says, "I'd love to hang out with him [Marylyn Manson]." They also promote Jesus as being a "freak."

Dead Kennedys: objectionable album art (In God We Trust, Inc.)

Death: objectionable album art (Scream Bloody Gore)

Death Cult: objectionable album art (Death Cult)

Def Leppard: Promotes pornography in the song, "photograph"

Depeche Mode: songs about sex and sadomasochism, recorded "Blasphemous Rumors"

Deftones: rebellious message, encourages violence

Deicide: vocalist claims to be antichrist, burns inverted crosses on his head, blasphemous lyrics, Satanic imagery

Diamanda Galas: recorded album Litanies of Satan, proclaimed herself the Anti-Christ ("Sono l'Antichristo"), provided music for voodoo-themed movie The Serpent and the Rainbow, objectionable album art (Divine Punishment)

Dickies: mock Jesus on album art (Second Coming)

Doors (The): Patricia (Kennealy) Morrison is a devout Wiccan witch.

Eagles: 'Hotel California' is a tribute to the Church of Satan, proven by COS founder Anton LaVey's picture inside the album cover.

Earth, Wind, and Fire: occult imagery on albums, promote New Age

Electric Hellfire Club: promotes Satanic ideologies

Elton John (Sir): open homosexual legally married to another man, promotes New Age

Elvis Presley: sexual degenerate, fornicator, music promotes lewdness and immorality

Eric Clapton: promotes drug abuse in the song 'Cocaine,' immorality, worldly lyrics

Eurhythmics: "Missionary Man" warns listeners away from salvation

Exodus: album art shows union of God and Satan

Fog Hat: promotes immoral sex

Foreigner: promotes sexual immorality in songs "Dirty White Boy" and "Urgent," also promote alcoholism in "Double Vision"

Frankie Goes to Hollywood: rebellion, songs about sex and sadomasochism, objectionable album art (Welcome to the Pleasure Dome), ruined Live Aid, homosexuality

Good Charlotte: nihilism, rebellious lyrics 'young and hopeless'

Godsmack: voodoo

Generation X: objectionable album art (Valley of the Dolls)

Guns 'n' Roses: "sexual violence" in music, album art; inverted cross (Appetite for Destruction), music caused Virginia Tech Massacre

Harvey Danger: promotes Satanism, nudity, blasphemes Jesus Christ, and mocks the King James Bible.

Helloween: objectionable album art (Keeper of the Seven Keys, Part 2), Has the word 'Hell’ in band name.

Impaler: objectionable album art (Rise of the Mutants EP), eating raw meat on stage

INXS: recorded song "Devil Inside," committed suicide

Iron Maiden: mascot Eddie told fan to kill himself; necromancy, occult, rebellion, objectionable album art (Killers, The Number of the Beast, Seventh Son of a Seventh Son)

Jimi Hendrix: hypnotizing people through music, voodoo rhythms, rebellion, violence, "If 6 Was 9" used in interstitials

Jane's Addiction: drug abuse, objectionable album art (Nothing is very shocking)
Judas Priest: suicide, rebellion, objectionable album art (Hell Bent for Leather, Sin After Sin)

Jimmy Page: "one of the leading occultists of the rock generation," owns occult bookstore, bought Aleister Crowley's former home and had it refurbished by a Satanic decorator

John Lennon: Original member of The Beatles and solo artists for many years. Blasphemed the name of Jesus Christ, promoted immoral sex, substance abuse, rebellion, Communism, false religion.

Killing Joke: mock Christianity in video, promote satanic ideologies

KISS: bloody stage show, sex, rebellion, violence, perverted bassist sticks his tongue out frequently (A major blasphemy in the Bible), band name KISS purportedly stands for Knights In Satan’s Service. Lead singer, Gene Simmons, claims publickly to have had sex with over 4,600 women in his lifetime

KMFDM: promote satanic ideologies, inspired Columbine High School Massacre

Kreator: objectionable album art (Pleasure to Kill)

Led Zeppelin: backward-masked messages and references to Pan on "Stairway to Heaven," Zoso = number of the beast. Guitarist Jimmy Page idolizes Satanist Aleister Crowley, and even bought his castle.

Linkin Park: encourage violence, rebellious lyrics

Madonna: bi-sexual whore, sexual degenerate, promotes fornication, rebellion, and Satan worship. In the song, "Beautiful Stranger," she mentions the 'Devil,' calls him beautiful, and says "To know you is to love you."

Marilyn Manson: too many evils to mention here, blasphemy, ties to Church of Satan, mocks God, rebellion. Manson tears up Bibles in concert and leads the audience to praise Satan.

Megadeth: occult, rebellion, objectionable album art (Killing Is My Business... And Business Is Good)

Mercyful Fate: "take their Satanism seriously", rebellion, occult, objectionable album art (Don't' Break the Oath)

Metal Church: objectionable album art (Metal Church)

Metallica: promote suicide on "Fade to Black"

Monster Magnet: Use occult symbols on album art

Moonspell: songs about vampirism, paganism

Motley Crüe: equate sex and violence, used pentagram in album art (Shout at the Devil)

Motörhead: crucifixion-themed album art

Mudvayne: promotes Satanic ideologies

My Life with the Thrill Kill Kult: Satanic message, objectionable album art (I See Good Spirits and I See Bad Spirits)

Neko Case: sings, "It's the Devil I love"

Nick Cave and the Bad Seeds: Satanic imagery

Ozzy Osbourne: rebellion, attacking Jim Bakker in "Miracle Man," Satanic imagery on album art (Blizzard of Ozz, No Rest for the Wicked), promote suicide on "Suicide Solution," released album 'Mr. Crowley' devoted to Aleister Crowley, scary face

Offspring: rebellion

Papa Roach: Use occult symbology on album art

Pink Floyd: lyrics about rebellion

Poison Idea: mutilation-themed album art (Kings of Punk)

Iggy Pop/the Stooges: bloodletting at concert

Nirvana: nihilism, anti-Christian lyrics, violent lyrics, song 'rape me', mock the crucifixion, singer committed suicide, hardly a role model for fans everywhere, and led to fans committing suicide to emulate him.

Nine Inch Nails: rebellious lyrics, nihilism, sex, sick lyrics 'f*ck you like an animal/closer to God.'

Petra: falsely so-called "Christian" Rock band, cross-dressers, purported to be homosexuals.

P.O.D.: (Payable On Death) is another falsely so-called "Christian" Rock band. They blaspheme Jesus Christ with their "Rasta Jesus."

Possessed: general Satanism and witchcraft

Psychic TV: music arm of Crowley-linked sect Thee Temple of Psychick Youth, objectionable album art (Live at Thee Circus)

Queen: backward-masking, drug abuse, homosexuality, cross-dressing; perverted lead singer, Freddie Mercury, died of aids at age 46 (he was purported to have lovers all around the world).

Red Hot Chili Peppers: use occult symbols on album art, rebellion, inspired violence and arson at Glastonbury '99

Rod Stewart: bi-sexual, promotes immoral sex

Rolling Stones: recorded song "Sympathy for the Devil" on Their Satanic Majesty's Request, objectionable album art (Goats Head Soup, Undercover, Tattoo You), bankrolled sect called The Process, made Satanic movie Invocation of My Demon Brother. Mick Jagger curses in God's name in the song 'Beast of Burden,' and in other songs.

