
YOUCITY #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The DRUIDS are here


They are also the CHILDREN of the NEPHILIM

While the Cyborg President, Barack Obama, has held the White House for 8 years getting his freak on, IRISH and SCOTS have been quietly moved into all the top jobs of U.S. Global Strategy and Power. Obama’s senior national-security team has included Irish and Scots, Tom Donilon as national security adviser, John Brennan at the Central intelligence Agency (CIA), Chuck Hagel as U.S. Secretary of Defense; General Martin Dempsey as Joint Chiefs chairman; and Denis McDonough as White House Chief of Staff. The Irish and Scots include U.S. Vice President Joe Biden and Secretary of State John Kerry—an honorary Irish-American because of his last name, Catholic upbringing, and his Massachusetts political base as a senator.



JESUS was crucified on a WOODEN (TREE) Cross when he was 33 years old

1/3 (33%) of GOD'S ANGELS were cast out of HEAVEN and fell to Earth at the 33rd parallel

JFK (IRISH) was killed on the 33rd parallel (Marilyn Monroe = MM/33)

The new Marilyn Manson (MM/33) video shows TRUMPS death , the title of the album is HOLY WOOD

Donald Trump's first wife was Marla MAPLES (TREE/DRUID) & MM/33 symbolism

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

WARNING!!! NWO has launched US RED COLOR Rrevolution since yesterday!!

TPTB is not going to let it go easily.

Since yesterday and in all written, TV and WEB media, TPTB is coordinating efforts for massive civil riots at major US cities, as could be seen yesterday.

TV MSM isn't giving up the fight on DJT and, after hours of shock, started their's plan B, as well as all over the rest of multimedia places.

In some places is subtle, but in others, specially in UK (Guardian), France, Belgium and Germany is blatantly outrageous what is being done.

On so many enemies of Elected President Trump, the heads of European Union, the whole Democrat party and the stablishment at Washington DC and Japan are by far the most dangerous as they have the most to loose.

This is specially true after Trump's declarations that he wants a smaller state, less intrusive for private bussiness and withouth the parasites that overpopulate the stablishment in the last 20 years.

Globalization: GOOD
Nationalism: BAD! BAD!

Apple, Google, MS, Oracle, Silicon Valley Corps, Investment Banks and many more members of the Deep State are severely menaced by Trump.

I think that an Ukraine like colour revolution is possible, and if riots and civil desobedience are big enough, Obama can call for Special Powers and suspend the transition for Trump.

The signals, as I said, ARE ALL OVER THE PLACES I LOOK!!!!

Obama's Trump cold and unpprotocolar reception is one. EU heads DEMANDING an urgent meeting with Trump is othe one, a BIG ONE, specially because NATO is behind this demand. US funds 75% of NATO budget.

Please, that somebody else take this post and enhance it, as english is not my fist language.

As argentinian, I'm proud of Trump's triumph. I slept only two hours on Tuesday following the election. Over here, most people dispise Trump and the goverment pushed (OPENLY) for HRC. Today they are angry and desvastasted because the neocon's plans are ruined. Same thing in Brazil and in many, many other countries in the world!

Things are serious and I am genuinely concerning of the outcome of this developing situation: TRUMP AT SIEGE!!!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Trump's election was intended by the elite

Donald Trump's election was intended to happen by the shadow elite. The "problematic" people in the U S are more "pliable" under Trump. If Trump leads the nation to do this or that, people who otherwise despise government will rally behind him, where they probably would have fought Hillary if she proposed the exact same action.

The elites raised up Hitler for the same reason they are presenting Trump to us now; decades ago, they put Hitler forward when they needed to stir up Germany's downtrodden people to go to war. Hitler rose as a popular anti-establishment candidate. He railed against the Jewish bankers, and promised he would "make Germany great again" by rebuilding Germany's economy after the financial devastation of the first world war. But the same shadow elite was behind Hitler the whole time, because Hitler was useful for inciting WW2, which the elite desired. The elite were also behind the communist revolutions in Russia, and the French Revolution and even the American Revolution of 1776. In fact, "populist uprisings" are the elite's very special speciality.... Trump's election is the same "people's rebellion" script played out by the illuminati on the modern American people. To what purpose this time, you might ask?

Well, what is Trump especially good at, besides giving speeches? Business. In particular, he is very experienced in advantageously managing messy bankruptcies of huge mega-corporations..... And did you know that many people claim that the United States of America is actually a corporation? (it's true, look it up). And did you know the United States is very, very bankrupt? (bet you knew that one already) The Donald has already floated the idea of defaulting on the US debt. He has not said a word about routing the bankers or doing anything to the Fed. He is considering Jamie Dimon (the CEO of JP Morgan Chase) for Treasury Secretary, along with a few Goldman Sachs alumni. He is backpedaling on repealing Obamacare. He is planning to ramp up spending in such a way that the velocity of money will greatly increase, which is the formula for hyperinflation (soaring cost of living). At the same time, he is going to cut all federal funding to sanctuary cities, leaving millions of homeless people suddenly hungry and without shelter. He also hopes to blanket-legalize concelaed carry of handguns for every American across the nation. This is a formula for a bloody civil war.

Trump has been installed to manage the default of the United States of America and the ensuing international bankruptcy proceedings. He has also been installed to manage the controlled demolition of the US economy through hyperinflation (see Zimbabwe or Venezuela for examples of the process). And finally, he has been installed to incite an American civil war through strategic legislating and control of the press, with support from controlled opposition groups such as BLM. Trump will manage all this, with the support of millions of trusting and desperate people across the nation. And the elite can escape cleanly -- they will blame the breakdown and chaos on Trump, on racism, on nationalist ideologies, and on the deplorables who tried to vote the globalists out of office.

Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

Refrain From Masturbation Before Election - Do Not Dwell In The Lower Chakras At This Time!

This is the weirdest thing. I realize that a lot of people will think this thread is silly.


But, I had intuitively honed in on this as well and was coming onto GLP to tell people that have self-control,


It will lower your core energy to the lower chakra levels where that the demonic scum need the population to reside

in for their ritual magick to be effective.

Keep your focus on your Heart chakra (Love), your Throat chakra (Speak Truth to power), your Mind chakra (Willing

your Desired Reality into Existence) and your Crown Chakra (Detachment from Ego)!

If you have a sex with a partner, make sure it is based on your Heart Chakra!

But please, do not give into your Lower Chakras. Please refrain from masturbation if you have the self-control.

It's a small price to pay for a Better World!

TheCorsair00 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Satanic Faction of the Military Behind the 'Targeted Individuals/Mind Control' Phenomenon

Recently, Corey Goode has revealed testimony of the shill operation known as Personality Metamorphs, where essentially NSA/GCHQ type agents in offices full of computer monitors have hundreds of fake internet accounts for posting on forums such as GLP's competition and Project Camelot and all over Facebook and YouTube and definitely HERE as well: [link to spherebeingalliance.com]

What you probably don't know is that behind this entire operation is a rather elaborate scheme involving brain wave entrainment and EMP technologies developed out of all sequences of the MK Ultra and Montauk projects and are operated out of bases that have sequestered wireless electricity transmission technologies such as Pine Gap in Australia. A deathbed confession from a notorious Satanist reveals the name of Lt. Col. Michael Aquino in relation to the top secret facility of Pine Gap: [link to www.savethemales.ca]

So-called supersoldiers such as James Casbolt have also revealed recently that Aquino is a general of the NSA. This surveillance technology goes above and beyond merely spying on people's phones and computers. Snowden documents revealed that microwaves are beamed onto, for example, computer screens so that visual and audio information can be usurped via the laser beam and thus remote surveillance can occur WITHOUT mics or cameras. In other words, with adequate microwave beaming, an entire 3D holographic read out of an entire area, I.e. everywhere, can be tapped into. Not only that, but the visual input from the eyes into the brain and the different brain wave states can be monitored and hacked into by this modern mind control technology. If you have ever seen the movie Videodrome, you will recall a helmet that records internal hallucinatory states. Another main component in the movie involved Satanic snuff/sex rituals and pirate satellite transmissions that piggy-backed on an encrypted channel, but were essentially beamed onto the entire populace. Aspects of these movies, such as in Spielberg's 'Taken' also depict what the NSA is doing at the highest level, which includes tweaking humanity's DNA and introducing negative frequencies onto the overall human populace who are not "shielded" or endowed with mutant DNA. This is, of course, for population reduction and also apparently for a genetic mutation of the species which is also depicted in the X-Men films (directed by Bryan Singer who has been accused by numerous sources to be involved with a shadowy Hollywood elite called 'The Group' who sexually molest young boys etc).

