
Like homophobia, but for transgender people

Chick Publications #fundie #homophobia #transphobia chick.com

A judge in Australia has been reprimanded because he dared state what many have been thinking as we watch the progression of sexual sin in the world. He was temporarily suspended for suggesting that modern juries may be coming to the point where they could not see a problem with incest.

He cited the fact that in the 1950s a jury would have found it “...unnatural for a man to be interested in another man... Those things have gone.”

He observed that the reason for incest laws was to prevent genetic abnormalities in children born to close relatives. The ease of contraception and abortion has eliminated this concern, he reasoned.

Because we are ignoring God’s clear abhorrence for sexual perversion, the situation is getting more chaotic. In Houston, Texas, the lesbian mayor signed a law allowing “transgenders” to use whichever bathroom they wish. Some schools are also wrestling with this confusion.

This year the Southern Baptist Convention was forced to make a clear statement because a pastor at an SBC-member church performed a same sex marriage for his son. They resolved that God’s design for gender did not include a “third way.”

Many other groups are watching the success of the homosexual steam roller, hoping to duplicate the public acceptance of their perversion. In Brooklyn, a 15-apartment complex dedicated to “polyamory” is almost full, says Leon Feingold, co-president of Open Love NY. In contrast to polygamy, (one man, many wives), polyamory is defined as “participation in multiple and simultaneous loving or sexual relationships.”

The North American Man-Boy-Love Association web site continues to advocate for the elimination of the age-of-consent laws allowing adult sexual predators legal access to children.

Many colleges and universities from Bowdoin to Vanderbilt have instituted “non-discrimination” policies telling Christian campus clubs that they cannot bar homosexuals from leadership. While all sinners are welcome to attend meetings, leaders cannot be required to sign a pledge to abstain from unbiblical behavior.

Some voices of sanity are beginning to be heard. The British Royal College of Psychiatrists has come out with a statement that there is no proof that people are born homosexual. This undercuts the laws in some states against “reparative therapy” where professional counselors are forbidden to counsel anyone underage wishing help in converting to a normal lifestyle.

The “born-that-way” mantra of homosexuals was again called into question by a recent report from the American Association for the Advancement of Science. Citing a comprehensive scientific study of 400 homosexual men “—the researchers concluded that homosexuality cannot be traced to specific genes.”

While scientists still maintain that genetics can be a factor, they admit that: “Environmental factors, such as the absence of a father or an unhealthy domestic upbringing, might play significant roles.”

Studies of this sort help bring the discussion back to the biblical viewpoint, that homosexual behavior is a choice. While many “evangelicals” have bought the idea of a homosexual “orientation” which presumes born-that-way, other explanations are surfacing.

One study indicated that an overwhelming majority of those so “oriented” were molested as children.

This tends to support the view presented in the Chick tract, Home Alone, that demonic involvement is introduced early on. Bible believers must continue to present God’s word on the subject: perversion of sexual activity outside His original plan of man and wife is sin. God, through Christ, provided a remedy for all sin, no matter how tenacious its hold on a person.

Further information on reaching those involved in this sin can be found in the Chick ebook, Hot Topics, along with other subjects such as pornography, Islam, persecution, Israel and demonism.

R.R. Reno #wingnut #transphobia firstthings.com

The problem is that our liberal culture encourages us to respond to these experiences of unhappiness by blaming the ever-so-slight remnants of the traditional “NO!” This makes things worse. The LGBTQ project is a good example of this. Nine times out of ten, a “transgendered” individual would be far happier if he or she were simply told, with effective authority—you’re a boy or girl.

David J. Stewart #fundie #homophobia #transphobia jesusisprecious.org

Amy [Grant] had to discover her own sexuality? That's code language for figuring out whether she was a homosexual or straight, or bisexual, or a transgendered, et cetera. NO ONE who is normally healthy has to discover their sexuality. You were either born a female or a male, or something is medically wrong with you and you are deformed (which is an extremely rare oddity).