Sex Pistols: rebellion, self-mutilation, rotten designed t-shirts with upside-down crucifixion

Sepultura: promotes Satanic ideologies

Silverchair: song 'israel’s son’ made 18 year old goth Brian Bassett murder his parents

Siouxsie and the Banshees: recorded song "Sin in My Heart"

Sister: pentagrams

Sisters of Mercy: Satanic imagery

Slayer: used pentagram on album art, lyrics glorifying the Devil (Reign in Blood)

Slipnot: use Satanic imagery on album art, violence in lyrics

Smiths: Satanic imagery

Sonic Youth: obsessed with death ("Death Valley '69")

Spooky Tooth: album cover depicts Jesus with hand nailed to head (Ceremony)

Styx: promotes fornication, shacking up, rebellion

Suicidal Tendencies: pentagrams

Suicide: promote suicide

Therion: promote satanic ideologies

Tori Amos: 'father Lucifer' Satanic lyrics, claimed she wanted to marry Satan in interview

Throbbing Grissle: promote Satanic ideologies

Twisted Sister: rebellion, wear women’s make-up, violent album art (Stay Hungry)

Van Halen: cross-dressers, bi-sexual, promote every sin imaginable, including Satan worship in "Running With The Devil," promote immorality, rebellion, extremely offensive and harsh sound, produces a spirit of hatred and anger

Venom: album title Welcome to Hell, pentagram and goat imagery

White Zombie: Anti-Christian imagery, Singer looks like a Zombie (Not a good role model for impressionable children)

Wednesday 13: Too many to mention — This freak is as dangerous as Manson

And of course all black metal bands, as all promote Nazi, pagan and anti-Christian ideologies.

And hundreds more...

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

I can't think of any ruler more wicked than U.S. President, Barack Obama (purportedly born in Kenya and became a citizen of Indonesia). President Obama has broken nearly every campaign promise that he made back in 2008 while running for office. Lies, lies and more lies! Nothing is the way it seems to be. The Obama administration (and Barack Obama himself) are a big house of cards ready to crumble. Washington is all smoke and mirrors (and has been for the longest). Wikipedia protects certain people, mostly Zionists and their buddies, censoring the truth. The article is locked on Wikipedia, which means no one is allowed to edit it. No mention is made that Mr. Obama's real name is Barry Soetoro. Wikipedia is given to lies and is wicked. Wikipedia allows evil people to slander godly preachers, but then Wikipedia protects evil criminals.

They're just doing their job, right? Proverbs 29:12 certainly describes the last 18 of our U.S. Presidents since 1910. Taft took office from 1910 to 1913, and then Mr. Sellout of them all, Woodrow Wilson became the 26th president of the United States. Wilson occupied the office of President from 1913 to 1921, but due to health difficulties could no longer perform his duties, so his wife ran The White House in the latter years as coached by the controlling banksters that now controlled the Federal Reserve and our economy.

Wilson was sexually and financially spoiled and pampered in the last years of his life by the international banking cartel, showing their delight that Wilson has sold his country into economic slavery from now on. The rotten banksters bankrupt the U.S. government by 1933 and we've been operating under emergency government ever since. It was the banking cartel who deliberately caused The Great Depression of the 1930's, stealing men's homes and land, forcing many to commit suicide. It's the contemporary members of the same criminal banking Wall Street cartel who are creating this artificial depression in America today.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

America is fast becoming a police state, and few Christians are listening to their elected officials who are desperately trying to warn us of the blatant evils within our own government. The 911 attacks were clearly orchestrated by the Bush Administration. Most Christians absolutely refuse to believe that our own elected leaders could actually murder 2,752 innocent people on 911, including hundreds of honorable firefighters, but they certainly did.

If you don't know it, then you are either woefully deceived or sinfully apathetic. The evidence indicting President George W. Bush and his Administration is overwhelming, concrete and incontrovertible.

The truth becomes self-evident over time. There is no argument today that The White House had multiple advance warnings before Pearl Harbor was bombed. The government wanted the Pearl Harbor incident in order to justify American involvement into WWII. Please read chapter 16 from William Guy Carr's eye-opening book, Pawns in the Game.

There is no doubt today that U.S. President Johnson's administration fabricated the Gulf of Tonkin incident to involve America into the Vietnam war, needlessly killing 58,000 U.S. soldiers.

History has proven that our government often lies to us about everything. Yet, there are many foolish Christian leaders who are teaching people to blindly support the government, and to look the other way, to remain silent, and go along with every form of crime imaginable being committed by our government. Biblically, we have every right to RISE UP against the evildoers (Psalm 94:16). Please read, Should Christians Obey Criminal Government?

I love Gerald Celente, he's my main man, right up there with Alex Jones. Listen to these MP3 clips from 'The Alex Jones Show' (March 26, 2012) of Celente preaching on the evils of a worthless congress and the imbecile public who keep voting for these con-artists. As Gerald point out, Pelosi didn't obtain a net worth of $200,000,000 in congress by being smart. They're all a bunch of criminals who decide the rules, and break them for their own financial gain and prosperity. Washington D.C. has become a cesspool of iniquity and all hope is gone without a revolution.

With all the thousands of interviews that have been done since the 911 attacks, with people who were either at ground zero or are professionals in their respective fields, there is no doubt of a massive government cover-up. There have been a virtual newsmedia blackout since 911 by the mainstream newsmedia.

The President's signing of directive w199-eye is damning evidence against him. Please watch Martial Law 911: Rise of the Police State (2 Hours, 35 Minutes). I care about the victims and their families. I care what happened. That could have been my loved ones. If you haven't done much research, then you are a fool to disagree. One man told me that people shouldn't believe everything they read, but he admittedly had read NOTHING on the subject. He has formed a biased opinion without any credible basis for that opinion. This is what most Americans do. They are either afraid, or just don't care.

Thank God for truth seekers like Alex Jones, men who have the guts to stand up for what is right! I don't agree with a lot of things on Alex's show, but he's a truth seeker and a patriot! I believe in God, guns and guts too!!! Check out INFOWARS.COM and PRISONPLANET.TV for the best source of alternative news available!!! FOX News are demonic liars!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

One of the 13 Satanic bloodlines that rule the world is the Rockefeller bloodline. Today, there are around 190 members of this family with the Rockefeller name and of course some others by other last names. This article is to explore further for those who investigate the Illuminati, how the Rockefeller bloodline is involved in the promotion of the occult and Satanism, and how they are involved in the control of the Christian denominations. This article keys in on just one family, the Rockefellers. To understand the full extent of the Illuminati’s control of religion, including Christendom, would require perhaps several books.

The Illuminati itself draws its lifeblood from around 500 very powerful families worldwide. This article will not attempt to explain their networks and the many organizations of the Illuminati. It will not even try to do this for the Rockefellers. In fact, no one knows how many trusts and foundations the Rockefellers have. They have hidden trusts within secret trusts within secret trusts. It is estimated that they have between 200 and several thousand trusts and foundations. The finances of the Rockefellers are so well covered that Nelson Rockefeller did not pay one cent in income taxes in 1970, yet he was perhaps the richest man in the U.S. The Rockefellers exert enormous influence over religion in this nation in the following ways:

1. They provide a large share of the money that Seminaries in the United States need to operate.
2. They provide a large share of the money that universities need to operate. Education influences the religious values of our people.
3. They provide large grants to various religious organizations.
4. Their influence and control helps determine who will get publicity in the major news magazines, and on television.
5. Their influence has contributed to various anti-Christian organizations being set up.
6. They directly help control certain religious groups such as Lucis Trust.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The inhabitants of Hawaii laugh in the face of God's man, partying and living by their own Buddhist, heathen and pagan beliefs. I say this with sadness, and not to be unkind; but to preach the truth of God's Word. 2nd Thessalonians 1:8-9 warns that all Christ-rejecters will burn in the fires of Hell forever, being punished by an angry God.