Although I can not prove it whatsoever and had until recently thought of as a "dear friend", one of the beloved guests on Project Camelot etc, Richard Alan Miller is actually very highly connected to ALL of this - as well as to the so-called "non-lethal weaponry" of John Alexander and what has been revealed as being called 'Murder Inc.' in Steven Greer's 'Forbidden Knowledge' book. Miller actually operates the microwave weaponry and does daily Personality Metamorph posts on a specific conspiracy forum and GLP as well as Facebook etc. They will target specific individuals online with fake accounts and do things like mess with their heads by posting information that is indicative of personal knowledge of the individual's personal environment etc. These people can SEE through our eyes and interact with our household appliances (by making them pop and click), and also entrain or pulse our brains with specific frequencies utilizing microwave ray guns and satellite-based weapons connected to HAARP and/or Pine Gap. The user ryba777 on the conspiracy torrent website 'ConCen' is also Richard Alan Miller and has posted information about these microwave guns along with veiled threats.

"World War 3 is being fought on the internet"
- Richard Alan Miller

p.s. A Personal Note: I have been being pulsed regularly for the past 2 months - I can feel electrical pulsing on my right temple, as well as all over my face, in my eyes and recently in both feet at specific intervals. When I am starting to enter REM sleep I am awakened by a blast of EMP to my face or the side of my head and can often feel prickles at specific regions in my brain - [although having recently purchased and been wearing a microwave blocking skull cap, the pulsing has started to occur in my feet.] Certain forum posts in direct reply to my own have hinted at threats involving microwave blasts. Specific posts and threads over the past 3 years are archived and correspondence documented. Specifically after an 'Ask Me Anything' thread by Michael Aquino where he was locked out of his main account upon being found out by staff that he was trolling regular users to the site. Springer, the owner and administrator of a competitor conspiracy forum was also notified of this PsyOps, the logistics of which are detailed in Michael Aquino's book 'MindWar', which reveal the manipulation of brain wave states in regards to modern psychological warfare techniques and their goals for spinning intelligence/stories online and accomplishing military goals without the use of physical warfare. Shortly after notifying admin for a certain forum, I started having internet and cell phone-related issues, up to and including my phone turning off when I was outside and in need of calling somebody at a specific time, and when I was finally able to re-start my phone, the background image had been changed. The phone battery also eventually swelled up and essentially exploded, likely from being pulsed with EMP so many times. I also have experienced a myriad of internet technical difficulties, too many to list here. I have had to endure a few episodes of gang-stalking, shortly after revealing Aquino and friends to a specific forum's mods, and a close friend of mine has also been victimized by mind control games and has verified several things with me as well. There was a period of time when I was merely under NSA surveillance, but since speaking up about specific people, namely Richard Alan Miller, who turns out to be my 'handler', these issues involving microwave pulsing have increased quite dramatically.

These Satanic operatives know a lot and can do a lot of technological things, particularly to mind-fuck and irritate people - but the irony is that they are all trapped having to do surveillance on people. 24/7. In that sense, they have, by virtue of their own self-fulfilling prophesy and complete reckless disregard, created their own digital Hell that they are the managerial class operators of. They might as well be chained and hand-cuffed! And on a metaphysical/archetypal level - they are eternally trapped. Remember that scene in 'Interstellar' when the astronaut gets trapped in the "morse code library" - back in time? Time travel to the moment when their timeline bifurcated into a dead end trap. They will basically have to Quantum jump like in the show Quantum Leap to pay off all their bad karma. Their technologies will be re-purposed...

I regret to add that the NSA utilize a vast majority of their surveillance capabilities for perverse sexual voyeurism. Even though a lot of the operatives are really old and their sexuality isn't working for them any longer, others spend a lot of time preying on people who are doing sexual things.

These Satanists actually do worship sexual perversion and they do try to steer innocent civilians down that path. Sex is all that is holy to most Satanists. Bestiality, snuff, child porn, mentally and physically handicapped people, incest, scat etc. They are into all of that! It's not just a stereotype!

Some guy with brains #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Nightmare Scenario that Could Keep Obama in Power

I've known enough people in intelligence to know that NOTHING is ever what it seems. (No Uncle intel, though). Imagine this:

Even Obama, and his inner circle, know that Hillary is the most corrupt person to ever run for any US political office. Given the breadth of the US surveillance state, there is little doubt Obama also knew about Weiner's laptop and exactly what is on it. So an alphabet intelligence agency sets a classic "honey trap" for Weiner, and the pervert falls for it. His incriminating laptop is confiscated, with damning information.

Now follow me. All this corruption news is too late to have an effect on the general Presidential vote. The election is rigged for Hillary to win. All the really treasonous evidence against Hillary and Bill will explode AFTER she wins the Presidency. But she will only be President Elect. Contrary to what you may think, Obama WILL NOT pardon her because these crimes will be so egregious and so heinous. He can't, and won't.

By standing against Hillary, and allowing prosecution, a lot of Republicans and Independents will be happy. This will trigger existing continuity of governance provisions and orders. The DNC is allowed to insert anyone, I believe. Obama will stay in power. All the Dems and Progs will be happy. But many of the more clueless Republicans will also be happy because Hillary and probably her husband, will be in jail.

Sharing is Caring #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

89% of earth's pop. are BOTS, only 11% are HUMAN, Only 1 Billion on Earth, Not 7

I listened to this video last night --- twice --- and it blew my mind. Around minute 30-31 they speak of this construct being an endless plane

Some of my notes with the minutes on the video noted

Time minute marker:
114 VACCINES and chemtrails ARE FOR THE BOTS, they activate them

More of my notes (sorry for the caps, that's how I took the notes)

1,000,000,000 = PEOPLE ON EARTH NOW
11 PERCENT are HUMANS = 60,000,000
89 PERCENT are "BOTS" = 940,000,000

BOTS, can also be defined as THOSE WHO LOVE THE MATRIX

6 PERCENT OF HUMANS are AWAKE = 3,600,000

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Chemtrails are designed to sap your will and autonomy

You will notice when they chemtrail an area, and it disperses, your ears will begin ringing much worse than before. It will be intense at night, if you wake up like at 2 a.m. or so.

The chemtrails contain nano sized aluminum and heavy metals. It's basically a conductive spray in the atmosphere that they then project a frequency through.

This frequency is near or exactly the wavelength of your brain patterns and you are being manipulated with this.

What are they doing? Not sure. Making us docile? Don't know. It more feels like some kind of pressure wave to sap your will to act. At least this is what I get from it.

It kind of turns your active mind off, as if you are on some kind of tranquilizer.

The motherfuckers deserve death for what they have done and one day the world over is going to find out what they have done and they will never be safe or be able to incarnate into a body ever again.

Every time they incarnate they will be killed. Over and over. They will never complete the cycle of life.

These bastards have made so many enemies that they will never be allowed in the body for maybe minutes at a time before being destroyed.

lost at sea #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

A firmament made of glass (most likely) exists above our heads. Outer space is not real.
The world we live in is a hoax. Fabricated and presented to us as an organic reality. We are apparently trapped in some type of giant structure submerged in water. Anyone know where the "exit" is?

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Once Hillary steals the election as the electoral college will be threatened and bribed, she will take office and suddenly have a health issue or even die.

The next in line her VP Tim Kaine will step up to the task of POTUS for nearly the entire term.

Tim Kaine's an excellent choice as far as the 'Illuminati' are concerned.

A few points about Tim Kaine.

He's a Jesuit Catholic and is very religiously driven.
He's against abortion and plans to ban it.
His wife is a circuit court judge..
He's against the death penalty and plans to ban it.
He's against the current wars with ISIS.
He's pro background checks and banning of 'assault' weapons.
He's a supporter of the Trans-Pacific partnership. (Basically USA Joining EU).
His background is squeaky clean.