Notice also in the preceding quote that Amy says if others had a different sexual discovery, that is, determined that they are HOMOSEXUAL, she said she doesn't “categorize” them. Well, the Bible DOES categorize homosexuals as “sodomites” (1st Kings 14:24), and as having “vile affections” (Romans 1:26), and committing “abomination” (Leviticus 20:13) and “going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire” (Jude 1:7).

Romans 1:24-32 plainly exposes homosexuality as gross immorality in God's sight, which brings severe punishment and consequences (Romans 1:32; Jude 1:7). If you are living in homosexuality you should feel bad about yourself, just as you should if you were an adulterer, thief, liar, pervert or murderer. Do you think it is mere coincidence that America's economy is failing to the same degree that our nation is embracing sinful living? No way! God will not bless a wicked nation.

John Hawkins #wingnut #transphobia #racist #fundie #elitist #sexist #homophobia rightwingnews.com

20 Basic Truths You Can't Talk about in America Anymore

1) People who want to change sexes should be treated by a psychologist, not deformed through surgery, given hormone treatments, and falsely told that they can change sexes.

2) Most people who remain poor over the long haul in America stay that way because of their own poor life choices.
3) Most black Americans are good and decent people, but percentage wise there are more black Americans in jail because percentage wise, black Americans commit a lot more crimes than white Americans.
4) As often as not in America, the people claiming to be “victims” are the real bullies and they don’t deserve anyone’s sympathy.
5) The reason most politicians in D.C. are shameless liars with no character is because most Americans will knowingly choose a shameless liar with no character who says what they want to hear over an honest man with morals who tells them the hard truths they’d rather ignore.

6) Illegal aliens are foreigners who knowingly broke the law to come here and Americans owe them even less than we owe other foreigners living in China, Sweden, or El Salvador because at least those people didn’t break our laws.
7) Life begins at conception and having an abortion is no morally different than strangling your baby in the crib.
8) Most liberals aren’t patriotic and they don’t love their country.
9) Our soldiers should make every effort to avoid civilian casualties, but when it comes right down to it, the life of an American soldier should be treated as more important than the life of a foreign civilian.

10) We’d be better off as a society if the people who are ignorant, ill informed, or who really don’t care one way or another, didn’t vote.
11) The only practical way to make peace between the Israelis and Palestinians is for the Israelis to transfer the Palestinians and take their land.
12) This is a Christian nation that has been successful because it adopted Christian principles and the more we move away from that, the worse off we will be as a nation.
13) Men are just generally better at some things than women, just as women are just generally better at some things than men are.
14) “Racism” used to be a big deal in America, but these days the people who cry racism are usually phonies trying to gain a political advantage or deflect from ethical shortcomings or poor performance.
15) Long term, the only way our country can pay its bills is by asking everyone who’s not dirt poor to pay as much in taxes to the government as they’re given in services if they want to continue to receive those services.
16) Nine times out of ten, a mother and father will do a considerably better job of raising a child than a single mother, a single father, two gay parents or their grandparents.
17) The Boy Scouts could never survive gay scoutmasters because no parents with a brain in their head are sending their male, teenage boy out in the woods alone with a gay man who may very well be attracted to him, just as the parents of Girl Scouts wouldn’t want to send their teenage daughter out alone in the woods with a straight adult who might secretly be savoring the opportunity to have her alone.

18) People who are homeless over the long term are overwhelmingly mentally ill or have substance abuse problems and the only thing we can really do to help them is round them up, put them into halfway houses and force them to get treatment in spite of themselves.
19) If you have good character, you should feel ashamed of taking food stamps, taking welfare, or being on a school lunch program.
20) We would be much better off as a nation if most of the immigrants to this country were well educated people from nations in Europe that shared our Western values as opposed to our current policy which brings in mostly less educated people from Third World nations.

Dave Blount #transphobia #homophobia moonbattery.com

Lesbians Adopt Boy, Chemically Transform Him Into Pseudo-Girl

The sexual molestation that inevitably results...is hardly the only reason that the liberal push for more homosexual adoption is morally abhorrent. How can it be called decent to put children into situations like this?