The song Waikiki was supposedly written by king Kamehameha's wife while he was away for surgery. Their last king died in San Fransicko in the late 1800's. You'd think that nothing else matters in Hawaii. It is irritating being in Hawaii, because all they sing and talk about is their dead king. I'm not exaggerating when I say that Hawaiians worship their dead king.

Although some people may see no harm in this, it is a horrible thing because the Bible forbids worshipping anyone or anything other than God in Heaven, Jesus Christ. Isaiah 42:8, “I am the LORD: that is my name: and my glory will I not give to another, neither my praise to graven images.” God is a jealous God!

I love the Hawaiian islands, and I love Hawaiian people, and I love Hawaiian steel guitar; but nearly all people in Hawaii are going straight to Hell when they die, because they are an arrogant, stiffnecked people, who worship the earth instead of the God of the Bible. In fact, I've been in Hawaii (in Oahu) and I can tell you with confidence that Hawaiians hate Christianity. There is MUCH resentment toward Christianity because of the early missionaries who in 1820 forbad the Hawaiians from doing their dirty dancing called the “hula.” The hula is performed widely throughout Hawaii today, as dirty and sensual as the woman can dance, out of hatred and resentment toward the Christians who two centuries ago forbad their ancestors from doing it. There is an unmistakable attitude in Hawaii, a demonic spirit, toward the God of the Bible. The hula is often filthy, sexually suggestive and as wicked as can be. Hell will be hot!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Women are making unreasonable demands, wanting to dress immodestly, walk city streets after midnight, and expect to be perfectly safe. That's not reality. The threat of rape will always exist, even if a woman dresses properly. Albeit, since men are aroused by sight, it is common sense that a woman should never deliberately expose her body to entice men. To do so is not only cruel, but asking for trouble. And worse, you are laying up judgment against yourself for judgment day. On that day we will all stand before God and give account of our life.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The DISCOVERY channel has produced a show titled, “Who Did You Really Marry?” Other shows attempt to take the viewer into the mind of a serial-killer or rapist. Other programs question who the neighbor is next door to you, or can you really trust your local church minister? Such shows are intended to plant seeds of doubt, distrust and paranoia throughout American society. It's not difficult to see what is happening in America, that is, the evil powers behind the New World Order want to destroy America in every way possible. A house divided cannot stand. America is divided on everything, from politics to moral issues. Television has led U.S. society to be paranoid and distrustful of everyone, even their spouse and family. People are unknowingly being mind-programmed.

Gun rights are being hotly debated right now in the U.S., but the Globalists will get their way eventually, it's just a matter of time. Americans will be disarmed. The Globalists are evil beyond imagination, murdering tens-of-millions of people (by wars they start and finance) just to fill their coffers with more money and power. The mainstream newsmedia is their primary weapon, having incredible power over the souls of men. I always watch the news objectively, that is, looking for their angle, the deceit in their reporting, and I usually find it right away since I have researched the New World Order for a decade. Everything has to be politically correct these days, feeding the immoral agendas of the sick-minded elite. It's quite easy for the globalists to accomplish their destructive goals, by simply promoting and sponsoring anyone and everything that's destructive to our faith in God and our loyalty to parents, marriage, family and nation.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

You'll never hear what I'm about to tell you from the predominantly Jewish-controlled mainstream newsmedia. I do not enjoy writing articles like this, but the truth needs to be told, so that no Christian dare idolize or speak highly of actor Leonard Simon Nimoy (1931-2015). Our world is fast-headed for eternal damnation. Literally, BILLIONS of souls will all be dead over the next few decades. I don't want you to go to Hell forever. Leonard Nimoy died so foolishly on February 27 last month.

Tragically, Mr. Nimoy went to Hell in his sins without Jesus Christ. Did anyone witness to him? Did anyone care? Would he have listened? It is very sad indeed. 2nd Corinthians 4:3-5, “But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost: In whom the god of this world [Satan] hath blinded the minds of them which believe not [unsaved people], lest the light of the glorious gospel of Christ, who is the image of God, should shine unto them [enlightenment]. For we preach not ourselves, but Christ Jesus the Lord; and ourselves your servants for Jesus' sake.”

I have read nothing but positive comments from the Jewish-controlled media. I am NOT anti-Semite, God forbid. I love all Jewish people, including Leonard Nimoy. I am however against the arrogance-fueled-heresy of Zionism that blinds men's minds and hearts, hindering them from seeing the glorious Gospel of Jesus Christ. It breaks my heart to know that Mr. Nimoy went to Hell. As you will now learn for yourself, Leonard Nimoy was caught up into New Age philosophies of a male and female aspect of God. There is no feminine aspect of God (as sinfully taught by Feminist Theology). The Holy Bible is a masculine Book!

Leonard Nimoy Expressed His Jewish Religion Through Nude Photography

Leonard Nimoy was a big-time sexual degenerate. In a disturbing two-part YouTube interview video by Leonard Nimoy titled, “Sex And Religion,” featured at Rmichelson.com (I will not link to either of these websites because of their nude and lewd content), Mr. Nimoy makes some shocking statements. Nimoy claims that his first sexual experience was at age 8-to 9 years old, while attended an orthodox Jewish synagogue. He claims that the Rabbi got up and prayed in Hebrew, while everyone in the congregation made an occult hand-sign (which he later introduced as the famous “Vulcan Hand Sign” in the Star Trek series. He was told by his father to cover his eyes and not to look.

According to Nimoy, at the aforementioned occult synagogue ceremony, he was taught by the Jewish Rabbi that a female deity (named Shekhina) entered into the gathering room to bless the congregation. Yes, Leonard Nimoy believed that God has a female aspect (which is satanic New Age). The reason why Nimoy was told to cover his eyes was in humility to the Shekhina. So Nimoy claims he pondered how to see the Shekhina if you cannot look at her. His solution was to combine sensuality with religion. Literally, Leonard Nimoy claims that he sought to photograph the female aspect of God (the Shekhina) by photographing nude, lewd and sensual women. This is utter wickedness.

Biblically, God has no female side. Only in witchcraft, the occult, Yin-Yang and New Age occultism do we find the existence of a female goddess or deity. The Holy Bible teaches about GOD THE FATHER, and GOD THE SON, and GOD THE HOLY SPRIT (Who is referred to as “He” in John 16:13, “Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth.” All aspects of the Divine Godhead are masculine, and always shall be. There are no feminine aspects of the Godhead. Woe unto the wicked!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

It is no secret that the ruling elite want to depopulate the earth. Multibillionaire and eugenicist, Ted Turner, has publicly called for a global one-child policy and blames too many humans for Global Warming. In May of 2008, Prince Philip, a man who has often expressed his desire to return to the earth as a “deadly virus” to thin the human population, said that there are too many people in the world as he attacked large families in a TV interview. I could go on and on. The ruling elite are a bunch of eugenicists, as was Margaret Sanger and Adolf Hitler, calling for depopulation, commending China's forced abortions and Communist one-child policy.