Perfect for the job.
Will confuse everyone.

Saracen #racist godlikeproductions.com

The Moon represents non blacks..

Because of the essential purpose of each.

Black people are sun people because like a sun, they bring or sustain life wherever they go. Earth would not be in existence without the presence of one. Even the Nazi's new the sun was black, they just had a badly skewed view on it esoterically lol. Kubrick as well also had his own take and presented it as the 'the black monolith'.

'Black' seems to be a recurring theme here lol.

[link to en.wikipedia.org (secure)]
Thread: Eliphas Levi: A history of Magic
Thread: What did the Black Monolith in...

Now, if one examines a moon and its purpose, it is essentially void of life. Basically a desolate rock! This mirrors non blacks because their very purpose on the planet was to destroy life or bring chaos.

Thread: If we are to be "Ordered out of Chaos"...
Thread: Lucifer is representative of Agent Smith
Thread: My Interpretation of "The Great Work"

The moon also has significance to them because unlike the sun which comes out during the day, it appears in its prominence at night. Vampires and Werewolves are also shown to show their true 'nature' only at night and specifically under a moon, by either transforming into a wolf or vampire bat/parasite. The Matrix series also gave reference to this as well when the trio were being lead by the Merovingians wife to the Keymaker. If you look at the Wikipedia link, they talk of this very same bloodline being the origin of the 'black sun' lol.


Thread: Vampire of Consciousness
Thread: Symbiotic Relationships
Thread: A Heterotroph vs A Autotroph

This is important because non-blacks were created in secrecy or darkness (on a island) and the moon is indicative of this.

Thread: The Apple and The Urge
Thread: The Island of Dr. Moreau

You will also realise by taking a glimpse at the animal kingdom that most creatures are nocturnal, which means they only become active at night.

Thread: A Creature is..

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Proof There Is No "Outer Space."

Ask the question: How does the Earth's atmosphere stay adjacent to the Earth's surface?

The Tardly Answer is: "Gravity of The Earth."

Okay, let's assume that it is the Earth's gravity holding its atmosphere. If that is so, then opening up a container with a vacuum inside should not suck any air into it. After all, the "vacuum of space" surrounding the Earth is no different than a big bottle with a vacuum inside of it. But, the "vacuum of space" Does not suck up the Earth's atmosphere.

And, the sheer volume of the Earth's atmosphere should act no differently in response to a vacuum bottle than to a vacuum surrounding the Earth. You cannot refute this, for the same reason that small rocks fall at the same speed as huge rocks.

And Yes, the Earth does have enough gravity to make the atmosphere denser at the surface, just as there is increasing water pressure as one goes further under water.
It is just that there is no "outer space vacuum."

Put on your thinking caps, Snowflakes. And, try not to get upset.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

are white people from earth..... seriously?

when god created man from the earth man had melanin to protect him from the suns rays.

this may seem like a crazy question but i ask you to take a min and think of the white males history. it goes back to the caucus moutains. now keeping that in mind i ask a basic question how did white people become white ?in nature the animal kingdom all animals have defensive mechanisms.
what is the reason for being white?

some say the move from out of africa to the cooler climates produces this . and to me for a long time it made sense until u realize the eskimos have tint to their skin .

logically thinking the only way to have white skin is to have been underground. no sunshine. like in the movie time machine. i hate to use a movie as a example but you get the idea. a very dark piece of history is missing.

when the biblical flood hit the only place one could go was underground thats logic right? because afterwards the bible states that people survived afterwards the giants their numbers drastically reduced. many people from the four corners of the earth described them as white males red heads
with six fingers and six toes.

early indians would walk up to you and say the words" howe "raising their hand in the air to show they only had five fingers.

lets be honest the people of this planet were evolved to the point of using agriculture. white people came out of no-where to sit atop the food chain so to speak. they created the atom bomb , air planes ,computers banking and credit. they are clearly using reverse engineering all the things that were invented in the last 150 yrs is mind boggling. compared to the last million yrs. even a white person has to say what the heck is this all about? the zionists that one percent thats ruling and the catholic church are hiding facts. look at the tech of television come on there is something going on here.

forgive any spelling errors in trying to get these questions across. iam a history buff and the orgin of the white male with blue eyes well this is a riddle to be solved. the facts as they stand now would lead to a alien pressence undoubtedly unequivically so.

iam not trying to offend anyone not my intention i would like some legitimate ideas to the questions is all.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Reptilian George Soros proof of selling aborted babies to reptilian overlords - DCLeaks

Planned Parenthood Sought $1.5 Million From George Soros After Exposed Selling Baby Parts

New documents released today show the Planned Parenthood abortion business sought $1.5 million form liberal billionaire George Soros to help respond to the avalanche of negative publicity following the reseals of multiple videos showing the abortion company selling the body parts of aborted babies.

[link to www.lifenews.com]

Top Planned Parenthood Exec: Baby Parts Sales “A Valid Exchange,” Can Make "A Fair Amount of Income”

[link to www.youtube.com (secure)]

George Soros Has Spent Millions to Promote Big Abortion, But Someone Has Spent Even More

The concern that drove corporate titans to invest in and promote groups like Planned Parenthood in the 1950s and 1960s does not seem to have abated. As recently as 2009, several of the richest and most powerful people in America got together, at Bill Gates’ request, to discuss solutions to some of the world’s most pressing problems. Chief among them? Overpopulation (“Billionaire club in bid to curb overpopulation” London Sunday Times, 5/24/09).

Members of that group that met included David Rockefeller Jr., Warren Buffett, George Soros, Michael Bloomberg, Ted Turner, and Oprah Winfrey.

[link to www.lifenews.com]

And here is some "Pre-cooked" meat for sale;

Aborted babies incinerated to heat UK hospitals

[link to www.telegraph.co.uk]

Me114 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

This instance proves the Mandela Effect without a doubt, and that the effect is indeed Satanic.

Thread: Who remembers that Peter saw two footed beasts the 2nd time the sheet came down in Acts. Ch.10?? Mandela Effect?

This link shows an exhaustive list of changes in the Bible [link to mandela-effect.bplaced.net]

From that list, the most egregious and the one that proves that the enemy is behind the changes is Genesis 3:15.

Who here remembers the word crush in that verse?

Gen 3:15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

Quoting: Bible

There is a huge difference between the seed of the woman who is Jesus who is said to CRUSH the head of the serpent, compared with only to BRUISE the head of the serpent.

Can everyone see that?

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Ok so I've been piecing together everything for years now ..

And I've thought and I've thought and I've thought and the White genocide theory doesn't make sence , Jews although mentally ill have very high IQ amongst the highest in the world they are far from stupid they know once whites are gone the world will decend on them like ants

Muslims despise them and black despise them like worse than hitker did so white genocide well it doesn't fit the theory ,

Russia along with USA and China all are building underground seed bunkers and tunnels , the noises you are hearing worldwide in the skies are these tunnels being drilled on hitting certain types of bedrock these noises are created

So let's look at the facts trillions upon trillions worldwide have been siphoned off so much Infact that it caused the first global crash in 2008 ..

We cannot all seven billion of us go into these tunnels and bases there just is no where near enough to room so what do the elite have to do ..

Create war , you fucking think these top notch gov scientists don't know what's coming , it's all writain the bible fffs they just got to work out when , now looking at prophesy and things being for filled were getting close , near the day of the Lord whilst all us are fighting worldwide they will slide into the bunkers whilst we are destroyed and there you have it ..

Nothing else makes sence , there is no other theory , this is the only thing that makes sence , look how much this racism and gun grab and political correctness and all this bullshit has took us away from stuff like Planet X , comets , stars missing on google sky , X in the ocean of Google etc

We are being took away from the truth people ..

It will be here September #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

You FUCKERS want be alright for long. Mother Fucking Nibiru is really on the way THIS TIME Fucker will be here September 24th next month.

And I don't have to tell you a Mother Fucking thing. You either know it are you don't. Mother Fuckers with knowledge out there know it and this time the Mother Fucker is for real.

And I am not going to post no Mother Fucking video. You either know it by now are you don't.

The Fucker is on the way and will be here in September. Mother Fucker will kill most of us instantly freezing us like it did the Fucken dinosors with Fucken Food still in there mouths. The earth was flung out for a period of time to far away from the sun and froze every fucken thing down to 200 degrees below zero.