The lesbian parents of an 11-year-old boy who is undergoing the process of becoming a girl — defended the decision, claiming it was better for a child to have a sex change when young.

Thomas Lobel, who now calls himself Tammy, is undergoing controversial hormone blocking treatment in Berkeley, California to stop him going through puberty as a boy.

[Adoptive guardians] Pauline Moreno and Debra Lobel warn that children with gender identity disorder forced to postpone transitioning could face a higher risk of suicide.

Whereas if they are freakified through grotesque medical practices best left on the Island of Doctor Moreau, they live happily ever after. Just ask Nancy Verhelst. No wait, you can’t; she had herself put out of her misery like deformed dog.

Thomas’s transition into a make-pretend girl began at age eight. His guardians are inflicting hormone suppressants to prevent him from developing a male voice, broad shoulders, and facial hair. If this doesn’t qualify as child abuse, the statutes need to be rewritten.

Whatever the motivations involved in this particular situation, given the pathological fear and hatred of males that often characterize women who base their identities on being lesbians, situations like this are an inevitable consequence of homosexual adoption and the bizarre moonbat notion that a person’s sex can be altered. The progressive ruling class is dragging the rest of society down a path that cannot lead to anything healthy.

Mfon Amun Ptah #homophobia #transphobia #moonbat mfonptah.tumblr.com

There is no archeological evidence of Homosexuality, Bestiality, Pedophilia, Transexuality or any other Perverse form of European Sexuality among indigenous Africans prior to colonization and contact with foreign peoples.
There is no anthropological evidence of Homosexuality, Bestiality, Pedophilia, Transexuality or any other Perverse form of European Sexuality among indigenous Africans prior to colonization and contact with foreign peoples.
There is no literary evidence of Homosexuality, Bestiality, Pedophilia, Transexuality or any other Perverse form of European Sexuality among indigenous Africans prior to colonization and contact with foreign peoples.
There is no oral tradition of Homosexuality, Bestiality, Pedophilia, Transexuality or any other Perverse form of European Sexuality among indigenous Africans prior to colonization and contact with foreign peoples.
Anyone who says that there is without showing it, is either a naive tool or is BLATANTLY part of the Agenda to promote sexual perversion among African People and Destroy the African family.

Linda Harvey #homophobia #transphobia joemygod.blogspot.com

[Linda Harvey's letter to gay-friendly companies]

Dear [name of company]: I am writing to you as a [former or potential] customer, to tell you why I will not be doing business with you, purchasing your products or services, nor speaking well of you to my family and friends. You are highly-rated by the "Human Rights Campaign" as a company supportive of many aspects of the homosexual activist agenda.

I am hoping you have done this out of ignorance about the true nature of both homosexuality and the goals of aggressive homosexual advocacy, such as that promoted by the Human Rights Campaign (HRC).

In businesses that welcome homosexual and transgender people, workers who don't agree with these lifestyles often feel unwelcome and increasingly, encounter a hostile work environment. Some of these workers have been sued on trumped -up charges of "discrimination," just for politely expressing these values, even in their own private lives and on their own time!

In short, these are not my values. I think homosexual activism is doing harm to America. My values are to be kind to everyone, but not to condone or encourage immoral and high-risk lifestyles. By your company's support of homosexual behavior, which is changeable and unnecessary, you have insulted my family and my principles.

I do hope your executive decision-makers will at some point, see the truth and reject this conduct, but in the meantime, I am afraid we cannot patronize your business in any way, and for the present, I am going to recommend to family and friends that they also take their business elsewhere.

AbuMubarak #fundie #sexist #transphobia #homophobia ummah.com

as far as "dealing with you on a human level", how can i deal with a murderer, a pedophile, a rapist, an arsonist that has willingly killed, how can i deal with a soldier who has slaughtered innocent people, a doctor who has aborted a baby, a mother who aborted a baby, a transvestite, a sodomite, etc?

now, whats worst than all of them combined? a murtad [apostate from Islam]

Repeat Offender #homophobia #transphobia freerepublic.com

At first it was homos in the privacy of a bedroom. Now, it is in our parks, bus stations, parades, schools, workplace etc etc. At first it was just the gays; now it is the gays, lesbians, bi-sexuals, transgendered, bestiality types... the list grows on.