The ruling elite know that Americans wouldn't tolerate such a massive infringement of our Constitutional rights and freedoms, so instead they deprive us of our pursuit for life, liberty and happiness using other avenues (like trashing out the economy). Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney has publicly warned American citizens that a criminal syndicate has taken control of America and is hollowing out our economy to destroy us. She has also warned that Americans will be incarcerated into FEMA detention camps. Are you listening?

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Political networks of both political parties are eaten up by gay men. Former New York Governor Mario Cuomo, a Democrat, has been labeled "Cuomo the Homo." New York's former Mayor, Rudy Giuliani, a Republican, has been known to dress up as a woman transvestite.

The Mayor also carried on an open affair with a female assistant. And when Giuliani and his wife separated, the Mayor moved in with two gay male friends. He now resides in the Manhattan apartment the gay couple share.
Indeed, according to The New York Times, the Mayor actually performed in female attire, posing as "Rudia the Transvestite" at a nightclub. The occasion: The annual "Inner Circle" show.

The late Senator and Vice-President Hubert Humphrey often frolicked about nude in the YMCA swimming pool in Minneapolis. President Lyndon B. Johnson skinny-dipped with male friends, including evangelist Billy Graham and his Vice President, Hubert. In fact, the "Y" is a popular meeting place for homo politicians and religious bigwigs. The gay disco group, The Village People, in coded language revealed such wicked goings on in their national hit record tune, Y-M-C-A!

The Republicans even have a sodomite lobby group, which calls itself the Log Cabin Republicans. Senator Bob Dole heavily pandered to these "conservative" queers during his presidential campaign.

The Democrats don't need an exclusive special homo group. Almost all active Democratic Party political professionals are bisexual and gay. Those who aren't are into other weird, abnormal sexual behavior—satanic sex bondage rituals, etc.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Few Star Trek fans realize that the “Vulcan Hand Sign” is a satanic occult symbol; as also is the so-called 6-pointed “Star of David” (which is no where mentioned in the Holy Bible). It is plainly an occult symbol. Here's something next that ought to rattle your cage. The following screen-caption from part-two of “Sex And Religion” by Leonard Nimoy speaks volumes. Notice the illuminati pyramid formed by the two Vulcan hand-signs put together. This is the stained-glass window in Leonard Nimoy's church. Here we plainly learn that the New World Order is involved with Leonard Nimoy and his works. Furthermore, Nimoy openly admits that his famous Vulcan Hand-sign was born out of a religio-sexual experience while attending a Jewish synagogue as a youth. Take a look at the creepy picture below . . .


The famous “Vulcan” occult Hand-Sign, Displayed as an Illuminati pyramid.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

I was hot from the weather today and went into a large merchandise store to look around while enjoying their air-conditioning. I'm one of few men that actually enjoys walking around the store, without having anything in particular on my mind to buy. I guess women want to buy everything. I just like to look around. But I always buy something if it's a local business, because I like to support locally. I hate monopoly stores like Wal-Mart and K-Mart that are literally Communist Chinese outlets in America.

As I walked around I was saddened. The horrible music playing over the store radio was repeating, “Do me, do me, do me, girls just want to have fun.” Then I passed through the clothing section by a table of Daisy-Duke shorts for sale. They weren't my size. It's sad that women are dressing like sluts everywhere people go nowadays. Today women wear their dresses up, and men their pants down. Then I passed by some shirts with a picture of little boy and a Dachshund dog on the front, with the big words “Play With My Weiner!” It's disgusting that people's minds are in the garbage pail these days. Sexually-suggestive messages are funny to people. The Late Night Shows make fun of Jesus, portraying the Lord as a homosexual voyeur and boasting of fornication and going to Hell.

Then I saw some shirts with a big cross on the front. The cross upon which Jesus died is sacred and shouldn't be worn as earrings and clothing. The cross of Christ has been reduced to a common object like a wrist-watch or a bicycle rack. The next song on the radio sounded like Katy Perry singing, “Baby, baby, let's get on it!” (not “let's get it on” by Marvin Gaye; but “let's get on it”) That was the lyrics! You can't even take a walk through a store these days because of the wickedness of the world. I just wanted to leave. Everything is sexually-suggestive, filthy and dirty-minded today. People have the manners of pigs, leaving their garbage for someone else to pick-up, talking disgusting and using toilet-humor. The world is not going to improve with the exponential growth of mass-communications, the internet and technological advances. The entire system is preparing for the Beast (the coming Antichrist)!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

As our text verse says, God made us each in the womb. Surely, a mother's womb should be the most safest place in the world for her precious baby, but in fact, it is the most deadliest place to be these days.
You'd think that the most dangerous place in this world is working as a fireman in a burning building; or perhaps working as a police officer on the streets; or perhaps a pyrotechnician in his dangerous environment. Sadly, the disturbing truth is that you have about a 33% chance of being murdered in your own mother's womb in the United States...

•At current rates, nearly one-third of American women will have an abortion (AGI).
•In 2011, unmarried women accounted for 85.5% of all abortions (CDC).
•Women living with a partner to whom they are not married account for 25% of abortions but only about 10% of women in the population (NAF).
•37% of women obtaining abortions identify themselves as Protestant, and 28% identify themselves as Catholic (AGI).
•Black women were 3.7 times more likely to have an abortion in 2011 than non-Hispanic white women (CDC).
SOURCE: Facts About Abortion: U.S. Abortion Statistics

Please notice in the preceding abortion statistics that 85.5% of all abortions are performed on unwed women. This testifies plainly to the omnipotent wisdom of our God in Heaven, Who prohibits all sex outside of marriage. These statistics show some of the reasons why! Do the math (85.5% divided by 14.5%... Unmarried women are 589% more likely to have an abortion than a married woman!!! Oh, how foolish we are as human beings when we question God's wisdom in His holy Word and choose to do things our own way instead.

The Scriptures tell us in the Old Testament that everybody did that which was right IN THEIR OWN EYES. Notice that they chose to do right, but they wanted to choose what was good or evil. Every Man Did That Which Was Right In His Own Eyes! Judges 21:25, “In those days there was no king in Israel: every man did that which was right in his own eyes.” This was the sin of Eve in the splendid Garden of Eden. She reasoned in herself that there were three good reasons to eat the forbidden fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. Genesis 3:6, “And when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, and that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree to be desired to make one wise, she took of the fruit thereof, and did eat, and gave also unto her husband with her; and he did eat.”

According to TIME magazine,[1] the most dangerous jobs in America are: fishermen, loggers and firemen. Yet, a person is far more likely to be killed in a mother's womb. That is so tragic!

Feminists have been brainwashed by Satan to kill their own babies, and so Satan steals the precious gift of motherhood from them, and their home is destroyed. While murdering their own precious little baby, they insanely feel “empowered” as a feminist. We don't need a forced one-child policy in America, because Planned Parenthood and the maggot-infested feminist agenda have caused American women to voluntarily abort their babies.

How can we honestly sing, God Bless America, when we commit such wickedness in the sight of God Almighty?

I read a statement recently by a preacher, who said, “America: don't apologize for it's greatness.” If that preacher would pull his head out of the sand, he'd realize that we no longer have any greatness as a nation. As a whole, Americans have committed 55,000,000 abortions. As a whole, Americans did nothing while Terri Schiavo was tortured to death in 2005. As a whole, Americans stuff their faces while people eat mud to survive in Haiti, just 600 miles south of Florida. As a whole, Americans have sat back while over one million Iraqi's have been murdered. I agree with radio host Alex Jones, who stated on December 16, 2009: “America has become a rat-infested worm hole... wicked nations go into bondage.”