Then we gonna swing back up near the FUCKEN SUN and we all going to be burnt to death.


Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Mandela Effect Explanation

I cannot prove it, but I know it.
The chronology of events in my life, i remember it clearly.

9/11 was done using "high" technology, ie scalar waves.

I think that it would be the perfect time to stage a mass
ritual/sacrifice using "possibility" (instead of time).

The whole world distracted and confused about events that
day would leave one with this as the last thought in their
mind about it. I think other scalar events too they HAVE to
fakely show off in the news to "get away with it", ie MH370,
ecetera ecetera, false flags, whatever. They slightly change
the "time" were in by getting the masses on a similar

Does anyone elese rememeber that hurricane that was
supposed to hit NYC that day? Poof? Gone?

What about the strange magnometer and richter readings
from the event....

I think its a possibility.

I welcome any input or doubt, but please with examples
or something to back it up.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Generation X Is The Last And Only Line of Defense Against The NWO

Just a thought i had but the Baby boomers sold us out to globalists and now we are living worse off then they did because of it and they are now too old to fight back even thought they should have been their whole lives instead of doing drugs and giving up the fight after Woodstock.

The millennials are being brain washed into some weird shit like Transgender acceptance and of course socialism is being taught in every school and every college and if you do not accept it you will be smeared publicly on social media, So of course most of them are going to go along with the communist agenda, loss of god given rights and go along for the free stuff that they can get.

So yes it falls on to the Gen X'ers the ones who grew up without being 100% "plugged" in all the time with their faces in the screens 24/7. It up to the Gen X'ers who look at more important things than "PEWDIE PIE" on Youtube. Its up to the ones who are right now in their primes and strong enough to fight back.

This time is always NOW and its the X'ers time to prove that they can do it better then the generation before them and maybe show some of the younger generations a better alternative to Communism...

AJew #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

How Zionists trade gold

They do it mostly to people that have strong chi energy and those who meditate. They fill your body with nanochips mostly near the yellow and orange chakras. Those nanochips are Radio Frequency activated. Meaning that when there is a needed Frequency "in the air" those chips begin to cause damage to your chakras. Your lower chakras emit yellowish and orange light. When done to many - the reality changes colors. It has psychological effect on the Gold prices.

White Gloves #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Notice QUEEN of ENGLAND & Bloodline Never TATTOO nor Wear a Cross/Crucifix??

Ever notice the Lizard Queen of England and her globalist bloodlines never have tattoos?

They leave that to mark us as slaves.

The beastly Lizard People never wear a cross/crucifix about their necks, because they bow down not to God Almighty and Jesus the Christ.

Should that inform our thinking and actions?

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The U.S. Election Process Explained From Start To Finish

"Uncle Bill?"

"Yes Timmy?"

"All day I have been wondering about the election process. Can you explain everything from start to finish?"

"Sure Timmy. It's all about the illusion of choice and the complete control of the masses. The oligarchy meets secretly amongst themselves and decides which of them will volunteer to run for election. Some run as left wing, and some as right, pretending to be in opposition."

"This is the Hegelian dialectic in action. It gets back to the illusion of choice."

"Hegelian dialectic, usually presented in a threefold manner, was stated by Heinrich Moritz Chalybäus as comprising three dialectical stages of development: a thesis, giving rise to its reaction, an antithesis, which contradicts or negates the thesis, and the tension between the two being resolved by means of a synthesis."

"For example when people are talking about 2 political parties, Republican or Democrat, what they’re actually referring to, without realizing it, is the thesis and the antithesis based off the Hegelian Dialectic. The only real debate that occurs is just the minor differences between those two parties. Nothing is said or done about the issues that neither left or right is discussing. This in particular will become more apparent as the election draws near."

"Almost all major events in history employ the Hegelian Dialectic of: Problem – manufacture a crisis or take advantage of one already in place in order to get the desired Reaction of public outcry whereby the public demands a Solution which has been predetermined from the beginning. A classic example is 9/11."

"The centrally controlled mass media gives 100% media coverage to the predetermined candidates and no coverage to anybody else. On election day electronic voting machines automatically change the winning votes to the predetermined candidates. Meanwhile, the populace feels their vote actually matters, even though it is the electoral college which actually casts the votes. The electoral college is a small group of establishment handlers who tow the party line every time and ignore the will of the people. The new member of the oligarchy is installed for 8 years, because single term presidencies were phased out in the 1980's. They were really only needed to create an artificial contrast between America and the Soviet Union. Anyway, once the Berlin wall fell they dispensed with that."

"Um, ok then..."

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

This is the secret code that the Freemasons, and the Jesuits Order follow: THE SECRET COVENANT

This is the secret code that the Freemasons, and the Jesuits Order follow:

"An illusion it will be, so large, so vast it will escape their perception.
Those who will see it will be thought of as insane. We will create separate fronts to prevent them from seeing the connection between us. We will behave as if we are not connected to keep the illusion alive. Our goal will be accomplished one drop at a time so as to never bring suspicion upon ourselves. This will also prevent them from seeing the changes as they occur.
"We will always stand above the relative field of their experience for we know the secrets of the absolute. We will work together always and will remain bound by blood and secrecy. Death will come to he who speaks.
"We will keep their lifespan short and their minds weak while pretending to do the opposite. We will use our knowledge of science and technology in subtle ways so they will never see what is happening. We will use soft metals, aging accelerators and sedatives in food and water, also in the air. They will be blanketed by poisons everywhere they turn.
The soft metals will cause them to lose their minds. We will promise to find a cure from our many fronts, yet we will feed them more poison. The poisons will be absorbed through their skin and mouths, they will destroy their minds and reproductive systems. From all this, their children will be born dead, and we will conceal this information.
The poisons will be hidden in everything that surrounds them, in what they drink, eat, breathe and wear. We must be ingenious in dispensing the poisons for they can see far. We will teach them that the poisons are good, with fun images and musical tones. Those they look up to will help. We will enlist them to push our poisons.
"They will see our products being used in film and will grow accustomed to them and will never know their true effect. When they give birth we will inject poisons into the blood of their children and convince them its for their help. We will start early on, when their minds are young, we will target their children with what children love most, sweet things.
When their teeth decay we will fill them with metals that will kill their mind and steal their future. When their ability to learn has been affected, we will create medicine that will make them sicker and cause other diseases for which we will create yet more medicine. We will render them docile and weak before us by our power. They will grow depressed, slow and obese, and when they come to us for help, we will give them more poison.
"We will focus their attention toward money and material goods so they many never connect with their inner self. We will distract them with fornication, external pleasures and games so they may never be one with the oneness of it all. Their minds will belong to us and they will do as we say. If they refuse we shall find ways to implement mind-altering technology into their lives.
We will use fear as our weapon. We will establish their governments and establish opposites within. We will own both sides. We will always hide our objective but carry out our plan. They will perform the labor for us and we shall prosper from their toil.
"Our families will never mix with theirs. Our blood must be pure always, for it is the way. We will make them kill each other when it suits us. We will keep them separated from the oneness by dogma and religion. We will control all aspects of their lives and tell them what to think and how. We will guide them kindly and gently letting them think they are guiding themselves.
We will foment animosity between them through our factions. When a light shall shine among them, we shall extinguish it by ridicule, or death, whichever suits us best. We will make them rip each other’s hearts apart and kill their own children. We will accomplish this by using hate as our ally, anger as our friend. The hate will blind them totally, and never shall they see that from their conflicts we emerge as their rulers.
They will be busy killing each other. They will bathe in their own blood and kill their neighbors for as long as we see fit.
"We will benefit greatly from this, for they will not see us, for they cannot see us. We will continue to prosper from their wars and their deaths. We shall repeat this over and over until our ultimate goal is accomplished. We will continue to make them live in fear and anger though images and sounds. We will use all the tools we have to accomplish this. The tools will be provided by their labor. We will make them hate themselves and their neighbors.
"We will always hide the divine truth from them, that we are all one. This they must never know! They must never know that color is an illusion, they must always think they are not equal. Drop by drop, drop by drop we will advance our goal. We will take over their land, resources and wealth to exercise total control over them. We will deceive them into accepting laws that will steal the little freedom they will have. We will establish a money system that will imprison them forever, keeping them and their children in debt.
"When they shall ban together, we shall accuse them of crimes and present a different story to the world for we shall own all the media. We will use our media to control the flow of information and their sentiment in our favor. When they shall rise up against us we will crush them like insects, for they are less than that. They will be helpless to do anything for they will have no weapons.
"We will recruit some of their own to carry out our plans, we will promise them eternal life, but eternal life they will never have for they are not of us. The recruits will be called “initiates” and will be indoctrinated to believe false rites of passage to higher realms. Members of these groups will think they are one with us never knowing the truth.
They must never learn this truth for they will turn against us. For their work they will be rewarded with earthly things and great titles, but never will they become immortal and join us, never will they receive the light and travel the stars. They will never reach the higher realms, for the killing of their own kind will prevent passage to the realm of enlightenment. This they will never know.
The truth will be hidden in their face, so close they will not be able to focus on it until its too late. Oh yes, so grand the illusion of freedom will be, that they will never know they are our slaves.
"When all is in place, the reality we will have created for them will own them. This reality will be their prison. They will live in self-delusion. When our goal is accomplished a new era of domination will begin. Their minds will be bound by their beliefs, the beliefs we have established from time immemorial.
"But if they ever find out they are our equal, we shall perish then. THIS THEY MUST NEVER KNOW. If they ever find out that together they can vanquish us, they will take action. They must never, ever find out what we have done, for if they do, we shall have no place to run, for it will be easy to see who we are once the veil has fallen. Our actions will have revealed who we are and they will hunt us down and no person shall give us shelter.
"This is the secret covenant by which we shall live the rest of our present and future lives, for this reality will transcend many generations and life spans. This covenant is sealed by blood, our blood. We, the ones who from heaven to earth came."
"This covenant must NEVER, EVER be known to exist.
It must NEVER, EVER be written or spoken of for if it is, the consciousness it will spawn will release the fury of the PRIME CREATOR upon us and we shall be cast to the depths from whence we came and remain there until the end time of infinity itself."