Once they allow fags to openly serve in the military, it will be another stepping stone.... the transgendered freaks will complain they are being discriminated against. Soon we will have "dudes" running around in female service skirts and having their own lists of problems. Then we will have to worry about whether "its" can serve in combat arms billets; women can't can some it that had an attachadictomy? Then there will be hetero males getting married to cash in on "family" benefits so they don't have to live in the barraks (the increase in BAH/COMRATS will cause shortfalls and cuts elsewhere).

Sounds like good order and discipline to me. /sarc

Wyatt Junker #racist #transphobia freeconservatives.com

BorACK is an emasculated child. I've been thinking about it for awhile. What are the black Spock's vices? I think he is a symbiot. That is to say, he has no roots so he adopts them whenever he needs them, then pirates the uniform like a chameleon. I also think he's probably gay. Still in the closet though. He married a manly wife. Sure she gave birth... I think, but I think the Drudge story that has yet to be is that she really is a man, or a partial man. I think she has one of those hidden testicles caught somewhere between her taint and her giner, trapped up in the folds somewhere between the stinky poo maker and the shaved runny abscess. If you dare photoshop her hair onto her brother's head, they are identical people. BorACKACKACK wouldn't miss a beat if he had anal sex with him in drag because it would also be her. I think they are two of the same people, probably one person really who Hananah Montanas around part time.

Gonzo67 #transphobia freeconservatives.com

"Obama appoints transgender activist as advisor"

What was the purpose of informing everyone that this freak is a "trans-gender" appointee? Wasn't IT'S credentials enough to merit the appointment?

No, the REASON for pointing out the sexual preference was to throw it in the face of Americans. It was to say "Look, we know the majority of the population still thinks this to be wrong, and the majority of the population still does not agree or condone this type of "sexual deviation from the norm" so we're appointing this person just to FORCE you to accept it.

I can bet there are at least 10 other people, STRAIGHT PEOPLE, that worked in the same building as this fugly, porcine looking freak, yet none of them were likely even CONSIDERED because they don't run around in public screaming at the top of their lungs about their sexual deviations.

This isn't about not wanting this freak to have any job. This is about not wanting this freaks PRIVATE LIFE shoved down my fuking throat.

Or maybe, you're interested in knowing who I screw, when I screw them, and what kind of sick shit we do in private?

is that it? Is that what you liberals are after? If so, then why is it you only seem to be interested in the male pole smokers, the female carpet munchers, and every Tom, Dick and Harry freak with a sexual identity crisis? Something you liberals want to tell us?

If you don't want your private life ridiculed, KEEP IT FUKING PRIVATE ASSHOLES!

AV Publications #fundie #transphobia shop.avpublications.com

Questioning today’s Holy Bible is just as rebellious as questioning ones gender. God did it right the first time. A man-made makeover brings “confusion” and defaces and mutilates God’s creation. Only pride and perversion would propel men to presume that they could improve upon God’s own handiwork. This book will bring Greek and Hebrew study out of the closet for the first time. Tumbling out come the starving skeletons of the authors of Greek and Hebrew study tools, lexicons and editions, the sordid sources from which new versions, such as the NIV, TNIV, NKJV, ESV, NASB, and HCSB take their corrupt words. These are the very same study ’aids’ which kill a sermon or Bible study when used to ‘define’ a word in the Holy Bible. Lexicon and Bible dictionary authors dug down into the depths of pagan lore, then ransacked the English dictionary to find a match which could burn the Bible word-by-word. The smoke darkens the directing light of the holy scriptures. This book will document that men who want to change and redefine the Holy Bible are likely to want to change anything — even Bible doctrine, their own gender, and their god. For example, Luciferian connections shadow Trench’s New Testament Synonyms and Ginsburg’s TBS Hebrew Masoretic text.