With the arrogance of SIN CITY; the cesspool of Hollywood; the perversion of Mardi Gras; the demonism of Salem, The Witch City; the HELLivision; teaching impressionable children that they evolved from slime; the abortion holocaust of 50,000,000 humans; the sick-mindedness of same-sex marriage; and all the Godlessness of America... how can we truly consider America “great” anymore? I apologize to God and the rest of the world for America's wickedness. The only thing “great” is our level of wickedness. Wake up!

If you get an abortion, you are just playing into the hands of the ruling elite, multi-billionaires, mass-murdering eugenicists, evil people, who would NEVER abort their own children. But they know many of you are dummies who will think you are exercising your “rights” by killing, stealing and destroying your own child, family and happiness. By forcing the populace into economic hard times, they have also made it more difficult for you to support children. Consequently, there are fewer children today.

Satan wants to kill, steal and destroy your children, marriage and home. If he can't influence you to do hurt to yourself, then he'll try to find someone else to do it for you. It is tragic that the most dangerous place to be these days spiritually is in a church. Christians are commanded by God in Jude 1:3 to “earnestly contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” The need has never been greater for faithful Christians to earnestly contend for the faith in our apostate churches today! The average church doesn't preach against abortion anymore. That is wickedness!

Our churches are in sad shape today! If the churches don't fight against the abortion industry, then who will? We are at spiritual war with Satan and the Illuminati, yet the average believer gets bent out of shape over someone sitting in their seat at church. The average Christian today is easily offended, bickering over the smallest of matters, working against each other continually. I won't be a part of that, I'm trying to help people in the Lord. God pity this wicked, proudful and selfish nation. END

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

My honest opinion is that David Icke is exploiting information for his own personal gain. I think he's a part of the New World Order myself. No one could believe the bizarre things that Icke prorogates, having no evidence to support his ludicrous claims. Reptilians? Lizards? Aliens among us? From the planet Draco? It's all a mockery of the truth of God's Word, intended to mislead and deceive the naive and gullible. Icke has traveled the world, mentoring his worldwide followers from all walks of life (no pun intended), who take his teachings VERY seriously, buying his books and having made him a very wealthy person. But, as human psychology proves, people by nature must believe something, and those who reject the Scriptures are vulnerable to end up believing anything.


I heard David Icke say during an interview on the Alex Jones' Show (November 11, 2011) that the global elite are geo-engineering the earth's atmosphere, literally changing it so aliens can live here. You couldn't make this stuff up! Talk about wild and bizarre!!! I feel sorry for people who believe this stuff and are followers of David Icke. It is obvious that the globalists are messing with the atmosphere, Chemtrails and are up to something. I didn't really take Chemtrails serious until I read that Congressman

Icke is extremely knowledgeable about child abuse amongst the criminal elite, which sad to say is epidemic worldwide, especially in Belgium where NATO and other world elite groups are

The way they get away with child abuse is because they control the enforcement organizations which are supposed to go after such perverts and pedophiles. Also, the pedophile elite operate their own homes for runaway and abused children, which provide a constant source of children to be sexually abused by the elite. The U.S. Pentagon was exposed using the DynCorp corporation as a source for child prostitutes. Human trafficking is a worldwide problem. Unless you have someone to care about you, you are open game for the global elite scum

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #wingnut jesus-is-savior.com

Communists, Homosexuality, and Perversion

Communism, as propounded by Satanist Karl Marx, was an offshoot of Templarism. As Jüri Lina documents in his sensational book, Under the Sign of the Scorpion, Vladimir Lenin, the communist monster who founded the bloody communist regime in Soviet Russia, frequented brothels and maintained three mistresses.

Laventi Beria, Stalin's decadent Chief of Secret Police, a man who arrested, tortured, imprisoned, and executed some 20 million innocent victims in Russia, was truly a heinous sex criminal.

Beria would have his chauffeur drive him around Moscow in a limo evenings searching for a young girl or boy out walking alone.

Then, Beria would order his security police to grab and kidnap the hapless youth. What horrible fate transpired to such victims I do not wish to recount here.

Obviously, Stalin knew of Beria's evil criminality and had no objections.

The Pink Swastika

Hitler, Nazi founder, was similarly a sex pervert. As Chancellor, he carried on sexually with his 15-year-old niece, who killed herself rather than continue giving in to his bizarre and beastly sexual fetishes. As a young Bohemian streetwalker and "starving artist," the man who later would rule most of Europe sold his body to gay men.

Hitler is noted as a fanatical fan of Wagnerian operas. Less known is the fact that before he rose to become the Fuhrer, in the 1920s, Hitler sexually abused Richard Wagner's grandson, Wieland Wagner (Time magazine, August 15, 1994, p. 56).

Hitler, of course, was catapulted to power largely by the Brown Shirts (SA), a fascist youth organization led by and composed primarily of "butch" type homosexual militarists. The head of the thuggish Brown Shirts was Ernst Roehm, who was a notorious molester of young boys. Roehm was executed by Hitler after his sexual excesses became widely known.

As Scott Lively writes in his revealing book, The Pink Swastika-Homosexuality and the Nazi Party, "Homosexuals are the perfect foot soldiers for the devil."

Interestingly, Hitler and his henchmen intensely disliked feminine gay men, even sent many to concentration camps. The Nazis preferred masculine, butch, soldier-types-like Field Marshall Reinhard Heydrich-willing to take orders. On the other hand, in Soviet Russia, the Communists and Bolsheviks favored gay Jews with female traits and affectations.

Are Christians homophobic? Yes Sir, 100%! I am very much homophobic. The sin of homosexuality scares me to death!!! I don't understand it, don't want to understand it and am glad I don't understand it.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

America is becoming a surveillance society with video cameras being installed everywhere, even in public bathrooms. Police departments nationwide are now using license plate scanners, which can scam thousands of plates per hour while driving around. American society is becoming a giant control-grid of abuse, control and power. The criminal cartel running our country are now beginning to take control over the world. There will be no where to run!!! They're sticking their hands down our pants now. . . .

Owen J.J. Stone Exposes the Horror of TSA Reaching into His Pants (Your next!)

TSA Now Putting Hands Down Fliers’ Pants

They hate our guts, even the veterans. Where will all this technology and lust for power end. They've got face-scanning video games now, with voice-recognition, transferring data over the internet everywhere. Google and My Space admit to spying on people through use of the onboard laptop computer cameras. We are living in a drugged out fluoride-head society of drone-zombies! America has become a spiritually rat-infested, maggot-crawling, wormhole, decadent, cesspool of iniquity!!! She=devils are all over the place. Good men are terrified to get married because of the feminist agendas at work in the biased court system. America has gone to hell. The divorce rate is over 75% in California alone.

Our nation's leaders are trashing out the economy, looting the Treasury, stealing our homes, giving away our land and nation, ruining what is left of the United States. The republic has fallen!!!

Even so, come, Lord Jesus!

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

The Asylum is an American film studio and distributor which focuses on producing low-budget, usually direct-to-video productions. Their movies are sold widely at all K-Marts and every other large retailer. Every movie that The Asylum produces is saturated with hints of pedophilia, nudity, promiscuity, and every form of smut and filth imaginable.