Purple Rose #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Oh, London, what have you done? You have allowed your City to be infiltrated by a Muslim, who is slowly implementing Shariah Law.

[link to www.newsmax.com]
London has elected a Muslim Mayor, which is not new news. But the fact he is slowly implementing Sharia law into our beautiful London is.

He has just censored the first advertisement on the side of a bus of a woman in a swimsuit. No fun at beach for you this summer, London.

This is the same thing as what the United States did when they chose Obama as President. They let a nest of Muslims take over that White House, and look at the way Americans have suffered.

Shariah law must be the one thing we must fight until we can fight no more. Why are we still electing Muslims into our Westernized cities?

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

TPTB's plan B is revealed through Donald's loose mouth

Donald's loose tongue revealed TPTB's plot for American Civil War. American Civil War by armed resistance is the plan B secretly shared between TPTB and Russia in case Hillary wins the election.

That was the ultimate plan B of Khazarian Mafia and Bushes which are in bed with Russia. That is now revealed to the public.

Putin's open threat, that if Hillary wins, it's war, has a reason for it.

Actually, that is part of the plot. Putin comes from the outside and Trump instigates the riot from the inside.

That is the plan B. It is now revealed. God helped America again. He made Trump slip the tongue.

Pinkorchild #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Mandated vaccines will be a toxic reality of a Killary Clinton administration

If Hillary Clinton is elected president of the United States, there will be a national mandatory vaccine program.

It is painfully evident with her selection for vice president and the mention of some nefarious players in the mandated vaccine battle that the former secretary likely intends to appoint to her cabinet.

For starters, the potential future vice president Tim Kaine is a huge shill for the pharmaceutical industry. He has collected tens of thousands of dollars in "campaign contributions" and signed heinous laws in favor of his Big Pharma friends - like that one time he signed a law mandating the HPV vaccine for 6th grade girls in Virginia.

I wonder if the Virginia HPV mandate had anything to do with Kaine's buddies at Merck and the announcement to "invest $57 million to expand the role its Elkton facility plays in producing Gardasil, Merck's cervical cancer vaccine." (Source)
"It's critical that Merck has sufficient production capacity to meet growing worldwide demand for its medicines and vaccines," said Dr. Charles Vencill, plant manager. "We appreciate the ongoing support of the Kaine administration and local officials to make this additional expansion possible."

less than 50%
[link to www.sott.net (secure)]

Ralph--a house dog #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


A few tidbits of rumors are floating around that Hillary's double(s) will be used to install her in the White House, if necessary.

Speculation is rampant, as her condition worsens. What would happen to the election if she dies or becomes too incapacitated to carry on the campaign or be sworn in if she wins? If it happened today, they have time to put in someone else. But later?

The DNC and TPTB could decide to hush it all up (they are skilled at that) and make use of one of the doubles you can be certain exist. Saddam Hussein is said to have had several dozen look-alikes at is disposal.

As long as they can avoid the debates, they can skate home with the prize: POTUS

IF the bitch wins.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

UFOs are a hoax or PSYOP by the GOVT & Hollywood.

There is no proof for such a thing, even as most people carry around a camera.

The reason for this HOAX or PSYOP is the same reason as the moon landing HOAX - NASA Want to create evidence of Big Bang (because they lack real evidence.)

So if there is life out there somewhere, that means there are more planets, created by the Big Bang, not God.

The so-call UFO/ET Crop circles were made by the govt to trick the masses.

In the 1960s nobody believe in UFO/ET. Today?

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Denver Mural, Brazil Olympics, Zika, Zika Vaccine, & the Poor Jaguar that Died at Opening Ceremony

So, last night, a thought came to me and woke me up at 4am and I haven't been able to get it out of my head. I'm hoping that posting it will give me a little peace.

So in another post, someone mentioned the dead Jaguar in the Denver Intl. Airport Mural and the apocolyptic meaning. I think this jaguar dying was some type of signal/sacrifice to begin the end.

Brazil has supposedly been struck by the Zika virus via mosquitos. Well, I believe it has been proven that Monsanto has been testing a new pesticide, actually a larvaeside to kill Larva nervous system or brains befoe the have time to develop. This just happened to be the year before Zika became so prevelant.

I just heard it announced by Innova Pharmecuticuls that a new vaccine for Zika is beginning human trial on 40 healthy individuals. They fasttrack the crap out of these things, so it will probably be ready to distribute as prescriptions within the year.

My fear is that people from all around the world will be visiting Brazil for the Olympics, eating food that still has the larvaeside being sprayed on it, bringing it back to their home countries and governments all around the world will start declaring that we have an epidemic on our hands.

In to save the day just in time will be the new Zika Vaccine and who knows what that will do to people. Even scarier is the thought of them being forced on people to stop the spread.

"Donald Trump" #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The Entire US Electorate Are "Crisis Actors" In The 2016 Election False Flag To get Hillary Clinton Elected.

Yes he is throwing it. There is no way in HELL that you can alienate 90% of the electorate unless it is intentional.

But the fact that Trump is working for the democrats is not the story really.

The real story is how ALL of you are being used as Crisis Actors in this False Flag to get the candidate elected that will continue the Bush era Neo Con agenda that Obama continued as if Bush never left office.

You are looking everywhere for Crisis actors, everywhere except in the mirror. No wonder Bush was laughing and dancing at the executed Policemen's funeral.

He could barely contain his laughter.

Trump is in on it,The democrats are in on it. We are all in on it as Crisis Actors and we don't even know it.

We all must look fucking hilarious.

Ramen Expert #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Slow motion of Apollo astronauts proved moon landing is a hoax. They should jump faster and fall slower.

Most hoax speculators point out the shadows of the astronauts were wrong, or scenary never changes no matter how far the astronauts traveled, or no stars in the sky, etc. But the real dead giveaway is the slow motion of their movement.

If you drop a feather and a stone together inside a vaccumed chamber, you will see they both fall to the bottom at the same speed at 9.8 meters per second.

Although moon gravity is about one sixth of Earth gravity, but it cannot give the astronauts a slow motion effect. Slow motion can only be achieved under water or in the middle of space. Moon still has gravity. And there is no water nor air on moon. So how can astronauts move in slow motion?