DEBBIO73 #fundie #transphobia showhype.com


Elaine Donnelly #homophobia #transphobia washingtonpost.com

[Excerpts from a report on her pro "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" testimony]

Donnelly treated the panel to an extraordinary exhibition of rage. She warned of "transgenders in the military." She warned that lesbians would take pictures of people in the shower. She spoke ominously of gays spreading "HIV positivity" through the ranks.

"We're talking about real consequences for real people," Donnelly proclaimed. Her written statement added warnings about "inappropriate passive/aggressive actions common in the homosexual community," the prospects of "forcible sodomy" and "exotic forms of sexual expression," and the case of "a group of black lesbians who decided to gang-assault" a fellow soldier.


But it was Donnelly, founder and president of the Center for Military Readiness, who amused lawmakers the most. Snyder asked Darrah about Donnelly's reference to "passive-aggressive actions common in the homosexual community," saying, "I'm almost tempted to ask you to demonstrate."

Darrah was stumped. "Like a woman who is stared at, her breasts are stared at," Donnelly explained. She further explained the "absolutely devastating" effect of homosexuals "introducing erotic factors" and made a comparison to Sen. Larry Craig's adventure at the Minneapolis airport. She said admitting gays to the military would be "forced cohabitation" and a policy of "relax and enjoy it."

Bob #transphobia mens-rights.net

When any of the idiots push this "pregnant man" crap, and its pure crap, they need to be sent back to 1st grade to review basic word definitions, and then to 4th greade to review basic biology.

"Pregnant" is the definiton of "female" or "woman."

mikpat- #fundie #conspiracy #homophobia #kinkshaming #transphobia att.net


I'm with you Uselessannie on this one, I think we should eliminate all judaeo-Christian Senators and Congressmen. And begin to place rapists. pedophiles, polygamists, homosexuals, bisexuals, exhibitionists, fetishists, sado-masochists, transgenderes, zoophiliacs and a few atheistic-communists and Nazis into the Senate and Congress. I think the Senate should be split between The Rapist Party and the Pedophile Party and the President should be a person who is into zoophilia so that he/she has the support of his/her significant other.
A pedophile should be in charge of the Dept of Education.
A homosexual with AIDS in charge of Health & Human Resources.
The VP should be an exhibitionist and a voyeur.
The Attorney Gen should be a Rapist with a Drug habit.
The Speaker of the House should be a bisexual so it can have sex with whomever.
The Senate majorityj leader should be a polygamist so he/she can switch around with other significant others....

Well anyway, since this Country is sinking into an immoral and secularistic society lets help it along and be done with it........



Samuel #fundie #transphobia #homophobia #biphobia christian-forum.net

I read that article (as you'd expect) and i am deeply dismayed by the liberalism of so much of the western world and various US politicians! Trying to teach high-school students that Transsexuality, bisexuality, homosexuality and lesbianism are natural (which is of course complete rubbish!!!!!!!!) is remotely understandable, but shoving that sort of stuff down the throats of children in kindergarten is unbelieveable to me! As appaulled as i am by the passing of this bill, like Shaun333, i'm not particularly surprised at this sort of thing being condoned in a country like the USA, Britain, or even my native Australia. Homosexuality is a big thing at my school, and whats more, its supposed to be a Christian school!!!!!! I know of this 1 teacher who has homosexual friends, and because of that s/he (who shall remain nameless) seems to hate any1 who's a Christian. Recently one of my friends told me about one of their science classes in which this teacher showed the class all of these gay websites trying to convince them that these perversions are natural!!!!, HARAAM!!!!!! There are even a few people in the school i know of that actually are you know what. As a Christian i try to be nice and sociable around them, but i do find it difficult knowing that i'm standing with a person who probably is contributing to the spread of HIV/AIDS!!!! Currently i'm praying for these people to have GOD (ALLAHU AHKBAR) speak to them in some way and help them change, and if i could request prayers from other people on this website i would really appreciate it!

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