In their 2009 movie, MEGAFAULT, a father is shown carrying his young daughter with her skirt lifted all the way up in front of him. He is carrying her in such a manner that it is clearly hinting to pedophilia. My pastor used to say: “Boy preacher, you have a dirty mind! No, I have a man's mind.” That is the truth of the matter. It is not a matter of a man having a dirty mind. One does not need a dirty mind to have seed thoughts of incest or pedophilia planted into their mind by demonic movies intended to do so. No wonder American society today is plagued with incest, pedophilia, and homosexuality.

MEGAFAULT is about a massive earthquake hitting America. The sicko-perverts in Hollywood know that decent people who would never watch a porno-flick will watch other movies considered appropriate. The film is even rated PG-13, but the subtle hints of pedophilia are unmistakable. The jerks making today's movies are homosexuals and pedophiles!!!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Woe unto America if Hillary Clinton ever becomes president. According to retired FBI agent Gary Aldrich, in his book, Unlimited Access: An FBI Agent Inside the Clinton White House, pgs. 105-106, when First Lady Hillary Clinton was in charge of the White House Christmas tree, her idea of festive ornaments included crack pipes, condoms and various sex toys.

For years I have been warning the public about Hillary Clinton's penchant for lesbian proclivities; a precursor to her sadistic megalomaniac behaviors.

Now, after many years of public apprehension the controversy has been confirmed by insider sources and will soon be revealed to the public.

According to a published article in the March 28 issue of a prominent magazine the "GLOBE," "reliable sources will soon release a shocking list of Hillary's lesbian lovers from the past and including the present."

According to reliable sources the list includes:

• A beauty in her early 30s who often travels with Hillary.
• A popular TV and movie star.
• The daughter of a top government official.
• A stunning model who got a career boost after sleeping with Hillary.
• President Clinton's former lover, Gennifer Flowers writes in her book "Passion & Betrayal" of Bill confessing to her that Hillary sleeps with more woman than he does.
• The famous commentator Jack Wheeler writes: "My sources indicate that Hillary is bisexual and fools around more than her husband." He also credits Hillary for being the force behind the "White House's homosexual agenda."
• According to the insiders report, Hillary had sex with women during her college days at Wellesly College.


David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

True or False: Separation of church and state means public schools won’t teach your child about hating the church and killing God.


Separation of church and state is one of the most misunderstood, misapplied and abused laws ever created. Evolution is in fact a religion, as is humanism, witchcraft and Satanism. It requires faith to believe Evolution because there is NO proof, or even evidences to permit study. It is tragic that young people today are being taught a theory that has NO proof whatsoever. In sharp contrast, the Word of God is supported by an overwhelming abundance of scientific, historical, archeological and astronomical evidence. Public school children are being taught religion; but it's the religions of Humanism (i.e., man is his own god), Evolution, New Age and now Demonism.

Public school children today are frequently shown movies at school, or are taken to the theatre. Tragically, they are being taken to see movies like Harry Potter and The Golden Compass. Some evil people in this world are desperate for our children to be influenced by Satan. We read in Revelation 12:12 concerning Satan during the Tribulation Period, "Therefore rejoice, ye heavens, and ye that dwell in them. Woe to the inhabiters of the earth and of the sea! for the devil is come down unto you, having great wrath, because he knoweth that he hath but a short time." With the rise of the New World Order since the 911 attacks, it is obvious that we are nearer to the return of the Lord Jesus Christ than ever before (i.e., the Pretribulation Rapture of the Church). Surely Satan is already panicking, knowing that he must accomplish much in a very short time frame. This explains why we see a flood of demonism, witchcraft and apostasy sweeping the world in an effort to destroy Christianity. Have you heard about the new FLY Pentop COMPUTER for kids, which features witchcraft? Did you know that Toys-R-Us sells a VooDooz doll for children? It comes complete with a spell book, and pins to stab your VooDooz doll with. I was at Barnes and Noble bookstore and saw a Teenage Witchcraft Kit.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Ashtoreth was the fertility goddess consort of Molech. Ashtoreth is mentioned three times in the Scriptures (1st Kings 11:5, 11:33 and 2nd Kings 23:13). When Ashtoreth is mentioned in Scripture, she is linked to Molech (also called Milcom in the Bible).

Ashtaroth is mentioned 12 times in the Old Testament. The word is used as the name of a town in ancient Israel in Deuteronomy 1:4, Joshua 9:10, 12:4, 13:12, 13:31 and 1st Chronicles 6:71. That towns were named after the fertility goddess indicates that her worship was already widespread when the children of Israel entered the land of Palestine.

In Judges 2:13 & 10:6, 1 Samuel 7:3 & 4, 12:10 & 31:10, Ashtaroth refers to the ancient Canaanite fertility goddess, with a slightly different spelling than Ashtoreth.

Ashtoreth was the goddess of war and fertility, called Ishtar by Assyrians and Babylonians, called Astarte by Greeks and Romans and called Tanith by North Africans.

Molech represented the male principle of life and reproduction while Ashtoreth represented the female principle of fertility.

The sexual relationship between these false gods set the example for unbridled sensuality among their worshipers.

Anal sex between male and male worshipers (homosexuals) and male and female worshipers was viewed as an offering to the goddess. This explains why members of Bohemian Grove purported engage in massive orgies of homosexual sex. The grove is known to bring in paid homosexual male prostitutes to service the moguls. One anonymous former male employee of Bohemian Grove said he was propositioned for sex by one of the moguls attending the club. This and other reports are highlighted in Alex Jones' documentary ORDER OF DEATH (2005).

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Sexual immorality is rampant in south Florida, where the infamous Haulover Beach is located. Thankfully Chicago has bitterly cold winters to force people to put their clothes back on. Winters are great for morality! I've heard decent men say that moved to Montana to live right, to escape the lasciviousness of the warm climates. I certainly cannot argue with that. Hawaii, southern California, Florida and other warm places are cesspools of iniquity and immorality.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia jesus-is-savior.com

Humanity has always tried to justify evil—whether it be adultery, idolatry, robbery, abortion, lying, greed, drunkenness, war, et cetera. In Proverb 30:20 the Bible speaks about an adulterous women who says, “I HAVE DONE NO WICKEDNESS.” She is a sinner in self-denial. She has done wickedness!

What does the Bible mean by “she wipeth her mouth?” I believe it is a reference to the Garden of Eden when Eve ate the forbidden fruit. The adulterous woman eats the forbidden fruit of adultery, and then wipes her mouth in sinful pride and arrogance, saying, “I HAVE DONE NO WICKEDNESS.”

Americans have likewise eaten the forbidden fruit of every sin imaginable—pride, idolatry, feminism, fornication, abortion, murder, homosexuality, same-sex marriage, divorce, drunkenness, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera!!! As a nation we have wiped our mouth and said, “I HAVE DONE NO WICKEDNESS.” Ah, but we have committed wickedness, time and time again with no shame! It is only sinful pride that causes a person to deny their sins.

Tens-of-millions of Americans have embraced the wickedness of SIN CITY Las Vegas. We ought to be ashamed as a nation of Las Vegas, just as if our home had garbage piled in the front yard. Las Vegas is the garbage in our nation's front yard. Hollywood is a backed-up sewer, flooding our nation with stinking sewage. Walt Disney in Orlando, Florida is piled garbage in the back of our nation, sprawled out in the alley, trash infested with rats and maggots! To the same extent that Americans embrace wickedness, to that same extent God is giving us over to a Police State dictatorship. God will not bless a sinful people.

America Has Done Evil in the Sight of the Lord

We read in Judges 6:1 that Israel “did evil in the sight of the Lord.” Consequently, God gave them over in judgment to their enemies, the Midianites...