The astronuts weighs about 260 pounds on Earth. On moon its still a whoping 45 pounds. How can a 45 pound object jump up and down in slow motion like that? They still should fall to the moon ground instantly just like on Earth. Dammit they still weigh 45 pounds even if they claim they are on moon. There is no air nor water to drag their falls too.

They are lighter on the moon and are more powerful in their legs. They should jump fast like a grass hopper and fall slower. But both their jumps and falls are in slow motion. This cannot be right. Feels like they are under water. Even when they jump you see the drag. There is no water on the moon.

Moon gravity is 1.6 meters per second. Which means if you hold a coin up high at 5 or 6 feet above ground and drop the coin, it should hit the ground in exactly 1 second. Thats not so slow. Its very similar to Earth gravity and your naked eye should not detect the difference.

But you see these astronauts bounce around like they are made of balloons and stuff. They jump slowly and fall slowly. In 1 second the coin thats 6 feet above ground should have hit the ground. And these guys did not even finish falling yet. And they only jumped like a foot high.

And let me remind you there is no air on the moon. On Earth your fall would be slowed down a little bit due to air pressure drag. This means you do not fall exactly 9.8 meters per second. You fall a little slower depending on your weight and what you wear. Bu on the moon a coin 6 feet above ground will surely hit the ground in 1 second. So how can people tell the slight difference between a fall on earth and on moon? But anybody can tell that Apollo astronauts are bouncing around like balloons very slowly.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

I will tell you some secrets for no other reason than to jade my family. I am of the bloodlines.

I am also a member of this site but I am not going to log in or tell you who I am because I will only get harassed constantly about the things the families do and from people wanting secrets.
Also I am on VPN of course.

Now on to the fun part.

Did you know the products you buy all have spells put on them in the warehouse before they hit store shelves? There are people who are paid just to do this. Everything you see at Walmart has been charmed or hexed accordingly. Everything. Big rituals done regularly to every shipment of goods.

Walmarts and Walgreens have catwalks for snipers and sections of building that are removable to accommodate machine gun nests.

FEMA camps are for whatever we need them for. They were built just in case. They are even designed to protect families and employees of the upper echelon if need be. Think of it like a kennel to protect their favorite pets until they can pick them up. They are purposed for over a dozen completely pre-planned out initiatives. Yes some of those purposes are killing people.

Oreos have nicotine in them.

Free energy is real and largely solar. It is the easiest to implement world wide but there are other methods of free energy as well. The trick to making solar efficient and powerful is very simple. It will come out eventually. We all use it.

Illegal psychology, sociology,pharmacology, occult magic and technology are the instruments used to make the music being played to control you. All in concert. A layered affect is the means to its usefulness. It creates a cacophony that people can not identify. They lack the scope of logic to understand what is happening to them.

The future of technology is largely magnetic and vibrational as well as specifically audio vibrational. Vibratio can be used to tell spiders what shape to build a Web in for instance. Vibration is nature's language. The universes language actually. Other planets speak to us using vibrations. The planet itself I mean. Aliens talk to us with lazers that have messages encoded in the light.

All top celebrities and politicians involved in the occult have eaten human flesh as a form of initiation to them and a means of blackmail for us. They are cannabils. We do not partake in this. We simply let them believe we do.

If I am not banned or deleted I will return.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Soulless people are immitation humans. They are occult constructs reflecting the image of human beings to operate within the human psyche so real soul empowered humans can sucum to the control mechanisms obscure relationship of its power over human consciousness.

This shit is so deep there's no telling where it ends.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Khizr Khan the Muzzie set up Hillary's email server! LOL the shit just gets better and better!

Kahn set up Hillarys email server

Does CNN plan to, in the future, have a discussion about all of Khizr Khan’s various connections to the law firm that A) prepared Hillary Clinton’s taxes, B) helped with various aspects of Hillary Clinton’s illicit homebrew email server, C) is paid by the government of Saudi Arabia for representation here in the United States, among other things?

[link to www.breitbart.com]

Anonymous Coward #racist godlikeproductions.com

God Hasn't Made White People Since The Wurm.

The reality is that the entire earth is so warm that the depigmentation that created the demelaninated Caucasoid can no longer even take place no matter where you are on the planet.

The Wurm Glaciation has long receded so it is kinda ridiculous to ask why Blacks don't go back to Africa. Whites cannot go back to the ice age so the process of re melaninization is reoccurring and there is nothing Whites can do about it.

By trying to tamper with the weather to stop it Whites have actually heated the planet and accelerated it.

By being in love with Whiteness Whites are in love with a physical state that is outdated and not only not useful but is actually unhealthy and dangerous.

You will not be able to be White again until you get trapped again in another Wurm for a few thousand years away from direct sunlight.

In the mean time "Whites" will be re melaninized for your own survival of suffer the ill effects like Cancer and genetic brittleness.

By fighting Blackness you are fighting Nature by fighting Nature you are fighting God. The enemy of God is the Devil.

America has conditioned Caucasians to be in love with an unnatural physical state and look upon it with pride.

The Jews have manipulated this "Pride" to create a false image of White Supremacy in order to keep Whites focused on hating Blacks and not on the Jews themselves

Daniel-Cherry #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

David Bowie Has Been Upgraded and Is Currently Living on Blackstar (Nibiru)

He is living on Blackstar (Nibiru).

He earned his upgrade through his promotion of Extraterrestrial life and the great unknown (Outer Space).

When Blackstar (Nibiru) reaches its closest proximity to Earth once again, he will be the face of contact, and represent the Nibiruians (Our Gods) when the transition occurs.

He was possesed during the creation of Blackstar, the chosen one to plant the seed.

Blackstar (Nibiru) will block out the Sun.

This will be the days of darkness, as the Nibiruians (Our Gods) are beings of the darkworld.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Nuclear Fission is a Fraud

OK, no retards allowed - this is not a retard thread!

These are my GLP-level reasons for stating this, and I would like to see if anyone can scientifically demonstrate otherwise:

1. If nuclear FUSION is possible, and it is - that is how much of the Helium is created in the universe - part of the Sun's energy (the other part is Hydrogen->Hydrino transitions), then by definition, nuclear FISSION energy is IMPOSSIBLE! You can't have it both ways. Either energy is released from splitting nuclei, or energy is released from fusing nuclei, but you can't have it both ways! Just as you can't get energy out of a spring from both compressing it and decompressing it. Just basic physics, common sense.

2. You will NEVER EVER EVER see anyone taking some U235 rods and make a bucket of water boil. I guarantee, this will never happen - you will never even see a scientific demonstration of even the smallest amount of U235 generating any heat in any fashion at all. It simply will not happen. It has never happened. And why not? There is no reason other than it just can't be done. And that is also why you will never find a serious scientific Journal of Nuclear Physics (concerning energy, not just atomic reactions).

3. All nuclear weapons are a hoax - you will NEVER EVER EVER see any real evidence of a nuclear explosion - all "nuclear" explosions you have ever seen have been massive chemical bombs - and it's easy to make them "dirty" of course. A real nuclear fission bomb would simply emit electromagnetic radiation because there is no material that can actually explode, it would just be pure energy, and it would not look exactly like a dirty chemical bomb as seen in all typical "nuclear bomb" photos. And of course ICBMs are 100% fake, because anything leaving the atmosphere will burn up upon re-entry - which is why satellites don't crash into your homes - they burn up like meteors, as would ICBMs and Apollo modules. It's simply ALL FAKE. And you are all idiots for not demanding hard evidence for all these expensive things before you pay for them - they are just scams to pay for things like Chemtrail programs.

4. People might say "but I see nuclear power plants! And Fukushima is spreading radiation all over!" But it's all BS. You are all just fed non-stop BS. Nuclear power plants are more likely HAARP facilities that require access to large portions of the energy grid, and that is why nobody cares that they are built on FAULT LINES! Nobody can honestly say much about Fukushima, because nobody here is allowed to go see it for themselves. Or any other nuclear facility for that matter - you only get "reports".

5. Nobody will EVER EVER EVER be allowed to enter a "nuclear power plant" and watch metal rods make super-heated steam - it simply will not happen. And why not? It is not dangerous - there is no need for it to be secret and exclusive - the only reason is that it is all a fraud. There is no need for a "nuclear power plant" to have such massive cooling towers - that would just be wasted energy; they are more likely to be hiding large microwave arrays. That is the best theory I have as to where all these HAARP weather-control things are hiding and how they are getting their power (and they do a lot more than weather control - as anyone knows if they have read the USAF Owning the Weather by 2025 document).

I could say a lot more because I have verified the fraud of nuclear science mathematically, but that is beyond the scope of GLP and this post. My challenge is for anyone to prove Nuclear Fission Energy is possible - and you will never be able to do it - even though you hand over trillions of dollars for it. And as people catch-on to the fraud - you will see it all vanish into the history books. If interested in the bomb side of the topic, see: [link to heiwaco.tripod.com]

But I declare all fission energy to be a hoax, not just the bombs, and of course, the burden is always upon those making the claim - the claim that nuclear fission energy does in fact exist.

KABOOM THE MOONS #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Just saw the batman/dracula vs/is superman movie and it was nice to see again how the elite/lunar scum is scared shitless about what is coming for them from above!

Nice for them to remind us they're in deep shit but the question for humanity is...

When Odysseus/Judge Dredd comes back to his island to kill mama/medusa/lilith and her suitors/elite are we're going to help him like Telemachus or become fools like in the movie Wanted with angelina jolie and try to kill him?

Are we gonna help the galactic police destroy all the moons on this solar system or we're going to protect them from them?


Found amazing how blatant this batman vs superman movie showed to our face the true face of batman and superman!.

Batman: I came to drink you dry!=Vampire=Dracula!
Superman statue: One hand points down, the other points up= Baphomet=Satan=False Savior=Wolf in sheep's clothing=Satan=Alien Reptilian!

With doomsday Hollywood showed exactly what superman is, a lifeforce leech/succubus!

See also how identical death both superman and doomsday had which gives away they're doubles!
Also batman and superman having a mother with the same name is another subliminal that batman/dracula/drink you dry lifeforce leech=superman!

On the scene where batman was fighting in the desert and everyone who was dying there was getting picked up by insects, this is a blatant symbolism of how the lunar bees collect our souls when we die!
I now have a good picture of how they collect human souls even during wars when thousands of humans die at the same time.

Then the movie showed all souls that were picked up from the dead human bodies were imprisoned in snakeman's whereabouts/moon where he is worshiped as god and were getting burned by him alive!

In the beginning of this movie was shown also to everyone's face that the light they see after death is a lie a trap A FREAKING LUNAR SCAM/TRICK!

A new thing i noticed is how the very batman suit when is empty gives away that batman is joker!
When you look at the suit empty it looks like it's laughing exactly like joker with the mouth wide open!

In batman arkham asylum was shown also to our face that batman and joker are doubles!

Have exposed many times before in all hollywood movies the hero and the villain are doubles. Same goes to draconian japanese/chinese cartoons(see dbz), religions etc etc.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Alex Jones Proves He's Cointel Pro

This election cycle Jones has fully revealed that he is controlled opposition

He spent his career pointing out how elections are a charade and that presidents are nothing more then bankster pawns and how the false left vs right paradigm is a control mechanism of the banksters

and now he and hid site are full blown right wing propaganda. SO much for the false left vs right paradigm he spoke out against all those years

and now he thinks elections aren't a charade and that presidents aren't bankster pawns. SO much for his entire career of pointing out the conspiracy behind these bullshit bankster fake elections

Those of us who've been in the conspiracy scene for decades, could tell when Jones was coming up he was a con man, and we watched over the years as Jones became more popular how he was becoming more and more transparent then he was to begin with.

And now he's a full blown right wing, elections are real, MSM propagandist.

the conspiracy scene has been successfully infiltrated by those who control the MSM

conspiracy sites now choose sides between the bullshit left vs right fake paradigm and they promote bullshit bankster elections and the idea that presidents run the country.

the elite have taken over the conspiracy sites just like they took over the MSM

any conspiracy site that promotes these bullshit fake elections and promotes that you must choose one of the two puppets and promotes this idea that presidents are in charge proves they are controlled opposition

its ALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLF?ake #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com




Anonymous Coward #fundie godlikeproductions.com

I can prove that evolution is false in one post. Ready. Go.

Get me, one star DCN bandit, because evolution is ridiculous and here is why.

Take any organism you want. A tiny organism only made up of a few cells. A bird. A fish. A dog. A human. A plant. Whatever.

Got it? Good.

Now, once it is dead, blend it up in a blender.

You now have every part needed to create life. Every cell, every molecule, every protein, all of it, is right there in liquid form.

Now, you tell me. With any of the above life forms. How long will it take for life to emerge, when all of the parts are there together?

It will not. Ever. It does not happen.

Evolution teaches that somehow these proteins found each other with enough time and chance. I have just shown you that not only will they never find each other. When they DO find each other, they do not form life. Or evolve.

I mean the obvious fact that animals multiply within their own kind, and the fossil record showing that this has always happened, disproves it as well. As does the complexity of the DNA code, which contains intelligence in it's design.

But it cannot, and never would, happen, biologically, scientifically. I don't care if you believe in God or not, there is no possibility life formed by chance. And I used to buy the whole thing as well, studied it in college.

Sham. Total sham, invented to dispose of morality.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

The HAARP frequency fence and the inducement of collective delusion and madness.

As the planet transitions from a 3rd to 4th density frequency and environ, holding the population in a 3rd density frequency is the aim and goal of HAARP arrays around the world. The 'clash' between the natural 'evolution' of the planet inclusive of the human population and the frequency 'wall' put up by the 'authorities' is creating total, psychological madness and delusion in the population. GLP used to have a good thread with links to real-time HAARP output - weighing it against 'events' that involve mass delusion shootings, murder-suicides, etc.

Be sure, upon inspection, the relationship will be shown to exist that HAARP is in high output phase when mass meltdowns occur.

Expect even more unreal displays of total psychosis and acting out as things 'heat up' and frequency fence output increases to its limits to hold the people in.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

World Governments were ESTABLISHED by aliens from outer space.

I am not even joking.

The Anunnaki or as they were known in Egypt the Neteru, hybridized with humans to make a worker race. And they also took children of their own from these offspring to be the kings and representatives of their empire.

For Example, the god Ra in Egypt is the Anunnaki Marduk.

His symbol is the Ram or Ares.

His human son was Menes and he made him the king of the first dynasty of the joined south and north kingdoms. So he was the first Pharoah.

Menes was from the ancient city Mendes.

Known as: "The Domain of the Ram Lord of Djedet"

The Ram Lord is of course Ra / Marduk.

The Goat of Mendes. Baphomet.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

[**MEGA TRUTH**] The Ongoing Story of You Know Who - Decoded and Extracted from Fake "News" and Media

This thread will be an ongoing compilation of the occult story being told by those in the know.

The Baton Rouge "Shooting"

What's in a name?


Gavin is the late medieval form of the name Gawain, which in turn is believed to have originated from the Welsh name Gwalchgwyn, meaning "White Hawk." Sir Gawain and the Green Knight is an epic poem connected with King Arthur's Round Table.

The occult King Arthur connection:

When he was born, Arthur was taken by Merlin. He was cut from any family bonds. This symbolizes that in order to pursue the path of spirit, one should cut all worldly attachments. Merlin symbolizes his spiritual guide or teacher. He stayed with his spiritual teacher for a long time after he overcame his attachments.
He eventually overcame the first portion of his lower nature (false ego). This is symbolized by taking the two-edged sword of the truth -- Excalibur -- from the stone of the false ego (raising of the kundalini). By marrying Guinevere, he was unified with his soulmate and through marriage, he purified his sexual relationship.
He repented for his action and understood that by the misuse of his powers, he had broken a great Law of the spirit and he promised he would never do it again. That is why the Lady (Holy Ghost) of the Lake (consciousness) gave back his sword of truth (Excalibur). He did not have to take it out of the stone any longer. He had already awakened his kundalini. The powers were taken from him only as a test and lesson. When these lessons were learned, God gave him back what was his birthright.
It was then that the quest for the highest state of consciousness -- The Holy Grail -- or Pure Consciousness, started. The Knights and King Arthur, who were all aiming for the highest, understood that with all their achievements they still had not found the complete truth. After a great struggle they realized that highest state -- The Holy Grail -- is within themselves. To purify and conquer the impurities within was an even greater struggle than the establishment of the Round Table and his kingdom.