Judges 6:13, “And Gideon said unto him, Oh my Lord, if the LORD be with us, why then is all this befallen us? and where be all his miracles which our fathers told us of, saying, Did not the LORD bring us up from Egypt? but now the LORD hath forsaken us, and delivered us into the hands of the Midianites.”

Notice that Gideon didn't understand why Israel was being judged and given over to tyranny. This is happening in America today. We have done evil in the sight of the Lord, and God is giving America over to a group of thug gangsters who've taken control of the White House, the Pentagon, et cetera. They operate through the CIA, FEMA, Homeland Security, and other government agencies into which they have appointed their own people. Through affluence, blackmail and fear-mongering they control the newsmedia, congress, and the Supreme Court. They own and operate the privately owned Federal Reserve Banks. It is an extensive system of criminal tyranny, treason and Godless wickedness. They disguise their tyranny with patriotism and an American flag. The mainstream newsmedia in America are anti-God, anti-family, anti-Christianity, anti-national sovereignty; but they are masters of deceit, paid professional liars, and manipulators of public opinion.

Most of America's churches are apostate, supporting wicked criminal leaders instead of exposing them. The largest churches are the most apostate, being pastored by affluent and wealthy men, the rich rubbing shoulders with the rich. They all look the other way and no one seems to care. Rich people support rich people, because they don't want to lose their fame, fortune and good times. They've been bought off. It's time to say no to Hitler!

The United States is so saturated with demonic influences and wickedness that we've legalized the killing of 51,000,000 precious children in the womb since 1973. Statistically, a mother's womb is the most dangerous place in the world to be. How tragic! A mother's womb ought to be the safest place in the world for a child, which are a reward from God. Psalm 127:3, “Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward.” God entrusts parents with a human life to “bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” (Ephesians 6:4). Children are a reward from God, a privilege to raise a child. Abortion... a choice? Do the children have a choice?

God will not bless a nation that legalizes homosexual marriages and then wipes their mouth, saying “I HAVE DONE NO WICKEDNESS.” In 2011 New York state legalized same-sex marriage. Since they don't require proof of residence, gays nationwide can now become legally married in New York. How romantic! Barf! God created Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve. No one is born homosexual because God doesn't make mistakes. If two men get married, the very fact that they cannot reproduce is nature's evidence that homosexuality is strange, abnormal and unnatural in every way. Homosexuals can wipe their mouths all they want in defense of their sins, but the Bible says that Judgment Day is coming (Romans 1:32; Hebrews 9:27).

This world is a wicked place (1st John 5:19). I read in the news recently about British Prime Minister, Tony Blaire, who's been having Catholic priest parties for transvestite nuns. Blaire recently converted over to the demonic Roman Catholic religion. How about pole-dancing for Jesus in Texas? In this wicked culture, anything goes in Jesus name! The only true, reliable and safe place to form our opinions, receive guidance, and make our decisions is from the teachings of the inspired Word of God, i.e., the precious King James Bible. We are living in a woefully sinful society that wipes its mouth saying, “I HAVE DONE NO WICKEDNESS.” But Americans are in wicked self-denial. Abortion is murder! Homosexuality is a sin! Same-sex marriage is of the Devil. Fornication is a sin! Feminist rebellion is a sin! Divorce is a sin! Pornography is evil! Drunkenness is a sin! Casino gambling is evil! Public nudity is evil! Witchcraft is a sin! Idolatry is a sin! All of the things I am mentioning are LEGAL in the United States.

Every child deserves to have a father and a mother. The entire concept of two lesbians trying to raise a child without a father in the home is INSANITY!!! Are you listening Rosie O'Donnell? Rosie O'Donnell is a disgrace to America, and has attacked Bible-believing Christians, categorizing them with terrorists. How can anyone in their right mind claim that it's the American way to murder children by abortion, allow lesbians to raise children, and utilize fertility clinics to allow homosexuals to have lab babies? Americans have gone insane!

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Painted for the cover of the May 29, 1943 edition of The Saturday Evening Post, Norman Rockwell's Rosie the Riveter (pictured to right) gave visual form to this phenomenon and became an iconic image of American popular culture.

To no surprise, Norman Rockwell was an occult Freemason. Freemasonry is a antichristian organization, committed to building a New World Order (i.e., a Global Godless Totalitarian Communist Police State).

Communism is synonymous with demonic Freemasonry...

The consequences of women entering the workplace have been absolutely devastating upon America morally, and the New World Order gang couldn't be happier. Most American women today don't even hesitate anymore to get an abortion for the sake of pursuing a career. It is evil. Rosie the Riveter is a symbol of godless feminism, which has destroyed America's homes. The divorce rate has skyrocketed in the United States, while women increasingly enter the workforce.

"We Can Do It!" is the message which Rosie the Riveter sends to America's women, but it's not a matter of whether or not women "CAN" enter the work force to do men's jobs; It's a matter of whether or not they "SHOULD." I have news for all the working women in the United States... The war is over!!! You can go home now ladies.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

One of the biggest unrecognized and subtle sources of PORNOGRAPHY in America are it's catalogs that display women in their underwear, negligees, etc. It is sinful for any woman to take off her clothes, and allow people to take pictures of her in her underwear, to showcase in magazines. Could you imagine a company that advertises women's underwear by sending a woman into your personal home? She strips down to her underwear, and then posses in front of your husband, trying to sell you some clothes. Think of the adulterous thoughts, the lasciviousness, and the damage being done to your marriage and home. No wonder the divorce rate is over 50%. No wonder sexual sins are running rampant. No wonder child-pornography is a $20,000,000,000 a year industry. Some of today's clothing catalogs even present young girls in provocative attire, with imprudent looks, and luring photography.

There is not a husband in America who is not spiritually attacked by such lewd and inappropriate type catalogs left laying around the home. The wise and godly wife will rid her home of such demonic catalogs to help her husband spiritually. It's difficult enough for a man to maintain a clean mind nowadays, why would you want to make it even harder for your husband by leaving such filth lying around? Truly, the love of money is the root of all evil (1st Timothy 6:10). Companies are so greedy to make money, that they have absolutely no reservations about promoting their pornography. Some people might term it "soft" pornography; BUT, pornography is pornography!!! There's no such thing as a "white lie," all lying is horribly sinful. There's no such thing as "white witchcraft" (Wicca), all witchcraft is an abomination to God. And there's no such thing as "soft porn," all pornography is demonic, because it stirs unholy desires. Marriage is the only acceptable outlet for one's sexual desires (Hebrews 13:4).

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

God says he wants young women to get married to a man, bear children, guide the house and then keep the dirty-laundry in the family. God specifically commands wives to avoid doing anything that will give people reason to judge and criticize. So many young wives go running to the neighbor's house when there's a marital argument, then the neighbor's take sides, call the police and you've got a 3-ring circus going. Ladies, you need to learn to take a walk when you're angry, and don't going crying on someone's shoulder, because they will ruin your marriage if you let them. People are destructive. It's not their marriage, so they've got nothing to lose. I'm so sick and tired of busy-bodies minding other people's business. If you want people to help ruin your marriage, there are millions of them standing in line waiting to do so. All they're waiting for is a foolish wife with a bitter heart whose sinful enough to abandon her marriage vows and quit. We are living in a world of fools. Don't throw your marriage away.

Watch Your Mouth Ladies

And another thing ladies, watch your mouth. More husbands snap because of a wife's big mouth than anything else. I remember a story in the news many years ago when I lived in Chicago. The incident happened in one of the suburbs. An elderly couple were sitting in their old car and the man's wife made some comment about their neighbor's brand new car. The man snapped, pressed the gas pedal and drove their car into the neighbor's swimming pool. When the police and fire department came, they found the couple alive sitting at the bottom of the pool underwater. A woman's mouth can really make a man upset.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

Saint Judas Catholic Church

Luke 6:16, “...and Judas Iscariot, which also was the traitor.”

By David J. Stewart

Judas was a follower of Jesus Christ. Yet, the Bible reveals that Judas was a traitor, who sold out the Lord Jesus. In the same way, there are many followers of Christ today, such as Catholics, who are traitors.

They also have betrayed the Lord Jesus Christ; by supporting a religious organization that worships statues of dead saints, by trusting sinful priests in a Confessional Booth to forgive their sins (1st Timothy 2:5), by giving money to a religion that rejects the Commandments of God to keep their own traditions (Mark 7:9), by praying the Rosary in hope of obtaining eternal life by calling upon the name of Mary (Romans 10:13), by repeating the same vain repetitious chants and dare call it “prayer” (Matthew 6:7), by calling the sinful priest “Father” (Matthew 23:9), by abstaining from eating red meats on Friday (1st Timothy 4:3), by forbidding priests to marry (1st Timothy 4:3), and so forth. Catholicism is a prisonhouse of religion!

Catholics are no better than Judas who betrayed the Lord. Judas went to Hell in his unbelief. Likewise, Catholics will not be allowed into Heaven in their own self-righteousness, nor can the so-called “Blessed Virgin” help them. I have news for you, Mary DIDN'T remain a virgin; she had several other children by Joseph (Matthew 13:55-56). So many people play the game of religion, while living in the depths of wickedness; but Hell awaits them.

If you attend and support the Catholic Church, you are no better than Judas who betrayed Christ. You are supporting a religion that spits on God, rejects the Commandments of God, and follows the manmade sinful traditions of men. You can't make up your own rules as you go. God is the Creator of the universe, so only God makes the Rules! Your 30-pieces of silver won't buy a ticket into Heaven. You have betrayed the Savior, giving your money to a bunch of liars and false prophets who neglect the Word of God, and worship the Pope. The Pope is a false prophet, a man of sin. The Catholic Church is straight out of the pits of Hell.

Just as Judas was a follower of Christ, but still went to Hell; so will Catholics go to Hell for placing their confidence in man instead of God (Psalm 118:8; Romans 10:3-4). Judas was a religious phony, as are Catholics!

I did not write this article to be mean, God forbid. I wrote this article because Hell is a literal place where Christ-rejecters spend eternity suffering (2nd Thessalonians 1:8-9). Catholics are arrogant and don't care about the Bible. A lot of people get upset with me for bashing the Catholic Church, because they don't believe that the Bible is God's Word. If they say they do, they're liars, because anyone who believes in eternal damnation in Hell will hate the Catholic Church, as I do. I DON'T hate Catholics! What I hate is false religion that blinds men and leads souls into Hell fire and damnation. I don't want you to go to Hell. I believe the Bible. Catholics are discouraged by their priests from studying the Bible.

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

This is an important lesson for parents. God often doesn't answer our prayers right away to test us, humble us, chastise us, and teach us. God didn't just give food and water to the Jews. God waited until they were thirsty to the point of dehydration. God withheld food until they felt that they were starving. God tested them, to see how they'd react when the going got tough. Instead of trusting and thanking God, they complained and rebelled. They failed the tests God gave them. So God had to chastise them repeatedly. This is exactly the way God operates still today. People get angry and rebel against God because God makes them wait, forces them to trust Him, and doesn't spoil them. There is much to be learned from all this as parents.

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The sad reality is that Americans believe fiction, while denying reality. It's insane! Scientists are trying to make fictitious rubbish like Star Wars and Star Trek a reality, talking about how it can all be made real in the future. Yet, sickeningly, Americans refuse to believe the truth even when it's in plain sight. The Illuminati pyramid on the reverse of every U.S. one-dollar bill mocks every American. The truth of the New World Order is in every one of our pockets and wallets, yet most people laugh, chuckle and wag their head in disbelief when you try to educate them about the reality of the New World Order!

President Bush refused to meet with Cindy Sheehan, but he met with the homosexual leader of Saudi Arabia, and photos of the two queer-birds holding hands were all in the news. Mr. Bush (Sr. and Jr.) are sick-minded individuals. People have a hard time believing that their beloved Republican icon, President Ronald Reagan, was a flaming homosexual in southern California known as “Rainbow Ronnie.” Truth is stranger than fiction! Homosexuality is the common denominator in the occult, Hollywood and the lowest point of humanity spiritually (the farthest you can get from God in your mind). President Obama recently lifted the ban against bestiality in the military? Why would he do that? Will chimeras (part human/part animal with no rights) be used to service future soldiers?

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

Alqaeda (or Al Qaeda) is a fabricated boogieman (enemy) created by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) to frighten Americans into submission, and to justify implementing a Police State in the United States. Now they've fabricated the boogieman of ISIL (Islamic State Of Iraq and Levant) and ISIS (Islamic State of Syria). It was the Nazi-founded CIA that started the Department Of Homeland Security (DHS). It's not difficult to see right through their works of darkness. The Illuminati are dictating world events in a relentless attempt to achieve World Government, setting the stage of World War III. ISIS and ISIL are massive CIA deceptions!!! How Many More Piles Of Corpses? (by Dr. Ron Paul; the fraud of ISIS has replaced the fraud of Al-CIA-da).

There is a preponderance of solid evidence against various departments and officials within the U.S. government, blatantly exposing them as evildoers, traitors and treasonous criminals. Here's some information about the 911 attacks. The only reason why the Bush administration isn't in prison is because of the criminal globalist elite who own and control the newsmedia. Their buddies own and control Hollywood, which is why Homeland Security employs a liaison in Hollywood to brainwash the public through movies. LIES FOR LAMBS is one example.

Alqaeda is the ultimate enemy because they have no headquarters, no face and no way of hunting down. Anyone can fabricate a false boogieman that doesn't exist to terrorize the public into submission to tyranny. It's the perfect enemy. How do you defeat an enemy that only exists in theory? Alqaeda doesn't exist. It's a psyops stunt. Human nature is so predictable (unbelievably so) that it has been easy to turn it into a science and manipulate society. People are inherently prone to support the majority, because they don't want to be in the minority. This is commonly referred to as the “herd mentality.”

David J. Stewart #conspiracy jesus-is-savior.com

The American Medical Association and friends in the drug industry have relied upon their allies in the Food and Drug Administration to aggressively assault the advocates of natural treatment methods. They want to cut, burn and poison you for all the money they're going to make, while natural remedies are burned and hidden from the public

David J. Stewart #fundie jesus-is-savior.com

God put that padded area in the back for a reason. A child should only be spanked on the buttocks, which is why God made that area well upholstered. Child abuse is a sin. No parent should ever knee-jerk their child in anger. A good ole belt across the rear-end hurts like heck, but won't break a bone. Sticks or boards are hard and should not be used. Hard objects should not be used, which may cause injury. In the old days, parents would make a flexible switch from a small tree branch. Perhaps you think that whipping your child is abuse, but not disciplining a child (so that they grow up to spend their life rotting behind bars in prison as a criminal) is a thousand times worse!

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