English form of Eugenius, the Latin form of the Greek name Ευγενιος (Eugenios) which was derived from the Greek word ευγενης (eugenes) meaning "well born". This was the name of several saints and four popes.


Originally a nickname for a person who had long legs or arms, or that was tall.

Once again (just like Micah Xavier Johnson) the last name has a phallic undertone. In this case, a long penis.


The Anomaly may have long legs/arms and is undergoing purification to detach from worldly things. Once he has achieved detachment, his power will be restored along with his birthright.

darkwolf007 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

With the organic growers of whatever produce and livestock they do I think and feel the vast majority of them are fairly honest in what they do. You know precisely what you're getting. Fruits and vegetables that weren't grown in a quagmire of pesticides and other similar crap from Monsanto. With livestock you know they weren't eating their own dead kind, eating anything that went against their natural diet as a species, and even probably wasn't subjected to endless frequent bouts of antibiotics either.

However... with GMO or less commonly known as genetically modified organisms. This includes all edible lifeforms including fruits and vegetables. The problem here is simple. What's in the full DNA of what has been genetically modified? Monsanto is the world's most powerful bio-company out there. They refuse to disclose the full range of DNA modifications for each of their "inventions". We Humans are an invention of Monsanto's; at least in part anyways. Monsanto and other bio-companies worldwide tease people by disclosing bits and pieces of the fruits and vegetables they genetically modify. Their GMO corn is modified with I forgot what precisely but the end result is they produce their own pesticides to prevent bugs from eating them. Guess what, OP. The unnaturally produced pesticides don't stop being produced the second the GMO corn is picked. Until rot or being eaten by you, another human, or some animal the corn continually produces it's pesticides. This means you are most definitely being poisoned by pesticides anytime you're eating Monsanto GMO corn.

You'll have to do your own research into Monsanto's GMO crap, OP. The long list of crimes against Humanity and all life on Earth by Monsanto is already staggering. It continues to grow daily. Monsanto is entirely responsible for causing the suicides and deaths of hundreds of thousands, if not millions of Indian farmers in India.

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Hilary Clinton has an artificially grown eye. Hilary obtained the eye from the Pleiadians, aliens from Pleiades. The Pleiadians had a base in the middle of the pacific ocean. The Pleiadians grew a brand new eye and installed it in Hilary Clinton.

Remember the eye symbol in Egyptian hieroglyphics.

source; MK Ulta.

Use your Eyes, and Brain #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

Total Proof of Jets Spraying Chemtrails - Some Days the Sky is completely Clear, yet commercial jetliners are still flying

On the Days when Chemtrails are being sprayed you can clearly see Commercial Planes flying with either no Condensation Trail (ice particles) behind them, or a short Condensation Trail that within minutes disperses and is no longer visible.

On Some Weekends and Holidays when the Government Contractors get the day of from spraying the Chemtrails the Sky is free of Chemtrails.

ALSO: Commercial flights are going somewhere, they do not make high degree angle turns, and turn around and fly back the opposite direction and turn off their engines(spray) when they turn around for another pass.

Tc #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com


the uneducated blacks that make up the bulk of the employees at these establishments are attempting to poison White people. This is actually nothing new but it's at epidemic levels now. Think about it....you roll up in your BMW with your family and that alone pisses them off. The spit and rub shit in your food. They also drop the buns and run them on the ground on nasty tile floors. They put glass in a cops sandwich. It's time to start recognizing that the media has then so pissed off that they really hate you and want to hurt and get back at you. Be careful and be smart and remember most blacks are wonderful people. It tends to be the over dictated orbthebleast educated that hate the most. Consider yourself warned!!!!

Sorry for the typos! Typing with one hand and on bumpy ride!

Anonymous Coward #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

All your "leaders" are aliens

When MI6 recruits its world actors politicians, presidents and monarchs, It replaces them with cloned alien species as a kind of full control and deception.

Not only world leaders, but also supposed "humans" living among us. They could be living in your house and you think they're your parents.

People you know could be human at one stage in life, but as the world government in Britain shifts reality from time to time, it also replaces humans themselves with non-human species masquerading as humans to help the Government run the world the way it desires, with more control and deception.

It literally is a nightmare unless you realize the truth.

Me114 #conspiracy godlikeproductions.com

We now know that the Mandela Effect is real, but we also need to know that the changes are FAKE.

The cumulative effect of all Mandela or Quantum Effects will constitute a FAKE REALITY. In that case, only those who remember the truth will not be deceived and will remain in the true reality.

Think this out. Those who do not see the changes will persecute and ridicule those who do see the changes.

Christians: Your Bible(s) have been and are continuing to be changed. It is not just the King James Version but also the other translations. At some point, Christians will have to come to terms with the fact that their Bibles are defiled and no longer reliable. The Word that you already have in your hearts cannot be changed, and you have the Holy Spirit dwelling within to guide you to all truth and bring to your remembrance all that Jesus has said to you.

As time goes by, more and more, we will be living in two realities superimposed upon each other. Just think. You will have the people who know that there were four people in JFK's car living side by side with those people who believe that there were six.

The MSM (mainstream media) will support and reinforce the new FAKE reality and most people will live by the LIE.

By the Way, the Bible warned that this day would come in at least three places.

1. 2Th 2:11 And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie:

2. Amo 8:11 Behold, the days come, saith the Lord GOD, that I will send a famine in the land, not a famine of bread, nor a thirst for water, but of hearing the words of the LORD:

Amo 8:12 And they shall wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to the east, they shall run to and fro to seek the word of the LORD, and shall not find it.

3. Dan 7:25 And he shall speak great words against the most High, and shall wear out the saints of the most High, and think to change times and laws: and they shall be given into his hand until a time and times and the dividing of time.
Quoting: KJV Bible

Since I believe in Jesus Christ, I expect that we are in the last days and that all that God ordained will happen, is upon us now. The events leading up to the end will come very quickly. There is not much time left.

Because I believe those things, I expect this divergence in realities will accelerate and come to a head, with one group of people being led into the NWO (New World Order) and the other group resisting the NWO.

The Mandela Effect can be used to wake people up fast. Spreading awareness of the ME will cause people to check for themselves if they remember the way things were, or if they believe that things now is how it has always been.

To those who awaken, it is up to us, who already know the Word, to tell them the good news, the Gospel of truth, so that they can be protected by faith and remain in God's Reality.

The FAKE reality created by the Mandela Effect will be combined with the lies of the Powers that Be (TPTB) to convince people to conform to their plans and lead people, eventually, to worship Satan as God. That result is the End Game of these matters.

Therefore, do not participate in this emerging FAKE reality. Stay close to Jesus in the Truth and so that the Reality that manifests for you, is real and is like the man who built his house upon the Rock. (that parable has been changed).

There is really no time to get into arguments and heated debates with those who do not believe in Mandela Effect changes. They are not all shills. They simply live in the new FAKE reality. They need to be persuaded with enough facts to sway them to the truth. These facts are very difficult to find and are typically called Residue from the Mandela Effect.

Some proofs can be found in tangential information which documents how it used to be, some photographs that have not been changed, and in other words, examples of documentation that the Mandela Effect did not reach.

Memories are not enough proof, no matter how many people remember how it used to be. You cannot prove ME to others with just your memories.

In the meantime, be nice to those who do not believe that the changes are real. Pray for them that they will experience the proof that they need in there own lives and experiences.

Remember that although these changes are real, they are also, at the same time, FAKE.

For information on how the Mandela Effect is achieved through Quantum Effect manipulation, please see: Thread: D-WAVE X2 Quantum Computing explained with documentation and explains the Mandela Effect (video)

This thread starts with a long video that you can skip, because I posted a synopsis of the video. The thread also mentions the "me tell u thread' which talks about his world colliding with ours. And there are blurbs from another ME thread where the OP claims to explain how our reality is a computer simulation that now has a glitch because the memory impairment code did not work on everyone. It also has easy to understand links and videos explaining how Quantum Computing works.

Be blessed,


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